Master Plumber Exam Review Guides
Master Plumber Exam Review Guides
Master Plumber Exam Review Guides
apparatuses in
buildings for bringing in the supply, liquids, substances and/or
and removing them and such water, liquid and other carried
hazardous to health, sanitation, life) property also the pipes and
after installation and the plumbing system.
PLUMBING SYSTEM - includes all potable water supply and distribution pipes,
plumbing fixtures and traps; all sanitary and storm drainage
vent pipes, roof drains, leaders and downspouts; and all building
and sewers, including their respective joints and connections;
receptacles, and appurtenances within the property, water lines in
premises: potable, tap, hot and chilled water piping, potable water
treating or using equipment; fuel gas piping; water heaters and
vents for
PLUMBING UNIT - a minimum standard quantity of plumbing fixtures that
wastes into a plumbing installation including:
INVERT ELEVATION the lowest portion of the interior part of any pipe or
conduit that
is not vertical. The measurement of the inner wall of the pipe.
DRUM TRAP a cylindrical trap commonly used on the drain pipe from the
bathtub or under the bathroom floor.
SOIL PIPE any pipe, which conveys the discharge of water closet, urinal or
having similar functions, with or without the discharges from other
to the building drain or building sewer.
GRAY WATER water coming from the lavatory, bathtub, etc. that flows into
the Waste
BLACK WATER water coming from water closet, urinal and the like that flows
into the
Soil Pipe.
14.75 psi ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE from the VTR.
AIR GAP the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere
between the lowest openings of the pipe, plumbing fixture, appliance or
appurtenance to the flood level rim of the receptor/fixture.
AIR BREAK a physical separation. which may be a low inlet into the indirect
receptor from the fixture, appliance or device indirectly connected,
at least
10. CISTERN TANK - a reser voir, tank or vessel for stor ing or
holding water or ot her liquids
11. WATER TANK - may be used eit her for t he collection of water
wit hout consideration of pressure, or for stor ing water under air
pressure or under a static head for future distr ibution by
pneumatic or gravity means. Mater ials are PVC, G.I., reinforced
concrete, stainless steel or plain steel.
15. The pipe from t he public water main or source of water supply
to t he building ser ved is called: SERVICE PIPE .
16. The ver tical supply pipe which extends upward from one fl oor to
t he next is called a RISER and t he hor izontal pipes t hat ser ve t he
faucets are called BRANCHES.
6. Spr inkler heads are t he quar tzoid bulb type. The bulb is
transparent and contains a colored liquid. At 360 degrees
Fahrenheit, t he bulb breaks and releases a water stream. One
is called UPRIGHT when used above piping when piping is
exposed but when it is hidden inside ceilings t hat show only
t he bulb it is called PENDENT .
7. The por tion of t he plumbing system which conveys rainwater to
a suitable ter minal. This is usually discharged into a street
gutter conveyed by a public STORM DRAIN system and car r ied
to some drainage ter minal such as lakes or r ivers.
2. SOIL STACK PIPE . A ver tical soil pipe containing fecal matter
and liquid waste.
4. Statements:
a. Cor rect
*Dr y pipe spr inkler systems are more effi cient t han wet pipe
*The hazard classifi cation does not necessar ily aff ect spr inkler
a. Cor rect
*Several types of plastic can be used for cold water piping, but only
PVDC is used for hot water supply where allowed by local codes.
*Steel pipe is more labor intensive and requires more space t han
copper pipes in plumbing chases.
*ABS is suitable for water supply.
BELL OR HUB - That por tion of a pipe which for a shor t distance, is
suffi ciently enlarged to receive t he end of anot her pipe of t he same
diameter for t he pur pose of making a joint.
DEAD END - The extended por tion of a pipe t hat is closed at one
end to which no connections are made on t he extended por tion,
t hus per mitting t he stagnation of water or air t herein. (Water
hammer ar rester or air gap or air chamber).
DRY VENT - A vent t hat does not car r y water or water- bor ne
FLOOR AREA - The area included wit hin sur rounding walls of a
building (or por tion t hereof), exclusive of vent shafts and cour ts.
INDIRECT WASTE PIPE - A waste pipe t hat does not connect directly
wit h t he building drainage system but discharges into is t hrough a
properly trapped fi xture or receptacle.
INVER T - The lowest por tion of t he inside of any pipe conduit t hat
is not ver tical.
LOCAL VENT - A pipe or shaft ser ving to convey foul air from
a plumbing fi xture or a room to t he outer air.
PLUMBING OFFICIAL - The aut hor ity or t he offi cer charged wit h
t he administration and enforcement of t he National Plumbing Code,
or his regularly aut hor ized deputy.
RISER - A water supply pipe t hat extends ver tically one full stor y or
more too convey water to branches or fi xtures.
SEWER - A pipe or conduit for car r ying sewage and waste liquids.
SOIL STACK PIPE - A ver tical soil pipe conveying fecal matter and
liquid waste.
SPIGOT - The end of a pipe, which fi ts into a bell. Also a word used
synonymously wit h faucet.
STACK - A general ter m used for any ver tical line of soil, waste, or
vent piping.
WET VENT - por tion of a vent pipe t hrough which liquid waste fl ow.
WASTE PIPE - a pipe which conveys only liquid waste and free of
fecal matter.
4. acid resistant cast iron pipe- made of alloy, cast iron & silicon
- installed in chemical labs for acid waste
5. asbestos pipe- made of asbestos fi bers & Por tland cement
- suitable for embedment on concrete str uctures
6. bituminous fi ber sewer pipe- cheapest and lightest
- for house sewer
7. vitr ifi ed clay pipe- made of clay & w/ lengt h of 0.75 m t hreaded
w/ glazed compound. High resistant to acid & suited in
underground installation. Br ittle, cracks easily when laid on
unsuitable ground
8. lead pipe- one of t he oldest plumbing mater ial . not recommended
to convey water for human consumption
9. galvanized wrought iron pipes- better t han steel pipes for
plumbing because it is more resistant to acid waste
10. brass pipe- most expensive. Made of alloy of zinc & copper
mixed 15% :85% highly suitable for waste & water because of its
smoot h sur face aside from its high resistance to acids
11. copper pipes- durable mater ial w/c is extremely cor rosive
resistance. Easiest to install
Type K- heaviest for underground installation
L - lighter t han K, comes in fl exible & r igid type
M- t hinner & available only in r igid for m