2015 Edcl Past Paper

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‘THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND EDUCATION CAVE HILL, BARBADOS, JOINT BOARD OF TEACHER EDUCATION FOR THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN ASSOCIATE DEGREE IN EDUCATION SUMMER 2015 JBTE/EDCL 101/201 - READING & WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM 2 HOURS InstaucTiONS: ‘This paper has THREE (8) pages ‘Answer TWO (2) questions [BE SURE TO SUPPLY COMPLETE, CONCISE RESPONSES WHILE PAYING ATTENTION TO YOUR SPELLING AND GRANIAR, > EACH QUESTION Is WORTH 25 MARKS. JBTE/EDCL 101/201: Reading & writing Across the Curriculum ; Page 1 ‘Summer 2015 L @ 0 © ® a) © © With reference to Chall’s stages 0” reading development, identify and name, with ‘The corresponding age range, ONE (1) stage of Chal’s reading development Which can be used to describe leamers from each of the groups below’ + Early Childhood © Primary © Secondary [6 marks) For gach of the stages identified and named in (1a) above, describe THREE (3) ays in which children’s development can be fostered, (6marks} [Explain the value of Chall Reading Stage Theory to content area teechers, (At least THREE (3) points should be discussed.) [9 marks) Describe TWO (2) limitations of Chall’s sages of reading development. [4 marks) [TOTAL 25 MARKS) Explain the value of using graphic organizers in the conten areas [3 marks) entity THREE (3) graphic organizers that can be used to help students master ‘content ina subject area of your choice, Please specify the topic and an age group. [20 marks) Explain how you would use TWO (2) of the strategies below to help students read OR write in a subject area of your choice. i QAR ii, Anticipation Guide iii, Word Sorts iv. KWL [12 marks) (TOTAL 25 MARKS] lease go on tothe next page JBTE/EDCL 101/201: Reading & writing Across the Curriculum Page 2 Summer 2015 3. Write an essay in which you discuss THREE (3) categories of questions that facilitate critical evaluation of content area texts. (TOTAL 25 MARKS) 4 @) Selecta grade/form and content area, Describe TWO (2) writing strategies that ccan be used to assist students in their understanding of the content area selected, [8 marks} (©) _Usilzing TWO 2) examples, explain why students might struggle with writing any content area, {8 marks} (NB Oue example for each explanation) (©) Describe the step-by-step procedure for ONE (1) of the writing strategies described in (4a) above, In your procedure, show how this strategy can be used to assist students in understanding the content selected. Procedure must include: Gradelform Specific topic Step-by-Step procedure Evaluation [9 marks} (TOTAL 25 MARKS) in 5. (@)_ Identify FOUR (4) ways teachers can integrate technology in instruct reading and writing in the content areas. [4 marks} (b) For EACH way identified in (4a) above, provide a: i. Brief description ii, Rationale for using the technology, in the way identified, as a learning tool in the content areas. (12 marks] @ Describe TWO (2) guidelines that you would use to assess the validity of internet sources. [9 marks} [TOTAL 25 MARKS] END OF EXAMINATION PAPER —<——_——

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