PTQ Gas 2011 PDF
PTQ Gas 2011 PDF
PTQ Gas 2011 PDF
PTQ supplement
- hydrogen - ammonia
- synthesis gas to chemicals - methanol
- synthesis gas to fuels - DME
Through research-driven technologies, Haldor Topse offers impartial counselling on the selection of the best technology
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for further information
19 Cryogenic monitoring
Jerry Worsley Sensornet
2011. The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright full details of which are available from the publishers. All rights
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The opinions and views expressed by the authors in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher and while
every care has been taken in the preparation of all material included in Petroleum Technology Quarterly the publisher cannot be held
responsible for any statements, opinions or views or for any inaccuracies.
171 companies own biodiesel manufacturing
Editor mine capture of acid gases and amine plants themselves are not
plants and are actively marketing biodiesel.1.
Chris Cunningham unexpected topics for discussion by industry experts in this issue of PTQ
[email protected]
The global biodiesel market is estimated Gas. However, recent news has focused not so much on amine technology
to reach 37 billion gallons by 2016, with an for dealing with acid gas components of natural gas as on its application to the
Production Editor
average annual growth rate of 42%. Europe downstream capture of gas combustion products, meaning, of course, CO2. With
Rachel Zamorski
will continue to be the major biodiesel
[email protected] carbon issues looming over the hydrocarbons industry in all of its forms, the story
market for the next decade, followed closely of the Mongstad gas power plant in Norway, which includes a flagship project to
by the USEditor
Graphics market. demonstrate large-scale capture and storage (CCS) of CO2, is causing no end of
Rob Fris high energy prices, confusion for climate change policy makers in Europe.
[email protected]
increasing global demand, drought DONG Energy and Statoil have been working at Mongstad to build a ther-
and other factors are the primary driv- mal power plant, with the aim of integrating it into Statoils neighbouring oil
ers for higher food prices, food refinery, while DONG operates and owns the plant. It has been built to supply
tel +44 844 5888 773
competitive feedstocks
fax +44 844 5888 667 have long been Mongstad and a production platform in the North Sea with electricity and
and will continue to be a major heat, and to supply a gas treatment plant with electricity. So far so good.
concern forSales
Advertising theManager
development of biofu- One of the chief ideas behind Mongstad is to strengthen the refinerys posi-
els. To compete, the industry has
Paul Mason tion as an efficient supplier of refined products. At maximum utilisation, the
[email protected]
responded by developing methods to power plant can deliver 280 MW of electricity and about 350 MW of heat. Now
increase process efficiency, utilise or it is up and running, it is no doubt meeting all of those targets. All of the CO2
Advertising Sales
upgrade by-products and operate with it currently produces is released to the atmosphere, which is fine at present
Bob Aldridge
lower quality lipids as feedstocks.
[email protected] because full-scale CCS was not planned to begin until 2014.
But this is where the controversy begins. The CCS arm of the venture was
Advertising Sales Office first delayed to 2018 and most recently, on Statoils advice, the Norwegian
tel +44 844refers to a diesel-equivalent
5888 771 government has delayed it further. According to Norways Petroleum and
fax +44 844 5888 662
fuel consisting of short-chain alkyl Energy Ministry, that advice centres not on the technical issues of making a
(methyl or ethyl) esters, made by the CCS project work but on whether amine technology can be used at all, on
transesterification of triglycerides, grounds of health and safety. There is a need for greater knowledge of the
Nic Allen
commonly known as vegetable oils or
[email protected] effects of using amine technology on health and the environment, says the
animal fats. The most common form ministry. Now the government wants to look at alternative options for imple-
uses methanol, the cheapest alcohol
Circulation menting CCS.
Jacki Watts to produce methyl esters. While this has, not unexpectedly, put Statoil in bad odour with local environ-
[email protected]
The molecules in biodiesel are primar- mentalists, who were just about prepared to put up with another major
ily fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), gas-fired power plant provided the CO2 it produces could be effectively
Crambeth Allen Publishing Ltd
usually created by transesterification contained, the ramifications travel much further. The EU is preparing to imple-
Hopesay, Craven Arms SY7 8HD, UK
tel +44 844 fats
5888 and776methanol. Currently, ment a large-scale programme to demonstrate CCS. Following the European
fax +44 844is5888 produced
667 from various tradition for these matters, individual countries will demonstrate their own
vegetable and plant oils. First-genera- flagship projects. The most successful are likely to become standards for future
ISSN food-based
1362-363X feedstocks are straight implementation among the 27 states of the EU.
vegetable oils such as soybean oil and That programme is scheduled to begin in 2015, which puts Mongstad out the
animal fats such as tallow, lard, yellow
Petroleum Technology Quarterly (USPS 0014-781)
running. To make matters worse for the Norwegian government, it was being
is publishedchicken fatannual
quarterly plus andCatalysis
the by-products
edition relied on to supply a key demonstration of CCS in a major gas power plant,
by Crambeth Allen Publishing Ltd and is distributed
of the
in the USA byproduction
SPP, 75 Aberdeenof Omega-3
Rd, Emigsville, PA fatty which leaves a significant gap in the programme once it begins. A project
acids from fish
17318. Periodicals postageoil. Soybean
paid at Emigsville PA.oil and touted by the national government as a Moon landing when it was first
Postmaster: send address changes to Petroleum
rapeseeds oil are
Technology Quarterly c/o POthe common source announced looks to be firmly Earth-bound.
for biodiesel
Box 437, Emigsville,production
PA 17318-0437 in the US and Why has there been further delay to the Mongstad project? Statoil is increas-
Back numbers available from the Publisher
Europe in inc
at $30 per copy quantities
postage. that can produce ingly worried, apparently, about the production of nitrosamines as a
enough biodiesel to be used in a component of the process of amine capture of CO2 and the effects of these
commercial market with currently substances on human health, which many view with more than a pinch of
applicable technologies. scepticism.
