BS 5045-2 Transportable Gas Containers

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Amendments Nos. 1
and 2.

Transportable gas

Part 2: Specification for steel containers

of 0.5 L up to 450 L water capacity with
welded seams


BS 5045-2:1989
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Pressure

Vessel Standards Policy Committee (PVE/-) to Technical Committee PVE/3,

upon which the following bodies were represented:

Aluminium Federation
Associated Offices Technical Committee
Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Electrical Appliances
British Compressed Gases Association

British Fire Consortium
British Fire Protection Systems Association Ltd.
British Railways Board
British Soft Drinks Association Ltd.
Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association
Department of Trade and Industry [Mechanical Engineering and
Manufacturing Technology Division (Mmt)]
Department of Trade and Industry (National Engineering Laboratory)
Department of Trade and Industry (National Physical Laboratory)
Department of Transport (Marine Directorate)
Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Fire Extinguishing and Trades Association
Health and Safety Executive
Home Office
Industrial Safety (Protective Equipment) Manufacturers Association
Institute of Refrigeration
Institution of Chemical Engineers
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Industry Technical Association (UK)
Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association
Ministry of Defence
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited
Coopted members

The following body was also represented in the drafting of the standard,
This British Standard, having through subcommittees and panels:
been prepared under the
direction of the Pressure
Vessels Standards Policy Welding Institute
Committee, was published
under the authority of the
Board of BSI and comes
into effect on
31 October 1989

BSI 01-1999
Amendments issued since publication
First published October 1974
First revision May 1978 Amd. No. Date of issue Comments
Second revision October 1989
6319 January 1991
The following BSI references
relate to the work on this 7911 October 1993 Indicated by a sideline in the margin
Committee reference PVE/3
Draft for comment 84/75994 DC

ISBN 0 580 17314 3

BS 5045-2:1989
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii

Section 1. General
1 Scope 1
2 Manufacture and testing of containers 1
3 Classification of gases 1
4 Information to be supplied by the purchaser

and the manufacturer 1
5 Certificate of compliance 4
Section 2. Permissible materials
6 Materials for pressure parts 5
7 Material for attachments 5
Section 3. Design
8 Service conditions for design 7
9 Classification of containers 7
10 Design of container shell 9
11 Openings and branch connections 15
12 Fittings 15
Section 4. Manufacture and workmanship
13 Approval of design and construction details
14 Tolerances
15 Welds
16 Heat treatment 17
Section 5. Inspection and tests
17 Inspection of components 18
18 Test requirements 18
19 Mechanical tests 19
20 Hydraulic tests 23
21 Hydraulic bursting test 25
22 Checking of water capacity 25
23 Tightness test 25
24 Prototype fatigue tests 25
25 Radiographic examination of welds 26
26 Repair of welds 27
27 Results of mechanical and pressure tests 27
28 Final internal inspection 27
Section 6. Marking of containers

29 Information to be marked 28
30 Method of marking 28
Appendix A Hydraulic proof pressure test 29
Appendix B Hydraulic volumetric expansion test 29
Appendix C Example of design procedure 36
Appendix D Specimen certificate of compliance for welded
steel gas containers 38
Figure 1 Shape factor K 12
Figure 2 Domed ends 14
Figure 3 Location of test specimens in a container 21

BSI 01-1999 i

BS 5045-2:1989
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Figure 4 Reduced section tensile test specimen 24
Figure 5 Nick-break test specimen 24
Figure 6 Example of hydraulic proof pressure test equipment 30
Figure 7 Water jacket volumetric expansion test
(levelling burette) 31

Figure 8 Water jacket volumetric expansion test
(fixed burette) 33
Figure 9 Non-water jacket volumetric expansion test 34
Table 1 Classification of gases 3
Table 2 Permissible materials 6
Table 3 Permissible deviations on product analysis 6

Table 4 Reference temperatures for developed pressure
for conveyance in the UK in uninsulated
containers 7
Table 5 Classification and construction criteria 8
Table 6 Stress reduction factors for walls of cylindrical
or spherical containers 9
Table 7 Formulae for deriving minimum values of
test pressure 11
Table 8 Ratio n between the diameter of the former
and the thickness of the bend test specimen 23
Table 9 K factors for the compressibility of water 35
Publications referred to Inside back cover

ii BSI 01-1999

BS 5045-2:1989
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This Part of BS 5045 has been prepared under the direction of the Pressure Vessel

Standards Policy Committee and deals with materials, design, construction and
testing of new containers intended for the conveyance by road of permanent,
liquefiable and dissolved gases, under pressure.
This revision supersedes BS 5045-2:1978 which is withdrawn. This Part was
originally published in 1974, covering steel containers having mechanized welded
circumferential seams only. The 1978 revision was made to incorporate
containers with both longitudinal and circumferential seams and to make it

applicable to containers for dissolved acetylene. This revision incorporates a
prototype test, clarifies the classification of containers and updates other
requirements as dictated by experience.

The BS 5045 series is being prepared in a number of Parts to cover the various
forms of manufacture. Those Parts published or in preparation are as follows:
Part 1: Specification for seamless steel gas containers above 0.5 litre water
Part 3: Specification for seamless aluminium alloy gas containers above 0.5
litre water capacity and up to 300 bar charged pressure at 15 C;
Part 5: Specification for aluminium alloy containers above 0.5 litre up to 130
fx litres water capacity with welded seams;
Part 6: Specification for seamless containers of less than 0.5 litre water
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 40, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

BSI 01-1999 iii

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Section 1 BS 5045-2:1989
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Section 1. General

1 Scope c) Dissolved gases. Those gases that are dissolved

under pressure in a solvent contained in a porous
This Part of BS 5045 specifies requirements for the
substance at ambient temperature and that are

materials, design, construction and testing of
released from the solvent without the application
containers for the conveyance of permanent,
of heat.
liquefiable and dissolved gases under pressure; such
containers are suitable also for storing gas under Gases that are currently conveyed in commercial
pressure. It applies to steel containers of water quantities are classified in Table 1.
capacity of 0.5 L up to 450 L having longitudinal
4 Information to be supplied by the

and/or circumferential main seams, made up
mechanized arc welding. purchaser and the manufacturer
It includes appendices giving examples of design 4.1 Information to be supplied by the
calculations, a description of the methods for purchaser
pressure testing of containers and a model form of The following information to be supplied by the
test certificate. purchaser shall be fully documented, and together
It does not cover the design and manufacture of with the definitive requirements specified
portable fire extinguishers where the developed throughout the standard, shall be satisfied before a
pressure of the contents does not exceed 25 bar1) at claim of compliance with this can be made and
the appropriate reference temperature; these are verified:
specified in BS 5423. a) name or classification of gas(es);
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
are listed on the inside back cover. b) class of construction (e.g. BS 5045-2, class 1A);
2 Manufacture and testing of
The manufacture, inspection and testing of
containers shall be carried out to the satisfaction of
c) volumetric capacity (minimum for liquefiable
d) for permanent gases, the filling pressure
at 15 C;
e) for liquefiable gases, the mass of gas or filling
an Independent Inspecting Authority to be ratio at the prescribed reference temperature or
approved by the Health and Safety Executive. the required developed pressure in service;
f) material of construction;
3 Classification of gases
g) preferred dimensions;
For the purposes of the design and filling of the h) shape of base;
container, gases are classified as follows.
i) internal and/or external neck screwing
a) Permanent gases. Those gases that have a dimensions;
critical temperature below 10 C.
j) fittings required, including set pressure and
b) Liquefiable gases. Those gases that are flow rate of any pressure relief devices;
liquefiable by pressure at 10 C but that are
completely vaporized at 17.5 C when k) external/internal finish required;
at 1 013 mbar. l) any special or adverse conditions under which
1) High pressure liquefiable gases. Those gases the container will be required to operate, and any
that have a critical temperature corrosion allowance required;
between 10 C and 70 C inclusive. m) any requirements in addition to those
2) Low pressure liquefiable gases. Those gases specified in this Part of BS 5045;
that have a critical temperature above 70 C. n) name of the independent inspecting authority.

Any toxic substance that is liquid at 0 C

at 1 013 mbar pressure, but that is completely
vaporized at or below 30 C when at that
pressure, is treated as a low pressure liquefiable

1 bar = 105 N/m2 = 100kPa.

BSI 01-1999 1

BS 5045-2:1989 Section 1
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4.2 Information to be supplied by the


The following information to be supplied by the
manufacturer shall be fully documented, and
together with the definitive requirements specified
throughout the standard, shall be satisfied before a
claim of compliance with the standard can be made
and verified:

a) fully dimensioned sectional drawing of the
container including:
1) name or classification of gas(es);
2) volumetric capacity (minimum for
liquefiable gases);
3) filling pressure at 15 C for permanent
gas(es) or mass of liquefiable gas(es);
4) material of construction;
5) test pressure;
6) minimum and maximum masses of
7) statement that the container will be

constructed to the requirements of this

8) design approval reference (see clause 13);

9) corrosion allowance (if any);
10) large scale dimensional details of weld
preparation for all seams and details of the
b) fittings to be supplied including set pressure
and flow rate of any pressure relief device;
c) drawing showing layout of container marking,
including set pressure and flow rate of any
pressure relief device;
d) a statement which permits access at all
reasonable times by the independent inspecting
authority to that part of the manufacturers
works engaged upon the order, for the purpose of
inspecting the fabrication of the containers at any
e) a statement that the manufacturer shall
supply labour and appliances for the inspection
and tests required;

f) an undertaking to give an agreed period of

notice to the independent inspecting authority of
when the containers will reach a stage at which
the inspection and/or test is required;
g) certificate of compliance for materials and
container (see Appendix D).

