The Core Function of The Marketing Department Is To Understand and Satisfy Consumer Need

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The core function of the marketing department is to understand and satisfy consumer need, wants and

desire. Consumer behaviour captures all the aspect of purchase, utility and disposal of products
and services. In groups and organization are considered within the framework of consumer. Failing to
understand consumer behaviour is the recipe for disaster as some companies have found it the hard way.
For example, Wal-Mart launched operations in Latin-America with store design replicating that of US
markets. However, Latin America consumer differs to US consumer in every aspect. Wal-Mart suffered
consequences and failed to create impact.

Social, cultural, individual and emotional forces play a big part in defining consumer buying behaviour.
Cultural, sub-culture and social class play an important is finalizing consumer behaviour. For example,
consumer growing up in US is exposed to individualism, freedom, achievement, choice, etc. On sub-
culture level influence of religion, race, geographic location and ethnicity define consumer behaviour.
Social class consists of consumer with the same level of income, education, taste, feeling of superiority
and inferiority. Over time consumer can move from one social level to another.

Culture alone cannot define consumer behaviour; social forces also play an important role. Social forces
consist of family, friends, peer groups, status and role in society. Groups which have direct or indirect
influence on consumer are referred to as reference groups. Primary groups consist of friends, family and
peers with whom consumer has direct contact for considerable time. Secondary groups are association
where interaction is at formal level and time devoted is less.

Consumer buying behaviour is influenced by individuals own personality traits. These personality
traits do not remain the same but change with the life cycle. The choice of occupation and
corresponding income level also play part in determining consumer behaviour. A doctor and software
engineer both would have different buying pattern in apparel, food automobile etc. Consumers from
similar background, occupation and income levels may show a different lifestyle pattern.

An individual buying behaviour is influenced by motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and attitude.
These factors affect consumer at a psychological level and determine her overall buying behaviour.
Maslows hierarchy, Herzberg Theory and Freud Theory try and explain people different motivational level
in undertaking a buying decision. Perception is what consumer understands about a product through their
senses. Marketers have to pay attention to consumers perception about a brand rather than true offering
of the product. Learning comes from experience; consumer may respond to stimuli and purchase a
product. A favorable purchase will generate positive experience resulting in pleasant learning. Belief is the
pre-conceived notion a consumer has towards a brand. It is kind of influence a brand exerts on consumer.
For example, there is a strong belief product coming through German engineering are quality products.
Companies may take advantage of this belief and route their production through Germany.

Companies need to think beyond buying behaviour and analyze the actual buying process. Complex
buying behaviour requires high involvement of buyers, as it is infrequent in nature, expensive, and they
are significant differences among the available choice e.g. automobile. Grocery buying is referred to as
habitual buying, which requires less involvement as few differences among brands, frequent and
inexpensive. Buying process involves purchase need, decision makers, information search, alternatives
evaluation, purchase decision and post purchase behaviour. Companies try hard to understand consumer
experience and expectation at every stage of buying process. Marketers need to figure the right
combinations which will initiate purchase need e.g. marketing programs. Companies should ensure
consumer have readily available information to take the decision e.g. internet, friends. Consumers
evaluate alternatives based on their brand perception and belief. Companies need to work hard to
develop products, which match this perception and belief every time. Final purchase decision is taken
looking others perception of the brand. Post purchase if expectations meet actual performance consumer
is satisfied and more likely to repurchase or recommend the brand to others.

Consumer markets are defined by various geographical, social and cultural factors. Furthermore,
consumer behaviour is influenced by psychological, personality, reference groups and demographic
reasons. Finally actual buying process involves complex process and cycle. Companies have to keep a
tab on all three factors in formulating strategy.

A market consists of two parts consumer market and business market. Companies manufacture
products for consumer market but business market is equally large and strong. Typical business markets
consist of manufacturing plants, machinery, industrial equipments, etc. Companies need to study and
analyze factors affecting business markets and business buying behaviour.

In a business market, organizations buy goods and services for production of goods and services. In
terms of overall value business market is bigger than the consumer market. There are many characteristic
which set business market apart from consumer markets. Business buyer base is smaller in comparison
to consumer market. Consumer-supplier relationship is much stronger in a business market owing to few
players in the field. Customer and supplier are very dependent on each for survival. For example, if car
companies falter then tyre companies will suffer. So companies not only have to monitor business market
but also pay attention to end consumer market. Buying for the business is a responsibility of purchase
department which adheres to company rules and regulations. The buying decision is influenced by many
players ranging from technical experts to the finance department. This means that sales people have to
do multiple visits and present information to different departments. In business market there is no
distribution channel, thereby reducing overhead cost.

From the above discussion it is clear that the business market functions differently from consumer
markets. Buying decision especially is more complex owing to many players. If buying decision is a re-
purchase than purchasing department would place the order with an old supplier. Companies keep a list
of approved vendors from which they choose as per purchase requirement. If buying decision is a
modification from previous order in terms of specifications, amount, price, etc. than companies looks to
have a discussion with suppliers. Purchase department may look to other suppliers for a modification
order. If the buying decision is a new product or service than a lengthy process is followed with discussion
and meeting between representatives from various departments.

