MP 43789
MP 43789
MP 43789
Corn Production
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
5 Major Insect Pests of Field Corn in Arkansas
2 Cultural Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Seedcorn Maggot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Land Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Sugarcane Beetle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Seedbed Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
White Grub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Planting Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Wireworm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Planting Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Aphids Including the Corn Leaf
Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Irrigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
6 Diseases and Nematodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Soil pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Virus Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Micronutrients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
8 Harvesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Store Grain at Low Moisture Content . . . .81
Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Drying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
What Can Be Done with
Plugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
11 Estimating Production Cost
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Prevent Accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
Citations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Traffic and Road Transport . . . . . . . . . . . .90
Irrigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Additional Resources 77
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Consumer Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Prevention or Reduction of
Energy/Trade Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
North American Indians practically saved the Corn yields remained relatively flat prior to
early settlers from starvation during their first winter 1950, with state average yields being 18 bushels per
by sharing their corn. In fact, Indians of North and acre. Today, thanks to more and improved hybrids
Central America had grown corn for several developed by public and private breeding programs,
thousand years prior to the arrival of the first settlers. as well as more efficient fertilizer, irrigation, pest
management and marketing practices, average corn
Early Arkansas settlers made corn a very yields in Arkansas are in the 140 to 145 bushels per
important part of their agricultural operations. acre range. These yield levels represent a 2.5 bushels
Before 1950 (from records going back to 1866) per acre increase per year since 1950, and it is very
more than 1 million acres of corn were harvested close to average yields observed in traditional corn
each year. Increasing demand and attractive crop producing states (Table Intro-1).
prices for cotton, rice and soybeans resulted in the
decline of corn production in the state to less than The Corn and Grain Sorghum Research
100,000 acres (Figure Intro-1). The increasing nem Verification Program (CGSRVP) is contributing
atode pressure in soils planted to cotton and soy significantly toward increasing state corn yields.
beans, in addition to high yield potentials and new This program began in 2000, and is funded solely
market opportunities, have resulted in a 100 percent by Arkansas growers through Check-off contribu
increase in corn acreage in the last couple of years. tions. The CGSRVP uses Extension management
Figure Intro-1. Historical corn acreage and average yields in Arkansas between 1886 and 2001
(Arkansas Agricultural Statistics Service).
recommendations to produce a high yielding, under Arkansas conditions. Due to constant changes
economical corn crop. Information from CGSRVP in laws that regulate pesticide use, the reader is
fields is used to improve and refine production encouraged to contact the appropriate Extension
recommendations to meet the needs of Arkansas office for the most current information.
corn farmers, in addition to identifying areas in need
of more research. Through the 2002 growing Table Intro-1. Average Yields for Selected Corn
season, 27 corn fields had been enrolled in the Producing States During 2001.
CGSRVP, with economic information collected on
State Yield (bu/A)
each CGSRVP field to estimate crop expenditures
and returns. Indiana 156
Illinois 152
Extension specialists and researchers with the
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Nebraska 147
developed this handbook. Arkansas corn growers, Iowa 146
through the Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum
Arkansas 145
Promotion Board, provided the financial resources
to create the handbook. Ohio 138
Missouri 133
The handbook should be used as a reference
guide. It contains information on topics such as Tennessee 132
hybrid selection, soil and water management, plant Texas 118
nutrition, integrated pest management, harvesting,
and safety considerations in the production of corn Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service.
1 - Growth and Development
Leo Espinoza
Corn seeds, growing under the right conditions, Table 1-1. Vegetative and Reproductive Stages
will eventually grow into small factories with the of a Corn Plant
ability to produce ample amounts of food. Under
standing the conditions under which a seed may Vegetative Stages Reproductive Stages
properly germinate, develop into a plant, and
VE emergence R1 silking
produce grain should help us prepare and manage
the crop to achieve expected yields. V1 first leaf R2 blister
The yield of a corn plant depends on the genetic V2 second leaf R3 milk
potential of a given hybrid, in addition to a number
of environmental conditions and in-season manage V3 third leaf R4 dough
ment. Although there is little a corn grower can do
about mother nature and the genetics of a plant V(n) nth leaf R5 dent
(other than selecting the hybrid best adapted to a
VT tasseling R6 physiological maturity
given location, and properly supplementing the
sites inherent fertility and availability of water), in
many instances yield losses may be due to poor starches, minerals, proteins and other compounds.
planning and management, factors that are under the The embryo is in reality a miniature plant consisting
control of a grower. of several parts: the plumule (leaves) at one end, the
radicle (roots) at the other end, and the sculletum
The seed is obviously the starting point. It which absorbs nutrients stored in the endosperm.
consists of three major parts: the pericarp, the
endosperm and the embryo (Figure 1-1). The When a seed is placed in moist soil, it absorbs
pericarp is the outer part of the seed, and is made up water which in turn dissolves the nutrients stored in
of several cell layers, which act as barriers to the endosperm. These nutrients are then absorbed by
diseases and moisture loss. The endosperm is the the embryo through the sculletum. The radicle will
seeds food storage compartment, which contains emerge from the seed and will eventually become
the plants root system. Leaves (plumule) also start
to grow at this time. Under Arkansas conditions it
may take between 5 and 21 days for a seedling to
emerge, with depth of planting, soil moisture and
soil temperature all significantly affecting the time
required for seedling emergence.
As stated before, it may take 4 to 5 days
for a seedling to emerge if conditions are
appropriate, but up to 21 days if they are not
favorable. The radicle is the first part of the
seed to begin elongation, with VE (emer
gence) observed when the growing coleoptile
reaches the soil surface. The nodal root
system is established around VE and
eventually becomes the supplier for water and
nutrients (Figure 1-3).
By the time the plant reaches the V6 stage base of the ear to the tip ear kernels. Kernels reach
(plants are normally knee high), the growing point the R2 (blister) stage about two weeks after silking;
and tassel are above the ground and the plant at this time they physically resemble tiny blisters.
becomes much more susceptible to stresses. At the Starch has begun to accumulate in the endosperm,
V6 to V8 stage, the plant will experience a rapid with moisture being around 85 percent.
rate of growth, with proper and sufficient
fertilization and irrigation, which are critical at The milk stage (R3) is generally observed a
these stages. The number of rows per ear is week after blister. Fluid inside the kernels is milky
established around this time, and the lowest two white due to the accumulation of starch, and the
leaves are no longer present. silks turn brown and dry. The milk line can easily
be seen by breaking a cob in half. Starch continues
The tassel develops rapidly (inside the stalk) accumulating in the endosperm at the R4 (dough)
and the stalk continues elongating during the V9 to stage. The milky fluid thickens and attains a doughy
V10 stages. Soil nutrients and water are in greater consistency, with moisture content being around 70
demand at this time, and upon dissecting a corn percent. The R5 (dent) stage is normally reached a
plant at the V9 stage, ear shoots become visible. week after the R4 stage, and is recognized by the
appearance of the starch layer. This layer appears as
The period between V12 and V17 is particularly a line across the kernel that separates the liquid
important since the number of ovules (kernels) per (milky) and solid (starchy) areas of the kernels. As
ear and the size of the ear are being determined. the kernel matures, this line progressively moves
Moisture and nutrient deficiencies during this toward the cob. Kernel moisture has decreased to
time may result in unfilled kernels and light ears. 55 percent, and any stress at this stage will affect
The tip of the tassel as well as the tip of the ears kernel weight only, since kernel number has already
may be visible by the time the plant reaches the been decided.
V17 stage, and silks have started to appear at this
time. Stress during the V18 stage will delay silking Kernels reach physiological maturity (R6)
until after the pollen sheds, with ovules that silk two to three weeks after R5 (dent), and no
after completion of pollen shed not filling and further increases in dry weight will be observed.
consequently not contributing to final grain yield. The starch layer has reached the cob, and a black
Tasseling (VT), the last vegetative stage, begins a layer is formed. Black layer formation occurs gradu
few days before silk emergence. At this time the ally, with kernels near the tip of the ear developing
plant has reached full height, with pollen shed this layer earlier than kernels near the base of the
occurring primarily during late mornings. Silks that ear. Grain moisture at this time ranges between
have not emerged by this time will not be pollinated, 25 and 35 percent.
and consequently will not be developed.
It is obvious now that being able to identify the
The reproductive stages (R) relate to the growth stage of a particular field can help in making
development of the kernels, with the R1 stage being replanting decisions, and in scheduling fertilization,
characterized by the silks being visible outside the irrigation, pest management and harvesting opera
husks. It is defined when even a single silk strand is tions in a timely fashion to achieve maximum yields.
visible from the tip of the husk. Every potential
ovule (kernel) on an ear develops its own silk, with References
environmental stresses and especially the lack of
water resulting in poor pollination and in some How a Corn Plant Develops. Special Report No. 48.
cases a bald ear tip. Pollination occurs when the Iowa State University of Science and Tech
pollen grains are captured by moist silks, with this nology, Cooperative Extension Servce, Ames,
process moving progressively from kernels near the Iowa. Reprinted 2/1996.
Growth Approximate days
Stage after emergence Significance
V3 8 - 10 Leaves and ear shoots determined. Flooding could kill the corn
plant if conditions persist for a few days.
V6 V8 21 36 Growing point above ground. Plants are susceptible to wind and hail
damage. Moisture and nutrient stress should be prevented.
V12 V17 36 60 The number of rows per ear and ear size are determined. Moisture
and nutrient stress may result in unfilled kernels.
VT R1 54 62 Tassel and ears shoots visible. Considerable yield loss will result
from water stress at this stage.
R2 66 74 Blister stage. Kernels moisture is about 85 percent. The cob is
close or at full size.
R3 76 86 Milk stage. Kernel moisture is 80 percent. Stress at this point can
still reduce yields.
R4 84 88 Dough stage. Kernel moisture is 70 percent. Kernels have
accumulated close to half of their mature dry weight.
R5 90 100 Dent stage. Kernel moisture is about 55 percent. Stress may
reduce kernel weight.
R6 105 120 Physiological maturity. A black layer has formed. Kernels have
attained their maximum dry weight.
2 - Cultural Practices
Figure 2-1. Relationship of corn yield to planting 4. Check the planting rate every time you change
speeds from 4 to 7 mph for selected planters seed size or hybrid. These changes as well as
seed treatments or field roughness, may cause
multiple seed drops or skips.
A three-state study evaluating 22 planters of Most research in the mid-south region indicates
various ages in good operating condition, shows that the greatest yields are obtained in row spacings of
planting speed may affect yield, regardless of the 30 inches. Row spacings less than 30 inches are
age of the planter, model of the planter or acres typically too narrow to pull up a sufficient bedded
planted per year. In addition, higher speeds modified row for surface drainage. Experiments have generally
the seeding rate and increased the seed spacing shown little yield advantage for row spacings less
variability for about half of the planters evaluated. than 30 inches.
Figure 2-1 shows how yield dropped with increased
speed for five planters. The average yield decrease Many mid-south evaluations indicate that 38-inch
from 4 to 7 mph was approximately 10 percent for rows incur a 10 to 15 percent yield reduction com
the five planters. pared to 30-inch row spacings. The yield reduction
in wider rows may be due primarily to sun light
For precision planting, try these four steps: reaching the soil surface; thus less total utilization
of solar energy for grain production. Additionally,
1. Calibrate the planter at the speed intended for wider rows may fail to shade the soil, and result in
planting. Dont risk obtaining a misleading more evaporative moisture loss. This can increase
seeding rate from slow speeds. the irrigation cost or potentially reduce yield in dry
seasons. Wide rows may also result in more lodging,
2. Calibrate on a hard turnrow to be able to locate especially with complications from charcoal rot or
all the seed and assure that the rate is approxi
midseason windstorms since there is somewhat less
mately correct before taking the planter to the
mutual plant support with wider row spacings.
field. (If a seed monitor displays population per
acre, verify that the monitor is displaying values
that coincide with actual seed counts behind the Planting Date
planter. Multiple seeds dont trigger a response
if they pass the sensor together. Seed monitors Corn growth and development responds
are helpful to warn you about skips, malfunc primarily to temperature and is not controlled by
tioning rows or undesirable seeding rates. day length. Thus, the calendar date is not as impor
However, they will not detect erratic spacing tant as soil temperature and air temperature when
between seeds.) considering when to plant corn. Good germination
and emergence are expected when the soil tempera
3. Check behind the planter in the field to verify ture at a 2-inch depth is 55F by 9:00 a.m. for three
that seed placement, depth, and spacing are consecutive days. This normally occurs in late
exactly what you intend. Once seed is planted, March in south Arkansas and early April in north
it is hard to be sure that youve found all the Arkansas. Frost may occur after these planting dates
seed. Roughly prepared ground bounces the in some years, but corn typically withstands frost
planter units and may shift seeding rates either with little economic injury. Early frosts may remove
up or down.
a single emerged leaf, but a leaf will emerge from populations range from 16,000 to 32,000 plants per
the seed. Severe frosts later in corn development acre. Recommended population for dryland
can be destructive, but these conditions are very rare production ranges from 16,000 to 24,000 plants per
in Arkansas. acre whereas irrigated corn has greater yield potential
from 26,000 to 32,000 plants per acre. Most seed
Early plantings typically yield more than late companies recommend a specific planting range for
plantings and there are other possible advantages to each hybrid. They suggest the lower end of the
early planting dates, including: range if the field is not irrigated and the yield poten
tial is less than 160 bushels per acre. Where higher
Less conflict with other crop operations (cotton, yield potential exists and corn is well-irrigated, the
soybeans, rice and wheat), including drying grain higher end of the range is recommended.
Fewer irrigations
Most seeding densities are based on ear flex.
Reduced insect and virus damage
Full ear flex hybrids can compensate for fewer
arlier harvest
plants per acre because the ear grows both in length
and girth. These hybrids usually produce only one
Seed should be planted 1 1/2 and 2 inches deep
ear per stalk. Individual semi-flex hybrid ears will
into moist soil. If moisture is deeper than 3 inches, not compensate to the extent that full flex hybrids
it is advisable to wait until after a rain before will, but with low stand density and excellent grow
planting. If center pivot irrigation is available, it ing conditions they may set two or more ears. Few
may be used prior to planting to obtain the soil of the modern corn hybrids released today are
moisture desired. fixed ear. Fixed ear hybrids must obtain the
desired population for maximum yields.
Seeding Rate and Plant Populations
Table 2-1 shows the number of seed required
The desired final plant population depends on per 10 row feet for several plant populations and
the hybrid, whether the field is irrigated and reason row widths. To check planting rates, count the
able yield expectations. The recommended plant number of seed placed in 10 row feet. Tractor speed,
Table 2-2. Final Plant Population for Corn
Row Spacing (inches)
Final Stand per Acre
20 30 36 38 40
Plants per 10 Feet of Row
14,400 5.5 8.3 9.9 10.5 11.0
15,300 5.9 8.8 10.5 11.1 11.7
16,200 6.2 9.3 11.2 11.8 12.4
17,100 6.5 9.8 11.8 12.4 13.1
18,000 6.9 10.3 12.4 13.1 13.8
19,800 7.6 11.4 13.6 14.4 15.2
21,600 8.3 12.4 14.9 15.7 16.5
23,400 9.0 13.4 16.1 17.0 17.9
25,200 9.6 14.5 17.4 18.3 19.3
27,000 10.3 15.5 18.6 19.6 20.7
28,800 11.0 16.5 19.8 20.9 22.0
Linear feet of row per acre 26,136 17,424 14,520 13,756 13,068
seed size, and several other factors can affect the Producers with a relatively large amount of rice may
seeding rate. Furrow counts should be done several use 108 to 110 day hybrids, and sacrifice a few
times during planting, especially where a planter is bushels of corn so they can pick corn prior to rice
prone to bounce. Initially it is advisable that each harvest. Hybrids that stay green later into their
row be checked, since row units may fail to plant at maturity usually retain better stalk strength and have
the same rate. If each row has a separate seed box, less lodging potential. Shuck cover is important
monitoring the fill levels will help to detect planter
since good ear coverage reduces the introduction of
unit skips. However, a good seed monitor is highly
soil fungi, thus less potential for kernel damage. Ear
recommended to detect seeding failures immediately.
The corresponding number in Table 2-1 should placement can be very important in corn planted
closely estimate the planting rate of corn on a later in the season.
particular row spacing.
Most corn hybrids will grow taller as day length
Table 2-2 shows the number of plants required increases due to increased day and night temperatures.
per 10 row feet to determine the final plant stand on Rapid growth results in more space between nodes,
several different row widths. Several locations within thus ear placement can be substantially different
a field should be checked to give a good representa within the same hybrid planted at different times.
tion of the entire field. Table 2-2 gives a good Usually, the higher the ear placement, the greater
estimate of the final plant population or stand. the lodging potential. If possible, select late-planted
hybrids that have lower ear placement. Biotechnology
Hybrid Selection advances have resulted in corn hybrids that are
resistant to insects due to toxins produced in the
Hybrid selection is one of the important decisions plant tissue. There are also some hybrids that are
a producer will make. Yield is an important factor herbicide resistant. A few hybrids contain both of
but maturity, stay green, lodging, shuck cover, ear these traits and are referred to as stacked trait
placement, disease and insect resistance play a role hybrids. Selecting hybrids and managing them to
in hybrid selection. In Arkansas, 112 to 120 day utilize genetic strengths are addressed in the weed
maturity hybrids usually produce the highest yields. and insect control sections.
Growing Degree Days maximum) and daily low temperature (50F mini
mum), divide the result by 2 and then subtract 50.
Yield potential and maturity are important when The answer represents the heat units for one day.
selecting a hybrid that will produce mature, sound
grain during a normal growing season for a particular GDD = [(daily high + daily low) 2] 50
region in Arkansas. Relative maturity among
hybrids is best evaluated by grain moisture content Example 1:
in performance reports.
83F (daily high temp); 63F (daily low temp)
The number of days that are required for a
hybrid to reach maturity depends on location, date 83 (daily high) + 63 (daily low) = 146
of planting, and the weather during the growing
season. A hybrid that is labeled as a 115-day hybrid 146 2 = 73
may take 110 to 120 days to mature depending on
the above factors. This system of measuring corn 73 - 50 = 23 GDD
maturity does not take into account the complicated
physiological processes that control growth and Example 2:
development of corn.
95F (daily high temp); 70F (daily low temp)
Growing degree days (GDD) are a daily
accumulation of heat for crop growth. A hybrids Since the daily high temperature is greater than
GDD rating is determined from planting to black 86F, 86F will be used as the daily high
layer formation (physiological maturity). Most seed temperature.
corn suppliers include a GDD rating on their seed
tags or in their hybrid descriptions. Corn does not 86 (daily high) + 70 (daily low) = 156
grow when temperatures are below 50F and
temperatures above 86F do not increase plant 156 2 = 78
growth rate. Therefore, 50F is set as the minimum
temperature and 86F is set as the maximum 78 - 50 = 28 GDD
temperature for calculating GDD.
Producers can use a thermometer that reads both
The formula for calculating growing degree maximum and minimum temperatures to calculate
days is to add the daily high temperature (86F and record GDD for their crop.
3 - Drainage and Irrigation
field should also be considered in the grading plan. An important component of field drainage is the
Settling often occurs in deeper fill areas and should ditch system that receives the excess water and
be touched up before bedding if possible. The carries it away from the field. Flow restrictions in
land grading design should consider the type of these ditches can cause excess water to remain on a
drain outlets and the number required for the field. field. Drainage ditches should be maintained and
If possible, it is best to provide an outlet point for routinely cleaned out to effectively handle the
every 20 acres. drainage water from a field. No tillage or reducing
tillage limits the sediment leaving fields and
An elevation survey of the field is required minimizes the sedimentation that occurs in
before any design work can be done. Survey drainage ditches. Ditch outlets and drainage
information can be entered into a computer program structures should also be checked to assure that they
that evaluates possible drainage options for a field are functioning properly and are not becoming
and determines the cuts and fills required. Most land restricted. Beavers often cause problems by
grading contractors offer the computer program damming ditches, culverts and drainage pipes. A
design, and it is sometimes available through Beaver Pond Leveler pipe has the potential to
NRCS. The lowest expected elevation of the field reduce these problems in certain situations. This
should be determined before grading begins to device is described in Extension publication
assure that water will drain into the surrounding FSA-9068, Flood Water Management With a Beaver
ditches adequately and not back up onto the field. It Pond Leveler. It may be necessary to work with
neighboring farms and/or the Drainage District to
may be necessary to divide the field into shorter
correct common drainage problems. Planned
segments to ensure that the runoff leaves the field.
drainage improvements could impact areas classi
Precision grading is usually expensive and is a
fied as wetlands. If this possibility exists, contact
long-term investment for increasing production
the local NRCS staff to see what help they can
efficiency and potential and the market value of the
provide. Typically, they can visit the site and
land. Government funded conservation programs
determine if there are drainage restrictions.
sometimes offer cost sharing on precision grading
and/or other conservation best management
Internal Drainage
practices. Information on these programs can be
obtained through NRCS. Many Arkansas soils, with the exception of the
sandier (coarse) soils, have limited infiltration
Good surface drainage is even more important if and/or internal drainage. Some clean-tilled silty
corn is planted flat rather than on raised rows or soils tend to seal or crust over at the surface after
beds. Low areas in a flat-planted field are likely to rainfall or irrigation, restricting the movement of
have poor production for obvious reasons. Drain water into the soil surface and the root zone.
furrows to these areas can be used to reduce the Infiltration may be improved through crop residue
effect on the crop. Shallow and narrow drain management. Maintaining crop residue reduces
furrows can be constructed with several different surface sealing and crusting so water moves into the
types of equipment. The equipment should spread soil more freely. This improves the infiltration and
the soil evenly away from the drain furrow, so flow water-holding capacity of the soil.
into the furrow is not restricted. Construct drain
furrows in the low areas of a field rather than Naturally occurring restrictive soil layers and
putting them in randomly. They should generally those formed by tillage equipment restrict internal
run with or at a slight angle to the natural slope of soil drainage. The restrictive soil layers reduce the
the field but not across the direction of the slope. rooting depth and water reservoir available to the
Furrows should have continuous positive grade to corn plant. Shattering these layers prior to planting a
assure that the water will be directed off the field. corn crop is recommended to improve plant root
A drain furrow is not complete until it is connected development and internal drainage. A soil probe or
to a ditch or pipe of adequate size to carry excess shovel can be used in several areas of a field to
water away from the field. determine if restrictive soil layers are a problem.
