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Guide for the Use of Volumetric-Measuring and

Continuous-Mixing Concrete Equipment (Reapproved 1997)
reported by ACI Committee 304
James S. Pierce
Arthur C. Cheff Donald E. Graham Gary R. Mass
Thomas R. Clapp* Neil R. Guptill Kurt R. Melby
James L. Cope Terence C. Holland* Richard W. Narva
Wayne J. Costa James Hubbard John H. Skinner, III
Henri Jean DeCarbonel Thomas A. Johnson Paul R. Stodola*+
Robert M. Eshbach Robert A. Kelsey William X. Sypher
James R. Florey John C. King Louis L. Szilandi
Clifford Gordon William C. Krell Robert E. Tobin
Francis C. Wilson

This guide includes a short history of and information on the basic 3.4-Materials
design and operation of equipment used to produce concrete by vol- 3.5-Personnel qualifications
umetric measurement and continuous mixing (VMCM), frequently
called mobile mixers. Definitions, applications, and quality assur- Chapter 4-Applications
ance testing are discussed. The use of this equipment is compared to 4. l-General
weigh-batch-mix equipment for some of the limited differences. 4.2-Mixtures with short working times
4.3-Low-slump mixtures
Keywords: admixtures; aggregates; batching; calibrating; cements; cold weather 4.4-Long unloading times
construction; colored concrete; concrete construction; field tests; fresh con-
cretes; grout; hot weather construction; material handling; measurement; mix-
4.5-Concrete at remote sites
ing; mixing plants; mixing time; mix proportioning; polymer concrete: precast 4.6-Making small deliveries
concrete; process control; production methods; shotcrete; slump; transit mix- 4.7-Precast operations
ers. 4.8-Hot weather concreting
4.9-Mining applications
4.10-Grouting and pile filling
4.1l-Colored concretes
CONTENTS 4.12-Emergency applications
Chapter 1 -Introduction
1.l--General Chapter 5-Quality control and testing
1.2-Discussion 5.1 -General
1.3-History 5.2-Calibration
5.3-Production testing
Chapter 2-Equipment
2. l-Materials storage and measurement Chapter 6-Operational precautions
2.2-Mixers 6.1-General
2.3-Equipment condition 6.2-Cold weather concrete
6.3-Hot weather concrete
Chapter 3-Operations 6.4-Aggregate moisture
3.1-General 6.5-Rapid slump loss
3.2-Production rates 6.6-Use of admixtures
3.3-Planning 6.7-Fresh concrete properties

ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and

Commentaries are intended for guidance in designing, plan- *The committee recognizes the special contributions of Paul Stodola, Thomas
ning, executing, or inspecting construction and in preparing Clapp, and Terry Holland.
specifications. Reference to these documents shall not be made chairman of Committee 304 since March 1989.
AC1 304.6R-91 became effective May 1, 1991.
in the Project Documents. If items found in these documents Copyright 0 1991, American Concrete Institute.
are desired to be part of the Project Documents they should All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or
by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by any
be phrased in mandatory language and incorporated into the electronic or mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound
Project Documents. or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or de-
vice, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.


Chapter 7-References late 1970s and early 198Os, specialty concretes needed
7.1-Specified and/or recommended references for bridge-deck renovation and highway repair, which
7.2-Cited references were difficult to produce in conventional transit mix-
ers, were being produced successfully by VMCM
Appendix A-New York State DOT calibration equipment. This application gave the equipment cre-
method dence and showed it could produce close-tolerance,
high-quality concrete consistently. VMCM equipment
has been considered by some people to be limited to
CHAPTER 1 -INTRODUCTION producing special mixtures or small volumes; however,
1.1-General VMCM may be suitable for almost any concrete re-
The purpose of this document is to offer guidance on quirement .
volumetric-measurement and continuous-mixing Standards activities related to concrete produced by
(VMCM) concrete production. It contains background VMCM equipment have been limited. However, in 1971
information on this method and items to be considered ASTM developed and now maintains ASTM C 685,
when using it. A discussion of other types of continu- Standard Specification for Concrete Made by Volu-
ous-measurement equipment (i.e., conveyor belt scales metric Batching and Continuous Mixing.
or weigh-in-motion scales) is outside the scope of this
2.1-Materials storage and measurement
1.2-Discussion Measurement of material by volume can be accom-
The title uses the words volumetric measuring and plished by a variety of means. Rotary vane feeders
continuous mixing. The significance of these words (both horizontal and vertical axis), screw conveyors
in the context of this guide are discussed in the follow- (both adjustable and fixed speed), drag chains, cali-
ing paragraphs. brated gate openings, variable-volume sliding compart-
Volumetric measurement-When the ingredients of ments, and vibrating plate feeders all have been used to
concrete are flowing continuously and measured by measure quantities of dry ingredients. Liquids may be
volume, by using a calibrated rotary opening, a cali- introduced by air pressure, pumps, or cylinders with the
brated fixed-gate opening, or a combination of these, flow controlled by valves or timers and measured by
so that a known, predetermined volume of each ingre- flow meters. Readers are directed to the documents
dient is obtained in a designated time interval, the produced by the equipment manufacturers for operat-
method of measurement is volumetric. Continuous vol- ing details of the various types of equipment. Cement,
umetric measurement with multiple ingredients requires water, and admixtures are stored in separate containers
that the proper relationship among those ingredients be and measured separately. Fine and coarse aggregates
maintained. are stored either separately or combined. If aggregates
Continuous mixing-When the output of the mixer is are stored and used in a combined state, they must be
equivalent to the input of materials and the mixer can accurately preblended, and particular care must be
be operated without interruption to charge or discharge taken to avoid segregation.
material, the mixer can be considered continuous. The In presently available equipment, a meter records the
mixer may be started and stopped as required to meet rate of introduction of cement into the mixture and this
production requirements (provided that material input rate serves, directly or indirectly, to control the rate at
is also started and stopped). Such a mixer is suitable for which other ingredients are added. All systems are in-
both continuous or intermittent operation. terconnected so that, once they are calibrated and set to
produce a specific concrete mixture, all ingredients are
1.3-History simultaneously and continuously measured into the
Volumetric measurement and continuous mixing mixer. This interconnecting allows either continuous or
have a long history of producing concrete. For many intermittent operation of the system to accommodate
years the concept of one shovel of cement, two shov- the quantities of the concrete needed. These intercon-
els of sand, and three shovels of stone was used to nections should not be confused with the interlocks
produce concrete. Patents on continuous mixers date typically found in weigh-type batch plants. VMCM
back at least to 1913. It was not until these two tech- equipment is designed to allow the relative proportions
nologies were successfully combined in the early 1960s of ingredients to be changed rapidly to vary the con-
that general field use of this type of equipment began. crete mixture as required. Because the mixing chamber
The first commercial unit was delivered in 1964. Be- only holds about 2 ft, such changes can be made with
cause of the detail of original patents, there was only little or no waste.
one manufacturer of VMCM units until the early 198Os, Typical VMCM units carry enough materials to pro-
when other manufacturers began to offer this type of duce 6 to 10 yd3 of concrete (Fig. 2.1). This limitation
equipment for concrete production. is based upon axle loading limitations. Production of
By the mid-1970s, there were over 4000 VMCM ma- larger volumes of concrete or high rates of production
chines in operation in the U.S. Generally, they were will require special provisions for recharging the mate-
used to produce small volumes of concrete. During the rial storage compartments.

