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80 Activities To Make Algebra Easier
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a os = WALCH S84 PUBLISHING Robert S. GraflundUser’s Guide to Walch Reproducible Books As part of our general effort to provide educational materials that are as practical and economical as possible, we have designated this publication a “reproducible book.” The designation means that purchase of the book includes purchase of the right to limited reproduction of all pages on which this symbol appears: @ Here is the basic Walch policy: We grant to individual purchasers of this book the right to make sufficient copies of reproducible pages for use by all students of a single teacher. ‘This permission is limited to a single teacher and does not apply to entire schools or school systems, so institutions purchasing the book should pass the permission on to a single teacher. Copying of the book or its parts for resale is prohibited. Any questions regarding this policy or requests to purchase further reproduction rights should be addressed to: Permissions Editor J. Weston Walch, Publisher 321 Valley Street # P.O. Box 658 Portland, Maine 04104-0658 1 92 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ISBN 0-6251-4261-K Copyright © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher P.O. Box 658 « Portiand, Maine 04104-0658 ‘ Printed in he United States of AmericaContents Introduction .. Chapter 1: Getting Started L. Order of Operations . . Basic Exponents 1 . Chapter 2: Soiving Basic Equations 10. Introduction to Equations . 11. An Equation Model .. 12. Using a Model to Solve Equations (Addition and Subtraction) ... 26 13. Solving Equations (Multiplication and Division) .. 28 14, Solving Equations with Whole Numbers (One Inverse Operation) ... . 30 15. Solving Equations (Several Inverse Operations) 16. Solving Equations with Whole Numbers (Several Inverse Operations) 17. Solving Equations with Like Terms ... 18. Solving Equations (Variables on Both Sides) . 36 19. Equation Review 8% Chapter 3: Working with Rational Numbers 20. Introduction to Integers . 43 21. Addition of Integers . Ee 44 io. Ration: Patiortia vitesse uti 23. A Magle Circle (Addition of integers) .. 24, Addition of Integers 25. Subtraction of Integers . 26, Subtraction Patter w.ssssssssrssssmrenesersrrsrrsieces 5D 27. Addition and Subtraction of Integers . ittiv 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easier 28. Multiplication Patterns (Integers) 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. A Division Pattern .. Working with Rational Numbers . Rational Number Review Exponents and Integers . An Exponent Cartoon (Zero and Negative Exponents) gle ag gle Chapter 4: Equations and Inequalities with Rational Numbers Tips on Solving Equations with Negative Numbers . ‘Tips on Solving Equations with Fractions . 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Equations with Rational Numbers (One Inverse Operation) . Equations with Rational Numbers (Several Inverse Operations) . An Equation Code (Like Terms) Solving Equations (Variables on Both Sides of the Equal Sign) Solving Inequalities . Chapter 5: Polynomials 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46, Addition of Polynomials . ‘Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials « Multiplication of Monomials . Advanced Exponent Patterns ....... An Exponent Cross-Number Puzzle . ‘Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial . A Polynomial Code (Monomial x Polynomial} .. Multiplying Binomials “D 47. 48. 49. BO. 5L. 52. 53. . 89 (a+ b) (a—b}—Mulliplication of Biomials (A Special Pattern) (a+ bP, (a- bP. (a+ b)8_An Extra Project Polynomial x Polynomial (Magic Square) Dividing a Polynomial by a Monomial Dividing a Polynomial by a Binomial . Division of Polynomials .. - 100 Chapt Factoring 54 55. 56. 103 105 107 Finding the GCF Monomial Factors . A Polynomial Pattern (Factoring 2 + bx + 3)Contents 57. Factoring x + bx+c 58. Factoring a? + bx+¢ 59. An Equation Code (Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring) . 109 110 - 112 Chapter 7: Using Fractions in Algebra 60. Rational Expressions .... 61. Simplifying Rational Expressions .. 62. Multiplication and Division of Fractions . 63, Outdoor Math (Similar Triangles) « 64. Percent Equations (Review) .. 65__Addition and Subtraction of Like Fractione 68._Addition and Subtraction of Fractions with Different Denominators .....ssssssssssessecessccssscnssee 127 Chapter 8: Graphing and Systems of Linear Equations iT Na iia a 68. Graphing Equations .. peseeeteteeseeeeeees 185 69, Solving Systems of Equations Graphically 138 70. Solving Systems of Equations (Addition and Multiplication Method) .. 71, Solving Systems of Equations (Substitution Method) . 72, Finding the Slope of a Line ... Chapter 9: Rational and Irrational Numbers 73. Square Root (Perfect Squares) . 74. Square Root (Irrational Numbers) 75. An Introduction to the Pythagorean Theorem 76. Square Root Approximation (Pythagorean Theorem) 77. A Pattern for Completing the Square 78. The Quadratic Formula . 