Digging up root systems and observing the rooting growers are consistently harvesting 175 to
depth and pattern can also help determine if there is 200 bushels per acre on much of their acreage.
a restriction. Restrictive soil layers are commonly Irrigated corn should yield approximately
shattered by using a subsoiler or ripper-hipper in the 175 bushels per acre with good production
field. The depth and thickness of the restrictive layer practices and management on productive soils.
usually determines which implement should be
used. The restrictive layer must be dry enough Water Needs
for the deep tillage implement to extend just
below the bottom of the restrictive layer so it is The total amount of water that a corn crop needs
effectively lifted and shattered. If the restrictive during the growing season may vary from 20 to
layer begins at 8 inches and is 2 to 3 inches thick, 30 inches depending on factors such as weather
the tillage shank must penetrate 10 to 12 inches conditions, plant density, fertility, soil type and days
deep. In-row subsoiling is more effective than ran to maturity. In most seasons, the amount of water
dom subsoiling paths due to the re-compaction caused needed will be about 20 to 24 inches. The inches of
by subsequent trips of the implement. The in-row irrigation water required will vary depending on the
pattern also reduces the likelihood the field will be beginning soil moisture and the rainfall received
too soft in the spring to support equipment and during the growing season. The irrigation system
delay early field preparations. High-residue needs to be capable of providing 12 to 16 inches of
subsoilers or ripper-hippers are suggested for main irrigation water to assure a good yield potential.
taining the same row location year to year. Surface
tillage, especially disking, quickly reforms Moisture stress anytime after planting can affect
restrictive layers and should be avoided, if possible. plant development and reduce yield potential. The
amount of yield loss is dependent on the growth
Irrigation stage of the corn when moisture stress occurs.
Table 3-1 shows the general relationship of potential
Corn production in Arkansas is only yield reduction due to moisture stress at different
recommended with irrigation. All five locations for growth stages.
the Arkansas Corn Hybrid Performance Tests are
irrigated, even though there is still a small percent Table 3-1. Potential Yield Reduction From
Moisture Stress at Different Growth Stages
age (estimated 20 percent or less) of corn in
of Corn
Arkansas that is not irrigated. Reasonable corn
yields may be obtained without irrigation in some Growth Stage % Yield Reduction
years that have good rainfall patterns and growing Prior to tasseling 10-20
conditions. However, if adequate rainfall does not
Tasseling to soft dough 20-60
occur, yields can be a disaster and the drought stress
can contribute to charcoal rot and aflatoxin, which Soft dough to maturity 10-35
can result in crop failure. These potential risks are
the basis for the strong recommendation to irrigate
Corns daily water needs are relatively low in
corn in Arkansas.
the first 3 to 4 weeks of vegetative growth, and
rainfall is usually adequate to meet the water
demand during this period. However, if it is relatively
dry when the crop emerges and rainfall doesnt
Several hybrids in the Arkansas Corn Performance
occur in the first 2 to 3 weeks, irrigation may be
Tests have 2- and 3-year irrigated average yields of
needed. When the corn has approximately 8 fully
175 bushels per acre or greater. In the 3 years
(2000-2002) of the Corn Research Verification developed leaves, its growth rate greatly increases.
Program, the average yield for the 26 irrigated fields The number of kernel rows per ear is determined at
was 175 bushels per acre. Most Arkansas corn this time so plant stress needs to be avoided during
producers report irrigated yields of 150 to this period. A sidedress fertilizer application is
200 bushels per acre, and many experienced corn usually made prior to this time. The plants nutrient
and water uptake increases, and irrigation is often have the ability and commitment to apply
needed at this time to activate the fertilizer and irrigation in a timely manner. Too often, growers
avoid moisture stress. irrigate by the appearance of the crop. Visual stress,
especially during reproductive growth, results in
If nutrient and water needs are met, rapid plant yield loss. Even if irrigation is started at the first
growth continues. The number of kernels on each sign of visual stress, there is still some amount of
ear and the size of the ear are being determined time required to finish irrigating a field. The result
when the plant has 12 leaves. The number of kernels is that the crop in the last area of the field to be
is determined by the 17-leaf stage, which is about irrigated suffers even greater yield-limiting stress.
one week from silking. At this time the crop is very
near the start of the reproductive growth stage, when Irrigation timing decisions can be improved if
its water needs are greatest. During the period the soil moisture can be determined. Determining
from about 2 weeks prior to silking until 2 to the soil moisture by visual observation or by kicking
3 weeks after silking, the water use on days with the soil surface is difficult and can be misleading.
temperatures in the upper 90s can be 0.3 inches. The feel method can be used to determine the soil
This 4 to 5 week period is the most critical time moisture condition more accurately. This method
to make sure irrigation is applied as needed to involves using a shovel or soil probe to pull a soil
satisfy the water needs. Moisture stress during the sample from the root area. In general, if the soil
silking stage may delay development so that the forms a hand-rolled ball, the soil moisture is
pollen is shed before the silks emerge. This can adequate. A key to this method is to take samples
result in poor or no pollination and extremely low across the field at different depths in order to better
yields. Most corn producers report that if it is hot determine the soil moisture for the field. The
and dry and you are late starting irrigation going challenge is to determine when to begin irrigation so
into this period, it is very difficult to irrigate often the entire field can be irrigated before any part
enough to keep up with the crops water needs. becomes too dry. Satisfactory results with the feel
Once the grain is developed, the water use begins to method can be achieved with experience.
decrease because the kernels start to progressively
harden as they dry and the crop approaches maturi Soil moisture can be determined more precisely
ty. Table 3-2 shows the estimated range for daily with tensiometers. A tensiometer is a sealed, water-
crop water use as the crop develops. filled tube with a vacuum gauge on the upper end
and a porous ceramic tip on the lower end. The
Table 3-2. Estimated Corn Water Use in tensiometer is installed in the seedbed at a depth
Arkansas* where the majority of the roots are located. A
Days after planting Inches per day 12-inch depth is commonly used for surface irriga
tion, but if a hardpan exists then the tensiometer is
0-30 (early plant growth) 0.05-0.10
placed just above the restrictive layer. Shallower
30-60 (rapid plant growth) 0.10-0.20 settings at about 8 inches deep are recommended for
60-100 (reproductive stage) 0.20-0.30 center pivots. Two or three tensiometers per field
are recommended to avoid a problem should one of
100-120 (grain fill to maturity) 0.25-0.10
the tensiometers quit working. Starting irrigation at
*Based on planting date of April 1 a vacuum gauge reading of about 50 centibars on
silt loam and clay soils, and at approximately
40 centibars on sandier soils, is recommended. In
Irrigation Scheduling addition to tensiometers, there are other soil
measurement devices that are fairly reliable and
The timing of irrigation is commonly referred to effective when checked and maintained properly.
as irrigation scheduling. Correct timing is critical to However, the time and effort that this requires
maximizing yield. Having the ability to irrigate is usually results in most producers not being able to
important, but it is also essential that a grower use them very effectively.
Soil moisture accounting is used to calculate the If a computer is available, the Irrigation
soil-water balance in the root zone throughout the Scheduling computer program can be used for the
growing season. This method is sometimes called record keeping. This program operates much like
checkbook irrigation scheduling because a record is the Checkbook method just described except that
kept on the water that enters and leaves the soil like the computer does the calculations. It uses daily
an account balance is maintained in a checkbook. maximum temperatures and rainfall measurements
Two forms of the checkbook procedure are at the field to determine the fields soil moisture
available the Checkbook Users Guide and the deficit. The program also has the option to
Irrigation Scheduling computer program. The predict when irrigation will be needed in the next
Checkbook Users Guide is used to keep a written 10 days if no rainfall occurs. This offers a real
record of the soil moisture balance when a computer benefit to managing irrigation labor and sharing
is not available. It is a three-page handout that irrigation water with other crops. The program is
shows how to use a water usage chart and a water used in research and Extension irrigation studies and
balance table to monitor the soil moisture. The demonstrations conducted in Arkansas. Growers in
water usage chart shows an estimate of how much Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee,
water the crop uses each day based on the maximum Kentucky and Missouri are successfully using the
temperature and the age of the crop. Daily water use program on their farms. The program is download
and rainfall amounts are entered into a water bal able from the following Extension web page
ance table. Maximum temperature data can be taken
from the weather, newspaper, etc., but the rainfall
should be measured with a gauge at each field.
Irrigation Termination
Adding and subtracting these numbers in the table
determines the soil moisture deficit. Table 3-3
As the crop approaches physiological maturity,
shows the recommended allowable deficits that are
a decision on when to stop irrigating has to be
included in the Users Guide to help determine
made. The goal is to maintain adequate soil
when to irrigate.
moisture until the corn reaches black layer,
which indicates physiological maturity. This
Table 3-3. Allowable Deficits Corn
ensures that the kernels can obtain their maximum
Flood, Furrow weight so the crops full yield potential will be
or Border Pivot achieved. The decision is best made toward the end
Predominant Irrigation Irrigation of the season by a field determination of the
Soil (Inches) (Inches) maturity of the crop and the soil moisture status. An
Clay 1.75 1.25 initial consideration is how many days it has been
Silt Loam w/pan 1.50 1.00 since planting. If it has been 90 days since planting
and the corn is a 112-day corn, then it may be
Silt Loam wo/pan 2.00 1.50
within 3 weeks of maturity and a field check should
Sandy Loam 1.75 1.25 be made.
Sandy 1.50 1.00
Determining how developed the starch is in the
w/pan restrictive layer at 10 inches or less below kernel is helpful in making the decision on when to
soil surface
terminate irrigation. The starch begins forming as a
wo/pan without shallow restrictive layer
line from the top of the kernel and moves toward
the tip of the kernel where it is attached to the cob.
The progress of the starch line can be checked by
The Checkbook Users Guide, water usage taking approximately six (6) representative ears
charts and water balance tables are available from the field and removing the shucks. The ears
through your county Extension office at no cost. can then be broken in half and some of the kernels
This method does require some record keeping, but taken from where the ear was broken. These kernels
it can be helpful in deciding when to irrigate. can be sliced lengthwise so the starch development
can be observed. The goal is to determine if there is the water into the next bay. Rebuilding the levee in
at least 50 percent starch development inside the time for the next irrigation is often difficult because
kernels sampled. If there is 50 percent starch and the levee area tends to stay wet. Some growers
good soil moisture exists from a recent surface install gates or spills in the levees to avoid irrigation
irrigation or rain, then irrigation can be terminated. delays due to rebuilding the levees between
However, if the soil is becoming dry at this point, irrigations. When possible, it is recommended that a
then additional irrigation is needed to assure few gates or spills be installed in the outside levee
maximum seed weight and yield. A final irrigation to provide better field drainage when a big rain
at this stage should be as quick a flush as possible occurs during or soon after the irrigation. The
with flood (levee) or border irrigation. If the corn is outside spills can be opened to avoid the blowing
irrigated with a center pivot, then it is recommended out of levees.
that the starch development be at 75 percent with
good soil moisture before stopping irrigation. It is recommended that water not be allowed
to stand on any area for longer than two days.
Irrigation Methods This can be difficult on big flat fields. Some growers
are able to divide a big field into two smaller fields
The surface and sprinkler irrigation methods so they can better manage the water when they start
used on corn have different characteristics that irrigating. If this isnt practical, then providing
determine which would be the best for a particular multiple water inlets to the field can be helpful.
situation. No one method can be labeled as the Multiple inlets help avoid running water too long at
best each has its place. the top of the field in order to get water to the
bottom of the field. One multiple inlet method is to
water the upper half of the field from the pump
Flood (Levee) Irrigation
discharge or riser and then run irrigation pipe or
tubing from the discharge down the field to water
Flood irrigation with levees should really be
the lower half. A canal or flume ditch alongside the
thought of as flush irrigation. The challenge is to get field can also be used for multiple inlets. The water
the water across the field as quickly as possible. can be directed from the ditch through cuts or spills
This is especially important if the corn is small and into individual bays down the length of the field.
planted flat rather than on a raised row or bed. It is
also critical that irrigation is started before the Another possibility is to run tubing the full
crop experiences drought stress. If plants are length of the field and install several of the 2.5-inch
drought stressed and then subjected to an plastic gates in each bay. These slide gates are
extended wet soil condition, plant development adjustable from completely closed to fully open.
can be delayed and some plants may die. When fully opened they deliver 65 to 75 gallons per
minute (gpm) and they are reusable from year to
Levees should be marked early to strengthen the year. The decision can then be made on how many
commitment to pull levees and irrigate when needed. bays to water at one time based on the available
If the corn in the levee mark has been allowed to flow and the size of the bays. This method can be
grow very much, it may be necessary to bush-hog used by laying the tubing on a permanent outside
levee or road along-side a field. However, with this
the levees before they are pulled. This helps avoid
installation, all of the water will tend to go to the
problems caused by having too much plant material
low end of the tubing. When this occurs, some type
in the levee. Spacing of the levees depends on the
of restriction has to be put on or under the tubing
field slope, but spacing on an elevation difference of (choke-rope, barrel, etc.) in order to hold water back
0.3 to 0.4 feet between levees is common. A up the slope. Another option is to run the tubing
narrower spacing of 0.2 to 0.3 feet elevation over the levees. Heavier tubing (9 to 10 mil) has
difference may be necessary on very flat fields or been laid over levees successfully as long as it is
when trying to irrigate flat planted corn that is less going down slope. The 9 to 10 mil grade tubing is
than 6 inches tall. Levees are usually broken in better than the 6 to 7 mil in multiple-inlet-type
several places or completely knocked down to get applications.
Levee irrigation becomes even more of a one time. Experience shows that in most situations
challenge if the soil is allowed to crack severely it is desirable to get the water to the end of the row
before irrigation is started. Multiple inlets can help in about 12 hours. Watering so long that the top of
offset this challenge, but it is still important to the row is over-watered can cause problems in this
irrigate on time. Planting on a raised bed or row as area, especially if it rains and stays cloudy soon
recommended provides improved drainage and after the irrigation. This is a concern with the
helps avoid some of the water management expanded use of irrigation tubing with punched
challenges of levee irrigation. Planting on beds and holes for furrow irrigation. The tendency is to punch
using multiple inlets with spills installed in the holes in the tubing as long as water still comes out
levees may provide the best water management of them without much concern for how long it will
capability with flood (levee) irrigation. take to water out the row.
A minimum irrigation capacity of 15 gpm Growers find that on some fields with good
per irrigated acre is recommended for levee beds, they can use small holes with small furrow
irrigation. At this rate, about four days would be streams for up to 24 hours on a furrow irrigation set
required to complete an irrigation. Starting late without risk of over-watering or damaging the crop.
would increase the time required, resulting in severe This is desirable from the standpoint of operating
drought stresses in the last portion of the field to get the tubing in sets without having to plug and open
water. Opportunities for getting more pumping holes. The caution is to water according to what is
capacity to a field should be explored and developed more effective for the field and crop rather than
whenever possible so the pumping time required to what is easiest.
irrigate a field can be reduced. Although levee
irrigation presents a challenge, it can be done Another approach that can limit or avoid the
successfully. There are many producers who opening and plugging of holes and the tendency to
consistently produce high yields by paying close irrigate for too long is to run parallel tubing across
attention to the precautions and recommendations
the field. One run of tubing would go across the first
that have been presented.
half of the rows and have holes punched for each
middle to be irrigated. A longer run of tubing is then
Furrow Irrigation
laid behind the shorter tubing. Beginning where the
shorter tubing ends, holes are punched in the longer
Furrow irrigation can be a very effective
tubing for the middles irrigated across the remainder
irrigation method. One of the biggest requirements
of the field. This allows row sets to be changed by
for furrow irrigation is that the field must have a
positive and continuous row grade. This usually unhooking one run of tubing from the irrigation well
requires precision land grading, which can be rather or riser and hooking up the other run. If more than
expensive. However, the grading results in positive two sets are required for a field, then alternate rows
field drainage that greatly enhances production. As may be irrigated to avoid the laying of additional
discussed earlier, the row grade should be in the tubing. It is also possible to get multi-valved fittings
range of 0.1 to 0.5 percent, and row grades between that can accommodate three or more sets and reduce
0.15 and 0.3 percent are especially desirable for the amount of tubing needed to avoid the plugging
furrow irrigation. The row length to be furrow and unplugging of holes.
irrigated is another key consideration. Row lengths
of 1,500 feet or less generally water more effectively Furrow irrigation requires a water supply of
than longer rows. Row lengths less than 1/4 mile are at least 10 gpm per irrigated acre, and more
usually required if sandy soils are to be irrigated capacity is desirable if available. At 10 gpm per
effectively. acre, about five days should be expected to
complete an irrigation. Practices like waiting until
When row lengths cannot be altered, it may be morning to change sets when rows water out at
necessary to control the furrow stream flow by night can add significantly to the time, making it
adjusting the number of rows that are irrigated at difficult to finish the field before it is time to begin
the next irrigation. A well-defined furrow is needed Fields with slope in two directions are not as well
to carry the irrigation water. Planting on a good bed suited to border irrigation, but it may still be possible
is the most desirable option for having a good water if the spacing between borders is relatively narrow.
furrow. If a bed is not used, then it is necessary to
cultivate with a furrow plow that moves enough soil The spacing between borders is dependent on
from the middle of the rows so that a good furrow is soil type, field slope, pumping capacity, field length
created. Some producers prefer to water alternate and field width. A clay soil that cracks is sometimes
middles under certain conditions. Watering alternate difficult to irrigate, but with border irrigation, the
middles can result in getting across the field quicker cracking actually helps as a distribution system
and not leaving the soil as saturated as it might be if between the borders. This factor also makes it
every middle were irrigated. Then, if rain comes possible to use borders on clay fields that have a
soon after the irrigation, it is possible for it to soak slight side or cross slope. The tendency on fields
into the soil rather than run off or collect and stand with side slope is for the water to flow to the lower
in low spots. Producer preference and experience, side and not spread out uniformly between the
along with the crop and field condition, will deter borders. The soil cracks lessen this affect because
mine whether it is best to water every middle or the water will spread laterally as it follows the
cracking pattern. The border spacing on clay soil
alternate middles. Alternate middle irrigation will
will generally be between 200 and 300 feet with the
usually result in having to come back with the next
narrower spacing on fields with side slope.
irrigation somewhat sooner than when every middle
is watered.
The border spacing on sandy and silt loam soils
that tend to seal or crust over is more of a challenge
Furrow irrigation by necessity requires that
than with the cracking clays. Side slope on these
there be some amount of tail water runoff from the
soils results in the border spacing having to be
ends of the rows. All the middles will not water out
narrower in order for the water to spread uniformly
at the same rate, especially those that are wheel-
between the borders. The border spacing on soils
track middles. Also, cracking soils can make furrow
that seal or crust over will generally range between
irrigation management more challenging. However,
irrigating on the appropriate schedule will reduce 100 and 200 feet with the narrower spacing on
the problems associated with extensive soil cracking. fields that have side slopes.
must be made to fill the ditch left at the base of etc. Field ditches are also a concern if the pivot
the border so it will not act as a drain furrow. towers must cross them. Pivots can cover a range of
The borders need to stop at least 30 feet from the acreage depending on the allowable length, but the
low end of the field so they will not restrict common 1/4-mile, full circle system will cover
drainage. The water can be delivered into the area approximately 130 acres of a 160-acre square field.
between the borders from a canal, gated pipe or It is possible to tow a pivot from one field to
irrigation tubing. The 2.5-inch plastic gates that another, but it is usually best for a system not to
deliver 65 to 75 gpm each can be installed in the be towed between more than two points during
tubing so sets can be changed by opening and the season.
closing the gates. If gates are installed in the
irrigation tubing, the heavier 9 to 10 mil tubing Pivots provide the ability to control the
should be used. When holes are punched in the irrigation amount applied by adjusting the systems
tubing, the parallel tubing layout discussed with speed. This gives the operator advantages for
furrow irrigation may need to be used in order to activating chemicals, watering up a crop and
avoid plugging and unplugging holes. watering small plants. It is also possible to apply
liquid fertilizer and certain pesticides through the
If border irrigation can be used on a field that is system. This is called chemigation, and it can be
usually flood irrigated, then it can provide certain especially applicable to corn for sidedress or late-
advantages: season applications of fertilizer. Any chemicals
that are to be applied through the system must
1. less production area lost with borders than with be specifically labeled for chemigation. The label
levees, will give fairly specific application requirements
2. improved ability to irrigate small corn, and recommendations if a chemical is approved for
3. dont have to repair or rebuild border between chemigation application. Any pivot system used for
irrigations, thus a potential for time and labor chemigation must have some specific equipment
savings, and safety devices installed. Information on equip
4. field drainage is not restricted by borders and ment requirements and chemigation is available
through most center pivot dealers or companies.
5. possibility of planting on the borders.
General information on chemigation can be obtained
through the local county Extension office.
Border irrigation will not work on all fields,
and it should really only be considered when the
It is recommended that a pivot have a water
corn is planted flat. There is not adequate space in
supply of at least 5 gpm per acre that is irrigated.
this publication to cover all of the details associated
At that rate, nearly four days are required to apply a
with border irrigation. However, more information
1-inch irrigation. A water supply less than this
is available through your local county Extension
leaves no room for break down time without the risk
office. of getting behind in meeting the crop water needs.
The capacity for a towable system should be greater
Center Pivot Irrigation to account for the added time needed to move the
system. It is recommended that pivot irrigation be
Center pivots offer the ability to irrigate fields applied early enough to avoid the deeper soil
that have surface slopes that make it impossible or moisture being extracted early in the season. If the
impractical to irrigate with surface methods. They deeper moisture is used early in the season, it
also offer more water management options than becomes difficult for a pivot to keep up with the
surface irrigation. The need for good surface water demand unless rainfall replenishes the deep
drainage still exists with pivot irrigation and moisture. A pivot irrigation will typically soak about
should not be overlooked. 8 inches of the root zone and has very little chance
of replacing moisture any deeper. The goal is to
Pivots are best suited for large square-, save the deeper moisture for when irrigation is
rectangular- or circular-shaped fields free of terminated and the crop uses the deeper moisture to
obstacles such as trees, fences, roads, power poles, take it to maturity.
