Hometown Should Considr To Achieve The Income She Desires As A Computer Specialist
Hometown Should Considr To Achieve The Income She Desires As A Computer Specialist
Hometown Should Considr To Achieve The Income She Desires As A Computer Specialist
The four basic types of marketing opportunities she should consider which are: (1) market
penetration, (2) market development, (3) product development, and (4) diversification.
Market penetration means trying to increase sales of a firms present products in its present
markets to increase sales. This can increase their rate of use or repeat purchases. Attracting
competitors' customers or potential customers is a marketing strategy used when pursuing market
penetration opportunities. Firms that use market penetration often develop closer relationships
Market development is a marketing strategy planning process that a firm uses to increase sales
by selling present products in new markets. This process may involve searching for new uses for
a particular product and advertising in different media, adding channels of distribution and
Product development is a marketing planning process that firms offer new or improved products
for present markets. A firm needs to know the present market needs because it allows a firm to
Diversification is a marketing strategy planning process where firms move into totally different
Brassington, F & Pettitt, S. (2000) Principles of Marketing. Second Edition, Prentice Hall
The Business Link. Use innovation to grow your business. (Internet), Retrieved from