Design Method Combining API and ASME Codes For Subsea Equipment For HP/HT Conditions Up To 25,000-Psi Pressure and 400°F Temperature
Design Method Combining API and ASME Codes For Subsea Equipment For HP/HT Conditions Up To 25,000-Psi Pressure and 400°F Temperature
Design Method Combining API and ASME Codes For Subsea Equipment For HP/HT Conditions Up To 25,000-Psi Pressure and 400°F Temperature
T=200 kips
T=400 kips
Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt
T=600 kips
Fig. 2Overall P-T-B capacity of the 4-in., 20-ksi flange at 350F by use of linear elastic- and elastic-plastic analysis methods, con-
sidering both bolt and flange structural limits.
Criteria 2. The maximum differential temperatures (maximum teria2). The external loads were not considered as live-appurte-
thermal stresses) experienced by the component at the input condi- nance loads, and, hence, were not used with the LRFD of 2.7. Two
tions were applied to the model. These thermal stresses were com- charts have been presented in the paper. Fig. 2 shows the P-T-B
bined with the 2.4 LRFD (Global Criteria 1) structural loads. This chart for the overall capacity of the flange, taking into account
criterion was found to provide a more-conservative result than both flange and bolt structural limits, with both elastic-plastic- and
the 2.1 LRFD for all loads, including thermal loads (Global Cri- linear elastic analysis methods. Fig. 3 shows the P-T-B chart con-
T=0, LE
T=200, LE
T=400, LE
T=600, LE
T=0, EP
Bore Pressure, ksi
T=200, EP
T=400, EP
10 T=600, EP
Fig. 3P-T-B capacity of the 4-in., 20-ksi flange at 350F to compare the linear elastic and elastic-plastic analysis methods, consid-
ering only flange structural capacity.
T=200 kips
T=400 kips
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Fig. 4Design cycles by use of fatigue analysis for identified load cases of the P-T-B- capacity chart at 350F, generated with linear
elastic anlaysis for flange structural capacity.
sidering only the flange structural limit for both elastic plastic and slightly lower capacities. In contrasting these two methodologies,
linear elastic methods for comparison. API TR 6AF1 considers an axisymmetric FEA model to determine
It is observed from Fig. 2 that the capacity of the flange is lim- the P-T-B chart for this flange. The bolts are evaluated by use of an
ited by linear elastic analysis for all the load cases considered axisymmetric model, with the bolt stresses averaged for all eight
on the basis of bolt failure. The chart is comparable to the API bolts. The results reported in Fig. 2 use a 3D model to examine
TR 6AF1 charts for the 4-in., 20 ksi, 6BX-type flange and shows the stresses in each of the bolts. With external bending applied, the
T=200 kips
T=400 kips
Bore Pressure, ksi
T=600 kips
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Bending Moment, ft-kips
Fig. 5Design cycles by use of fracture-mechanics analysis for extreme load cases of the P-T-B capacity chart at 350F, generated
with linear elastic analysis.