Most pivots are equipped with low-pressure installed, operated and maintained can give the
sprinkler packages, and many are mounted on drops results desired. Every method requires time to
that release the water closer to the soil surface. This irrigate the whole field, so it is very important
is desirable as long as the system application rate is that irrigation be started early enough that no
matched to the soil and field characteristics so part of the field suffers moisture stress.
excessive runoff is avoided. If a field has a rolling
surface and a soil that tends to crust or seal over, Arkansas Situation
this should be taken into account in the sprinkler
package selection. The application amount can be Consistent and profitable corn production in
adjusted to reduce runoff to some degree, and most
Arkansas is difficult without irrigation. Once
producers find that applying approximately 1 inch
irrigation is in place, the irrigation operating cost for
works best. Minimum tillage that leaves crop
each irrigation is typically $3 to $6.50 per acre. This
residue on the surface can help reduce runoff
cost is easily justified by the yield increase that can
problems. It might also be possible to put in narrow
result from the irrigation. The maximum profit
width (1 inch or less) slots at a depth of about
8 inches in some of the middles. This can be done usually results when the maximum yield is obtained,
with something like anhydrous shanks in order to so the irrigation goal is to obtain the maximum yield
give the water a path for soaking in rather than by preventing crop moisture stress. Irrigation is
running off a sealed or crusted-over soil surface. not a cure-all. Maximum yield and profit will be
achieved only when irrigation is coupled with
One of the biggest advantages of pivot irrigation other production practices that establish
is the limited labor required for operating the profitable yield potentials.
system. The biggest challenge with center pivots is
the initial cost. However, they offer some References
advantages that can justify the initial cost, especially
when surface irrigation is not possible and the cost How a Corn Plant Develops. Special Report No. 48.
is spread over an expected service life of at least Iowa State University of Science and Tech
15 years. nology, Cooperative Extension Servce, Ames,
Iowa. Reprinted 2/1996.
When considering the different irrigation
methods, it is important to remember that any Corn Management/Diagnostic Guide. 1993. Pioneer
method that is well planned and is properly Hi-Bred Inernational, Inc.
4 - Fertilization and Liming
Soil testing is the foundation of a sound fertility Table 4-1. Lime Recommendations for Corn
program, with the goal of a soil testing program When Rice Is Not in the Rotation
being to provide guidelines for the efficient use of Soil Test Calcium
lime and fertilizers. University of Arkansas fertilizer (lb/A by Mehlich 3 Extraction)
and lime recommendations are based on field research
Below 1000 3000 Above
conducted under varying soil conditions, crop rota 1000 3000 4500 4500
Soil pH
tions, crop nutrient requirements and yield goals.
Table 4-3. Fertilizer Recommendations for In Arkansas, this is due to the tendency of clay
Corn Grown in Sandy Loams or Silt Loams soils to fix ammonium ions between the clay
According to Yield, P and K Levels particles in an unavailable form. If high carryover N
Soil Test K (lbs/A)
is suspected, a soil nitrate-nitrogen test may be used
Soil Test P
(lbs/A) to refine recommended N rates. For a reliable
Above 275 150-275 Below 150
indication of N carryover, the grower should submit
Recommended N-P2O5-K2O, lbs/A
Up to 125 bushels
at least one subsoil sample along with a topsoil
Above 100 120-0-0 120-0-60 120-0-90
sample about a month ahead of planting. The topsoil
60-100 120-50-0 120-50-50 120-60-90 and subsoil samples should each represent at least
Below 60 120-60-0 120-60-60 120-60-90 12 inches of soil depth. Total soil profile N in
150 bushels excess of 40 pounds per acre should be subtracted
Above 100 150-0-0 150-0-60 150-0-100 from the preplant rate in order to achieve a
60-100 150-50-0 150-60-60 150-50-100 particular yield goal.
Below 60 150-70-0 150-70-70 150-70-100
175 bushels Figure 4-1, shows a typical nutrient uptake
Above 100 180-0-0 180-0-70 180-0-120 pattern for a corn plant. No more than half of the
60-100 180-60-0 180-70-70 180-60-120 total amount of the recommended N should be
Below 60 180-80-0 180-80-80 180-80-120 applied preplant, since the root system is not yet
200 bushels fully developed and salt damage to the young
Above 100 210-0-0 210-0-80 210-0-150 seedlings is a possibility. Also, in the event of poor
60-100 210-60-0 210-60-80 210-60-150 stands, there remains the option of saving the
Below 60 210-90-0 210-90-90 210-90-150 fertilizer that would have been sidedressed. The
225 bushels remainder of the N should be sidedressed or
Above 100 240-0-60 240-0-100 240-0-200 topdressed after a stand is obtained but before the
60-100 240-60-60 240-50-100 240-50-200 corn gets knee high (six leaves). At this point the
Below 60 240-100-60 240-100-100 240-100-200
corn plant will experience a period of rapid growth,
the growing point is above the soil surface and the
Table 4-4. Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn plant is deciding what type of yield load it can
Grown in Silty Clays, Silty Clay Loams and support. Thus, it is critical that the plant has an
Clays According to Yield, P and K Levels ample supply of nutrients, and water, at this time.
Preliminary results of on-going research in Arkansas
Soil Test P Soil Test K (lbs/A)
have shown the potential for significant yield
(lbs/A) Above 275 150-275 Below 150
increases when a portion of the fertilizer is applied
Recommended N-P2O5-K2O, lbs/A
just before the tassel emerges.
Up to 100 bushels
Above 100 125-0-0 125-0-60 125-0-90
Common N-fertilizer sources include ammonium,
60-100 125-50-0 125-50-50 125-50-90
nitrate and urea (Table 4-5). These are sold in dry or
Below 60 125-60-0 125-60-60 125-60-90
in liquid formulations (with urea ammonium nitrate
120 bushels
Above 100 175-0-0 175-0-60 175-0-100
60-100 175-50-0 175-60-60 175-50-100 Table 4-5. Nitrogen Sources for Corn
Below 60 175-70-0 175-70-70 175-70-100
140 bushels Situation Preferred Sources1
Above 100 225-0-0 225-0-60 225-0-120 Preplant Urea, DAP, AS
60-100 225-50-0 225-60-60 225-60-120
Below 60 225-80-0 225-80-80 225-80-120 Sidedress Urea2, DAP, AS, 32% UAN
160 bushels 1DAP = diammonium phosphate, AN = ammonium
Above 100 300-0-0 300-0-80 300-0-150 nitrate, AS = ammonium sulfate, UAN = urea-
Figure 4-1. Typical nutrient uptake pattern of a corn plant.
may be beneficial for high pH soils and/or with rice adequate levels for the corn crop. A good rule of
in the rotation, with a typical starter rate being 5 gal thumb is that soil-test sulfur levels below 20 pounds
lons per acre of 10-37-0 material. per acre and magnesium levels below 75 pounds per
acre may be an indication of a deficiency. It is not
Apply all recommended P and K at or before uncommon for well waters to contain 1 to 2 pounds
planting, along with at least 30 pounds of N per of magnesium and 2 to 6 pounds of sulfate-S per
acre. Early planted corn, and corn under no-till, may acre-inch.
exhibit phosphorus deficiency symptoms even on
soils that have high levels of soil-test P. Where this Secondary element needs are best assessed by
occurs, as little as 15 pounds per acre of P2O5 foliar analysis of corn leaves during the growing
sidedressed near the row has proved effective in season. When a soil test indicates very low levels of
overcoming these temporary P deficiency symptoms. magnesium (generally on very sandy soils of low
However, a warming period will usually allow the CEC), 20 to 40 pounds per acre of additional
corn to recover, and seldom are yields permanently magnesium are needed.
reduced by the temporary phosphorus deficiency.
Phosphorus is recommended unless soil-test P is Dolomitic lime is the most economical source
higher than 100 pounds per acre. Recommended of magnesium where lime is needed. Potassium
rates range from 50 to 100 pounds of P2O5 per acre, magnesium sulfate, commercially known as K-Mag
depending on the soil test level, the soil type and the or Sul-Po-Mag, typically contains 23 percent potash,
yield goal (Tables 4-3 and 4-4). 23 percent sulfur and 11 percent magnesium. It has
relatively high water solubility compared to
Potash also plays a critical role in the nutritional dolomitic lime. There is also a granular 36 percent
balance of a plant. Potash deficiency in corn results magnesium product that contains both magnesium
in reduced growth, delayed maturity, lodging caused sulfate and magnesium oxide.
by weak straw and low bushel weight, with visual
symptoms including leaf burning. Potash is recom Micronutrients
mended at soil test levels below 275 pounds per
acre. Recommended rates range from 50 to Micronutrients are needed in small amounts by
200 pounds of K2O per acre, based on needs. corn, but deficiencies still may occur which could
Potash applications greater than 90 pounds per acre limit yields. The University of Arkansas Soil Testing
should be split to avoid salt injury. Laboratory routinely tests soils for iron, manganese,
zinc and copper. Molybdenum should not be
Calcium, Magnesium and Sulfur deficient in corn under most circumstances in
Arkansas. Iron, manganese, zinc, copper and boron
The secondary elements calcium, magnesium are adequate in most soils. However, low levels and
and sulfur are generally considered adequate in most possible deficiencies of some of these could occur
soils. Calcium is generally adequate for corn as long on leached, sandy soils of low CEC and on
as crop lime needs (pH) are being met, but medium-textured soils that have an alkaline pH or
magnesium and/or sulfur deficiencies are possible on that have been over-limed.
sandy soils low in organic matter. The University of
Arkansas Soil Testing Laboratory routinely Zinc is the micronutrient most likely to be
determines both magnesium and sulfate-sulfur. found deficient for corn. The deficiency typically
A low level of available magnesium or sulfur in occurs at the V2 through V8 growth stages. Analysis
the topsoil is difficult to interpret unless a subsoil of plant tissue during the growing season and
test is also obtained. Both elements tend to leach comparison of these results over time against
downward and accumulate with the subsoil clays. published standards is the best way to assess micro
nutrient status. The University of Arkansas Diagnostic
However, medium to high soil-test levels of Laboratory at Fayetteville will also analyze plant
these elements in the topsoil should indicate tissue for a fee. Zinc sulfate (10 pounds Zn per acre)
Table 4-6. Reference Tissue Sufficiency Ranges for Corn According to Growth Stage
N P K Ca Mg S Mn Zn Cu B
is the preferred inorganic source for soil applications Table 4-6 shows reference sufficiency ranges for
since it dissolves fairly easily and should be at least corn grown in the southern United States. This table
50 percent water soluble. Foliar Zn applications may be used as a guide for all plant food elements
should be made with chelated Zn at a rate of in leaf or whole corn plants, while keeping in mind
1 pound Zn per acre. A 9 percent Zn solution that collecting the appropriate plant part at the prop
typically requires 1 gallon per acre of product. er stage of growth is critical for the identification of
Foliar Zn can be mixed with post-applied herbicides, nutritional disorders. Certain elemental ratios are
unless the herbicide label recommends otherwise. also important. Ratios larger or smaller than those in
Table 4-7 suggest possible plant nutrient imbalances
Plant Analysis or errors in testing or reporting.
Plant analysis is a more direct indicator of plant Table 4-7. Desired Elemental Ratios in
Plant Tissue
nutrition than are soil tests. However, care must be
taken in interpreting plant analysis values because N/K = 0.8 to 1.6
of environmental and cultural factors that may
N/P = 8 to 12
interfere. If a deficiency is suspected, collect whole
plant samples if the corn is less than 12 inches high, N/S = 10 to 20
or the uppermost mature leaf if the plant is more K/Mg = 8 to 16
than 12 inches high but before the tassel stage. If the
Fe/Mn = 2 to 6
tassel has emerged, collect the ear leaf.
5 - Major Insect Pests of Field Corn in
Field corn production in Arkansas has been From a producers perspective, the major insect
relatively minor until recent years. Because of this, pests of Arkansas field corn can be divided into two
the majority of information available for managing groups; i.e., those attacking seed and seedlings early
insects on field corn in Arkansas has been based on in the season, and those attacking later. Early season
data developed in the 1950s in Arkansas and on pests include a diverse group of insects. Among the
more recent data from other states. However, with most damaging are chinch bugs, cutworms and
the formation of the Arkansas Corn and Grain wireworms. Rootworms, a major pest of field corn
Sorghum Promotion Board in 1998, funding became in the Midwest, have not caused significant damage
available for research on field corn insects, and in recent years in Arkansas. The most destructive
substantial progress has been made. Surveys have insect pest of later season field corn in Arkansas is
now been completed on insects and their impact on the corn borer complex, including the southwestern
field corn throughout the state. Major insect pests and European corn borers. Also, included in this
have been identified, and their distribution within group are the corn earworm, fall armyworm and
the state has been established. Much has been aphids. Discussions of the major pests follow.
learned on the biology of major insect pests, and
this information has enabled the improvement of Early season Mid and late season
insect management on field corn. insect pests insect pests
Although only four years of research have been Chinch bug Aphids
completed and numerous additional studies are Corn flea beetle Corn earworm
needed, substantial knowledge has been gained. The Corn thrips European corn borer
next step in the process is to provide the corn Cutworms Southwestern corn borer
producers of Arkansas with this information in a Seed corn maggot Fall armyworm
usable production manual. The objective of this Sugarcane beetle
manual section is to provide the producer with the White grubs
most current information on identification, biology Wireworms
and management of insect pests of field corn in
Emphasis has been placed on the major insect Chinch Bug, Blissus leucopterus
pests and their management. Additional insects, now leucopterus, Heteroptera: Lygaeidae
considered to be minor pests, may pose greater
threats in future years. Also, new species may Description
migrate into the state. Thus, continual research is
needed to identify these changes and develop Chinch bug adults are true bugs; i.e., the front
management strategies. As these findings become half of the fore wing is hardened while the rear
available, updates to the production manual will be portion is membraneous. Color is generally black,
made. Additional information can be found on but the light-colored wings give the appearance of a
websites maintained by the University of Arkansas white band across the midsection (Photo 5-1).
Department of Entomology ( Adults are only about 3/16 inch long. Immatures
%7Epjmcleod/) and the Cooperative Extension vary greatly in appearance. Newly hatched nymphs
Service ( appear as minute reddish/orange specs on corn
ment/insects/corn). stalks and foliage. As nymphs develop, color
changes from orange to dark grey or black chinch bugs on field corn. Irrigation also may aid
(Photo 5-2). All nymphs are wingless. the uptake of insecticides applied to the seed or soil.
In areas with a history of chinch bug problems, it
Distribution, Damage and Impact may be beneficial to use seed treated with insecti
cide or apply a soil insecticide at planting. However,
In Arkansas, chinch bug population has varied chinch bug populations may experience great fluctu
greatly during the past four years. Few were detected ations between years, and preventative soil or seed
during 1999 and 2000 except for Lafayette County insecticides may not always be justified. In areas
in extreme southwest Arkansas. Surveys during the with a history of chinch bug problems and where
last two years, however, have detected chinch bugs treated seed or soil insecticides are used, it is
throughout the state. Also, very high numbers suggested that a small portion of the field be left
(20 adults per three-leaf plant) have been found in untreated and periodically checked for chinch bug.
the White River Delta near Des Arc, the Arkansas The final approach to chinch bug management is
River Valley near Clarksville and Alma and near with the use of insecticide sprays applied to the
Dumas in southeast Arkansas. Outside of Arkansas, foliage of seedling corn. The chinch bug threshold is
chinch bug occurs in all states east of the Rocky variable and depends on the rate of plant growth and
Mountains and into southern Canada. Its impact on size. Slow growing smaller plants are most suscep
field corn in more northern states is minimal. On tible to severe damage. A general threshold for
seedling corn, adult chinch bugs can be found either chinch bug has been established on seedlings less
on the ground or on stems near the ground, often than 6 inches in height. Foliar treatments should be
under leaf sheaths. Here they insert their stylet justified when 20 percent or more of the sampled
mouth parts into the plant and remove plant fluids. plants harbor a minimum of 5 chinch bugs per plant.
Infested plants often become yellow and distortion Fields should be sampled in several areas due to the
of seedlings is common (Photo 5-3). Impact in variability in chinch bug distribution. Because the
Arkansas from chinch bug has been substantial. chinch bug is often found between the leaf sheath
Where chinch bugs have been controlled, yields and stem, spray coverage is critical. Foliar insecti
have been increased up to 25 bushels per acre over cides must be applied in a minimum of 20 gpa and
areas not managed. directed at the top of the seedling. Also, surfactants
will likely increase effectiveness.
Life History
Insecticide Recommendations for
Generally, adult chinch bugs migrate from Chinch Bug on Field Corn
overwintering grasses into seedling corn. Once in
corn they mate and begin egg laying. When See Tables 5-1 (page 41) and 5-2 (page 42) for
orange nymphs emerge, large numbers of nymphs insecticide recommendations current at time of
can often be detected by peeling back the lower publishing. Current updated recommendations can
leaves on corn seedlings. Nymphs develop for a be found in the Cooperative Extension Service
few weeks before becoming the winged adult form. publication MP-144 and on the world wide web at
This process continues throughout the growing Always follow
season. Mature corn may harbor many chinch instructions on pesticide labels.
bugs in all developmental stages. In Arkansas,
about three generations of chinch bug can develop
each season. Corn Flea Beetle, Chaetocnema
pulicaria, Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae
Successful chinch bug management can be
accomplished with four approaches. First, early The corn flea beetle is a very small (1/16 inch
planting may avoid high chinch bug populations. long) black beetle found on the foliage of grasses
Also, chinch bug damage is generally greater under and field corn (Photo 5-4). As the adult beetle is
dry conditions. Plants with sufficient moisture are approached, its common defensive behavior is to
more able to out grow the damage. Thus, irrigation use its enlarged hind femurs to jump; hence the
during periods of drought may reduce the impact of name flea beetle.
Distribution, Damage and Impact 1/16 inch long (Photo 5-5). Two pairs of wings are
present and long hairs occur on the edges of the
Little is known about the corn flea beetle in wings. Immature thrips are smaller and lighter
Arkansas. Surveys have detected low numbers on in color.
field corn at Marianna and Des Arc; however, it
likely occurs throughout the state. Adults damage Distribution, Damage and Impact
field corn by feeding on the epidermis of the leaf.
Damaged foliage has light-colored streaks that may Thrips occur throughout Arkansas and may be
give the corn a silver appearance. In addition to abundant on seedling corn adjacent to maturing
foliar damage, the corn flea beetle is capable of wheat. Adults and immature stages rasp the leaf
transmitting Stewarts wilt disease. surface with their mouthparts and feed on the
exuding plant sap. The impact of thrips on field corn
Life History is not well documented, but large populations of
thrips can cause yellowing of foliage and stunting of
In Arkansas, the corn flea beetle adult overwinters
seedling field corn.
on grasses including weeds and grass crops like
wheat. With warm temperatures in late winter,
adults begin to feed, mate and lay eggs in the soil Life History
near grasses and corn seedlings. Larvae develop on
roots and stems within the soil, pupate and adults Overwintering adult thrips migrate from
emerge to begin the process again. Multiple genera maturing weeds and wheat into field corn in spring
tions occur each year. Flea beetle problems are and early summer. Mating occurs and females insert
greatest following mild winters. eggs into the corn tissue. Larvae emerge and feed by
scraping the plant surface and ingesting plant sap.
Management Maturity is reached in less than one week and
pupation occurs in soil. Adults emerge in about four
The threshold for corn flea beetle is not clearly days and the cycle is repeated. Several generations
defined, but more than two adults per seedling occur annually in Arkansas.
(5-leaf or smaller) may warrant foliar insecticide
application. In fields with soil-applied insecticides Management
at planting, it is unlikely that high numbers of flea
beetles will develop. Many of the current field corn Because of the sporadic occurrence of thrips on
hybrids possess some resistance to Stewarts wilt. field corn, their impact is not fully understood and
management decisions are difficult. Foliar
Insecticide Recommendations for insecticides directed at the top of corn seedlings and
Corn Flea Beetle on Field Corn applied in large volumes of water can be used to
reduce the number of thrips. Economic benefits of
See Table 5-2 for insecticide recommendations
these applications are not well established, however.
current at time of publishing. Current updated
Field location may play a major role in thrips
recommendations can be found in the Cooperative
management as large thrips populations may move
Extension Service publication MP-144 and on the
world wide web at from maturing wheat into adjacent crops.
asp. Always follow instructions on pesticide labels.
Insecticide Recommendations for
Corn Thrips on Field Corn
Corn Thrips, Frankliniella spp.,
Thysanoptera: Thripidae See Table 5-2 for insecticide recommendations
current at time of publishing. Current updated
Description recommendations can be found in the Cooperative
Extension Service publication MP-144 and on the
Corn thrips are minute insects found on the leaf world wide web at
surfaces of field corn. Adults are black and about asp. Always follow instructions on pesticide labels.
Cutworms Including the Black Cutworm, Providing a minimum of two weeks of host free
Agrotis ipsilon, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae time prior to planting should reduce the attractive
ness of the field to cutworm adults. Reduced or
Description no-till fields are more susceptible to economic
losses from cutworms. Also, seed beds prepared
Cutworm larvae are dark grey to black during wet conditions are often cloddy. These may
caterpillars that can generally be found just below later harbor increased numbers of cutworms. Bed
the soil surface feeding on seedling field corn. knockers or flat rolling beds can reduce the chances
Although larvae are minute, less than 1/8 inch long of developing damaging cutworm populations. In
at hatching, they are not likely to be detected until areas with histories of cutworm problems, treated
they are at least 1/2 inch long. At maturity larvae are seed or soil insecticides applied at planting may be
almost 1.5 inch in length (Photo 5-6). The caterpil justified. Foliar insecticide sprays may be used to
lars have three pair of true legs on the thorax and reduce cutworm populations, but early scouting for
five pair of fleshy prolegs on the abdomen. damage is critical. Foliar insecticide sprays should
only be used when the damage levels exceed the
Distribution, Damage and Impact threshold of 6 to 8 percent of the seedlings with
cutworm damage above the surface of the ground or
Cutworms occur throughout the U.S. and 2 to 4 percent of the plants cut below the surface.
throughout Arkansas. Recent surveys have detected Finally, insecticide success may be reduced when
large populations near Stuttgart and Des Arc. Larvae late stage larvae are targeted as most of their time is
feed on emerging seedlings and often cut off the spent underground.
plant near or below the soil surface (Photo 5-7).
