Entrepreneurs Guide To Customer Development PDF
Entrepreneurs Guide To Customer Development PDF
Entrepreneurs Guide To Customer Development PDF
Entrepreneurs Guide to
Customer Development
A cheat sheet to The Four Steps to the Epiphany
Customer Development
Customer Customer Customer Company
Discovery Validation Creation Building
Problem- Product-
Solution Fit Market Fit
Scale Operations
Customer Development is a term used to describe business processes defined in The Four Steps to the Epiphany, by Steven Gary Blank.
The Four Steps to the Epiphany used by permission from Steven Gary Blank.
Lean Startup is a term trademarked by Eric Ries and represents a combination of Customer Development, Agile development methodologies, and
open source or low cost development platforms.
Product & Market Development, Inc. claims a trademark for Minimum Viable Product.
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
ISBN-10: 0982743602
ISBN-13: 978-0-9827436-0-7
Fonts include Trade Gothic and ITC Officina Serif. Design by Garth Humbert and the May team.
A lot has happened with the Customer there are now over 3,500 members in Lean businesses. Customer Development is not
Development process since I published The Startup Groups in 27 cities and 9 countries. one book. Its not a religion. It is a malleable,
Four Steps to the Epiphany. When I first Dave McClures AARRR metrics represent customizable, and bespoke methodology for
conceived of the concept, I was attempting the quintessential method for measuring dealing with the chaos of the real-world. And
to articulate a common pattern I recognized progress through Customer Development for I am proud to note, it is growing and evolving.
in successful startups. I did this because web startups. In a series of deeply insightful
I wanted to change the way startups were blog posts, Ash Maurya extended my work by This book, The Entrepreneurs Guide to
builtwithout completely depending on building a Web Startup version of Customer Customer Development represents another
serendipity and at a much lower cost. Development. milestone. Not only is it the first third party
book about Customer Development, it raises
Today, thousands of students have heard my Before I began writing and speaking the bar. Authors Brant Cooper and Patrick
lectures and more than twenty thousand have about the Customer Development model, I Vlaskovits have integrated the thinking of
read my book on Customer Development. thought it paradoxical that these methods leading Customer Development practitioners
Hundreds, if not thousands, of startups were employed by successful startups, yet and evangelists so any entrepreneur can
are practicing some elements of Customer articulated by no one. Its basic propositions apply them to his or her startup. They have
Development today. Many in the venture were the antithesis of common wisdom yet distilled Customer Discovery into a series
capital community have come to embrace they were followed by those who succeeded. of steps illustrated with clear examples,
the concepts, encourage and, in some cases, concrete action items, and traps to avoid.
require their portfolio companies to adhere to It is the path that is hidden in plain sight.
the Customer Development principles. This is a must read for all startups and their
No longer is it hidden. Clearly, Customer stakeholders.
In addition to growing adoption of Customer Development has lit a fire.
Development, is its advancement. A former Steven Gary Blank
student of mine and intrepid entrepreneur, What I find perhaps most gratifying is
Eric Ries, combined Customer Development this: Customer Development continues to
with Agile development methodologies be advanced by practitioners, mentors,
to form the powerful concept of a Lean entrepreneurs and investors who endeavor
Startup. In little more than a years time, to build successful startups into scalable
Without Steve Blank and his book, The Four Andrew Chen. We would also like to thank for participating in our Customer Development
Steps to the Epiphany, this book would have those big-brained entrepreneurs and practi- efforts on the book and for providing valuable
been, of course, impossible. Steves shared tioners who continue to discuss and debate feedback: Adam Harris, Ann Miura-Ko, Anne
epiphany of Customer Development prac- these ideas on Rich Collins Lean Startup Rozinat, Ash, Giff, Bill Earner, Dave Concan-
tices and processes has inspired countless Circle Google group and elsewhere. Most non, Jeff Widman, Kevin Donaldson, Kyle Mat-
entrepreneurs, investors and other business importantly, these individuals put their ideas thews, Matthew Gratt, and Pete Mannix.
leaders to take a hard look at the way they into action, share their experiences, and ad-
build new businesses. Not only do we want vance the Customer Development discipline We would like to single out Hiten Shah for
to thank Steve for the generous insights he vigorously: Ash Maurya, Babak Nivi, Cindy inspiring us to undertake this task and for
has provided through his books, on his blog Alvarez, Dan Martell, David Binetti, Giff providing us a constant stream of encourage-
and in his classroom, but also for the support Constable, Kent Beck, Kevin DeWalt, Rich ment, contacts, and wisdom.
and encouragement he has offered us in our Collins and Sean Murphy. Discussing the
endeavor to write this book. day-to-day tactics with these people as they Finally, we would like to thank Fabrice
implement Customer Development practices Grinda, Bruce Moeller, Ranjith Kumaran and
We would like to acknowledge the leading has been instrumental to our own thinking Jeff Smith for sharing their stories with us.
thinkers and supporters of Customer Develop- reflected in this book.
ment and its like-minded principles, specifi- Brant Cooper and Patrick Vlaskovits
cally Eric Ries, Sean Ellis, Dave McClure and Further, thanks to the following individuals
Introduction Customer Case Study: Concept Case Study:
Development Naive Thinking Definitions Multiple Pivots
In The Four Steps, Steve recognizes specific Another example when CustDev may be inap-
cases where CustDev may be inappropriate. propriate is in a bubble - when investors or
Some businesses face technology risk, but capital markets are throwing money at any
little or no market risk. Steve Blank states that: startup with a pulse. In such instances,
Steve recommends throwing Customer
the risk in biotechnology companies is in Development out the window. We would
the front-end of Product Development; [in] caution, however, that rather than defenes-
taking a research hypothesis and devel- trating Customer Development altogether, you
oping [it] into a successful and effective may want to keep it on the shelf. Bubbles, by
drug, not in the back-end of customer definition, are short-lived.
acceptance and adoption.
Customer Development
Customer Development
Theres an old sales adage that says may- The second most desired
be is the worst answer you can get from a outcome is the realization
customer. This applies to Customer Develop- that there is no market, or that the market is
ment as well. The first desired outcome of insufficient upon which to build the business
implementing Customer Development is a you desire. The iterative aspect of Customer
thriving, successful company; all Customer Development is designed to eliminate the
Development can promise is to maximize the middle ground between these two end points.
potential to succeed. At each phase gate, you pivot - change
your assumption(s) - in order to test another
path. Ultimately, you either find the path, or
realize that the market has spoken and close
the business.
