Decade Developments of Rotary Compressor
Decade Developments of Rotary Compressor
Decade Developments of Rotary Compressor
Compressor is the single largest consumer of primary energy (usually electricity) in an industrial refrigeration system and
often become a focal point for energy efficiency improvement strategies. This is achieved either through the improvement of
existing compressor designs, or by the introduction of new designs that is expected to overcome the drawbacks of existing
compressors. This paper presents the summery of development and innovations made in rotary compressors used in
refrigeration industry by the researchers in respect to performance, compactness, vibration, method of injection and losses.
ISSN: 2049-3444 2012 IJET Publications UK. All rights reserved. 1965
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 2 No. 12, December, 2012
refrigerant in different compressor chambers, the compressor (STC). Except of using general design
temperature distributions in the scroll wraps, and the optimization, model includes multi-variable, direct search,
temperatures of the other compressor elements can be inequality constraints, both interactive session and
obtained. discrete variable design optimization skills have also been
employed in this study. Comparisons between calculated
Lebrum and Winandy (2002) [3] published results of and measured results show that the maximum deviation of
experimental analysis and modeling of scroll compressors cooling capacity and coefficient of performance based on
using gas and liquid injection. The experimentation is electrical power input are below 2.53% and 1.69%,
based on hermetic scroll compressors using different respectively.
methods of injection such as without injection, vapor
injection and liquid injection. The analysis reveals the Wang et al. (2008) [7] concentrated on the numerical
influence of these methods on the compressor behavior. A research on the scroll compressor with refrigeration
simplified model of the scroll compressor is then injection. The model can be used to predict the macro
proposed that takes into account not only the different performance and inner compression process of the
internal processes but also the refrigerant injection. injected scroll compressor. A series of experiments are
conducted to validate the accuracy of the model. The
Winandy et al. (2002) [4] carried out the experimental results show that the model can precisely predict not only
investigation of a hermetic scroll compressor equipped the general performance of the compressor but also the
with internal sensors. The analysis reveals the main inner compression with or without refrigerant injection.
process affecting the refrigerant mass flow rate as well as
the compressor power and the discharge temperature Blunier et al. (2009) [8] simulated the new analytical and
.Based on the experimental results, a simplified model of dynamic model of scroll compressor. By using a novel
the scroll compressor is proposed. It assumes that the reference frame, it proposes an original way of describing
refrigerant mass flow rate is affected by a suction the geometry of the scroll wraps (represented as circle
temperature increase due to heat gained from a uniform involutes) in which the symmetries are exploited in order
wall temperature. This imaginary wall is supposed to gain to establish a thermodynamic model of the scroll
heat from the electromechanical losses and from the compressor. This approach allows the chamber volumes
discharged gas and to give heat to the ambient. The to be analytically described without any special
compression process is considered to be isentropic up to assumption and takes into account the discharge as a non-
the adapted pressure and then isochoric until the discharge symmetrical process.
pressure. The model is able to compute variables of
primary importance, like mass flow rate, the electric Cuevas and Lebrum (2009)[9] tested the variable speed
power and discharge temperature as well as secondary scroll compressor .Variable speed compressors offer
variables such as suction heating-up, discharge cooling continuous control, low noise level, reduced vibration,
down, and ambient losses. low-start current, rapid temperature control, by operating
the compressor at higher speeds initially, and observed
The design and manufacturing of scroll compressors is better COPs than the conventional on/off control.
not easy as their key parts have complex shapes with However, there are some drawbacks concerning the
involute curves. A high degree of accuracy in assembling inverter efficiency, the effect of the inverter on the
is required which encounters difficulties in the induction motor and the effect of variable speed on the
manufacturing cycle. Jiang et al. (2003) [5] presented compressor isentropic and volumetric efficiencies. This
the integration of constructive solid geometry (CSG) study gave some experimental results as to inverter and
modeling and Computer Aided Manufacturing in the compressor performances: it was observed that the
design in general, scroll compressors in particular. The inverter efficiency varies between 95% and 98% for
approach is based on concurrent engineering. The compressor electrical power varying between 1.5 and 6.5
involute scroll curve is created from equations. Designers kW. Compressor efficiencies are not enormously
can transfer the model to a manufacturing engineer for influenced by compressor supply frequency, but depend
process planning. The manufacturing engineer can also mainly on compressor pressure ratio, except the tests
advise the designer if some revisions are needed. Experts developed at 35 Hz and one test at 40 Hz, for which the
can check the models and processes of design and difference is attributed to the compressor internal leakages
manufacturing. Thus, solid modeling and machine tool due to a lack of lubrication at low speeds.