Several adjacent plants within the drill line can be Insecticide Recommendations for
killed by a single cutworm. During 2002, damage Cutworms on Field Corn
was severe in field corn near Des Arc, and several
fields required replanting. Also, rough or cloddy soil See Tables 5-1 and 5-2 for insecticide
appears to harbor larger cutworm populations. recommendations current at time of publishing.
Current updated recommendations can be found in
Life History the Cooperative Extension Service publication
MP-144 and on the world wide web at
Cutworms generally are capable of overwintering manuf/default.asp. Always follow
as pupae in soil in Arkansas, especially in southern instructions on pesticide labels.
counties. In addition to adults emerging in late
winter from the overwintered pupae, adult moths fly
into Arkansas from more southern states. Moths lay Seedcorn Maggot, Delia platura,
eggs on many weed hosts and crops, including field Diptera: Anthomyiidae
corn. Newly hatched larvae can produce shot
holes in corn foliage. Larger larvae often cut the Description
seedling and feed below the soil surface. Where
damage occurs, larvae can be detected by removing Adult seedcorn maggots resemble house flies
the upper layer of soil near a damaged plant. The but the body is somewhat slimmer and, at rest,
number of generations per year varies from one to wings are held more backward directly over the
three depending on cutworm species. abdomen. The damaging form is the larval stage.
Larvae can be found attacking germinating seed. At
Management maturity, they are creamy white and about 1/4 inch
long (Photo 5-8). A distinct head and legs are lacking.
The first step in cutworm management is proper
crop rotation. Corn that follows corn or corn Distribution, Damage and Impact
planted in recently turned pastures tends to have
more damage from cutworms. Also, adults are Seedcorn maggots occur worldwide and
attracted to fields with weeds on which eggs are throughout Arkansas. Many crops are attacked,
laid. Thus, early seedbed preparation prior to including field corn. Most problems in field corn
planting reduces the likelihood of cutworm damage.
occur in fields high in organic matter content. Distribution, Damage and Impact
Freshly plowed fields with decaying grass and
weeds are especially attractive to adult flies which Surveys have detected adult sugarcane beetles
lay eggs near the decaying plant material. When in southern Arkansas near Pine Bluff and Arkadelphia.
corn is seeded into this ground, the developing The adult produces the major damage. Seedling
maggots often move to the corn seed and can reduce corn is burrowed into at the base of stems generally
germination, seedling vigor and stand. at the soil line (Photo 5-10). Plants are weakened
and may not fully develop. The greatest threat is in
Life History fields recently converted from pastures to corn and
in reduced tillage systems with substantial grasses.
In northern states, the seedcorn maggot In Arkansas, impact of sugarcane beetle on field
overwinters as a pupa within the soil. All stages can corn has been minimal during the last four seasons.
be found during mild winters in Arkansas. As spring
nears, adults seek decaying organic matter for egg Life History
deposition. After hatching, larvae feed for one to
three weeks and pupate within the soil. Adults Adult beetles overwinter in soil, particularly in
emerge and renew the cycle. Multiple generations grassy areas. With warm spring temperatures, adults
occur each year in Arkansas. are attracted to emerging corn seedlings and begin
to cut a small chamber in the stem near or just
below the soil level. Eggs are laid in soil in corn
fields, and developing larvae feed on corn roots but
cause little damage. Larvae pupate in late summer
Planting in soils with fully decomposed plant
and adults emerge and seek overwintering sites. One
material should reduce the attractiveness of the
generation occurs each year.
field to adult flies. Damage also is more severe in
fields where seed are slow to germinate and where
seedling growth is retarded. Thus, delaying plant
ing until soil is warmer will reduce the impact of In south Arkansas avoidance of recently
the seedcorn maggot. Treated seed and soil insecti plowed grassy fields, including pastures, will
cides applied at planting are effective tactics. Use of reduce the attractiveness of the field to adult sugar
insecticide sprays after maggot problems are detected cane beetles. Damage also is more severe in fields
on germinating seed or seedlings is of no benefit. were seed are slow to germinate and where seedling
growth is retarded. Thus, delaying planting until
Insecticide Recommendations for soil is warmer will reduce the impact of the sugar
Seedcorn Maggot on Field Corn cane beetles. Treated seed and soil insecticides
applied at planting also are effective tactics.
See Table 5-1 for insecticide recommendations
current at time of publishing. Current updated
recommendations can be found in the Cooperative White Grub, Phyllophaga spp.,
Extension Service publication MP-144 and on the Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae
world wide web at
asp. Always follow instructions on pesticide labels. Description
Distribution, Damage and Impact a flip that rights the upturned insect. Size varies but
adult wireworms in field corn are about 1.25 inch
White grubs occur in the soil of corn fields long. Larvae occur in the soil. Although the larvae
throughout Arkansas. Damage may occur when the of some species are white, the most common in
grubs feed on underground roots. However, in Arkansas is tan and at maturity about 3/4 inch in
recent surveys the impact of white grub has been length (Photo 5-12). True legs are evident and the
minimal. Fields recently converted from pastures head is somewhat flattened.
are most susceptible.
Distribution, Damage and Impact
Life History
Wireworms occur throughout the state, but the
The biology of white grubs varies greatly due to major damage resulting from their feeding has been
the many different species. In general, adults emerge observed in Clay County in northeast Arkansas and
in the spring, mate and deposit eggs in a cell below near Paris in Logan County. Larvae feed on newly
the soil line. Larvae hatch and can complete their planted seed, emerging seedlings and can be found
development through the summer and fall or may infesting the lower stems of larger corn plants
take two or more years to mature. Pupation occurs (Photo 5-13). Damage in some fields has been
in the soil. substantial, and at times fields have been replanted
due to stand loss.
Life History
In south Arkansas avoidance of recently
plowed grassy fields, including pastures, will The biology of wireworms is also quite variable.
reduce the attractiveness of the field to adult beetles. Some species complete two generations per year
Rotation of corn with broadleaf crops, especially while some require up to 5 years for a single gener
soybean, will reduce the likelihood of damage. Use ation. In general, adults emerge from overwintering
of treated seed or soil insecticides applied at larvae in the spring and search for grassy fields.
planting may reduce larval populations but is not Eggs are laid in the soil, usually where grasses are
likely to be economically effective if directed only available for the larvae to feed. When corn is planted,
at the white grub. the seed and emerging seedlings are burrowed into.
Seedlings can be weakened and killed. Wireworm
Insecticide Recommendations for larvae can be found by carefully digging up weak
White Grub on Field Corn seedlings and searching the soil. In dry conditions,
wireworm larvae move deep into the soil and are
See Table 5-1 for insecticide recommendations difficult to detect.
current at time of publishing. Current updated
recommendations can be found in the Cooperative Management
Extension Service publication MP-144 and on the
In Arkansas, avoidance of recently plowed
world wide web at
grassy fields, including pastures, will reduce the
asp. Always follow instructions on pesticide labels.
likelihood of damage from wireworms. Crop
rotations, i.e., corn following a broadleaf like
soybean, will reduce damage, but with wireworms
Wireworm, Coleoptera: Elateridae that require multiple years for development, damage
may be substantial. Damage also is more severe in
Description fields where seed are slow to germinate and where
seedling growth is retarded. Thus, delaying plant
Several species of wireworms occur in ing until soil is warmer may reduce the impact of
Arkansas, and descriptions of the different species the wireworms. Although the use of treated seed and
vary. In general, wireworm adults, also known as soil insecticides applied at planting may provide
click beetles, are dark brown hard-bodied beetles. some control, wireworm problems persist in Clay
The term click comes from the ability to snap the County despite insecticide application. Foliar
hinge between the thorax and abdomen, resulting in insecticide application to seedlings is of no benefit.
Insecticide Recommendations for nymphs is rapid, and many generations occur each
Wireworms on Field Corn season. As temperatures peak during mid to late
summer, reproduction rate declines. Thus, early
See Table 5-1 for insecticide recommendations planted corn that matures in August generally is less
current at time of publishing. Current updated susceptible to aphid population increase. Later
recommendations can be found in the Cooperative planted corn, however, may experience large aphid
Extension Service publication MP-144 and on the populations in early fall. Also, foliar insecticides
world wide web at applied for corn borer management in mid to late
asp. Always follow instructions on pesticide labels. summer may reduce beneficial insect populations,
and result in aphid population increase.
greatly. Mature larvae that have developed on corn likely has some impact of reducing damage to
foliage are mostly green while those developing on foliage and ears. Future transgenic lines may
ears are reddish brown with longitudinal lines. The possess much stronger toxicity to the corn earworm.
pupal stage occurs in soil, and color ranges from
light tan shortly after pupation to dark brown just Insecticide Recommendations for
prior to moth emergence. Corn Earworm on Field Corn
Distribution, Damage and Impact See Table 5-2 for insecticide recommendations
current at time of publishing. Current updated
All stages of the corn earworm can be found recommendations can be found in the Cooperative
throughout Arkansas, and resulting damage may be Extension Service publication MP-144 and on the
severe. This damage occurs in several forms, world wide web at
including foliar damage to young corn, damage to asp. Always follow instructions on pesticide labels.
tassels and silks and direct damage to kernels
(Photo 5-16). The corn earworm also plays a role in
occurrence of aflatoxin. Damage to corn ears may European Corn Borer, Ostrinia nubilalis,
serve as an entrance for the fungi responsible for Crambidae: Lepidoptera
producing aflatoxin.
Life History
Corn borers, including the European and
Adults that are active in late winter arise from southwestern corn borers, are the two most
two sources overwintering pupae and flights of destructive insect pests of field corn in Arkansas.
moths from southern areas. Adults are attracted to European corn borer adults are small, about 3/4 inch
many host plants, but flowering plants are favored. in length, and fragile moths. At rest the wings are
Eggs are deposited on foliage of seedling corn and held back over the abdomen but with a more
larvae consume large amounts of foliage. When pronounced V shape than wings of the south
accurate counts are made, however, the percentage western corn borer. Wings are yellow and brown
of seedling corn plants infested with corn earworm and exhibit a zigzag pattern (Photo 5-17). Males are
is generally very low and control is not feasible. slightly smaller and darker than females. In
Later generations deposit eggs on silks and Arkansas, European corn borer adults may be
emerging larvae chew down the silk channel to the confused with adults of the garden webworm,
developing ears. Again, use of foliar insecticides to Achyra rantalis (Guenee), a much more common
reduce damage on ears is not economically effective but slightly smaller moth. European corn borer eggs
on Arkansas field corn. Regardless of host plant are laid in masses of up to about 25 cream colored
structure on which the larvae develop, mature larvae eggs in an overlapping fish scale arrangement. Upon
move to the ground and pupate within the upper hatching, European corn borer larvae are about
6 inches of soil. In Arkansas three or four genera 1/16 inch in length and resemble newly hatched
tions occur each year. southwestern corn borer larvae. Their abdomens,
however, lack the reddish tint on newly hatched
Management southwestern corn borers. As larvae mature, they
become more easily distinguished (Photo 5-18). The
Foliar insecticides are not practical for corn tubercles of the European corn borer larvae are less
earworm management on field corn, and their use pronounced than on southwestern corn borer larvae,
may ultimately increase the problem. Numerous and the upper integument is darker than the lower
beneficial organisms affect corn earworm, includ
ing naturally occurring insect pathogens, parasites
and predators, and insecticide use may reduce their
Distribution, Damage and Impact
effectiveness. Soil insecticides may have some
effect on larvae attacking seedling corn but are not
The European corn borer is more widely
practical if directed only at the corn earworm. Some
distributed in Arkansas than the southwestern corn
corn hybrids possess some level of resistance to the
borer. European corn borers can be found
corn earworm. Finally, the use of transgenic Bt
throughout the Arkansas River Valley, north central, tassel. This often results in tassel breakage. In 1998,
northeastern and eastern Arkansas. None have been numerous corn fields in eastern Arkansas experienced
found in southwestern or southeastern Arkansas during complete tassel loss due to European corn borer.
recent surveys. Impact of European corn borer
larvae on Arkansas field corn is severe. Shortly after Management
hatching, first generation larvae wander over the
leaf surface and begin to feed on unfolding leaves. Management tactics follow the description of
This feeding removes most of the leaf surface, leav the southwestern corn borer.
ing only a thin layer of the upper or lower epidermis.
Damage often appears as elongated window panes
parallel to the leaf veins. Young larvae also feed Southwestern Corn Borer, Diatraea
completely through leaves still rolled in the whorl. grandiosella, Crambidae: Lepidoptera
As these leaves unfold, a shot-hole appearance
may be observed (Photo 5-19). Second generation Description
larvae attack most structures on the corn plant. Ear
shank tunneling results in ear loss at harvest and Adults are inconspicuous white moths about
stalk tunneling reduces kernel size and yield. Addi 3/4 inch in length and have no obvious patterns on
tionally, European corn borer larvae are likely to the wings (Photo 5-20). Females are slightly larger
feed directly on ears. Although ear feeding likely than males. At rest, adults fold wings almost parallel
has little adverse impact on yield, this feeding may to the abdomen. Newly hatched larvae are less than
serve to introduce pathogens that increase losses. 1/8 inch long and have a black head capsule and
reddish tint on the abdomen. At maturity, larvae are
Life History about 1.25 inch in length, have a reddish head
capsule and possess numerous black tubercles on
Mature European corn borer larvae overwinter their integument (Photo 5-21). These spots and the
in corn stubble and other host plant material in consistency of off white color of the integument on
Arkansas. In April and May, European corn borer both the dorsal and ventral sides of the larvae are
adults begin to emerge from overwintering sites and the most obvious distinguishing characteristics of
mate. Egg laying begins about two days after emer southwestern corn borer larvae. In contrast, the
gence and continues for about one week. Most eggs, spots are reduced and the dorsal integument is
however, are deposited during the first two nights. darker on European corn borer larvae.
Eggs are very small, less than 1/32 inch in diameter
and, like the southwestern corn borer, are overlaid in Distribution, Damage and Impact
a mass resembling fish scales. Egg masses generally
consist of about 25 eggs. The entire egg mass is The center of southwestern corn borer activity
only about 1/4 inch in diameter. Eggs are laid in Arkansas is likely near West Memphis. Recent
primarily on the top and bottom of fully expanded surveys have detected almost 100 percent of non-Bt
leaves and when ears are present, second generation field corn plants near Marianna and Marion infested
eggs are most often found on leaves within three with southwestern corn borers. As distance from
nodes above or below the ear. Egg development also West Memphis increases, frequency of southwestern
resembles that for the southwestern corn borer. With corn borer generally decreases. However, damage is
warmer temperatures, larvae hatch in about five severe into Clay, Monroe and Woodruff Counties.
days while requiring six or seven days in early Damage is similar to that caused by the European
season when temperatures are lower. European corn corn borer as described above. Loss of foliage by
borer larval behavior is also similar to the south first generation southwestern corn borer larvae is
western corn borer larvae. First generation larvae generally minimal and has little direct effect on corn
feed on the outer leaf layers for about 10 days and plants in Arkansas. However, some larvae may tunnel
later tunnel into the whorl and stalk. Damage down through the whorl to the growing point of the
consists primarily of shot holes. Second and later plant. Leaf tissue above the point of feeding can
generation larvae damage ears, ear shanks and turn white, a condition called white heart. If feeding
stalks. European corn borer larvae are also capable is extensive the plant may be stunted or killed. This
of tunneling within the upper stalk just below the condition is called dead heart (Photo 5-22).
When the southwestern corn borer first invaded (Photo 5-24). Individual eggs are very small; i.e.,
Arkansas during the 1950s, entire fields were lost to less than 1/16 inch across, elliptical and flattened on
dead heart. Recent surveys of field corn in eastern the leaf surface. Female moths may lay more than
Arkansas detected only low numbers of plants with 300 eggs. However, under field conditions it is
dead heart. In these fields, non-infested plants uncommon to find more than four southwestern
adjacent to plants with dead heart appeared to corn borer eggs in a group.
compensate for the lost plants and thereby limit
yield loss. Stalk tunneling is often severe, and as The eggs laid by overwintering corn borers
much as 50 percent of the entire length of stalk can represent the first generation of the year. Common
be damaged. Yield losses are difficult to assess, but plant locations to find first generation eggs are
use of the highly effective Bt corn has resulted in upper and lower leaf surfaces of young corn plants.
yield increases of up to 80 bushels per acre. Tunneling Although eggs from subsequent generations may be
by southwestern corn borer in stalks may weaken detected on much of the plant, most will occur on
them to the point of breaking and falling across the leaves within the area located two or three nodes
rows. This is called lodging (Photo 5-23). In above or below the ear. About one day after being
Arkansas, lodging from southwestern corn borer has laid, each southwestern corn borer egg develops
been common in the eastern and northeastern three reddish orange bars (Photo 5-25). Tiny black
portions of the state. In 1998, lodging in some corn spots, which are the head capsules of the developing
fields was about 30 percent of the total number of larvae become visible after three or four days.
stalks. Lodged stalks slow harvest operations, and Larvae within these eggs will emerge within about
yield can be significantly reduced. one additional day. The duration of the egg stage is
dependent on temperature. Rolston (1955) reported
Second and third generation southwestern corn that most southwestern corn borers hatched six or
borer larvae also feed on the ear shanks the stem seven days after being laid in early July, when
connecting the ear to the stalk. Near harvest, affected temperature averaged 71F. With average tempera
ears droop instead of pointing upward like non- tures of 80 to 83F, most eggs hatched in four to
infested ears. In a field located at Marianna, 46 per five days, respectively.
cent of the ear shanks were infested by corn borers
in 1999. Although many of the infested ears are still First generation larvae that complete development,
harvested, many fall to the ground before or during pupate within corn stalks, and second generation
harvest, which significantly reduces yield. moths emerge in mid summer. These moths behave
similarly to those of the first generation by mating
Yet another way in which the southwestern corn and ovipositing. By the time oviposition of the
borer affects corn yield is by reducing the size of second generation occurs, the corn plant is decidedly
kernels. Preliminary studies conducted during 1999 different in structure. At this time ears are often
sought to correlate the extent of tunneling in stalks present. Second generation southwestern corn borer
below the ear with kernel size. Although the effect moths exhibit a strong preference for depositing
was limited, kernel size was negatively correlated eggs on foliage near the ear. About 80 percent of the
with increase in tunneling in stalks below the ear. second generation eggs can be found within three
Tunneling may reduce water and nutrient movement nodes above or below the ear. When these second
within stalks, thereby limiting kernel development. generation larvae hatch, the corn plant offers much
more structure for the young larvae to penetrate and
Life History hide within. The outer layers of ear shuck are often
penetrated by young southwestern corn borer larvae.
The southwestern corn borer overwinters as a By searching for brown spots on the shuck and
mature cream colored larvae just below the soil line carefully removing the outer layer, young larvae
in the stem/root mass of field corn. Adults emerge may be detected.
from corn stubble in spring (May). Mating begins
within one night from emergence, and moths gener Second generation larvae can develop within the
ally initiate egg laying or oviposition on the second ear, particularly the ear shank, but more commonly
night after emerging. Eggs are off white in color develop by feeding within corn stalks. Second
when laid, and may occur singly or in a small group generation southwestern corn borer larvae affect
corn plants in several ways. Most commonly, larvae rootworms, cutworms or nematodes. The impact of
form extensive tunnels within stalks. When stalks currently registered soil insecticides on corn borers
are infested with multiple larvae, the tunnels can run is not clearly understood. At present, it is doubtful
from the soil line up through about 15 plant nodes. that currently registered soil insecticides directed
Just prior to pupation, larvae can terminate a tunnel only at corn borers provide economically acceptable
just below the stalk surface. They leave only the returns. Additional research is currently underway to
outermost layer of stalk, which soon turns brown. more clearly define the benefits of these insecticides.
This forms an exit hole. After larvae pupate within
the tunnel, the adult moth pushes out through the Corn borers are susceptible to several insecticides
exit hole and leaves the stalk to again mate and applied to corn foliage. Difficulties with foliar
begin egg laying. insecticide effectiveness are associated with corn
borer biology. First generation corn borers penetrate
Management Southwestern/European corn structures within about 10 days of hatching and
Corn Borer second generation within about 7 days. After
entering the plant, corn borers are very difficult to
Both the southwestern and European corn target. Thus, foliar applications must be timed
borers are managed with four methods. precisely to be effective. While the most effective
method of timing insecticides is by scouting for
1. Early planting Corn planted early in the corn borer eggs, it is a very difficult task. Use of
season may reach maturity before the second pheromone trap collections may provide a good
generation corn borer larvae can negatively impact indication of when to initiate scouting.
yields. Planting dates vary with location, weather
and ground preparation. In eastern Arkansas corn Another method of monitoring adult flight is to
planted before April 15 can often avoid much of search for infested corn stalks. By visually inspecting
the damage caused by the second generation of the ground for insect frass and the lower portion of
corn borers. corn stalks for damage, corn borer larvae can be
easily detected. Once found, the stalk can be cut
2. Stalk destruction following harvest Both with use of a large knife and carefully split. Both
the southwestern and European corn borers larvae and pupae can be detected. When pupae color
overwinter as larvae within old stalks. With environ changes from tan to dark brown, the moth will
mental changes associated with spring, the larvae emerge within a day or two. Mating and egg laying
initiate pupation and emerging adults begin the cycle begins one or two days after moth emergence and
of egg laying. Research has consistently shown that eggs will hatch in about five days. Thus, foliar
stalk destruction can reduce overwintering corn sprays should be applied approximately seven days
borer populations by greater than 80 percent. From from first detection of dark corn borer pupae.
the insect management view, the most effective
method of stalk destruction is to mow and disc If scouting is attempted, one method is to cut
stalks shortly after harvest in late summer or early 20 plants from each of five locations in a field.
fall. This leaves the overwintering larvae on or near Plants should be removed from the field and foliage
the soil surface where the effects of low temperatures searched. Applications should be initiated if greater
and rainfall have their greatest effect on producing that 25 percent of the plants are infested. For first
larvae mortality. Natural enemies, including generation corn borers, granular insecticides are
beneficial insects, rodents and birds, also contribute often chosen. Granules likely drop into the whorl
to larvae mortality in stalks left on soil surfaces. In better than water based sprays. Granular insecticides
late winter, prior to corn borer pupation, the stalk are not effective against second generation corn
residue should be turned under as much soil as borer. For second generation larvae, sprays are the
possible. This makes it more difficult for the preferred choice. Spray volume is very important. In
emerging moths to make their way out of the soil. 1999, correctly timed foliar sprays provided accept
able levels of corn borer management when applied
3. Soil and foliar insecticides Much of the in 20 gpa. Another method of foliar insecticide
corn acreage in Arkansas receives a soil insecticide application that should be successful is through
at planting. This may be directed at chinch bugs, center pivot irrigation where available.