Customer Development
Customer Development
Getting Started
Customer Development, as a framework, must be tailored to your business. In order to help you Future books will attempt to tackle other
accomplish this goal, we have structured this book as follows: portions of the Customer Development pro-
cess - believe us when we say that Customer
We provide you with our interpretation of key concepts and definitions related to marketing, Discovery is more than enough to bite off
Customer Development, and Lean Startups at one time.
Next, we help you describe your business, including your vision, model, product and target
market, in a way that prepares you for Customer Development
Finally, we provide you with the steps to take in order to complete the first step of Customer
Development: Customer Discovery
Customer Development
Case Study
Nave Thinking
SonicMule makes mobile products for a new Jeff: Well, we knew we wanted to go mobile, But the very first product we built was a
phenomenon called social music. While but being a B2B enterprise software guy, virtual cigarette lighter for the iPhone. It was
SonicMule founders Jeff Smith and Dr. Ge what did I know? So we approached the mar- cool. The flame was rendered at 30 frames
Wangs vision of their business was clear, how ket with naive thinking, which means we per second and you could play with the
to actually realize it was anything but. We would have to test a theory and iterate and flame; you could blow it out. Our feeling was
spoke with CEO Jeff Smith about how their test again and thats how we have gone at it that if you didnt get to the demo within thirty
diligence toward testing turns guesses into facts. since day one. Test if the technology works, seconds, forget about it. So, blowing out the
if the distribution works, if theres a value flame became a classic word of mouth demo.
As we were setting up for the interview, we proposition. In fact, you could click on the world and see
were chatting about our own music playing, where other people were igniting their flames
which dovetailed into our formal conversation: Author: It seems that you have built a slew of at that point in time. It was this crazy social
products in a short period of time. Were you experience around awareness, but the whole
Author: My own music playing, regardless of searching for the right application? point of the exercise was to see if some of
my skill or lack thereof, is about playing with these pieces of functionality would work - the
my brothers. Jeff: We developed specific mini products, technology to simulate blowing out the flame,
each of which tested different components. the viral distribution. The product was a great
Jeff: Before recording was invented, all music Actually, the first thing we built was a mobile success, though we found only 3% of our us-
was about playing and usually socially. The analytics engine that would allow us to figure ers igniting one phone to another.
philosophy of our company, the vision for us out exactly what people were doing with the
is that music is a social experience. Music, products and why. And as we got users, we Author: And 3% wasnt going to cut it
today, is ripe for being redefined - and by interacted directly with them in order to cali-
redefined I really mean being returned back brate some of the data we were getting out of Jeff: Right, so we did a course correction half
to its roots as a social experience. the analytics. Later, it helped us calibrate our way into Tech Boom to improve that number
research of marketing conversions. and when we launched Tech Boom, a vir-
Author: So thats a really big vision - where do tual fire cracker to test if people would do
you start? phone-to-phone networking (over sound), that
number was up to 20%.
Case Study
The next day I came in to work and said if we Author: A huge percentage of iPhone applica- Author: So youve tested and proven the tech-
dont have a latency problem on the phone, it tions are free. Did you go with a free or paid nology, tested and proven theres a potentially
would open up a whole dimension of what our model? huge market, tested and optimized appropri-
value proposition could be. The next day we ate channels, and are now in the test and
launched Sonic Vox, which allows you to turn Jeff: All of our apps required iterate the business model phase.
your voice into Darth Vader in real-time. This payment from the beginning.
was a one-day application. This was the only way we felt we could truly Jeff: Yes. We did much more testing on
test our value proposition. Were now up to market channels in the second half of 09.
Three weeks later, we launched Ocarina to 4M paid users. Now we are moving on to business model and
test whether we could move sonic network- engagement. We are expanding the model to
ing from an impersonal state, as in ignit- Author: How does this become really big? Are better monetize our base of 4M users. How
ing one phone with another, to a personally you in search of a business model that makes do we increase monetization per user? Can we
self-expressive state through the creation and you a truly scalable business? open up social music capability to partners?
sharing of Ocarina songs.
Jeff: Were not out of the woods yet, there are
still questions we need answers to. But were
pretty confident about the future of social
music. What we found is:
Concept Definitions
Concept Definitions
Early Adopters/Earlyvangelists For each of the definitions, we draw upon our
knowledge from a Customer Development
context. We have not studied Japanese lean
Segmentation manufacturing (Kaizen); we didnt search for
the original source of the term Minimum
Market Type
Viable Product; we didnt interview Mark
Andreessen about Product-Market Fit. Our
intent here is to synthesize recent think-
Non-Traditional Business Models ing on these subjects and put a stake in
the ground as to what these terms mean
in todays startup community. You may not
Positioning agree with our definition of a concept, but
at least youll know what we mean when we
Product-Market Fit use one of the terms. You can argue whether
a particular tactic is lean or is not lean,
but be forewarned, were going to interpret
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that as an excuse to avoid getting out of the
Getting Out of the Building
Concept Definitions
Early adopters/Earlyvangelists
In a Nutshell: Passionate, early users The Revised Technology Adoption Life Cycle
of new technology or products who
understand its value before mainstream
markets. Acquiring early adopters is
important to jumpstart product adoption.
Concept Definitions
The movement to each phase is hindered Early adopters are important to startup com-
by a gap caused by the difference between panies because they:
a products requirements and the buying
habits of customers from the subsequent Seek out new technology to solve their (or
phase. Moores book concentrates on the gap their companies) problems, not just for the
between early adopters and the early majority sake of owning the newest technology.
- a gap that is so wide and deep, its best de-
scribed as a chasm. CustDev concentrates on Dont rely on references from others to
getting to and preparing to cross the chasm. make buying decisions. While they are in-
fluenced by other early adopters, their main
concern is solving a known problem.
Concept Definitions
The reasoning is: and marketing efficiency, sticking to the one
In a Nutshell: The practice of breaking segment philosophy maximizes the benefits
down a larger market into smaller 1. Word of mouth regarding products works of segmentation. Proper segmentation allows
identifiable group of users who share best among those who share a need and a you to:
specific needs and who reference each other. means to communicate a solution.
