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The two different perspectives of using Motorcycles

Innovation which
involves increasing the
safety to Motorcycles
crashes as an object Motorcycles as
8 to 16 times moremobility an object of
likely to be killed in a recreation
bike accident
compared to car

Major concerns regarding safety for

Inspite of having Difficult to predict the
Innovations like behavior/position of
ABS(Anti Breaking riders position after
System) , airbags etc collision whereas it can
riders are very much be predicted in the car
unprotected from collision
collision compared to As a rider is not
car drivers strapped in he is at a
greater danger

BMW C1 Looks like an auto

Enclosed scooter with Primary insights not a motorbike
extra security gained by picture test
elements and conducted Difficult to park
protection from rain
Marketing strategy Liked the idea but
was to convert the car poor design
buyers execution
Launched in UK in
2000 then
discontinued in 2002
Growth Drivers for renewables powered vehicles

In 2013,Indian
government provided
subsidies upto 50k on
bikes( hybrid and
Aims to have 7Mn
electric vehicles on the

Factors influencing growth of Electric

Low power Low gas/petrol prices
because of shale
Low Range explorations
High cost Limited technology of
No established distribution High cost
No established distribution

Indian Electric Bike Market

Major Players Price Range Key Models

Heroelectric 19,300- 45,250 Low speed models-Heroelectric
Optima,Heroelectric Wave,Heroelectric Zippy,
Hero Electric Zion, Hero Electric Cruz
High speed models-Hero Electric Photon,
Heroelectric E Sprint
Bsa motors 29000-34500 Bsa street rider,Bsa fusion,Bsa edge,Bsa smile,
Bsa diva,Bsa roamer
TVS 65000-70000 TVS Qube
EKO 21,000-23,000 EKO EV60, EKO COSMIC

Other Leading Electric Bike Brands in India:

Hero Ultra,Yo Bikes,ACE Motors,Eko Vehicles,Kabirdass,Lectrix,Ultra
motor,Indus,Ampere Vehicles
Strategy for Hero:
Scenario 1:
Change in perception for consumers

Bike as an Object of Bike as an Object of

utility Recreation

Opportunity for High-

Speed E-bikes with
stylish design

Strategy for the future for Hero

Phase 1:
Gain the expertise in
improvement in the
Brammo developed custom
price/performance of lithium- battery modules for racing
ion batteries for Electric and prove that electric
motorcycles can win against
vehicles gas equivalent

Battery Management
Strategic alliance with Polaris &
Brammo. Polaris has recently
acquired Brammos electric
motorcycle business, it has
expertise and the proven experience Expertise utilised in
to successfully integrate the latest developing electric bikes
lithium ion technology into almost which are powerful, high-
speed, improve time to
Connected Bikes market drivers
Desire for OEMs New business
for product models and
Demand for Mature ICT
differentiationa emergency
ubiquitous technologies
and improved systems by in-
connectivity availability
customer vehicle
relationship connectiity

Consumers are used to First-mover strategies for ICT technologies have The prevalence and ease of
ubiquitous connectivity at connected car services to matured with reliable use in Uber and AirBnB
both home and work that move away from traditional performance and affordable services crystallise
they also expect the same customer segments and prices.it includes consumers perception of car
experience in their cars, vehicle-based products infrastructurefor sensors ownership and their means
vehicles, and/or public content across all devices and communicable objects, of personal transportation
transport. Customers expect including those in their work, application development, needs.
and demand a seamless home, and personal and analytics software toOraganization struggle to transform
transition of ubiquity and transport domains At the same time, car OEMs
build a suitable smart towards service-oriented companies
consumption of digital machine-to-machine (M2M are equally invested in
content across all devices environment. ICT encouraging this concept
including those in their work, convergence with the car and testing out various
home, and personal The opportunity for
OEM ecosystem suggests a
the entire
business car ecosystem
models to satisfy to
transport domains transform
significant push from ICTfrom selling
this newvehicles to
consumer selling a
vendorto OEMsto as a result of data analytics has to come
certain technologies such as
with an internal cultural shift. While many car
OEMs have already started on this journey,
organisation DNA still take time to change. The
mix will be accelerated with a turnover of
employees with new and current skills in
communications, service-oriented industries,
data analytics, and customer service
Connected vehicles market restraints