2 BSI 01-1999

Section 1 BS 5045-2:1989
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Table 1 Classification of gases

Permanent gases Liquefiable gases Dissolved

High pressure Low pressure
(Tc < 10 C) ( 10 C # Tc # 70 C) (Tc > 70 C)

Air Bromotrifluoromethane Alleneb Acetyleneb

Argon (R.13B1) Ammoniaa
Boron trifluoridea Carbon dioxide Arsineab
Carbon monoxideab Chlorotrifluoromethane Boron trichloridea

Carbon tetrafluoride (R.14) (R.13) Bromochlorodifluoromethane
Coal gas (including coke oven Diboranea (R.12B1)
gas)a 1, 1-Difluoroethylene Butadieneb
Deuteriumb (R.1132a) Butaneb
Fluorineab Ethaneb 1-Buteneb
Helium Ethyleneb 2-Buteneb
Hydrogenb Hexafluoroethane (R.116) Carbonyl chlorideac
Krypton Hydrogen chlorideac
Carbonyl sulphideac
Methane (natural gas)b Nitric oxide
Neon Nitrous oxide
Chlorine trifluorideac
Nitrogen 1-Chloro-1, 1-difluoroethane
Oxygen Silanea
Sulphur hexafluoride (R.142b)b
Town gas (excluding coal gas)ab Chlorodifluoromethane (R.22)
Trifluoromethane (R.23)
fx Chloropentafluoroethane
Cyanogen chloridea
Dichlorofluoromethane (R.21)
1,1-Difluoroethane (R.152a)b
Dimethyl etherb
2,2-Dimethyl propaneb
Ethyl chlorideb
Ethylene oxideab
Hydrogen cyanideab
Hydrogen fluorideac
Hydrogen selenide

Hydrogen sulphideac
Methyl acetyleneb
Methyl bromideab
Methyl chlorideab
Methyl mercaptanab

BSI 01-1999 3

BS 5045-2:1989 Section 1
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Table 1 Classification of gases

Permanent gases Liquefiable gases Dissolved

High pressure Low pressure
(Tc < 10 C) ( 10 C # Tc # 70 C) (Tc > 70 C)

Nitrogen dioxidea
Nitrogen tetroxidea
Nitrogen trioxidea

Nitrosyl chlorideac
Sulphur dioxideac
Vinyl bromidea
Vinyl chlorideb
Vinyl fluorideb
fx Vinyl methyl etherb
Gas mixtures:
Azeotrope R.500 (73.8 % R.12
and 26.2 % R.152a)
Azeotrope R.502 (48.8 % R.22
and 51.2 % R.115)
Ethylene oxidea 12 % and
R.12 88 %
These gases are poisonous and are the ones referred to in this standard as toxic gases requiring special treatment. Other gases
not so marked may have poisonous properties in a lesser degree or be suffocating in heavy concentrations.
For the purposes of transport these gases are considered to be flammable.
These gases are considered corrosive for the purpose of 9.2.
NOTE 1 Tc is the critical temperature.
NOTE 2 Reference to refrigerants by number designation (e.g. R.12) is in accordance with international agreements
(see BS 4580).
NOTE 3 Those gases italicized may, in accordance with 9.2.2, be conveyed in class IA or class IB or class I containers.
NOTE 4 The list is not intended to be comprehensive as other gases may be transported.
NOTE 5 Halogenated hydrocarbon gases used for fire-fighting purposes are referred to by the halon numbering system.
Under this system the two most commonly used gases for fire-fighting purposes, bromochlorodifluoromethane (CF2ClBr) and
bromotrifluoromethane (CF3 Br), are designated Halon 1 211 and Halon 1 301, respectively. Halon 1 211 is also known as BCF and
Halon 1 301 is also known as BTM. Both substances are also refrigerant gases, and are designated R.12B1 and R.13B1
respectively when used for refrigeration purposes.

5 Certificate of compliance

The manufacturer shall certify that the

manufacture, inspection and testing of the
container were carried out in compliance with this
The independent inspecting authority shall certify
acceptance of the above certification.
NOTE A model form of certificate is shown in Appendix D.

4 BSI 01-1999

Section 2 BS 5045-2:1989
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Section 2. Permissible materials

6 Materials for pressure parts 6.6 The container manufacturer shall ensure that
the steel supplier has provided an appropriate
6.1 The materials shall be supplied in such a
manufacturers certificate with each batch of steel

condition that the specified mechanical properties
giving details of ladle analysis and mechanical
are obtained in the finished container after heat
6.7 The ladle analysis of materials shall be within
6.2 The materials shall be suitable for use at the the specified composition limits. In the event of one
lowest permissible operating temperature in
melt being divided between more than one ladle,
transport which shall be atmospheric temperature.
samples shall be analysed from each ladle and a

6.3 Sheet and plate material used for containers separate analysis provided for each ladle. The
shall be balanced or killed steel in accordance with permitted deviations of any ladle analysis of the
Table 2 or, subject to the agreement of the product from those specified compositions shall be
independent inspecting authority, steel as specified as given in Table 3. These deviations, other than
in Euronorm 120. when maxima only are specified, shall apply either
The mechanical properties of the finished above or below the specified limits of the range, but
containers shall be in accordance with Table 2. The not both above and below for the same element from
yield stress shall be the lower yield stress, except different samples from the same ladle. When
that where a distinct yield is not apparent, the value maxima only are specified the deviations shall be
shall be the 0.2 % proof stress. positive only.
6.4 Steels used for bungs and other pressure parts Each ladle shall subsequently be regarded as a
of containers shall be balanced or killed and shall be specified cast and identified accordingly.
suitable for welding to the steels given in Table 2.
6.5 Each bundle or coil shall be identified for use in
containers manufactured in accordance with
BS 5045-2 and shall be marked with the type letter
(see Table 2) or other identification mark by which
it can be traced to the ladle of steel from which it
Samples for product analysis shall be taken in
accordance with BS 1837.

7 Material for attachments

The independent inspecting authority shall be
satisfied that the material used in attachments is
was made. If the plate or sheet is not supplied suitable in all respects, including weldability where
directly by the steelmaker to the container relevant.
manufacturer, then the material shall also be
marked to identify the steelmaker.

BSI 01-1999 5

BS 5045-2:1989 Section 2
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Table 2 Permissible materials

Chemical and physical Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E Type F Type G

Carbon % max. 0.20 0.18 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.18 0.25
Silicon % max. 0.30 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.40 0.35
% min. 0.40 0.70 0.50 0.60
% max. 0.60 1.20 1.50 0.60 1.20 1.40 1.40

Phosphorus % max. 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.025 0.04 0.03
Sulphur % max. 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.030 0.04 0.045
Grain refining
elements % max a 0.30a 0.70
Yield stress 215 275 310 200 350 285 250
(N/mm2) min
Tensile strength 340 400 430 320 430 430 430
(N/mm2) min.
Tensile strength 430 490 585 420 650 510 550
(N/mm2) max.
Elongation % min.b

Lo = 50 mm
Lo = 5.65 So
fx 24

Grain refining elements are limited to: niobium 0.08 %, titanium 0.20 %, vanadium 0.20 %, niobium plus vanadium 0.20 %.
b Where

any other non-proportional gauge lengths are used, conversions are in accordance with BS 3894-1.
Lo is the original gauge length.
So is the original cross-sectional area.
NOTE 2 Type A and type C are equivalent to grades of BS 1449:1962 (withdrawn); type E is equivalent to grade 43/35 of
BS 1449-1; type D is similar to Euronorm 120; type G is equivalent to type 151 grade 430 of BS 1501-1.

Table 3 Permissible deviations on product

Element Specified range Permissible deviationa
on product analysis
% %

Carbon # 0.25 0.02

> 0.25 0.03
Silicon # 0.60 0.05
Manganese # 1.0 0.08
> 1.0 0.10
Phosphorus # 0.050 0.010
Sulphur # 0.050 0.010

Niobium # 0.10 0.02

Maximum and minimum values do not apply simultaneously
for individual elements (see 6.7).

6 BSI 01-1999

Section 3 BS 5045-2:1989
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Section 3. Design

8 Service conditions for design NOTE The temperature which can be reached by their
contents, the corresponding developed pressure required for
8.1 Where gases are to be conveyed in the UK in design and the allowable mass of liquefiable gas are all

uninsulated containers, it shall be assumed that the conditional upon the intended degree of insulation proposed with
or without the assistance of some form of refrigeration and upon
most severe conditions of exposure to the climate the journey duration.
will cause the contents to reach the developed 8.5 For containers used for fire-fighting purposes
pressure at the reference temperature specified in filled with halons and dry nitrogen the developed
Table 4, the values of which vary with the type of pressure requirements shall conform to the
gas contained. appropriate Part of BS 5306.

The maximum permissible pressure in service, to Containers intended to contain carbon dioxide as
which the test pressure of the container is related the fire extinguishant shall conform to the
(see 10.2), shall be the pressure developed by the developed pressure and filling ratio requirements of
contents at the pressure reference temperature, BS 5355 and BS 5423.
taking into account the filling ratio for high
pressure liquefiable gases, and the intended 9 Classification of containers
charged pressure at 15 C for permanent gases.
NOTE The necessary data on the relationship between charged 9.1 Classification by construction
pressure (and on filling ratio) and developed pressure at the 9.1.1 General. Containers shall be constructed to
reference temperature are given in BS 5355.
one of the following classes, depending on their
The reference temperature for filling ratios of low intended application (see 9.2 and Table 5):
pressure liquefiable gases in uninsulated containers
a) class I
shall be 45 C.
Table 4 Reference temperatures for
developed pressure for conveyance in the UK
in uninsulated containers
Type of contents Reference
b) class IA, IB, IAC
c) class IIA, IIB
The different construction criteria for each class
(i.e. batch size for testing, degree of radiography,
stress reduction factor) shall be as specified
C in 18.1.1, clause 25 and Table 6 respectively.
Low pressure liquefiable gas 55 9.1.2 Class II containers. Containers shall be
eligible for construction to class IIA only if the
High pressure liquefiable gas 52.5a container does not possess a longitudinal seam, has
outwardly domed ends and the distance (in
Permanent gas 60
millimetres), between the nearest edge of any
When safety devices are fitted to carbon dioxide containers, welded seam and the geometrical transition
this reference temperature may be reduced to 50 C.
between the cylindrical portion and the domed ends
8.2 The water capacity of a container for a is not less than 2(Di te) where Di is the internal
liquefiable gas shall be not less than the intended diameter of the container (in millimetres) and te is
maximum mass of contents divided by the filling the actual thickness of the dished end (in
ratio. millimetres).
NOTE The necessary data on the physical properties of the Class II containers not eligible for class IIA
liquefiable gases are given in BS 5355. construction shall be made to class IIB.
8.3 The internal volume of a container for a 9.2 Relationship of classification to contents
permanent gas shall be such as to provide a nominal NOTE Class II containers constructed to class IIA or class IIB
gas content which at 15 C will have a developed may be used whenever construction to classes I, IA, IB or IAC is
pressure of 1 013 mbar. not prescribed by 9.2.1, 9.2.2 or 9.2.3.

The charged pressure shall be specified to ensure 9.2.1 Permanent gases and high pressure
that the maximum developed pressure at the liquefiable gases
pressure reference temperature does not exceed the When the gas(es) is (are) not toxic,
requirements specified in this standard. flammable or corrosive, and the developed pressure
8.4 when gases are to be conveyed in insulated at 55 C is less than 75 bar but more than 25 bar
containers the operational criteria for design shall they shall be carried in class IA, class IB or class I
be sought from the independent inspecting containers; when the developed pressure is less
authority. than 25 bar, class II containers shall be allowable. In all other cases the gases shall be carried
in class I containers.

