ABB Semiconductors. Power Semiconductors Product Brochure 2016 PDF
ABB Semiconductors. Power Semiconductors Product Brochure 2016 PDF
ABB Semiconductors. Power Semiconductors Product Brochure 2016 PDF
18 Diode press-packs
20 6. Fast recovery diodes
22 7. Rectifier diodes
23 8. Welding diodes
24 Thyristors press-packs
26 9. Phase control and bi-directionally controlled thyristors (PCT, BCT)
28 10. Fast thyristors
34 Test systems
36 Further documentation
ABBs success story in power electronics began more than 100 years ago with
the production of mercury-arc rectifiers in Switzerland. Over the past 60 years,
ABB has played a pivotal part in the development of power semiconductors and
their applications.
This product brochure compiles broad background information on ABBs full range
of thyristor and IGBT power semiconductors, which until recently has been
provided by various product flyers.
ABB Semiconductors range of SPT+ and SPT++ (soft punch through) IGBT
and diode chips is available at 1,200 and 1,700 V with currents ranging from
50 to 300 A.
Their main applications include power converters for industrial drives, solar energy,
battery backup systems (UPS) and electrical vehicles for 1,200 V and industrial
power conversion & drives, wind turbines and traction converters for 1,700 V.
Power map
SPT++/FSA diode
1700 V
SPT+ diode
SPT+ diode
1200 V
SPT + IGBT Inom (A)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
ABB offers its IGBTs in the advanced SPT + technology which
means customers benefit from a conduction loss reduction of
20..30% compared to the previous SPT technology.
VGE in V
IC in A
VCE in V
600 90 0
300 -3
400 60 -6
200 30 -12
250 -15
25 C 0 0 -18
0 1 2 3
time (s)
175 C
Fig. 3 IGBT turn-off of a SPT++ 150 A 1,700 V IGBT
IC in A
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
VF in V
Diode turn-off
VDC = 900V, IF = 150A, RG(aux) = 8.2, L = 200nH, Tvj = 175C
1000 200
800 120
600 40
IF in A
VDC in V
400 -40
200 -120
0 -200
0 1 2 3
time (s)
ABB launched its medium-power IGBT module offering with three 1,700 V
62Pak phase leg modules, rated 150, 200 and 300 A. The portfolio will soon
be expanded with the 1,700 V LoPak1 dual and LoPak3 six-pack IGBT
Power map
1700 V
Inom (A)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
The modules feature industry standard housings and
are designed for very low losses and highest operating
ABB offers the three high-power IGBT and diode module families LinPak, HiPak
and StakPak. They are available in various configurations including singles
and duals, choppers and phase legs, covering voltage and current ranges from
1,700 to 6,500 V and 150 to 3,600 A, respectively.
The LinPak is an enabler for more reliable, efficient and compact inverter designs
in traction applications such as regional trains and metros but as well locomotives
and high-speed trains and also serves markets such as OHV (off-highway-vehicle)
and industrial converters for drives and wind-power. HiPaks are the perfect
match for demanding high-power applications such traction, renewable energy
(wind, solar), industrial drives and T&D. The StakPak is ideally suited for use in
multiple-device stacks as for instances in high-voltage DC transmission (HVDC)
Power map
HiPak single
6500 V
HiPak diode
StakPak single
HiPak single
4500 V
HiPak diode
HiPak phase-leg
HiPak single
HiPak chopper
3300 V HiPak diode
HiPak phase-leg/dual
LinPak phase-leg
StakPak single
2500 V
HiPak single
HiPak single
HiPak dual
1700 V
HiPak chopper
LinPak phase-leg Inom (A)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Based on the shown concept, ABB develops highly reliable
traction rated modules, starting with 1,700 V / 2 x 1,000 A
followed by a 3,300 V / 2 x 450 A module. Also Cu-based
industrial versions at 1,700 V and later 1,200 V are targeted.
ABB presents a new open standard phase leg module, High-voltage traction versions with the same footprint, but
the LinPak. The innovative LinPak concept answers the rearranged electrical connections in order to cope with the
markets request for a new package that offers exceptio- higher clearance and creepage requirements will be presented
nally low stray inductance and, due to separated phase- soon.
and DC-connections, allows for simpler inverter designs.
