1939 Consolation Various
1939 Consolation Various
1939 Consolation Various
Judge Rutherford did not name Pope Pius X I "The P o p e of Peace" was without compassion for
personally in his address at London, September 1 1 , Basques, Catalonians, Ethiopians, Chinese or the
1938, and hence to his successor now applies the common people of any land, but was interested
warning then given: only in the maintenance of the most ungodly racket
Today you stand before the judgment Beat of Christ, beneath the sun. There has been much palaver about
the great Judge of the world. According to the un- his "saintliness", and his prospects of a place in
disputed facts you are convicted out of your own heaven or " p u r g a t o r y " . H e has none, and the world,
mouth, and the Lord's final judgment has been en-
tered against you and you arc going to d i e (See the though well rid of him, is no better off with his
booklet Face the Facts, page 23.) successor in office.
M A R C H 8, 1939 3
Another priest, Michael O'Flanagan, of And then the Spanish Republic supplied
Dublin, Ireland, upon his return from that the information that four of the number were
war-racked land, said: being held in officers' quarters in Barcelona,
Tf a totalitarian state is one of the most hateful twenty-two were held in the military barracks
things in the world, a totalitarian church is more in Valencia, and the twenty-seventh had died
hateful still. The Church has often proved itself in a military hospital. The only reason that
to be a very unreliable leader in political affairs. any of the priests were confined was their
Don Jose" Bergamin, director of the Cath- illegal activities against the state.
olic review Cruz y Ray a, summed up the Giving the lie to the oft-repeated stories
Spanish situation as follows: of persecutions of priests in the Spanish Re-
Cast your eyes for one moment on that tragic public, the New York Herald-Tribune carried
pyramid of grotesques: generals, bishops, Moors, a dispatch from Barcelona, the then capital,
Carlists in red beretsthey are like some fantastic that on October 17 priests walked the streets
mumming-show of Death. They entrust the defense in robes and the other funny-looking things
of their Spain to Moors and soldiers of the Foreign they like to wear, while the people in general
Legion, for they have no Spanish hands and bodies
to defend themselves. This is the truth of Spain
tipped their hats and soldiers gave the mili-
in these bloody hours. We are the S p a n i a r d s : they tary salute. But so long as there was any
are a handful of traitors with some thousands of chance of a victory for Franco, the Hierarchy
barbarian mercenaries at their command, with some continued to send out stories of persecution,
weapons of war bought on credit out of the spoils so as to get the public sympathy necessary
to which they would reduce our land. And in these to the continuation of their racket.
they put their trust, or rather their desperation.
By such barbarians some of the dignitaries of our On July 22, 1938, 28 Spanish nuns landed
church seek to defend their imposturesdignitaries in England after being in Madrid and Bar-
of the Church which they have taken from the celona for over two years of the civil war.
people, which they have corrupted, prostituted, They denied that they had suffered any spe-
shamed with avarice and spotted with our blood, cial hardships or ill treatment on account of
the blood of the Spanish people. Listen to this, if being nuns.
you are listening to me, unfaithful shepherds, trai-
tors to Christ! You have placed in the barbarous
It was the intention of the Spanish Republic
hands of Legionaries and Moors the sacred vessels, that, in the event of final success for the Loyal-
the riches and treasure which you never offered to ists, Spain should become a refuge for the op-
your people, the poor, the disinherited, the hungry. pressed of German lands, whether Catholic,
And you either give these things as sacrilegious Protestant or Jewish, and a proclamation to
booty, or to convert them into weapons dealing that effect was issued. What a rebuke this
death to your people and your flock. I know you was to the murderers, liars and traitors that
well, bishops who dabble in politics, who chatter brought about the defeat and destruction of
of polities. Listen well; for this is an accusation the republic and dashed the hopes of the Span-
which I make. You, the dignitaries of the Spanish
church, have betrayed that church, and have robbed
ish people for better conditions to the ground!
the people! The Loyalist government of Spain carefully
In the year 1928 there were 32,004 priests protected Spanish art treasures, many of them
in Spain. In 1936 the "Rebels" asserted that of ecclesiastical significance. Arrangements
17,500 of them had been slain. Later Cardi- were made with the League to hold these in
nal Goma said the number slain was more safekeeping until the conclusion of the war.
than 10,000. In the last pastoral letter of the M Lawrence Fernsworth, American
Spanish bishops they stated that the number newspaper correspondent in Spain,
slain was 6,000, and the facts show that most showed further the good intentions
of these (possibly an actual 3,000) were slain of the government:
while fighting as common soldiers against the This brings us to the religious phase
government, the object of their conspiracy. of the situation here. A great deal of poison has
been spread abroad in an effort to make people
believe that this is an anti-God government having
Earth's Most Gifted Liars as one of its main purposes the crushing of reli-
y-*S.^ The Osservatore Romano, organ gion. Sectarian periodicals have published and re-
+( ) of the Vatican, cheerfully said, peated that "the government has liquidated the
^gL^sFF In Tcruel, twenty-seven of the sixty- priests". I have gone deeply into the factsthey
^ , i i ^ A ^ j j five priests on J a n u a r y sixth [193S] would affect me profoundly if they were true. But
*-^~ JBm were murdered by Communists. I find no evidence to support the charges.
In Barcelona today there are living some 2,000 of the Basque country have informed the Vatican
priests, in Madrid some 900, in other cities and that the people remain absent from church as a
towns others in proportion. I know of anarchists protest against-the attitude adopted by the greater
who saved the lives of priests, and 1 know of part of the Hierarchy toward the Spanish civil
atheists who sheltered priests in their homes to w a r ; that there are many, many Mohammedans
guard them from harm. All this contrasts oddly who Franco claims are fighting for the Catholic
with the statements that "not one priest remains religion.
in Madrid", or in Barcelona or some other city, as The New Orleans Tribune of January 21,
the case may be. 1939, carried an article by Roy Mouton, who
I am told by an investigator, himself a Catholic served in Spain as a volunteer, in which he
priest, that not more than 80 priests were killed
in Madrid. That is bad enough, but they are only
a fraction of many others who suffered in those The mast lying kind of propaganda has been
days of turbulence and chaos. Those sworn to up- launched against the Spanish people. I am a Cath-
hold the government and law and order abandoned olic; I went to mass over and over again. There
it, turned traitors, and for some months anarchic is no interference with the church. And all of that
disorder reigned until the government, fighting for cry about "Communism" is a smoke-screen.
its life at Madrid, could establish law and order No attempt will be made here
again, as now it has done. That is the long and to review all the events of the
short of it. Spanish Civil War. Mention is
The government has offered every facility for made only of some of the more
the re-establishment i*f religious worship. Protes- recent engagements.
tant churches have been open for months; Catholic
churches have not opened except for some chapels, During the siege of Madrid not only were
particularly one in Barcelona, which is freely open the 1,300,000 inhabitants supplied with suf-
to the public. ficient food, but 3,000 babies were born. The
The government has gone strictly upon the theory road to Valencia was kept open and supplies
that since there exists a constitutional separation continued to arrive.
of Church and State, it is not for the government Many wonder how the Spanish Republic,
to open churches. Catholics, if they wish their serv- cut in half by Franco's army, could have con-
ices, must open their own churches and the gov- tinued to function as long as it did. Mails
ernment will protect them. But the sad fact must
be recorded that Catholics have not yet opened were carried between the two parts by sub-
churches because of systematic obstruction on the marine. Steamship and air-mail service were
part of the clergy. also maintained. Only the railway and high-
Few, if any, are sympathetic to the government way communications were cut.
even though receiving its protection. Most of them In the assault on Teruel, 400 Fascist air-
are waiting for the arrival of Franco. "They are planes staged the world's greatest air battle.
more interested in-having a pretext for murmuring The German and Italian planes used were
against the government than in accepting its pro- described as new ones, spreading death and
tection and good will," one of the priests loyal to destruction for all the daylight hours, and
the government told me.
dumping 1,500-pound aerial torpedoes on their
These priests still take the view, as manifested
by the bishop of Teruel at the time of his capture, objectives below. The destruction spread to
that this is a "holy war", in which the main issue villages fifteen miles behind the battle front,
is the church. I t has been one of the great mis- A British commission which examined the
fortunes of Spain that the church has insisted city of Alicante after a series of air raids by
upon making itself the main issue. the rebel forces found that eighty bombs had
And Pedro Lecuona, minister counselor, been dropped within a certain time, but not
Spanish embassy, Washington, D. C , stated: one of these fell within a quarter of a mile
It would be interesting to know whether Mgr. of any military objective and that the only
Antoniutti knows that Franco has shot 13 priests, conclusion possible is that the raids were delib-
imprisoned 117, and exiled 135 in the Basque coun- erate attacks upon civilians or else were con-
t r y ; that the bishops in the Rebel zone do not ducted by persons unskilled in air raids, which
raise their arms to bestow benedictions but to make is doubtful.
the Fascist salute; that they celebrate mass on
* ' t a r s in which instead of having a holy image, Spanish Rebel General Yaguc made an ad-
they have the arrows of the Spanish Fascist em- dress at Lerida. Spain, in which he compli-
blem (the veracity of this can be proved with mented the courage of the Spanish Loyalist
photographs); that on the altars of certain churches soldiers and said that the German and Italian
, faan Sebastian and Bilbao there are to be found soldiers in the Rebel ranks conducted them-
large portraits of Franco; that the parish priests selves like birds of prey. He thought that per-
MARCH a, 1939
haps some day a reunited Spanish people sons were killed and more than twice that
would fight both the Germans and Italians. many wounded.
Protestants pressed the pope to say some-
thing to Franco deploring the bombing of 2,000 Air Raids on Barcelona
civilians in Spain, but it must have been un- During the course of the war
derstood between them that what he then Barcelona was subjected to some
said was to go in one ear and out of the 2,000 air raids, in which tens of
other; for it had not the least effect. thousands of bombs were dropped
on the city. Hundreds of men,
The Massacres of Majorca women and children were killed, and thou-
In a new book by Georges Ber- sands seriously injured. Over a thousand build-
nanos, a French Catholic writer, ings were destroyed.
he tells of his experiences on the After the capture of Barcelona the rebel
island of Majorca: how he greeted conquerors celebrated an outdoor victory mass
the arrival of the first Italian air- in the city.
plane without displeasure, but how, finally, There was great rejoicing at Rome over
his eyes were opened to the horrors of Fas- the Barcelona victory of the "Spanish rebels".
cism as he saw the mass executions, 3,000 in The former king and queen of Spain, whose
a few months, in a small island, with a peace- marriage, after many years of married life,
ful agricultural population who had never was declared void by the pope, were there
had much to do with politics. He declares at a "solemn mass", and so was Vladimir
that all suspects were dragged out of their Ledochowsky, superior general of the Jesuits.
houses at night and massacred; not a sick or Just a "coincidence", of course.
wounded person was spared; sometimes the Jerry J. O'Connell, liberty-loving repre-
massacres took place in the presence of a sentative from Montana, wanted justice done
priest; appearances were carefully preserved; for Spain. Although O'Connell is a Roman
no one was allowed to wear mourning; no Catholic, and even though his meeting was
shops were closed. picketed by Catholics hostile to his stand, he
The New York Times, in its issue of Jan- boldly addressed 6,500 people at Pittsburgh,
uary 19, carried a dispatch in which it is protesting against the Spanish embargo.
stated that refugees, gathered in the main The embargo against the Spanish Republic
square of Santa Coloma de Queralt, were would have been lifted early in May, and the
machine-gunned by Franco's men. The town agreement to do so had already been formed
was subsequently recaptured by the Loyalists by Secretary Hull and his advisers, when
and so the truth got out. word came from Roosevelt, then fishing in
October 7, 1938, to get a good name for the Caribbean, to wait until he got back. It
himself, Franco caused 345,000 packets of seems that the Roman Hierarchy turned the
cigarettes and 250 tons of bread to be dropped heat on him and, as usual, he went along with
on Barcelona and Madrid. He hoped thereby the great enemy of democracy.
to weaken the resistance of these two impor-
tant centers of Loyalist Spain. The day previ- Bringing Hypocrisy into the Open
ous he had dropped 2,500 pounds of high-ex- Bringing the hypocrisy of the
plosive bombs on Palamos and four incendiary so-called "Non-Intervention" pow-
bombs. The Loyalist government reciprocated ers into the open, the prime min-
the bread and cigarette maneuver by drop- ister of Spain, Dr. Negrin, an-
ping tons of stockings, shirts and other wear- nounced at the League of Nations
ing apparel in Burgos. that the Spanish Republican Government had
The Depeche de Toulouse, one of the most ordered the immediate withdrawal of all non-
influential newspapers in France, reported Spanish combatants fighting on the Govern-
that Franco sent enormous quantities of Amer- ment side, and asked for the immediate ap-
ican wheat to Germany in exchange for muni- pointment of an international commission by
tions. The wheat had been contributed by the League of Nations to see that this was
charitable societies. done. The very same paper that announced
In fourteen months Valencia was bombed this courageous stand also announced that
with something more substantial than bread Italy was sending fresh troops to Franco.
460 times, during which bombings 3,000 per- Negrin claims that if the Moors, Italians and
Germans had been withdrawn from Spain the borers, 2,000 secret police, 1,000 army service
Republicans could have re-established order men, and 60,000 soldiers, making in all about
in three weeks. 91,000 men. [ Condensed from a Barcelona dis-
The United States may send munitions to patch by Herbert L. Matthews in the New
any country that needs them, except Spain. York Times.]
The reason it could not send them to Spain Up to the fall of Barcelona 2,928 out of
was that it would offend the Roman Catholic some 50,000 Italian soldiers in Spain had been
Hierarchy, which is the power behind the killed. Undoubtedly Mussolini expects that his
Franco-Moorish-German-Italian attack. "Mex- investment of men and money in Spain is
ico has no such scruples and recently filled going to yield returns to Italy that will justify
a ship full of munitions for the Spanish Re- the lavish expenditures. The rebel victory un-
public, and followed that with a large order doubtedly increases Italian prestige and power
of munitions for Mexico, placed with makers considerably. British statesmen, however, con-
in the United States. Miss Dorothy Thomp- tinue to hope that they will be able to offset
son, noted columnist, said: Mussolini's influence in Spain by means of
A legitimate, friendly government has the right loans to Franco, who will not be in position
to buy from us in the markets of the world what- to ignore Britain.
ever she needs for her defense against rebellion.
That is a principle of international practice which Pope Rejoiced to See Ruin
the American government has stood for from the Pius XI, foreseeing the ruin of
beginning of her history. Our historic tradition the Spanish Republic when the
has been on the side of not only selling arms to Anglo-Italian deal was made, said,
friendly governments, but of preventing arms' go- "God be praised," when Pacclli told
ing to rebels against which such friendly govern-
ments were struggling. him about it.
The Manchester Guardian, seeing that there
Italian Non(?)-Intervention had been no square deal intended for Spain,
Wf'T^FK General Ambroglio Barlatti, in said:
^ II Meditcrranco, explained Italy's It is two years since the foreign invasion of
Spain began. It has taken that time for the Powers
interest in the Spanish Civil War, to produce even a paper scheme that might give
when he said: the Spanish Government not a square deal, for
It is time that the Spanish war be nothing so absurd is contemplated, but a deal less
recognized as a continuation of the Abyssinian crooked than that which has brought it within
campaign. We must impose our influence on the sight of defeat.
Spaniards so that the Mediterranean may become Franco the Butcher discloses the heart of
the Italian lake of which Mussolini has spoken. Fascism (Catholic Action) in his rulings re-
In view of the fact that Italy was officially garding education. His so-called "minister of
at peace with Spain, it was rather interesting education" closed fifty high schools in the ter-
that the Italian government published the in- ritory under his control, giving as a reason
formation that since the war began in Spain the following strictly Papal principle:
Italian fliers shot down 580 airplanes. In The people are better off without education. It
April, 1938, the Italian fliers dropped 291 unflts them for their destiny as peasants and
tons of explosives on their Spanish neighbors; workers.
in May, 431 tons; and in June, 719 tons. The That is rich, for a "minister of education".
Italian government was one of the govern- And it shows what must inevitably happen in
ments on the Non-intervention Committee, any land that comes under Fascist control.
supposed to be struggling to bring about peace There will be a drying-up of all sources of
in Spain. information for the common people. This dry-
When the Spanish Government reported ing-up is actually under way in the United
the return to Italy of 10,000 Italian soldiers States today, when children are driven away
and the immediate replacement of 4,549 sent from the public school because they refuse
to Spain in 16 ships, details of the names of to worship the flag, and when the Roman
the ships and the number of men on each Catholic Hierarchy conspires to keep Judge
ship were given. The Republic estimated that Rutherford off the air, and when the news-
after this exchange the Italians still had in papers and the movies are so polluted with
Spain 900 pilots, 2,000 aviation mechanics, superstitious Roman Catholic rot that they
10,000 chauffeurs, 5,000 engineers, 10,000 la- can hardly be seen without nausea. The
M A R C H 8, 1939
prophet saw this day coming when he said, Dr. Pedro Lozano, director of the hospital of
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowl- Durango, to eleven years' penal servitude be-
edge."Hosea 4 : 6. cause he continued to look after the patients
With respect to Franco's tentative govern- when the Loyalist forces were in Durango.
ment setup John V. Hinkel, in the New York
Times of September 5, 1938, says: "The Butcher"
In its setup the government appears to be totali- Franco admits he has a card file
tarian. Freedom of speech and of the press is cur- of some 2.000,000 persons many of
tailed under it; commerce and industry are strictly whom will be put to death and the
supervised; no political oppositionparticularly others sentenced to penal servitude.
from the Leftis countenanced; the people are He announced that he will not
mildly regimented, and there are other earmarks. tolerate any other "Christian religion" in
As perhaps the most influential non-government
personage in Nationalist Spain, Cardinal Goma y Spain than the Catholic religion. He con-
Tomas, head of the Spanish hierarchy, commands cluded a treaty with Hitler.
a great deal of respect and attention. The cardinal Franco will absolutely control the press
told the writer that "the spirit of the laws prom- in Fascist Spain. Orders issued by him reg-
ulgated thus far by the Nationalist government is ulate the number of papers and reporters
in complete harmony with the teachings of the and make the newspaper a department of
church". the government, subject to it in every detaiL
That the traitorous Spanish rebel setup is Cardinal Goma, chief representative of the
backed by the Hierarchy to the limit is indi- Roman Catholic Hierarchy in Spain, fully
cated in The Register, Catholic paper of cen- approves Franco's course of action. He said:
tral California, of August 21, 1938: A regime of perfect accord between the Church
Nearly 900 cardinals, archbishops and bishops and the State must be established, since the former
throughout the world have written letters to Car- must intervene on many issues. I am happy to be
dinal Goma, primate of Spain, which appear in able to tell you that up to now we are in complete
the book being issued at Burgos, showing the sym- agreement with the Nationalist government, which,
pathy of world Catholics with the Nationalist cause. on the other hand, never takes a step without con-
Included are collective letters of sympathy from sulting me and obeying me. The representative of
the Hierarchies of the United States, Canada, Brit- the minister of justice will bear me oat in that.
ain, Mexico, and other countries. With Vatican
approval, the book .is being published as a sequel Jacinte Benavente, Spain's greatest living
to the 1937 Pastoral Letter of the Spanish Hier- writer and Nobel prize winner, points out the
archy. connection between Fascism and the Inqui-
How things will go is shown by the fact sition, and shows that no good may be hoped
that Franco had a formal inauguration of his for with the Hierarchy in control.
regime at Burgos, Spain, December 2, 1937, I have never hesitated. From the very first mo-
in which he was enthroned beneath the old- ment I put myself on the side of the victim against
time arms of King Alphonso's Spain. He was the hangman, and 1 will continue fighting on the
side of the people until the end. Fascism, I am
sworn in with religious rites. The exercises sure, is the bloody child of the Inquisition. It takes
took place in the Roman Catholic church of possession of labor to exploit it; of heroism to
Huelgas. debase it; of glory to soil it; of thought to pros-
The Franco tribunal at Bilbao sentenced titute it.
T? FLYING in the United States is the air traffic rules, meteorology and naviga-
regulated by the new Civil Aero- tion, which examination successfully passed
nautics Authority, and flyers are opens the way for the actual flight test on
^ examined by inspectors of the Bu- aeronautical skill. For this test the applicant
reau. The flyers* law is the "Civil is required to furnish an airworthy ship of
Air Regulations", referred to as CAR, and the type required for the rating or weight
issued by the secretary. These regulations are classification.
exacting and voluminous, covering every phase If the applicant has a solo rating and his
of private and commercial flying activity. flight test meets with the approval of the in-
A written examination on CAR must be spector, he immediately receives a temporary
passed by applicants for pilot ratings before "Certificate of Competency". This is followed
flight tests are given; therefore the regula- sometime later, through the mail, by a per-
tions have to be studied in detail. manent certificate and identification card. On
Pilots receive ratings according to ability, the certificate is specified the weight classifi-
which is governed by the number of hours cation and type, land or sea, single or multi-
spent in the air, at the controls, and by the engine, to which the pilot is limited. The cer-
weight of the aircraft flown. The greater the tificate bears a permanent number and, for
weight, the more skill required, and hence a Private rating, has to be renewed yearly.
the better the rating. Renewal of a certificate is accomplished by
Some pilot ratings are: "Student, Solo, Pri- the pilot's submitting to physical examination
vate, Limited Commercial, Commercial, In- and showing his application for renewal, with
structor, Instrument, Glider and Airline." certified logbook, to a Bureau inspector. This
Types of aircraft are land, sea, single-en- is for the purpose of proving that the pilot
gine and multi-engine, which types are listed has met the yearly requirements, in flying
on a pilot's certificate and to which type the hours, to hold each rating on each type of
pilot is limited. aircraft.
In detail, some of the requirements for a Pilot certificates have been issued to the
"Private" are that the applicant read, write number of more than forty-four thousand.
and speak English, be twenty-one years of Commercial and special ratings are rela-
age, pass satisfactorily a physical examination tively harder to earn than a Private. Private
before a doctor or doctors appointed by the pilot privileges are that he may carry persons
Bureau, which doctors issue a Student certifi- or property; but not for hire. He may also
cate. This physical examination must be sub- earn an Instructor rating after two hundred
mitted to once each year and also after a con- hours flying time at the controls.
fining illness or serious injury. The physical requirements, and especially
A minimum of eight hours of dual flight that of vision, are very rigid, and r must nec-
instruction must be taken before a student essarily be so, due to the responsibility and
is permitted to make his first solo hop. strain of an active pilot's life.
Next, have thirty-five hours of solo time, It is a common practice for student pilots
which must include practice in maneuvers and to rent planes; and average rates for the light
five hours of cross-country flying. In a log- or cheaper type, those under 1,000 pounds,
book the date of flight, time, number of plane, are $10 an hour for instruction and $6 an
type of plane and engine, and a notation of hour for solo time, gas and oil furnished.
any damage, if such should occur, must be Aircraft must be inspected regularly and
recorded. This log must be signed by the pilot carry a "Certificate of Airworthiness".
and attested by a notary public before being Flying is an art; therefore the yearly re-
submitted to an inspector with an application quirements as to time in the air are necessary
for the desired rating, which application must to insure that the pilot's skill is adequate to
also be notarized. his trust. An airman flies by feel; which means
Two identical photographs, showing head that through the relative sensitiveness of the
and shoulders, definitely one and one-half by controls he knows when the plane is, or is
two inches in dimensions, must be provided. not, in a safe attitude of flight.Herbert E.
A written examination is then taken on Jenkins, New York.
Other Flying Creatures
Something: About Geese melted suet combined with,, yellow cornmeal
- -= Geese are valuable for their eggs, and bird gravel, and for an occasional treat
' their feathers and down, and their we tie doughnuts in the tree branches.
flesh, 80 percent of which is edible. Each morning, gathered around our porch
Feathers and down are used for with unfailing regularity, are nine of the very
stuffing pillows and mattresses, par- fattest peanut-fed squirrels imaginable and a
ticularly in Europe. Goose feathers are also number of little red squirrels.
used to adorn hats. Geese kept especially for The bird population at this time includes
their plumage are plucked four or five times juncoes, nuthatches, downy and hairy wood-
a year. They probably do not enjoy being peckers, a pair of cardinals, bluejays, chicka-
plucked! dees, an occasional pheasant, three crows (who
Geese sometimes produce two broods of in extremely cold weather overcome their war-
young in a season, there being about ten iness) and, almost unbelievable, a mocking-
young in a brood. They may be eaten three bird. Whence he came no one seems to know.
months after they leave the shell. Considered almost strictly a southern bird
The liver of a fat goose is often very large, and not migratory, his identity puzzled us.
larger, in fact, than all the other viscera or Somewhat darker in color than they usually
"innards". By special feeding the liver can are, we could scarcely believe we had such a
be made abnormally large. When this is done prize until a number of persons who thor-
the object is to use the liver for the making oughly understand the study of birds viewed
of the well-known pate de foie gras for which him and positively identified him as a mock-
Strasbourg, Prance, is famous, although it ingbird, although his powers of ventriloquism
doubtless has other claims to distinction. should have convinced us before.
Farmers in the United States often breed Having been here all winter, through the
the Gray Toulouse goose. These mature late many changes of weather, dependent on us
and are-sometimes called "Christmas" geese. for food, he has become very tame, submit-
They are good egg-layers, though their flesh ting to close scrutiny with binoculars and
is not as good as that of some other geese. calmly concentrating upon his food while peo-
The most profitable geese to keep, from the ple stand within a few feet of the feeding
standpoint of many raisers, are the Gray Afri- station, so certain is he that he has found
can geese, which are long-necked and tall, and sanctuary.
large-headed. They have a large knob on the Thrill of thrills, shortly before last week's
base of their bills and are of a gray color, storm when it was almost as black as night,
which is darkest on their backs. They are ready he burst into as magnificent a song as I have
for market in a shorter time than most other ever heard, thus more surely establishing his
geese, and do not require a great deal of labor identity.
and time to bring to maturity. They are good For greater joy, let's have more sanctuaries
layers and have a fine-flavored flesh. for birds. When the ground is covered with
The so-called "Chinese geese" are good, too. ice and snow, scatter a few crumbs. The re-
They are small and graceful and come in white sults will amply compensate the effort.Mrs.
and brown varieties, lay well, and taste good, W. F . Jackson, in Milwaukee Journal.
when cooked.
Lighthouses Cause Death of Birds
Mockingbird in Milwaukee? The powerful lights of lighthouses along
For ten years we have been feeding birds the New England coast cause the death of
and squirrels, each year receiving new and thousands of birds each year. They fly against
greater thrills. the thick lenses and are killed or fall stunned
A large covered feeding station, well up off into the sea.
the ground, of which two sides are protected
by glass and provided with perches, is the Shamming Death
center of most of our activity. The menu con- The land rail and water rail sham death
sists of sunflower seeds, peanuts, chick feed, when in danger, seeking thereby to avoid de-
bread and cake crumbs, puddings made of tection or interest on the part of their enemy.
MARCH 8, 1939
Convention in Lagos
The Nigerian Daily Times, Lagos, Nigeria,
contains the equivalent of four columns of
news about the convention of over 300 of
Jehovah's witnesses held in that West Afri-
can city. Two of the conventioners traveled
over 500 miles on bicycle to attend. "Sand-
wich boards" were used to advertise the public
meeting. It was a great blessing to the con-
The Magistrate of Umtali ventioners to hear Judge Rutherford's lectures
The magistrate of Umtali, near by phonograph in their own native tongue,
Salisbury, South Africa, must cer- Yoruba. There were 800 at the public lecture;
tainly be anxious to please some- 63 of whom were immersed. Some 3,000 pam-
body. He fined one of Jehovah's phlets in Yoruba were placed in the hands of
witnesses 10, or two months' im- the people, and more 'vould have been put out
prisonment at hard labor, for receiving a except for a heavy downpour characteristic of
contribution of the exact cost of one Riches that part of the world. What a blessing to
book, which book he delivered. When the case see the message of Jehovah's kingdom, man's
got to the High Court Mr. Justice Lewis only hope, being widely spread over all Africa
quashed the conviction and sentence; but one and over all the civilized world!
can but wonder at the first magistrate's cast
of mind that would lead him to do such a Utter Stupidity in Lying
great injustice as he attempted to perform Jehovah's witnesses know that Judge Ruth-
toward witness Chirochino. erford lectured to 25,000 people at Sydney,
Jehovah's Kingdom publishers and W A T C H TOWER branch office at Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa
MARCH 8. 1939 jg
answering all, he said, "You can go, but don't Kingdom News
run other churches down." Then I told him When Jesus was on earth He taught His
that I will merely tell the people that "hell" disciples to pray, 'Thy kingdom come; thy
and "purgatory 5 ' are not places of punish- will be done on earth as it is done in heav-
ment according to the Bible. en. . . / Indeed, the kingdom of heaven con-
After many days I traveled to Makurdi, stituted the chief theme of Jesus' ministry on
where I was again marched up to the com- earth. It was a strange doctrine to the Jew
missioner of police. He also propounded many religionists whose allegiance belonged to the
questions about the witness work and our Romans. It was an incomprehensible Utopia
method of living. After answering him he where men dwell together in peace and con-
presented me with one shilling and told me tentment; where wars and famine are un-
to continue along.Peter Otudo, Pioneer. known and men love their fellow creatures
even as themselves; where hatred and ill will
A Squawk from Chile are not to be found and God's will is the
T H E JOURNEY* law supreme. A kingdom where men are never
A courageous publication which sick and one need never die. A rule that hon-
cannot and must not keep quiet, ors God and magnifies His illustrious name.
because it cannot lie. Men with faith in Jehovah believed in the
Chafiaral (Chile) October 1, 1938 kingdom of heaven. They fervently prayed
PROPAGANDIST for this glorious time with complete faith in
WARNING t o CATHOLICS every promise concerning it. Not all were so
There has arrived in this port a certain blessed as to live in "that day" when Jeho-
young lady with a German passport, who very vah's King is fully enthroned. This alone
insistently goes about offering books of partly makes the present day most unique! Jeho-
Protestant and partly Atheist propaganda. vah's kingdom has come. It is here: a living
The Investigation Bureau cited her on suspi- reality! Daily the lives of the Lord's people
cion of espionage. She has been left free. are crowded with events that concern the
Catholics are warned that the books offered Kingdom interests. Daily Jehovah's witnesses
by this propagandist are all condemned by bear testimony to the onward march of the
ecclesiastical authority. great King of kings. Even while the enemy's
structure is crumbling in complete disintegra-
October 8, 1938 tion Jehovah exalts His King upon the heights.
PROPAGANDIST Daily the Kingdom is thrown into conflict with
WARNING tO CATHOLICS the remaining members of the Devil's agents
A certain damsel with Israelitish features, in the earth. Daily the kingdom of God is pre-
apparently German, and who refused to give sented to all who accept it. Daily WBBR re-
us her name, appeared in our editorial office joices in the mounting evidences that the King-
to tell us that she felt she had been referred dom is here. This is KINGDOM NEWS. This sort
to in a paragraph appearing in one of our of news is what thrills the hearts of all who
former issues and which bore the same head- have placed their hopes in the kingdom of
ing as this. She told us she is not a propa- heaven.
gandist; she gave a somewhat strange reason, WBBR is pleased to announce that with
to wit, that the books she offered were sold the beginning of the special Watchtower Cam-
for less than it cost to make them, which, nat- paign, January 1, it inaugurated a series of
urally, is not easy to prove to any of us; and, weekly programs devoted to KINGDOM NEWS:
besides, whether she gains or loses does not interesting items gleaned from the field affect-
alter the matter in any way. She also said ing the Kingdom interests throughout the
that she had not been called to the Investi- world as reported to the WATCH TOWER or-
gations Bureau under suspicion of espionage; ganization and which appear in "New Gov-
so the agents had told her. She finally declared ernment" section and elsewhere in every issue
that the books she was propagating were ANTI- of the Consolation magazine: field experiences
RELIGIOUS, that is, are directed against all re-enacted before the microphone; court rec-
religion. ords pertaining to the witness work unfolded
The Catholics knew that already. in living sequence. This is KINGDOM NEWS.
* Translated from the Spanisli. {To be continued)
Scotch Scones Golden Health Bread
One quart buttermilk, 2 teaspoon- Take iy 2 cups wheat flour, % cup oatmeal,
fuls salt, 4 teaspoonfuls soda, 4 tea- 14 cup honey or molasses, V2 tcaspoonful salt,
spoonfuls baking soda, 8 cups wheat H/2 eu PS buttermilk, iy2 teaspoonfuls soda,
flour. Mix the ingredients to a stiff 1 teaspoonful baking powder. Mix dry ingre-
but moist dough. Take a heaping dients; add buttermilk; stir well; then add
tablespoonful of dough on floured hands and honey or molasses. Stir well again and put
roll around until well floured; then pat to in well-greased loaf tin and bake in moder-
not less than 1,4 inch thick, to make about ate oven 1 to I14 hours. Honey makes it gold-
3 inches in diameter, and bake in skillet over en; molasses, dark.Mrs. F . E. Shimer.
fire. It is best not to
grease pan, but bake Homemade
slowly until browned, Breakfast Food
and then turn over 314 c u p s whole-
with spatula or pan- wheat flour, 1 cup
cake t u r n e r . About brown sugar, 1 tea-
five minutes for each spoon salt, 1 teaspoon
side of a p a n f u l is soda, 2 cups butter-
about right. They will milk or s o u r m i l k .
rise while b a k i n g , Bake in m o d e r a t e
oven. Cool. C u t in
making them j u s t strips and dry for a
right to split and eat short time in oven.
with butter or honey. Grind through food
May be eaten hot or c h o p p e r . D r y arid
cold. Baking without crisp in oven. This us-
grease makes them ually takes four hours.
better to digest. Will I t is e v e n b e t t e r
keep a few days. if raw sugar is used.
Mrs. F . E. Shinier, Needs only milk or
California. cream to be ready to
eat.Mrs. John Hill.
Wheat as a
Breakfast Food On Mushrooms
In an o r d i n a r y An e x p e r t on
thermos flask put half mushrooms says that
a cup of wheat grain. if you have any doubt
Pour in a small quan- about your cookery's
tity of hot water; wait Banana plant growing in front of a home including some one of
a few minutes, shake on Temple street, Los Angeles, California the eighty poisonous
the flask gently and v a r i e t i e s , p u t some
pour off the water This serves the double solid silver article into the cooking receptacle.
purpose of cleansing the wheat and warming If the silver stays bright, then the mushrooms
the interior of the flask. As soon as this is are entirely safe; but if it tarnishes the least
done, fill the flask with boiling water and bit, then throw the whole potful out.
stopper it. If this is done just before going Coffee at Two Cents a Pound
to bed, the wheat will be ready to eat in the Pour wheat, peas or barley into a baking
morning. If done properly the grains will be pan, to the depth of half an inch or less. Place
burst open and will have so swollen as to fill this in a hot oven, and when it starts brown-
the flask. The wheat will be still hot, and one ing stir occasionally, so that all the kernels
has only to add sugar and milk to make a tasty will roast uniformly. When all appear roasted
breakfast. For simplicity, economy and nour- to a coffee brown, remove from the oven and
ishment, this preparation is hard to beat. run the kernels through a coffee grinder.
"qjublished by request. Harvey Johnson, Washington.
MARCH 8, 1939
Natural Phenomena
Studying Jupiter's Volcanoes Good Name for New Geyser
Astronomers at Griffith observa- A good name for the new mud-slinging
tory, Los Angeles, on the night of gejrser in the Yellowstone National Park, it
October 12, had an interesting ex- seems, would be "The Felix Windle". In the
perience studying the effects of a single season of 1938 this geyser carved out
huge volcano on the planet Jupiter. a hole 15 feet in diameter and 30 feet deep.
It was in the form of a huge cloud, black as Like "Father" Felix and Mr. Windle, it throws
night, which hung over a considerable portion mud forty feet into the air; but not at Judge
of the planet. There was some discussion among Rutherford. The Yellowstone curiosity deco-
the astronomers as to whether it might be the rated treetops that far above terra firma.
shadow of one of Jupiter's moons; but this
was dismissed. It was manifestly a huge storm, Strides 200 Feet A p a r t
and the explanation that it was the dust of a
tremendous volcanic explosion seems most rea- The strides of lightning average to be about
sonable. 200 feet apart, and careful studies of many
photographs establish that the path from
Man and the Rat heaven to earth is usually opened up by a
Popular Science Monthly claims that the preliminary flash from earth to heaven. Or,
rat population of the United States equals in any event, the flash en route from heaven
the human population and that the annual to earth is met part way.
loss from their depredations is over $1,000,-
000,000, or four times the nation's annual fire Coronado and the Buffalo
loss. Rats have been known to cause the death First mention of the buffalo is made by
of elephants by eating their hoofs, and at least Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, Spanish ex-
one miner was killed and eaten by them. Twice plorer. Traveling from the Rio Grande east-
a year every vessel is freed of rats by the use ward he and his men came upon the strange
of poison gas. Under ideal conditions, the prog- animals now known as buffalo, but which he
geny of a single pair of rats would reach the described as "a new kind of oxen, wild and
staggering total of 350,000,000 in three years; fierce, whereof, the first day, they killed four-
but man and other animals interfere. score, which sufficed the army with flesh"
IN THE last few weeks Europe has and Jehovah's name vindicated.John Cooke,
been swept by a storm, politically France.
speaking, which was undoubtedly
the greatest crisis since the Great Prospective Butchery of All French
War; so I thought you would be Not until the Germans realize that
interested to receive a few observations from they must engage in an actual and
a pioneer in France. The people in this coun- jfinal conflict with France with the
try were certainly badly frightened; in some most comprehensive intentions, will
parts it was like a return of the war days, it be possible to bring the fruitless
with soldiers thronging the railway stations, struggle to a conclusion; that is, if Germany
while, particularly in eastern France, near the really sees in the extermination of France a
German frontier, the roads were busy with means of providing her people with the neces-
military lorries transporting troops and sup- sary room for expansion. There are 80 million
plies toward the frontier, while civilian cars Germans in Europe today. Our policy will be
retreated in the opposite direction, loaded with recognized as the correct one, when, in less
people and household goods. than one hundred years from now, the conti-
The "big four" who met at Munich received nent of Europe is inhabited by 250 million
a lot of praise and "back-patting" as a re- Germans.
sult of this meeting. To me it seemed like a We want arms again. Yes, to arouse this
lot of bluff; they make it seem as if war were cry in the German people the Treaty of Ver-
inevitable, strike panic into the hearts of the sailles can be used. In the boundlessness of
poor, ignorant people, calmly hand over a its suppression, in the shamelessness of its
chunk of someone else's country to the robber- demands . . . lies the greatest propagandist
in-chief, and then all four stick out the chest weapon for the resurrection of the slumbering
and say, "We've saved the peace." As we know, animal spirits of a nation. To be sure, from the
they have only to go on 'saving the peace' like child's primer to the last newspaper, every
that a little longer and 'sudden destruction theater, every cinema, every kiosk, and every
shall come upon them'. free hoarding, has to be put in the service of
And now there are signs that the Munich this single great vision, till the smallest boy is
quartet is going to strike while the iron is hot. repeating the glowing prayer: "Almighty God,
In France, Premier Daladier, in his speech some day bless our arms. Be as just as you
to the Chambre des Communes, said, "All always were. Judge whether we deserve free-
French people who desire the safety of France dom now. Lord, bless our fight."Adolf Hit-
must now consider themselves in a state of ler, in Mein Kamjyf.
permanent mobilization for the service of peace Frenchmen are not human creatures and
and the country." He also gives a warning must under no circumstances be dealt with
that "everything that arouses hatred, every- as such. If a German nevertheless lowers him-
thing that causes divisions among the French self to treat a Frenchman humanly, he is
people, can now only be considered as treach- doing so only in order not to come down to
ery". the level of the French.-P/orzJtcwner Anzeiger,
There is a brief notice in the French press No. 224, year 1933.
to the effect that Viscount Buchmaster intro-
duced a motion to the House of Lords in Eng- Exchange of Spies
land, saying, "In the light of recent events Four German spies, convicted in France,
this House is of the opinion that a sort of were exchanged for four French spies, con-
military service would be serving the best in- victed in Germany. The exchange took place
terests of the country." at Apach, a little village on the French side
II ere are two signs that what Judge Ruth- of the line, immediately opposite the German
erford said at that marvelous London con- village of Perl. The exchange took place at
V n on aD0Ut
fn totalitarianism's seizing control night, and none of the public were permitted
of Europe is already developing. All the bet- to witness it. None of the spies on either side
^ the sooner the two opposing sides are in were handcuffed, but each was guarded by a
position, the sooner Armageddon will be over plain-clothes man.
MARCH S, 1939
Wild Geese at J a m e s Bay him so savagely that it took three men to club
You have noticed that Hudson bay. is, him off, and a blood transfusion was neces-
roughly, of the shape of a huge funnel, ter- sary to save the child's life. This is a second
minating in another great body of water, case of this kind in recent years. The Watch-
James bay, at its southern end. This, in turn, tower proves that imprisonment of wild ani-
is only a few hundred miles from Winnipeg mals is unscriptural. The bear was not him-
on its west and Montreal on the south. Down self. If free to roam he would probably never
through this great have a t t a c k e d the
funnel, every fall, fly child. The bear was
thirty percent of all killed.
the wild geese hatched
in the Arctic. In the Gregariousness
f a l l of 1 9 3 8 , f o r of Reindeer
some unknown reason, Reindeer travel in
there were almost no herds, and the herd
y o u n g geese in t h e instinct is so strong
g r e a t flock f l y i n g that it is impossible
south. The reason why
the wild geese breed to s e g r e g a t e fewer
in the Arctic is that than about 800. Such
they can be free from a segregation is now
molestation by their being made from the
cruel enemy, man. great herd of 5,000
Canadian reindeer
(descendants of the
Canadian herd bought in Alaska
Drinking Water eight years ago), and
Probably no coun- the smaller herd will
try on earth has more be put in care of four
or better streams of Eskimo families, to
pure water than has ascertain if the 2,500
Canada, yet last year Eskimo of the "West-
t h e r e were d u m p e d ern A r c t i c can be
into the water which made self-supporting
Canadians d r a n k
4,705 tons of alum, and independent, like
624 tons of chlorine, the Lapps.
610 tons of lime, 800
tons of salt, 202 tons Iron Ore
of soda ash, 100 tons in Labrador
of sulphur dioxide, 13 Looking for a. handout. Met in Glacier National
Park by Charles Ingraham, Montana, en route Canada is heart-
t o n s of c h l o r i d e of home from Calgary convention ened by the fact that
lime, 24 tons of acti- vast deposits of iron
vated carbon, 37 tons of ammonium sulphate, ore have been found in Labrador, and one
and 3 tons of anhydrous ammonia. Still, if the of the three deposits is of high-grade ore. In
Canadians want their drinking water seasoned, the commercial life of today iron is of utmost
peppered and salted with all known and un- importance, and steps are already being taken
known chemical combinations, whose business to develop the Labrador fields.
is it?
Possible Highway to Alaska
Keep Children Away from Bears Serious consideration is being given to a
At Larder Lake, Ontario, the parents of highway from the United States to Alaska,
a two-year-old child allowed him to offer a running through British Columbia and the
piece of bread to a chained bear. The bear Yukon. If built it is expected to cost about
reached out, knocked the child down and bit $13,000,000.
Fascism in America
America Already Betrayed could do to prevent interference with free
The outbreak of war will mean the speech in Jersey City, Roosevelt said it was
immediate, inescapable imposition a matter for local police. Asked if there were
of a Fascist dictatorship in the anything he could do as head of the Demo-
United States. cratic party toward ousting Hague as vice-
The national defense act itself, chairman of the national committee, the pres-
already enacted into law, provides for the ident referred correspondents to the nation-
destruction of many of our most cherished al Democratic chairman, Postmaster General
liberties. It authorizes the government to reg- James A. Farley.Cleveland Plain Dealer.
ulate production in all
factories in the utmost President's
detail, and even per- Armored Car
mits the government The p r e s i d e n t ' s
to take over and ad- armored car is bullet-
minister t h e m . T h i s proof, has a space in
and bills ready for in- the r e a r where t h e
stant enactment pro- president may recline
vide also for conscrip- out of range of bul-
tion and manpower, lets, carries tear gas
not merely the youths and firearms, has rein-
who are to fight, but forced running boards
every a b l e - b o d i e d for the secret service
adult. men to stand upon,
When the war de- and its speed can be
partment's plans for stepped up to 95 miles
mobilization are an- an hour.
alyzed, it is evident Strange Language
that our constitution- General Hugh S.
al liberties will termi- Johnson quotes Presi-
n a t e immediately dent Roosevelt as hav-
when we engage in ing said to him some
war. Prices will be years ago:
fixed by government;
Business has bucked
factories will produce me and when industry
at the government's wants to play with me
command; every per- Will Madame have a facial again it will be on its
son over 16 will be to match her fancy bracelets T hands and knees.
obliged to fight or work at the task assigned If he made any such statement, it is surely
to him. strange language for a president to use. At
Workers will lose the right to strike; food the same time the average citizen can but get
will be rationed; wages will be fixed by de- a kick out of Roosevelt's speech over the radio
cree, and businesses will be licensed; and in- wherein he said:
comes will be taxable up to 93 percent, profits Do not let any calamity-howling executive with
to 100 percent. In short, the plans are ready an income of $1,000 a day, who has been turning
for what Mussolini has called totalitarian war. in orderemployees over to the government relief rolls
to preserve his company's undistributed
What this means for the average citizen is reserves, tell youusing his stockholders' money
clear enoughif he has any imagination at to pay the postage for his personal opinionsthat
fill- It means the sudden appearance of most a wage of $11 a week is going to have a disastrous
of the evils of Fascist dictatorship as it has effect on all American industry.
evolved in Europe.Cincinnati Enquirer. Thus, according to popular belief, the pres-
ident spanked publicly Alfred P. Sloan, chair-
man of General Motors, whose wages of $651,-
Roosevelt's Approval of Fascism 311 a year seem to have affected him with what
Asked if there were anything the president might be called crystallization of the heart.
MARCH S, 1939
The Germ Theory of Disease
WHEN the Germ theorist asserts attending physician sees the case, and the
that pneumonia, tuberculosis, diph- latter is not called until after the disease
theria, typhoid fever and menin- shows itself, when it is usually too late to make
^ gitis are caused by germs, and the a fair test: but a long, careful study of early
Biochemic theorist declares that cases, especially in pneumonia, typhoid, and
germs have nothing to do with the causation diphtheria, where the appearance of the germs
of the above-named diseases, then it is time is often delayed, showed that the germ fol-
for citizens to examine the foundation of each lowed the onset of disease, and consequently
theory, and support the one which appeals could not be the cause of it. My own observa-
more strongly to their hard, common sense. tions covered a period of over three years.
The study and classification of germs be- Many other careful observers have investi-
long to the science of bacteriology, and as gated this point, and today there is a mass
this science was placed on a practical basis of evidence that cannot be broken down that
only about the year 1880, it is in age only the germs are the product and not the cause
an infant, with an infant's vagaries and illu- of disease.
sions. Analytical chemistry is a more exact As the Germ theorists strongly opposed this
science than .bacteriology; its history extends pivotal pointclaiming that the germs were
over centuries. present but undiscoveredtheir argument was
The two main points upon which the germ met by destroying all uncertainty and dealing
theory is founded are: (1) the presence of with solid facts they could not deny.
different germs with different diseases; (2) Bearing in mind that germs are the prod-
that disease follows the hypodermic injection ucts of disease, and thus harmless, the Bio-
of germs beneath the skin of small animals. cliernic theorists carried out the following ex-
(Some tests have been made on humans, but periments :
the result was not conclusive.) Typhoid Germs. In testing typhoid germs,
If you ask when germs first appear no an- forty-five experiments were made in which
swer is given. water, milk, bread, cheese, meat, fish, potatoes,
If you ask the Germ theorist to point out headcheese, butter, porridge, etc., were infected
the relation between injecting germs into small with millions of fresh, vigorous typhoid germs;
animals and giving humans the same germs this food containing the germs was used in the
in food or drink, they have to admit that these ordinary way; and, as the Biochemics expect-
are two distinct procedures with practically ed, there was not a single instance of any sign
no relationship. of typhoid. Here we have forty-five facts
If you ask why thousands of men carry not assumptionsto build on.
germs without injury to themselves the replies Pneumonia Germs. In this series of nine-
vary, but all are unsatisfactory. teen experiments, milk, water and food were
If you examine the standard works on bac- infected with millions of pneumonia germs,
teriology you find no positive proofs given, and although no precautions were taken to
that germs, if taken in food or drink, are prevent the disease, no sign of the disease
harmful. developed.
If you point out the cruelties inflicted upon Diphtheria Germs. A total of forty experi-
dumb animals during their experiments the ments were made with germs of diphtheria,
reply is that the end justifies the means. in which not only were they taken in water,
The assumptions that because germs are milk, bread, porridge, potatoes, cheese, butter,
found with disease they are the cause of it, etc., but other millions of germs were swabbed
and that if injected germs will cause disease, in the nose and throat, and every facility given
inhaled or ingested germs will do the same, them to develop, but in spite of all efforts they
is surely a ''foundation of sand". refused to develop, although they would grow
The first point for the Biochemic theorists rapidly on nutrient agar. These tests were
to decide was whether the germs appeared made scientifically, and part of the germs were
before or after the onset of the disease. This grown from stock tubes furnished by one Of
was a rather difficult task, as our professional the best known laboratories in North America.
bacteriologists are not called until after the These are facts, not opinions.
Tuberculosis Germs. In this series of tests (bleaching powder) into drinking water; from
nineteen experiments were made; special at- the Biochemic theorist viewpoint that act is
tention was paid to thoroughly infecting milk, maniacal.
water, bread, meat, potatoes, etc., with mil- From the Germ theorist viewpoint it is
lions of germs, fresh and vigorous, but in spite reasonable to forbid milkmen to sell or de-
of every effort to get them to develop they liver natural milk; from the Biochemic theorist
were positively inert The germs used were viewpoint that act is criminal.
human (not bovine) tubercle bacilli germs. From the Germ theorist viewpoint it is ad-
Meningitis Germs. As these are the dreaded visable to quarantine citizens if found carry-
germs supposed by some to cause infantile ing certain germs; from the Biochemic theorist
paralysis, and believed to germinate in the viewpoint it is an unwarranted robbery of our
nasal mucous membrane, special pains were citizens' liberty.
taken to infect the nostrils and throat with Many believe that chlorination protects from
fresh colonics of germs; they were swept over typhoid; but the facts that Toronto, with
the turbinated bones, pushed into sinuses, chlorinated water, has an average death rate
swabbed over the floor of the nostrils, rubbed from typhoid twice that of London, England,
on the tonsils, placed beneath the tongue, taken with natural water, and that in 1916 we had
in milk, water or food; but in spite of coax- three times as many deaths from typhoid as
ing, coddling and urging, they refused to pro- in 1915, show their mistake.
duce a solitary sign of meningitis in the eleven Again, while chlorination does not save us
tests made. from typhoid, being an irritant to the mucous
Ten experiments were made with mixed membrane, it favors nephritis and Bright's
germs, viz., typhoid and pneumonia, typhoid disease. Toronto's record is suggestive: In
and tuberculosis, diphtheria and meningitis, 1912 Toronto lost 164 citizens from nephritis
typhoid and meningitis, diphtheria and pneu- (inflammation of kidneys) and Bright's dis-
monia, etc., but all failed to produce any effect. ease; during 1913-1914 the deaths increased,
and in 1915 Toronto lost 218 persons from
Chemical Causes of Disease these diseases an increase of over thirty
The experience of ages has shown that many
diseases have a chemical (not bacterial) ori- Many citizens believe that half-cooked, pas-
gin; as example, tainted fish, meat or oysters teurized milk is safe, but the facts that Toron-
contain a chemical poison that will cause ty- to's infantile death rate is twenty-nine percent
phoid; the inhalation of chlorine or bromine higher than in London, England, and twice as
gas will cause bronchitis and pneumoniathe great as in rural Ontario (both of the latter
latter "may also be caused by the chemical ef- using natural milk) ; that the death rate in
fect of exposure to cold; sunstroke, by the Toronto Sick Children's Hospital, in the In-
chemical effect of heat; lead poisoning, by fant's Home on St. Mary street, and in the
working in lead; stone-cutters or miners phthi- R. C. Infant's Home on Power street, increased
sis, by the inhalation of coal or mineral par- when they stopped using natural milk, all show
ticles; Rhus poisoning, by coming in contact clearly that the insane desire to tamper with
with poison ivy ; cirrhosis of the liver, through normal milk has cost Toronto many infantile
abuse of alcoholic liquors; colic, from eating lives.
green apples or unsuitable food; in fact, it is Again, when citizens of whatever country
the violation of chemical laws that causes most realize that they may be quarantined simply
of our intestinal diseases. because they unknowingly carry some harm-
less germs, and thousands do so, it is time for
Summary of Facts them to organize and fight for their personal
rights. It is a battle between principles; a
1. That germs follow the onset of disease. fight between later scientific facts and past
2. That many diseases have a chemical theories; a question that must be fought out.
origin. The Biochemic theory appeals to humane
3. That germs may be inhaled or ingested persons; for, where thousands of small ani-
without harm. mals have suffered death through Germ theo-
Truly a rock foundation. rists' experiments, the experiments here men-
Prom the Germ theorist viewpoint it is per- tioned cost neither life nor health to man or
missible to dump barrels of an irritant poison animal. . . . John B. Fraser, M.D., C.M.
" A R C H 8. 1939
These are giving the witness of His Word,
instructed thereby, to the fact that His day
British Comment is come and that He has set His King upon
His hill of Zion. The failure of religionists
to declare the things of the Scriptures which
By J. Bemery (London) God caused to be recorded for this very time,
and their openly declared rejection of those
prophecies as the Word of God, has brought
their rejection by Him. Like the scribes and
Political Situation Pharisees of Jesus' day they have had the key
How soon a "depression" will come, with of knowledge, but have both refused to enter
the consequent storms, no one knows. Prob- in and kept out those who sought to enter.
ably the Rome talks between the British pre- (See Matthew 23:13 ; Luke 11: 52.) Jehovah's
mier and II Duce have started something. Mr. witnesses know that in this day of judgment
Chamberlain is acting the part of a democratic all the forces of evil are to be destroyed
dictator, so much as his position in the govern- whether they be religious, financial or polit-
ment allows him to do. At present there is ical, and that with the destruction of these
nothings in sight to threaten his leadership, evils there is also that of the invisible forces
and as he undoubtedly believes he has a mis- which under the leadership of the Devil have
sion to save the peace he is likely to take a deceived mankind in all things concerning
place as a dictator. God and His holy Scriptures.