First-generation feedstocks for
chris cunningham
GAS 2011 5
Selecting the best amine/solvent for gas treating is not a trivial task. Tertiary Amines
There are a number of amines available to remove contaminants such A tertiary amine such as MDEA is often used to selectively remove
as CO2, H2S and organic sulfur compounds from sour gas streams. H2S, especially for cases with a high CO2 to H2S ratio in the sour gas.
The most commonly used amines are methanolamine (MEA), One benet of selective absorption of H2S is a Claus feed rich in H2S.
diethanolamine (DEA), and methyldiethanolamine (MDEA). Other MDEA can remove H2S to 4 ppm while maintaining 2% or less CO2 in
amines include diglycolamine (DGA), diisopropanolamine (DIPA), the treated gas using relatively less energy for regeneration than that
and triethanolamine (TEA). Mixtures of amines can also be used to for DEA. Higher weight percent amine and less CO2 absorbed results
customize or optimize the acid gas recovery. Temperature, pressure, in lower circulation rates as well. Typical solution strengths are 40-50
sour gas composition, and purity requirements for the treated gas weight % with a maximum rich loading of 0.55 mole/mole. Because
must all be considered when choosing the most appropriate amine for MDEA is not prone to degradation, corrosion is low and a reclaimer
a given application. is unnecessary. Operating pressure can range from atmospheric,
typical of tail gas treating units, to over 1,000 psia.
Mixed Solvents
In certain situations, the solvent can be customized to optimize the
sweetening process. For example, adding a primary or secondary
amine to MDEA can increase the rate of CO2 absorption without
compromising the advantages of MDEA. Another less obvious
application is adding MDEA to an existing DEA unit to increase the
effective weight % amine to absorb more acid gas without increasing
circulation rate or reboiler duty. Many plants utilize a mixture of amine
with physical solvents. SULFINOL is a licensed product from Shell Oil
Products that combines an amine with a physical solvent. Advantages
of this solvent are increased mercaptan pickup, lower regeneration
energy, and selectivity to H2S.
he exploitation of increasingly content and affirmed that, at such a The purpose of the previous
difficult natural gas reserves low H2S concentration, reliable study was to compare alternative
has risen in recent years, Claus unit operation can be acid gas enrichment processing
requiring the removal of a number difficult. schemes for a given lean acid gas
of harder to remove sulphur The 2010 study considered the stream composition and flow rate,
species, as well as H2S, CO2 and use of the acid gas enrichment but not to consider the impact that
H2O. In addition, maximum limits (AGE) process to increase acid gas the upstream acid gas removal unit
for sulphur content in pipeline gas H2S concentration, as a means to (AGRU) solvent selection can have
continue to tighten. As a result, the alleviate the problems associated on the acid gas quality. However,
treating requirements for gas field with the lean acid gas feed to the in most situations, it is important to
development projects have signifi- Claus SRU/TGTU. It also addressed consider the overall sour gas treat-
cantly increased in complexity, the fact that the conventional AGE ment flow scheme rather than
often requiring a combination of processing scheme cannot achieve simply evaluating the acid gas
process steps and units. As the high sulphur recovery when COS processing in isolation, as synergies
development of difficult sour gas often exist between the various
fields is expected to further increase processing units (AGRU/AGE/
in the future, strategic integration It is important to SRU/TGTU) that provide opportu-
of various gas-treating process units nities for optimisation of the overall
is necessary to achieve an overall consider the overall flowsheet.
optimised flow sheet with lowest This article compares three differ-
lifecycle cost. The ability to combine sour gas treatment ent Sulfinol AGRU options for
technologies and process units in development of the overall flow
the optimum configuration results flow scheme scheme for treatment of a sour
in a competitive advantage for natural gas stream containing
addressing challenges and opportu-
rather than simply significant quantities of organic
nities posed by undeveloped sour evaluating the acid gas sulphur (methyl and ethyl
gas fields. mercaptan). Although COS was
In 2010, a study by Black & processing in isolation an additional organic sulphur
Veatch compared several alterna- compound considered in the 2010
tive Claus sulphur recovery unit study, it would typically not be
(SRU)/tail gas-treating unit (TGTU) and mercaptans are present, due to present in acid gas from the over-
configurations for achieving high the fact that selective treating head of a chemical amine solvent or
sulphur recovery and reliable oper- solvents commonly utilised for acid hybrid chemical/physical solvent
ation from lean acid gas containing gas enrichment do not absorb these regenerator. This is primarily due
high concentrations of carbonyl organic sulphur species and allow to the fact that absorbed COS is
sulphide (COS) and mercaptans. them to slip to the incinerator. hydrolysed to H2S and CO2 in the
The lean acid gas stream that was Several acid gas enrichment solvent regeneration step of the
used as the basis for comparison of processing schemes were compared, AGRU. All Sulfinol solvents remove
the process configuration test cases and it was concluded that when COS to a large extent in the main
had an H2S concentration of 25 acid gas COS/mercaptan levels are absorber of the AGRU. With
mole% and an organic sulphur high enough to reduce sulphur Sulfinol-X, deep removal of COS
concentration of 1 mole%. The recovery with conventional acid gas can be achieved due to the presence
study noted that a lean acid gas enrichment below an acceptable of piperazine, which enhances COS
stream such as this could be level, an alternative enrichment hydrolysis. With Sulfinol-M, most
produced from sweetening natural design configuration should be of the COS would be absorbed due
gas with a high COS/mercaptan considered. to the larger number of trays
To fuel
Claus converters
Air reactor
Sulphur Sulphur Sulphur
Quench TGTU Regenerator
Fuel column absorber
Figure 1 Case 1 process configuration: Sulfinol-X gas treating with conventional SRU/SCOT
Case 1 represents a conventional increase acid gas strength for minimising CO2 absorption.