4. Use of genetically modified corn hybrids Distribution, Damage and Impact
Although field corn has been bred for many years to
resist attack by corn borers, the recent development Fall armyworm occurs throughout Arkansas and
of field corn with the gene that codes for the its impact on field corn is similar to that of the corn
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin has met with earworm. This impact occurs in several forms including
phenomenal success. Research in eastern Arkansas foliar damage to young corn, damage to tassels and
and numerous other states in recent years has silks and direct damage to kernels. The fall army
demonstrated that Bt corn is highly effective against worm also plays a role in occurrence of aflatoxin.
both the southwestern and European corn borers. Damage to corn ears may serve as an entrance for
With current populations of corn borers, planting of the fungi responsible for producing aflatoxin.
Bt field corn will likely reduce corn borer impact to
more than acceptable levels. Critical in use of Bt Life History
corn is managing its use to delay the development
of resistance in corn borers to Bt. Insects have a In early spring, adults migrate into Arkansas
well documented resistance to foliar applications of from more southern states, mate and seek suitable
Bt. As highly effective as Bt corn is against corn host plants for egg laying. Eggs are laid in masses
borers, selection pressure is very high. Thus, the that contain up to a few hundred eggs. Emerging
corn producer is faced with insects that have devel larvae feed for two to three weeks and then pupate
oped resistance to similar Bt strains and are now just below the soil surface. Multiple generations
placing substantial selection pressure on the same occur each year.
insect populations. Resistance development is only a
matter of time. Currently, the accepted method of Management
delaying resistance development is to maintain a
susceptible corn borer population through the plant Foliar insecticides are not practical for fall
ing of a portion of land with non-Bt corn. In addition armyworm management on field corn, and their use
to resistance development, the other major problem may ultimately increase the problem. Numerous
with use of Bt corn is with the publics acceptance beneficial organisms affect larvae, including
of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). naturally occurring insect pathogens, parasites and
predators, and insecticide use may reduce their
effectiveness. The use of transgenic Bt corn likely
Insecticide Recommendations for
has some impact of reducing damage to foliage and
Corn Borers on Field Corn
ears. Future transgenic lines may possess much
stronger toxicity to the fall armyworm.
See Table 5-2 for insecticide recommendations
current at time of publishing. Current updated
Insecticide Recommendations for
recommendations can be found in the Cooperative
Fall Armyworm on Field Corn
Extension Service publication MP-144 and on the
world wide web at
See Table 5-2 for insecticide recommendations
asp. Always follow instructions on pesticide labels. current at time of publishing. Current updated
recommendations can be found in the Cooperative
Extension Service publication MP-144 and on the
Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera fugiperda, world wide web at
Lepidoptera: Noctuidae asp. Always follow instructions on pesticide labels.
Fall armyworm adults are large bodied moths
with dark grey forewings that have lighter banding. Flint, M.L. 1990. Pests of the Garden and Small
A light spot occurs near the apex of the forewings. Farm. Univ. of California, Oakland, CA. 276 pp.
Mature larvae are up to 1.5 inch long, and are dark
brown in color with numerous black spots Foster, R. and B. Flood. 1995. Vegetable Insect
(Photo 5-26). The head capsule has a distinct light Management. Meister Publishing Co.,
colored inverted Y. Willoughby, OH. 206 pp.
Howard, R.J., J.A. Garland, and W.L. Seaman. tion to devise successful management programs.
1994. Diseases and Pests of Vegetable Crops in This information was reported in The Southwestern
Canada. Entomol. Sco. of Canada, Ottawa, Corn Borer in Arkansas, June 1955, University of
Canada. 554 pp. Arkansas Bulletin 553. Today, information reported
in the bulletin continues to serve as the basis for
Rolston, L.H. 1955. The Southwestern Corn Borer corn borer management.
in Arkansas. Univ. of Arkansas Bull. 553.
Dr. William Johnson, formally with the
Steffey, K.L., M.E. Rice, J. All, D.A. Andow, M.E. University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension
Gray, and J.W. Van Duyn. 1999. Handbook of Service, and Dr. Frank Davis, formally with the
Corn Insects. Entomol. Soc. of America, USDA, Starkville, Mississippi, have provided much
Lanham, MD. 164 pp. information used in this manual. Several county
agents including Hank Chaney, Mitch Crow, Roger
Sorensen, K.A. and J.R. Baker. 1994. Insect ad Gipson, Brent Griffin, Brady Harmond, Kevin
Related Pests of Vegetables. North Carolina Lawson, Bob Rhodes, Larry Stauber, Eugene
State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 180 pp. Terhune, Andy Vangilder and Joe Vestal have
assisted in locating insect damaged fields and in
data collection.
Funding for recent corn borer studies and for
Much of the original knowledge about production of this manual was provided by the
southwestern corn borers was developed by Dr. L. H. Corn/Grain Sorghum Promotion Board. The authors
Rolston, Department of Entomology, University of also are ultimately indebted to the corn producers of
Arkansas, in the early 1950s shortly after the insect the state of Arkansas who have permitted use of
invaded Arkansas. Dr. Rolston studied the basic their fields and supplied funds through their check
biology of this new corn pest and used the informa off program to the Board.
Table 5-1. 2002 Recommendations for Insecticides Applied to Soil at Field Corn Planting
Corn Thrips
Chinch Bug
White Grub
Seed Corn
Amount of product
Insecticide per 1000 row ft.
Ambush .5 fl. oz. X X
Aztec 2.1G 6.7 fl. oz. X X X X X
Capture 1.15G 6.4 - 8.0 oz. X X X X X
Capture 2EC .15 - .3 fl. oz. X X X X X
Counter 15G 8 oz. X X X X X X
Force 3G 3 - 5 oz. X X X X X X
Furadan 4F 2.5 oz. X X X
Fury .16 oz. X
Pounce 3.2EC .3 oz. X X X
Regent 4SC .24 oz. X X X X X X
Cruiser 5FS* 1.28 - 9 oz./100 lb. Seed X X X X X X
Gaucho* 1.34 mg AI/kernel X X X X X X
Prescribe* 1.34 mg AI/kernel X X X X X X
*Seed treatment
Table 5-2. 2002 Recommendations for Insecticides Applied to Field Corn Foliage
Corn Earworm
Flea Beetles
Chinch Bug
Corn Borer
Corn Borer
Stink Bugs
Fall Army
Insecticide Amount per acre
Ambush 6.4 - 12.8 fl. oz. X X X X X X X
Asana XL 5.8 - 9.6 fl. oz. X X X X X X X X
Capture 2EC 2.1 - 6.4 fl. oz. X X X X X X X X X X X
Fury 1.4 - 2.9 fl. oz. X X X X X X
Lannate LV .75 - 1.5 pts. X X X X X
Lorsban 15G 5 - 5.6 lbs. X X
Pounce 3.2EC 4 - 8 fl. oz. X X X X X X
Sevin XLR 1 - 2 qts. X X X X X
SpinTor 2SC 1.5 - 6 fl. oz. X X X X X
Warrior T 1.92 - 3.84 fl. oz. X X X X X X X X X X X
Photo Descriptions
The following descriptions correspond to the numbered photographs on the next pages.
5-1 Adult chinch bug on field corn foliage.
5-15 Mature corn earworm larvae that has
5-2 Chinch bug nymph.
developed on field corn.
5-3 Field corn seedling damaged by chinch bug
5-16 Corn earworm damage to the whorl of
and showing distortion, yellowing and field corn.
delayed leaf unfolding. 5-17 Adult European corn borer.
5-4 Adult corn flea beetle and foliar damage. 5-18 Mature European corn borer larvae with dorsal
integument darker than ventral integument.
5-5 Adult thrips on field corn foliage and
resulting damage. 5-19 Shot holes produced by corn borer larvae on
seedling field corn.
5-6 Mature black cutworm larvae.
5-20 Adult southwestern corn borer.
5-7 Cutworm damage to seedling field corn.
5-21 Mature southwestern corn borer larvae
5-8 Seed corn maggot larvae and associated within corn stalk.
damage on seedling field corn.
5-22 Dead heart of field corn produced by corn
5-9 Adult sugarcane beetle. borer larvae feeding into the growing point
5-10 Gouged out feeding damage from an adult of the whorl.
sugarcane beetle on seedling field corn. 5-23 Lodging of field corn resulting form corn
5-11 Mature white grub larvae. borer feeding damage in the lower portion of
the stalks.
5-12 Mature wireworm larvae.
5-24 Newly laid southwestern corn borer eggs.
5-13 Wireworm feeding damage in seed and
newly emerging corn seedlings. 5-25 Southwestern corn borer eggs after two days
of development.
5-14 Immature and mature aphids on field corn
foliage. 5-26 Mature fall armyworm larvae feeding on
kernels of corn.
Photographs are
referenced throughout
Section 5 Major Insect
Pests of Field Corn in
Arkansas and Their
5-8 5-12
5-4 5-14
5-18 5-22
6 Diseases and Nematodes
Corn diseases are important yield-limiting The following information offers brief
factors in many production areas of the U.S. In descriptions of some of the more common diseases
Arkansas, corn has been a minor field crop for many of corn in Arkansas and several suggested
years, and little disease research has been conducted. management options, when they are known. If you
Corn hybrids grown in Arkansas are developed by need additional information, please contact the
private seed companies. Each company collects loca1 county agent.
information on diseases on their lines. Seed
company information is sometimes the only source
of disease resistance data on hybrids. Seed Rots and Seedling Blights
Good management practices, as outlined elsewhere Corn seeds and seedlings may be attacked by
in this guide, can reduce the impact of many diseases various seedborne or soilborne fungi (e.g., Pythium,
on corn. For example, many disease organisms Diplodia, Fusarium, Pencillium, etc.) that cause
survive from crop to crop in infected residue, which seed rot or seedling blight. These fungi may cause
means that diseases can be worse in minimum significant stand loss in poorly drained, excessively
tillage corn than where the residue is thoroughly compacted, cold and/or wet soils. Seed rot and
incorporated into the soil each year. Stressed plants seedling blight severity are also affected by planting
are also often more susceptible to diseases, so depth, soil type, seed age/viability, seed coat injury
drought stress or poor drainage should be avoided. and genetic resistance.
Balanced fertility can also reduce disease problems,
so it is especially important to complete a soil test, Symptoms Aboveground symptoms of
apply adequate potassium and other elements as seedling blights can be confused with mechanical,
recommended, and to avoid excessive nitrogen use. insect or chemical injury. A soft rotting of stem
tissues near the soil, yellowing, wilting and death of
For specific problems, effective disease leaves are common symptoms on blighted seedlings.
management begins with correct identification of
the disease and its cause. The Cooperative Control Plant high quality, injury- and
Extension Service offers two excellent diagnostic disease-free seed into a warm (soil temperature
services for Arkansas corn producers in this regard. consistently above 55F), moist, but firm seedbed.
The Plant Disease Clinic at the Lonoke Research Use the most appropriate equipment to assure
and Extension Center can diagnose most corn proper placement of seed, pesticides and fertilizers
diseases, and the Nematode Assay Laboratory at the in order to promote the establishment of healthy,
Southwest Research and Extension Center near vigorous seedlings. All commercial hybrid corn seed
Hope provides nematode diagnosis. These services is also treated with one or more fungicides, which
can be accessed by submitting diseased plant provides additional protection against seed rots.
samples or soil samples for nematode analysis to
the local county agent. The county agent can advise Crazy Top
you on the proper way to sample and what you can
expect in the way of results, in addition to sending This disease is caused by the soilborne fungus
the sample to the appropriate lab. Currently, plant Sclerophthora macrospora, and it is occasionally
disease diagnosis is free, while a small fee is seen in Arkansas, usually in corn fields that have
charged for nematode assays. been waterlogged early in the growing season.
Symptoms Infection usually occurs in young of minimum tillage. Heavy yield losses have been
plants (before the 5-leaf stage) exposed to flooded reported in no-till corn fields of the eastern U.S.
soils for at least 24 to 48 hours. After infection, the under favorable weather conditions.
fungus grows within the plant, causing various
symptoms including excessive tillering (up to Symptoms Leaf lesions develop on the older,
10 tillers per plant), stunting, whitish striped leaves bottom leaves first, and the disease moves up the
or narrow, leathery leaves. The most striking leaves as the plant matures. The disease is favored
symptom occurs at tasseling, when the tassel by long periods of warm, humid weather. The tan to
develops a twisted, leafy appearance that may gray lesions are narrow and rectangular and occur
resemble tiny ears (Figure 6-1). typically between the leaf veins (Figure 6-3). Under
favorable conditions, the lesions may join, killing the
Control Plant in fields with good drainage whole leaf.
and not prone to sustained flooding. Flooding early
in the season predisposes corn to infection. It is also Control Practice crop rotation with a
recommended that grassy weeds be controlled non-grass crop. Destroy infected corn residue with
because they may also be hosts of the fungus. good tillage practices. Use resistant varieties, if
available. Practice good weed control as john
songrass and barnyard grass are hosts of the fungus.
Control Use resistant varieties if available. The fungus overwinters in soil and infected crop
Practice crop rotation with soybean or rice and plow debris as well as on infected kernels. The disease
under old crop residue. Maintain a balanced soil may be favored by minimum tillage. Spores
fertility program and control weedy grasses. produced by the fungus are windborne over long
Minimum tillage favors this disease. distances or splashed by rain to other plants. The
disease is favored by long periods of cloudy, warm
and wet weather.
Gray Leaf Spot
Control Plant resistant varieties and plow
A fungus, Cercospora zeae-maydis, causes this under crop debris. Rotation with non-host crops can
disease, which appears to have increased in many be effective. Fungicides are available but rarely
corn production areas of the U.S. since the adoption economical except in seed corn production (Table 6-1).
Table 6-1. Fungicides Available for Foliar Diseases of Corn in Arkansas *
Diseases Fungicide Active Ingredient Rate/Acre Comments
Rusts Tilt 3.6E propiconazole 4 fl oz Do not apply after silking. See label
for other restrictions.
Leaf Blights
Propimax EC propiconazole 4 fl oz See label for restrictions.
Gray Leaf Spot Stratego propiconazole + 7-12 fl oz See label for restrictions.
Quadris 2.08 SC azoxystrobin 6.2-15.4 fl Not labeled for Southern Rust. Use
oz higher rates for gray leaf spot and
leaf blights. See label for warnings
and restrictions.
*Notes: Table information was current as of October 21, 2002, and applies only to Arkansas and may not be
appropriate for other states. The listing of any product does not imply endorsement of or discrimination
against any product by the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. Every effort was made to ensure
accuracy but the user and/or applicator of any crop protection product must read and follow the most current
label of the product THE LABEL IS THE LAW.
Two similar rust diseases, common rust and The soilborne fungus Macrophomina phaseolina
southern rust, occur on corn in Arkansas. Common causes disease on more than 400 different plants
rust is caused by the fungus Puccinia sorghi, and including corn. Severe yield losses may result if hot,
the disease often develops when susceptible dry weather persists during and after tasseling.
varieties are grown under cool, wet weather
conditions. Southern rust is caused by the fungus
Symptoms Infection can occur at any stage
Puccinia polysora, and it may develop on
from seedlings to plants approaching maturity. Early
susceptible varieties when hot, moist weather
persists. Although rusts have not been of major symptoms include brown, water-soaked lesions on
concern in Arkansas corn for several years, they the roots that later turn black. The fungus spreads up
remain a potential problem. into the lower stalk causing premature ripening and
lodging. Inside the stalk, symptoms include a dry,
Symptoms Lesions or pustules that contain stringy appearance rather than a solid pith.
the rust spores appear on all above-ground parts but
are most abundant on the leaf. Pustules are circular Numerous black sclerotia inside the stalk give
to elongated, golden-brown to cinnamon-brown the appearance of powdered charcoal, thus the
early in the season (Figure 6-5). Pustules become name. The rotting of the stem leads to lodging, with
brownish-black as the plant matures. Southern rust plants bending over a few inches above the soil line
pustules are more common on the upper leaf surface where it has become stringy inside.
and less so on the lower surface than pustules of
common rust. Southern rust pustules also remain
Control Charcoal rot losses can be minimized
covered by the epidermis longer than common rust
by proper irrigation during the growing season.
pustules. When the infections are severe, leaves and
leaf sheaths may turn yellow and die (Figure 6-6). Excessive nitrogen rates and low potassium
dramatically increase charcoal rot damage. Thus,
Control Plant resistant varieties if available timely irrigation, combined with a well-balanced
(check seed company data). Avoid late planting and fertility program based on soil tests, can effectively
excessive nitrogen fertilization. Fungicides are reduce charcoal rot. Resistant varieties are not
available but can rarely be justified economically available. The planting of high stalk strength
(Table 6-1). varieties is encouraged to reduce lodging.
Other Stalk Rots Control Plant resistant varieties and avoid
mechanical injury to plants during spraying or
Various soil and seedborne fungi, including cultivation. Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization.
species of Diplodia, Gibberella, Fusarium,
Macrophomina and Pythium, can cause stalk rot of
corn. The exact causal organism can be difficult to Ear and Kernel Rot
identify. Stalk rots cause yield losses by increasing
lodging of the crop or by cutting off the supply of Several widely distributed fungi are responsible
water and nutrients from the roots. Stalk rots are for ear and kernel rot. Economic losses are
usually increased by drought stress, hail damage, common, especially in rainy years and on insect or
leaf diseases, high stand density, excessive nitrogen bird-damaged ears.
fertilization, low soil potassium levels, lack of
rotation, possibly minimum tillage and stalk feeding Symptoms Early infections may be noticed as
insects. bleached or straw-colored husks on the ear with
heavily infected ears remaining upright due to poor
Symptoms Stalk rots normally begin soon grain fill and light weight. Late infections may show
after pollination, and become more severe as the no external symptoms, but when husks are removed,
plant matures. Rotting affects the roots, crown and mold growth is commonly found between the
lower internodes. Various discolorations of the pith, kernels on ears with discolored tips (Figure 6-8).
including whitish-pink to salmon, are common as is Mold colors may range from white to black, with
stalk breakage and premature ripening. pinkish color quite common.
Control Plant strong-stalked varieties to Control Plant only adapted corn varieties
reduce lodging. Practice balanced fertilization based known to have few ear rot problems. Fertilize
on recent soil tests and avoid excessive nitrogen. properly and control ear feeding insects as needed.
Avoid narrow rows and excessive seeding rates if Harvest early to avoid increased ear rot on corn
possible. Control stalk insects and harvest as early standing too long in adverse weather. Store
as possible. harvested ears and grain at the proper moisture to
avoid increased rot in storage.
Storage Rots and Mycotoxins
Three types of smut generally occur on corn
common, head and false smut. While these diseases Storage diseases of harvested corn grain in
occur worldwide, only common smut is regularly on-farm bins are potentially serious problems in
observed in Arkansas. Losses of 10 percent from Arkansas as they are throughout the southeastern
smut have been reported, but recently have tended U.S. Not only can storage rots lower the quality of
to be negligible as a result of the use of resistant grain through discoloration, mustiness, heating and
varieties. caking, but some of the causal fungi can produce
chemicals, known as mycotoxins, that are poisonous
Symptoms All aboveground parts of the plant to animals and humans. The most important fungi
are susceptible to common smut, but the tender ears involved include Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus
and tassels are more commonly attacked. Symptoms parasiticus, which produce aflatoxin, and Fusarium
are easily recognized on the corn ear as 1/4- to species that produce zearalenone, vomitoxin and
1/2-inch diameter galls covered with glistening, other toxins. Not all moldy corn grain in storage
greenish to silvery-white skin (Figure 6-7). The necessarily has mycotoxins, but if suspected,
interior of the galls darken over time and turn into laboratory testing must be conducted to confirm
masses of powdery, dark brown to black spores their presence or absence. Various lab tests are used
(teliospores). Some galls at maturity may be 5 to 6 including UV light to detect glowers (Figure 6-9)
inches in diameter. Older affected plants may appear but this method is no longer considered as accurate
reddish, similar to those heavily infested with aphids. as new Elisa test kits.
Soilborne teliospores overwinter and produce Symptoms and Control See the section on
spores in the spring that are carried onto young aflatoxin and proper grain storage for detailed
plants by wind or by splashed water. information.
Nematode Damage Virus Diseases
More than 40 species of nematodes have been Several virus diseases attack corn. Maize dwarf
reported to feed on corn. There is little information, mosaic virus (MDMV) and maize chlorotic dwarf
however, on the level of damage nematodes cause virus (MCDV) are the most common in Arkansas.
on corn grown in Arkansas. Symptoms caused by double infections of these two
diseases are more severe than either alone.
Symptoms Evidence of injury may vary with
species of nematode, its population level, soil type Symptoms MDMV symptoms are highly
and soil moisture. The major symptoms are stunting, variable, but usually first appear at the base of the
restricted root growth, lesions or galls on roots, youngest leaves as an irregular, light and dark green
stubby roots, chlorosis and wilting (Figure 6-10). mottle or mosaic which may develop into narrow
streaks along veins. These can appear as dark green
islands on a yellowish background. Leaves may
Control Cultural practices, including crop
become entirely yellowish-green as infected plants
rotation with non-host or less susceptible plants, and mature. Plants with these symptoms are sometimes
prevention of soil compaction, which restricts stunted with excessive tillering, multiple ear shoots
downward root growth, are often good nematode and poor seed set. Early infection, which is vectored
management practices. Many corn varieties are by several species of aphids, may predispose maize
excellent hosts for root knot nematode (RKN) and to root and stalk rots and premature death. Aphids
should not be used as a non-host rotation crop when usually acquire the virus from johnsongrass in early
attempting to manage RKN in other crops such as spring and infect corn plants later. The symptoms of
cotton or soybean. The reniform nematode and the MCDV include yellow to white narrow stripes on
soybean cyst nematode, on the other hand, do not young, infected corn leaves. Infected plants are
appear to attack corn; and corn in rotation with stunted to various degrees and leaves may turn
either soybean or cotton where these nematodes are partially or completely yellow and/or red, depending
present will lower nematode populations. Resistant on the severity of the disease (Figure 6-11). Unlike
corn hybrids may be available for some nematodes. MDMV, MCDV is transmitted by leafhoppers which
acquire the virus from infected johnsongrass.
