Determination of Available Chlorine in Bleaching Powder
Determination of Available Chlorine in Bleaching Powder
Determination of Available Chlorine in Bleaching Powder
Exp No: 11
To determine the available chlorine in the given bleaching powder.
Chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent and liberates iodine from iodine in
Cl2+2KI----I2+ 2KCl
Starch gives blue colour with iodine
I2+starch--Blue Colour
The liberated iodine is liberated against standard sodium thiosulphate reducing agent.
I2+2Na2S2O2---Na2S4O6 + 2Nal
The disappearance of blue colour indicator the completion of reaction with free iodine
converted back to iodine.
Apparatus Required
1. Conical flask
2. Burette,Pipette
1. Concentrated acetic acid
2. Potassium iodine crystals
3. Sodium thiosulphate(0.025N)
4. Starch indicator
1. 5 gm of fresh bleaching powder is taken and is added to a small quantity of water and
made into fine paste some more is added stired well and allowed to settle for a few
2. 25ml of bleaching powder solution is taken in a conical flask and pinch of potassium
iodine is added.
3. 10 ml of acetic acid is added and allow for the reaction to complete.
4. 1ml of starch solution is added and is titration is continued till the disappearing blue
5. The sample is titrated against sodium thiosulphate solution until yellow colour of
liberated iodine fades.
6. The quantity of Na2S4O6 added noted down (V1).
7. Same procedure is repeated for distilled water.
8. The quantity of Na2S4O6 consumed is noted down (V2).
Concentration of chlorine = (V1 V2) x N x 35.45 x 1000
Vol of bleaching powder solution
The available chlorine in given sample of bleaching powder=.