There are many in the Conservative party,
to which the premier owes allegiance, who have Employment
a leaning towards the Fascist form of dictator- "It is an ill wind that blows no one any
ship: they believe that this promises them a good," says the proverb. A special correspond-
safeguard against the encroachments of the ent of the News Chronicle who has made a
working classes, as they choose to call the tour of the shipyards and the near-by cities
manual workers. Liberalism as a political force and towns makes the remark that but for
is almost nonexistent, and the Labor party is Hitler and Mussolini the workers in the ship-
not sufficiently numerous at the polls nor suf- yards would be in a sorry state. No doubt his
ficiently united in itself to dislodge the pres- remark is true to fact; for there is no in-
ent government, nor to take control even if it crease in general trade, and already ships
won a general election. have difficulty in getting paying cargoes. The
That there is in the country a majority of rearmament plans, which are costing the coun-
those who are of the Left in politics is fairly try more than one million pounds sterling a
certain, and if united they could turn out the day, are keeping the shipyards busy, and that
present national government, but which is, in means work is spread through the country in
practice, controlled by the Conservative party; the various forges and industries whose work
but the variety of opinions and the many in- must go to the building of the war ships. In
terests which are to be served would prevent the meantime the communities connected with
them from forming a government satisfactory the shipbuilding industry are fairly prosper-
to the people. In the present unrest there is ous: there is money to spend, and the shops
little doubt, were an election to come, that are busy. Construction of vessels for the carry-
the present form of government would be re- ing-trade services and for transport is poor,
tained, chiefly because of the necessity of keep- as are also the prospects. Some ships for Brit-
ing up with the threatening totalitarian powers ish owners are, in fact, being built in Conti-
in Europe. There are many who believe that nental shipyards, partly because of lower costs,
Chamberlain is no match for the astute and
purposeful dictators, and who fear that his but also, it is said, because this is a way of
policy of appeasement will bring disaster to getting interest on foreign loans which might
Britain and the Empire. otherwise not be got. The exporting of coals
from Newcastle is proverbial knowledge: coal
All these things are watched by Jehovah's is never taken to Newcastle; but the quantity
witnesses with the interest of those who know of its export tonnage is much less than in
that in them all the purposes of Jehovah are pre-war days. In the year 1913 the tonnage
being brought to a conclusion, to the honor of coal from the Tyne was over 21,000,000
and vindication of His great and holy name.
tons, whereas in 1037 the amount was only a tion as the archbishop began the "worship".
little over 13,000,000 tons. Tie c.illed out his piece, and was hustled out
By some Parliament is considered to be of the church. These Kensitites, with their
very lax and slow in action in its attempts Wyeliffe preachers, know the false claims of
to relieve districts where unemployment, both the Papacy and the danger there is to the
of skilled and of unskilled, is prevalent. There liberties of the people, but beyond publishing
are many obstructive interests in the way; books and pamphlets against Roman claims
but the rearmament schemes and works are and efforts to keep the English church free
perforce doing something which brings relief, from its practices they do not go, and they
a costly method and necessarily temporary in have the usual antipathy of all other religion-
character. Social services have to be curtailed, ists to the witness of the Truth. Despite the
and schemes for general improvement shelved, activities of all the religionists, there is no
while this special work is on. The big land- question that Britain is becoming pagan: it
owners, and big business, lack either inclina- is said that in England not more than 20 per-
tion or time to give attention to the general cent of the population pay even lip service to
welfare of the country and its people. There organized religion.
would be a great outcry if a strong govern-
ment in peacetime should set about great "Folden Together as Thorns"
works of permanent benefit to the country, The clergy and the preachers have to get
such as making arterial roads for the great themselves into the news. They have tried to
increase of road traffic, improving the present make the people believe they hold a commis-
roads, making new docks, settling waste lands, sion to establish the kingdom of heaven in
afforestation; but now they must spend the the earth ; and though they have accomplished
money for guns and ammunition, for aero- so little, they must show they are thinking
planes, and an increased army and navy, and about the terrible condition into which the
for hosts of officials. The income tax report world is falling. So whenever a chance comes
at the end of the vear 1938 showed that they hold a conference and get the newspapers
242,000,000 had to be collected during the to publish a statement. The bitter treatment
following three months if a deficit in the of the Jews in Europe gave them such a
year's balance sheet is not to be shown. chance, and the Church of England, Non-
conformists and Roman Catholics joined in
Adoration of the Crib telling how united they are. Then the arch-
9 bishop of Canterbury called a conference of
Guided by the Scriptures through The Protestant parsons, and these unitedly tell
Watchtower Jehovah's witnesses have for some all who will listen how shocked they are at
years past refused to take any part in the the conduct of some (unnamed) harsh rulers.
religious practices of "Christmas", whether Probably these men were stimulated to this
those of organized religion or of the old meeting and pronouncement by the pope's
pagan practices. Everyone knows that the many recent broadcasts. Ignoring the Scrip-
Roman Catholic worship of the "crib" and tures and the great prophecies these men
the high mass on the eve of "Christmas" are reveal that they still cling to their hope in
the high spot of that church's year. The Ro- a League of Nations. They say they are greatly
man Catholic must attend mass three times a concerned about the growing paganism of Ger-
year, on Christmas, Easter and Pentecost, if many, and because of the open declaration that
he would retain the benefits of his church. God must be worshiped through Nazi acknowl-
The so-called "Protestant" sects content them- edgment. They decry the action of any state
selves with making the day like a Sunday, which sets itself up as God's representative.
but tins past Christmas the Church of Eng- These clergy know very well that the Roman
land, seeing the pulling power of the 'adora- church is a political organization, and that
tion of the crib', thought to try to help their its pope is the head of a state; but they are
call to religion by it. The archbishop of Can- no longer protestants, and are well pleased
terbury had one fixed in his cathedral. This, to hide the truth from themselves as well as
to the Kensitites [followers of John Kensit], try to keep it from the people. In his speeches
stalwarts against the practices of Rome in the and writings Judge Rutherford has made all
Church of England, was as a red rag to a bull. this clearly to be seen that the people may
They sent a man down to shout out an objec- know the truth, and thousands are learning
MARCH 8. 1939
that religion and all its professions are de- pocket he asked the parson to read it. The
ceptions which must be shunned if light and parson looked at it and in it, and handed it
understanding of the purpose of God is to back; then he reached for his small luggage
be gained, and if one would be saved from and got out of the compartment, seeking an
destruction in the trouble only a little way easier place. In the compartment were two
ahead. Salvation Army officers. The friend asked
Almost up to the year of the Great War them if they were still preaching the old "hell-
the Church of England rested itself in pro- fire" gospel. "Oh," said they, "we dropped
viding opportunities for its worship; it built that twenty years ago." Then, in response,
a church in each parish and found a parson. " I suppose you are now telling the people
The Nonconformists were more aggressive, but you made a mistake and are doing something
they had dropped into comparative case. The to try to correct what you wrongly taught,
social evils, mainly the result of a hard indus- and do not now believeor you do not dare
trial system, and the agitation of the leaders to preach it." No, they were not. He added,
of Labor got some of the parsons on the move. "But what of the blasphemy on the name of
But the Great War had an eruptive effect on God? How do you stand before Him, if you
organized religion, and since then they have have preached so terrible a thing in His name,
found that their professions count for little and know it is not true? Ought you not for
and their creeds and dogmas for less. If they His name's sake tell the people where you
are not to go out of sight altogether they stand in this?" These also found the com-
must show they are alive to world conditions partment uncomfortable, and left it to find
and are not merely local units trying to keep a cooler place.
alive a dying cause. While the so-called "Prot-
estants" hold conferences the Roman Cath- They Think Their Houses Shall Endure
olics have got Catholic Action into activity, So said the psalmist long ago when speak-
and the other religionists have to admit that ing of those who are wise according to the
the Roman Church is the most alive of any. wisdom of men, and of fools and brutish per-
It appeals that the Hierarchy in Rome is keep- sons. Of them he said, "Their inward thought
ing off the League of Nations idea: the League is that their houses shall continue for ever,
of Nations Union in Britain is almost wholly and their dwellingplaces to all generations;
Protestant or non-Roman Catholic, and that they call their lands after their own names."
does not suit Rome, playing its game to be Psalm 49:10,11.
on the top when the crisis in religion shows up.
Hitler says he has settled Germany for a
thousand years. He got very angry when the
A Witnessing Incident British premier said of the recent happenings
One of Jehovah's witnesses tells of his at- in Europe that they brought forth govern-
tempts at conversation with some of his fel- ments which had their day and passed away.
low train travelers. Opposite to him in a The Church of England cathedral which is
compartment was a dean or bishop of the being erected in Liverpool is having a peal
Church of England, designated as such by of bells cast which are to ring for 500 years
his hat strings and gaiters. To get a chance so its principal men say.
of a witness he quite innocently asked the The Roman Catholics in Liverpool go one
"reverend" why there should be 200 varied better: their book of remembrance in which
religions in this country, and how they all the names of donors of 1 are entered is to
stand in relation to Godwere all acceptable be in the cathedral for all time. The cathe-
to Him. "Well," said the gentleman, "except drals will go into disuse ere long; but the
for the church of Rome, which stands apart, bad records of some men will be remembered
there is great tolerance"; and, "Really, does in the judgment a thousand years hence.
it matter very much what one believes, what
dogmas he accepts or refuses, if he is a mem- For Better or Worse
ber of a church?" "But," said the friend, "if A solicitor asked a woman at Tottenham
God has given the Scriptures for the instruc- police court: "Do you wish to withdraw the
tion of those who are acceptable to Him, such allegation you made against your husband?"
differences prove there is something seriously "Yes," she replied; "I've thought of a worse
wrong." Taking a Warning booklet from his one."
The Queen Elizabeth of the United States, and finally disappeared,
+ The Queen Elizabeth, building at Clyde- in 1890, probably killed in a wreck. The best
bank, Scotland, is the largest commercial ship thing to do with the Brooklyn boy was done;
in the world. It is 1,030 feet in length, 118 i. e., get him a good job on an ocean liner
feet beam, and measures 120 feet in depth and let him stay there. It was his wish.
from the lounge structure to the keel. The
tonnage, 85,000, is about 1,500 over that of Ocean Liners Silent
the Normandie. Experience has shown that O Ocean liners are silent when passing Perce,
these very large and very fast ships are the near the tip of Gaspe" peninsula, Quebec. The
most economical for their owners. Two ships reason is that this has become a bird sanctu-
like the Queen Mary and the Queen Eliza- ary and if the ocean liners blow their whistles
beth, each crossing the ocean in four days, the birds on the top of Perce Rock become
and between them providing a service each frightened and, in their haste to seek safety,
way every week, are less expensive to operate upset hundreds of their eggs or young into
than smaller and slower boats, which would the sea. It is rather a nice thing to know that
require three vessels to do the work of these men are heeding the needs of these little feath-
two mistresses of the deep. ered folks.
BY J U D G E R U T H E R F O R D ?
F A C E T H E F A C T S [Records P-155 to P-166]
FILL THE E A R T H [Records P-167 to P-178]
FASCISM OR F R E E D O M [Records P-179 to P-190]
E ACH lecture covers six double-face discs, and will be supplied at a cost of
$3.50 for each set of six discs to anyone who desires to use them in spread-
ing the truth among his neighbors and friends, or all three lectures [18 discs]
for $10.50. Since these records were released many thousands of sets have been
put in use throughout the United States, Canada, England, Australia and other
countries. Help advertise the Kingdom, which is man's only hope!
Name Street
City State
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. V* .
: :
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tjma ^ > : ... ' " ----- \r't\ -\ . -
Ap Fresh milkand-how
R l L 19, 1939
tached to poles held by four lackies walking time all went well, but after a while it was
at his side; then come other priests with se- noticed that, although the pitcher came in
date faces, followed by the brass band playing brimming over with foam, after a few min-
an anthem in a subdued and measured tone; utes the foam was gone and about half a glass
next come two files of men dressed in purple of milk was lacking. Upon close observation
mother-hubbards, carrying lighted candles in it was noted that the goat girl held the pitcher
their hands; then in the rear the people fol- at some distance from the goat's bag, thus
low in a solid mass, all trying to keep as near giving much foam and less milk. When this
as possible to the main actor in the show. had continued for a time, it was called to her
The procession follows a certain route attention that the milk supply was short and
around the church square or through the that there was too much foam. With a serious
streets of the town, all looking as grave as countenance she said: "Ah! that is because
possible. Then as the parade returns and the the black goat is not being milked now. She
images begin entering the church door, the doesn't give so much foam. Please excuse."
bells start ringing, dozens of sky-rockets shoot Maud R. Yuille, Brazil.
up, each one carrying three bombs which ex-
plode high in the air, and at short intervals "Yea, They May Forget, Yet Will Not P
larger bombs fixed to a frame in front of the When they, rebuild the wrecked cities of
church fall as the fire releases them and burst southern Chile there will doubtless be, in
with a loud report equal to a cannon. As the Chilian, a statue of Guillermo Diaz. This 15-
people enter the door each one makes the sign year-old boy was night watchman at the elec-
of the cross. On the last day of the festa an tric power station, and at the first shock he
auction is held, at which most of the presents ran outdoorsas any sensible person would
offered to the "saint" are sold to the highest and reached safety in an open plaza.
bidder. This is a great source of revenue for And then he perceived that the shocks were
the "church". continuing; he reflected that in every house
It is strange to see the variety of articles in Chilian there would be broken wires, and
that are offered: from a yoke of oxen down that if there were still electric current in those
to cakes, bordered cushions and towels, etc. wires every home was likely to become an oven
At one of these heathen feasts held yearly it for its inhabitants. So he went back.
was estimated that about 5,000 oxcarts were Walls were falling all around him; but he
seen at a place called "Agua Suja", that is, got in. He turned off the currentand then
Dirty Water; quite appropriate when consid- the power station crashed in ruins and they
ering the number of dirty lies taught by the found his body the next day, with his hands
crafty Catholic priests.Vergilio Ferguson, still on the switches. It would be impertinent
Brazil. to attempt any comment on the fact: he was
safe, but he went back.New York Times.
Milk Problems in Brazil
German Hops for Sao P a u l o
A picturesque feature of Sao Paulo life
is doomed to pass away with the advance of The Antarctica brewery, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
"civilization". Already an ordinance has been received a shipment of "hops" from Germany.
passed forbidding goats as well as cows to be A ease fell over on its side, burst open, and
driven through the streets and milked at the disclosed a machine gun. Other cases were
doors of the houses. The cows have disap- examined with similar result, and now the
peared, but the patrons of goat milk raised Brazilian government is guarding the Antarc-
such a clamor of protest that the ordinance tica brewery with Federal troops.
has not yet been enforced so far as the goats
are concerned. Disclosing the Same Design
Sometimes the gqat herders are as sharp Disclosing the same design as the Pyra-
bargainers as the venders of other wares. In mids of Egypt, the "Temple of the Sun",
a certain home, agreement was made to fur- built at Pachacamac, Peru, by the pre-Incas,
nish a half liter of milk each morning at a was an enormous pyramid, rectangular in
stipulated price per month. A pitcher with a shape, with steps on the outside leading to a
mark indicating y2 liter [about a pint] was platform at the top on which was erected an
taken out every morning to be filled. For a "linage of the Sun".
Hospitality at Lima Welcoming the Prodigal
+ Hospitality at Lima, Peru, was handicapped Germany has been welcoming the prodigal
by the pro-Fascist attitude of the Peruvian home, especially if he had collected a fortune
government. Newspapermen had their desks in the land of his adoption. About 2,000 were
broken into and contents searched by detec- lured back from Brazil, under the impression
tives. They could not go in or out of their that thereafter they would lead lives of case
hotel without running a gauntlet of detectives. and respectability. Not finding everything
Agents provocateurs attempted to involve them rosy, some wished to return to Brazil. They
in local politics. Telephonic communication were allowed to take ten marks (about #2)
was cut by the censor, and finally it was out of the country. One gentleman from Sao
necessary for a correspondent of the New York Paulo got saucy, whereupon his fortune of
Times to go to another country in order to $100,000 was confiscated and he was given
be able to send an uncensored dispatch to his eight months in prison to think it over.
own paper.
Ecuador's Oldest Man
E a r t h ' s Finest Panama Hat
The Office of Identification of the Republic
Earth's finest panama hat weighs only six
ounces, but cost $105, and required the work of Ecuador finds that Garces Castro, Las
of an expert for a total of about 1,000 work- Ramas, high in the Andes, was born in Balzar
ing hours. It is owned by the president of in the year 1808 and is therefore 130 years
Mexico, and was made in Ecuador, whence of age and the oldest man in the republic.
come all the finest hats. He is still in vigorous health.
U. S. Judiciary
Some Juridical Items mer and Schlactka eases (the latter one of
Some juridical items to those that Jehovah's witnesses) unworthy of a judge at
love American institutions are: (1) a kennel show.
Four of the Scottsboro boys have
been freed, despite the lies of the The Appointment of Frankfurter
prosecutrix, Victoria Price, and the The appointment of Felix Frankfurter to
unfairness of the trial judge Callahan. (2) Chi- the United States Supreme Court is generally
cago police preve'n-tcd the showing of films of conceded to have been an excellent one. Born
the Memorial Day massacre, and while in their in Vienna, Professor Frankfurter learned his
care the photographer who attempted to show first English in 1894, at which time he was
them received two broken ribs. (3) At Alcoa, 12 years of age. In eight years he worked his
Tennessee, eight strikers were shot' and an way through the City College of New York.
investigation showed that seven of them were Four years later he graduated from Harvard
shot in the back, Chicago style. (4) I t is now Law School with highest honors. He endeared
illegal in Weehawken, New Jersey, for any- himself to all honest men by opposing the ju-
body to call from house to house. (5) At dicial lynching of the two innocent men Sacco
Tallahassee, Florida, four blocks from the and Vanzetti, and it was he who brought the
capitol two Negroes were taken out of the Mooney case prominently to the front back
county jail without waking the jailer, were in the days of Woodrow Wilson. General Hugh
carried four miles out of town and were shot Johnson described him as "the most influential
to death. It was necessary to open six doors single individual in the United States".
to get at the victims in the jail. (6) No one
has yet been punished for the Tampa flog- Honest Federal Judge Caffey
BUigs and kidnapings, and there is little reason In New York city honest Federal Judge
to expect they ever will. In Florida murder Caffey sent to prison a contractor who paid
s considered merely a harmless pastime. (7) In his workmen on WPA jobs one wage and billed
Chicago Judge Hermes was reprimanded by the government for a larger sum. Looks almost
">* Bar Association for conduct in the Schwim- like the Millennium, doesn't it?
* P R I L 19. 1939
" W is the Watch Tower Society, pub-
lishers of the booklet, written by Judge
"Judge Rutherford! To hell with him!"
"Don't you want the booklet?"
"No! Don't you know Judge Rutherford
is a Communist?"
^No; he is not."
"Yes, he is, and his magazine Consolation
The B a t t l e in Jamaica is Communistic!"
The former mayor of Kingston, who caused "No, it is not; I have read it."
Jehovah's witnesses to be taken into court "So have I ! Judge Rutherford is anti-every-
some time ago, is not re-elected. The new thing. He is at the head of a large group of
mayor gave us the privilege of delivering Communists. I know! We have investigated
lectures in the Race Course for three nights. him in New York."
Over 1,500 persons beard the lectures, and "Who's 'we'?"
much interest was shown. There are 105 phono- Door bangs.Donald Kj or lien, Minnesota.
graphs in use in the work in the island; also
7 portable transcription machines and 2 sound- Brief History of WBBR
cars, and, by God's help, we expect to tan the It was on a Sunday, February 24, 1924,
old woman's [Roman Hierarchy's] hide.-P. H. that WBBR sent its first scheduled radio pro-
Davidson, J a m a i c a . gram to a small but
eager a n d excited
N o t in a m e t r o p o l i t a n radio
Gilded Cage audience. We say "a
In Louisiana, where small audience" be-
police with force and cause in those days
arms p r e v e n t e d the radio was young and
holding of meetings to few were the "bugs"
w o r s h i p God, where that expended time on
Courts take dictation this new contraption
from Catholic priests, that within a decade
and where Jehovah's was to revolutionize
w i t n e s s e s are mali- and so vitally affect
ciously charged with '. - * the e d u c a t i o n a l , so-
distributing F a s c i s t cial, entertainment
Not in a gilded cage yes, even political and
literature, the Catho-
lic H i e r a r c h y still economic structure
manifests an insane desire to establish the of the world. Todayonly fifteen years later
Roman inquisition. The annexed cut shows there are ten million radio sets within the
J . Cudunas and F. Papalexis receiving the hearing of WBBR and few people anymore
involuntary hospitality of the police at Klotz- Would think of getting along without a radio
vilte, Louisiana. The case is, still pending, but in the home. Radio has assumed a dominant
the boys do riot seem to be worried. place in the educational and economic life of
the present generation.
*Who's *We'?" Of all the stations in the world, WBBR
Conversation in ritzy portion of stands unique. All God-fearing and honest
Minneapolis: persons" will admit that the most worth-while
"Have you received your copy in fact, the only really worth-whilecause
iof this vitally important Christian to which any radio station can be devoted
message. Cure? If not, this is your is the honoring of Jehovah God and the un-
copy. The contribution cost is one cent, but, selfish service of man. Present greedy and
in any event, we want you to read it. If not selfish world conditions serve but to empha-
convenient to contribute, please accept it as size this point.. At a time when radio in gen-
a gift from the Lord, and read it; will youf' eral has become a commercial problem-child
"Who's <we'?" and is so generally devoted to honoring men
Jehovah's Kingdom publishers in Rio Grande do Sul, farthest southern Brazil
rather than God, it is like finding a beautiful they might the better serve people of good
flower in a patch of ugly weeds to come across will with information worth more than all
a station that honors the great God of the the silver and gold? What other radio sta-
universe and unselfishly serves the best inter- tion in the world day after day deals out the
ests of its fellow creatures. This the Watch- life-giving truths from God's Word? Surely
tower station has consistently done since its you will agree that WBBR occupies a posi-
inaugural broadcast. tion unique in radio
W B B R has estab- b r o a d c a s t i n g ! And
lished an enviable who is responsible for
reputation for its con- all this? Certainly no
sistently good music, man. The radio be-
but the really distinc- longs" to God, who
tive and most note- created it. It appears
worthy feature of its to be the Lord's good
history is the message pleasure to maintain,
of hope and comfort in a world that so
from the Scriptures, wantonly misuses all
sent daily to a bewil- of His handiwork for
dered and heart-sick selfish gain, one ra-
public, in the Bible dio station which is
lectures of J u d g e truly devoted to His
Rutherford. serviee and immov-
KINGDOM INSTRUC- The whole group at Rjo Grande do Sul ably stands for the
" O N , by this t h e with their little ones honor of His name.
world's foremost Bi Truly then, even as
hie authority, not only is a well-liked feature many of you in your fan mail attest, WBBR
at WBBR, but is, in fact, the very corner- is more, than just "another radio station". It
stone on which the station rests. What other is part of Jehovah's publicity channel, set
radio station in the world is exclusively de- apart from Satan's commercial organization.
voted to informing the people of God's King- God's manifest blessing on WBBR during the
dom as the only hope of the world? How many past fifteen years is the best commentary on
Nations on your dial ignore the commercial the public interest, convenience and necessity
opportunities of radio broadcasting so that so adequately served by this station.
R ' L 19, 1939 13
A Happy Family it strike to the hearts of "dumb dogs" ? These
yswmiisfl.ii^ll i e rc is a good one; too good to thoughts come to mind in our experience with
keep. My husband is the editor of the phonograph. So many homes have cana-
a daily newspaper with a wide cir- ries, but we do not see them as we enter, and
culation. Yet he goes all over the not till Judge Rutherford's voice begins to
city in the witness work and tells resound through the room telling about God's
the people that "among all the newspapers kingdom of peace and righteousness. Then the
and magazines, Consolation is the only one canaries join with J. R. in a duet, almost
bursting their throats with the melodious
strains, and when the record is completed
because it carries no advertising and is not they are silent. Are they, we wonder, sing-
controlled by Big Business". ing for joy, looking forward to the time of
All the late Informants have been strongly which J. R. is speaking: the time of their re-
advocating keeping the sound equipment work- lease, when they shall 'be free to join their
ing. We wonder how many others aTe realiz- feathered friends in the beauteous woodland?
ing the joy we are As, from time to
experiencing in hav- time, the dogs slink
ing Judge Rutherford u n d e r the stove
accompany us nearly to h i d e , g r o w l i n g
every place we go and throughout the phono-
give warning and in- graph talk, we won-
struction to the peo- der, Is this a picture
ple concerning Jeho- of the real dumb dogs
vah's purposes. (Isa. 56:10) who real-
We secure all the ly growl when they
neighborhood t e r - hear the message of
ritory on every side, truth pointing to the
and then wc make a time of their utter
Witnessing in Saskatchewan banishment, their
real call on our neigh- Motorcycle equipped for winter travel
bors. They hear the FINAL EXIT,not un-
message and nearly always get it also in print- der the stove, but into oblivion?Mrs. Ben-
ed form, and they invite us back. When we jamin F . Myers, Pennsylvania.
go back, it is with the phonograph and they P.S. My husband had the "Safety" record
know just what to expect. We never take time on at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McEl-
to visit friends or relatives or attend parties wain in this town. Baby Frances, 18-month-
or other gatherings without the phonograph. old, seemed entranced and stood beside the
If we call on someone in the hospital, we take phonograph, whieh had been placed on a chair,
the phonograph and let all in the ward hear listening in intently all the time. She is not
the message of good cheer. We spend from able to talk much yet, but when the vast audi-
five to ten hours on Sundays working with ence shouted "Aye" the little darling came
the phonograph, and Saturday afternoons and in at the end with her "Aye" so loudly that
nights. We find no better time to work with it almost frightened us all, "A little child
the phonograph than nights; for often all shall lead them." Of course her parents got
the family are home and at leisure and some- the Enemies book.
times guests are being entertained.
Let none think they must have a car to "The Virgins Her Companions"
work thus with a phonograph. We have no The word "companion" is derived from
car, and have walked as far as twelve miles two Latin Cf
words: cum, meaning "with", and
on a Sunday. Each day our joy increases for pants, bread." Literally, therefore, the word
the manifold privileges and blessings Jehovah means 'one who shares bread with another'.
bestows upon us, and, by His grace, we shall How fitting that the people of good will who
never falter or slack our hands in this grand should be styled in theon
now take their stand the side of Jehovah
Scriptures companions
and glorious work. of the bride of Christ! (Psalm 45:14)-James
What charm does Judge Rutherford's voice A. Williams, Lithuania.
hold for little canaries? and what terror does [To be continued)
The Keystone State
f U L 19. 1939 31
A year's subscription for
the bound book ENEMIES
and the booklets
All for $1.00
($1.50 outside of U. S. A.)
These publications, dealing with world con-
ditions in the light of fulfilled Bible propbecy,
contain information which you need. Many
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THE WATCHTOWER is a 16-page journal
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ENEMIES is a 384-page book, clothbound, writ-
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of religion and explains the true worship of God.
F A C E T H E F A C T S contains two thrilling
speeches by Judge Rutherford, originally broad-
cast world-wide by radio.
FASCISM OR FREEDOM shows how the Fas-
cist-Hierarchy combine is seeking by underhanded
methods to gain control of America.
Name , ..
t- XX No. 516 Five Cents a Copy
June 28, 1939 One Dollar a Year
A L L T H E W O R L D W O N D E R I N G (2)
Polished Every
t ^ r Wednesday
I N T O L E R A N C E IN S O U T H AFRICA *Ffre'nflnT0UdnU,d
Contents Appetizers
Fascism in Britain 3
England Aflame with Catholic Anarchy 4
Violence at Glasgow 5
Motives of the Hierarchy 7
Franco the Butcher 8
Why Assault Jehovah's witnesses? 9
Other British Items 11
Trinidad Tears Up the Magna Charta 12
The New Government 13
The Deflation of Justice Hart 13
Texas Boy with a Conscience 14
Tribute from an Honest Heart 15
British Comment 16
Counsel by" J . F . Rutherford 17
Jehovah's witnesses 17
A California Dust Storm -18
All the World WonderingAs Foretold 19
Instruction in Cruelty 22
A Result of Hitler's Jesuit Training 24
Religious Intolerance in South Africa 26
Where the Conspiracy Was Hatched 26
Typical Nazi-Vatican Conduct 28
Hard Going for Hypocrites 28
British Comment (Continued) 29
Communists 30
Political 31
Fascism in Britain
Let this fact be clearly borne in m i n d : This is n o t a c r y f o r J e h o v a h ' s witnesses.
If they die in t h e p e r f o r m a n c e of duty J e h o v a h will p r e s e r v e their eternal existence.
Whether one lives o r dies is relatively u n i m p o r t a n t , because t h e Devil's agents can
only kill t h e body b u t a r e unable to d e s t r o y t h e r i g h t to life. ( L u k e 12:4) J e h o v a h ' s
witnesses t r u s t in t h e L o r d a n d need nothing from a n y m a n . B u t t h e p u r p o s e h e r e
is to w a r n t h e people of good will t h a t if they continue to uphold a n d s u p p o r t a n or-
ganization t h a t is fighting a g a i n s t God's kingdom they will suffer the consequences
of its destruction.
I N September, 1938,
timely warning
was s o u n d e d from
He is likewise thor-
oughly familiar with
world affairs; and,
London, which mes- taking together the
sage was transmitted Divine p r o p h e c i e s
by wire and wireless and the physical facta,
to the English-speak- he pointed out that
ing people throughout this conspiracy is be-
the earth. ing advanced and that
In brief, that warn- the entire conspiracy
ing was this: Vatican is the offspring of the
City, d i r e c t i n g its Devil, and directed
Hierarchy t h r o u g h - by the Devil and his
out the world and wicked angels, the ob-
acting in conjunction ject being to oppose
with F a s c i s t s and Jehovah God and His
Nazis, is in a con- kingdom.
spiracy to grab con- Many t h o u g h t f u l
trol of and rule the people t h o r o u g h l y
world, regiment the agreed, while many
people, and dictate o t h e r s tabooed t h e
arbitrarily to all. idea, and the Catholic
The speaker on that press began a severe
o c c a s i o n is not a o n s l a u g h t and cam-
prophet, he does not paign of c r i t i c i s m
claim to be, and no against thespeaker, re-
one claims for him sorting to all manner
that he is a prophet; Riots against God's kingdom occurred in these towns of lies. Conspicuous in
he is merely one thor- this were the London
oughly familiar with the Scriptures, particu- Catholic Herald and Catholic Universe.
larly with the prophecies written by holy men In recent months the development of the
f old and which are recorded in the Bible. physical facts have shown not only that the
UNE 28, 1939
warning was timely, but that the predicted were distributed inviting the public to attend
events are coming to pass much quicker than Everything was in order for an enlightening
many anticipated. The Catholic press and hour for the people when the Catholic-Fascists
Catholic priests have incited and urged the got busy. Had anything in the speech "FASCISM
benighted and ignorant parishioners of that OR FREEDOM" been false these Catholics might
religious-political organization to create a dis- have answered the charges like men and
turbance throughout England. Unable them- Britons; but knowing every word to be true
selves to give any reasonable or Scriptural they were impelled to obstruct freedom of
answer that would offset the warning concern- speech to prevent exposure. As to their meth-
ing the encroachment of the Catholic-Fascist ods, the words of the superintendent of the
conspiracy, the Vatican and the other mem- hall, who under pressure refused the hall to
bers of the Hierarchy have attempted to stir the Christians who had rented it, are signifi-
up strife, and even bloodshed. cant. His statement follows:
On Friday evening the committee met to discuss
England Aflame with Catholic Anarchy your lecture and whether you could hold any fur-
At Glasgow, Clydebank, Oldham, Mon- ther lectures. We decided that we would grant yon
mouthshire, Hebburn on Tyne, Folkestone, one Sunday evening but that wc would not grant
any further lectures, in view of what was contained
Cambcrley, Leicester, Dundee, London and in the leaflet. Following this discussion the Roman
other places throughout Great Britain these Catholic Priest (Rev. Father McDonor) paid me
disturbances have been so marked that the a visit. He suggested that this lecture should not
people of the nation are aroused and they see- be held because it was opposed to the Roman Cath*
the great danger now threatening their gov- olic Church. Also he reminded us that the Roman
ernment. Below we set out some of the facts, Catholic Church were the big supporters of the
and from time to time this magazine will con- Ambulance Brigade. Further that the medical in-
tinue to publish the facts, to the end that the structors of the Brigade were Catholics and it
order-loving people of this land may be more would be a great loss to the Brigade if Catholic
support was withdrawn from us. As a result of this
fully advised. visit we had a committee meeting and decided in
Since the days of Napoleon the Catholics view of these things to cancel your lecture.
have somewhat taken a back seat, until 1929, D. Williams, 73 Springfield, Newbridge.
when Mussolini restored the pope to temporal This is the condition of freedom in New-
power by the Lateran Treaty signed Febru- bridge.
ary 11 of that year, and since then the Vatican In Hebburn on Tyne, a suburb of New
has become more cocky, advocating and en- Castle, with a similar desire to bring vital
couraging a war against Abyssinia, Spain, information to the attention of the people, a
Japan against China, the grabbing of Austria, hall was engaged for the lecture "FASCISM OR
the wrecking of Czechoslovakia, and many FREEDOM". Messrs. Popay, Cooper and Foster,
other misdeeds too numerous to mention here. trustees of the hall and non-Catholics, yielded
All of this unlawful and wicked prosecution to Papal pressure. A verbatim account fol-
of its purpose the Catholic press throughout lows:
the earth has nurtured and forwarded. Recent
events in Australia, the Fiji Islands, Port of After Jehovah's witnesses began to push forward
their advertising campaign in their regular style
Spain, South Africa, and other places, show with information marches, sound-cars and folders,
that a world-wide movement to wreck civiliza- the local Catholic priest, Rev. Fr. Witty, got ex-
tion to satisfy the ambition of the Vatican, cited and took steps to stop this meeting. It
the chief instrument of the Devil on earth, evident from reliable source that this reverend
is being vigorously prosecuted, and the Roman gentleman (f) called on the police on the day be-
Catholic Hierarchy and Fascists are working fore the meeting and gave them some kind of an
together. idea that there might be trouble at this meeting.
Shortly after midnight on Saturday the police of
In southern Wales Jehovah's witnesses of Hebburn sent for the secretary of the hall, Mr.
the Abersychan company rented the Celynan Tallack, and told him that he had better keep the
Ambulance Hall at Newbridge, Monmouth- doors locked on the morrow and refuse Jehovah s
shire, for the purpose of giving the people witnesses entrance, as they (the police) could not
give sufficient protection in view of the threatened
thereabouts an opportunity to hear Judge disturbances. This was the first time anything was
Rutherford's speech "FASCISM-OK FREEDOM". heard of a possible disturbance. With this informa-
In preparation for this meeting 3,000 leaflets tion the trustees of the hall decided to break their
contract and posted a sign on the door of their, the main street there would be about 2,000 all
hall Sunday notifying the public that the meeting together. You can imagine the difficulty of getting
v a s canceled. to the tramcar with such crowds around. The police
It also seems that this same priest on Saturday were throwing the people about like balls trying
evening warned his flock at a service to stop J e h o - to reach the witnesses.
yjh's witnesses and their meeting. On Sunday
morning, when Jehovah's witnesses began to wit- Assault at Garngad Road
ness to the people in the usual way there were Further in regard to the riots in Glasgow,
groups of Catholics standing about the street
corners lying in wait. All during Sunday morning
Henry Carmichael, one of five mobbed at
the publishers of the Kingdom were harassed and Garngad Road, Friday evening, May 19,
ill-treated by these small groups. Stones were makes a statement:
thrown at them and also at their cars. Abusive F i v e of us went to Cobdcn Street. Everything
language was used by women who followed the was peaceful and we were well received. We were
publishers from house to house. They also booed unaware of any trouble in the district. We had
the information marches and stoned the sound-car. finished a close [Scottish apartment house] in
After the notice of the canceling of the meeting Charles Street, when at the foot of the elose sev-
had been posted on the hall Sunday morning, eral women came rushing down, "Tell that man to
groups of Catholics got together shouting "We've get out for his lifethere is trouble. A man and
won, we've won". At the time of the scheduled a woman have been assaulted and taken away in
meeting the witnesses gathered in front of the hall tramcar." I was disturbeddidn't know where
and made appointments to call on all the people to go. Elizabeth Moerkrl (German refugee pioneer)
of good will who had come to hear this important and I decided to go down to Garngad Road. We
lecture. found a huge mob there. I saw two policemen; we
p u t ourselves in their protection. I told the police-
Violence at Glasgow men there had been other assaults. They walked
Report of assaults of May 19, 1939: with us to Bright Street. A huge howl went u p when
the people saw usthe mob surged towards us.
The battle gets hotter every day u p here, and
I never in my life saw such a frenzied mob. The
so I have to report more assaults in the witness
work. Twelve witnesses (mostly pioneers) were scenes at Clydebank were child's play compared
assaulted, including an old man of 70-odd years. with this. Stones and sticks were flung; dung was
pushed down my neck. The policemen were help-
On Friday evening, May 19, there was what has
less in the face of the mobthey were getting
been described to me by outsiders as the biggest
disturbance ever witnessed in the Garngad district stones thrown at them also. The policemen were
of Glasgow. The twelve publishers were distribut- much more afraid of the mob than we were. These
ing the Clydebank leaflet and Face the Facts and policemen took us up Bright Street to Charles
Fascism or Freedom booklets, when almost with- Streetwalked along to Turner Street. There the
out warning several mobs each made up of hun- policemen left us, told us to beat it to Castle Street
dreds strong started molesting and assaulting the and get out of the district. Elizabeth and I went
publishers. along Charles Street, the mob still following, throw-
Some were pushed down stairs or rather flung ing stones, beating and kicking us with their feet,
down, their literature stolen, their head-gear thrown pulling at Elizabeth's coat and trying to tear away
away, pulled along the street by the hair, ham- her bag. That continued all the way along Charles
mered continuously on the head and body, kicked Street, nearly half a mile long. At Castle Street
constantly on the back and legs as they tried to another mob came u p Garngad Road (turned back
reach a point for transport. Stones, bottles and after losing Mrs. Kilpatrick) hundreds strong. At
every other thing within reach were thrown, some first we didn't know what to do. There was no
even having horse manure pushed down their backs. transport, in sight. At last I saw a tram and we
From an outside source (those not J w ' s ) I am tried to get it. Several youths started battering
mformed that some in the crowds had old swords me and punching me as I tried to get to the
nd heavy sticks, to kill if they got the chance. t r a m . Several women attacked Elizabeth at this
Police sent several constables into the district, time, pulling her hair, and trying to knock her on
but these got stoned also, and were unable to do the ground, kicking and punching. The crowd had
ar brought the tram to a standstill. The driver and
ything m the way of arresting anyone. Traffic
** held up as the mobs entirely blocked the roads, conductor and another man came off the car and
t^'as a seething mass of angry humanity, yelling, endeavored to help us; also two policemen were
"ooing and shouting, and not until the drivers and fighting their way through the crowd to reach us.
conductors of the tramcars that had been held u p By this time I bad half got on and pulled Eliza-
*me to the rescue of the publishers were they able beth o n ; women were pulling her off, but a man
get away. in the tram helped me to pull her on. Then the
1 am told that when the mobs got together in two policemen struggled on and the tram started.
JUNE 28, m 9
Statement by Mrs. M. Kilpatrick of the hall was approached by a number of Cath-
Witnesses Ceo. Calder, ITendre Carmichael, J . olics who are frequenters of the saloon. As a re-
Walker, McGee, Kilpatrick, Elizabeth Mocckel, sult, of their attitude and intimidation the proprie-
Robson, Mary Kilpatrick, M. Henderson, Turner, tor decided to cancel the letting. He was also ap-
senior, Jessie Turner, Mattie King, met at Garngad proached by a police constable who enquired the
Road and Castle Street and stalled work in Cobden nature of the proposed meeting and suggested that
Street and Bright Street. trouble was likely to occur. This is another evidence
Soon after we started Jessie Turner came run- of the growing move of the Catholic-Fascist power
ning to me asking nie to get the police, as a mob in this country which is out to bully and intimidate
was assaulting their party. I went straight to a men of other persuasions to do their bidding.
police box, burst the emergency bell and shouted
"Please send police at once to Villers Street. Come Northwich Hall Canceled
at once; Jehovah's witnesses are being assaulted". 15 Minutes Before Meeting
When I turned to come out of the box there was POT a long time the Labor party is said to
a great mob round me, probably three hundred. have stood for principles of fair play and the
I went down Villers Street towards Castle Street
looking for a policeman. All the way the mob kept
right of the freedom of peaceable assembly.
battering me on the head with their lists, kicking But in these days of the growing move of
me and shouting at me in the most dreadful lan- Fascism in Britain, there are signs of Labor
guage. They kept saying, " J u s t see what we'll do also yielding to such pressure.
to you for coming here saying things against the In years gone, by Jehovah's witnessas have
pope." Two young women with babies in their many times 1 the Labor Hall on Tabley
arms, who seemed to be the ringleaders of the mob, Street in Northwich, Cheshire, 25 miles from
threw their babies to two other women and joined Liverpool. This hall had been used for many
the battering and punching. By this time the mob
was from 300 to 500 strong, of men, women and public-Bible lectures by Judge Rutherford
children. (.voi as had been arranged for -Sunday eve-
I came to the tram line and, by entering the ning, Hay 14, when this famous anti-Fascist
front of the tram, managed to get separated from lecture "Fascism or Freedom" was scheduled
the mob. I took the number of the ear, and the to be given by electrical transcription.
conductor said he was willing to be a witness to my Jehovah's witnesses had spent a busy week
assault. The number of the tram car is 633 from prior in thoroughly advertising this important
Crookston to Renfield Street, Route No. 21. I be occasion for the town of Northwich. Over five
lieve the number on the conductor's cap was 685. thousand invitations had been left with, the
Both driver and conductor saw the actual battering people, and several information marches were
which I got. The mob held the car up and two other
cars. This car took DM to Castle Street, where I held in the main center of the town. Then
saw two policemen. I came off and reported the Sunday evening, just fifteen minutes before
assault fully to these policemen. I gave these police- the lecture was to begin, the caretaker of the
men Who Shall Rule the World? Face the Facts, Labor Hall informed. Jehovah's witnesses that
and the Clydebank leaflet, and a small leaflet with their lecture was banned and that their con-
addresses of the Glasgow Kingdom Halls. They tract for the ball was canceled. When pressed
said there was nothing they could do. for reasons the management of the hall and
the secretary, F. Whitty, said they had re-
Catholic Pressure in Dundee ceived letters from various Catholics object-
The Dundee representative of the Watch ing to the meeting. There were also threats of
Tower Bible and Tract Society in eastern trouble. However, Jehovah's witnesses were
Scotland reports Catholic interference and not outdone; they held an open-air meeting
thwarting of an assembly to hear the "Fascism near the Labor Hall and gave the entire
or Freedom" lecture in that fair city on the "Fascism or Freedom" lecture to an appre-
Firth of Tay. He said: ciative audience. Truly every day bears fur-
On Wednesday evening of May 17 the Dundee ther evidence of the growth of Catholic-Fascist
company of Jehovah's witnesses arranged for a actionin Britain. As the Catholic Herald said
public lecture, "Fascism or Freedom," in a billiard on May 12, "There is a growing sense that
saloon which has been used on previous occasions. Catholicity in Great Britain is on the eve of
The threescore witnesses in this very active com- great happenings."
pany conducted information marches, made a wide
distribution of handbills from house to house, and
used their sound-cars to thoroughly inform the peo- Report from Oldham
ple of this important lecture by Judge Rutherford. I BID confident that a work is being accomplished
On the evening prior to the lecture the proprietor by the distribution of UM leaflet, and whilst there
jre those who are glad for selfish reasons to see any man of the British Isles cherishing the
the Catholic system exposed, yet there are many principles of liberty fought for by English,
others who are glad to see truth made known for Irish and Scotchmen who approves beating
higher reasons. I am confident that we have many
friends and the distribution of the leaflet is bring-
up another simply because he has different
ing them to light. Many are glad that there is an views on the Bible from your own?
organisation bold and courageous enough to ex- Arc not the Roman Catholic priests and
pose a system having such power in the earth. press of Britain who have incited the igno-
At tonight's meeting a stranger came to Kingdom rant to riot guilty of the crime even more so
Hall for a few of the leaflets to give to friends, than the ignorant? Is it the business of a
etc.; he had been asked for them and he said he church leader to organize his flock into a mob
would try to get some. H e too sees the menace of lusting for blood simply to appease Rome's
Catholic-Fascist action and he is glad of the stand desire to keep the people from hearing the
we have taken.
truth? How does one who thus outrages all
decency, whether he wears a black coat or lace
Who Incited the Riots?* ruffles or what have you, differ from any other
There arc still many people suffering under BLOOD-GUILTY criminal? When a man dis-
the delusion that the Roman Catholic Church honors a uniform he should not be permitted
is a fine thing. Hundreds of millions of peo- to hide behind it.
ple have entrusted their spiritual welfare to
the Roman Catholic Church. To such let it "Let the Buyer Beware"
here be stated that your confidence has been It is time past-due for the good people num-
abused and your trust misplaced. If the Cath- bering millions who support the Roman Cath-
olic organization is in reality a good thing olic Church to ask themselves what they are
and at all worthy of the .Lord's name, which buying. Let them propound the questions in
it claims, why does it indulge in the effort thoughtful self-examination: Did 1 examine
to murder Christians simply because they before I purchased? Was the. principle of
have views different from their own? Do the established business code "Let the buyer be-
good Catholics of the earth think it will en- ware" pursued with regard to my religious
hance the merit of the Church or augment its affiliations ? Is it not folly and courting dis-
honor to violently attack people who are striv- aster to accept what man has to say, whether
ing to assist others to understand the Bible, priest or otherwise, simply on his unsupported
in fact doing exactly what they should be word, without the backing of Scriptural au-
doing themselves? Is it not time that some thority or proof, knowing full well that I am
of the honor-loving Catholics come forward thereby aiding one who stoops to attempt to
with the suggestion that the Hierarchy, priests murder? Do I favor the killing of Catholics
and Church leaders would serve the honor of by Catholics in Spain simply because it is de-
the organization better by condemning mob creed by a man? and do I desiie English
violence rather than by inciting it? Is there Catholics to presently fight Nazi Catholics at
the instance of the organization I am support-
*In Noa. 505 and 506 of Consolation, dated re-
ing? Is it the part of wisdom to dismiss the
ipectively January 25, 1939, and February 8, 1939, matter from mind by paying for a few masses
evidence was presented that there is Jesuit influence or prayers as may have been traditional in
in the Cliveden set, which practically controls the my family as a Catholic?
British press and foreign policy; that the dishonor-
able Munich peace was prearranged four years be-
fore it occurred; that the Roman Catholic United Motives of the Hierarchy
States ambassador Kennedy was sent to Britain to
Mp put over the job; that the Roman Catholic Hier- There is scarcely an intelligent man who
archy is all-influential in the British Foreign Office; accepts without critical examination any state-
wat tlie British press and reporters are mostly Irish ment made by another. I t is therefore proper
Roman Catholics; that Roman Catholic influences arc to consider the motive of the Roman Catholic
" virtual control of the British Broadcasting Cor-
poration ; that Roman Catholic leaders are arguing for Hierarchy as well as the facts. Within the
' 'modified freedom of the p r e s s " (no freedom at British Commonwealth of Nations and the
5*0 i that Rome now has a so-called ' ' Apostolic United States are found the greater portion
^ l e g a t e " in England; that the Church of England of the liberty-lovers of the earth. Their alle-
clergy are sympathetic toward Rome. Trends similar
the foregoing are noted in other parts of the giance to flag and country is based upon the
J^unmonweaUli, including Australia, Canada, and New traditional stand that" the Scotch, Irish, Eng-
aland. lish and Americans, all of common forebears,
JUNE 28. 1939
have made for the cherished possession of Do You Want to Live?
liberty. Their land stands for their rights to The consideration of the lives of the Cath-
enjoy life, liberty and the unmolested pursuit olic population is vastly more important, how-
of happiness. Now it is certain that many ever. Does anyone who believes in the true
within those countries where freedom has been God, who promised the people truth without
so greatly loved and dearly bought have not ap- money and without price, who owns the earth,
plied the principle of "Let the buyer beware" would stoop to an arrangement whereby a
to their religion, because the English-speaking few princes of the Catholic church would en-
countries greatly support the Roman Catholic rich themselves at the expense of the others
Church and the Roman Catholic Church is affiliated in some way with the church, and
the enemy of liberty. this God would do in order to persuade him-
This is the fact which the pages of history self to shorten the duration in "purgatory"
painfully corroborate. Let the people afore- of wretched men ? The traditions of men, and
mentioned recall the scourging wrath of not the Scriptures, are the basis for such blas-
Mary T, who strove to convert the kingdom phemous falsehood.
to God and the pope; the horrors perpetrated Four hundred years ago Martin Luther
upon France by the pope's niece Catherine proved that "purgatory* was not taught in the
de Medici; the ravages of the Inquisition, Bible; and today, if any still believe that
which has been reproduced in modern times Catholicism is supported by the Scriptures,
by the Catholics Hitler, Mussolini and Franco; let them read a Bible treatise called 'UN-
and let the free-born man of any country un- COVERED" written by the faithful Bible ex-
der the sun ask himself one question: Has ponent, Judge Rutherford.
Catholicism or any of its sons ever stood for You freedom-loving peoples of earth, you
right and freedom and received the sanction have bought neither bread nor freedom, nor
of the church? Has the church ever favored your lives, by supporting the Roman Catholic
democracy or freedom in any form? Let any church. The nation of Spain has recently
Catholic find some encyclical or pontifical bought a brand-new Catholic system; they
utterance which promoted liberty and was re- paid a dear price: a few hundred thousand
flected in an action for liberty. In fifteen hun- lives, most of whom were Catholics, the gut-
dred years of existence, had this organization ting of their treasury, and every vestige of
any policy of liberty, it would have been ex- freedom.
pressed. Obviously it has none; it is the very The Hierarchy always seems fortunate
antithesis of freedom: a dictatorial and tyran- enough to find just the right man to do any
nical power inimical to every democracy un- zealous bil of murdering that the case seems
der the sun. to call for. Take Franco, for instance. His
Why, then, is it supported by the people of first official act when he captured Barcelona
the democracies? Chiefly because it has built was.the celebration of a public mass; it fol-
up a superstitious aura of influence founded lows, of course, the Fascist army was there,
upon the tradition of men and supported by joining in the ceremony, because General
the Devil to dishonor God's name. You who Franco does not entertain any opinion con-
support the Roman Catholic church, consider trary to the pope's. One of his mottoes is:
what you have boxight, not because such con- "Dead men have no criticism against the
sideration will help Jehovah's witnesses, but Fascist government." And he is delighting the
in order that you may save your good money pope's heart by converting to Catholicism or
and eventually save your lives. Does not every- to death, in either case a victory for Rome.
one attach some importance to his money, and Is it any wonder that the pope thanked his
more to his life? If you are a Catholic and god, the Devil, when Franco took over?
care nothing for your money, the same "can-
not be said for the church which you support. Franco the Butcher
The Reader's Digest points out that in Ger- Note what a thorough-going job Franco is
many alone the church owns twenty billion doing. The New York Time* of May 27, 1939,
dollars' worth of property. If the church had carries this account :
688 Executed by Franco Since March 28;
cared nothing for this money it could have 1,200,000 Accused Are Belna Tried 380 a Day
found plenty of needy Catholics in Spain and By The Associated Press.
elsewhere upon whom to unburden itself. The MADRID, May 26.It was officially announced
cliurch loves money, and boasts of its wealth. tonight that the Isationalists' specially constituted
councils of war and permanent military tribunals Hierarchy to rub their hands in anticipation.
bad sent 688 persons before firing squads since the A Catholic paper of recent date says that
f8H of Madrid on March 28. the Irish, those we have come to respect in
The councils, formed by officers of the Madrid America as the "fighting Irish", are to be
jriny of occupation, condemned 1,000 persons to called on to fill in the gaps in the priesthood
death, but the sentences of 312 of them were corn-
mated to prison terms by Generalissimo Francisco
in ravaged Spain. Have enough Irishmen be-
Franco. come so tainted by their association with the
Officials of the military tribunals said in dis- Roman Catholic Hierarchy that -they are will-
posing the figures that daily trials contributing tp ing to undertake the work of helping Franco
"the total normalization of the life of the nation" kill another million Spaniards? It does not
were "indispensable for initiation of the second sound like a job worthy of the charming peo-
era of empire." ple of the Emerald Isle. And it seems incred-
Tribunals in Madrid have been trying daily 380 ible that the experience of General O'Duffy's
persons accused of assassinations, robberies, burn- Irish Brigade in the Spanish Civil War could
ing and sacking of churches, treason, imprison- have been so quickly and so completely for-
ment of Nationalist sympathizers and otfier activ-
ities during the time when the Republicans domi-
nated the city.
The number condemned includes those sentenced Why Assault JehovcJVs witnesses?
by councils of war operating in Toledo, Ciudad To return to the attackers of Jehovah's wit-
Heal and Alban tv in addition to Madrid. A round- nesses. In brief the motives of these agents of
up of suspected criminals in all newly incorporated the Hierarchy arc here impugned: their pur-
zones is continuing under direction of military pose is quite evidently to discredit the words
authorities. of a speaker who is too clearly factual; to
The latest number awaiting trial in Madrid was cloud in the minds of the ignorant or innocent
not announced, but it was officially disclosed less
than a month ago that there were 46,000 scheduled
any exposure of the Hierarchy in true char-
to face the tribunals and 1,200,000 informations acter, that of one who is blood-drunk, who does
filed against suspects in all Spain. not want her evil discovered, so that she may
Showing t h e a b s o l u t e a c c o r d b e t w e e n p o p e ,
continue to drink the blood of innocents and
Fascist a n d Nazi, n o t e this d i s p a t c h i n t h e devour the nations of earth. "Also in thy skirts
same p a p e r : is found the blood of the souls of the poor in-
VIGO, Spain, May 26 (A.P.).The German
nocents ; I have not found it by secret search,
Condor Legion of about 6,000 men who fought in but upon all these."Jeremiah 2:34.
the Spanish civil war sailed for H a m b u r g today What, on the other hand, is the motive for
aboard five German liners. Jehovah's witnesses?* They have nothing to
General J u a n Yague, Jose Solchaga, Miguel gain, no gigantic fabulous wealth that is en-
Aranda and six other Spanish Nationalist military dangered by simple truth, no need for armies
leaders were aboard the steamer Robert Ley, which to destroy the lives of thousands that selfish
led the four other liners out of Vigo harbor, escort- religious rulers might continue in power. Jeho-
ed by more than 100 fishing vessels. The S p a n i a r d s vah's witnesses are commanded to tell the
were invited to Germany to see the Condor Legion
parade before Chancellor Adolf Hitler in Berlin What I like about these fighters in the "Watch
on June 6. Tower [Jehovah's witnesses] is the way they defend
Forty-five officers of the Spanish Nationalist Air Democracy and expose the evils of Fascism. They are
always eternally right when they educate the masses
Force also were aboard for a trip to Germany. regarding the Fascist conspiracies of the Catholic
Franco has no doubt heard of Thomas Tor- Hierarchy in Ethiopia, Italy, Spain and other coun-
quemada, Inquisitor General of Spain during tries of Fascist intrigue. . . . Wherever Catholicism
the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, a time is strong in this country, there you will find the fol-
lowers of Judge Kutherford persecuted. These perse-
when Europeans were just beginning to emi- cutors are the enemies of our free institutions; the
grate to America to escape the Catholic In- persecuted ones are the defenders of our precious
quisition. It is recorded in the Encyclop&dia liberties, our glorious rights of free press, free
thought, free speech and free assemblyrights which
Rritannica that Torquemada killed only 10,000 the Watch Tower Bible Students never fail to sup-
"heretics" by rack, stake and torture chamber port with every legitimate weapon at their command.
in the name of the pope; whereas Franco al- . . . I have never heard a word of aggression from
jj^dy has several hundred thousand start on Judge Rutherford or any of his colleagues. I have
never heard them suggest that men and women should
Torquemada, and, with a million yet to be be bound and gagged because they happened to ex-
tried, it looks as if Franco ought to have up a press unpopular opinions.The Editor of The Amer-
Permanent record. This is real cause for the ican Freeman.
UNE 28, 1939 9
truth (Isaiah 43) ; and it docs not matter in That much could not be said for any Roman
the least whether anyone listens or not, as far Catholic priest under the sun. Judge Ruther-
as the result to them is concerned. "And speak ford is aiding the people to understand the
unto them, and tell them, Thus saith the Lord Bible, while the Catholic priests are doing all
God; whether they Avill hear, or whether they within their power to throw dust in the eyes
will forbear."Ezekiel 3:11. of the people and to prevent them from know-
Jehovah's witnesses, in obedience to the ing what is in the Bible. For this reason hon-
Most High, are crying out to you honest and est Catholics are rapidly fleeing from the
fair-minded peoples of earth to save your- Catholic domination; and that greatly enrages
selves. If one chooses to believe agents of the the Hierarchy.
Hierarchy, in spite of the facts, he will,'be the Sincere Catholic people see that in the
loser, and not those he condemns; and as the Vatican there is no hope held out for them
Hierarchy gains more power in the earth, be- and seeing the truth, they learn that their
cause the Lord has decreed that she be en- only hope is in God's kingdom. Sincere Cath-
trapped in the fullness of power, the cries of olics have been fleeced of their hard-earned
Jehovah's witnesses will likely be silenced for money by the agents of the Vatican who reg-
a time. Then the people will learn too late ularly go about collecting from laboring men
that these spoke in kindness and in obedience and others their hard-earned money. Jehovah's
to Jehovah of Hosts. In the fullness of power witnesses go from door to door to encourage,
the Hierarchy will be taken and all who give aid and comfort the people to see and to un-
allegiance to her. This is Jehovah's just decree derstand how they may obtain blessings from
against the abomination that desolates Europe the Lord. This they do without compensation
and the whole earth. to themselves. The contrast between Jehovah's
witnesses and the Hierarchy agents is so
Why Libel Judge Rutherford? marked that honest people everywhere are
Unable to answer the Scriptural proof set seeing their privilege of getting away from
forth by Judge Rutherford in his address on the Hierarchy domination. This truly is the
time in which the scripture at Matthew
DOM", which are now being distributed 25:31-4G is being fulfilled. Christ Jesus, act-
ing by and through His representatives whom
throughout this country, the Catholic Press He sends throughout the earth, is dividing the
of London has made and continues to make people, putting the "goats" on one side and
many scurrilous, false and libelous charges the "sheep" on the other; and the flock of
against Judge Rutherford. "We are not inter- "goats" is made up of the Hierarchy chiefly,
ested in this. "We are not here defending Judge and those who support them are also "goats".
Rutherford. He needs no defense. Every per- The "sheep" are those who are willing to be
son who knows him is fully convinced that he led and taught the truth, and this regardless
is sincerely devoted to Jehovah God and His of whether they have been Catholics, Church
kingdom. Whether he served a short time or of England Episcopalians, Wesleyan Method-
a long time as circuit judge, or whether he ists, or anybody else.
was a junk dealer, is beside the question. That
throws no light whatsoever upon God's Word. This magazine could take up many pages
Judge Rutherford is bringing to the people in naming and extolling the virtues of Judge
the message of God's Word. It is not a man's Rutherford, who is laying down his life in the
message, but the Lord's message, and every interest of the people; but this is not neces-
honest and sincere person is able to sec the sary. It neither adds any glory to the Lord
truth thereof without the aid of Jesuit priests. nor brings any comfort to the people and he
No one can truly charge Judge Rutherford does not wish this to be done. Forget the man
with doing wrong. That much cannot be truth- and look at the message, and then decide for
fully said about very many Catholic priests. yourself whether you wish to be fleeced by
Judge Rutherford left the law to devote him- these commereial-"purgatory" agents who
self, and is wholly devoting himself and all wrongfully collect money from the people, or
his energies, to the service of Jehovah God Avhether you want to learn the truth and find
and His kingdom, and in aiding the people the way to life everlasting in peace and happi-
to understand the Bible, that they might flee ness. The Catholic organization is a political or-
to the only place-of refuge, safety and life. ganization, determined to rule or ruin the peo-
pie; and it is certainly ruining them. The prosperity and life, may result to those who
Lord's organization is the only organization in love and serve Him. But have this in mind:
existence that holds out comfort and aid to the that only those who become the servants of
people; and that organization is headed by Jehovah God, who refuse to follow any man
the Lord Jesus Christ, now present, and who or any man-made organization, will be the
is putting in operation His kingdom, and who ones that receive lasting benefit. Shun reli-
\vill soon destroy all opposition, that peace, gion, and serve Christ Jesus the King.
Mary Guthrie, through her attorneys, took and respect, and he of theirs. The story
an appeal to the Monroe County court, where, leaked OUt in a letter.
after due argument and the filing of briefs,
the county judge entered a decision reversing The Battle in Jamaica
the judgment of the Honorable Justice of the The former mayor of Kingston, who caused
Peace Arthur L. Hart and setting aside the Jehovah's witnesses to be taken into court
conviction. Thereupon now, henceforth and some time ago, is not re-elected. The new
for evermore Mary Guthrie may walk the mayor gave us the privilege of delivering lec-
streets of Irondequoit unmolested and without tures in the Race Course for three nights.
fear of incarceration; and His Honor, the jus- Over 1.500 persons heard the lectures, and
tice of the peace of the community, will, in much interest was shown. There are 105 phono-
mental structure, decline, abate and subside graphs in use in the work in the island; also
to the usual condition, size and temperature seven portable transcription machines and two
of the normal human person. sound-cars, and, by God's help, we expect to
tan the old woman's [Roman Catholic Hier-
Texas Boy with a Conscience archy's] hide.P. H. Davidson, Jamaica.
