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FBI Anon AMAs Cover Page Page 1 of 129

FBI Anon AMA Transcripts

Derived from original postings made on /pol/.
Transcribed and formatted by a centipede from /r/The_Donald.

AMA Date Title Web Link to Archive

(click links to navigate document)

1 Jul 2nd, 2016 AMA about the Clinton case (Page 2) https://archive.is/JEXOo
2 Jul 2nd, 2016 Second AMA about the Clinton case (Page 23) https://archive.is/pgLpf
3 Jul 8th, 2016 /cfg/ Clinton Foundation General HAPPENING https://archive.is/0nuFe
Edition (Page 40)
4 Jul 15th, 2016 4th AMA about the Clinton Case (Page 45) http://archive.is/Wt2T0
5 Jul 28th, 2016 Fifth AMA about the Clinton Case (Page 71) https://archive.is/Nct7R
6 Sep 25th, 2016 Pre-Debate Clinton Case AMA (Page 89) https://archive.fo/E9YD8
7 Oct 17th, 2016 ?th Clinton Insider AMA (Page 106) http://archive.is/Ourpr

Question Header
Quoted Post(s)

[Transcriber Commentary]

i. This document is transcribed to the best of my abilities. I took it upon myself to correct obvious typographical
errors, spelling errors, and punctuation to improve readability. Grammatical errors, I left alone, for reasons.
If accuracy of the transcription is questioned: Firstly, fuck off, but then follow links from the first page to the
online archives from which these were sourced. I am not including the poster IDs or the post IDs. If for some
reason you need those, use the archived pages.
ii. I am in no way affiliated with FBI Anon or the FBI. I have no way to vouch for authenticity. This could just
be a well-done roleplaying exercise. If you want to believe anything in this document, be my guest, but I do
not claim that any of it is true or false.
iii. Some of the posts made included images that the poster(s) referred to. If an image is visible on the archived
page, and the subject matter is relevant, I screen-clipped it and included it with the post text. If it was an
image of some infographic with text that is too small to read on the main thread, I was unable to include it.
These 4chan threads no longer exist, and any links I click on the archived pages lead to 404 errors. I do not
possess the temporal resources or enough fucks to scour the internet for these images.
iv. When a poster refers to a previous post without a direct quote or explanation of what the reference is to, I
will include the text from that post above the question. If the post is to a different thread and offers no
explanation as to what it is, I cannot supply the information, and will make note of it as transcriber
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 1 Page 2 of 129

AMA about the Clinton case
July 2nd, 2016

I am a person with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case. I will answer as
many questions as I can without giving too much away.

Question 1-001

Will the Hillary get pregnant again?

Hopefully not.
Question 1-002

Why are you on 4chan on a Friday night?

Sent home, awaiting word about the shitstorm Lynch just caused.
Question 1-003

Will she be indicted?

There is intense pressure for us not to do so. I am posting from a position of near anonymity
and enough plausible deniability to evade prosecution, as we have all been given gag
There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down. People do not
realize how enormous this whole situation actually is. Whether she will be or not depends on
how much info about others involved gets out, and there are a lot of people involved.
Question 1-004

What reason have we to believe you?

None. Its better that way.
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Question 1-005

What are they going to talk to her about tomorrow?

Legal is asking preliminary questions about whether or not she has been coached (she has)
and setting up the general line of questioning. I am a high-level analyst though, so my job is
only to look at her records.
Question 1-006a

Question 1-006b
>People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is
Can you elaborate on that?
The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server. We received the
server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the CF. Then we realized the
situation is much worse than previously thought.
Question 1-007
>the entire government to be brought down
I very much doubt this.
She has SAP level programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause an
uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war.
Question 1-008

Let me guess Its real deep guys, I swear! I just cant tell you about it because its
secret! Youre a liar, friend.
Believe what you will.
Question 1-009
>I am a person with intimate knowledge of the inner working of the Clinton case.
How long before you tragically shoot yourself in the back of the head from at least three
feet away from two different angles, or suffer from an ulcer that decapitates you with a
knife? Because people with dirt on the Clintons have a shocking tendency to jump off
tall buildings and board faulty aircraft.
We are all worried about that.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 1 Page 4 of 129

Question 1-010

Would you support me killing her if you fail?

I dont trust you, so I am preparing myself to take her out if need be.
Killing HRC would not cause this problem to go away. The problem is with the Clinton
Foundation as I mentioned, which you should just imagine as a massive spider web of
connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people. Though I do
not have a high opinion of Hillary, she is just a piece (albeit a big piece) of this massive
Question 1-011

Do you think the DOJ will protect Hillary like Holder did for Petraeus?
The DOJ is most likely looking to save itself. Find everyone involved in the Clinton
Foundation, from its donors to its Board of Directors, and imagine they are all implicated.
Question 1-012

You dont agree that a message has to be sent by the people to protect the sanctity of
the position?
I do prefer the peaceful way, 2bh. But its the constant fear youre going to fuck it up
that grips me.
My opinion is the entire government is guilty of treason, which is why HRCs death would
not cease the investigation or prevent further scandals. Many, many people are involved.
Question 1-013

Will Comey resign if there is enough evidence to indict but is forced not to indict? Was
Lynch saying that she will accept any recommendation from the FBI really means she
knows they are not going to indict?
There already is enough to indict. Comey has been trying to stall because he does not want
to face the Clinton Machine, as well as the rest of Washington D.C. But this case would
explode into a million other cases if fully brought to light, and then we would be one agency
competing against the entire government and a hoard of other interests. It is a very tense
and uncomfortable position.
What Lynch is saying is she will accept whatever they do and make her determination as she
will. Nothing about her responsibilities has changed, she is simply trying to keep her hide
Question 1-014

If you dont prosecute, what with her blatantly admitting to breaking 4 laws on the Rose
Garden, what message will that send to the public?
We have no power to prosecute, we simply hand over the data to the DOJ for them to
prosecute. And we do not have the authority to hand over all of the data because of its
sensitivity. And some of the data will lead into other cases of corruption.
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Question 1-015

Do you fear for your life?

Question 1-016

What are the chances of an indictment before the election?

Before the Clinton-Lynch meeting, I would have said 0%. Now it looks more likely because
the public now sees the Clintons trying to cover their asses. More questions will add
pressure for the investigation to continue.
Question 1-017

Pretty sure the judge just said she would follow your recommendation without question
Making a recommendation is not the same as actually prosecuting. We only say here is the
data, you need to get XYZ and then the DOJ acts.
Question 1-018

Will we really see mass resignations and leaks if nothing happens? Or is that all just
bluster and hearsay?
Foreign powers are in possession of some of the documents we have analyzed, because they
were hacked from the Clinton server. Trump has some files as well, and likely plans to leak
them and use them to his advantage soon.
The leaks will have to be made in a non-transparent fashion.
Question 1-019
Making a recommendation is not the same as actually prosecuting. We only say here is the data, you need
to get XYZ and then the DOJ acts.

Im aware, but if you recommend to prosecute, she said she would.

If you dont public trust will be eroded at this point. Too much is out in the open.
If we recommend, we literally hand over documentation implying the entire government is
involved in treason at the highest levels and everyone is about to duck and cover, as well as
some sensitive details of SAPs which would obliterate national security.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 1 Page 6 of 129

Question 1-020

And what happens when Vlad releases all the emails? And all the information hes dug
up from them?
I am not sure, but some of my war strategy buddies are estimating a high probability that
Russia will leak all of the info they have to the world, since Clinton wants to go to war with
them and they have no desire to be in conflict with the US.
Question 1-021
>If we recommend, we literally hand over documentation implying the entire government is involved in
treason at the highest levels and everyone is about to duck and cover, as well as some sensitive details of
SAPs which would obliterate national security.
Most people have suspected this for a while.
What do you think will happen if you dont recommend? Not just at home, but what will
other nations do with the information that is already out there?
If we do not recommend, it will look like a cover-up and Trump will use the perception to
bolster his message. I did work in PsyOps once, and Trumps use of confirmation bias is
Question 1-022

Answer this:
Is Clinton a commie yes or no?
Question 1-023

How long until we know whether you are going to recommend?

Impossible to determine at this point. We could do it tomorrow if we wanted. There are too
many political players involved.
Question 1-024

Whats the deal with Bills health?

Just old age or something else?
Bill Clinton will likely die this year.
Question 1-025

So can you give an estimate to let me know when you guys will make your decision? Its
gotta happen soon, because if you dont prosecute, you are potentially giving the keys
to the White House to the most corrupt politician ever.
Impossible to say. The entire government is corrupt. No one is clean, not even Trump.
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Question 1-026

In the near future, there will be several books, and a movie by Dinesh DSouza coming
out and they claim they will bring her down with these leaks. Will these have any effect
on whether shes indicted?
They will only have an effect on public opinion, which will help her get indicted. But I assure
you, Dinesh DSouza has nothing on her. The only person coming close is Jerome Corsi. He is
putting the pieces together (loosely).
Question 1-027

Tell me the dirt on Trump.

Trump has donated to the Clinton Foundation in the past, though for fairly innocuous things
like building permits and such. He is smart, so his tracks are covered well. But if any
prosecutor wants to go very in-depth Trump would be brought on bribery charges. He could
easily get out of the them, but he would be charged nonetheless.
Question 1-028

What do you think of this sources say that the investigation will conclude shortly
Mainstream media is shit. Who cares what they say. They are attempting to distract by
putting the focus on HRCs emails and not the Foundation.
Question 1-029

So why are you hesitating? If you recommend to prosecute, you will at least have the
perception of being trustworthy to the US public. If you dont, a lot of people are going
to know the jig is up, and the US has lost all shred of integrity. Ditto for other countries.
Why are you guys even debating letting the cancer spread? Why are you considering
allowing the corruption to spread to you?
Your moral inclinations may look good on the internet, but in real life the situation is
complicated. You cannot possibly ask the entire government to prosecute itself. Lynch has
also given to the Foundation, and has many ties to many people she should not. Remember
that Bill appointed her. She is a great prosecutor, but she did not get where she is by simply
being good at her job.
Question 1-030

How do we fix this? And be we I mean you guys lmao

We have our hands tied. My message to you and everyone on this board is do not get
distracted by Clintons e-mails. Focus on the Foundation. All of the nightmarish truth is there.
The e-mails will pale in comparison.
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Question 1-031

In Trumps case, isnt that just an instance of the hazing/initiation into the elite by
providing them with the ability to blackmail him if he goes off reservation?
I do not know of Trumps record, but from the case he definitely knew to limit his exposure
and make it only look like a donation.
Question 1-032

Would a trump presidency better for shit like this? I assume that he would allow you to
prosecute her?
If Trump wins, HRC will be prosecuted. I have heard rumors Christie will be his AG, and
Michael Flynn will be his VP pick.
Question 1-033

Give a specific example of large scale corruption or collusion.

Saudi Arabia visits and donations to the CF. Russian Uranium fiasco. HRC and the Israel
lobby, the Council on Foreign Relation. The list is endless.
Question 1-034

Why bother then?

If you can tell that your boss and your bosss boss are afraid to do their jobs, whats the
point? Why not half ass it, enjoy a fat government paycheck, and cover your own ass
when it inevitably falls apart?
My bosses have the benefit of being in the limelight. Their disappearances or silences would
be accompanied by questions. Mine would not.
Question 1-035

Stop LARPing and give us something to work with; some good concrete examples.
I am providing as much as I can.
Question 1-036
So why are you hesitating? If you recommend to prosecute, you will at least have the perception of being
trustworthy to the US public. If you don't, a lot of people are going to know the jig is up, and the US has lost
all shred of integrity. Ditto for other countries.
Why are you guys even debating letting the cancer spread? Why are you considering allowing the corruption
to spread to you?

[Links to the answers of Questions 6 9]
If this isnt all some fanfiction, then this is a massive bomb that the FBI needs to carefully
handle if they choose to recommend to prosecute.
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Question 1-037

How deep is Obama involved in all of this?

Impeachment-level involved.
Question 1-038

Does she kill people?

People have a way of dying around her.
Question 1-039

Must be how hes made so many predictions about Brussels and the like. He has bought
special access into whats really going on with the global war on terror.
Trump has very good people advising and leaking to him.
Question 1-040a
Saudi Arabia visits and donations to the CF. Russian Uranium fiasco. HRC and the Israel lobby, the Council
on Foreign Relation. The list is endless.

We know. And by not prosecuting, you are giving these countries leverage over the US.
This is the option you are discussing when you discuss not prosecuting, and you know it.
In order to not cause an upheaval lasting months or years by cutting out the cancer, you
are discussing letting the US die quietly.
Question 1-040b
There is intense pressure for us not to do so. I am posting from a position of near anonymity and enough
plausible deniability to evade prosecution, as we have all been given gag orders.
There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down. People do not realize how enormous
this whole situation actually is. Whether she will be or not depends on how much info about others involved
gets out, and there are a lot of people involved.

Fuck you for not doing your duty to the people, you jaded amoral fucks. Youve blown
what little trust I had left that there were still decent patriots left in the government.
You fuckers are gonna let the biggest, most corrupt cunt take the highest office in the
land. You think that wont bring this country down?
Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
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I will put it to you this way: You have three choices:

A) Turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth
comes out, the entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs and
we go to war. The civilian population realizes how much foreign money influences out
government, and a civil war begins.
B) You cherry-pick the data to implicate the people already in the eye of public opinion, so
the chips fall on the heads of a select few and the whole system does not crash.
C) You do nothing and watch the unstable political climate to gauge how you will respond.
I am confident if Trump wins she will be going to jail.
Question 1-041

If the FBI doesnt recommend to indict, what kind of reaction should we expect from
within the FBI, will anyone resign?
Comey will likely resign in any case. FBI is being very quiet for a reason, most of us want to
keep our jobs.
Question 1-042

Is Snowden tied up in all this somehow?

Snowden has nothing to do with any of this.
Question 1-043

Is this election a clever ploy by Obama to have a VP of his choosing become the
president? Indict Hillary, and the VP takes over. And Trump might be a threat to this
plan, hence all these attacks.
Possibly. I dont know for sure.
Question 1-044
Some autist has already said as much.
[Links to a 404d copypasta]
How accurate is this copypasta, OP?
Spot-on analysis? Or fanfiction-tier?
Obama and HRC do hate each other. HRC hates black people and Obama dislikes
recklessness. As far as the investigation, some details are correct. As to the outcome, no one
Question 1-045

How many of us are on the FBI watch-list?

Truthfully, not many. The FBI is rather fond of /pol/. We study more than we investigate.
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Question 1-046

I still dont get how snuffing her doesnt end the existential investigation crisis.
People would just cheer it and go about their day as they elect Trump, whats the
problem? CF can be dealt with when Trump cleans house.
The problem is with the entire government. HRC is one component of that government.
Question 1-047

Dinesh DSouzas new movie will address the Foundation, right?

Most likely.
Question 1-048
A) Turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out,
the entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war. The
civilian population realizes how much foreign money influences out government, and a civil war
B) You cherry-pick the data to implicate the people already in the eye of public opinion, so the chips
fall on the heads of a select few and the whole system does not crash.
C) You do nothing and watch the unstable political climate to gauge how you will respond.

At bare minimum, you need to do B. If you cant at least make examples of people, the
existence of the FBI is pointless.
Start with the most corrupt, like Clinton (and, I presume Feinstein), and each year,
choose 3-5 new people with any level of power to indict. Do this until people start
Dont RICO the entire federal government. You have the option to do it slowly, so do it
But if we do it slowly, people like you will get mad that we are not working fast enough.
Question 1-049

Can you tell us more about the SAPs and were the classified information sent via those
compromised too? Also, is Obama tied to CF in any way?
All I can tell you about the SAPs is HRC had them, and she did not have proper authority to
have any of them. They were leaked to her by someone, and she did sell them to overseas
donors. Possessing them alone makes her guilty of treason.
Obama is loosely tied to the CF, but much more tied in with the same people who donate to
the CF.
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Question 1-050
>A) turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out, the
entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war, the civilian
population realizes how much foreign money influences our government, and a civil war begins.
So, we can expect them not only fucking around really hard in the middle east but
elsewhere too? I assume Obama also has considerable influence on the EU and tries to
guide them to war with Russia (or at least Hillary does).
How much is George Soros involved in all of this?
Russian borders, Ukraine, everywhere NATO is, the South China Sea, the Philippines, Taiwan,
Hong Kong, and Africa.
Soros is at the heart of all of this.
Question 1-051
>A) turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out, the
entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war, the civilian
population realizes how much foreign money influences our government, and a civil war begins.
Sounds good to me. Man the fuck up and let slip the dogs of war. If youre as deep as
you claim to be then you know that this is necessary to clean out the filth in our
governments. There are no other options left other than bloodshed.
Will you stand by and watch as the world falls into the grips of tyrants? Or will you fight
for freedom? Those are the only questions you need to ask yourself at this point.
If it comes down to it, I would fight. But most of us are of the opinion that HRC will not be
president, and having Trump in office makes our job that much easier. But right now we
have to carefully wade through the mud.
Question 1-052

Why did BC and LL meet on the plane?

As I stated before, BC likely wanted LL to focus on the e-mail server and shy away from
prosecuting the foundation.
Question 1-053

Could the release of this information cause a Civil War in the USA?
Leak it. Do it. The day of the rope is nigh.
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Question 1-054
They will only have an effect on public opinion, which will help her get indicted. But I assure you, Dinesh
D'Souza has nothing on her. The only person coming close is Jerome Corsi. He is putting the pieces together

So, that means she will try to assassinate Corsi. What happens if she succeeds?
We will go to war with Russia and possibly China if she wins.
Question 1-055

Im not advocating for truth for truths sake.

Option B is the only acceptable scenario, and it needs to be done so that Trump can
sweep in and clear the entire establishment of corruption. That is what are being given
the chance to do. If you fail in this, you doom us to a second Rome.
Everyone already knows and suspects option A. The patriots in the deep state need to
hang this shit over Washingtons head and force them to do the right thing.
We are working on Option B.
Question 1-056

What can I do?

Post about HRC everywhere you can. Focus on the Foundation. Do not let her e-mail server
be the sole focus of media attention. Follow the Foundation.
Her e-mails are a small bite compared to the CF.
Question 1-057
>Mainstream media is shit. Who cares what they say. They are attempting to distract by putting the focus
on HRCs emails and not the Foundation.
To be honest, assuming its not all a ruse, this would be a good opportunity for us to fire
up our twatters and start asking some hard questions about the Clinton Foundation
publicly. The more pressure the better. The last thing I want is for everything to go back
to normal for these people.
You should be doing this immediately.
Question 1-058


Elaborate please?
/pol/ is an amalgamation of minds from various geographic and demographic factions. We
study very intensely the ideas which emanate and gain prominence on the board, as well as
which ideas other organizations try to promote which ultimately get defeated (JIDF, for
example, is highly unsuccessful as making /pol/ pro-Israel). And most of us just enjoy the
posts in general. We like to see how close to the truth everyone is. And we occasionally let
our true nature slip.
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Question 1-059

Can the FBI pay me to shitpost?

Question 1-060

Didnt Obama push to have the case postponed until 2018 as well?
There is talk of it. I do not know where the order came from.
Question 1-061
>Obama and HRC do hate each other. HRC hates black people
WTF man, keep that shit quiet. Youll gain her votes here by saying that.
Blacks are violent and generally impulsive, but they are not all bad. And they can be, for lack
of a better term domesticated. Thomas Sowell has made note of this.
Question 1-062

George Soros involved in this?

He is the kingpin.
Question 1-063

Any hard evidence Hillary sold weapons and favors from the State Department for cash
to our enemies?
Weapons, favors, intelligence, and people.
Question 1-064
>Bill Clinton will likely die this year.
[Link to a 404d image]
And heres why.
More likely of natural causes.
Question 1-065

Why not go big?

Is Obama actually secretly Osama with his beard shaven?
Obama is a liberal atheist who is willingly associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Stephen
Coughlins book, while not totally accurate, does shine light in the right direction.
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Question 1-066

From what youre saying, theres no easy way of actually keeping the lid on this. It
sounds like its reached too many eyes and ears now, and is only going to reach more.
Whether you want it or not, I think you FBI guys need to full hog on this. Were talking
about the assured death of the republic if you dont, rather than the maybe-death of it if
you do.
[This guy is Canadian]

Canada has no business telling us how to run intel. Trudeau makes you all look like fools,
and already his intel departments are coming to us for help doing fuck everything.
Question 1-067

Do you think Trump is a plant by Clinton to try to assure her a victory? Or was that
theory all nonsense?
Trump is not a Clinton plant. He believes they are disgusting animals.
Question 1-068

What did the Foundation do?