path simulation can bridge the gap between design and
manufacturing which is essential for concurrent Cuevas et al. (2010) [10] examined the characterization
engineering. With this approach, a correct and precise of scroll compressor under extended operating condition.
solid model can be achieved, which leads to an optimal Refrigeration and air-conditioning compressors are
design in terms of quality, delivery time and cost. designed to work under well-defined conditions. In some
applications it is interesting to observe their performances
Tseng and Chang (2006) [6] proposed a systematic beyond these conditions, for example in the case of a high
design method for developing a family of scroll-type temperature two-stage heat pump or of a cooling system
ISSN: 2049-3444 2012 IJET Publications UK. All rights reserved. 1966
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 2 No. 12, December, 2012
working at high temperature. In this study a compressor is Yoon et al. (2011) [14] investigated oil discharge ratio
characterized experimentally with refrigerant R134a and at inverter driven high shell pressure scroll compressor
through 118 tests at condensing pressures varying from using R410. In this study, the oil discharge characteristics
8.6 up to 40.4 bar and evaporating pressures varying from of a high shell pressure scroll compressor, which uses
1.6 up to 17.8 bar. Under these conditions the compressor R410A as the refrigerant and Poly Vinyl Ether as the oil,
motor was pushed at its maximal current in several tests. were measured according to the conditions for oil
This compressor performance is mainly characterized by management. The measurement of oil discharge ratio
its isentropic and volumetric efficiencies. (ODR) in the system is very important to secure the
operational reliability. It was made in real time through
Duprez et al. (2010) [11] notified an improvement of the the refractive index sensor. ODR was greatly influenced
scroll compressors model. This improved model allows by the mass flow rate and the dynamic viscosity of the
the calculation of refrigerant mass flow rate, power refrigerant. As the rotation frequency of the compressor
consumption and heat flow rate that would be released at became higher, ODR increased rapidly.
the condenser of a heat pump equipped with the
compressor, from the knowledge of operating conditions 3. ENHANCEMENT IN SCREW
and parameters. Both basic and improved models have COMPRESSOR
been tested on scroll compressors using different
refrigerants. This study is limited to compressors with a Twin screw compressors are rotary positive displacement
maximum electrical power of 14 kW and for evaporation machines of simple design capable of high speed
temperatures ranging from -40 to 15C and condensation operation over a wide range of operating pressures and
temperatures from 10 to 75C. Using a global parameter flow rates with high efficiencies. Moreover, they are both
determination (based on several refrigerants data), this reliable and compact. So screw compressors have recently
model can predict the behavior of a compressor with found a broad application in the industry taking into
another fluid for which no manufacturer data are account their advantages, such as in industrial
available. refrigeration and central air-conditioning applications.
Yangguang et al. (2010) [12] compared the involute of Suh and Lee (2001) [15] discussed the manufacturing
circle with variable radii in a scroll compressor. A concepts of composite screw rotors for air compressors by
geometric model of scroll profiles, constructed from an RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) process. Screw rotors, the
involute of circle with variable radii, has been developed key parts of screw compressors, are widely used in
by using the theorem of planar orbiting mechanisms. compressing air and refrigerant due to their high
Parametric studies have also been investigated in this productivity, compact size, low noise and easy
study. When compared to the conventional scroll profile maintenance. In general, a screw compressor unit is
with the same suction volume, volume ratio and housing composed of female and male rotors of complex
size, this new model demonstrates better reliability and geometric shape. The manufacturing cost and time of the
efficiency because of a lower wrap height. Alternatively, screw rotors are high because the complicated helical
a scroll type compressor with a more compact housing shapes of the screw rotors are manufactured usually by
size can be achieved by using this new profile but keeping dedicated machine tools. To reduce the production cost
its wrap height the same as the conventional one. and weight of screw rotors, the screw rotors for air
Furthermore, arc and line modifications have been built to compressors were manufactured with chopped carbon
provide wider design varieties. These are used to avoid fiber epoxy composite materials by the RTM (resin
interference at the center of the scroll pair and to boost the transfer molding) process using separable four piece
volume ratio of this new scroll profile. molds for easy demolding of helical shape screw rotors.