crete on the mixer-auger surfaces. Belts must be prop-

erly adjusted and kept in good repair. There should be
no leaks in the hydraulic or air systems. There should
be no cut or damaged insulation on electric wires. All
covers and guards should be securely in place.

Volumetric measurement and continuous mixing are
suitable for producing almost any concrete with appro- .
priately sized aggregate, provided the equipment is op-
erated with the same attention to detail as would be re-
quired to produce concrete by any other means. Most
of the present equipment is truck- or trailer-mounted,
or at least portable, and typically serves as its own ma-
terial transport. The portability of the equipment
makes it practical to bring the VMCM unit to the point
Fig. 2. 1- Typical system of use, which can be an advantage in many applica-
tions. Having the unit at the placement site also allows
close control of concrete quality at the site.
For mixing, most of the present continuous mixers 3.2-Production rates
utilize an auger rotated in a sloped trough or tube. Ma- Maximum production rates are dependent upon the
terials are introduced at or near the lower end, and the physical and mechanical characteristics of the VMCM
mixed concrete is discharged at the other. This basic unit. Discharge rates for a cubic foot of cement (about
principle is the same for all VMCM equipment, al- 100 lb) range from about 48 to 28 sec. For a concrete
though there are many individual variations. Augers are with a cement content of 564 lb/yd3, these discharge
available in different lengths and diameters and oper- rates imply production rates of about 12 to 21 yd3/hr.
ate at different speeds and may have continuous or in- However, these rates can only be achieved if the units
terrupted flighting. Troughs may have flexible or rigid are resupplied with materials during production.
bottoms and covered or open tops. The slope of the
mixer may be fixed or adjustable. Lowering the trough 3.3-Planning
(they are normally set at about 15 deg) will reduce the A review should be made of the job requirements
mixing time, while raising the trough will extend it. A prior to concrete production. Depending on the appli-
pivot at the base of most mixers allows them to swing cation, this may be a review by the operator or a more
from side to side. detailed formal meeting among all parties involved.
With this type of mixer, output is always equal to in- Review points should include discussion of the follow-
put, with a relatively small amount of material being ing items, which are further covered in Section 5:
mixed at any one time. Thorough mixing is accom- 1. Current calibration of materials being used.
plished in a very short time by applying high-shear, 2. Functional controls and settings proper for the
high-energy mixing to the material. Actual mixing time job.
from input to output is usually less than 20 sec. Pro- 3. Production rates and delivery times.
duction capability of the unit is more dependent on the 4. Required testing requirements and methods.
supply of materials than on the type or capacity of the 5. Availability of testing equipment.
mixer. 6. Adequate access on site for operation.

2.3-Equipment condition 3.4-Materials

All proportioning and mixing equipment should be Ingredients that are used to calibrate the unit should
well maintained in accordance with the manufacturers be the same that will be used for production. All ma-
instructions. This point cannot be overemphasized. The terials should be stored and handled in accordance with
finished product is probably the best test of equipment good concrete practices (ACI 304R). The moisture con-
condition. tent of the fine aggregate must be carefully controlled
There are certain areas to which particular attention to avoid undesirable variations in the mixture. Particu-
should be paid. The cement dispenser must be clean lar care should be taken during loading to avoid spill-
and free of any buildup. Valves must operate smoothly ing materials into the wrong compartments. When
and not leak. Any accumulation of materials on any moist aggregates are preloaded (6 to 8 hr in advance of
controlling surface or opening in the system will alter production), the operator will need to reduce the initial
the calibrated flow of materials. Mixer augers should water introduction slightly to maintain the proper
not be allowed to wear beyond the manufacturers rec- slump and compensate for water that has drained to the
ommended limits. There should be no buildup of con- bottom of the aggregates. Preloaded equipment should