79._A Pythagorean Experiment 80. Finding the Distance Between Two Points on a Graph .. Answer Ke: 169Introduction 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easier was developed with these elements in mind: 1. A number of current basic algebra texts were examined for content. This ‘book attempts to include those topics most commonly taught in a first-year algebra course. 2. A manipulative approach to teaching algebra that allows the student to actually sense what is happening can be of great value. However, this approach presents the teacher with several problems. (@) Many older students seem to resent the use of various manip- ulative devices and the teacher will be confronted with remarks like, “That's baby stuff,” or “That's what the little kids do.” (©) Collecting and distributing vari- ous manipulative devices to each student can be time-consuming and in some cases expensive. In an attempt to overcome these problems, we present a series of activities that require students to make or revise drawings to repre- sent the steps in various algebraic processes. This approach is used a great deal in Chapter 2, “Solving Basic Equations.” The student is asked to add (draw in) or subtract (cross out) the same amount from both sides of equations represented by drawings. This method allows the student to become actively involved in the equation-solving process in a mature way, yet it doesn’t require any extra materials. vii Ttis our hope that this approach will allow even the slowest student to understand the logic involved in the ‘equation-solving process. Unfortu- nately, as most teachers know, when you slow the class down in order to help some students, those students that already understand the process quickly become bored with the activ- ity and can become disruptive. One solution to this problem is to place some of the drawings on the blackboard and have the students who already seem to understand the process show the rest of the class, what to do. This helps to inflate the good student's ego and allows the slow student to see the logic that is involved, If an overhead projector is available, physical objects can actu- ally be added or subtracted (removed) from both sides of the equation. A somewhat theatrical approach can be provided by using small cardboard boxes to represent variables and placing the number of objects that represent the answer inside the box. After the equation has been solved by manipulating the objects, the box can be opened to reveal the answer. Please note that these activities should be introduced to the students in the same logical order in which ‘they appear in the book. ‘Some of the concepts in this book are developed by relating the algebraic concepts to what the students have done in arithmetic. Ifyou consider that prior to taking algebra the students have spent most of their time in math class doing arithmetic,vil 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easier then it should not be surprising that they will more readily accept an idea in algebra if it can be related to an example from arithmetic. In some cases students are led to discover an idea through the use of patterns. In this inductive approach, the student is required to solve a set of simple problems and is then asked a series of questions involving those problems. This process allows the student to discover the desired concept gradually. ‘Once the concept has been developed itis further reinforced through the use of puzzles (Dot-to-Dot Puzzles, ‘Magic Squares, Cross-Number Puzzles, Codes, etc.). For the most. part these puzzles are self-correcting and allow students to know quickly if they are proceeding in the right direction. Puzzles tend to relax the over-anxious student and also to provide a change of pace from tradi- tional exercises. 6. Cartoon figures tend to stress key ideas, and in some cases reflect student attitudes toward math. (Seeing their own negative thoughts in print also helps students to relate to the book.) 7. Some of the activities in the book lend themselves to group work. Examples would be the drawing used to solve equations, as well as the outdoor activities involving 3-4-5 triangles and similar triangles. 8. The teaching guide page for each chapter gives a brief overview of concepts, activity topics, and a list of materials and prerequisite activities that may be required in the chapter. ‘This book is intended to be used by students in a first-year algebra course, but there is no reason why it couldn't be used as enrichment for good students in the lower grades.