Structure and Functions of Fish Muscle
Structure and Functions of Fish Muscle
Structure and Functions of Fish Muscle
Department of Physiology, University of St Andrews,
St Andrews, Fife, Scotland
Fish swim using a combination of paired and unpaired fins and undulations of
the segmental myotomal muscles. Although there is a simple anatomical separ-
ation of fibre types within the myotome, the myoseptal organization and orien-
tation of fibres is complex. The number of distinct fibre types described varies
from two to five depending on species. Slow ~ed fibres form either a thin super-
ficial or an internalized strip which constitutes between 0.5% and 29% of the
total muscle. Red fibres are multiterminally innervated, being activated by local
junction potentials. Characteristically, the fraction of red fibre volume occupied
by mitochondria (25-38%) is comparable to mammalian heart muscle. The bulk
of locomotory muscle consists of larger diameter fast fibres which have a highly
developed glycogenolytic capacity. In elasmobranchs,holosteans, chondrosteans
and some primitive teleosts fast fibres are innervated by a single basket-like end-
plate formation at one myoseptal end. The available electromyographical evi-
dence suggeststhat in such casesred fibres alone support sustained activity and
the fast muscle is reserved exclusively for short periods of burst swimming. In
contrast, most teleosts recruit fast fibres for higher sustainable as well as burst
swimming speeds. Fast muscles in such fish are unusual among vertebrates in
having extensive polyneuronal innervation. Isolated polyneuronally innervated
fast fibres require much higher stimulation frequencies (200-300 Hz) to elicit
maximum tensions than fibres with single end-plates (15-20 Hz). Full activation
of polyneuronally innervated muscles probably requires simultaneous and per-
haps asynchronous activity of a number of different motor neurones. This may
give additional flexibility to polyneuronally innervated fast muscles allowing
their recruitment at a wider range of swimming speeds than fibres with single
end-plates. Finally, special features of the regulation of contractility and energy
metabolism in fish muscles are discussedin relation to locomotion.
Although classifications based on muscle colour have lost favour with
workers on other vertebrate groups, they are still widely applied to
, , L---' L--J L--J L..J
- -
w D
I 'L-JL..J
c W PR
- ~~
FIG. 1. A diagrammatic representation of the distribution of fibre types in fish segmental
myotomal muscle. (A) Dogfish (Scytiorhinus canicuta) after Bone & Chubb (1978). S,
superficial; OR, outer red; IR, inner red; OW, outer white; and IW, inner white muscle
fibres. (B) Brook trout (Satvetinus fontinatis Mitchill) after Johnston & Moon (1980b).
R, red; and W, white muscle fibres. (C) Common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) after Johnston,
Davison et at. (1977). R, red; P, pink; and W, white muscle fibres. (D) Skipjack tuna (Kats-
uwonus petamis L.) after Rayner & Keenan (1967) and Bone (1978b). SR, superficial red;
DR, deep red; and W, white muscle fibres. The intensity of shading represents the relative
histochemical stainin~ reactions for succinic dehvdro2Cnase. a mitochondrial marker enzyme.
Structure and Function of Fish Muscles 75
Histologyand Histochemistry
Most investigations have concerned the segmental myotomal muscu-
lature, although there have been a few studies of the paired and
unpaired fins (Bergman, 1964; Kryvi & Totland, 1978; Nishihara,
1967; Walesby & Johnston, 1980a). In a survey 'of 84 species of
marine fish Greer-Walker & Pull (1975) reported that red fibres
constituted between 0.5 and 29% of the myotomal muscle mass.
The proportion of red fibres is highest in active pelagic families
such as Scombridae and Clupeidae and lowest in bottom dwelling
predators, deep-sea fishes and those species which use their fins as
a primary means of locomotion.