The low-inductive phase leg IGBT module LinPak is
LinPaks Voltage (V) Current (A)
available at 1,700 and 3,300 V.
AlSiC1 / (Cu*) 1,700 2 x 1,000
The very low-inductive internal module design and the massive AlSiC 2 3,300 2 x 450
DC-connection enables both, a very low-inductive busbar
design and a high current carrying capability. Both are despera- 1
Samples available on request
Samples scheduled Q2 2016
tely needed for state of the art silicon chipsets and even more
*Copper and 1,200 V versions will follow
for future SiC solutions. The LinPak module design results
in excellent internal and external current sharing, making it
ideally suited for paralleling. It thus renders possible a large Exemplary nominal switching waveforms
range of current ratings with just one article. Derating-free The exemplary switching waveforms at nominal current show
paralleling is possible up to at least four modules. Moreover, the benefit of the low overall stray inductance. Despite the fast
the LinPak features an integrated temperature sensor and switching and the very low switching losses of the 1,700 V
has a dedicated mounting area for a gate drive adapter board. SPT++ IGBT chipset, the overvoltage remains at a very low
For harsh environments in traction or off-highway vehicle level and the current as well as voltage waveforms are free of
applications, the adapter board can be additionally fixed with oscillations. In the present setup, we achieved a total stray
four screws in the module corners. This new open standard inductance including capacitors, busbar and module of less
external module design can be freely used from all module than 25 nH per 1,000 A phase leg.
manufacturers, as long as the outline and terminal positions
are kept identical. So far at least two major suppliers are
committed to this new high-power IGBT package.
SPT technology
SPT is a well-established planar IGBT technology covering
the voltage range of 1,200 V to 6,500 V. It is characterized
by smooth switching waveforms and exceptional robustness
which is of particular importance at higher voltages and
currents where stray inductances are not easily minimized.
SPT+ technology
SPT+ retains all the features of the SPT technology but
reduces VCE SAT by up to 30 % according to the curve in
figure 1 an achievement previously believed to be possible
only with trench technology.
Fig. 2 6,500 V SPT+ IGBT turn-off under SOA conditions measured at module
level, Pp off = 11.7 MW
Fig. 4 New redundant aluminum wire bond connection of gate Fig. 5 Stich-bond layout and improved bonding parameters boost the power
and auxiliary emitter cycling capability
Terminal foot: The new design has been qualified with all the relevant tests:
The main terminals offer an improved solder foot with speci- shock and vibration, temperature cycling, IOL and Tempera-
fically designed spacers in order to achieve a homogenous ture Humidity Biased (THB). During 2016, the improvements
solder layer thickness. This allows for an improved tempera- will be made available for the high-voltage housings (G, J
ture cycling performance. and P).
As illustrated above, ABBs HiPak family of IGBT modules
continues to set new standards of robustness for high
reliability applications. Robustness translates to higher ope-
rating safety margins and allows low gate drive resistance at
turn-off which, in turn, allows lower turn-off losses. SPT chip
technology with its smooth switching behavior, allows users
the greatest freedom of design by not imposing dv/dt or
peak-voltage restrictions at turn-off. The new SPT+ technology
allows further loss reductions without compromising any of
the existing features of SPT. Further improvements on the cell
design allow chipsets to operate at junction temperatures up
to 150 C.
