Best Method For The Heat Treatment of Gears PDF
Best Method For The Heat Treatment of Gears PDF
Best Method For The Heat Treatment of Gears PDF
Gearing is subject to both sliding and rolling The greater the magnitude and depth of
compressive stress the greater the ability to
contact stresses on the gear flanks in addition to
bending stress in the tooth roots. The most improve fatigue properties. A high compressive
stress value at the surface helps the component
desirable gear properties to meet these two
criteria would be hardened gears for strength and resist crack initiation. The deeper the
compressive layer the greater the resistance to
contact properties with residual compressive
surface stress for bending fatigue properties. crack growth for longer periods of time.
Residual stress values are an important factor in In atmosphere carburizing parts are heated to
fatigue critical components. Residual stresses are austenitizing temperature in an Endothermic or
additive with applied stress. Compressive equivalent atmosphere containing approximately
residual stresses are desired as they oppose the 40% hydrogen, 40% nitrogen, and 20% carbon
applied, repetitive, and undesirable tensile stress monoxide. Small percentages of carbon dioxide
that causes fatigue failure. X-ray diffraction (up to 1 1/2%), water vapor (up to 1%), and
methods allow measurement of residual stress methane (up to 1/2%) along with trace amounts
levels. of oxygen are also present. This "neutral" or
"carrier gas" atmosphere is generally considered
For the purposes of this investigation, the neither carburizing nor decarburizing to the
vacuum and atmosphere carburizing processes surface of the steel.
were studied using x-ray diffraction techniques
and microhardness measurements. Specimens of In order to perform the carburizing process
AISI 8620 material were manufactured, enriching gas is added to the carrier gas
carburized by the different methods and atmosphere. The enriching gas is usually either
subjected to identical post heat treatment natural gas which is about 90 - 95% methane
operations. Grinding and shot peening were (CH4) or propane (C 3H8). In atmosphere
selected as representative. carburizing it is common practice to begin the
flow of enrichment gas just after the furnace has
recovered setpoint. This practice contributes to
CARBURIZING PROCESSES case non-uniformity as various parts of the
workload are not uniform in temperature and
Carburizing of a steel surface is both a function carburize at different rates.
of the rate of carbon absorption into the steel and
the diffusion of carbon away from the surface The water gas reaction (Equation 1) is important
and into the metal. Once a high concentration of in the control of the atmosphere carburizing
carbon has developed on the surface, during process. Instruments such as dew point analyzers
what is commonly called the "boost stage", the monitor the H2O/H2 ratio of this equation while
process normally introduces a "diffuse stage" infrared analyzers and oxygen probes look at the
where solid state diffusion occurs over time. This CO/CO2 ratio.
step results in a change in the carbon
CO + H2O = CO 2 + H2 (1)
concentration, or carbon gradient between the
carbon rich surface and the interior core of the In atmosphere carburizing, intergranular
metal. The result is a reduction of the carbon oxidation is one of the phenomena taking place
concentration at the surface while increasing the as a result of the constant changes occurring in
depth of carbon absorption. the furnace atmosphere.
Figure 6: Pitch Line & Root Comparison: Vacuum Carburized (Oil Quenched) Gear
Results show carburization to an effective case One also observes a far greater consistency in the
depth (50 HRC) of 0.040 (1.00 mm) in the root root and pitch line hardness through the depth of
and 0.052 (1.33 mm) at the pitch diameter. Of high hardness.
greater significance was the value for the depth
of high hardness ( 58 HRC), namely 0.032 Figure 7 below shows an actual gear sample that
(0.80 mm) at both the gear tooth pitch line and has been vacuum carburized and high gas
root. pressure quenched. These results, when
compared to Figure 5 and Figure 6 allow us to
The overall case depth of maximum hardness for conclude that a more uniform case depth has
the vacuum carburized part is noticeably deeper been developed between the gear pitch line and
than the atmosphere carburized part in Figure 5. root.
Figure 7 : Pitch Line & Root Comparison: Vacuum Carburized (High Gas Pressure Quenched) Gear
This is due in large part to the absence of a vapor Consumption of energy by the equipment
layer in gas quenching resulting in a more and process only when needed due to the
uniform quenching rate in the gear tooth and root nature of the vacuum operation.
profiles. Typically less distortion results provided
adequate measures are taken in loading.
Advantages of vacuum carburizing include:
Disadvantages of vacuum carburizing include:
Absence of intergranular oxidation.
Capability of higher temperatures due to the Higher initial capital equipment cost than
type of equipment and the nature of the atmosphere carburizing equipment.
process. Part cleanliness is more critical in order to
Process and cycle flexibility allows a wider achieve desired results.
variety of materials to be processed. Empirical process control, which requires
Processing methods produce more uniform processing loads to determine optimum
case and carbon profiles throughout the gear settings or to fine tune simulator.
tooth geometry (tip-pitch line-root). Formation of soot and tar, which occur due
Easy integration into manufacturing. The to the type, pressure, and quantity of
process is clean, safe, simple to operate and hydrocarbon gas introduced.
easy to maintain. Also, working conditions
are excellent (that is, there are no open It is important to note that research during the
flames, heat and pollution). past six years has succeeded in finding
Full automation capability using recipe or combinations of pressure, gas type, and flow
part-number control of heat treating cycles. parameters to minimize soot and tar formation
Precise process control achieved using and eliminate these factors as a concern in the
computer simulations, which allow vacuum carburizing process.
adjustments to established cycles.