base case to compare with Cases 2 improved Claus operation. Reduced CO2 solubility is desirable
and 3. The Case 1 AGRU produces The Case 2 process configuration in the AGE and TGTU absorbers to
a lean acid gas containing nomi- is shown in Figure 2. Sour natural prevent excessive CO2 flow through
nally 25 mole% H2S and 0.5 mole% gas is processed in a Sulfinol-X acid the SRU and TGTU, which increases
mercaptans, an acid gas stream gas removal unit similar to that in their size. AGE absorber overhead
similar to that used for comparison Case 1. Acid gas from the Sulfinol- gas, containing most of the CO2 in
of the test cases explored in the X unit is subsequently processed in the acid gas as well as other compo-
2010 article, with the absence of an enrichment absorber, which nents not absorbed by the
COS. As explained in the 2010 arti- absorbs H2S from the acid gas using Sulfinol-M solvent, flows to the
cle, acid gas at or below this Sulfinol-M solvent. Sulfinol-M tech- TGTU hydrogenation reactor rather
concentration makes sustainable nology employs MDEA, sulpholane than to the incinerator, similar to
Claus performance difficult due to and water, without piperazine, as is Cases 4A, 4B and 4C presented in
a low thermal reactor temperature the case with Sulfinol-X. This results the 2010 article. Routing the AGE
and acid gas flame instability. Cases in AGE and TGTU absorbers, which overhead to the hydrogenation
2 and 3 utilise enrichment to remove H2S and mercaptans while reactor allows conversion of the
To fuel
Claus converters
Air reactor
Sulphur Sulphur Sulphur
column absorber absorber
Air burner/mixer
Air burner/mixer
Figure 2 Case 2 process configuration: Sulfinol-X gas treating with SRU using enrichment, enrichment absorber overhead routed to SCOT
mercaptans in this stream to H2S, 1982. This feature is crucial to absorber overhead to the TGTU
for absorption in the downstream achieving high sulphur recovery allows conversion of these other
TGTU absorber, which also employs efficiency when acid gas for enrich- sulphur species to H2S, which can
Sulfinol-M solvent. Concentrated ment contains sulphur species other be recovered in the TGTU absorber.
acid gas flows from the Sulfinol-M than H2S. With conventional acid In order to avoid premature ageing
regenerator to the SRU/TGTU for gas enrichment, these other sulphur of the hydrogenation catalyst due
sulphur recovery. species are not absorbed using to the presence of heavier hydrocar-
Routing of an enrichment selective treating solvents and bons, two parallel hydrogenation
absorber overhead stream to a therefore flow unrecovered to the catalyst beds are employed, one for
TGTU was patented by Shell in incinerator. Routing the enrichment the main Claus tail gas and one for
Main Enrichment
absorber absorber
To fuel
Hot flash drum
Claus converters
Air reactor
Sulphur Sulphur Sulphur
Air burner/mixer
Quench TGTU
Fuel column absorber
Air burner/mixer
Figure 3 Case 3 PFD: Sulfinol-M gas treating with integrated enrichment step and tail gas treating, enrichment absorber overhead
routed to SRU/SCOT
the AGE overhead gas. This is a risk of contamination/premature It should be noted that the
deliberate deviation from the 2010 ageing to the AGE overhead reac- Sulfinol-M solvent circulation
study, which considered only a tor, which is the smaller of the two. system is integrated between the
single hydrogenation reactor for all If the need for premature change- AGE and TGTU absorbers similar
cases, which routed AGE overhead out of the catalyst in this reactor to the Case 4C configuration in the
gas through the TGTU. The reason arose, it would not result in signifi- 2010 study; 100% of the semi-rich
for the inclusion of parallel hydro- cant losses in overall sulphur solvent from the TGTU absorber is
genation reactors is to restrict the recovery efficiency. cascaded to the AGE absorber. Case
Figure 4 Sulphur balance for Case 1: Sulfinol-X gas treating with conventional SRU/SCOT (sulphur flows in lbmoles/hr)
436 5(56
"(& 436 5(56 *ODJOFSBUPS
Figure 5 Sulphur balance for Case 2: Sulfinol-X gas treating with SRU using Sulfinol-M enrichment, AGE overhead routed to SCOT
(sulphur flows in lbmoles/hr)
436 5(56
436 TGTU Incinerator
Figure 6 Sulphur balance for Case 3: Sulfinol-M gas treating with integrated enrichment and tail gas treating, AGE overhead routed to
SCOT (sulphur flows in lbmoles/hr)
4C was the optimal case from the Sulfinol-M solvent from all three removal specification that can be
2010 article, hence this configura- absorbers. Concentrated acid gas achieved with Sulfinol-X, the speci-
tion was selected without further flows from the Sulfinol-M regenera- fication of <1 mole% CO2 selected
analysis of Case 4A or 4B configu- tor to the SRU/TGTU for sulphur for this article can be easily
rations in this evaluation. recovery. achieved.