[ns ae] CuHaPtTer 1 Getting Started This chapter will introduce or review some of the basic concepts students will need in order to solve more advanced problems in algebra. Teaching Tips * How many times have you had a student tell you that 3? = 6 instead of 3 x 3 = 9? Graph-paper drawings and cube models (see Activity 2) can help students visualize this concept. * Even mature math students hate showing the steps they have followed in solving equations, and having to give reasons (properties) for those steps (‘Why must I prove something that's so obvious?"). Because of this, it is suggested that you introduce basic properties early in the program as having value in mental-math shortcuts. Properties should be reintroduced later when students are ready for a more sophisticated approach to solving equations. Overview of Activities in this Chapter 1. Order of Operations Overview: Gives students a brief review of the order of operations, with a cross-number puzzle practice activity. 2. Basic Exponents I Overview: Offers students a visual approach to representing multiplication and exponents. 3. Basic Exponents II Prerequisite Activity: Activity 2 Materials: 30 identical cubes (plastic, wood, etc.) for each student or group Overview: Builds on prior student work to represent multiplication with three factors, using cubes as manipulatives.2 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easier Teacher Guide Page Chapter 1: Getting Started 4 Exponents and Calculators Materials: Scientific calculators Overview: Introduces using a scientific calculator to find exponents. . Algebraic Expressions Overview: Introduces some of the essential vocabulary of algebra: variable, term, and algebraic expression. Something of Interest Overview: Uses a real-life example—interest on savings—to intro- duce the idea of variables in a formula. . The Compound Interest Formula Overview: Again using a real-life banking example, introduces the use of exponents in formulas. Formula Review Overview: Reviews students’ knowledge of essential geometric formulas through a self-checking dot-to-dot puzzle. Basic Properties Overview: Reviews the seven basic properties essential to algebra.Name —_______ Activity 1 Order of Operations How would you solve this problem? 5 + 2+3 (The dot means “multiply.”) ee @y Which answer is correct? In order to avoid confusion, mathematicians: have come up with the following rules: But, it could be 5+(2x3)= 5+6=11 1. First, do all the multiplication and division in order from left to right. 2. Next, do any addition and subtraction in order from left to right. 3. If there are parentheses, do what is inside the parentheses first Then continue with rules 1 and 2. Tf we follow the rules, the answer to Who 5+2°3is 11. asked you? oe © © Directions —_ Solve the following. (Check your work with your teacher before you go on.) 1, 5+3445 5. 3+9-5= 2. 593 +4)= 6. 12-2°6= 3. 342¢6= 7. 34249432 4, (B+2)-6= 8. 12-6+3= (continued) @ © 1989, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 3 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasierName $$ ___ Acivity 1 Order of Operations (continueg) Directions Solve each of the numbered math problems below. Then, use the answers to solve the cross-number puzzle. Date et Did someone say “operations”? Across Down 1.3+5+6 + 2515-2 3. 3+(5+0) . 19-2+3 5.34442 . 315-2) 6. 2(200 + 76) +6 . 5+ 9642 8. 76-6+0 . 554626 10. B25 = 10 . [9-124 Bed LO Cs eomamumamananes 9 menueAcnviry 2 pete Basic Exponents | Multiplication with whole numbers can be represented using rectangles. Example 1: 3x4s A special kind of problem occurs when we use squares. Example 2: 2xQ22%24 This canbe read as “two to the Seen second power” or “two squared.” Example 3: ‘The “2” 1s called the exponent =3x3=32-9 and the “3" is called the base. (The exponent tells you how many times to use the base as a factor.) Directions — What exponent problems are shown below? The first problem is done for you. Do the rest the same way. 1. Pa4x4=16 (continued) @ © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher o 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasierName Activity 2 Basic Exponents | (continued) Date Directions —_Use multiplication to complete the following: P= 12? pz 2 gore 10. Make two drawings that show the difference between 4 x2 and 4%, (Hint: One drawing will be a rectangle. The other drawing will be a square.) @® © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 6-80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasterName —___ — Activity 3 pais Basic Exponents II Materials 30 plastic or wooden cubes ‘You have learned how multiplication problems with two factors can be represented using rectangles. Now we will represent multiplication with three factors using rectangular solids made up of cubes. Example 1; Represent 2x 3x 5 = 30 Your model should look like this: 2x2 x 2 can be written as 2°. (This can be read as “2 to the third power” or “2 cubed.”) Directions Solve the following by making a model using cubes and counting the cubes. Check your work using multiplication. See if you can make a sketch of each model next to the problem. 1. 2x 3x4 238 3. 3x2? If3? = 3x 3=9, and 3° = 3 x 3x 3= 27. what would 34=__? Directions Use multiplication to solve the following: 4.a%s_ 8. 10° 5. 2° 7. 6 9. 