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Use of Waste Plastic in Flexible Pavements-Green Roads

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Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 2015, 5, 299-311

Published Online September 2015 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojce


Use of Waste Plastic in Flexible

Pavements-Green Roads
Yash Menaria1, Rupal Sankhla2
Poornima Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur, India
Centre for Environmental Planning & Technology, Ahmedabad, India
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Received 24 June 2015; accepted 6 September 2015; published 9 September 2015

Copyright 2015 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Wrappers of betel nuts, chocolates, chips, hand bags, cold drink bottles and all other forms of plas-
tic create significant environmental and economic problem. They consume massive energy and
other natural resources, depleting the environment in various ways. In manufacturing firms, con-
struction industries and products delivery services, use of plastic is a priority to handle and pack
things comfortably due to its light weight, cost effectiveness and strength. Plastics cannot be
banned as it will result in usage of natural resources like paper, wood at a great extent. It is made
up of various chemical elements and is regarded as a highly pestilent material which does not eas-
ily degrade in the natural environment after its usage. Waste plastics are made up of Polyethylene,
Polystyrene and Polypropylene. Temperature varying between 120C - 160C gives the softening
point of these plastics [5]. They do not produce any toxic gases during heating but the softened
plastics have tendency to form a lamination or coating over the aggregate, when it is sprayed over
the hot aggregate at 160C. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the significance of plastic
in terms of cost reduction, increase in strength and durability when these plastics are heated and
coated upon the aggregates (160C) to compensate the air voids with plastic and binds with ag-
gregate to provide stability.

Municipal Plastic Waste, Aggregates, Shredded Plastic, Stripping, Marshel Stability, Optimum
Bitumen Content, Flexible Pavement

1. Introduction
Plastic is everywhere in todays lifestyle and its disposal is a great problem. It is a non-biodegradable product

How to cite this paper: Menaria, Y. and Sankhla, R. (2015) Use of Waste Plastic in Flexible Pavements-Green Roads. Open
Journal of Civil Engineering, 5, 299-311. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojce.2015.53030
Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla

due to which these materials pose environmental pollution and problems like breast cancer, reproductive prob-
lems in humans and animals and genital abnormalities [2].
If a ban is put on the use of plastics on emotional grounds, the real cost would be much higher, the inconve-
nience much more, the chances of damage or contamination much greater Hence the question is not plastics
vs no plastics but it is more concerned with the judicious use and re-use of plastic-waste.
Both the issues when taken together lead to a single solution that we can use this waste plastic in Flexible
Pavements in such a manner that it gets coated over the surface of aggregate by heating (140C - 160C) because
plastics like PE, PS, PP used in PET Bottles, disposal glasses, handbags, covers of various appliances etc. soften
up to 160C. The experiments conducted in the laboratory depict fruitful results can substantially increase the
stability and durability of roads plus, making it a very effective step towards eco-friendliness compared to con-
ventional and traditional techniques of flexible pavements construction.

1.1. Literature Review

Since many years the utilization of plastic in flexible pavements has been done to increase the stability, durabil-
ity of roads and reduce the cost of construction of roads by replacing some percentage of bitumen with that of
the waste plastic. The LDPE can only be used in this technique as it gets softened at the desired temperature i.e.,
160C and coated over the aggregates. There is no modification in the plant is required because plastic is mixed
at the same time when aggregates are poured into Hot Mix Plant for 30 - 50 secs, hence no fuel consumption
takes place. There is a consistent research still going on to attain the optimality and many have stated to use the
plastic in road construction [8].
Prof. C.E.G Justo states that addition of 8% percent by weight of processed plastic is desirable in saving 0.4%
bitumen by weight of mix [4].
Dr. R. Vasudevan has also stated that use of waste plastic in bitumen increase the binding property as com-
pared to the conventional bitumen [3]. It improves the properties of bitumen resulting in increase in Softening
Point and decrease in Penetration value thus improving the durability [6].

1.2. Objectives of the Study

Basic intention is to efficiently utilize the waste plastic in constructive way so that it can be beneficial to society.
Main objectives of current project work are:
1) To identify the optimum proportion of waste plastic to be added in the bitumen mix for getting the required
2) To compare the experimented results with the conventional pavement details and perform the economic
3) To prepare statistical model for optimum utilisation of plastic waste.

1.3. Experimental Programme

1.3.1. Materials and Its Physical Properties
Bitumen-VG-30 penetration grade bitumen was used for the present study. Table 1 shows the test results and
permissible limits of the tests carried out to check the physical properties of bitumen.
Aggregates: 20 mm, 10 mm, 6 mm and stone dust were used for the present study whose sieve analysis is
shown in Table 2.
Table 3 shows the test results and permissible limits of the tests carried out to check the physical properties of
Aggregate Gradation DBM-II (50 - 75 Mm Thickness): Grading of the aggregates is done in the DBM layer
as shown in Figure 1.