Cartilaginous fishes which have been studied include Chimaera
monstrosa (Kryvi & Totland, 1978), dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula
L. (Bone, 1966, 1978a) and the sharks Etmopterus spinax and
Galeus melastomus (Kryvi, 1977). Bone (1978a) has described five
fibre types in the dogfish on the basis of differences in innervation,
ultrastructure and histochemical staining characteristics (Fig. 1A). In 1
dogfish, the outer border of the myotome consists of a single inter-
rupted layer of large diameter superficial fibres which show negative
histochemical staining for succinic dehydrogenase (SDHase) and Ca2+-
activated myofibrillar ATPase activity (Bone & Chubb, 1978). Super-
ficial fibres are characterized by an intense staining for glucose-
phosphate-isomerase. The functional significance of these fibres is
unclear. They are unlikely to represent growth stages of the under-
lying red fibres since they appear relatively late during post-embryonic
76 IanA. Johnston
development (Bone, 1978a). Two types of red fibre can be dis-
tinguished on the basis of size, aerobic capacity and myofibrillar
ATPase activity (Bone & Chubb, 1978). Outer red fibres have a
higher SDHase and lower myofibrillar ATPase activity than the some-
what larger diameter red fibres adjacent to the white muscle. The
outer few layers of white fibres are differentiated from deep white
fibres by having a higher proportion of mitochondria, more abundant
capillary supply, and a somewhat different myofibrillar ATPase
activity (Fig. 1A) (Bone, 1978a; Bone & Johnston, in press). Bio-
chemical measurements of myofibrillar ATPase of the five fibre types
of dogfish are presented in Table I and correlated with the histo-
chemical observations.
Mg2+- Ca2+-stimulated myofibrillar A TPase activities of fish skeletal muscle fibre
types. Activities expressed as Jlmol P'Pi released, mg myofibrillar protein-1
Pink 0.62
Data from Bone &Johnston (in press)a, Johnston & Moon (1980b)b,Johnston, Davison
& Goldspink (1977)C and Johnston & Tota (1974)d. Numbers of fish used and standard
errors of the mean are given in the original publications. Assay temperatures are shown in
Fibres ?n
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Number Capillaries
FIG. 2. Percentage of red and white muscle fibres surrounded by a given number of capil-
laries. The data is for the flathead (Platycephalus bassensis) and counts were made by direct
visualization of capillaries in semi-thin (1 JJ.m) durcupan sections. From Mosse (1978: table
78 Ian A. Johnston
FIG. 3. (A) Brook trout (Salvelinus !ontinalis) red muscle fibres. Transverse frozen section
(10 Jlm) stained for succinic dehydrogenase as a mitochondrial marker enzyme. Note lipid
droplets between red fibres (R) and the higher SDHase staining in red than in white fibres
(W) (bottom left). (B) Brook trout red fibres, semi-thin (I Jlm) araldite embedded section
stained with p"p~5=nylene diamine (PPDA). Note the abundant capillary supply (C) and the
high proportion of fibre volume occupied by mitochondria (M) and lipid (L). (C) Longitudi-
nal section of plaice red fibre from a four-month-starved fish. Note loss of cristae from mito-
chondria (C) also the presence of a distinct M line (ML) and capillary (CL) containing a
nucleated red blood corpuscle (RBC). (D) Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) red fibre. Elec-
tronmicrograph showing high mitochondrial density (M) and numerous lipid droplets (L).
This fish has been food deprived for several weeks. Note the depletion of lipid deposits (DL).
Structure and Function of Fish Muscles 81
(34%) and finch (37%) (Bossen, Sommer & Waugh, 1978) (Table II;
Fig. 3). In contrast, approximately 0.5-8% of white fibre volume is
occupied by mitochondria, depending on position within the myo-
tome and species (Table II). An interesting exception to this corre-
lation between muscle pigmentation and respiratory capacity occurs
in ice fishes of the family Channichthyidae. In this group all muscles
are pure white in colour owing to the absence of both haemoglobin
(Rudd, 1954) and myoglobin (Hamoir, 1978; Walesby, Nicol &
Johnston, in press). The superficial myotomal fibres in the pelagic
ice fish Champsocephalus gunnarii have a mitochondrial density of
around 45% and are almost entirely surrounded by capillaries
(Walesby, Flitney &Johnston, unpublished results).