Please elaborate.
Sold influence, intel, favors, and people to anyone willing to pay.
Question 1-069

See, and this is the problem with Washington today.

You swear to defend the Constitution, which means protecting the liberties that it
guarantees the American people. But here the deep state is, contemplating allowing the
outright subversion and corruption of the government because muh existing order of
things. If the corruption is as bad as you claim, then the half of these Senators and
Congressmen, and possibly even the President have subverted American democracy. If
they are indeed traitors, then you would have an obligation to go take care of it.
I dont care how its done. The American military is one of the few Id trust to transition
us until we can elect new leaders.
If leaking data en mass destroys my country, we betray the country. If we do nothing, we
betray the country. I am not disagreeing with you. I am saying the situation is more
complicated when you are on the inside, and you do not have the breadth of info that I have
that would make your eyes fall out of your skull if you knew what all was going on.
Question 1-070

Is It time to buy a gun?

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Question 1-071

What does SAP stand for?

Special Access Programs
Question 1-072
[Assuming Anon is referring to George Soros]
Did you just name the Jew?
The nose knows.
Question 1-073

So, given that there is a claimed risk of external and internal war if the extent of the
government treason is revealed, was getting caught part of their plan?
They are not the big guys.
Question 1-074

With Bernie, around the time Clinton clinched the delegates, he had a meeting with
Obama and came out smiling.
Anything suspicious about that given what you are privy to?
Bernie is staying in hoping Clinton will be indicted or forced to recuse herself from the race.
We cannot know what will happen atm.
Question 1-075

Do we have any real reason to believe this person, guys?

Ive been lurking and I just want to believe so bad.
But it would be so easy for this to be top-tier trollingright?
If you dig hard into the Foundation and make it the sole point of your focus, you will
remember this thread when the truth is revealed.
Question 1-076

Why would she drag us to war? In what way does that benefit her?
Also, can you post any proof that youre legit?
It benefits her because her donors have paid for it. I do not want to post any information
about me or where I am, because if any hint got out that I posted anything, I would be fired
and blacklisted. Possibly killed.
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Question 1-077
A) Turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out,
the entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war. The
civilian population realizes how much foreign money influences out government, and a civil war
B) You cherry-pick the data to implicate the people already in the eye of public opinion, so the chips
fall on the heads of a select few and the whole system does not crash.
C) You do nothing and watch the unstable political climate to gauge how you will respond.

What are the chances of you guys not doing B but just doing A? Maybe have a redo and
flip a coin or something.
A is not going to happen. Maybe if Trump gets elected.
Question 1-078

The deck has been stacked with Obummers picks, so it might not be as good a plan
as it might seem.
What do you know about admiralty law being imposed on the people and the
usurpation of common law?
Not likely to happen. If you remember the post by the Red Team Planner, his analysis was
Question 1-079
>He is the kingpin.
Then start with the Kingpins. The Clintons, and Soros would be enough to let everyone
else know that you arent fucking around.
I admire your spirit.
Question 1-080
>Thomas Sowell
The faggot that compared Trump to Hitler?
I used to respect him before that.
Sowell has documented that Blacks were actually integrating decently into American society
before the welfare state began.
Question 1-081

Whats your guys opinion on meme magic? Kekkism?

How does Obama feel about the recent Chicago Scanner threads (thanks for ruining that
btw, fun-haters) and the light they shine on his fair city?
I am not religious, so I have no opinion on Kek. But meme magic is very real, in the sense
that a thought large enough to gain traction with enough minds will manifest in external
reality. Thats why confirmation bias works, and why Trump has used it to his advantage.
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Question 1-082

What the fuck is a Special Access Program?

A computer program?
Or is it like a full nuclear kit thing like in movies?
Can you tell us what they do?
A Special Access Program is an intelligence program classified above top-secret. They are
held on closed servers at secret locations. The only way to get one is if you are specifically
read on to a program, have a need to know, then you must physically go to a location and
pass through several layers of security to even look at the program. A good example in non-
classified terms would be the locations and operations of our intelligence operatives around
the globe, or our missile silo locations.
Question 1-083

Any info on Sid Blumenthal? What is he doing now?

Blumenthal is attempting to get dirt on and strategize against Trump.
Question 1-084

Is Soros an ideologue or a profiteer? He seems a bit old to be the latter.

What countries are least tainted by corruption in your opinion? Or is it the standard
HuffPo Top 10 lists like Iceland, NZ, etc
Ideologue. Believes he and his cohorts are the answer to ending all world wars. Todd
Huizingas book The New Totalitarian Temptation reveals the mindset quite adequately.
Question 1-085

Where does Soros stand in all of this?

Soros funds, instructs, and influences every layer of US government. Right down to the tax
Question 1-086

Should I be using Linux or Windows if I am to be making a twitter account and start

digging into the foundation?
Also, what is with the North American Union that has been proposed by Obama?
It does not matter. Any agency can find any computer working right now. What you have to
do is get lost in the noise. Do not do anything out of your ordinary behavior and you will be
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Question 1-087

How do I adequately dig in the CF and help prevent it from being forgotten?
Im about to start googling after I post this comment but I feel like thats nave.
Promote and discuss it everywhere. Ask questions. Read the news on it. Post articles
everywhere. Pirate Jerome Corsis book (so people cant say I am shilling) because he does
have some things right.
Question 1-088

Is the FBI in this case then entirely pro Trump I assume?

Does she have every single media outlet in American in her hands?
How strong is Angela Merkel involved in all of this? (Or Germany in general)
Most of us are pro-Trump.
HRC hates that Trump makes the media profitable, so they have to keep covering him.
Germany is not involved. Merkel likes HRC though.
Question 1-089

If you guys were able to get Nixon, why not Clinton?

Nixon wasnt nearly as reckless.
Question 1-090

How much does Loretta Lynch know about this? Does she realize that this is much
bigger than Hillary, or is she somewhat ignorant about the scope of this?
Lynch has an idea, but if she gets any more info she will have to either recuse herself or
prosecute. Remember, if too much information is given it violates national security law and
people have to back away.
Question 1-091


[Gotta love these ALL-CAPS guys]

If BC dies it may help her, but I doubt it.

The server makes her look corrupt as fuck.
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Question 1-092

Simply put.
Soros owns Tavistock.
Tavistock owns the government.
Someone is on to something.
Question 1-093
If leaking data en mass destroys my country, we betray the country. If we do nothing, we betray the country.
I am not disagreeing with you. I am saying the situation is more complicated when you are inside, and you
do not have the breadth of info that I have that would make your eyes fall out of your skull if you knew what
all was going on.

Nah I get you, Im just signaling the fuck out of this to get people reason to consider
And what do you mean Destroy the country? If you destroy the federal government,
state governments will step in to fill the void temporarily until new elections of a
Constitutional convention can be held to lawfully change the form of the Federal
Yeah, shit will go south for a while. But it wont be the absolute end of the world.
Revolutions are much longer and more violent than you think. And if a civil war breaks out,
foreign powers will immediately get involved, prolonging any conflict.
Question 1-094

Do you know about UFOs?

Question 1-095

In the SAP wiki, the Sec. of State is given access to SAP. So, in what way did she break
the law?
Sec. CAN have access. That does not mean he/she WILL. SAP is granted on a need to know
basis, and HRC did not have any need to know any of the programs on her server.
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Question 1-096

Did Hitler escape?

Do you get to play with guns with giggle switches?
What theory are we right about?
Hitler: I do not know.
I have a normal firearm.
Correct theories: Huge Jewish influence, Soros as a puppet master, Red Team Planner. You
would have to ask specifically.
Question 1-097

Im just a lowly little person who wants to live a simple, happy, and peaceful life in a
country I love.
Any chance of this happening?
It is more fun in the game.
Question 1-098

Are you gonna do another thread, dude? Or have you answered pretty much everything
you are willing to?
I am getting tired but I want to drive home my point about the CF. I may start another
Question 1-099

So, meme magic is just fucking confirmation bias.

Well that really takes the wind out of Kek.
Perceptions shape reality.
Question 1-100
>If you dig hard into the foundation and make it the sole point of your focus, you will remember this
thread when the truth is revealed.
Any leads on that? Or just jewgle?
>Not likely to happen. If you remember the post by the Red Team Planner, his analysis was spot-on.
It happened in 1933, same time the gold was confiscated. Its why today you see cases
like the people of Vermont v $10,000.
Worth a read.
Keep pressing for more info on the CF.
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Question 1-101

Hey as long as youre here, what do you know about Cicada?

Cicada is a Pentagon program to induct special minds to work on simulations and strategic
planning for their models. A model of the entire world is under development there, several
prominent economists have worked on it.
Question 1-102
>Sowell has documented that Blacks were actually integrating decently into American society before the
welfare state began.
I favor repatriation, or the assignment of a state for them.
White children need their own countries, just like Asian and Black children have.
People can integrate if done in a healthy and constructive way. Not by force.
Second thread for those interested:
[Link to second thread]

Everyone take your questions to the second thread. I wont be up much longer.
[Link to second thread once again]
[End of AMA 1]
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Second AMA about the Clinton case
July 2nd, 2016

I am a person with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case. I will answer as
many questions as I can without giving too much away.
Original Thread
[Links original thread]
[Questions that are marked with an asterisk (*) were asked on the original thread and answered on this one.]
Question 2-001*

So, is the government really trying to pass stricter gun laws as a way to control us if shit
gets out of hand?
100% true.
Question 2-002*
>A Special Access Program is an intelligence program classified above top-secret. They are held on closed
servers at secret locations. The only way to get one is if you are specifically read on to a program, have a
need to know, then you must physically go to a location and pass through several layers of security to
even look at the program. A good example in non-classified terms would be the locations and operations
of our intelligence operatives around the glove, or our missile silo locations.
So how did she get the SAPs out to sell them? I can just imagine that smug cunt
waddling out with a USB smiling at every person she sees.
Someone leaked them to her.
Question 2-003*

How do I get your job?

Join the FBI, be good, keep secrets.
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Question 2-004

Is the government really trying to disarm us incase shit hits the fan?
Also, how do I get your job?
Yes. The government is terrified to do anything out of fear of revolution. As I mentioned, join
FBI, be good, keep secrets.
Question 2-005*
Im pretty ignorant when talking about American politics, but this thread is mesmerizing.
FBIAnon, how could all of this affect the South American governments? Do they have some dirt in this too?

Please, dont ignore me, FBIAnon.

[Link to previous thread. Content shown in quote above. Poster is from Chile.]

AFAIK, South American governments are not implicated, but we do have operations in
Venezuela which would get out of hand quick if leaked.
Question 2-006

How will this affect the UK?

Is Brexit going to be a factor in all of this unraveling?
It is very likely Britain will remain in the EU.
Question 2-007

Can you at least post a badge or something? Info makes sense but I am having a hard
time believing it, my dubs man.
At my level, doing so would trigger so many alarms I could not guarantee my future. This
way there is plausible deniability. Lost in the crowd.
Question 2-008

How much is the EU/NATO being pushed towards war with Russia?
Question 2-009

What is the likelihood that HRC will get indicted? What would be the indicators that the
indictment is imminent?
Indicted: depends on if Trump gets elected. Imminent: 0%
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Question 2-010

What is the goal at large? What do whom actually want? Theyre using slime religion to
destabilize western culture as a whole, but all for what, and why? What are the motives?
The goal (of Soros, since I assume that is what you are asking) is to create a global
government where all people intermingle and breed and become on people ruled by a
racially pure Jewish race. They sincerely believe under their rule all human conflict will cease
because there will be no more cause for division. This desire is born out of fear of the
horrors of WWII. The Holocaust is a lie, but the death toll was still massive nonetheless. And
many people were brutalized by it.
Question 2-011

Do Russia (or others) have enough info to bring down Clinton if they leaked it? Would
they be more likely to leak it or use it for blackmail?
They have enough to take her down. I am not sure the totality of what they have. I can tell
you that they 100% hacked her server.
Question 2-012

Is Trumps wall financially feasible?

Question 2-013

How big of a risk are you taking posting this on 4chan?

Enormous, but the risks are mitigated by anonymity and plausible deniability.
Question 2-014

What nations are untouched by this mass conspiracy?

Is Alex Jones a disinfo agent?
No one is untouched, the US has operations going on around the world in every hole you
can think of.
Alex Jones is a useful idiot. He does believe what he says, though.
Question 2-015

In all seriousness why HASNT Putin leaked anything yet?

Putin is waiting to see how the DOJ plays it, also how the elections work out. I think if HRC
gets elected and tries to start shit, he will use it as a deterrent against war.
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Question 2-016

The picture youve painted about the extent of government corruption is incredibly
Have you lost faith in Democracy?
Also, Im a recent college grad who hasnt gotten a job yet. Should I even bother trying
to be a functional member of such a corrupt society? Why not just lock myself in my
room and become a NEET?
We do not live in a Democracy; we live in a Republic. There is a lot of greatness in America,
and there is still plenty to love. Society and culture are dependent on man. You are in control
of society, not the other way around.
Question 2-017

Okay, Mr. RP.

Will you push far enough to keep Hilarity Rawdog Cliton out of office?
I do what I can.
Question 2-018

Are the incidents manufactured with the intent of harsher gun control laws?

Yes. The gay bar attacks were inside jobs.

Question 2-019

Tell us about the ayys

Life exists elsewhere in the galaxy, that is all I will say about that.
Question 2-020

What is your view of the Libertarian Party during this cycle? Viable threat to the duopoly
or just delusions of grandeur?
Good way to shut down Democratic party. In general Libs are just loony.
Question 2-021

How likely is it that she will be brought up for indictment?

Likely if T gets elected.
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Question 2-022

Are the people leading the investigation blackmailed pedophiles?

No. The people under the magnifying glass do have an affinity for children.
Question 2-023

Give us something significant that will happen in the next few days so that we know you
are telling the truth.
I cannot predict the future. I am a high-level analyst and strategist, nothing more.
Question 2-024
[Link to a 404d text image that cant be read. BTW this guys British; hence the lash-out in the answer]
>People can integrate if done in a healthy and constructive way. Not by force.
A dollop of shit in a tub of ice cream dont improve the ice cream much, but it sure
improves the shit.
Im surprised you arent familiar with regression to the mean, both high and low
genetic outliers tend to have offspring closer to their racial average, in IQ, temperament,
foresight, etc.
How does it help to lower average IQ levels?
I am well aware of the science and what I am telling your cunt British ass is in small doses,
other races can integrate and assimilate into other cultures. Not by mass immigration. Small
doses of highly intelligent people can fit very well into a foreign society.
Question 2-025

How crooked is Loretta Lynch the apeffirmative action sheboon? Will she save Hillarys
fat butt?
She is covering her own ass.
Question 2-026

This may be a silly question if youre legit, but who do you support for the election in
November? Do you think Donald Trump is a good candidate?
I support Trump. He is a good candidate. Not perfect, but good. I used to work in PsyOps,
and Trumps campaign is exactly how the textbooks train. It will be studied by agents
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Question 2-027

Will people be so insanely butthurt from the files if they are released that people will
arm themselves?
If the files are released.

Responses are going too fast, and I am getting tired, so if answers are too short you know

Question 2-028

Whats the deal with the fucking social justice psychos and why do they get so much
attention in the media?
SJWs are an attempt to demoralize the populace into accepting racial impurity and
bastardization, also deference to authority. All liberalism is born of low-self esteem.
Question 2-029

Did Hillary or her allies set up the Orlando shooting? Omar Mar teen was with her after
Shooting was CIA.
Question 2-030

Why does she misspell Obamas name in all her emails?

HRC is honestly a reckless idiot.
Question 2-031

Since you have your ear to the ground, is The Right really rising?
I know people everywhere are getting sick of the bullshit.
Nationalism is a cultural trend globally.
Question 2-032

What are all the charges as of now that she could definitely be indicted for?
Treason of every kind, multiple violations of the Constitution and the Espionage Act.
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Question 2-033

Ive been reading the questions and answers here, and am so far impressed. I know
some people with high level security clearance that have said similar things to what
youre saying. However, a few things slightly different. Ive also looked into this, and am
quite appalled by some of the documents Ive seen.
That aside I have a couple questions.
In regards to the Clinton Foundation, what would happen if all of this information ended
up being released to the general public? As in what would happen if all of the Clinton
Foundation secret records were released publicly?
What if you, you personally, leaked all the documents to the dark web or some other
online outlet. What would happen?
Would the countries that would be named in the documentation declare war if there
was a large change in government?
Couldnt you have the AGs of some of the right aligned states indict her? If they were
given enough information and documentation?
>In regards to the Clinton Foundation, what would happen if all of this information ended up being
released to the general public?

I said in the last thread, total chaos. The government would be exposed at every layer, who
pays who, who buys what, and no one has yet asked the human trafficking bits I have been
laying out.
> What if you, you personally, leaked all the documents to the darkweb or some other online outlet.
What would happen?

Silencing and/or death. Some places are trying to leak but we censor them too fast.
> Would the countries that would be named in the documentation declare war if there was a large
change in government?

No, they would declare war because all of our secret operations in their countries would be
> Couldnt you have the AGs of some of the right aligned states indict her? If they were given enough
information and documentation?

We have thought about this. It is on the table.

FBI Anon AMAs AMA 2 Page 30 of 129

Question 2-034

I assume most people in the FBI are Republicans, yes? I mean, I cant imagine too many
leftists joining the FBI. It seems very much out of the hippy dippy leftwing horseshit they
Soif thats the case, why dont you fuckers just leak the goods and take Clinton down
through the backdoor?
Yes. We do our jobs, not what we want.
Question 2-035

If the FBI knows so much about Jewish influence on law-making then is there any effort
to counter it? Or is it just a feeling of whatever, the people voted for this guy who
signed off on it anyway.
Not everyone knows. Information is compartmentalized. I am a big picture guy. I dont
even have all the info, but I see more than most.
Question 2-036

Please elaborate on how the Holocaust is a lie.

You already know, population records do not support systematic slaughter of Jews.
Question 2-037

Tell me what is Singapores role. Are we the battleground, or will the US government
coerce us against China?
If there is a war, it will be fought over the plains of Africa. Singapore has no connection to
my knowledge.
Question 2-038
>The Holocaust is a lie
Is this common knowledge in the FBI?
It is at the top.
Question 2-039

What do you know about 9/11? Was it an inside job?

9/11 was Mossad.
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Question 2-040

Give me a sentence or two about what you know about data compression/where its
Data compression can mean many things, more specific.
Question 2-041

How can we keep a war and more importantly, a World Government from happening?
This sounds like some dystopian movie but I believe you in this case since Jews hate
Multiculturalism and love it for other countries.
Buy more guns and get smarter about civil war.
Question 2-042

Ive got a question for ya, OP.

How bad could this actually get? Youve mentioned fear of war and revolution. Is there
any possibility that Russia or China could fuck us in the fallout?
Also, what fears would need to be resolved in order for the FBI to be willing to go
nuclear on this bitch and the Foundation?
If a civil war broke out, 100% certainty China and Russia would get involved.
>Also, what fears would need to be resolved in order for the FBI to be willing to go nuclear on this
bitch and the Foundation?

This would be like launching a nuke at NYC. We would hit the target, but we would then be
at war with the whole US.
The FBI is facing the entire federal government in this case. It is why we are so quiet.
Question 2-043

What did Ambassador Stevens know or was going to tell that got him Killaried?
Weapons smuggling to Libyan rebels.
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Question 2-044
>It is very likely Britain will remain in the EU
The fuck are you talking about? Theyre obviously going to keep it out as a warning to
other fence sitters: if you leave, youre gone for good.
>The goal (of Soros, since I assume that is what you are asking) is to create a global government where all
people intermingle and breed and become on people ruled by a racially pure Jewish race. They sincerely
believe under their rule all human conflict will cease because there will be no more cause for division. This
desire is born out of a fear of the horrors of WWII. The Holocaust is a lie
Here we fucking go. So much for feigned legitimacy.
Deals are being made to be in the EU without being in the EU. Backpedaling is running
rampant right now, the new conservatives are just as pro-EU as the left. It is why the barred
Farage from negotiating with the EU.
Question 2-045

When did this widespread corruption start? My history teacher said the Romans didnt
know they lost their republic until 100 years after it was gone. How long has it been for
Average age of any empire is 250 years. They all end the same way.
Question 2-046

Anyways, so Soros, a Nazi collaborator.