Fig. 4.1-Trailer-mounted unit modified to produce

polymer concrete

be stored inside or covered during inclement weather. Fig. 4.3.1-Production of concrete for a low-slump
bridge overlay with a VMCM unit
Driving loaded equipment over rough roads may com-
pact aggregates, causing errors in flow rates. If this oc-
curs, recalibration may be necessary at the production

3.5-Personnel qualifications
It is essential that personnel responsible for control
be knowledgeable in all phases of equipment use. Con-
trol of material proportions is direct and immediate;
therefore, operators must also understand the signifi-
cance of any adjustments made. This also places addi-
tional responsibilities on quality control personnel, as
any change in the system could possibly adversely af-
fect concrete quality and cost. Personnel involved in
operating this type of equipment should have a thor-
ough understanding of the controls and should be ac-
quainted with concrete technology. Personnel author-
ized to make adjustments of the proportioning controls Fig. 4.3.2-Slipforming a bridge parapet with concrete
should have received training and/or certification from made by a VMCM
the equipment manufacturer or have at least 4 weeks of
on-the-job training with qualified personnel. applications include slipform placing (Fig. 4.3.2) and
shotcrete mixtures. The efficient mixing action of the
CHAPTER 4-APPLICATION continuous mixer is capable of handling all of these ap-
4.1 -General plications.
VMCM equipment lends itself to many different ap-
plications. While many of these applications involve 4.4-Long unloading times
relatively low-volume production of concrete, large jobs Some applications require relatively small amounts of
have also been done with this equipment. In addition to concrete on a constant basis. Shotcrete and vertical
producing conventional concrete, VMCM equipment is slipforming are good examples. Changes in the con-
well suited for a variety of special applications (Fig. crete properties could occur if a large volume of con-
4.1). Some of these applications are discussed in the crete is held at the jobsite and discharged over a long
following sections. period.

4.2-Mixtures with short working times 4.5-Concrete at remote sites

Concretes made with rapid-setting cements, special A VMCM unit is a complete proportioning and mix-
rapid-setting admixtures, or polymeric materials have a ing system. It can be used as a plant at the jobsite,
relatively short working life. Applications include re- thereby eliminating long haul times for ready-mixed
pairs to hydraulic and highway structures and precast concrete (Fig. 4.5.1 and 4.5.2). In remote areas, this
concrete products. Since VMCM equipment propor- can be very cost effective from both a production and
tions and mixes at the jobsite, maximum possible quality standpoint.
working time is obtained.
4.6-Making small deliveries
4.3-Low-slump mixtures Small orders of ready-mixed concrete require indi-
A well-known application of this type is the low- vidual trips for each order. These small orders can be
slump Iowa DOT high-density overlay (Fig. 4.3.1). In consolidated into one trip with a VMCM unit. The unit
this case, a l-in. maximum slump is allowed and no can go out full and does not need to return until empty
additional water may be added to the concrete. Other (Fig. 4.6).

Fig. 4.6-VMCM unit supplying concrete for a resi-

dential foundation
Fig. 4.5.1-Transportable plant providing concrete di-
rectly and continuously to a concrete pump
placement types require that a suitable material be
available when the application is ready, and both may
require indefinite volumes of material. Retempering
may be required if large volumes of ready-mixed con-
crete or grout are held waiting at the jobsite.
4.11 -Colored concretes
Many precast operations require colored concrete.
The small mixing auger can be cleaned much more
quickly and more thoroughly than batch-type mixers.
The vigorous mixing action of the auger-type mixer
thoroughly homogenizes the mixture for uniform col-
4.12-Emergency applications
VMCM units may be used as emergency sources of
Fig. 4.5.2--Self-loading unit premixing concrete for concrete to handle repair situations. A preloaded unit
delivery into an agitator truck could be held in standby for emergency situations that
4.7-Precast operations arise when there is no other source of concrete.
VMCM units in precast plants can provide uninter- CHAPTER 5-QUALITY CONCRETE AND
rupted delivery throughout a large area with rapid con- TESTING
trol of consistency and workability. Waste can be sig- 5.1 -General
nificantly reduced when casting architectural panels, The production of concrete by volumetric measure-
block, and molded items. ment and continuous mixing is subject to the same rules
of quality control as any other concrete production
4.8-Hot weather concreting
The concrete is discharged as it is mixed; therefore, method. The equipment should be clean, well main-
tained, and operated by experienced personnel. ASTM
most hydration takes place after the discharge. The
C 685 (AASHTO M 241) is the standard specification
concrete can be in place in the forms very quickly after
mixing so there is very little chance for the concrete to for concrete made by these methods and is similar to
heat up after mixing, but before placing. No tempering ASTM C 94. As with any type of batching equipment,
common sense, experienced personnel, and trained in-
water is required to maintain workability, therefore, the
water-cement ratio can be controlled more easily. spectors are the best quality assurance tools.