BSI 01-1999 7

BS 5045-2:1989 Section 3
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9.2.2 Toxic gases The corrosive toxic gases italicized in

NOTE See Table 1. Table 1 shall be carried in class IB or class I

c The non-corrosive toxic gases italicized in
Table 1 (i.e. those gases which are of moderate All other toxic gases or their mixtures shall
toxicity or which give sensory warning of a slight be carried in class I containers.
escape) shall be carried in class IA, class IB or 9.2.3 Acetylene. Class IAC containers shall be used
class I containers. exclusively for dissolved acetylene (see 13.2).
Table 5 Classification and construction criteria

Classification by content Classification of container (see note 1)


Toxic gases (see X

Corrosive toxic gas: moderate X X
toxicity (see
Non-corrosive toxic gas: moderate
toxicity (see X X X
Permanent and liquefiable gas
having a developed pressure greater
than 75 bar at 55 C: including
mixtures (see X
Permanent and liquefiable gas and
having a developed pressure

Including mixtures (see

Acetylene (see 9.2.3)
between 75 bar and 25 bar at 55 C. X X
(see note 2)

Non-toxic non-corrosive gases X X
having a developed pressure lower (see 9.1.2)
than 25 bar at 55 C (see note to 9.2)
Construction criteria

Radiographic examination Full X

of welds at manufacture Sample X X X
(see note 3)
None X X
(see note 4)
Radiographic examination Full X X X X
of weld repairs (see note 5) None X X
(see note 6)

NOTE 1 Classifications shown are minimum. Gases can be conveyed in containers of higher class than specified.
NOTE 2 Applicable only to gases which are non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-flammable.
NOTE 3 Class IB containers should either have all pressure containing welds made with a double run; or all pressure
containing welds made in a single run should be radiographed.
NOTE 4 Sample radiography is only required for weld thicknesses 6 mm or above.
NOTE 5 All repairs are to be approved by the independent inspecting authority.
NOTE 6 All repairs of weld thicknesses 6 mm or above are to be radiographed.

8 BSI 01-1999

Section 3 BS 5045-2:1989
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Table 6 Stress reduction factors for walls of a) the maximum pressure (p) developed in service
cylindrical or spherical containers by the gaseous contents at the nominated
reference temperature as given by BS 5355;

Class of container Stress reduction factor
b) the yield and tensile (Y and T ) properties of the
I 0.95
container material as given in Table 2.
IA, IB and IC 0.90 Table 7 specifies formulae to be used for deriving
IIA 0.85 minimum values of test pressure P1 applicable to
the various gas classifications.
IIB 0.80

For containers for use with dissolved acetylene the
NOTE The stress reduction factors are not valid for
containers to be subjected to a large number of fluctuations of test pressure P1 shall be 52 bar in all circumstances.
pressure. It is recommended that prototype tests, see clause 24, 10.3 Thickness of cylindrical wall
should prove the design of a container which is expected to be
charged more than 10 000 times in the course of its life. The thickness of the cylindrical wall of a container
shall be not less than the values given by
10 Design of container shell equation (1):
10.1 Nomenclature for the cylindrical part of
the shell (1)
t is the minimum wall thickness (in mm) to
resist internal pressure and external forces except that the thickness of the cylindrical wall
due to handling, but excluding any determined by equation (1) shall be not less than the
additional thickness for corrosion and other


is the test pressure (in bar) applicable to
design governed by equations (1) and (4);
is the test pressure (in bar) applicable to
design governed by equation (3);
value given by equation (2):


Equation (2) will override equation (1) for

p is the pressure (in bar) developed by the comparatively low values of P1, in which case the
contents of a container at the pressure test pressure P2 shall be derived from equation (3):
reference temperature;
Do is the external diameter of the container (3)
(in mm);
Di is the internal diameter of the container
NOTE In these circumstances it is permissible to reassess the
(in mm); pressure duty of the container within the maximum limitation
fe is the maximum permissible equivalent obtained, by substitution of the values of P2 for P1 in Table 7.
stress (in N/mm2) at test 10.4 Wall thickness of a spherical container
pressure (= 0.75 minimum specified
The thickness of the wall of a spherical container
yield stress Y of the material of
shall be not less than the value given by
construction appropriate stress
equation (4):
reduction factor as given in the Table 6);
T is the minimum specified tensile strength
(in N/mm2) of the material of construction;
Y is the minimum specified yield stress
(in N/mm2) of the material of construction. except that the thickness of the wall determined by

equation (4) shall be not less than the value given by

10.2 Derivation of test pressure equation (2).
Test pressure is defined as the pressure used to Equation (2) will override equation (4) for
calculate minimum wall thickness (t), and the comparatively low values of P1, in which case the
pressure at which hydraulic testing is carried out. test pressure P2 shall be derived from equation (3).
Test pressure P1 is deduced in terms of the NOTE In these circumstances it is permissible to reassess the
pressure duty of the container, within the maximum limitation
containers contents and the material of obtained, by substitution of the value of P2 for P1 in Table 7.
construction. Test pressure P2 is applicable only to
those containers whose minimum wall thickness is
governed by equation (3).
Test pressure P1 is derived from a consideration of:

BSI 01-1999 9

BS 5045-2:1989 Section 3
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

10.5 Domed ends 10.5.2 Wall thickness of domed ends. When the
10.5.1 Nomenclature for ends material of the ends is the same as that used for the
cylindrical part of the shell, the wall thickness of the

t is the minimum thickness of the cylindrical domed ends shall be the greater of:
wall (in mm) to resist internal pressure and
external forces due to handling, but a) the thickness of cylindrical wall (see 10.3); or
excluding any additional thickness for b) the valve calculated from equation (6):
corrosion and other influences (see 10.6); te = tK (6)
te is the minimum thickness of ends (in mm)

to resist internal pressure and external When the material of the ends has different
forces due to handling, but excluding any mechanical properties from that used for the
additional thickness for corrosion and other cylindrical part of the shell (see 10.7) t shall be
influences; calculated using the mechanical properties of the
Do is the external diameter (in mm) of the material of the cylindrical part of the shell and the
domed end; thickness of the domed ends shall be the greater of
a) or b).
Di is the internal diameter (in mm) of the
domed end;
K is the shape factor obtained according to the
values he/Do and te/Do (with interpolation
where necessary from Figure 1);
Ro is the external crown radius (in mm) of


dishing of torispherical end;
is the internal crown radius (in mm) of
dishing of torispherical end;
is the external knuckle radius (in mm) of
torispherical end;
ri is the internal knuckle radius (in mm) of
torispherical end;
ho is the external height (in mm) of domed end
(see note);
hi is the internal height (in mm) of domed end;
he = ho for a semi-ellipsoidal end, or the least of
ho, Do2/4Ro, or (Do ro/2) for a torispherical
Sf is the straight flange length (in mm)
(see Figure 2 for diagrammatic
NOTE The external height of a domed end ho, for a torispherical
end, may be determined from:


10 BSI 01-1999

Section 3 BS 5045-2:1989
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Table 7 Formulae for deriving minimum values of test pressure

Gas classification Test pressure P1

Y/T # 0.7 Y/T > 0.7
Permanent gases in p P1 shall be the greater of:
P 1 = --------
uninsulated containers, the 0.9
charged pressure not a) ----------
- ; or
exceeding 300 bar
b) 1.5 charged pressure at 15 C except

that P1 shall not exceed ---------------
Permanent gases in p P 1 = ----------------
P 1 = -------- 0.63T
uninsulated containers and 0.9 except that P1 shall be not less than 200 bar
liquefiable gases in except that P1 shall be for carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide
insulated containers
not less than 200 bar for
carbon dioxide or nitrous
Low and high pressure P1 = p except that P1 shall P1 shall be the lower of:
liquefiable gases in be not less than 200 bar pY ; or
a) ------------
uninsulated containers for carbon dioxide or 0.7T
fx nitrous oxide
b) -----------
except that P1 shall be not less than 200 bar
for carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide
Dissolved-acetylene P1 = 52 bar P1 = 52 bar
10.5.3 Limitations of shape (see Figure 2). The The variety of conditions occurring in practice
shape of the ends shall be subject to the following makes it impracticable to give a general
limitations. specification of the necessary allowances; they shall
a) In a torispherical end Ri shall not be greater be carefully considered and agreed upon in each
than Do. particular case by the manufacturer and user of the
container. If a pronounced departure from normal
b) In a torispherical end ri shall be not less
practice is proposed or if other unusual features
than 0.1 Di nor less than three times the actual
arise, the independent inspecting authority shall be
wall thickness of the dished end as
10.7 Three-piece containers
c) In a semi-ellipsoidal end the ratio ho/Do shall
be not less than 0.192. It is permissible for three-piece containers to be
d) Sf shall be not less than 0.3 (Do te). designed such that the cylindrical part of the shell is
made from material with different mechanical
10.6 Additional thickness properties from that of the ends, provided that the
NOTE Influences other than those of internal pressure and of minimum burst test requirements are met for the

external forces due to ordinary handling may require the material with the higher mechanical properties.
provision of additional thickness above the calculated values.
Additional thickness may be necessary to allow for corrosion The thickness of the wall shall be calculated using
during service; additional thickness may also be necessary, on the properties of the material of the cylindrical
containers for liquefied gases, so that the container can section
withstand stresses due to horizontal acceleration and retardation
in road transportation. If this method of design is followed it shall be stated
on the test certificate and marked on the container
(see clause 29).

BSI 01-1999 11

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BS 5045-2:1989

Figure 1 Shape factor K

Section 3

BSI 01-1999

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13 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BSI 01-1999

z Figure 1 Shape factor K (concluded)

BS 5045-2:1989
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BS 5045-2:1989


Figure 2 Domed ends

Section 3

BSI 01-1999

Section 3 BS 5045-2:1989
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11 Openings and branch connections If the container is used for highly toxic2) gases,
additional protection shall be provided, such as a
11.1 The design and methods of attachment to the
valve locking device and/or by the removal of the

container of bungs and bosses shall be approved by
valve hand wheel. A suitably designed gastight plug
the independent inspecting authority. In the case of
or cap shall be fitted to the valve outlet to minimize
class I construction the only permissible method of the risk of valve leakage in transit.
attachment of such pressure parts shall be full
NOTE The additional protection can also be provided by means
penetration butt welding. of a non-vented gastight valve cap designed to withstand the
11.2 Each container shall be provided with one or pressure that can be developed in the container by the contents

more openings sufficient to enable complete visual at the reference temperature.
internal inspection. In the case of non-vented valve protection the cap
NOTE Normally the valve opening satisfies this requirement. shall be provided with a device that will allow any
pressure that has accumulated inside the valve cap
11.3 Where special openings such as inspection
to be slowly relieved before removal of the cap.
openings or branch connections are required, they
shall comply with BS 5500. The protective device shall be so designed to prevent
damage to the valve, that would result in the escape
12 Fittings of the product, if a filled container is dropped from a
height of 1.2 m so that the protective device strikes
12.1 Valve fittings a hard flat surface.
Valve fittings shall comply with BS 341-1 or 12.2.2 In the case of a container or group of
BS 341-2 or BS 1319, as appropriate. The design of containers securely attached to a cradle, the valves
spindle-operated valves shall be such that when shall be protected as required by 12.2.1 or,

fitted to the container it shall not be possible to
withdraw the spindle under normal operating