His ideology is basically Nazism, but with Jews instead of Aryans.
Do I have this correct?
Question 2-047

Is there any evidence of the Clinton Machine having 20 40 people murdered? I cant
find the picture.
Plenty. Dig deep.
Question 2-048

Why on earth would they want a war with Russia? It still has nuclear weapons to Blow
the US up ten times. Are they banking on Putin being too scared to use them?
Russia is a threat. Highly nationalistic and too white. Loxism is a real thing. Putin is a
terrifying figure. Jews are already attempting to get friendly with him, but he isnt buying. No
one really likes Israel.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 2 Page 33 of 129

Question 2-049

OP, in your opinion and the sentiment within the FBI and government.
How many more years do we have left until the political divide reaches a tipping point
and bullets start flying?
The mass shootings are indicative of societal decay and pessimism within American
Soon. Jesse Williams statements are fed to him, and he will likely be a major figure in sewing
Question 2-050

You mentioned in the thread before that HRC is reckless. Could you elaborate on that?
She does not care for the details. She simply likes to have everyone do everything for her,
while she does nothing but get money.
Question 2-051
[Same guy from Singapore in Question 2-037]
OP please dont ignore me. I know Singapore is a hotspot for espionage and an
intelligence hub concerning China, regional Jihadist elements and others.
My question is what is our role in US plan and will we cooperate with you against our
neighbours and China or do we maintain neutrality?
Apologies, I cannot keep up with the thread an I am very tired. Singapore is not implicated
to my knowledge. My strategy buddies believe Singapore will be loyal to the US.
Question 2-052

Since youre dating Soros is the kingpin: Hes saying the EU will now inevitably fall. How
likely is that, since he has so much invested in its success?
Soros is senile. Nothing he says is of value.
Question 2-053

You said the US/NATO are pushing heavily for war against Russia.
What the fuck do they hope to accomplish by that?
Question 2-054

Do you think its better for Trump if she doesnt get indicted, because she arguably has
more flaws than an alternative Democrat candidate like Bernie?
(p.s. I fucking hate both of them, just for the record)
Yes. Trump will (hopefully) obliterate her. She is more thin-skinned than he is.
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Question 2-055
>We do not live in a Democracy; we live in a Republic.
A Republic IS a Democracy. Checkmate, gaytheist.
>Small doses of highly intelligent people can fit very well into a foreign society.
Im just so upset by these poor people who have been oppressed and racismed so
much. It is our DUTY to return them to their ancestral homelands where they will be free
of our disgusting prejudicial pernicious racism.
I think you would be surprised. It is hard to nuke the enemy when they are literally right outside of your

They would also control the high technology military, now with robots.
Also, they might not need overt control, just access to the leaders to let the populace
feel they are in charge whilst really they are being controlled.
>How likely is that, since he has so much invested in its success?
Its even easier to profit from panic selling than ordinary buying.
Also, its pretty obvious that the bailout money is almost gone, with several states
looking like they need it, and major German and Italian banks giving a death rattle.
Deporting all blacks would be a great thing.
Question 2-056

Wait, was Libya a smokescreen to get the SAP that Clinton sold to the hands of the
Libya was an arms operation in conjunction with the CIA/DOD to give arms to the rebels.
We didnt deploy troops because we would have gone to war.
Question 2-057

Is there hope that Ill be able to live a nice long happy life and start a family here in the
Commonwealth of Virginia?
Question 2-058
>Indicted: depends on if Trump gets elected. Imminent: 0%.
What do you mean by this? That the FBI intends to bury the investigation prior to the
Looks that way so far. It is a tough situation.
Question 2-059

If what youre posting is true and our government is really Illuminati Lite, wont they be
monitoring what you post here and rub you out later?
Plausible deniability.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 2 Page 35 of 129

Question 2-060

So, are you saying that your affiliated agency does not see any conflict with China and
its neighbours especially with Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and several ASEAN nations?
Im quite flabbergasted that your priority isnt containing Chinese intelligence infiltration
or hacking.
My main area of expertise is war games on the Russian front, when I did more strategy than
high intel. My buddies know more about the China situation. I just know the South China Sea
situation is rough.
Question 2-061

Joining the military at this time, good or bad?

Depends on who is elected next.
Question 2-062

Youve said two things so far: human trafficking and looking into the CF that a hint to
the starting point for our own research?
Everything I have said is a hint.
Question 2-063
>Data compression can mean many things, more specific.
Data in increasing exponentially, what exactly are your methods for collecting it,
compressing it, and analyzing it?
What companies are at the forefront of this? I know the answer btw.
>asking me to detail data collection methods

Oracle, LexusNexus, and most recently Micron are all getting into big data work with us.
Question 2-064

What do you know about Farage? Is he sincere? Is he as good as /pol/ thinks?

Farage is a genuine person.
Question 2-065

1) Is there any proof in the CF leaks about Israel wanting to create greater Israel?
2) Is there any proof in the CF leaks about white genocide?
3) Is there any proof in the CF leaks about the holocaust being a lie?
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) No
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Question 2-066

Do members of congress own strip clubs and when they visit have their own sex slaves?
Question 2-067

Would it be a good idea for me to work at the CIA, even if Im posting here?
Even better on a resume.
Question 2-068

What would Russia or the chinks hope to do in the USA? Instill communism? Russian
puppet? They would have a real fun time cleaning up the mess of the civil war along
with the massive insurgency.
They want to avoid conflict. But in a civil war, they want to make sure the strongest power is
friendly with them.
Question 2-069

4) Is there any proof in the CF about Michelle Obama being a man?

^ Thats the biggest question we want answered. After #3 from my previous post.
Michelle is a woman.
Question 2-070

Last thread you said;

>Truthfully, not many. The FBI is rather fond of /pol/. We study more than we investigate.
Is it because /pol/ is always right?
Has /pol/ (any of them) found out anything that the FBI had thought was kept secret
and wouldnt be found out, then /pol/ happened?
Has /pol/ ever found out anything that the FBI didnt know before the FBI did?
Yes, no, yes.
Question 2-071

Why was JFK assassinated?

Messing with the banking elite.
Question 2-072
>I said in the last thread, total chaos. The government would be exposed at every layer, who pays who,
who buys what, and no one has yet asked about the human trafficking bits I have been laying out.
Ok. Do tell. What about the human trafficking? I assume that those who can be indicted
are involved.
Pedophiles and sex traffickers everywhere. Many politicians trade girls like cattle.
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Question 2-073

Are US elections rigged? Will Hillary try to rig this one?

Yes. It is amazing Trump won the primaries.
Question 2-074

Is plausible deniability the reason why you have brought up things that would get us
insta-discredited if we tried to bring up this conversation as a source?
I mean, even if we humor your arguments that aliens are real and the Jews are trying to
dominate the world, it wont be accepted by the public as credible no matter how much
truth about CF you intermingle with it.
This is a protective strategy, I presume?
I said life exists elsewhere. Some people choose to interpret that as aliens. My protective
strategy is posting outrageous claims on /pol/ with no evidence, which is standard protocol
and raises no alarms. fake and gay, just remember.
Question 2-075

Refugee crisis: orchestrated or not? Is it better to opt out to a V4 state or south America
or will it be possible to live safe in a western European country for the next decades? Is
Merkel retarded or involved?
Orchestrated. Elites need serf populations to work for cheap and breed out whites.
Question 2-076

Oh, I wanted to ask you if Bill Clinton is a pedo that blows babies. You know anything
about that?
BC is a confirmed pedo.
Question 2-077

What can Canadians do to help?

Im in no position to join the RCMP or CSIS, in relation to your join the FBI advice.
Get rid of Trudeau. He has no experience managing or running a country. Fucking Leafs.
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Question 2-078

Is there anything else one can do for the future besides vote Trump and try to uphold
virtue, our nations principles, and culture?
Will Europe become a meatgrinder in war against Islam?
This is really iffy territory for me. Strategy works by having multiple games running at the
same time, assessing the realistic probabilities of each scenario, and acting accordingly. If
one plan fails, another acts. In my previous jobs, I worked with Russian war games, but I did
not do much with the Eurozone. But my buddy told me once that Europe will experience a
cultural backlash, which, unless they manage to violently oust Islam which will require a
great force, local whites will flee to the US.
Question 2-079

Please before you sleep speak a little on the child prostitution ring.
Sex rings are popular in all governments, but pedophilia is primarily in British parliament &
Saudi Arabia, and thats why HRC and BC love foreign donors so much. They get paid in
children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you.
Question 2-080

Ive been here since the fucking beginning. If he wants to tell a story, then tell a story.
This is just some faggot who loves attention with none of the correct verbiage. His
claims are made with ignorant language, and when things get technical, he ad homs and
gets mad at people for asking technical questions.
Question 2-081

Whats the deal with messing Mexicos shit up?

Is it Voter Importation? Or is it another reason?
Mexico is actively trying to undermine the US.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 2 Page 39 of 129

Question 2-082

Do you have access to when a new media false flag occurs and if yes, could you give us
a hint? (Country, month, purpose)
Watch the conventions carefully.
Question 2-083

Will the US and Israel eventually turn on the Saudis and nuke them into oblivion?
More like Israelis + Saudis = US gets nuked.
Question 2-084

Do you know what Russias ambitions are toward Eastern Europe? As in, what they
might try to pull next?
Do you know of any effort to create a Euro Maidan kind of situation/revolution in
Poland like they did in Ukraine?
Russia wants Ukraine back, and then they want to be left the fuck alone to invest. Russia is
more a paragon of freedom and nationalism than any other country.
Question 2-085

Who has more CP, the FBI or the CIA?

Is CP a big deal in the highest level of officials in world governments?
CIA is huge.

It is 4:20 here guys, and I am tired as fuck. I enjoyed giving you all what I could.
If there is anything to gain from this, it is FOCUS ON THE CLINTON FOUNDATION.
The media will over the next few weeks try to paint the e-mail scandal as the only scandal, and
HRC may or may not get indicted. But if you keep pressing the foundation and do not let the
questions or demands die, then the truth will out.
Follow the Foundation.
Question 2-086

Fuck, OP, you gave away which time zone youre in.
Did I?
[End of AMA 2]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 3 Page 40 of 129

/cfg/ Clinton Foundation General HAPPENING Edition
July 8th, 2016
[This AMA was done in the middle of a thread started by someone else about the major leaks that dropped
on July 8th. This transcript only covers communication to and from FBI Anon.]

If sufficient interest is generated, I will do another AMA. The circumstances seem to warrant
more answers, but you all seem to have caught on to what is occurring.
Question 3-001

Im pretty sure its a false flag.
The current Dallas operation is a distraction to prevent people from discussing HRC.
The dialogue will become HRC painting violence as an inherently pro-trump phenomenon,
and BHO will soon be calling for severe restrictions on ammunition and clip sizes for firearms
Question 3-002

Was FBIAnon the first and only claim that Hillary had SAP classified info on her servers?
Both FBIAnon and Comey specifically said SAP.
It would say a lot about FBIAnons credibility if he was the first to mention SAP.
SAP programs were somewhat public before I announced them. However, the seriousness of
what she has done was severely underplayed. Comeys answer should be evidence enough
of the fear of revealing what has actually occurred.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 3 Page 41 of 129

Question 3-003

I want to believe you, AnonWhat are the chances that the army will go along with
Obamas call to martial law? Do you know anything about how the military department
feels about it?
Red team planner.
Military will defect in large numbers should they be compelled to act against their own
However, the police will not. They are not trained to reasonably react to a situation, only to
follow objectives and pursue targets. It is a very different mentality from the military, hence
the militarization of the police. They are to be feared.
Question 3-004

If you really are FBIAnon. (Which we know youre not) but just in caseWere you the
anonymous whistleblower mentioned today?
Question 3-005

CF/Hillary --> Qatar --> Lagardere --> Bataclan

Yes or no?
Correct. There is a missing link, but the thread is correct.
Question 3-006

Who made the call for the Clinton interview to be off the record?
LL. This is why Comey (and myself) had no knowledge of it and were not allowed to
Comey nearly blew the whistle.
Question 3-007

Can you please put a trip on? Or a timestamp? Or both?? We dont want imposters.
Also, what do you make of the info leak??
After all you have seen, after all you know, would you really wish the person who started this
to publicly identify themselves and leave no shadow of a doubt as to who they are? I know it
is difficult to believe, which is why I do not ask for belief. I simply am.
Question 3-008

FBIAnon, will martial law be in effect?

Unlikely. Very harsh gun control is more probably, however. Expect to hear more calls to
abolish the 2nd amendment.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 3 Page 42 of 129

Question 3-009

I know youre not FBI Anon because FBI Anon addresses multiple individuals at once.
Nice try, faker.
I am tired and did state I did not want to do anymore AMAs.

I will answer a few more questions, since emotions are high, and I know people are desperate.

Question 3-010

If it is you, then you have done this nation a service it cant fully repay.
Question time:
1- The director was being roasted alive at the hearing. How fucked is he?
2- Do you think his testimony and reopening of the State inquiry will take HRC
3- Have we been helping you guys out with our own research, or are we missing the
forest for the trees?
4- Are there any more places to focus on?
5- What do you expect will be the next Happening?
6- Was the file leak legit? The FEMA camps, emails, addresses, etc?
1- Very. His family is not being held hostage, but they are being used against him. BCs
plane meeting to threaten LL and force her to bring Comey to heel.
2- Unlikely.
3- You have gotten further than most ordinary people, but this is a tough task you have
undertaken. Part of the reason why I cannot automatically leak everything is because
they would know who I am, where it was leaked and it would be game over. These things
take time. Know that we are working on it. There are no intelligence agencies who wish
for HRC to be president.
4- The London connection, not enough attention to Saudi Arabia, Qatar breakthroughs are
a focal point.
5- The conventions.
6- Legitimately from one of us? Yes. Legitimately secret/unsearchable info? No.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 3 Page 43 of 129

Question 3-011

Who do we need to focus on now? No bullshit, no cryptic faggotry. We just need a few
new focus points because everything is slowing down, with a new break in the
investigation, people will return with new motivation. Many are calling this a lost cause
See above.
Question 3-012

Why isnt anyone leaking that this wasnt his decision? That LL went around him?
What should we pay more attention to from his interview?
Body language is more important than words. Comey is signaling many things very
Question 3-013
>repeating same old shit
>adding nothing new or relevant
Fuck this shit. Ive put in countless hours over the last week, Im about to throw in the
towel and say fuck it.
Then leave. I believe I explicitly stated this is going to be a long road to November, for all of
us. You are scaling Mt. Everest with a fork.
Why do you think it took trained professionals almost two years to get anything substantial?
Question 3-014

FBI Anon. You are bullshit. You took previous news from January about SAP etc and got
a heap of NEETs to actually work. Why anyone cant see youre nothing more than a
tarot card reader is beyond me.
Believe what you will.
Question 3-015

I spent numerous hours searching into Qatar but other than bribery for the bid to host
the 2022 World Cup, it seemed like a dead end.
The roads are not always direct. There are people involved which hold incredible influence
over US politics.
Here is a hint: find everyone involved in the State Department who has recently made a
donation or speech in relation to the CF. Public figures are not to meet with foreign officials
in secret so who did?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 3 Page 44 of 129

Question 3-016

Anon, get a secure tripcode here so you can continue answering in next thread if you
want (write ##passwordofyourchoice in the name field, no quotes).
I am off. I actually do have a job. So do the rest of you. Be warned that distractions will be
coming from all sides over the next three weeks.
Many of you have correctly pointed out burning all of your propaganda too early will yield
lackluster results. I believe you are all right. But the time is coming when public focus will
need to shift back on to Trumps positives and HRCs negatives. Be aware of this moment. It
is coming quick.
Question 3-017
Then leave. I believe I explicitly stated this is going to be a long road to November, for all of us. You are
scaling Mt. Everest with a fork.
Why do you think it took trained professionals almost two years to get anything substantial?

The problem is, these trained professionals have better access than we do. The only way
we can find anything with public records is by hoping that they made a small mistake
somewhere and us autists, it is easy to oversee it.
The roads are not always direct. There are people involved which hold incredible influence over US politics.
Here is a hint: find everyone involved in the State Department who has recently made a donation or speech
in relation to the CF. Public figures are not to meet with foreign officials in secret so who did?

Ill do some more digging. I have 8 hours of freedom to play with today.
The problem is, donation dates are hard to find. We were trying to find all the donation
times and cross exam them with her death list, policy changes, etc. But donations were
only made public with amounts given and by whom, not when.
Do not exhaust yourself, friend. Your best work will be when you are motivated to seek
something. If it is too much, go smaller. If you hit a dead end, find a new lead and grab onto
it. I wish I could help more, I truly do. We are working towards a common goal. Your efforts
will not be in vain.
[End of AMA 3]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 45 of 129

4th AMA about the Clinton Case
July 15th, 2016

In light of recent events, I will take more questions about international events, the Clinton Case,
and the Foundation.

Question 4-001

Am I on the right track?

In regards to what?
Question 4-002

Anything we should focus on now that we have a good chunk of evidence going?
Distractions from the Happenings lately are getting annoying.
Truthfully, I have not had time to read all of the data collected here. I am reading through
the updates now, trying to get ahold of the aggregate file to see what is happening. I
decided to host another AMA due to the Nice attacks, and the likely riots about to ensue
Question 4-003

Will Trump become President or will the government pull some bullshit?
I believe Trump will be the next President. The government will not attempt assassination, as
doing so would incite violence on a scale they could not contain.
Question 4-004

Other thing, is the High Level Insider an impersonator?

Our threads kinda died after he came around.
I am under the impression the High Level Insider is LARPing. I have not yet read through all
of his threads, however.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 46 of 129

Question 4-005

What do you think about the <MEME, PSYOPS & SUBVERSION div> of /cfg/?
I think it is genius, from what I have been reading so far tonight. I saw one of the Hillary
pictures on a completely separate website, then I learned it came from you all. Thats how I
knew your work was spreading.
Question 4-006

Has /cfg/ changed the game at all yet?

What the hell was Judy Chu trying to pull with that dont target the Chinese for
espionage crap at the hearing?
/cfg/ is silently spreading across the entire internet, and I expect its influence to grow.
Her message was a warning. The CF is heavily tied into Chinese interests.
Question 4-007

Is Clinton actually the bad guy? Why or why not?

Clinton is, above all things, a warmonger. She enjoys violence for its own sake, and believes
other countries should bow to our military might. While a strong national military is a good
thing, her usage of such a force will have severe consequences for the entire planet.
Question 4-008

Are we making any difference?

FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 47 of 129

Question 4-009

1.) Are we doing good, FBIAnon? Anything major we missed?

2.) Is it really you?
3.) Are all of these attacks part of a narrative thats supposed to be pushed? If so,
what is it?
4.) Are the high-ups supporting these attacks?
5.) Can you come by more often? Iwe miss you.
1) Yes, I am currently trying to catch up with all of your findings. Please forgive my
slowness, and directly post any information you would like me to answer. But do be
aware, the e-mail case has been closed and classified, so it is above my paygrade. The
Foundation investigation is open, but it is being stalled at the current moment. These are
very pressing issues going on at the moment.
2) Yes.
3) The BLM moves are strategically coordinated. AFAIK, the Nice attack was not planned.
4) I do not know.
5) I cannot come around too much for two reasons; my safety (giving too much away will
reveal me in time) and I do have a job which, as of late, has required me to put in 60
hour workweeks. I have to eat and sleep, too.
Question 4-010

Also, in light of WHAT recent events?

And where should we press harder, and where should we apply less pressure?
Nice attacks and the reported BLM moves tomorrow.
In my opinion, continue pushing the narrative that Clinton is corrupt and the Foundation is
being hidden. Your work should complement Trumps confirmation bias of Crooked Hillary.
Question 4-011

What do you think of this thread?

[Links to outside thread. Cant see it.]

I will have to read it first, but martial law as commonly understood will not become a
possibility unless dramatic events take place. However, the militarization of police will lead to
more violent encounters. I have stated before, the over-arming of police is a major concern.
Question 4-012

Also, have you seen The Bonner Report some anon just uploaded?
How important is that angle? Will it get even deeper and darker than what we know and
assume so far?
I have not yet, I am working on it. I have not been around for a while.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 48 of 129

Question 4-013

Oh, and will I be safe in LA tomorrow?

