Meaning of Tib
Meaning of Tib
Meaning of Tib
Ahadeeth about What Is the Meaning of Tib (Attar, Perfume Oils, Musk Oils,
Essential Oils, Perfume & Fragrances)?
For the word Tib is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language
Tohw, Yaa, Baa and the meaning of the word indicates to the following:
"To be good, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, delicious, to please, to regain health, ripe, to ripen, recover,
cheerful, in good spirits, feeling happy, to heal, cure, mind at rest, goodness, sweet smelling, fragrant,
and sweet scented." [Hans Wehr Dictionary / P577-578]
They all describe what are attar, perfume oils, oil perfumes, oil fragrances, musk oils, essential oils.
For the word Tib is an Arabic word and is used by the Arabs and in the Islaamic world. As for the
word Attar it is a Arabic word and the meaning is the same as Tib. And It is more commonly used in
the Indian Sub-Continent, and In the West Tib is known as perfume oils, musk oils, essential oils, oil
perfumes, oil fragrances, perfume, fragrances and many other names all referring to the above
description of the word Tib.
For the word Misk (Musk) is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language
Meem, Seen, Khaf and the meaning of the word indicates to the following:
The concluding Musk (i.e. with which, originally, a letter was finally perfumed (sealed), the best
following in the end, the crowning touch. [Hans Wehr Dictionary / P909]
What is the meaning of Reehh?
For the word Reehh (a breeze with a fragrance) is derived from the root letters in the Arabic
Raah, Waw, Hah = Raohun or Rauh and the meaning of the word indicates to the following:
Evening breeze (that is a comfort, mercy and a bounty), refreshment, wind, fart, smell, and odour.
(For him shall be) Comfort with a delightful fragrant and Paradise of Delight.
And despair not of relief (the word Rauh, was used for relief) from Allah, Indeed non despairs of relief
from Allaah, except people who are disbelievers (in Allah, by not worshipping Him).
Meaning do not despair whatever state you may be in, for indeed, if you are a true believer, you will
find relief from Allaah, this good rauh.
And the word with a shaddah on top of the waw, which is pronounced as Rauw-wa-hah,
which is from the same root word, and the meaning of the word indicates as follows:
To give rest, make relax, make comfortable, provide rest, and recreation.
[Narrated in Vocabulary of the Holy Qur'aan / by Dr Abdullah Abbas Nadwi / P236. And In Hans
Wehr Dictionary of Morden written Arabic / P364]
What is the meaning of Raihan?
For the word Raihan is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language
Raa, Yaa, Haa, Nuun = Raihan and the meaning of the word indicates to the following:
Sweet Basil, Aromatic Plants, A highly decorative style of Arabic calligraphy.
For the word Abiir is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language
Ayn, Baa, Yaa, Raa = Abiir and the meaning of the word indicates to the following:
For the word Arf is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language
Ayn, Raa, Faa = Arf and the meaning of the word indicates to the following:
Did You Know Tib are the Drive of our Souls and the Power of our Bodies?
May Allah (The Name of God) Have Mercy on the one that said:
"Tib are the fuel of the soul, which is the engine of the powers of the body. Therefore, various
strengths and powers in the body are nurtured in the presence of oil fragrances, attar, perfume oils,
essential oils (Tib). Similarly, the powers of the body are nurtured by consuming food and drink, feel
comfort and elation, being close to loved ones, receiving good news and by the absence of hateful,
disliked persons whose presence is heavy on the heart. Indeed, associating with disliked persons
weakens the strength and causes sadness and depression, just as the affect that fever and foul
odour have on the body.
It also has good effect in preserving good health and removing many ailments because owning to its
stimulants that which helps activate the instinctive powers that the body may enjoy."
1. Did you know Allah (God) Loves for His Creation Tib?
No Paradise for the one that has in his heart an atoms weight of Pride. A man said {Translation}
Indeed a man loves that his garments be elegant and likewise his shoes. He said {Translation}
Indeed Allaah is Beautiful and Loves that which of beauty, but pride is that you reject the truth and
you look down upon the people.
Indeed the Human being, from those things our Natural Disposition leads to, is that which was
described regarding the meaning of Tib.
So if attar, perfume oils, essential oils are the things that drive our soul, mind and body, to be in a
state that is of serenity, tranquillity and joyfulness , than it goes true for foul odours and the things
that the souls hate and dislikes.
Therefore attar, perfume oils, essential oils are the things that bring about the feeling of being in
Paradise and in a tranquil state of mind that will leave your day, one of joyfulness.
Attar, perfume oils, essential oils have been known from the time Adam was created, for he dwelled
in Paradise with his wife, Eve, so he did feel and taste the serenity, tranquillity and its beautiful
aroma that it is created with. Than Adam was sent down to the earth and its knowledge was passed
on from generation to generation, some adapting to it and others coming to learn about the
different kinds of fragrances, musk, attar, perfume oils, and essential oils. For Allaah is Beautiful and
loves that which is beautiful, so the knowledge of Tib and its aroma is not something God (Allah)
would let the people forget as we learnt from the say of Allah the Al-Mighty Himself, in The Mighty
Quraan and in the saying of Muhammad the Last Prophet sent to the Mankind and Jinns (ghosts
/Demons they are the progeny of the devil we seek refuge with Allaah from them).
Misconception that Tib (Attar, Perfume Oils, Musk Oils) were only known few thousand
years ago!
Some believe that attar, perfume oils were first known by the kings and royals of Egypt, India and
the Arabian Peninsula but this is wrong for it has been known that oil fragrances, musk, attar,
perfumes oils are things of Paradise, than for sure Allah (God) taught Adam all the things in existent,
and as we learnt that nice Aromas are things that are loved to the soul, mind and body, plus its from
natural disposition and purity of faith. So how is it that its only known a few thousand years ago?
Therefore perfume oils are not something that is and was used by the rich as some claim but rather
we see and learn that it is for those who seek serenity, tranquillity and joyfulness as was mentioned
earlier about the meaning of the word Taib.