Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 272 99 (2004)e1
See Section 2 for the complete title(s) of these specification(s). Feathery ShrinkageFound in thinner sections (un-
NOTE 1The reference radiographs consist of forty-five 5 by 7-in. [127 der approximately 2 in.). It appears on radiographs as sponge
by 178-mm] radiograph reproductions (twenty made from 1-in. [25.4-mm] but with a more feathery outline.
plate castings with low-voltage X-rays and twenty-five made from 3-in. Linear ShrinkageUsually a continuous structure
[76-mm] plate castings with 2-MV X-rays or cobalt-60). of connected lines, branches or network of variable length,
4.3 The discontinuity types and severity levels represented width, and density.
by the reference radiographs are shown in Table 1, which also 5.1.3 Hot TearsThe similarly appearing hot tear and
indicates the code designation for each discontinuity type. linear shrinkage have distinctive characteristics. The follow-
4.4 Discontinuity types most common to these alloys are ing information is presented as a guide to interpreters to
illustrated. Other discontinuity types such as unfused inserts minimize confusion in distinguishing hot tears from linear
are illustrated in applicable Reference Radiographs E 446, shrinkage:
E 186, and E 192.
4.5 The use of this document is not intended to be restricted TABLE 2 Alloy Type Used to Produce Plate Castings for Original
to the specific energy levels given in Note 1 or to the thickness Radiographs
limits given in Table 1. The document may be used, where (Composition MIL-B-21230A (SHIPS)Alloy No. 2)
there is no other applicable document, for other energy levels Chemical Composition, %
or thicknesses, or both, for which it is found to be applicable Copper 71, min
and for which agreement has been reached between purchaser Manganese 11 to 14
and manufacturer. Nickel 1.5 to 3.0
Iron 2.0 to 4.0
Aluminum 7.0 to 8.5
5. Descriptions of Discontinuities Silicon 0.10, max
Lead 0.03, max
5.1 The following paragraphs are provided to aid in the Others 0.50, max
identification and classification of discontinuities. They briefly Mechanical Properties
describe the radiographic appearance of common types of
Tensile strength, min, psi [MPa] 90 000 [620]
discontinuities and indicate their probable cause. Yield strength, min, psi [MPa] 40 000 [275]
5.1.1 Gas HolesAppear as round or elongated smooth- Elongation in 2 in. or 51 mm, min, % 20.0
edged dark spots which may occur either individually, in
clusters, or distributed throughout the casting section. They are
generally caused by trapped air or mold gases. Hot tears usually occur singly; shrinkage will gen-
NOTE 2Discontinuities caused by evolved gases may occur as more erally be multiple.
or less spherical voids, but may also occur as elongated worm holes or Hot tears propagate at or near the surface; shrinkage
cavities somewhat resembling certain types of shrinkage. It is recom- appears to propagate at or near the midsection.
mended that the worm hole cavities be evaluated by the use of the Hot tears generally occur at hot spots or section
feathery or spongy shrinkage category reference radiographs.
changes; linear shrinkage frequently occurs at uniform sections
5.1.2 ShrinkageShrinkage is generally associated with also.
improper feeding and manifests itself in the following different Hot tears occur where temperature gradients are
indication forms: high; shrinkage occurs where temperature gradients are low. Sponge ShrinkageFound in heavier sections (gen- Hot tears occur transverse to the direction of greatest
erally over 2 in. in thickness). It appears on the radiographs as stress.
a dark area or areas, lacy in texture, usually with a diffuse Hot tears can only be counteracted by altering the
outline. stress pattern or thermal pattern; shrinkage can always be
countered by sufficient feed metal.
5.1.4 Nonmetallic Inclusions:
TABLE 1 Discontinuity Types and Severity Levels Illustrated by SandIrregularly, angularly shaped indications,
the Reference Radiographs more dense than the background, caused by clumps of trapped
Severity Levels or ClassesA,B sand particles or pebbles.
Discontinuity Type Code Up to 2-in. 2 to 6-in. DrossA series of lines in a swirl pattern some-
Thickness Thickness
times combined with agglomerated irregular indications. Dross
Gas porosity A 1 through 5 1 through 5 is generally considered to represent oxidized metal.
Sand inclusions Ba 1 through 5 1 through 5
Dross inclusions Bb 1 through 5 1 through 5
Shrinkage, linear Ca ... 1 through 5 6. Description and Method of Preparation
Shrinkage, feathery Cd 1 through 5 ... 6.1 These reference radiographs were produced by the use
Shrinkage, spongy Cd ... 1 through 5
of manganese-nickel-aluminum bronze plate castings. Table 2
The radiographs of the 1-in. [25.4-mm] thick plates are applicable to and
include 2-in. [51-mm] thick sections. The radiographs of the 3-in. [76-mm] thick
lists the chemical composition and mechanical property limits
plates are recommended for sections over 2 and up to 6 in. [152 mm]. However, for the alloy type. The references illustrate the appearance of
upon agreement between manufacturer and purchaser they may be used for larger the various radiographic severity levels when the original
section thicknesses.
