Technical Bulletin: Hydraulic Snubbers
Technical Bulletin: Hydraulic Snubbers
Technical Bulletin: Hydraulic Snubbers
Hydraulic Snubber
Most hydraulic snubbers have a piston which is relatively unconstrained in motion at low dis-
placement rates. At high displacement rates the piston locks up, that is, the force required to
move the piston increases substantially, usually as a result of the closing of a valve.
For use on piping systems or equipment when restrained thermal movement must be allowed,
but which must be restrained during impulsive or cyclic disturbance. The unit is not effective
against low amplitude, high frequency movement. Preferred usage, with standard settings, to
prevent destructive results due to earthquakes, flow transients, or wind load. Special settings
are available to absorb the continuous thrust resulting from safety valve blow-off or pipe rup-
ture. For the most effective operation of the unit, please specify the mounting position, vertical
or horizontal.
Size Range:
PT&P offers seven sizes with cylinder bores of 1 1/2 to 8 inches. These units have a normal load range
of 3,000 lbs to 110,000 lbs. All are made to include reservoirs in 6, 10, 15, or 20 inch strokes, except
the 1 1/2 inch size. The 1 1/2 inch size is offered in 6 & 10 inch strokes only. Snubbers, as they are
sometime referred to, are available with remote reservoirs.
Please specify figure no., cylinder size, stroke, load, cold, and hot pistons settings, and piston end op-
tion. If clamp is required, please specify nominal pipe size, or special O.D. and clamp material. Speci-
fication or description of any additional optional features or special settings is required.
Cylinder Stroke A B Min. C Min. C Max. Max. Recom. Normal
Size In. Load (Lbs)
1 1/2 5 2 1/6 1 5/8 15 1/2 20 1/2 300
10 19 1/2 29 1/2 1250
2 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/4 15 7/8 20 7/8 12500
10 19 1/2 29 1/2
3 1/4 5 3 1/4 3 17 5/8 22 5/8 21000
10 22 5/8 32 5/8
4 5 4 3 3/4 19 1/2 24 1/2 23000
10 24 1/2 34 1/2
5 5 5 1/18 4 1/2 21 26 50000
10 26 36
6 5 5 3/4 5 1/2 23 5/8 28 5/8 72000
10 28 5/8 38 5/8
8 5 7 1/4 6 28 7/8 33 7/8 128000
10 33 7/8 43 7/8
*Loads must not be applied outside a 10 included angle cone of action to the pipe clamp axis w/o
special authorization
Pipe Size 1 1/2 2 1/2 3 1/4 4 5 6 8
3/4 2 7/16
1 2 9/16
1 1/4 2 11/16
1 1/2 4 1/8
2 5 1/8 5 1/16 6 3/8 6 3/8
2 1/2 5 3/8 6 1/2 7 7 1/2 8 1/8
3 5 15/16 7 7 7 1/2 8 3/8
4 6 1/2 7 7 1/4 7 1/4 8 3/8
5 7 7 7 3/4 7 3/4 9 1/8
6 8 9/16 8 9/16 9 1/4 9 1/4 10 11
8 9 9/16 9 9/16 10 1/8 10 1/8 11 1/4 12
10 10 7/16 10 7/16 11 3/8 11 3/8 12 3/4 14 1/4 15
12 11 7/16 12 9/16 12 9/16 13 7/8 15 15 3/4
14 12 11/18 13 1/2 13 1/2 14 1/2 15 16 1/2
16 13 11/16 14 7/8 14 7/8 15 1/4 16 17 1/2
18 14 11/16 15 1/2 15 1/4 16 3/4 16 3/4 18 1/2
20 15 7/8 15 7/8 16 1/2
24 17 7/8 17 7/8 19 5/16 20 22 22
30 23 3/8 23 3/8 23 3/4 24 1/4 25 26 1/4
36 28 3/4 28 3/4 28 3/4 30 3/4 32 3/4 32 3/4
Schematic of Hydraulic Snubber
under normal conditions