Grays News Week 21 16

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3rd Grade Newsletter
Week of February 13-17, 2017

memory verse spelling words
I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is
1. scary 9. mariner Challenge Words
2. kindly 10. grateful
too hard for me? 3. pleasing 11. import 16. advertisement
32:27 4. clogged 12. notable 17. amusing
5. harmful 13. electricity
6. erosion 14. weakness

student of the week for tenderheartedness 15. telescope
7. careless

Huang 8. statement

Week in Class:
Bible: Healing a Blind Man

Mr. Popper's Penguins starts this week. We will be setting aside our reading
centers and focusing on reading Mr. Popper's Penguins. This will give your
Subtraction; Mixed #5 Multiplication
child an opportunity to study a chapter book as a piece of literature. We
timed test
will be doing literature circles during this time. Literature circles are a
Reading: Mr. Popper's Penguins
great way for students to read, respond, and discuss what they have
Language: Adverbs, synonyms & Antonyms read. Each child is given a different responsibility to prepare for their
group. The groups meet after each child has read the assigned section.

Grammar test on. See the attached study Groups gather to report their findings and discuss what they have read. I
am excited to see how our class does with a different reading approach.
Social Your child may be bringing home a book and assignment if they do not
Studies: California Native Americans finish it in class. It is important that students have their assignment

Writing: Penguin Paragraph finished so they are prepared to report to their group the next day.
Just a reminder, the two resources for the Native American report are due
library books due thursday on Friday. Please make sure these resources are at a reading level that
our school library has lots of great indian books to your student can understand. They should also include the following
check out! topics: food, clothing, transportation, shelter, and arts and crafts.
Students will choose three of these topics in their report. They will need
Parent Helpers enough information on each of their three topics to write down 8-10
2nd Week for Mon-Tues. facts per topic. One of the sources can be an internet resource. You will
3rd Week for Wed.-Fri. need to print out the information and include a URL website address
which will be needed for the bibliography.

Homework and Stuff

monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday

No School Music Computers P.E. P.E.

Valentine's Party 2:15 Mixed Multiplication Timed Pre Bible Verse Test
Test Spelling Test

Grammar Test Mixed Multiplication Timed Test

Minimum day

Sticky Note Connections Sticky note Connections Spelling pre-test SIGNED Turn in signed pretest!
Google Classroom Math pg. 206 Sticky note Connections Turn in Sticky Note Connections

Adverb Assignment Study for tests

Boom Cards Synonyms, Math pg. 208
Antonyms, and Adverbs
for quiz review

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