However, if nematodes are suspected, a soil
sample should be sent through the local county Control Plant only resistant varieties (seed
agent to the Cooperative Extension Service company information). Use good weed management
Nematode Assay Laboratory for assessment. There that especially reduces infestations of johnsongrass,
is a small fee for this service but the correct as well as other grassy weeds. It is critical to plant
diagnosis can greatly help plan future rotations and as early as possible to avoid later buildup of insects
variety selection. and increased disease. Rotate with cotton, soybean
or other non-grass crops.
Figure 6-4. Southern Leaf Blight
by S. M. Lim
particles contaminated by
by Steve Vann
7 - Weed Control In Corn
Weeds compete with corn to reduce yields, Farmers have known for many years that
cause harvesting losses and produce seed that cultivation often prunes corn roots and can
increase the soil seed bank. Even a light infestation reduce yields. Better available herbicide technology
of weeds can reduce yields by 10 to 15 percent. has allowed more reliance on chemical weed control
Heavy infestations may reduce yields as much as and less on cultivation. It is estimated that near
50 percent if left unchecked during the season. 100 percent of the corn grown in Arkansas receives
Ideally, weeds should be controlled throughout the at least one herbicide application. Approximately
season. However, the most critical period is for the 20 percent of this acreage is not cultivated after the
first six weeks after planting. crop emerges. A very small percentage receives
cultivation after the corn reaches 8 inches in height
The potential size of the ear is determined over and roots begin to expand to the sides of the beds.
a three-week period starting about six weeks after
emergence. It is critical to have the corn growing Possibly no other crop has as many weed
well without stress from competing weeds at this control options as corn. There are currently over
time. Research has shown that one morningglory or 130 different herbicide brand names labeled for
pigweed plant per 4 feet of row that is allowed to weed control in this 75 million U.S. acres crop.
remain uncontrolled for four weeks after emergence However, many of these brand names are simply
will reduce yields by 4 percent. various mixtures of a much smaller number of
active ingredients. There are approximately
Late season weed infestations have less effect 30 brand names listed in Arkansas MP-44,
on produced yields, but may interfere with Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush
harvesting and reduce harvestable yields. Late Control.
season weeds are also very efficient at producing
seed to replenish the soil seed bank. Effective and The ten most troublesome weeds in corn in
economical weed control in corn requires an Arkansas are morningglory, pigweed, johnsongrass,
integrated program that includes good cultural broadleaf signalgrass, barnyardgrass, nutsedge,
practices such as crop rotation and water manage sicklepod, velvetleaf, prickly sida and crabgrass.
ment, judicious mechanical practices, proper Recommended control measures for these weeds are
herbicide selection and proper weed identification. usually quite effective. Adverse weather conditions
can cause control failures. The grassy weeds usually
Your county Extension agent receives extensive compete most heavily with corn during the early
training on weed identification and weed control season, while morningglory and pigweed are often
technology and is available to assist in developing most troublesome by germinating after layby and
economical and effective control programs. causing harvesting problems.
Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush
Control, often referred to as MP-44, is updated Atrazine is the basis of most chemical weed
annually to reflect the most current information on control programs in Arkansas corn, with over
herbicide label changes and revised recommenda 80 percent of the acres treated receiving at least one
tions based on research data. This publication is application. Atrazine may be applied alone or in
available from county Extension offices throughout combination with other herbicides either pre
the state. The color photographs at the end of this emergence or postemergence. Other herbicides are
chapter depict some of the more common weeds often mixed with atrazine to broaden the weed
found in corn in Arkansas. spectrum or to offer more residual weed control.
Metolachlor (Dual Magnum), alachlor (Lasso) Combinations of these products with atrazine as
and dimethenamid (Outlook) are acid amide tankmixes or premixes applied preemergence will
sometimes called chloroacetamide herbicides. control most seedling grasses and broadleaf weeds
Although atrazine has some activity on grassy for three weeks. Rainfall or irrigation is required to
weeds, it is considered a broadleaf product. The acid incorporate the herbicides with the soil for activity.
amide herbicides have much more activity on grassy This is often referred to as activation of the
weeds than on broadleaf weeds. Mixtures of herbicide. However, large rains immediately after
atrazine and one of the acid amides offer broad application may move some of the herbicide into
spectrum weed control with good residual contact with the germinating corn seedling and may
properties. (See Table 7-1.) actually be taken into the germinating seed as it
imbibes water. This usually results in delayed
Due to concerns about atrazine moving into emergence and some crop injury. Typical injury
underground aquifers, there are some label restric symptoms include buggy whipping and slowed growth.
tions governing mixing, loading and application in Under good growing conditions, the symptoms are
proximity to water wells and reservoirs. EPA is usually only cosmetic and the corn resumes normal
considering additional restrictions that, if imple growth seven to ten days after emergence.
mented, could make atrazine use in Arkansas
impractical. University and industry scientists have Postemergence herbicides are applied after the
worked diligently over the past few years to identify corn has emerged and most often after the weeds
a herbicide with similar weed control attributes as have emerged. Postemergence herbicides are used to
atrazine but without the regulatory restrictions. control emerged weeds that have escaped through
Callisto (mesotrione) has been added to MP-44 as the preemergence herbicides or to extend the
an alternative in atrazine sensitive areas. residual weed control beyond what can be achieved
with preemergence herbicides alone.
Preemergence herbicides are applied after the
corn has been planted and prior to emergence. Some Atrazine, 2,4-D, Clarity (dicamba) and Callisto
herbicides such as Dual Magnum are taken into the control broadleaf weeds when applied postemergence.
weedy plants through the emerging coleoptile and Atrazine may be applied until corn reaches 12 inches
have little or no activity on emerged weeds. These tall, Clarity and 2,4-D over the top to 5-leaf corn
herbicides must be applied before targeted weeds and Callisto may be applied on corn up to 30 inches
germinate. Dual, Lasso and Outlook primarily tall. Callisto and atrazine have some activity
control grasses such as crabgrass, barnyardgrass and postemergence on grassy weeds, but may provide
broadleaf signalgrass, but also suppress yellow unacceptable control if used alone on grasses over
nutsedge and offer some control of pigweeds. 1 inch tall. Accent (nicosulfuron) is very effective
when applied to grassy weeds less than 4 inches tall. multiple applications are usually required to provide
Accent is often mixed with a broadleaf herbicide a level of weed control that will not allow competi
such as Clarity, Basis (rimsulfuron) or atrazine to tion to reduce yields.
offer both broadleaf and grass control.
A soil residual herbicide should be applied to
Nutsedge and rhizome johnsongrass are prevent late season weeds from germinating and
particularly troublesome perennial weeds. Permit causing harvesting problems. Lightning
herbicide applied at 1.33 ounces per acre when (imazethapyr + imazapyr) used in conjunction with
nutsedge is 4 to 12 inches tall is the most effective Clearfield varieties is very effective on a broad
treatment in conventional corn. However, if spectrum of broadleaf and grass weeds when
nutsedge is allowed to reach 4 to 12 inches tall, applied early postemergence at 1.28 ounces per
severe crop competition has already occurred. acre. Lightning does have some soil residual activity
Heavy infestations of nutsedge may require and may offer season long control of many trouble
sequential applications. An earlier treatment may be some weeds. Cotton and rice rotation restrictions
required to prevent nutsedge from competing with following Lightning may reduce the utility of this
the crop. No more than 2.66 ounces of Permit may system for some Arkansas corn farmers.
be applied in one growing season. Repeat
applications of Accent or Beacon (primisulfuron) Herbicide resistant weeds are becoming more
may be required for acceptable rhizome of a problem in all crops. Pigweeds with resistance
johnsongrass control. Accent and Beacon may be to atrazine are common in other states, but have not
applied over the top of corn until the 20- and been found in Arkansas at this time. Due to the fact
24-inch stage of growth, respectively. that most corn in Arkansas is rotated with other
crops, there have been no weeds identified as being
Herbicide tolerant corn varieties are available resistant to corn herbicides. This does not diminish
that will allow use of glyphosate (Roundup Ready the importance of resistance management and
varieties) or imazethapyr/imazapyr (Clearfield maintaining a close watch for suspected resistance.
varieties). There are several formulations of If weeds are not controlled by a particular herbicide
glyphosate available and labeled for use on application and resistance is suspected, they should
Roundup Ready corn. Rates and use patterns vary be treated with an alternative herbicide and the local
by formulations, and labels should be checked prior county agent should be contacted. The University of
to using any herbicide. Sequential applications of Arkansas will collect weed specimens and test for
glyphosate are very effective for control of a broad resistance. Weeds that are suspected to be herbicide
spectrum of both grass and broadleaf weeds. resistant should not be allowed to produce seed in
Because glyphosate has no soil residual properties, the field.
Table 7-1
Rhizome Johnsongrass
Seedling Johnsongrass
Broadleaf Signalgrass
Common Ragweed
Yellow Nutsedge
Giant Ragweed
Fall Panicum
Prickly Sida
Red Rice
Atrazine 8 6 7 6 4 0 2 3 6 0 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 8 9 8 0 4 6 5
Axiom + Atrazine - - 9 - 9 - - - - - 9 8 8 - 9 - - 8 10 - 9 - - -
Callisto 7 7 9 - 7 0 0 - 7 0 9 8 9 7 9 9 - 9 9 5 7 - 9 -
Dual II Magnum + Atrazine 9 8 9 9 8 0 4 9 9 7 9 8 8 9 9 4 9 6 9 8 7 4 6 3
Lasso + Atrazine 9 8 9 9 7 0 3 8 9 7 9 8 8 9 9 8 9 6 9 8 6 3 5 3
Prowl + Atrazine 8 9 9 9 6 0 7 9 9 7 9 8 8 9 9 9 9 6 9 7 4 3 5 2
Harness or Surpass + Atrazine 8 9 9 9 7 0 6 9 9 7 9 8 8 9 9 4 9 6 9 8 7 4 6 3
Outlook + Atrazine 8 9 9 9 8 0 6 9 9 7 9 8 8 9 9 6 9 6 9 8 7 4 6 3
Accent - 8 5 - 8 9** 10 7 8 9 8 5 6 6 - 7 - 6 3 7 3 7 2 2
Exceed - 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 - 8 9 7 9 - 9 - 7 - 6 0 8 - 6
Atrazine + oil 9 6 6 6 6 0 3 5 7 0 9 9 8 8 8 9 9 7 8 8 5 4 6 4
Beacon - 3 3 - 3 8** 9 6 3 10 8 8 7 9 - 7 - 6 9 7 7 8 - 3
Banvel or Clarity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 9 9 - 9 - 8 9 8 0 8 9 6
2,4-D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 9 9 8 5 9 8 8 8 0 3 9 4
Basagran 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 8 7 9 7 8 5 0 7 3 5 0
Buctril 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 9 7 7 - 9 - 7 8 3 0 7 7 4
Callisto 7 7 9 - 7 0 0 - 7 0 9 8 9 7 9 9 - 9 9 5 7 - 9 -
Basis Gold - 8 7 8 8 6 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 9 9 9 9 8 7 -
Liberty 1.75 pt 1 app 9 8 8 - 9 6 9 9 - - 4 9 8 9 8 9 - 5 - 9 6 - - -
Gramoxone directed or Hood 9 9 9 9 9 0 8 8 8 0 9 4 4 8 3 5 8 7 9 9 3 - - -
Permit - - 3 3 3 3 3 3 - - 8 9 5 - 7 - - - 5 4 - - - -
Lightning 8 7 7 5 8 7 7 7 8 8 9* 9* 8 5 3 6 - 8 5 2 5 6 8 -
Roundup Ultra (1 qt/A once) 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 8 9 9.5 7 9 8 - - 7 9 9 4 - 7 -
*Rating will be O on ALS inhibitor resistant weeds.
Replant/ Replant/
Crop Crop
Herbicide Rotation Time Interval Precautions Herbicide Rotation Time Interval Precautions
Accent C I Sweet corn and popcorn - 10 months. All Callisto All 12 months Do not apply post if soil was treated
W 4 months crops not specified - 10 months if pH < 6.5
SG 4 months with Counter or Lorsban.
S 15 days or 18 months if pH > 6.5. Grain sorghum
CT 10 months 10 months if pH < 7.5 or 18 months if pH
Dual II Magnum C,S,GS I Use Concep treated seed.
> 7.5.
SG 4.5 months
Atrazine C,GS I If applied after June 10, only corn and Rice Next spring
All FY grain sorghum can be planted the follow All 18 months
ing year.
Axiom C I Exceed C 4 weeks IMI or IR corn can be planted immedi
S I SG 3 months ately.
W, R, AL 12 months S,CT,GS,R 10 months
O All 18 months
Banvel C,G, I Wheat planting must be delayed 45 days Guardsman Max GS,S,CT FY
W 45 days/pt after application per pint of Banvel used. All Do not plant
All Following nor the year fol
mal harvest of lowing appli
C,G,W,GS cation.
Basagran All I
Basis Gold W,S, GS, CT 10 months If Basis Gold is applied after July 1, do not Gramoxone No Restrictions.
sweetcorn, rotate to crops other than corn or sorghum
popcorn Lightning W,S,P,A 4 months
the next year. Cotton on
All other 18 mos sands and
Beacon W 3 months Sweet corn and popcorn - 8 months. loamy sands
A,CT,P,S,SF 8 months Replanting of field corn - 14 days. Cotton on 9.5 months
All 18 months heavier soils 18 months
Rice 40 months
Bicep C,GS I Use Concep treated seed. If applied after
S,CT FY June 10, only corn and grain sorghum can be Outlook C,S I
SG 15 months planted the following year. SG 4 months
All 18 months All Next spring
Buctril C,GS I
SG Fall Permit W 3 months
All FY S 10 months
Buctril + atrazine C,GS I If applied after June 15, plant only corn or Prowl CT,S II 90 days after post-incorporated appli
S FY grain sorghum the next year. W,B 120 days cation, cannot plant using no-tillage
CT,FG,FL,R Do not plant the All FY practices.
SG year following
All others application. Roundup No Restrictions.
*Always refer to product labels before using a pesticide or replanting into treated fields. Refer to Arkansas MP44, Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush Control for the most current information.
Crop Timing
All = All crops not specified C = Corn FL = Forage Legumes R = Rice SF = Sunflowers I = Immediately
A = Alfalfa CT = Cotton GS = Grain Sorghum S = Soybeans W = Wheat FY = Following year (usually spring)
B = Barley FG = Forage Grasses P = Peanuts SG = Small Grains
alachlor + atrazine @ 1.5 to Annual grasses, pigweed, Lasso 4E + AAtrex, Atrazine Preemergence or preplant. Add additional atrazine where cocklebur and
2.25 lb/A + 1 to 1.6 lb/A annual morningglory, common 1.5 to 2.25 qt/A Lasso + 1.25 to Note This treatment can be applied morningglory are severe. Rainfall in 5 to 7 days
cocklebur, velvetleaf, smart 2 lb/A 80W or 1 to 1.6 qt/A 4L or 1.1 to emerged corn before it exceeds 5" is necessary for best results. With preplants
weed, sicklepod. to 1.75 lb/A Nine-0. tall. However, weed control will be shallow incorporate 2 to 3 inches within 7 days
or reduced if weeds exceed 2" tall. of planting. All atrazine labels have been
Lariat/Bullet 4F revised because of surface and groundwater
2.5 to 3.75 qt/A. concerns. Special precautions are required on
new labels.
dimethenamid + atrazine @ Annual grasses, pigweed, Outlook + AAtrex, Atrazine From 45 days preplant to preemer- Same as above. Rates depend on percent
0.56 to 0.98 lb/A + 0.75 to 2 annual morningglory, common 12 to 21 + 0.75 to 2 qt/A 4L gence up to 8 tall corn. organic matter. See label.
lb/A cocklebur, velvetleaf, smart or
weed. Guardsman Max
3 to 4.6 pt/A.
acetochlor/safener + atrazine Annual grasses, pigweed, Harness + Atrazine Preplant or preemergence. Add additional atrazine where cocklebur and
@ 1 to 2 lb/A + 1.25 to 2 lb/A morningglory, cocklebur, vel 1.25 to 2.25 pt/A + 1.25 to 2 qt/A 4L morningglory are severe. Rainfall in 5 to 7 days
vetleaf, smartweed, sickle pod. or 1.4 to 2.2 lb/A 90. is necessary for best results. With preplants
shallow incorporate 2 to 3 inches within 7 days
of planting. All atrazine labels have been
revised because of surface and groundwater
concerns. Special precautions are required on
new labels.
acetochlor/safener + atrazine Same as above Surpass 6.4 EC + Atrazine Preplant or preemergence. See above comments.
@ 1.2 to 2.4 lb/A + 1 to 2 lb/A 1.5 to 3 pt/A + 1.1 to 2.2 lb/A 90 or 1
to 2 qt/A 4L.
Table 7-1 (cont.)
pendimethalin + atrazine @ Same as above. Prowl + Atrazine Preemergence. Do not incorporate. Plant corn at least 1 1/2 " deep. All atrazine
0.75 to 1 lb/A + 1 to 1.6 lb/A 1.8 to 2.4 pt/A Prowl 3.3EC + 1.25 to labels have been revised because of surface
2 lb/A 80W or 1 to 1.6 qt/A 4L or 1.1 and groundwater concerns. Special precau
to 1.75 lb/A Nine-0. tions are required on new labels.
flufenacet/metribuzin + Annual grasses and broadleaf Axiom 68 DF + Atrazine At planting. Cotton rotation not yet determined. Wheat
atrazine @ 0.55 to 0.94 lb/A weeds. 13 to 22 oz/A + 1.2 to 2 qt/A Atrazine rotation interval 12 months.
+ 1.2 to 2 lb/A 4L or equivalent.
mesotrione @ 0.188 to 0.24 Annual broadleaf weeds. Callisto 4L At planting. Do not plant crops other than corn in treat
lb/A 6 to 7.7 oz/A. ed fields during the same season.
atrazine @ 2 lb/A Most small-seeded annuals. AAtrex, Atrazine, Griffex After corn emergence, before grass Do not apply if corn is taller than 12 inches. Do
More effective on broadleaf 2.5 lb/A 80W or 2 qt/A of 4L or 2.2 lb/A weeds reach 1/2 inch, or broadleaf not plant crops other than corn or grain sorghum
weeds, red rice, and sicklepod. Nine-0. Select rate according to soil 1 1/2 inches. in treated field until following season. After June
texture. No surfactant recommended 10, do not plant any crop other than corn or
on label. grain sorghum the following year. Do not apply
Dual, Lasso or Frontier may be more than 2.5 lb/A active atrazine per season.
added if no soil applied grass herbi All atrazine labels have been revised because of
cide was used. surface and groundwater concerns. Special pre
AAtrex, Atrazine + oil cautions are required on new labels.
2.5 lb/A 80W or 2 qt/A 4L or 2.2 lb/A
Nine-0 + 1 qt/A oil concentrate.
2,4-D amine @ 0.5 lb/A Morningglory, cocklebur, and 2,4-D amine Apply when weeds are small and corn After corn is more than 12 inches, apply spray
most other young broadleaf 1 pt/A of 4 lb/gal 2,4-D. is under 12 inches; however, effective directly on weeds with a drop-type nozzle
weeds. results can be obtained with later between the corn row and not on the terminal
application. growth of corn. AVOID DRIFT. Follow all State
Plant Board Regulations.
dicamba @ 0.25 lb/A Same as above. Banvel or Clarity 4SL From corn emergence up to 36 inches Ground application only. Drift is extremely
0.5 pt/A. tall. Best results on weeds 36 inches or toxic to soybeans. Do not apply after soy-
less. Use drop nozzles if corn leaves beans begin to emerge in general area. Less
canopy weeds. toxic than 2,4-D to cotton. Follow all State
Plant Board regulations.
bromoxynil @ 0.25 to 0.375 Cocklebur, smartweed, morn Buctril 2EC Postemergence to weeds in seedling Use high rate on morningglories and pigweed.
lb/A ingglories, pigweed. 1 to 1.5 pt/A. On larger weeds, (2-4 leaf) stage. Weeds must be small. Expect some temporary
tank mix with 0.5 lb/A active burn.
nicosulfuron @ 0.031 lb/A Johnsongrass, broadleaf sig Accent 75DF Apply to 4-10-inch seedling and 8-12 Repeat application may be required to control
nalgrass, foxtail, and shatter- Accent 75 DF + nonionic surfactant inch rhizome johnsongrass. If regrowth. Do not apply to corn treated with
cane. (80%) or crop oil concentrate and regrowth occurs, apply a second Counter or Counter 20CR insecticide unless
28% or 32% UAN liquid fertilizer application when johnsongrass is 8 IT (Clearfield) corn is planted. See label for
(optional). 10 inches tall. May be applied to 2-6 restrictions with other organo-phosphate
0.66 oz/A + 2 pt/100 gal or leaf stage of corn. insecticides, and postemergence herbi
1 gal/100 gal and 4 gal/100 gal. 1 to 2 leaf broadleaf signalgrass. cides.
Tank mix with atrazine for Do not apply during cool cloudy weather.
broadleaf weeds. In Johnsongrass fields, only virus tolerant
hybrids are recommended.
primisulfuron @ 0.018 (split) Johnsongrass and shattercane. Beacon 75DF Apply to 4-12 inch tall seedling and 8 Split application will be required for rhizome
to 0.036 (single) lb/A Beacon 75DF + nonionic surfac 16 inch tall rhizome johnsongrass. johnsongrass control. Do not apply to corn
tant (80%) or crop oil concentrate Apply a second application when treated with Counter or Counter 20CR insec
and 28 to 34% UAN liquid fertilizer regrowth is 8-16 inches tall. May be ticide unless IT (Clearfield) corn is planted.