Shot Peening measured. The sub-surface measurements were
made by electrochemically removing small
Shot peening is a process that induces a high amounts of material. These sub-surface
magnitude, residual compressive stress. It is measurements were subsequently corrected for
most effective for parts subject to high cycle stress gradient and layer removal effects using
fatigue loading as the compressive stress at the standard analytical calculations.
surface results in significantly enhanced fatigue
life. Figure 8 below illustrates a typical S-N The technique measures strain by measuring
curve for a high cycle fatigue application. changes in atomic distances. It is a direct, self-
calibrating method that measures tensile,
compressive, and neutral strains equally well.
Strains are converted to stresses by multiplying
by elastic constants appropriate for the alloy and
atomic planes measured.
Figure 8: Stress versus Load Cycles
The following procedure was performed in order
This graph shows that a linear reduction in to evaluate the influence of atmosphere and
tensile stress results in an exponential vacuum carburizing as well as the influence of
improvement in fatigue life. A 35% reduction in shot peening and grinding.
stress - from 110 ksi (759 MPa) to 70 ksi (483
MPa) results in a 400% improvement in fatigue o Five coupons were cut and stamped
life, - from 40,000 cycles to 160,000 cycles. from the same heat lot of AISI 8620.
Additional reductions in tensile stress result in o A separate manufacturing process was
significantly more fatigue enhancement. created for each coupon according to
the following stamped identifications:
The residual compressive stress from shot
peening counteracts applied tensile stresses in o VC: Vacuum Carburize
the material. The compressive stress from shot o VC & SP: Vacuum Carburize &
peening is induced from small, spherical media Shot Peen
striking the surface. The impact from each o AC: Atmosphere
particle stretches the surface enough to yield it in Carburize
tension. The surface cannot fully restore itself o AC & SP: Atmosphere
thus producing a permanent compressed state. Carburize & Shot
Shot peening is a surface treatment that results in o VC & DSP: Vacuum Carburize &
a magnitude of residual compression that is ~ 55 Dual Shot Peen
- 60% of the materials ultimate tensile strength
at the surface where most fatigue cracks initiate. o The coupons were sent out for vacuum
For carburized gears the amount of surface or atmosphere carburizing.
compression is typically 170 - 230 ksi (1173 o The coupons were ground to size
1587 MPa) offering significant improvement in removing no more than 0.006 (0.15
fatigue properties. mm) from the non-stamped side.
o Three of the five coupons were sent out
for shot peening.
TEST METHODS o All five coupons were sent out for X-
ray diffraction analysis on the non-
X-Ray Diffraction stamped side.
Table 1
Carburizing Parameters
Coupon VC & DSP was dual peened. Dual This is particularly evident between 0.003
peening consists of shot peening the same (0.076 mm) and 0.008 (0.203 mm). At 0.004
surface twice. First, a higher intensity is utilized (0.102 mm) below the surface there is still 200
and then followed by a lower intensity, usually ksi (1380 MPa) of compression for the VC &
with a smaller media. The second peening DSP coupon versus 170 ksi (1173 MPa) for
operation is able to reduce the cold work at the coupon AC & SP and 145 ksi for coupon VC &
surface by improving the surface finish thus SP.
making the surface more compressed.
The dual shot peened coupon should result in a
The use of dual shot peening should be weighed significant increase in high cycle fatigue
via a cost/benefit analysis. Typically, dual properties over the (single) peened coupons.
peening approximately doubles the cost while
offering the potential to double or triple the In terms of fatigue performance, the additional 5
fatigue life produced by a single shot peen. ksi (34.5 MPa) of compression measured in the
vacuum carburizing coupon (without shot
An analysis of Figure 11 indicates that the best peening or grinding) should yield significant
fatigue performance should come from the increases in gear life under high cyclic fatigue
coupon dual shot peened as it has the best loading over the atmosphere carburized coupon.
combination of surface compression and
compressive layer depth properties.
The primary focus of this study was to determine o Higher Surface Hardness
which carburizing process was more suitable for o Greater Depth of High Hardness
heavy duty transmission gears manufactured o Deeper Effective Case Depth in the
from AISI 8620 steel. Vacuum carburizing was Tooth Root
found superior to atmosphere carburizing in this o Higher Surface Residual Compression
instance as the data in Table 2 indicates, for the o Uniformity of Case at Pitch line of the
following reasons: Gear Flank & Roots
Both the atmosphere carburized and vacuum atmosphere carburizing and Midwest Thermal-
carburized surfaces responded equally to the shot Vac, Kenosha, Wisconsin for the vacuum
peening treatment. carburizing of gears and test coupons and both
organizations for the load photographs.
Maximum compressive stress: ~ 220
ksi (1518 MPa) REFERENCES
Compressive layer depth: ~ .007 - 1. Lindell, G., Herring, D., Breuer, D., and Matlock,
.008 (0.178 - 0.203 mm) B., An Analytical Comparison of Atmosphere and
Vacuum Carburizing Using Residual Stress and
The dual shot peening resulted in a greater Microhardness Measurements, 2001 Heat Treating
depth of compression by ~ .001 - .002 (0.025 Conference Proceedings, ASM International.
- 0.051 mm). The surface stress of the dual
peening was very similar to the previously 2. Herring, D., Pros and Cons of Atmosphere and
discussed shot peened coupons at ~ 135 ksi (932 Vacuum Carburizing, Industrial Heating Magazine,
MPa). The (higher) first peen would have January 2002.
resulted in a less compressed surface but the
secondary peen further compressed it to ~ 135 3. Shot Peening Applications, 8 th Edition, Metal
ksi (932 MPa). Improvement Company, 2001.