2. Access to each other indicates a com- Learn faster about market fit
mon methodology to reach them. Find an unoccupied segment, i.e., no
Market segmentation is often confused with 3. Indirect knowledge (e.g., PR, testimonials, competition
customer profile or industry verticals. The etc.) of like individuals buying a product is Become a market leader earlier (by domi-
definition is a bit more sophisticated: Market a powerful influence. nating a segment)
segments are comprised of like people, who Line up (and knock down) segments like
share a common interest, who have access to One of the basic tenets of Moores Crossing bowling pins (one segment conquered suc-
each other and who look to one another as a the Chasm is that one should choose one cessfully destabilizes its neighbors)
trusted reference. If a customer prospect in segment with which you establish a beach- Maximize capital efficiency by focusing
California shares a need with a prospect in head on the shores of the early majority. existing resources
Zaire, but they do not share a means of com- Attempting to scale a business when forced
munication, they are in separate segments. to customize products, tailor marketing activi- Fortunately, one of the big benefits of Inter-
Similarly, if both prospects are in New York, ties and execute sales processes for multiple net marketing, especially social media, is
but work in very different industries and have segments is a difficult proposition. that it may allow you to pick up neighboring
different responsibilities, they are likely to be segments opportunistically, while you remain
in different segments. You treat them that way, While targeting multiple segments is less ex- dedicated to building value for your core
because typically, your marketing and sales must pensive today in terms of development costs constituency.
target each differently.
Concept Definitions
Market Type
Existing market Similarly, a new product entering an existing
In a Nutshell: A concept coined by A new product entering an existing market market with unique functionality targeted at
Steve Blank to describe different types is primarily attempting to steal market share a specific user class, not only takes market
of market conditions confronting new from major market players. The new product share from incumbents, but expands the size
products, comprised of existing market, isnt trying to grow the market pie, as much of the market by selling to new customers
re-segmented market, and new market. as steal a slice. brought to the market by the new functional-
ity. Either customers will stop using a com-
In this market type, users will stop using a petitors product and use yours because your
If you are introducing a new product into a competitors product to use yours. They will functionality better matches their needs, or
new market: use your product because it has compelling you will acquire new users because existing
features and better product functionality, not products never adequately fit their needs.
Your technology is so dramatically new that because you are offering a dramatically lower
the existing market is shattered. price to a targeted group of price-sensitive Rules of Thumb
By definition, your product owns 100% users, or a specific set of functionality toward The toughest distinction to make is whether
market share. a group of users with unique needs. your product represents a new market, or is
You must explain to your customers what re-segmenting an existing market. There is a
the product is, what its for, and how they Re-segmented existing market (low cost and niche) tendency for startup entrepreneurs to be-
will use it. A new product entering an existing market lieve that they have a new product for a new
Your target users will likely NOT stop using with a sustainable, dramatically lower price, market, though this is rarely the case. It can
a product when they start using yours, be- not only takes market share from incumbents, be argued that most technological advances
cause no other products exist in the market. but expands the size of the market by selling either lower costs or enable new functionality
If they do stop using a product, it is one that to price-sensitive customers who otherwise do that improves problem resolution within exist-
is being replaced with a completely new not purchase from anyone. Either customers ing markets. True market disruption often
product type, not a new product of the same will stop using a competitors product and requires major technology innovation or uses
(or similar) type. For example, the automobile use yours because of significant cost savings existing technology in a new and unforeseen
replaced the horse-drawn carriage. or they will simply start using yours because way. Most likely, you are re-
they could not afford to use your competitors. segmenting a market.
Concept Definitions
1. Your customers view of your market type is more important than yours.
First, you can say that you are in a particular Second, if you dont have a lot of money,
market type, existing in a particular place you need to act like you are re-segmenting a
with respect to competitors within a speci- market. Launching in a new market requires
fied market, but if the customer doesnt see millions of marketing dollars to teach cus-
it that way, what good are your beliefs? For tomers what the new product does and why
example, if you develop Facebook for senior they need it. Launching in an existing market
citizens, you and your techy friends, as well also requires millions of marketing dollars to
as tech savvy pundits will see that you have compete with the existing players who hope
segmented the social networking market for to squash you. If you dont have millions of
the senior citizens market niche. All well and dollars to spend, you must build your busi-
good, but if the senior citizens have never ness or prove the traction to investors by
heard of Facebook, what good does the com- dominating a specific niche market segment.
parison do you? Try a landing page headline In the latter case, you are essentially in a
proclaiming your product as the Facebook segmented new market that acts in a simi-
for Seniors with this group and see how far lar way to a re-segmented existing market.
it gets you.
Concept Definitions
Concept Definitions
Notes: Your positioning varies by audience. In the
In a Nutshell: Positioning is the act of Your differentiator is not your example from the Market Type discussion,
placing your product within a market compelling reason to buy, Facebook for Seniors is bad positioning for
landscape, in your audiences mind. but the benefit the differentiator provides, your customer, but perhaps very appropri-
likely is. So, for example, if you are the first ate for investors, partners, and some media
to offer a sales force automation tool in a and analysts. This leads us to issue a note of
In Geoffrey Moores Crossing the Chasm, SaaS business model, your customers dont caution when briefing media (PR) and ana-
product positioning includes the following buy because you are SaaS, though this is lysts (AR) too early: wrong
insights: knowing who your customers are your primary differentiator. They buy because positioning (and untimely
and their needs; the name of your product of the benefits that SaaS provides outweigh PR) can kill your company. If you are branded
and its product type or category; what the the benefits that an in-source solution pro- by media and analysts in a way that confuses
key benefit of the product is to your customer vides: IT costs are lower; deployment costs customers or lumps you with existing prod-
(the compelling reason to buy); the state of are lower; remote access is easier; integration ucts incorrectly, you may never be able to
being without your product; and how your with the web is easier; web interface lowers undo the damage.
product differs or changes the game. training costs, etc.