(optional). applied from 4-inch tall corn up to the See label for restrictions with other
1 water soluble packet per 2 acres 6 leaf stage. organophosphate insecticides and poste
(single application) or 1 packet per mergence herbicides. Some corn hybrids
4 acres (split application) + may be susceptible to injury. See your deal
2 pt/100 gal or 1 to 4 pt/A and 1 to er for a list of restricted hybrids.
2 pt/A. Do not apply during cool cloudy weather.
primisulfuron/prosulfuron @ Cocklebur, pigweed, morning Exceed 57WG Over the top where corn is 4 inches Do not apply to corn previously treated with
0.035 lb/A glory, sicklepod and other 1 oz/A. Add 0.25% non-ionic tall up to 6 leaf stage. Counter 15G or 20CR. Ground application
broadleaf weeds. surfactant or crop oil concentrate only. See label for other precautions/ restric
at 1-2 pt/A. May be tank mixed with tions.
Accent at 0.33 oz/A for grass con
halosulfuron @ 0.032 to Nutsedge, cocklebur. See label Permit 75WG Postemergence from corn spike Ground application only. See label for mixtures
0.063 lb/A for tank mixes to broaden weed 0.67 oz/A for cocklebur.
through layby. and other precautions. Clean tank with ammo
spectrum. 1 to 1.33 oz/A for nutsedge.
4- to 12-inch nutsedge nia.
Add a non-ionic surfactant or crop
1- to 9-inch cocklebur
oil concentrate. May use two appli
total rate.
nicosulfuron/rimsulfuron/ Annual grass and broadleaf Basis Gold 90WG Apply to small weeds and before corn Do not apply to corn treated with Counter or
atrazine @ 0.79 lb/A weeds. 14 oz/A. Add a crop oil concentrate. exceeds 12 inches. Apply to annual Counter 20 CR insecticides. See label for other
grasses less than 2 inches tall. insecticide precautions.
paraquat @ 0.25 lb/A Emerged annual grasses. Gramoxone Max 3SL Apply when corn is at least 10 inches DIRECTED OR HOODED SPRAY ONLY. Avoid
0.67 pt/A + surfactant (p. 3). and weeds are 4 inches or less. fine spray. Corn plants less than 10 inches may
be injured and not recover.
paraquat + atrazine @ 0.25 Same as above but better con Gramoxone Max 3SL + AAtrex Apply when corn is at least 10 inches DIRECTED OR HOODED SPRAY ONLY. Avoid
+ 0.5 to 1 lb/A trol of broadleaf weeds. 0.67 pt/A + 0.67 to 1.25 lb/A 80W or and weeds are 4 inches or less. fine spray. Corn plants less than 10 inches may
1 to 2 pt/A 4L. Add a surfactant (p. 3). be injured and not recover.
mesotrione @ 0.094 lb/A Annual broadleaf weeds. Callisto 4L May be applied up to 30 inches or Do not apply to corn treated with Counter or
3 oz/A. 8 leaf stage of corn. Lorsban insecticides. See label.
HERBICIDE TOLERANT CORNS Check suitability of available hybrids with county agent.
glyphosate @ 0.75 to 1 lb/A Most annual grass and broadleaf Roundup Ultra, Touchdown or To emerged weeds from corn emer Apply only to Roundup Ready corn. Single
weeds and Johnsongrass. equivalent 4SL gence to V8 or 30-inch stage. in-crop applications not to exceed 1 lb/A
1.5 to 2 pt/A. and multiple in-crop applications not to
or exceed 2 lb/A total. Best used following
Roundup Ultra Max 5SL Atrazine preemergence. See label for tank
1.2 to 1.6 pt/A. mixes.
Roundup Weather Max 5.5SL
1 to 1.33 pt/A.
glyphosate + atrazine @ Same as above plus residual Roundup Ultra, Touchdown or Prior to 12-inch corn. Apply only to Roundup Ready corn. Single
0.75 to 1 lb/A + 1 lb/A control of broadleaf weeds. equivalent 4SL + Aatrex in-crop applications not to exceed 1 lb/A
Improved morningglory control. 1.5 to 2 pt/A + 1 qt/A. and multiple in-crop applications not to
or exceed 2 lb/A total. Best used following
Roundup Ultra Max 5SL + Aatrex Atrazine preemergence. See label for tank
1.2 to 1.6 pt/A + 1 qt/A. mixes.
Roundup Weather Max 5.5SL
1 to 1.33 pt/A + 1 qt/A.
imazethapyr/imazapyr @ Small annual grasses and Lightning 70DG Early postemergence. For use only on (Clearfield) hybrids or death
0.056 lb/A broadleaf weeds. 1.28 oz/A or 1 water soluble bag per will occur. Good choice where atrazine cannot be
2 acres. Add a surfactant. If in used. Read crop rotation section of label very
atrazine use area, add atrazine at 1.2 carefully.
to 2 lb ai/A to broaden spectrum.
Common Weed Seedlings in Corn
Palmer amaranth
common lambsquarters
pitted morningglory smallflower morningglory
palmleaf morningglory
purple moonflower
spotted spurge large or southern crabgrass
prickly sida
broadleaf signalgrass fall panicum red rice
barnyardgrass johnsongrass
8 Corn Harvesting
Gary Huitink
the combine for reduced kernel damage and
improved separation. See your county Extension
agent for the options on harvest strategy and adjusting
the combine to remove more aflatoxin-prone grain.
More suggestions are included in Chapter 10, Grain
Storage and Aflatoxin in Corn. The Arkansas State
Plant Board will perform an analysis on a sample of
corn to identify sample field aflatoxin levels, These
tests are a good basis for evaluating your situation
and avoiding severe discounts.
gently into stalk rolls. Excessive chain speed can
break stalks, plug the rear of the stalk rolls, increase Stalk Roll Spacing
chain wear and overload the combine. Synchronize
the gathering chain flights, positioning the tip about W
ide for dry crops
1/4 inch beyond the edge of the snapping plate.
Narrow when stalks are damp and tough
Snapping Opening (to reduce snapping plate shelling)
Stalk rolls pull stalks down between two Center all snapping plate gaps over center
snapping plates that strip the ears from the stalks. of roll openings to avoid breaking weak
The rear of all snapping plates needs a 1/8-inch stalks
wider gap than the front. Refer to your corn head
manual; typically, adjust the front 1 1/4 to 1 3/8
inches apart and the rear 1 3/8 to 1 1/2 inches apart.
Use narrow spacing for small ears. A wide spacing
is one cause of shelling from the butt of the ear and
may cause small ears to drop partially below the
snapping plates. Check that stalk roll spacing and
snapping plate spacing are the same on all rows.
(Refer to your Corn Head Operators Manual)
Knocks ears off before they enter the 1. Snapping plate gaps should be narrower at the
gathering throat. front than at the rear to avoid wedging ears into
May cause plugging in high-yielding corn stalk rolls.
due to overloaded gathering units.
2. Adjust stalk rolls to pull stalks firmly down
Excessive stalk roll speed through the snapping area. Ears should snap off
quickly about half way up the snapping plates.
Chews stalks and may wedge ears on the
snapping plates causing shelling loss 3. Excessive wear on stalk rolls. Replace.
along the row.
May shake ears off before stalks are fully 4. Loose gathering chains. Adjust tension.
in the throat.
Pulling Up Stalks
Inadequate stalk roll speed
1. Forward speed may be too fast in relation to
May break or pull up stalks, causing gathering chain speed.
plugging at the back of the rolls.
Extra stalks entering the combine 2. The snapping plate gap may be too narrow.
potentially can overload separation. Spread the snapping plates a little farther apart
to get stalks to feed through freely and snap the
ear cleanly. Try 1/8-inch adjustment increments
on each side of the row.
The stalk roll gap should allow stalks to enter
without restriction. The rolls have several flutes or 3. Not operating on rows planted together; i.e.,
adjustable knives that, properly adjusted, grip stalks rows not centered.
and pull them down without slippage. Stalk roll
replacement is expensive, but field capacity is Weeds, etc., Wrapping Stalk Rolls
reduced when flutes are worn. Field loss becomes
high as rolls wear and slip in contact with corn 1. Shields on the front of the stalk rolls should cover
stalks. half of the spiral points to minimize wrapping.
2. Weed knives along the back side of the stalk
rolls should be adjusted just as close as possible Corn Quality
without touching rolls. Replace missing, worn
or bent knives. Within the typical harvest moisture range,
threshing is the likely cause for cracked
Row Alignment kernels. Concave gaps narrower than 5/8 inch
or thresher surface speeds above 3500 feet per
1. Select harvest speed to keep units centered on minute can lower corn below USDA Grade
the row.
No. 2 requirements. Fines or broken kernels
are the primary cause of heated, sour and
2. Pick matched rows. Rows not planted togeth
er have spacing variations that may increase weevily corn, especially if they are allowed
stalk breakage or plugging. to remain in the center of the bin.
Table 8-2. Initial Corn Setting Suggestions harvest profit. If loss is high, the kind of loss is a
clue to making adjustments. Keeping losses low
Thresher speed: 3000-3500 fpm (See Table 8-1)
doesnt cost; it pays!
Concave spacing: 5/8 inch or greater
Chaffer sieve: 1/2 - 5/8 inch Procedure
Cleaning sieve: 5/8 - 9/16 inch
To count field loss, choose a representative field
portion at least 100 yards from the end. Disconnect
(Consult operators manual for specific adjustments.)
the straw spreader or straw chopper to aid in diag
nosing the source of loss. Otherwise, kernels thrown
Field Loss into adjacent rows will add confusion about where
the loss really occurred.
Field loss was sampled behind 84 combines in
Iowa (Table 8-3). Failure to gather ears was the Ear Loss
greatest loss (cost) category in Iowa and may be in
Arkansas. Separating losses and shelling at the stalk Ear loss is sampled in 436 square foot areas
rolls are other common problems. Some producers (1/100 acre) (Table 8-4) and kernel loss in 10 square
may increase corn income by reducing field loss by foot areas. Sample the field ear loss first and then
several bushels per acre. determine what portion occurred at the corn head.
Table 8-3. Summary of Corn Field Losses (Iowa) Then measure preharvest ear loss. In fact, making
early preharvest loss samples prior to entering the
Average Top 10%
Sources field with the combine helps to identify which field
growers of growers
of Loss to harvest first and, possibly, when to start.
(bushels/A) (bushels/A)
Failure to
1.5 0 Table 8-4. Row Length, Feet, to Obtain 1/100th
gather ears
of an Acre
Shelling from 0.9 0.3
stalk rolls Row Distance, Feet, for Measuring
Separating loss 1.3 0.2 Spacing 1/100 Acre According to the
(inches) Number of Rows on Corn Head
Total combine loss 3.7 0.5
3 4 5 6 8 12
Ears dropped
2.1 1.0 28 62.2 46.7 37.3 31.1 23.3 15.6
before harvest
Total field loss 5.8 1.5 30 58.1 43.6 34.8 29.0 21.8 14.5
36 48.4 36.3 29.0 24.2 18.2
Estimating Field Loss 38 45.8 34.4 27.5 22.9 17.2
40 43.6 32.7 26.1 21.8 16.3
Everyone wants to do an expert job of harvesting.
One way to gain expertise is to check field losses
and compare them to top growers. Field loss can be Step 1: Field Ear Loss. Back the combine
estimated quickly. Losses are determined by about 10 feet out of the row to provide space to
counting shelled corn and ears left in the field. count loss. Due to extra discharge when stopped,
note how far behind the combine to count loss
Corn normally dries at the rate of 1/2 to 1 percent (Figure 8-2). Step off the correct distance behind the
moisture content per day in the field. Approximately combine according to your corn head and row
two weeks before harvest is a good time to begin spacing (Table 8-4). Mark this distance down the
measuring corn moisture and counting field ear loss. row and count all whole or broken ears (not those
Counting ears on the ground prior to harvest as well that have been threshed). Estimate the number of
as behind the combine provides facts to optimize full ears (one 3/4-pound ear in 436 square feet
Figure 8-2. Where to measure corn harvest losses.
equals one bushel per acre). Record the field ear constructed. A PVC pipe frame or a plastic
loss in bushels per acre in Table 8-5. clothesline, with pegs at the corners of a rectangle
is helpful. Complete steps 4 and 5 (Table 8-8) for
Step 2: Preharvest Loss. Pace off the same each row and then move the frame to sample the
distance in standing corn (Figure 8-2). This is the same next row.
sample size (Table 8-4), 1/100th acre, which was
measured behind the combine. Gather and count all Table 8-6. Frame Dimensions to Enclose 10
the dropped or unrecoverable ears in these rows Square Feet for Kernel Loss Counts
and record this in bushels per acre in Table 8-5. Row Width (inches) Row Length (inches)
28 52
Step 3: Corn Head Ear Loss. In Table 8-5,
subtract the preharvest loss from the field ear loss to 30 48
determine loss caused at the corn head. 36 40
38 38
Table 8-5. Ear Loss Data
40 36
Number of Ears
Loss Category One ear = 1 bushel/acre
Step 4: Corn Head and Separation Loss. Place
Step 1: Field Loss the frame behind the combine and count loose
Step 2: Preharvest kernels (not those remaining on threshed cobs).
Loss Record the number of kernels as corn head and
Step 3: Corn Head separation loss, by row, in Table 8-8. Convert the
Ear Loss number of kernels in 10 square feet to bushels per
acre by dividing by 20.
Step 6: For each row, add the second (Step 4,
Table 8-7. Corn Loss Measurement
Corn Head and Separation Loss) and third (Step 5,
Threshing Loss) columns to obtain a Combine Uniformly Distributed
Kernel Loss value in the fourth column of
2 kernels
Table 8-8. The average of all rows indicates the = 1 bu/A
square foot
field shelling losses caused by the combine. These
One 3/4 lb ear
typically increase as corn dries in the field. = 1 bu/A
436 square feet
Step 8: Separation Loss. For each row, subtract Evaluate both gathering and separating losses to
corn head kernel loss, Step 7, from corn head and determine the best field speed. Adjust for tough
separation loss, Step 4, and enter the value in the stalks, ears that drop easily and lodged fields. Time
last column as separation loss. This is the corn that your harvest to balance field loss and damage with
the costs of higher corn moisture using your drying
was not separated from chaff.
cost or current market discounts.
9 - On Farm Storage and Drying
Dennis R. Gardisser
bins have a limited amount of available air capacity. grains when drying depths are less than 4 feet or
These criteria dictate that bins should not initially be stirring depths are used.
filled too full if the grain is at a high moisture con
tent. Once grain moistures reach 15 percent or less Batch and/or pass dryers typically use much
throughout the bin, the bin filling process may be higher temperatures, but also have much higher
completed. Graph 9-1 illustrates the dramatic air flow rates. Grain kernels may protect them
increase in fan horsepower/capacity needed to push selves somewhat as long as they are giving up
grain through varying depths of grain. Requirements water and there is evaporative cooling in or near
can quickly overwhelm available power as the grain the kernel.
depth and air requirements (CFM cubic feet per
minute) increase. In most on-the-farm storage, the grain is
subjected to modest temperatures for long periods of
Several rules of thumb have been developed for time. There must always be sufficient air flow to
sizing fans for dyring systems1: (1) doubling the cool the upper portions of the bin to eliminate the
grain depth at the same cfm/bushel air flow rate possibility of mold development in that area. The
requires 10 times more horsepower and (2) doubling top layers are the last segment of the bin to reach a
the cfm/bushel air flow rate on the same depth of safe moisture level.
grain requires 5 times more horsepower.
Grain may be dried without adding any heat if
Air flow rates for drying vary from 0.5 cfm/ the EMC is low enough. Careful monitoring of the
bushel to more than 50 cfm/bushel for commercial EMC and managing drying times to optimize low
or batch dryers. Most on-the-farm air flow rates for values will provide the most economical drying.
drying vary from 0.5 to 6 cfm/bushel dependent on Many times Mother Nature simply will not provide
the initial moisture content of the grain and the dry enough air, particularly at night, and the
amount of heat added to the drying air. Recom addition of heat is needed to condition the air to the
mended minimum air flow rates for different correct EMC.
moisture contents are as follows.
Fan Types
% moisture cfm/bushel
11 to 13 0.5 Vane-axial fans supply more cfm per
13 to 15 1 horsepower at static pressures below 4.0 to
15 to 18 2 4.5 inches of water, low grain depths, than
18 to 20 3 centrifugal fans. For this reason, these fans are
20 to 22 4 generally better adapted to shallow-depth bin drying
>22 6 systems, such as batch-in-bin and continuous-in-bin
systems, and to deep bin drying up to 20-foot depths
When air flow rates are less than 1 cfm/bushel, requiring 1 cfm/bushel air flow or less. They are
add little or no heat. A rough guide for temperature generally lower in initial cost, but operate at a
increases through the heaters at various air flow higher noise level than centrifugal. These fans are
rates is as follows. generally not acceptable for use with bins that will
also handle rice because of the high static pressures
For an air flow rate of 1 to 2 cfm, limit the that are expected typically, air is more difficult to
temperature rise to 6F. move up through a column of rice.
For an air flow rate of 2 to 3 cfm, limit the Centrifugal fans supply more cfm per
temperature rise to 12F. horsepower at static pressures above 4.0 to
4.5 inches of water than vane-axial fans. These are
For air flow rates above 3 cfm, a 20F especially advantageous when the application
temperature rise is permissible. A temperature requires relatively high air volumes through deep
rise above 20F is satisfactory for some feed grain levels (12 to 20 feet), and where low noise is
1AE-106, Fan Sizing and Application for Bin Drying and Cooling of Grain, Purdue University CES.
Graph 9-1. Fan Power Requirements vs. Depth
important. Larger diameter centrifugal fans typically One should strive to maintain a steady EMC
move more air per horsepower. that is very close to the target storage moisture
content. There are typically numerous days during
All fans are susceptible to a reduction in the and shortly after the harvest season when the EMC
amount of air that can be moved as the static is at or below the desired level without adding any
pressure increases. Air flow will be less when fan heat. At night or during damp weather conditions it
blades are coated with lubricants, dust and other may be necessary to add some heat to condition the
foreign materials. Keep all fan blades clean for air to a desirable EMC or to maintain the same
maximum performance. level available during the daylight hours. If heat is
not available, it may be better to turn the fans off at Grain should not be allowed to cone or pile to
night instead of pumping in moist air. Moist air that one side as the bin is being filled. If coning or slop
is pumped in at night has to be removed later. This ing occurs, the large particles will migrate to the
increases drying cost and may result in significant outside and the flour-like small particles and trash
HRY reductions. Fans should be turned off almost will remain at the center of the cone. This results in
any time the EMC of the air is greater than that of a very non-uniform amount of air being passed
the grain. The exception might be for very damp through each portion of the grain. Most of the air
corn to avoid heat buildup. will pass up the outside of the bin through the larger
and cleaner grain. A level height should be main
tained throughout the filling process. Once the sepa
ration occurs, it is hard to remedy even if the bin
is later shoveled level. Do not fill a bin to a peak or
until the grain touches the roof. This will interfere
with uniform air flow and prevent moisture move
ment out of the grain surface. Level fill works best
at any level!
Continue to aerate and uniformly cool grain Never enter a bin when grain is being unloaded.
down to 30 to 40F if possible. This will help
avoid internal moisture migration and insect Beware of crusted grain.
It is best to work in pairs one inside with a
Monitor grain and aerate monthly to maintain safety harness and one outside to assist if needed.
uniform temperature and moisture levels
throughout. Aerate more often if moisture or Grain suffocation accidents happen all too
temperatures increase. often think before you act or enter a bin!
Keep grain cool as long as possible into the These drying concepts and other details are
early spring. discussed in MP213, Grain Drying, available at
your local county Extension office. Corn drying is
Do not aerate in early summer unless problems not overly complicated, but does require a good
develop. manager to maintain the highest corn quality.
ear appropriate masks when working around MWPS-13, Planning Grain-Feed Handling
dusts particularly from moldy or spoiled grain. ($2.50)
Exposure to and inhaling mold can cause severe MWPS-22, Low Temperature and Solar Grain
allergic reactions. Drying ($3.00)
10 - Grain Storage and
Aflatoxin in Corn
Prevention or Reduction of the truck is not recommended. The best
Aflatoxin in Corn approach is to keep clean grain separate from
grain that is suspected to be contaminated.
If conditions are favorable for the production of
aflatoxin, it is much more difficult to prevent Research indicates the best kernel quality usually
infection from Aspergillus spp. and subsequent results when corn is harvested within a range of
aflatoxin production. Thus, a realistic goal is to moisture levels between 19 and 24 percent. The
minimize the preharvest infection with sound agro routine recommendation, based on
nomic practices and minimize post-harvest fungal discounts/drying costs and field losses, is that
growth with careful handling and storage practices. corn be harvested between 15 and 18 percent
moisture. This is an economic decision based on
Since the fungus normally colonizes stressed, a typical crop that has no increased risk for
cracked or broken kernels, reducing in-field stress lodging, charcoal rot or aflatoxin contamination.
and kernel injury is recommended, including:
If high-moisture corn can be dried rapidly,
Plant early to avoid drought stress and insect at-risk fields should be harvested earlier, before they
damage. Corn may be planted successfully reach 18 percent moisture. This reduces kernel
when the morning soil temperature is 55F at a damage and the potential sites for aflatoxin contami
2-inch depth for three consecutive days. This nation. High-moisture corn harvest also reduces
normally occurs in late March in south field loss, but it increases drying costs. To reduce
Arkansas and early April in north Arkansas. damage during combining:
Sometimes frost may occur after these planting
dates, but corn normally withstands frost with Use a rotary thresher, if available.
very little injury.
Start with a thresher speed that is slow enough
Irrigate properly to avoid drought stress. to leave a few kernels on the cob. Dont
Irrigation scheduling can prevent moisture stress overload the thresher or the cleaning sieves.
and protect yield potential by allowing uniform
kernel development. A computerized irrigation Replace worn grain augers. Grain augers
scheduling program and a manual checkbook damage kernels if their diameter is worn to the
program for scheduling irrigation are available point that kernels slip past the flighting.
at county Extension offices. If tensiometers are
used to schedule irrigation, initiating irrigation at Adjust the combine airflow and sieve settings to
50 centibars on silt loam and clay soils and remove foreign material from the corn sample.