Avoid the locations listed. All government, military, and police personnel have been
instructed to avoid the areas as well.
Question 4-014

How effective do you think the memes are, in spreading awareness or at least planting
doubt about the CFs shady practices?
Very effective.
Question 4-015

Is it Pence?
Trump is unpredictable, but I do not believe Pence is the choice. The Democrats would gain
a huge advantage, by being able to press Pence on all of his radical far-right positions on
social issues. It will be easier to paint Trump as a racist. I still hear Flynn is in the game,
however his public speaking skills leave something to be desired.
Question 4-016

1. It is reported agents involved in the case have been required to sign NDAs. Is this
standard practice, and if not, what are the internal grumblings about it?
2. Given that the foundation is under investigation and it seems reasonable to
assume that there is going to be significant cross over between the two cases, is
there the possibility of the whole email saga rearing its head as part of the
foundation investigation?
It is not standard procedure for all cases, most of the time moderate discretion is necessary.
But after we learned SAPs were involved, NDAs were issued immediately. And no one dares
to speak out against the Clintons.
To your second question, the possibility is strong if the CF is investigated. However, the goal
of the last Comey affair was to make it look like HRC free and clear, as if her e-mails were
her only problem. The media will attempt to bury any mention of the CF.
Question 4-017

What exactly are Clintons goals if she gets in office? Where do you see America going
under Clinton?
>CAPTCHA: select all commercial trucks

She intends to do what the Clintons have always done sell out weapons, favors,
intelligence, and people to anyone willing to pay.
Question 4-018

Is there any credibility to the Loretta Lynch Martial Law stuff?

In a sense.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 49 of 129

Question 4-019

The Bonner Group, warm or cold?

Question 4-020

What are the chances that Obama would declare Martial Law?
What chain of events would we need to see for that to happen?
1) Unlikely
2) A high-level disaster. Something more than riots. A new 9/11.
Question 4-021
>decided to host another AMA due to the Nice attacks, and the likely riots about to ensue tomorrow.
>riots about to ensue tomorrow
>conspiracy theorists on /pol/ talking about Day of Rage
I have a free pass to stay at home tomorrow, so I decided to lend whatever knowledge I can.
Which, since the cases have been closed and many of us are now out of the loop, is not
much anymore.
Question 4-022

Belgian on holiday in Spain.

How many terrorist cells would there still be in Brussels? How incompetent is the
Belgian government? Is an Islamic uprising with armed militia the next thing? What
would be HRCs policy towards the menace of Islamic terrorism Europe?
Brussels is crawling with spies, informants, and terrorists. The Belgian government is
completely subservient to the EU, which is nothing but a revolving door of Belgian
politicians. (Rompuy, Hofstadt).
Question 4-023

Are steps being taken to assure the RNC goes as planned, or is there a stand down?
The RNC is very secure, but I am sure some shady events are being planned.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 50 of 129

Question 4-024
>Her message was a warning. The CF is heavily tied into Chinese interests.
Cool. I figured it had something to do with the Fukiens and the Foundation or some shit
like that. How was it a warning, though? Basically, Dont go down, and if you do, dont
implicate us?
Thanks for your time, by the way.
China is heavily manipulating its currency and its legal standing with US to gain access to US
Question 4-025
>The CF is heavily tied into Chinese interests.
Han CCP interests or Hong Kong Triad interests? Or are the two actually one and the
same? I assumed they were in opposite to each other, but I havent ruled out collusion
They cooperate, but not all the time. I am not all that well-versed in Chinese
culture/businesses though.
Question 4-026
>Chinese interests.
Like scraping all possible resources in Africa? Is CF facilitating this somehow or should I
be looking elsewhere?
FDI in South Africa by China is no accident, and the Clintons are always tied up in the mix. As
is Tavistock, which I should congratulate you all own, since many of you caught on to that
link with great speed.
Question 4-027

Are you still confident in Flynn for VP? Is Pence just being used to throw us all off?
I hear rumors Flynn is still high in Ts head. I *believe* Pence is misinformation. IMO, Pence is
not the best choice.
Question 4-028

Is Marshall Law coming?

Doubt it, but so expect more violence.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 51 of 129

Question 4-029

What can you say about Tavistock?

Why did George Soros make more moves in the markets?
Question 4-030

What are your thoughts/the FBIs thoughts on this here saucy minx?
[Theresa May]

We expect her to make a big dog-and-pony show about Brexit means Brexit, but we
expect, as I said, Britain will be in the EU without being in the EU. Watch for backdoor
Question 4-031

Thank you for your answer.

We at the Meme Div. meme and subvert 24/7 by the teachings of Yuri Bezmenov and
other masters. We feel proud for your acknowledgement.
Another one:
Who is this Mr. Chang?
Not sure about Chang atm. I am currently reading your threads/watching tv/holding the
AMA/consoling a sobbing woman worried about my well-being.
Question 4-032

Sorry to post so many questions, but is the Day of Rage/Summer of Chaos thing legit?
We are worried about the events to come tomorrow.
Question 4-033

What race or ethnic group should be the most afraid?

Question 4-034

Any ideas on where to keep going with China?

How significant is Henry M. Paulson?
What was Paulsons past corporate affiliation? Where did he get the idea of TARP from?
What major bank went under as a result of his actions?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 52 of 129

Question 4-035

Is USAID in any way complicit and aiding in the human trafficking?

Question 4-036

How are people in the FBI coping with Comeys decision not to pursue a case against
We are disappointed but ultimately not surprised. Representative Hurd expressed our
frustrations adequately.
Question 4-037

Might be a dumb question but is Nice a false flag?

How much data is Pokemon Go collecting? Whats with Hilldabeast trying to spin it with
her campaign?
Nice is, AFAIK, not a false flag.
Pokemon Go is not collecting any information which could not be obtained by the GPS in
your cellphone.
Question 4-038

Besides the BET awards speech, who else in entertainment should we be concerned
Mark Lamont Hill, anyone on CNN, Black Panthers leaders.
Question 4-039

Whats the safest state to go for legal immigrants?

Anywhere the illegal immigrants are not. In the current climate, quantity is not your friend.
Question 4-040

Are we making any mistakes?

Of course. But mistakes are filtered out by research, and the good parts are filtering to the
Question 4-041

I live in a heavily no-guns state, and getting one is so hard Im better off making pipe
rifles. I live in a pretty urban area which could possibly be hit by riots or police action. If I
have a chance, should I leave?
Have multiple escape routes planned, one backpack full of survival gear, get outside the city
and into a safer location. That is my strategy, anyways.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 53 of 129

Question 4-042

How significant is Africa? Ive been a bad researcher, and lazied out on tracking African
organizations (I was sick though) and relating it to migrant stuff. Im thoroughly
convinced that most of her aide funs dont really do much aside from keep the entire
place down via limited work, though.
Africa is a hotbed for investment by the Chinese and other organizations. The question is,
how is HRC benefitting from the investment deals? Why would we want to engage in war
over the African plains?
Question 4-043

Do you believe the perjury investigation will get anywhere or drown before it goes to
Also, if Dallas was planned, where should we be looking for proof?
Perjury investigation will likely go nowhere.
Sniper positions and view angles gave everything away. Average niggers would not think
that hard.
Question 4-044

How did the Lynch hearing go? I assume you watched it.
How does BLM end? A call to anarchy and cop killings has to end quick. Ive seen
surfacing of Soros ties to BLM in the media
Hearing was a waste of time. She answered nothing, said nothing, and I wish we could
charge her with misconduct.
BLM ends with a violent uprising by whites, at least according to the scenarios my friends
have established. People hate feeling victimized while being called oppressors.
Question 4-045

What does stalled mean? Was it forcibly halted, or is there genuinely a reprioritization
kind of deal going on? Any insight on to what those very pressing issues are?
It means we are concerned about other developments in the country, but our superiors do
not want us actively looking into it for obvious reasons.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 54 of 129

Question 4-046

My mother works in Dupont Circle. How concerned should I be for her safety of the Day
of Rage?
Very. Get her out.
Question 4-047

1. Whats supposed to happen tomorrow? The BLM day of rage thing? What level of
chimp-out are we looking at here?
2. Did you see the alleged conversation with Deray McKesson and Loretta Lynch?
Do you think its real? Whats going to happen at the conventions?
3. Should we be buying guns right now?
1) We have been briefed to be secure for a large-scale riot, with potential for extreme
2) Most likely a fake, but the conventions will be a shitshow. More for the DNC though,
since they are actively promoting the message.
Question 4-048

Why is #ChaffGrenade so based?

He knows what we know.
Question 4-049

1. Do you know anything about the Zodiac killer?

2. How about the Black Dalia murder?
3. Did you guys stop looking for DB Cooper to trick him?
No, no, and no.
Question 4-050

Can we expect Hillary to be punished at all?

Not unless T gets elected.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 55 of 129

Question 4-051

How solid is the evidence of Bill and the Lolita Express connection?
It is there, but entire teams scrub the Clintons movements. Finding outright illegal evidence
is tough unless it is leaked, so the most you can do is force connections that make sense.
And there is plenty enough to make sense.
Question 4-052

Was Ludner Remarais involved in quid-pro-quo with regards to the Haitian gold mining
Where the hell would you even find evidence for that since Haitis financial records are
very spotty, especially around the earthquake?
Also, how is M Partners Inc. connected to the larger picture? They bought Majescor
shares for 1/10 of open stock market value, which screams shady. Theyre obviously a
shell company, but information is sparse.
1) I do not know.
2) Why are they spotty? Who does the accounting?
3) It screams shady because it is shady. Who is affiliated with the BoD for M Partners, and
do they have ties to the CF?
Question 4-053

>anonymous is behind the day of rage BLM protest

What in the actual fuck?
These people started out on 4chan, and now theyre the complete fucking polar
opposite of us, fighting us. What the flying fuck are these retards doing, and where are
they coming from?
Anonymous is a farce.
Question 4-054

How much illegal content does Hillary have in her servers and e-mails?
Have you not been paying attention to anything thats been going on?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 56 of 129

Question 4-055
[Links screencap of a page. Cant read it. 404d.]
>The BLM day of rage thing?
What level of chimp-out are we looking at here?
Maximum. Even if it will start out peacefully, it is their plan to make it violent as much
as possible.
Be prepared for anything. I am.
Question 4-056

On a scale of 1 to HAPPENING, how safe is Rio this year?

Rio is the worst place to be, especially since we learned Zika can travel through sperm.
Question 4-057

What can the meme boys do more than what were already doing? Is there another way,
another avenue that we could be exploring outside of making stylish pictures on social
media? Surely there must be.
One person in a thread I read mentioned doing a change.org petition to hold an armed
protest in front of the White House if HRC gets elected. I believe such a move, if properly
supported with adequate numbers, would be substantial to showing HRCs lack of support. It
is more dramatic since it involves removing anonymity.
Question 4-058
>Why did George Soros make more moves in the markets?
To subvert countries first via economical destabilization, then buy up the whole country
himself/make the government his debtor.
Hungarians know money, as usual.
Question 4-059

Also, FBI Anon, I want to take this time to #ThankYouForRaisingThisImportantIssue.

Dont thank me, focus on fighting the evil at your doorstep.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 57 of 129

Question 4-060
>I am under the impression the "High Level Insider" is LARPing. I have not yet read through all of his
threads, however.

I am getting through them. They seem to be misinformation, but there is some interesting
Question 4-061

You said the Malaysia Air plane went to Diego Garcia. For what purpose?
Why would a plane supposedly taken down by a missile with civilians land on an island full
of US Military equipment?
Question 4-062

Probably not your area of expertise, but whats your view on the economy? Is shit going
to hit the fan? Why the fuck is the DOW reaching never-before-seen values despite
insanely shit economic stats?
My undergrads are in Economics and Finance, so I am versed in this area specifically.
We will likely experience a decline similar to Japan, with several decades of slow declines
over a long period. Japan has lost 80% of market value over the past 60 years. We are on the
same trajectory.
Question 4-063

Also, how much influence does the Foundation have here in South Africa? Bill was a
supposed friend to Mandela. Any other info on my country, especially about the recent
AGOA stuff?
They have large influence, but in SA they mastered the art of covert manipulation. SA is raw
Question 4-064
>I have a free pass to stay at home tomorrow, so I decided to lend whatever knowledge I can.
Nice job narrowing down who you are, if you are actually legitimate. Fucking idiot role-
player otherwise.
Thousands have passes to stay home. Nothing special.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 58 of 129

Question 4-065
I found it rather odd the people who write the reports on issues like human trafficking in
Haiti are also the group that award mass aid grants to Clinton Foundation members like
Muhammad Yunus.
Be careful.
Question 4-066

Do the X-Files really exist?

Whats Scully like in person?
Do you like dogs?
In a sense.
Question 4-067
>backdoor deals
Such as TTIP?
Or more treaties?
Expect more treaties and secret deals.
Question 4-068

Theres enough small-timers running around that these types of things are liable to
happen. Again, you would be surprised.
I dont consider a thread like this to be a credible source in and of itself, but if more than
enough things posted here come to pass, then whos to say we dont have some well-
informed people in our midst?
Well informed people are always in your midst. Do you honestly think the best, brightest,
and most well-connected minds are not equally as attracted to a board with total anonymity
as the rest of you? We are all human.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 59 of 129

Question 4-069
>BLM ends with a violent uprising by whites
Who gains from this?
Like casinos, no one wins but the house.
Question 4-070

Ive seen it mentioned around and assumed Hillary wants a war with Russia.
Russia is the last bastion of white nationalism/power.
Question 4-071

1) What is the likelihood of complete civil war?

2) Should I be scared?
1) Race war is likely. Civil war is likely if HRC gets elected.
2) The world is blowing up around you. Are you not scared?
Question 4-072

Regarding Africa, how much trouble will there be for the developed/semi-developed
countries like Ghana, Namibia, Botswana etc? Or will wars be mostly contained within
shitholes like Sudan?
The plains of Africa will be the primary victims of the devastation should a war break out
between major powers.
Question 4-073

Are you Jewish?

No. If I revealed my true nationality, you all would probably laugh.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 60 of 129

Question 4-074

OP: What are the odds of the election being rigged to elect Hillary? Would those odds
change if Trump is surging in the polls in the weeks leading up to the election date?
What is the Bonner Group? Dont need OP anon to answer this one just an answer.
1) 100%, but T will likely still win because of the landslide.
2) Not sure about the Bonner Group. It is an interesting development.
Question 4-075

I meant planned as in the shooter(s) were put up to it by another. Clearly military but
wheres the trail start?
Was there a private military organization involved in the Boston Marathon bombing?
Question 4-076

Was the Gematria stuff meaningful in any way, or was it just a meme?
Purely coincidental.
Question 4-077

Im all about Occams Razor.

In this case, the simplest explanation is that a good troll is playing the board like a
fiddle. Not that someone is risking jail time ending his career to impress a bunch of
NEETs on a Sudanese dirt cake cook show board.
*Taiwanese rune trading forum
Question 4-078

1. On this list on cities to avoid, will riots be started here and will there be proper
retaliation from law enforcement and possible National Guard?
2. What is the point of all the riots? To impose a federal police force? To cause a
race war in order to institute martial law? To keep Obama in office? Or to create
civil war so Russia and China can come in and set up shop?
3. Will there be attacks at the RNC or will these riots cause the postponement or
cancellation of the convention?
1) Avoid cities publicly listed.
2) BLM wants to push the race issue to a boiling point. They are useful idiots, all the while
Soros causes division in the country.
3) Not sure.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 61 of 129

Question 4-079

How bad will tomorrow be? How many deaths/casualties are we expecting here?
Be prepared for anything. It could be nothing at all.
Question 4-080

On what scale do we expect the RNC and DNC protests separately to be?
We anticipate DNC protests will be more severe.
Question 4-081

I live four blocks from the courthouse in Tampa. The protests we had here were pretty
small compared to Chicago, probably only 100 people. Is threat level still high? Should I
get out?
Tampa has a large Hispanic population which would likely keep blacks in check. Keep your
head down.
Question 4-082

A good friend of mine is about 2 hours away from Baton Rouge Should I be worried?
Question 4-083

Anything happening in Sacramento or Illinois that I should be aware of?

Chicago is the most probable location for violence.
Question 4-084

1. Who is the biggest major player to DIE since youve been with the FBI that was on
the FBIs radar?
2. 3rd world poverty charity foundations seem to have disappeared recently. I was
thinking the other day that a water charity could distribute water with
chemicals/hormones to populations that could factor into the migrant thing.
3. I remember you said you were mostly a Russia guy. What do you know about
Russias attitudes towards the European people? Are they a bunch of hateful
Mongols that want to level the rest of Europe with Communism 2.0?
1) No comment.
2) Unlikely.
3) Russia loves European culture. Hates Islam.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 62 of 129

Question 4-085

Not really a question, more of a suggestion. If you, and Mrs. FBIAnon are concerned for
your well-being, give her access to all of the information you can dump through power
of attorney (should something happen to you).
Then teach her how to /pol/ so she can give it to us. We will not let it go to waste.
Backup plans otherwise?
I would never endanger her in such a manner. I have no backup plan, which is the best
backup plan.

Everyone, I am getting very tired, and finally the female has gone to sleep. If my answers are
short, that is why.

Question 4-086

FBIAnon, please put this into perspective.

At 6:05 in this video, Obama talked about multiple snipers shooting, yet the official
story of the Dallas attack is still the lone nigger gunman. How does the fucking
President get the official story wrong and STILL mention snipers if there was proven to
be no other shooters or sniper rifles involved? Was this supposed to be a larger false
flag with a narrative that went wrong due to cell phone footage?
Youre smart. Figure it out.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 63 of 129

Question 4-087
>be careful
Funny how Scalia and Thomas were the only ones to dissent on the ruling against
human trafficking. Maybe he really was murdered for being too based.
Scalia was murdered for something much more sinister.
Question 4-088

Is the Red Team exercise helpful to the effort?

Are FOIAs be something we should look in to?
Monsanto, GMOs, HRC.
Question 4-089
>1) 100%, but T will likely still win because of the landslide.
By rigged, I dont mean the entire political establishment, media, and cultural centers
skewing things in Hillarys favor. I mean honest-to-god rigged voting machines counting
votes for Trump as votes for Hillary instead. A fixed election, in other words, where the
outcome is decided before the results are even in.
Is there any chance of that?
Question 4-090

Are you for real saying that the military kidnapped the folks on that plane for human
trafficking and made up a story about its disappearance?
Just fuck my shit up, senpai. This foundation has already done so much terrible shit
theres no way this can be beyond them.
I am saying the story is false, and the plane was a useful ploy.
Question 4-091

It seems as though sporadic incidents of gun violence (most recently Orlando) arent
having the intended effect to get rid of 2nd amendment rights. It is talked about for a
few days, then moved on from without any actual legislation going through.
What routes of escalation do you think will be taken to accomplish this?
How else do you escalate a violent situation?
Question 4-092

Thank you for your answer one other question: Do gold and oil flow in opposite
Generally, but typical rules for commodities are muted by OPECs meddling.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 64 of 129

Question 4-093

What do we do if Hillary is elected? Revolt?

Not a bad idea.
Question 4-094

Mark Lamont Hill. I remember getting a distinctly strange feeling seeing him on late
night Fox News. I could tell he was very intelligent, but he seemed to be purposefully
arguing talking points that he didnt believe. On national television. Regularly. Can you
give us anything more?
Whats his background? Who is he affiliated with? Why does he hold his views?
Question 4-095

>Was there a private military organization involved in the Boston Marathon bombing?
We had guys researching that whole thing awhile back. Conclusion was the brothers
were set up. One of them was murdered while in custody. The Israeli doctors being
flown in to sever the others vocal cords, I mean, fix him being shot in the throat, was
suspicious as fuck, and the actual bomb was planted by a PMC group, cant remember
the name, but we had photos and even narrowed down the backpack being used, as
well as some photos of the guy with the trigger.
Im sure some Anons got all that shit locked up on his HDD and can repost it.
How likely is it they are involved again?
Question 4-096

CIA prison ships. Fact or fiction?

Question 4-097

The private military organization in Boston Marathon Bombing

The Craft or Blackwater?
Who else?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 65 of 129

Question 4-098

Is BLM a CIA PsyOp used to create racial division?