Concept Definitions
Product-Market Fit
All businesses need to reach revenue at some Of course, it is possible to build a successful
In a Nutshell: When a product shows strong point, so all businesses must have a Product- business with less than half of your custom-
demand by passionate users representing a Market fit milestone. If you cannot prove that ers being very disappointed without it. Im
sizable market. you can acquire customers for less than what sure you can think of many products you buy
you earn from selling them your product, you that you could easily live without. Conversely,
have a fundamental business problem. While not all businesses with greater than 40%
Mark Andreessen defines Product-Market fit the Product-Market fit definition may seem will succeed. But heres why 40-50% is a
as being in a good market with a product rather obvious, and getting to revenue is a reasonable number - first, if you buy into
that can satisfy that market. Steve Blank clear milestone, measuring Product-Market fit Moores technology lifecycle adoption curve,
writes that Customer Validation proves that from a market acceptance perspective is a bit your target customer at this point is the early
you have found a set of customers and a more difficult. adopter. Your early adopter will care sig-
market who react positively to the product: nificantly more about your product than the
By relieving those customers of some of their Sean Ellis offers this view: achieving early majority or late majority adopters will.
money. In a traditional business model - Product-Market fit requires Second, if you have waited to try and scale
one in which products are sold for money - at least 40% of users saying your business until achieving that mark (as
Product-Market Fit requires three criteria be they would be very disappointed without Ellis recommends), then you want to be sure
satisfied: your product. Admittedly this threshold is a you have nailed it before you spend money on
bit arbitrary, but I defined it after comparing demand creation efforts (scaling up).
1. The customer is willing to pay for the product. results across nearly 100 startups. Those that
2. The cost of acquiring the customer is less struggle for traction are always under 40%,
than what they pay for the product. while most that gain strong traction exceed
3. Theres sufficient evidence indicating the -mar 40%.
ket is large enough to support the business.
Concept Definitions
While the 40% number is a good indica- a bigger market. But that doesnt mean you
tion that you have achieved Product-Market shouldnt think through where a particular seg
fit, it doesnt say anything about the size of ment is taking you from a scaling point of view.
the market. Does that matter? The answer
depends on your values and funding desires Finally, even if you are lucky enough to have
(discussed in the next section). Regardless, such strong evidence, this doesnt neces-
a bottoms-up approach to market sizing at sarily mean 1) it will last; 2) the size of the
this point should be quite straightforward, market is large enough to sustain the type of
since you know a lot about your market seg- business you hope to build. As Ben Horowitz
ment and likely, other segments you could points out, often the evidence is not so clear,
eventually target to grow the market. As Sean and even it is, it may not be where you end up.
Ellis says, crazy startups pivot away from
strong customer-perceived value in search of
Concept Definitions
1With the explosion of new startups in the landing page automation business, in our darker moments we envision the future Internet as a dystopia, littered with
optimized landing page facades decorated with fancy buy buttons that lead to grand, yet unfulfilled promises of future products.
Concept Definitions
Concept Definitions
Lean Startup
In a Nutshell: A startup which combines
fast, iterative development methodologies
Core CPS Solution
with customer development principles.
Assumptions; Customer Product Platform;
Positioning Architecture
Acquisition Features
A concept coined (and trademarked) by Eric
Ries, a Lean Startup is one that combines
fast-release, iterative development meth-
odologies (e.g., Agile) with Steve Blanks
Customer Development concepts. Eric
writes that lean startups are born out of three
Customer Product
The use of platforms enabled by open Development Development
source and free software
The application of agile development Problem/Solution
Ferocious customer-centric rapid iteration, Validation
as exemplified by the Customer Develop-
ment process Figure 4: Lean Startup: Customer and Product Development Interrelatedness
We would add a fourth element, and that is edented speed of iteration, or number distinct, but interrelated and iterative pro-
the use of powerful, low-cost, and easy-to-use of learning cycles per dollar, as a business cesses. As Eric Ries describes, the Customer
analytics. While some characteristics of lean hones in on product-market fit. Development team works on testing the
startups have been practiced for years, the assumptions about who the customers is, the
confluence of these trends is a recent phe- Figure 4 demonstrates that customer devel- problem they hope to solve, and what the
nomenon and offers the potential for unprec- opment and product development are two solution should be, while the Product Devel-
Concept Definitions
opment team actually builds the solution. In the Customer Discovery context, a lean It is perhaps worth pointing out what criteria
The Product Development process receives startup is not one that necessarily uses lean are not required in ordered to be considered
input from customers indirectly through Cus- manufacturing precepts per se, but rather lean in Eric Ries context:
tomer Development, and (when available) by one that uses fast, iterative development
measuring product use directly. The Product practices along with Customer Development Bootstrapped
Development process iterates on the product methodologies in order to: Consuming unholy amounts of Top Ramen
continuously, releasing new or different func- on a daily basis
tionality directly to the customer as quickly 1. Validate core hypotheses (customer- Unpaid workers
as possible. problem-solution). Build system based on a 386 architecture
2. Develop the minimum viable product. Open cubicle culture
The Customer Development process receives 3. Achieve Product-Market fit. Command-line interface
input from customers indirectly through 4. Produce a development and marketing Chairs without casters
Product Development reports about fea- roadmap for scaling.
ture usage, but also directly from Customer
Development processes and analytics. The Creating a proper iteration loop requires you
Customer Development process iterates on to predefine success and failure for each
core business assumptions, product function- stage and to create a means to measure
ality, and acquisition and conversion assump- your progress. For example, in the web-
tions, resulting in updated hypotheses, honed based world, Dave McClures AARRR metrics
messaging, positioning, feature requirements, (Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral,
and marketing and sales tactics. and Revenue) can be applied to measure the
testing loops inside the various Customer and
Product Development stages from concept to
product-market fit (and beyond).
Concept Definitions
In the Customer Development context, pivot
means to change an element(s) of your
customer-problem-solution hypotheses or
business model, based on learning. As Eric
Ries writes by testing, each failed hypoth-
esis leads to a new pivot, where we change
just one element of the business plan (cus-
tomer segment, feature set, positioning) but
dont abandon everything weve learned.
Concept Definitions
If you like The Entrepreneurs
Guide to Customer Development,
please recommend it to a
friend or colleague. With your
recommendation, theyll also get a
10% discount.
Multiple Pivots
In 2005, Zingy was the largest mobile media company in the Americas, selling ringtones, Assumption 3: B2B2C
wallpapers and games to carriers, media companies and consumers. The New York-based Because customers wouldnt pay by credit
company had 130 employees and generated over $200 million in content sales. We spoke with card directly and carriers wouldnt open
Fabrice Grinda, Founder and CEO of Zingy (2001-2005), to hear about his multiple pivots in their billing system, Zingy decided to try and
search of market traction. provide the content directly to the carriers.
