Astm c150 2007
Astm c150 2007
Astm c150 2007
Document Name: ASTM C150: Standard Specification for
Portland Cement
CFR Section(s): 30 CFR 250.901(d)(9)
Official Incorporator:
c6 'U II
Designation: C 150 - 07
Cement and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C01.lO on Hydraulic :1 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Cements for General Concrete Construction. contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved May I, 2007. Published June 2007. Originally Standards volume information, refer to the standard's Document Summary page on
approved in 1940. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as C 150 - 05. the ASTM website.
C 563 Test Method for Approximation of Optimum SO, in NOTE 3-The standard permits up to 5 % by mass of the final cement
Hydraulic Cement Using Compressive Strength product to be naturally occurring, finely ground limestone, but does not
C 1038 Test Method for Expansion of Hydraulic Cement require that limestone be added to the cement. Cement without ground
limestone can be specified in the contract or order.
Mortar Bars Stored in Water
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to 5.1.4 Processing additions. They shall have been shown to
Determine Conformance with Specifications meet the requirements of Specification C 465 in the amounts
used or greater.
3. Terminology 5.1.5 Air-entraining addition (for air-entraining portland
3.1 Definitions-See Terminology C 219. cement only). The interground addition shall conform to the
requirements of Specification C 226.
4. Ordering Infonnation
4.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include 6. Chemical Composition
the following:
4.1.1 This specification number and date, 6.1 Portland cement of each of the eight types shown in
4.1.2 Type or types allowable. If no type is specified, Type Section 1 shall conform to the respective standard chemical
I shall be supplied, requirements prescribed in Table 1. In addition, optional
4.1.3 Any optional chemical requirements from Table 2, if chemical requirements are shown in Table 2.
desired, and NOTE 4--The limit on the sum, ~s + 4.75C)A, in Table I provides
4.1.4 Any optional physical requirements from Table 4, if control on the heat of hydration of the cement and is consistent with a Test
desired. Method C 186 7-day heat of hydration limit of 335 kJ/kg (80 cal/g).
TABLE 2 Optional Composition Requirements A
Applicable I and 11 and III and
Cement Type IV V Remarks
Test Method IA IIA IliA
Tricalcium aluminate (GsA)B, max, % See Annex 8 for moderate sulfate resistance
Tricalcium aluminate (CsA)B, max, % See Annex 5 for high sulfate resistance
Equivalent alkalies (Na2 0 + 0.658K2 0), max, % C 114 0.60 C 0.60 C 0.60 c 0.60 c 0.60 c low-alkali cement
AThese optional requirements apply only when specifically requested. Verify availability before ordering. See Note 2.
BSee Annex Ai for calculation.
CSpecifythis limit when the cement is to be used in concrete with aggregates that are potentially reactive and no other provisions have been made to protect the concrete
from deleteriously reactive aggregates. Refer to Specification C 33 for information on potential reactivity of aggregates.
TABLE 4 Optional Physical Requirements A
Cement Type Applicable IA II IIA III lilA IV V
Test Method
False set, final penetration, min, % C451 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Heat of hydration: C 186
7 days, max, kJlkg (eal/g) 290 (70)B 290 (70)B 250 (60)
28 days, max, kJlkg (eal/g) 290 (70)
Strength, not less than the values shown:
Compressive strength, MPa (psi) C 109/
C 109M
28 days 2B.O 22.0 28.0 22.0
(4060) (3190) (4060) (3190)
22.0B 18.0B
(3190)B (2610)8
Sulfate resistance,D 14 days, max, % expansion C452 ... E E 0.040
Gillmore test C266
Initial set, min, not less than 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Final set, min, not more than 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
AThese optional requirements apply only when specifically requested. Verify availability before ordering. See Nole 2.
&rhe limit for the sum of CaS + 4.75C sA In Table 1 shall not apply when this optional limit is requested. These strength requirements apply when the optional heat of
hydration requirement is requested.
CWhen the heat of hydration limit is specified, it shall be instead of the limits of CaS, C2 S, CaA, and Fe2 0 a listed in Table 1.
VWhen the sulfate resistance is specified, it shall be instead of the limits of CaA, C4 AF + 2 CaA, and F~Oa listed in Table 1.
ECement meeting the high sulfate resistance limit for Type V is deemed to meet the moderate sulfate resistance requirement of Type II.
9.1.11 Sulfate Resistance-Test Method C452 (sulfate ex- shall supply comparative test data on chemical and physical
pansion). properties of the cement with and without the limestone (See
9.1.12 Calcium Sulfate (expansion of) Mortar-Test Note 5). The comparative tests do not supersede the normal
Method C 1038. testing to confirm that the cement meets chemical and physical
9.1.13 Optimum S03-Test Method C 563. requirements of this standard. The amount of limestone in
cement shall be determined in accordance with Annex A2.