Business buying behaviour is influenced by economical, company, individual and interpersonal

factors. Economical factors like regulatory changes, technology changes, competition, fiscal policy and
monetary policy influence buying behaviour. Business buyers are active in tracking and analyzing
economical factors. Company level factors also play a major role is deciding buying behaviour. Sales
people have to pay importance in understanding how purchase department is organized and players in
the department. More professional are joining purchasing department making buying decision
scientifically driven to align with larger organizational goals. As inventory management is crucial,
companies prefer long term relation with suppliers. Many individuals from different departments are part
of buying decision and it is important for sales people to understand personality traits of as many
participants as possible. Geographical factor also influences buying behaviour as culture varies from
country to country. Sales people should be acquainted with different cultures.

Actual buying process can be understood from products perspective. If the product has less perceived
value and cost than business buyer ask for the lowest prices and offer high volume order. Suppliers in
turn offer standardize products at low prices. If the product has a high value and low cost business buyer
look for additional service or attributes with low price. If the product has high value and cost than the
business buyer look for branded product with an established reputation. Price is not a constraint for high
value products. To which suppliers put forward strategic long term alliance to accommodate technology

Buying process consists of following steps - purchase needs, requirement description, product
specification, floating intent of purchase, selecting a supplier; confirm delivery modules and timely review
of purchase.

Government and institutional buying differ from industrial buying because here products and services
providers are offered for free or fee to a large audience. Such a buying process requires a great deal of
paperwork and transparent bidding system.

It is clear from observing the above points that in business buying and consumer buying. Business
suppliers have to adapt to changes and employ a different marketing strategy.

Consumer Behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the

processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of products, services,
experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs; and the impacts that these processes have
on the consumer and society. Consumer is the focus of all the marketing activities.
Knowledge of his activities and behaviour is one of the most important aspects of
the marketing. The consumers buy the goods to satisfy a number of needs and
drives. Human wants are unlimited and varying time to time; from place to place
and man to man. The study of consumer behaviour holds great interest for us as
consumers, as students and scientists, and as marketers.

2. Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour

Consumer behaviour doesnt remain the same or constant in every situation it

changes time to time. There are various factors which affects consumer behaviour.
As the change comes in these factors, consumer behaviour also changes. Following
are the factors which affect consumer behaviour: 2.1

Demographic Factors

2.1.1 Sex We can classify sex into two categoriesmale or female. Women in our
society have started purchasing most of the goods items and other household
goods, independent of the decisions of their husbands. But men still make most
purchasing decisions relating to automobiles, TVs, refrigerators, cameras and other
consumer durables. Thus, who will purchase, the product, affect the study of
consumer behaviour.

2.1.2 Age Infant, child, adolescent, young adults, matures adults, senior citizens,
etc. Our wants, needs, desires and aspirations all change with age.

2.1.3 Marital Status Single, engaged, married, separated, divorced, widow, etc.
Married people always constitute a stronger market for homes, life insurance,
consumer durables and childrens clothing than unmarried people. Thus the life of
widow and her shopping habits are different to a great extent as compared to a
typical married woman of the same age. Thus it is important to consider the marital
status of a consumer before studying his/her buying behaviour.

2.1.4 Ethnic Factor Low class, middle class, upper class etc. Minority group
everywhere have traditionally received less education, fewer cultural opportunities
and earned lower incomes than others. The condition of such people are no doubt
changing but still the consumption pattern of minority group people w.r.t. both type
and quality of goods they purchase, differ from others.

2.1.5 Income Factor Low, low middle, middle, upper middle, upper etc. An
individuals income determines to a very great extent the type and quality of
products he buys. People with low income are forced to spend most of their money
for food, rent, clothing and other essentials. As they become more affluent, they
tend to purchase higher quality items and buy more non-essentials. Of course,
people earning the same amount of money may spend it in different ways
depending upon other personal factors.

2.1.6 Education Illiterate, primary education, high school education, college

education, university education, professional education, etc. researches have shown
that preferences in music, art, entertainment, food, clothing, automobiles etc. are
influenced by the extent, kind and quality of ones education. Generally speaking
the more educated a person is, the more discriminating a shopper he is.

2.1.7 Occupation Unskilled, semiskilled, skilled, bureaucrats, professional,

businessmen etc. The product preferences of white collar workers tend to be quite
different from that of blue collar workers. Thus the study and prediction of the
behaviour of a consumer is eased if we know exactly his occupation.

2.1.8 Family Size Small family, big family and joint family etc. If size of the family
small it will purchase essentials in small quantity but if the size of the family is large
it will purchase essential products like food, clothes, etc. in large quantity to fulfill
the necessity of every member of the house.
6. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the present study are:

1. To provide an understanding to the concept consumer behavior and to highlight

the need and importance of Consumer Behaviour.

2. To study the Impact of Demographic Factors on Consumer Behaviour.

Hypothesis Null Hypothesis-H0 : There is significant Impact of Demographic Factors

on Consumer Behaviour.

Alternative Hypothesis-H1 : There is no significant Impact of Demographic Factors

on Consumer Behaviour.

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