Is it a PsyOp. By who, I am not sure. Controlled opposition.
Question 4-099

Are you familiar with White Rabbit Radio/Horus the Avenger/Bob Whitaker (they coined
the phrase White Genocide)?
Are the Horus podcasts legit?
If you cant comment, specifically one of the claims he makes is that the Irish as an
ethnic subgroup in the US are the most likely to start a pro-white ethnic movement.
Also, are you familiar with the Jew-Redpill poster that was here last year? What
happened to him? He was so knowledgeable about Jews and he had some of the
highest quality posts on /pol/ and one day he disappeared.
Were it not so late I could answer you reasonably, but I am not familiar with the topics in
your inquiry.
Question 4-100

Do you know of any celebrities supporting BLM/Black Power, such as Samuel L Jackson?
I could have sworn that I read somewhere that SLJ was a Black Power supporter years
How fucked are we, now that Theresa May is Prime Minister?
Does she have the potential to be the new Blair/Bush duo if Clinton comes into power?
Chinese or Indian food?
SLJ supports BLM.
Not sure about May. We need more time to gauge intentions.
Question 4-101

If a nigger tries to loot, can I shoot?

I would.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 66 of 129

Question 4-102

What scenarios do you think of for the future of Europe? Will there be backlash? Is all
this violence part of some plan?
There will be backlash. There is already mass rioting in France being hushed by the MSM.
Question 4-103
>3) Russia loves European culture, hates Islam
Is the Alexander Dugin meme Dugin says what Putin thinks real?
Dugin supposedly hates whites. I know you said culture. What about race?
Dugin is opposed to Putin. Putin says what Putin thinks, most of the time the MSM refuses
to quote him correctly.
Question 4-104

If I live near Boston, how worried should I be?

Not very.
Question 4-105

What about the Barack Obama Foundation?

(or the one his brother runs, The Barack Hussein Obama Foundation?)
Also, have you heard about the book, a manuscript of an unpublished ghostwritten
book by BOH, reportedly purchased by wesearchr via crowdfunding from Obamas
estranged brother Malik? Whats the deal with that?
Definitely dive into it.
Question 4-106

Which African plains do you mean? Is this about food or minerals?

Question 4-107

If Newt Gingrich is not VP, would he be Chief of Staff, Sec of State, what?
Chief of Staff.
Question 4-108

Is Obama a Muslim? He seems way too sympathetic towards Islam.

BHO is a liberal atheist with sympathies towards the Muslim Brotherhood.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 67 of 129

Question 4-109

How many more attacks will the EU have to suffer before they take action?
What action will they take?
Is this the globalists plan? To make the EU a Caliphate?
More attacks will come.
Question 4-110

Youre Finnish, huh?

Question 4-111
>I have no backup plan, which is the best backup plan
Because you can improvise and avoid patterned behavior?
I have established a pattern of behavior.
Question 4-112

I get off work at 3:30 tomorrow in Portland. I live pretty far north of the city, though. Do
you think I will make it out in time?
Leave early.
Question 4-113

Hey FBIAnon, did Poland is threatened by Russian invasion in near future?

You know, regular army, tanks, bombers, mechanized infantry attacking from right flank
(their left) in 2018..2020?
Cannot predict the future.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 68 of 129

Question 4-114
How can we possibly win then? How is Trump to be elected if its already decided? Does
he have to beat her so soundly that rigging the election would be too obvious, or do we
literally need an armed riot?
If its rigged, its over, is it not?
Bear with me.
The rigging works by forcing the computers to calculate the vote percentages skewed to a
specific margin of error. The bigger the election, the smaller the margin has to appear
because exit polls will reveal fraud if the vote is off by even 2%. With primaries, the rigging is
easier because information is divided and largely hidden (public does not focus on it).
The New York polls, for example, were skewed in favor of HRC by upwards of 20%. The
National polls will not be skewed as such, but they will be skewed. T can win in a landslide,
so that the actual vote exceeds the attempted skew.
Question 4-115

I live in Hollywood, CA. Should I bug out for the weekend or just avoid Downtown?
Avoid anywhere with blacks.
Question 4-116

S-should I be looking into John Pointdexter and Cibolo Creek Ranch then?
Question 4-117

Would it be safer to just leave the country if one had the opportunity to do so?
Safety is an illusion.
Question 4-118
>Scalia was murdered for something much more sinister.
What might that be?
Next time.
Question 4-119

Any chance the left revolts if Trumps elected? What is the outcome, and how does it
affect them in future?
Leftists will not revolt in huge force. Republicans will, however.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 69 of 129

Question 4-120

Please recommend me some books for learning survival/battle skills.

Can not get guns here, so calculate that in please.
Thank you for the thread and answers.
I will have to compile another list. About to go to bed.
Question 4-121

FBI Anon,
Ill be in San Francisco tomorrow. Do you have any idea how dangerous it would be if
the rumors about tomorrow are true?
Stay away from blacks.
Question 4-122

If you are caught, will you be able to post here anymore?

What do you think.
Question 4-123

You cant have more than 100% of the population cast a vote, and expect people not to
see right through it. You also have to be reasonably close to the exit polling. You might
be able to fudge it a few percentage points, but you cant have every Trump vote
changed to Hillary, and have the exit polling so violently different.
And, due to the violent reactions to both candidates, you can expect high voter turnout.
This limits the number of votes they can tamper with before risking blatant corruption
That said, I am not as certain as FBI Anon that Trump will win it.
2% discrepancy between actual vote and exit polls is fraud.
Question 4-124

Is anything going on, or about to happen in Canada?

Trudeau is cucking you all into oblivion.
Question 4-125

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?

Father is retired military, previously worked in HUMINT
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 4 Page 70 of 129

Question 4-126

I had a revelation.
Is the international economy is predicated on child trafficking?
The rabbit hole is so deep, I wonder its not a hole at all.
Predicated, no. Is it an integral component of elite circles? Yes.
Question 4-127

How much of the left establishment is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR? Surely
they must recognize the risks of mass-importing un-vettable Muslims into America. I
imagine most of them are not just useful idiot SJW types, so whats their angle? Is HRC
willing to literally destroy the country just to get donations to the foundation, or is there
another angle to this aside from the Foundation?
>Is HRC willing to literally destroy the country just to get donations to the foundation, or is there
another angle to this aside from the foundation?

She will do whatever is in her interests.

Question 4-128

>yfw the rabbit hole is no longer a hole and just a bottomless pit of dead bodies and money


My friends, I am exhausted, and I am getting to sleep.

For those of you in major cities tomorrow, pay attention to your surrounding and be careful.
Have multiple exit routes planned to leave the city if need be.
If it all blows over, we can share a small victory.
/cfg/ threads and the PsyOps threads are of extreme importance. You are having an impact.
Remember, not a single mind should go into the voting booths for HRC without remembering
one of your photos. Anywhere and everywhere the message can be spread, it should be.
And above all, Follow the Foundation.

[End of AMA 4]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 71 of 129

Fifth AMA about the Clinton Case
July 28th, 2016

Greetings, /pol/. A few things first:

1) Yes, an open investigation by the IRS/Treasury Dept./FBI is open on the CF.
2) I have little to no knowledge of what WikiLeaks is doing. I have an idea of what they
have, but I am not sure.
3) Tonight, you have an important duty. I will elaborate later in the thread.
4) I simply do not have time to read what everyone is putting together. You can tell by now
the spider web is massive, and the amount of people implicated in this case are
astounding. If you want an answer or guidance, you must direct me to a specific
source/piece of info you are looking to have me scan.
Remember that I am a map, not a GPS. My security is at stake every time I do one of these, but
the stakes are too high not to. I will do what I can.

Also, the Mrs. Is here, if anyone wants to ask questions to/about her. She is curious.
Question 5-001

Do you think the IRS/FBI are actually serious about this investigation, or do you think its
just a big smokescreen so that when pressed on it, Hillary can just say Well the
Foundation was investigated by the IRS and the FBI, and they found nothing! Its all just
a big right-wing conspiracy!?
As with her e-mail server, and virtually every other Clinton scandal throughout the past 30-
40 years, we will find deeply incriminating evidence of wrongdoing, and the Clintons will get
off on a technicality. Those of us who knew what was going on in this case have a deep-
seated hatred for HRC. Of course, we are bound by our oaths and contracts never to discuss
what we find. It is very frustrating.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 72 of 129

Question 5-002

Did we kill Venezuela?

The United States has a few things to do with their collapse, however, the primary catalyst
was OPEC and their manipulation of oil prices.
Question 5-003


1) How badly will the DNC mess up Hillarys poll results? I want to see her tank, and
with the DNC leaks, the medias going to have a tough time.
2) What do you recommend in terms of contacting people about our finds? How
should we organize our info (the 200 doc is a little much)? Any names in mind?
3) What did our WikiLeaks man mean when he said the next leak will indict her? (Im
banking on indict = ruin her public image. She wont actually go to jail.)
4) What do you think of Pence now?
5) Are we still having an effect? I admit, I lazied out during the DNC leaks and the
threads slid.
1) It depends on how things go tonight. She will receive an artificial bump in the polls from
the media, as they want to bias public opinion in her favor. Trump is doing a great job of
countering this. I am here to see you all play a large role in assisting in this effort.
2) The meme division has the right idea. Contact anyone and everyone you know, but try to
target influencers. Big-names are no more or less susceptible to messaging than you are.
Do not be afraid to post/email news anchors, talking heads, etc.
3) I believe Assange is largely a publicity hound set up by CIA/Russia. This is largely
anecdotal. He may have things (it was not hard to crack HRC or the DNC servers) he may
not. Just do not allow him to desensitize you to leaks. Everything that comes out
between here and November, follow it.
4) He swayed me with his RNC speech. I was not sold before, but I find him agreeable. It is
a good strategy for Trump.
5) Yes, but the effect has been muted due to other developments, which is why I am here
to stoke the flames, and hopefully grow them.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 73 of 129

Question 5-004

What resource-gathering penny stocks should we look at for connections to the

Also, can we assume that any resource penny stock that is HQd in Canada is connected
to Frank Giustra?
A useful hint is to look at the projects the CF has supposedly funded. Who got contracts
after a donation, then what industry are they in? Were they in a failing industry? Were they
too small to compete with larger companies?
Question 5-005

Does the Clinton Foundation fund ISIS and then get paid by selling the oil that ISIS
The US government does.
Question 5-006

Is the CF investigation going to mean anything? Is she just going to sleaze out of it
again? Will it even be completed before the election?
I expect more sleazing, but Trump is not going to let it go. The investigation will likely be
delayed ad infinitum.
Question 5-007
Does the Clinton Foundation fund ISIS and then get paid by selling the oil that ISIS captures?

and the women as well, too?

Heres where the dark side of the CF is.
Question 5-008

Why AMA today? Is it because its last day of DNC?

Question 5-009

Did the /cfg/ have any influence on any agency thus far?
What do you think Assange has to leak still?
On any agency? No.
I think Assange has emails where HRC outright sold influence for DNC/cabinet positions.
Like I said, I am not entirely sure though.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 74 of 129

Question 5-010

All these people/projects are going after the Clinton Foundation. Jerome Corsi, Charles
Ortel, Clinton Cash & Hillarys America.
What exactly do you want anons to do?
There seems to be endless connections to nefarious people and shell corporations. CFG
is keeping track and documenting. There are research anons doing reports. Meme
division will break the internet.
Can you not just guide is to more of a smoking gun?
I cannot guide you to a smoking gun when the weapons used are cloak-and-dagger.
Second, and I have stated this before, outright telling /pol/ information is very illegal, will
give away who I am, and will get me arrested. Then the leaks will get nowhere because the
MSM will denounce this board as a right-wing conspiracy board. I know it seems fruitless,
but the work you are going is important. It is changing the game.
Question 5-011

Ive got to go somewhere soon. Whats the task for later? Also, what new information do
you think WikiLeaks might have? Just general guesses on this last point will suffice.
Wouldnt want to compromise your position.
The task is this: unleash every meme, image, and horrible story about HRC that you can
muster while she gives her speech tonight. You all must find a way to visible disrupt her
nomination speech. It can be done but it is up to you on how to do it.
Question 5-012

I admit that it was partially my fault, because usually if anyone can stop them from
being slid its me.
But I got busy with life.
As you said, the spider web is massive, and its not so much that we cant find a lead, as
much as were not sure where the real juice is, or what people will listen to. Thats what
our meme division was for in part.
The IRS scandal will help us publicize it.
What should we follow specifically?
Why do HRC and the CF have ties to certain Indian businessmen, who, in many instances,
have been routinely accused of pedophilia?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 75 of 129

Question 5-013

Hello, Mrs.
Thank you for standing by your man through all of this. You two are heroes.
Do you think Russophobia is justified? I know the media is blowing up Trumps
statement way out of proportion, playing on peoples fear of Russia.
How do people just pass up the DWS/Kaine switcheroo??
How do we wake people up to just how fucked HRC is? Just continue the /cfg/ work? I
love doing it, and the memes, but couldnt we be doing something more effective?
We are the aggressors against Russia. Russia has no desire to go to war with us, so if they
are meddling in our elections (which I believe they are) then it is because they do not want
HRC to provoke a conflict which she is likely to do. She is a vicious idiot.
People are nave and believe there are no revolving doors in politics.
I find your memes are not spreading the way they should because the effort is not yet there.
For the most part, you all seem to trade the images amongst yourselves and other select
image boards. In order to be effective, you must proselytize. For example:
Start a website aggregating the images/facts and then try to get it linked to Drudge. Shove
the images down every news anchor/journalists throat. Push out to people who you
normally would have nothing to do with.
HRC and Correct the Record invade your circles. Why dont you invade theirs?
Question 5-014

FBI Anon. I love you. But you lied to us.

You said there would be happenings at the conventions, and I have been disappointed
in what I saw.
I made an estimate, and I was wrong. I have repeatedly told everyone that I am no fortune-
teller. In my world, predictions are made, probabilities are assessed, and we act upon them.
For example, we were worried about the Day of Rage a few weeks ago. Many of us stayed
home, then nothing happened. This happens more often than you think. We have had plenty
of reason to suspect incidents at the RNC, and even more so at the DNC. The fact that
nothing happened is great, by my standards.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 76 of 129

Question 5-015

That quote by Bishop Sheehan needs a little clarification: Oil was not discovered in the
Middle East until 1938, and not developed until after WWII, which is when the Brits and
the West recognized Israel as a country.
There is obviously every reason to assume the two are connected and that it is oil, and
not Israel that is the bigger deterrent to peace.
Secondly, Jews were the enemies of every nation long, long before WWII.
Third, Muslims were the enemies of the West long before WWII.
So, Sheehan is wrong on three counts.
Islam at one point in its history was a strong, ideologically powerful, learned, and advanced
culture. Had it continued, it would look very different. We could get along with them.
However, the larger point is our affairs in the Middle East were not even problems until Israel
came along. We may never have liked the Muslims, but rarely were we in open conflict with
the entire ideology.
Question 5-016

Did you catch the threads of the Dutch shell corporations whistler blower who alleged
US and Shell is buying oil from ISIS? Is HRC connected to that?
No, but I would not be surprised.
Question 5-017

Is there any sign or reference of Moloch/Minerva in the CF? Any occult or weird
Plenty, if you know what to look for.
Question 5-018

On a scale of 1-10, how involved is Epstein with the Clintons and sex trafficking?
There seems to be strong correlation with Bill and Jeffery running something illicit when
the money Epstein is traced back to the Clinton Foundation in 08.
10, and your second point is the truth.
Question 5-019

Pertaining to the task for tonight, does the fact that Twitter is down over there have
anything to do with that?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 77 of 129

Question 5-020
Also, the Mrs. Is here, if anyone wants to ask questions to/about her. She is curious.

Can you post pics of her feet? For research purposes.

[the fuck?]

She says no.

Question 5-021

Werent they all introduced by Sant Chantwal and connected from the India nuclear
He is a major figure, but there are more. Why did Indias central bank leader recently step
Question 5-022

I should keep looking into USAID, shouldnt I

Should I look into the shipping containers for the children?
Are you afraid of what you will find?
Question 5-023

Do you think the murder of DNC employee Seth Rich is suspicious, and could the two
DHS guys who were supposedly busted with guns have been set up?
Do robberies typically end with people getting murdered and no goods stolen?
Question 5-024

Worth chasing Hitlery for Berta Cceres, or should we just let Amy Goodman uselessly
chase that dog herself?
Also, Sudan. Any Clinton influence over there? Im looking at the 2017 election and the
puppet (a familiar one) she will install there.
Sudan is a major point of influence.
Question 5-025

This red scare tactic Hillary has latched onto this week is only going to escalate, isnt it?
If she wins, its only going to culminate in an easy out for her to justify a war, wont it? If
we start pushing the warmonger angle hard, would it help?
Just look at her record for all of her warmongering.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 78 of 129

Question 5-026

1. Are you FBI Anon?

2. Are any investigative departments finding any incriminating information? You
dont have to say what, but are things piecing together on your end?
1. Yes.
2. We have everything. Trump has many things. You may ask your Why doesnt Trump
unleash everything? or why doesnt Flynn (who I know knows enough to indict her)
saying anything? The same reason I cannot. If the truth came out, you all may believe.
But who else would? It is too dark for anyone to stomach.
Question 5-027
>we will find deeply incriminating evidence of wrongdoing, and the Clintons will get off on a technicality
Why? Why doesnt someone just throw their asses in jail already?
When the Clintons first went into office, Bill Clinton used his authority to force the FBI and
other departments to hand over dirt files on everyone in the government. HRC spent hours
reading them, and then all of these documents miraculously disappeared. They know
everything about everyone in their circles, and they use incredible amounts of leverage to
keep people silent. Think House of Cards.
Question 5-028
>Islam at one point in its history was a strong, ideologically powerful, learned, and advanced culture.
Ok, now you are talking bullshit.
Then how did it come to dominate almost all of the world at one point in history, and
position itself at the forefront of math and science before plunging itself into a dark age?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 79 of 129

Question 5-029
>Start a website aggregating the images/facts and then try to get it linked to Drudge. Shove the images
down every news anchor/journalists throat. Push out to people who you normally would have nothing to
do with.
This, along with your other suggestions are excellent. However, this places is missing
two key elements:
1. The energy, as you observed. Whoever was chucking CF image macros all over
the place the other day had the right idea in terms engendering the meme
energy. Content was good, and the style of humor was almost there.
2. Tactical things like making a website and getting it linked on Drudge almost
invariably has to be done by a small break-off group via a semi-private venue.
Thats just how these kinds of operations work.
However, if one were to make it retard easy to send a form email or something to
targeted anchors in a matter of 5 clicks or thereabouts, then theres a possibility of
getting traction from the masses in a place like this.
The bottom line is, you cannot keep shouting in an echo chamber. Your words/images are
weapons. Use them as the media does. You see evidence all the time of people pushing
narratives. They are no more or less capable than you.
Question 5-030

What is the important duty for us tonight?

See earlier responses.
Question 5-031

Does the human trafficking have to do with keeping people in line?

Is that aspect of the CF the place where people get vetted/get their membership in
Is the child trafficking for blackmail/dead-mans switch/enforcement files as well as
1) Yes.
2) Yes.
3) Yes.
Question 5-032

Look into Muhammad Yunus *cough cough*

FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 80 of 129

Question 5-033

Sorta unrelated, but what is the best way of getting into the FBI or government analyst
work in general?
Normally, we find you. But if you really want in, get good physical shape, remove your social
media accounts, apply, get in touch with recruiters, and prove yourself. Intelligence agencies
are a job just like any other.
Question 5-034
So at this point, theres no reason to not tell us. Dont cop out.

He said at the beginning that he has a wife.

He has a reason to be ambiguous.

I have explained this already.

Question 5-035

We should be spreading memes to /r/HillaryForPrison and /r/The_Donald subs on

Reddit. Communities there are lessostracized from the rest of the internet than /pol/ is.
For example, Google censoring Trump from searches for presidential candidates was
first discovered in /TrumpGen/ and posted on The_Donald. It was featured on Fox News
the next day.
Good idea, but it is also necessary to spread information on left-leaning sites. Tumblr is a
good place to invade.
Question 5-036

Are there any questions we havent asked you that we should?