10. Inspection
NOTE 5-Comparative test data may be from qualification tests per-
10.1 mspection of the material shall be made as agreed upon formed by the manufacturer during formulation of the cement with
between the purchaser and the seller as prot of the purchase limestone.
13. Packaging and Package Marking
11. Rejection 13.1 When the cement is delivered in packages, the words
11.1 The cement shall be rejected if it fails to meet any of "Portland Cement." the type of cement. the name and brand of
the requirements of this specification. the manufacturer, and the mass of the cement contained therein
11.2 At the option of the purchaser, retest, before using, shall be plainly marked on each package. When the cement is
cement remaining in bulk storage for more than 6 months or an air-entraining type, the words uair-entraining" shall be
cement in bags in local storage in the custody of a vendor for plainly marked on each package. Similar information shall be
more than 3 months after completion of tests and reject the provided in the shipping documents accompanying the ship-
cement if it fails to conform to any of the requirements of this ment of packaged or bulk cement. All packages shall be in
specification. Cement so rejected shall be the responsibility of good condition at the time of inspection.
the owner of record at the time of resampling for retest. N01E 6-With the change to SI units, it is desirable to establish a
11.3 Packages shall identify the mass contained as net standard SI package for portland cements. To that end 42 kg (92.6 Ib)
weight. At the option of the purchaser, packages more than 2 % provides a convenient, even-numbered mass reasonably similar to the
traditional 94-1b (42.6-kg) package.
below the mass marked thereon shall be rejected and if the
average mass of packages in any shipment, as shown by 14. Storage
determining the mass of 50 packages selected at random, is less 14.1 The cement shall be stored in such a manner as to
than that marked on the packages, the entire shipment shall be permit easy access for proper inspection and identification of
rejected. each shipment, and in a suitable weather-tight building that
will protect the cement from dampness and minimize ware-
12. Manufacturer's Statement
house set.
12.1 At the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall
state in writing the nature, amount, and identity of any 15. Manufacturer's Certification
air-entrahling addition and of any processing addition used, 15.1 Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or order,
and also, if requested, shall supply test data showing compli- a manufacturer's report shall be furnished at the time of
ance of such air-entraining addition with Specification C 226 shipment stating the results of tests made on samples of the
and of such processing addition with Specification C 465. material taken during production or transfer and certifying that
12.2 When limestone is used, the manufacturer shall state in the cement conforms to applicable requirements of this speci-
writing the amount thereof and, if requested by the purchaser, fication.
NOTE 7-Guidance on preparing the manufacturer's report is provided
in Appendix Xl.
16. Keywords
16.1 hydraulic cement; portland cement; specification
(Mandatory Information)
Al.l All values calculated as described in this annex shall Dicalcium silicate (C:!S) = (2.867 X % Sial) - (0.7544 X % ~S)
be rounded according to Practice E 29. When evaluating (AI.2)
conformance to a specification, round values to the same
number of places as the corresponding table entry before Tricalcium aluminate (yA) = (2.650 X % AI20 3) -
AI.3 When the ratio of percentages of almninum oxide to Tricalclumsilicate(~S) = (4.071 X %CaO) - (7.600 X %Si02) -
ferric oxide is 0.64 or more, the percentages of tricalcium (4.479 X % AI,0,) - (2.859 X % Fe,0,) -
silicate, dicalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate, and tetracal- (2.852 X % SO,) - (5.188 X % CO,)
cium aluminoferrite shall be calculated from the chemical
analysis as follows: Unless limestone is used in the cement, the carbon dioxide
content shall be considered to be equal to zero when calculat-
Tricalcium silicate (~S) = (4.071 X % CaO) - (7.600 X % Si02 ) -
(6.718 X % Al,O,) - (1.430 X % Fe,03) -
ing potential tricalcium silicate. In the absence of information
(2.852 X % S03) - (5.188 X % CO,) on the limestone content of the cement sample, results shall
(Al.1) note that no correction has been made for possible use of
A2.1 When limestone is used, the limestone content in The manufacturer shall include the CO2 content and calcu-
portland cement shall be derived from the determination of lated limestone content of the cement on the Mill Test Report.
CO2 in the finished cement. Analysis of CO2 shall be based on The limestone content of the cement is calculated as follows:
methods described in Test Methods C 114. The percent lime-
%CO2 in the cement ..
stone in the cement is calculated from the CO2 analysis based % CO in the limestone X 100 = % limestone ill cement
on the CO2 content of the limestone used.