The world needs nothing human so much
as it needs boys and girls with consciences J o y s of Kingdom Service
like those of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Several years ago, while in Smithfield, I
Abed-nego. There are many such among the witnessed to one of the nicest persons I have
children of Jehovah's witnesses. Having heard ever met while delivering the message of truth.
the truth all their lives, and seen their parents This woman was very poor. She asked the price
live it, the children want to live it too. of the booklet and I.told her 1 would let her
Texas has many such boys. God bless every have it on a contribution of five cents. She
one of them. Noel is one of them, age 11. lie told me that she had no money, and they were
did not want to sing patriotic songs if there is too good to be given away for nothing. I told
anything about war in them. He would sing her that 1 would let her have it for nothing
the first two verses of one of the songs, but not if she promised to read it. She refused the
the last one. He would not sing a song about offer, so 1 bade her good day. As 1 started to
'his soul taking its flight to God'. His desire is
to live forever on the earth. He did not wish to the next house I noticed some beautiful climb-
participate in Christmas celebrations. He had ing roses in her yard. They were yellow and
read of the origin of Christmas, in this maga- very large. I went back to the house and asked
zine. He would not participate in a song that if she would let me have a few of those roses,
asked God to bless a new school building, its and I in turn would give her a booklet; then
walls, windows, chimneys, doors, etc. He was the book would not be given away for noth-
sure such a song would not be in harmony with ing. This she was very glad to do. I had pretty
the Scriptures. His teachers so far have yellow roses and she had the message of truth.
the point every time, and that shows that, they I never have had a more interesting ana<
are up to the highest standard of the American pleasant experience than this. Patty Mahone,
teaching tradition, and worthy of Noel's love pupil in Gates Kingdom School, Pennsylvania.
Curtailing Freedom of Speech world except through and by His arrange-
+ Because the Federal Council of Churches ment of things. It is pitiful to witness what
0f Christ in America has remained silent while
methods are being adopted by these satanie
the Roman Hierarchy tried every way to force concerns in order to just stand a little longer.
Judge Rutherford off the air, it is with some But the Light of Truth is gradually shining
interest that note is made of its public and more and more until the dark corners will be
hypocritical statement: rid of all the Cathedral Bats, and they will
In a democracy freedom of speech is a priceless
have to come out in the light and be censured
possession. No administrative government agency by the Word of truth.
is wise enough to be entrusted with power to de- Your criticism of the Hierarchy, measured
termine what people shall hear. Freedom of radio b}T the one Book, is surely commendable and,
is almost, if not quite, as important as freedom of above all, is true. I firmly believe that the
the press. If either is undercover m e t h o d s
curtailed, our political of this organization
and religious liberties have been the founda-
are imperiled. For this
reason we believe any
tion or cause of mil-
attempt to regulate ut- lions of peoples of all
terances over the radio nationalities to under-
by an administrative go great sufferings
government, agency, ex- and depi'ivation.
cept within canons of Keep up the won-
decency, propriety and
public safety clearly de- derful work, and may
fined by statute, is dan- the Lord guide and
gerous and contrary to direct all your efforts
public policy. to the establishment
of a government of
Tribute f r o m a n Transcription setup in P laza Park, Los Angeles Peace and happiness
Honest Heart throughout the suf-
Mr. J. F. Rutherford, fering world, through
Pres. Watch Tower and Tract Society, His Bon, the Redeemer.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Yours respectfully,
Dear Mr. Rutherford Raymond McGhee, Virginia.
I take this opportunity of writing you in
behalf of the organization of Jehovah's wit- Providence Visitor
nesses over which you arc supervisor under The Providence Visitor, advocate of the
the guidance of the Great Jehovah God, highly intelligent (?) philosophy that any-
Creator, for the wonderful message that is body with the cash can bribe Almighty God
being transmitted to the world of mankind. I to let his friends out of a "purgatory" where
am fully assured that you are carrying the they are being "roasted" to a sienna brown,
greatest blessing to the distressed that has is so good as to let its readers know that Jeho-
ever been preached since our Lord trod the vah's witnesses are "walking psychopaths".
paths of tribulation and distress here on earth. But it is sufficiently apprehensive of the fate
It is surely a great work. I have had the of its racket to advise its readers that "com-
opportunity of reading your many, many mon sense tells us not to argue with them".
booklets on different subjects of discussion re- That seems reasonable. Suppose now you had
garding the religious impostor groups that a fool racket, like "purgatory", that had not
call themselves leaders of Christianity, and a single leg to stand on, wouldn't it worry
your conception according to the Bible is you, if the racket was a bear for bringing in
straight, hard facts. I have long lost all re- the coin of the realm, if somebody would go
spect for such bigotry and hypocrisy as is around among your folks and tell them the
demonstrated by the deceitful clergy of all plain truth ? If you were a priest, you would
denominations, and feel that their day is want to keep the cash coming just as long as
doomed through the coming kingdom of Jeho- possible.
God, as there cannot be any hope for the (To be continued)
JUNE 28, 1939 15
at war. Certainly the relationships of the Eu-
ropean nations, including Britain, are in. a,
British Comment state of war. The guns are not shooting, but
all the nations are under the duress of war
By J. Hemery {London) conditions, and no one knows, probably not
Hitler himself, when he may be moved by nig
"controls" to take an action that will make the
guns in all Europe blaze in action. The con-
General ditions which existed when Chamberlain spoke
Conscription is now a definite factor of the his promise no longer obtain: the tempo is
Government's rearmament policy. Its first quickening and threatens to get to fever pace.
victims are the young men between 20 and Opponents of the policy of the Government
21 years of age. No doubt, in deciding on that say, and probably with truth, that if Chamber-
age the Government considered that the re- lain had taken a different course the present
moval of the 300,000 who are liable to be called serious conditions in which Britain is now
will cause less disturbance in the workshops involved would not have arisen and that there
and to professional occupations than there would have been no need for conscription. An
would be if older men were called up. It is a editorial in Reynolds News, the organ of the
safe prophecy to say that it will not be long Co-operative Societies, puts its statement on
before there is a much wider fling of the con- conscription very bluntly. Under the caption,
scription net, and later a general commandeer- "Conscription: a Step to Fascism," it says:
ing of the human power of the country and of "Mussolini decides who shall fill the post of
all its resources. The voracious maw of the Foreign Secretary [a reference to the dis-
military, naval and air forces will be kept wide missal of Mr. Eden from that office]. Hitler
open; for the troubles which have brought on influences the appointment of the Ministry of
this thing will not be settled by talks and pacts Supply and the trend of British foreign
or by any policy of appeasement. The Labor policy. France and Poland drive us into con-
party is making its voice heard in Parliament scription! This is the fate, under Mr. Cham-
in opposition to the Cabinet's announced de- berlain, of the free democracy of the world's
cision ; but the Government has a majority mightiest empire. . . . he breaks his pledges
which is ready to carry out the calls of the to organized Labour . . . imports alien ideas
Cabinet, and the necessary act to make con- to solve problems precipitated by his own in-
scription a law of the land will be passed. The competence."
opposition of the Labor party, whether in or Consistency in keeping to one's statements
out of Parliament, does not mean that there is not to be expected from a politician, for
will be concerted opposition after conscrip- times and circumstances change ; but it is not
tion is law: the party will not produce a great always easy to understand the attitude of
crop of conscientious objectors. Their posi- these men towards .their former actions and
tion, with which many others agree, is that their very definite pronouncements. The Lon-
the government is not under the necessity of don Star reminds its readers of some words of
compelling men to join the forces; that the Sir John Simon, the chancellor of the ex-
voluntary system is meeting the needs. Many chequer, who is next to the premier in im-
of those who object to the Government's Bill portance of office and is, of course, his sup-
believe that the action of the Government is porter in his policy in conscription. The Star
partly a party move, taking advantage of the says, "Sir John Simon, on January 5, 1916,
present situation to further a policy which after resigning from the Government as a
many have wanted to fasten on the people. Un- protest against conscription during the last
doubtedly there are many supporters of the war, said, 'Do not pay Prussian militarism
Government who are of the Fascist turn of the compliment of imitating the most hateful
mind. of its institutions.'" The country was then
A great cry about Mr. Chamberlain's incon- in the thick of the war, yet he resigned office
sistency is raised. It is only a short time since rather than support this hateful thing, be-
he declared conscription should not be intro- lieving it was not necessary to the support of
duced in peacetime, yet here it is in action. the Government's need. But the Government
His answer is an easy one for a politician. He has entered into commitments with France
avers that in a very real sense the country is (Continued on page S9)
Abel to John the Baptist; and a list of such
witnesses is set forth'at Hebrews the eleventh
.jt^fCOUNSEL chapter. With the disciples of Jesus Christ at
> %JOJtn,7
Pentecost God began the taking out from the
nations "a people for his name" which people
or persons are commissioned and sent out in
the world to bear testimony to the name and
purpose of the Almighty God and which per-
sons are designated in the Scriptures by the
Jehovah's witnesses name "Jehovah's witnesses". To those faithful
ones devoted to Jehovah and His kingdom
T HERE are those who are properly called
Jehovah's witnesses. They are not reli-
gionists ; for the reason, they do not practice
God specifically says: T e are my witnesses
that 1 am God.' (Isaiah 43:10,12) From the
religion. They do not compose a sect, nor a time of the apostles of Jesus Christ onward
denomination. Jehovah God being all-power- Jehovah had on earth some witnesses, all of
ful and therefore fully able to carry out His whom are properly called Christians because
purpose without assistance, why should He they followed the lead of Christ Jesus, the
have witnesses on the earth at this time? For Chief Witness. In that time many persons
the purpose of declaring His name and noti- have professed to be Christians but instead
fying the people of His purpose, in order that have followed human leaders, relying upon
the people of good will toward Him, and who the teachings of men, instead of relying upon
desire righteousness, may know what to do; the Bible, which contains the Word of God;
also that notice may be served upon Gods hence such persons have followed and prac-
enemies that His purpose is to destroy them at ticed religion. A religionist is not. a witness
Armageddon, which is near at hand. Satan, for Jehovah, for the reason that religion is
the Devil, has at all times taken the lead in against God. The mass of the people who fol-
opposition to Jehovah God. He declared that low religion do so because they have been and
he could turn all men against Jehovah and are deceived by the Devil, the author of re-
that God could not put men on earth who un- ligion. It has been difficult for men to resist
der the test would remain faithful and true the temptation placed before them by the
to the Almighty God. That challenge Jehovah Devil in the form of religion. Unless one fol-
accepted and said to Satan: 'For this cause lows closely {he Word of God he is almost cer-
have I permitted thee to remain, that I might tain to fall into the religious trap of Satan.
show thee my power; and that my name may What persons on earth today are in fact
be declared throughout all the earth.' (Exodus Jehovah's witnesses? Only those who are
9:16, Leeser) Jehovah there expressed His wholly and entirely devoted to Jehovah God
purpose to permit Satan to have full oppor- and His kingdom. All such are Christians be-
tunity to carry out his wicked challenge, and cause Christ Jesus is God's duly anointed King
God furthen stated that He would have His to rule the world; and those who are for His
name declared throughout the earth imme- kingdom, and who follow Christ and proclaim
diately before destruction should come upon the name of God, the great King of Eternity,
Satan and his agents. That prophecy is now are the witnesses to the name of Jehovah. The
in course of fulfillment. time for putting the kingdom of Jehovah in
Who are Jehovah's witnesses? The Lord full control of the world is here. The Devil
Jesus Christ is the chief witness of Jehovah knows this, and he is desperately trying to
God, and He bears the title "The Faithful and turn all persons away from Jehovah, and he
True Witness". (Revelation 3:14) In response uses religion as his chief means of accomplish-
to a question propounded to Him, Jesus an- ing that purpose.
nounced that He was born and came into the All true followers of Christ Jesus must be
world that He might bear witness to the truth and are witnesses to the name and kingdom of
and that the Word of Jehovah God is truth j the Almighty God, Jehovah, and hence are
therefore He is Jehovah's Chief Witness. properly called Jehovah's witnesses. All such
(John 18:37; 17:17) Jehovah had on the must declare the name of Jehovah, which name
earth a few men who acted as His witnesses carries with it the purpose of His kingdom.
and who testified concerning His name Associated with those whom God has taken
throughout the entire period of time from out of the world as a people for His name are
JUNE 28, 1939
others who arc designated by the Lord as 'my learned that the only means of salvation is
other sheep', that is to say, persons who are by and through Christ Jesus, the King, and
of good will toward God and His kingdom. that Jehovah God has provided such salvation
These are otherwise mentioned as Jonadabs, for those that turn wholly to Him and His
and will form the great multitude. When such kingdom. They arc; anxious to tell others about
persons of good will hear the message of Jeho- the purpose of Jehovah God, and hence they
vah's kingdom they too join in the proclama- join in giving testimony to His name and to
tion of His name and kingdom. They have His kingdom.
bearable burden. 5lein were evil men who
"But worst of all is have no songs. In the
the loneliness. We are evening, when it is
all so terribly alone. dark and I walk home
If you haven't known from the tube station
someone a long time along the quiet ave-
Thii u tka official bcUol for the vote I H i in mhirk tka Sm-
and very well, you 4*tt* C c n u M mUl u t a w tUrtr w i l < r i to tka German parlia- nue, I am overcome
can trust no one. So
M i l . Tka largo circle u for m " i n " M O , lk imallar am* for
"no." The boilot rttit; "Sudnrn C n u i Sapplemrntary Eloc
and begin to cry, but
tint to the Croat German RrUkrlag. Ballot pa.pt*. Da yam atknemi- no one must see, and
we lie, and sometimes aAae at oar faakrtr Malt HUUr, tha liberator af SmdattnUnU. if I hear footsteps I
don't even know any and do yon fire yamr rota to tha lirt of tka National Sodallat Car-
man Lobar Party? Tka foUomlnf M U M * kaad tka list, I. Aioif hide my face as well
longer if we're lying Uiilrr. 2. tienrad Henlein. X Karl Hermann Frank"
as I can in my coat
or telling the truth. collar, for the man
We talk a language A sample Sudeten ballot might guess why I am
that wasn't taught at (From the New York Herald Tribune) crying. Yet I am not
any school, and must crying for myself. I
be unintelligible to The Spectator.
anyone who doesn't know how we live. They're cry for all of us."-
always writing in the newspapers that we
should 'Hive dangerously"oh yes, we do live A Colossal Failure
dangerously. I swear to you I do nothing -r- "G As a government the Nazi dicta-
against the rSgime. I don't know what I could * torship has the outward appearance
do against it, or how. I won't have anything 1 of a huge success, but is a stupen-
to do with politics and I understand nothing dous failure. The real reason for
about it, and I only see that politics makes men stripping the German Jews of their
bad. But merely because I'd like to be a free, property is seen in the huge increase in the
open man again, because I want to say what German public debt.
I think and do what I like, I have put myself The total public indebtedness for the old
Germany was 24,300,000,000 marks, at the particle of coffee of any grade on hand Jan-
time Hitler assumed power. At the close of uary 21, 1939. Some stores were still able to
1938 the totaLGerman public debt, including sell as much as one-eighth of a pound at one
municipalities, states and Austria, was put at time, but in other stores customers could
41,000,000,000 marks, with an additional purchase only enough coffee to make three
secret debt of 20,000,000,000 marks for labor cups.
creation and armament bills. In the year 1938 the United States made
Since 1934 the General Motors Opel works more than eight times as many trucks as were
in Germany made a paper profit of $4,000,000, made in Germany, and more than seven times
but not a cent of it as many automobiles,
has been permitted to and the automobiles
leave Germany. The were of a much higher
Germans have invent- type than the baby
ed a system of taking carriages on wheels
m o n e y away from which prevail in Hit-
foreigners that seems ler dom.
to work with the same In his work Defile-
precision as a similar ment of Race, pub-
system worked in Rus- lished at Diisseldorf,
sia when the Com- G e r m a n y , Dietrich
munists c a m e i n t o Hutten gives his coun-
power. Indeed, Com- try a black eye when
munism and Nazism he says that there are
are as alike as two now in that unhappy
peas in a pod. country
If G e r m a n y de- 250,000 mentally ill and
nounces all short-term afflicted .with nerv-
foreign loans, as is ous disorders.
anticipated, p r i v a t e 90,000 idiots (in pub-
foreign banks are due he institutions).
to lose about $200,- 90,000 epileptics.
000,000, and there is 45,000 deaf and dumb.
(Majority of par-
no political trick they ents had syphilis.)
would not perform to 35,000 blind (75 per-
avoid such a loss. cent of parents had
Some idea of the eco- Beat social usage in totalitarian Btates venereal diseases).
nomic pinch in Ger- 370,000 children in fos-
many may be obtained from the fact that in. ter care. (Mostly procreated in a state of
the past ten years the railways have 4,000 drunkenness.)
fewer locomotives and 80,000 fewer cars; but 1,000,000 venereal cases (mostly contracted -when
it must not be forgotten that railroads are on drunk).
the down grade everywhere, and. Germany 1,000,000 tuberculosis eases.
probably has the best motor roads in the world- 300,000 alcoholic addicts.
3,180,0005 percent of - Germany's population
Nevertheless, eighty percent of German [then], to which must be added all the sick
freight still moves by rail, and only two per- persons not included in this statistic!
cent by truck. Eighteen percent is carried by
water. The Young Are Captivated
Housewives in Germany complain that but- The young of Germany are captivated by
ter, oranges and onions are often not to be the way in which Hitler turned the tables on
had. They can seldom get any eggs, but when the Allies. Of the 400 clauses in the Treaty
they do they can usually get but two at a time. of Versailles he has succeeded in scrapping
Foods that are scarce are rationed and must 264; that makes him a real hero in the eyes
be obtained every day or not at all. of some. It cannot be denied that the treaty
Increasing evidence of financial pressure on was cruelly unjust, the work of heartless men.
the Reich is seen in the fact that the largest Only a few months after the United States
coffee dealer in Berlin, Zuntz, was without a Government forbade the export of helium gas
J U N E 28, 1939 21
to Germany, to supply noninflammable lifting man youth as respects their physical, mental
power for her zeppelins, a vast body of natural and moral education outside the home and
gas was discovered on the western frontier school. Compulsory service begins at the age
which is found on analysis to be about two of 10 and from then until death every able-
percent helium. bodied citizen is in the Hitler Youth, the
It is necessary to again enlarge the Kiel ship Labor Service, the Army, the Armed Reserve
canal, connecting the North and Baltic seas. or the Reich Warriors League. In other words,
Over a thousand ships a week now pass he is a slave for life, and compelled to listen
through the canal, their size is greatly in- to Nazi programs and imbibe Nazi philosophies
creased, and the eanal will now be sufficiently as long as he lives. Neglect of the Word of
enlarged so that the largest ocean liners may God brought the German people to this dis-
go in either direction at all times. The length graceful ending of their liberties.
of the canal is slightly over 53 miles. Germany now has government control of
Germany is the first country to definitely wages and hours, can take any man from
stake out a claim (230,000 square miles) in private work and put him on government
Antarctica, and takes the reasonable ground work, and forbids private employers to take
that only actual survey and seriously planned him away by offering better pay or shorter
Utilization of territory constitute a just claim hours.
to it. The territory they claim is marked by
Reich flags to the east, west and south and by Instruction in Cruelty
the ocean on the north. Cape Town, South The German Youth, and all Germans, will
Africa, is the nearest port. be instructed in heartlessness. What this will
The Germans have worked out a scientific mean may be judged from the following story
war-scare business. The Gocbbels machine originally published in the Swiss paper Volks-
starts the scare, the foreign exchange markets t, translated from that and published in
in New York and London drop, the German the French Consolation, and from the French
traders buy, the war scare disappears and the into English by F. R. Freer, of England. A
German traders sell and pocket the differences. man who escaped from the Gestapo in three
It is a smooth scheme and works all O.K. days [he was not one of Jehovah's witnesses,
In America, if you don't like your job you for they are never released now] sets forth the
can go somewhere else j but new laws in force Hitler philosophy in all its hideousness:
in Germany are that if you don't like your I was but three days in the hands of the Gestapo,
job, and that job happens to be in agriculture, but they were days that seemed like years, so great
forestry, chemicals, fabrication of building were my sufferings. Was I still among civilized
materials, iron and steel, and mining other people? Is it possible today that civilization, so
than soft coal mining, you have to stay put. proud of its culture and attainments, can inflict
War whoops, rearmament and grandiose treatment on innocent people that no humane man
public works have put an end to unemploy- could wish an animal to endure T
ment in Germany. Men of seventy are re- I might believe I had been the victim of a terrible
turning to their tasks, employees must have nightmare if my bruised body did not remind me of
my dreadful experiences. I hear again the rough
permission to quit their jobs, and in the stores voice of the officer saying to me, "You understand
one clerk often does the work of two. Many we know how to force you to speak; you know as
German-Americans have returned to their well that we have the right, without any further
native land to secure the steady employment, verdict, to imprison you or send you to a concen-
even though they know in advance that they tration camp. You have white hands, sir. Do you
will have less on the table. The way one man want them covered with blisters? and do you want
put it was, "The only thing you get better to find out how the men in the marshes sweat at
here is eats, and if you have no work you can't their work?" And here my questioner let loose an
eat." It must be admitted that is true; and avalanche of filthy words that would have made
the most hardened criminals blush.
therein lies the strength of the totalitarian
regime: it can and does make work for every- That was only the beginning. Afterwards I was
body, and whether they like the work or not. led to a dark, cold cell. An insensate fear tortured
my brain. I was in too great agony to rest, even
In the month of April 10,000,000 German for a moment. From the room where I had been
boys and girls arbitrarily and eompulsorily beaten, and which was next to my cell, came the
became members of the Hitler Youth, which sound of terrible oaths. But in the end I beCSWM
will have exclusive charge of the entire Ger indifferent to them, and indeed to everything. In
such a case one can breathe freely only when the One morning all the Jews in the camp were called
cell door is closed behind him and he is left alone. up. F r o m experience we could guess what was
But here is a newcomer to my cell. W h a t a pitiful afoot. We knew that such a proceeding had to be
air he has, poor wretch! Blood flows down his fore- connected with some event outside the eamp. So
head. His shirt is ripped. His chest is skinned and wc were not surprised when, this time, the news-
torn. I n spite of his athletic build he lets himself p a p e r we were allowed to read in the eamp after
fall on the cold stone floor trembling. I n my heart censorship reported the shooting of a Nazi leader
I thank God that my treatment has been less cruel. by a Jew.
With my handkerchief I tried to clean up the un- The Jews were divided into a number of small
fortunate man. After taking off his trousers I was gangs, which were put in charge of the toughest
seized with terror. I could not take my eyes off his of the S.S. men. One of these gangs had the task
swollen legs and his broken teeth. W h a t must he of emptying the latrines.
have undergonethis good-looking man of kindly This was done by means of a wagon, which had
mien? He continued to tremble with grief and to be dragged a long distance over the soft soil
fright. of the heath. Hitherto the wagon had been dragged
I learned that night that he was a Bible Student by fourteen men, but now the gang was reduced
[one of Jehovah's witnesses], a mason by trade, to eight. While kicks and blows rained on them,
married and the father of five children. He had the unfortunate men strained at the wagon, which
been arrested by the Gestapo, and taken to the only progressed by inches. They were not allowed
concentration camp at Sustrum, where he had re- to use the p u m p for emptying the latrines, but
mained a year, working in the marshes from sun- pails which had to be passed from hand to hand
rise till evening. Badly fed, he had been subjected and emptied into the wagon. Owing to the furious
to the most tyrannical persecution. In midwinter rate at which work had to proceed, the Jews were
the commander of the camp had made the prison- soon covered from head to foot with filth.
ers turn out in the courtyard in the middle of the Long after we had stopped work, the Jewish
night, completely naked. They had been compelled latrine gang had to continue. One day the first man
to lie down in the snow, to get up and then lie down in the pail gang was knocked into the pit by an
again, and so on until their poor bodies, exhausted S.S. gang leader. Two others had to drag him out.
already by their labors, no longer responded to The S.S. man pretended the poor devil had jumped
their brains, and they lay prostrate. Then the whip into the pit because he wanted to shirk work. The
lash, beating their poor bodies, made them even man, in his terrible state, was made to do knee-
then respond. Finally the order was given to re- bending exercises and to hop with outstretched
turn indoors, and like a flock of frightened sheep arms. Next he was ordered to roll, whereupon he
the naked men, half dead with cold, hurried to the vomited and fainted. The gang leader then set his
narrow entrance of the hall under the lash of the dog at the unconscious man, but the animal merely
pursuing whips. sniffed a t him and moved away. Several S.S. men
I heard later that the commandant of the camp then threw pails of water over the prostrate man.
was condemned to twelve years' hard labor for his When he regained consciousness he was ordered
inhuman treatment (how inadequate the words to accompany the gang leader outside the camp.
seem!) of the prisoners. A few days later, however, Shortly afterwards we heard the report of a re-
the commandant was pardoned, it being stated that volver shot. The sirens hooted, and i the prisoners
he had merely acted under "an excess of national- rushed out of the sheds for the line-up. The com-
ism". mandant informed us that a dirty J e w had attacked
the gang leader and had paid the penalty.
What Is Coming The following day the coffin containing the
corpse of the murdered man was placed in the
You Americans and Britishers middle of the camp. The Jewish prisoners had to
might as well know what is coming stand in a semicircle around the coffin and sing
in America and Britain, as a result Jewish songs. The others had to file past the coffin
of nursing the Roman Catholic and spit on it. The Jews were treated in this way
Hierarchy, coddling it, and prais- for another few weeks, and only dropped into the
ing it to the skies. The New Leader, New York, background upon the arrival of SO "Bible Re-
contains an article by an escaped prisoner of searchers" [Jehovah's witnesses], a sect most hated
one of Germany's concentration camps. This by the Nazis after the Jews.
man had eight ringers crushed by his tormen- It was the usual thing in the eamp to force men
tors, but dared not.go to the*prison physician. imprisoned for religious anti-Fascist propaganda
After narrating how, at midnight, or in the to make fun of their beliefs. Thus once the Cologne
preacher Spieker had to make a farcical speech be-
wee small hours of the morning, the prisoners fore the assembled inmates of the camp. H e de-
were often herded out into the rain or bitter livered the speech as required by the Nazis, and
old, and there told by the warmly clad guards then was given a beating because he bad spoken
to shiver themselves warm, he stated: differently from the pulpit.
JUNE 28, 1939 2:1*
The "Bible Researchers", however, never yielded tories, and several went insane during the
to such coercion. No torture was capable of forcing night. In Dachau, above described, Jehovah's
them to hold up their religious convictions to ridi- witnesses are listed as included in the "Black
cule. Trials were pending against the Bible Re- Front", which means that they are subjected
searchers, so that they could not be "shot while
trying to escape". But for this fact they would
to the worst treatment of any in the prison.
have been shot down in scores. While in Atlanta penitentiary for daring
Now, however, no form of torture was spared to be a Christian in time of war, Judge Ruther-
them. We other prisoners lived on the most friend- ford and his friends would almost have consid-
ly terms with Hie Bible Researchers. They did not ered it a treat to be taken out, lined up against
take part in our political discussions, but knew all a wall and shot, but they had enough food and
about the clandestine material in our possession. clothing so that they could get along. In
During searches and the following mass punish- Dachau, however, this past winter, many pris-
ments, however, they were as steadfast as anybody oners were compelled to wear linen all winter.
and never gave away a comrade.
Many contracted consumption from cold,
hunger and six hours' drilling a day.
A Result of Uitlcr's Jesuit Training
F o r m e r Chancellor Heinrieh Fiendishness at Sachsenhausen
Broiling of Germany, now a lectur- At Sachsenhausen concentration camp,
er at Harvard University, tells of November 11, 1938, a Berlin police officer and
cells lined with electric lights, so 12 polieemen delivered 62 Jewish lawyers,
that a prisoner feels aa Li dying of doctors, landlords, engineers, businessmen and
thirst, while al the same time he is oompe rabbis. On the way into the prison they were
to listen to recorded speeches of Goering. Very made to run the gauntlet of two lines of black
few can stand this peculiar form of torture guards armed with whips, clubs and spades.
more than three or four months, and after Twelve of the 62 were killed, their skulls hav-
even three days of it many a man's hair turned ing been smashed. The others were all uncon-
snow-white. scious, the eyes of some having been knocked
Dr. John d'elbert, one-time physician to the out and their faces flattened and shapeless.
Beast of Berchtesgaden, on a tour of German The police, unable to bear the cries of the
concentration camps, seeking a relative, saw dying men, turned their backs, but accepted a
places where human creatures were incar- receipt that they had delivered the correct
cerated in cells that were without windows, number of men to the camp. On the same oc-
ventilation, lights or toilets. When he told casion 16,000 men were herded into quarters
Hitler to his face that this is barbarism he was which were formerly occupied by 6,850. Dur-
himself incarcerated and subjected to seven ing the first two days they were not allowed to
unnamed punishments, but escaped through use the toilets. Afterwards one toilet was made
the intervention of an American consul. lie available for each 200 men, but no one was
is now lecturing in America, his family are given facilities to wash.
being persecuted in the land of his birth, and Louis Fulda, 39 years of age, hair made
if lie ever returns to the cesspool of civilization white from two months in a concentration
he will face a firing squad. camp, testified April 13, 1939, before the
In Hitler's living hell at Dachau concentra- American Immigration Bureau's Board of
tion camp a prisoner who made a mild protest Special Inquiry, and supported his testimony
against cruelty was shot down without a mo- with an affidavit, that he was one of 3,000 men
ment's hesitation. Another, too weary to stand thrown into barracks built for 300, that 100
on his feet, was beaten on the head by an S.S. perished the first night, and that he had per-
man on guard so severely that he had been sonally seen many go insane. This at Buchen-
dead about ten minutes before the assault was wald.
stopped. This was considered a great joke The mistreatment of Schuschnigg, former
among the gnanls. On one occasion 400 per- premier of Austria", since his imprisonment is
sons were scientifically crowded into a room so great that the poor man has now lost the
not intended to hold more than 50, and were, power of his legs, and when he is shifted by
many of them, actually compelled to stand on ins torturers from one part of the German
one foot all night because there was not room Madhouse to another they have to carry him
enough to put both feet down. Throughout on a stretcher.
the nighl they were excluded from the lava- It Ls a common thing in Germany for a man
to be arrested, for no offense whatever, and age were being put into concentration camps
after a few days, or weeks or months, a man in Germany where the chief form of amuse-
calls at his home, asks for his wife, and hands ment is to make them leap over a wire charged
her a package saying, "These are the ashes of with lethal voltage. If they miss, it means
your husband. There will be a charge of three electrocution. Others are made to take their
marks, please." Sixty cents each for murders exercise on a plank over sewage. If this is
seems like a small price. And is it not a little civilization, the poorest dwarf in Africa may
unusual to collect the fee from the murdered well pray to be spared from it.
man's wife?
Carrying Out Hitler's Will
Gestapo Benevolence Hereafter on the doors of German Jewish
fgi Gestapo benevolence was at its physicians they must have sky-blue signs 18
*$A egg height in the expulsion of 15,000 by 15 inches in size. In the upper left corner
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Jews from Germany to Poland. At must be a lemon-yellow circular space three
- *^*- the town of Zbonszyn 5,000 men, inches in diameter, in the middle of which
^** ^& women and children lay huddled in must be a blue David's star two inches high.
rain and cold from ten at night till seven in The doctor's name must carry Israel or Sara
the morning, some of them on a stone floor as a middle name unless the given name is
without coverings, some in pigsties, the men itself Jewish. The sign must contain, under the
weeping as well as their women and children. doctor's name: "Licensed for medical practice
Five died and four became insane under the exclusively on Jews." All prescription blanks
strain; 200 were taken to hospitals. Among and bills carry the blue David's star on a yel-
the sufferers was a woman of 93 and a blind low background.
man of 76 who had not even a pocket handker- New Jewish regulations are that no Jew
chief. It was the Hitler civilization at its best. may have or drive a motor vehicle; there are
A thousand found refuge in a cavalry stable. certain streets upon which no Jew may enter
Four persons died and three went insane except by special permit; Jews will he refused
from their sufferings in No Man's Land on the admission to German hotels; no Jews may
Czechoslovakian border. One woman of 84 was enter Nuremberg or Fiirth except by permit;
blind. One woman who went insane was ad- Jews are compelled to hand over to the Gov-
mitted to a Czechoslovak hospitaL A new ernment all stocks or bonds in their possession ;
baby, born on the roadway, and its mother Jews may not buy, sell or pledge objects of
were also admitted to a hospital. When the gold, silver, platinum or jewelry. The site for
Germans took over the town of Ludenburg the Berlin ghetto has been selected.
all Jewish men were imprisoned and their The Nazi decrees against the Jews in Ger-
women folks were told they must leave for many are so drastic that they not only are
Czechoslovakia within 24 hours. If they did eliminated from financial, wholesale and in-
not leave on time they were ejected by the dustrial undertakings, but are even forbidden
German police, who took their house keys and to engage in forestry and farming.
everything remaining in their homes. The new German census shows exactly how
In Vienna at one time there were 300 inno- many Jews, half-Jews, eighth-Jews and even
cent persons in hospitals suffering from broken sixteenth-Jews there are. Farmers must list
noses. A one-legged man was so beaten that he every head of livestock. No such snooping in-
cannot use the leg he has left. An old man, quisition ever existed previously, except, of
lame for ten years, was so badly beaten that course, at the confessional window of the
he committed suicide because he knew he snooping priests who make it their business
would never walk again. The police look on to know all about the private affairs of every-
while these outrages are perpetrated, and do body, so that when it comes to seizing property
nothing whatever. Elderly men are compelled they will know just how to proceed.
to crawl on their bellies in the street, wearing Tn Germany, most people with brains are
nothing but their pants. Refined women are either in prison or escaped in lime. One who
forced to clean the storm troopers' latrines. escaped surprised a friend by telling of his
The Leicester (England) Mail quotes F . L. intention of going to Ecuador. The friend ex-
Attenborough, principal of Leicester Univer- postulated, "But that is so far away," and got
ty College, as saying that a refugee told him the knockout reply, "Far away from WHAT?"
April 17, 1939, that men over sixty years of (To be continued)
U N E 28, 1939
R e l i g i o u s I n t o l e r a n c e i n S o u t h Africa
The Banning of the Bible Study Book Riches
British Comment (Continued from page 16) wealth which the Government is thinking
and Poland and other nations, and these lack about are to be left till wartime, and are to
faith in Britain until Britain has an army by be devised only (to be effective in preventing
conscription to back up its pacts. the accumulation of individual fortunes'. The
The Labor party will not oppose the Gov- prime minister claims to be realistic, but there
ernment's conscription after it has become law, is no realism in postponing conscription of
but they will continue to urge that there shall wealth while at the same time you are con-
he some conscription of the wealth of the scripting men." The prime minister announces
moneyed classes. A Labor member says, "Boys that, measures will be taken to prevent those
of 20 are to be conscripted now. Levies on vast accumulations of private fortunes which
J U N E 28, 1939 29
were gained OUl of the country's need during liberties. The premier pursues his way, backed
the Great War; hut those acute makers of by his supporters in Parliament. At the mo-
money who seek their own gains at the coun- ment he seems ready to make some overtures
try's cost will find ways of getting richer than to Hitler. There are those who have begun to
they now are. The Textile correspondent of say the country might as well get into the war
the Manchester Guardian says, "During the and get the suspense over. Those who say that
past two or three months over 20,000,000 do not visualize the inevitable destruction of
yards of cloth have been ordered by the Gov- all who arc involved in such a war as must
ernment through agents instead of direct with follow an outbreak.
the actual makers of the cloth. These orders,
which are for the fighting forces and for Communists
A.R.P. purposes, arc valued at over 1,000,000, The Communists are not numerous, but. they
and as the agents are obtaining 1.J percent. get into the limelight now and again. A section
commission in many instances this means that of the party has followed an obstructionist
the Government has bad to pay 1F>,000 more method of calling attention to the great need
for the cloth than it would have done had the of many of the unemployed. Taking the ex-
orders been placed with manufacturers." He ample of the students of Bombay who some
continues. "A prominent manufacturer told months ago laid themselves in the streets of
me that he had obtained an order through an the city, holding up its traffic, to demonstrate
agent for 2,000.000 yards of Royal Air Force their troubles, some parties of Communists
blue', .costing about one shilling a yard, or have done the same in London and some pro-
100,000 for the whole order. ()n this contract vincial cities. A party of twenty men and
the agent's commission is l i percent, which women suddenly laid themselves in the center
means that he will get 1,500 for merely hand- of Oxford Circus, holding up the traffic for
ing on the Government's order. The manu- about twenty minutes; another party tried to
facturer comments, 'It is high time that a get into the House of Commons carrying a
definite move was made to clean up the whole black coffin. Their cry is, "Work for the un-
question of Government, contracts.'' employed !"
The Government lias now appointed a Min- One of the leaders of the party has issued a
istry of Supply, and no doubt it will bring pamphlet calling on Chamberlain to FACE TriE
about some economies in the huge expenditures FACTSa term which has caught on in Eng-
to which the /country is committed ; but, as land since Judge Rutherford bid Britain and
Reynolds says, the minister who lias been ap- the world to PACK THE FACTS of its danger in
pointed and is chiefly responsible is one who its refusal to heed the message of Jehovah
may be considered acceptable to the foreign from His Word. The Communist pamphlet
influences which throw their weight against Speaks of Chamberlain's recent complaint that
the British Cabinet. many young men refused to lake advantage
The country is placarded with great no- of the Government's arrangement to help
tices " W E MUST B E PREPARED". The touchi- them by its instructional camps. It gives an-
ness of the situation keeps the people on other view of these labor camps, and claims
tension. It cannot be said that a sense of that the work is both hard on the men and
fear is noticeable, but the morning and eve- such as ought to be paid for at ordinary rates
ning newspapers are eagerly scanned to know of wages. Pood and a rough general provision
the latest developments. Everywhere war is are provided for constructional work, but only
the topic of conversation, and. What is Hitler four shillings a week are given. Many of the
going to say? or, What will Mussolini say or men are sent from their homes leaving depend-
do next? and then, What is Chamberlain's ents behind for whom adequate provision is
next word? "Peace in our time," the slogan not made, and it is said that those employed
raised after Munich, died a rather sudden are really doing forced labor and are in a
death, and the hope of averting a general war r condition than before. The pamphlet
is almost a lost hope. rightly calls attention to the false view of the
The Government is undoubtedly making official figures of the Labor Ministry's month-
much progress in its preparation of war ma- in -month statements: men who have been un-
terial, and the huge posters are intended to employed for even ten years are transferred
gei the people into a frame,of mind to accept into the reckoning of the numbers of the 'casu-
the fact of conscription and the limitation of ally unemployed' figures if work for two or
three days is found for them. This, it is an alliance with Russia, thinking he hates
claimed, is done to hide the ugliness of the Bolshevism too much to allow that to happen.
facts of unemployment. Among these same British haters of the Rus-
sian form of government are to be found ad-
Political mirers of Hitler and of his regimentation of
One of the most important of the political the people. The Roman Catholic newspapers
questions now before the Government is wheth- and journals are throwing their weight into
er or not Britain shall enter into an alliance opposition against any alliance of Britain with
with Russia. There are many who wonder the "anti-God" country of Russia. The Roman
why Chamberlain has had such reluctance as Church has set itself up as the champion of
he has evidenced against making an alliance those who fight Communism, and Russia is the
with a power whose aid seems necessary to his nation above all others which has adopted the
own policy of entering into agreements to re- Communistic form of government. The hier-
sist Nazi further aggression in Europe. Russia archy in Rome knows very well that if Britain,
is by far the greatest military power in Eu- whom at present it flatters, enters into a pact
rope, and has almost unmeasurable possibili- or alliance with Russia its propaganda and
ties in war material and man power to call its activities will receive a setback: it would
on, and if this were available for the help of give a hard blow to Roman Catholic Fascist
Britain and France in case of war between aggression. Events will probably show that
these countries and the "Axis" powers there Chamberlain's reluctance has been caused by
could be little doubt of the issue in any con- representations from the hierarchy in Rome
flict. The immediate objective of the pacts, and local pressure from the hierarchy in
some realized, others in the making, is, of Britain. In the meantime it is to be noted that
course, to have so much force in hand as to the Roman Catholic papers arc as noisy in
preclude the probability of further Nazi or their objection to a pact with Russia as they
Fascist aggression in Europe. were in manifesting their sympathy with
There arc those in Britain who are much Franco. The policy of the Papacy is their
averse to a pact with Russia: as a Bolshevik church first and last: that interest comes be-
nation it is out of their class! They do not fore the welfare of the people or the preserva-
fear the possibility of Hitler's entering into tion of peace.
Name City _
Street State
The Messenger will include not only a detailed report and pictures
of the happenings in the key city, New York, but also an account of
the interesting items at each of the other convention cities. You will
be particularly interested in reading about the information marches,
the opposition encountered, response of the people of good will, and
attendance at the big public meeting.
City State
LOOK our:
Published every other "Wednesday by The boss was passing through the packing
W A T C H T O W E R BIBLE A N D TRACT SOCIETY, INC. room when he saw a boy leaning against a box,
117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. T., U. S. A. cheerfully whistling.
Editor Clayton J. Woodworth "What is your salary?" he barked at the boy.
Business Manager Nathan H . Knorr "Ten dollars a week, sir,-*' was the reply.
Five Cents a Copy "Here's two weeks' pay. In other words,
51 a year in the United States you're fired!"
$1.25 to Canada and all other countries
Later, says Stray Stories Magazine, he met
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS the foreman and a^ked him when they bad
Remittances: For your own safety, remit by postal or
express money order. When coin or currency is lost hired that boy.
in the ordinary mails, there is no redress. Remittances "Why, we never had him working here,"
from countries other than those named below m a r be
made to the Brooklyn office, but only by International was the astonishing answer. "He came over
postal money order.
Receipt of a new or renewal subscription will be a c - with an order from another firm."
knowledged only when requested. Notice of Expiration
is sent with the journal one month before subscription
expires. Please renew promptly to avoid loss of copies. W o u l d T a k e It
Send change of address direct to ua r a t h e r t h a n to the
post office. Your request should reach us a t least two An actress was incensed by the conduct of
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will not be forwarded by t h e post office to your new
address unless extra postage is provided by you. ance slightly when on the stage.
Published also In Afrikaans, Bohemian, Danish, Dutch, "That was not rehearsed," she said. "If you
Finnish, French, German, Greek. Hungarian, J a p a -
nese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, were my husband I'd knock your head off your
Ukrainian; also special Australian edition In English. shoulders for that."
OFFICES FOR OTHER COUNTRIES The old actor looked at her gravely, blandly,
England 34 Craven Terrace, London. W. 2 steadfastly for a moment. Then he answered:
Canada 40 IrwLn Avenue, Toronto 6. Ontario
Australia 7 Beresford Road, Strathfield, N S W . "Madam, if I were your husband I'd be
South Africa 622 Boston House. Cape Town grateful to merciful Heaven for a sudden end,
Entered a s second-class m a t t e r a t Brooklyn, N . T..
under the Act of March 3, 1870. however dramatic."
"And in His name shall the nations hope."Matthew 12:21, A.R.V.
Volume XX Brooklyn, N. Y., Wednesday, July 12, 1939 Number 517
"And I saw one of his heads, as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all
the world wondered after the beast."Revelation 13: 3.
Ku Klux Klan
Name Street _ ,
City State
JULY 12, 1939 31
41 $p~
Judge Rutherford's Latest Book
SALVATION, the author's edition, released for the first
time at the World-wide Convention of Jehovah's witnesses,
Saturday, June 24, came as a big surprise. Both conventioners
and public audiences snapped up tens of thousands of copies.
If you did not get yours then and there, GET I T NOW!
The author's edition, containing a facsimile letter written
by Judge Rutherford, will be specially prized by you. Its 384
pages abound with the latest information now so sorely needed.
This edition is limited, and copies a r e being offered on a 50c
SALVATION is clothbound, -stamped in gold, and ornately
embossed. The wine-red cover, the beautiful pictures, the index,
the large print, bespeak the book's real ,value, which is best found
by a careful study of its most interesting and instructive contents.
Name _ _
City . State _.
- ^
^m VI^VJ
July 2e, 1939 Five Cents a Copy
Vol. XX No. 518
Published Every
Other Wednesday " H O L Y C H U R C H " N E E D S P O W E R *Fo5reinSnCcnounatr.aenad
Contents Appetizers
Sadism Ueber Allcs 3 Not Likely
Women in Nazi Germany 3
Henpeck (who has just overheard
The Pogrom of November 10, 1938 4
Foresight and Efficiency 6 his wife scolding the maid)You
World-wide Convention Centering in New York 7 and I both seem to be in the same
New England 8 unfortunate position, Jane.
The Salute Business 8 MaidNot likely! I'm giving her
New Jersey 0 a week's notice tomorrow.Stray Stories
Scientific Kidding of the Jitterbug 9 Magazine
Palestine 10
The Dimensions of Hell 10 Advice on Ornithology
Doctors Drugs Tobacco 11
The New Government 12 Bookworm; Can you help me to select a good
The Padlock Infamy 12 book?
"Joy of the Lord" in Montreal 13 L i b r a r i a n : Here is a good one about a
In the Informal, Breezy West 14 cardinal.
A Gamaliel in Montreal 14 Bookworm: No, I am not interested in reli-
Kingdom Service in Mount Lebanon 15 gion.
Counsel by J. F . Rutherford 17 L i b r a r i a n : But this is a bird.
Rome the Mecca 17
18 Bookworm: No, t h a n k s ; I am not interested
Motoring 19 in his private life, cither.
Under the Totalitarian Flag 20
The "Holy Church" Needs Power 20 Holy Water from Lourdes
Crusade for Pope in Government 22 An old woman at the Ulster frontier was
Red Herring Statesmanship 2fi
26 asked if she had anything to declare. "No,
A Fleeting Glimpse at Science
British Comment 28 nothing a t all." " B u t what was in the bot-
t l e ? " "Oh, only holy water; holy water from
Lourdes." The customs officer pulled the cork.
Published every other Wednesday by "Whisky it is," said he. "Glory to God!" cried
WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY, INC. the old w o m a n ; "a miracle!"The Country-
117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. T., U. S. A. man.
Editor Clayton J. "Woodworth
Business Manaoer Nathan H. Kaorr Reasonable Caution
Five Cents a Copy
$1 a year in the United States Young MacFather, I have to have an atlas
$1.25 to Canada and all other countries for school.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Old MaeAh, fori, ye'd better wait till the
Remittances: For your own safety, remit by postal or war'rld's mair settled.Labor Herald.
express money order. When coin or currency is lost
in the ordinary malls, there is no redress. Remittances
from countries other than those named below may be Better Take a Look
made to the Brooklyn office, but only by International
postal money order. The new 200-inch telescope at Mt. Palomar
Receipt of a n e w or renewal subscription will be ac- will soon be ready. A peep through it is recom-
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Send change of address direct to us rather than to the
post office. Your request should reach us at least two
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Published also in Afrikaans, Bohemian, Danish, Dutch, as a whole?
Finnish, French, German. Greek. Hungarian, Japa- Man viewing i t : As a hole it's all right, but
nese. Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish,
Ukrainian; also special Australian edition in Knglish. as a house it's awful.London Courier.
England 31 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2 It Happens Every Day
Canada 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario A t r a i n conductor is one of the few men who
Australia 7 Beresford Road, Strathfield. N.S.W.
South Africa 623 Boston House, Cape Town can tell a woman where to get off and get away
Kntered as second-class matter at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
under the Act of March 3, 1879. with it.
"And in His name shall the nations hope."Matthew 12:21, A.R.V.
Volume XX Brooklyn, N. Y., Wednesday, July 26, 1939 Number 618
Sadism U b e r Alles
Women in Nazi Germany
The Salute Business they could stand up, put on their hats and
We have a big Statue of Liberty down in walk out all in one operation. It is a peculiar
New York harbor to weep at when we come thing about saluting the flag, that some flags
back from a tour of Europe. The American get saluted and some don't. On patriotic holi-
flag is supposed to be an emblem of liberty. days, with the streets decorated with flags, it
If the American people are sitting down when is important to remember this.
they see the American flag they bound up into Any person that went along the street sa-
the air as if stabbed in the seat with a pin. luting all of the flags would be hauled in by
If they are standing up when they see the flag the police and tested for drunkenness or in-
they raise their hats, being unable to go up sanity. Unfortunately, there is no rule to
into the air in any other way. Just who told show which flag to salute and which one to
the American people to do this, we do not ignore.
know, as nothing was said about it in the The safest thing to do is to watch the fellow
Declaration of Independence or the Consti- next to you, out of the corner of your eye, and
tution of the United States. if he salutes, you salute. That is to make sure
Our best guess is that the whole business was he doesn't knock your hat off or punch the
started by some emigrant that just came over back of your neck. If you are going to be a
from some country where he had to salute, patriot you might as well be a safe one.
salaam or kowtow to some dictator. If this As we said in the beginning, the American
surmise is correct, it is lucky for the American flag is the emblem of liberty. Liberty is any-
people that the fellow didn't stand on his head. thing you can do without getting a license or
being put in jail. Now, you have to get a license
Up in Danbury, Conn., ever since we can to practice medicine, drive a car, fix the sink,
remember, a picture of the American flag has cut hair, build a house, sell real estate, prune
been shown in the theaters at the beginning trees, keep boarders, sell rum, run a store, re-
of each performance. The audience bounds up pair automobiles, catch fish, go hunting, keep
into the air with a groan, at the sight of it, a dog, and so forth. The final salute to liberty
and subsides with a gulp when it disappears. will come just before you have to get a license
What would happen if they had to stand on to breathe. After that you will salute the fel-
their heads 1. It would be a calamity in close low that can holler the loudest.EL J. Wiley,
quarters like that. Ey_on the business of stand- in the Bridgeport Post.
ing up causes aucfible groans from people
afflicted with rheumatism, falling arches, corns Why Must H i t l e r Be Aped?
or a hard day's work in the factories. What To the manager of the Strand Theater,
these people say doesn't sound as much like Waterbury, Conn.: Have been attending at the
an ovation as it does like a curse, when it isn't Strand for many years in peace and comfort,
drowned out by the roar of falling whiskey but, to my surprise, the other day the Amer-
flasks and contents of ladies' handbags. ican flag in pretty colors was flashed on the
Wouldn't it be possible to change this sa- screen and all patrons jumped to their feet. I
lute to the flag to some movement less strenu- almost thought I was in a foreign country and
ous and still show our patriotism! Let us say expected hands to be extended in salutation.
we would limit the movement to merely raising Has our country come to this, that we must
the eyebrows or sticking out the tongue. A, imitate countries that are run by dictators l i t
citizen would certainly feel more patriotic seems a shame.Anonymous Patron.
sticking out his tongue at the flag than he
would by standing on his fallen arches. 1,640 Miles of L u m b e r
As it is, we think the theaters make a big If the timber blown down in. the New
mistake showing the flag at the beginning, England hurricane could all be sawn into
instead of at the end of the performance. Most lumber it would make a train 1,640 miles long.
of the older people attend theaters to relax, The attempt to salvage this timber is one of
rest or sleep after a hard day's work. If the the biggest sawmill jobs ever undertaken, -and
flag raising were held at the end of the. per- means busy times in New England through-
formance, these people would be rested and out the present year.
New Jersey
Roasted Alive? The teacher was arrested. The physician
Pennsylvania is establishing a repu- who' treated the boy refused to comment on
tation as the state having the worst the arrest; and he too should be arrested, be-
prisons in the country. The Holmes- cause the county coroner, who should have
burg prison, where four inmates viewed the body, knew nothing about it until
were roasted alive, and where 21 it had been buried. The doctor should have told
others were" brought to unconsciousness and him, but was trying to shield the murderer.
within one hour of death, is foremost in the
ranks of bad prisons. The roasting was done Nice Little Business Upset
with steam in an enclosed part of the prison Two women and a man in Philadelphia had
from which the victims could not escape, when worked up a nice little business of insuring
it was 80 degrees outside. When one humane their husbands and brothers and poisoning
guard turned the heat off, one of the regular them for their insurance, when the police up-
variety, such as they prefer at Holmesburg, set it all, and in Philadelphia, no less. They
turned it back on. Fourteen persons, includ- dug up several of the deceased policyholders
ing the superintendent, deputy warden, guard and found arsenic had taken them off. When
captain, two prison physicians and nine Ferdinand Alfonsi was dying he accused his
guards, didn't see anything wrong with roast- wife of poisoning him, and when they cut
ing prisoners. him open the arsenic was found, as he had pre-
dicted. Now the business doesn't look as good
Robbed the Poor Box as it did, and they didn't even give Mrs.
According to his own confession, made to Alfonsi the $3,000 she had expected to get.
Judge Michael P. McDonald, of Wilkes-Barre,
Emil Goglio robbed the poor box of the Sacred Public Ownership of Anthracite
Heart Church at Duryea, so that he could One of the reasons why many desire the
educate his son for the religious racket. He public ownership of anthracite coal is that,
was given five to ten years. The Associated after the United States Supreme Court had
Press carefully stated that this was "so he ordered the railroads to divorce themselves
could educate his son for the clergy" (guess from coal holdings (the spirit of which order
what kind of clergy) and put the words into was never obeyed, as everybody in the coal
Goglio's mouth that he wanted his son "to be regions knows full well to be the truth), those
a minister''. How considerate 1 holdings, actually worth $123,000,000, were
written up on the books at $456,000,000; and
Nice Teacher in Pennsylvania then the companies set up a reserve of $171,-
000,000 for depreciation and depletion, which
At Sligo grammar school, near Clarion, was $48,000,000 more than the property is
Pa., a ten-year-old boy is alleged to have worth. Now the benefits go to the Big Business
thrown some jelly beans. He won't dp so any crowd. If the Government takes over the mines
more. The teacher beat him with a piece of the benefits will go to the big politicians in-
flooring, and the little fellow died in six days. stead.
New York
Big Strike in Brooklyn petition, his mother gave in, and now 88 Am-
There was a big strike in Brooklyn. boy street, Brooklyn, will be headquarters for
A seventeen-year-old boy brought fox terriersplural, maybe.
home a two-week-old female fox
I H terrier. He had an idea his twelve- 4,139 Women for 12 Jobs
year-old brother would like it, and New York City advertised for twelve wom-
maybe his three-year-old sister would. It never en to "act as laboratory helpers, at $960 a
occurred to him that his mother might not be year. How many do you suppose applied? One
a convert to the cause. She stuck it out five of the city armories received the applicants.
weeks and then announced a lockout. The They began to come at midnight, so as to be
twelve-year-old had a bright idea. He pre- sure to be on time. At that hour 230 were
pared sandwich signs, for himself and his seated; ten patrolwomen watched over them,
three-year-old sister. The signs, fore and aft, and a detail of patrolmen. By six o'clock in
read "I am on strike because my mother wants the morning there were 392. At eight-thirty in
to throw out my dog." The dog also wore signs the morning the doors were closed: there were
reading, "I don't want to go away." Then the 4,139 women waiting for the twelve jobs. A
twelve-year-old circulated a petition reading, city commissioner, looking out over the sea
"My dear Mrs. Fishner: This petition is made of expectant faces, said to reporters, "I wish
because you refuse to let a poor boy, your son, to God we could place them all." What a
have a dog. This is why you see the signatures world! 344 of the women had to go away with
below." When the boy had 42 signers to his aching hearts, to every one that got a job.
J U L Y 26, 1939 27
popes have used is impossible, as any person
who reads his epistles "can readily see.