The Case 3 process configuration, Compared with Case 2, Case 3
which integrates acid gas enrich- has one solvent system instead of Comparison of sulphur recovery
ment within the AGRU, is shown in two, which eliminates one regenera- efficiency
Figure 3. Sour natural gas is proc- tor and reduces the equipment The overall sulphur recovery for
essed in a Sulfinol-M AGRU and count in the solvent storage and each of the test cases is given in
the resulting acid gas is processed drain systems, as well as reducing Table 5. The H2S removal and
in a conventional two-bed Claus operational complexity. The formu- sulphur recovery steps in each case
SRU. The Sulfinol-M AGRU lation of Sulfinol-M allows this have been modelled on a consistent
contains an enrichment step, which solvent to be used both for the basis. As a result, differences
consists of an additional hot flash selective and non-selective removal between cases reflect their particu-
vessel and an enrichment absorber. of H2S in the presence of CO2, lar process characteristics, without
In this enrichment section, rich depending on the process condi- influence from the inconsistencies
solvent is heated and flashed at tions. While Sulfinol-M cannot associated with variations in param-
reduced pressure. The CO2-rich reach the LNG-like deep CO2 eters such as H2S removal efficiency,
flash vapour flows to an enrichment
absorber, where lean Sulfinol-M
solvent absorbs H2S and some Comparison of sulphur recovery efficiency for test cases
mercaptans. The enrichment
absorber overhead flows to a sepa- Case 1 2 3
rate hydrogenation section of the HP flash gas to incinerator, lbmol/hr 0.083 0.080 0.031
TGTU, for conversion of mercaptans TGTU H2S to incinerator, lbmol/hr 0.425 0.410 0.391
to H2S, similar to the Case 2 flow- TGTU COS to incinerator, lbmol/hr 0.163 0.152 0.143
Pit sweep sulphur to incinerator, lbmol/hr 0.045 0.045 0.045
sheet. Also similar to Case 2, the Total sulphur to incinerator, lbmol/hr 0.716 0.687 0.610
Sulfinol-M solvent circulation Incinerator stack SO2, ppmv dry and air-free 266 269 249
system is integrated between the Total sulphur in treated natural gas, lbmol/hr 0.043 0.043 0.044
AGE and TGTU absorbers, as per Overall sulphur recovery, % 99.72% 99.73% 99.76%
Sulphur recovery of the sulphur complex, % 99.77% 99.78% 99.78%
the Case 4C configuration in the
2010 study. Case 3 employs a single
regenerator for regeneration of the Table 5
With our technologies we can produce synthesis gases, hydrogen or carbon monoxide: for
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for further information
Jerry Worsley
nvironmental and safety issues any cool-down or leak event. By Such a system can lead to
are becoming ever more contrast, using fibre optic DTS, the improved plant operation, allowing
important in the liquefied location of such an incident can be the monitoring system maintenance
natural gas (LNG) process industry. identified almost instantly and schedule to be aligned to other
As plants, pipelines and storage remedial action taken. In fibre optic safety integrity systems in the plant
facilities become larger in scale and DTS, the fibre is the sensor and the The sensing element is an intrin-
more complex, maximising safety measurement is totally non- sically safe passive sensing cable
and minimising risk requires an intrusive. No welds are required to with a design life of more than 30
absolute understanding. the pipe or vessel and the fibre can years, resulting in high reliability
It is estimated that more than 400 be easily strapped to the outside of and low maintenance
liquefaction, receiving and storage the pipe with no interruption to the The system is fully automated
facilities are either operating, under operational process. The fibre and so lowers operating costs with
construction or planned today. This provides its own communications less risk of human error. It can
effectively equates to more than 500 path and no additional tie cables interface with existing supervisory
storage tanks and well in excess of are required. Most importantly, control and data acquisition
1000 km of pipeline that requires DTS using optical fibres enables the (SCADA) and ESD or fire and gas
monitoring. capture of data every metre at near control systems using standard
Recent years have seen significant real-time speeds. It can detect and protocols.
developments in the technologies report cryogenic leaks to the emer- The benefits to an asset manager
available to effectively monitor an gency shutdown (ESD) system of such a system are clear. It can
ever-increasing number of facilities within 15 seconds. This enables the improve the safety of both the
and associated infrastructures. With ESD system to register and close infrastructure and of personnel,
conventional technology, there tradi- valves within 45 seconds. which can reduce insurance and
tionally has been a gap between A DTS system from Sensornet litigation costs, fulfil legal and plan-
what is thought to be occurring provides a cryogenic monitoring ning requirements, and enhance a
throughout an installation and what solution that can instantly locate a companys safety reputation. It can
is actually happening. However, temperature event anywhere in a also enhance plant reliability
technologies are now available that cryogenic process plant such as a through reduced downtime and
can overcome the limitations of LNG terminal. The DTS system can inspection time, while fewer
traditional measurement methods to be used in digital leak detection nuisance and false alarms can result
close that monitoring gap. and thermal profiling applications, in increased security and improved
Fibre optic distributed tempera- including LNG, liquefied petroleum productivity.
ture sensing (DTS) is one such gas (LPG), ethylene and CO2 load-
technology that has come to the ing and unloading pipelines, Principle of leak detection
fore as a realistic alternative moni- storage tanks, spill channels and using DTS
toring solution. This method of impounding basins, as well as the DTS is based on temperature meas-
monitoring has several key opera- cool-down monitoring of pipes and urements using fibre optic cables
tional advantages over conventional storage tanks. and can be used to detect both
real-time data (RTD) sensors. One From an operational perspective, liquid and gaseous leaks. The DTS
example of the benefits of DTS over the benefits of a digital cryogenic system illuminates the glass core of
traditional monitoring methods is temperature-monitoring system can the optical fibre with a 10-
that conventional thermal point be summarised as follows: nanosecond laser pulse, which
sensors are not able to provide full Leaks can be detected rapidly and corresponds to a 1m pulse. As the
coverage of a pipe or tank and mitigating action taken immediately, optical pulse propagates down the
therefore do not have the capability thus minimising the risk to opera- fibre, it undergoes scattering even
to pinpoint the precise location of tions personnel and equipment in the absence of impurities and
20 GAS 2011 for further information
for further information GAS 2011 21
lycol dehydration is a proc- There are other facets of glycol two topics are inter-related because
ess that presents some dehydration that are interesting just both require the accurate assess-
unique challenges from both from an applied science viewpoint. ment of the interactions between
technical and computational stand- One of them is the heat transfer situ- components in the vapour phase;
points. In the first place, modern ation that ensues in a regenerator however, the solubility calculation
designs almost invariably use tower using both stripping gas and a is more demanding.