Confined adoption restricted to trial or Technology to address essential Supporting ICT Infrastructure that is
pilot phase due to legal liability burden Emotive Issues, such as Security and Yet to be Developed
OEMs are particularly sensitive End users can be persuaded to The general framework of
to reputational risks and, thus, Products and
relax their needservices
for privacy as offered by Automakers
enabling connectivity in
adopt a cautious approach to long as they see value being vehicles, among vehicles, and
introducing more data-centric offered to them in giving up with traffic assets is defined. For
connected car services until degrees of this privacy need. example, it is clear that
Extended end
Purchasing to end
a Bike
these have well-understood Using technology to address what technologies, particularly Long-
legal liability burdens. New is an emotive and dynamic
brand experience
Term Evolution (LTE), will be the
by road
areas of liability considerations, concern will fail without a service
dominant one for assistance,V2V,V2I
such as creation of and corresponding effort to build cars. However, what communication
still needs
consumption of digital content, sustainable use cases that to be defined, tested and
personal and group privacy demonstrate the spectrum of deployed are cloud- enabled
concerns, and enabling third- privacy and the corresponding communication technologies, 5G
party access must be better value of giving up an incremental networks, appropriate security
understood by car OEMs and the degree of privacy..Such joint solutions, and various devices
wider ecosystem before wider efforts are still being cautiously and objects that would link to
adoption can be expected undertaken throughout the consumers. The roadmap is long
connected car services universe
ICT stakeholders offering unique
before more data-centric services
proposition for connected vehicles
can become mainstream
Intel best practices in the space of connected cars
Intels best practices
automotive division isinfocused
the space of connected
on providing the cars.Qualcomms
tools and platforms automotive
to enable Snapdragon
manufacturers chips
leverage Qualcomms
implement Intel hardware. considerable experience in audiovisual device fields such as the smartphone
Intel Processor:
In-Vehicle SolutionsSnapdragon enables advanced safety features, lane detection and navigation
compute modules.
Intel that integrate
has tailored hardwarecamera
for theand GPS datacar
connected with
andgraphic overlays.
their main valueenables
comes afromgesture-sensing camera and
selling their automotive
SoCs directlyvoice recognition technology for new user interface control
to automakers.
Go Interface
User to Market strategy: Qualcomm
Technologies:Speech partners withto
recognition,Text select automakersrecognition,Touch
speech,Gesture to produce concept and
Navigation and GPS models, such as the Cadillac XTS technology concept car and the Maserati technology
Intel car. Qualcomm
is partnering with carseeks to grow the
manufacturers andConnected Carsystems
other in-car market specialists
and, in doing so, to drive
to research andupdevelop
the demand
for its processor and chipset hardware
next-generation systems which will drive demand for Intels automotive processing power
Direct tie-up: Toyota : Research in seamless connection between mobile devices and the vehicle . Integration
of advanced technologies in the vehicle in a more intuitive manner that reduces driver distraction.
Indirect tie-up: Denso: Intel is collaborating with Denso to develop a platform for next-generation in-vehicle
information (IVI) and communication systems. It is building on Densos smartphone-IVI handover capabilities
including NaviBridge and ARPEGGiO.
NaviBridge: A smartphone app that works with location-based services from various content providers to
store data into in-car navigation through Bluetooth or USB.
ARPEGGiO: Service for viewing and operating smartphone apps on IVI using specialised interfaces, including
gesture and voice. Applications are distributed by ARPEGGiO service centre to smartphones and on-board

Current Connected Car Proposition:

Guardtimes security technologyKeyless Signature Infrastructure (KSI)offers a scalable and true real-
time settlement of events and transactions that can support a fully realized connected car and intelligent
mobility system.

How is it applied?
It is currently not applied directly in a connected car environment. However, in the vision of connected cars
within an intelligent mobility system as part of a smart city feature, the importance of data integrity and trust
is crucial. Through Ericssons push of its cloud infrastructure for use in transport mobility, Guardtimes claims
to be scalable can be determined in critical proof of concept experiments.
Why is it relevant for connected cars?
Guardtimes solution addresses the transmission challenges around data generated and consumed at the car-,
human-, and roadside-infrastructure level. As connected car services become more common, the speed and
volume of data generated could overwhelm traditional infrastructure.

AT&T Drive
AT&T Drive is the companys connected car platforma modular, global solution that allows automakers to
pick and choose services and capabilities that are important to them in order to differentiate their solutions in
the marketplace. AT&T Drive allows auto makers and developers to implement their own innovative and
customized connected car solutions. Drives cloud-based app platform delivers speech-enabled applications
designed specifically for cars, so that drivers have access to the information they need while on the road.
Major happenings in the connected Motorcycle space

Ducati Multistrada D-Air

In 2014, Ducati introduced the first ever motorcycle which iswirelessly integrated with
airbag riding jacket. Ducati, announces the introduction of the Multistrada D-Air model,
it features a fully integrated, intelligent sensors which are wirelessly connected to
jackets made by Dainese. It is a combination of expertise between Ducati and Dainese.
The intelligent passive safety system makes use of the sensors which are built into the
bikes electronics, which is helpful in understanding the vehicles current dynamic
situation and are deployed only when subjected to accident situations.The Multistrada D-
Air system does the real time data analysis and airbag is deployed inside both the
rider and passenger jackets in just 45 milliseconds.Hence the risk of of injury is
mitigated upon the impact.
Major threat to Hero Motocorp
Connected Motorcycle Consortium among BMW, Honda and Yamaha
BMW, Honda and Yamaha agreed to collaborate on developing technology for Vehicle to
Vehicle communication. It is known as Cooperative-Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-
ITS) which uses the signals sent across the vehicles to warn for any potholes or potential
threats of accidents.

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