Power Maps
6000 V
GTO free-wheeling
5500 V IGCT
4500 V
GTO free-wheeling
2500 V
GTO free-wheeling I nom (A)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
5000 V
Standard recovery
3800 V Avalanche
3200 V
Standard recovery
2600 V Avalanche
2300 V Avalanche
2000 V
Standard recovery
1700 V Avalanche
High-frequency welding
400 V
Medium-frequency welding
t1 R,
l FWD and NPC diodes for GTOs RCD inductive uniform lifetime
and IGCTs in low frequency VSIs unclamped high cosmic ray resistance
snubbered capability
low dv/dt low V FM
Cosmic ray resistance capability The snubber and clamp diodes, however, due to their infre-
An important parameter for the rating of any semiconductor quent exposure to the DC link (duty cycle of approximately
in a converter is the voltage to which it is exposed. This 5 %), would be better served with diodes of lower DC rating
has two reasons: the stability of the leakage current at rated (thinner silicon), thus endowing them with superior dynamic
temperature and the potential failures provoked by ionizing properties (fast forward and reverse recovery, low losses,
cosmic particles events whose probability of occurrence no snap-off). For further information see application note
increases exponentially with field strength but only linearly 5SYA2061 Failure Rates of Fast Recovery Diodes due to
with voltage duty cycle. The various functions within power Cosmic Rays.
conversion equipment may be exposed to different voltages
and duty cycles even though the peak voltages might be the
same. Thus, an inverter containing 4.5 kV GTOs, free-whee-
ling diodes, snubber diodes and clamp diodes operating from
a 2.8 kV DC link, would require that the GTOs and snubber
diodes have a 2.8 kV DC rating.
Avalanche diodes
Self-protected against transient over-voltages, offering
reduced snubber requirements and maximum avalanche
power dissipation.
Input rectifiers in traction converters
High voltage power rectifiers
The housing-less welding diodes are constructed with a
reduced number of layers to improve their thermal perfor-
mance. In HLWDs, the silicon chips are covered by a
copper electrode on the cathode side, which works as a
mechanical buffer, the anode side is the hard molybdenum
disk, which serves as a HLWD case. Although HLWDs Fig.1 Achievable load cycling capability of welding diodes produced in ABB
are more susceptible to environmental conditions, their Ltd. Semiconductors, as a function of diodes junction to heat sink temperature
excursion, Tjh
advantages are higher current densities, lower weights and
geometric sizes compared to WDs.
demonstrates the number of load cycles as a function of T jh
Medium- and high-frequency welding diodes obtained experimentally in collaboration with welding equip-
The medium-frequency welding diodes can operate at ment manufacturers. The dependence is valid for the whole
frequencies up to 7 kHz. However, their optimal and reliable welding diode product range. The lifetime curve indicates how
frequency range is up to 2 kHz. To meet the demands many cycles it is possible to reach in case of right mounting
of higher frequencies up to 10 kHz, a new group of high and proper cooling of diodes under test. Since the experiment
frequency welding diodes with high current capabilities is time consuming, the number of tested devices is limited.
combined with excellent reverse recovery characteristics This fact could slightly affect the accuracy of the lifetime trend.
Power maps
6500 V
Phase control
5200 V
Phase control
4200 V
Phase control
2800 V
Phase control
Reverse conducting
2000 V Medium frequency
Medium frequency
1400 V
Medium frequency
1200 V
Standard I nom (A)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Fast thyristors
BCT designs offer considerable volume and part count A more realistic method of measuring power semiconductors
reductions over conventional PCTs. Table 1 summarizes is to have a sinusoidal 50 or 60 Hz wave of peak value VDWM/
expected improvements by application and power level and VRWM and to superimpose a narrow pulse of amplitude VDRM
table 2 shows the table of replacement of PCTs by BCTs. as per figure 2. This pulse corresponds to repetitive voltage
peaks as typically caused by commutation transients (though
the RC-circuit limiting them should be designed to give a peak
Application Power level Anticipated Anticipated voltage below rated V DRM and VRRM).
average volume average parts
improvement (*) count reduction (*)
Power maps
Reverse blocking
6500 V
Reverse conducting
5500 V
Reverse conducting
4500 V
Asymmetric I nom (A)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
4500 V Asymmetric fine pattern
2500 V
Asymmetric I nom (A)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Fig. 1 IGCT turn-off exhibits same waveform and losses (Eoff) as transistor
The expansion of power electronics into the new fields of
energy management, renewable energy sources and cogene-
ration is driving semiconductor requirements towards higher
frequency, higher voltage and higher efficiency while increa-
sing demands for reliability and lower costs. The IGCT is
capable of still higher currents, voltages and frequencies
without series or parallel connection and the first products are
introduced as High Power Technology devices. This latest
family of IGCTs exhibit up to 30 % higher turn-off capability
compared to standard devices.