4.9-Mining applications 5.2-Calibration

Because of their compact size, VMCM units have To insure production of quality concrete, each volu-
been customized to fit into a mine shaft. Typically, metric-measuring unit must be calibrated for each re-
these units have been reduced in height. Units also have spective concrete ingredient, following the manufactur-
been designed in components that bolt together so they ers recommendations and ASTM C 685. These ingre-
could be reassembled in the mine after entering via a dients must be the same as those to be used in actual
standard hoist. concrete production. The measuring devices for aggre-
gates, cement, and dry admixtures are calibrated by
4.10-Grouting and pile filling weighing the discharged ingredient. Devices for water,
These applications also often require small volumes latex modifier (if required), and liquid admixtures such
of grout or concrete over an extended period, Both as air-entraining and water-reducing admixtures gener-

ally are calibrated by weighing or measuring the vol- made. These runs should each use at least 94 lb of ce-
ume of the discharged ingredient. The objective of cal- ment.
ibration is to coordinate the discharge of all concrete When calibrating rotary discharge systems, it is pref-
ingredients to produce the proper mixture. erable to stop the run at a whole number of revolutions
A complete calibration procedure should be con- rather than attempt to stop at a fixed time or weight.
ducted: 1) for all new equipment; 2) when test data in- At the conclusion of each run, the meter reading, time
dicate that the concrete is not meeting specified per- (in seconds), and the gross and tare weights are re-
formance levels; 3) when requested by the purchaser or corded. The net weight and weight per meter unit are
engineer; or 4) when a change is made in materials or then calculated. The weight of cement discharged in 1
mixture proportions for which previous calibration data min is also calculated.
are unavailable. Complete calibrations should also be 5.2.3 Aggregates-Aggregate discharge controls must
accomplished on a periodic basis depending upon in- be calibrated to provide the correct proportions in re-
tervening time since the unit was calibrated for another lation to the cement. This can be accomplished by es-
reason and the volume of concrete being produced. tablishing discharge rate in weight per unit time or
An abbreviated calibration to verify cement dis- weight per cement meter unit. The required weight of
charge or a volumetric yield check will verify the accu- aggregate discharge for either of these units may be
racy of previous control settings. Such abbreviated cal- calculated and trials made at various control settings
ibrations are useful and economical when small quan- until the desired weight is collected. Aggregates must be
tities of concrete (under 50 yd3) are to be produced calibrated individually. This method of trial and error
using the same control settings with similar ingredients. is best used when working with a familiar mix design
Project specifications should clearly define concrete and similar aggregates.
performance requirements, and equipment should be When the system is being calibrated for several
calibrated to meet those requirements. mixtures and with unfamiliar aggregates, it may be
The New York State Department of Transportation useful to plot the weight per unit time versus control
has developed a detailed method for calibrating VMCM settings for a minimum of five control settings. The
units. 1 A copy of this calibration procedure is included graph developed can then be used to interpolate the re-
as Appendix A to this report. quired settings for the various concrete mixtures. Veri-
5.2.1 Equipment required-The following equipment fication runs should be made after any such chart is
is required to perform a full calibration: a scale with a developed.
minimum capacity of 300 lb, a clean container to catch 5.2.4 Water-Normally, the control setting for the
cement and aggregate discharge, a container calibrated maximum permitted water is determined for a given
in fluid ounces to catch admixture discharge, a con- time or meter unit on the cement register. The dis-
tainer to catch water or other liquid discharge, a stop charge is then collected and weighed or measured in a
watch accurate to one-tenth sec, and a container to graduated container to verify the setting. The accuracy
check volumetric yield (normally a l/4 yd3 box). Toler- of flow meters (gal./min) and/or recording flow me-
ances as stated in ASTM C 685 are: ters (total gal.), if present, should be verified at this
time. For each calibration run, the system should be
Cement, percent by weight 0 to + 4 operated at least as long as the discharge time for 94 lb
Fine aggregate, percent by weight + / - 2 of cement.
Coarse aggregate, percent by weight + / - 2 Because there are fewer mechanical operating com-
Admixtures, percent by weight + / - 3 ponents involved with the water discharge than with the
Water, percent by weight + / - 1 cement, fewer calibration runs will be necessary.
5.2.5 Admixtures-Wet or dry admixture discharge
5.2.2 Cement-The cement discharge system is nor- should be calibrated for indicated flow rate versus
mally connected directly to the indicator used to deter- measured delivery. The flow of each admixture being
mine concrete production quantity. This system also calibrated should be caught in a calibrated receptacle
determines the rate at which all other discharge systems for at least as long as the discharge time of 94 lb of ce-
must provide materials to the mixer to produce the re- ment. A chart of flow indicator position versus actual
quired mixture. It is necessary to establish the weight of flow can be established. As many calibration runs as
cement discharged for a given register or counter read- necessary to meet the specified tolerances should be
ing as well as the amount discharged in a given time. made.
When calibrating cement, precautions should be 5.2.6 Post-calibration volumetric-yield test-All con-
taken to insure that the aggregate bins are empty (or trols should be set to produce the desired mixture. All
separated from the system) and that all of the dis- controls should be engaged and all systems charged. All
charge is collected. Any carrying mechanisms for the controls should be stopped simultaneously and the
cement should be primed by operating the system until meter register or counter reset. A container of known
any surface between the storage bin and the collection volume with rigid sides is then placed under the dis-
container which might attract cement becomes coated. charge of the mixer. All controls are then engaged si-
The meter register or counter should then be reset to multaneously and the proper count is run on the meter
zero and a minimum of five calibration runs should be register. The count is determined based on the known

used at the discretion of the specifier; however, experi-

ence and economics dictate that such testing need not
be more stringent than that required for weigh-batched