internals consisting of structured reboiler (Stahl column). When the Normally, to model the solubility
packing rather than the more tradi- hot gas hits the bottom of the pack- of a gas in a liquid, one uses the
tional bubble cap trays. Structured ing in the wash section atop the Henrys Law approach. A thermo-
packing offers a lower pressure column, it finds itself suddenly dynamically complete version of
drop and considerably higher going from an environment in which Henrys Law2,3 is:
capacity than trays, and it is well it is saturated with water in equilib-
suited to handling the very low L/ rium with a predominantly TEG >vi (P Pjo)H (1)
a~ixiHij exp = P v
G ratios common in dehydration. stream into an environment where it RT i i
However, until now, the height of is grossly under-saturated with
the packing was estimated using respect to the pure water stream in where
rules of thumb, not good engineer- the wash section. This causes i: Activity coefficient
ing science. Mass transfer rate-based extremely rapid humidification, and xi: Mole fraction of component i in
modelling, on the other hand, uses the humidification process extracts the solvent (its solubility)
science and therefore offers greater the necessary heat of vapourisation Hij: Henrys constant for solute i in
reliability of design. The other chal- as sensible heat from the liquid solvent j, kPa/mol frac
lenge of dehydration using any water phase. Sudden humidification vi Partial molar volume of i in
glycol is thermodynamic: water is can drop the wash water tempera- solvent j at infinite dilution,
the component of interest but it is ture by 3040F or even more. m3/kmol
probably natures most perversely This article addresses the efficacy Pjo: Vapour pressure of the solvent,
non-ideal chemical, which makes it of a new mass and heat transfer kPa
challenging to devise a truly accu- rate-based model in terms of how P: Total pressure, kPa
rate model for the vapour-liquid well it reflects known phase behav- R: Universal gas constant,
equilibrium, especially in systems iour and how closely it predicts 8.314 kJ/kmolK
with a high-acid gas content. known plant performance data T: Absolute temperature, K
Traditionally, sweetened gases using both bubble cap trays and yi: Mole fraction of component i in
have been the main candidates for packed columns without recourse the vapour
dehydration, mostly using triethyl- to height equivalent to a theoretical iv Fugacity coefficient for
ene glycol (TEG) prior to entering plate (HETP) or height of transfer component i in the vapour,
the transmission pipelines. More units (HTU) estimates and other unitless
recently, there has been much inter- rules of thumb.
est in sour gas injection as a means Most people believe that Henrys
of disposing of gas streams of too Phase equilibrium Law is only applicable to dilute
low quality for sulphur recovery. In Our phase equilibrium concerns are solutions, but the form in Equation
the context of carbon capture, the twofold: accurate calculation of the 1 can be applied without restriction.
recovered CO2 is compressed, lique- equilibrium water content of high- It would be unusual to do so, but
fied and injected into underground and low-pressure gases containing this equation can even be applied
formations. Handling these sour very high levels of CO2 and/or H2S; to mixtures that are not typically
and high CO2 streams requires and calculation of the solubility of considered to refer to the solubility
dehydration prior to compression all gases, including water, in the of a gas in a liquid at all; for exam-
and/or liquefaction. dehydration solvent itself. These ple, methanol and water.
<7 lb H20/MMscf
(<0.01474 mole% H20) Dehydrated gas
22 24
99%wt TEG
3 gal TEG/lb H20 removed (5.1 gpm)
9 8 CB 7 23 6
Recycle Controller Cooler Stripper
Two ideal stages
Diameter = 3.4 ft
11 27 21
25-30% efficiency
30 MMSCFD gas 6.8 bubble cap trays, or
100F 10 ft of structured packing
600 psia 350 MBTU/hr
Water saturated 20
1 reboiler duty
Lean/rich 3 2
Stahl column
26 gas
10 4
M2.X done.
10 M250.X Figure 4 shows that the blanket
M350.X rule of thumb of 68 trays for
15 dehydration can be a gross over-
simplification. The number of trays
depends at least on the dryness to
be achieved; that is, the dryness of
the solvent. If the target dew point
is not too stringent (say, 10 or 20lb
H2O/MMscf), 6 or 8 trays seem
35 adequate. But in very low dew
point applications, such as LNG
40 plants, two or three times that
0 1 10 100 1000 number of trays may be required to
Water in gas, Lb/MMscf get to the desired dryness. With
99.97% TEG, for example, it is
Figure 3 How water removal depends on packing size and packed bed depth possible to get to below 1 lb/MMscf
Your Benefit:
Lowest Life Cycle Costs
for further information
burckhardt2.indd 1 9/3/10 14:25:09
water content in the treated gas by
more than a factor of two. Stripping
gas permits more water removal
from the solvent and increases the
Dry gas water content,
stripper was simulated by dividing
it into 40 segments, each having a
3in depth. Finer segmentation is,
of course, possible, but it
adds nothing to the detail and
very little more to the accuracy of
the simulation. We will traverse
5&(XU the regeneration column, starting
MC..TD' with the condensate (essentially
pure water), which enters the
Stripping gas rate, SCF/gallon column from the condenser at
180F and is heated by the gas
stream (stripping gas and water),
Figure 5 Effect of stripping gas flow on solvent dryness and water content of gas which is at 198F.
from the wash section), so it is seri-
ously under saturated against pure
water. The consequence then is for
be d, f t
and, indeed, the rate of humidifica-
tion right above the feed point is
controlled by essentially conductive
heat transfer across the liquid film 7BQPVS
running over the packing. The proc-
ess is heat transfer rate limited. The
mass transfer driving force for
humidification is so high that Temperature, F
enough heat is drawn from the
reflux water to cool it, in this case by Figure 7 Stripping gas is not necessary for anomalous temperature profiles
approximately 33F. (a) No stripping gas (b) Stripping gas at 3 scf/gal
90 very attractive.