British Comment A Canterbury religionist asserts that a
statement made by one of the local company
By J. Hemery (London) of Jehovah's witnesses that there was no pope
till the fifth century A.D. is untrue; he says
there is an unbroken record of 47 popes be-
fore the date mentioned (A.D. 460). This is
the common claim of Catholics whether of the
Rome and Its Popes Roman or Anglican variety. It may be allowed
The Catholic church is loud and insistent that names of members of the Christian com-
in its claim that a pope has held office and pany in Rome can be obtained from early
ruled in the Roman Catholic church from the writings and that a regular sequence may be
days of the apostles. The claim is necessary shown. But to say that any person in the days
to their institution: they cannot afford to of the little company of true Christians in
allow that a time lapsed between the days of Rome was given or assumed the title of pope,
the apostles and the making of Papacy. Peter or that in the years when false teachers began
was fixed upon out of the number of the twelve their destructive influence there was such a
because of the words of Jesus when, speaking, title, is to assert a direct untruth. The Papacy
to the twelve and mentioning Peter, he gave was established as the opportunities for ag-
Peter the privilege of using the keys of the gression presented themselves, and in direct
kingdom to open the doors for the entrance of violation of Christ's word, when, denouncing
those who should become the faithful follow- religionists, He said, "Call no man your father
ers of Jesus. At Pentecost a key was used upon the earth."Matthew 23: 9.
the words of Peter by the holy spiritand
great numbers of Jews were added to the Religious Humbug
church. The other was used at the home of
Cornelius, the Roman centurion; for there A "reverend" gentleman who is "professor
while Peter was speaking about Jesus the holy of Christian worship" at King's college ad-
spirit came upon that little company as it had. mits that superstition is still prevalent in
done in Jerusalem. (Acts 11:15) No other church members. On the Sunday preceding
such occasion arose: none was necessary; for his remark two vicars in Norfolk walked
the opening was accomplished. The Scriptures through some fields with his parishioners to
know nothing of a successor to Peter. There pray that God would remove from the fields
was none; but when, in the course of years, some ancient curses which (it is said) have
the chiefs of the professed Christians in Rome rested on the fields, even since Tudor times.
began to assume priority of position, claims Either the vicars have been slow to move or
never heard of before were made and, their predecessors have been negligent, if the
amongst other assumptions, the Roman church lifting of the curses has depended upon so
forged a link between themselves and Peter easy, a performance. The incident would hard-
so that it could hold the 'right to give entrance ly be worth mention except for the fact that
to the kingdom of heaven', or refuse it to those it illustrates the humbugging of the people by
who refused its claims. With this came the the parsons. If these vicars know anything at
claim and assumption that the chief of the all of the ways and the works of God they
Roman church was the head of all who pro- know that this performance cannot make the
fessed to be followers or believers in Christ, slightest difference to the nonfertility of the
and the title of pope, or father, was taken. fields. It is a move to keep the ignorant in their
Every member of the Roman Catholic church belief in the church's efficacy to clear the par-
is caused to believe that Peter was the first ish of demons. I t was to frighten away the
pope of Rome and that an unbroken series of demons that ugly gargoyles were built in the
successors has had Peter's privilegeit was walls of the church buildings, and the ringing
never authority in the sense used by Rome of the bells at the time of worship had orig-
ever since. That Peter was ever in Rome can- inally the same purpose. And this is partly
not be proved; that he was ever resident there true of the use of incense in their churches
and wrought as an apostle is altogether unlike- professedly as following the use of incense in
ly; that he ever used such authority as the the tabernacle of the wilderness, it serves to
give a dullness to the senses, but is also sup- lows of this day), "He that rejecteth mc, and
posed to drive away all that is evil. receiveth not my words, hath'onc that judgeth
him: the word that I have spoken, the same
The Parsons Are Lining Up shall judge him in the last day."John
It was to be expected that whenever the 12:48,49.
military call should come the parsons and This Scots parson docs not believe that
clergy would line up. Representatives of the Jesus always spoke the words of God, the
Prince of Peace as they profess to be, they Father, according to the spirit of God which
know where their immediate interests are best was in Him. To "prove" that Jesus changed
served, Isaiah said, "The ox knoweth his own- His mind and disposition because of opposi-
er, and the ass his master's crib," and these tion and disappointment he quotes Jesus as
men certainly know their feeding places. Some speaking utterly opposite things. Early in His
parsons declare themselves as determined ministry Jesus had said to His disciples, "Re-
"pacifists",, and continue to proclaim both sist not evil"; but says the parson, 'because
their abhorence of war and that it is contrary He lost His faith in the responsiveness of hu-
to the teachings of Jesus, and it may be that man nature to every higher appeal, and when
some of them will carry their declarations into He knew He had failed, and had learned the
refusal to take part in war, should it come. shamelessness of the nonresistance idea and
Time will prove; but that as a class the clergy the hardness of heart which yields to nothing
will do as they did in the last war, that is, both but compulsion,' He changed, and indicated
take a place as officers, for that is what they His change by saying, "Those mine enemies
expect, and also become recruiting agents. who would not that I should rule over them,
During the Great War some parsons were very bring hither, and slay them before me." This
actively engaged in such service and were paid unbelieving parson says Jesus seems to have
by the State for the service. gone on this principlewhen idealism fails
then common sense must be listened to; the
implication being that Jesus began His work
A Perth Parson lacking common sense, or, with common sense
The "Reverend" J. W. Henderson, preach- "changed his mind under the pressure of stern
ing the gospel (!) in Kinnoull church, is re- facts". The parson does not believe what is
ported by the local press as preaching directly recorded by the spirit of God, that Jesus al-
to " 'crawling pacifists' who counsel us to take ways knew what was in man. (John 2:25)
every crime and outrage lying down, and to According to this false disciple Jesus grew up
sacrifice Empire, honor and life for the sake in the backwaters of Nazareth, and he has the
of Christ". So far as we are concerned he may boldness to say of. Him, "Indeed the code of
call his fellow parsons all the names he likes conduct laid down in the sermon on the mount
to use to back up his position; but this "rev- might be described as a villager's religion:
erend" professed representative of Jesus pro- the Lord had the idea that friendliness among
ceeded to bring his Master down to his own all the members of the community was the
level, and proved himself as a false disciple. keynote to village life and welfare." Jesus had
As may be expected, he shows himself an un- a self-imposed mission, says this false teacher,
believer in Jesus as the representative of God: and He had to learn many, many things when
he does not believe Jesus' own words always He saw His doctrine of nonresistance to evil
were the words of His Father by Him, nor failing Him. It is to be supposed that the mem-
does he believe the actions of Jesus were al- bers of this preacher's flock who support him
ways according to the will and mind of God. and the church organization he represents get
To .the Jews, the prototypes of the clergy of what they want to buy.
our days, Jesus declared that the words He There is, of course, no contradiction in the
spoke were always of His Father: "As my words of Jesus: it is impossible that there
Father hath taught me, I speak these things." could be. His last words were no more cer-
(John.8:28) "When His work was nearly ac- tainly expressions of his Father's will than His
complished He said, "I have not spoken of first. Jesus learned while He ministered, but
myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave it was the lesson of full obedience: "He
me a commandment, what I should say, and learned obedience by the things which he
what I should speak"; and at the same time suffered" (Hebrews 5 : 8 ) ; a lesson which the
He said to those unbelievers (and to their fel- disobedient clergy class will not learn. The
J U L Y 26, 1939 29
context of Jesus' word, *But 1 say unto .you, nate Abyssinians were being overwhelmed by
Resist not evil/ shows that He was controvert- poison gas there were triumphant masses
ing the teaching of the religionists, the Jews' throughout Italy, and the holding of these
clergy, who advocated retaliation for evil, de- masses was not condemned by the then pope
manding an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. or by his cardinal secretary of state, who is
As has been shown, Jesus never spoke against now enthroned at the Vatican." The arch-
self-defense. His words, "Bring hither mine bishop expressed a hope that the words of the
enemies," tell of the time of judgment which bishop of Birmingham would not be reported,
should come with His return, and when all and most of the newspapers refrained, but
those who oppose Him, whether declared ene- some had the courage to print them.
mies or professed friends, using His name,
should be destroyed in His presence. Prayers
Both then, when the truth was spoken by Here is another use for prayer! A team of
Him in person, and now, when it is carried to Mormon baseball plaj'ers finding their York-
the people by His disciples, it is objectionable shire opponents rather too good for them held
to those who have made a place for themselves. a short prayer meeting in the grounds. The
History is being repeated by the clergy class, fact only is reported; whether or not they
true children of the rejectors of Jesus and His won the games is not stated. The spectators
words from God. and the non-prayers will hardly consider this
as "playing the game".
The Religionists' Peace Movement
Started by the archbishop of Canterbury Money for Betting
from his place in Parliament, some progress has It is reliably calculated that a million pounds
been made. Whitsunday, the orthodox church- per year is expended in betting in Britain
es' set day for the anniversary of the first about half of the amount on horse and dog
Pentecost, provided a good starting point for racing, and nearly as much through the bet-
the Church of England, and special prayers ting pools of football games, though this latter
were provided for the occasion. Since the arch- is not called betting.
bishop first mentioned his idea great attempts
have been made to rally all the churches into
a Christian peace movement. The Scottish Half Million Street Accidents
Presbyterians, the English Free churches, the More than 500,000 people were killed or
Swedish protestants, and the archpatriarch injured on the streets of London in the last
who represents the Eastern churches (another ten years. About one-third of these accidents
form of Papacy) are in agreement. But the were caused by automobiles. There were 60,958
pope and his church will not join. The signa- accidents in London streets in the year 1934.
tories to the Canterbury call have to report, One may account for the numerous accidents
"The pope has already issued to his flock a by the fact that London was not built with the
call for a crusade of prayer for peace among requirements of modern traffic in mind. The
all nations, and they are glad to think of their streets are frequently narrow and tortuous.
own call as associated with his." The pope's
time for joining with the non-Catholics will Other Items
have come when they go to Rome acknowledg- The British Broadcasting Company's in-
ing the claims of the Roman church and its come for the year 1938 was 3,800,000. It is
pope. expected that an additional 500,000 will
Before that time comes there will be some shortly be required to keep up the estab-
ructions in the various sections of the religion- lishment.
ists. In a convocation assembly of the Church The financial accounts for the year 1936-37
of England Dr. Barnes, bishop of Birming- reveal that 539 persons were reckoned as
ham, well known as an outspoken critic of the millionaires. One is so accounted if his in-
Bible, spoke out against the phrase "his holi- come amounts to 40,000 a year. At the end
ness" being used of the pope. His words are of the Great War there were 794 such; after
worth repeating: he said, "No man is holy, the lean years 1932-34 the number dropped
though some may be gracious. Many will not to 428, and now the number has risen again.
be able to forget the action of the Papacy dur- It seems that even poor or bad' times allow
ing the civil war in Spain. When the unfortu- some to thrive.
Switzerland and France
German Penetration of Swiss Universities Got a Kick in the Neck
W/Q ^ i German penetration of Swiss uni- In Paris two men that thought they were
f ^ ^ ^ V versities is skillfully planned. Sub- clever pretended to be detectives and under-
^yS. sidies are offered in Germany for took to kidnap a wealthy man under pretext
k j ^ J ^ i those who carry out the work of un- that they were taking him to the police station
B ^ . -^n dermining democracy in the little in a spy case. The" man that was being given
republic next door. The German students make the free ride noticed that his new-found
a eareful study of the personality of each friends were taking him somewhere else, so
professor, and how best to overthrow his in- he kicked the driver in the neck, and the car
fluence. The students are divided into groups became involved in a eollison. The kidnaped
to work as spies on fellow students. All Ger- man escaped unhurt and one of his captors
man students wear the Nazi badge of dishonor, was arrested.
and their course is directed in detail from
Germany. At the Geneva University one of Swiss Desire Independence
the professors of the Faculty of Law began an The Swiss loudly proclaim their desire and
address with a denunciation of the recent determination to maintain their independence,
German decrees which break with every prin- but the outlook is dark, if for no other reason
ciple of justice and morality, whereupon, after than that 72 percent of the population speak
an interruption by one of the German stu- the German language, and the Nazi theory is
dents, every student in the room got up and that every body who speaks German must come
left. into the Third Reich. If and when France goes
down, and regardless of whether from without
or from within, Switzerland is sure to go also
France Has the Best Roads and Belgium too.
France has the best roads in Europe; that
is, in France there are 120 kilometers of road Fourteen Miles in t h e D a r k
for every 100 square kilometers of surface, To get out of Italy into Switzerland, Jules
whereas England has 95, Germany 45, and Bender dodged the guards and hiked through
Italy 25 kilometers. the Simplon tunnel in the darkness.
J U L Y 26, 1939 31
knows the amazing answer. 'The vast majority, millions, do not know.
Millions of good will do want to know, if deliverance from disaster, life,
marriage, home, beautiful, righteous children, family happiness under
righteous government, mean anything to them. Will you help them to
learn to know ? Then join in
Name Street
City State
Great Victory for Hitler The Horrors of Buchenwald
Great rejoicing in the ranks of the The horrors of Buchenwald are told by a
Nazis: a tremendous victory for copyrighted article in the Manchester (Eng-
Hitler. Hitler will go down in his- land) Daily Dispatch, from the pen of Hans-
tory as the great man of blood and jurgen Koehler, Gestapo agent, sent there as a
iron, the wonder of the twentieth prisoner, to obtain information regarding cer-
century. Late, last fall his brave troops tain papers. What he saw finished his interest
chased 5,000 Jewish refugees into Poland, in the Reich and its devilish ruler. Men were
where at the end of the year, at Zbonszyn, one compelled to run up hill with logs and blocks
child was frozen to death and twenty-seven of stone so heavy that it required several other
others lost limbs owing to frost-bite. As a re- men to lift their burdens upon their shoulders.
sult of the hero's massive intellect, 2,000 fel- If he could not keep the pace he was "shot
low men were crowded into an old stable with while trying to escape". In four weeks 80 out
only one stove to keep them warm at 30 de- of 2,000 new prisoners died. It was considered
grees below zero Centigrade. Five hundred a good joke by the guards to get a prisoner to
were living in an old mill with no heating fa- go near enough to the danger line that he could
cilities whatever. be machine-gunned in his tracks.
Uncle Sam Buying I t All This table shows that each one of the ap-
Last year the world produced new gold of proximately 30,000,000 families in the United
the value of $1,284,500,000; and Uncle Sam States lost more than $25,000 worth of goods
bought gold of the value of $1,750,000,000, to and services during the past ten years from
put away in the Kentucky hole in the ground unused natural resources, unused machine
at Fort Knox. This clever work of buying equipment and unused labor power, an aver-
every year more gold than is mined in the age loss to every family of $2,500 worth of
whole world is made possible by the fact that goods and services each and every year. Such
Uncle Sam shoved up the price from $20.83 is tlic price we have paid and are still paying
an ounce to $35. Now, if some bright states- for our scarcity system.Oscar Ameringer,
man would only think of offering, say, a dollar in The American Guardian.
apiece for watermelons, Uncle Sam could just
get billions of them. Wouldn't that be some- 5,000,000 Postal Cards Daily
thing 1 Meantime, before the watermelon In the huge printing plant at Washington
statesmen arise to the occasion, it may be re- Uncle Sam has three rotary web printing
marked in passing that in 1935 Uncle Sam presses that print, cut, deliver and band postal
gladly paid 77c an ounce for silver when the cards in packs of fifty, at the rate of 6,400
world market price was 64c. Twelve silver- per minute. The total annual output runs to
producing countries hurried up and sent to nearly 2,000,000,000 cards, or in excess of
America all the silver they could spare at the 5,000,000 daily. The Government printing
premium offered. plant, by the way, keeps 5,500 employees busy
on its 22 acres of floor space, operating 406
Regulated Scarcity typesetting machines to keep its presses full
There has been no trustworthy of work. It is far and away the largest print-
survey of the potential production ing plant in the world.
capacity of the United States for
later than 1929 In 1933 the
$UvV - Survey One-Fifth on Relief
wrwrm o f P o t e n t i a l production Capacity Take note! During the year 1938, about
of the United States conducted under the aus- 5,600,000 American households received pub-
pices of the government by a group of about lic aid. At four persons to the household, that
70 competent engineers, economists and statis- represents a total of 22,400,000 individuals,
ticians revealed that the United States could or about one-fifth of the nation. The distribu-
have produced $135,000,000,000 worth of tion of public funds to these millions affords
goods and services in 1929. The difference be- opportunities for religious and political rack-
tween the potential and the actual production eteers never before presented.
in the United States for the ten years 1929 to
1938 inclusive has been at least as follows Eagerness for Tax-free Securities
(stated in millions of dollars):
Eagerness for tax-free securities is so great
Loss because that when the government a while back wanted
of lack of a little item of $700,000,000, the boys that have
Potential Actual Purchasing
Year Production Production Power the custody of the nation's bank deposits
1929 $135,000 $80,800 $54,200 offered nearly one-fifth of them for the pur-
1930 135,000 68,000 67,000 pose, in some cases using the names of dead
1931 135,000 53,500 81,500 men to get on the lists. So says the Treasury.
1932 135,000 39,500 95,500
1933 135,000 41,800 93,200 300,000 a t Consular Offices
1934 135,000 49,000 86,000 In Europe 300,000 people are besieging the
1935 135,000 55,000 80,000 United States consulates, hoping to find a way
1936 135,000 63,800 71,200 of getting out of the various lands of horror
1937 135,000 60,000 75,000 and getting into a country of peace where
1938 135,000 60,000 75,000 they can have hope for themselves and their
children of living a decent life without having
$778,600 to heil some tyrant and murderer.
AUGUST 9, 1939 27
from their victories in Spain. When ques-
tioned in Parliament about the well-known
British Comment fact of the presence of German soldiers fight-
ing in Franco's rebellion the Government
By J. Hemery {London) pleaded either that they had no official knowl-
edge of the troops or that the German Govern-
ment denied their troops were in Spain. Prob-
ably the duplicity of the German Government
was in telling their British inquirers that it
General Conditions might be that some Germans had gone to Spain
War preparation activity has brought some as volunteers, and their willing "dupes" in
advantages: there is much less unemployment London accepted the statement as the way out;
and consequently a considerable increase in for Germany was a member of the non-inter-
domestic business. The latest published figures vention committee, and Britain wanted to
of unemployment show a drop of nearly avoid a quarrel with Hitler. There were 20,000
500,000, reducing the number of unemployed Germans in Franco's army. However, the re-
to about one and a half million persons. I t is turn was not camouflaged: the soldiers were
said by experts that even in good business received with the honors of a victorious army,
times it is to be expected that almost a million and the British statesmen could think about
persons will be unable to obtain constant work the matter as they pleased. The game must
and must at least temporarily seek assistance have been as well known to the British politi-
from the insurance funds. The call to military cians. It all serves as an illustration of the
service is also affecting the general conditions, game of politics, much of it played with lies
and that apart from the 200,000 young men and deceit.
who are being conscripted. There is a general
sense of activity abroad, and talk of a trade Ministry of Information
boom is being encouraged by the newspapers. As one of the war preparations the Govern-
In the meantime the Government is spending ment has set up a Ministry of Information: to
the accumulated resources of the country at gather it and to spread it in the form of propa-
a great rate. The recent war scare and a reali- ganda. Naturally what is gathered will be
zation that the two dictators who have shown sorted and sifted, and as much as is for use
that they will take every chance to achieve at home and abroad will be arranged to suit
their set purposeopenly declared by Hitler certain purposes. Goebbels is angry and loud-
in his "bible", and less openly by Mussolini ly shouts out that this is another proof of an
have silenced criticism of the Government's attempt to encircle Germany. The minister in
spending. It is no exaggeration to say that charge of the department is the earl of Perth,
the majority of the people do not give them- long known as Sir Eric Drummond, last used
selves much concern about the future, but are as British representative in Rome; was before
content to live from day to day, getting as that secretary of the League of Nations, and
much enjoyment out of their circumstances, is a Roman Catholic.
poor or rich, as may be possible. Official report
of the ordered registration of the 200,000 Stung Priests Are Angry
young men of 20-21 years shows that only The constant service which the witnesses
about 3,000 registered a conscientious objec- of Jehovah render to Him to the honor and
tion to military service. The Conscription Act the vindication of His holy name, and which
gives-no freedom to objectors: it has provision of necessity exposes the Roman Catholic
for tribunals to consider whether or not these church system as false to the Scriptures and
may be freed from active military service or absolutely without divine authority, is sting-
be put into other service under the control of ing the Roman priests. For many years they
the Government. have attempted to stop the witness in such
ways as were open to them, as Consolation has
Diplomatic Duplicity shown. They had some sueeess in the radio
The British Cabinet might be considered as broadcasts by Judge Rutherford, because they
having got a damaging exposure of its fear or were able to put pressure on some broadcast-
attempted duplicity when Hitler gave a great ing stations, which through fear of the action
welcome in Hamburg to his troops returned of the priests ceased to give facilities for the
broadcasting of truth to the people. They have being expositions of the words of God and
had some success in some British colonies by Christ the King, always urge obedience to the
persuading the local authorities that the truth laws of the countries, except when by evil men
carried by Jehovah's witnesses unsettled the laws are enacted which would prevent a dis-
native populations. The challenge by Judge ciple and follower of Christ from fulfilling
Rutherford for open public discussion they his obligation to God. On the other hand, the
will not meet, preferring their usual Catholic Hierarchy are now active in trying to get
Action methods of working secretly and owners of halls to break their contracts where
through fear and intimidation. The message they learn that Jehovah's witnesses purpose
contained in the millions of booklets and of to hold meetings. In various places, as Conso-
leaflets distributed in Britain, especially those lation has stated, the priests have brought a
following Judge Rutherford's exposure in the mob, and at least indirectly, if not actually,
world broadcast speech in the Royal Albert the inciters have caused physical violence to
Hall, London, when he showed that the Jehovah's witnesses. Their angry outbursts
Papacy and Fascism are in agreement, and are having the result of telling many of those
that Catholic Action should be known as who have been duped that there is a witness
Fascist-Catholic Action, has stung the priests. against the doctrines and the claims of the
They are angry. The Roman Catholic church priests and their church, and many Catholics
has had many attacks made on it: on its false have become active workers with Jehovah's
claims and false teachings, forged by perver- witnesses.
sions of the Scriptures and by making the
writings and pronouncements of men as of C a n t e r b u r y ' s Failures
equal authority with the Word of God. But The call to religion made by the archbishop
it has never been exposed to the truth as it is of Canterbury fell on dull ears. Though not
now exposed; nor could it be so exposed till officially buried, it is now a dead thing. His
the day of Jehovah's judgments should come. more recent endeavor to get some life into
The Papacy sees in the witness to the truth religion by a prayer league for peace which
that which God purposes it should see: it sees all outside the church of Rome might join
the warning of its destruction by Him whom seems going the same way. It was not expected
they hypocritically profess to serve. If the that the Roman Catholics would join in, but
Hierarchy were as sure of themselves and it was hoped that "his holiness" the pope might
their place before God according to their give his co-operation, by allowing himself to be
claims they would not be perturbed. But they considered the leader of the league. The Hier-
are angry, and they show their anger by archy in Rome is not to be caught, neither by
stirring up their dupes to make malicious per- a peace nor by a prayer movement, so as to
sonal attacks on those who carry the truth to admit that the many other churches shall be
the people. Judge Rutherford is the subject accounted as acceptable to its communion or
of their malice in a special way, for the.reason co-operation. There is no advertising of any
that in the good pleasure of God he is spokes- success resulting from the prayers which the
man of Jehovah's witnesses in bringing the sections .of religionists have said. Franco had
truth to the people. With malice a Jesuit got his war over before they began their pray-
priest, who is given prominence in a London ers, but Hitler has been all the time scheming
Catholic newspaper, says of the message of for his next move. Probably the Japanese war
truth, "It seeks to pull everything down on China was forgotten.
churches, governments and social usages"; and
of the witnesses he declares "they are ail-but Those who are instructed in the Scriptures
avowed apostles of revolution and anarchy to and who understand the things written know
come". This priest claims to have a long-time that such prayers as have been uttered by re-
knowledge of the publications of the Watch- ligious organizations are not according to the
tower Bible and Tract Society, and to be will of God. He docs not hear them. When
intimate with them. This being so, he knows Jesus taught His disciples to pray and what
that he lied when he wrote the above-quoted to pray for, saying, "After this manner pray
words. There is not a line to be found in them ye," the first petition is, "Thy kingdom come."
possible of interpretation as leading to agita- But that is the last thing religionists will pray
tion against governments, nor to anarchy or for. They do not believe that Jesus comes
revolution. The publications of the Society, while evil.rules, in order to establish' the king-
dom of heaven. They have set themselves to
A U G U S T 9, 1939 29
believe that it is the business of the churches Catholics and Politics
to bring about the kingdom of heaven on earth, At the time of writing, the proposed pact
and they will not pray in Jesus' words as lie between Britain and Russia from which
meant to be understood, nor seek that God Britain expects so much for the preservation
would again send His Son that the Kingdom of peace is still undetermined. How much Rus-
should be established, and evil destroyed from sia desires the pact does not appear; Britain
the face of the earth. The peace of the earth and France are the seekers. Naturally enough
has never been the responsibility of the church Russia will safeguard its interests and seek
of Jesus Christ, not even in the matter of some advantage from the bargaining. It has
prayer. The kingdom of God, its righteousness, already been suggested that the hierarchy in
and the honor and vindication of His name, Rome is using its influence in London to pre-
are the things to seek and pray for. vent such agreement between Britain and Rus-
sia. What it is doing will not come to light,
Some Preachers Uneasy but that the proposal is particularly obnoxious
The Protestant clergy have wrought havoc to the Roman Hierarchy is apparent, as their
with the faith,of their flocks. They have got newspapers disclose. Britain is one of the chief
them to believe that the writings of Moses and hopes of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and
the prophets are not the word of God. Now Russia is a detestation. Russia is an anti-God
some of the less reckless among the parsons country, and has no use at all for the Roman
are beginning to see that in this show of learn- Catholic church, but considers it as one of the
ing and of being wise in the eyes of men they chief obstacles to human progress, particularly
have done damage to their own cause, the in- the Soviet brand. Russia has already shown
terests of religion. The dogma of the Trinity, what it would do to the Roman church system
which states that the Living God is not one if it had the opportunity: it would sweep it
God, but three Gods which yet make only one, away as it swept Czardom into destruction.
is the foundation of "Christian religion" alike For Britain to enter into a pact with that
in Protestantism as in the Roman Catholic country would be a heavy blow to the Hier-
church. But all have to admit that it is not archy, busied as it is in telling the world that its
taught by Jesus and the apostles. The Roman greatest danger is Communism as seen in Rus-
church states the dogma declares a fact, and sia. The popes, it is claimed, do not interfere
that is the end of the matter for its members, in politics. The late pope, when denying a
Scripture proof or not; but Protestants, who
have no such pronouncement, seek Bible sup- charge of political interference, cried out,
port, and go to the writings they denounce. "It is a lie." The "holy church" wishes that it
But those who perceive what has been done should be known as a religious power. But
will not raise their voices against the propa- when the British-Russian pact was mooted the
ganda of unbelief: the interests of religion and present pope immediately got busy with the
of their own particular church system will five greater nations of Europe, excluding Rus-
prevent that. This absurd dogma, so contrary sia, to get them into a peace pact. Britain,
to the Scriptures, so derogatory to the honor France, Germany, Italy and Poland in peace,
and glory of the Living God, has been accepted and the conditions in Europe would resume
by all the churches, and they are bound by their normal life. The effort is suspect. It is
it so tightly as will prevent them from getting the politics of the Hierarchy in active opera-
free. I t may be said to be the Devil's master- tion for the benefit of the Roman Catholic
piece of deception. No one who tries to believe church. The main desire is not to seek peace
the Father and the Son are really one and the in Europe; it cannot be said that the Papacy
same can understand what God has revealed shows itself active in the cause of peace: it
of himself, nor see what is revealed of Christ, has quite recently shown that it will give sup-
and the provision God has made for those who port to war if the interests of the Roman
come to Him through Christ. To have a church are to gain, as witness its share in the
mystery in their religion suits religionists: Italian war on Abyssinia and its aid to Franco
it is preferred to the knowledge of the Word in Spain. Britain is not yet under the bondage
of God. The atmosphere of a mystery is the of the Roman Hierarchy, and undoubtedly
stronghold of religion, and in this it takes a the people of Britain prefer an arrangement
place with that of the soothsayers and witch- which will keep the aggressive dictators in
doctors. bounds, as a pact with Russia promises to do.
South Africa
For Flogging a Native to Death neither pro-Jew nor anti-Jew, but that he was
In Bethlehem, South Africa, two just pro-humanity and pro-Christian. In the
men held a Negro down while the heat of debate he said:
third flogged him to death, and If Christ came to South Africa today he would
the three of them got off with a fine be hounded out by the Nationalist Party which
sheltered four ministers of religionDr. Malan,
of 400. They well deserve to be the Rev. C. W. M. du Toit, Dr. van dcr Merwe,
hanged, all three of them. and a missionary to the heathen, Lieut.-Col.
Booysen. If Christianity is represented by those
Bechuanaland - Basutoland - Swaziland four gentlemen, then I will have nothing to do with
The native in the protectorates sees his Christianity. I would prefer to be a pagan through
fellows across the border debarred from skilled and through.
labor, deprived of the vote in the only province
where they had it, driven from the towns ex- Discovery May E n d Refrigeration
cept where their labor is wanted, prevented Dr. II. J. Jay, Durban, South Africa, is
from acquiring land and inadequately sup- the announced discoverer of a new method
plied with reserves, reduced in rural areas to for keeping fruits fresh, without any change
the condition of labor tenants, and everywhere in size, color or flavor, for periods of nine
subject to repressive pass laws which are harsh tp twelve months, and at slight expense. One
and arbitrary in their administration.Man- and one-half ounces of a new chemical com-
chester Guardian. pound, which gives off a colorless gas, will
preserve five tons of fruit for a year at a
Steenkamp P a n s the Dominies cost of five shillings, is the claim. The only
Dr. W. P. Steenkamp, Calvinia, South attention needed is the opening of a valve to
African Republic, speaking on a motion be- let gas out or air in, so as to maintain a con-
fore the Assembly at Cape Town, said he was stant pressure.
City _ State
A U G U S T 9. 1939 31
The text book for the Jo'nadabs!
Written by Judge Rutherford
City State
-w--^--^w*1-i- *- j
Published Every
$1.2S In Canada and
Other Wednesday
CATHOLIC INTERNATIONAL F o r e i g n Countries
Contents Appetizers
Wholesale Order
A Mighty Catholic in the " P i t " (2) 3
Railroads and Steamships 9 The young man had been looking
ltoeky Mountain States 10 through a collection of valentine
False Patriotism 10 I cards. Yet he seemed uncertain as
More About Cotton Picking 10 to what he should buy.
Public Utilities 11 "Here's a lovely sentiment," said
The New Government 12 the clerk, helpfully. " 'To the only girl I ever
A t EventideThe Last House 12 loved.'"
Common-sense Teacher 16
Counsel by J . F . Rutherford 17
"Splendid," he cried, "I'll take six of those,
Peace 17
please."La b or.
Russia Ready for W a r 18
Youngster Talked T o o Much
The Press
The Case of Daisy Waller 19 The burglar had made a big haul when a
Under the Totalitarian F l a g 20 voice behind him said, "Hands up!" He turned
The Catholic International 20 to find himself facing the owner of the house,
The W a r Industry 25 who was holding a revolver. Just as the bur-
"Reverend" Scholl's Benediction 25 glar was about to surrender his loot he heard
Protestantism 36 a thin voice pipe u p : "Daddy, what are you
South America 27 doing with my water pistol?"Tit-Bits.
British Comment 28
Big Business 28 SOS
Isolation 28
Hesitating Parsons 29
Little Bobby came into the house at noon
Blasphemy and Begging 30 looking distressed.
Ohio and Kentucky 31 "Mummy," he said, "is it true that an apple
Opulent Martin's F e r r y 31 a day keeps the doctor away ?"
Cheerful News from Harlan County 31 "Yes, dear," replied his mother. "Why ?"
"Well, I've kept ten doctors away this morn-
ing, but I'm afraid one will have to come thif
Published every other Wednesday by afternoon!"Labor.
117 Adams St.. Brooklyn, N. Y., U, S. A. Same Big Idea
Editor Clayton J. Woodworth A German and a Swiss fell into conversation.
Business Manager Nathan H. Knorr
The German said: "I'm told that Switzer-
Five Cents a Copy land has an admiral! How can that be when
(1 a yoar In the United StateB
$1,25 to Canada and all other countries you haven't a navy or a coast or an empire?"
The Swiss replied: "Well, you in Germany
Remittances! For your own safety, remit by postal or have a Minister of Justice, haven't you?"
express money order. When coin or currency la lost
in the ordinary malls, there le no redress. Remittances
The Star.
from countries other than those named below may be
made to the Brooklyn office, but only by International Outwitted!
postal money order.
Receipt of a new or renewal subscription will be ac- Page: The chariot awaits without, muhlord.
knowledged only when requested. Notice of Expiration Muhlord: Without what?
la sent with the Journal one month before subscription
expires. Please renew promptly to avoid loss of copies. Page: Without the door, muhlordalso
Send change of address direct to us rather than to the
post office. Your request should reach us at least two
without horses, without gas and without a
weeks before the date of lesue with which it la to take steering wheel.
effect. Send your old a s well as the new address, Copies Muhlord: Gadzooks, thou varlet. Get thee
will not be forwarded by the post office to your new
addreaa unlets extra postage IB provided by you. hence henceforth! Forthwith!! Without!!!
Published also In Afrikaans, Bohemian, Danish, Dutch,
Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Japa- Outside!!!!
nese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish,
Ukrainian; also special Australian edition in English. Next!
OFFICES FOR OTHER COUNTRIES What do you do here for a living in summer *
England 34 Craven Terrace. London, W. 2 Floridian (to Northerner) : We skin alli-
Canada 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 6, Ontario
Australia 7 Bcresford Road, Strathfleld, N.S.W, gators in summer and Northerners in the
South Africa 623 Boston House, Cape Town winter, and we have just about finished with
Entered as second-class matter at Brooklyn. N, Y
under the Act of March 3, 1879. the alligators.
"And in His name shall the nations hope."Matthew 12:21, A.R.V.
Volume X X B r o o k l y n , N. Y . , Wednesday, August 23, 1939 Number 520
mart > i r p
Mwwriw. 4
Carenero, La., priest and officials greet Carenero religionists do it again, and the
and jail Jehovah's Kingdom publishers. decent people of town try to find out why.
Riches, I would be satisfied." Well, he has it. Rutherford should be refuted. We'd be much
He's happy, I'm happy, and all who love Jeho-" wiser to devote our time to answering the argu-
vah, His King and His Kingdom that read ments. Deprive your enemies of free speech,*and
this will be happy, too.-A. P. Andrade, Brazil. your enemies will some day deprive you of your
rights. Certainly Rutherford is making capital of
The J a c k a s s of Carenero Catholic attempts to have him silenced. Fortunately
we seem to have given up our misguided efforts
Most readers of Consolation are along those lines, but there is still a bitter after-
also readers of The Watchtower, taste from the previous mistakes. We can prove
quite probably, and such will have our claims as supporters of liberty only by helping
seen the story "Phonograph Plays protect the liberty even of those with whom we
in Youngsville (La.) Court" which disagree.
appears on the last page of the issue of Au- Bishop Noll should bestow his labors on the
gust 15,1939. That story concludes as follows: priestly jackass of Carenero, and do it right
' In just one little town, away, before the story
Carenero, we were put gets out of how he fell
in jail three times. They down on his Inquisi-
took everything away tion job. But maybe
from us, even our Bible. t h e b i s h o p is de-
And then the priest had pressed by the fact
all. OUT windows board- that the word Caren-
ed up so that we could ero' means a place
not witness to the peo-
ple .through the bars. where buzzards as-
semble, and he may
America, still has sometime have seen
lawSj l a w y e r s and and smelled buzzards
judges, and so it took feeding on the body
but a little while for Carenero priest orders police to shut off light of a dead jackass. A
Attorney Herman L. and air, true Inquisition style, as shown, sniff of the original
Midlo to get the pris- but habeas corpus proceedings make his Carenero diet is Very
oners out on a writ jackass collar set him off perfectly. thought-provoking.
of habeas corpus, and
to exhibit the priest to his community as the The Birth of a Company
perfect jackass which his collar proclaims him Three months ago our group of five pub-
to-be. In-"some other places the jackass fra :
ternity is awakening, or at least stirring slight- lishers arrived in Douglas, Arizona, to bring
ly in its sleep. Thus, in its issue of June 25, the Kingdom message to the people of .this
1939, Our Sunday Visitor, organ of the Ro- town of 10,000 population. There was no good-
man. Catholic bishop, J. Noll, admitted on its will interest on the file, and no company or-
front page the self-evident truth that ganization. We parked our trailers at the edge
A U G U S T 23, 1939 13
of town and began witnessing. We wrote down have you done to get this before the public I
the street and number of houses where no one It is truth! Next time you come back I will
was at home, and later called again to insure have all my friends from the Baptist church
a thorough witness. Witnessing first in the here, the preacher, and the elders, and the
residence district, we were soon spending our deacons." When we came back, his friends
evenings making back-calls on people of. good were not there; and he was a different man.
will. New subscriptions were obtained, and we Confronted with choosing between the truth
found people who were hungry for the truth. and his friends, this man chose his "friends".
Next the business district received the witness, "Protestant".clergy chimed in with the opposi-
literature was placed, and new subscriptions tion and became opposers. "When thou sawest
obtained here. The virgin territory was all a thjef, then thou consentedst with him, and
gone, all having been visited at least once. hast been partaker with adulterers. Thou
At this point oppo- givest thy mouth to
sition showed up. " I evil, and thy tongue
cannot take any of f r a m e t h deceit."
those books," replied (Psalm 50:18,19) As
one woman, 'because a result, some of the
I have taken an oath common people were
giving my word of led to believe that Je-
h o n o rand I never hovah's w i t n e s s e s
break my wordthat were undesirable and
I would not read any had left towndes-
of those books. Our tination u n k n o w n .
priest asked us to take Some said, "I hear
this oath and I have that they have been
done so. I wish you kicked out of town."
good luck, though." Apparently the oppo-
M. F . McCue, secre- sition had succeeded
tary of the Chamber in driving out Jeho-
of Commerce (guess vah's witnesses, and
his c h u r c h ) , s e n t the opponents were
s t a t e m e n t s to the jubilant. Perhaps it
Douglas Daily Dis- added to their joys to
patch and a number know that Arizona
of "news" items were Twelve listeners to the Kingdom message in Dixie has a swastika-sign on
p r i n t e d . (Clippings all state h i g h w a y
enclosed) Branded as "Public Nuisance No. 1 markers,.and this year is celebrating the 400th
in this city" we were falsely accused of being anniversary of the arrival of Fray Marcos de
"specially obnoxious, almost forcing their way Niza, a Catholic priest who it is claimed was
into the homes and remaining for hours", the first white man to tread Arizona's soil;
Other false statements were made and we were who in 1539 came to Arizona, "for the glory
charged with being "pests" and "religious of God and the King of Spain."
fanatics". As a sample of how "true" these However much to the dislike of opponents,
"news" items were, note this: It was not until the story docs not end here. A key meeting was
we were through witnessing in the town that held under the direction of the zone servant.
the items were published, and it was stated Counter-activities were planned. Some of the
that then "the secretary of the Chamber of people of good will of the town who did not
Commerce is receiving dozens of phone calls approve such highhanded actions wrote letters
daily". Copper cards were then printed, and to the local paper, and they were published.
issued to householders, warning peddlers not 'Fascism or Freedom" was the subject of a
to knock unless they had a permit in writing public meeting held in the Odd Fellows hall
from the Chamber of Commerce. in Douglas. On Saturday evening the day be-
One man, a Baptist, heard the speeches fore the meeting an information march was
"Warning" and "Face the Facts" in his home, held. The chief of police said that he is for
was well pleased with them, and said, "What freedom and is opposed to Fascism, and he
Peddler Nuisance Peddler Nuisance
the Doturut* Chamber
ipprovlng his
C of Commerce
nil rsropogltlon gueh offered his co-operation. A
letters, according to the present
temper of the chamber and live
police escort accompanied
Is Not Abated; Grows Serious As community will be to "acarot aa
hen's teeth,-
the march down the main
Douglas, A r i z . , Dls-- streets of the town. Follow-
Problem Studied Action Demanded Datoh, Jan. 13, 1939 ing the police car, a sound-
M r McCur, K O t W i of the U. T. J-trCiK 0. tbe d u m b e r of Utter* To Tbt * car gave announcements;
chamber of eorcuneTce. report! the c o m m o e t n M yatotrtUy aMvr tfr**-
Uc itcps *p-ii4 be Ulu-n to rial Doui- Editor
next followed 11 marchers
nrrd lor drastic action of a m i (art
to hill the aggravation' of peddler* b n i X t h t nuisanre treated Xrj ped> carrying "Fascism or Free-
disturbing l b * IrenirultHy of both
thr residence dtrtrtct and the buu-
o i e n Aid reHHcar, nusaUa wno
are diinnc rest den : aJaiort fnuiLIc
Oeneral Delivery, dom" signs, and conclud-
Douglas. Aria.
D S > district. He state* he' U re. by c&lltnc *' their. homes and ftn-
tiitlng on entexini and be.ng he&rd.
Jan. la. 1. ing the march were four
crlnng d o w i s ol phone a l l s dally Ttie Douglas Dally DtsPauA.
m m resident* compUinlni about UcCue wi'l the volume or call* Douglas Arte. cars also with signs. The
of cooipiitot to the ensmtrer' ot Deaf Editor:
the p t M l a i that come to UJI
rcmmerDf *a* ir>cre>ulnf so rapidly In your Hauea of Jartuory a. , and newspaper carried a dis-
and wtrt m U v he had been 10, you published articles descrlbinj
Th* chamber ur- having copper loroKl to appeal n or-ly to Chief a group camped ol the 13th street play ad, and the local radio
cards printed to be 'dutnbuted to at Police Percy Bowden. but to Clry
the householders to or placed >t DM Sanitarian TheddOrt Ryan lor aid.
perk 'members of a fanatical re-
ligious group acme of which have station carried two 100-
doors varolii* peddlers not to knoet
unices they have been approved by
The dttLBiber ncreUry smld he hAd
InJonna-Uon at leaat o e e froup of
active ubercojoast. and who force
their way Into Use homes and re- word announcements tell-
Uie chamber of commerce. Doug-
las h u a dry ordinance aimed at
the "Jit might rery reasonaoji
be termed heaJch mn*Ce du? to
main for hours" The above state-
m e n u ere untrue. They convey s ing of this timely subject.
beting this nuisance ID t h t t U
provide* a peddler must tenure a
Uvftlr hv\nt conditions i n d ' t h e phy-
akoal eaDdltion of ***.> of th* yrouji.
false tmnreeslon to the people of
Douglas. Bo In the interests ol Then on Sunday morning
license from the police If be sella
and deliver* merchandise. Those
He la>d thl* fccUon of the cane be-
fore .GAiittarl&D Ryan tn the hope
truth you will kindly publish Ihti
letter 22 publishers arrived and
simply taking orders lor merchan-
dise to be delivered later escape IbU
he could act.
There are * good many legal an-
I em a retired businessman and
for the pert few years have spent
began calling from house to
license fee which I* high enough to
-discourage the average peddler. gles to the alittatlorL A peddle/ must
have a facrnse from the city if he
all my time and much of my money
In preachttuj m e gospel of teiod's
house, personally inviting
A new outcropping of this nub-
snrr has been the cause of Utter
will- and deJlrezv at the tame time.
Chief of Forte* Bawdrn asks the
+**f**rr as commanded by tne Lord.
( I ess deeply concerned about the
the people to hear. The
cumpUtnt recently. Both tram the
residence district and /ram business
co-operauon of the reaideata 4Sd ] welfare of my feUoermen and I came
I here to spend e vacation and t o tall
sound-car combed the town,
protniaea if aome of Uvc-e- who ha.e
houses have com: complaints chat
representatives of what Is described
been harrmaaed by the peddlera will I the good people here about O o d l inviting the people to at-
Just buy aornethtnc from one erf I kingdom.
as a "ore religion" have been call- ' 1 rrsent tne statement that I tend. The public meeting
ing and have been specially ob-
noxious, almost forcing their way i them and then appear and testify
ag-ainst the aellet, tn*t parttcuUx
SnulMhce can he ehmtnated qulcaty.
[ forced my way Into ^anynoes. .home
because e reel Christian would not was conducted as sched-
into homes and rr marring lor do so. That statement is outre Un-
Chief of Police Percy Bowdra a
I Regsvrdlng the reUglOU* CulUkU.
I object* of aome of the most bitter true. Jesus says In Malt. H d t ' uled. Those attending were
"This gospel' of the kingdom meet
making .every effort to co-operate
ulth thr chamber of commerce and
| complaints, the officers take the
I stand the eonsUtuUoti guarantees be preached in all the 'world aa * given free copies of Face
witness unto eD the nations and
A is pointed out' any resident has
* frttdom ol religron and they c*n
I do nothlni It L> potStad out, tlOV- then shall the end come." In Isaiah the Facts; and this final
thr lull backing f the law In re- 1 1 1 . and 2, the commandment Is
fusing to permit anyone to enter
e*T, that the conatllutkra guaran-
i Uea the aaoctJtj 01 the horat ajI "Preach good tidings unto the big w i t n e s s completely
the home. The warning card* will meek." In laalan 4 M 0 - U Ust
be distributed very shortly -after
the right of the reddent tn bar hat
doors to anyon* be does not c u e to statement It ~Tc are my alluuent cowed the enemy and they
which. It Is Indicated s a y additional
measures that may be necessary
entertain. ProaeniUon for treapada
might be resorted to In case* where
(bat I am 0 0 0 . " Tne apostle Paul
went -from boose to houseV as is were silent!
win be aider-taken. the door-to-door aanrassen are aa stated 10 Acta : .
Douglas, Ariz., Dis- persistent and. rude as they ha--e
beta decUrod to be to some of the
I have not got tiraerculcats and
neither has any ca eat group. -I
Now an active company
patch, J a n . 5,.1939. wonder where you cot your authority
fft%piss\isTits| coming to the chamber
of cununtToe. to say we had. I think tn* cllmau
of Jehovah's witnesses is
Douglaa, Ariz., Dls-.
e Is fine. This la th,-s*oond win-
ter I have anent to this vtdrflty.
organized and set up in
Sanitarian Acts patch, Jen. 10, 1939 and I expect t o com* hack inwny
time* more. The message wench
Douglas, is working under
Jehovah'* witnesses are brtrujtrii t o Jehovah's Theocratic Gov-
To Remove Group Warning Notices the people Is not tli* product of %ny
Ban. but Is Use message of the AT* ernment, is under the care
mighty Cod as asated m eOs word,
After Complaint To Halt Nuisance t h e Binla. The secretary of the of the zone servant; and
chamber vf ewrunere* tn hi* efforts
to make this town took Hk* a l o n - now, instead of there being
don log would do wefl to take note
Secretary H T. McCue of tne Are Being Issued that he la not isgnttng ageinat map
but aca-rsft Ood a* stated In 3
no interest and no com-
chamber of commerce was Jubilant
yesterday over' the success of at
Copper colored notices to he tack-
chron. : l i , T h * battle It Oodn." pany, those who were once
your* truly,
least a part of the drive to rtd th*
rlty of hmsse-to-bouse canvassers. ed on entrances both to residences OTTO fCKWUIXM. hungry and starving for
and busmen MtambshBients to wam
branded as public nuisance Ma. 1
m Wis cy. war the peddlers and magaaor Douglas. Ark- the truth are becoming the
sunscrtptlcn ssHdtora. were being
l**t vrek UeCue conferred with
C<ty Sanitarian T. FL Ryan about lsewrd to an who called far there
To The Editor of
Jan. 1, i n * .
The Douglae
Lrord's "other sheep" and are
mi Use Otamber of commerce yes-
Use possible health menace'of on*
xotrp. caM to be ralurtous fanatics. terdsy. The signs were devised in . 'Dispatch
Israr Sir: I've been reading the
feeding at Jehovah's table.
an effort to' reduce {he public
by doaens of yswsdeerta This group nuisance of Ires-cling salesmen of artlclea In Th* Dtspatch about some
people of a religious cult that are
Otto Kjorlein, pioneer.
lass ween Urlrsf la bouse trailers tn ewery variety. Complaints against
these door-to-door peddlers hare buthMinf lb* people
the Fifteenth street park camp dome good Christian peoriie
j grown extreme?/ bitter tn recent
ground. At least one Of their num-
ber was suffering from avcUre tuber- 'weeks. called at my home but they were
very polite end I Invited them Vn-
Their Only Argument
IgwMswX siy wife went around with them
The city sanHarUn made an ]n-
The wording on Die signs Is "All
requests for donations, edvrrttsinii- aa Interpreter, and she says they "You folks think you are
ri-estla-silon' with ' the m u l t the wwre very polite everywhere tUey
party has departed for an unknown
eubacrlptlone, order* toy merchan-
dise, must be referred to and ap- vrent- going to hear Judge Ruth-
destination. Mccue said yesterday Tbey would knock on a door, and
he would carry forward the drive
proved m writing by the Douglas
Chamber of Commerce and Mines if they ere asked In. very good. U erford deliver a lecture next
for scene legal method of dlscdurag-'
tr-r ' peddlers and solicitors imul
before any consideration will be
given Please eevc your time and
they were not aaked In. they went
on to tne next door. Sunday, but you won't, for
something definite baa been accom-
plished to abate the nuisance fur-
ours by crMWerattng *
The thought behind Ulas little at
aurh people are always welcome
my home he will be beaten to a pulp,"
card la that If the householder or
the merchant will tack it up at the
Your* retpectfuily.
r. A. BAixiKasra. so said a tool of the pope
IXiuglas, A r i z . , Lla- door Use peddler can have no I*-
gnlmate excuse for attempting to Dowglaa, A r i z . , Dis- to a witness the week of the
j a t c h , J a n . 7 , 1939. sell unless he has a letter from p a t c h , Jan. 1 9 , 1939 Seattle Convention.
AUGUST 23, 1939 15
Common-sense Teacher witnesses have the truth on their side when
Our two little boys, 7 and 9 years, in the they see in flag salutes, oaths of loyalty, and
second grade, have never saluted the flag. military service even for the objectors a dan-
Nothing was said about it for a long time. gerous idolatry which threatens the true wor-
Then came the day (patriotic week, I think) ship of God. We should labor to maintain a
when their teacher called the principal of constant vigilance for a free church. It is our
their, school in to see about it. He questioned legacy as Americans and our only hope of a
them as to why they refused to salute. victory for democracy and religious freedom.
. Glenn Paul, who is 7, answered like this: Reverend Stephen Fritchman, Bangor,
"Saluting the flag is loving the flag more than Maine, in an address at Orono University.
Jehovah, and if we love anything more than
Jehovah we can not live in the Kingdom, and Paley's Sickening Hypocrisy
we want to live in the Kingdom." Floyd, who William S. Paley, president of the Colum-
is 9, added: "And if you. don't believe that is bia Broadcasting System, is out with a state-
true, we can bring you a book to prove it to ment urging that every person should "have
you." the right to use the microphone within the
The teacher asked for the book, took limits of decency and the laws of libel", and
Loyalty, contributed the penny, and the next yet flatly refused to sell time to Jehovah's
day said to Floyd, "Well, Floyd, you were witnesses to broadcast the good news of God's
right after all." They still have the flag sa- kingdom as the hope of the world. Indeed all
lute, but our little boys stand and say the who fawn before the Roman Catholic Hier-
pledge, but are not required to salute. On one archy are quick to ape its sickening hypocrisy,
occasion there was a school play in which there which in the same breath proclaims that it is
was a flag drill. Glenn Paul did not wish to be the great spokesman for human liberty and
in the flag drill, and the teacher said she demands the right to murder "heretics", that
would find some other place for him. I thought is, persons disagreeing with its teachings.
this was very considerate of her.Mrs. M.
Ethleen Masters, Nebraska.
Knockers and Boosters
At Napoleonville, Louisiana I am a pioneer and on the roof of my car
At Napoleonville, Louisiana, in the trial have a large sign mounted which reads: "Re-
of two of Jehovah's witnesses, a gentleman ligion is a snare and a racket; Serve God and
testified that he had learned more about God Christ the King. Jehovah's witnesses/' One
and His kingdom in six weeks from the day while witnessing in the city I had the car
WATCHTOWER publications than he had
parked outside a school and the children were
learned in 48 years with the Catholic church. just coming out when three boys, 12 to 13
This man is now taking the phonograph years of age, stopped to read. The first said,
around, playing it for his friends, and telling "That guy in that car is nuts." The second
them that if they want everlasting life they said, "I think it takes guts to sit in it"; and
should abandon religion and learn the Bible. the third said, "Well, he has more nerve than
At the same little village the teachers told the I have." Every knock is a boost.J. James,
children to inform their parents that if any Canada.
persons had any WATCHTOWER literature they
should report to the Napoleonville courthouse. Jehovah's witnesses Amused
They had no more right or reason to do this Jehovah's witnesses are amused when they
than to require them to bring in all their read that 5,200,000 copies of Mein Kampf
underwear and socks. were sold, and brought $3,536,000 in royalties
to Hitler. The same papers that mention this
Restrictions of Conscience huge output of books somehow never find
The restriction of conscience apparent in room for a line that more than fifty times as
the adverse decisions of the Supreme Court many of Judge Rutherford's books have been
in the Macintosh and Sehwimmer cases should placed in the hands of the people, that they
cause real alarm to thoughtful citizens in this are a million times better books, and that the
country. If the state can conscript the con- people get them at much less per volume than
science of its people it has progressed far in 10 percent of the charge made for Mein
the direction of totalitarianism. Jehovah's Kampf.
(mm Catholic combine. The further fact that Fas-
cist Italy prosecuted a war of conquest against
Abyssinia, in which many harmless persons
were killed, and that the pope endorsed that
war and placed his blessing upon it, directly
contradicts his "desire" for peace. The totalitar-
ian government that rules Germany and has
recently grabbed Austria, and wrecked Czecho-
slovakia, and other European countries, and
Peace threatens to plunge all Europe into war, has
had the full endorsement of both the late and
T H E RANK AND F I L E of the conserva-
tive people of all nations desire peace.
Relying upon worldly religious leaders such
the present pope. The present pope is a shrewd
politician, who is playing the game of polities
that will lead the nations into war. Incon-
people are often victims of deception. If they sistency, hypocrisy, is stamped indelibly upon
have confidence in their religious leaders, they the acts of the late pope, as well as those of
are almost certain to be deceived at the pres- the present pope. Their supposed advocacy of
ent time by such professed supporters of peace peace has deceived and is deceiving many gul-
but who, in fact, are against peace. A hypo- lible or credulous persons who really desire
crite is a deceiver. Hypocrisy is the practice peace.
of that which results in deceiving others. The
following definitions are taken from the stand- The present-day situation is exactly a ful-
ard lexicographers: fillment of prophecy recorded centuries ago
in the Scriptures. Jerusalem was typical of
HYPOCRITE: One who plays a. part for the "Christendom". Jerusalem had forgotten her
purpose of winning approbation or favor, or obligation to God. In "Christendom", where
feigns to be other and better than he is; a the Papacy, political-religious combine takes
false pretender. the lead, these claim to serve God, but serve
HYPOCRISY: Act or practice of feigning to the Devil. The words of Jehovah's prophet
be what one is not; .false form or appearance Jeremiah apply primarily to Jerusalem, but
of virtue or religion. apply with greater force today to the religious
The newspapers published by the Roman leaders, and particularly to the Papacy, to
Catholic Hierarchy reporting the death of the wit: "For from the least of them even unto
late pope Pius emphasize the statement that the greatest of them every one is given to
the last word uttered by him, upon his death- covctousness j and from the prophet even un-
bed was, "Peace." When the present pope, to the priest every one dealeth falsely. They
Pacelli, was elected, the same papers published have healed also the hurt of the daughter of
the statement that his first word as pope was, my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace;
"Peace." It is exceedingly doubtful whether when there is no peace."Jeremiah 6:13,14.
there is any truth in the published statements. The Papacy covets that which does not be-
Doubtless the pope on his deathbed said noth- long to her, namely, to rule the earth. The
ing about peace and the same is true with ref- Papacy tries to deceive the people_ in order
erence to the incoming pope; but such publi- to gain complete control of them, and to allay
cation was for the purpose of deceiving the the fears of the people the Papacy pretends
people. The acts of the late pope and the acts to be for peace and cries out, "Peace, peace";
of the present pope directly and emphatically "when there is no peace."
contradict advocacy or desire for peace. The There will be no peace on earth.until after
undisputed facts are these: The cruel war Armageddon, which is the battle of the great
prosecuted by Franco, the Catholic, against day of God Almighty, and in which Satan's
Spain, in which many harmless persons were organization, including the religious institu-
murdered, was fully approved by the pope. tions, shall be completely destroycd.-Then the
The pope not only advocated and supported Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus, will rule the
such war, but he pronounced his blessings world in peace and righteousness. Those who
upon it. When Franco entered Barcelona his trust in the Lord and obey Him will be the
iirst act was to perform mass at the instance only ones who will find the place of safety from
of the pope. The real purpose of that war was> that terrible disaster and who will thereafter
to put Spain under the control of the Fascist- dwell in peace.
A U G U S T 23, 1939 17
Ready for War Learns to Read
Ten years ago or more the Soviet Before the Russian revolution 70 percent
Union signed a convention abolish- of the Russian people could neither read nor
ing .the use of poison gas and bac- write and there were large areas in what is
teriological warfare. To that we now the Soviet Republic where fully 95 per-
still adhere, butbut if our enemies cent were illiterate. The change that has taken
use such methods against us, I tell you what, place in twenty years is most remarkable; for
we are preparedand fully preparedto use it is claimed that there are now only 7 percent
them also and to use them against aggressors of illiterates in the whole of the territory oc-
on their own soil. cupied by the Soviet; there are great numbers
We are not blind to the lessons of the wars of public libraries, and they are well patron-
in Spain and China. We do not.want war. ized ; and though the literature available is,
We hate war. But if they force war upon us for the most part, propaganda material of the
we shall not hesitate to fight them with every Soviet, yet, as education increases, the de-
weapon at our command and fight them ten- mands of the people for other mental food are
fold on their own ground. bound to increase and be gratified.
The navy does not rank with the highest,
but it is already adequate to defend Soviet Did Not Want to Be Murdered
shores. Our tanks are good enough. Because he did not wish to be murdered by
Our aviation is as good as anyif not bet- the insane dictator of Russia, Alexander Bar-
ter. Our artillery has shown in practice what mine, nineteen years in the service of the
it (ran do in war..Our infantry is not only well Soviet Government, fled from his post as Rus-
trained, equipped and disciplined, but every sian minister to Greece. He fully expects to
man in the ranks knows what he is fighting for share the same fate as was meted out to the
and why. ambassadors to Germany, Poland, Turkey,
The U.S.S.R. wants peace, not war. I t has Latvia, Lithuania, and to hundreds of other
no aggressive designs or intentions, but let its enthusiastic socialists who have been executed
enemies realize that that is not a sign of weak- at the behest of the red murderer Stalin.
ness. If they attack, the U.S.S.R. will not only
defend itself, but will strike back with all its Those Orgies with the Nuns
force.Russian War Commissar Voroshiloff, Dispatches from Warsaw say that the 65-
in an address to military officers in Moscow. year-old head of the Old Orthodox Church,
Sergei Krutitsky, when arrested, was sur-
Child Brides of Czarist Russia rounded by naked nuns. Thirty-two of the
Czarist Russia was not such a paradise for nuns were arrested, alorig with three priests
women as some imagine. What do you think that had assisted the Very Most Altogether
of a child of eleven being sold to a man of 65 Reverend Krutitsky in his religious exercises.
who already had three wives? Or a child of 9
being sold to a man of 55 for two horses, a Phosphates from Kirovsk
cow and 500 rubles of silver? Or women of Kirovsk, Russia, north of the Arctic Circle,
14 or 15 years of age who were sent to a stable has become an important source of phosphate
or to the woods to give birth to their babies rock, used in the manufacture of fertilizers.
alone? It is one of the prides of Soviet Russia In eight years the population grew from 200
that many of these former child brides of to 35,000, and in 1936 some 2,000,000 tons of
Czarist days are now serving as lawyers, the apatite or phosphate ore was mined.
engineers, teachers, aviators, and editors.
Rare Find for Numismatists
The Drink of the Proletariat A rare find was that at Lake Ladoga, near
More than 5,000,000 bottles of champagne Leningrad, Russia. A treasure of 11,000 coins,
were produced in Soviet Russia in 1937. It Saxon, Danish, Czech and Italian, some of
has been decided to build two more factories, them bearing dates of the 11th century, was
one in Tiflis and the other in Moscow.J. W. brought to light. The coins were found in a
Williams, Lithuania. copper kettle.