6.1 -General
The volumetric-measurement and continuous-mixing
equipment should be in good condition. All shields and
covers should be in place. All controls should operate
smoothly and be connected according to the manufac-
turers recommendations. All material-feed operations
must start and stop simultaneously. The cement-meas-
uring device must be inspected and cleaned regularly.
Indicating meters and dials should be operational and
readable. Admixture systems should be checked for
proper flow and operation. All filters should be clean
and allow full flow of water. Aggregate feed systems
should be free of any blockage. Checks of the various
feeding systems should be carried out according to the
manufacturers recommendations and as job experi-
ence indicates.
Fig. 5.2.6 Volumetric yield test

volume of the container; for example, one-fourth of the 6.2.Cold weather concrete
1-yd count should be used with a 1/4 yd3 container (Fig. All aggregates must be free of frozen material, as
5.2.6). frozen lumps may effect the metering accuracy. All liq-
Another method for a yield check by weighting is de- uid lines must be protected from freezing and drained
tailed in ASTM C 685. when not in use. Flow meters must be checked for
5.2.7 Preproduction tests-After calibration, pre- proper operation and protected from damage by freez-
production tests may be made to confirm whether the ing liquids. Additional information on cold weather
production mixture proportions meet the requirements concreting may be found in the report of ACI Com-
of the laboratory mixture proportions and provide a mittee 306.
reference for production testing. The following mini-
mum tests should be made at this time: air content 6.3-Hot weather concrete
(ASTM C 231 or C 173), slump (ASTM C 143), and Using VMCM under hot weather concreting condi-
unit weight (ASTM C 138). It is also advisable to cast tions is not greatly different from conventional con-
cylinders for compressive strength testing at this time. crete practice. The general principles as outlined by
ACI Committee 305 for maintaining concrete tempera-
5.3-Production testing tures below specified limits will still apply.
Parameters for testing should be established to meet
jobsite requirements. Generally, testing for concrete
produced using VMCM equipment should follow the 6.4-Aggregate moisture
same guidelines as for concrete produced by other Since proportioning is done on a continuous basis, it
methods. Suggested tests include: air content (ASTM is desirable to supply the machine with aggregates of a
C 173 or C 231), slump (ASTM C 143), and unit weight uniform moisture content. Bulking of fine aggregate is
(ASTM C 138). Project specifications should include not normally a consideration since the usual moisture
the frequency interval for these tests. This frequency content covers a small range where bulking is fairly
may vary from one set of tests per unit per cubic yard constant. A yield check is recommended when there is
to one set for each load. As with weigh-batched con- a wide swing in moisture content (2 percent or more).
crete, these tests serve as a quick check for quality con- This check will indicate if recalibration is required. Ag-
trol. gregate stockpiles being used to charge VMCM units
It is also good practice to perform a volumetric-yield should be covered to minimize variations in moisture
test on each mixer at least once per day or at intervals content. It may be necessary to limit the free moisture
of at least 50 yd3 of production. The concrete produced in aggregate by drying and/or covering to meet the low
for this yield test can often be incorporated directly into w/c requirements when high volumes of liquid addi-
the work. The previously mentioned air, slump, and tives, such as latex, are used.
unit weight tests should also be made at this time. Cyl-
inders or beams for strength tests should be cast from 6.5-Rapid slump loss
concrete obtained at point of discharge at the same time It has been noted that with some cements a rapid
as the other testing. Any other suitable tests may be slump loss occurs after discharge from the mixer (ACI

225). The cause is believed to be related to the short American Concrete Institute
mixing time typical with this type of equipment. The P. O. Box 19150
problem does not occur often, and a change of cement Detroit, MI 48219
will normally correct it.
American Society for Testing and Materials
6.6-Use of admixtures 1916 Race Street
Continuous mixers are high-shear, high-speed mix- Philadelphia, PA 19103
ers. Some admixtures perform differently than might be
expected when used with conventional mixers. For this American Association of State Highway and Transpor-
reason, the performance of admixtures should be veri- tation Officials
fied by testing for the desired result before actual pro- M 241-86 Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching
ject placement begins. Experience has shown that these and Continuous Mixing
results will remain consistent once the desired result has American Concrete Institute
been verified on a particular piece of equipment. If 225 R Guide to the Selection and Use of Hy-
deemed necessary to improve the performance of an draulic Cements
admixture, a limited increase in mixing time may be 304 R Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Trans-
achieved by increasing the angle of the mixing equip- porting, and Placing Concrete
ment . 305 Hot Weather Concreting
306 Cold Weather Concreting
6.7-Fresh concrete properties American Society for Testing and Materials
Fresh concrete produced by VMCM equipment be- C 94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed
haves slightly differently than ready-mixed concrete. Concrete
Elapsed hydration time at discharge is measured in sec- C 138 Standard Test Method for Unit Weight,
onds rather than in minutes. This means that, while the Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of
actual setting time (from start of hydration) is the Concrete
same, the apparent setting time (from time in place) C 143 Standard Test Method for Slump of
may seem longer. Finally, the apparent slump at dis- Portland Cement Concrete
charge is often higher than the measured slump 3 to 5 C 173 Standard Test Method for Air Content
min after discharge. Finishers and inspectors should be of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volu-
made aware of these differences. metric Method
C 231 Standard Test Method for Air Content
CHAPTER 7--REFERENCES of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pres-
7.1 -Specified and/or recommended references sure Method
The documents of the various standards-producing C 685 Standard Specification for Concrete
organizations referred to in this document are listed Made by Volumetric Batching and Con-
below with their serial designations. tinuous Mixing

The preceding publications may be obtained from the 7.2-Cited reference

following organizations: 1. Calibration of Mobile Mixers (Concrete Mobiles) to Produce
Portland Cement Concrete, Material Method NY 9.1, New York
American Association of State Highway and Trans- State Department of Transportation, Albany, 8 pp.
portation Officials
444 N. Capitol Street NW, Suite 225 This report was submitted to letter ballot of the committee and approved in
Washington, DC 20001 accordance with AC1 balloting procedures.