Nom A2.l-For example: limestone as follows: % CaCO, ~ 2.274 X % CO2
Where the det~rmined CO2 content in the finished cement = 1.5 % and
the CO 2 content of the limestone = 43 % (CaC03 in limestone = 98 %) NOTE A2.2-For verification of limestone content of cement, the
Then: purchaser must analyze for CO2 content and make a correction for the
1.5 content of CaC03 in the limestone in order for the data to be comparable
43 X 100 = 3,5 % limestone content in cement to the manufacturer's report.
A2.2 This specification requires that the limestone to be A2.3 Portland cements that do not contain limestone can
used must contain a minimum of 70 % CaC03 The manufac- contain baseline levels of CO2 inherent in manufacture, for
turer shall include the CaC03 content of the limestone on the example, due to carbonation. This baseline CO2 content is
manufacturer's report. Calculate the CaC03 content of the included as part of any calculated limestone content.
(Nonmandatory Information)
Xl. 1 To provide uniformity for reporting the results of tests XI.4 The sample Mill Test Report has been developed to
performed on cements under this specification, as required by reflect the chemical and physical requirements of this specifi-
Section 15 of Specification C 150 entitled "Manufacturer's cation and recommends reporting all analyses and tests nor-
Certification," an example Mill Test Report is shown in Fig. mally performed on cements meeting Specification C 150.
XI.I. Purchaser reporting requirements should govern if different
from normal reporting by the manufacturer or from those
Xl.2 The identity information given should unambiguously recommended here.
identify the cement production represented by the Mill Test
XI.5 Cements may be shipped prior to later-age test data
Report and may vary depending upon the manufacturer's
being available. In such cases, the test value may be left blank.
designation and purchaser's requirements.
Alternatively, the manufacturer can generally provide esti-
mates based on historical production data. The report should
Xl.3 The Manufacturer's Certification statement may vary indicate if such estimates are provided.
depending upon the manufacturer's procurement order, or legal
requirements, but should certify that the cement shipped is X1.6 In reporting limits from the tables in Specification
represented by the certificate and that the cement conforms to C 150 on the Mill Test Report, only those limits specifically
applicable requirements of the specification at the time it was applicable should be listed. In some cases, Specification C 150
tested (or retested) or shipped. table limits are superceded by other provisions.
ABC Portland Cement Company
Qualitytown, N.J,
ASTM C 150 Tables 1 and 3
Item Spec. Test Item Spec. Test
Limit Result Limit Result
A 20.6 Air content of mortar (volume %) 12 max 8
Si02 (%)
AI2 0 a (%) 6.0 max 4.4 Blaine fineness (m2/kg) 260 min 3n
430 max
6.0 max 3.3 AverageS Blaine fineness (m2 /kg) 280 min 385
420 max
CaD (%) A 62.9 Autoclave expansion (%) 0.80 max 0.04
MgO(%) 6.0 max 2.2 Compressive strength (MPa) min:
SOs(%) 3.0 max 2.7 1 day
Ignition loss (%) 3.0 max 2.7 3 days 7.0 23.4
Na20 (%) A 0.19 7 days 12.0 29.8
K2 0 (%) 0.50 28 days
Insoluble residue (%) 0.75 max 0.27 Time of seHing (minutes)
CO2 (%) A 1.5 (Vicat)
Limestone (%) 5.0 max 3.5 Initial Not less than 45 124
CaCOa in limestone (%) 70 min 98 Not more than 375
Potential (%) Heat of hydration (kJ/kg)
C,S A 50 7 days c 300
C,S 21
C,A 8 max 6
C4 AF A 10
C4 AF + 2(Ca A) 22
CaS + 4.75Cs A 100 max 78.5
ANot applicable.
BAverage of last five consecutive samples.
orest result represents most recent value and is provided for information only.
ASTM C 150 Tables 2 and 4
Item Spec. Test Item Spec. Test
Limit Result Umit
Urnit Result
Equivalent alkalies (%) D 0.52 False set (%) 50 min 82
Compressive strength (MPa)
28 days 28.0 min
CUmi! not specified by purchaser. Test result provided for information only.
test result for ttis production period not yet available.
We certify that the above described cement, at the time of shipment, meets the chemical and
physical requirements of the ASTM C 150 - XX or (other) specification.
Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_____ 111le: _ _
1111.' ____
_ ______
Committee COl has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
C 150 - 05, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved May 1, 2007)
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed evel}' five years and
if not revised, either reapprovsd or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed toASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-882-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (f8X), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website