18 = 10. Make two drawings that show the difference between 2 x 3 and 23. @ © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher z 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasterName Activity 4 Date Exponents and Calculators = To find 2° on a scientific calculator, we could simply multiply 2 x 2 x 2. However, this could become extremely difficult and time-consuming in some exponent problems. To work with exponents on a calculator, locate a button that looks like this: To find 2%, press 2 &Y) 3 =. The answer should be 8. Some calculators may have x" or other letters. You may have to use the INV or SHIFT key to activate the exponents function. Directions Try the following problems on your calculator: 1, B= 3. 12% = 5. 6.34 x 10° = 2.2 =, 4. (3.498 — Calculator manufacturers have included a special key for squaring numbers. Example: Find 5”. Solution: Enter 5, then press x”. Answer: 25. Directions —_ Use what you learned about calculators to solve the following problems: 6. 4 = 8, 100? = 10, 4°= 7.8=_ 8. (4.2)? = Did the answer to problem 10 surprise you? Directions Try the following problems on your calculator. Look for a pattern in your answers. h. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. What do you think “zero power” means? ® © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 8 80 Activities to Make Basie Algebra EasierName —__ Activity 5 Date Algebraic Expressions In algebra, a letter that represents a number is called a variable. You can also place a numeral to the left of a variable to show multiplication Example: 3y means "three times y: ‘Multiplication can be shown by placing variables next to each other. Example: acy means ax ¢x y 2) Aterm can be a number, a variable, or the product or quotient of numbers and variables. The following are examples of terms: 3 a 6, y, ab, b 2y 6a Connecting one or more terms by addition or subtraction forms an algebraic expression. The following examples show how to “evaluate” an expression, Example 1: If ais 2 and cis 3, find the value of ac + 5. (2x 3)+5=6+5>= 11 (substitute 2 for a, and 3 for 9 Example 2: If xis 3, find the value of 2x”. 2¢3?=2x3x3=2x9= 18 Example 3: If xis 3, find the value of (24? Q-3)?=(2-3)-(@-3)=-6-6=36 =2exex (2x9? = 2x 2x or 4x7 (continued) @ © 1989, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 9 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasterName Date A daring young math student, Vara Variable, has just made contact with some visitors from outer space. Unfortunately, she can read only part of their message. Help her out by solving the numbered problems below the spaceship. For example, solve problem #1. Then locate the answer to prob- lem #1 in the Answer Box. Write the letter that is above that answer in the square marked “1” in the spaceship. Continue in the same way for prob- Jems 2-22. If your work is correct, the rest of the message will appear. 9101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 g |25]10/27/24 1 j14fi2) 13} Evaluate the following where a = 2, b= 3, c= 4: 1. ae 13. 2b+3 2atb+e 14. be- 6a. 3. abe, 15, 3b? 4. ab+e 16. 3e- a 5. a+b-c 17, +c? 6. be-a 18, 8 8. alb+ 2 9, Bae 20. (a+ B? 10. Bate. 21, c2-2 ll. c-a+b 22, 2b+0) 12. 3a+ 2b @ © 1988, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 1060 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasierActivity 6 Something of Interest Name Date Jamal has managed to save $1,000. He keeps it hidden under his mattress. He has decided to put his money into a savings account that pays 6% interest, compounded quarterly. This means that the interest is recorded in Jamal's account every three months. At the end of the first quarter, the interest will be: $1,000 x 6% x 3 = $1,000 x (6% + 4) = $1,000 x.015 = $15. ‘Remember: Interest = Principal x Rate x Time or I= prt Directions Complete the table below to sce how much Jamal has in his account at the end of one year (four quarters). Round the interest to the nearest cent. QUARTER Px (Rx) INTEREST BALANCE (PRINCIPAL + INTEREST) 1 $1,000.00 x .015 | $15.00 $1,015.00 = $1,000.00 + 15.00 $1,015.00 x .015 | $15.23 $1,030.23 = $1,015.00 + 15.23 2 3 $1,030.23 x .015 | $15.45 4 $ $ Directions — Complete the table below to find the total interest and total amount in a savings account that pays 8% compounded quarterly for one year. The ‘beginning deposit is $3,000. QUARTER Px (Rx) InTEREsT | BALANCE (PRINCIPAL + INTEREST) 1 $3,000 x. 2 3 4 Total interest $ Total amount $ © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 1180 Activlites to Make Baste Algebra EasterName Activity 7 Date The Compound Interest Formula E ‘Ming has just inherited $10,000, She decides to put the money into a savings account that pays 8% interest, compounded quarterly. Ming intends to take the money out at the end of five years. How much money will be in her account at that time? Working this problem the long way would require 20 separate problems (4 quarters x 5 years). Ming uses the compound interest formula below: A=p(l+n™ A= The total amount in savings (principal + interest). p= The principal ($10,000 in the example). r= The percent for each period (6% + 4 = 2% or .02). n= An exponent that represents the number of periods (20). Use a scientific calculator to check Ming's work, shown below: A = $10,000 x (1 + .02)20 10,000 x (1.02)? 