The discontinuity types are numbered according to severity level or class, radiographs are produced to an optical density of from 2.00 to
Class 1 representing the highest quality castings. 2.25 on high-contrast, fine-grain film with a sensitivity (quality
E 272 99 (2004)e1
level), as determined by standard penetrameters, of 2 % (2- reference radiograph, the casting shall be rejected until satis-
2T).5 In selecting these reference radiographs, the aim was to factorily repaired (if permissible) (Section 9).
obtain a progressively graduated series for each type of 8.1.2 If more than one type of discontinuity is revealed in
discontinuity. It was not intended that like numbered levels or the same radiograph, the predominating type of defect alone
classes be considered of equal severity (as far as deterioration shall govern acceptability unless the severity represented by
of mechanical properties is concerned) for the various catego- the combination of discontinuity types is such as to make the
ries. overall condition unacceptable for the intended application.
6.2 The reproductions have been prepared to a density from 8.1.3 When two or more categories of discontinuities are
2.00 to 2.25 and have retained substantially the contrast of the present to an extent equal to the maximum permissible level, as
original radiographs. shown in the pertinent standards for each category, then that
part of the casting shall be judged unacceptable until satisfac-
7. Application of the Reference Radiographs torily repaired (if repairs are permissible) (see Section 9).
7.1 In establishing acceptance standards, these reference 8.1.4 In general, there is no limit as to the extent of
radiographs may be used in full or in part, as desired. acceptable discontinuities in a casting, provided that no 5 by
7.2 For each casting, the minimum acceptable severity level 7-in. [127 by 152-mm] area throughout the casting contains
(or class) should be specified for each type of discontinuity; for discontinuities that exceed the severity of defects in the
example, Severity Level 2 (or Class 2) might be specified for applicable reference radiographs.
shrinkage (Type C) defects and Class 4 for gas porosity (Type 8.1.5 Where the reference image consists of a collection of
A) defects, since the latter are generally much less deleterious. discontinuities, as in the case of porosity, for example, accept-
7.3 The acceptable quality level may vary in different ability may be based on 1) the aggregate size of the disconti-
locations of a casting, depending on the magnitude, direction nuities present on both the reference radiograph and the object
and type of stress versus section contour. radiograph, 2) the maximum defect size present, 3) the spacing
7.4 Production radiographs which are compared to the between discontinuities, or 4) a combination of these or other
reference radiographs should have an optical density in the area criteria. These criteria must be determined based upon the
of interest in the range from 1.5 to 3.5 and a specified minimum particular application or part under consideration and must be
sensitivity (quality level) of 2 % (2-2T).5 Other quality levels specified by agreement between the purchaser and supplier.
may be designated, but then a suitable change in the severity or 8.1.6 A diffraction mottling pattern can occur on films of
class should be anticipated and hence specified. The recom- parts and sections where the grain size is large enough to be an
mended upper density level of 3.5 for production radiographs appreciable fraction of the material thickness (see Note 3). If
is consistent with the capabilities of commonly available diffraction mottling is suspected, there are a number of ways to
viewing equipment. Radiographs of higher density are permit- demonstrate its presence. The diffraction mottling pattern
ted if both producer and consumer have viewing equipment shown in these cases is dependent principally upon the crystal
with adequately intense illuminators. geometry and the orientation of the crystals to the incident
7.5 Film DeteriorationRadiographic films are subject to radiation. Therefore, for a given specimen, any change in this
wear and tear from handling and use. The extent to which the orientation will effect the diffraction pattern dramatically. This
image deteriorates over time is a function of storage condi- can be accomplished by a slight, 1 to 5 tilt of the part, with
tions, care in handling and amount of use. Reference radio- respect to the radiation beam or simply by shifting the
graph films are no exception and may exhibit a loss in image centerline of the radiation beam to a slightly different location
quality over time. The radiographs should, therefore, be from the first exposure. Indications from any porosity, shrink-
periodically examined for signs of wear and tear, including age or other discontinuity will move only slightly, while any
scratches, abrasions, stains, and so forth. Any reference radio- mottling patterns present will change dramatically. If it is
graphs which show signs of excessive wear and tear which necessary or desirable to eliminate the mottling, the kV may be
could influence the interpretation and use of the radiographs raised to reduce the amount of diffraction radiation. However,
should be replaced. caution should be used so that the kV is not raised to the point
that sensitivity is reduced excessively. If diffraction mottling is
8. Interpretation demonstrated to be present on a radiograph, this condition shall
8.1 The following practice should be adhered to in evaluat- not be considered as prejudicial in evaluating the radiograph.
ing production radiographs of castings against the selected NOTE 3Mottling is often associated with thin sections of austenitic
standard radiographs: steels and copper base alloys such as copper nickel, tin bronzes, and nickel
8.1.1 When production radiographs, being evaluated with copper. Demonstration of mottling has also been shown in the duplex
the selected references in a particular contract, show disconti- alloys as well.
nuities which are equal to or less severe than those in the 9. Application to Weld Repair Castings
applicable reference radiographs, the casting shall be consid-
9.1 It is recognized that certain materials covered by these
ered radiographically acceptable. If the production radiographs
reference radiographs are weldable to various degrees. When
show a discontinuity of greater severity than the applicable
radiographic quality castings are repaired by welding, the
reference radiographs to be used in the evaluation of the
repaired sections must be specifically agreed upon between
For a description of sensitivity or quality levels, see Guide E 94. producer and consumer.
E 272 99 (2004)e1
10. Keywords
10.1 aluminum bronze; castings; copper; copper-nickel; dis-
continuities; gamma ray; manganese bronze; manganese-
nickel-aluminum bronze; nickel-aluminum; nickel-copper; ref-
erence radiographs; X-ray
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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