The Press
The Case of Daisy Waller When the Atlas vertebra was replaced correctly
A graphic illustration of how news nature began its normal course of healing and the
child who was to become a statue grew into a
of sensational cures by chiropractic 12-year-old girl with roses in her cheeks.The
is withheld from the public is the Health Clarion.
story of little Daisy Waller. All
over the land, in 1937, newspapers British and American Press
carried the story of this eight-year-old Atlan- Compared with the scanty, intermittent,
ta, Ga., girl, over whose beautiful face a mask and haphazard snippets which in the popular
of stone was slowly forming and whose body press of this country do service for American
was gradually turning to rock. The news- news (you will understand that this has no
papers kept the public in touch with this' reference to the Manchester Guardian), the
petrifying child, then suddenly she was no detailed, regular, and impartial reporting of
longer news. Why? Because she had been the American, foreign correspondent usually
cured by a chiropractor! Since the medicos provokes the English visitor to surprised ad-
couldn't afford to have the newspapers print miration. Furthermore, the proof of this may
the truth that this medically doomed girl was be found in the wide-spread awareness which
cured by chiropractic, silence was the policy the American public displays of the move-
adopted by the Medical Trust. But: ment of events here and on the Continent.
The stone mask that four years ago crept over There is everywhere among intelligent Amer-
the lovely features of little Daisy Waller, eight, icans the greatest interest in and acquaintance
victim of the rare malady, sclerodermia, slowly with European affairs. That the conclusions
but surely turning her to stone, today is gone. The the American draws from his observation of
lethargy has liftedleaving no trace. the European gangrene may differ from our
The child who once was doomed to death because own is not a sufficient reason for concluding
the tissues of her body were petrifying, now is them to be erroneous.H. G. Nicholas (Eng-
playing in her front yard on South Candler Road, lishman, but for two years resident in the
apparently the picture of health. She said yester-
day : "I feel good now, just as though I had never United States), in a letter to the Manchester
been sick. I can play baseball all day long if I Guardian.
want to and ride my bicycle and I ean eat any-
thing I want." Colliers' New Plan
"My teacher sent me home," she had told her The new plan of publication of Colliers'
mother, who immediately put the child to bed. For Weekly takes advantage of air-mail service
weeks the malady progressed with alarming speed. to get out 21 foreign editions simultaneously
She was gradually losing use of her limbs and a with the American one. Page proofs are mailed
strange hardening- process of the tissues became from the central plant in Springfield, Ohio,
apparent to the touch. The muscles began to lose to every important foreign capital. There the
their resiliency.
pages are photographed, transferred in nega-
After a number of consultations the child's con-
dition was said to be hopeless. Her father and tive to zinc plates so sensitized that only
mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Waller, and her six printed parts of the original will take ink on
sisters and two brothers watched her condition with the reproduction, and put on offset presses.
a feeling of despair. Newspapermen in each of these cities write
Then the family lawyer recommended an Atlanta the editorials for local readers. 150,000 foreign
chiropractor with the bope that the child could be copies are printed in this manner.
brought to recovery. Eight weeks after the be-
ginning of the disease Daisy was X-rayed and The E n d of Scribner's
treatment began. Following the adjustment made Scribner's Magazine lasted 52 years, and
three days following the X-ray the child began to passed out recently, after a brilliant business-
respond, and in three weeks a marked change was man prophesied that he would raise the circu-
lation to 350,000. First he fired alb the old
Her condition resulted from a misplacement of editors that knew anything about their work.
the Atlas vertebra, or the top vertebra, which
caused a deposit of mineral salts in the body due He put on specialists that knew everything
to the fact that nature was unable to control the about everything, except running a magazine.
manufacture and elimination of the lime and phos- Finally, after running out of cash and out of
phate salts, it was explained. ideas, the whole enterprise went kerplunk.
A U G U S T 23, 1939 19
less, sincere Americans seem to be unaware of
the underground work carried on by the Vati-
can in the United States and regard tales of
such as harmless, European figments. This
indifference will some time prove their un-
doing. .
As recently as 1936, the Vatican, in the
person of Cardinal Pacelli, secretary of state
The Catholic International made a trip to prospect this most promising"
The Vatican knows every tiling about the client: a rough estimate of the money avail-
nations of the world and they know nothing able from American Catholics being six billion
about i t : therein lies its power. A tide of francs. He was feted hy the president, met
varied documents flows into Rome every day all the important clergy, bankers and business
from all points of the globe in which Catholics men. It was^even said that Mussolini had ad-
live. These are read carefully, then catalogued vised the cardinal to do some tempting favors
in the secret archives which form an incom- for Fascist financiers in the United States.
parable documentary source, but which are While at the present time diplomatic relations
closed to the laymen. between the U. S. and the Vatican do not exist,
It was Gregory the Seventh who appointed be sure they will come in time. . . .
the first ecclesiastical legates to sovereigns. In Germany at the time of the advent of
The novelty was not to the taste of them all, Hitler, about one-third of the population were
and William the Conqueror is reported to have Catholic adherents. Since then, with the water-
informed the pope: "I am a dutiful son of the tight treaty negotiated by Von Papen, a Jesuit
Church, but if your legate sets foot in my agent, with the Vatican, a minor war has
Duchy of Normandy, I warn you that he will broken out between the Nazis and the Church:
find himself strung up to the highest oak in over the young people and their education.
my forests." Catholic periodicals and organizations were
Thereupon the Papacy abandoned this sys- suppressed, to which the Vatican replied but
tem, entrusting its intelligence service to feebly, leaving its clergy and faithful in the
monks established in the country, hidden in lurch.
monasteries, or to wandering friars, who Similarly, the Jesuits got control in muti-
traveled about all the time. Later, the Jesuits lated Austria after the war. Socialist Austria
took charge of espionage. And eventually the was abandoned by her war-time allies but was
17th century saw brilliantly clever ambassa- given a loan, the control of which was in the
dors appointed. They were usually laymen of hands of Mgr. Seipel, former treasurer of
parts who had been raised to the nobility for the Company of Jesus [Society of Jesuits].
this very purpose. The last step was taken, The sole program was to defeat socialism and
though, when the Papacy created a corps of prepare a diplomatic combination in favor of
ecclesiastical diplomats who are educated in the return of the Hapsburgs, also agents of
the Academy of Ecclesiastical Nobles. This the Vatican. Dollfuss has been seen to wipe
system is in force today. out the Austrian workers. (He was a pupil of
The majority of countries at the present the Jesuits.) Since then [written prior to
time maintain relations with the Vatican. March, 1938Ed.], Schusschnigg is prepar-
Examples of the roles, diverging from limited ing the ground by organizing the Christian
positions to those of privilege, played by the state on a corporative basis, a method planned
Roman Catholic Church in many countries by the Company of Jesus. He is suppressing
are to be found in United States, Belgium, universal suffrage, organizing legitimatist
Italy, Germany and the Far East. manifestations with the aid of the army, para-
In the United States the expansion of Ro- military formations and the clergy.
manism was hindered by the division of the History and contemporary events have
Catholic faithful into German, Irish, French shown the Church's actions to be governed by
and Italian sections, and by the ferociously circumstances. I n the event of war, she will
individualistic "American spirit" which was flatter the victor and sympathize with the
hostile to all foreign supervision. The Vatican vanquished. And if there are undeveloped
really failed to understand the American countries (such as China, Japan and Asia
mentality and made many mistakes. Neverthe- -generally) she is omnipresent, supporting the
nationals or the foreign oppressors after an Church. In this respect the statement of Count
examination of their respective merits. Alexander Feftitich, who attempted to bring
For instance, with the -downfall of the Rus- about agrarian reform in Hungary and tried
sian tsars, the Vatican was gleefully envisag- to help the peasantry by breaking up church
ing itself as assuming the mantle of the de- holdings in that country, is significant. He has
parted masters. So it showered the Soviet Re- stated that the Catholic Clergy of Hungary
public with attentions. But the latter were possessed 1,325,000 acres of church reserves
suspicious. Catholic missionaries of charity and that "one-third of the national riches in
were sent into Rus- Spain is represented
sia, but accomplished in property and goods
nothing. The present possessed by Roman
pope was a c t u a l l y C a t h o l i c congrega-
nunzio at Warsaw, tions The Chemins
Poland, at the time of de Fer du Nord, the
the Russian advance T r a n s a t l a n t i c Com-
on that city; he rep- pany, t h e o r a n g e
resented the diplo- groves of Andalusia,
matic corps and con- the m i n e s of the
cluded an agreement Basque p r o v i n c e
with the Soviet au- and the Riff, several
thorities should the factories in Barcelo-
Poles be defeated. The na, are under the con-
opportunity, however, trol of religious pow-
t o tfarry o u t t h e ers " In addition,
scheme did not ma- in many c o u n t r i e s
terialize. Catholic organizati on s
While the Holy See have grouped num-
is always observed to bers of peasants into
tie up with other con- buying and selling co-
fessions in time of war, operatives, aided by
revolutionandinternal auxiliary banks which
distresses, Big Busi- are n a t u r a l l y con-
ness is really the very trolled by the big
marrow of Catholi- Catholic banks.
cism,, and this is the No, no, Eugene; that's not the kind of fan-dance After the advent of
case despite the dis- America loves Fascism, the Banco
parity between this fact and the early teach- di Roma, the bank of the Catholic nobility, of
ings of the Church Fathers. . . . "All those the Vatican and religious orders, almost went
who were possessed of lands or houses sold bankrupt. An appeal was made and Mussolini
them," brought the prices thereof and placed softened to the tune of 700,000,000 lira, which
them at the feet of the apostles; and they were saved the bank. The Lateran Treaty was in
distributed to each according to his need," process of preparation.
says the Acts of the Apostles, 4:36, which The failure of economic sanctions during
Saint Ambrose in Be Officiis: I seconds thus: the Abyssinian war and the favorable atti-
'^Nature has engendered common rights; it is tude of the Vatican is easily explained. When
their, usurpation which makes for the law of the sanctionist countries suppressed the trans-
privilege/' fer of funds and "Peter's Pence" which were
. B u t ; in feudal times such subversive doc- represented in foreign and Italian banks,
trines were stopped. Saint Augustine was the money could not reach Rome. So the "frozen
first to realize that the Christian doctrine assets" of the Vatican were transferred in-
would never be acceptable in its pure state to geniously to the credit of the Italian state
men of position, and began to speak of "Hu- which thus effected purchases abroad, while the
man right" and "Divine Right." Thus the Italian treasury credited the Vatican with an
Christian doctrine was modified to keep it equivalent sum in lira at Rome.
from disappearing. In the matter of social welfare, the Church
No one knows the actual riches of the took a stand only after a century of hesita-
A U G U S T 23, 1939
tion, when the class struggle was making the A. Dior. Condensed from Crapouillot, Paris
outlook dangerous to the bourgeois order. Ac- by Magazine Digest, Pickering, Ont.
tually it has always been the custom of the
church to intervene only in time to steal to Division of School Money in Ottawa
the side of the victor. She never compromises Ottawa has a 50 percent Roman Catholic
herself; Therefore, in issuing the Quadragesi- population, and 56 percent of the school en-
mo Anno Encyclical on social conditions, the rollment is in the Separate Schools. (P.S
Vatican simply slipped its calling card under 10,861, S.S. 11,459)
the door of the oppressed but abstained from In 1935 the Public Schools received in Gov-
giving them the means to free themselves. ernment grants $8,264,55, and the Roman
Despite one of the tenets of the church, Catholic schools $17,341.29, or more than twice
"All men are brothers," diplomatic history of as much.
the Vatican shows that the Holy See has un- In 1936 the Public Schools received $8,611.20
ceasingly fomented wars or taken part in and the Roman Catholic schools $18,530.55.
them as a sovereign power. But these acts had, The above figures are from the Government
of course, to be justified in the eyes of "Chris- Public Accounts.
tendom". Thus, in a pastoral letter from Car- This year (1938) the Government an-
dinal Goma, primate of Spain, as recently as nounced a new schedule of grants, and a press
February 10, 1937, the Church explains: report from Ottawa estimates that the Public
"Every creature has the right to wage war Schools in that city will receive an additional
against another when the latter is warring $2,500, and the Roman Catholic schools an
against God. War is the daughter of the abuse additional $19,250; which means that with
man has made of liberty: she is the daughter 56 percent of the school enrollment, the Ro-
of sin. We must accept if God test a nation man Catholic Separate Schools in Ottawa will
in war as a punishment for its prevarications receive $37,780 as against $11,111 for the
and as a stimulant in case of decadence of the Public Schools.Protestant Action, Toronto.
moral order. . . . "
This is very suggestive in view of the fact Fighting for the Pope
that the attitude of the Vatican has been vio- Italy's only excuse for being in the war in
lently criticized during the war in all coun- Spain is that she was fighting for the Hier-
tries and especially by the Entente nations. archy's "right" to get back on the necks of
In the first place, when war broke out, the the Spanish people, but in that conflict the
world waited in vain for a protest from the Italian government (which never declared war
Vatican concerning the invasion of Belgium on the Spanish Republic) now. boasts that it
(a staunch Catholic country). shot down 943 planes of this nation with which
it was theoretically at peace, and sank 162
The pope . . . was caught between two merchantmen and 5 war vessels. This morn-
fires: his diplomatic corps were pro-German ing's paper says Mussolini is near death. He
and at the same time he needed to defend his could not do a better thing for his suffering
political interests and see to the expansion-of fellow men than to go ahead and croak. And
the Church. Only the victory of the Central can you name a reason why the Creator or
Powers would favor his plans. others would ever wish to see him again?
So the most impartial of the prelates could
do no more than weigh the respective chances "Despite Vatican Denials"
of both sides to see which would win out. The r 5 s% The United Press says that "despite
balance not having been weighed in favor of I wgaft Vatican denials" that the pope had
the Allies till August, 1918, it was then under- 'J&fcb called or thought of calling a five-
stood why the Vatican had waited throughout power conference to try to estab-
the war before taking a clear stand. But it lish European peace, yet "the idea
was too late to save face and pretend to a role of such a conference was originally advanced",
of arbitration . . . the Allies had saved them- which is a nice way of saying that the pope
selves. As a result the Holy Sec was put out lied. The same story suggests that the pope
of the peace negotiations, the League of Na- made a big mistake in not inviting Russia to
tions, and excluded from all diplomatic ac- the conference. This might be true, for both
tivity, which injured it throughout the world. England and France feel the need of Russian
It was a humiliating defeat.By Raymond support.
How They Can Lie! "With the Greatest Respect"
qX m^M Anybody who has $5 to spare can When a eouple of cronies have robbed a
purchase a copy of the Official henroost together, and divided the spoils fair-
Catholic Directory showing the. full ly, it is but natural that when they have an-
names and addresses of the 30,000 other similar job in view they should approach
Catholic priests in the United States. one another with feelings of mutual regard.
That is all there are, and they never all leave The pope invited the prime ministers and
town at once. Somebody has to stay behind to foreign ministers of Britain, France, Ger-
rake in the shekels. In face of these facts', just many, Italy and Poland to meet together at
what would you think of the value of the As- the Vatican to discuss the carving up of Po-
sociated Press dispatch from Quebec that, land, the understanding being that at the last
on June 26, "one hundred thousand priests minute he would come into the picture as the
participated in the final procession," etc. great and wise statesman of the latest Munich
Probably there were more than one thousand fiasco. This would not be so hard, because Po-
priests, but the Catholic reporter on the job land is already completely under his thumb,
thought he would make it look as big as pos- and it would be a very easy matter for him to
sible. And he did, and jackasscd his job. The make a deal on the side with der Fiihrer and
Toronto Star reported 4,000 clergymen in the give him what he wants. In view of this setup,
procession. The story in the Star said that is it any wonder that the dispatches telling
"newspapermen knelt and prayed with the about this offer set forth the interesting ob-
crowd". servation that
Chancellor Adolf Hitler received the Papal
Always Eager to Lie nuncio, who brought him this proposal, with the
Always eager to lie, even when it would be greatest respect.
better every way to tell the truth, the Osser-
vatore Romano, official organ of the pope, pub- Roman Catholic Sympathy with Hitler
lished on April 8 the statement, "It is not the Roman Catholic sympathy with Hitler is
intention of the Italian government to make seen in the dispatches from Dublin that not
an attack on the independence and integrity only would De Valera and the Roman Catholic
of Albania"; but Mussolini had seized the Hierarchy not do anything to prevent Hitler
country, and its king was in flight before the from overrunning the British Isles, but they
Osservatore Romano could get its papers off would and did use all their influence to pre-
the press. vent conscription even in Protestant Ulster.
In another World War the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy would stand just whore it stood
Jesuit Oratory before, that is, against the democracies and for
At the Spanish Casino, Mexico City, "Rev- their opposites, the autarchies.
erend Father" Julio Vertiz, noted Jesuit ora-
tor, made the open attack on democracy which Pickings for Mussolini
is at the heart of every Jesuit. He stated to
his Spanish audience that Uncle Sam would The war business is a lot better than black-
boil when he found all the Latin-American smithing. Mussolini has a large interest in the
countries uniting in support of Franco. News Montecatini Chemical Trust, which supplied
of the address leaked out and a crowd in the most of the explosives for the war ,in Spain.
In four years the concern made a profit of
streets broke the windows of the Casino as high $380,000,000, and Mussolini is now a million-
as the third story. Mexicans had plenty of aire, like his friend and enemy Hitler.
Fascism in the past, and are sick of it.
F r a n c o Not Now So Busy
How They Love I t !
Franco the Butcher, not being as busy now
The Catholic Times contains a picture of in decapitating and poisoning women and
Monsignor Orsenigo, Papal nuncio, leaving the babies as he was a few months back, could and
chancellery, after conveying his greetings to did take time off to cable the pope his "im-
der Fiihrer on the latter's birthday. It gave mense gratitude" for the pope's "apostolic
another chance for more publicity; and how blessing, which has been received with reli-
they love it! gious fervor". No doubt. No doubt.
A U G U S T 23, 1939 23
B a r Association for F r e e S p e e c h H o w to S h e a r the S h e e p
-A The American B a r Association S t a r t a paper like Our Sunday Visitor.
^ Jnfifr C a m e out in defense of t h e right Get u p a Contest of 50 questions, two in each
of free speech. I t is time i t did. issue of your paper. Get your subscribers to
The Association s a i d : answer these questions, issue by issue as they
No truth has been more strongly en- appear. Make them send you a dime each time.
forced by the history of recent years than that the B y t h a t means you can g e t $2.50 apiece from
suppression of discussion leads directly to tyranny the poor, deluded, blinded sheep, and at the
and the loss of all other civil rights. same time steep them a little more fully in. the
The fixed policy of the Roman Catholic absolute foolishness styled "Catholic T r u t h " .
Hierarchy is that it can a n d should break u p The contestants stand a chance for an automo-
any meeting of which it disapproves by threats bile or cash awards of varying amounts, for
of starting a riot. This has been done time a n d which, as is readily apparent, they p u t u p all
again by the Hierarchy as respects Jehovah's the cash. I n other words, it is simply another
witnesses. The Bar Association does not men- way of running a lottery, of which the methods
tion the Hierarchy, but does s a y : now a r e legion.
A small number of lawless men by passing the
word around that they intend to start a riot could
prevent any kind of meeting. Slick Work in P r o m o t i n g I g n o r a n c e
On any such theory, a gathering which expressed The London Catholic Herald contains a
the sentiment of law-abiding citizens would be for- reproduction of a slick piece of work for keep-
bidden merely because a small gang of hoodlums ing the Eskimos in ignorance. I t is an altar-
threatened to break up the meeting.
piece for use in a church at Aklavik, on the
The only proper remedy for such situations, small
or serious, is the police protection to which citizens Arctic ocean, and the scenes are supposed to
are entitled in public places, whether they are there be those at the birth of the Savior. M a r y is
singly or in groups. It is the duty of the officials dressed in furs, and so is Jesus. The Magi
to prevent or suppress the threatened disorder with come with reindeers and Arctic dogs, and their
a firm hand instead of timidly yielding to threats. gifts are of walrus tusks, etc. Everything
The outdoor meeting is especially well adapted possible is done to keep the poor natives in
to the promotion of unpopular causes, since such ignorance, so that they will pay well to keep
causes are likely to command little financial sup- the racket in operation.
port and therefore must often be promoted by
persons who do not have the financial means to
"hire a hall" or purchase time on the radio.The T o o H u m a n e for the Racket
American Guardian, December 30, 1938.
The Roman Catholic racket is after the
Nice Time in China h a r d cash, first, last and all t h e t i m e ; and
The Long Beach (California) Press-Tele- therefore the parish priest of Fontenelle,
gram carried a picture of "Bight Reverend" Gaspe province, Quebec, was fired because he
James E. Walsh, and under it a nice long refused to collect a 10-cent tax levied on the
story entitled "China W a r Bombing Tales congregation when 75 percent of them were
F l a y e d ; Missionary Declares Stories About out of work. In this instance the congregation
Orient Conflict Exaggerated". E x p l a i n i n g the went out with the priest and they all floeked
benefits accruing from the spread of t h e totali- into the Presbyterian church of Canada.
tarian .scheme over Asia, Walsh reportedly
said: P r a i s i n g the Baby-Killer
The greatest benefits of the war are apparent in Praising, the baby-killer, P o p e P i u s X I I
the unification of China and the resulting speeding designated Franco the Butcher the "illustrious
up of a modernization and development program chief", of Spain, stated that he had given
which otherwise might have taken many years.
"unequivocal proofs" of his "supreme reli*
Gannon the Foolish gious" interest and extended his "paternal
Gannon the Foolish is reported to have congratulations" to those who by their hypoc-
stood up before the California State Assembly risy and treachery overthrew the Spanish
and to have earned his title by the following: Republic. Franco is greatly admired by Cough?
In these days of dictators we should use the iron lin the chameleon, who, spilling the Hierarchy
fist to teach patriotism. Children should be taught beans as usual, says he would like to do or have
to respect the flag, with whippings if necessary. done in America what Franco did in Spain.
The War Industry
"Reverend** ScholFs Benediction War Supplies to Far East
They had just completed a new armory United States' manufacturers of airplanes
in Seattle. General O'Ryan had spoken, and and other war munitions last year shipped
the 3,000 present were all looking forward to $12,559,741 of war supplies to China and
a hypocritical benediction when "Reverend" $7,664,413 to Japan. Most of the goods for
Louis E. Scholl, Congregational, jumped to China went in through the British port of
the microphone and surprised everybody by Hong Kong.
We thank Thee for the wisdom of the speaker When Mobilization Day Conies
(General O'Ryan) who Every person from
said war is the most the age of sixteen up-
relentless and insidious I W I L L SAVE Y O U F R O M ward' will be at the
enemy of m a n k i n d . THE CRUEL ARMS O F T H E
command of the gov-
Therefore we t h a n k A G G R E S S O R , M Y PET t
Thee that C h r i s t i a n ernment; the price of
ministers and workers every article and com-
of this city have invited modity will be fixed
the people to come from by the government;
their worship to give factories will produce
their blessings to the only what the govern-
doctrine of war and vio- ment o r d e r s ; labor
lence as represented by will be deprived f, of
this armory. Lord, we the right to strike;
thank Thee for the bat- food, and all other
tleships and bombs, the necessities of life, will
airplanes and the poison
gas. We thank Thee that be rationed; incomes
Thou didst say: 'Suffer may be taxed up to
little children to come 93 percent, and prof-
unto me that I might its, up to 100 percent;
drop bombs-upon them all wages will be fixed
and blow them into king- by presidential proc-
dom come.' We thank lamation ; all business
Thee that Thou didst die will be licensed; or-
upon the cross, not with thodox laws of eco-
a crown of thorns on nomics will be out-
Thy head; but with a lawed, civic rights
gas mask on Thy face violated, the press,
and a soldier's boots on Doesn't make sense, somehow
Thy feet! radio and movies cen-
If r. Scholl was not on the program, but was sored, and personal liberty destroyed.Amer-
the biggest hit of the occasion. ican Mercury.
[Americans may see from this by how small a
Relative Strength of Seven Dangers thread their liberties remain suspendedEd.]
I n the. following table each " n " represents
1,000 airplanes, each 'V* represents a quarter Retrogression of a Quarter Century
of a million tons of naval strength, and each The world has spent 2,400,000,000 on ar-
"o" represents a half million trained soldiers: maments tiiis year (1937), and has trebled the
Russia" nnnnnnn oooooooooooooo expenditure of the pre-war period, The in-
oooooooooooooo crease over last year does not include money
. ooooboooooo spent on works of a semi-military character.
Germany nnnnnnn w ooooooo Europe's share of the money is 63.4 percent,
Britain nnnnn wvvvvv oo or 1,520,000,000. The permanent armed forc-
Italy nnnnn m oooooooooooooo
D. S. nnnn wwv o es of the world are now 8,500,000, compared
France' nnn wy oooooooooooo with 6,000,000 in 1913, the year before the
Japan nnn vvv Great War began.Melbourne Argus.
A U G U S T 23, 1939 25
is clothbound, contains 384 pages, and is printed in large type, and illustrated.
F a r more important than its beautiful workmanship is the message it contains.
Bead it and obtain valuable knowledge.
Name Street
City State
[Special Note: Anyone desiring the author's edition, which book contains a facsimile letter
by Judge Rutherford, may have these at 50c a copy. The regular edition is 25c a copy.]
Another South Sea Paradise refreshment in the form of food and drink,
THERE recently appeared in Con- and other household commodities. Tropical
solation an article dealing with the fruits and vegetables grow in abundance, and
little-known island of Bali. Proba- the only meat eaten is that provided by pigs
bly less known are the Tongan is- and fowls. I t is said that the Tongans sing .as
lands, sometimes called the Friend- naturally as most other people speak. They
ly islands, the queen of which recently cele- play no instruments, but blend their voices in
brated her fiftieth jubilee. beautiful harmony*
Treacherous reefs surrounding the islands, A tortoise, presented to the chiefs of Tonga-
and particularly the main one of the group, tabu in 1777 is still alive in the grounds of the
help to keep visitors away. This is possibly royal palace, and is reputed to be over 200
advantageous to the Tongans, for "civilized" years old. It bears the title of Chief of the
visitors frequently spoil the world's natural district of Malila and gets the respect due to
beauty spots. such a rank!
Tonga is the last of the Pacific kingdoms, Besides the queen, there is a privy council
and a happy and beautiful kingdom it is. and parliament, the latter holding an annual
Poverty and want are unknown. The air is meeting which lasts one month. All the mem-
wonderfully pure, the rain gentle and sweet, bers of the government are full-blooded
and, as in Bali, life is natural and free. Tongans, with the exception of the treasurer
One hundred and fifty-nine islands, scat- and the chief justice, who are Europeans.
tered over an area of two hundred and sixty- Every Tongan-born male subject receives
nine square miles, comprise the group. The eight and a quarter acres of land, fully plant-
Inhabitants, pure Polynesians, numbered ed with cocoanuts, on reaching the age of six-
slightly over 31,000 a year ago. A further re- teen. Education is being developed on sound
semblance to Bali is seen in the physique of lines, agriculture and technical training being
the Tongans. They have fine, brown bodies; looked upon as more important than academic
the young men are stalwart, and the girls real- knowledge.
ly beautiful. The climate of the islands is not In these days, when the governments of
as good as that of Bali; for Tonga suffers from "civilized" lands are 'reeling to and fro and
severe humidity and hurricanes. staggering like drunken men', when millions
Not many of the so-called amenities of upon millions of dollars are being spent every
civilization are to be had on the islands. There year on weapons of destruction and when
is no electric light, and there are no news- fear rules in the hearts of the majority, it is
papers. In these days of a prostituted press, refreshing to know that there are one or two
the absence of the latter is perhaps a blessing. places on this earth as yet so little affected by
What appeals to the visitor most of all is the the blight of religion, politics and commerce.
natural warm-heartedness of the Tongans
themselves. Soon after one's arrival gifts in Public Health Service of Tasmania
token of welcome and friendship are present- Tasmania has ten health districts the doc-
ed, and the dignity and courtesy of the people tors of which are paid by the States 800 a
is immediately apparent. year, with housing allowance, a month's holi-
A small steamer from New Zealand visits day and a month's research work on pay, and
the main island about once a month, but the six months' leave every five years to study
sea is generally so rough that letters have to abroad. On top of this the doctor receives from
be tied in oiled paper and attached to sticks, the patients double the cost of his automobile
which are carried by native swimmers to the mileage, with heavier charges for night work,
Steamer. Inward mail is put into a sealed tin Sundays and holidays. How the taxpayers can
and thrown over the ship's side, to be picked stand this load is a mystery.Sydney Labor
up by the swimmers. This is the "Tin-Can Daily Condensation.
Mail" well known to travelers in those parts. [It seems as if the doctor racket runs a close
Cocoanut trees form the basis of the wealth second to the religious racket, from which it
of the inhabitants, providing copra for export traces its descent. In fact, the terms doctor
as well as building material for the houses, and cure are common to both.)
S E P T E M B E R 6, 1939 11
,/tfGHTEOUS Leaving us for Lagos, he left many cartons
of books and booklets for us, encouraging us
to keep on moving.
The picture shows one of the methods we
used in Minna township in advertising the
King and His kingdom and which method
curiously arrested the attention of the public
to get the booklets Face ihe Facts- and Fascism
or Freedom. In this very method our speak-
Two West African Pioneers ing trumpet has been a great help to us in this
To Jehovah, the great Theoerat, we give all part, because when it is sounded, all heads
praise for the privilege granted us to serve can be seen through the windows peeping, we
Him at this hour of great distress amongst approach them, and in this way we can place
the peoples of earth. In Jehovah's service, we more books and booklets.
are now ten months on tour in the Northern In one village where we called it was ob-
Provinces, where we have been able, by Jeho- served at the first sounding of our speaking
vah's grace, to carry the message of God's trumpet that all the villagers were jumping
Kingdom in printed form to the hungry and into the bush and some were seen locking
thirsty, souls in the following places, to wit: their doors, and when we asked them the
Idah, Lokoja, Loco, Makurdi, Kafanchan, reason for their running, they said they heard
Bukuru, .Jos, Bauchi, Potiskum, Maiduguri, that war was coming. We then gathered the
Zaria, Sokoto, Kano, Kaduna, Minna, and people and explained.to them about God's
Zungeru, the former capital of the Provinces. kingdom, the only hope of the world, and also
By Jehovah's grace we succeeded in plac- about the war, how it would be fought and
ing 100 bound books and 2,724 booklets for those that would be saved. In the circum-
the period of four months, January to April, stances, they gladly obtained booklets in their
1939, in which we rejoice greatly because this (Hausa) language.Thomas Ozurumbah and
is a good report compared with our reports Benson N. Ogbonnah, pioneers.
submitted to the Branch office, Lagos, in the
previous campaigns. Blessings in La Grange, Georgia
At Lokoja we were arrested and charged I . made a back-call on a party who had
with the offense of hawking in the Township taken a booklet from me and who showed in-
without permit, and the next day we were terest ; I found the party had read the booklet
tried by the Commissioner of Police, who pro- through three times and gladly took more. At
pounded many questions to us; and having another home, which I visited with the phono-
received satisfactory answers backed up with graph, the lady of the house would not listen,
scriptures, he concluded with,""May,God bless because, she said, she had heard the phono-
your work." At Sokoto we were again arrested graph a few weeks before. I smiled and told
and the same charge was repeated. On this her we had a new record. She listened to
occasion the trial was conducted by the Dis- "Miracles" and' "Instruction" and was so im-
trict Officer, who, after we had given answers pressed that she subscribed for The Watch-
to his questions, received the booklets Face tower.
the Facts, Protection, and Where Are the I (railed at another home with the phono-
Dead? in the Hausa language. There were graph, and the man of the house told me that
arrests of similar kinds which are not worth if I was calling as a Christian I could play the
mentioning, and we had pleasure in them all phonograph, but that he wanted nothing to
because the arrests afforded us full chance..to do with Jehovah's witnesses. He seemed sin-
deliver good testimony to the authorities of cere, that he really thought Jehovah's wit-
the Provinces, and thus we rejoice as partak- nesses were a bad group of people, so I went
ers of the afflictions of the Gospel according ahead and played the records "Miracles" and
to the power of God. (2 Timothy 1:8) "Instruction". About half way through the
Our zeal was tripled when unexpectedly we first record he discovered I am one of Jeho-
saw the WATCH TOWER representative, who vah's witnesses, but remarked to his wife that
drove his sound-car from Lagos to Zaria, a he saw nothing wrong with the recorded mes-
distance of over G17 miles, where he met us. sage. After listening to the other side he told
me he saw where he had been wrong about his outlined against the sky; and as we drive on
belief regarding Jehovah's people, that what the blue changes to emerald green, and we are
he had heard was not true, and that he would in the Smokies! Here we begin to climb, and
not be against us any more. the road circles round and round, up, up, UP;
Witnessing on another street, I found a wonderful engineering, showing what even
man who had a goat-like disposition. He said imperfect man can do when his thoughts are
he was goihg to call the police, and he did not on war. ;We are "at the top of one of the
follow me down the street, going into the crests and look downa sheer drop of thou-
homes I had just left. It became so noticeable sands of feet belowto cabins nestled in fer-
that. I asked at one home who this man was. tile valleys, with rivers and creeks winding
When the goat arrived at this home, and found in and out. Faintly we catch the tinkle of a
I had closely inquired concerning him, he be- cowbell, and the rushing of waters as they
came very fearful and withdrew from sight. dash over natural dams of stone and rock.
I called at a home with the phonograph and By the way, many of the farmers make their
the wife called her husband out of the garden own electricity by means of water-wheels.
to listen. At first he did not seem much in- Looking at these great hills, one would
terested, but listened, said he enjoyed the rec- never dream that farming could be carried on
ord and .would subscribe for The Watchtower. so efficiently; but there are very fertile farms
I visited him later with a set of records, and even at the tops of these mountains. Some-
he is now greatly interested in the truth and times the fields being cultivated are so steep
came to the study Sunday night. and slanting that, looking from one hill to
I called on Mayor O'Neal and Chief of Po- another, it seems as if the farmer and his ani-
lice Matthews. Both were still somewhat em- mal must come tumbling down, and makes one
bittered, but the most of the people receive us feel that "thar ain't no law of gravity". I said
kindly in their homes and appreciate the mes- "animal" advisedly, for these farmers use
sage which we bring to them by means of the horses, mules, oxen with the old-fashioned
phonograph.Odie De Berry, Georgia. yokes, Ferdinand the bull, and even the family
milch cow!
God's Glories in the Smoky Mountains Many of these farms are miles off the roads,
and one must walk up the steep mountain-
How beautiful the earth is even in its un- sides, cross rushing creeks over logs thrown
finished condition and marred as it is by from bank to bank, and, panting and winded,
unsightly billboards, each advertising its own stumble to the cabin door to be greeted by the
particular brand of death in the form of whole family; for, as you may imagine, it is
tobacco! Babylonish steeples rising in the sky a great event to have a stranger drop " u p " to
are usually the first things one sees when en- see them. Everything has to be "toted" to these
tering picturesque little towns, as well as com- places either by muleback or man power. The
mercial signs pointing out the special wonders mountains are too steep for even a wagon.
and beauties to be seen, at a price! All of these We visited one farm on a river bank which
things remind a Jehovah's witness how com- had no road on the side the farm was on, and
pletely Satan has commercialized his world; the only means of getting across was by a
and even the wonders of nature bring in a swinging footbridge or by boat. The farmer
steady stream of gold to his organization. had to wait until the river was low enough to
Much has been said and written about the ford, in the fall, before he could take any crops
great beauties and wonders of creation, which out or bring heavy supplies in.
fill the Lord's people with awe and reverence
and a greater love for their great Creator. These valleys and farm communities are
Come with me now to western North Carolina, called "coves", and take their names usually
where the great Smoky mountains raise their from the rivers and creeks on which they are
mighty heads, rugged and lofty, tier upon tier, situated. There are hundreds of these creeks
all clothed in verdant green. This is one of and coves, and many of them arc thickly in-
the most beautiful sights it is possible to habited. The mountainsides are covered with
imagine, and beggars description. No poetry wonderful apple orchards; for this is a famous
or painting could express its loveliness. apple country.
As we drive into this section from Georgia We have seen several thunderstorms lately,
the mountains lie ahead of us in a hazy blue, and it is a wonderful sight to witness the lofty
S E P T E M B E R 6, 1939 13
heights outlined against the inky blackness of ligion V Then she began thinking, "Only eight
the clouds, with the lightning splitting the went through at the time of Noah, and when
blackness, and the deep rumble of thunders. Jesus Christ was on the earth there were only
We try to picture what these mountains will a very few; so why wouldn't it be the same
be like when the might and power of Jehovah now?"
is manifested at Armageddon. She went down in the basement and brought
As we drive on evening falls, and dusky up the books and booklets she had obtained
night begins to cover the landscape. We now from witnesses before, mostly, she said, to get
see these great mountains silhouetted against rid of the caller.
the sky and are reminded of Jehovah's watch- I have made arrangements for her to re-
care over His own, as expressed in Psalm ceive the Informant, and believe that very
125:1,2. Twinkling lights appear in little shortly she will become a "laborer" with us.
cabins scattered over the hills, and from the N. Shafer, Canada.
hedgerows comes the most delicate scent of
honeysuckle, which literally covers the road-
side, and blossoms all summer long. Town Clerk of Ephesus Example
Now darkness completely covers the earth, Sir Alexander Maxwell, Permanent Under-
and, as if at a signal, thousands of fireflies Secretary of the British Home Office, listened
appear and flit around us, turning on and off to deputations of clergymen demanding sup-
their phosphorescent light. I cannot begin to pression of demonstrations and processions.
describe this last loveliness of the day, and He told them, "I wonder what would have
can only say with the psalmist, " 0 Jehovah, happened if the town clerk of Ephesus had
how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast suppressed Paul and his companions, who
thou made them all: the earth is full of thy were attacking the established church of the
riches."Mrs. G. E. Fiske, Pioneer. place and its industry [business]." He sur-
mised that the clerk, prompted by the chief
Kingdom Blessings in Saskatchewan constable, took the stand that there should be
no interference with the propagation of Paul's
On January 1, I began the "Watchtower message.
Campaign", anxious to have a part in it, but
with very little hope of finding anyone inter-
ested enough to take a subscription. New Market for Telescopes
I called on a lady who had been witnessed In the town of Calway, California,
to many times before by myself and other a c l e r g y m a n of the so-called
publishers. She always allowed us to play the "Church of God" chased the wit-
record, but had never seemed to take any in- ness away from the porch. After he
terest, and, in fact, would interrupt the record left another witness chanced to see
to talk about other things. I was very happily the elergyman behind some bushes with a spy-
surprised, therefore, when she told me she had glass in hand, evidently very curious to know
been waiting for a Jehovah's witness to call. what really is the "Cure", but not sufficiently
Her husband had subscribed for Consolation courageous to come across with a copper cent
about six months ago and she found it very to find out. The correspondent who sent in
interesting. She had put $2.00 away for this item astutely remarks that all clergymen
"Christmas" presents, but after reading the should now be furnished with telescopes.
advertisement on the back of the Consolation
magazine offering The Watchtower she decid- "Up Behind the Door"
ed she would like to obtain it.
At Kendal, England, a Catholic youth said
She remarked to me that we did not believe to his Protestant uncle, when he saw The Har-p
in "Christmas". I explained to her and showed of God and other of Judge Rutherford's books
her, in Jeremiah 10, what the heathen do. in the tatter's bookcase, "I cannot read any of
I had made arrangements for a back-call them, because they are up behind the door."
and called the following week. She asked nu- This puzzled the uncle, and on inquiry he
merous questions, one being "What is a Jona- found that the lad referred to a list of books
d a b f She told us that when we had called pinned up behind their church door, contain-
before she had thought, "What right have they ing the names of various books which Catho-
to come and try to change people to their re- lics may not read, lest they learn something.
Belated Convention News
Animal Husbandry
MangeWarm Oil and Sulphur wre killed by the proud owners of high-
Two valuable dogs, suffering terribly from powered rifles. Other achievements of those
mange; hair off back and neck; skin raw and who enjoy life themselves, but are distressed
covered with lumps; dogs constantly scratch- because four-footed creatures enjoy the same
ing themselves and manifestly in abject mis- blessings, were 1,637 deer, 29 moose and 29
ery. On recommendation by a dog-lover each bear, and 5 mountain sheep.
dog was bathed with three quarts of warm
crank case oil in which a handful of sulphur Beavers as Dam Builders
had been dissolved. Eesult: Both dogs are well
and happy, and growing beautiful, glossy Beavers have been known to build dams 450
coats of hair, soft as a puppy's. feet long. So skilled are they in felling trees,
which they cut with their sharp front teeth,
that the trunks fall just where they are want-
Bottle-roared Lion No Good ed. The object in building the dams is so that
Leo, bottle-fed lion of the Crafts, Califor- the beavers may swim below the ice in winter,
nia, circus, was too gentle for the show busi- and so get at the food which, in summer, they
ness, and as it cost $2 a day to feed him, and cache where they will need it later.
he would not work, the proprietors did not
know what to do with him, but at last he was
given a home for life in the animal haven of A Free-wheeling Sheep
George Williamson, near Ripon. There he may At Murrayville, Illinois, a sheep had its
roam to his heart's content. hind legs crushed when a colt stepped on them,
but the farmer who owns it got around the
Joy Among the Bloodthirsty difficulty by making harness and a pair of
There is great joy among the bloodthirsty, wheels by which,the sheep can get about its
to know that in the year 1938, in the state of grazing business with almost as much ease as
Wyoming, 3,959 beautiful and inoffensive elk before it was hurt.
Crops and Soils
Reflections of a Cotton Grower How Much Poison Can You Carry?
I hate cotton because of what it does to the The secretary of agriculture decided that
children: it keeps them out of school so they apples are O.K. if they carry not more than
may pick cotton, and they grow up in igno- .02 grain of fluorine residue per pound of
rance. We should change the school year, in fruit. This doubles the possible fluorine con-
the cotton-growing sections. School should run tent. The same wise and great man increased
from January 1 to July 31, and the vacation the tolerance for lead residue from .018 grain
season from August 1 to December 31. per pound of fruit to .025 grain. He forgot
Much cotton is produced by share-croppers to teH everybody that the lead you eat with
because it does not, and cannot, pay a living your apples stays with you. Eat one apple and
wage. Share-croppers generally till from you are carrying around .025 grain of lead;
twenty to thirty acres, quarter of which us- eat 100, and you are navigating around with
ually is planted to com and three-quarters 2.5 grains in you, and pretty soon you can be
to cotton; the average production is slightly melted down and made into bullets or a lead
under 200 pounds an acre, so the average casket for somebody.
cropper raises between six and nine bales
or between three and four and a half bales The Power of Tomato Roots
for himself. It has been demonstrated that "orphan"
When, as now, cotton brings under $45 a tomato roots generate sufficient power to send
bale, his share is worth between $150 (with sap up to a height of 200 feet, or about twenty-
seed) and $225. That is for a whole family, five times as high as the average tomato plant
which means six or seven people or more. grows. The entire theory of plant life has been
Nations that do not raise cotton seem to be recently changed by this discovery, and for
better off than the cotton-producing ones. the first time scientists understand that it is
Granville T. Chapman. root force that enables trees to Bend their sap
350 feet up into the air. The power of a plant
Protection Against Plenty is now believed to lie in its roots and not in
America this year is being blessedbeg its leaves. This may be the right idea, but it
pardon, cursedwith plenty. The wheat crop is best not to be too dogmatic. Scientists also
this year is estimated at 967,412,000 bushels, are human and prone to err.
the largest since 1915, and with the exception
of that year the largest on record. And there Trees in the Shelter Belt
are bumper crops all along the line. Corn, The trees that are to keep the dust bowl
oats, barley, rye, rice, hay, beans, potatoes, from spreading are taking root, and a total of
tobacco, sugar beets, hops, peaches, pears, 6,870 miles of trees suitable to the belt have
grapesall of them will exceed the average been planted^ The ones that have thrived best
crop of the ten years from 1927 to 1936. Prices are sumach, lilac, honeysuckle, chokecherry,
will be low enough, because of this plenty, so and honey locust. Other trees that survived
that more people can buy more of everything fairly well are the wild plum, American elm,
to eat What disaster! Cottonwood, hackberry, red cedar, Chinese
elm, Kentucky coffee tree, and apricot.
Sterilization of Soils
There are now three methods of sterilizing Seedless Watermelons -
soils, i.e., freeing them from weeds: one is Michigan State College reports the devel-
by live steam, another by direct application opment, after long research, of a seedless
of flame, and the third is by putting the soil watermelon, and with the flavor unimpaired.
to be sterilized into a large box and drilling The discovery is the work of a Chinese grad-
several holes in the earth. Into these holes are uate of the institution.
put a few drops of tear gas. The whole is
covered with a canvass, and in two days the Blossoming Can Be Delayed
soil is entirely free from weed contamination Blossoming of fruit trees and sprouting of
and can be uaed for any purpose such as potatoes can be delayed one week by spraying
greenhouses, lawns, golf courses, etc. with potassium naphthalene nitrate.
S E P T E M B E R 6, 1939
ments as "Ishtar". This means Astarte or
Easter, which, as we have already pointed out,
was one of the titles of Beltis, the "queen of
UNDE1 heaven". (Even the "Beltane Queens" crowned
THE these days take their title from "Ishtar" or
TOTALITARIAN "Astarte".) The word "Easter" is foreign to
Scripture. True, it is found in Acts 12,^verse 4
0 FLAG but it has no right to be there. The word in
the original Greek is not a word that means
Some Pagan Ceremonies the day on which Christ was raised from the
LENT.Today, as for centuries past, Lent dead. The word "Easter" is a mistranslation
is a "Feast" of the Roman Catholic Church. of the original. The Greek word is Pascha,
Forty days prior to "Easter" Romanists ab- meaning Passover. The word is used by Paul
stain from meat. Originally Lent was observed in 1 Corinthians 5:7, where he says, "Christ
by the Babylonians, long before the birth of our passover [pascha] is sacrificed for us."
Christ, in honor of the Babylonian goddess Let the reader read Acts 12 from verse 1, and
whose name was Astarte, one of the titles of can he conceive Herod, an enemy of the Chris-
Beltis, tiie "queen of heaven". Lent is observed tian faith, honoring the observance of Easter,
today, forty days of it, in the spring of the if Easter were then a Christian institution?
year by the Yezidis, or Pagan-Devil-worshjp- Why should Herod, who was not a Christian,
ers of Koordistan, who have inherited it from hold Peter till after the due celebration of
their early masters, the Babylonians. The what is claimed to be a Christian festival?
Pagan Mexicans, before the Church of Rome The very suggestion is an insult to every in-
"converted" them to Popery, also held their telligent person. And what about the Easter
forty days Lent. eggs? Where do they come in? What connec-
HOLY WEEK.This is the week prior to tion can an egg have with the resurrection of
"Easter" and observed by Papists as some- Jesus Christ? Again we find paganism to the
thing very special. There is no Scriptural au- forefront. An egg was one of the symbols of
thority for its observance. Every week is holy Astarte, or Easter, the Babylonian "queen of
to true Christians. This Holy Week humbug heaven". Here is the story of the Easter egg.
business was swept away at the Reformation. 'An egg of wondrous size fell from heaven into
PALM SUNDAY.The Papists on this day the Euphrates river. Fishes rolled it to the
take sprigs of trees and hedges to their church- bank; doves settled on it and hatched it, and
es and the priest "blesses" them. Their posses- out came the Syrian goddess Astarte, or
sion "keeps away the Devil and remits sin". Easter.' -Hence the Easter egg of today, as
This is another superstitious abomination that pagan as Easter Day itself.
has crept into the Church of Scotland. CHRISTMAS.Here we have more pagan-
GOOD FRIDAY.This is also of Pagan origin, ism! No person knows the date of Christ's
as it was on the Friday before "Easter", the birth, and it is sheer presumption and irrev-
day of the pagan goddess, Astarte (from erence for any person to tell us that Jesus
which the word Easter is taken), that "buns" Christ was born on the 25th of December.
were made and used in the worship of the The Scriptures are silent on the date of
Chaldean goddess. Do Protestants ever ask Christ's birth, and they are silent for a pur-
themselves as to the origin of the Hot-Cross pose, that purpose being that we should not
Bun? The Bun, or "Boun", was the "sacred as Christians observe Christ's birth. Every
bread" offered to the gods under the rites of intelligent student of -history believes that
Chaldean worship 1500 years before the Chris- Christ was not born in the depths of winter.
tian era. This "Boun" is referred to as a thing It was not till 400 years after Christ's ascen-
of idolatrous worship in Jeremiah 7:18. In sion to heaven that His birth was observed,
the olden times the Bun was "offered" in and with the other "festivals" which we are
pagan worship on the festival of Easter, or considering, "Christmas" is purely of pagan
Astarte, but good Presbyterians and others origin. "Christmas" means "Christ's Mass", a
today eat the Bun, and this on the date of a Roman Catholic observance of Roman Cath-
PAGAN festival! olic origin. But the name "Christmas" also
EASTER.Its Chaldean name condemns it! means "Yuleday", and here we find its pagan
The name is found today on Assyrian monu- origin. "Yule" is the Chaldee for "infant", or
"little child", and the 24th of December was Religious Building at San Francisco
observed as "Yule-day" or "Child's Day" by There are not enough buildings everywhere
our pagan Anglo-Saxon ancestors long be- to house all the religious rackets, and so the
fore the Christian era. Our ancestors also San Francisco World s Fair will have a spe-
celebrated what we term- Christmas Eve as cial Tower of Religion to commemorate the
"Mother Night", and this long before the time present world peace in Ethiopia, Czechoslova-
of Christ. Further, in Egypt, the "son of the kia, Spain and China; freedom of religion, as
queen of heaven" was said to have been born in Sydney, Australia, where the Hierarchy
on the 25th of December. Christmas in its en- was afraid to have Judge Rutherford land be-
tirety is wholly pagan, and the sooner Prot- cause he would teach the people something
estants of all denominations come to appre- about the Bible; freedom of the press, as wit-
ciate the danger of celebrating these things nessed in Seattle, where the newspapers re-
of paganism, the better it will be for Protes- fused to print what they admitted was the
tantism.Alexander Ratcliffe, Scotland. truth; freedom of speech, as in New Orleans,
where policeman Mc-
Treat All Con- Namara cut the wires
fidence Mer Alike leading Judge Ruther-
To place American ford's London speech
citizens, who desire to to a Christian assem-
enter the Purgatory bly, and told his men
game, on an equal' to shoot to kill, if any-
footing with the Ro- body interfered; and
man boys, I think it freedom of assembly,
would be advisable to broken up in the same
license all Purgatory city by the same man
Purgers and require on the same occasion.
everyone engaged in It seems fitting.
the business to exhib-
it a sign in front of The Statue in
his or her establish- San Francisco Bay
ment, reading: "Li-
censed by the U.S. The statue of Saint
Government to pray Francis of Assisi, to
souls out of Purga- be erected in San
tory." It would also Francisco bay, will
be well to provide a be five feet higher
statute of limitations than the Statue of
on the industry, and Liberty in New York
I suggest ten years. bay. It will be built
If a sojourner can't as a F e d e r a l Art
be moved out in that The tattooed lady
Project of the WPA,
length of time, it should be declared a wild whieh has allotted $50,000 for the purpose.
goose chase and given up as a bad job. The city of San Francisco will collect $22,000
This measure when enacted would not inter- from its taxpayers toward the cost of mate-
fere with the free exercise of religion. Passage rials. Concerning the original design for this
of laws to guarantee bank deposits, stop fake monstrosity, or tombstone-cutter's nightmare,
stock sales, prohibit faro, roulette, loaded dice, as he called it, Westbrook Pegler said:
three shell games, one-armed slot machine
bandits, Shultz and Hines numbers, etc., only It is a figure with the conventionalized head of
makes the Purgatory racket more profitable. the 1910 model of family doctor, with a pointed
Operators of the non-religious rackets have beard, inclosed in an aviator's helmet and having,
to pay part of the "take" over to the Govern- beneath the chin, a sort of bib or drool cloth. The
hiiruls are upraised in the standard posture of the
ment in income and various other forms of guest of honor at a stickup and the figure then
taxes. Why should not all "confidence" men declines, round, rigid as a concrete pipe and in-
be treated alike?Frank C. Hughes, in the nocent of fold or human line, to the waist, where it
San Diego Broom. disappears into a barrel extending to the base.
S E P T E M B E R 6. 1939 21
Idolatry in New Orleans had threatened to blow out the brains of
V j&k"P The idolatry in New Orleans was Christians who desired to hear a Bible dis-
fittingly introduced by McNamara's course broadcast from London. Connolly con-
orders to shoot to kill Jehovah's veniently shuts his eyes to the fact that the
witnesses if they dared receive a greatest persecutors of Christians for a thou-
Bible lecture broadcast all over the sand years or more have come from the very
world. Next step was to decorate the city lamp institution he is so eager to perpetuate, the
posts with 5-foot candles and set up the larg- Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Another speaker
est amplifying system ever known so that the at the same function, Bishop John B. Morris,
whole city could listen to the Italian broad- of Little Rock, Arkansas, said, "We [Cath-
casting gibberish from Vatican City. Then the olics, but not Jehovah's witnesses] are per-
general manager of the Hearst newspapers mitted in this country to serve God accord*
made a fervent plea against all forms of in- ing to the dictates of our consciences."
tolerance. Fine! Then Parley said, "In God
we trust," but he really meant "God" and Not All Priests Are Alike
McNamara, mostly McNamara. Meantime
Cardinal Mundelein sat on his throne. Don't In the city of Yorkton, Saskatchewan, a
overlook that. Suppose he had sat on a milk Ukrainian man lay ill in the hospital and was
stool. Think how it would have balled every- reading some of Judge Rutherford's books.
thing up. It is important to know what he sat Another man near him, also Ukrainian, was
on. Now, for instancebut why go into that? dying of cancer. In sympathy the .first pa-
Fifty thousand got soaked to the skin. Five tient asked the nurse to take the cancer pa-
hundred fainted. Somebody got a broken leg. tient some of the booklets to read, to pass the
Priests went to bat, 100 at a clip, each with a time and comfort him.
missal, chalice veil, burse, pall, wine and As the cancer patient was reading a priest
water cruets. Every priest must have his wine came to call on these men, and on observing
every morning. Archbishop Glennon spoke in what the cancer patient was reading he be-
favor of rugged individualism, by which he came very indignant, and denounced these
meant, of course, such acts as those of his booklets and reproved the one who was read-
co-religionist McNamara in offering to kill ing them. The poor man answered that he
Jehovah's witnesses for exercising their rights. could find nothing wrong in them, but thought
Bishop Morris said "the Catholic Church has they were for the purpose of teaching him
become an asset to the Nation for morality" something. After this the priest did not call
of the McNamara kind. Farley struck at state further to see this man, and he became wor-
interference with religion, but he thought ried, thinking he had committed a great sin.
McNamara did the right thing, because Jeho- Later another priest came to the hospital
vahis witnesses are not religionists, but merely and came to visit these men. They inquired if
Christians, which is the exact opposite. Cicog- they had done wrong to read these booklets,
nani said, "God is here." You bet. For details and asked why the other priest had failed to
see 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 . Of the original audi- visit them. This priest replied that so long
ence of 65,000, about 15,000 adults skipped as the books contained food for the soul it
for shelter when it started to rain. Of the was all right to read them. It seems that even
50,000 that remained, 35,000 were school chil- some of the priests are confused.Mrs. J.
dren that had to stay and take it; so the adults Walters, Canada.
were split fifty-fifty on going and staying. A
few adults fainted, and more than 500 little The Answer Is, No, Not a T h i n g
folks, worn out by the intolerable and in-
sufferable ceremonies. I want you to know that I -appreciate your
publication very much. Is there any concerted
effort made to stop the horrible propaganda
Good Place to S t a r t in our moving pictures? This has no bearing
In an address at the Catholic blowout in on your fine efforts. You surely do your share
New Orleans Joseph V. Connolly, general against the insidious efforts of the Roman
manager of Ilearst newspapers, asked for a Catholic Hierarchy. I usually keep away from
world-wide movement in "defense of all those the worst movies. The other day I went to see
who suffer persecution". He did this just a few "Jesse James". It was a fright.L. S. Walker,
days after a fellow Catholic in the same city California.
Religion "Hits" Baseball Lying About the Almighty
Baseball fans know that the New The Catholic Lay Apostle Guild^ Room 906,
I York Yankees are strong favorites 154 Nassau street, New York, circulated a
' to win the 1939 American League leaflet marked with the Imprimatur of Patrick
pennant. But it wasn't until a re- Cardinal Hayes in which occur the following
cent disclosure by Jimmy Powers, false statements:
a prominent New York sports writer, that Suppose you visit the Presidentand he refers
they found out the world champions now have you and the object of your visit to his secretary.
the additional "distinct advantage" of the You may not like this, but you have no recourse.
prayers of the nuns and priests of the missions So it is with confession of sins to a priest. We may
refer to go direct to God Himself; however, He
scattered throughout the whole world. With
the newly discovered patron saint of "baseball, E as referred us to His representatives on earth,
and whether we lite it or not, we must go to them.
St. Antony, getting them out of their infre-
quent batting slumps, and with red, white, Maybe you already know that prayers may
and blue candles being burned in front of Our be offered to Jehovah God, the great Creator,
Lady's altar each morning for them, what direct, but you might like to have a few scrip-
chance have the Red Sox or any other team tures, His own word, on the subject, so here
to overhaul them! With the nuns becoming are "just a few:
baseball-minded, seeing that now the Yank "Pray to thy Father which is in secret."Mat-
box scores are posted in monasteries and con- thew 6:6.
vents from coast to coast, the next step is to "Let your requests be made known unto God."
inaugurate '"nun day"- and thus give all the Philippians 4: 6.
fair ladies seats in the grandstand. Further, "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name,
he will give it you."John 16:23.
Jimmy Powers points out that the next time "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to
you see a team's star hitter over in some cor- you."James 4: 8.
ner murmuring to himself you can assume, if
his batting percentages have fallen, he is say- The approach to God is in His appointed
ing something like this: way, through 'the only name given under
heaven or among men'. (Acts 4:12) Prayers
"St. Antony, St. Antony, offered through priests, Marys, "saints" and
Come around. other persons are not heard at all and are
Something's been lost, worse than wasted breath.