14,859.47 (rounded) Directions —_Use a selentific ealeulator and the compound interest formula above to solve the following problems. Round your answers to the nearest cent. 1. $10,000 at 8% compounded quarterly for 4 years. A= $10,000 x (1 + .02)16 A 2. Find the interest in problem one. Is A 8. $5,000 at 6% compounded quarterly for 5 years. Note: 6% + 4 = 1.5% or .015. 4. $15,000 at 5% compounded semiannually A=$ (twice a year) for 5 years. 5, Challenge Question: How long would it take Ming to double her $10,000 compounded at 8% quarterly? periods = years, Another shortcut for solving compound interest problems is to use a compound interest table. Here is a partial table for $1.00 compounded at 2% each period. 6. Use the table to find the compound PERIOD | AMOUNT amount on $500 at 8% compounded T 7.02000 quarterly for one year. 2 1.04040 7. Explain how the table was made. 3 1.06121 4 1.08243 @ © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 12 80 Activities to Make Baste Algebra EasterActivity 8 Formula Review Name Date Working with formulas is a practical application of algebra that is related to evaluating expressions. Example: Solve for Ain the formula for the area of a circle if Asn, x=3i,7=7 1 z Ft Directions (Substitute 3} for and 7 for 7} = 22% 7 = 1545q. units Most of the problems below involve formulas that are important in mathe- matics. Solve them. Then locate the answers on page 14. Connect the dots below each correct answer in the same order in which the problems are numbered. A drawing will appear that shows one of the places where formulas are used. (Note: Some answer dots will not be used.) 1. Perimeter of a rectangle: Pa 2l+Qw Find P, ifl=5 and w= 4. Answer: 2. Area of a rectangle: Azlw Find A, if 1=5 and w= 4. Answer: 3. Area of a circle: Azar Find A, ifm = 32 and r= 14. Answer: 4. Circumference of a circle: C=xd Find G, ifm = 3.14 and r=7. Find A, if b=12 and h=8. Answer: 6. Perimeter of a triangle: Peatbte Find P, ifa=5.2, and c= 0.58. Answer: © 1988, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 7 10. qi. 12. 13 Volume of a rectangular solid (box!: V=bwoh Find V, if l= 5, w= 3, and h=6. ). Volume of a cylinder (paper-towel tube): Vearh Find V, ifx~ 3} Answer: Volume of a cone (as in ice-cream): Ve jarh Find V, if x= 33 Answer: Volume of a sphere (ball): V= dae Find V, ifa~ 33 and r=21. Answer: Volume of a pyramid: V=3Bh Find V, if B= 18 sq. units and h = 3. Answer: (continued) © 00 Activties to Make Basic Algebra Easter 7, and h= 10. 7, and h=9.Name Activity 8 7 Formula Review (continued) 18 3 & We 38,808 22 38.810 17.4 1.74 616+ 2 462, 96 43.96 6 118 8 01540 rad 21.98 . \- © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 14 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasierName Activity 9 Basic Properties In this activity, we will review some of the basic properties that you will use throughout algebra. (Properties are statements that are accepted as true without proof) In each box below, the property is first shown using an example from arithmetic; then it is symbolized using letters. Commutative property for addition: Ifyou change the order in which you add numbers, you still get the same sum. 4425244 atb=bta Commutative property for multiplication: Ifyou change the order in which you multiply two numbers, you still get the same product. 5x4=4x5 Associative property for addition: You can change the grouping of three or more numbers in addition and still get the same sum. (34245 (a+ D+ +(2 45) a+(b+q ‘Associative property for multiplication: You can change the grouping of three or more numbers in multiplication and still get the same product. x2) x6=3x(2«6) fax xc=ax(bxd (continued) @ © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 15 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasterName Activity 9 Date Basic Properties (continued) Identity property for addition: When zero is added to any number, the sum is the same as the original When 1 is multiplied by any number, the product is the same as the original number. Distributive property of multiplication with respect to addition: In the example shown below, you can add first and then multiply, or multiply first and then add. Either way, you get the same answer. 