Metal Random Packing PDF
Metal Random Packing PDF
Metal Random Packing PDF
0699 2527-1
Sulzer Chemtech is dedicated to developing solutions
that optimize the performance of industrial processes and
plants through greater energy efficiency, higher product
quality, and increased capacity. Our application know-
how, dedication to exacting fabrication standards and
rigorous quality management characterize all our pro-
0603 2535-2 ducts.
Nutter Ring
Our steadfast commitment to providing the right mass
transfer equipment is supported by an in-house develop-
ment group and a state of the art research facility with
multiple pilot and industrial scale columns. This innovati-
on and commitment to our customers has taken existing
random packing technologies beyond its past threshold
0603 2532-1
and created a new outlook in a conventional product.
Random Packing
Random packings have been used for separations in chemical and refining
plants for many years. The practical, chemical process and commercial
benefits of random packing are well-established in many applications and
is a mainstay in the area of mass transfer equipment. For example at high
liquid load and in high pressure applications, random packings improve
distillation or absorption efficiency and reduce pressure drop compared to
0606 2501-2 other mass transfer contacting devices.
0603 2533-2 The Pall Ring is a second-generation random packing, and except for the
P-Ring Raschig Ring, it has been on the market longer than any of the others. The
P-Ring can be used as a replacement of the Pall Ring and in applications
where performance needs are not sufficient to warrant a third-generation
packing, such as the Nutter Ring or I-Ring.
I-Ring ....................................................................... 6 - 7
C-Ring . .................................................................... 8
P-Ring . .................................................................... 8
R-Ring . .................................................................... 9
Specifications No. 0.7 No. 1 No. 1.5 No. 2 No. 2.5 No. 3
Pieces (m3) 167,400 67,100 26,800 13,600 8,800 4,200
Surface Area (m2/m3) 226 168 124 96 83 66
Weight (kg/m3)* 177 179 181 144 121 133
Void (%) 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.9 98.2 98.4
* For stainless steel with standard material thickness. Other thicknesses are available upon request.
The technical data are average values and approximate sizes. Subject to changes and improvements.
No claims may be derived from information given.
NR #1
KGa, lb-mol/(h ft3 atm)
800 NR #2.5
4 30
HETP, inches
60 (NR #1 700 NR #2
HETP, mm
2 NR #1.5
50 NR # 600
2.5 3 NR #1
NR # 500 20
NR #0.7
40 ) 400
(NR #3
35 300
2 200
25 0 0
10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
NR #0.7 F, ft/s lb/ft3 NR #1 F, ft/s lb/ft3
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
20 2.45 20 2.45
p/z, mbar/m
1.0 0.12 1.0 0.12
0.1 0.1
0.5 1.0 5.0 0.5 1.0 5.0
F, Pa F, Pa
1.0 0.12 80 1.0 0.12
Air-water system, 0.1
0.1 ambient conditions
0.5 1.0 5.0 0.5 1.0 5.0
F, Pa F, Pa
10 1.22 10 1.22
p/z, in H2O /ft
p/z, mbar/m
0.1 0.1
0.5 1.0 5.0 0.5 1.0 5.0
F, Pa F, Pa
I-Ring Advantages
I-Rings provide over 30% lower pressure drop than the Pall Rings.
Revolutionary design enhances greater capacity and efficiency than
other random packings.
Geometric design minimizes liquid hold-up.
Direct replacement of the widely used IMTP.
0603 2532-3
Specifications No. 15 No. 25 No. 40 No. 50 No. 70
Pieces (m3) 347,500 135,000 50,000 15,000 4,600
Surface Area (m2/m3) 291 226 151 100 60
Weight (kg/m3)* 336 252 180 163 116
Void (%) 95.6 96.6 97.7 98.0 98.5
* For stainless steel with standard material thickness. Other thicknesses are available upon request.
The technical data are average values and approximate sizes. Subject to changes and improvements.
No claims may be derived from information given.
KGa, lb-mol/(h ft3 atm)
70 IR #40 800
4 30
HETP, inches
60 700
HETP, mm
#50 IR #50
IR 600
50 IR #40
3 20
400 IR #25
) IR #15
35 #70 300
(IR 10
2 200
25 0 0
10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
IR #15 F, ft/s lb/ft3 IR #25 F, ft/s lb/ft3
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
20 2.45 20 2.45
10 1.22 10 1.22
p/z, in H2O/ft
p/z, in H2O/ft
p/z, mbar/m
p/z, mbar/m
1.0 0.12 1.0 0.12
0.1 0.1
0.5 1.0 5.0 0.5 1.0 5.0
F, Pa F, Pa
10 1.22 10 1.22
p/z, in H2O/ft
p/z, mbar/m
p/z, in H2O/ft
p/z, mbar/m
0.1 0.1
0.5 1.0 5.0 0.5 1.0 5.0
F, Pa F, Pa
1.0 0.12 150
Air-water system,
ambient conditions
0.5 1.0 5.0
F, Pa
C-Ring Advantages
First commercially successful third-generation ran-
dom packing replacing the widely used Pall Ring.