1.3.2. Process [7]

DRY PROCESS (Lab test-D.B.M II Grade)
1) Plastic wastes are cleaned and dried (For ex: disposed carry bags, glasses etc) with a thickness of 60 mi-
crons is shredded into small pieces (2.36 mm - 4.75 mm size).
2) Aggregate are weighed as shown in Figure 2 and are heated to 160C in a pan.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla

Table 1. Physical properties of bitumen as IS 73:1992 [1].


Specific gravity of bitumen 1.025 0.99 min IS: 1202 - 1978
Softening point of bitumen 54.35C 47 C (min) IS: 1205 - 1978
Flash point of bitumen 272C 220 C (min) IS: 1209 - 1978
Fire Point of Bitumen 300C 270 C (min) IS: 1209 - 1978
Bitumen Penetration Test 50 mm 45 (min) IS: 1203 - 1978
Ductility test 94 cm 100 IS: 1208 - 1978

Table 2. Sieve analysis.


37.5 100 100 100 100.00
26.5 100 90 95 100.00
19 95 71 83 93.89
13.2 80 56 68 71.29
4.75 54 38 46 42.69
2.36 42 28 35 29.41
0.3 21 7 14 10.53
0.075 8 2 5 4.18

Table 3. Aggregate test results.

Aggregate Impact Value Test 23.80 Max 30% IS: 2386 Part IV
Specific Gravity of Aggregates (20 mm) 2.68 - IS: 2386 Part III
Specific Gravity of Aggregates (10 mm) 2.71 IS: 2386 Part III
Specific Gravity of Aggregates (6 mm) 2.69 IS: 2386 Part III
Specific Gravity of Aggregates (stone dust) 2.74 IS: 2386 Part III
Stripping Value of Aggregates 45% 5% Physical appearance
Water Absorption 0.40 Max 2% IS: 2386 Part III


70 Upper
% Passing

60 Limit
40 Lower
30 Limit
20mm = 37.00 %
10 10mm = 16.00 %
0 6mm = 16.00 %
Stone Dust = 29.00%
0.01 0.1 1 10
Sieve Size in mm
Figure 1. Aggregate gradation.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla

3) Shredded plastic as shown in Figure 3 is added to the hot mix. The plastic gets softened and coated over
the surface of the aggregate in 30 - 60 seconds as shown in Figure 4.
4) Hot Bitumen (heated up to a maximum of 160C) is added immediately and the contents are mixed thor-
5) As the plastics are heated to a maximum temperature of 165C, there is no evolution of any gas as shown in
the above Table 4. When heated above 270C, the plastics get decomposed and above 750C they get burnt and
produce harmful noxious gases.
6) The moulds are preheated as shown in Figure 5 and then the mix is poured in the preheated moulds as
shown in Figure 6.

Figure 2. Aggregate weighing.

Figure 3. Shredded plastic.

Figure 4. Adding shredded plastic to aggregates.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla

Figure 5. Pre heating of moulds.

Figure 6. Mould filling.

Table 4. Characteristics of waste plastic [9].

Polymer Softening Temp. (C) Products Reported Decomposition Temp. (C) Examples
Bags, sacks,
Polyethylene (PE) 100 - 120 No gas 270 - 350
detergent bottles etc.
Film wrapping of
Polypropylene (PP) 140 - 160 No gas 270 - 300
biscuits, chips
Polystyrene (PS) 110 - 140 No gas 300 - 350 Disposable glasses

7) The moulds are marked as shown in Figure 7 and kept for 24 hours in air and weighed.
8) Then the prepared moulds as shown in Figure 8 are poured in water and weight of SSD (saturated surface
dry sample) is taken.
9) Then after SSD weight, samples are kept in 60C hot water bath and then tested for Marshall Stability and
Flow value just after taking out from water bath as shown in Figure 9.
The results and analysis mentioned below are attained by considering D.B.M Grade IIratio of aggregates and
VG-30 grade Bitumen whose minimum value of bitumen that should be taken according to I.S code is 4.25%.
Firstly, conventional moulds are tested at 4.25%, 4.5%, 4.75% and the optimum solution is obtained at 4.5%
as shown in Table 5.
Thus taking optimum reading into consideration and varying % of Plastic in Bitumen (4.50%) at 0%, 8%,
10%, 12%, 14%, the results are as follows:
Conventional moulds are tested at 4.25%, 4.5%, 4.75% and the optimum solution is obtained at 4.5%. There-
fore the characteristic values of the specimens at 4.5% bitumen content are shown in Table 6.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla

Figure 7. Marking of prepared moulds.

Figure 8. Prepared specimens.

Figure 9. Performing marshal stability test.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla

Table 5. Characteristic values at different bitumen contents.

Avg. Flow value

Mould no Bitumen content Stability (kg) Average stability (kg) Flow value (mm)

1 822 2.8
2 4.25% 931.6 822 3 2.93
3 712.4 3
4 822 4
5 4.50% 1013.8 949.87 2.4 3.26
6 1013.8 3.1
7 685 3.2
8 4.75% 808.3 785.67 3.4 3.17
9 863.1 3.2

Table 6. Characteristic values of the specimens at 4.5% bitumen content.