3x (5+2)=3x7=21 OR (3 x 5) + (3x 2)=15+6=21 ax(b+d=(axb+laxd (continued) @ © 1989, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 16 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasierName Activity 9 Basic Properties (continued Later on in algebra, you will use the basic properties to explain the steps that you took in solving equations. Properties can also help you to work some problems in your head. Here are some easy examples from arithmetic. Example 1; Add 35 + 16 + 25 in your head, Step 1: Mentally change the order (commutative property): 35+25+16 Step 2: 35 +25 is easy to add in your head, so group them together (associative property): (85 + 25) + 16 = 60 + 16 =76 Directions —_1. Show how you would use the commutative, associative, and Identity properties to do this problem in your head. OF1424+3444546+74849= (commutative) (associative) (identity) Step 3: Example 2: Work 6 x 18 in your head. Use the distributive property to picture the problem mentally as 6 x (10 + 8) = (6x 10) +(6x 8) = 60+ 48 = 108 Directions 2. Show how you would use the distributive property to do the following problems in your head: (a) 8x43 = (b) 6x25 Directions 3. Show how you would use the distributive property with subtraction ‘to solve: 15 x 98 = 15 x (100-2) = @ © 1988, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 17 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasierCHAPTER 2 Solving Basic Equations This chapter will introduce students to the basic concepts involved in solving equations. Students will be asked to make and revise drawings that represent the steps in the equation-solving process. This allows them to actually see what is happening when equations are solved rather than just memorize the rules. In order to keep students from having to think about too many things at once, all the equations in this chapter involve whole numbers. Equa- tions involving fractions and negative numbers will be included in a later section. Teaching Tips Manipulative models are a wonderful way for students to experience the steps in solving equations. Unfortunately, it usually takes a lot of time to obtain and distribute the necessary equipment. Here are two sugges- tions to speed the process up: 1. Assemble one set of manipulatives and use an overhead projector to show your class the process. Individual students can be called up to demonstrate various problems to the class. 2, Students can simply draw equation models on paper. They can use dark circles as counters and cross them out (subtraction) or draw them in (addition) on each side of the equation (see Activities 10-18). Overview of Activities in this Chapter 10. Introduction to Equations Overview: Introduces the concepts of the equation, using inverses to solve equations, and performing the same operation on both sides of an equation. 11, An Equation Medel Materials: for each student or group, several small rectangular boxes (e.g., paper clip boxes) to represent variables; a number of 1920 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easier Chapter 2: Solving Basic Equations 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ‘small counters to represent numbers; index cards on which are written the operation symbols +. -. x, +. = Overview: Uses a physical model to represent equations. Using a Model to Solve Equations (Addition and Subtraction) Prerequisite Activity: Activity 11, An Equation Model ‘Materials: for cach student or group, several small rectangular boxes (e.g., paper clip boxes) to represent variables; a number of small counters to represent numbers; index cards on which are written the operation symbols +, -, x, +. = Overview: Builds on the physical model introduced in Activity 11 to demonstrate using addition and subtraction to solve equations. Solving Equations (Multiplication and Division) Overview: Presents the use of inverse operations to solve equations involving multiplication and division, and moves students from the physical model of Activities 11 and 12 toward a more abstract repre- sentation of algebra. Solving Equations with Whole Numbers (One Inverse Operation) Overview: Gives students practice solving equations with one inverse operation. Solving Equations (Several Inverse Operations) Overview: Building on the physical model used to represent equations, introduces the use of several inverse operations to solve equations. Solving Equations with Whole Numbers (Several Inverse Operations) Materials: scissors Overview: Gives students practice solving equations using several inverse operations. As a bonus, the completed dot-to-dot puzzle forms a set of tangrams, which students are directed to form into a single large square. Solving Equations with Like Terms Overview: Uses a physical model of algebra to introduce the concept of combining like terms. Solving Equations (Variables on Both Sides) Overview: Uses the physical model of representing algebra to demonstrate solving equations with variables on both sides. Equation Review Overview: Uses a cross-number puzzle to give students practice using the key concepts addressed in this section.Acriviry 10 Introduction to Equa’ mathematical sentence containing the = symbol is called an equation. Some equations look like this: 24355 True lll you can say about 8-4=4 True ‘them is that they (2x3)+4=10 True are true or false. 24225 False & 3 Other equations look like this: A letter like yor x that y+2=5 (Read as “some number stands for a number is added te two equals five.” called a variable, Fane x-429 (Read as "some number minus four is nine.” One way to solve equations is to try replacements for the variable until a true sentence appears, Example: Solve y+2=5 Ty 1+2 Try 2+2 Try B+2 Solution: y=3 Directions Solve the following equations: oy ly+6=15 2n-4=15 3. 