VBSpring17 Schedule PDF

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Atlantic Cape Community College

5100 Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing, NJ 08330

Instructor: Bill Dougherty

Office: S220
Fax: 609-343-5122 Voice: 609-343-4979


This course uses Visual Basic, an object-oriented / event-driven language, to teach fundamental
programming concepts. Students with no previous programming experience learn how to plan and create
their own interactive Windows applications. Graphic User Interface design skills are emphasized.
Students will be able to develop business-related applications.
Prerequisites: CISM125 Credits: 4)


Text: Zak. Programming with MS Visual Basic 2012. Sixth Edition. Course Technology.
Materials: USB Flash Memory Drive

Understand concepts and techniques of structured programming in a visual programming environment
Learn how to create computer applications that incorporate graphical features with the look and feel of
commercial Windowsbased packages using Visual Basic


At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:
Describe the basic concepts of structured programming
Explain techniques used to develop programs in Visual Basic
Compare and analyze fundamental tools used for programming
Construct graphical user interfaces
Design programming control structures
Create applications that can be used over the internet

Students will be able to:
Define structured programming
Define Object-Oriented Programming
Define key Visual Basic terms: form, control, property, event, method
Define local and form-level variables
Describe a sequence structure
Describe a selection structure
Describe a repetitive structure
Identify a programs tasks, objects, and events
Identify the principle elements of the Visual Basic programming language
Start and customize VB
Use properties to define a Windows form object
Draw a sketch of a user interface
Create a user interface
Include graphics and colors in a user interface
Use a variable to store information
Use a constant for set information
Internally document programming code
Send code to a printer
Write an arithmetic expression
Use built-in functions
Create user-defined functions
Code an Event Procedure
Pass parameters in procedures
Use the Visual Basic online help system
Plan a program using a TOE chart
Display program logic using pseudo code
Use toolbox controls
Use Visual Basic toolbar icons
Use Visual Basic pull-down menus
Use the IfThenElse structure
Write sub-procedure using nested code structures
Use Visual Basic debugging facility
Create and use control arrays
Compile a program
Use timer controls to trigger screen activities
Use the properties, events, and methods related to mouse movements
Use the list box control to display a list of items and to select one item from the list
Use the shape control
Use a combo box control
Work with object properties
Design a project using multiple forms
Create a selection structure
Define and use the IfThenElse statement
Define and use the Case construct
Create a repetition structure
Define and use the ForNext statement
Define and use the DoLoop statement
Use counters and accumulators
Create and use Sequential Access Files
Create a Web-based application
Access data stored in a database
Student Learning Outcome Assessment Strategy
Describe the basic concepts of structured Exam
Explain techniques used to develop programs Exam
in Visual Basic
Compare and analyze fundamental tools used Exam
for programming
Construct graphical user interfaces Programming Assignments
Design programming control structures Programming Assignments
Create applications that can be used over the Programming Assignments

1. Allow for at least 8 hours per week for assignments and class preparation.
2. Do your own work. Plagiarism in any form will result in a failing grade for all involved.
3. All work is due by the scheduled date. No work will be accepted late without prior notification or
sufficient notice on the day the work is due.
4. Students will be expected to take the Exams during the week on the course schedule. Exams are timed and
will be available on Blackboard one week before the due date. No Exams will be allowed to be taken after
the due date. It is highly recommended that you do not wait until the last minute to take a test. The Exams
are not open book! If you are suspected of cheating you will be asked to take a make-up test either on
campus or orally over the telephone. Remember, you only get out of your education what you put into it.
Please be honorable.
5. There are many learning materials found in the book and in Blackboard. I encourage all students to
explore these learning tools if their time permits. You'll get more out of this class if you do so. For
example, try taking the online practice quizzes for each chapter in Blackboard. Answers are provided to
give you feedback. Although practice quizzes are not required work and the grades do not count toward
your final grade, you will have some fun and be preparing yourself for the Exams which do count.

Programming Assignments 300 points (50 points each)
Exams 300 points (100 points each)
Total Points 600

Grade Percentage Grade Point

Range Value
A 93-100% 4.0
A- 90-92% 3.7
B+ 87-89% 3.3
B 83-86% 3.0
B- 80-82% 2.7
C+ 77-79% 2.3
C 70-76% 2.0
D 60-69% 1.0
F 0-59% 0.0


A 558 to 600 points

A- 540 to 557 points
B+ 522 to 539 points
B 498 to 521 points
B- 480 to 497 points
C+ 462 to 479 points
C 420 to 461 points
D 360 to 419 points
F below 360 points


ADA accommodations for disabilities can be provided to students who provide documentation to Atlantic
Cape's Disability Support Services (DSS) office. A licensed healthcare professional must provide this
documentation and it must be current within the last five years. No accommodations can be provided for a
course unless a student is first registered with the DSS office. For more information, please contact Lucy
McGlynn (email: [email protected] and/or phone: 609-343-5090).

Date Topic/Activity
1/22 Orientation to the course
1/29 An Overview of Programming
2/5 An Introduction to Visual Basic 2010 Chapter 1
2/12 Designing Applications Chapter 2
2/19 Using Variables and Constants Chapter 3
2/26 Exam 1: Chapters 1, 2 & 3 Due by 10PM on 2/26
3/5 The Selection Structure Chapter 4
3/12 More on the Selection Structure Chapter 5
Spring Break
3/26 The Repetition Structure Chapter 6
4/2 Exam 2: Chapters 4, 5 & 6 Due by 10PM on 4/2
4/9 Sub and Function Procedures Chapter 7
4/16 Arrays Chapter 9
4/23 Structures and Sequential Access Files Chapter 10
4/30 Web Applications Chapter 12
5/7 Exam 3: Chapters 7, 9, 10 & 12 Due by 10PM on 5/7

Each topic/activity is to be completed by the date listed in the date column.

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