Another characteristic of fish red or slow fibres concerns the
highly developed sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and T-tubule system.
The fractional volume occupied by SR in red muscle is greater than
for tonic and slow twitch muscles in other vertebrates and approaches
that of fast twitch fibres U ohnston, 1980b ). Quantitative data from
studies of fish sarcotubular systems are summarized in Table III. In
most myotomal muscles studied T -tubules are located at the junction
Data is taken from the following: aKryvi (1977); bNag (1972); CMobley & Eisenberg (1975);
dEisenberg & Kuda (1975); eEisenberg, Kuda & Peter (1974); fpeachey (1965); gFlitney
(1971) (Rana temtJoraria).
82 Ian A. Johnston
FIG. 4. (A) Transverse section of a pink fibre from the myotomal muscle of the crucian carp
(Carassius carassius L.). Note intermediate mitochondrial density (M) and irregular myo-
fibrillar packing (My). In this species lipid droplets are not common in any fibre type; the
principal stored fuel is glycogen. (B) Brook trout white fibres. Transverse frozen section
(10 !lm) stained for succinic dehydrogenase. Dark spots within the fibres correspond to
lipid and mitochondrial accumulations. Note the wide range of fibre size. (C) Brook trout
white fibres. Semi-thin (I !lm) araldite embedded section stained with p-phenylene diamine
(PPDA). Note the peripheral ribbon-like myofibrils (PM), the dense myofibrillar packing
(My) and the accumulations of mitochondria (M) and lipid (L). (D) Longitudinal section
of crucian carp white fibre. Note distinctive M-Iine (ML), mitochondria (M) with highly
developed cristae array and glycogen rosettes (G).
Structure and Function of Fish Muscles
c ~
y ~
~ ~~
.Rhl.' ~
_tiM C,
~ ,o,
..W- --~ ~ "!00-'
, , , I' I'
FIG. 6. Distribution of focal and multiterminal innervation among fast muscles of verte-
brates. Only representatives of the teleosts have multiterminal innervation. Taxonomically
primitive teleosts (lower box) have focal innervation. The middle box contains orders such
as the Osteoglossiformesand Salmoniformes containing families with both focal and multi-
ply innervated white fibres. This list is not intended to be comprehensive.SeeBone (1964,
1970). Teleost orders with taxonomically advancedfeatures have exclusively multiple inner-
vation (upper box). Land vertebrates have single end-plates as do dipnoans, elasmobranchs,
chondrosteans,holosteans, lampreys and hagfish.
Structure and Function of Fish Muscles 87
Bone, 1~64) (Fig. 5). The end-plate formations have been variously
described as consisting of small rings or loops as in the tench (Barets,
1961) or as being multiple and made up of numerous separate neuro-
fibrillar annuli, e.g. Myoxocephalus scorpius (Hudson, 1969). Nerve
terminals are usually embedded in the sarcolemma and subjunctional
folds are absent (Nishihara, 1967). In Myoxocephalus, the short-
homed sculpin, Hudson (1969) found that each fibre receives inner-
vation from as many as five axons from each of four spinal nerves.
The number of terminals on each fibre ranges from eight to 22 with
an average of 14 about 0.7 mm apart. Hudson considered that each
end-plate is derived from a separate axon while others have con-
sidered that fibres are also multiply innervated by the same axon as
is the case with red fibres (Barets, 1961). Hudson (1969) calculated
that each abdominal myotome in the sculpin consists of 12 motor
units all of a considerable size.