What started out as a relatively simple direct
Assumption 1: B2C with carrier billing Assumption 2: B2C with direct pay to consumers sales process, had become
Zingy will sell directly to U.S. consumers us- In an effort to maintain a direct-to-customer a business to business sale, requiring the
ing carrier billing. business model, Zingy tried credit card bill- navigation of a complex ecosystem with large,
ing and 1-900 numbers. The customer buys bureaucratic companies notorious for long
The plan was modeled on Europe and Asia, the ringtone that is delivered to the phone. sales cycles.
where content companies sold ringtones and The carrier was bypassed completely.
other cell phone content directly to consumers It was extremely hard to identify who to
who paid with SMS or smartphone technology. But its much more cumbersome to order talk to and it was even harder to identify
online and to wait for the ringtone, than what it would take to get a deal done even
It was impossible to get any of the cell using a one click purchase directly on your if we did find them. These companies are
phone companies to give us access to phone or by sending a text message. Our notoriously risk-averse, each waiting for
either the delivery system for the content product worked fine, but it just so hap- the other to make the first move.
or to the billing. They didnt have open pens that the complexity inherent in the
billing networks; they didnt really believe billing that we introduced decreased po- Serendipity
this could be big. tential volume by 99.9% relative to where Carriers wouldnt budge but Zingy made sure
it should be. to be extremely present at the right trade
shows and approach each and every carrier
to setup additional meetings and finally,
randomly, one of the handset manufacturers
called us out of the blue.
Case Study
Zingy provided a small sample of content We ran out of cash in the process; we had no
to one of Nextels handset manufacturers, more money to pay anything. We missed payroll
which still didnt include billing, but did have for four or five months. The company almost
the ability to store credit card information went under just as we were building this plat
directly on the phone. Though few customers form for Nextel. And then a miracle happened.
were willing to do that, those that did bought The first check from Sprint arrived.
a lot of ringtones, providing the necessary
proof of consumer demand. One thing led to another. Zingy soon followed
up the Sprint success by building the service
While this fact opened up the minds of Nex- sites for AT&T and Virgin Mobile. The sales of
tel executives, to scale the service Zingy was the company went from about 1M in 2002 to
forced to develop all the code to integrate 200M to 2005.
with Nextels multiple billing systems. Mean-
while, Sprint caught wind of the deal and Whats interesting is the
decided they wanted a sample of content, approach that finally suc-
too, so Zingy turned over the content licenses ceeded: be extremely flexible and highly
they owned without any technical implemen- iterative.
tation and waited to hear back about sales.
Know Thy Business
To the Whiteboard
The application of Customer Development for developing your business model and Steve and creating a plan to mitigate risk are not
processes necessarily varies from business to Blank, along with Floodgates Ann Miura-Ko, bad ideas either! It might actually get you to
business. While understanding core CustDev developed their own useful business model (and through) your (inevitable if successful)
principles and applying them to simple busi- template. pivots quicker.
ness models is pretty straightforward, entre-
preneurs using a complex business model Part of the problem with imploring entre- We feel that mapping Customer Development
within a complex ecosystem may struggle preneurs to write a business plan, or to go to your business model should be a white
with the understanding of how to test what, through complicated processes unearthing board exercise. The goal here isnt to get you
when? The business ecosystem - the rela- every business model variable one might en- to document a million facts, but rather to
tionships between the company, its partners, counter, or to go through a set of exercises in help you think through the critical areas of
customers and other players - creates compli- a Customer Development book for that mat- your business model. We seek to help define
cated interdependencies that produce busi- ter, is the risk of discouraging entrepreneurs your ecosystem, identify risks, and prioritize
ness risk and thereby influence the priority from actually Just Doing It. business milestones necessary to discover
of the business assumptions you need to test and validate your core business. The end
and validate. For the vast majority of entrepreneurs who result is a proposed (final) MVP with interme-
are unfunded, getting products out there and diate milestones you should test first.
While the death of the business plan as a iterating as they go is arguably a better use
method to engage investors is a welcome of time. On the other hand, thinking through
development, it doesnt eliminate the need to your business, documenting your hypotheses,
think through your business a process aided
by, ironically, the writing of a business plan.
Alexander Osterwalders Business Model
Generation provides a comprehensive process
Know Thy Business
2. Flow of currency. Draw lines or otherwise show your assumptions regarding the flow of cur- Are you partnering with a manufacturing firm?
rency. Who pays whom?
Will you sell data or leads to third parties?
3. Product Distribution. Show your assumptions regarding how the product moves through
channel(s) to reach end users. Does your product benefit your customers
Know Thy Business
Know Thy Business
Know Thy Business
Know Thy Business
Intermediate MVP
1 Assumptions Final MVP
Entitles (e.g. customer) Features Assumption validated
Big Vision Assumption
Problem Currency
Features for all entities
Solution Core Value
1st pass at sales
You are here marketing roadmap
MVP Product
Know Thy Business
An Example
Providing an example for this exercise is nuts and a touch of sea salt, Hopped-Up PB
difficult. To understand the application of is also chock full of vitamins, caffeine, and
CustDev principles to a particular business taurine to give customers energy level and
requires a detailed understanding of the busi- brainpower a needed boost. Hopped-Up PB
ness. Deciding to delve into the business with relies on a patented, high-energy ingredient
enough detail to understand it moves your cocktail created by a neo-Paleolithic, Hungar-
focus away from the processes themselves ian peanut farmer who has agreed to issue
and toward critiquing the business. As an a short term exclusive license to a pair of
attempt to avoid this, weve created a (ridicu- Australian vegemite entrepreneurs living in a
lous) fictitious business. Volkswagen bus at the San Elijo State Beach
campground in Encinitas, California.