Dutta et al. (2011) [13] analyzed the performance of Yang (2002) [16] developed the mathematical model of
scroll compressor under liquid refrigerant injection. In the rotor profile of the single screw compressor. This
this study, fundamental and practical influence of liquid paper presents a method for determining the basic profile
refrigerant injection on the performance of a refrigerant of a single-screw compressor including a gate rotor and a
scroll compressor has been investigated experimentally screw rotor. The inverse envelope concept for
and theoretically. In the theoretical analysis, a determining the cutting-edge curve of the gate rotor is
compression model of vapor / liquid mixture is developed presented. Based on this concept, the required cutter for
by taking account of heat transfer from the cylinder wall machining the screw rotor can be obtained by an envelope
to suction, compression and injection refrigerant. An of the one-parameter family of obtained screw rotors. The
experiment has been performed under the condition of obtained screw rotor is an envelope of the family of gate
keeping the oil temperature constant in order to rotor surfaces. Let the obtained envelope of the one-
investigate the fundamental influence of the liquid parameter family of gate rotor surfaces become the
refrigerant injection on the compressor performance, and generating surface. The inverse envelope can be used to
the results were compared with the theoretical ones. obtain the envelope of the family of generating surfaces.
Then, the profile of the gate rotor with the cutting-edge
ISSN: 2049-3444 2012 IJET Publications UK. All rights reserved. 1967
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 2 No. 12, December, 2012
ISSN: 2049-3444 2012 IJET Publications UK. All rights reserved. 1968
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 2 No. 12, December, 2012
pressure sensor that embedded into the groove at the root gases carried out by Seshaiah et al. (2010)[26]. Oil
of the female rotor on the discharge side. injected twin-screw compressors are widely used for
medium pressure applications in many industries. Air
Profiling of screw compressor rotors by use of direct compressors can be used for compression of helium and
digital simulation investigated by Stosic et al. (2008)[23]. other gases, leading to significant cost saving. The
A standard feature of AutoCAD software enables a rotor efficiency, delivery rate and the heat of compression of
to be cut from a given blank and then generate a the compressors (medium and small size) are analyzed.
meshing rotor profile from a given primary profile To generate experimental data, two similar compressors
template for practically all existing screw compressor with different capacities are used to test the performance
rotor profiles. Three examples are presented, namely, a of air compressors when applied to compress nitrogen,
roots blower to demonstrate two-dimensional meshing, a argon and helium gases apart from air. This paper also
twin screw compressor to demonstrate two and one half describes the gas delivery rate and heat of compression
dimensional generation and a single screw compressor (temperature) on volumetric and power efficiency.
rotor and hobbing tool to show full three-dimensional
profile generation. Rotor profile points can be generated Chen et al. (2011)[27] reported about the theoretical and
by this procedure from which the compressor experimental investigation on the performance of screw
displacement, the sealing line points and the blow-hole refrigeration compressor under part-load conditions Slide
area can be estimated. valve is normally employed in screw refrigeration
compressor to meet the cooling capacity demanded by the
Wu and Fong (2008) [24] has presented improved rotor load variation. A mathematical model describing the
profiling based on arbitrary sealing line for twin-screw working process of screw refrigeration compressor with a
compressors. A design method for the rotor profile of slide valve assembly under part-load conditions is
twin-screw compressor from an arbitrary sealing line is established based on the calculation of the effective by-
presented. The sealing line is divided into several pass area and radial discharge area. Experimental
functional segments that control the high-pressure side investigation on a screw refrigeration compressor under
and the low-pressure side performances independently. part-load conditions with several evaporation and
Each functional segment is fitted by cubic spline and the condensation temperatures is also carried out. Simulation
shape of the segment can be adjusted by moving the results are in good agreement with the experimental ones.