Dehydration of nearly pure acid
gases: H2S
Down-well disposal of acid gases
50 (so-called acid gas injection)
40 requires the gas to be compressed
12 16 20 24 28
to a very high pressure. If the gas is
Packing depth, ft
wet, compressing it will cause
liquid water to drop out and this
Figure 9 Effect of tray count on water content of methane, CO2 and H2S dehydrated with liquid will be saturated with acid
99.5 wt% TEG at 15 psig and 100F using Mellapak M170.X structured packing gas at high pressure. Unless one is
Linde AG for further information
Engineering Division
Dr.-Carl-von-Linde-Strae 6-14, 82049 Pullach, Germany
Tel. +49.89.7445-3784, Fax +49.89.7445-4928
E-Mail: [email protected],
he amine unit plays a vital
role in the petroleum refining, Treated gas
gas processing, coal gasifica-
tion and ammonia manufacturing
Acid gas
industries. With advances in hydro-
processing technologies to reduce Feed
sulphur levels in gasoline and gas Condenser
diesel fuels, the requirement for an Flash Reflux
efficient, well-established and relia- drum drum
ble separation system for the Stripper
removal of gases such as H2S and Water
CO2 has become an important amine Sour condensate
requirement for refiners. Amine
NaOH Product
treatment has proved to be the
Lean/rich Waste
principal commercially established
method for gas/liquid purifications exchanger
by removal of H2S and CO2. Lean amine
In many cases, the removal of
only H2S is required; CO2 remains
in the system, where it can be Figure 1 Process flow diagram for amine treatment unit
managed by optimising the reaction
rates of amines and treating gases. stable salts (HSS) are formed and amine then goes to the regenerator
The treatment involves the removal they gradually build up beyond column. In the regenerator column,
of H2S and CO2 gases from flue tolerable limits in the amine circula- the rich amine solution is stripped
gases and LPG, with the help of tion loop. Amine plant operational of its absorbed sour gases, with
amines such as monoethanolamine problems, such as excessive foam- steam as the heating medium, so
(MEA), diethanolamine, (DEA) ing, corrosion and capacity that the regenerated amine can be
methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) and reduction, are often attributed to reused in the absorber.
diisopropanolamine (DIPA), which the accumulation of amine HSS. The steam strips out the absorbed
have a tendency to absorb both the Significant amine loss has been H2S and CO2 present in the amine
gases. In an absorber column, sour observed in the operation of these solutions according to the following
flue gas or LPG comes into contact units because of its high foaming reactions:
with lean amine. The treated gas/ characteristics.
LPG goes for end use and the H2S- R2NH3S R2NH + H2S (1)
rich amine then goes to the Amine treatment process
regenerator column. The treatment involves the removal (R2NH3) CO3 R2NH + CO2 + H2O (2)
During this process, major prob- of H2S and CO2 from fuel gas and
lems of corrosion and instability of LPG with the help of amine solu- where R is a CH2CH2OH group.
operation raise a significant threat tions, which tend to absorb both The liberated acid gases and
to an amine gas-treating plant, gases. A process flow diagram of steam from the top are cooled in
resulting in unscheduled break- the unit is shown in Figure 1. In the the overhead condensers. The
downs and outages. Major corrosion absorber column, the sour fuel gas uncondensed gas goes to the
failures in these units have been or LPG comes into contact with sulphur recovery unit via a pres-
attributed to free acid gas and high lean amine, which absorbs H2S and sure control valve and condensed
temperatures. Within this process, CO2. The treated gas/LPG goes for liquid is pumped back to the
contaminant byproducts called heat end use and the H2S- and CO2-rich column as a total reflux. From the
C or r os i on r a t e , M P Y
carried out on the process samples 7FMPDJUZNTFD
using carbon steel coupons accord- 7FMPDJUZNTFD
ing to ASTM G1-90 and ASTM G
3172. The experimental setup
consisted of a reactor, condensers
and a constant temperature bath.
Various corrosion coupons of carbon
steel were placed with the help of
specially designed coupon holders
in the reactor and condenser section -FBOBNJOF 3JDIBNJOF
in such a way as to observe corro- Amine types
sion in the liquid as well as vapour
phase. The liquid temperature was Figure 3 Corrosion rates of rich and lean amine at various fluid velocities
maintained at 120 +/- 1C. A filming
amine-based corrosion inhibitor was loaded with acid gases, their various loadings of H2S. It was
used and its dosages with various tendency to cause erosion and observed that the corrosion rate
samples were optimised. The corrosion increases, so that, in the rises with an increasing H2S concen-
weights of the coupons were meas- event of higher fluid velocities tration. Furthermore, corrosion
ured before and after the test, and along with turbulence, the passive rates are greater at higher tempera-
corrosion rates were then calculated. layer of FeS becomes damaged, tures. At 120C, a corrosion rate of
which results in higher corrosion 40 mil/y was obtained with a H2S
Effect of corrosion rate with rates. The recommendation is to loading of 5%. Hence, at higher
various metallurgies operate at lower velocities with rich temperatures, with greater percent-
The results of the corrosion studies amine solutions rather than lean ages of H2S, the use of a corrosion
were obtained from various amine amine solutions inhibitor is recommended.
solutions, including DEA, MEA and
MDEA, along with various metall- Effect on corrosion rate of varying Effect of corrosion inhibitor
urgies (see Table 2). Amine temperatures Corrosion inhibitors of the filming
solutions at 15% along with 5000 The corrosion rates of carbon steel amine type were found to be the
ppm of dissolved H2S were used were studied at temperatures vary- most suitable for reducing corrosion.
for the studies. ing between 60C and 120C, with Concentrations of corrosion inhibitor
It was observed that corrosion
rates are lower with Monel and
stainless steel metallurgies, )4
compared to carbon steel. Further )4
corrosion rates were observed to be )4
he selective removal of H2S achievable lean loadings are an where simultaneous removal of H2S
has become an important option to adjust selectivity by vary- and CO2 is intended. This means
topic over past decades. This ing the absorber height without that suitable solvents have different
is driven by several factors, one losing control over a tight H2S spec- characteristics.