ALBANY, NY 12232

ISSUE DATE - May, 1979

Manual Materials Method, NY 9.4

Code 7.42-l-9.4 Da
te ay, 19792
Calibration Of Mobile Mixers (Concrete-Mobiles) To Produce Qortlana
Cement Concrete
2 e

CALIBRATION OF MOBILE MIXERS (CONCRETE-MOBILES) 3. Check cleanliness of cement meter-feeder. The pockets in the miter drum
a the hammers at the end of the
must be free frcm any cement buildup; and
spring tines should be properly striking the meter drum as it rotates.

MAP CODE 7.42-l-9.4 4. Check the cement meter register for proper operating condition. The drive
JAMES J. MURPHY DIRECTOR: MATERIALS BUREAU cable should be tight and free from kinks.
5. Check the main conveyor belt for cleanliness and tension. The belt shall
not show excessive sag.

6. Check all the bin vibrators for proper working order.

This method prescribes the procedure to be followed when checking the calibration
of the mobile mixers to produce portland cement concrete. The purpose for cali- 7. Check the operational speed specification (RPM). In order to achieve
bration is to set the controls of the mobile mixers. using materials proposed for uniform flow of materials, it is essential to maintain consistent
the particular job, so that it produces a cubic yard of portland cement concrete operational speed within the designed operational speed range for the
containing those relative quantities established in a mix design. unit. Mechanical units have a tachometer for monitoring operational
speed. If the unit is functioning properly the following tachometer
Each mobile mixing unit shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer. If in (RPM) readings should result in the proper operational speed.
the opinon of the Engineer, improper conditions exist, the conditions shall be
corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer, or the mixer shall be replaced. UNIT TACH. (RPM).
Improper conditions shall include, but not be limited to, hydrated cement deposits
and mixing paddles which are loose, broken, bent scalloped, worn 20 percent in Serial #'s 708 and lower 1250
any dimension, or heavily caked with mortar. Serial #'s 709 and higher 1670
Magnum 2250
Each mobile mixing unit shall be calibrated by the contractor and checked by the
Engineer initially using project materials to set the controls so that materials Hydraulic units are not equipped with tachometers. The operating speed
are proportioned to those relative quantities established in the project mix of these units should be checked by timing the main conveyor belt drive
design. After this initial calibration, additional full or partial calibrations shaft. The main conveyor belt drive shaft should operate between 39 to
may be required by the engineer as follows: whenever major maintenance operations 43 revolutions per minute. The only exception being the newly developed
occur in the mobile mixing unit, whenever the unit leaves and returns to the job Model #60 Concrete-Mobile; this should operate at 56 RPM. A secondary
site, or whenever material proportioning becomes suspect. check on operating speed is the cement meter counter, it should operate
at a rate of 142 counts per minute.
A. Precailbration CHECKS
Aggregate bins m u s t be empty and clean.
In order for the mobile mixing unit to batch accurately several key points listed
in the current edition of the Concrete-Mobile Handbook found under "Mechanical Charge the cement hopper with at least 36 bags or 3400 pounds of the
Factors that affect concrete produced by a Concrete Mobile Unit", must be same type and brand of cement to be used on project. Continuous feeding
periodically checked. of cement is not permitted.

A few of these key points are listed below: Prime the conveyor belt with cement for its entire length. Bypass the
mix auger by leaving it in the travel position. Run out at least two
1. Check cleanliness of cement bin. The bin must be dry and free of any bags of cement. It is not necessary to weigh this sample.
hardened cement. The cross auger must be clean and the steel fingers
welded to it must all be in place and straight. The aerators must be Obtain the cement container tare weight to nearest 0.5 pound. This
operative and the vent must be open and free of debris. tare weight shall be determined prior to taking each cement sample.

2. Check ground strap. Unit must be properly grounded to prevent cement

from clinging to sides of bins due to static electricity accumulation.
Manual Materials Method, NY 9.4 Code 7.42-l-9.4 Date May,1979 Page 3 Manual Page 4
Materials Method, NY 9.4 Code 7.42-l-9.4 Date May,1979
Subject Calibration Of Mobile Mixe(Concrete-Mobiles)
rs To Produce Portland Calibration of Mobile Mixers (Concrete-Mobiles) TO Produce Portland
Subiect: Cement Concrete
5. Reset the cement meter counter to zero.
(NOTE:) If the cement sample does not meet the 2% tolerance, check
6. Set the mixing unit at the proper operating speed and obtain cement samples for error in mathematical computations. If no errors are
to determine the exact time (to nearest 0.1 second) and meter count (to found, repeat the above procedure. If the retest also fails,
nearest 0.5 count) required to discharge one bag plus 2% by weight or 96 the unit shall not be acceptable for project use.
pounds of portland cement.*
(b) Averaging 5 two bag samples or 10 one bag samples
*The additional 2% cement is to allow for a 0 to +4 percent tolerance on
cement delivery, which is consistent with ASTM and manufacturers guidelines. 1. Obtain the mix design proportions based on a one bag mix. These can be
obtained from your Materials Engineer.
(a) Trial and Error. Obtain and record cement weights for several meter
counts, and discharge times to determine the cement meter count and 2. Obtain the Fine and Coarse Aggregate Absorption percentages from either
discharge time that delivers 96 pounds of cement. Record this data the NYSDOT Approved source listing or Regional Materials Engineer.
on the cement calibration worksheet; if additional space is required,
3. Determine the Fine and Coarse Aggregate oven dry moisture content at the
use back of worksheet. Using this established count and time obtain
stockpiles immediately prior to calibration.
- ThismaybYThis may be done prior to the
three additional samples and record each weight. These cement samples
cement calibration if deemed necessary.
must meet the following tolerance: 96 pounds + 2%.