Of course.
Question 5-037
>10, and your second point is the truth
Wonderful, I went on a frenzy about that in the first editions of /cfg/.
Follow up set of questions: What connection does Cheryl Mills and the BlackIvy group
have to the Foundation? More sex slaves, or the possibility of blood diamonds, slave
labor, and jungle work? Mills was allowed to keep her clearance after she left the State
Department. Seems suspicious she is on the board of the CF and running a
development group.
Mills is almost as important as Abedin. Where did Mills work before joining the CF?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 81 of 129

Question 5-038

IMO, stating the obvious here, but we should just meme blitz everything we have got
tonight. Do a takeover of any pro Hillary tags.
That is correct. Is there any way to get your message in front of the DNC floor? I would
guess you all can find a way.
Question 5-039

So, Bradley Manning, Snowden, Assange etc. should have just kept their mouths shut,
right? I have a wife and two children but if I had information that could save this country
I would hide them and fall on my sword in the most spectacular way possible.
No more fucking excuses for cowardice.
>hide them

It is not possible. When you are in the purple, it is a small world, and your movements are
much more scrutinized than most. The only relevant leaker was Snowden, and even he only
leaked a small amount of info. The real leaks are never reported is the MSM. Our new is a
PsyOp, do you honestly think these stories are meant to be informative in any way?
Question 5-040

What do the Clintons want from Kosovo? Why is it so important to them?

What does Kosovo represent on the geopolitical chessboard?
Question 5-041

Oh, by the way, what is Owl/Minerva from

https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/5680 ?
It refers to open declarations of regime change.
Question 5-042
>The bottom line is, you cannot keep shouting in an echo chamber. Your words/images are weapons. Use
them as the media does. You see evidence all the time of people pushing narratives. They are no more or
less capable than you.
Yup, exactly. Im just pointing out that we have many of the pieces in place here, but not
quite the conditions for it to take off in the desired fashion.
Its helpful for you to be making these threads, though, as it having an echo chamber in
the first place is a prerequisite to synching into effective spreadables and spreading.
Question 5-043

How likely do you think an assassination on Trump is?

50/50, honestly. There is a strategy to T running as a Republican, even though he could just
as easily pushed as a Dem.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 82 of 129

Question 5-044

Any other exorbitantly rich families we should be looking into other than the obvious
Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Saudi senpai etc?
Gates, Buffett, Soros, African kings, the Royal family.
Question 5-045
>dirt files on everyone in the government
Jesus wept. Its the Hoover files all over again.
Its even bigger.
Question 5-046

Why should I believe you?

Im not interested in what you believe.
Question 5-047

>Tumblr is a good place to invade.

Oh man and theyd get a rude awakening since thats an echo chamber to end all echo chambers.

I looked at it recently.
Tumblr is split in half right now, arguing about whether or not its okay to support Hillary.

Then we tip the scales.

You are all on the right track. Tonight is the best night of all.
Question 5-048

Is the GOP as corrupt as the DNC?

Is Trump as dirty as the Clintons in this?
Is he a morally good person?
It is, but not as blatantly corrupt.
Trump is dirty, but not nearly as much as HRC. Trumps dirt involves typically
business/billionaire things, evading taxes, bullying people to get zoning, trying to use
eminent domain, etc.
Question 5-049

Is it true that Abedin is into castration?

Not that Im aware of.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 83 of 129

Question 5-050

I think I know what FBIAnon is getting at.

He want us to blitz Twitter, Tumblr, and all social media with memes on the Clinton
Foundation tonight, on the last night of the DNC.
We should get on it now, sooner the better.
We need TrumpGen with us, and the meme division blasting the Tumblr tags.
Bring up the old methods that /b/ used to use during their Tumblr raids.
Were going to war tonight.
You are 100% correct.
Question 5-051

I feel the same way. Read Susan Lindauers book Extreme Prejudice recently and as I
was reading I kept wondering why she didnt contact a reliable news agency, go live,
and warn everybody. She had credentials, she had proof in the form of documentation...I
just dont get it.
Credentials mean nothing. Proof means nothing. Elisa Lam had proof of something, but no
one got a chance to listen to her. That is what is likely to happen should I even consider
going public.
Question 5-052

Serious question about Twatter, and I welcome all other answers. I want to participate
badly in the meme-kreig tonight, but I dont have any real means of getting a
throwaway phone, and I have a semi-important regular Twatter account for a not-so-
serious business endeavor.
Can I safely just activate a new one, plug only hashtags and tag people, and post
Bans on Twitter are per account, not phone number, right? They havent gone full SS?
I am not sure. I have no social media accounts.
Question 5-053

What kind of friendship did/does Trump have with Epstein?

Trump has made friends with virtually every person in major American corridors of power.
His association was out of necessity, not of desire.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 84 of 129

Question 5-054

>Do robberies typically end with people getting murdered and no goods stolen?
But you didnt answer the questions you just fed his need to be right by asking him
another question. That kid was a 27-yr-old staffer. He was not some l33t hacker. He
wouldnt have access to anything. The fact that hes even a Dem staffer proves hes a
fucking moron. I mean, just look at the retards they fucking hire? They only hire devout
Kool-Aid drinkers. Truth is, he probably didnt have shit, and this is just you playing up
some conspiracy bullshit to have this non-chase a dead end.
Every time you do one of these, you fuck up and reveal more about yourself (unless its
also a smokescreen). Either way you more than likely dont know shit and are using /pol/
as your personal army.
>5 AMAs
>gives nothing concrete
>but anon believe me I could lose my job and my life
>but anon its crucial you keep digging

Staffers have security clearances when they need to access classified information. He had a
clearance, he did know things.
People like you are how I know my strategy works.
Question 5-055

Meh, youre a faggot. If you are real, your duty to your country comes first. Fuck your
contracts and oaths.
My oath is to protect my countrys secrets, which, believe it or not, involves more than just
HRC. Oaths mean something to us, and while we get frustrated that we cannot openly state
the truth, we love our country even more. Remember the details on the CF can bring down
the government.
Question 5-056

Will HRC debate Trump? Or will they use this Russian thing to get out of it? Also, are
treason charges for Trump real?
She will try to weasel out of it, or get questions pre-screened, or try to go on stage after him,
but Trump will not likely let it slide.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 85 of 129

Question 5-057

Should we focus more on getting her indicted, or on her losing the election, for right
What is the most sheeple-friendly (not totally horrifying, not so bad nobody can believe
it, instantly accessible/easily summarized/symbolized) red-pill on the CF that will make
her unelectable?
Bring up the old methods that /b/ used to use during their Tumblr raids.

Fuck it, why not recruit /b/ into triggering blue-haired landwhales?
Pitch it as Operation Civil War: Tumblr is split right down the middle on whether to
support Hillary or Sanders. This is our chance to turn Tumblr to the ground. Best of all,
theyll do it for us. Spam 1, 2 and 3 tags with X, Y, and Z, sit back, relax and listen to the
>friendly red-pill

Her record on starting and supporting wars. Libya being the most prominent example.
Question 5-058

Any connection to Gates Foundation, CF, Big Pharma, weaponized cancer, tainted
polio/malaria vaccines, Africa, Dr. Mary Sherman, fucking Oswald?
Is Kissinger involved with the CF kiddie trafficking? Harking back to the Blue Grotto
These threads really fuck with my head. Collusion theory overload.
Zika, Abbott Labs, Gilead.
Question 5-059

Whats the best way to overcome the unwillingness people have to confront just how
evil all these fuckers are?
Repeat something often enough and it becomes the truth.
Repeat after me: Hillary is evil and will destroy the planet.
Question 5-060

Trumps dirt is basically the stuff he admitted onstage in the debates? Kek.
Question 5-061

How much does the video on YouTube Clinton Cash explain? Did it show a large
portion of the corruption or was that merely the tip of the iceberg?
Just the tip. The only relevant and mostly unheard of part was the Haiti section.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 86 of 129

Question 5-062

What is the owner of Tapad, Are Helge Traasdahls relationship to all this? His name
popped up a bit in the DNC leaks.
Question 5-063

Was Bernie just controlled opposition all along, or did HRC threaten/bribe him?
Bernie was bought out.
Question 5-064

Do the Clintons take money from the Mexican govt? And if so, what do they give in
Not to my knowledge.
Question 5-065
>What is the most sheeple-friendly (not totally horrifying, not so bad nobody can believe it, instantly
accessible/easily summarized/symbolized) red-pill on the CF that will make her unelectable?
Her campaign is being funded by the Saudi Arabian royal family? You know, the guys
who think women are property and promote female circumcision/genital mutilation
(The removal of a womans clitoris and the sewing of her vagina shut).
Its pretty grisly and hits women right in the ovaries, while at the same time is entirely
believable and an objective fact.
This is also good.
Question 5-066
We have hordes of memes in the meme division.
Fresh OC coming up every day.
[Links to some dank memes]
Get it from a /cfg/ Meme Division thread
[more meme links]
Dont forget to use these in non-/cfg/ threads. Its good to keep /cfg/ threads focused,
but youre not going to get much pick-up if only the people who focus on /cfg/ threads
see them.
Trump generals worked well as meme machines in large part because they were just
fun-posting centrals much of the time and only had occasional bouts of serious
discussion, and much of the serious discussion was provoked by dissenters wanting to
argue, thus provoking further spread.
Great ideas.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 87 of 129

Question 5-067

1. Who are you? Is there a summary or cap of an earlier thread?

2. Is there proof you are who you say you are?
>answered in the first thread
Question 5-068

Something Ive noticed is 4chan rising and becoming effectively a powerful secret
Is that the intent of all this? Position us in the intellectual system to better control the
If you truly wanted to end this, I cant help but feel like publicly killing these people one
by one would discourage this behavior again. At least by attaching consequence to
their action.
I can see myself as providence and am willing to give my life to it, but you have
personally told me killing Hillary will change nothing? Why?
No. My personal goal is to make sure HRC never gets elected. /pol/ is simply one of the last
bastions of free speech on the internet.
Question 5-069

You keep fucking up. I RPd as a CIA analyst and convinced everyone, because I knew
when to fucking quit. This is apparently the most attention you have gotten in your life
so you keep coming back to the well.
>b t dubs: explain spurdo. That was me.
You really screwed the pooch with the Islam thing, and the WikiLeaks is a Russian op
meme that only started a few days ago and has been pushed by butt hurt democrats.
But the Islam thing is where you fucked up the most.
Also, you fucked up on hiring practices. Best way to join the FBI is to have a clean
record, good grades, and get an accounting major or an MBA. Multilingual helps a lot,
If you ever get caught out on this I predict you will say I was doing it to motivate
people to spread memes and defeat Hillary just like the twats on Facebook with fake
near-rape experiences say it was to raise awareness
[I didnt want to leave this page half blank, so I put the answer on the next page]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 5 Page 88 of 129

Answer 5-069

>You really screwed the pooch with the Islam thing, and the WikiLeaks is a Russian op meme that
only started a few days ago and has been pushed by butt hurt democrats.

> Also, you fucked up on hiring practices. Best way to join the FBI is to have a clean record, good
grades, and get an accounting major or an MBA. Multilingual helps a lot, too.
I have said as much. If youve been paying attention, I also said I have two degrees in
business. In the end, I have done more to damage HRC than you are going to damage me,
and therefore I am winning.
And I have said, and will continue to say, more leaks will come. The time is not right yet.
Expect an October Surprise.
Question 5-070

Is Trump a good boy? As in, as good as someone possible can be given his status and
so on?
Question 5-071a
>Her record on starting and supporting wars. Libya being the most prominent example.
Also this: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/10/06/emails-show-qadaffi-son-offered-talks-but-
Question 5-071b

Anon, in one of the threads related to DNC leaks said that Are Helge Traasdahl is
involved in election rigging. Hot or cold?
Question 5-072

How many people has the CF had killed in this election?

At least 14.
My time with you all is over, for now.
I know many of you are looking for more substance, and it will come. The intelligence agencies
do not love HRC, and they are not happy with her actions. They will leak highly sensitive
information. Expect and October Surprise, if not earlier. Have faith, keep digging. I will be back in
a month or two for more questions.
Tonight, my wife and I have challenged each other to get through HRCs speech. Needless to
say, quite a bit of alcohol will be necessary for this endeavor.
I wish you all well in ruining this night for the DNC. It can be done, and I hope you find a way. I
will be watching.
[End of AMA 5]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 89 of 129

Pre-Debate Clinton Case AMA
September 25th, 2016

Ask away.
Question 6-001

The Cohen Group: hot or cold?

Was Hillary involved in Richard Holbrookes death, or was it just an accident?
In March 2014, lots of gold went missing in Ukraine. They were reportedly flown away to
the United States. Are Clintons and their clique involved in this shit? What is Pinchuks
role? Any other Ukrainians we should look into?
1) Hot.
2) Holbrooke died of natural causes. A rare problem, yet, but unfortunately no foul play
3) They were *reportedly flown to the US, but most of it went to China. There is a reason
why China and Russia have been building gold reserves. Anyone involved in the
Yakunovich government is of interest.
Question 6-002

What was on those servers she tried to hide?

Many different things. The media has been trying to spin it as its just our drone program,
but there was a lot more. Our covert ops were on there, and many of our operatives died as
a result of her carelessness.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 90 of 129

Question 6-003
[Posts image of a document. Cant read it. Dont know what it is.]
Good day.
What is your opinion on the plan to push these topics in the rest of our time (see image
attached). I think some of the topics are too hard to swallow for the normie population
(e.g. Tavistock, human trafficking) so it would be a waste of energies and time spent on
spreading them.
I would rather spread the topics which can hit hard.
In my opinion, the topics which you should focus on in that list should take priority in
reverse order. Details of the Clintons dirty dealing in China and Haiti are icing on the cake,
details which most Americans could care less about because they have no perception of
these countries.
Hillarys health is huge, but the best topic to my mind is her intimidation and silencing of the
women Bill has raped/assaulted. These women are numerous, yet few have managed to tell
their story, let alone have anyone care. You all can make that happen.
Question 6-004

Really hoping for a WikiLeaks dump tomorrow morning. Kek be praised it happens.
We suspect they have something big. Before, I thought they were blowhards with no
information, but now I am starting to think they got a hold of something damaging.
Question 6-005

Body Double
Hologram Speeches
Green Screen
Anything to it?
Body double is correct. Everything else is pure speculation. Her vision is off due to whatever
condition she has.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 91 of 129

Question 6-006

FBIAnon, is that you?

Any hints as to foul play speculated at the debates? What kind of MSM leverage do you
predict will be levied if (read when) Trump decimates Hillary at the debates?
The debates are (surprisingly) locked down very well. The rules and security are well-
established. Of course, the moderators will try several gotcha questions on Trump, but that
was expected.
Question 6-007

Thank you for your answers. Thank you for coming here and answering our questions. I
have few more:
1) Can we, Anons, using only publicly available material, get enough evidence to
indict Hillary?
2) The Brookings Institute. How evil is this organization? Is 2014 CHARGE project
(combined Brookings and Clinton Global Initiative) used to launder money?
3) Yunus, Grameen family of corporations and human trafficking: Yes or no? If yes:
does Norway play a part? Grameenphone and Telenor: worth looking into? Could
you name some middle-man between Clintons and Yunus?
1) No, and I have stated this from the beginning. The goal was to make noise and evoke
enough doubt about HRC to get the MSM talking. In case you did not notice, they are
openly discussing memes and internet subculture in the mainstream. The ironic thing is,
they backed off this last week because they realized as they kept talking about it, people
kept coming.
2) CHARGE was used for weapons and people.
3) Not sure, truthfully. But if they have associations with the Clintons, they are worth
looking into.
Question 6-008

Do you trust Chaffetz?

I know him personally. He is furious over what has happened, but is constrained by the DC
beltway groupthink. If DJT gets elected, expect him to unleash his full fury on HRC.
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Question 6-009

Thank you for the answer.

In regards to the House Oversight Committee:
Was Paglianos Contempt of Congress part of a greater play? If so, what purpose would
you speculate that it would serve? How close do you suspect that the House is to
uncovering the corruption there?
And just for funsies: Whats your opinion on Trey Gowdy?
Paglianos absence to Congress was very deliberate. The plan is to give every person close to
HRC immunity have them lay low and run out the clock. Then once she gets elected, she
will pardon herself and everyone involved, then we will be able to release their testimony. By
that time, no one will care, or so they think. We already have his testimony as to what
happened, we refused to turn it over to Congress. Thats why we put the poor new guy in
front of Congress when they asked for the 302s.
Never met Gowdy. Watching him on YouTube is fun.
Question 6-010

Can Jimmy Duncan & Chaffetz in Congress be trusted with sensitive information?
Question 6-011

How safe do you think T is in regards to Clinton Body Count?

Very. Assassinating major figures is very difficult and very dangerous, especially today. There
are eyes everywhere, so the best way to kill someone is to assassinate their character, which
is why the MSM constantly goes hard after Trump.
Question 6-012

What country was the Clinton Foundation operating from when they accepted
Question 6-013

Samuel Hoidel. Hot or cold?

He wont keep getting away with it.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 93 of 129

Question 6-014

Is the bitch gonna do well at the debate?

Question 6-015

Thank you for being a true patriot, FBIAnon.

What are your thoughts on the Combetta connection? Will it matter at all, or be swept
It all matters. The problem is the web is so deep and wide that getting the whole picture is
hard. Its like a lion trying to eat an elephant. You can make progress, but it is tough to eat
the whole damn thing.
Question 6-016
[Un-readable infographic]
What about the rigged polls?
How will you combat that in the publics mind?
I know the technique is called gas-lighting, which is to push a false narrative long
enough until people believe it, even though it doesnt correspond to the reality around
I know a lot of Trump supporters that feel that Hillary will win because of what the polls
say. However, we know that Trumps online support on Social Media is way beyond
Hillarys. Also, Trumps rallies are way more populated than hers.
How can we or Trumps camp fight the fake polls and gas-lighting techniques?
[Since this question and answer are long, Im moving the answer to the next page. Normally I try not to
break these up between pages, but I dont want to leave an almost entirely empty page.]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 94 of 129

Answer 6-016

>rigged polls?
If the election were held today, the result would be ~15% HRC and 50% DJT. The other 35%
are independent/undecided. So yes, HRC will try to rig the polls, which is why Russia is
getting blamed for messing with our election. Of course, they are meddling, but they have
no real effect. We will simply blame them so Microsoft can gain total control over the
machines and make sure the vote is counted properly.
>How will you combat it?

I do my part by coming here and answering questions. It has been a while, and unfortunately
the investigations have stalled so I am not very helpful, but you guys collective are fighting
against the negative perceptions. Everyone thought they couldnt make a difference, now
the MSM is openly trying to frame this board and others as right wing extremists to discredit
us. That should send a clear message as to how threatening this board actually is.
>How can we or Trumps camp fight the fake polls and the gas-lighting techniques?
>What about rigging the electronic elections, like the voting machines?
Volunteer to be a Trump election watcher. Try to set up an organization which will conduct
independent exit polls (many states no longer require them since most of them showed the
Democrat primaries were rigged).
Question 6-017

Do you know Gowdy personally, too? I imagine he will be unleashed as well.

No, but he isnt having any of her shit.
Question 6-018

What about the supposedly dead FBI agent who was arrested at Trump Tower about a
month ago? Any truth to that? Was it an assassin as /pol/ suspects?
No, just some idiot kid.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 95 of 129

Question 6-019

Current odds of Trump winning in your opinion?

[Praise Kek]

95% probable Trump victory.

Question 6-020

Again, Thank you.

I have to wonder though, is the hiding of the 302s something the FBI is actively trying
to do? Or are you under the gun, so to speak?
What can we do to help the House get the information it needs?
We are stalling because we are stalling. I wish I could explain to you how it works.
Imagine I have three guys working on a project. Its in the purple or SAP-level, and none of
them know who is working on said project with them or what the big picture looks like.
Theyre isolated from one another. I tell two to pause and one to stop completely, the
project never gets finished and no one knows why. Thats the type of stuff going on in the
department right now. Because I am a big picture guy, I know its to stall so HRC can run out
the clock.
Question 6-021

How safe is it for you to talk to /pol/ repeatedly like this? Is there a chance someone
else with your skillset will be tasked to track you down based on your clearance level
and computer habits? This is assuming these FBI Anon threads are one or a few Anons,
rather than a mixture of roleplaying faggots.
Do you feel the more you post, the more danger you may put yourself, or do you feel
comfortable in maybe the incompetence or apathy of anybody whod try to track you
Do you know who posted the photos from Paglianos no-show?
[Again, answer is on the next page. These people are getting WORDY this AMA]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 96 of 129

Answer 6-021

>How safe is it for you to talk to /pol/ repeatedly like this? Is there a chance someone else with your
skillset will be tasked to track you down based on your clearance level and computer habits? This is
assuming these FBI Anon threads are one or a few Anons, rather than a mixture of roleplaying
Last time I made a thread (which was a few months ago, I dont remember exactly) things
got a bit too close. People started asking questions, but most people from all over the
government dont suspect anyone because I make sure to post enough nonsense that no
one will believe or take seriously. Nuggets of truth.
>Do you know who posted the photos from Paglianos no-show?