Only lubricants compatible with the contents shall

be used on valves or other fittings.
alternatively, the valves shall be protected either by
the design of the cradle or by a stout guard. If the
containers are connected to a common manifold, the
manifold as well as the valves shall be protected by
a stout guard. The guard shall be either hinged or
12.2 Valve protection removable and it shall be provided with a lock to
enable it to be kept in a locked position during
12.2.1 Containers intended for the transport of toxic conveyance.
and/or flammable gases shall have their valves
protected against damage, either by the design of 12.3 Dip pipes
the container, the design of the valve or by the When a dip pipe is fitted to the service outlet
provision of a cap or shroud securely attached to the connection of a container its presence shall be
body of the container, except in the following cases: indicated. It shall be stated whether the container is
a) containers intended for the transport of intended for vapour or liquid off-take and, where
non-toxic flammable gases and carbon monoxide necessary, the correct operating position of the
and mixtures thereof where direct consignments container shall be shown.
are made between filler/supplier and user; NOTE This requirement may be fulfilled either by a metal disc
betwee the valve and the neck of the container or by a 25 mm
b) a container or group of containers securely wide black or white stripe painted along the longitudinal axis of
attached to a cradle (see 12.2.2). the container, with the disc or line indicating whether the dip
pipe is short or long and straight or curved.
The construction of the cap or shroud shall be such
that it is nowhere in contact with any part of the 12.4 Pressure relief devices
valve or valve body. 12.4.1 General. No pressure relief device shall be
The valve cap or shroud shall be provided with a fitted to a container intended for the conveyance of

side vent or vents of such size as to prevent any gas toxic gases (see Table 1) in the UK.
pressure accumulating inside the cap or shroud, NOTE 1 A pressure relief device may be fitted to a container
unless the cap, collar and its fixing are designed to intended for the conveyance of non-toxic gases.
NOTE 2 Where a container has a duty which includes a sea
withstand the pressure that could be developed in journey an appropriate pressure relief device may be fitted.
the container by the contents at the reference
The materials of construction for all pressure relief
devices shall be compatible with the gas to be
conveyed and other service conditions.

For the purpose of 12.2.1 the following gases listed in Table 1 are classified as highly toxic: arsine, boron trifluoride, fluorine,
carbonyl chloride, chlorine trifluoride, cyanogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulphide, phosphine.

BSI 01-1999 15

BS 5045-2:1989 Section 3
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All pressure relief devices shall be so designed and 12.4.3 Bursting discs. Bursting discs, if fitted, shall
fitted as to ensure that the cooling effect of the be constructed in accordance with BS 2915 and shall
contents of the container during discharge shall not be so designed as to ensure that rupture occurs at a

prevent the effective operation of the devices. pressure not greater than the test pressure of the
The outlets from all pressure relief devices shall be container except in the case of containers for halons
so sited that free discharge from the devices is not and nitrogen.
impaired. Container assemblies filled with mixtures of halons
The outlets from all pressure relief devices shall be and dry nitrogen for fire protection purposes shall
so designed and constructed as to prevent the be fitted with a bursting disc that will rupture at not

collection of moisture or other foreign matter that more than 1.26 test pressure of the container.
could adversely affect the performance of the NOTE A bursting disc may be fitted to any container intended
devices. for the conveyance of non-toxic and non-flammable gases.

If a pressure relief device is to be fitted to The pressure at which the bursting disc is designed
to rupture shall, where practicable, be stamped on
dissolved-acetylene containers, this shall be either
the bursting disc holder.
by means of one or more fusible plugs, set to operate
at 100 2 C or by means of other such pressure If a container is liable to be subjected to vacuum
relief devices as may be approved by the Health and conditions during service, the bursting disc shall be
Safety Executive. resistant to vacuum or be fitted with a vacuum
12.4.2 Pressure relief valve. If a pressure relief valve support.
is fitted to a container, it shall be of the 12.4.4 Fusible plugs. When fusible plugs are used
spring-loaded type. Where practicable the pressure they shall, where practicable, be externally marked
at which the relief valve is designed to start lifting
shall be marked on the relief valve or the outlet
valve body where the relief valve forms part of the
outlet valve.
Discharge from the pressure relief valve shall be
to indicate the temperature at which they are
designed to relieve pressure.
NOTE The Health and Safety Executive should be consulted if
it is proposed to fit containers, other than dissolved-acetylene
containers, with one or more fusible plugs.

obtained at a pressure not greater than the test

pressure of the container, except in the case of
liquefiable petroleum gas containers for service in
the UK.
Where liquefiable petroleum gas containers for
service in the UK are fitted with pressure relief
valves they shall be set as follows:
a) propane: 26 bar;
b) butane: 21 bar.

16 BSI 01-1999

Section 4 BS 5045-2:1989
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Section 4. Manufacture and workmanship

13 Approval of design and 15.3 All filler metal shall be such as to ensure the
construction details required physical properties in the completed weld.

15.4 A circumferential seam shall consist of either a
13.1 Before manufacture is commenced the
manufacturer shall submit for approval by the joggle joint such that the external surface of the
purchaser and independent inspecting authority, container does not have any abrupt changes of
diameter, or an edge-to-edge butt joint and shall
dimensioned sectional drawing(s) showing in full
have full penetration.
detail the construction of the container and carrying
the information listed in 4.2. A longitudinal seam shall consist of a butt joint;
backing material, where used, shall be temporary.

NOTE Approval requirements relating to massed containers
are specified in BS 6061. 15.5 Prior to welding, all welding surfaces shall be
13.2 Text deleted. cleaned by degreasing and dressed smooth. Surfaces
13.3 No modification shall be made to the design, and edge preparations shall be consistent with the
after approval by the independent inspecting welding procedure.
authority, without prior agreement between the 15.6 The surfaces of the plates at the seams shall
purchaser, manufacturer and independent not be out of alignment with each other at any point
inspecting authority. by more than 10 % of the plate thickness.
15.7 Welds, except the ends of longitudinal welds,
14 Tolerances shall not be dressed without the approval of the
14.1 Cylindrical part of the shell independent inspecting authority. The weld surface
shall have a smooth contour and there shall be no
14.1.1 Circularity. The difference between the
maximum and minimum external diameters
measured at any cross section of the completed
container shall not exceed 1 % of the specified
internal diameter.
14.1.2 Circumference. The external circumference of
15.8 All welding of the shell and attachments shall
be completed before final heat treatment.
15.9 The manufacturer shall satisfy the
independent inspecting authority that all welding
procedures have been approved in accordance with
the cylindrical shell of the completed container shall
not depart by more than 0.25 % from the BS 4870-1.
circumference calculated from the nominal outside 15.10 The manufacturer shall satisfy the
diameter (equal to the nominal internal diameter independent inspecting authority that each welder
plus twice the actual plate thickness). has been approved in accordance with BS 4871-1.
14.1.3 Straightness. Unless otherwise shown on the NOTE The independent inspecting authority may require
drawing, the maximum deviation of the cylindrical re-tests from an approved welder if it is not satisfied with the
work of that welder or if there has been a lapse of time since the
part of the shell from a straight line shall not welder was last employed on the welding of containers
exceed 0.3 % of the cylindrical length. manufactured in accordance with this standard.
14.2 Domed ends
16 Heat treatment
14.2.1 Circularity. The difference between the
maximum and minimum outside diameters of the After the completion of all welding (including that of
straight flange shall not exceed 1 % of the specified any attachments) and before hydraulic test,
internal diameter. containers shall be either normalized at a
temperature of between 890 C and 930 C, or stress
14.2.2 Circumference. The external circumference of relieved at a temperature of between 625 C
the dished ends shall not depart by more and 675 C. The containers shall be heated for a
than 0.25 % from the circumference calculated sufficiently long period to ensure that they are all

from the nominal outside diameter (equal to the uniformly at the required temperature and then
nominal internal diameter plus twice the actual cooled in a controlled environment, or treated in an
plate thickness). equivalent continuous process as approved by the
independent inspecting authority.
15 Welds
15.1 Prior to welding, components shall be
examined in accordance with clause 17.
15.2 The pressure parts of containers shall be
welded by a mechanized arc welding process as
defined in BS 499-1 unless an alternative process
has been approved by the independent inspecting

BSI 01-1999 17

BS 5045-2:1989 Section 5
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Section 5. Inspection and tests

17 Inspection of components 18.2 Continuous mechanized production

17.1 All pressings and cylindrical shells shall be 18.2.1 Where production is organized on a flow line

examined for surface defects before any seam is basis and the various processes are fully
welded. If there are defects which, in the opinion of mechanized, and provided that the process achieves
the independent inspecting authority, would be consistently reproducible results to the satisfaction
detrimental to the sound construction of the of the manufacturer and is approved by the
container, the pressing or shell shall be rejected. independent inspecting authority, the test
requirements shall be in accordance with 18.2.2
17.2 At the discretion of the independent inspecting
to 18.2.9.

authority, 2 % or more of the pressings and of the
cylindrical shells shall be selected at random to 18.2.2 For test purposes containers shall be divided
represent all batches of material used for the into inspection lots not exceeding 1 000 in number.
manufacture of the containers and these batches 18.2.3 The number of containers to be tested shall
shall be examined for minimum thickness before be as follows.
any seam is welded. a) Quantity: # 3 000 containers.
NOTE For the purpose of this clause, batch of material means
pressings or cylindrical shells manufactured in a continuous
1) From the first 250 containers or less in each
production run. inspection lot, two containers shall be selected
Should any pressing or shell be less than the at random, one for a burst test and one for
minimum specified thickness, the whole of the mechanical tests.
output from the relevant batch of material shall be 2) From each subsequent group of 250
examined for minimum thickness and any pressing containers or less in the inspection lot, one

18 Test requirements
18.1 Normal batch production
or shell which is less than the specified minimum
thickness shall be rejected.
container shall be selected at random for either
a burst test or mechanical tests.
b) Quantity: > 3 000 containers.
1) For # 35 L capacity. From each 1 000
containers or less above 3 000, two containers
18.1.1 For test purposes a batch shall consist of not shall be selected at random, one for a burst test
more than: and one for mechanical tests.
classes I, IA, IB and IAC 202 containers 2) For > 35 L capacity.
classes IIA and IIB 402 containers i) From the first 500 containers or less in
each inspection lot above 3 000, two
made consecutively from the same size, design and containers shall be selected at random, one
material specification, on the same types of for a burst test and one for mechanical tests.
automatic welding machines and heat treated under ii) From the remaining 500 containers or
the same conditions of temperature and time. less in such inspection lots above 3 000, one
18.1.2 One container selected at random from every container shall be selected at random for
batch or part batch of containers shall be subjected either a burst test or mechanical tests.
to the mechanical tests as described in clause 19 and 18.2.4 The criteria for testing as given in 18.2.3
shall satisfy the requirements of clause 19 shall apply after:
(see also 25.1.3).
a) material cast change;
18.1.3 One container selected at random from every
b) break in production, e.g. a weekend, overnight.
batch or part batch of containers shall be subjected
to a volumetric expansion test, in accordance All containers shall be identified so that if a
container fails the mechanical or volumetric tests

with 20.4 and then shall comply with clause 21

when hydraulically tested to destruction all containers since the last successful test shall be
(see also 25.1.3). isolated and submitted to further tests in
accordance with clause 27 in which case all the
18.1.4 Radiographic examination of containers shall
isolated containers shall be treated as a batch.
be carried out in accordance with clause 25.
18.2.5 Containers selected at random shall be
18.1.5 After heat treatment each container shall be
subjected to the mechanical tests as described in
pressure tested in accordance with 20.3 and
clause 19 and shall satisfy the requirements of
clause 23.
clause 19 (see also 25.1.3).The number of containers
18.1.6 The water capacity of each container shall be to be tested shall be in accordance with 18.2.3.
checked in accordance with clause 22.