CONTENT CONTENT (%) (MM) (%) (%) (%)

1 0 1098 2.8 4.5 15.5 71.2

2 6 861 2.77 3.9 15.2 72.2
3 8 947 2.6 4.5 15.6 71.2
4 10 1005 2.87 5.6 16.5 66.1
5 12 1059 3.23 5.9 16.8 64.8
6 14 966 3.5 7.2 18 59.8

1.4. Data Collection

Characteristics Curves Based on Experiments Conducted in Lab for D.B.M II Grade (4.5% Net
Content of Bitumen and Plastic)
1) Figure 10 shows the plot between % plastic in bitumen and Stability (KN).
2) Figure 11 shows the bar graph between % Air Voids (Va) and % of plastic in bitumen.
3) Figure 12 shows the bar graph between Bulk Density (gm/cc) and % Plastic in bitumen.
4) Figure 13 shows the plot between Flow value (mm) and % of Bitumen Content.
5) Figure 14 shows the plot between % Voids filled with Bitumen (VFB) and % plastic content.

1.5. Analysis
1.5.1. Economic Analysis per Km of Flexible Pavement (Dbm)
A huge quantity of plastic waste has been used as modifying agents. However, the high cost of these polymers
compared to bitumen means that the amount of polymer needed to improve pavement performance should be as
small as possible. This major restriction could be avoided by using waste materials like plastics. From an envi-
ronmental and economic standpoint, the use of waste plastic as a bitumen-modifying agent may contribute to
solving a waste disposal problem and to improving the quality of road pavements. Table 7 shows the economic
analysis of pavement and the total savings due to use of plastic waste.

1.5.2. SPSS Analysis

SPSS model is used for the optimum utilisation of plastic waste. One way Annova test is carried out keeping the
plastic content as independent variable and stability, air voids, bulk density, flow value and VFB as dependent
variables. Figure 15 shows the analysis sheet to input the variables.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla



stability (%)
1000 189 0 47 105 159 66
500 900 900 900 900 900 900
0 6 8 10 12 14
% plastic content
Figure 10. % Plastic in bitumen and stability (KN).

Air void V/S plastic content


%Air void
0 8 10 12 14
Figure 11. % Air Voids (Va) and % of plastic.

%of plastic in bitumen v/sBulk density, Gb



Bulk Density, Gb


Bulk density, Gb


0 8 10 12 14
% of plastic in bitumen
Figure 12. Bulk density (gm/cc) and % plastic in bitumen.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla


3.5 3.5


2.8 2.77 2.87
2.5 2.5
0 6 8 10 12 14
Figure 13. Flow value (mm) and % of bitumen content.

VFB v/s plastic content

71.2 72.2 71.2 66.1 64.8
60 59.8

20 VFB
0 6 8 10 12 14
Figure 14. % Voids filled with bitumen (VFB) and % plastic content.

Figure 15. Analysis sheet.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla

a) Figure 16 shows the SPSS window carrying out one way annova test, keeping plastic content as independent
factor and air voids in dependent list.
b) Figure 17 shows the SPSS window carrying out one way annova test, keeping plastic content as factor and
stability in dependent list.
c) Figure 18 shows the SPSS window carrying out one way annova test, keeping plastic content as factor and
flow in dependent list.
d) Figure 19 shows the SPSS window carrying out one way annova test, keeping plastic content as factor and
VFB in dependent list.
e) Figure 20 shows the SPSS window carrying out one way annova test, keeping plastic content as factor and
VMA in dependent list.

2. Results and Discussion

1) Utilisation of waste plastic improves the binding property of mix.
2) The optimum result of waste plastic came out to be 8% from the experiments conducted.
3) The properties of bitumen such as penetration, softening point improved with the addition of the waste fibre.
4) Plastic roads can also be constructed in the areas having high temperatures (50C).
5) Waste plastic in roads increases the stability value and durability to a great extent.

Table 7. Economic analysis table.

total cost of 1 km road of 3.75 m width (DBM LAYER) 2,109,050
Savings in bitumen due to addition of plastic waste:
Cost of Bitumen saved (1704 Kg. equivalent to plastic used)
Eliminating the need of Anti-stripping agent: cost savings in anti stripping agent 6400
total cost of 1 km road of 3.75 m width (WITH PLASTIC) 2,017,450
Total Minimum Assured Savings per km 91,600

Figure 16. SPSS analysis.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla

Figure 17. SPSS analysis.

Figure 18. SPSS analysis.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla

Figure 19. SPSS analysis.

Figure 20. SPSS analysis.

Y. Menaria, R. Sankhla

6) This technique is very eco-friendly as it uses the waste plastic which is being disposed in oceans, landfills
7) Replacement of bitumen with plastic reduces the cost of construction significantly.
8) When durability and stability of roads will improve, then its future maintenance cost will be saved too.

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