There have been relatively few studies of the electrophysiological
properties of multiply innervated fast muscles (Barets, 1961; Hidaka
& Toida, 1969; Hudson, 1969). Hudson (1969) found that electrical
stimulation of spinal nerves elicits two kinds of electrical response,
namely spike potentials resulting in a fast twitch, or junction poten-
tials leading to a graded local contraction by the muscle. The typical
response to supramaximal nerve stimulation is an all-or-none spike
potential overshooting zero-potential by as much as 20 m V. Depolar-
ization of the membrane occurs in two phases. Duration of the fast
phase of the spike potential is of the order of 1.5-2.5 m S-I at 12C
(Hudson, 1969). Variation in stimulus intensity below maximal
results in junction potentials the amplitude of which can be quan-
titized in discrete steps providing evidence for innervation by several
different motor axons. Generally, Hudson found that junction poten-
tials did not exceed 35 m V and that in fresh preparations spike po-
tentials often arose from a single junction potential. However, in a
proportion of cases, particularly in older preparations, only junction
potentials could be elicited. At present, it is not possible to conclude
whether white fibres can be activated .n vivo in the absence of spike
potentials. Clearly, the electrophysiological properties ofpolyneuron-
ally innervated myotomal_muscles are worthy of further study.
The few multi terminally innervated fin muscles that have been
investigated appear to be similar to myotomal muscles (Bergman,
1964; Nishihara, 1967). Fin muscles may well provide a convenient
nerve-muscle preparation for investigating the combined electrical
and mechanical responses of polyneuronally innervated fibres.
88 Ian A. Johnston
J ""--
2Hz 5 Hz 10 Hz
, \
FIG. 7. Isometric contraction of bundles of white muscle fibres at different stimulation
frequencies. (Top) Cuckoo ray Raja naevus (Muller & Henle) pectoral muscle. (Bottom) Cod
Gadus morhua dorsal myotomal muscle. Stimulation voltage 6V I ms pulse width. Vertical
scalebar representstension 3kgfm2 .Horizontal scalebars represent 2s (cuckoo ray), 500 ms
(cod) (multiple stimulation) and for twitches 100 ms. Temperature 18C. Note the lower
tetanic fusion frequency and lower stimulation frequency required to elicit maximum ten-
sion in ray compared to cod muscle. Mter Johnston (I980a).
A full understanding of these differences in the modes of activation
of fast fibres from different groups of fishes must await mechanical
studies with innervated single fibre preparations.
FIG. 8. The control of contractility in fish muscle. Abbreviation: CNS, central nervous
system; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum; CBP, cytoplasmic calcium binding proteins; CT, cal-
cium transient; PK, Ca2+-dependentprotein kinase. Factors modulating force production
include: (I) The number and frequency of motor units activated. (2) Neurotransmission.
(3) The muscle action potential (or distributed depolarization) is t.ransmitted to the SR via
the T-tubule system causing releaseof bound calcium. (4) This results in a transient increase
in free calcium from 0.1 to 10JlM. (5) The duration of the calcium transient is thought to
be reduced in fast muscles by the presence of high concentrations of cytoplasmic calcium
binding proteins (parvalbumins), see Fig. 9. (6) Calcium ions activate (a) muscle contraction
and (b) glycogen breakdown by direct binding effects to troponin C and phosphorylase
kinase respectively. There is also evidence that force production can be modulated by myo-
sin phosphorylation through a specific Ca2+-activatedmyosin light-chain kinase. (7) In slow
mammalian muscles calcium uptake into the SR is modulated by a cytoplasmic factor
thought to be a Ca2+-dependentprotein kinase. Slow muscles of salmonid fishes do not
appear to have such a mechanism (McArdle & Johnston, in press). The extent to which this
is true of other speciesis unknown. Incubation of Tilapia red and white musclesin ringers
containing zero calcium or veraparnil (5 X 10~5) leads to a rapid and reversible loss of
tension (Flitney & Johnston, 1979). It appears, therefore, that fish muscleshave a require-
ment for extracellular calcium. Whether Ca2+crossesthe sarcolemma or remains bound to
sites on the outside is unknown.