18 BSI 01-1999

Section 5 BS 5045-2:1989
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18.2.6 Containers selected at random shall be 19 Mechanical tests

subjected to a volumetric expansion test in
19.1 General
accordance with 20.4 and then shall comply with

clause 21 when hydraulically tested to destruction The mechanical tests shall be carried out on the
(see also 25.1.3). The number of containers to be parent material and the welds.
tested shall be in accordance with 18.2.3 Test specimens shall be cut from locations on the
18.2.7 Radiographic examination of containers shall container as indicated in Figure 3. The specimens
be carried out in accordance with clause 25. for tests on the parent material shall be cut so that
18.2.8 After heat treatment each container shall be no part of the gauge length of the test specimen is

pressure tested in accordance with 20.3 and within 4 t of the edge of the weld, where t is the
clause 23. minimum design thickness as specified on the
drawing(s), see 13.1, (including any corrosion
18.2.9 The water capacity of each container shall be allowance).
checked in accordance with clause 22.
The mechanical tests carried out on each container
18.3 Small batch production shall be in accordance with 19.2 to 19.6.
18.3.1 Small batch production test requirements A test specimen of each type required under 19.2
shall apply only to three-piece containers and only and 19.3 shall be cut from the cylindrical shell and
to a maximum of 30 containers. from one of the end pressings.
The containers shall be considered to be of the same Test specimens of each type required under 19.4
batch providing that the longest shell length is not to 19.6 shall be cut transversely across the
more than 50 % longer than the smallest and all are longitudinal weld and alternately from the top and
of an approved design length (see item g) of 24.1).
The manufacturer shall use only material for which
he has adequate burst test data and recorded data
relating to its mechanical properties in the formed
shape and in its normalized or heat-treated
bottom circumferential welds on successive
containers selected for test.
19.2 Tensile test on parent material
The tensile test specimens T1 and T2 (see Figure 3)
shall be made from strips cut from a finished
container with the axis of the strips, where possible,
18.3.2 The tests shall consist of either: parallel to the axis of the container. Where
a) mechanical tests on coupon plates, necessary, test specimen T1 shall be cut transverse
radiography of the T junction welds and internal to the axis of the container as shown in Figure 3 b).
inspection of the weld seams of each container; or The form and dimensions shall be as specified in 6.3
b) mechanical tests on coupon plates, and a or 6.4 and Table 3 of BS 18:1987. The face and back
bursting test on a selected container. of the test specimen shall not be machined, but shall
18.3.3 Where there are three or more containers in represent the surface of the container as
a batch a production coupon plate shall be attached manufactured.
to three containers. One coupon plate shall be The tolerance on form (i.e. the difference between
subjected to the mechanical tests of 19.4, 19.5 maximum and minimum values of a given
and 19.6. If the plate fails any test the other two dimension in any one test specimen) for the
coupon plates shall both comply with clause 27. machined surfaces of a test specimen shall be in
When less than three containers are made, a accordance with the tolerance grade IT 9 of
production coupon plate shall be attached to one BS 4500-1.
container. The coupon plate shall be subjected to the NOTE The test specimens may be carefully straightened cold
as necessary to place them in the testing machine.
mechanical tests of 19.4,19.5 and 19.6. The failure
Tensile testing shall be carried out as specified in

of any test shall result in that container(s) being

rendered unserviceable (see 27.6). BS 18. The limit of error of measurement shall be
not more than 0.5 % or 0.01 mm, whichever is the
18.3.4 One container shall be subjected to a greater, as prescribed in 8.1 of BS 18:1987 and shall
volumetric expansion test in accordance with 20.4. be interpreted as applying to each individual
All containers shall be pressure tested and tightness measurement. If individual measurements of the
tested in accordance with 20.3 and clause 23. thickness of a test specimen, the two faces of which
18.3.5 Radiographic inspection of T junction welds are formed by the surfaces of the container wall,
shall be in accordance with 25.2 and 25.3. differ from one another, the minimum value shall be
18.3.6 Hydraulic bursting tests shall be in taken for calculation.
accordance with clause 21.

BSI 01-1999 19

BS 5045-2:1989 Section 5
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When the parallel length is in excess of the gauge 19.3 Bend test on parent material
length a series of overlapping gauge lengths shall be The width of the test specimens B1 and B2
marked, or alternatively gauge marks be applied

(see Figure 3) shall be not less than 25 mm or four
every 5 mm, 10 mm or 20 mm along the parallel times the minimum design thickness of the
length so that the elongation on the prescribed container as shown in the drawing(s), see 13.1,
gauge length can be determined by some suitable (including any corrosion allowance), whichever is
method of interpolation. the greater. The face and back of the test specimen
The tensile testing machine shall be maintained to shall not be machined except that the edges may be
grade 1.0 of BS 1610-1. The results obtained from rounded off. When bent at room temperature round

the tensile test shall meet the requirements of a former, of diameter not greater than n times the
Table 2 for the container material from which the thickness of the specimen, until the gap between the
specimens were taken. ends is not greater than the diameter of the former,
the specimen shall remain uncracked. Values of n
are given in Table 8.


20 BSI 01-1999

Section 5 BS 5045-2:1989
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Figure 3 Location of test specimens in a container

BSI 01-1999 21

BS 5045-2:1989 Section 5
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Figure 3 Location of test specimens in a container (concluded)


22 BSI 01-1999

Section 5 BS 5045-2:1989
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Table 8 Ratio n between the diameter of the When bent at room temperature round a former, of
former and the thickness of the bend test diameter not greater than n times the thickness of
specimen the specimen, until the gap between the ends is not

Actual tensile strength Value of n
greater than the diameter of the former, the
specimen shall remain uncracked. Values of n are
2 given in Table 8.
Up to 440 inclusive 2 In a joggle joint welding configuration defects in the
exposed end grain of the material shall not be
above 440 to 520 inclusive 3
sufficient reason for rejection, providing all other

above 520 to 560 inclusive 4 material tests are passed.
above 560 5 19.6 Nick-break test on the welds

19.4 Tensile test on the welds Two nick-break test specimens shall be made, the
specimens NB1 and NB2 (see Figure 3) being
The test specimens T3 and T4 (see Figure 3) shall be similar to those required for a bend test, except that
cut transversely to the weld and shall be the full a slot is cut along the weld on each side at the centre
thickness of the material at the welded joint. The line. The slot shall be of a form shown in Figure 5.
shape and dimension of the test specimen shall be as The specimen shall then be broken cold in the weld
shown in Figure 4. by pressure or blows applied to one of the slotted
In preparing the test specimens the face and back faces, and the fracture shall reveal a sound,
shall not be machined except to remove the backing homogeneous weld with complete penetration, free
strip or the tongue of a joggle joint. The face and from oxide, slag inclusions or excessive porosity.
back of the test piece shall each represent the
surface of the parent material and the weld.
NOTE The test specimens may be carefully straightened cold
as necessary in order to place them in the testing machine.
The tensile strength shall be not less than that
20 Hydraulic tests
20.1 General
After heat treatment the container(s) selected in
accordance with 18.2 and 18.3 shall be subjected to
specified for the parent material and where there
are different parent materials joined by the weld it a proof pressure test (as described in Appendix A) or
shall be not less than that specified for the parent a volumetric expansion test.The preferred method
material with the lowest tensile strength. for the volumetric expansion test is the water
jacket method (see Appendix B).
Tensile testing shall be carried out as specified in
BS 18. The tolerance on form and limits of error
measurement shall be as described in 19.2. The
tensile testing machine shall be maintained to
grade 1.0 of BS 1610-1.
19.5 Bend test across the welds
The width of the test specimen shall be 25 mm or
four times the design thickness of the container,
whichever is the greater. In preparing the test
specimen the corners shall be rounded off and the
backing strip or the tongue of a joggle joint and any
weld reinforcement shall be machined off before

Specimens B3 and B4 (see Figure 3) shall be bent

with the outer surface of the weld in tension, and
specimens B5 and B6 (see Figure 3) with the inner
surface of the weld in tension.

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BS 5045-2:1989 Section 5
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Figure 4 Reduced section tensile test specimen

Figure 5 Nick-break test specimen
20.2 Test pressure 20.4 Volumetric expansion test
The test pressure shall be determined by the When tested using the water jacket volumetric
requirements of section 3. expansion test described in Appendix B the
No pressure greater than 80 % of the test pressure permanent volumetric expansion shall not
shall have been applied to any container before the exceed 10 % of the total expansion under the test
test. pressure.
20.3 Proof pressure test If the test is made by the non-water jacket method

(see B.4) the container shall be examined for signs

NOTE More than one container may be tested at a time
provided that they all have the same test pressure and that each
of leakage when subjected to the test pressure.
individual container is capable of being isolated so that a faulty Should the permanent volumetric expansion of a
container may be identified. container, selected as specified in 18.1.3, 18.2.6
20.3.1 When subjected to a proof pressure test as or 18.3.4, exceed 10 % of the total expansion under
described in Appendix A the container shall show no the test pressure, the procedure laid down in 27.5
sign of leakage or visible deformation other than the shall be followed.
normal volumetric expansion that is experienced at
test pressure.
20.3.2 Any container that fails to comply with 20.3.1
shall be rendered unserviceable for further use in
accordance with 27.6.

