Desmond T. Doss Monument Project (ACM)

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he life and legacy of Des- is visited by tourist from around the

mond T. Doss and his world. On a weekly basis the United
humble devotion to God States Military offers a tour of the
is one that Seventh-day Adven- was a man that put God and the site to explain the battle and to tell
tist will not soon forget, but needs of others before himself, the story of our beloved SDA med-
the world needs to remember. which ultimately resulted in a ic. However, Maeda Escarpment is
Born February 7th 1919, Des- series of supernatural activities popular for more than just being a
mond Doss lived an exemplary displaying the power of God in battle site, but also because it is the
life as a servant of our Lord Je- his life. A hero commits one place of ancient castle ruins from the
sus Christ. For over sixty years or two acts of bravery, but Pri- Ryukyu Dynasty. A monument on the
the church has been captivated vate Doss was virtually a walk- site would do more than just share
by the miraculous story sur- ing Miracle, saving life time and the story of Desmond T. Doss, but it
rounding the events that took time again. From April 29th to would be an international witness to
place on Okinawa’s Maeda Es- May 21st 1945, without concern the power of the Gospel and establish
carpment (Hacksaw ridge). for his own safety, he offered the a positive Adventist presence in Oki-
Maeda Escarpment, once de- wounded and dying a second nawa Japan (continued).
clared a holy site of peace by chance at life without ever hav-
a 13th century Ryukyu King ing to take life.
named Eiso, was ironically the The Congressional Medal
site of one of Okinawa’s bloodi- of Honor citation recounts the
est World War II battles and heroism and honors Desmond
yet it became the literal site of Doss for his bravery, and that
peace when God showed up to resonates with patriotic Ameri-
help Doss save over seventy- cans, but the award fails to cap-
five wounded men. Exposed to ture the elements of the story
Japanese fire and armed only that would captivate the Japa-
with a first aid kit, 77th Infan- nese people who often visit the
try Division Company B aid historic site of Maeda Escarp-
man, Private Desmond T. Doss, ment. It is the goal of the Des-
became the first conscientious mond T. Doss Monument and
objector Medal of Honor recip- Peace Project to erect a monu-
ient. Doss was not just a hero ment that will reach across the
who saved a few lives, but he cultural divide between Japa-
nese and Americans by focusing
on the power of God to save life.
Maeda Escarpment is
considered a national park and

Art Directed by Yoshi Kasahara

Monument & Peace
A Monument at Veterans Memorial Park of Collegedale, Tennessee

While the vicissitudes of war in depend greatly on fundraising, but this project. If you would like to give
Okinawa can still be seen on the faces of the goal is to design a monument very monetarily in support of this minis-
the aged, it is important that the young similar to the current monument in try, please make tax-deductible dona-
learn about the power of God to save, Collegedale Tennessee. There will be tions payable to Adventist Chaplaincy
and the story of God’s faithful servant four basic phases of the project. Ministries, Okinawa Desmond T. Doss
Desmond T. Doss does just that. By Phase 1: Raise funds until December 30th Monument Project. You may give on-
building a Monument on Maeda Es- 2010 line at or
carpment we will be piling up memo- simply mail your check or money order
Phase 2: Finalize building plans by Janu-
rial stones like Joshua did at the Jordan to ACM. Please be sure to indicate in
ary 31st 2011
River for generations to remember what either case that you would like your of-
God did in that place (Joshua 4). Phase 3: Complete the construction by fering to specifically go to the Okinawa
summer 2011
Desmond Doss has been rest- Desmond T. Doss Monument Project.
ing in the Lord since March 23, 2006 af- Phase 4: Ribbon cutting and commemora- If you have questions, or would like to
tion ceremony summer of 2011
ter eighty-seven years of faithful service receive our project newsletter, please
to our Lord and King Jesus Christ. It is contact Pastor Joel Klimkewicz. Thank
Adventist Chaplaincy Minis-
the hope of the Desmond T. Doss Mon- you for your prayers and support.
tries (ACM), a ministry of the Gener-
ument and Peace Project that the story Written by Ptr. Joel D. Klimkewicz
al Conference and the Okinawa Mis-
will continue to serve God through
sion of the Japan Union Conference,
a monument on the site. As a second Online Giving
are working together to accomplish
project we hope to build a Desmond T.
Doss memorial hall on the property of Mailed Contributions
the Okinawa International Seventh-day Our Goal is to raise Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries
Okinawa Desmond T. Doss Monument Project
Adventist Church, which will serve as a
Monument $150,000.00 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904
type of Adventist Heritage building for
the Okinawa Mission, as well as a multi- Memorial Hall $50,000.00 Pastor Joel D. Klimkewicz
functional building for church ministry. US Phone: 989-220-5623
JP Phone: 81-80-6490-8232
The style and size of the monu- Total $200,000.00 Email:
ment, as well as the memorial hall will

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