Low aspect ratio (element height : element diameter
is 1:3) favors a packing orientation that results in hig-
her capacity, lower pressure drop and better fouling
The arrangement of tabs provides more drip points
per element offering better liquid distribution and
higher efficiency.
Direct replacement of the widely used CMR. 0606 2501-2
P-Ring Advantages
Highest industry experience and extensively tested
by research institutes worldwide.
Material thickness overcomes mechanical weak-
nesses, and can be used in extremely corrosive ser-
vices enabling cheaper materials to be used.
Strength-to-weight ratio stronger than most other
random packings.
Direct replacement of the well known Pall Ring.
0603 2533-2
Mechanical Specifications No. 5/8 No. 1 No. 1.5 No. 2 No. 3.5
Pieces (m3) 214,000 50,000 14,000 6,100 1,100
Surface Area (m2/m3) 360 215 135 105 66
Weight (kg/m3)* 560 320 208 213 158
Void (%) 95.0 95.0 96.0 97.0 97.0
R-Ring Advantages
First generation of random packings, industry expe-
rience outperforms fractionation trays.
Great strength-to-weight ratio.
Direct replacement of the well known Raschig Ring.
0603 2534-1
Mechanical Specifications No. 5/8 No. 1 No. 1.5 No. 2 No. 3.5
Pieces (m3) 214,000 50,000 14,000 6,100 1,100
Surface Area (m2/m3) 350 220 130 110 66
Weight (kg/m3)* 560 400 260 256 220
Void (%) 86.0 88.0 90.0 92.0 95.0
* For stainless steel with standard material thickness. Other thicknesses are available upon request.
The technical data are average values and approximate sizes. Subject to changes and improvements. No claims may be derived from information given.
Separation Technology Test Facilities
0600 2566-1
Column Internals
0690 2532-1
4 Support plate 2
for the packing 4
Liquid collector 3
6 Feed pipe 4 5
to distributor 6
Liquid distributor 5
Retaining grid 6
1 Collector / distributor 7
Side stream:
liquid from collector
vapor collector 8
9 9
Column Internals
Liquid distributors
Discharge systems
Collector/distributor, VS
2506 2505
Liquid load l, m3/m2 h
0606 2506-1
0606 2504-4
Acid Gas Removal of the unique benefits offered here. Ring, I-Ring or C-Ring, offers about
Gas streams containing H2S, CO2 Random packing such as the Nut- one-third the pressure drop of trays
and mercaptans are sweetened by ter Ring or I-Ring have one third the and hence the higher capacity de-
contact with solvents in an absorp- liquid hold-up compared to trays, a sired. You will also reap significant
tion tower. Afterwards, the solvent benefit which can boast the slip- saving in energy consumption from
is restored in a regenerator. Tradi- page of CO2 in selective MDEA gas this change.
tional natural gas sweetening plants treatment plants. Due to the foam- Combined with our extensive expe-
are based on MEA, DEA, DGA, ing tendency of these systems, rience in column internals design
DIPA or MDEA solvents. Several some trayed units are limited by and fabrication, you will be ensured
proprietary solvents use activated capacity. Sulzers latest genera- optimal performance from your gas
formulations of potassium carbon- tion random packing such as Nutter treating unit.
ate (or MDEA) based solvents to en-
hance its performance. Examples Treated Gas Off
of such proprietary solvents are
the Benfield, Catacarb , aMDEA
and UCARSOL processes. Similar
operations in the petrochemical in-
dustry, such as ethylene oxide and
ammonia production plants, utilize
proprietary solvents that address
specific requirements of these ap-
plications. Due to the typical high
liquid load and high pressure na-
ture of these systems, you will find
Sulzers random packing particular-
ly well suited. Our random packing
are therefore often specified and
extensively applied.
Some natural gas absorbers are
specially designed using MDEA or
DIPA to selectively remove H2S and
slip CO2. The majority of grass- Raw
roots acid gas removal plants are Gas
equipped with trays owing to past
design experience. A significant
number of such plants however, are
now being specified new or retrofit-
ted with packing to take advantage
Absorber Regenerator
0693 2505
Rich Amine
Formula Notation
0603 2532-2
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