control points of the cubic spline. Based on the shape of
the sealing line, the performance of the compressor can Hsieh et al. (2011)[28] had shown the temperature
directly be calculated and the corresponding rotor profiles distributions in the rotors of oil-injected screw
are derived considering the non-undercutting condition. A compressors. A mathematical model and a calculation
numerical example which considers the geometric procedure are proposed to effectively calculate the
constraints of rotor profiles is presented to demonstrate temperature distributions in the male and female rotors of
the flexibility and stability in parametric study of the rotor the oil-injected screw compressors. The solution of the
design. transient heat conduction problem of the rotors, which is
subjected to a periodic convective boundary condition and
Wu and Fong (2009) [25] has optimized design of an five steady boundary conditions, is obtained by solving
explicitly defined rack for the generation of rotors for the set of Helmholtz equations derived from the partial
twin-screw compressors. In conventional rotor profile differential equations for transient heat conduction
generation for the twin-screw compressor, the designed without internal heat. This analysis show that the three
parameters are often decided by trial-and-error method empirical constants that were used to calculate the heat
and cannot distinctly predict the changed difference when convection between the screw and the compressed air, the
adjusting one of parameters. Refer to previous rack- heat transfer between the rotor and the bearing at the inlet
generated rotor profiles, explicit equations of the rack shaft of the rotor and the heat transfer between the rotor
with two specific normal-equidistant trochoids are and the bearing at the outlet shaft of the rotor, have a
replacing the implicit form. The feasible parameters are stronger impact on the outputs of the mathematical model
designed on the rack in order to more instinctively and than the other three empirical constants. The reduced
flexibly adjust each compound curve. The parametric mathematical model, using only the three empirical
study and non-undercut limits are presented for the rotor constants with the strongest impact, can be used in the
profile optimization with SUMT (sequential studies of the temperature distribution in the rotor. The
unconstrained minimization technique) method. A calculated temperature distributions in the screws can be
numerical example is presented to show the validation of used to estimate the approximate thermal deformation of
the proposed optimization model and a practical the screws and thereby improve the screw profiles and the
experiment is conducted to test the excellent compressor design of the oil-injected screw compressor.
ISSN: 2049-3444 2012 IJET Publications UK. All rights reserved. 1969
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 2 No. 12, December, 2012
ISSN: 2049-3444 2012 IJET Publications UK. All rights reserved. 1970
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 2 No. 12, December, 2012
have been examined in relation to their application when In well-established designs such as the reciprocating
using CO2 as the working fluid in a refrigeration cycle. piston-cylinder compressor, rotary vane compressor,
The detailed examination of design components and screw compressor, rolling piston compressor and scroll
illustrations are presented and discussed. The study shows compressor, much progress has been done in the past few
that the Revolving Vane expander design configuration decades. It is now need to innovate a new compressor
with the vane attached to the rotor and in which the rotor design, which reduces the friction, leakages and discharge
is also used as the driving component is the most superior losses. Efforts are made in this direction by the authors.
design. It is found to have the highest mechanical New rotor geometry has been developed, which leads to
efficiency and the most desirable variation of the power significant improvements in efficiencies of compressor
produced. and it enhances the coefficient of performance of
refrigeration cycle. The information regarding this
Okur and Akmandor (2011) [38] investigated hinged development will be discussed in near future.
and spring loaded rolling piston compressors pertaining to
a rotary engine. Hinged rolling piston compressor REFERENCES
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ISSN: 2049-3444 2012 IJET Publications UK. All rights reserved. 1972
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 2 No. 12, December, 2012
ISSN: 2049-3444 2012 IJET Publications UK. All rights reserved. 1973