2y+2=8 | 2 timessome number n= T thought you'd Tan guess Using replacements is jeer od Yat the answers to slow and dull. Isn't we need isa ‘those problems, there a better way? logical approach. e @ @ teontinued) (@) © 1083, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 2 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easier‘Name Date Introduction to Equations (continued Here are two basic ideas that will help you solve most equations: 1. Think of solving an equation as though you were trying to untie a knot. In order to untie the knot you must do the opposite of what the person who tied the knot did. (f they pulled the rope a certain way to form a knot, you must pull it back the opposite way to untie the knot.) Study the following examples to see how you can use the idea of doing the opposite to solve equations. Example 1: n+3=5 Think: Some number has been added to 3 to equal 5. The opposite of adding 3 is to subtract 3 (5 - 3 = 2), Therefore, n= 2. Check: Replace the variable (n) with 2 in the original equation. 2 +3 =5 Example 2: x-4=9 Think: Four has been subtracted from some number to equal 9. The opposite of subtracting four is to add 4 (9 + 4 = 13). Therefore, x= 13. Check: 13-4=9 (continued) @ © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 22S Activities to Make Basie Algebra EasierName Activiry 10 Bees Introduction to Equations (continued) 2. The second idea that we will use is to think of an equation as being like the weights on a balance scale. The scale will balance as long as we do the same thing to both sides of the scale. Example 3: Ale [3 7 2+3=2+3 A Tf you take the same weight away from each side, the scale will still balance scale will still balance. Aa fl a A B A 5-2=5-2 24343-24343 Let's put these two ideas together to show how to solve simple equations. (he logic that works for simple equations will also work for more difficult ones later on.) Example 4: Solve n+3=7 Your goal is to get n equal to some number. ‘Since 3 is being added ‘to n, do the opposite and subtract 3. TF we subtract 3 from bothsides, the equation will still "balance." ‘and if you add the same weight to each side, the 2 2 o S] Check: Substitute 4 for nin the original equation. 4+3=7 Example 5: Solve y-5=8 ‘Since 5 is being subtracted, we y-5+5=8+5 do the opposite and add 5'to . both sides of the equation. yas Check: 13-5=8 (contirased) @ © 1989, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 23. 60 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easieraa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.Name Activity 11 An Equation Model Before we go any further, let's take the time to develop a physical model that will represent the equations that we want to solve. The following Date materials will be needed. Materials * Several small boxes that are the same size (empty paper clip boxes work well) * Objects that can be counted (small stones, coins, buttons, paper clips) + Index cards with drawings of the equal sign and various operation symbols (+, -, x, +, =) ‘Simple equations can be represented in the following way. Example 1: Represent n+3= 5. ‘The box represents the variable (n). ‘The objects represent the 3 and the 5. Example 2: Represent Example 3: Directions Make a drawing that shows how you would symbolize each of the following equations: Ll n+4=7 2. 2y=6 3. 2x+4=10 ® © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 25, 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easteraa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.Name Activiry 12 Date Using a Model to Solve Equations (Addition and Subtraction) (continued Directions _In the box below each equation, make a drawing that shows how you would solve the equation. 1 n+2=3 4. y-2=6 2. yr4=6 Box-1=5 3. n+4=10 © © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 27-—=—80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra EasierAcrivity 13 Solving Equations (Multiplication and Division) Multiplication ‘To solve an equation that involves multiplication, do the opposite (inverse) and divide. Example: Solve 3y = 6. (Read as “3 times what number is 62") Step 1: Divide bothsides by 3. /“You can show division as one sy_s numeral over another. 28 (2 is the same os 3 + 3.) lxy=2 (8+3=1,6+3=2) Step 2: Write down the answer and check. ys2 Qxy=y) Check: 3 x2=6 ‘The same problem can be worked using a model. For example, to symbolize 3y = 6, we might do this: Answer: @ ory=2 Directions Make a drawing that shows how each of the following three problems would be solved: 1. 2y=8 2, 8y=9 3. 4y= 12 (continued) @® © 1989, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 2880 Activiifes to Make Basic Algebra EasterName Acriviry 13 Solving Equations Multiplication and Division) (continued Date Division To solve an equation that involves division, do the opposite and multiply. Example: Solve x =2 (Read as “What number divided by 3 is 2?") Step 1: Multiply both sides by 3. 