Hopped-Up Peanut Butter (PB) is healthy
pick-you-up energy food spread for teenag-
ers and young adults. Made from organic pea-
Know Thy Business
The Ecosystem
Hopped-Up PB wants to sell their peanut but- Customers
ter to U.S. moms looking for tasty, healthy,
high energy food for their teen-aged sons Ingredient Licensor
and daughters. It is assumed that the peanut
butter will be sold direct to consumers via
a web-site, as well as through commercial
grocery stores. Because of its high-energy
ingredients, Hopped-Up PB will first be sold Hopped-Up
through health and fitness stores like GNC. Peanut Butter
These stores dont sell peanut butter now.
The ingredient licensor has agreed to offer
a short-term exclusive license to Hopped-
Up PB for revenue sharing considerations in
order to prove the model before a long-term
contract is signed.
Money Health Stores
Product Distribution
Know Thy Business
Value Statements
Ultimately, the licensor and the health food
stores are only going to participate in this
ecosystem if they make money. Health food
stores also appreciate increased customer
satisfaction for recurring customers and the
possibility of expanding their customer base
due to an exciting new product offering. Re-
gardless of the distribution method, consum-
ers demand high-quality and good taste, but
the compelling reason (we think!) to buy is
the energy boost. Core Value:
Satisfaction; Money
Know Thy Business
MVP Posit
The finished MVP must deliver value to all
players in the ecosystem. Because the licen-
sor and the brick-and-mortar stores will not
receive value from anything but the finished
product, it is assumed both will require
exactly that the finished product. (Although
advanced labeling and other brand identity
collateral will not be required initially. In
other words, they will require merely Mini-
mum Viable Packaging). The founders have
hypothesized that the minimum features
required to sell Hopped Up PB are good taste
and recognizable, high-quality, energy-boost-
ing ingredients like caffeine and taurine.
Know Thy Business
Know Thy Business
Value Path
Clearly, the first item to test is whether or not a demand exists for high-energy peanut butter.
Without spending a dime on the actual product, the founders could interview potential custom-
ers from various target markets, as well as set up a landing page and attempt to drive traffic and
measure interest.
If that goes well, the next major milestone is to prove that the peanut butter tastes good. A full-
blown product does not yet need to be produced, but rather, a way to provide free samples at
health food stores.
Know Thy Business
Know thyself
As well as knowing your business, you need Here are a few examples to get you thinking: If you require capital to grow, your vision of
to take time to understand yourself. Your You might be stridently opposed to Venture where the business is in five years affects the
values will be reflected in your business and Capitalist funding. That is certainly your pre- type of investment you should seek. Do you
so will also affect how you conduct Customer rogative, but you must accept the ramifica- hope to have a simple Internet business that
Discovery. Do your passions align with your tions of that value. Will such a decision affect generates consistent revenue? Do you hope to
market segment? Is your vision reflected in how big you can grow, and does that matter build a scalable business, such as growing to
your business model? Do you have strong to you? Will it affect how you deal with new at least 100M in annual revenues? We dont
opinions about external funding? One poten- competitors once you have proven the attrac- cast judgment on any of these businesses.
tial benefit of embracing Customer Develop- tiveness of your market? Do you still dream They are all worthy. But the actions you take
ment principles is that it teaches you how of building a large, publicly-traded company? are reflected in your values and you should be
to be self-aware, and how to question and Because refusing venture capital just might realistic about what you want and formulate a
analyze your beliefs. It encourages you to be at odds with that ambition. corresponding strategy, while remaining flex-
be honest with yourself. For you to build a ible to what the market dictates.
successful business, it is necessary to have a You might be committed to serving an urban
vision of what you hope your company will be non-profit market segment, even though your
two, three and five years down the line. The Customer Discovery efforts reveal a more
vision should be based on facts where you lucrative market segment elsewhere. This is
have them, guesses where you dont, and an commendable, but your vision must reflect
honest appraisal of your business values. that value and affects your Value Path.
Case Study
On Customer-Centric Cultures
DriveCam uses video technology, expert Author: And what about the original vision? Author: Based on their own assumptions of
analysis and driver coaching to save lives and market viability
reduce claims costs by improving the way Moeller: I believe you have to follow where
people drive. We spoke with Bruce Moeller, the market wants to go. In our case, the vi- Moeller: Right, taxi drivers drive like crazy;
former CEO of DriveCam (2004 - 2008) who sion of the original inventor, Gary Raynor, was they dont care about safety; they dont have
grew the business to 50M in annual revenue, that the video camera was mounted in the any money, etc. It turns out that being a cab-
to hear how he integrated customer feedback vehicle facing outward. There were concerns bie is an incredibly dangerous occupation.
into the company culture. about privacy (if it were to face inward), and Theres a high risk of being robbed or killed.
the idea was that people would want proof if You cant get in a cab in Vegas today without
Author: You and I have talked before about an something happened to them - a recording a DriveCam.
entrepreneurs need to balance customer in- of truth to tell your side of the story. But in
put with the ability to stick with ones vision. reality, what we found is that people dont Author: So did that sort of episode vindicate
You have a reputation for being adamant buy such devices before something happens; your approach? Did others come on board?
about listening to customers no one ever believes bad things will happen
to them. Moeller: No, not really (laughs). We had a lot
Moeller: To a fault (laughs). At DriveCam, of incredibly sharp minds, with university-
we were constantly iterating based on news So we said, what if we turn the camera facing type experience. Others of us enjoyed talking
coming in. I had a reputation for changing in? Maybe if a drivers behavior was recorded, to customers and relied on intuition and em-
the business plan every day. But seriously, we could change bad driving patterns and pathy for our customers. The intuitive people
if a piece of information we received from a reduce accidents. Some companies invest debated the academics in a constructive way.
prospective customer ran counter to what we millions of dollars in their fleets. What about Wed go and test the result in the market and
believed to be the case, we immediately dug taxi cabs? But the board argued vehemently they were wrong sometimes, and sometimes
into the details and asked why would they against that. we were wrong.
think this way?
Case Study
Author: Did this affect who you brought on Author: Is this something that can be learned;
board the company? can this be taught?
Moeller: We hired and fired a lot of people Moeller: Some people apply skepticism
who couldnt handle that startup dynamic. I automatically, some dont. Some can handle
once had an epiphany on the road and came change, others not so much. My philosophy
back and told the company that there were is you dont know what you dont know and
going to be business plan changes. One of if you were ever right in a given moment,
my executive team members looked at me and if your guesses were ever true it would
with wide eyes, but Bruce, this [the old way] be serendipitous. You must
is the model we have to do. Youre the one attack your assumptions at
who said this is how we could get there. I all times. My basic tenet: question yourself,
said, I was wrong. I said left, now we have because the world is ever-changing.
to go right.