Structure and Function of Fish Muscles 91
.~- ..~-
-#'~ ; ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-~ ~ ~w
-w ~~- .}- , ,.. w
FIG. 10. Recruitment of fibre types of the brook trout (Salllelinus fontinalis Mitchill)
during steady swimming. (Top) Shows insertion of EMG electrodes in red (r) and white
(w) muscles. (Bottom A) Top two traces, EMGs recorded from red and white muscle regions
during steady swimming at 1 lengthfs. Note potentials are only recorded from the red
muscle layer. Lower trace, a burst of electrical activity in white muscle associated with a
change of position in the swimming chamber during the same experiment. (Bottom B)
Recordings of EMGs from red and white musclesat a steady swimming speedof 3 lengthsfs.
Brook trout are able to maintain this speedindefinitely. Horizontal scalerepresents 500 rns.
V~ti,..aI scalereDresents1 mv. {From Johnston & Moon, 1980b.)
94 Ian A. Johnston
Activities of some key enzymes of energy metf,lbolism and metabolite concen-
trations in the red and white muscles of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis
Mitchill). Data from Johnston & Moon (198Ob) and Walesby & Johnston
Enzyme Activities
(j.lmol substrate/g dry wt./min)
Mg2+ Ca2+ myofibrillar ATPase+
Creatine kinase
Adenylate kinase
5' AMP aminohydrolase
Glycogen phosphorylase
Pyruvate kinase
Lactate dehydrogenase
Cytochrome oxidase
Citrate synthetase
3-0H Acyl coA dehydrogenase
Metabolite concentrations
(J1mol/gdry wt.)
ATP 2.9 6.1
Pi 3.8 7.1
and white muscles of brook trout (R, 18.6; W, 38.3} and tuna (R,
26.3; W, 61.1} reflect the relative activity levels of these muscles and
lend support to this concept (Table IV}.
Both metabolite concentrations (Freed, 1971; Walesby & John-
ston, 1980b} and enzyme activities can be modified by environ-
mental factors such as temperature, activity and nutritional status
(seeJohnston, 1980b }.
The type of locomotory activity best understood is burst swimming.
Maximum swimming' sp~eds can only be maintained for relatively
few tail-beat cycles and are approximately 26 lengths/s for 10 cm fish
and 4 lengths/s for 1 m fish (Wardle, 1975). Burst swimming is
accompanied by an extremely rapid activation of glycolysis in white
muscle. In trout this results in the utilization of around 50% of muscle
glycogen stores in 15 s which is equivalent to a flux of 40.umol
glycogen derived glucose/kg/s (Stevens & Black, 1966). There is near-
quantitative conversion of muscle glycogen to lactate which may be
retained in the muscle for several hours following the cessation of
exercise (Wardle, 1978). Lactate levels of 59 (trout) and 69 mmol/kg
(skipjack tuna) have been recorded in white muscles following 1-2
min burst swimming (Black, Robertson & Parker, 1961; Guppy et
at., 1979). Recovery of white muscle lactate to pre-activity states
may require up to 18 h in some species (Black, Robertson et at.,
1961) bu tis usually complete wi thin 30-60 min in red muscle
(Johnston & Goldspink, 1973a).
Changes in metabolite concentrations between rest and maximal
activity in tuna white muscle are illustrated in Fig. 11. Burst swim-
ming is associated with a large decrease in phosphoryl creatine (90%)
and ATP (53%) and a small increase in AMP concentrations (22%)
(Guppy et at., 1979: table 2).
In the carp Driedzic & Hochachka (1976) observed a 48% decrease
in the total adenylate pool and an essentially 1 : 1 increase in IMP
and NH4 due to the deamination of AMP by 5' amino-hydrolase (see
above). it is possible that this is one source of the anaerobic NH4
production which has been frequently observed following enforced
exercise in fish (Kutty, 1972).