All ABB GTOs are press-pack devices. They are pressed with
a relatively high force onto heat sinks, which also serve as
electrical contacts to the power terminals.
Asymmetric GTOs
Asymmetric GTOs are divided in two categories: buffer layer
and standard. Buffer layer GTOs have exceptionally low
on-state and dynamic losses. Fine pattern types (5SGF) are
optimized for fast switching and transparent emitter (5SGT)
for low on-state losses. The Standard GTOs have excellent
trade-off between on-state and switching losses.
Symmetric GTOs
Symmetric GTOs have low on-state and turn-off losses,
One might be assuming that the rapid advance of the full reverse voltage, low gate trigger current and are suitable
IGBT would spell an equally rapid end to the GTO era. for drives and traction applications.
The demand for these devices, however, is still strong
Typical transition times from on to off state and vice versa are
in a range of 10 to 30 microseconds. All GTOs require pro-
tective networks called snubbers for turn-on and turn-off.
The turn-on snubber circuit, in essence an inductor, limits the
rate of current rise. For turn-off, the GTO requires a device
that limits the rate of voltage rise, in essence a capacitor.
Blocking voltage AC or DC
Turn-on / turn-off
Critical dV/dt
Vcesat / Vpinch-off
Bipolar test systems
Thyristor and diode static/dynamic X X X X X X
Gate turn-off thyristor and diode static X X X X
Gate turn-off thyristor and diode dynamic X X X
IGBT test systems
IGBT and diode dies static X X X
IGBT and diode substrates static/dynamic X X X X X
IGBT and diode modules static X X X
IGBT and diode modules dynamic X X
Baseplates flatness
Document title Document number
High current rectifier diodes for welding applications 5SYA 2013
Design of RC snubbers for phase control applications 5SYA 2020
High power rectifier diodes 5SYA 2029
Mechanical clamping of press-pack high power semiconductors 5SYA 2036
Field measurements on high power press-pack semiconductors 5SYA 2048
Voltage ratings of high power semiconductors 5SYA 2051
Failure rates of fast recovery diodes due to cosmic rays 5SYA 2061
Applying fast recovery diodes 5SYA 2064
Document title Document number
Bi-directionally controlled thyristors 5SYA 2006
Design of RC snubbers for phase control applications 5SYA 2020
Gate-drive recommendations for phase control and bi-directionally controlled thyristors 5SYA 2034
Mechanical clamping of press-pack high power semiconductors 5SYA 2036
Field measurements on high power press-pack semiconductors 5SYA 2048
Voltage definitions for phase control and bi-directionally controlled thyristors 5SYA 2049
Voltage ratings of high power semiconductors 5SYA 2051
Switching losses for phase control and bi-directionally controlled thyristors 5SYA 2055
Surge currents for phase control thyristors 5SYA 2102
Document title Document number
Mechanical clamping of press-pack high power semiconductors 5SYA 2036
Field measurements on high power press-pack semiconductors 5SYA 2048
Voltage ratings of high power semiconductors 5SYA 2051
Environmental specifications
Document title Document number
Storage of diodes, PCTs, GTOs 5SZK 9104
Transport of diodes, PCTs and GTOs 5SZK 9105
Operation of pressure contact IGCTs 5SZK 9107
Storage of IGCTs 5SZK 9109
Transport of IGCTs 5SZK 9110
Storage of HiPaks 5SZK 9111
Transport of HiPaks 5SZK 9112
Operation of industry HiPaks 5SZK 9113
Handling, packing and storage conditions for sawn wafer dies and bare dies 5SZK 9114
Operation of industry press-pack diodes, PCTs and GTOs 5SZK 9115
Operation of industry press-pack diodes, PCTs and GTOs 5SZK 9116
Operation of traction HiPaks 5SZK 9120
ABB s.r.o.
Novodvorska 1768/138a
142 21 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 261 306 250
Fax: +420 261 306 308
E-Mail: [email protected]