8 Steps to Customer Discovery
The eight steps are:
5. Engaging Prospects
Figure 11: Funnel Stage and Buyers Process Figure 12: Funnel Matrix
How do you find and reach your prospects? Exercise: Think small Pitfalls to avoid
Theres no one right answer or magic formula. Entrepreneurs think big. Thats great and Dont simply survey your friends and col-
It depends on your resources, the breadth of it is needed to be successful. However, in leagues. While those people are likely to be
your network, money, time, and your assump- some instances that kind of thinking can friendly, their input is likely to be skewed.
tions on how best to reach those customers. make things more difficult. When looking for Use them to find people, not answers. Dont
Your objective at this point is not to test prospective early adopters to interview, you rely on only one method of prospect acquisi-
customer acquisition methods, though you have to think small. Rather than say, Snap! tion, since this will likely limit the type of
certainly can start to learn something about How am I going to manage to find a thousand person (i.e., market segment) you speak with.
their efficacy by using them now! Here are people I dont know, think who can I talk to Experimentation may be the key to uncover-
some ideas for your initial outreach: about my product idea? ing the hidden gem of who your ideal custom-
er actually is. Also, note that these are not
Write a list of five names of people you know methods of engagement, but rather methods
who share some of the characteristics (job, to obtain a list of people with whom you will
demographics, hobbies, industry, etc.) of engage. Dont confuse the two!
your ideal early adopter customer. Log onto
Facebook, LinkedIn, look at your Twitter fol-
lowers, etc., and write down five names. Write
an email to all five asking for introductions to
five people they know, who might also share
these characteristics. This is your first con-
tact list. If you dont know anyone with the
same characteristics, simply ask your network
for the names of five people who might!
Engaging prospects
Problem/Current Situation/Solution Presentation there security issues around a web-based ap-
In The Four Steps, Steve Blank provides a proach? What is the biggest pain about how you
specific method of presenting your problem- work?
solution hypotheses. On a sheet of paper or Again, if all goes well, the conversation will If you could wave a magic wand and change
a slide, you create three columns: one for naturally flow into your idea for a solution. anything in what you do, what would it be?
containing the problem, another for your cus- This is perhaps the toughest part where it
tomers current solution or workaround, and will be tough to avoid selling. Start simple. As you get more comfortable with these con-
then your solution. You should have your elevator pitch nailed by versations, you will be amazed at the amount
now. You only want to convey the big idea of data you can uncover. Keep your broad,
You present and discuss each column in turn, as Steve puts it, and not a list of features. second set of hypotheses in mind in case
without revealing the subsequent columns. Describe your core differentiator and how it these come up, or if theres an opening to
For instance, you describe the problem(s) is going to solve the problem. Sit back again, bring them up during the conversation.
and then get them to discuss it. Does it ring and look for the response. As they digest the
true? Do they nod? What are their thoughts idea, they will likely follow up with questions. If you are speaking to users who you hope
on the subject? Get them to open up and The first thing you want to glean is whether will pay for the product, you must frame
talk to you about their perspective on the they are asking questions because they dont the conversation with that in mind. If you
issue. How important is it to them? Is there understand, or because they are digging into get through 90% of the conversation and
a monetary aspect to the pain? The conver- the solution. If its the former, you need to your prospect says oh, you mean Id have
sation should flow naturally into whether work on your pitch. If its the latter, youve to pay? youve just wasted a lot of time.
theyre using a competitive product, building passed a major hurdle. Discussing specific pricing may or may not
a solution themselves, or cobbling together a be appropriate, depending on your busi-
workaround. Again, you should provide leads The other thing you would like to discover is ness model and what youve learned so far.
into the conversation. For example, I hear whether or not your proposed solution is a Weve found that open ended questions like
from a lot of CEOs that they still use spread- vitamin or a pain killer? (i.e., nice to have How much would you be willing to pay? is
sheets to manage around the issue. Who vs. must have) Put another way, here are a question that is often awkward to deliver,
codes your online forms now? How involved Steves IPO questions; awkward to receive, and results in poor data.
is IT in deploying your current solution? Are
Exercise: practice your presentation versation to feel scripted. Through practice, Be Cognizant of Others Assumptions
Find some friendly associates and present you hope to find key phrases that frame the One thing is assured when you get out of
your problem-solution hypothesis. Youre not discussion and act as great on-topic conversa- the building is that people will pepper
looking for feedback on the hypothesis, but tion starters. The key is to hold onto three or you with assumptions. But of course they
rather on your method of presentation. If it four must-learns in your mind and steer the wont be called assumptions, they will be
feels rough, practice. If it still feels rough, conversation toward learning those items. expert opinions on your business model, a
change the words in your presentation until go-to-market strategy, company name, logo
they feel more comfortable. Use the examples Pitfalls to Avoid color you name it. Take it with a grain of
here as guides, but make the words and style Dont Be Knee-jerk Anti-Customer Development salt and take it for what it is: someone elses
your own. This will enable you to feel natural Receiving negative feedback may trigger guess. Nod politely when someone asks you
when speaking with strangers. You want the natural anti-Customer Development ten- have you thought of franchising? or have
presentation to be smooth so the conversa- dencies. You just dont get it is a com- you thought of licensing your technology to
tion flows. Sometimes you have to learn how mon reaction to prospects who dismiss your Google? Its up to you to politely steer the
to get out of the way of yourself! Start by idea. You are particularly susceptible if you conversation back to the assumptions you
presenting in front of people you know well, do not lead the meeting. For example, the want to test.
but migrate to people you dont know quite as topic might wander away from the core value
well, but whom you respect. Tell them youre proposition into product features, and then
looking for feedback on your presentation possibly macro market theories. A nega-
style but they can comment and have opin- tive reaction to one of your statements may
ions about the hypothesis, too. trigger defensiveness that results in selling,
rather than listening. Despite best intentions,
At the risk of repeating ourselves, the point many entrepreneurs look to
isnt to practice so that your presentation confirm hypotheses, rather
comes off overly-rehearsed, but rather to be than test them. This is called confirmation
able to integrate what you need to learn it into bias and may lead to false positives.
a real conversation. You dont want the con-
Problem-Solution Fit/MVP
By this point, you have reached out to dozens Step 7 represents a new iteration cycle, If you havent already mentioned it, talk
of prospective customers successfully. You which will likely last longer than your first. about pricing with your customers. Before you
have also iterated (likely multiple times) on During this cycle you are developing a func- ask how much they might be willing to pay,
your core C-P-S hypotheses and you have rea- tioning product and getting it in front of your try to learn the value of your solution. It is
son to believe that you have determined that early adopters as quickly as possible. Though important to remember that value is not the
a viable market exists for your product. As Ash your product is not highly refined, you need same as cost. Does your product save time?
