Application of STATICS
Application of STATICS
Application of STATICS
A truss is a structure that is made of straight, slender bars that are joined
together to form a pattern of triangles. Trusses are usually designed to transmit forces
over relatively long spans; common examples are bridge trusses and roof trusses.
In real trusses, of course, the members have weight, but it is often much less
than the applied load and may be neglected with little error. Sometimes, the weight
maybe included by dividing the weight in half and allowing half the weight to act at each
end of the member.
In order for any node that may be subject to an external load or force to remain
static in space, the following conditions must hold: the sums of all horizontal forces, all
vertical forces, as well as all moments acting about the node equal to zero. Analysis of
these conditions at each node yields the magnitude of the forces in each member of the
truss. These may be compression or tension forces. Trusses that are supported at more
than two positions are said to be statically indeterminate and the application of Newtons
Laws alone is not sufficient to determine the member of forces. In order for a truss with
pin-connected members to be stable, it must be entirely composed of triangle.
Some structures are built with more than this minimum number of truss members.
Those structures may survive even when some of the members fail. They are called
statically indeterminate structures, because their member forces depend on the relative
stiffness of the members, in addition to the equilibrium condition described. In a
statically indeterminate truss, static equilibrium alone cannot be used to calculated
member force. If we were to try, we would find that there would be too many unknowns
and we would not be able to complete the calculations. Instead we will use a method
known as the flexibility method, which uses an idea know as strain energy.
2. Internal Indeterminate
Friction is the contact resistance exerted by one body when the second body moves or
tends to move past the first body. Friction is a retarding force that always acts opposite
to the motion or to the tendency to move. There are several types of friction:
1. Dry Friction
Dry friction, also called Coulomb friction, occurs when unlubricated surfaces of two
solids are in contact and slide or tend to slide from each other. If lubricant separates
these two surfaces, the friction created is called lubricated friction.
2. Fluid Friction
Fluid friction occurs when layers of two viscous fluids moves at different velocities. The
relative velocity between layers causes frictional forces between fluid elements, thus, no
fluid friction occurs when there is no relative velocity.
All real fluids (except super fluids) have some resistance to stress and therefore are
viscous, but a fluid which has no resistance to shear stress is known as an ideal fluid or
in viscid fluid.