Question 6-022

How pissed are you guys at Comey?

Could you name some companies/people/events we havent looked into already but are
worth digging?
1) Most senior Intel guys are furious with Comey and DOJ in general. Grunts at the bottom
are confused and do not know enough.
2) What was the organization that put together that ad for HRC with all the celebrities?
What major figure who endorsed HRC has business interest tied to the Clinton
What constitutes Mark Cubans net worth?
Question 6-023

Are Bill and Obama actively working against Hillary?

If she fails miserably, will they try to eliminate her to bury the Foundation scandal
forever and protect those implied?
DJT will put her in jail.
Question 6-024

Was Hillary involved in Scalias death at least? Does the Clinton kill list theory have
Not sure about Scalia. The Clinton Kill List is very, very legit. Some are natural causes, but the
ones that seem too outrageous, actually are. I forget his name, but the one who claimed to
be investigating the Octopus who ended up in a duffel bag locked from the inside, he was
investigating the Clintons.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 97 of 129

Question 6-025

God. If they actually try to rig this election and pin it on a foreign power that would be
incredible. I cant imagine the way that would rip this country apart. Would the FBI do
anything about it?
I dont know, honestly. So much of my faith in the system has been destroyed this past year.
Question 6-026

Thank you.
To this end, Id reiterate the second part of my question: Is there anything that we, and
by extension; the American people can do to prevent this investigation from stalling?
Chaffetz, Gosar, Gowdy. Theyre onto something and they know it. They need help
Keep making noise and bringing people on the board.
Question 6-027

Does the lord and savior have any gotcha stumps for tomorrow?
Is there going to be anymore happenings soon?
Will there be any unscheduled breaks during the debates tomorrow?
>Does the lord and savior have any gotcha stumps for tomorrow?

I fully expect him to bring up Bills past, along with HRCs ties to the CF.
>Is there going to be anymore happenings soon?
Keep an eye on Russia.
>Will there be any unscheduled breaks during the debates tomorrow?
It is hard to say with certainty.
Question 6-028

So, I assume you dont know of anybody else in the agency who feels the way you do
about all this? Do you talk about /pol/ or your true feelings about HRC with anybody
else or do you keep that to yourself? (For your own safety?)
Many of my colleagues openly discuss 4chan. We share our thoughts in private, but most of
us know what she did was illegal. Even basic intel people have briefings that can last for 10
hours telling us what we can and cannot do with information. You do not need intent to
prosecute. We are told this every day. We can be negligent and still get fucked.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 98 of 129

Question 6-029

From your words, it looks like Hillary will get what she deserved.
How long will it take after Trump is elected?
I cannot say for sure, but I expect it will be a major issue at the forefront of his presidency.
Question 6-030

Good to see you safe and sound. Thanks for coming back.
1. Has what we been doing been effective? Have you heard of us and our work in
the circles you travel in? Does HRCs campaign know of us? Are they afraid?
2. Will the bankers let the global economy collapse this year? If HRC is elected she
can be the savior to guide us through it, if DT is elected they will blame it on him.
3. Can HRC actually make it 90 min without having an episode?
4. Have you or your colleagues efforts to leak through seedy porn sights been
5. In reality, what are the TRUE polling numbers for Trump, HRC, Stein, and
I have answered most of your queries in previous posts.
Question 6-031
[Screenshot of a web page. Dunno.]
What is your opinion on the Bad Self Eater phenomenon?
A DoD funded project under the Minerva group?
A pentagon study to do research on this and other sites?
The DOD is interested in how the internet is having effects on human interaction and
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 99 of 129

Question 6-032
[Web screenshot]
Were you the one who posted a sole comment recently on:
- Norwegian shipping companies and human trafficking
- The Cambodian ties
- The our efforts are paying off and has delayed one of the Clintons October
Question 6-033

How accurate is this:

It seems pretty close to your AMAs before.
I hope your wife is well.
100% accurate. My wife is well, though she doesnt like when I do these anymore. She
doesnt want me to get suicidal.
Question 6-034

How important is /pol/ seen? Are we looked at as being influential or just seen as a
fringe movement?
Do you think civil war or some sort of global conflict is likely if Clinton is elected?
Would the MSM start trying to psychologically frame frog pictures off the internet if they did
not believe it was affecting the course of political events?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 100 of 129

Question 6-035

Are recent Bahama leaks worth looking into? How many people from government are
having their millions there?
Should Doug Schoen/Victor Pinchuk thing be pushed more? Can we find any dirt on
Victoria Nuland meddling in Ukraine?
>Are recent Bahama leaks worth looking into? How many people from government are having their
millions there?

Could not tell you.

>Victoria Nuland

You are on the right track.

Question 6-036

Last question:
What do you think about all these posters that allegedly leak information and are
We had:
- A Fabian Society poster
- High Level Insider
- Anon 5 with the knowledge bombs
[Links to Anon5 thread]

The insiders are giving out information. Not all of it is correct, some is just fun to think
about, other are clearly trying to help me point you in the right direction.
Question 6-037

What about the October surprise via WikiLeaks?

I believe it is about Hillarys emails that details arming the Libyan rebels that overthrew
Gadaffi and eventually over ran the Benghazi embassy.
My understanding is that Hillary told congress that she had no knowledge of arms or
support going to Libyan rebels. However, if there are emails where she discusses arming
Libyan rebels, then it will prove should committed perjury.
Do you know of anything about the WikiLeaks October Surprise?
We can get our memes and research ready to go, once it hits.
Lastly, is Hillary arming rebel groups in Libya and Syria worth any time researching?
Thank you again!
[next page for answer]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 101 of 129

Answer 6-037

I suspect your conclusions are correct. But I do not know what WikiLeaks has, and am very
much looking forward to reading their material.
Question 6-038

If USA goes Trump anti-globalist, do the globalist leeches find a new host? Like
Try China.
Question 6-039

Which are the best websites on the darknet to get quality intelligence on Soros and
Not sure.
Question 6-040

Obama using Pseudonym on Emails?

We leaked this. It just goes to show how corrupt the whole of government is.
Question 6-041

Was the VIP email stonetear was trying to wipe from email headers Obamas?
Question 6-042

Weve seen quite a few attacks in the last week or so:

MN knife
NY/NJ bombing
Turkroach mall shooting
Are any of these false flags?
Also, is the BLM thing backfiring on Soros and Illary? It certainly seems like it. Is that just
due to President Trumps persuasion abilities?
Bombings were false flags, everything else is media hype. BLM is a waste of time. The crime
rate among blacks is virtually unchanged, it has always been high, the only thing different is
the media attention.
Question 6-043

This isnt related to HRC, but I would like to know: is the Alabama gas pipeline break a
result of an attack?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 102 of 129

Question 6-044

If you can personally expose Clinton. I want you to know something.

I dont care if you have a family who you love.
All of us do.
If you regard your oaths, if you regard your duty as an American.
If YOU personally can save our country, then you need to do it. You need to expose
everything to whoever you can, to congress, to the public, to the people.
You need to take the bullet. Because that is what I would do in your position.
Hide your kids and your family, go public. Tell people you think that they will come after
you and your family as well. Tell everything.
Do whatever the fuck you need to do.
But do it for your country. You would actually be serving your country maybe for once if
you did this.
Do what Comey never had the balls to do.
I have tried explaining this, but since some of you are too dense, I will try again.
I could go into my office, pull all the docs (though I would get arrested shortly after), come
home to my pc and upload tons of dirt on HRC right here. But do you know what will
Google will remove it, and then this website will be shut down. It will go down with no
reason, no explanation, the founders will all be investigated by the DOJ, and though they
may not be found guilty the harassment will be long enough to stop them in their tracks.
Nothing will get done.
Instead, I layer the truth with just enough bullshit to make my story believable. Now, people
are looking in, some dont care, others doubt me, but the bottom line is this board has
become a place where anti-Hillary sentiment reigns supreme. And because the anti-Hillary
sentiment is so strong, the MSM is attacking this very board because it knows people are
coming to see what is going on, and what is going on does nothing to HRCs campaign.
tl;dr fuck off
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 103 of 129

Question 6-045

I was sure the debates would be stacked for Hilldawg, but this Lester Holt guy may
actually be fair.
Hilldawg, it says, was trying to bully him already but it looks like he might have a spine.
Holt is a pretty stand-up journalist. He knows what his role is.
Question 6-046

Thing that bothers me personally: are tripfags from /cfg/ observed by the FBI?
You are being actively monitored, yes.
Question 6-047

How panicked are they by what not only your group, but what /cfg/ has found?
Do you have moles in her campaign & foundation? How about the surrogate
organizations who work on her behalf?
[Am really glad I am here for the live thread, usually I just read the screencaps. Really,
really appreciate what you are doing and understand why you had to choose Option 2
the slow leak]
The know you wont find anything concrete, they are worried that you are creating negative
perceptions of HRC that cannot be whitewashes (which was the whole point).
We have no moles in her campaign.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 104 of 129

Question 6-048
[screenshots of documents]
FBI Anon,
You have always told us to focus on the Clinton Foundation, and not to focus too much
on the email scandal.
I did some research on the Clinton Foundations tax returns, and found a lot of issues,
especially with the amended tax returns.
It seems to me that the Clintons pocketed a lot of the Haiti money in 2010.
When it comes to the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons using it as a personal bank
account, is there anything you can tell us that we might have overlooked?
Maybe something you have said before, but we have forgotten or been too tunneled
vision to see.
I know the Clinton Foundation started as a project to build Bills Presidential Library, but
then the Clinton Foundation expanded into something way different.
Also, I believe you getting people to focus on the Clinton Foundation and people
bringing to into the public light is why the Clinton Global Initiative shut down.
No more CGI!!!
The CF always operates in countries where birth records are difficult to maintain. Let that
sink in for a moment.
Question 6-049

Thanks for being here. Will we get to see the immunity agreements the DOJ gave all her
aides? Why dont they have to cooperate in exchange for the immunity?
The can take the 5th or get immunity from us. We grant it because we want to know how
deep this shithole goes, and they take it because they believe they will be pardoned. We can
terminate immunity agreements if the information prosecutes someone without an
immunity agreement, i.e. HRC
Question 6-050

How big of an issue will vote fraud be? Is it better to mail in votes or to vote in person?
(Im guessing it depends on the state and what machine they use, if any.)
It is better to go in person, but it ultimately does not matter because the votes are machine
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 6 Page 105 of 129

Question 6-051
>but now I am starting to think they got a hold of something damaging.
What changed your mind?
We know the Russians got a hold of something in her servers. TBH, I believe she was
planning to start a war with Russia, and that the Russians have given select info to WikiLeaks
to help destroy her campaign. Russia is not the greatest country on earth, but they do not
want to be at war with us. They world is weary of conflict.
Question 6-052

FBI anon, Ive wanted to jump in one of these threads for awhile now.
Being a Filipino Trump supporter in the (((Great State of California))), whats it going to
take for people to stop considering people like me as an Uncle Tom?
Also, with California- How connected are the Clintons in this state? Speaking from SoCal.
Other peoples perceptions of you are irrelevant and cannot be changed.
In SoCal, I cannot say. But I do know they helped push immigrants through the border, just
like every other politician. But that is the least of their sins.
[FBI Anon mysteriously vanished after this answer.]
[End of AMA 6]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 106 of 129

?th Clinton Insider AMA
October 17th, 2016

I am available to answer any questions you may have about current events.
Question 7-001

How are the internal polls? Who is actually winning?

Trump is winning by around 20% with a 5% MOE. The election is a landslide right now, but
the MSM is trying to engineer his downfall. Ironically, women voters liked that Trump tape.
Question 7-002

How many infants does Moloch demand for Hillary to live another week? Its a week at a
time, right? That she gets to go on living?
Infants, no, but whatever she is on is designed to make her energetic for long periods of
Question 7-003

Timestamp and proof.

Were beyond this point.
Question 7-004

Assange is ded?
No. Very scared, but still alive. Whether or not that will change in the next few days is
Question 7-005

Now is not the time for roleplay.

Believe what you will.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 107 of 129

Question 7-006

Are they scared of the next leak(s)? Do they have anything else bad on Trump?
I know they have a tape of him making a lightly off-color remark about blacks, but beyond
that, I have no idea. They really cant find much on him, hence why the MSM has resorted to
crafting narratives out of thin air.
Question 7-007

Sheshes legit going to drone him, isnt she?

She wants to.
Question 7-008

Can you describe your position as an insider?

Refer to my other AMAs.
Question 7-009

What are the odds of WW3 at this time? What can I personally do as a shut in who can
barely even post due to anxiety?
I suspect a major war in the next year or two regardless of who is elected. I had hoped that
Trump would be able to bring about more peace, but the people he is fighting are
determined not to allow it.
Question 7-010

Is the shit posted on this site legit?

It is asking the right questions, and yes, many of HRCs PACs and even her campaign solicit
foreign money and shadow money.
Question 7-011

Do you have any proof of this shit or are you another shill?
Getting real fucking tired of shills.
Ive done at least 7 AMAs dealing with this. Ive given plenty of information to help guide
people to the facts.
Question 7-012

Is she sick?
Yes, most likely with Parkinsons.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 108 of 129

Question 7-013
>all the shills ITT
So, how fucked is Hillary in light of the WikiLeaks drops?
Do they still have time to rig the election, or are they fucked at this point?
It depends at this point. The political mood right now favors a Trump landslide. HRC and the
global elite have two ways to stop him:
1. Slander him to the point of extreme unfavorability, even with core supporters.
2. Rig the polls.
They are concerned because Trump has brought attention to #2, which was the exact same
strategy with Bernie. Therefore, they are attempting #1, but the issue is whenever people
attack Trump viciously, his support grows. He maintains strength by always finding a new
enemy to attack, and the last month he is pulling out the big guns and naming the true face
of all of our problems: large, multinational corporations and their leaders.
Question 7-014

Will Obama start shit with Russia to prevent Trump from taking his place in the sun?
No, but the goal is to erode relations to the point where Russia will be withdrawn to
whoever is President. Even Trump will not take acts of aggression lightly. Obama will flirt
with war as long as he can, just enough to make the Russians think poorly of Americans
under any scenario. Then Trump will have much more work to restore relations when he gets
Question 7-015

What are the bluest states you think Trump will win?
He will win PA and CA.
Question 7-016
[Links some comments sections, looks like]
Do we focus on the WikiLeaks releases, or go back to Clinton Foundation work?
If Hillary is elected, then it will be hard to bring the Clinton Foundation and its people to
We fight hard to make sure Hillary is not elected, right?
Any suggestions on how to red-pill normies on pseudo poll data?
Normies have depended on polling data for so long, its hard for them to realize that it
is over-sampled. They have a hard time understanding what over-sampled means.
Thanks for everything.
[Answer on next page]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 109 of 129

Answer 7-016

>Do we focus on the WikiLeaks releases, or go back to Clinton Foundation work?

The next few batches of the WikiLeaks dumps should help answer this. It will start to make
sense when you connect the dots.
And, as an aside, when you are reading Podestas e-mails, remember that the Clintons deal
in weapons, drugs, and people. Some terminology in use is far more nefarious than many of
you suspect.
>We fight hard to make sure Hillary is not elected. Right?
You should be.
>Any suggestions on how to red-pill normies on pseudo poll data?

I remember seeing an infograph a while back where someone plotted the oversampling of
democrats in polls. That is a very useful tool.
Question 7-017

Does she really smell like sulfur?

She smells like hair spray and cardboard.
Question 7-018

Is World War 3 doing to happen before 2016 ends?

Question 7-019

I keep hearing about the FBIs opinion of Clinton. But do you know what the CIA are up
to in regards to this whole mess?
No. The Intelligence agencies are like modern-day gangs, owing allegiance to no one and
cooperating only when necessary and even then, only to a limited degree.
Question 7-020

Will we see any upcoming nuclear/false flags? If any, can you tell us more?
Is Obama or Hillary going to attack Russia before or after the election?
Is Martial Law in the plan, as you are saying Trump is winning?
The Trump Campaign headquarter attacks are all orchestrated. Virtually everything going on
right now is a distraction from the imminent threat of war with Russia.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 110 of 129

Question 7-021

How many people has Clinton killed this year?

Potentially 20, confirmed 6.
Question 7-022

How fucked is this dude if these findings get proper exposure?

He will resign shortly.
Question 7-023

So, whats the Clinton camp most worried about?

The truth about the disgusting delights of the Clintons and the global elite coming to light.
Question 7-024

CA going red?!
Most likely.
Question 7-025

If I vote Trump, will I have time to finish my machinist diploma? I have 2 semesters left.
Follow up question: Will Hillary do the 3rd debate?
HRC will do the 3rd debate.
Question 7-026

Is Clinton into black magic, sorcery, witchcraft, or other luciferin activity, including
contact with extraterrestrials for advice guidance?
Black magic yes. Extraterrestrials, I cannot answer.
Question 7-027

What is your opinion of Anon5s Knowledge Bomb threads? Is his information legit?
Some of the things he says make sense, but others seem really out there (like members
of the EU being part of a sex club involving refugees).
His information is legit.
Question 7-028

Was the lame uncle tom thing the racist tape thats been talked about?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 111 of 129

Question 7-029

Is there actually a video of Hillary saying nigger?

No. But there is one of her talking about how blacks are disgusting and poor.
Question 7-030

Is there any fear (or validity) over the rumored Bill Clinton rape tape?
I am not sure.
Question 7-031

Whats the deal with Mark Cuban? Did he pay to play, or is he just a media shill and
trying to rev himself up for a presidential running?
Trump fully intends to clean house in Washington and with the power brokers of major
corporations. Cuban wanted some loopholes and goodies to remain, but in private
conversations Trump let it be known that he intends to fully wipe the slate clean. Cuban did
not like that, so he went full HRC because it ultimately benefits him more.
Question 7-032
>Trump is winning by around 20% with a 5% MOE. The election is a landslide right now, but the MSM is
trying to engineer his downfall. Ironically, women voters liked that Trump tape.
Everyone turn back, this thread is bullshit.
Even if I could buy the theory that ALL the big media companies and ALL polling
agencies are conspiring against Trump to lower his numbers to demoralize his voters,
the fact remains that the US political landscape is almost 50/50, and most of them vote
on the party line. 20% is garbage.
You should have said that their polling indicates Trump voters to have a 20% higher
turnout rate. That at least would have been believable.
Youre forgetting millions who have not voted before. May polls only sample registered
voters or people with a history. Trump will bring in millions who have never voted, including
people too shy to be vocal about their support. Independents, which are also a huge shadow
block, have also moved en mass to Trump. We have internal polls for our own projections as
well, and so do the campaigns and the national committees. I guarantee they all see the
same thing: A Trump landslide.
If he was not winning, what would be the point? They could simply ignore him and do what
they did with Ron Paul.
Question 7-033
NEVER believe these larpers.

I dont, really. I take them with a grain of salt and see if they come true.
Ive been wrong a few times, but in my job, being right is not a prerequisite. I only plan for
things that may or may not happen.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 112 of 129

Question 7-034

Can you give any more insight into Scalias death?

The common assumption is Scalia was murdered to help bring about gun control via
another justice. But then any justice could have been sacked. What was Scalia doing before
he died? What topic was he interested in?
Question 7-035

Okay Insider. If you answer correctly to this, I will believe you. Do those people await a
Messiah coming to rule this New World Order? This, upcoming New World Order. You
say Trump will disrupt the NWO, how can this NWO and end time prophecies come to
an end?
It depends. The ruling class simply wants to rule over an indifferent mass. However, many do
believe that in the end times, a war of ideas will occur and they will prevail through the
intervention of a messiah. Which makes it scarier because there are powerful people who
legitimately believe through mass war and death, peace will come.
Question 7-036

Did the GOP leaders pull a coup attempt so they have legitimacy to block him during his
first term?
They attempted a coup because they are bought by the same interests as the Dems. They
believed it would hurt Trump, but it only makes them look like fools. Paul Ryans political
indecision is one example.
Question 7-037

Vote by mail, vote in person, or other to ensure Trump votes are counted correctly?
Vote in person, always.
Question 7-038

What country will start off World War 3?