Maurya says, you have achieved Problem- users to test your product versus their Money? Increase market share? Increase
Solution Fit, and you have a strong, tested problem. This is not a classic beta program (their) customers satisfaction? The price
hypothesis for the right market segment. (though you might run one of those, too). your customer is willing to pay is somewhere
This is not about testing for bugs or usability, between what they tell you and what the real
From your many conversations, you have but rather testing for suitability are you value of your product is to them.
identified a few who are willing to work with solving the users needs?
you to further define the precise functionality In addition, you should be going back to your
of the product to suit their needs. You have Circle back regularly with your early adopters, group of prospects to learn more about them
also identified others who wish to track Prod- including in-person meetings. Show them or as potential customers. In other words, you
uct Development, test functionality and who discuss your product evolution, and continue must validate the assumptions you document-
are generally optimistic about its suitability to explore the problems they are facing. Are ed in Step 2. From these answers, you will
to their needs. These two groups represent the problems different somehow? Are they eventually develop a roadmap for acquiring
your early adopters or earlyvangelists, as any less or more pressing? Is something else and converting your prospects into customers.
Steve calls them. bothering them more?
Exercise: Pin this to your forehead Again, theres no one right answer. Here are
Am I making a product some thoughts to consider:
somebody needs?
1. You must do what it takes to keep your
Seriously, you need to ask this everyday - business alive (take consulting or custom
not to induce fear, uncertainty and doubt work if you must).
(FUD) - but to challenge you and your 2. Be committed to the vision (Dont let the
team. Its not about marketing or sales or lure of services income kill the product
product bugs. This second iteration through dream).
Customer Discovery is all about making sure 3. Choose a segment to focus on (70%
you are building something people need. resources into segment A, 20% in B, 10%
Pitfalls to Avoid 4. If segment A fails due to lack of size,
Feature Creep money, or commitment PIVOT!
Beware, you are now in feature creep danger
zone. People you are speaking with are asking
for different features. Some will dangle real
money. Its difficult for you to say no - you
have real bills. Professional services dollars
are calling you, too. As you dig deeper, you
discover you are serving multiple segments.
What do you do?
Case Study
Case Study
In this book we aimed to articulate three lev- Many business books fall into the same trap: business. The philosophy of questioning your
els of Customer Development thinking: written by experts, who create models for assumptions leads to the practice of engaging
success based on invented narratives of past with your customers in specific ways that test
First and foremost, is the philosophy: Be successes, completely ignoring the grave- those assumptions.
skeptical about your assumptions. In The yard of businesses that followed the same
Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb writes narrative but failed. You get out of the building and test your
persuasively about the dangers of human core Customer-Problem-Solution assump-
beings predisposition toward believing their You are already skeptical of Customer Devel- tions. You define and build MVPs that test
own assumptions; about relying on expert opment and Lean Startups and the slew of technological or market risk - the willingness
opinions; about the appealing, albeit decep- emerging buzzwords and supple-to-the-point- of customers to pay for a specific set of fea-
tive practice of creating narratives about the of-meaningless terms. Thats great, more tures. You document and test your assump-
past in order to predict the future. power to you; we applaud your skepticism. tions regarding the mechanics of your busi-
But be philosophically consistent: peri- ness ecosystem including the participation of
Taleb: The narrative fallacy addresses our odically take the time to question your own 3rd party entities and the mechanics of your
limited ability to look at sequences of facts expertise and that of your friends, partners customer conversion funnel. You create a
without weaving an explanation into them, or, and investors. Make the effort to test your Value Path that attempts to create a path for
equivalently, forcing a logical link, an arrow assumptions. mitigating high risk items first in the hopes of
of relationship, upon them. Explanations bind making major pivots as early as possible.
facts together. They make them all the more Second, is approaching Customer Develop-
easily remembered; they help them make ment principles within the context of your
more sense. Where this propensity can go business. For those wishing to dig a bit
wrong is when it increases our impression of deeper than the philosophy, we have defined
understanding. the principles and concepts, and discussed
one way (there are certainly others) to think
through your business model in order to help
you apply Customer Development to your
The third level is the step-by-step how-to- As Steve Blank says, the first step toward
do Customer Discovery. For those seeking fundamentally changing how startups are
tactical guidance, we have provided detailed built is to admit the busi-
steps on how to work your way through the ness environment is chaotic.
Customer Discovery processes, as well as Customer Development is a framework for op-
providing context with respect to product- erating in chaos. The objective is to see how
market fit and the other Customer Develop- quickly you can change guesses into fact.
ment steps. Rather than creating a laundry
list of tasks or requesting answers to 100s We hope we have provided you a roadmap to
of questions, weve attempted to teach you do exactly that.
how to fish to think about your business,
document your specific assumptions, find Feedback/suggestions/comments/questions
and interview the right people and engage encouraged.
them in the right way, and how to recognize
when its time to move forward or pivot. Take or leave Customer Development. But at
the end of the day (and this book), if you take
only one thing away from this book, its: Test
Your Assumptions!
Book related
The Entrepreneurs Guide to Customer Development website
The Four Steps to the Epiphany (http://amazon.com)
Brant Coopers blog (http://marketbynumbers.com)
The Lean Startup Circle
Twitter Hashtags
Eric Ries (http://startuplessonslearned.com)
VentureHacks (http://venturehacks.com)
Ask YC Archive (http://gabrielweinberg.com/startupswiki/Ask_YC_Archive)
About Authors
Brant Cooper Patrick Vlaskovits
Twitter: @brantcooper
Drop us a line. Brant and Patrick can be reached at [email protected] or (415) 347-1849