24 BSI 01-1999

Section 5 BS 5045-2:1989
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20.5 Drying of containers 24 Prototype fatigue tests

Unless the testing medium is compatible with the 24.1 New designs

gas to be used the container(s) shall be thoroughly
NOTE For new designs the independent inspecting authority
purged following testing. When water has been used may consider that the prototype test may be waived in the light
as the test medium the interior of each container of tests that have been carried out on containers of similar design.
shall be thoroughly dried. For the purpose of this standard a container shall be
considered to be of a new design, compared to an
21 Hydraulic bursting test existing approved design, when one of the following

Containers selected as specified in 18.1.3, 18.2.6
or 18.3.2 shall be hydraulically tested to a) it is manufactured in a different factory;
destruction. The nominal hoop stress corresponding b) it is manufactured by a different process;
to the pressure at which destruction occurs shall be c) it is manufactured from a different material;
calculated from the formula:
d) it is given a different heat treatment;
e) the base profile and the base thickness have
changed relative to the container diameter and
calculated wall thickness;
where f) the specified minimum yield stress has changed
fb by more than 50 N/mm2;
is the nominal hoop stress (in N/mm2) at
which destruction occurs; g) the length of the container has increased by
more than 50 %;


is the internal pressure (in bar) at which
destruction occurs;
is the nominal original internal diameter
(in mm), of the container;
is the minimum design thickness (in mm) as
h) the diameter has changed by more than 5 %;
i) a change in hydraulic test pressure has caused
a change in wall thickness (a container used for a
duty requiring a lower test pressure than that for
which the design approval has been given shall
specified on the drawing(s) (including any
not be deemed to be of a new design).
corrosion allowance) of the wall of the
container. 24.2 Pressure cycling test
24.2.1 Where the duty is such that in the opinion of
The value of fb shall be not less than 95 % of the
the independent inspecting authority a fatigue test
minimum specified tensile strength of the material
is necessary, three containers from the first batch or
of the container (see Table 2). The container shall
production run made to a new design shall be
burst without fragmentation.
submitted to the pressure cycling test. The
22 Checking of water capacity containers shall be certified by the manufacturer to
be representative of his design and manufacturing
The water capacity of each container shall be procedure.
checked. This shall be done by weighing the empty 24.2.2 The test shall be carried out using a
container, and then by filling the container with a non-corrosive fluid with a range of pressure
calibrated volume of liquid or by other means equivalent to either the test pressure or the
approved by the independent inspecting authority charging pressure of the container. The value of the
in order to ensure compliance with the required lower cyclic pressure shall not exceed 10 % of the
minimum specified water capacity (see 4.1). upper cyclic pressure. The frequency of reversals
For dissolved acetylene containers the water shall not exceed 15 cycles/min. The temperature

capacity shall be recorded, see BS 6061. measured on the outside surface of the container
shall not exceed 50 C during the test.
23 Tightness test 24.2.3 The containers shall be considered to have
After each container has complied with 20.3 it shall passed the test if they satisfactorily complete,
show no signs of leakage when subjected to an without any sign of leakage, either:
internal pneumatic pressure of 7 bar. Any leakage a) 12 000 cycles over a range equivalent
shall be detected either by immersing the container to 0.9 test pressure; or
in water, by applying a soap solution to the welds or
b) 80 000 cycles over a range equivalent
any other test of equivalent sensitivity. If any
to 0.6 test pressure.
leakage occurs the container shall be regarded as
having failed the test.

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BS 5045-2:1989 Section 5
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Containers designed to convey acetylene shall be Class IB containers shall either have all pressure
considered to have passed if they satisfactorily containing welds made with a double run; or all
complete 80 000 cycles over a range equivalent pressure containing welds made in a single run

to 0.3 test pressure without any sign of leakage. shall be fully radiographed.
Any weld repairs agreed by the independent
25 Radiographic examination of welds inspecting authority shall be carried out in
25.1 Number of containers to be radiographed accordance with clause 26.
NOTE Containers selected for radiography may be those
25.1.1 Class I containers. The entire length of all containers which are to be used for destructive mechanical

pressure containing welds on every container shall testing.
be radiographed. 25.1.3 Class IAC. The two containers selected in
25.1.2 Class IA and IB containers. Upon the accordance with 18.1 and 18.2 shall be
introduction, or reintroduction after stoppages radiographed over the pressure containing welds,
exceeding three days, of a discrete design of before being subjected to the tests specified in
container to a production line, the first container clauses 19 and 20.
welded, or more, from each welding machine, at the 25.1.4 Classes IIA and IIB containers. Containers
discretion of the independent inspecting authority, having a minimum design thickness, as specified on
shall be radiographed over the full length of the the drawing (s), of 6 mm or greater, selected for the
circumferential and longitudinal welds and of bung hydraulic bursting test, shall be radiographed over
or boss butt-welds in order to establish satisfactory the pressure containing welds.
machine settings. The radiographs shall be assessed
NOTE No radiography is required for containers to classes IIA
in accordance with 25.3 and bulk production shall

not commence unless they are found to be

Thereafter during production of that design of

container, in order to demonstrate that satisfactory
welds are being produced consistently, one
or IIB construction having a minimum specified design thickness
less than 6 mm.
25.2 Radiographic techniques
25.2.1 Radiographic examination of the
circumferential and longitudinal welds in
containers shall be carried out by the double wall,
container shall be selected at random from each single image (or where practicable, double image)
welding machine at the beginning and end of each method using a radiographic technique which is
working shifts production or at intervals not sufficiently sensitive to reveal a defect having a
exceeding 12 h, whichever is the shorter, and thickness equal to 2 % of the combined thickness of
radiographed. For three-piece containers the
the weld and the backing material.
radiography shall be carried out at the intersection
NOTE Reference should be made to BS 2910.
of the welds for a distance of 100 mm beyond the
intersection in the case of the longitudinal weld 25.2.2 Radiographic examination of bung and boss
and 50 mm (25 mm on each side) in the case of butt welds in containers shall be carried out using,
circumferential welds. The last container produced where possible, a direct film technique. The
from each welding machine in any production run sensitivity of the technique shall be as given
shall be fully radiographed. If the radiographs show in 25.2.1.
no unacceptable defects, the whole of the production Radiographic examination of bung and boss fillet
of the relevant working shift shall be accepted welds shall be augmented with a
subject to further tests as specified in clause 18. macro-examination of the weld taken from a
Should any of the radiographs show an container selected for mechanical tests.
unacceptable defect, production shall be stopped 25.3 Assessment of radiograph
and the whole of the relevant shifts production shall The radiograph shall show that the pressure

be quarantined until it is demonstrated that the containing welds have complete penetration and are
containers are satisfactory, either by radiography or free from significant defects especially those likely
by other appropriate means approved by the to be of a repetitive character. Particular attention
independent inspecting authority. shall be given to the radiograph of the initial test or
Production shall not be started until the cause of the tests as specified in 25.1.2. In judging what
defect has been established and rectified, and the constitute unacceptable defects the provisions of
starting up test procedure, as specified above, has Table 5 of BS 4870-1:1981 shall be followed as far as
been repeated. they are relevant.

26 BSI 01-1999

Section 5 BS 5045-2:1989
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26 Repair of welds b) the container pressure at destruction was

below that specified;
26.1 If during the hydraulic or tightness tests minor

leaks are found, or if minor but unacceptable defects c) the container burst with fragmentation;
are found by radiography the weld shall, at the d) an unacceptable weld in the nick-break test, or
discretion of the independent inspecting authority, if a batch of containers, having been re-heat
either be repaired by rewelding by mechanized or treated and tested as given in 27.3 is rejected, no
manual means or the container shall be rendered further containers shall be accepted from the
unserviceable in accordance with 27.6. production line concerned until it has been
demonstrated to the satisfaction of the

26.2 All weld repairs shall be radiographed except
repairs to containers of less than 6 mm wall independent inspecting authority that the cause
thickness of class IIA or IIB. After rewelding and of the failure has been identified and corrected.
where necessary re-radiography all containers shall No container from the batch that failed shall be
be re-heat treated as part of a batch or production accepted by the independent inspecting authority
run in accordance with clause 16, and then shall be unless it has been demonstrated to that authority
retested in accordance with clauses 19 to 25. that each of such containers is free from the defect
which caused the failure.
27 Results of mechanical and pressure 27.6 Any container not accepted by the independent
tests inspecting authority shall be rendered permanently
27.1 If any of the mechanical tests required under unserviceable for holding gas under pressure. The
19.1, except the nick-break test, results in failure procedure used for the destruction of such
then, at the manufacturers discretion, the containers shall be acceptable to the independent
procedures in either 27.2 or 27.3 shall be followed.
27.2 The mechanical tests in which the failure
occurred shall be repeated on a test specimen cut
from the same container and all the mechanical
tests required under 19.1 shall be carried out on
inspecting authority.

28 Final internal inspection

28.1 All moisture and other foreign matter shall be
completely removed from the interior of each
another container from the same batch or container and its cleanliness checked with the use of
production run. If both containers then comply an inspecting lamp.
with 19.2 to 19.6, the batch or production run, if 28.2 The cleaning operation specified in 28.1 shall
otherwise complying with this standard, shall be be carried out immediately prior to assembly of
accepted. valves, fittings or sealing plugs as appropriate.
27.3 Alternatively the batch or production run shall
be re-heat treated in accordance with clause 16 and
the tests required under 19.1 shall be carried out on
two further containers from the batch or production
run. If both containers then comply with 19.2
to 19.6, the batch or production run, if otherwise
complying with this standard, shall be accepted.
27.4 If any of the mechanical tests specified in 27.2,
results in failure, the batch or production run shall
either be rejected or if applicable re-heat treated
and retested in accordance with 27.3 and be
accepted if it then complies with 19.2 to 19.6 and

otherwise complies with this standard.

27.5 If the containers selected for test under
clause 18 fail because of any of the following
a) excessive expansion when subjected to the
hydraulic volumetric expansion test;

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BS 5045-2:1989 Section 6
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Section 6. Marking of containers

29 Information to be marked i) the tare (in kg), i.e. the mass of the container,
valve and dip tube where applicable (excluding
Each container shall be permanently and legibly
the valve loose cap or cover), if it is intended to be

marked with the following information:
used for liquefiable gases;
a) the manufacturers mark and container serial
j) the type letter of the steel used in the
number; construction of the container;
b) the date of test (indicated by the month and k) in the case of containers made from different
year, or by the year followed by a number within
materials with different mechanical properties,
a circle to denote the quarter of the year) and the
the type letter of the steel used for the cylindrical

identification mark of the person or firm who
part of the shell followed by that used for the
made the test;
c) the identification mark(s) of the independent
inspecting authority; 30 Method of marking
d) the number of this British Standard, Where possible the characters in the marking shall
i.e. BS 5045-23), followed by the class of be at least 6 mm in height. In no case shall the
construction, e.g. BS 5045/2/1A. Where characters be less than 3 mm in height. They shall
construction to this standard is called for in be permanently and legibly marked on:
another British Standard, that British Standard
number only shall be marked, e.g. for a) a label which is securely attached to the
dissolvedacetylene containers reference should container; or
be made to BS 6061 and markings made b) the foot ring if this is permanently welded to
e) the test pressure (in bar);
f) the charged pressure (in bar) at 15 C if the
container is intended to be used for permanent
the container; or
c) a valve shroud securely attached to the
container; or
d) the valve boss.
If welding is not used as the method of attachment
g) the minimum designed water capacity (in in the case of a) or c) there shall be other permanent
litres) of the container as fitted with dip tube, means of identifying the container.
valve, etc., if it is intended to be used for
liquefiable gases;
h) the mass (in kg) of the empty container only, if
it is intended to be used for permanent gases;

3) Marking BS 5045-2 on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturers declaration of conformity, i.e. a claim by or on
behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of the claim is therefore solely
the responsibility of the person making the claim. Such a declaration is not to be confused with third party certification of
conformity, which may also be desirable.