NOTE: If the cement samples do not meet the 2% tolerance, take three 4. Calculate the Project Fine and Coarse Aggregate Weights (per 1 bag mix)
additional samples to recheck delivery tolerance. If these as follows:
results also fall outside the 2% tolerance, the unit shall not
be acceptable for project use. PROJ. AGG. WGT. = 1 Bag Agg. Mix Design Wgt. (SSD)
Moist,(%) - Abs. %
(b-l) Averaging 5 two bag samples. Obtain five cement samples of approximately
l- -( 100
2 bag size (188 Pounds). Record the cement weight, meter count and
discharge time on the Cement Calibration Worksheet. Compute the NOTE: Results to nearest 0.5 pound.
cement meter count and discharge time to deliver 96 pounds of cement.
Steps 2 thru 5 of the worksheet detail the computation procedure. Using 5. Using project aggregates load either the coarse or fine aggregate bin at
the established count and time obtain one additional sample to check least 2/3 fill. (Note - Only the bin being calibrated shall have material
computation accuracy. Record this sample on worksheet in space provided in it. If the rubber divider is deflected toward one bin, fill the bin
for Check Run. This sample must be within +2 % of the desired 96 pounds. that the rubber divider projacts into first So as to prevent flow Of
materials into the adjacent bin).
NOTE: If the cement sample does not meet the 2% tolerance check
for error in mathematical computations. If no errors are found 6. Disengage the cement discharge mechanism.
repeat the calibration procedure. If retest also fails, the
unit shall not be acceptable for project use. i. Prime the conveyor belt with aggregate for its entire length. This i s to be
done each time the gate setting is changed.
(b-2) Averaging 10 one bag samples. Obtain ten cement samples of approximately
1 bag size (94 pounds). Record the cement weight, meter count and NOTE: At this time, note flow pattern of aggregate at the end of the
discharge time on the Cemnt Calibration Worksheet. Compute the cement conveyor belt. An overflow may occur due to deformation o f the
meter count and discharge time to deliver 96 pounds of cement. Steps rubber divder at the bottom of the bin separator. If overflow
2 thru 5 of the worksheet detail the computation procedure. Using the is present stop it by either adjusting or changing the rubber
established count and time obtain one additional sample to check divider. If the overflow still occurs, the divider can be
computation accuracy. Record this sample on worksheet in space provided restrained by blocking with lumber or similar material on the
for Check Run. This sample must be within + 2% of the desired 96 pounds. empty side of the bin divider.

8. Set the mixing unit at the proper operating speed.

Manual Page Manual Materials Method, NY 9.4 Code 7.42-1-9.4 Date May, 1979 Page 6
Materials Method, NY 9.4 Code 7.42-l-9.4 Date May, 1979 5
Calibration of Mobile Mixers (Concrete-Mobiles) To Produce Portland Calibration Of Mobile Mixers (Concrete-Mobiles) To Produce Portland
Subiect: Subiect:
Cement Concrete Cement Concrete

9. Using either the t i m e cycle or cement meter count established in the 6. Repeat the above procedure at least 2 more times at the same flowmeter
cement calibration, vary the aggregate gate settings to establish a setting and discharge time. If each individual test has no more than + 2 %
setting that discharges the project aggregate weight (Step 4). Record variation from the average weight the unit water discharge system is
this data on the aggregate calibration worksheet. acceptable.

10. After establishing the gate setting run at least three more samples at E. ADMIXTURE INJECTION SYSTEM CALIBRATION
this gate setting. For the aggregate discharge system to be acceptable:
These systems provide a means of injecting predetermined amounts of admixture in
(a) The average of the three samples must be within + 2% of the calculated solution into the concrete mix. In order for the affected concrete properties to
project aggregate weight be uniformly maintained these systems must deliver material quantities consistently
and repeatedly. Admixtures are batched volumetricaily and fiowmeters are used to
(b) Each sample must be within + 2% of the average. monitor batching quantities. These systems should be calibrated as follows:

11. Upon completion completely clean the aggregate bins and conveyor belt and Calculate admixture solution flow rate for (1) LO-FLOW and (2) HI-FLOW
determine the gate setting for the remaining aggregate by following the systems as follows:
same procedure as stated previously; or rather than emptying the initial
aggregate bin, set its gate in the closed position. A slight overflow of (1) 60 (sec/min) x Dosage Rate (oz/bag)x6 (part sol.)
LO-FLOW: FLOW RATE (oz/min) = Cement Discharge Time (sec/bag)
material may result when running with the gate closed. Determine this amount
of material before loading the other bin by operating the conveyor belt at
the proper operating speed and for the time cycle determined to deliver 1 60 (sec/min) x Dosage Rate (oz/bag)xlO (part sol.)
HI-FLOW: FLOW RATE (qt/min) = Cement Discharge Time (set/bag) x 32 (oz/qt)
bag of cement, measure and record the actual overflow. This should be a
very small amount of material, approximately 3 to 5 pounds. The measured
overflow should be taken into account by taring out when calibrating the Fill the admixture systems with the proper part solutions to be used on the
remaining aggregate gate setting. job. Plain water may be used for calibration, however, the correct solutions
must be used for the yield test.
Set the air pressure regulator gauge at 15 psi for standard units or 25 psi
The total water content in the concrete mix is controlled indirectly, by concrete slump for magnum units.
values, because of variation in aggregate moisture content. However, it is essential
that the water delivery system discharge a constant rate of water so that excessive Using a calibrated vial, either ounces or milliliters (29.5 ml = 1 oz.), and
slump variations do not occur. a discharge, time of one minute, establish a flowmeter setting_ that will deliver Z
the calculated flow rate (step 1). If a Concrete-Mobile Handbook is available
These mobile mixers batch water volumetrically through flowmeters which monitor the the Flowmeter Diagrams for LO-FLOW systems (pg. 44, 45, or 46) or HI-FLOW
water flow rate in gallons per minute. The water delivery system, including flowmeter, systems (pg. 38 or 39) can be used to ob tain an initial flowmeter setting.
shall be checked for repeatability of water flow rate as follows:
NOTE - The flowmeter setting should be within the working range of the scale
1. Fill the water tank (when water reducing admixtures are added directly to to allow for adjustments due to variations in the field air content.
the water system, it need not be added for the calibration; however it must The part solution may be changed to accomplish this.
be added for the yield test).
5. Having established a flowmeter setting, obtain three (3) one minute samples
2. Obtain the water container tare weight to nearest 0.1 pound. (Container shall and record each volume. If each individual test has no morethan + 3% variation
hold at least 5 gal.). from the average flow rate, the unit admixture system is acceptable.