And cannot be found."
On the Very Day
I Ate Meat on F r i d a y On the very day when the pope announced
I was raised a Catholic and was taught in he had made J. Pierpont Morgan and Thomas
the convent that if I ate meat on Friday I W. Lamont Knights of St. Gregory the Great,
would die. I believed that implicitly. One day the brokerage firm of Richard Whitney & Com-
I became very angry at my mother and de- pany (Whitney's brother is a member of the
cided that I wanted to die, and then she would Morgan firm) was suspended from the New
be sorry. I ate a lot of meat on Friday; noth- York Stock Exchange and promptly went
ing happened, and I knew from that day, into bankruptcy. Has all the earmarks of a
though I still continued to attend church, that Papal blessing.
the whole thing is a racket. Since then I came
in contact with the truth, and am' rejoicing The Paulist F a t h e r s
in it.Pennsylvania, Zone 6. They (the Paulist Fathers) have not sought
to make the Church American, but they have
Who Owns Mobile? striven with might and main to make America
You ask wlio owns Mobile? I reply, the Catholic.Archbishop Edward J. Hanna, in
Catholic population owns fully two-thirds of a sermon in San Francisco.
it. When I was a little girl an old Catholic
man said in the presence of my father that Catholic Cadets a t West Point
he would rejoice on the day when he saw the Of the 1,960 cadets in training at West
streets of Mobile flooded with Protestant Point 413 are Roman Catholics. This is 21 per-
blood. If that spirit existed then, certainly it cent, and is about the proportion of Catholics
is worse now; for that was more than fifty to the whole population of the country; a little
years ago.Mrs. J. L. McDaniel, Mississippi. more, but not greatly different.
SEPTEMBER 6, 1939 23
Thirteen Bottles of Liquor Yes.Mayor Houde, of Montreal, Canada, in
La Presse, Montreal, contains a picture of an address to the Y.M.C.A. of that city.
thirteen dignitaries of the Church of Rome,
each with a bottle of liquor in front of him. Rosenberg Denies Persecution
One of the thirteen, T h e n Fernand Rinfret, Alfred Rosenberg, Nazi ideological
secretaire d'Etat," has the discolored proboscis leader, in an address in Berlin
and closed eyes that indicate he had already said the Roman Church enjoys
had one bottle and was well stewed. The oc- more freedom in Germany than in
casion of the hilarity of the thirteen gentle- many other states and that it is as
men was "Aux fetes Jubilaires de Saint-Jean- Bismarck expressed i t :
Baptistc". So far, so good. But the editor of When these gentlemen cannot rule they begin
La Presse is a clever wag; for, without say- crying immediately about persecution.
ing why he did it, next to this four-column
cut was a four-column story entitled "Lettre "America Is So Pious"
Pastorale Collective. De Son Eminence le The London Catholic Herald quotes the
Cardinal Archevequc de Quebec et de Lcurs new pope as saying, "America is so Catholic,
Excellences les Archeveques et Eveques de la so pious" (like Frank Hague, Raskob, Martin
province civile de Quebec: Sur la Temper- T. Manton, et al. ad infinitum), and then the
ance". The pastoral letter is a stirring appeal wag who sent the clipping on from London
to the people of Quebec against intemperance. added "O yeah". He had probably been read-
In the statistics it shows that in the fifteen ing this magazine and learned something of
years from 1922 to 1937 the bill of the prov- just how pious America is. However, the half
ince of Quebec for liquor was $700,000,000. was never told; so if he wants to learn all, he
must keep on reading.
French Canadians and Fascism
You appear to be surprised when 1 say the Bingo Religious Swindle
sympathies of the French-Canadian would be The reason why Bingo is such a favorite
with Italy in the event of a war between that with the religious swindlers is that the takings
country and England. I would ask you to re- are so good. At almost any other gambling
member that the great majority of French- game the customer has a chance of making
Canadians are Roman Catholics, and that the something, but in Bingo the crooks that run
pope is in Rome . . . the outfit always carry away a big profit.
The French-Canadians don't want to go to
war . . . If war happensand the possibility I Wonder
it may seems more probable every dayand I wonder, if Jehovah's people took a tabu-
Italy is on one side and England on the other, lation of the number of ex-Catholics, if the
the sympathy of the French-Canadians in quantity numbered might encourage those
Quebec will be on the side of Italy. prisoners who, because of false fear, are re-
We French-Canadians are not Latins, but luctant to leave their [religious] "prison
Normans, but we have become Latinized over houses" and fearful of searching in another
a long period of years. The French-Canadians direction.Fern Baker, California.
are Fascists by blood but not by name.
Now, the French-Canadians have always Religious Business Looking Up
been under dictators. When they came over The Altoona Register (boiler-plate issue of
to this country they were under the power of the American Hierarchy) boasts that the arch-
Louis X I I I . Then came Cardinal Richelieu bishop of Munich, Cardinal Faulhaber, has in
a dictator and a cardinal at the same time, his seminary at Freising more candidates for
which made him an absolute dictator with full the Roman Catholic priesthood than ever be-
authority over the Communists of that time. fore.
And then came the seigniors, and finally the
parish prhists. But
Take the padlock law, which has A Catholic priest from Clovis, California,
the backing of the clergy. Do the told one of the neighbors that he had two hun-
English in'the province of Quebec dred church members, but only three families
or in Montreal city want it? No. attend church.D. Davidian, California.
Do the French-Canadians want it? {To be continued)
All T h i n g s Considered as akin to idol worship, and he won't be al-
The Supreme Court has now decided that lowed in a school.
the lower courts were correct when they The thing is so mixed up that not even a
said that school boards had the right to ex- decision of the Supreme Court can quite
pel pupils who refused to salute the national clarify it.
flag when state laws required such a salute. It is all very well to say that laws must be
So here, I think, we have a situation worthy obeyed, and if the law,* as it does in New York
of Gilbert and Sullivan's attention. and elsewhere, says that school children must
The law says that salute the flag, then
I, as a small boy, must salute it they must.
go to school. If I re- But what about the
fuse'to go to school preservation of reli-
the law sends officers gious liberty? It may
after me, and after be argued that to re-
trial for truancy I quire a member of
can be forcibly com- Jehovah's witnesses
mitted to a school for to salute the flag is
truants. just as much an abro-
There is no legal or gation of religious
social doubt about freedom as to require
this. E d u c a t i o n is a Roman Catholic to
compulsory through- eat meat on Friday.
out our l a n d , and It would be simpler
boys and girls must if these objectors to
go to school whether flag saluting had any
they like it or not. If objections to the so-
they try to stay away cial and political sys-
from school, and their tem that the flag sym-
parents connive with bolizes. Unfortunate-
them in their truancy, ly, they h a v e not.
the parents can be They are perfectly
punished for contrib- good Americans, just
uting to the delin- as patriotic as any-
quency, of their off- body, and, in a pinch,
spring. Courage, men ( 1 ) ; we'll save America yet probably m o r e de-
The theory behind pendable than most.
this is that an uneducated person is a liability Their hostility is limited to a ritual that, for
to the state. We cannot afford to have people reasons understood only by themselves, they
grow up without having been to school. This consider at variance with their creed.
theory has been so widely accepted that the In their efforts to find a punishment to fit
rare objector to it is considered quite definite- the crime, the courts have got themselves into
ly crazy. a worse muddle than the one from which they
Now, however, there arises a situation that tried to emerge.
the founders of compulsory education cer- It should be said that this is one of the un-
tainly never considered. Children appear solved problems of democracy. It is easy to
who, because of an unpremeditated tangle of say that democracy guarantees liberty of con-
laws, are not only not required to attend science. Many of those who first peopled this
school but are forbidden to do so. In my boy- continent came here in search of that very
hood, anyone who wanted to go fishing in- liberty. But has that liberty no limits? How
stead of spending the day on a hardwood far can conscience go before the state over-
bench, doing read in', writin' 'n' 'rithmetic, rules it?
had to have a note from his mother. Today, In the last war we did not have many con-
all he has to do is join Jehovah's witnesses or scientious objectors, but even the few we did
some other sect which considers saluting a flag have constituted a problem that we handled
S E P T E M B E R 6, 1939 25
in a way not altogether pleasant to remember. Radium Poisoning
As a matter of fact, wc didn't handle it at all Twenty-four women received their death-
in accordance with democratic theory. We blow working for the Radium Watch Dial
handled it precisely as any totalitarian state Company in Illinois. Nine are already dead,
would handle it. That is to say, when it came and fifteen more are about to die. The most
to the question of military service, we didn't that any of these unfortunate women can re-
merely limit the rights of conscience; we ceive for work that has ruined their lives is
abolished them. an equal share of the proceeds of a $10,000
In the period since, war has been subjected bond that the Watch Dial Company left with
to more detailed criticism than it was ever the Illinois Industrial Commission when it
subjected to before. As a result, there is prob- moved to New York.
ably a much larger number of potential con-
scientious objectors than there were in 1917. Attaboy, C u r t i s !
Should there be another war, the problem of At Abraham Lincoln center, Chicago, .Illi-
individual dissent would almost certainly be nois, the "Reverend" Curtis -W. Reese paid a
an acute one. fine of $200 for his son, Curtis, Jr., so that
That, perhaps, is one of the reasons why one the boy might not have to attend church every
may be optimistic about the future. No ruler Sunday for a year. Tally one for the old man's
in the world, not even Hitler or Mussolini, common sense and paternal love, even though
can be quite sure how many of his people the judge on the bench was not exercising
would prefer martyrdom to military service, decent judicial discretion.
or, having made a choice of arms, would stick
to it.Howard Vincent O'Brien, in the Chica- S t a t e in a Muddle
go Daily News. Copyright, 1939, by The Illinois is in a financial muddle, the total
Chicago Daily News, Inc. uncollected taxes from 1928 to 1937 running
to nearly $420,000,000, while a total of some
H e a r s t Still Shriveling 850,000 persons are on relief. Even the poli-
fP* /A A Chicago dispatch shows that in ticians now admit that they do not know what
jflfe one week William Randolph Hearst to do to bring the state back to normal in-
<%< l**3pP recently discharged 138 employees dustry and frugality in expenditures.
** v(|Pp\ of his two Chicago papers. The
American people are sick of his Robbed in t h e Cathedral
particular brand of patriotism, and may well Mrs. Elizabeth Foelders was robbed at six
be. dollars while she knelt in prayer in the Holy
Name Cathedral of Chicago- to give thanks
Sleeps with Eyes Wide Open because she got a job. How much better it
As a result of an attack of measles Mary would have been if she had followed the Lord's
Ellen Reardon, a beautiful little two-year-old instructions to do her praying in her own
child in Chicago, has slept for more than two apartment! And how much safer!
months with her eyes wide open. She has the
appearance of being wide awake, but is sound A Dispatch from Chicago
asleep. A dispatch from Chicago showed in two
sentences the condition of things in this world
How Did I t Happen? when it said:
How did it happen that of the 12,000 per- Extremely favorable wheat crop conditions pre-
sons arrested in Chicago in 1937 for gambling, vail in North America. The shadow of the ap-
2 of them were fined 1 Illinois has a state law proaching harvest had a depressing effect on the
against gambling and the other 11,998 are market last week.
no doubt equally guilty.
D a r e Not Let the T r u t h Be Shown
Best Kind of Celebration On the pretext that it would provoke
At Waukegan, Illinois, the president of the hatred and bitterness toward Germany if a
National Office Supply Company celebrated film showing Hitler's concentration camps
his twenty-fifth anniversary with the com- were exhibited in Chicago, the police of that
pany by sending each of the 120 employees city forbade the showing of the moving pic-
a $100 bill. ture entitled "Concentration Camp".
South Atlantic States
Mil i >illllllllllHUMMMi
City _ State
S E P T E M B E R 6, 1939
I lUiiiliM.liillil 111I! 111111 Uliilllllll 11 lilllllllllllilJ lllllllillhl Jilililil Llltlt:l.i.lil;ill!l Uliii;i
City State
ivniiiiiiiirainiiniiiiii.iiiiiiiiiimilur;, i n :iIi:i:iii;titinnn]ii!iii!iiEiP!iiiii:iiclu;iil!lililiiiiii![!i!iii:[i;iiii;iiti!![![!iiii;i!i!i;[ir!t![iii!i!ii!i!iin!i!!!iiiiEtuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiincr^
Somewhat Behind
Published every other Wednesday by At one time, during a season of heavy fog,
117 Adams St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.. U. S. A. a London paper offered a prize for the best
Editor Clayton J. Woodworth fog story. This won the prize:
Business Manager Nathan H. Knorr A merchant received a telephone message
Five Cents a Copy one morning from one of his clerks. "Hello,
?1 a year in the United States Mr. Smith!" said the clerk. "I cannot come
|L25 to Canada and all other countries down to the shop this morning on account of
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS the fog. I have not yet arrived home yester-
Remittances: For your own safety, remit by postal or day."
express money cVder. "When coin or currency is lost
in the ordinary malls, there is no redress. Remittances
from countries other than those named below may be
made to the Brooklyn office, but only by International Needed Help
postal money order.
Receipt of a new or renewal subscription will be ac- He was, in fact, the absent-minded profes-
knowledged only when requested. Notice of Expiration
is sent with the Journal one month before subscription
sor, and he was strap-hanging in a trolley car.
expires. Please renew promptly to avoid loss of copies. The other arm clasped half a dozen bundles.
Send change of address direct to us rather than to the He swayed to and fro. Slowly his face took
post office. Your request should reach us at least two
weeks before the date of issue with which It is to take on a look of apprehension.
effect. Send your old as well as the new address. Copies
will not be forwarded by the post office to your new "Can I help you, s i r ' " asked the conductor.
address unless extra postage is provided by you. "Yes," said the professor, with relief. "Hold
Published also in Afrikaans, Bohemian. Danish, Dutch,
Finnish, Frencn, German, Greek, Hungarian, Japa- on to this strap while I get my fare out."
nese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish,
Ukrainian; also special Australian edition in English.
And Fed Mother Cary's Chickens
England 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2 Captain: "Have you cleared the decks and
Canada 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario burnished the brass?"
Australia 7 Beresford Road, Strathfield, N.S.W.
South Africa 623 Boston House, Cape Town Seaman: "Ay, ay, sir. And I've swept the
Entered as second-class matter at Brooklyn, N. Y horizon with a telescope."
under the Act of March 3. 1879.
"And in His name shall the nations hope."Matthew 12:21, A.R.V.
Volume X X Brooklyn, N . Y., Wednesday, September 20, 1939 Number 522
No. 615 June 14, 1939 No. 618 . July 26, 1939 No. 520 August 23, 1939
All the World Wondering Sadism Ueber AUes 3 A Mighty Catholic in the "Pit"
Exactly AS Foretold (Part 1) 3 Women In Nazi Germany 3 (Part 2) _ 8
MassachusettsThere She Cringes 12 False Patriotism 10
Counsel by J. F. Rutherford Thp Pogrom of November 10, 1938 4 At EventideThe Last House _ . 12
Localized Wickedness 17 World-wide Convention "Peddlei Nuisance" at Douglas lfi
Earth's Most Successful Racket .... 20 Centering in New York 7 Counsel by J. F. RutherfordPeace 17
On Marrow Bones Before Papacy 21 "Newspapers" Do Their Worst ..7 The Caae of Daisy Waller . 19
Some Itetna About Deer 23 The Salute Business 8 The Catholic International 20
Destruction of Scotland Under Way 27 Doctors.DrugsTobacco 11 Division of School Money In Ottawa 22
British Comment"Peace" 23 The Padlock Infamy ..._ _ . . 12 British Comment ..: . . 28
"By Their Fruits Ye Shall "Joy of the Lord" in Montreal 13 Hesitating Parsons .... 29
Know Them" 29 Counsel by J. F. Rutherford Blasphemy and Begging 30
Rome the Mecca 17
No. 516 - June 28, 1939 The "Holy Church" Needs Power 20 No. 521 September 6, 1939
Fascism in Britain 3 Crusade for Pope in Government .. 22 A Mighty Catholic in the "Pit"
Aflame with Catholic Anarchy .. 4 Memories of an Altar Bov 24 (Part 3) ... .. 3
Who Incited the Riots? 7 A Crash That Startled the World 2S From Rangoon, Burma 10
Trinidad Tears Up Magna Charta 12 A Fleeting Glimpse at Science .... 20 Another South Sea Paradise ... 11
The Deflation of Justice Hart .. 13 British Comment _ 28 Two West African Pioneers 12
British Commenl^General 16 Rome and Its Popes . 28 Blessings In .La Grange, Ga. 12
Counsel by J. F. Rutherford Religious Humbug 2S God's Glory in Smoky Mountains 13
Jehovah's witnesses 17 Parsons Lining Up 29 Belated Convention News IB
A California Dust Storm 18 A Perth Parson _ 20 Counsel by J. F. Rutherford
All the World Wondering (Part 2) 19 Religionists' Peace Movement .. 30 Unpardonable . 17
Religious Intolerance in South Money for Betting 30 Some Pagan Ceremonies 20
Africa, The Banning of Richex 2(> Half Million Street Accidents .... 30 British Comment 28
No. 517 July 12, 1939 No. 619 - August 9, 1939 No. 522 - September 20, 1939
All the World Wondering (Part 3) 3 A Mighty Catholic in the "Pit" Smoke-Screen (Part 1) 3
Pulling Out the Pope's Chestnuts 8 (Part 1) 3 Fight "In Franco's Way"
A Sweet Morsel 11 John Bull and. Uncle Sam 7 Couphlln 8
"Fear of Man Brlngeth a Snare" 12 America's Mental AilmentFear .S British Comment _ 13
Wi messes in Action In Dover, N.H. 14 A Use for Tiaras After All 12 Sir Oswald Mosley 13
Counsel by J. F. Rutherford Persecution of Witnesses in Greece 12 Bureaucratic Rule in Britain .. 13
Hate 17 Ottawa, Lancashire. Oldham 13-14 Counsel by J. F. Rutherford
Ku Klui Klan - 18 Counsel by J. F. Rutherford The Snare ..... 16
Yezidi Devil Worshipers .-.. 20 State vs. Jehovah _ 17 Patriotism by Force ...,_ 20
Replv to a Nun In China ..... 21 Not a Health Magazine 19 Bowing Before the Hierarchy 21
The Hierarchy in the Philippines 22 Pagan Nonsense at Vatican City 20 Typical Quebec Hypocrisy 22
Money or Barter Under Kingdom? 26 Compulsory Flag Salutes 24 Religion Crying..*%
You Bet 23
British Comment 28 British Comment _.., 28 Hierarchy in Southern Rhodesia _. 25
Anti-Aggression Pact .. 2 General Conditions _... 28 To the Jesnltized Hitlerites .27
Roman Catholics Angry 29 Canterbury's Failures ... 20 Kingdom News from France ..28
National and Local Debts 30 Some Preachers Uneasy 30 Jehovah's witnesses in Quebec ..29
'Theocracy'' Testimony Period
The question is, Do .you want to enjoy everlasting life under the righteous rule of
the Theocracy, in peace and contentment, where nothing shall hurt nor destroy?
What is the Theocracy? "The govern- of which will convince the reader of honest
ment of the world by the immediate direc- heart that the Theocracy is the only thing
tion or administration of Jehovah, the that will bring to earth peace and pros-
Almighty God, is a theocracy." Such a perity. Why not have a share in this great
government is soon to be established, but world-wide proclamation beginning Octo-
the people of good will today must take a ber 1 ? If you want to engage in this cam-
definite stand for Jehovah and His king- paign, write the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY
dom. Those who recognize this Kingdom and we will give you further details, or
of God and its establishment upon the put you in touch with our local represent-
ative who will assist you during the " T H E -
earth will enjoy a great privilege during OCRACY" Testimony Period. No greater
the "THEOCRACY" TESTIMONY PERIOD, privilege could any creature have today
October 1 to 31 inclusive. During these than that of representing the King of
31 days Jehovah's witnesses will put forth kings and Lord of lords. Will you be a
a special effort to make known throughout witness for the Kingdom of God and
the earth the Kingdom of the Lord "and against the devilish rule which now holds
will distribute the book Salvation and the sway throughout the wicked, distressed
new booklet, Government and Peace, both nations? Address
Watchtower, 117 Adams S t , Brooklyn, N.Y.
S E P T E M B E R 20, 1939 31
Qet This
J^elv 'Booklet
Name Street
City _. State
S C E N E O N E : . H i t l e r , Mussolini and Franco have expect to use for further conquest of territory.
all the political aid they can get out of the old sow, The sow's dream is gone, and she weeps bitterly.
and; they begin to look for more fertile fields. S C E N E F O U R : The spoil is divided, and they get
SCENE T W O : Stalin joins the other three. To- into.'a row because the division is not equal, and
g e t h e r they have cleaned up the Jews. They look they fight it out among themselves, destroying each
inquiringly at each other and Stalin points to the other. This follows the desolation of the "old
Vatican; a n d away they go. w h o r e " ; "for God hath put [it] in their hearts to
S C E N E T H R E E : The rooting progresses, and the fulfill his will."Revelation 1 7 : 1 7 .
gold treasure is uncovered which the totalitarian^ (To be continued)
O C T O B E R 4, 1939 17
'His Torch of Greed to the Edifice of Our Prosperity' Time and again in his radio addresses.
Father Charles E. Coughlin has thun-
(ticrrft lm Ttktr CtUi*'i XW<* Aiimt / Suuitj) dered in the tones of a prophet of doom
XUflLTOBOtCO about "throwing t i e money changers cot
ihvr.miM of the temple* and using inch colorful
Vsr WJKUJ vta>
and poetic phrases about people and poli-
cies he didn't like as "seeking the flcsb-
p o u of Egypt." "a crap game played with
other people's money," "his torch of greed
to the edifice of our prosperity,"" etc, e t c
T o the simple minded, his denunciations
made them believe that kt must be
epitome of virtue, self-denial with DO
interest save that of suffering, enslaved
Far n a - i 2~g>g5>
r-OUGKT far ynut wnrjnt mni roll mocatOkx W the ratet eJ the Boston. New YoA tl Oiicafo Stock ExchUJ
Here is a photostatic DISCWIPTION NCT AMOUNT
copy of the purchase
order for 500 shares of
stock in the Kelsey-Hayes
Wheel Corp, executed by
the National Bank of J00 KEISCY MAY6S VKCL 60 30000 oo 67 50
Commerce ( n o w the
Guardian National Bank
of Commerce), for Fath-
er Charles E. Coughlin.
The stock was later told .! 3 Tl'
through the Nicol-Ford
brokerage bouse, and in
the transaction the radio 7/ ill'
priest lost in excess of
4J3MSr_ It H ( woOWUQ .
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c i i * icT*oob i w JM tftscy M*S 4.crrcoii>- "IPJl T AP* 10 t^tii- 2 111 OC "IT 2S 3
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'Smart Money'
(Excerpt From Father Cougklm's Radio Address of Suiiday)
The discount liability ledger sheet of,father Cough-
lin's brokerage account with the National Bank of
Commerce (now the Guardian National). It covers /IJ3C
transactions in Kclsey-Hayes and Packard stocks cov- Comflilln. Chat. I.
ering a period of more than a year. Funds deposited
to the credit of the League of the Little Flower account '"Da
were transferred to meet payments upon some of these
stock transactions.
T4tMl ' M N n -.,, L'- T * . Ill
1,4 0 0.0 0 -
1,4 6 0.6C
1,4 0 0.0 C
A M 2 ?S
* J W
The items on these 2OQ0.0C
4.0OOJ0C 1M*
7.4 6 3 * 1 = / '
7.4 6 4.6 4 ' ( f ,
pages are taken from 8 0 0.0 0 - JUN 5 " 6, S 5 4 ^ 4 r^
The Detroit Free Press 2.6 4 6.0 0 - MM U * 4,0 1 8.6 4 * ^
2.8 0 0.0 0 - JUS 2 ^ < 1,2 1 8 ^ 4
of March 29, 1933. 2.200.00- JUL va 581.3600
1,0 0 0-470 JUL i a 64 o
ote S I N .18 ote in \ 8.82*
1 0,0 0 0,0 < MM <30 10,01 8 3 2 *
5.000JOC APH 1 1 V C 15,018fl2t
I 5.H3-33 APT) 1 4 3 0 , 1 6 2.1 5 * "
1 . 7 9 3.or. "AT t O Q O 31.95545*
Here appears a photo- W U N 75 5 7 MM lis 32.030^420
static copy of Father 6.654-5C MM 45C 38.66^.92*
Charles . Coughlin's 6,654.50- MM 32.030.42*
daily balances in the Na- 2 3 , 4 8 5.76 JUN 1 0 W 53,51620*
tional Bank of Commerce, 8,092.29- JIM iOV) 27.4 2 3 ^ 1 #
succeeded by the Guard- J.OOOJCOI JWL U l o 1 5.4 2 3 . 9 1
ian National Bank of 5.0 0H 0.0 0 WV l 10,4?3^t
1 C 11 l 2 32 34 0CC S I N 10,6 5 62 5
Commerce, for the period
indicated. On March 19, 50,000:00 JMH 2 1 1 1 40.65625*
1931, he withdrew $40,- 0.0 8 4.0 4 - IWM 1 1 i 5 7 2 2 1 *
084.04. In the photostatic AIM U N 6 4 . !1 UN U N 6 5 6.4 2 *
copy the initial numeral DEC 1 IN 9a I 1 I IN 6626
"4" does not appear in the JUK 1 IN 9, >9 im
left-band column, thinl 67625*
figure from the bottom, 666.26- JUN 4 T J 9.9 9 *
9.99- JJM *<St .00*
which erroneously reads
fourthly, it is militant [eager to pick a fight on surround myself with the most adroit highjackers,
peaceable and decent people engaged in minding learn every trick of the highest bank and stock
their own affairs, as was attempted at Madison manipulations, avail myself of the laws under
Square Garden on June 25, 1939], which to hide my own crimes, create a smoke-screen
Coughlin prophesies of himself thusly : to throw into the eyes of men, andbelieve me
If I threw away and renounced my faith I would I would become the world's champion erook.
O C T O B E R 4, 1939 19
Could Never Do It
The Northwest Review (Catholic) is very
much mistaken in thinking it can get Catholic
people to do what Jehovah's witnesses are do-
ing. It cannot be done. Only an overwhelming
love for the Creator and a determination to
do His will at all costs would ever persuade
any to do what the Review contemplates when
it says:
Witnessing to Prisoners
We are having grand privileges of witness- weIfcan Jehovah's witnesses can push their campaign
he just as aggi-essive. They are not satisfied
ing to prisoners in a prison here in the moun- to stand outside the door of the home. They go in
tains where 70 percent of the prisoners are to the family and teach their doctrines to children
Catholics. When we asked for a permit we and adults. They send teachers and missionaries
were sent to the Protestant chaplain, which into schools, colleges, factories, lumber camps and
we considered evi- into every nook and
dence of the Lord's corner of society.
leading. We have now
had the sound-car At the County Seat
w i t h i n the w a l l s At the county seat
twice, and have run of this county the
the lectures "Fascism leading citizen of im-
or F r e e d o m" and portance in industry-
"Fill the Earth". was called upon. Our
Many of the prisoners mission was explained,
came up after the lec- but not without a bar-
tures, to get some lit- rage of questions:
erature, and we gave "This costs a lot of
out some 150 pieces, money; who is paying
and put 10 b o u n d you? Are you Com-
books in the prison munists?" We ex-
library. Pupils at Kingdom School, Westgate-on-Kent, plained that we are
One of the prison- England not, but are exposing
ers approached the car and said: Fascism in this country; whereupon the gen-
I want to congratulate you people for having tleman exploded with the statement, "The
the courage to do and say the things you have done Fascists are doing a better job in Europe than
and said here today, and not only here, but every- we are here. I would rather see Fascism in
where. I have never seen anything like it else- this country than to have things as they are
where. Wherever you people are located, you al- now." This man owns half the town; together
ways boldly express your belief without fear. That with the cotton mills. Fascism would be a con-
takes courage. The others don't have it. I guess venient way for him to settle his labor troubles.
you are the only people in the world that have the
courage to declare your doctrines fearlessly. The postmaster was visited, but after wc
left his office he stepped out and called us
Another peculiarly interesting thing was back. He said, "I see here something about
the conduct of a man who seemed to us at the Catholic Church. Would you give me your
first to be showing an uncanny interest in name and address ?" Why, certainly, we would;
what we were doing. We thought he might be but just why did he want such information?
intending mischief among his fellows, but He explained in brief that it was a regulation
were pleasantly surprised, when the lecture that whenever someone left literature he was
was over, to find that he knows something to get their, names. We remarked that this
of the Scriptures, and was bearing up the had all the earmarks of Fascism, and wished
standard of truth to his comrades. to know by whom and why such an orderbad
We are thankful to Jehovah for the priv- been given. He became very flustered and said
ilege of carrying the message of freedom and that the information was for his own knowl-
life to the men inside these walls.L. M, edge, thus contradicting himself in less than
Feaster, zone servant. half a minute.
One of the leading lawyers was visited. ter she answered: " I do not want to salute the
Having found out who we are he became very flag." The teacher had her sit down, and later
friendly, and, even though his office was full, called her into another room, asking why she
gave us every attention, saying, "I know your did not wish to salute the flag. Tr an-
work: you are doing the best work in the swered, "I do not want to be on the Devil's
world; keep it up." Later we were told that side, because God is going to destroy all that
this same lawyer, speaking to a clergyman, are on the Devil's side. If I salute the flag I'll
asked him who was going to take care of hell be on the Devil's side." The teacher asked,
after the Devil is destroyed. The clergyman "What church does your mother go to?"
was unable to answer, but was quickly in- Tr answered, "She doesn't go to church;
structed by our lawyer friend that the clergy she goes to a class where she studies the Bible
would get the job.A. G. Hill, pioneer. so she'll know how to be on God's side. And
my Aunt B plays records for people so
A Thrill in Montana they can be on God's side, too." The teacher
The other day Alice came back to the car kissed her and told her to just stand still but
and said: not to say anything
Remember the lady then.
who wrote to Consola- Several days later
tion about the canaries
and dogs, and how they Tr took Protec-
b e h a v e d on hearing tion to the teacher,
Judge Rutherford's asking her to read it
speech? Well, I just had all and look up the
two deer come out on scriptures, too. At
the edge of the clearing this point I entered.
by the log cabin, and
stand and listen. The The t e a c h e r said:
owner said they were "Tr was j u s t
wild deer. showing me her little
We are working al- book. You know the
A sign of the times in Tennessee funniest thing hap-
most entirely in rural
territory, with lots of pened the other day
driving on steep, narrow mountain roads, and during flag salute, etc. What religion do you
many poor people. There are very few towns, belong to?" I then explained that we did not
and what there are are very small, yet the in- belong to a religion; that there was a vast
crease in the "great multitude" seems to ap- difference between religion and Christianity.
pear. In this rural, mountain territory we I told her that the booklet Protection explains
have encouraged the people to secure the the difference between religion and Christian-
Model Study ,booklet, with Uncovered and ity, and asked if she wished to read it. She
Protection, so as to continue their studying answered: " I should like to very much." I
when we are gone. This is a very poor country, told her that I would have to hurry on, as I
but Alice and I are doing pretty well. After had left my aunt playing a series of records,
all, our main object is to advertise the King- and must pick her up. The teacher then said:
dom, and we are doing that. "Oh yes, Tr was telling me about them.
We have been living in bunkhouses on Just what are they?" I then explained and
ranches, in boxcar-houses, tourist camps. Hope asked her if she wished to hear them. She said :
to get a little trailer-house soon. "Yes, as soon as I have read the booklet I'll
We have come in contact with a movement, let you know when 1 can hear them."A
Mankind United," which claims to be work- mother in Kansas.
ing with the Watchtowcr. (No connection
with the work here.Ed.]Jean Barnes. Humphrey Believes in Freedom of Speech
Henry Humphrey, general manager, Tcx-
"Out of the Mouth of Babes" arkana Gazette, believes in freedom of speech
My little girl is five years old, and attends for the Catholic Hierarchy, but not for Jeho-
the .kindergarten. A few days ago the teacher vah's witnesses. In his paper he says, in an
had the class stand for flag salute. Tr editorial in which he makes a bold stand for
began to cry. When asked what was the mat- equal rights of all to the protection of the
OCTOBER 4, 1939 21
government: "All the people, and not a single influence to alleviate the situation, but finally
group," should receive the government's pro- had to sell out. The partnership in boycott bc-
tection in their rights. And then, as the man- twecn the Jews and Catholics accomplished its
ager of radio station KCMC, he refused to purpose. Now I have work in another line
allow Jehovah's witnesses to broadcast the with shorter hours, and am able to put in more
"Exposed" scries of lectures, subsequently run time in the Kingdom work, for which I am
in this magazine. In other words, the Hierarchy grateful to the Giver of every good and per-
has rights which must be recognized and re- fect gift.Joseph La Plaea.
spected, but Jehovah's witnesses have no rights
whatever. Consistency, thou art a jewel. Lo! the Poor Indian!
I am an Indian, living on one of the Indian
Jew-Catholic Boycott of a Barber reservations. As a follower of Jehovah God
For ten years I was a popular and well- I feel that I ought to express my feelings. I
liked barber in a wholesale shoe district. Hav- have read a good many of Judge Rutherford's
ing my own shop, at books; the one called
141 W. Broadway, Enemies caught my
New York city, I was eye. God gave me un-
glad to advertise the derstanding of what
Kingdom and made I read. I used to be a
mention of it when- Catholic, when I was
ever opportunity pre- a young girl, but God
sented itself. During saved me from that
the Cure booklet cam- awful delusion. I have
paign a Jewish rela- been out several times
tive of one of the shoe with the books among
concerns (Mr. Lapi- my people, and left
dus, of the A. S. Beck the book Enemies
Shoe Co.) mentioned with the chief. A Bi-
that one of Jehovah's ble study is held at
witnesses had called Information marchers, Sao Paulo, Brazil, my home every Fri-
upon him and placed ready for action day evening, and I
the book Enemies am making progress
with him. At that time he seemed very pleased in the knowledge of the truth.Mrs. Helen
to have obtained it, but a week later came in, Carpenter, New York.
hot and bothered, complaining of the state-
ment on page 281 which partly reads, In a St. George R e s t a u r a n t
"Amongst her instruments that she uses are In a St. George, Staten Island, restaurant,
ultraseLfish men called Jews who only look for one day in spring, a.young woman was dining
selfish gain, and who therefore readily yield next to a table at which were four men. One
to and join with the Hierarchy in any un- of the men wanted the work of Jehovah's wit-
righteous schemes." nesses stopped. Another protested, "I would
I endeavored to explain, but he would not not want to have a hand in stopping them.
have it so, said he would have some one else If what they say is true, just think of what
to read it, and just then there "happened" to will happen to anyone who tries to silence
come in a Catholic associate, an executive in them."
the same shoe concern. He read the para- At this point a priest walked in. All got up
graphs, became even more infuriated, slammed and greeted him respectfully and then one
the book down, and said he would not patron- mentioned the above conversation. He looked
ize a place that supported such sentiments. annoyed, and dismissed it with the expression,
That same day the workers of the shoe con- "Oh, that stuff!"
cern were called together, and told to boycott The conversation turned to politics. One of
my shop. Not content with cutting off my the men said, "But the Church is prominent
trade from their own employees, they sent out in politics." With a lordly gesture the priest
to surrounding shoe jobbers, asking them and this time said, "Of course. It is the duty of
their workers to boycott me. I tried to stick the Church to lead the poor misguided people
it out, and called on some parties to use their in all things."
The conversation turned again to the orig- Why this fear of and inane desire to coerce
inal topic, and the priest this time said, "In a these children of Jehovah's witnesses f It can never
little while, you won't hear a peep out of these be said they are Communists, Reds, etc., because
Jehovah's witnesses." in every instance upon investigation it has been
found their parents are thoroughly law-abiding,
This was too much for the young woman, God-fearing people. Investigation has disclosed
now through with her meal. She got up, bowed also they place God above and before everything
politely and said, "Gentlemen, that's what else. Hence, their refusal to salute the flag, not
you think," and walked out. because they disrespect the flag, but rather because
Tableau vivant. they fear to disrespect Got]. Surely parents of that
sort are not likely to raise incorrigible, dangerous
When Dictators Become Funny children. Then why the persecution f
If anything is funnier than a dictator try-
ing to defend his illegal actions, what is it? What Would Happen?
Take Frank Hague, illegal boss of Jersey City. You wonder what would happen to the
Defending his course of lawlessness, and draw- nation in time of war if all Americans refused
ing upon his imagina- to salute. If every
tion for reasons that American refused to
would help him to salute for the same
limp still farther in reason that Jehovah's
his crooked way, he w i t n e s s e s refuse,
p u b l i c l y accused namely, because of
Abraham J. Isserman, complete devotion to
attorney of Newark, Jehovah, and obedi-
N. J., of having Com- ence to His Word,
munistic leanings and then no nation nor
set down as one rea- combination of na-
son that he had been tions, however strong,
guilty of could prevail against
defending two school America, for it would
children who were oust- then be a Christian
ed from school for re- Sound-car at Sao Paulo, Brazil nation, and the Bible
fusing to salute the says, "Blessed is that
American flag on religious grounds. nation whose God is the Lord." Psalm 33,12.
Everybody knows that if there is anything Douay (Catholic) version, Psalm 32, 12.
anathema to Communists it is the Word of This blessedness and safety would belong
God; they have as'little use for it as has Frank to any nation which truly served the Lord.
Hague. What Isserman was "guilty" of was His witnesses are in every country on the
defending two little children in their educa- earth, and do not salute any flag in any land.
tional rights because they love God and rever- The Scriptures state that no nation on earth
ence His Word. Just to have the record clear today is worthy to endure, because each has
it should be explained that these little folks broken the everlasting covenant of Jehovah
were simply Christians, and not "religious" concerning the sanctity of human life. This
in the sense of having any connection with is all explained in the twenty-fourth chapter
scribes, Pharisees, priests, ministers, or other of Isaiah. War has shed the blood of many
hypocrites, like Hague himself. Hague is reli- innocents, and in the battle of Armageddon,
gious, but not a Christian. He gave $75,000 at which rapidly approaches, Jehovah God him-
one time to one of the "religious" outfits of self will take vengeance on the nations because
Newark, and did it out of a $6,000 a year of their wholesale slaughter of human lives.
salary at that. But that was easy for Hague, The people of God on earth will take no part
Jersey City's ex-patrolman. in that day of vengeance; they now merely
proclaim its approach, warning the people to
Why the Persecution? take their stand on the side of the Lord, loving
S. K. Bryson, in the Baltimore Evening Sun, Him and trusting Him for preservation when
is just not able to see why anybody should be His destruction of the wicked in the earth be-
persecuted for being conscientious in the mat- gins.Ernest Genske, in the Post Gazette.
ter of worshiping Almighty God. He asks: {To be continued)
O C T O B E R 4, 1939 23
D e n i z e n s of Sea a n d Air
How Passenger Pigeons Were Destroyed themselves are in great danger from their own
Ornithologists and many others lament the kind. If one of them happens to fall and in-
complete destruction of passenger pigeons by jure its legs, it is immediately eaten up by the
ruthless and cruel man. The way this was ac- horde.
complished was, largely, to catch a live pigeon, This is their nuptial march, and when they
sew his eyes shut with silk thread, and place reach the sea they immediately plunge into
him on a stool in the woods. When a flock of the water to bathe and lay their eggs. The
pigeons came in sight he was jerked off his eggs wash ashore and in due time are hatehed.
stool. His comrades from the skies came to see When the young crabs come out every tree
what was wrong with him and flew about him root for miles around is densely covered with
in short circles. Crafty man dropped over the them. They remain near the seashore until
group a huge net previously arranged, and old enough to travel, then they move inland
hundreds more were caught, either to be slain from one to three miles and dig holes in the
or themselves used as "stool pigeons"whence hills. In these holes they live until the next
the name given to informers. May, when again it is time for another frantic
march to the sea.Wesley A. Grout, in Our
Marching to the Sea Dumb Animals.
Just as sure as day follows night do we
know that precisely on a certain day next Fish Objects to His Prison
May millions of crabs are going to rise up-out In the New York aquarium an eight-pound
of their holes on Crab island and march to the weakfish, in the same tank with 99 others,
sea. Why every single one of these millions concluded he would prefer the open sea. He
upon millions of crustaceans should, simul- made a good jump, went through two plates
taneously, feel this irrepressible urge to strike of glass each one-eighth of an inch thick, and
out for the sea on the same day every year, is headed off toward Sandy Hook; but he was
one of Nature's most baffling mysteries. And not built for aviation, and so, with a badly
the wonder of it is, they never miscalculate! hammered snout, he landed on the aquarium
The power that governs this movement is as floor seven feet below and was ignominiously
undeviating as that which rules the planets caught and placed back in his glass prison.
of the universe. And when this urge over-
takes them, nothing can stop them; Plenty of Herring
houses, cliffsnothing; for the There seems to be plenty of food for man.
West Indian land crabs march On one day the fishers at Yarmouth landed
straight as an arrow to their des- 12,000,000 herring. This abundant catch near-
tination. ly ruined the herring industry, although only
When this frantic march is on they climb a member of the Devil's organization could
over any obstacle that happens to be in their explain why an abundant supply should ruin
way. Even at the peril of their own lives they anything.
will clamber over cliffs and hedges rather than
go around them. Houses are not even consid- Unexpected Movement of Fish
ered mild obstacles to these marching crusta- In the summer of 1938 the British fleet
ceans. They creep in at the windows, climb visited the Adriatic sea and, as usual, threw
over the beds and furniture, and emerge on the refuse food overboard. The result, quite
the other side. unexpected, was that schools of tunny fish
Their movement looks as if the whole sur- followed the fleet and the catches off the Dal-
face of the ground were in motion. The earth matian coast were the largest in history.
is so thickly blanketed with them that it is a
physical impossibility to walk without tread- The Smallest Eel
ing upon them. And the noise they make has What is probably the world's smallest eel
often been likened to the din of cavalry troops was recently discovered off Cuba. It has a
in action. When these crabs are on the march, body tapering off to the size of the smallest
all animals beat a hasty retreat, for no living thread, and a head only a little larger. A
creature is safe in their path. Even the crabs similar eel is found in New Guinea.
United States Government
Confuses Religion and Christianity ised Alsace Lorraine, Poland had been prom-
Of course, the president was confused ised parts of Austria and Germany, and the
when he said in his message to Congress (and determination had been made to create a new
it was the only time such a thing was ever nation out of what became Czechoslovakia, but
said by any American president) that religion was formerly Germany and Austria. All the
and democracy are linked together as one and treaty of Versailles accomplished was to rati-
the same thing, and worth righting for with fy deals made before Uncle Sam was enticed
all the national power. Christianity is the into the fight. After he was in he was told
will of God, as ex- what he must agree to.
pressed in His Word,
and is indeed a prop- Cordell Hull
er objective for any Denounces Fascism
people. But religion We know that in
originated with the much of the world
Devil, and consists trust in any form of
merely in compliance agreement has com-
with the forms and pletely vanished: that
ceremonies and prac- might has stated that
tices of tradition, and it would have its way,
is actually against recognizing no equal
God. At the time of except m i g h t . We
the World War the know that ordinary
German kaiser ends of living are be-
(though certainly not ing subordinated to
a Christianfor no an effort to c r e a t e
militarist is that) was vast, terrifying mili-
one of the most reli- tary machines, whose
gious persons in the first purpose might be
world. He was then, to create terror and
and perhaps still is, whose only final use
an ordained minister could be to cause the
of the official German ruin of the world.
L u t h e r a n Church. Such is the world we
Did that make him have to deal with.
d e m o c r a t i c ? Wash- Cordell null, U . S .
ington newspaper cor- Let us give thanks that we live in a day of homely secretary of state, at
respondents took note honesty and forthright dealings between nations Lima Conference.
of the fact that Roose-
velt's discovery that religion and democracy
are one and the same thing followed a week The Kellogg Peace Pact
in which he was extremely engaged with the Since the world powers agreed ten years
clergy, from Mundelein down. The clergy ago that war Ls illegal and unjustifiable some
know why they are just now very much con- 1,500,000 humans were slain in Spain, 1,000,-
cerned about this matter of religion, and so 000 in China, 100,000 in the Chaco, and 55,000
do Jehovah's witnesses, who have been circu- in Ethiopia, and at least $10,000,000,000 of
lating Face the Facts. human savings were worse than wasted.
I? people who will attain salvation will fall in line with the rules
and regulations of Jehovah's kingdom under the direction of
Christ Jesus, His Son, and share in the magnifying of Jeho-
vah's name and word.
People of good will today are putting forth an earnest
effort to make known throughout the entire earth the only
hope for the world, and that hope is God's kingdom. I t is very
fitting, therefore, that the month of October is set aside and
during this period the book Salvation and the booklet Govern-
ment and Peace, which have much to say on the subject of
'Theocracy', will be distributed far and wide throughout the
world by Jehovah's witnesses and their companions.
If you believe that this "strange work" now being carried
on by a few people who love righteousness is right and proper,
then you, too, will join in the proclamation of the Kingdom.
There is no better time than right now to have a share in com-
forting those that mourn. In this distressed world there are 1
many people of good will who need the comforting message
contained in Government and Peace, which will be released
for the first time world-wide.
The thing to do is to become associated with one of the
companies of Jehovah's witnesses and share in the proclama-
tion of the Kingdom. "Write the WATCHTOWER Society for the
name and address of its nearest company organization, and
you will receive all details as to what to do during "THEOC-
T H E ease and
frequency with
which the "blessings"
ed. Now the world is
again in tumult, as a
result of the activi-
of the "church" have ties of the "Practical
been showered upon Catholic", Adolf Hit-
Mussolini, Hitler and ler. This time the pope
Franco for their sep- will succeed in estab-
arate or joint cam- lishing peace, but his
paigns in Ethiopia, price will be the con-
Albania, the Saar, the trol of the whole
Rhineland, A u s t r i a , world. On this point,
Czechoslovakia, Me- at page 292 of the
rael, D a n z i g , and book Enemies, Judge
Spain, and fifteen Rutherford said:
centuries of Europe-
an history, prove that The prophecy of the
Lord shows that modern
the Roman Catholic Tyre, the Catholic or-
H i e r a r c h y is the ganization, commits for-
g r e a t e s t mischief- nication with all the na-
maker on the planet. tions and gains her de-
While it is not sire. When the Hier-
averse to ruling di- archy has gained com-
rectly, as, for exam- plete temporal power of
ple, at the r a c k e t the earth, that will in
headquarters at Vati- her mind fully establish
can City, yet it gets the conclusion that her
desire has been fully ac-
better results when it complished, and then
has its faithful sons she will say "Peace and
in positions of respon- safety" (1 Thessaloni-
sibility as kings, dic- ans 5 : 3 ) ; and then the
tators or presidents, "ten horns", that is, all
where they can be the ruling powers of the
played one against nations, "receive power
the other to suit the . . . with the beast,"
circumstances of the Ilitler in St. Iledwig's Cathedral, Berlin the League of Nations
hour. Satan's world combine being in fact a
is always in disorder, and it is in this disorder league of Fascism or
that the Vatican lias its greatest, opportunity. combined Fascist governments, dominated by the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy. "And the woman
In the last World War the pope tried to [Devil's visible religious organization, the harlot]
bring about a peace, described at the time as which thou sawest is that great city [the Hierarchy
"pro-Roman", which would have been of great organization], which rcigneth over [combined Fas-
benefit to his establishment. It was not accept- cism,] the kings of the earth."-Revelation 17:12,18.
OCTOBER 18, 1939 3
The Desire to Be Umpire wear black uniforms, with,a.skull and.crossboues
The desire to be umpire of earth's affairs is on their hideous helmets.
always in the mind of every pope. Consolation Germany, in man power, in money and in raw
for August 23, 1939, calls attention to pro- materials, is today less able than in 1914 to conduct
posals for a peace conference that the pope a war with England and France on the other side.
The arrogant dictators know that the so-called
called or suggested calling prior to the out- "democratic" and chiefly Protestant nations are
break of hostilities between Germany and readily bluffed by the Catholic-Fascist-Nazi com-
Poland. bine.
In his series of collection envelopes on the There is sufficient evidence that neither the Ger-
one for the third week of September, 1939, mans nor the- Austrians nor the Czechoslovakia's
Andrew J. Brennan, bishop of Richmond, Va., ever had the opportunity of a free and uncon-
is made to say, "Responsibility to bring about trolled ballot. It is now history that Hitler was
and maintain a lasting peace rests primarily greatly aided in his apparently miraculous rise'to
upon the shoulders of Catholics in all nations." power by the Catholic element. His first success
The philosophy of this is that General Franco was in Bavaria, the most Catholic part of Germany.
is a Catholic; if he had kept the peace in Hitler speaks only behind bullet-proof glass, and
Spain, then Spain would not have been torn for public demonstrations generally uses a double.
asunder by civil war. Mussolini is a Catholic; Recently one such double, who was called" bis
chauffeur, was shot and killed.
if he had kept the peace in Ethiopia, the lives of
thousands of innocents would have been saved. My estimate is that forty percent of the people,
the young who were greatly benefited by the Hitler
Hitler is a Catholic; if he had kept the peace regime, support the present Nazi government; a
in Czechoslovakia and Poland, thousands further forty percent arc frightened into subjec-
would now be in comfort who today are either tion; and only about twenty percent are engaged.in
dead or in utter wretchedness. Japan is un- more or less active opposition.
der Catholic influence, which partly accounts The economic crisis is world-wide; and being a
for, the fact that there is no peace in Asia. result of the World War, it can not be charged to
John T. Archbishop McNicholas, of Cincin- any one government. But imported goods, particu-
nati, wants all Catholics in his realm to pray larly . foodstuffs, are scarce in Germany. There .is
to Christ to grant peace to the whole world. a marked shortage of coffee, butter, eggs, pork,
good flour, sugar, onions and fruits; also of silks
If they thus pray they will be wasting their and woolen goods.
breath. The greatest war of all time, Arma-
geddon, is ahead. The only survivors of that
Hundreds of: Thousands of Prisoners
time will be those who are firmly on the Lord's
side, on the side of true Christianity,.and Dr. Crone and other officials of the so-called
"Department 1 of Justice" of Germany have freely
against the Devil's religion, which is its exact admitted the ever more difficult problem of dealing
opposite, and of which the Roman Hierarchy with the many hundreds of thousands of prisoners
is chief spokesman. created by the Hitler regime. Recently I bad: the
A message from Vatican City stated that pleasure,of meeting a.former German Minister jdf
President Roosevelt had sent a personal mes- Justice, Dr. Breitscheidt. He declared that he great-
sage to the pope inviting him to call on him ly respects. the Bible Students, or witnesses .^f
for assistance in connection with any inter- Jehovah, 6,000 of whom are imprisoned -in Ger-
national political scheme for "peace" he might many; because they are the only group of Chris*
tiahs suffering martyrdom for their faith and'lby?
have oh hand. The message was conveyed, not alty to God and. to His Word. These are the only
in a-state paper, but by word of'mouthy ones who refuse to accept the Totalitarian religion,
through President Roosevelt's close personal which places the .State above God; and they 'refuse
friend, Monsignor Amleto Giovanni Cicogna- to- honor or "worship the human Fuehrer as God.
ni, apostolic delegate to Washington. The treatment of prisoners is not the same in
all-parts of-Germany, iand those actually in prison
Conditions in Europe are less cruelly treated than those in concentration
Says Martin Harbeck: camps. But the crimes committed by the Niazi-
As far back as 1923 and 1924 Catholic gangsters" with the official approval of the present
priests and writers in Bavaria advo- German government, cry to heaven; and if only
cated a crusade against Jews, Com- a portion of them were known and believed-by the
munists, - Pacifists and others, - and honest people of the world, that knowledge would
preached the superiority of the Aryan certainly cause air the good people, in tho^wprtd
race. The storm troopers are nearly all very young to turn.away-from such barbarians in disgust and
men, taken chiefly from Catholic families. They abhorrence.
A truthful report of-hundreds of such cases of persecution in Germany. The witness work is in-
ill-treatment of Jehovah's witnesses in Germany creasing particularly in France, Belgium, Nether-
was-recently published by the E u r o p a Publishers, lands and Switzerland. Thousands of people of
at Zurich, Switzerland, in the German language, good will are gladly hearing the message of the
and now by the Presses Universitaires, in Paris, truth and are then leaving the Devil's organization.
in the French language. The title of that book is Where formerly were small companies for Bible
"Crusade Against Christianity". Having read this study there are now larger assemblies and increased
book, a number of well-known writers, professional activities. I n Germany, Jews, Communists, Social-
men and foremost journalists in Europe have ists and other groups are silenced to a large extent
expressed their deepest sympathy with ' these by the. terror of the blackshirts, but not so Jeho-
suffering and persecuted Christians. F o r example, vah's witnesses. I t is often reported how they con-
Dr. Thomas Mann, the bearer of the Noble prize tinue to -speak of their faith, and they are even
for literature, wrote concerning Jehovah's wit- heard to sing joyfully in prison cells and concentra-
nesses: tion camps.
The following is from a Swiss newspaper, "The
"The Sufferings Left Behind" St. Gall D a i l y " :
I have read your book and its terrible documenta- The French journalist, Jean Fontenoy, recently ob-
tion with deepest emotion. I cannot describe the mixed tained permission to observe with hiB own eyea the
feeling of abhorrence and loathing which has filled life in the concentration camp Oranienburg. The
my heart while perusing these records of human deg- commander of the camp, a general, personally took
radation and abominable cruelty. Human speech fails the journalist through the camp. A lengthy report has
in the presence of the unspeakable perversity revealed appeared in t h e . ' ' J o u r n a l ' ' regarding this inspection.
in these pages, on which are recorded the awful suf- We give herewith an abbreviated but faithful report
ferings of. innocent men and women who firmly hold concerning what the commander thinks of' the Bible
fast to their faith. In viewing Huch indescribable con- StudentsJehovah's -witnessesand how ho "tries to
ditions the voice would fain be silent, but to keep solve the problem they create for him.
quiet would serve only the moral- indifference of the
world, and further the despicable non-interference " T h e Bible Students," grumbled the general. '<I
policy, and make for a guilty conscience. Will it be have erected Bpecial barracks for them, where they
possible to shock the world even for a moment by your are isolated behind barbed wire which is electrically
presentation of these disgusting facts? One hardly charged, in order that they may not get in contact
dares to hope for it. At any rate you have done your with the other inmates. I t is forbidden for others to
duty in publishing this book and bringing these facts come closer than seven yards to the barracks of the
to light. I t Beems to me that there is no greater ap- Bible Students. But nothing avails. If I forbid them
peal to the world's conscience. to smoke, they Bay they don't smoke at all. If I per-
mit them to write only one letter every third month,
Pastor T. Bruppacher, a thoughtful and noble- they do not even write that one letter. It is really
minded Protestant minister, wrote: distracting. Recently the wife of such a Bible Student
came and begged for her husband 'a release. I had the
While the German church controversy enjoys the man brought, but he looked at his wife as if he did
favorable interest of official Christendom, we here not know her. She cried and pleaded, saying, ' W e
have an unobserved company, standing and suffering have nothing to eat and I have no one. to. help us.'
in the foremost posts. While men who call themselves The Bible Student answered, ' Ton have Jehovah.
Christians have failed in the decisive tests, these un- The woman: ' I plead with you to sign the pledge and
known witnesses of Jehovah, as Christian martyrs, return to us.' The man: ' Go and pray more earnestly
are maintaining unshakable opposition against coer- to Jehovah.' V
cion of conscience and heathen idolatry. The future
historian must some day acknowledge that not the The general engaged in a dialogue between himself
great-churches, but these slandered and scoffed-at and Johann Huber, 27 years of age. He asked, " W h y
people, were the ones who stood up first against the
are.you in the concentration carnpT" "BecauBe I
rage of the Nazi demon, and who dared to make have worshiped the.Lord." " W h i c h . L o r d ? " " J e h o -
opposition according to the faith. They suffer and v a h . " " B o you acknowledge our Fuehrer as your
bleed, because, as Jehovah's witnesses and candidates
head or s u p e r i o r ! " " I do not know of whom you
for ."the Kingdom of Christ, they refuse the worship
speak; my superior or head is Jehovah." " W h o am
of Hitler and the Swastika. These peculiar Christians
I ! ' * . ' ' Y o u are one of. Jehovah's creatures." -"Am
are accounted worthy to suffer for His name's sake,I your superior or n o t T " " Y o u are a creature of
and they have humbly proved that they really know Jehovah." " D o yon have to obey me or n o t ? " " I
how to defend their high titlethat of Jehovah's have to obey Jehovah."
witnesses. Whoever permits these documents to speak
to him in all their sincerity will begin to see the The general turned to me with a bitter smile and
maligned Bible Students in a new light. He will notsaid, " Y o u cannot do a thing with them, neither
again judge them in his own self-righteousness. with mildness nor with harshness; it is all "of" no
avail.'' This dialogue hadr been listened-to with vis-
ible pleasure by about, fifty other prisoners near by.
Witness. Continues Despite Opposition The commander a s k e d , ' ' Did. you obserye;these others f
The work of Jehovah's witnesses, of informing Do you understand now;why I keep the Bible Students
the.^peopie of good will about Jehovah's kingdom, apart from the others fT/hey would; ptart a small revo-
and: announcing the destruction of the wicked at lution within a few hours;; they are-the wor&t .=of
Armageddon, progresses.despite the opposition and: them a l l . "
O C T O B E R 18, 1939
This discussion had caused me to think might ruin his life's work, and that Eden and
and later, at noon, 1 referred again to Halifax tried to reason with him. The demons
this theme of the Bible Students and
said, " Y o u have here 450 Bible Student* are out to wreck the world, and only God's
in this camp, but do they really belong almighty hand can frustrate their design. Hu-
*" here? Most of them must be good and man wisdom will be unavailing.
harmless people; they seem to me to be somewhat like
saints, at any rate really harmless." Nothing that the man says can be believed.