28 BSI 01-1999

Section 6 BS 5045-2:1989
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Appendix A Hydraulic proof pressure 2) a leak in a test container.

test In case 1) the system is depressurized, the
connection made good and the test repeated on

A.1 General
the batch.
This appendix describes an example of a method for
carrying out the hydraulic proof pressure test. In case 2) the faulty container(s) is isolated and
the test continued on the remainder of the batch.
Containers if tested in batches shall be of the same
h) If at the end of the test period the pressure in
test pressure, established as described in section 3,
the system has fallen, this may indicate that one
which shall not be exceeded by 3 % or 10 bar,
or more of the containers has failed under

whichever is the lower.
A.2 Equipment
In this event the whole test batch is retested,
A.2.1 All rigid pipework, flexible tubing, valves, individually if necessary, to identify the faulty
fittings and components forming the pressure test container(s).
equipment should be capable of withstanding a
pressure 1.5 times the maximum test pressure of Appendix B Hydraulic volumetric
any container that may be tested. Flexible tubing expansion test
should have sufficient wall thickness to prevent
kinking. B.1 General
A.2.2 Pressure gauges should comply with the This appendix gives details of two methods for
requirements of the industrial class of BS 1780 and determining the volumetric expansion of welded
have a scale range appropriate to the container test steel gas containers:
They should be tested and recalibrated as
necessary, at regular intervals and in any case not
less frequently than once per month against a dead
weight tester.
a) the water jacket method (preferred method);
b) the non-water jacket method.
The water jacket volumetric expansion test may be
carried out using equipment with a levelling burette
or with a fixed burette.
A.2.3 A device should be fitted to the test equipment B.2 Equipment
to ensure that no container is subjected to a
NOTE B.2.1 to B.2.7 are general to both methods of test.
pressure in excess of its test pressure by more than
the tolerances in A.1. B.2.1 Hydraulic test pressure pipelines should be
capable of withstanding a pressure twice the
A.2.4 All joints shall be leaktight.
maximum test pressure of any container that may
A.2.5 The design and installation of the equipment be tested.
and of the containers connected to it should be such B.2.2 Glass burettes should be of sufficient length to
as to avoid trapping air in the system. receive water equivalent to the full volumetric
NOTE An example of the equipment required is shown in expansion of the container and capable of being read
Figure 6.
to an accuracy of 1 mL.
A.3 Procedure
B.2.3 Pressure gauges should comply with the
Carry out the following procedure. requirements of the industrial class of BS 1780.
a) Completely fill all container(s) with water. They should be tested at regular intervals and in
b) Connect the container(s) to the test equipment any case not less frequently than once per month.
as shown in Figure 6, leaving all valves open. B.2.4 A device should be fitted to ensure that no
c) Fill the pump and pipework system with water container is subjected to a pressure in excess of its
and close the air bleed valve when water appears. test pressure.

Close the bypass valve. B.2.5 Pipework should use long bends in preference
d) Remove any excess water from the outside of to elbow fittings, and pressure pipes should be as
the container(s). short as possible. Flexible tubing should be capable
of withstanding twice the maximum test pressure in
e) Operate the pump until the test pressure is
the equipment and have sufficient wall thickness to
reached. Stop the pump and close the hydraulic
prevent kinking.
line valve.
f) Check that the test pressure remains constant B.2.6 All joints shall be leaktight.
for a minimum period of 1 min. B.2.7 The installation of the equipment should be
such as to avoid trapping air in the system.
g) Inspect the container(s) visually. The presence
of water is an indication of either:
1) a leaking connection to a container; or

BSI 01-1999 29

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Figure 6 Example of hydraulic proof pressure test equipment
Section 1 BS 5045-2:1989
BS 5045-2:1989
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

B.3 Water jacket volumetric expansion test B.3.3.2 Water jacket volumetric expansion test:
B.3.1 Principle levelling burette method. An example of the
equipment required is shown in Figure 7, but other

This method of test necessitates enclosing the
types of installation may be acceptable.
water-filled container in a jacket also filled with
water. The total volumetric expansion of the Carry out the following procedure.
container is measured by the amount of water a) Fill the container with water and attach the
displaced from the jacket when the container has water jacket cover to it.
been pressurized. The permanent volumetric b) Seal the container in the jacket and attach the
expansion of the container is measured by the

pressure line to the container.
amount of water which continues to be displaced
c) Fill the jacket with water, allowing air to bleed
from the jacket when the pressure has been
off through the air bleed valve. Close the air bleed
valve when water issues freely from it.
B.3.2 Additional equipment
d) Adjust the zero level on the burette to the
The water jacket should be fitted with a safety datum mark on the burette support stand. Adjust
device capable of releasing the energy from any the height of the water to the burette zero level by
container that may burst at the test pressure. manipulation of the jacket filling valve and the
An air bleed valve should be fitted to the highest drain valve.
point of the jacket. e) Raise the pressure in the container to
B.3.3 Procedure two-thirds of the test pressure. Close the
B.3.3.1 General. Two methods of performing this hydraulic line valve and check that the burette
test are described in B.3.3.2 and B.3.3.3. Other
methods are acceptable provided that they are
capable of measuring the total and, if any, the
permanent volumetric expansions of the container.
reading remains constant.
NOTE A rising water level indicates a leaking joint between
the container and the jacket. A falling water level indicates a
leaking joint between the water jacket and the atmosphere.

Figure 7 Water jacket volumetric expansion test (levelling burette)

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BS 5045-2:1989
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

f) Open the hydraulic line valve and continue the h) Open the hydraulic line drain valve to release
pressurization of the container until the test pressure from the container. Check that the
pressure is reached. Close the hydraulic line pressure is at zero and that the water level is

valve. constant.
g) Lower the burette until the water level is at the i) Read the level of the water in the burette.
datum mark on the burette support stand. Take Record this reading, the permanent expansion, if
the reading of the water level in the burette. any, on the test certificate.
Record this reading, the total expansion, on the j) Check that the permanent expansion does not
test certificate. exceed 10 % of the total expansion as determined

h) Open the hydraulic line drain valve to release by the following equation.
pressure from the container. Raise the burette Permanent expansion 100 = %
until the water level is again at the datum line on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total expansion
the burette support stand. Check that the
pressure is at zero and that the water level is B.4 Non-water jacket volumetric expansion
constant. test
i) Read the water level in the burette. Record this B.4.1 Principle
reading, the permanent expansion, if any, on the This method consists of measuring the amount of
test certificate. water passed into the container under proof
j) Check that the permanent expansion does not pressure and, on release of this pressure, measuring
exceed 10 % of the total expansion as determined the water returned to the manometer. It is
by the following equation. necessary to allow for the compressibility of water,
Total expansion
expansion 100 = %

B.3.3.3 Water jacket volumetric expansion test: fixed

burette method. An example of the equipment
required is shown in Figure 8, but other types of
and the volume of the container under test to obtain
true volumetric expansion. No fall in pressure under
this test is permitted.
B.4.2 Additional equipment
The equipment should be arranged such that all air
can be removed. The glass tube reservoir should be
installation may be acceptable.
calibrated in millilitres and be accurate to 1 % of the
Carry out the following procedure. reading. It should be so arranged that accurate
a) Fill the container with water and attach the readings can be determined of the volume of water
water jacket cover to it. required to pressurize the filled container, and of
b) Seal the container in the jacket and attach the the volume expelled from the container when
pressure line to the container. depressurized. In the case of larger containers, it
may be necessary to augment the glass tube with
c) Fill the jacket with water, allowing air to bleed
metal tubes arranged in a manifold.
off through the air bleed valve. Close the air bleed
valve when water issues freely from it. The pressure gauge should be calibrated as given in
BS 1780.
d) Adjust the water level to the zero mark on the
burette by manipulation of the jacket filling valve If a single-acting hydraulic pump is used, care
and the drain valve. should be taken to ensure that the piston is in the
back position when water levels are noted.
e) Raise the pressure in the container to
two-thirds of the test pressure. Close the The water used should be free of air. Any leakage
hydraulic line valve and check that the burette from the system or the presence of free or dissolved
reading remains constant. air will result in false readings.

NOTE A rising water level indicates a leaking joint between Every care should be taken to maintain steady
the container and the jacket. A falling water level indicates a temperature conditions and sufficient time should
leaking joint between the water jacket and the atmosphere. be allowed to permit the apparatus, the containers
f) Open the hydraulic line valve and continue the and the water to attain a uniform constant
pressurization of the container until the test temperature.
pressure is reached. Close the hydraulic line The equipment should be installed as shown in
valve. Figure 9. The water supply pipe should be connected
g) Read the level of the water in the burette. to an overhead tank C as shown, or to some other
Record this reading, the total expansion, on the supply giving a sufficient head of water.
test certificate.

32 BSI 01-1999

BS 5045-2:1989
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Figure 8 Water jacket volumetric expansion test (fixed burette)
B.4.3 Procedure g) Record the fall of water level in the glass tube.
Carry out the following procedure. Providing there has been no leakage, the water
drained from the glass tube will have been
a) Completely fill the container with water and
pumped into the container to achieve the test
determine the mass of water in it.
pressure. This difference in water level is the
b) Connect the container to the hydraulic test total volumetric expansion of the container plus
pump through coil A and check that all valves are an amount attributable to the compressibility of
closed. water.
c) Fill the pump and system with water from tank h) Open valve H slowly to release the pressure in
C by opening valves D, E and H. the container and allow water so released to
d) To ensure expulsion of air from the system, return to the glass tube. If the water level returns
close valve H and raise the system pressure to to a point below pointer P, this difference in level
approximately one-third of the test pressure. will denote the amount of permanent volumetric
Open bleed valve G to release trapped air by expansion in the container which is recorded on
reducing the system pressure to zero, and reclose the test certificate.
valve G. Repeat if necessary. i) Before disconnecting the container from the

e) Continue to fill the system until the level in test rig, close valve E. This will leave the pump
glass tube M is approximately 300 mm from the and system full of water for the next test,
top of this tube. Close valve D and mark the water however, stage d) is repeated at each subsequent
level by pointer P, leaving valves E and H open. test.
Record the level. j) If permanent volumetric expansion has
f) Close valve H. Raise the pressure in the system occurred, record the temperature of water in the
until the check pressure gauge K indicates the container.
required test pressure. Stop the pump. After k) Calculate the percentage ratio of permanent
approximately 30 s there should be no change in expansion to total expansion using the method
either water level or pressure. illustrated in B.4.6.
NOTE A change in level indicates leakage. A falling
pressure, if there is no leakage, indicates that the cylinder is
still expanding under pressure.