The regulation of glycogenolysis in fish white muscle is illustrated
in Fig. 12. N on-equilibrium or regulatory steps in anaerobic glycolysis
include phosphorylase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase
(Newsholme & Start, 1973). There is an interesting phylogenetic
difference in the control of glycogen breakdown between fish and
Structure and Function of Fish Muscles 97
Gly 100 -
50 - 10
F6P FDP Pyr lac
BURST 50 -
I 100 -
FIG. 11. Metabolite concentrations in freeze-clamped white muscles of skipjack tuna
Euthynnus pelamis during rest and burst swimming activity (data from Guppy et at.,
1979: table 2). Abbreviations: Gly, glycogen; Glu, glucose; G6P, glucose-6-phosphate;
F6P, fructose-6-phosphate; FDP, fructose 1, 6-diphosphate; Pyr, pyruvate; Lac, lactate;
PC, phosphoryl creatine; ATP, adenosine 5'-triphosphate. Units of concentration IJmolg
wet weight muscle-l. Dark shading represents data from resting fish and light shading
burst swimmin~.
A PhOS. a Phos b.
1l r-- HAD ,
FIG. 12. Control of anaerobic glycogenolysis in fish white muscle. Regulatory steps include
(A) glycogen phosphorylase, (B) phosphofructokinase and (C) pyruvate kinase (seetext for
details). Abbreviations: Phos, phosphorylase; GIP, glucose-l-phosphate; PFK, phospho-
fructokinase; FBP, fructose 1, 6-biphosphate; AMP, adenosine5' monophosphate; TP, triose
phosphates; NAD, f3-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NADH, tf-nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide reduced form; 1, 3 DPG, 1, 3 diphosphoglyceric acid; PEP, phospho(enol)
nvnlv"t.. .PYK nvnlv"t.. kin,,",,- Oth"T ahhreviation" are 2iven in the le2end to Fi~. 11.
Structure and Function of Fish Muscles 99
The metabolism of muscles during steady swimming is much less well
understood. One recurring problem with studies of metabolism of
sustained swimming has been the failure of many investigators to
control the activity state of fish either before or during the exercise
period. It is essential to know the exact swimming speed in lengths/s
and to control as far as possible the condition of the fish prior to its
introduction to the swimming chamber (e.g. temperature, nutritional
status, level of stress etc.). In addition the adaptive variation observed
within fish populations and particularly between species means that
it is often impossible to reach general conclusions about metabolism.
In general, fish can increase their oxygen uptake by a factor of
10-15 times between rest and maximal activity (Bennett, 1978).
Values for maximum oxygen consumption are comparable to the
basal levels for birds and mammals and are in the range 190-644 ml
kg-1 h-1 (see Jones & Randall, 1978). Unfortunately, only frag-
mentary data are known for tuna which might be expected to have
aerobic activity levels more comparable to homeotherms. It seems
likely that red muscle receives a significant proportion of the cardiac
output during steady swimming. This is particularly true for species
in which red muscles alone support sustained activity (e:g. elasmo-
branchs, dipnoans, primitive teleosts). Since red fibres constitute a
small fraction of the trunk musculature (5-10%) they undoubtedly
possessa highly active aerobic metabolism. Indeed, the mitochondrial
densities of fish red fibres are greater than those of similar fibres in
100 Ian A. Johnston
Maximal activities of enzymes of fatty acid and ketone body oxidation in fish
red muscle. Activities expressed as p.mol substrate utilized, g wet weight muscle-1
- - -
<0.01 (),07 3.7
<0.01 (),75 1.8
<0.01 (),60 4.5
1.3 ),01 0.2
'0.37 ),01 0.54
0.64 ).01 0.1
mammalian limb muscles (see Table II). Little is known about the
regulation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in fish ( for a review see
Driedzic & Hochachka, 1978). Lipid is known to be an important
fuef during steady swimming particularly in those species which
undertake a spawning migration (see Bilinski, 1974),. There are indi-
cations that both lipolysis and the transport of fat differ significantly
between fish and mammals (see Bilinski, 1974). For example, it has
been reported that the activation of lipolysis in fish does not proceed
via cAMP-dependent protein kinases (Farkas, 1969). There are also
differences in the sites of storage and metabolism of lipid between
different fish groups. In elasmobranchs triacyl glycerol is stored in