A Berlin official accompanying the party through He is probably the world's most shameless liar.
the camp stated it is hard to find the secret places in Somebody noticed that the letters in A H-I-T-
Germany where the Bible Students' literature is still L-E-R and T-H-E L-I-A-R are the same.
being printed; no one carries names or addresses and
no one betrays another. When 250 were arrested at Early in 1937 laws were passed in Germany
Hamburg and their papers and press were confiscated, prohibiting Germans from participating in
and it was thought that this would stop the circula- the war in Spain. At that very time the Ger-
tion of a certain magazine, within two weeks after the man troops were pouring in, and it was Ger-
raid the paper reappeared as before and the police
had not heen able since then to discover the place man transport planes, in the very first hours
where printed, nor any of the distributors. of the conspiracy, that carried thousands of
This firmness of faith and unparalleled courage heathen Moors into Spain to there fight the
causes many who witness the terrible persecutions pope's battles. Said Thomas Mann, German
to inquire as to the source of such steadfastness. author, in an address at Princeton University:
A number of cases are known where prison guards Germany fell into the hands of leaders so de-
and other prisoners have forsaken all else to p u t praved that perhaps in all history there has been
themselves on the Lord's side while yet there is time. recorded no second case of such dishonor to spirit
A righteous indignation against the instigators and intellect, justice, truth and freedom. Their
of the persecutions of Jehovah's witnesses, namely, reign of violence has made it impossible for any-
the Catholic-Fascist combine, wells up in the heart one who has some feeling for human dignity and
of every real Christian. This persecution of Chris- moral responsibility to breathe the air of that
tians is a fulfillment of Divine prophecy. Other country.New York World-Telegram.
prophecies show that the day of accounting for the On Monday, September 4, only the next day
great bloodguilt which the present generation has after Britain declared that a state of war pre-
heaped upon itself is a t hand. vailed as between it and Germany, the British
Government bombarded the people of the
Hitler Guided by Demons Reich with 6,000,000 leaflets containing assur-
The statement that Hitler is a close student ance that the war is not against the German
of astrology, and that he maps his course by people but against this colossal liar, Hitler,
the stars, is only another way of saying that trained by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and
he is guided by demons. The teaching that any by the Devil for the work he is now doing.
man is guided in his course by any star or any The broadcast leaflets contained in German
combination of stars is a denial of every truth these statements:
contained in the Scriptures. That does not " H e [Hitler] gave his word that he would re-
mean that the demons are ignorant of what is spect the Locarno T r e a t y ; he broke it.
going on in the world, and it docs not mean " H e gave his word that he neither wished nor
they cannot twist together plausible state- intended to annex Austria; he broke it.
ments supposedly but not actually in harmony " H e declared he would not incorporate the
with the movements of the stars. So it is not Czechs in the Reich; he did so.
without interest that in her dispatch to the " H e gave his word after Munich that he had no
Chicago Tribune, from Berlin, on July 13, further territorial demands in E u r o p e ; he broke it.
Sigrid Schultz, who familiarized herself with " H e gave his word he wanted no Polish prov-
the teachings of Hitler's astrologers, reports inces; he broke it.
one of them as saying: " H e has sworn to you for years he was the mortal
enemy of Bolshevism; he is now its ally.
Russia and Germany together will settle the "Can you wonder that for us his word is not
Polish problem. The world will be astounded by worth the p a p e r it is written on!"New York
the developments of the next few weeks. When Post, September 4, 1939.
Russia and Germany co-operate the British empire
will automatically fall asunder. Could a Whole People Worship a Liar?
Hitler is guided by "voices" (which are the Oddly enough, the answer to the question,
voices of wicked spirits), and it is all in vain "Could a whole people worship a liar?" is
that Churchill appealed to him to consider a most emphatic Yes. The world as a whole
the consequences of a single rash act which has done that very thing from the time of
Lucifer's lie in the garden of Eden until this 5) (A P a r t y member from Berlin) " I left the
very moment. The Devil, using religion and Church with the firm conviction that the Christian
religionists as his vehicles of expression, has religion was a man-made faith professing to be the
will of God, but having nothing in common with
so thoroughly established in the minds of the that power which we call God. I believe the fellow-
people that they live on after they are dead ship of blood and race is a fellowship much more
that "the whole world lieth in the wieked one" desired by God" than all the religious fellowships
and there are few that believe the statement built up by man. I frequently ponder, could I face
of the Creator himself that "the dead know my Leader and Father, Adolf Hitler, if be knew
not any thing". my thoughts and my work. My religious observance
Below is set out some of the evidence that is a daily hour of quiet thought. . . . And then an
many of the German people have actually inner glow comes upon me, an indescribable feeling
of satisfaction, if after mature consideration, I
made this Jesuit-trained man, Hitler, into a come to the conclusion that my father, Adolf Hit-
"god" (as Moses was made a god in Pharaoh's ler, would bless this or that action of mine."
eyes). In its Celebration Number, in answer
to the question, "What does The Fuehrer mean 6) (Another P a r t y member) "F>very flower that
blooms, blooms in gratitude to him; every apple
to you?" the Sckwarzc Korps published the that ripens, ripens in gratitude to him."
following. President Roosevelt, who wants the 7) (A H a m b u r g woman) " I should like to say
people to have more religion, and the New once for all, that the lofty teaching of my Fuehrer
York Chamber of Commerce, that wants the is now my religion, the German religion, and I can
people to have more religion, and all the other think of nothing finer."
panjandrums that recommend religion as a 8) (A Reader from F r a n k f u r t ) " W h a t misuse
cure-all, would do well to ponder deeply. is made by men of the word 'Fuehrer'. This word
1) (A Viennese) "My Fuehrer gave me not only should only be applied to Adolf Hitler himself and
a political 'Weltanschauung' but also a religion. we should impregnate our people from youth up
H e gave me a faith, which even as a child I had with reverence for this word as the Christian
never possessed. This faith is a faith in ourselves, Church reveres the name of God."
in our strength and our greatness, in the mysterious 9) (A Mother in Unterammcrgau) "My children
power of Blood, our Soil and the German na- know the Fuehrer as a man, who orders all things,
tion. . . . " rules all things, who built the world. The Fuehrer
2) (An S.S. Man.) "Even to attempt to put into is for my children that visible Being, which we as
words what I feel for my Fuehrer appears to me children were taught to recognize as God. . . ."
profane. . . . I t makes my heart heavy to think These people worship Hitlerj Hitler wor-
that the Fuehrer today belongs to so many, whereas ships the Roman Catholic system in which he
during the time of our early struggle, he belonged was trainedit is his god; and the Roman
only to us, a comparatively few. I am jealous of
every person with whom I must share him. May I
Catholic Hierarchy worships and serves the
be forgiven for this sacred egoism." Devil, manifests his spirit and is his most de-
3) (A P a r t y member in Berlin) "Formerly we voted and most honored child. The chain is
were brought u p to be religious, trained in a faith complete. The German people that worship
divorced from reality, which seemed impersonal, Hitler are worshiping the Devil, whether they
abstract and un-German. This outlook did not im- know it or not.
prove man, hardly strengthened him, but rather
deprived him of courage and initiative. . . . Faith Inordinate Vanity and Cowardice
in the Fuehrer and his work have given me strength The German people in all lands have done
to force my life to higher things. In this godless,
mammon-worshiping world, torn with hate and
all they could to make a fool of Hitler, and
murder, this world of insanity and chaos, a temple he has cheerfully gone them one better every
of light has arisen, throwing its rays afar and time. The golden crown presented to him at
pointing to a future far more beautiful than our the middle of June is said to have been paid
past." for by Nazis in 61 countries. Those at Buenos
4) (A lawyer from Dortmund) " W e know that Aires alone contributed 31,455 pesos ($7,700)
we are in the g r i p of a feeling whose essence and of the amount, so says the newspaper Critica
depth we can scarcely determine and which renders of that city.
us dumb. Reverence, love, loyalty, gratitude, self- It is admitted by all who have listened to
abnegationall make u p this feeling which yet
surpasses them all. But the most revered father,
him that Hitler has the power to produce mass
the most deeply loved mother, the most loyal wife hypnotism of his audiences. Mass hypnotism
and the most trusted friend rouse in our hearts is mass demonism; but the demons are no
music far less exalted than the song our souls sing fools. They have had centuries of experience,
to the Fuehrer." and so they select for their work some man
OCTOBER 18, 1939
who can. he used to "put it across". Hitler is many. There is fresh evidence for this issue,
such .a man. The following from Mein Kampf and here it is, from Catholic sources:
shows that even he himself does not fully real- Little by little the truth gradually leaks
ize-that the power working through him is not out on all subjects, for the reason that the
himself, but that of WEOMt Lord himself has stated that "there is nothing
Meetings at which I talked about the covered but shall be revealed". In view, there-
peace treaties seemed never to end, for fore, of the oft-repeated yarns in the kept
I considered this a vital subject and press about mistreatment of the Catholic
repeated my speech of denunciation Church in Germany, it is with some interest
again and again in endless repetition; that the following statements are taken from
I gradually p u t it in better form until a t last I a column by the Catholic writer Bertram de
was driving a powerful message into the heart Colonna, published in the London Catholic
of the people. This constant practice in addressing Herald:
meetings slowly but surely made me clever in the
use of the pathos and the gestures needed to sway While it is true that there have been differences
audiences of thousands. between some Catholics and officials in Germany,
there has never been any prohibition of church
I began to talkand kept on talking for around
services, nor have any churches been burned and
two and one-half-hoursand I at once felt that
sacked, or priests Untreated or murdered in Ger-
the meeting was to be a great success. Immediately
I was in contact with the audience. After an hour
applause broke out more and more often, in great Anyone who takes the trouble to visit a Catholic
outbursts, and then ebbed away after two hours, p a r t of Germany will see that priests and lay
until I finished in that solemn silence which will brothers go about their business untroubled. Lay
never be forgotten by a soul who was there, and brothers serve in the beer rooms attached to mon-
which I afterwards experienced so many times in asteries in many parts, and groups of excursion-
this room. Almost nothing but the soft breathing ists, largely wearing badges of the National Social-
of the mass could be heard, and suddenly when I ist P a r t y , drop in there.
had finished applause rose like thunder, and then The London Catholic Universe states that
release was found in fervent singing of "Deutsch- on Hitler's birthday Cardinal Innitzer ordered
land ueber Alles". all Austrian churches to ring bells, fly the
Every dictator is a personal coward, and Swastika flag and say special prayers for the
has to be; for his life is constantly at stake, Fuehrer. Does that look like persecution?
because of the wrongs of which he is guilty. Mosley, Britain's would-be Hitler, in a
The claim is now made that Hitler has a speech at North London, said of religious per-
private tunnel twelve miles long, between his secution in Germany:
hideout at Berchtesgaden and the city of I think the clash between State and Church in
Salzburg, enough to give him a good start if Germany will soon end. There has, after all, been
it ever becomes necessary for him to make a friction between the temporal and spiritual power
in Germany for centuries, on and off. At present
quick getaway. more money is paid by the State to the Church
His plane is of sufficient capacity to fly than ever before a n d more people attend church
non-stop from Berlin to New York, and it has than ever before.In London Catholic Herald.
been fitted with every comfort and safety Disposing now of a couple of widely publi-
gadget known to man. It.has four engines and cized claims of "persecution", here are the
a speed of '220 miles an hour. It is not a bad facts, and facts are all anyone should desire.
investment for him, and he may need it yet. Read them and judge for yourself. Hereafter,
New York city would find an empty apart- in what was once Austria, there will be joint
ment for him and he would hold the headlines control of promotions in the Roman Catholic's
for three days, maybe four, before he shriveled clergy. There are to be no changes in person-
to his true size and passed out of public notice. nel except such as meet Nazi approval. The
Nazis will also decide who are to study for the
Bedtime Stories of Persecution priesthood. The New York Daily News do-
In order to put over its seizure of the worM voted its entire front page to the idea that the
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is bound to Nazis had stormed the archbishop's palace at
pretend that it is suffering persecution, even Salzburg, whereas the simple facts are that the
while its. faithful sons are breaking every law building belonged to the Government sinee
known to man. These columns have contained 1802, and the latter part of April notice had
inany pages of evidence that there is no perse- been served on the archbishop to look for other
cution of the Roman Catholic Church in Ger- quarters. He neglected to do so and, after a
Hitler thugs, gunmen and plain assassins as.worthy
rulers for their own protection he is dealing in a
brand of bunkum that won't go far in this country.
The editor of the Post Tribune is no fool.
He knows that the <rReverend Father" Tiso
betrayed what was left of his country into the
hands of Hitler, and did it to crush Protes-
tants throughout the republic. Earlier in the
editorial he said:
month's delay, one time when he came back Who is this Reverend Kochis, and what is his
he found the landlord in control and himself purpose in this country? Was he sent over here
dispossessed. Subsequently the archbishop by the German-controlled government of Dr. Tiso
Sigismund Waitz was offered the free use of to pull the wool over the eyes of Slovaks living in
several rooms in the palace, but he thought the America?
Hierarchy would gain more by maintaining
its pretense of "persecution", so he took up his "More Food for Apes"
residence in one of the man)' monasteries with The London Catholic Herald contained a
which the neighborhood is cursed, instead. five-column interview with Sir Oswald Mosley
entitled "Mosley Discusses Need Church and
In Austria and Czechoslovakia State Clash", in which Mosley made it dear
. The basis for stories of persecution of the that his outfit, if it gains control of Britain,
Catholic Church in Austria seems to arise will "always treat the spiritual and moral
from the fact that up to September 1, 1939, authority of the Vatican in international
each Koman Catholic priest received from the affairs with the utmost respect". In the next
government an allowance of 120 marks month- issue the Herald seemed to be referring to its
ly, but after that date Catholics, like other own readers when it used the headline which
persons, would be taxed to maintain their introduces this paragraph. Mosley admits that
churches and priests. Hitherto, because theirs he has more Catholics in his outfit than their
was the State church, Catholics did not pay proportion in the country would warrant. It
any religious tax. is all as plain as day.
Having conspired with Hitler to destroy the Our Sunday Visitor takes gleeful note that
Republic of Czechoslovakia, and his own the Rome-directed Germany-Italy-Japan axis
priests having been in the forefront in the could, in a few years, crush the democracies
betrayal of that country, once the center of by birth rates alone. It mentions that while,
Protestantism in Europe, the pope now tells in England, other schools are forced to close
the Slovak premier that he will need "much because of decreased attendance, yet Oatholie
perspicacity and prudence, a great deal of schools in that country have actually increased
brotherly feeling", etc., etc., to get along with in number, even though there has been a slight
the present situation (in which everything of decrease in- attendance.
any value in the country is being lugged off Speaking of conditions in France, Our Sun-
to Germany and the Czechoslovakian people day Visitor of July 16, 1939, also said:
are being turned into slaves). The older ones-among our readers will recall ^hat,
Under the title "Who Sent Reverend Kochis nearly forty years -ago, the then President of
to Make Speeches Here?" the Gary (Ind.j France dissolved the Concordat which France-had
Post Tribune quoted the '^Reverend Father* had with; the Holy See, and not only forced all
John Kochis as lauding the German govern- Religious Orders to give up the work of teaching
ment to the skies and saying that the people in school, but forbade them to wear their religious
garb. Such a change has come over France in re-
of Slovakia are perfectly satisfied with it. The cent years that-these: laws have been disregarded,
Post Tribune, knows perfectly well who sent but because they are still on the Statute Books,
the '^Reverend Father" Kochis to-Gary. It also there is now. a movement in Parliament itself to
knows that if it mentioned the Roman Cath- repeal the hostile legislation. In fact, a bill is ready
olic Hierarchy in that connection it wonid for presentation to Parliament, already backed by
lose most of its advertisers and subscribers. more than 200 Deputies, to repeal the law against
But, viewed from a distance, it is a Safe bet Religious Orders.
that it will be disciplined for its editorial It is hardto choose-between murderers, and
which winds up with this -paragraph: say which is the more shameless, Hitler with
When Reverend Kochis attempts to present the his rapes of Austria and Czechoslovakia, or
OCTOBER 18, 1939 9
Mussolini with his rapes of Ethiopia and Al- an intelligent, well-read man. He can hardly
bania, or both of them in their rape of Spain. be ignorant of the more than 2,000 cases of
The pope has just now "blessed" Mussolini, persecution of Jehovah's witnesses, in almost
publicly asking God's blessing on his head. every state in the United States, their arrest,
Now he should do the same for Hitler, and imprisonment, beating, choking, tarring and
then for Al Capone, "Father" Coughlin and feathering, and other abuse, mainly by agents
Judge Man ton. of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. How, then,
Within the past few years three prominent is it that he could say, in his address to the
persons have been made Knights of the Order United Spanish War Veterans:
of the Annunciation. The first was Emperor This country was founded by pioneers who came
Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, the second was here to escape political or religious persecution.
King Zog of Albania, and the third was von Since; then millions of others have followed them.
Ribbentrop, the German Foreign minister. They have found happy homes in the New World.
When they sailed from their homes in the Old
Vain Boasts of Patriotism World they left behind the enmities which divide
n c v e r v anc nation ..from nation, race from race, creed from
f^K 1& ^ l * *" e Roman Catholic creed, class from class. The spirit of democratic
f ^ ^ ^ Hierarchy trains its spokesmen to America will not tolerate such hatreds and divisions
boast of their patriotism. It is a here.In New York Times.
settled policy of the "church", and The Roman Catholic Hierarchy is not being
is policy only. It is perfectly will- persecuted in South Africa. Far from it. It is
ing to have millions of Catholics killed on each doing its best to align the natives on the side
side in any war, if only the interests of the of Hitler and the totalitarian states with which
racket operating out of Vatican City are taken he is associated. Under the headline "Nyasa-
care of. land and Northern Rhodesia" the London
In an address in New York city, as reported Daily Telegraph of August 1, 1939, contained
in the Baltimore Sun, the "Most Reverend" a report of a discussion in the British House
James E. Kearney, bishop of Salt Lake, made of Lords on the possible amalgamation of the
the statement, two colonies. One of the speakers was Lord
"There is only one flag for our children and that Marley. In one of these two countries (he did
is the American flag. The children are taught to not say which) he said:
salute it under penalty of disrespect to Almighty In a school for native teachers I found books
God." containing pictures of Berlin, swastikas and "Heil
The bishop could use the same argument to Hitler" and the various insignia of aggressiveness.
Hitler regarding saluting the swastika and These came from a German Catholic mission.
it would be just as true. Indeed, Catholic Afraid the people will learn some of the
bishops in Austria and Germany have repeat- truths of history, the representatives of the
edly urged their flocks to vote for Hitler and Roman Catholic Hierarchy in South Africa
to support him in every way in the work of hollered "Bloody murder!" because one of the
the Devil in which he is engaged. postage stamps in honor of the 250th anni-
The Commonweal, a Catholic magazine, versary of the Huguenots showed a sun rising
seems to hit the nail on the head when it says over dark clouds. The Roman Catholic Church
of "Reverend Father" Coughlin that he is was not mentioned in any way, but, for reasons
given to "all too pious acceptance of propa- best known to the squawkers and to every
ganda from a party whose Fuehrer proudly student of history, it is believed by the Hier-
boasts his machine is based on huge lies". That archy that the dark clouds represent earth's
is an ingenious way of calling both Hitler and greatest curse, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy,
Coughlin liars in a single sentence. And it and its teachings and practices.
diverts attention from the wicked Hierarchy
itself. The Rearming of Germany
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy is not be- In the year 1938 the following
ing persecuted in the United States, but it democracies did what they could
is persecuting others for the very same reason to rearm Germany and prepare
that it is now sympathetic with the idea of her for the Munich peace which
another huge war. It hopes to stop the mouths ensued. Opposite the name of each
of Jehovah's witnesses. democracy is set the number of tons of scrap
Governor Lehman, of New York State, is iron and steel which each such democracy
sold to their avowed and prospective enemy: that has something in it besides words. The
Tacoma Times and the Santa Barbara News
United States 462,782 Netherlands 93,679 Press recently carried a column well worth
Belgium 244,842 France 82,560 reading, which the Times labeled "Perdix
Great Britain 117,818 Luxemburg 58,219 Points to Pope; Sees Practiced Hand of Vati-
For the past fifteen can Behind Political
years Germany has Moves of Europe's
been buying the en- Powers". This ' col-
tire output of a Swed- umn, published June
ish arsenic mine, and 21, drew attention to
s t o r i n g it, 100,000 "the published inti-
tons at a time. At the mation that His Holi-
I. G. works at Essen ness the Pope would
are 28,000 workers en- look with apprehen-
gaged in m a k i n g sion upon a tripartite
b o m b s which have Anglo-French-Soviet
this arsenic as a base. pact" (because that
When the bombs fall would hinder the loy-
there is no gas mask al C a t h o l i c Hitler
that can withstand from overrunning the
the smoke that issues world), and contained
f o r t h from t h e s e the following para-
bombs. As the odor graph which, for rea-
penetrates the mask sons best known to
the wearer becomes t h e m s e l v e s , other
deathly sick, yanks newspapermen avoid
off the mask and dies. mentioning.
Persons in this day Economic experts be-
would be hard put to lieve the church's hold-
it to imagine a worse ings in Greater Ger-
hell than has been many, which (excluding
developed right here Czechoslovakia) are re-
on terra firma. The liably e s t i m a t e d at
clergy are ready to equivalent to about $20,-
bless any part of this 000,000,000, may have
hell, for a considera- been a determining fac-
tor. Also, the Vatican's
tion. All they ask is conviction that German
that the big Devil expansion into the east
whom they love and into p r e d o m i n a n t
whom they serve will C a t h o l i c areasis a
make it hot for those f o r e g o n e conclusion;
who are e x p o s i n g hence, that a modus
their racket through- vivendi with the reich
out " C h r i s t e n d o m " . is not only desirable,
but imperative. High
None of this has Catholic circles, inci-
been done without dentally, are convinced
the knowledge of the Cologne (Germany) Cathedral flying swastika that a growing number
pope, and none of it without his approval. of Catholics among German population will in
Plenty of newspapermen know this, but fear therefore time be a moderating influence per se, and should
be cultivated. That Vatiean influence has
to tell it, and cannot get the newspapers to been steadily rising in England in the last two
put their stories in type even if they do tell it. years is an open secret.
The exceptions are few and far between, and
they have to be mighty careful what they say. As is well known, the rearming of Germany
"Perdix" is one of the exceptions. was both physical and mental. H i t l e r is a past
"Perdix," noted foreign affairs expert, con- master in the a r t of rabble-rousing, feebly
tributes a column to various western papers imitated in the United States by " F a t h e r "
OCTOBER 18, 1939 11
Ooughlinboth trained in the same devilish whom he will. It was a Roman Catholic achieve-
school, and, to date, both abject followers of ment throughout and typical of the history of
arid worshipers of the Roman Catholic sys- earth's most diabolical system of rackets.
tem. Respecting Hitler's achievements over No sooner had Britain begun to take refu-
the radio (worked out largely by Goebbels, gees from Czechoslovakia than the dreaded
his propaganda manager) Edgar Weir, in the Gestapo of Germany began to come in, in the
London News Chronicle of April 11, 1939, guise of refugees themselves, and they had no
wrote: sooner than landed when they began the works
Radio propaganda is like the fascinating eye of of intimidation of GeTman servant girls and
a serpent that attempts to hypnotize its victim other German workers as only the Gestapo
until it allows itself to be swallowed without re- could or would do.
sistance. A sad note, since Britain entered the war,
Germany has recently developed an entirely new is that the new gas masks for babies were
system of expansion. After a period of "build-up" made in gay and attractive colors so that their
to win the confidence of foreign listeners, they are
gradually treated to more and more propaganda mothers could teach the little things to play
describing the beauties of Germany and how with them. What a travesty this so-called
smoothly everything works there. Then they are "civilization" has become!
told of the terrible conditions in other countries, One of the principal vehicles that the Hier-
including their own. They are taught to be dis- archy uses at a time like this, or at any time,
contented with their own governments. They arc to carry on its work of promoting the rise of
promised mountains of gold and good things. Final- the totalitarian states at the expense of the
ly, the broadcasts take on an aggreaUTStone. They people is the confessional. Speaking of this
become less truthful. What the Germans call
"Hetzpropaganda" and "Atrocity Propaganda", diabolical system of snooping into the public
and of which they accuse the foreign Press and and private affairs of everybody, Sydney
radio, is used with great effect by their own stations. Morrell, writing in the Glasgow Scottish Daily
Express, lauds the pope to the skies, exagger-
When the Titanic was finished and started ates the number of his followers and spills the
on its maiden trip it was announced that it beans when he says of the espionage branch
was unsirikable. It never got across even once. of the racket:
I t ran into an iceberg and, after being sliced
from end to end, went down off Newfoundland, Pius the Twelfth is the head of 375,000,000 Ro-
man Catholics and the Vatican is the best informed
to rise no more. More recently the Fuehrer of all Governments, which is to say that it is best
completed, at a cost of hundreds of millions informed on the ways and thoughts of millions of
of dollars and with the aid of 300,000 slaves, men and women who build up nations. The arch-
a 400-mile line of; forts from Switzerland to bishops and cardinals who send their regular re-
the Netherlands. Hitler pronounced the com- ports to. JEtome obtain their material from the
pleted line as invincible and impregnable, and pastors and parish priests who are intimately in
within a week the Rhine rose to an unwonted touch with their flocks.
height and swamped machine-gun nests and
would have drowned their occupants except America to Go Down Also
that they could and did flee to higher ground. America is part of the "Seventh World
The story came from France. The Germans Power", and is scheduled to go down also.be-
say it is not true. fore the totalitarian monstrosity which has its
real headquarters at Vatican City. I t will be
Preparations for Big Putsch in Britain grabbed peacefully, if possible, and politi-
W^jSfK M a J o r Hugh B. C. Pollard, English cians, preachers and plutocrats will be used to
^ Catholic, has the unique distinction put it over, but the Hierarchy is not taking
of being responsible for the death any chances and intends to silence Jehovah's
of 2,000,000 of his. fellow men. It witnesses, law or no.law, and utterly regard-
was .he who, under instructions less of what may be the desires or even the
from higher-ups in ; his "faith", illegally, flew knowledge or intentions of the American peo-
a plane to Franco the Butcher, then in exile ple. To do this they have to have the aid of
in the Canary islands. He occupied a seat of the Press, and that they have, for they control
so-called "honor" in the victory parade in it absolutely. No American newspaper dares
Madrid, because without his treachery the buck the Hierarchy. To do so is to lose all its
2,000,000 would never have been slain and advertisers and many of its subscribers, and
Franco would not now be privileged to murder t h u s t o PAIL.
Says.Boy Goodrich, on this subject of the ballots" and the impaling of law-abiding citizens
Press, and the weak-kneed public officials who on red-hot spikes ? Why are such wicked and whole-
do nothing even when the evidence is in front sale crimes camouflaged and countenanced as "con-
of them constantly: stitutional liberties" by an emasculated press and
The Saturday Evening Post of May 27, 1939, by a supine and cringing officialdom? To real pa-
features an article entitled "Star-Spangled Fas- triotic, law-abiding Americans such as Jehovah's
cists", under a large photograph of a nocturnal witnesses, the strong-arm squad makes answer with
conclave of such, in which the American flag occu- a cuff and a curse: " S t o p telling on them! Shut
pies a prominent place. To the average American u p ! ! Salute the flag, and be patriotic like they
reader, blindfolded and unwary, this article puts a r e ! ! ! Come on with us for a ride!!!" Democracy?
across with power the Catholic Action? Look
idea t h a t A m e r i c a n in the WATCHTOWER
democracy is both help- publications, u n w a r y
leas a n d hopeless before r e a d e r , and lift the
a J e w un-American u p - blindfold!
starts whose background
is dark, whose organi- Gasparri to Put
zations are secret, and
whose mysterious financ- It Over
es1 "come in over the Cardinal Gasparri
transom". This article left Rome, so Rome
is cited a t random as a dispatches to the New
fair s a m p l e of that York Times say, for
which is supposedly and the express job of do-
a l l e g e d l y "best" in ing his part in bring-
A m e r i c a n journalism.
Sueb journalism is sup-
ing about the open-
posedly and allegedly ing of diplomatic re-
"imcensbred" and"free", lations between the
and is confessedly 100- United States Gov-
percent (or more) "pa- ernment and the pope
triotic". at Vatican City. He
W h y , in such pub- is "to work out a legal
lished articles, is not the framework" for the
darkness of the average job, and is sure to
unwary reader enlight- have Jehovah's wit-
ened w i t h a reminder nesses in mind.
t h a t d e m o c r a c y has
plenty- "of old, gray- The New Y o r k
headetflaws on the sub- Times has a headline
jects of sedition and Pope's gift to America entitled " C a t h o l i c
treason? W h y is not the A i r m e n Gather".
public awakened to know that the mass, of pub- What is strange about that * A lot is strange.
lished and admitted facts prove, beyond all doubt Suppose the Methodists had been parties to
t h a t there are many Fascist and Nazi seditionists the destruction of the governments of Ethio-
and traitors a t work in this country, and that the pia, Albania, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and
laws have teeth in them for such? W h y is real
IDO-percent democratic action, that is, patriotic
Spain, and had outspokenly proclaimed their
law enforcement, not even mentioned, much less intention to seize the United States, and in-
advocated ? W h y ? The plain answer may be summed cidentally to .murder everybody who teaches
u p in two words, namely, "Catholic Action"; but differently: from the Methodists, and you
from t h e sepulcher of a free and patriotic journal- should see a. headline "Methodist Airmen
ism? domes only the resounding echo, " W h y ? " Gather". Would it make you think? It surely
T .;AbV:national, state and city officials have, taken would, if youhave anything above your neck.
patriotic oaths to promote the. general, welfare of Somebody's cat came near getting out of the
the-people who p a y them by. justly a n d diligently bag at Los Angeles when "authorities couldn't
upholding and enforcingthe Constitution, and laws
of. America. Where are.these officials while Amer-
:lDeai anyone who would admit. owning
ican'liberties are sacked-and exported to" Rome? $70,000 worth of artillery shells and hand
W h y is no traitor even "out" on : bail"? : Why do .grenades, stored in a Los Angeles warehouse".
seditionists roam at large with unlimited- freedom Probably the.-trail got too hot. After America
of press and radio to advocate "bullets ihstead<i>f has been, grabbed, as it will be, a lot of the
O C T O B E R 18. 1939
"authorities" will poke one another in the it, Smulin was arrested, not Maloney, and
ribs and laugh at the close calls they had Magistrate Burke (guess his "church") added
while the conspiracy was on, and how only the "malicious mischief" to the charge of simple
co-operation of the Rome-controlled press assault and held him in $2,000 bail.
enabled them to get away with it. When a public-school teacher started to
argue with one of the "Social Justice" sales-
"The Coughtin Terror" men she was called vile names and jostled,
Under the title "The Coughlin Ter- and when a near-by storekeeper went to her
ror", James Wechslcr, in The Na- rescue he was arrested. The salesmen of "So-
tion for July 22, 1939, has over five cial Justice" have developed the lying tech-
pages of exceedingly interesting nique of punctuating their cries of the name
information regarding the peculiar of their paper with expressions such as "A
conduct of many of the 12,000 Irish Catholic big Jew hit me" or "The Jew spit on her".
policemen in New York in Coughlin's so-called And this method works.
"Christian Front". One of their number At Rockaway Park, where "Social Justice"
boasted that 6,000 of the police are members has been sold on the streets for months, when
of the "Front" itself. a man undertook to sell "Equality", telling the
Mr. Wechsler mentions the repeated stab- other side of the story, his papers were thrown
bings, street fights and neighborhood tensions to the ground, and as he stooped to pick them
that have come to pass, and how, because of up he was kicked in the head; and while he
fear of the Catholic Church, the reporters of lay sprawled on the ground one of the two
the New York Times take their stories to the idle policemen standing by fractured his skull
executive offices, not to the composing room, by a blow with his club. Fine officers of the
and the antique Herald Tribune follows suit. law!
A young girl hears one of the Coughlinites On the other hand, at Union Square, Wil-
making attacks on parties designated only by liam Frank, previously arrested for raping
the word "they". She timidly asks the speaker a minor and for burglary, accosted a young
who is meant. Immediately a hundred Cath- girl, calling her a "red whore", but because he
olics are kicking and pushing and pummeling, was selling "Social Justice" his sentence was
and two men grab her and throw her down. deferred. In the court of Magistrate Michael
She is rescued by two policemen, but no ar- A. Ford, Miss Florence Nash, another abusive
rests are made. salesman of "Social Justice", was given a sus-
Samuel Applebaum, for saying to a husky pended sentence of thirty days in the work-
Irish Catholic gangster in Union Square, "We house. All she had to do was to weep a little.
Jews also fought in the World War," was The magistrate did say to her, "He who in-
attacked and stabbed and at last accounts the stills such ideas in your head, be he a priest
case had been postponed four times. or anyone else, does not belong in this coun-
Coughlin's followers sell his paper "Social try." Coughlin can take that or leave it; and
Justice" all over New York, but when a gentle- he will probably leave it.
man who believes in fair play was handing
out reprints from the New York Post showing Of course, it is enough of a disgrace to be
where Coughlin had been repeating the very a Coughlinite. That of itself is bad enough.
words of Goebbels, John Dugan (guess his It is well known that Allen Zoll was chairman
"church") walked over and without warning of the meeting, addressed by numerous Cath-
knocked the man senseless on the ground. olic priests, which resulted in the picketing
Dugan offered no defense, was praised for his of radio station WMCA because it would not
frankness, was told, to count thirty before do- broadcast Coughlin's addresses. It seems that
ing it again, and sentence was suspended. At five days after the Coughlinites tried to break
his trial one of the judges on the bench ad- up the meeting of Jehovah's witnesses in
monished witnesses to disobey the command of Madison Square Garden, Zoll thought the time
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and to refer to had come to cash in, so, as alleged, he offered,
Coughlin as "Father" Coughlin. for the sum of $7,000, to have the picketing
By contrast, when Thomas Maloney called of WMCA cease and was paid $200 in marked
a girl who was passing by a "Jew bastard", money, cash in hand. Then he was arrested
and Nathan Smulin, also a passer-by, seized and jailed.
one of Maloney's papers and slapped him with {To be continued)
Fighting for Liberty in Hubbard, Ohio
pelted, everywhere. A pamphlet, "Our Griev- make obeisance to it, does not mean that we
ances Against Hubbard," was printed and don't stand for what it stands for!
widely distributed. Then for the trial in Warren. For a whole
A protest meeting took place the next day, day we presented witnesses. The outcome, a
at which a thousand people appeared. Sawed- decision which has not been understood by
off shotguns and tear-gas guns and other either side up to this very day. The fight
weapons were in evidence as the sheriff's force goes on.
took over Hubbard. The following week we walked once more
The next day, while we were gathering at the in Hubbard. The publishers were picked up,
hall, a number of rowdies gathered, with the taken to the police station and there had their
intent to make us "kiss the flag". A whisper- property stolen from them and then were re-
ing campaign had been conducted against leased.
Jehovah's witnesses with the intent to make All the time the newspapers of the Valley
people believe that we are against the flag. featured big headlined articles in our favor.
When the writer observed the gathering of a Many front-page stories appeared, and the
huge ugly mob, he ordered that four huge people began to be really interested, making
flags be put across the outside windows of our this a big issue.
hall. The effect was instantaneous. The mob The writer has received many threats. Three
dispersed and didn't know what to think of it. attempts to murder him have been made up
Our reasoning is, Jehovah's witnesses are to date. Letters are in his possession. He was
about the only people that truly stand for buttonholed in broad daylight on a main
what the American flag stands for. We believe street in Youngstown and warned "The finger
in the principles for which it stands. Just be- is on you".
cause we will not take off our hats to it, or Then, on that Saturday, a mob gathered,
PROTEST MEETING! Learn about Jehovah's
Thousands of Americans agree that Hubbard
persecution of Christians must end1. Provisions!
Resolution Adopted PICKETS
All along tha highways leading- Into
Hubbard, yosj will find man and woanan
devoting' much of their time, to enlighten
Ewnpsa about these Un-American tactic*
WE. who are cllisens of th* United
BtM\a md cf UM state of Ohio end of
WE warn the American people * *
conspiracy now In swawMasl and being- of tha Hubbard offlclala. These men.
Bowers and Greer, are a blot oo tha Ka-
UM State or Pt*myl4inli, being iww 'carried t throughout tha aarth and
diy uMmbMI at Yourigstoww, OWn,
* wju day of Augwt. AJ>. IMS-, for
which cxmsptracy was Incubated and.
hatched at Vatican City, Roma, by tha
hoonng VaUey. Unfit to hoed office, they
should be bnpeached and It Is our prayer,
that tha Lord of Hosts, may soon rtae up
-the purpose of worshipping Almlfihty Roinan Catholic Hierarchy and which A book, especially written for the
Ood m apirit and lfl t rialh. do HOW make haa sprwl thjoujtfiout th# natlcins; that and etlmtnaU all tha wicked from the
said conspiracy has already deatroysd aarth. people of good will, has Just been ralaas-
this public decUrarJon. U wit:
th fraadom of denweracias in Hhirop* *d. Ito content* ax* OUad to th* brim
WE fully support the fundamental and Is now attampting; to destroy tha with life-giving water, so badly needed
pctodplw of th* Amvricu govemtrwnt demiaeracy of Amenca and to talca away KINGDOM for the tnUghtenment of those of food
m d the Laws of th* hand WfcjlJl puaren- all the UberUes of tha people. " Jehovah's kingdom I* at hand. W e
tc* frvvedoen of assembly, freedom of now mtn tha place of safety, will Wrtta Jahovah's wttnesaa*. 135 w.
Wii Uiani ji'e sotenuily protest kgalnat
worship, and Insist that all persons Communism/ Naebinx. FascUin. the Ro- about the truth, and take your stand Rnardman. Yocmgvlown. O and obtain a
Should ob*y tlvt L* of the land that man 1'j.ihclic Hierarchy, the ao-caued en the aid* of Jehovah Cod. "Religion. copy *f this book; In order ta defray the
i n la harmony with Aimigbty God. "CjasAssssBl Front" and athar radical which for so long ha* neld a place of
ataata In yourH minds. Is. only a "Snare expense of [Minting, you may caaitrlbuu'
HKCENTLY la wl^aa person* In HuV orrantxatkwia that are using the nasna 25 cents. Get your Serration how!
of religion In America aa a cloak or and n Racket. Have twUalng to do
bard, Ohio. and In that Vicinity have' with I t Turn unto Cod's word tha
openly miid flagrantly d wWully vio- Bhleld. i-*s!-.:i which unlawful acts are
perform id with the purpna* erf daatny- snaes and ditch the doctrine* of man.
lated tha b M of the Und "end parUcu-
eriy with the right of worship of AJ. ing lha tibartlas of the American people.
mighty Cod as cuuinUMl by the Consti- WE call upon all brniast and sincere
tution and the right of fraedorn of speech
aid the right of freedom erf aseemhly.
THAT many fanatical persons h*V*
paraona, ha they Catholics, Jews, Christ-
fans, non-beU*vers and ot>*ra, to stand
liitnly for what Is light ss enunciated
Hubbard, O., is Unfair:
Veen Ind jced and faidtad by powts of th*
Roman Catholic Hierarchy tn Indulge In
unlawfully IdatatOfl with public **-
cmbUct of Christians, and wilfully And
by tha Constitution of tha United Stataa.
WE point, to the further fact that the
kingdom of Almighty God by Christ
Jesus la* the only means of protection
Hubbard is Un-American
unlawfully attempted to break, up lawful, and aahratlca and, therefor*, * tnvlta
peeceeMe w u m U I t i erf men end wnnim all persons, regardiaaa' of bebef. In study
who hive assembled to worship God. and
have otherwise wilfully and deUherataly
tha Word, of Cod which skm* aaplalna
the 'dBsturhed eoMtttlcai ansongst the
Help us regain our rights, so ruthlessly trampled on by
Interfered with ctttsv-ts erf ihla State and natloaa of aarth today and which potnla
out the oompVsta ramady fee such
the administrative officials of Hubbard. The editor of
J-iaUoa worshipping Ahnlghty God-
WE vigorously protest against auch
Condi UanS. the "Hubbard Neus" is worried about Hubbard's repU'
UwLaaanessand call upon at) oader-lortng
WE hc*d It U antlraly wrong to per*
aeeutn any people because of rsce, reM- tdtion. Write him, since he wants to know what he and
Ood fearing dlun* to take their aland
nrmry aftd unequivocally against aU such
glon, or color: we smkj that all man are
bora with the Inalienable and equal
other decent citizens of Hubbard can do! Address such
l i i h name on th* part of the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy, Fascia**. Naata and
rights of exerciBlng freedom of aaaamhty, letters to "Editor of Hubbard News, Hubbard, O." Help
freedom of speach, and freedom of wor-
other radlcili who a n ammpting by
unlawf ul m a n ] to gain control of the
ship, so long sa the sama doe* hot *- usl By writing to "President of the Hubbard Village
cUngtr th* public: wrb^ra. Council, Hubbard, O. and telling him u'hat you think
American governnnenl.
WE point to the clear distlnctlca bt-
WE bold that all persons' *r antlUad twmn ribglutt and Chilstianity. Religion of the crimes perpetrated by Hubbard officials. Ash
to believe and practice their bettef con- Is merely a f onnaBam baaed on tha trad-
cerning religion or other BsaEIsr* aad t;jri(ia and taachlngs of men and carried Hubbard to rid itself of these Un American officials.
that WI<1M:UL Interference, bet we Insist out for selfish purpoeea, whereas ChrUt-
that UM Roman Catholic llhrarcby and lanlty m#uu tHa true and faithful obad' Write, also, to Mr. R. C. Bowers, Mayor of Hubbard,
It* elbaa, Fascists. Nazis, or others; have
no right to snterfere with ritinraa who
lenca td the law* of Almighty Ood fo-
lowing In tha footsteps of Christ Jeaue
O., protesting his and Greer's action and asking him to
tnMt tngwrhar to study Cod"i Word or
to worship God or to otherwise lawfully
our Lord and Redeanssr. We urge all
nrdar-lovlag people to study tha Scrip-
resign, since he can not vp hold American principles.
assemble aad c a n y on their meetlngs- tures and Let Gods Word be their gadde.
Thank You! Jehovah's witnesses,
and when they glimpsed the writer they began beaten, and then thrown into jail, where he
rioting and attacked with the attempt to was refused medical attention, -
although he
lynch. Stones and bricks flew and a real battle was bleeding profusely. He was booked for
raged, Jehovah's witnesses defending them- "disturbing the peace and resisting an officer".
selves valiantly. Two of Jehovah's witnesses They 'released him on $500 bail, next day.
were injured. The police refused to stop the Another witness was attacked by the mayor,
who threatened to "ram the fist down his
riot, and then refused to arrest the instigators. neck". Another witness, a girl, was so mal-
The district attorney in Warren refused to treated that she has had a nervous breakdown,
swear out warrants. We countered with three and still another was hit between the eyes with
suits of $5,000 each, suing the county com- a stone. The witnesses gathering on our Hub-
missioners. bard premises were attacked with all kinds
Then, on the following Saturday, Judge of missiles. The police stood idly by.
Kutherford authorized Zone No. 2 to aid us. The next day all of Hubbard was covered,
A large hall was rented in near-by Youngs- and 84 names of people were obtained who
town. We marched once more in Hubbard. A desired us to make back-calls. Not all are
huge protest meeting was held in the heart of against the Kingdom. That is why we shall
Hubbard. Thus detracting the attention of continue, regardless of opposition.
the hoodlums, and the police, we had other Then, for the Protest meeting in the after-
groups, unknown to the brethren assembled at noon. Pour thousand five hundred people
the heart of the city, walk with placards all * This man, a Jonadab, while bleeding throughout
over the city. When the police found out, they the night, wrote with his own blood the significant
beeame enraged. One witness was attacked statement "Religion is a snare and a racket".
by them, knocked unconscious, and severely (Concluded on page 24)
OCTOBER 18, 1939
"Mare N o s t r u m " arrived he was angry at the relatively peace-
Mussolini calls the Mediterranean sea "Mare ful conditions, and scarcely had an enemy
Nostrum", meaning "Our Sea", but it is hard- soldier lit a match in the evening than he
ly that. The British have advantageous posi- threw a hand grenade in his direction, killing
tions at Gibraltar, Malta and Cyprus, all two men." His captain asked, "Why did you
fortified. France also has an interest in the do that? They had done you no harm and
sea, and, of course, so have Spain, Turkey and were perhaps just taking a smoke and talking
Greece. As a matter of fact, the Netherlands about their families. You have no heart." But
also has an interest in it, for it is a way to Mussolini was greatly pleased the next day to
her East Indian col- learn that his one
onies, and therefore grenade had - killed
as much a "life-line two men and injured
of empire" to her as five; and from that
to the British, Just time onward there
now the Mediterrane- were no more truces
an is a nest of cruis- between the Italians
ers, battleships, de- and Austrians in that
stroyers, t o r p e d o sector, and revictual-
boats and submarines. ing of the troops was
Italy and Germany effected only at the
have -273 of these cost of daily losses of
peaceable c o n t r a p - men.
t i o n s there, while
France and England, Mind Wanders
just to be safe, have S i g n o r Gayda's
151 of them handy. mind wanders when
G r e a t B r i t a i n is he condemns America
seeking the aid of for criticizing Italian
Turkey to keep peace occupation of Alba-
in the eastern Medi- nia. The particular
terranean, and is also p o i n t at which it
trying to line up wanders is when Gay-
Egypt, Persia, Iraq, da said that America
Arabia and Afghani- is not protected by
stan on the side of the distance. Maybe so;
Anglo-French peace maybe so; but what
front, also called the 'Mare Nostrum"
about the cops? I t
anti-aggression alignment. But it is one thing would be just too bad for Italy to.: start "to
to get them lined up and another to keep them invade the United States and have the whole
that way. The Mediterranean, around which thing break.up because somebody got nervous
most of these peoples live, is a natural danger and called up the police headquarters! That
zone, and is called the graveyard of brave men. actually happened in Staten Island in- the
early days of Fascism.
Mussolini Loves to Kill
Writing in the French journal La Lumiere I n Less than F o u r Y e a r s
the. Italian writer G. A. Borgese tells of Mus- In less than four years from the.time ; Mus-
solini's entry into the World War. It was at solini said that, the independence of. Austria
a quiet sector, and a certain understanding was ft principle that Italy would strenuously
had been reached by the belligerents, who defend, he explained why Italy did not help
were entrenched but a short distance from Austria maintain its independence by saying
each other. Rifle-firing and grenade-throwing that Italy had never assumed any obligation
were exchanged only at certain periods When to do so,- either direct or indirect, either1" oral
Mussolini, then editor of the Popolo d'Italia, or written. How-that boy can lie!
Mussolini's Appeal to Force Pegler's Description of Gayda
We desire that nothing more shall be heard Mussolini has made a public figure and
of brotherhood, of sisterhood, of cousinhood, lower-case dignitary of a hack who otherwise
or other bastard relations, because the rela- might never have risen above the mass of
tions between States are relations of force, crummy mooehers, typical of Italian journal-
and these relations of force are the determin- ism, who sit around marble tables in sloppy
ing elements of our policy. The order of the overcoats with grease on their collars, gnaw-
day is thismore guns, more ships, more ing horse-meat sausage and chirping for their
aeroplanes, at whatever cost and by whatever supper. They arc, as a tribe, the most con-
means, even if we have to wipe out completely temptible menials of the whole breed of
what is called civilian life. When you are Fascist parasites who live by the nod.New
strong you become dear to your friends and York World-Telegram.
you are feared by your enemies.Prom Mus-
solini's address on the twentieth anniversary More About the Libyan F a r m s
of his sleeping-car ride to Rome. Further details about the Libyan farms
are that there is an artesian well on each farm
Hitler's Policy in Italy and the settlers on arriving find food in the
Italy pursuing Hitler's policy, publishers house, tools in the sheds, two horses and eight
in that country may still print books writ- to twelve cattle in the stables, chickens and
ten by Italian Jews but may not sell them pigs. At first the farmers receive a subsidy
through booksellers. If they sell them at all from the government. This is gradually re-
they must sell them themselves. Without prov- duced, then rent is paid for a time, and after-
ocation on his part the Rome correspondent wards the farms become the property of the
of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, who had settlers.
been stationed in Rome for the past fourteen
years, was notified that he must leave Italy Italian Munition Factories
within eight days. No specific reasons were In his address to the Italian senate Musso-
given. He and his Italian wife (he himself is lini drew attention to the fact that Italy has
from Poland) had a four-month-old child. 30,000 airmen, 876 factories turning out war
material, and 580,033 hands working unin-
Expulsion of J e w s from I t a l y terruptedly in them. This was said at a time
Aping Germany Mussolini, some days prior when Italy was technically at peace with
to March 11, 1939, expelled hundreds of Jews Spain and was one of the powers guarantee-
from Italy. The poor creatures, including ing non-intervention, but was using all its
women, children and old men, spent several powers to destroy another government.
days in the mountains, nearly dying of hunger
and cold. Some lost their shoes in the snow, Mussolini "Hit and Ran"
200 finally were given hospital care in Men- Cornelius Vanderbilt told of a ride he took
tone, France, while 150 were admitted to with Mussolini, with the Duce himself at the
hospitals in Monte Carlo. Thousands were re- wheel. Tearing through the countryside the
ported within sight of France, knee-deep in car knocked down a child. Vanderbilt turned
the snow in the passes, denied admittance to to see what had happened, but the Duce only
France and unable to turn back to Italy. stepped on the gas the harder, remarking,
"Never look back, my friend, always for-
A Few Mad Italians ward." Could any attitude toward his fellow
Uneasy lies Goliath's head on his shoulders. man possibly be more cruel or selfish ?
Two Italians in a single month recently made
attempts to kill Mussolini, but the Devil In Thirteen Days
spared his life, for he has much yet to do, no On March 23, in an address in Rome,
doubt. A more serious matter was when a King Victor Emmanuel declared that the re-
group . of Italian veteran foot-racers from lations of the Italian Government with the
Brihuega, Spain, wrecked the headquarters of kingdom of Albania were happily most cor-
the Fascist Union in Naples, because, after dial. Albania passed out of existence thirteen
being tricked into fighting (or running away days afterward, and probably its destruction
from it} in Spain, they got back to Italy and had been fully decided upon many weeks be-
found themselves with no jobs. fore.
OCTOBER 18, 1939
Mussolini to the Italian Senate instructions to Italian Journalists
In his address to the Italian senate September 19: In describing events in
Mussolini declared that Italy can Palestine refrain from using the terms
muster 9,000,000 troops, 4,000,000 "bands", "terrorists," "attempts at assassina-
of them front-line fighters; that tion," and use instead (in headlines and in the
Italy has the most powerful sub- texts) the following terms: "insurgents," "in-
marine fleet in the world; that Italy has sev- surrection," "bravery of insurgents," and
eral thousand planes which have proved their "Arab combatants".
prowess in Spain; that when war comes the Show no optimism regarding the interna-
Italians must desert their great cities and flee tional situation.
to the country places, and that Italian war- September 24: Publish nothing of the visit
fare will be conducted through the skies in of the Duce to the ballet at Belluno.
such a way as to sap the morale of opponents. September 28: Stress that from all corners
I t was the speech of a fiend. of the world appeals have been addressed to
the Duce to settle the present situation.
Demons Ruining Mussolini October 3 : Newspapers may accept for pay-
According to information from Rome in ment obituary notices of the Jews.
the English News Review, January 13, 1939, Give prominence to that part of Chamber-
the health of Mussolini during the last months lain's speecli in which he acknowledges the
has been shaken to an alarming point. Accord- role of the Duce.
ing to the same information II Duce suffers October 10: Do not reproduce from Messa-
from periodical manifestations of a very gero the report about the loss of weight
strong neurotic exhaustion, being obsessed [physical or moral?] by Chamberlain.
also by mystic musings. It was noted also that October 13: It is categorically prohibited to
the orders given by him arc contradicting print anything of the exchange of foreign
each other. prisoners in Spain.Secret Instructions of
It is said that the condition of II Duce is Italian Ministry of Culture.
preoccupying particularly the royal circles.
The king, Victor Emmanuel, began in these The Secret Promise to Italy
last times to show particular interest in the The secret treaty with Italy, made in Lon-
acts of Mussolini; and the crown prince, don in 1915 (see Judge Rutherford's book
Umberto, is giving close attention to all the Enemies, top of page 269) by Italy on the one
affairs of the country, that he might be ready hand and by France, Great Britain and Rus-
in a given time to take personal control of the sia on the other, to give Italy possession of
country.Kathemerine. the South Tyrol of Austria, Trieste (Austria's
busiest port), certain islands in the Adriatic
Bernstein Snubs Mussolini sea, the Dodecanese islands, and possessions in
In 1923 Mussolini personally decorated Eritrea, Somaliland and Libya in Africa, was
Philip Henry Bernstein, a 62-year-old dramat- never intended to be kept, but constituted a
ic author of French birth and Jewish ancestry, bribe to Italy to forsake its German-Austrian
with the insignia of the Order of Saint Mau- alliance. I t is these old promises, made but
rice and Lazarc. Mr. Bernstein recently re- never kept, that have much to do with Italy's
turned the rosette and told the one-time black- present claims and warlike attitude toward
smith he did not consider it any honor to wear the nations that made the promises. Those
it since Mussolini aped Hitler in persecuting familiar with the news in 1915 well remember
the tiny army of Jews within Italian borders. that at that time Italy was for sale to the
highest bidder.
Losses in Italian W a r s Little Coffee for Italians
Italy acknowledges that in her unprovoked All good Italian Fascists have been in-
war against Ethiopia she lost 2,313 native structed to cut down their coffee drinking to
Italians, and that in her equally unprovoked the minimum, or leave it out altogether. The
war against the Spanish Republic 3,327 more object is to put pressure on coffee-producing
were killed or died of disease. The number countries that are not disposed to barter it
crippled was 11,227. All this was done so that for Italian manufactured goods. The Ethio-
Mussolini could continue to sell himself to the pian crop is still very inadequate for Italian
Italian people. needs.
Serves Imredy Right Commandment N u m b e r Ten
Bela Imredy, after the fashion of Hitler Mussolini issued a new "ten command-
and Mussolini, cliampioned measures calcu- ments" to his soldiers, all in general accord
lated to put the Jews of Hungary under the with the last one of the number, which suc-
same disabilities that they suffer in Germany cinctly said, "Mussolini is always right." Just
and Italy. Then the historians got to work and take a moment to compare that spirit with the
discovered that Imredy's own great-grand- one who modestly said:
father, and also his own grandmother, on his "Why callest thou me good? there is none good
mother's side, were Jews. So Imredy resigned but one, that is, God."Matthew 19:17.
as premier of Hungary. Now if some histo-
rian would discover that both Hitler and Mus- Use of Electricity
solini had Jewish forebears, what a joke it
would be! Anyway, it served Imredy right. In the use of electricity Italy is one of the
The new premier of Hungary, Count Teleki, most up-to-the-minute countries in the world.
is a Roman Catholic, of course. And he might One may go the whole length of Italy, 905
be part Jew, also. miles (the distance from New York to Chicago
by the Pennsylvania lines) by electric train,
and at speeds up to 72 miles an hour. By the
All I t a l i a n s in Uniform use of hydroelectric power resources Italy
Italy is in process of putting its entire saves 1,300,000 tons of coal annually.
population in uniform. This already applies
to the civil servants, whose summer and winter
uniforms, designed by the state, must be worn How About This?
when at work. The theory is that all are serv- A quondam friend writes that the emblem
ants of the state and must dress like servants. of Fascism is a bundle of rods enclosing an
axe; that anybody who does not line up is
Lottery Advertising first beaten with the rods and is then finished
It is illegal for advertisements of lotteries with the axe. He wants to know if that is right.
to pass through the United States mails, yet Yes, that is right, that is, if anything as wrong
the Italian government now sends mail into as that can be right, and be left to tell it.
the U.S.A. the cancellation stamps of which
bear the legend, in Italian, "Invest in the Mussolini Crying a t Night
Italian lottery and become a millionaire." Dr. Solomon Goldman, head of the Zionist
movement in America, returned to New York
Looking for Trouble reporting that after sixteen years of dictator-
Looking for trouble, and sure to get it, ship Mussolini is now crying at night through
Italy is building the largest submarine fleet jealousy of Hitler, and because of regret at
ever under one flag, and the most heavily the murder of thousands of defenseless Ethio-
armed, some of them having 14 tubes. The pians, and Italian defeats in Spain.
new submarines will be able to cross and re-
cross the Atlantic without refueling. Highway 330 Feet Wide
Huge Reduction in Wages The new highway from Rome to the sea
Italian workmen employed to build roads will be 330 feet wide. In the center will be an
in Ethiopia (where they are in constant automobile track 66 feet wide; on either side
danger of being killed by Ethiopians) found, of it a 12-foot-wide strip for bicycles; outside
when the time came to renew their contracts, the bicycle strips roads for slow-moving trolley
that instead of the 39 lire per day first paid buses; and outside of that wide pavements for
their new wages will be only 15 lire. pedestrians.
came. Enthusiastically they adopted a reso- throughout northeastern Ohio. The truth, and
lution, prepared by the president of the So- the valiant fight of the Lord's people in Hub^
ciety, shown in cut on page 19. A mighty bard, have become the talk of all, young and
shout of " A Y E " made known their affirmation. old. The Lord's name has been exalted far and
The battle rages on, without letup or com- wide, and that fact has imbued all the friends
promise. The pickets are intact, and another here to high pitch of enthusiasm and joy.
folder, which is shown in facsimile on pages It is only nine months since 384 publishers
18 and 19, has been printed, and 120,000 covered this entire zone. But August, when
copies are being distributed all over the zone. we actually had the most of our trouble in
Forty-two lawsuits are pending. Hubbard, revealed the publishers truly in-
And yesterday our petition to the governor spired by the Lord of hosts and they exerted
of this state in impeachment proceedings themselves in an unbelievable manner.
against the mayor and the marshal of Hub- The report, to prove that this fight has done
bard was filed, and thus this fight will come much for the various local units around here,
before the highest authority of the state, where for the month of August was: 1,780 books,
it is expected a great witness will be given. 19,481 booklets; the number of publishers shot
In' our latest pamphlet we requested the all the way up to 938; these publishers put
people \ to write to three j>ersons in Hubbard in 22,092 hours; the entire zone averaged
letters of protest. Although this pamphlet is 23.5 hours. What a glorious bout! Praise be
out only since last Sunday, we are informed to the Lord, who turns the darts of the enemy
that thousands have already been received in into mighty boomerangs, smiting the enemy
Hubbard. with blasts of truth.