3. Set the mixing unit at the proper operating speed. F. LATEX CALIBRATION

4. Prime the water system by allowing water to flow out for approximately 15 Latex is batched volumetrically through f l o w m e t e r s which monitor batching quantities
seconds. in GALLONS PER MINUTE. The latex delivery system is essentially the same as the water
delivery system and should be calibrated to accurately deliver 3.5 gallons of latex
5. Set the flowmeter to discharge approximately 5 gal./min. Obtain sample by per bag of cement as follows:
interrupting water flow and record the discharge time (to nearest 0.1 second)
to approximately fill the 5 gallon container. Weigh this amount of water
and subtract tare weight of container to obtain the actual weight of water.
Manual Materials Method, NY 9.4 Code 7.42-l-9.4 Date May,1979 Page 7 Manual Materiais Method, NY 9.4 Code 7.42-l-9.4 Date May,1979 Page 8
Calibration Of Mobile Mixers (Concrete-Mobiles) To Produce Portland Calibration Of Mobile Mixers (Concrete-Mobiles) To Produce Portland
Subject: Cement Concrete Subiect:
Cement Concrete

1. Calculate the Latex Flow Rate in gal/min as follows: 4. Place a l/4 cubic yard box (36"x36"x9") beneath the mix conveyor to catch
all the concrete discharged by the unit. Be sure that l/4 yard box is
60 (sec/min) x 3.5 (gal/bag, latex dosage rate) rigid, l e v e l , clean, and well supported.
FLOW RATE (gal/min) = Cement Discharge Time (set/bag)
5. Set the mix conveyor at an angle of at least 15', and swing it to the side
so concrete will not discharge into the box.
2. Obtain the latex container tare weight to nearest 0.1 pound. The container
shall have a minimum capacity of five gallons. 6. Set unit at proper operating speed and discharge sufficient concrete to
perform slump, air content, and unit weight tests.
3. Fill the holding tank with latex and set the mixing unit at the proper operating
speed. NOTE - Stop the mixing action and main conveyor simultaneously.
4. Prime the latex system by allowing latex to flow out for approximately 15 After achieving specified slump and air content restart unit and discharge
seconds. until fresh concrete is produced. Stop mix conveyor and main conveyor
simultaneously dnd reset the cement meter register to "0".
5. Set the flowmeter at the calculated flow rate (step 1) and record discharge
time (to nearest 0.1 second) to approximately fill the 5 gallon container. Swing the mix conveyor over the l/4 yard box. Engage the mix conveyor
Weigh this amount of latex and subtract tare weight of container to obtain and the main conveyor simultaneously to discharge concrete until the meter
the actual weight of latex. Using the same time, obtain two (2) more count equals that for a l/4 yard or the box becomes full. Be sure to
samples of latex, and calculate an average weight. consolidate the concrete with mechanical vibratory equipment during and
immediately after filling the box.
6. The latex system is acceptable if the following repeatability (1) and
accuracy.(2) criteria are met: Strike-off the concrete in box and record the exact count. If box is not
completely full, re-engage the unit simultaneously to discharge small
(1) If each individual test has no more than -
+ 1% variation from the quantities of concrete and record the exact count needed to fill the
average weight container. The count must be within + 2% of the count calculated in Step 3
for the system to be acceptable.
(2) The average flow rate is within + 1% of the calculated flow rate
(step 1). Average flow rate is calculated as follows: NOTE - Concrete yield is directly proportional to the air content of the
concrete. In order for a concrete mix to achieve 100 percent yield
8 Avg sample Wgt* (lbs) x 60 (sec/m!n) the air content must be identical to that specified. Any deviation
AVG. FLOW RATE (gal/min) =
8.5 (lbs/gal) x Latex Sample Discharge Time (sec) found in the actual air content (Step 6) with that specified must
be taken into account when checking yield tolerance. (See worksheet.

After establishing and checking the various settings that control batching quantities
of a l l ingredients as outlined in the calebration steps, it is necessary to check the
yield of the integrated mixing system to insure that the proportions set in the mix
design actually produce a cubic yard of portland cement concrete.

Steps that should be followed to perform the yield test are:

1. Fill the mixing unit with project materials, including admixtures.

2. Check all gate, valve, and flowmeter settings for conformance with those
established in the calibration steps.

3. Determine the Cement Meter Count to deliver a l/4 cubic yard of concrete
as follows:
(One Bag Cement Count) /\ (Mix Design Bags per C.Y.)

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