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Figure 9 Non-water jacket volumetric expansion test

BS 5045-2:1989
BS 5045-2:1989
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B.4.4 Test results B.4.6 Example calculation

The tests determine the volume of water in In the following calculation, allowance for pipe

millilitres required to pressurize the filled container stretch has been ignored.
to test pressure. Given that 1 kg of water occupies 1 L, a typical
The total mass and temperature of water in the example is as follows.
container are known, enabling the change in volume Test pressure P = 232 bar
of the water in the container due to its gauge
compressibility to be calculated (see B.4.5). The
Mass of water in container at zero
volume of water expelled from the container when

gauge pressure = 113.8 kg
depressurized is known. Thus total volumetric
expansion and permanent volumetric expansion can Temperature of water = 15 C
be determined. Volume of water forced into
The permanent volumetric expansion shall not container to raise pressure
exceed 10 % of the total volumetric expansion. to 232 bar = 1 745 mL
B.4.5 Calculation of compressibility of water or 1.745 kg
The compressibility of water is calculated using the Total mass of water m in container
following formula. at 232 bar = 113.8 + 1.745 = 115.545 kg
. Volume of water expelled from
0.68P container to depressurize = 1 742 mL
C = mP K ---------------
(8) Permanent expansion (PE)
= 1 745 1 742 = 3 mL

C is the volume of water forced into the
container due to the compressibility of water
(in mL);
From Table 9, K factor for 15 C
water temperature
Using equation (8) the volume
of water C forced into the
container due to the compressibility
= 0.047 25

m is the mass of water in the container at of water at 232 bar and 15 C

test pressure (in kg); = 115.5 232 (0.047 25 0.001 50) = 1 224 mL
P is the test pressure (in bar); Total volumetric expansion (TE)
K is a factor, dependent upon temperature. = 1 745 1 224 = 521 mL
Values of K are given in Table 9. PE 100 3 100
------------------------ = ------------------- = 0.58 %
TE 521

Table 9 K factors for the compressibility of water

Temperature K Temperature K Temperature K


6 0.049 15 13 0.047 59 20 0.046 54

7 0.048 86 14 0.047 42 21 0.046 43
8 0.048 60 15 0.047 25 22 0.046 33
9 0.048 34 16 0.047 10 23 0.046 23
10 0.048 12 17 0.046 95 24 0.046 13

11 0.047 92 18 0.046 80 25 0.046 04

12 0.047 75 19 0.046 60 26 0.045 95

BSI 01-1999 35

BS 5045-2:1989
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Appendix C Example of design Hence, from Table 7, test pressure P1 = p = 22.13

procedure bar.

C.6 Thickness of cylindrical wall
C.1 Contents
NOTE See 10.3.
The container is to be charged with 13 kg of 1 i 0.3P D
commercial propane to BS 4250-1. A minimum Equation (1) of 10.3 gives t = ---------------------
7fe P1
liquid density should be determined and for the where
purpose of this example it will be assumed to P1 = 22.13 bar;
be 0.505 g/mL at 15 C and to contain more
Di = 314 mm;

than 2 mol % of unsaturated C2 hydro-carbons.
From clause 8 the reference temperature for the fe = 0.75 275 0.85 = 175.3 N/mm2;
filling ratio is 45 C and from BS 5355 the required
0.3 22.13 314
filling ratio is therefore 0.433. thus, t = ---------------------------------------------- = 1.73 mm.
7 175.3 22.13
Thus the required minimum water capacity in
However, the thickness (in mm) of the cylindrical
terms of mass is 13/0.433 = 30.02 kg of water.
wall shall not be less than the value given by
Since the density of water is 1 kg/L the capacity of equation (2) of 10.3; thus
the container is 30.02 L.
In this example no account has been taken of the
allowance required for filling tolerances, etc.
required by BS 5355.
Hence, the required minimum wall thickness
C.2 Dimensions
Assuming that the container in C.1 is required to
have an internal diameter of 314 mm; then the
effective internal length is not to be less
than 388 mm. The actual length is determined
taking into account the volume enclosed by the ends.
is 2.2 mm and as this is determined from
equation (2) the test pressure (in bar) has now to be
calculated from equation (3) of 10.3.

C.3 Material
Type B steel (see Table 2), with: = 28.19
a) yield stress of 275 N/mm2 4); C.7 Thickness of domed end
b) tensile strength of 400 N/mm2.
NOTE See 10.6.
C.4 Construction Assume that the domed end is torispherical with an
internal crown radius Ri of 251 mm, an internal
The conditions do not make class I construction
knuckle radius ri of 63.5 mm and a straight flange of
obligatory. Assume that class II is selected and that
not less than 8 mm. Thus the shape of the domed
the container is made from two deep pressings with
end complies with 10.5.3.
a central circumferential weld and with one of the
domed ends having a bung, secured by welding, to For the calculation it is necessary to establish the
accommodate the container valve. This form of shape factor K which depends on the values he/Do
construction will allow the container to be designed and te/Do.
as class IIA provided that the requirements of 9.1.2 Since the value of te is not highly critical in
are met. establishing the value of K, the calculated shell
C.5 Calculation of minimum test pressure thickness t of 2.2 mm may be used. Hence the values
to be used in the calculation of K are as follows:
From Table 4 the reference temperature for

developed pressure is 55 C and from BS 5355 the Do = Di + 2t = 318 mm;

developed pressure p at 55 C for commercial Ro = Ri + t = 253 mm;
propane is 22.13 bar.
ro = ri + t = 66 mm;
yield stress Y
The ratio of ------------------------------------------------ for type B steel is 0.69.
tensile strength T

1 N/mm2 = 1 MPa.

36 BSI 01-1999

BS 5045-2:1989
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

he is the least of: C.8 Minimum bursting pressure

NOTE See clause 21.

The nominal hoop stress corresponding to the
pressure at which destruction occurs is calculated
from equation (7):
= 91 mm; Pb Di
4R o = 100 mm; f b = ------------
Hence, the required minimum bursting pressure is

f b 20t
P b = -------------

Therefore Where
he = ho = 91 mm, fb = 0.95 T = 380 N/mm2;
giving values of: Di = 314 mm;
he/Do = 0.286; and t = 2.2 mm.
te/Do = 0.007. Thus
Hence, from Figure 1 factor K = 0.84. 380 20 2.2
P b = ------------------------------------- = 53.25 bar
The thickness of the domed end (see 10.5.2) shall be 314
the greater of the values given by te = tK,

i.e. 2.2 mm.

i.e. 1.85 mm, or the wall thickness calculated in C.6,

Therefore, the thickness of the domed end shall

be 2.2 mm.
C.9 Summary

Minimum wall thickness (shell and

Test pressure (see clause 20)
Minimum bursting pressure
= 2.2 mm
= 28.19 bar

(see clause 21) = 53.25 bar


BSI 01-1999 37

BS 5045-2:1989
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Appendix D Specimen certificate of

compliance for welded steel gas

Certificate number ....................
Date ...........................................
Concerning the manufacture and testing of (quantity) steel containers for (designation or type of gas)
according to BS 5045-2 for class ...... construction

Manufacturer: Name Symbol
Purchaser: Name

To purchasers order no ............................................ and container reference .............................................

Manufacturers nos ................................................... to .............................................................................
Purchasers nos ......................................................... to .............................................................................
Technical data
The above containers are manufactured in accordance with BS 5045-2 and as detailed on approved
drawing nos ........................................................
Container test pressure = .................................................... bar.
Container max. attainable pressure =
Steel manufacturer: Name Steel
Address specification
Ref. no. ......................
Cast Chemical composition
no. C Si Mn P S Nb

Heat N ... normalized

treatment S ... stress relieved

Container heat treatment

Each of the above containers has been heat treated at a temperature between ..........C and ............C

for ....................... min.

Water capacity
The water capacity of each of the above containers has been checked and found to be not less than ......L.

Pressure test
Each of the above containers has been hydraulically tested at ..... bar and subsequently air tested

38 BSI 01-1999

BS 5045-2:1989
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Mechanical tests on representative container(s)

Test Containers Tensile tests 180 bend test Nick-break test Minimum thickness
container represented
a % Elongation Symbola a
serial no . by test Symbol Cross-
Yield Tensile
on .... mm
Former Result Symbol Result Wall End
stress strength radius
area gauge

mm N/m2 N/m2 mm mm mm
T1 B1 NB1
T2 B2 NB2

T3 B3
T4 B4
T1 B1 NB1
T2 B2 NB2
T3 B3
T4 B4

Symbols refer to Figure 3.
Radiographic examination of welds
The welds of ............containers representing a batch of ................ containers were radiographically
examined and found to be satisfactory.

Hydraulic volumetric expansion and bursting tests

Test Containers Permanent/ Bursting pressure Nature of failure
container represented total
number by test expansion Calculated Actual
ratio ...... % minimum
at ...... bar
bar bar

Certified by .......................................................................................................... Date ...................

(for manufacturer)

On behalf of ......................................................................... Date .........................

(Independent inspecting authority)

Accepted by ......................................................................... Date .......................

BSI 01-1999 39

Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI




BS 5045-2:1989
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Publications referred to

BS 18, Method for tensile testing of metals (including aerospace materials).

BS 341, Specification for valve fittings for compressed gas cylinders.
BS 341-1, Valves with taper stems (excluding valves used for breathing and medical purposes).

BS 341-2, Valves with taper stems for use with breathing apparatus (excluding medical gas cylinders to
BS 1319).
BS 499, Welding terms and symbols.
BS 499-1, Glossary for welding, brazing and thermal cutting.
BS 1319, Specification for medical gas cylinders, valves and yoke connections.

BS 1449, Steel plate, sheet and strip.
BS 1449-1, Specification for carbon and carbon-manganese plate, sheet and strip.
BS 1501, Steels for pressure purposes: plates.
BS 1501-1, Specification for carbon and carbon manganese steels.
BS 1610, Materials testing machines and force vertification equipment.
BS 1610-1, Specification for grading of the forces applied by materials testing machines.
BS 1780, Specification for bourdon tube pressure and vacuum gauges.
BS 1837, Methods for the sampling of iron, steel, permanent magnet alloys and ferro-alloys.
BS 2910, Methods for radiographic examination of fusion welded circumferential butt joints in steel pipes.
BS 2915, Specification for bursting discs and bursting disc devices.
BS 3894, Method for converting elongation values for steel.
BS 3894-1, Carbon and low alloy steels.
BS 4250, Liquefied petroleum gas.
BS 4250-1, Specification for commercial butane and propane.
BS 4500, ISO limits and fits.
BS 4500-1, General, tolerances and deviations.
BS 4580, Specification for number designation of organic refrigerants.
BS 4870, Specification for approval testing of welding procedures.
BS 4870-1, Fusion welding of steel.
BS 4871, Specification for approval testing of welders working to approved welding procedures.
BS 4871-1, Fusion welding of steel.
BS 5045, Transportable gas containers.
BS 5045-1, Specification for seamless steel gas containers above 0.5 litre water capacity5).
BS 5045-3, Specification for seamless aluminium alloy gas containers above 0.5 litre water capacity and up
to 300 bar charged pressure at 15 C5).
BS 5045-5, Specification for aluminium alloy containers above 0.5 litre up to 130 litres water capacity with
welded seams5).
BS 5045-6, Specification for seamless containers of less than 0.5 litre water capacity5).
BS 5306, Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises.

BS 5355, Specification for filling ratios and developed pressures for liquefiable and permanent gases.
BS 5423, Specification for portable fire extinguishers.
BS 5500, Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels.
BS 6061, Specification for transportable acetylene containers.
Euronorm 120 Steel sheet and strip for welded gas cylinder.

5) Referred to in the foreword only.

BSI 01-1999


Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Dec 19 10:18:16 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

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