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Chapter 4: Interest Rate Derivatives: 4.3 Swaptions

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Chapter 4: Interest Rate Derivatives

4.3 Swaptions

Interest Rate Models

Damir Filipovic
4.3 Swaptions

Payer and receiver swaptions

Callable bonds
Blacks price formula
Bacheliers price formula
Swaption quotes in terms of implied

Interest Rate Models


A payer (receiver) swaption with strike

rate K gives the holder right to enter a
payer (receiver) swap with fixed rate K
at swaption expiry date.

Usually the swaption expiry date equals

first reset date T0 of underlying swap. t T0 T1 Tn1 Tn

Interest Rate Models

Swaption Payoff

The payer swaption payoff at expiry date T0 is

Vp (T0 )+ = N P(T0 , Ti )(F (T0 , Ti1 , Ti ) K )

This payoff cannot be decomposed into more elementary payoffs.

The dependence between different forward rates will enter valuation procedure.

Interest Rate Models


An equivalent expression for the payer swaption payoff at expiry date T0 is

N P(T0 , Ti ) (Rswap (T0 ) K )+ .

A payer (receiver) swaption is said to be

at-the-money (ATM) if K = Rswap (t)
in-the-money (ITM) if K < Rswap (t) (receiver: K > Rswap (t))
out-of-the-money (OTM) if K > Rswap (t) (receiver: K < Rswap (t))

The x y -swaption has expiry in x years and underlying swap length is y years.

Interest Rate Models

Application: Callable Bond

Swaptions can be used to synthetically

create callable bonds.

Example: company issued 10-year bond

with 4% annual coupon and principal N.
It wants to add the right to call
5 6 9 10
(prepay) the bond at par after 5 years.
But it cannot change original bond. 4% 4% 4%

Time-5 value of bond

p(5) = N 10
P(5, k) 4% + P(5, 10) N

Interest Rate Models

Application: Callable Bond

Solution: buy a 5 5 receiver swaption

with strike rate 4%:
The fixed leg of the swap cancels the
fixed coupon payments.
The exchange of notionals between
t = 5 and T = 10 is equivalent to 5 6 9 10
paying floating. 4% 4% 4%

Time-5 value of swaption

Vr (5)+ = (p(5) N)+ N

Interest Rate Models

Black's Formula for Swaptions

Blacks formula for payer and receiver swaptions price is

Swptp (t) = N ni=1 P(t, Ti ) (Rswap (t)(d1 ) K (d2 ))


Swptr (t) = N i=1 P(t, Ti ) (K (d2 ) Rswap (t)(d1 ))

where is the standard normal cumulative distribution function and

h i
log Rswap
12 2 (T0 t)
d1,2 = .
T0 t

: Black (or relative) volatility

Interest Rate Models

Bachelier's Formula for Swaptions

Bacheliers formula for payer and receiver swaptions price is

Swptp (t) = N ni=1 P(t, Ti ) T0 t (D(D) + (D))

Swptr (t) = N i=1 P(t, Ti ) T0 t (D(D) + (D))

where is the standard normal cumulative distribution function, = 0 , and

Rswap (t) K
D= .
T0 t

: normal (basis point, absolute) volatility

Interest Rate Models

Swaption Quotes

Swaption prices are quoted in terms of Black or normal implied volatilities.

The accrual period = Ti Ti1 for underlying swap can differ from prevailing
for caps within the same market region.

E.g. euro zone: caps are written on semiannual LIBOR ( = 1/2), while swaps
pay annual coupons ( = 1).

Interest Rate Models

Example of Swaption Quotes - Black ATM volatilities

Blacks implied volatilities (in %) of EUR ATM swaptions on August 30, 2013.
Maturities are 1,2,3,4,5,7,10 years, swaps lengths from 1 to 10 years:

1YR 2YR 3YR 4YR 5YR 6YR 7YR 8YR 9YR 10YR

ATM Vol (%)

1YR 83.56 66.6 59.1 53 48.82 44.02 40.42 37.61 35.34 33.53 60
2YR 67.95 53.7 47.89 43.7 40.8 37.86 35.48 33.53 31.92 30.65
3YR 52.12 44.2 40.85 38.01 35.72 33.72 32.03 30.62 29.48 28.53 40
4YR 43.26 38.03 35.61 33.59 31.86 30.52 29.38 28.51 27.78 27.16
5YR 37.37 33.45 31.75 30.29 29.03 28.11 27.41 26.87 26.46 26.09
7YR 29.64 27.44 26.44 25.6 24.99 24.63 24.37 24.24 24.23 24.17
10YR 23.76 22.86 22.58 22.39 22.27 22.39 22.52 22.69 22.9 23.01 2y
4y 10y
5y 7y
6y 5y
7y 4y
8y 3y
9y 2y
10y 1y
Length Maturity

An interest rate model for swaptions valuation must fit given volatility surface.

Interest Rate Models

Example of Swaption Quotes - Normal ATM volatilities

Normal implied volatilities (in bps) of EUR ATM swaptions on August 30, 2013.
Maturities are 1,2,3,4,5,7,10 years, swaps lengths from 1 to 10 years:


ATM Vol (bps)

1YR 2YR 3YR 4YR 5YR 6YR 7YR 8YR 9YR 10YR 80
1YR 53.7 69.76 78.5 83.79 87.32 86.59 85.79 85.02 84.22 83.48 70
2YR 76.91 85.01 87.9 88.9 89.8 88.84 87.83 86.85 85.86 84.9
3YR 89.26 92.79 92.98 92.21 91.36 90.24 89.08 87.95 86.8 85.7 60
4YR 94.31 94.1 92.89 91.68 90.43 89.6 88.74 87.95 87.15 86.25
5YR 92.94 91.83 90.82 89.81 88.79 88.23 87.64 87.15 86.64 85.95 50
7YR 88.22 87.2 86.29 85.4 84.49 84.08 83.66 83.36 83.04 82.47 1y
10YR 82.41 81.13 80.35 79.6 78.84 78.46 78.07 77.79 77.52 76.97 2y
3y 10y
4y 7y
5y 5y
6y 4y
8y 3y
9y 2y
10y 1y
Length Maturity

An interest rate model for swaptions valuation must fit given volatility surface.

Interest Rate Models

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