being the production of an H2S- ification with a sufficient safety
enriched, and thus high-quality, margin. H2S selectivity
Claus gas in MDEA-based acid gas This article gives an overview of Definitions
enrichment (AGE) units. the principles, while part II (see In industry, various expressions for
Other fields where selective gas PTQ, Q2 2011) shows the ability of H2S selectivity are used to judge the
treatment would also be beneficial this promoter system to drop H2S selectivity of an absorption process
are natural gas and refinery appli- lean loadings in a refinery amine with regard to H2S compared to
cations. For sour gas fields, this system. CO2. In the following, the most
application is becoming increas- Acid gas removal with amine- important examples are given (cH2S
ingly attractive due to limited sweet based solvents is a mature and and cCO2 stand for molar concen-
gas resources. For refineries, debot- widespread application in the oil tration in gas streams):
tlenecking issues and an increased and gas industry. Besides specific
flexibility for processing different design variations, acid gas removal H2S selectivity (rigorous definition)
crudes are the most important units (AGRU) always follow the H2S selectivity is calculated as:
drivers. principle of an absorber-regenerator
From an operational perspective, configuration. First, acid gases are H S_selectivity = (CH2S feed gas - CH2Streated gas)/CH2Sfeed gas
savings in energy and circulation removed from the fluid stream in
(CCO2 feed gas - CCO2treated gas)/CCO2feed gas
rate, as well as a reduction in equip- the absorber by the liquid solvent
ment sizing, are the obvious typically at 2050C and elevated CO2 co-absorption (or CO2
benefits of enhanced selective pressures up to 80 bar, depending pick-up)
treatment. In addition, tight envi- on the feed gas conditions. In a CO2 co-absorption in the absorber
ronmental regulations and sulphur second step, the dissolved acid is specified as:
specifications are attributed to this gases are desorbed in a regenerator
subject. at inverse conditions. Desorbed C treated gas
CO2_co-absorption = 1- CO2
The principles for the selective acid gases can be further processed CCO2 feed gas
removal of H2S with amine-based in Claus sulphur recovery units
solvents follow three major routes: (SRU), reinjected for enhanced oil CO2/H2S ratio comparison (often
Hindered amines, controlling the recovery (EOR) or simply flared. used for acid gas enrichment)
selectivity primarily in the absorber When focusing on the two main The decrease in CO2/H2S ratio indi-
Various design options and acid gas components, CO2 and H2S, cates the efficiency of an acid gas
absorber internals, affecting the process designers differentiate enrichment unit:
difference in CO2 and H2S mass between total acid gas removal and
transfer kinetics selective sulphur removal or simply Ratio C feed gas
= CO2
C acid offgas
vs Ratioacid offgas CO2
feed gas
Promoted tertiary amines, focus- selective removal. As the name CH2S
feed gas CH2S acid offgas
ing more on enhanced regeneration implies, selective sulphur removal
and thus leading to lower H2S selectively removes H2S, while A proper comparison of these
loadings. other acid gases, for instance CO2, expressions for different solvents or
With respect to the final point, are slipped into the treated gas. applications must be evaluated with
the advanced promoter system Consequently, selective removal great care, since the absolute level
presented in this article can be a has a different focus compared with of H2S in the treated gas is less
considerable leap forward for more total acid gas removal processes, considered. In other words, H2S
flexible selective designs. Very low, such as BASFs aMDEA process, selectivity is well defined, but not
The following example, calculated according to the
rigorous definition, might show the difference:
for further information
for further information
42 GAS 2011
Absorber Desorber
6 Top 10
5 Acidified MDEA
4 Acidified MDEA
3 5
1 High acid gas Low acid gas
concentration 1 concentration
0 0
7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 Bottom 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5
pH pH
Figure 2 Example of pH profiles in an absorber (left) and a desorber (right) with generic MDEA and acidified MDEA
MDEA + promoter
Promoted MDEA
H2S loading
Figure 3 Influence of the acidic promoter formulation on the isothermal equilibrium curves at 50C and 120C (H2S partial pressure
regime of 1 mbar)
today in more than 40% of all refin- loadings. In this respect, the HS anion, described in the follow-
ery amine systems. In addition, the promoter formulation provides an ing reaction:
relatively high refill demand comes option to design selective units with
along with pricing and availability. a high degree of flexibility by vary-
With respect to regeneration energy, ing absorber heights, while low CO2 desorption can be described
the unintentional and sometimes acid gas lean loadings keep H2S by the following net equilibrium
quick formation of HSS to concen- outlet concentrations at a very low reaction:
trations of up to 3 wt% is supportive level.
to some extent. However, corrosion The following describes the mech- CO2 + MDEA + H2O HCO3 + MDEAH+
issues force refiners to neutralise anism of achieving low acid gas
those acids with caustic solution. lean loadings. The purpose of desorption is to
strip H2S and CO2 from the rich
New-generation promoter system Principles solution to obtain a regenerated
A new promoter has been devel- Desorption mechanism in solvent. As a consequence of CO2
oped and incorporated: BASFs the stripper and H2S mass transfer from the
selective sMDEA+ technology. This H2S desorption follows an equilib- liquid phase into the gas phase, the
promoter formulation is highly effi- rium reaction between amine, above two equilibrium reactions
cient in achieving very low H2S lean protonated amine and the dissolved move towards the left side and the
pH value of the solution increases
accordingly from the top to the
bottom of the stripper.