Laconically, the wires of the United Press One could go on with details, wonderful
brought the-following message to Youugstown, details, wonderful incidents, experiences of
Ohio, this afternoon: "Pearl Loveless peti- one and a hundred, from all parts of the zone,
tions Governor Bricker to remove R. C. Bow- but it all amounts to one inevitable conclu-
ers, mayor of Hubbard, and Marshal Earl sion : "The battle is' God's." Thrilling conclu-
Greer, Hubbard, from office on the charges sion!
of mal-feasance, non-feasance and mis-feasance The investigators report the receipt of 3,459
in office" letters up to this afternoon by Hubbard offi-
Thus begins a battle in the highest place in cials. It's only the fourth day since the appeal
Ohio. During the interim we have not been folder distribution began, and 45,000. have
idle, but have worked day and night, to get been distributed up to now; the other 65,000
all points involved backed up by fact. We are just coming off the press.
have several investigators at work. Am going All of this is creating quite a witness.
to take an active part in the preparation and Our folder distribution has served one im-
in the conduct of both trials, with one single
intent, to give the biggest witness possible and portant end: it has prevented other towns,
to:-exalt throughout these trials the name of which had a mind to, from starting similar
our great God JEHOVAH. Am going to watch trouble.
that angle more than anything else, for this Jehovah's witnesses will not let u p ; they
must come before kings and governors. will fight to the last ditch always, to enhance
One fact is already outstanding beyond the glory of Jehovah's great name.-W. J.
doubt. A tremendous witness has been given Sehnell, Ohio.
plied that they were good Catholics, and lis-
tened to their priest on Sunday and did not
intend to listen to Judge Rutherford on Tues-
day. Then those nice brave men began to
rotten-egg the car, the personnel of which
consisted of two women and one 80-year-old
man, an old sea captain, who had been all over
the world, and had many interesting experi-
ences but said he had never seen anything in
Pioneering in Old Kentucky his whole life like his experience with these
J. W. Sherman, pioneering in old Ken- dogs.
tucky, reports finding two Negro women, one It was a hot evening, the windows were
98 and the other reputed to be 125, both of open, and in no time we were a mess. We tele-
whom love the truth, and both of whom re- phoned the police for protection. This was at
member when they were slaves. One was sold 7:20 and the police arrived at 11:30. The
on the auction block. Of another interesting next day it took three of us four hours to clean
incident Sherman says; the car, and for a long time after that, on a
Wade Nave, Poor Town, Kentucky, crawled back hot day it smelled like a chicken coop. The
up the cliff unscratched while his Model T Ford original dog was out of town that night, but
lay in pieces 550 feet below, and the engine block the younger pups from the same litter did
50 feet nearer the river. the dirty work as well as he could have done
As the car struck the it himself.Martha Holmes, Iowa.
s e c o n d ledge W a d e
g r a b b e d some stout
bushes and hung . on
through the open door,
as the car toppled on
over to destruction, hit-
ting ledge after iedge
on the way down.
Dog-Collar Reli-
gion in Iowa
In the little town
of E l k h a r t , Iowa,
Home window display some time ago we
were r u n n i n g the
"Exposed" series of lectures by Judge Ruther-
ford when a certain man with his collar in
reverse (to show that he is what the Scrip-
tures style himIsaiah 56:10,11) came along
and said peremptorily, "Turn that thing off."
I said, "Who are you, to give me orders! I
am taking no orders from you, but if you lis-
ten you may learn something." He reiterated,
"I told you to turn that off," and was then
invited to be on his way, as there were others
who were interested. He went away, threat-
Come Tuesday, we arrived on time, started
the lectures, and after about ten minutes four
saints of the "dog's" flock came up and de-
manded that the thing be turned off. Each was
asked to give his name, which, with true Ro-
man Catholic cowardice, was - refused. They
were then told that if they would listen quiet-
ly they would learn something, but one re- Publishers (5 and 7) at Carteret, N.J.
OCTOBER 18, 1939 25
North London pioneer group. Note signs on phonographs and attache eases.
Pioneer Experiences
A pioneer at New York Convention had
embroidered on the back of his white linen
coat the words: "Serve Jehovah God and
Christ the King. Hear Judge Rutherford."
Asked, "Why do you wear that garb ? You are
not on strike" the pioneer replied, "Oh, yes,
I am. I am on strike against the Roman Cath-
olic Hierarchy."
A pioneer from Oregon, 65 years of age,
started for the convention the middle of April.
Having no cash to pay for fare, she washed
dishes for necessary food and bed, thumbing
her way from point to point.
A Montreal-pioneer was sent to jail for five
days. On entering she was met by nuns who
told her she must get down on her knees and
confess. She refused, saying she confessed to
Jehovah alone. She therefore received special
punishment from the ones in charge of the
Bug "Warren where she was incarcerated.
When she emerged she had been almost lit-
erally eaten alive by bugs.
A blind pioneer from North Carolina has
been working among the businessmen for nine
years. On occasion he has put in 140 hours a
month. He has never gone hungry.
A pioneer and his seventeen-year-old daugh-
ter hitchhiked from Prince Edward Island in
the Gulf of St. Lawrence to New York and That apron is a hag for carrying The Watchtower
return, traveling," all together, 2,253 miles. and Consolation. Oakland, Calif., company gives
Turned back at the international border at the little folks this Kingdom work to do.
one point, they got through at another. They employed?" His friend answered, "These are
had a thrilling experience, but the Lord pro- Jehovah's witnesses, the busiest people on
vided them with all their necessities. earth, advertising the lecture 'Government
A bystander, as he watched the information and Peace', and not government and pieces, as
march of Jehovah's witnesses in Saskatoon, we have it today."
inquired, "Who are these people? The un- (To be continued)
Central Europe
The 'Sudetenland' of Hungary reason the district has been deficient in bird
Lord Rothermere, called "one of Germany's life, and this is now being overcome by build-
closest friends in Britain", has called atten- ing artificial nests to induce them to come.
tion to that Hungarian territory now part of The towers in which the nests are being built
Rumania that was formerly Hungary's for are ornamental and attractive.
over a thousand years. He says, "I am sure
today, that if the Hungarian 'Sudetenland' Fascism Triumphant in Yugoslavia
problem is not settled European statesmen in At the December elections in Yugoslavia
a year or two will be confronted with the same the Fascist forces in control for the past three
emergency that they had to deal with at years were re-elected under conditions which
Munich." He advocates handing this territory give them another four years of control of the
back to Hungary. country.
Enticing Birds to H u n g a r y
The wide and treeless plain of Hortobagy, Omit Sandusky
Hungary, is a pasture for the best Hungarian Omit Sandusky, Ohio, from last item on
cattle, but they suffer severely from the flies page 11 of Consolation No. .520, Issue of
and mosquitoes which breed there. For some August 23.
OCTOBER 18, 1939 27
"Reverend" Alex. Burnett of the Old Manse,
the local representative of the church of Scot-
British Comment land (Presbyterian), writes to the local paper
saying it is his duty to warn the public against
By J. Hemery {London) the literature placed by the witnesses of Jeho-
vah, and hopes that some evidence of what he
styles its "pernicious character" which he re-
lates will keep his people from reading what
"Vipers" in the Orkneys they have got and others from taking any.
Two sisters, enthused with the desire to His evidence is the same vicious perversions
spread the knowledge of the present establish- which have had to serve these men for so long
ment of the kingdom of God, and earnestly a time, except that he professes to add a per-
desiring to obey the commandment to preach sonal experience, to give weight. His own bit
the gospel of the Kingdom, went from the is a reference to the South African trouble
mainland of Scotland to the Orkney islands. raised by natives in an endeavor to get back
Their zeal in visiting the people in their homes their freedom from "white" bondage. Part of
resulted in placing with them a very consider- the agitation which troubled the authorities
able number of books and booklets which en- was of a religious cast in which the name
able readers to read the Scriptures with under- "Watch Tower" was used. That movement Was
standing without need of a preacher, who entirely unrelated to the Watch Tower Bible
would only tell them what his church says is & Tract Society's work in South Africa; but
to be believed. The religionists in the islands the likeness in the name- served the clergy
are verjr vexed that the people should be able missionaries in their endeavor to brand the
to get an understanding of the truth about the Society as an evil influence, and its literature
kingdom of God in this way, especially as their as seditious. "Reverend" Burnett says he can
dogmas and the whole system of organized add his testimony, claiming to speak, from
religion, under whatever name it is known, personal knowledge. He cannot have knowl-
are shown to be contrary to the words and edge of any association of the representatives
spirit of the teaching of Christ and the apos- of Jehovah's witnesses, who carry the writ-
tles. The religionists got busy with letters in ings, the warnings and exposition of the Bible
the local newspaper, warning the islanders by judge Rutherford, and the native move-
against the women and their books and the ment, for there was no connection. "Reverend"
"dangerous" teaching. The Plymouth Breth- Burnett's church, the church of Scotland,
ren, who reckon to separate themselves from managed to get one of their foremost mission-
organized religion, had a try at putting tip a aries on the Royal Commission sent out to
barrage, and the 'reverend' representative of inquire into the labor troubles in the copper
the church of Scotland shot some of his dog- mines in North Rhodesia, and a great en-
matic ammunition and, having gathered some deavor was made by this biased mind to link
mud from his church's st*n*s, endeavored to Judge Rutherford's writings with the labor
hinder the message of truth by besmirching agitation. It could not be done. Later this same
the life of C. T. Russell, and the sincerity of missionary agitation resulted in a case being
Judge Rutherford in his service to the honor tried in the High Court of South Africa, tak-
of God's holy name. en there by the Watch Tower Bible & Tract
Society, and that court declared after exam-
The Plymouth Brethren have ever been bitter ination that there was not the slightest ground
opponents of the truth and of those whom God for the charge of sedition, but that the publi-
pleased to use in its service. They got light cations were expositions of the Scriptures and
from the Scriptures to discern that the church conformed thereto: If the "reverend" gentle-
organizations were entirely wrong; but they man is as conversant with these things as he
retained the defiling doctrines of the churches. professes to be, he knows that he hides or per-
They are very orthodox, being believers in the verts the facts.
"Trinity" doctrine, and the unscriptural doc-
trine of "the immortality of the soul", and But this preacher of the gospel according
they have hugged to themselves the blasphe- to-the church of Scotland's dogma got aid in
mous dogma of "eternal torment". Through his reviling. The Home Board of the church'of
their publishing houses they have issued ven- Scotland, stung by the truth which goes to
omous attacks and continue to do so. the homes'of the people in all Scotland as else-
where, has published a folder for the use of continuation of that which was begun by the
such as "reverend" Burnett, and hopes there- Lord and His apostles, and is that of which
by to counteract the work of Jehovah's wit- He spoke in His prophecy of "the end of the
nesses; The folder is a scurrilous thing. They world", and the religionists are acting towards
have joined the Roman Catholics and the this preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom
Plymouth Brethren in their methods of vilifica- as the Jews acted then. The words of Jesus as
tion. Headed in bold red letters "Riches from recorded at Matthew 12:34 is still a living
Religion" the folder has about 26 paragraphs word.
intended:to expose the fraudulent men and
methods (as they say) of the "new religion" Like a Hammer
now represented by Judge Rutherford. It ends 'Is not my word like a hammer that break-
with its computation that Judge Rutherford's eth the rock in pieces % saith Jehovah.'Jere-
writing "must have brought in one year the miah 23:29, A.R.V.
comfortable income of 180,000". In nearly all The religionists of Jeremiah's day had so
of the paragraphs there is a direct lie; all of hardened themselves against any opposition
them are perversions, and the whole is a scan- to the place in the nation which they had made
dalous thing for a church with so much pride for themselves, and were so self-righteous, that
of righteousness as the church of Scotland to when God, whom they professed to adore, sent
allow its home board to publish. Jeremiah to warn them of the impending de-
But Presbyterian parsons have long been struction, He told His servant that these peo-
bitter opponents of the witness to the estab- ple were as a rock, but that His word by Jere-
lishment of the Kingdom, and of its messen- miah would be a hammer by which the rock
gers, now universally known as Jehovah's would be broken. Jehovah broke in pieces that
witnesses. It was the Presbyterians of Canada, religious rock, by His word, and by sending
emigrants and the children of emigrants from Nebuchadnezzar to waste Jerusalem. The re-
Scotland, who were instigators of the opposi- ligionists lost the glory and power they had
tion to Pastor Russell, and were so afraid of made and taken for themselves, and their
the truth that they got their government to lives also, in that destruction. For a long time
forbid his entrance into Canada to preach the thereafter the worship of God was free from
gospel-It was they that tried to get the offi- the hypocrisy, formalities and pretenses which
cials in East Africa to ban the publications had caused Jehovah to sweep His land clean.
which carried the truth and to expel its mes- But the people again allowed this priestly,
sengers. Modern Presbytcrianism gives its clergy class to fasten themselves in authority
ministers a good deal of latitude, apparently and power, and in the days of Jesus this sin
asking little more than general conformation against God came to its worst, and He was
to the authority of its General Assemblies, and killed by them, because He spoke the truth.
always with the maintenance of the church But the word of God by Jeremiah remains
system. Its ministers are unbelievers in the a word for this day, when that which was seen
Scriptures as the word of God, and, in fact, in Israel in Jeremiah's day, and in Jewry in
they have been in the van of rejectors of their the days of Jesus, is now manifested in all
inspiration. "Christendom" and in all the sections of re-
Opposition to the truth which exposes the ligionists. Religionists hide their head behind
religious systems of "Christendom" is.to he the shadow of their own infidelity: they refuse
expected; for it threatens their inheritance. to believe that God has spoken in this day by
It-is not a cause for astonishment that they His prophets. The Roman Catholic church
act as they do: they are not honest to their professes to accept the Scriptures and to be
own ordination vows, and can hardly be ex- their custodian; but it will not allow any mes-
pected to.be honest towards the truth. Let it sage to come from the Word of God, and as
be said once again that, so far from being a church it pays no attention to the prophets,
money-makers out of their service for God, except to use a word taken here or there which
Pastor Russell died a poor man in the most is made to support their institution. Most of
literal sense, and Judge Rutherford does Jiot the other sections of religion are frank in their
gain a penny piece for himself out of the mil- rejection of the words of the prophets as be-
lions-,af hooks which are placed by Jehovah's ing the word of God. But all of them are set
witnesses- with the people, This work of in their place and purpose to maintain what
preaching the gospel of the Kingdom is the they have; and again the word is true, 'Is not
OCTOBER 18. 1939 29
my word like a hammer that breaketh in partner in that purpose has made a bargain
pieces? saith the Lord/ with the enemy. Franco, too, must have pulled
Religionists set themselves against anything a wry face when his former aide in delivering
that is unorthodox, whether as to doctrine or Catholic Spain from the terrible "reds" went
what is not of their many and varied sections. over to the enemy. One may comment that
One and all are agreed against the witness neither the pope nor Hitler is burdened with
which God is giving and for some years has any particular care about Communism, as
given against religion and to the fact of the such: both have ulterior purposes in mind;
establishment of His kingdom in this the day both seek mainly after power, and take the
of His judgment. The books and booklets means to advance their interests as circum-
which Jehovah has caused to be written are stances give the opportunity.
carried abroad through the earth by His wit- The Bank of England moved much of its
nesses. They convey the message of the proph- business into the country, and the Bankers'
ets, and proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of Clearing House, and other institutions are
God, aB well as the warning of the impending doing the same. Public buildings are protected
destruction both of religion and of everything against air raids, with heavy sandbag covering
else that is opposed to God and His kingdom. for the walls in case of near-by explosions,
They are as God's hammer to break the rock. and in every way, as far as seems possible,
Judge Rutherford, whom God has used to His there is preparation for the dreaded breaking
purpose in this, is as hated by some as was out of the terrible thing which will mean the
Jeremiah, and for the same reason. destruction of life and property and, it may
confidently be predicted, of all that men hold
The War dear. One thing is certain, namely, that there
For some time the dark war clouds hung will be no settlement in the world till the time
very low. Whether the lightning and the of trouble has done its full work and Jesus'
thunder of bombs and guns would break from great prophecy as recorded in Matthew 24
them, or there would be some wind of peace has been fulfilled.
to carry them away for a time, depended upon
the perverseness of Hitler's mind, or on how Kendal, Westmorland
he was impelled by the evil spirits which move A recent issue of Consolation carried a
it. It cannot be said that though the dreaded paragraph which said that the chief constable
thing was apparently so near as to be almost of Kendal had instructed the managers of the
impossible it should pass that the people were local cinemas to keep the doors of the cinemas
in anywise panicky. The Government got its closed at the end of the shows so as to ensure
Emergency Powers Bill through Parliament, that the audience should not disperse while
and, now that war has come, it takes the con- the few bars of the national anthem were
trol of the national resources, and acts, as it played. The report was sent direct to the
must, like the dictator rulers. What has editor in Brooklyn by a local correspondent.
emerged in a clearer manner than ever before I t was incorrect, as inquiry reveals; was based
is that duplicity and lying go hand in band on rumor and imagination. The police gave
with what are called "power politics". It does no such instruction, and the chief constable
seem that the world is hastening fast to the was in no way involved. We regret any incon-
condition of the days before the Flood, of venience that may have been caused to the
which it is said "the earth was filled with chief constable.
violence".Genesis 6:11.
The Vatican has been very busy in Euro- Commonwealth S t a n d s by Britain
pean politics, but the pope must have had a A single dispatch from London tells that
rather bad shock when the news of the pact Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Austra-
between Hitler and Stalin was published. lia, Palestine, India, Tanganyika, Northern
(This is not a pact between the German and Rhodesia, Soxithern Rhodesia, Jamaica, Ba-
Russian peoplesthey are but pawns in the hamas, Bermuda, British Guiana, Falklands,
political game.) The pope has apparently Sierra Leone, Malta, Tonga and Basutoland
wrought hard to keep Communist Russia be- unqualifiedly took their stand with Britain
hind its own borders, hoping that Catholic in the war against Hitler. The only exceptions
Poland would prove a strong barrier against were Southern Ireland and an ineffective re-
the Catholic's bogy, Communism; but his chief sistance in Quebec.
Checking Up on a Jesuit
Checking Up on a Jesuit Tranchese replied, "It was Maury Maverick
It's all right being a Jesuit, and and the Junior Chamber of Commerce." This
telling any kind of whopper, until statement was and is the truth, and this is
some courageous and inquisitive well known to everybody in San Antonio.
* person checks up, and then there is And now about the rescue from famine.
trouble. The Catholic Telegraph The attorney investigated this and discovered
Register had a nice column story entitled that
"Jesuit's Work Removes Black Hole of Death". the only depot established by Tranchese in the
In pathetic and eloquent phrase it told how district was at his church house, and then he dished
"a kind-hearted Jesuit priest" couldn't stand out only bread, stale bread, and thin soup and
it to see the awful slums in which San An- poor coffee, and this was only to his parishioners
tonio's Spanish-American people live, how he and did not approach to the smallest or slightest
had taken the matter up with city authorities degree in reaching the mass of the pecan workers;
and then with Washington, and as a result of that this was the only depot that he had anything
to do with.
bis efforts $10,000,000 would be expended in
a slum-clearing and better-housing project. Query: Who is it that is so anxious to put
Also, the story, which bore a San Antonio date the work of this Jesuit priest in San Antonio
line, contained this convincing statement: in such a brilliant light before the readers of
The situation was desperate. Father Tranches*; the Telegraph Register? And would you not
set u p the Catholic Relief organization, opened think that even the shameless Telegraph Regis-
food depots throughout the district, fought star- ter would know better than to publish such a
vation with hread and other food. lot of lying drivel without investigation ? One
It all sounded so good for the Jesuits that paragraph in the story reads as follows:
the matter was referred to a San Antonio at- Father Tranchese is a hard man to frighten. At
torney for the facts. He interviewed "Father" last his detractors threatened him with death and
Tranchese himself, and asked him the direct then with worse. One man wrote: " I could start a
question, "Who was responsible for getting story that there is a priest who writes love letters
that housing authority down here; was it the to young girls and gives jewels to women of his
Junior Chamber of Commerce?" and "Father" congregation."
Name Street
City State _ .
City State
November 29, 1939 Five Cents a Copy
Vol. XXI No. 627 One Dollar a Year
Published Every
SI.25 In Canada and
Other Wednesday LESSON FOR OPPOSERS Foreign Countries
Contents Appetizers
A Critical Review of Mein Kampf 3 The Men and the Hats
Not Mere Lunacy, but Demonization 5 Those things called '"hats" the
The Timid Sponsors 7 ladies wear are enough to make
The Results of Catholic Tutelage 9
Kxeuse for Wrecking Protestantism 9 men swear. Tt's not the costlet's
Railroads 11 get it straightthat makes the
Palestine 12 male heart palpitate and strangers
Let America Mind Its Own Business 13 stop and stave and gawk at every female on
Justice in Pennsylvania 14 flic walk. It's not the color that they wear in
U. S. A. Judiciary 16 those contraptions on their h a i r ; nor how they
Manton's MOD for Selling Justice 16 tie them on with bows, anchored safely while
Counsel by J. P . Rutherford it blows, that causes men to rant and weep
Hope for the Jew 17 when'er they venture down the sti
Public Utilities 18
In the "Rockies" of the U. S. A. 19 Nor does the ordinary man observe the mil-
The New Government linery plan enough to know what is in style
Object Lesson for God's Opposers 20 when hats parade alono the aisle. To him the
Russia 25 wearing of a wimple is only to adorn a dimple;
Science 26 and whether black or green or pink, or
Protestantism trimmed with tools from the kitchen sink, a
An Ideal Candidate 27 woman's hat is a work of art. to which there
British. Comment is no counterpart.
Contrasts 28
Great Efforts and Great Problems 28 And what she pins upon her hat. or whether
Evacuation 28 this or whether that, few men would dare to
All Europe on the Trek 29 be so bold as to criticize or scold. Let "em wear
Dreams of a Dean 30 upon their crowns things that make 'em look
Natural Phenomena 31 iowns. Who is man, to tell a maid that
her hat looks like a spade? Why should he
object to feathers, vegetables, fruits or leath-
Published every other Wednesday by ers? It isn't what she wears, or why. but it's
117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A. those shapes that make us c r y !
Editor Clayton J. Woodworth But when we stop to contemplate how
Business Manager Nathan H. Knorr strange and out of date a dame would be un-
Five Cents a Copy less her pate was topped with such a hod or
$1 a year in the United States crate, we must admit they know what's cute
$1.25 to Canada and all other countries that's why we chorus, "She's a beaut'."
Remittances: For your own safety, remit by postal or
oxpress money order. When coin or currency is lost
in the ordinary mails, there is no redress. Remittances Help!
from countries other than those named below may be
made to the Brooklyn office, but only by International A gallant young husband was trying to
postal money order.
Receipt of a now or renewal subscription will be ac- teach his new and nervous wife to drive a car.
knowledged only when requested. Notice of Expiration They were on a narrow country road and
is sent with the journal one month before subscription
oxpircs. Pleaso renew promptly to avoid loss of copies. the wife had been driving for only a short
Send change of address direct to us rather than to tho
post office. Your request should reach us at least two time when she exclaimed:
weeks before tho date of issue with which it is to take "Take the wheel quickly, darlinghere
effect. Send your old as well as the new address. Copies
will not be forwarded by tho post office to your new comes a tree !"Labor.
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Published also in Afrikaans, Bohemian, Danish, Dutch,
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nese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish,
Ukrainian; also special Australian edition In English. There was a young lady named Fleau,
OFFICES FOR OTHER COUNTRIES She had a good-looking beau.
England 34 Craven Terrace, London, "W. 2 Said Fleau to her beau. Let us geau to a
Canada 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario sheau.
Australia 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld. N.S.W.
South Africa 623 Boston House, Capo Town Said her beau, If you'll bleau, Fleau, I'll
Entered as second-class matter at Brooklyn, N. T.,
under the Act of March 3, 1879. geau.
"And in His name shall the nations hope."Matthew 12:21, A.R.V.
Volume X X I Brooklyn, N. Y., Wednesday, November 29, 1939 Number 527
lie of an Austrian party which mixed consist of philosophers, and it is just for them that
Jew-baiting and anti-clericalism: faith is frequently the sole basis of a moral view
of life. The various substitutes have not proved
The practical result of the Austrian Kultur- so useful in their success that one would be able
kampf was equal to nil. However one succeeded in to see in them a useful exchange for the former
tearing away from the church almost one hundred religious creeds. Bui if religious doctrine and faith
thousand members, but she did not suffer any are really meant to seize the great masses, then the
particular loss because of this. She really did not absolute authority of the contents of this faith is
have to shed any tears for the lost lambs, for the the basis of all effectiveness. What, then, the cus-
Church lost only what for a long time had not fully tomary style of living is for general life, without
belonged to her internally. This was the difference which certainly hundreds of thousands of well-bred
between the new reformation and the old one: that people would live sensibly and wisely, but millions
once many of the best of the church turned away of others certainly would not, the organic laws are
from it because of their inner religious conviction, for the State and dogma is for religion. Only by
while now only those went who were not only luke- this is the wavering and infinitely interpretable,
warm, but for a consideration of a political nature. purely spiritual idea definitely limited and brought
But even from the political point of view, the re- into a shape without which it could never become
sult was just as ridiculous and yet again saddening. faith. In the other case, the idea would never grow
Once more a political movement promising success beyond a metaphysical conception; in short, be-
and salvation to the German nation had perished yond a philosophical opinion. The attack upon the
because it had not been led with the necessary dogma in itself resembles, therefore, very strongly
ruthless sobriety, and lost itself in directions that also the fight against the general legal fundamen-
were hound to lead to disunion. [Page 151] tals of the State, and just as the latter would find
its end in a complete anarchy of the state, thus the
After the Money of the Jews other is a worthless religious nihilism. [Pages
t f / c * (7) The Jesuits no doubt joined 3C5-366]
T ^ ^ ^ ^ Hitler in his Jew-baiting and were
v )C delighted to find a means of elimi- The Timid Sponsors
fc^c!)^! nating -lews rather than baptizing (9) The above is certainly not anti-Catho-
" - - ^ them as was done in the glorious lic. Even the editorial sponsors could see it,
days of the Inquisition. (Quote from footnote) but frittered the whole away in the following
Traditional anti-Semitism had in Germany footnote:
always been based on confessional differences. Any This is the reverse of "Religion is the opium of
other motivation was forbidden by the church; and the people." Rausehning (of. his Eevolution des
in all pogroms of the Middle Ages Jews were able Nihilismus) has pointed out Hitler's deep respect
to escape the rigor of persecution by accepting for the Catholic Church, and in particular for the
baptism. Surprisingly few availed themselves of Society of Jesus. In this he resembles Auguste
that opportunity; and on the Christian side Saint Comte, who once proposed a liaison between Pos-
Bernard had pointed out that the worst possible itivism and Rome. Both sundered their admiration
way to attempt conversions was to inflict torture from a.ny kind of belief. Hitler praises the ability
and death on the recalcitrant. Therefore, racial (as he sees it) of the church to keep on resolutely
anti-Semitism as an integral part of a program of proclaiming an article of faith, however powerful
a political action remain* Hitler'? Copernican dis- the arguments arrayed against it may be. If the
covery; for now there is no escape for the victim nation can build dogmas about its new "myth" and
no escape even for his Jewish grandmother, by propagate them as stubbornly, it may (so it is
reason of w-hom he is a pariah under the Nazi laws. thought) give Germany a new faith, which the
[Page 155] masses will cherish as tenaciously as they have
(8) Hitler's recognition of the Roman Hier- until lately cherished Christianity. [Page 365]
archy as an aid and abettor of his political (10) Although the trail is now getting hot,
aims is confessed where he rcognizes that the editorial sponsors keep cool, nor give way
a weakening of the authority of the church by to emotion as they insert this footnote on
an attack on her dogmas is a weakening of her page 371, quoted in p a r t :
usefulness as an ally, and rejects it. Jehovah's It was the annexation of Austria that first tipped
witnesses and all true Protestants will under- the scales in Hitler's favor. Almost immediately
stand the implications of this passage. there appeared in various parts of the diplomatic
Remarkable also is the more violent fight begun world a 'memorandum' purporting to be a plan
for a. 'Catholic group' of states in Central Europe,
against the dogmatic fundamentals of the various running from Italy through Croatia and Hungary
churches, without which, however, the practical to Slovakia and Poland.
existence of a religious faith is unthinkable in this
world of man. The great masses of a people do not It is a pity we are not told who circulated
NOVEMBER 29, 1939
the memorandum, b u t further on it says t h a t Admiration of the Religious Racket
the swastika became a popular symbol among (13) Once more Hitler cannot control his
the peasants of Slovakia and H u n g a r y . admiration for "purgatories", candles, masses,
etc., nor can be escape the conclusion that the
Who Financed Hitler? church has a glorious future before it, a n d
(11) After seeing Hitler a gives off as follows:
staunch supporter of the Papacy, Here, too, one can learn from the Catholic
and dead set against what he calls Church. Although its structure of doctrines collides
religious nihilism, a..d footnoting in many instances quite unnecessarily with exact
that Hitler a n d the P a p a c y are in science and research, yet if is unwilling to sacrifice
a Concordat, the next step was to make a guess even one little syllable of its dogmas. It has right-
as to what source Hitler's financial aid came ly recognized that its resistibility does not lie in
from. But, of course, that would better re- a more or less great adjustment to the scientific
results of the moment, which in reality are always
main a mystery. Certainly the organization changing, but rather in a strict adherence to the
that has for centuries swindled the human dogmas once laid down which alone give the entire
race out of their gold and silver would not structure the character of creed. Today, therefore,
have a cent to give to a demonized eunuch the Catholic Church stands firmer than ever. One
who would seat her in power and destroy her can prophesy that in the same measure in which
enemies. the appearances flee, the ehur us the vot-
Therewith the question as to how the Nazi party ing pole in the flight of appearances, will give more
was financed had been raised, but no satisfactory and more blind adherence. [Page I - .
answer lias ever been given. During its early years, (14) Hitler's articles of faith or political
funds were obtained from Munich friends, from p r o g r a m cannot be gone into, but one point
the Keiehwehr and probably from White Russians, catches the eye, in article 19 :
who had aeccss to foreign money. Whence came the
stream of gold (hat poured through White Russian Roman law must be abrogated and replaced by
fingers is indeed one of the unsolved mysteries of German law. [Page 690]
post-war history. [Footnote] Here was a wonderful opportunity for facts
(12) It was time for the editorial sponsors and analysis. The editorial sponsors flopped
to be watchful, because the facts were slowly again. The facts will show that what really
emerging, but instead they inserted at this has taken place is, the abrogation of German
place a footnote, a statement in regard to con- law and its replacement by Papal laws. These
fessional schools. But first we will quote from might be indicated as below: _
Hitler himself: (a) The resurrection of the old Papal laws in
restraint of the Jewreinstitution of the ghetto,
Here the Catholic church can be looked upon as peculiar dress and systematic robbery.
a model example. In the celibacy of its priests roots
the compulsion to draw the future generation of (b) Destruction of freedom of speech, press
the clergy, instead of from its own ranks, again and assembly as in the days of Torquemada and
and again from the broad masses of the people. the Duke of Alva, in harmony with Papal encycli-
But this particular significance of celibacy is not cals on such freedom.
recognized by most people, [t is the origin of the (c) Doctrine of divine right of rulers, including
incredibly vigorous power that inhabits this age- Hitler, of course, invented by the Hierarchy so
old institution. This gigantic host of clerical dig- she could have an excuse, as representing divinity,
nitaries, by uninterruptedly supplementing itself to do the crowning.
from the lowest layers of the nations, preserves (d) Throttling of Protestantism even as in the
not only its distinctive bond with the peoples' world days of Charles V and Lather,
of sentiment, but it also assures itself of a sum of (e) Courts modeled on old Inquisitional forms,
energy and active force which in such a form will where the prisoners' defense eoonsel is only a
forever be present only in the broad masses of the formalism, and where the accused testifies against
people. From this results the astounding youth- himself and is judged without appeal.
fulness of this giant organism and its steel-like
power. [Pages 643-644] (f) Merciless torture of "hei id "Jews";
among the former, Niemoeller and Jehovah's wit-
Of course, t h a t mysterious bond between the nesses
Catholic church and the masses could not be 1/g) Gestapo, modem refinement on spies of In-
a result of knowing everybody's business quisition, who listened for the damning words from
through the confessional! Or because the Cath- the unsuspecting.
olic church shaped the mind and temper of (h) Death of every democratic principle inim-
the victim! ical to the Catholic church's eventual despotism,
The Results of Catholic Tutelage His Excuse for Wrecking Protestantism
(15) Hitler now reveals the T h a t he thus found a good excuse
depths to which his Catholic tute- to wreck Protestantism a n d favor
lage has led him, H e discovers that Catholicism can be demonstrated.
night is the best time for the d i r t y His surrender to the Catholic
work of converting and inciting Church was symbolized, one may
men to deeds of violence, injustice and crime. say, by his efforts to appease and control the
It seems that in the morning, and even during Bavarian People's P a r t y (Roman Catholic).
the day, men's will power revolts with highest en- Proof of this adherence to Catholicism before
ergy against an attempt at being forced under an-
other's will and another's opinion. In the evening, his rise to power, at which later time he de-
however, they succumb more easily to the dominat- bauched Lutheranism, is found in the follow-
ing force of a stronger will. For truly every such ing footnote, but, of course, the editorial
meeting presents a wrestling match between two sponsors were really snoring when they wrote
opposed forces. The superior oratorical talent of it, and so they failed to draw any conclusions.
a domineering apostolic nature will now succeed The ultramontane* question was raised by
more easily in winning for the new will people who Ludendorff. After Hitler's release from prison, he
themselves have in turn experienced a weakening of saw that without the tacit consent of the Bavarian
their force of resistance in the most natural way, People's Party any resumption of his activities in
than people who still have full command of the Bavaria was out of the question. Therefore, he
energies of their minds and their will power. The publicly disavowed any interest in religious war-
same purpose serves also the artificially created fare, though other Nazis might keep up a fairly
and yet. mysterious dusk of the Catholic churches, steady fire on the church from behind their desks
the burning candles, incense, censers, etc. [Pages in the Vorfhixcher Beobachter offices. Besides, Mus-
710-711] solini had reached a kind of armistice with the
Catholic church (though real peace did not come
You see he should have been a priest. until 1929) the dramatic value of which made it-
(16) A footnote on page 143 shows how self felt even north of the Alps. Ludendorff, whose
Hitler has corrupted Lutheran Protestant- second wife had instilled into him a loathing for
ism. the Jesuits in particular, received this profession
Lutheran teaching on the subject of baptism, of religious neutrality, even of benevolence to reli-
which is regarded as the greatest sacrament, is that gion, if one prefers, with unconcealed antipathy.
through baptism equality of status before God and North German writers, Count Reventlow in partic-
in the church is conferred on man. Differences of ular, also took exception to Hitler's stand. No
race and environment may and do subsist, but. they sooner had the party come to power, however, than
are not of essential importance. Moreover, the essays to which Ludendorff might have subscribed
sacred ministry is open to all who have been bap- with gusto appeared on all kiosks. The preface to
tized and are called. Therewith Lutheranism denies a brochure concerning the Jesuit, by Herbert Herr-
the priority of race. When Hitler came to power manns, said in part:
he immediately tried to place the governance of This essay makes no pretense at being objective,
the Lutheran church in the hands of men who were since- that would mean merely adding another to the
willing- to alter the traditional teaching. A large enormously swollen tide of hooks and writings of that
group of German Christians who subscribed to kind. It is offered, rather, as a clear-cut attack. Pots-
dam in the Mav moon of the first year of the National
Hitler's views were recruited and their representa- Socialist Revolution. Page 823.
tive, Pastor Ludwig Mueller, was named archbishop
at the command of the government. The majority You perceive, then, how easy it is for the
of German theologians refused, however, to accept editorial sponsors to get off the subject and
so drastic a tampering with their ereed. Gradually wind u p with an insinuation t h a t Hitler was
they formed the Confessional Synod, and this has anti-Catholic, and t h a t the criticism of Jesuits
until now, despite nil pressure and suffering, clung by Ludendorff was inspired by a woman, and
resolutely to the orthodox point of view. The best-
known spokesman for this point of view is Pastor one cannot escape the thoughta question-
Martin Niemoeller, who was imprisoned by com- able one. And now n i t l e r reveals t h a t Protes-
mand of Hitler and is still held in virtually solitary tants d a r e not he Protestants, t h a t is, protest
confinement, but there are hundreds of clergymen against a n y t h i n g :
who have learned, too, the meaning of opposition.
More than twelve hundred of their number have * From Webster: Ultramontane. 1, Beyond the
gone to prison; some are dead. The crisis through mountains, esp. the Alps, 2. Specif., one who lives
which Lutheranism is passing is unquestionably south of the Alps; a supporter (orig, one of the
Italian party in the Roman Catholic" Church) of
the gravest.in history. papal supremacy, rather than national churches.
N O V E M B E R 29, 1939
For example, in all these three countries a strug- by press or radio, the prospect that the church
gle against clericalism or Ultramontanism can be of Rome and Hitler will realize their ambition
preached without running the risk that through this to rule the world is very good indeed.
a: l cm pi "lie French, Spanish or Italian nation as
such will fall apart. But this may not he done in
Germany, since here Protestantism, too, of course, The Champion of the Hierarchy
would join in suefc ex initiative. Consequently, |To return to the sponsors: It is
however, the defense, which elsewhere would be n regrettable that they failed to see
solely by Catholics against political encroachments n Hitler's destruction of labor
of their own prelates, would here immediately take
on the nature of an attack by Protestantism against y - ^ t r unions, in ! "Hon of frce-
Catholicism. [Page S2S] ^!l dom of conscience. :id speech,
in his medieval brutalitj ism, in bis
Protecting the Singing Harlot merciless persecution of innocent men and
You see that would not do: the Catholic women and children, in his bloody intolerance
Church cannot take it, and so she must be of any faith not Roman, in his trances and
protected. It is no doubt passages such as these tremors, the pure, unadulterated and devoted
that endeared Hitler to the Vatican, And then, champion of the II h i . sing the
after taking sides against Protestants, and "Church", and being used by her. to regain
perceiving the refusal of Lutheranism to join for her the lost power and prestige of the
him in Jewish blood-letting, because of con- Dark Ages.
science, he has the gall to lie about it and, say, It is too much, of <.-.. - xpe i these
sponsors of great reputation to sec or under-
The most believing Protestant eould stand in
the ranks of our movement, next to the most be- stand the signs of the times; since in an earlier
lieving Catholic, Without ever having to come into day an Augustus Caesar did not understand
slightest conflict of conscience with his religious his time, nor the great and noble Pontius Pi-
convictions. [Page 829] late. And for that reason the following foot-
That is how Rome uses her natural enemies note can scarcely be held them, al-
to overcome one anotherdivide and rule. though their attempt to pos- .. s a perse-
By now it should be plain to the reader that, cutor of Catholics, and their willful and cruel
had one of those Jesuits so beloved of Hitler ignoring of the terrible plight of Jehovah's
set out to debauch Hie German race, be would witnesses in Germany, will some day be count-
have chosen the identical methods resorted to ed against them by Him Quoting
by the madman of Bcrchtcsgadcn. from page 247:
It may be said that, in a greater sense, the The nationalization of the great masses can never
Catholicism and orthodoxy of Adolf Hitler take place by way of half measures, by a weak
displays itself most abundantly in his hatred emphasis upon a so-called objective viewpoint, but
by a ruthless and fanatics d orientation
of democracy, and Mcin Kampf is the most as to the goal to be aimed at . ns. there-
colossal tirade against democratic institutions fore, one cannot make a n " in the
that has ever been written. Tn this he is now meaning of our present ''bourgeoisie'', that is, with
ably supported (since he can no longer rave so-and-so restrictions, but only nationalistic with
against Marxism in Germany) by the Roman tile entire vehemence which is harbored in the ex-
Catholic clergy, in every country on earth, by treme.
their pot-shooting and ambushing of every
free, liberal and democratic institution. Demonization of the Masses
It is hardly necessary to point out that since The footnote to this statement follows, and
the New Deal has been sworn to be the polit- further illustrates the he snesa of the
ical expression of the late pope's encyclicals, worldly-wise in the face of the greatest calam-
the resulting circumscribing of freedom, and ity of all time about to befall humankind,
demoralization of the masses, is a natural con- just as Christ Jesus foretold.
sequence. It might be remarked in passing that
the United States and Great Britain have This hysteria was an important discovery. It
never been subjected to so great a barrage of was created by a kind of hypnotic influence, seem-
ingly exerted by the Party assemblies on the people
meddling, criticizing, and greed for power on undoubtedly not wholly normal as a result of
the part of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy as privations through which they had passed. Extraor-
afflicts them now ; and since these matters dare dinary phenomena of a similar kind were numer-
not be openly presented to the public, either ous during the post-war years, e.g., the curious
i Hamburg, Haeuser, who was followed is, that he could bring himself to be en rapport
i nse crowds; the Bibelforseher (Bible Stu- with what was said.
who raised tides of adventistic emotion in This self-evident demonization of entire
a and elsewhere; Rudolph Steiner, the anthro- masses of people could not possibly be no-
_:-f, who built houses resembling trees, etc. ticed by the sponsors, nor by the learned edi-
who heard Hitler during those years are torial committee.
unanimous in saying that he engendered a kind
f emotional trance with methods quite his own. To conclude (and space and time forbid the
Party guards moved continuously around the place analysis the book demands), Mein Kampf is
. Bsembly, and usually some interloper was found a handbook tor all the Totalitarian-minded, in
eould be dramatically shaken and bounced. whatever country or state they be. Having
Then there was a pause. Had anything gone once read it, it is not hard to divine the signif-
g ? Then Hitler appeared, looking as if he icance of much of the hogwasli published in
had run the final two hundred yards in record time, daily papers, books and magazines; nor can
D unleash a torrent of words, w-orking himself one thereafter fail to mark the men who by
into a frenzy of half-somnambulistic energy that their utterances and public speeches testify
for hours, and reveling in climaxes that were
more like motif's in Wagnerian drama than like that they have learned the diabolical lessons
any kind of discourse. Perhaps he would suddenly it has to teach, and are endeavoring to put in
break into a sort of weeping, pause, and shout practice those same lessons, hoping thereby to
"Deutschland, Deutschland, Ueutschland". However gain an end entirely selfish and despicable:
the foreigner might react, even quite normal Ger- an end that will prove unutterably tragic for
mans were swept off their feet. Hitler's very ex- the human race. And to this end the sponsors
tremes had effected an emotional release. Then his have contributed their share.Jos. E. Bol-
oratory wrung every listener dry, provided, that den, Pennsylvania.
A Ticket Calls for a Seat Highwaymen in Wisconsin
Philip Davis, New York lawyer, Two highwaymen in Wisconsin, one 3
sued the New York Central Rail- years of age and the other 4, stood between
road Company because, after it had the rails of the Chicago and Northwestern
sold him a ticket to Albany, for the Railway at Crandon, Wisconsin, and brought
sum of $2.80, he had to stand for a train to a screeching standstill ten feet away.
the three-hour ride between the two cities. He They had a toy gun with them with which they
won his fight and received $232.89 in cash, the figuratively shot the fireman who came to put
same being a return of the cost of his ticket them off the track. And in the end the only
and legal costs and interest on the same to the reward of their holdup was that they got
day of settlement. A ticket, calls for a seat, spanked by their mother. As a matter of fact,
and if a railroad company sells the ticket, and however, it was the father and mother that de-
a coach is overcrowded, it is its business to served the punishment. It was they that placed
see that the passenger is accommodated in a the weapons in the babies' hands.
Pullman if there is any space available in
such cars. 134 Miles an Hour
A new streamlined train letween Berlin
Aluminum Cars in Subways and Hamburg made the record time of 134
miles an hour. The locomotive is Diesel-driven.
Aluminum cars introduced in the subways A record of 125 miles an hour has been made
of New York weigh only half as much as in Britain, on the London and Northeastern
steel, cause less wear and tear on rails, reduce Railway, between London and Edinburgh.
the noise, and are popular.
Fast Time in Belgium
Buses Killing Railroads A new train makes the 57.7 mile run be-
Complaint comes from Costa Rica that tween Brussels and Bruges. Belgium, in 46
buses are killing the railroads. The same situa- minutes, or at the rate of 75.3 miles per hour,
tion is developing all over the world. start-to-stop.
N O V E M B E R 29, 1939
Britain's Pipe Line disgraceful ending of the Balfour declaration
A tremendous pipe line carrying in turning control of Palestine over into the
| oil from Kirkuk in Iraq to the hands of the Arabs, as now proposed in the
eoastal cities of Haifa and Tripoli British Government's white paper on the sub-
is of considerable importance to the ject. In its unprincipled yielding to the
British and their navy. Like the Mussolini-inspired troublemakers of Palestine,
well-known British life line, it runs through the British Government shows the same per-
Arab territory. Hence Britain's desire to keep fidious selfishness as it did when it put Czecho-
peace with the Arabs, even at the seeming ex- slovakia in the hands of Hitler. To all intents
pense of the Jews in Palestine. Both the Arabs and purposes the present rulers of Britain are
and the Jews have rights of long standing in Fascists, because they play direetly into the
that ancient country, but the Arabs have the hands of the opponents of democracy. The
important "nine points" of possession. Judge Jews invested $500,000,000 in a barren land,
Rutherford, in his study of the prophecies, ami made it bloom, because they trusted Brit-
has stated that never again will the Jews gain ish statesmen. Now their investment is worth
possession of Palestine. And it is beginning to nothing, and in the worst hour of their history
look like it in actual fact. Jew religionists Britain slams the door in their faces. At
continue to reject Messiah. They can hardly Munich Britain sacrificed democracy and
look for Jehovah's favor as long as they con- Protestantism in central Europe and now sac-
tinue in that course. rifices honor and the Jews in Asia.
hath made of one blood all nations of men, for forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before
to dwell on all the face of the earth." (Acts the fierce anger of the Lord come upon you,
17: 26) Since God made the earth for man before the day of the Lord's anger come upon
and made all men of one blood, to dwell upon you. Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the
the earth, it follows that His purpose carried earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek
into operation will wipe out all national lines righteousness, seek meekness; it may be ye
and all persons will come under one rule.
Every person who survives Armageddon must shall be hid in the day of the Lord's auger."
be an obedient subject of the Theocratic gov- Zcph. 2:1-3.
ernment under Christ Jesus the King. Regardless of his nationality, the man who
It follows, therefore, that hope for the Jews, tries to do right has the desire for life; and to
as well as others, is faith and obedience to the all such these words should be a comfort, to
great Theocracy. They must turn to Jehovah wit: ''This is life eternal, that they might
God and learn of Him aud obey Him; and know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
doing so, they will find there everlasting peace whom thou hast sent.-'-'John 17: 3.
and life for ever on the earth. That means that The Jew and the Gentile, the bond, the op-
they and all others must forsake all religion pressed, all, must now abandon religion, and
and worship Almighty God in spirit and in turn to God and His King and kingdom. 'Sal-
truth. It means that each one who receives the vation belongeth unto Jehovah." (Psalm 3 : 8 ,
blessings of Almighty God must individually A.R.V.) 'He is the fountain of life.' (Psalm
agree to do the will of God, take his stand 36:9) He gives life to those who obey Him.
firmly on the side of God and His King, and (Romans 6:23) Let all sincere Jews bear in
obey the laws of the Theocratic government. mind the words of Jehovah's prophet, written
These must be gathered unto the Lord before for the benefit of those who love righteousness,
Armageddon. to wit: "In that, day shall this song be sung
All persons who love and serve God are in the land of Judah: We have a strong city;
hated by the Devil, and certainly none such salvation will God appoint for walls and bul-
are desired by those who have the Devil's warks. Open ye the gates, that the righteous
spirit. God's prophetic Word written long ago nation [The Theocratic Government] which
applies to all persons, regardless of birth or keepeth the truth may enter in. Thou wilt keep
nationality, who seek the Lord and serve Him; him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on
and concerning such the Lord says: "Gather thee; because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in
yourselves together, yea, gather together, 0 the Lord for ever; for in the Lord JEHOVAH
nation not desired: before the decree bring is everlasting strength."Isaiah 26:1-4.
Public Utilities
Electricity in the Home on candy and $28 on radio and spend a little
In Public Ownership of Public more than the present $23.08 on electrical
Utilities, Mrs. R. E. McDonnell, appliances.
who is in position to be unusually
well informed on her subject, ex- Caution of Union Electric Company
plains that in urban homes in the The Union Electric Company of Missouri
United States only 35 percent of the women is a cautious company. When the people of
are sweeping, 27 percent washing and 10 per- St. Charles, Missouri, became much interested
cent cooking electrically, while in the subur- in public ownership of the public utilities in
ban homes only 28 percent have light, 7 per- that city the electric company was so careful
cent pump water into the home, 9 percent that it paid the salary of Leslie B. Harrison
sweep, and mix dough, 20 percent iron, 4 per- while he was on the staff of the St. Charles
cent cook, 3 percent separate milk and cream, Cosmos-Monitor, and it gave the paper $1.40
2 percent sew and 1 percent churn and wash per inch for Union Electric advertising, which
electrically. She thinks it would pay the av- was more than five times the usual rate. You
erage American family to spend a little less don't suppose the Union Electric Company of
than $420 a year on automobiles, $68 on gaso- Missouri would resort to out-and-out bribery,
line, $100 on tobacco, $50 on ice cream, $48 do you ? Or do you ?
In the "Rockies" of the U.S.A.
Bequests Rift in the Mormon Lute
% &\~^ Until his death in an automobile Maybe the title of this skit should be "Rift
S / ^ V accident three weeks ago, 44-year- in the Mormon Loot;' instead; for it seems
&/. old Dr. Arthur J. McLean, of Port- some of the Mormon saints are not just satis-
'$} land, Oregon, was commonly re- fied with statements and practices of the head
" * garded aa the most brilliant brain of the church. In a circular bearing the signif-
surgeon in the northwest. Some of his friends icant title "Temple Block Sold" M. Peterson,
considered him eccentric; wealthy, he drove
Alonzo Cole and Clyde Neilson aver that
an old car and carried his instruments in a
battered brief ease. Also. Dr. McLean was In no sense did the authorities tell the truth
prematurely aged. Last week his fellow doc- when they said, at the April, 1936, Conference,
tors could guess the reason why. "The [Mormon] Church has Dot Bold or mortgaged
any of its property." The official comity records
In a Portland court, Dr. McLean's will had plainly show that TTeher J, Grant has sold Church
been filed for legal approval. From its eon- properties, and said properties in turn were used
tents it was fairly evident that, like many by him as pawn for debts incurred by borrowing
gifted persons. Dr. McLean was dissatisfied Bullions I'runt the Chase National and other bunks.
with himself. It might have been guessed that (Ileber J. Grant nor the apostles are the Church.
he was disgusted with patients who did not The Church is the whole congregation. The selling
pay bills, and deeply troubled by members of of the properties in question literally amounts to
grand embezzlement from the saints.)
his profession whose competence did not meas-
ure up to their fees. The dealings of the Corporation of the President
Of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
After willing his +100,000 estate to his according to county records, plainly indicate that
wife. Dr. .McLean made these remarkable be- this corporation is a commercial corporation which
quests: ''To my name, oblivion . . . To Port- deals in property, mortgages, debts, securities, etc.
land's thieving patients . . . haphazard care If what we say is true, then Hebei J. Grant has
. . . To 94 percent of Portland's medical committed an act of sacrilege. The Tabernacle and
practitioners and their ethics and the whole the Temple, which at one time were dedicated and
local organized medical profession, a lusty, presented to the Lord in heaven as gifts to Him
rousing belch."We Pathfinder. from the people, he has a old to a mercenary cor-
poration of his own innovation, and then pat these
properties belonging to the Lord in pawn to the
A Glimmer of S a n i t y Chase National Bank, guaranteeing to that insti-
A glimmer of sanity occurred at Shelton, tution certain profits which you and I are bled for.
Washington, when the school board tumbled The Temple should be returned to the Church and
to the fact that the flag salute with arm out- again dedicated to the Lord.
stretched is a gesture of Fascism, and ordered The thing for these poor souls to do is to
that the regular military salute be substituted. forsake religion and flee to the Lord, flee to
But why try to make every little kid a po- Christianity, which is the exact opposite of all
tential militarist? Why ape Germany and religion, including the Mormon variety.
Italy a1 all? Why not be liberty-loving Amer-
icans as before this salute craze drove the chil- Three-Hundred-Mile Crack
dren, the parents, the teachers, the legislators It is interesting that at the same time that
and the citizens nuts? an Idaho farm started to sink toward sub-
terranean regions a mountain in Oregon, three
Earth's Biggest Structure hundred miles away, in the Molalia valley,
The Grand Coulee dam, on the Columbia started to split and at last accounts the rift
river, Upon which 7,000 men are at work, and in the mountain was 100 feet long and 80 feet.
which will be completed in 1941, is four times deep. The presumption may be indulged that
the size of the Great Pyramid and will irrigate the two phenomena are connected by an un-
rich farm lands fifty miles square. The spill- derground Assure, and if a crack can extend
way is twice the height of Niagara Falls. The 300 miles, what is to hinder it from spreading
two power bouses are each twenty-four stories until it extends 3,000 miles. I n Armageddon,
high, and together can furnish enough power the Scriptures suggest., the earth will be split
to light most of the United States. wide open, to man's utter dismay.
NOVEMBER 29, 1939 19
The cases of the three ushers which were
so widely publicized by the newspapers, which
ushers had acted at the Madison Square Gar-
den to maintain order, and not to engage in a
brawl as the newspapers would lead their
readers to believe, finally came before three
judges of the Special Sessions Court of the
City of New York on the 23d and 24th days
of October last. In order that persons of good
Object Lesson for God's Opposers will might observe that no partiality for the
T HE LORD clearly foretold His purpose Lord's cause was to be expected it is here
to vindicate His name. Many of the news stated that two of these justices are member's
sheets of today, such as the Daily News oi" of the foremost religious organization in the
New York city, fail to realize that by casting world, and the third, who presided, is a He-
aspersions and slander upon Jehovah's wit- brew. Thus we see that to vindicate these
nesses they put themselves squarely in the ushers before sueh a judiciary would mean
path of the Executioner of Jehovah, who will that there was \ery Little doubt in the nftiids
a.ct to annihilate all of such ilk. of the members of that court.
On June 26, 3939, Briefly, the facts
t h e Daily Ne WS, anion g are these, as present-
some s e v e n ! y-five ed in this trial:
newspapers in the The three ushers
United States, carried need not be named,
an account of how. exeepi to say that one
the day before, at was described in the
New York's Madison News as the secretary
Square Garden a to the president of the
"riot" had occurred, Watehtower B i b l e
which they described and Tract Society.
as a "riot over reli- The other two were
gion", and claimed assigned as ushers in
that some in the audi- the Garden.
ence became incensed True to their cus-
at what the speaker tom, as has been dis-
had said regarding closed in these pages
the Roman Catholic and in the pages of
Church. As a sensa- Immersion of Jehovah's witnesses at The Nation, a part of
tional n e w s p a p e r, Los Angeles, California Khe t e c h n i q u e of
they played it up in
big headlines, showed pictures of several of those who described
the ushers (who are Jehovah's witnesses) be- themselves as '-for Father Coughlin" and as
ing taken to the lockup, charged with feloni- 'members of the Christian Front' or "Chris-
ous assault. They made much sport of Jeho- tian Mobilizers", who are definitely associated
vah's name, by endeavoring to cast reflection with the Nazi "Bund" and other totalitarian
on His servants. This same procedure would radicals, and who act specifically under the
be expected from the Devil's organization and command of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy,
was carried on throughout the whole United has been street righting. It is not the ordinary
States. type of fighting, where two men become angry
and have an altercation and fight, but the
This present article is to give some of these custom is that which was introduced in Nasi
newspapers an opportunity to get out of the Germany and especially used in the pogroms
line of the march of Jehovah's Executioner, or riots against the Jews. The system is to
Christ Jesus, by clearing up some of their hit somebody or to cry out as though the
lying accusations. It is to be hoped that some offender himself had been hurt; to call up a
might save their lives, because the Lord says sympathetic policeman and charge the actual
that He takes no pleasure in the death of the victim with assault,
wicked.Ezekiel 18:23; 33:11. Such is the most villainous sort of bearing
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ & K S I M H H H B
w ''.i?
Natural Phenomena
Curious Lake Ronkonkoma Long Island sound; and this may be the
Lake Ronkonkoma, on Long Island, New true explanation.
York, is about a mile across, with neither in-
The Antarctic Icecap
lets nor outlets, but it has a strange disposition.
The Antarctic icecap, seven thousand feet
On one occasion, July '22, 1918," the lake fell thick and flowing down on all sides to the sea
three feet in three hours, and in two days, at the rate of 46 jTards a year, is so huge that
early in March, 1939, it rose eight feet. The if it, were suddenly to melt the excess water
Indians had a legend that the lake is fed by would cause a flood almost equal to that of
a river from New England that runs under Noah's day.
p!ii!ii:i:iii.i!i:i!i!i!i:iii;i.ni;i iiiMiwiiimini 11 lirnmiitiiiii i Him m 11 ri liiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i>m i KM imin mil i m 11 in 11 tim i!iiiii!iiiM:riii!niniirwii;itiii,iiiiriii!i;iii^
HAT is the title of the next testimony period for Jehovah's wit-
WATCHTOWER, 1 1 7 A d a m s St., B r o o k l y n , N. Y.
Please send ine the booklet Government and Peace, containing Judge Rutherford's
Madison Square Garden speech. Enclosed find for copies [one copy
on 5c contributionj for the advancement of the Kingdom work.
Please have one of Jehovah's witnesses call at my home and reproduce, at no
expense to me, the lecture "Government and Peace", exactly as given in Madison
Square Garden. I understand the person calling will bring his afro phonograph.
Name _
City State
iHfflmni i mil M:I H U M it intiniiii 11 in 111111111 urn uiu 11HI1 mil mm n i m I WIN mmm IMMIIIIIII nam HUM I IIIJ itntui HUM niiiniitiiiiuiuil