Will North Korea be involved?
Israel or the United States (expect another 9/11 style false flag).
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 113 of 129

Question 7-039
>He will resign shortly.
Is that in direct relation to the work weve been doing since July?
No, it has to do with internal things going on here. I did say many of us are furious over the
handling of this issue.
Question 7-040

My magicks tell me that OP is mostly legit, or if hes larping hes got accurate info
I have been answering and *mostly giving out correct info for months. The only reason why
there is so much doubt now is because CTR and other PACs are flooding this board trying to
sow doubt wherever they can, and it is unfortunately having an effect. This board was once
vehemently pro-trump, but many are beginning to feel doubt.
Question 7-041

What kind of conflict do you see as most likely to occur in the coming years?
Constitutional Americans vs immigrants a la Europe? Or Constitutional Americans vs the
global govt machine? Will Constitutional Americans be attacked, or will they make a
Truthfully, I dont know.
Question 7-042
[Link to an unreadable infograph]
Like this? There are a few graphs that are more clear.
Tl;dr, too many dems, too many women, not enough focus on first-time voters.
Question 7-043

Are they going to screw around with the electoral votes?

They always do.
Question 7-044

Is this important?
Very important.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 114 of 129

Question 7-045

Why dont you use a tripcode to verify that youre the same person?
TBQH, famalam, the writing style is close enough, though.
Because it gives me enough plausible deniability in case someone should want to come
looking for me. Its also the reason why sometimes I give disinformation it helps me give
just enough doubt to keep serious people from prying.
Question 7-046

Surely, the DNC are aware of what an evil reptile Hillary is. Is there any mood there that
theyre making a mistake?
There has been significant regret since her 9/11 incident. Unfortunately, there is nothing
anyone can do. The Clintons have bought and paid for the presidency again, the only thing
stopping them is Trump.
Question 7-047

Are the 33k deleted emails going to be leaked before the election?
Question 7-048

Thank you for returning.

The James OKeefe (ACORN, Project Veritas) video drops in less than 10 hours. He claims
he has both major videos embargoed w/media.
Makes some sense, but corporate media is HRC ally. Now shes aware of the content?
Please extrapolate further?
Im not familiar with the topic.
Question 7-049

Hey OP,
What are the chances of Nuclear confrontation with Russia and the USA?
Do you think the global elites are insane enough to kill millions to defend their past
crimes and future plans?
Should every day Americans be preparing for possible false flags?
What is the likelihood in your own opinion that Trump will win?
[Answer on next page]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 115 of 129

Answer 7-049

Yes (Russia just did a nuclear bombing drill in Moscow with 40 million people the US
population is still unaware anything major is going on).
95% Trump victory.
Question 7-050

Whats going to be the best way to minimize vote fraud?

Sign up to be an election watcher.
Question 7-051
>but the people he is fighting are determined not to allow it.
Fuck. Anything at all an average anon can do to try to prevent this?
Also, are we onto anything regarding Scalia (pic related)
[Cant read the damn pic]

1) Have faith in Trump, fight hard against the shills.

2) Vote. Encourage everyone you know to vote. Explain that a vote for Hillary is a vote for
mass war and death.
3) Do not give up hope.
Question 7-052

OP, please answer. Who is the person/people behind the USA government, or DNC
corruption? A secret agency? George Soros? Give me a clue if you cant reveal it outright
George Soros and anyone who considers themselves a Zionist.
Question 7-053

Do you think that even with the voter fraud thats going on (bussing people around
between polling places, tearing up voter registrations, registering dead people) we still
have a chance to beat her?
I mean, seriously, if shes willing to do all of this shit, Id imagine shes willing to
completely steal this election NO MATTER WHAT the stakes. Am I dropping my tendies
Also, if she does win this way, how likely is a revolution? Do you guys really think regular
folks will be willing to risk everything to revolt?
Thank you for your time, man. We appreciate it.
[Answer on the next page]
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 116 of 129

Question 7-054
>Do you think that even with the voter fraud thats going on (bussing people around between polling
places, tearing up voter registrations, registering dead people) we still have a chance to bear her?
Yes. The rigging works by counting the votes to a higher percentage based on the MOE.
So HRCs votes may count for 1.2 votes instead of one. Therefore, an overwhelming
majority will give Trump a win.
Question 7-055

Does Hillary really have outbursts? Is she really demeaning to those close to her? Is she
worried she might lose and go to jail?
HRC is awful. I actually had a conversation with a former secret service agent friend of mine
(female). She was assigned to Bill back in the day but she hated Hillary, because apparently,
Hillary hated the Secret Service.
Question 7-056

What fucking reason do you think CA will go red you LARPing fuck? Where is the proofs
or anything in your brain that makes you think CA will go even remotely any other
shade than the color of my jeans?
1) Trump will do well with Hispanics.
2) Trumps LGBT stance has more of an effect on liberal yuppies than you think.
3) Californias population is declining, and only older, more affluent people are voting, i.e.
Trumps primary demographic.
4) The why trump supporter effect will take place en masse in CA.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 117 of 129

Question 7-057

If CA is most likely going red, then what about NY?

NY is Hillarys no matter what.
Question 7-058

What countries are in World War 3?

It will be the US & Japan vs China, India, and Russia. I had previously thought India was on
our side, but it looks like they may swap allegiances.
Question 7-059

Is there anything on Obama in the upcoming batches of emails? Also, would appreciate
more insight on Scalias death. Did we de-code that movie script right?
I dont know about the e-mails. Youll have to show me what you de-coded.
Question 7-060

What should we be looking for in the next WikiLeaks?

Evidence of favors for foreign nationals including the sale of human beings.
Question 7-061

Is Hillary gonna fix the election or will Trump be allowed to win?

Trump can win, but not without overwhelming support.
Question 7-062

Scalia was about to overturn affirmative action.

And why was that important?
Question 7-063

It doesnt surprise me. The Clintons were tight with Cardinal Bernardin, who was a
Satanist. Bill even gave him the medal of freedom or something.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 118 of 129

Question 7-064
[Screencap of 4chan thread]
#HillaryGropedMe was trending on Twitter early morning before it was deleted.
[Link to external thread]
This thread was derailed with shills trying to discredit the hashtag as Trump
[Links to two external threads]
These two threads were posted before the hashtag trending, but dont know the
credibility of these.
Is this all related? Is there anything legit about this we can dig deeper towards?
Encourage them to post info on here rather than the media. It is safer on here because
millions will see it, and a few good souls will get it to the right places. Many people will not
come forward because they were bought by the Clintons. Going to the MSM may compel
them to shoot themselves in the back of the head.
Question 7-065

>What level have you attained?

>Have you mastered the PoliPsyOps skill tree? What is the final spell?
>Does Hillary, or anyone in her staff, have access to the Hypautists Charm, and are the legends true that
the charm father to the bearer all those of weak mind, and enslaves them to her will?
>What level have you attained?

LVL 72 dungeon master.

>Have you mastered the PoliPsyOps skill tree? What is the final spell?

Maxed out the tree, last spell is telepathic vaginal autolubrication.

>Does Hillary, or anyone in her staff, have access to the Hypautists Charm, and are the legends true
that the charm gather to the bearer all those of weak mind, and enslaves them to her will?

Hillary is the least charming person on the planet.

FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 119 of 129

Question 7-066

Was the Moloch shit ever worth looking into?

I remember the Masonic anon talking about the Owl of Minerva, etc. and the
connections to the NOW.
The Owl of Minerva is an important gesture in upper circles.
Question 7-067

Good to see you again. Thank you for your first AMA and the inspiration to get this
investigation going. I hope your wife is still well.
Last AMA I asked you about the Rothschild AMA. Were you able to read it? What are
your thoughts on its authenticity?
When you Duestche Bank fail? Will it be this year?
Thank you, my wife is giddy to be remembered. Too bad these are dark times.
The authenticity of the Rothschild AMA is questionable. Anyone with a supposedly infinite
flow of funds would disrupt economic activity greatly.
Duestche Bank has already failed, many of its options are now worthless. There is significant
fraud occurring in the accounting.
Question 7-068

When and what sort of gun control specifically does Hillary plan to implement? All semi-
autos? High cap mags? Certain features?
She intends to do an Australia-style gun control, with strict tax punishments for people who
refuse to take part in the system.
Question 7-069
>Israel or the United States (expect another 9/11 style false flag)
Are there any indications that point to a general idea of when and what will occur, and
what events would have to take place to kick the option off?
If Trump does well in the third debate, expect the hammer to fall soon after.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 120 of 129

Question 7-070

Why do you support Trump if youre a HRC insider? Why do you not support HRC?
Im an insider on the Clinton case, not with the campaign.
Question 7-071

How is foreign/dirty money funneling into Clintons PACs?

Are they using their 501(c)4s?
Yes, but sometimes there are 527s and 4947(a)1s.
Question 7-072

Whats the deal with all the USS Mason/Yemen drama?

The rebels we supported are firing at us with our own tech because theyre too dumb to
realize who sold them weapons.
Question 7-073

Fucking 5:30am here and I am reading this shit.

I will believe you when the 33k emails are leaked.
The NSA has them. Its just a matter of time before someone hacks them or releases them.
Question 7-074

How likely are the good guys chances if Civil War breaks out?
Who knows at that point.
Question 7-075

When did the Jews take over our government? How long ago? Im talking specifically
about Soros and their ilk.
Question 7-076

Whats something we should look for in the 33k emails (given that well have time to go
through them)?
Terms, certain words, money, etc?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 121 of 129

Question 7-077
>95% Trump victory.
>His information is legit.
You are not who you claim you are. You are indirectly manipulating /pol/. Regardless, I
can tell that you have good intentions.
I do have a question thoughAnon.
Do you have any info about any potential Cyber False Flags?
I have not claimed to be anything other than someone with knowledge of HRCs case.
Currently China is shutting down power in major cities in small bursts to test our power grid.
The next false flag may deal with an explosion of a plant or facility controlled by an electrical
Question 7-078

Serious question,
What would happen if we (significant portion of the US population) protested Hillary
stealing the election by flat out refusing to pay any more taxes to an illegitimate and
corrupt government until Trump is in and the corruption is out?
It is very likely HRC would institute martial law and permit the military to conduct safety drills
against the revolt.
Question 7-079

Why isnt the FBI doing anything about the incredible amount of criminal evidence
about the Clintons and the DNC?
We are. Behind the scenes.
Question 7-080

What are Trumps true motivations? Is he like any other politician, or is he some sort of
idealist with the resources and power to make things happen?
He wants to Make America Great Again. He despises the powerful who have enabled
themselves by throwing smaller people under the bus.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 122 of 129

Question 7-081

Why is Hillary so evil and corrupt? Why do they really want to destroy America, the place
that gave them everything?
They dont see the world as you do. They live in an insulated world of riches and power, and
they do not know what it is like to struggle or live paycheck to paycheck. Even though Hillary
did as a child, she is so far removed now it doesnt matter.
Question 7-082

Is Jeffrey Epstein still deeply involved in CF money laundering and child sex trafficking
Could he have insurance against the Clintons in the case they try to throw him under
the bus?
He has nothing.
Question 7-083

Does Soros have the Spear of Destiny (spear that pierced Christs side)?
Question 7-084

What are the benefits to voting in person?

A friend of mine JUST filled out his mail vote, but I can hound him to wait. Will they
throw it out?
Voting in person allows you to be sure your vote was cast the way you desire. You never
know what happens to your paper after it is mailed in.
Question 7-085

When are we going to see the video where Hillary calls blacks disgusting and poor?
Why dont you post it?
I dont possess it. You will see it in time. It is kind of funny.
Question 7-086

When Trump wins, will he be able to put George Soros in jail?

Question 7-087

Who else has been killed since Rossi/Thorn and your last contact with us?
A man in Pennsylvania who knew about the voting machines.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 123 of 129

Question 7-088

Serious question: Do you have any clue how AI will impact the world?
No clue, but my wife and I await the arrival of sex robots.
Question 7-089

Will Hillary and Obama declare war on Russia this week?

Question 7-090

Hello, knowledgeable person.

I once knew someone like you, very kind, very willing to spread information.
What are your thoughts on Assange? Do you think there are bigger, worse things to
come from WikiLeaks?
Ive always looked at the idea of an American Civil War as silly, for a number of reasons.
Americas infrastructure is shit and can be easily destroyed, etc.
But do you think its possible within the next 30 years?
I expect WL has more to come.
If Hillary is elected, Civil War is a near certainty.
Question 7-091
>same side

They have been making deals with Russia, and by proxy they will warm up to China should
the US pose a serious threat. Try reading the news.
Question 7-092

Hillary hates my kind? (Mexicans)

Can we defeat her if we (Mexicans) join together?
Do you like tacos with salsa?
I actually dont care for Mexican food.
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Question 7-093

What does Assange have on John Kerry?

I have no idea. I am waiting to see what those keys were that they released on Twitter. They
are threatening someone.
Question 7-094

I have an actual insider on the core group of the Clinton Camp. We are funded by a very
angry group of people hell bent on destroying Soros.
We are responsible for the majority of the leaks. We will also be responsible for the
absolute destruction of the Clinton Camp.
I warned /pol/ that Hillarys camp were having women come forward with false sexual
allegations charges, days before it happened.
I also told /pol/ the Apprentice Tapes would never be released before it was announced.
Clintons Medical docs + 33k deleted emails coming next week.
Good job. We await your next moves.
Question 7-095

Whats their endgame for WikiLeaks/Assange? Do they have anything in the works for
discrediting or dismantling WikiLeaks?
I do not WL is interested in bringing the corruption of politics to light.
Question 7-096

What are the chances that Hillary dies before the end of 2016 because of her
Not likely. Death in 2018-2020 after starting war.
Question 7-097

Scalia overturning Affirmative Action would mean the Marxist-Leninist victimization

complex of minorities would be over and that argument would be moot for the left, just
like gay marriage.
Scalia was also talking about an expansive reading of the establishment clause in
January 2016, a month before his death. Which would also hurt the liberal agenda of
having an atheistic society with no morals, nuclear family, or patriotic allegiance.
All these Marxist-Leninist ideas have really ruined our society.
Thats the obvious answer. But why does it really matter?
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 125 of 129

Question 7-098

Just out of curiosity, any good chance of a third party taking any state? I cant recall a
time in my lifetime its happened, and it would be interesting just as a novelty.
No third party will take control in America for a long time.
Question 7-099

The way you word it makes it sound like it doesnt matter who is elected, the global
elites will still try to trigger WWIII.
Is this true?
Will electing Trump mean a lesser chance of mass death of WWIII if triggered, or a lesser
chance of WWIII being triggered?
Should I enlist in the US Military with Trump in charge?
I have heard many predictions of WWIII manifesting into reality around 2017 for years. If
they are true, which events recently seem to be confirming (US/Russia ties getting
worse, rumors of war, etc) there is a likely chance of a large-scale loss of life and an
opportunity for (((them))) to reveal themselves as saviors.
>The way you word it makes it sound like it doesnt matter who is elected, the global elites will still try
to trigger WWIII.
>Is this true?

Based on recent events, yes.

>Should I enlist in the US Military with Trump in charge?

FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 126 of 129

Question 7-100
[Infographic I cant read]
Wouldnt this cripple the Chinese economy, given their trade surplus with the US? It
seems like they are more dependent on us than we are on them. If that trade line is cut
we lose cheap consumer goods like clothing and electronics, nothing really essential,
and they lose a very, very large part of their export market (all of NATO). We also export
much more food to China than they export to us. How will they survive the war if their
goods are piling up on the docks with nobody to buy them, and how will they replace
the $15b worth of soybeans?
Savings and production are what drive an economy. China will be hurt by war, but they have
savings and a strong production base. Even with a ton of debt, they can pull off a war. The
US, on the other hand, is a result of the spend/invest mentality. We have no manufacturing
base which can compete globally.
Question 7-101

LARPfaggot or no, I pray for your safety. Today has been full of happenings, and I dont
think the coming weeks are going to be safe for anyone. So, thanks for doing these
sorts of things.
If it looks like Hillary is going to lose and she goes into meltdown, what sort of damage
control could she of her (((allies))) do before shes thrown in jail?
And speaking of her (((allies))), are they getting sick of her failing to take down Trump
every week with one scheme after another? Like, are they going to collect on her debts
if she loses before she faces trial?
>If it looks like Hillary is going to lose and she goes into meltdown, what sort of damage control
could she or her (((allies))) do before shes thrown in jail?

If HRC loses, she will be pardoned by Obama. O will then proceed to deteriorate our
relations with Russia even further.
Question 7-102

What will happen to financial markets if Trump is elected vs Clinton?

T: increase in utilities, industry, and energy sector.
HRC: Boost to financials and healthcare.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 127 of 129

Question 7-103

Whats the Clinton campaign saying about McMullin?

No one cares about Egg McMuffin.
Question 7-104

>Youll have to show me what you de-coded.

[Links to three external threads regarding the WikiLeaks email below]
Spot on.
Question 7-105

I thought you said you wouldnt post again until after Nov 8th.
I dont remember saying that, but if I did, things always change. I try to limit these to once
per month.
Question 7-106

Why is there no EU countries in WW3?

I bet all my shit France and UK wouldnt miss the chance of being in a full-blown war if
they could.
EU will be in WW3, but the collapse of the EU will render them militarily impotent for the
most part.
Question 7-107

If Trump actually wins as handily as you say he can/will, will Hillary and the Dems
contest and fight it or will they just accept it?
They will contest, but a re-check will yield the same result.
Question 7-108

Was FDR malevolent?

Question 7-109

What is the origin of the connection between the Jews/Zionists and black magic? How
much do you know about this? Is there any truth to the Illuminati bloodlines conspiracy
theory, and how far back in time does it go?
Please, if you can, give me anything that hints at HOW you know anything about this. It
seems a bit above your level.
It is above my level. I know a lot of info regarding their movements of people and children.
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Question 7-110

How was it decided the Clintons would be at the center of all this? Were they just the
right corrupt fuckers from Arkansas with an initial popular appeal?
Bill is a political mastermind. Hillary wasnt always so corrupt, but once she saw the potential
for power, it drove her to what you see now.
Question 7-111

What is Hillarys true motive in running for President?

I just dont get it, why would she put herself through all of this. It must be nerve
wrecking to constantly worry about her massive levels of corruption getting exposed,
along with the threat of pooping her pants every time she walks out on stage.
Sowhy? I cant buy that shes just an awful, heartless person. Whats the motive?
HRC loves power and death.
Question 7-112

Is Epstein still running money and child sex for the CF?
Did Hillary have sex with kidnapped girls?
No, Yes.
Question 7-113

How will Huma factor into the happenings with Russia/Iran in the Middle East?
She helps the Muslim Brotherhood hold HRCs ear.
Question 7-114

You mentioned the other things the Clintons deal in and how we may find mention of
that in the emails through code words. Do you have any examples of these type of code
favors, extras, officers
Question 7-115

Thank you for your time and knowledge.

Will you guys prosecute HRC?
DOJ prosecutes.
FBI Anon AMAs AMA 7 Page 129 of 129

Question 7-116

Did Congressman Thomas Reynolds of New York have anything to do with 9/11? Along
with Hillary or Guliani?
Have you heard of the following companies: National Air Cargo or Amherst Systems?
Reynolds certainly did:
Reynolds knew what was coming.
Question 7-117

How much shame did Comey bring to the FBI?

Are you guys humiliated that you now look corrupt or is it par for the course?
A lot, the stories of an active revolt are true. If enough of my colleagues get on board, I will
shed my anonymity and start really pushing this cart.
Question 7-118

Are you taking the necessary precautions to ensure your own safety? I just want to
know, desu, Im worried about you. <3
Im posting anonymously on a Chinese petunia discussion chatroom. Who suspects
Question 7-119

Why does Trump support Israel so much?

You cant disrespect Israel and run for the presidency.
[Thread was archived after this answer. No follow up was posted by FBI Anon.]
[End of AMA 7]

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