MDEA 0.5 0.0060
H2S lean loading, mol/mol
Acidified MDEA
sMDEA+ 0.4 0.0048 at typical stripper temperatures
compared with H2S, CO2 is prefera-
25 0.3 0.0036 0.30 bly released in the upper part of the
stripper, whereas a significant
H2S lean loading, Nm3/to
0.2 0.0024
20 0.24 amount of H2S as the stronger
0.1 0.0012 acid is released in the lower part
of the stripper. Releasing CO2 and
15 0.18
0.0 0.0000 obtaining low residual CO2 concen-
Regeneration energy trations becomes easier than
10 0.12 achieving low H2S residual loading,
which requires much more strip-
5 0.06 ping stream and reboiler energy.
Low acid gas concentrations in
the lean solvent are directly linked
0 0.00
Regeneration energy to the maximum achievable gas
purities in the absorber overhead:
unfortunately, most gases have very
Figure 4 H2S regeneration lab tests (reduced desorber height) tight H2S specifications for
for further information
Alireza Bahadori
Curtin University
he amount of methanol to be Methanol is the most commonly intermittent application (mainly
injected as a hydrate inhibitor used hydrate inhibitor in subsea during start-up or shutdown).
must not only be sufficient to petroleum industries, gas treatment However, when it is injected contin-
prevent freezing of the inhibitor and processing, pipelines and wells, uously, as is often observed in gas
water phase, but also to provide for with worldwide usage worth systems, it is sometimes regener-
the equilibrium vapour-phase several million dollars per year.1 ated.1,2 The losses to the vapour
content of the inhibitor and the Due to its high volatility, methanol phase can be prohibitive, in which
amount that is soluble in the is lost in the vapour phase. Often, case operators select monoethylene
condensate liquid phase. In this when applying methanol as an glycol.
article, a case study is presented inhibitor, there is a significant Considering all of these issues,
showing how the information expense associated with the cost of there is a significant need for the
gained from a predictive tool can lost methanol. development of an accurate and
be used to understand and predict The amount of methanol injected simple-to-use predictive tool to
the loss of methanol during natural to treat the water phase, including represent methanol loss during gas
gas hydrate inhibition. According the amount of inhibitor lost to the hydrate inhibition. Predictive tools
to this study, more than $3700/day vapour phase and the amount that to minimise the complex and time-
is the cost of lost methanol for 3 x is soluble in the hydrocarbon liquid consuming calculation steps are also
106 m3/d of natural gas. phase, equals the total amount of an essential requirement. It
Gas hydrate formation in natural required methanol. is apparent that mathematically
gas and natural gas liquids (NGL) In addition, one of the primary compact, simple and reasonably
systems can block pipelines, equip- factors in the selection process is accurate equations, which contain
ment and instruments, restricting or related to the possibilities for recov- fewer tuned coefficients, would be
interrupting the flow, which leads ery, regeneration and reinjection of preferable for computationally inten-
to safety hazards and substantial the spent material. Usually, metha- sive simulations. The present study
economic risks.1,2 nol is not regenerated because of its discusses the formulation
of a novel and simple predictive tool
that could be of significant impor-
Tuned coefficients for the prediction of methanol vapourisation loss
tance to natural gas engineers.
Coefficient Values for pressure Values for pressure between Methanol vapourisation loss during
less than 6000 kPa 6000 and 20000 kPa
gas hydrate inhibition
A1 4.5112124 x 104 5.32442401 x 103
B1 -6.5625532 x 108 3.64817009 x 107 Equation 1 shows a definition of
C1 2.7486759 x 1012 -1.43519141 x 1012 methanol vapourisation loss:
D1 -3.26326963 x 1015 5.41358084 x 1015 methanol vapour composition to
A2 -3.6813711 x107 -4.71938915 x 106
methanol liquid composition.
B2 5.3777095 x 1011 -2.60914887 x 1010
C2 -2.25654440 x 1015 1.17661977 x 1015 Equation 2 is an Arrhenius-type
D2 2.68069426 x 1018 -4.48418384 x 1018 function to correlate methanol
A3 1.00121117 x 1010 1.39340046 x 109 vapourisation loss as a function of
B3 -1.46856806 x 1014 6.012666228 x 1012
temperature (K), wherein the
C3 6.17387798 x 1017 -3.21209807 x 1017
D3 -7.33914654 x 1020 1.237524600 x 1021 relevant coefficients (see Table 1)
A4 -9.07444577 x 1011 -1.369737341 x 1011 are correlated as a function of
B4 1.3364870 x 1016 -4.38900897 x 1014 pressure in kPa(abs) (Equations
C4 -5.6294519 x 1019 2.919844093 x 1019
D4 6.696496249 x 1022 -1.137898262 x 1023
kg methanol (1)
LM = Million standard m3 gas
Table 1 Mass% methanol in water phase for further information GAS 2011 49
Methanol mass fraction = 0.02 this investigation will pave the way
0.020 to an accurate prediction of metha-
nol loss in the liquid hydrocarbon
0.015 phase () in mole fraction, as well
as methanol vapourisation loss in
various conditions, which can be
used by engineers and scientists for
monitoring the key parameters
0.005 periodically.
0.000 Results
220 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 Table 3 presents the summary of
Temperature, K accuracies with the proposed
predictive tools in terms of average
Figure 1 Performance of proposed tool for prediction of solubility of methanol in the absolute deviation percentage with
hydrocarbon condensate phase reliable data.3 It shows that the
proposed correlation has an
average absolute deviation percent-
age of less than 1.1%, which can be
considered to be a very small devia-
Solubility of methanol in condensate
tion from reliable data. Figures 1
hydrocarbon liquid, mole fraction
(minimum The hydrate
removal) temperature
to meet methanol) day 10 Sm3 m3
140 kg kg
of theAmerican
North gas is treating
18C. Associated
specica- Daily vapourisationNew losses
Mexico = 14.58 x mol/day.
ppp'imj^gjnbkr'\hf for further information
_hk_nkma^kbg_hkfZmbhg GAS 2011 51
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