1 44 - ang { ¥ canbe thought of as a 1 4 fraction at this poi Step 2: Write down the answer, then check. y=6 (Remember: 1x y=y) Check: § =2v » Directions Solve the following equations. Show what you do to both sides of the equation. n 1. 3-3 4, Sy =35 c 2 = 5. 15n= 225 x b 3. %=15 6. y= Bonus Question: How could you make a drawing that would show how to solve the problem below? Ze g=2 @ © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 2980 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easieraa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.Name Activity 15 Solving Equations (Several Inverse Operations) By this time, you should be ready to solve equations that involve two or more inverse operations. Date Example: Solve 2y+3=9. ‘Using the symbols from previous activities, we can represent the equation this way: Directions See if you can solve the following equations in the same way. Remember to show what you do to both sides. 1. Qy+4=8 4 By-2=1 cut @® © 1983, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 9 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easieraa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.40 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easier ‘Teacher Guide Page Chapter 3: Working with Rational Numbers 22. 24. 25. 26. 27. 29. Addition Patterns Materials: for each student, two number-line rulers (page 42) Overview: Uses number-line rulers to guide students toward recognition of some basic patterns in addition, . A Magic Circle (Addition of Integers) Materials: scissors Overview: Uses a variant on the magle square to explore addition of integers. Addition of Integers Overview: Continues the exploration of addition of integers using a variant on the magic square. Subtraction of Integers Materials: for cach student, two number-line rulers (page 42) Overview: Uses number-line rulers to introduce subtraction of integers. ‘Subtraction Patterns Materials: for cach student, two number-line rulers (page 42) Overview: Uses number-line rulers to guide students toward recognition of some basic patterns in subtraction. Addition and Subtraction of Integers Overview: Reviews addition and subtraction of integers through the use of magic squares. . Multiplication Patterns (Integers) Overview: Guides students toward recognition of some basic patterns in multiplication. A Division Pattern Overview: Guides students toward recognition of some basic patterns in division. ). Working with Rational Numbers Overview: Introduces the concept of rational numbers, with approaches to working with them, and a cross-number practice activity.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.Activity 21 Date Addition of Integers For this activity you will have to make two identical “number-line rulers.” 1, Start by taking a clean sheet of paper and creasing it the long way. L 2. Use a metric ruler to mark off a number line on the crease. (Make the marks one centimeter apart.) Label the marks above and below the crease as shown. Solepics fine asin Eee #2 19 123 4 ; ’ 7 +90 Pee eee tH “10-9 -876-5432-1012345678910 3, Cut the paper on the crease so that two “number-line rulers” are formed (see below). -10-9-8-7-6-543-2-101234567 8910 [iJ Pitti tt tet ttt ty TTT I TTTTTITITITITiTrTiit yt -1098765432-10123456789 1 The examples on page 45 show you how to add integers with the rulers. (continued) @ © 1989, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 44 60 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easieraa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.62 80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easier Chapter 4: Equations and Inequalities with Rational Numbers 34, 35. 37. 38. Equations with Rational Numbers (One Inverse Operation) Overview: Uses a cross-number puzzle to give students practice solving equations using rational numbers with one inverse operation. Equations with Rational Numbers (Several Inverse Operations) ‘Overview: Uses a magic square to give students practice solving equations using rational numbers with several inverse operations. . An Equation Code (Like Terms) Overview: Uses a hidden phrase and substitution code to give students practice combining like terms to solve equations. Solving Equations (Variables on Both Sides of the Equal Sign) Overview: Uses a cross-number puzzle to give students practice ‘solving equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign. Solving Inequalities Overview: Introduces approaches to solving inequalities.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is 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Example 3: x7 -8x=-12 First, arrange the equation in the form ax + bx+ c= 0. (Add 12 toeach side) x?- 8x+12=0 eupecevess 8): f-8)*— 40902) a=l, b=-8, c= +12, ay @ © 1989, 2001 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 162,80 Activities to Make Basic Algebra Easteraa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book.
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