the liver, whereas in teleosts a significant proportion is deposited
either in discrete stores in the viscera or dispersed throughout the
muscle fibres in adipocytes. Red muscles of teleosts contain high
activities of camitine palmitoyl transferase and triacyl glycerol lipase
but not 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase. The opposite situation is
found in elasmobranchs which have high activities of enzymes of
ketone body but not fatty acid oxidation (Zammit & Newsholme,
1979) (see Table V). Triacyl glycerol and non-esterified fatty acids
also occur in much higher concentrations in the plasma of teleosts
than elasmobranchs (Zammit & Newsholme, 1979). These differences
are augmented during starvation. Thus it seems likely that the most
important fat fuels are ketone bodies in elasmobranchs and fatty
acids in teleosts. Red muscles in salmonids can oxidize long chain
saturated fatty acids to CO2 at around ten times the rate of that of
white muscles Oonas & Bilinski, 1964; Bilinski, 1974). Similarly,
camitine palmitoyl transferase activities of teleost white muscles
are generally only 5% of that of red muscles (Crabtree & Newsholme,
Structure and Function of Fish Muscles 101
fish for speeds up to at least four body lengths/s (.1ohnston & Moon,
However, in many species it would appear that anaerobic path-
ways are important in providing ATP for sustained activity. For ex-
ample, Smit et at. (1971) have calculated that goldfish (Carassius
auratus) obtain 80% of their energy requirements anaerobically
during high speed sustained swimming. Further evidence for the
importance of anaerobic pathways at sub-maximal swimming speeds
comes from measurements of key enzyme activities following endur-
ance exercise training (see Johnston & Moon, 1980a,b). In contrast
to mammals, endurance ,exercise training in fish leads to an increase
in glycolytic enzyme activities with little change in overall aerobic
capacity of the muscles Uohnston & Moon, 1980a,b).
Fed Starved Fed Storvod
F.d S,.,..d IV IV
FIG. 13. Activities of glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzymes in red and white muscles and
liver of fed and four-month-starved plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) (from Moon & Johnston,
1980). (Top) Activities (ILmol rnin-l 9 dry weight-l ) of hexokinase, glucose-6-phosphatase
(G-6-Pase) and p-nitrophenyl phosphatase (pNPPase). (Centre) Activities (ILmol min-I 9 dry
weight-l) of phosphofructokinase (PFK) and fructose-l,6 bisphosphatase (FDPase). (Bot-
tom) Activities (ILmol min-I 9 dry weight-1) of pyruvate kinase (PyK). Phosphoe-enol
pyruvate carboxykinase (PEP Ck) activities are given for the soluble (left) and bound (right)
fractions of liver (LV) and red muscle (RM). Note the very low activities in red muscle. No
activities of PEP Ck were detected in white muscle. In each case bars represent enzyme
activities in liver (left), red muscle (centre) and white muscle (right). Data represent mean
y ~F, nf .;y fi.h
Structure and Function of Fish Muscles 105
1975; Wittenberger et at., 1975; Hulbert & Moon, 1978; Batty &
Wardle, 1979). For example, Batty & Wardle (1979) have calculated,
on the basis of in vivo 3H-glucose turnover experiments in plaice,
that the transport of glucose into the muscle following recovery from
exercise is insufficient to account for the observed rates of glycogen
formation. However, a significant gluconeogenic role for red muscle
is not supported by measurements of key enzyme activities O ohnston
& Moon, 1979; Moon & Johnston, 1980). Activities of pyruvate
carboxylase, PEP carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase in plaice
are either absent or present at very low levels in red muscle compared
to liver, even under conditions of starvation which would be expected
to augment gluconeogenesis (Fig. 13). Whether gluconeogenesis
occurs in the red muscle of other species or whether the very low
enzyme levels in plaice red muscle are sufficient to account for some
glycogen syn thesis during a long recovery period ( 12 h) remains to
be seen.
Eichelberg, H. (1976). The fine structure of the drum muscles of the trigger fish,
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Farkas, T. (1969). Studies on the mobilization of fats in lower vertebrates. Acta
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