40 centibars on sandier soils is recommended. Separating foreign material from grain
eliminates a primary source of moisture and
Plant Bt corn hybrids adapted to the south and material that restricts air movement in the bin.
with good husk cover to minimize insect and Some broken kernel portions will blow over the
other stresses. sieves and onto the field. Proper thresher
settings and post-harvest screen separators are
Control late-season ear- and stalk-feeding practical ways to eliminate broken kernel
insects as needed. portions. Start with the combine manufacturers
suggested settings and fine-tune the combine to
Harvest unstressed portions of fields separately obtain a clean sample.
from portions of fields that suffered drought
stress (e.g., in a field irrigated with a center Eliminating fines is economically done with a
pivot system, harvest inside the irrigated circle screen as grain is emptied from the truck hauling it
first and leave the nonirrigated corners for in from the field. This rotating screen fastens to the
later). Mixing clean grain with moldy grain on grain auger and eliminates fine material. If these
fines are contaminated with aflatoxin, they should These factors act in combination. If the relative
be burned or buried. Contaminated fines should humidity can be lowered with air movement and the
never be used for livestock feed. Clean combines, grain moisture is reduced, the potential of mold
grain carts, trucks, conveyors and bins thoroughly problems decreases. Development of the fungus
after they have been used for corn. usually stops when the temperature is below 55F and
grain moisture is 12 percent or less, but it is greatly
Grain Storage to Preserve Quality reduced at moisture levels of 15 percent or less.
Many aflatoxin problems arise during grain Store Grain at Low Moisture Content
storage, which begins the moment the kernel enters
the grain tank on the combine. At that moment, the The relationship between the moisture content
quality of the grain is the best it will ever be. The of stored grain and the relative humidity of the air
first objective in preserving grain quality is to profoundly affects mold growth and grain spoilage.
determine grain moisture level, amount of trash in The moisture content of stored grain determines the
the grain, amount of grain damage that has occurred relative humidity of the air in which it is stored.
and best utilization of facilities and manpower High moisture content causes high relative humidity
available. in the air surrounding the grain in storage. Molds
grow rapidly when the air has a high relative
Grain that is cracked or has a lot of foreign humidity and slowly at a low relative humidity. In
matter is susceptible to mold growth and is hard to fact, each mold has a specific relative humidity
dry because of decreased airflow. The kernel seed below which it will not grow. When grain is stored
coat offers protection from invasion of a variety of with low moisture content, air contained in the grain
pests including insects and molds. Grain should be mass has low relative humidity and grain deteriora
handled carefully so as not to mechanically damage tion by mold growth is controlled. The best way to
the seed coat. Also, stress cracking due to overheating control mold growth is to store grain with low
or drying too rapidly should be avoided. moisture content. The safe moisture storage level for
corn in Arkansas is approximately 12 to 13 percent.
Air movement through grain helps avoid the Long-term storage should be 12 percent.
natural heating process that occurs with any material
containing high moisture. It is essential that grain Avoid Pockets of Damp Grain
not be held in the field for any period of time to
avoid heat stress and fostering mold systems. If For safe storage, all the grain must be below
possible, move grain to the drying and storage area this safe storage moisture level. An isolated pocket
immediately after harvesting and begin to move air of damp grain supports mold and/or insect growth
through it to start the drying process. Ideally, move which can spread upward and outward to drier
grain to a drying operation in less than six hours grain. A load of damp grain placed in storage with
from the time it is harvested. A 24 hour delay may dry grain limits the storage time of the entire lot to
cause problems, including high rates of Aspergillus that of the wettest grain. Research has shown that
growth and aflatoxin production. even when damp and dry grain are carefully mixed
and moisture is allowed to equalize, moisture differ
Relative humidity, kernel moisture and temperature ences of 2 percent between kernels may remain.
play a role in aflatoxin development on corn. When the grain is poorly mixed, much greater
Conditions favoring the growth of A. flavus, include: differences result.
usually accumulates near the walls of storage bins for maintaining grain quality during storage, and
as it rides down the cone of grain during filling of excessive handling increases kernel damage.
the bin. Dont allow the incoming grain to cone
inside the bin. Any leaks in the storage bin also Control Insects and Rodents
cause pockets of high moisture grain.
Insects which invade stored grains are also
Avoid Moisture Migration sensitive to temperature. Their growth and reproduc
tion are greatly reduced at temperatures below 70F
A frequent cause of pockets of higher moisture and cease at 50F. Good housekeeping and spraying
grain in storage is moisture migration. Grain in the operations are generally sufficient for control.
mid-south region is usually warm when harvested Rodents are controlled by storing grains in rodent-
and stored. Since grain is a good thermal insulator, proof bins. Both insect and rodent control are
it remains warm until cooled by aeration. During enhanced by keeping grain facilities clean of old grain,
cold seasons, air near the bin wall cools, and debris and vegetation. For details see fact sheets:
convective currents are set up in the bin. Warm air
in the center of the grain mass tends to rise and G
ardisser, D. R., 1989, Chemical Applicators
absorb moisture due to its greater moisture carrying for Spraying Liquid Materials on Grain,
capacity. As this air reaches the cool grain surface at FSA-1006, University of Arkansas Cooperative
the top and center of the grain column, it is cooled Extension Service.
and gives up some of its moisture, which is
absorbed by the grain. This moisture migration G
ardisser, D. R., 1989, Calibration of Stored
causes a pocket of higher moisture grain at the top Grain Chemical Applicators, FSA-1004,
center of the stored grain. During the winter, this University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension
process can cause a pocket of 18 to 20 percent Service.
moisture in a bin of grain that was originally
uniformly 14 percent or lower. When the Check Moisture Content During Storage
temperature rises in the spring, moist grain may
germinate and storage mold will rapidly invade Anyone who stores grain should own or have
the grain. access to a grain moisture tester and know how to
use it properly. Calibrate the moisture tester before
Moisture migration can be prevented by each harvest season. It can be shipped to the manu
aeration. Aeration during dry, cool days equalizes facturer for calibration or checked against another
temperatures within stored grain and prevents tester known to be accurate. When buying a
convective currents. moisture tester, check with the manufacturer for the
best method of calibration.
Do Not Rely on Grain Turning
When making moisture tests to determine the
Turning grain (moving it from one bin to condition of grain in storage, dont enter a grain bin
another) is used by farmers in an attempt to prevent without a safety harness and tether manned by at
or stop heating and deterioration. Research has least one adult outside the bin whose sole responsi
shown that turning does not make any important bility is aiding the entrant. Turn off all unloading
reduction in average temperature or average mois equipment and lock out electrical controls so no one
ture content of a bin of grain. Also, turning scatters can unwittingly engage the power while you are
mold and insects throughout the bin. Only when sampling the areas which are likely to have the
moisture content is uneven will turning be effective highest moisture content. Collect a sample near the
in temporarily slowing heating and deterioration by top center of the grain. Use a grain probe to collect
mixing damp grain with dry grain in the bin. Grain a representative sample from the area beneath the
turning should be considered a last resort to save a fill-in spout where fine material tends to collect. If
deteriorating lot of grain. Aeration is more effective the grain contained light trash that collected near the
bin walls, sample these areas as well. Remember, systems. Each system has advantages. Bin drying is
the wettest sample determines how well the grain most practical for small volume producers. High
will keep. temperature drying is fastest but requires the
greatest amount of investment and energy input.
To determine the average moisture content of
the grain, take three samples one on top, one near The top or outer layer is always the last to dry.
the center and one near the bottom. Openings in the The drying layer moves up from the bottom so the
bin wall or a grain sampling probe are required. top layer of grain is held longer at conditions which
are ideal for aflatoxin production. Dry the top layer
Keep samples that will not be tested immediately to below 18 percent moisture quickly. Following are
in airtight containers with as little air space as some guidelines:
possible left in the container. Metal cans or glass
jars with airtight lids or tight plastic bags are Initial Grain
suitable for holding samples. Moisture Drying System
Above 20% High temperature batch,
Dont test cold grain in a warm room. A thin continuous flow or batch-in-bin.
film of moisture may condense on the kernels and Below 20% Layer drying in bins with
cause erroneous readings. Either let the grain warm supplemental heat (if needed) to
up in a closed container or operate the tester in an reduce the relative humidity of the
unheated room. Some electric moisture testers incoming air to 50% to 55% or
require temperature corrections. In this case, high temperature drying.
accurate temperature measurement is a must. Below 16% Natural air drying when climatic
conditions permit or drying with
Check for Hot Spots During Storage supplemental heat in bins during
the high relative humidity days.
Aerate as needed to control
A hot spot in stored grain indicates activity or
mold growth. It may be due to a pocket of high
moisture grain or a collection of fine material
restricting aeration airflow. Temperature measure Equipment
ments in stored grain can detect hot spots before
they do serious damage. Use a properly sized fan to provide an adequate
amount of airflow through the grain. As the grain
Temperature readings can be made using a depth in a bin increases, a larger fan is needed
probe consisting of a sensing element, probe handle because of the additional power needed to move
and meter. Sections can be coupled together to air through a column of grain. Also, higher mois
check grain at depths up to 18 feet or more. If a ture levels require more air to obtain a satisfacto
hot spot is detected, make several checks to ry drying level. The following table is a guide to
determine its size. Cool any hot spots as soon as determine how much air movement is necessary
possible by aeration. If the hot spot is due to fine for safe drying at various moisture levels.
material that is restricting airflow, break up the
hot spot by removing grain from the bottom of the Moisture Level Minimum Airflow
bin and returning it to the top. (%) (CFM per Bushel)
11 to 13 0.5
Drying 13 to 15 1
15 to 18 2
Four commonly used drying systems include
18 to 20 3
natural air or low temperature, layer, batch-in-bin
20 to 22 4
and high temperature pass dryers. Drying air is
forced up through the grain mass in each of these 22 and above 6
Equip all drying fans with heaters. Heaters are Storage Tips
necessary for 24-hour drying. During the night
time hours, relative humidity increases and heat If grain is stored with uniform moisture contents
is necessary to continue drying. Layer drying is (maintained below 13 percent for corn), the
slow even with 24-hour operations. Checking grain will store safely without spoilage.
the relative humidity of the air manually or
using thermostat and humidistat controllers for When grain is stored with moisture contents
the heaters is necessary. (Controllers should be above this safe level, reduce the grain tempera
checked manually to ensure they are working ture to inhibit mold development.
For every combination of grain temperature and
If you know the air temperature and relative
moisture content above safe levels, there is an
humidity, you can determine the equilibrium
allowable storage time before serious mold
moisture level of the air. If the moisture level of
growth develops. Lower temperatures and lower
the grain is higher than the air equilibrium
moisture level, drying occurs when air is moved moisture contents allow longer safe storage times.
through the grain. The speed of drying is
determined by the difference between these Moisture migration is caused by temperature
moisture levels and the amount of air moved. differentials in stored grain and is prevented by
The dryer the air and the larger the volume of aeration.
air moved through the grain, the faster the
drying process occurs. Grains germinate when they are moist and
warm enough. They heat when invaded by
Bins should have adequate air exhaust in the insects or storage molds.
roof to avoid choking the fan. Any bin larger
than 2,500 bushels needs extra roof vents in Be sure all old corn and trash are cleaned out of
addition to the standard manhole (inspection the storage bin before any new corn is added.
door) and the center fill hole. A good rule of
thumb for determining the number of square Clean bins and the plenum area, including below
feet of roof vent area needed is to multiply the the floor, and maintain the burners. Monitor the
fan horsepower by 1.25. (Example: 20 horse drying process to avoid fire in a corn bin.
power fan multiplied by 1.25 = 25 ft2 of roof
vent area needed.) Immediately after drying is completed, cool the
grain to outside air temperature.
Level each layer of grain as it is placed in the
bin. Use a grain distributor to help level grain T
reat corn while it is being placed into storage
and distribute any fines evenly across the to control insect infestations.
surface. Do not let the fines form a core in the
center of the bin.
Operate the fan whenever the outside air is
below 65 percent relative humidity and 10F
If the equilibrium moisture level of the drying
cooler than the corn until the corn reaches 50F.
air is below that of the grain moisture, the
drying process should continue until the top
layer is dried to 13 percent. Air should be Operate fans for aeration at least 4 hours every
conditioned as necessary during high humidity 2 weeks after the corn is cooled to 50F.
swings to ensure that re-wetting of the bottom
layer does not occur. Consider fumigation if insect problems develop
in storage.
More details on grain drying may be obtained in
Extension publication MP-213, Grain Drying Inspect corn frequently for mold, insects, hot
Using Psychometric and Moisture Equilibrium spots or other signs of spoilage. The best insur
Charts as Guides. ance for stored grain is frequent inspection!
Detection of Aflatoxin Blending aflatoxin-contaminated corn with
aflatoxin-free corn is not legal.
Most farms in Arkansas do not have high levels
of aflatoxin in corn, but occasionally grain has Grain preservatives such as propionic acid,
enough aflatoxin to cause problems in marketing isobutyric acid and other organic acids prevents
and feeding. Farmers, elevator managers and feed the growth of Aspergillus sp. if properly applied
manufacturers need to be aware of proper detection
to grain as it is augered into bins. However,
and identification of contaminated corn. Rapid
these acids will not lower levels of aflatoxin in
detection of contaminated corn is important because
grain that is contaminated prior to treatment.
aflatoxin normally survives processing and may be
concentrated in products or processed fractions. Furthermore, these materials are very corrosive
and should not be used in metal storage bins
Many elevators in Arkansas use a high intensity unless the metal is protected. If grain treatments
ultraviolet light (UV) to detect a byproduct of are used, follow manufacturers recommenda
Aspergillus growth in grain or feed. Infected corn tions carefully.
emits a bright blue-green-yellow fluorescence when
exposed to UV light. However, the fluorescence only Fumigating corn with anhydrous ammonia is an
indicates the presence of fungal activity and does effective means of detoxifying corn that could
not prove the presence of aflatoxin. Many elevators not otherwise be fed to livestock. However, the
use a UV black light to screen grain samples. process is time-consuming and hazardous to
those ammoniating grain. The FDA has not yet
Since the black light can result in false positives
approved ammoniation as a process to salvage
for aflatoxin, the grain industry now generally use
ELISA test kits to directly detect aflatoxin in grain. aflatoxin contaminated corn. Anytime anhydrous
These test kits are based on an antibody specific for ammonia is used, all plumbing should meet
aflatoxin. While these test kits are much more O.S.H.A. standards and eye protection should
accurate in trained hands than the black light, they be used.
are only as representative as the sample collected
from the truck. Since aflatoxin-contaminated grain An activated clay, hydrated sodium calcium
is not randomly distributed in a truck load and since aluminosilicate (HSCAS), may be added to
even a single contaminated kernel in a sample can aflatoxin-contaminated feed to reduce the toxic
cause the sample to exceed regulated levels of effects of aflatoxin in swine, poultry and cattle.
aflatoxin, these tests still result in inaccurate readings Some commercial products containing HSCAS
for the load, albeit the reading for the sample is
are registered as anti-caking materials and may
probably accurate.
be added at labeled rates (0.5 to 2 percent of
A new state law in Arkansas requires the finished feed) to animal feed. These products
Arkansas State Plant Board to investigate claims of appear to be the most cost effective method of
aflatoxin contamination in commercial grain, so any using contaminated grain for animal feed.
grower receiving a positive result should contact the
Plant Board for help.
What Can Be Done with
Contaminated Grain? Aflatoxin can reduce the quality and
marketability of corn. Contamination can originate
Occasionally, corn may be contaminated with in the field and increase dramatically during grain
aflatoxin at levels which disqualify it from normal storage. Proper management of the crop, careful
marketing channels. When loads of grain are handling and proper storage of the grain are critical
rejected for high aflatoxin, farmers and other users in preventing aflatoxin. Once contaminated, affected
have some remedial treatments or options for their corn is very difficult to deal with.
grain including:
11 - Estimating Production Costs for
Corn in Arkansas
Tony Windham
Corn production cost estimates are published prior to harvest. However, since these estimates are
each year by the University of Arkansas Coopera intended to be a planning guide, drying costs are
tive Extension Service. The most recent edition of included which allows the user the opportunity to
these publications can be located on the Cooperative make adjustments.
Extension Service web site at:
Each budget estimates the direct and fixed expenses associated with producing corn. Input
Budgets/default.asp price data used in estimating direct costs are
updated annually by obtaining prices from farm
Enterprise budgets represent a type of input suppliers throughout the crops production
information that can be used by a wide variety of area. Quantities of inputs are based on the
individuals in making decisions in the agricultural recommendations of Extension and Research faculty
industry. They are used: within the Division of Agriculture. Data obtained
from the Corn Research Verification Program is also
by farmers for planning, used in developing these estimates.
by Extension personnel in providing educational
programs to farmers, Fixed expenses include depreciation, interest,
by lenders as a basis for credit, taxes and insurance and represent an average cost
to provide basic data for research and allocated over the entire useful life of the
to inform non-farmers of the costs incurred by machinery. Various financing arrangements and tax
farmers in the production of food and fiber depreciation methods can produce costs that vary
crops. significantly from these estimates in a given year.
The ability to estimate the actual cost is a complex
The purpose of these publications is to provide economic procedure whereby cash accounting and
a systematic procedure for estimating the cost of economic costs may vary greatly.
producing corn. Users of this information should
think of these budgets as a first approximation and Each budget also includes a sequential listing of
then make appropriate adjustments using the all operations used in the estimation procedure. This
YOUR FARM column provided on each budget information can be used to determine the cost of a
to add, delete or change costs to reflect the specific specific tillage operation, pesticide application or
situations. For example, each of these corn irrigation practice. The user can also compare the
enterprise budgets includes an estimated drying number of tillage operations or irrigations with their
cost. Many producers believe this cost can be own expectations.
reduced by allowing the crop to dry in the field
12 - Identify Hazards and
Prevent Accidents
Injury and death rates in almost every survey Table 12-1. Factors Involved in Agricultural
published are higher from April to September for Fatalities (1996 National Safety Council data)
agricultural work. Obviously, these months coincide
with corn production. What can be done on your Tractors 37%
farm to prevent the trauma and cost of severe injury All other agricultural machinery 17%
or death? Top managers maintain timely crop
practices and also place a consistent emphasis on Farm trucks or other vehicles 11%
reducing field, traffic and shop hazards in day-to
Animals 6%
day management.
All other fatalities 29%
Have a Plan to Reduce Hazards
One approach is to set long-range goals to an overturn is essentially zero if the operator fastens
eliminate hazards while finding safer ways to his seat belt on a tractor equipped with ROPS!
complete routine tasks. Assess the potential kinds of Practicing this safety habit may also reduce injury
severe accidents and how frequently a person is from a traffic collision. Operating a tractor, sprayer
exposed to that hazard. Develop a simple plan that or combine too fast for conditions causes many
you can follow to minimize these exposures. overturns. Turning too short can cause an overturn.
Serious concern should be given to the risks of road Misjudging your distance from an embankment can
collision, tractor overturn and a person being run be serious, because the bank may crumble under the
over or crushed by farm equipment. Consider all weight of the tractor or implement. FSA-1026,
aspects of your farming operation to identify Safe Tractor Operation, available from your county
weaknesses, and then seek remedies. Extension office, has more suggestions that may be
useful for training farm help.
If a person must work alone, make sure another
person knows where the lone worker is and that Whether calibrating a planter or sprayer or
regular contact is made. If a lone operator sees a moving a combine, dont move equipment until you
hazardous situation, getting help to resolve it is see that everyone is out of danger. Starting a tractor
essential. Everyone should be trained to contact the in gear from the starter terminal (jump-starting) is
manager immediately about any serious safety possibly the most common reason Arkansans have
concern. been run over. Transmission interlocks prevent
tractors from starting in gear, unless the safety is
Field bypassed. A victim doesnt have enough time to
jump away from a tractor left in gear before the
A few field dangers cause many Arkansas engine builds hydraulic pressure and the tractor rolls
fatalities. These are tractor overturns, equipment over him.
running over victims and crushing them, jump-
starting tractors, hitching equipment or folding Whenever noise prevents you from hearing
equipment for road travel. someone, stop the engine and what youre doing and
move where you can talk to clear up any confusion.
Most tractors used for corn production have a Hand signals are easily misunderstood, unless both
Roll-Over Protective Structure (ROPS). It has been of you understand the meaning of a hand movement
well documented that the risk of serious injury from in advance. It takes good communication and
cooperation for two people to safely hitch heavy dislodging them with field equipment. Fill washout
toolbars or towed implements. Make sure signals holes and use some erosion control structure or method
arent confusing before moving the tractor to align to prevent large washouts under discharge pipes.
the connection.
Agricultural aviators have little reaction time to
Using a proper hitch support may prevent a dodge hazards as they apply fertilizer and
dangerous hitching incident. If the hitch or lift pins pesticides. Always warn the pilot of any risks that
do not align, movement may knock the support youre aware of to help him be better prepared. If a
from under equipment; the toolbar or hitch may field has aerial hazards, consider whether it would
spring out of control or drop and crush someones be more appropriate to use ground equipment.
foot. Two severe accidents in 2002 may be instruc
tive: One employee was killed trying to remove a Traffic and Road Transport
pin when the hitch broke free and smashed his face.
Another victim removed a latch pin and was The National Highway Traffic Safety
crushed by a folding cultivator; the hydraulic Association recently reported that approximately
cylinder didnt support the weight. If supports arent 40 percent more fatal crashes and fatalities occur
sturdy, stable and at the proper height when discon in rural compared to urban areas. Experience
necting an implement, difficulty is likely when over the last four years in crop areas of Arkansas
hitching the next time. Set the safety locks on the seems to reinforce national statistics. Changes like
lift cylinders before working under a combine wider road shoulders, adding warning signs for
header. Never work under hydraulic lifts, mowers or curves with poor visibility, updating narrow bridges
toolbars without sturdy supports. and, possibly, adding crossbars at railroad crossings
should reduce rural traffic accidents. In some
Combine entanglements dont usually happen situations it may be possible to convince the town,
the first time a row unit plugs. Its the fourth or fifth county, state or railroad to clear a right-of-way to
time, or later, when youre tired or irritated, in a obtain better traffic visibility.
hurry and your judgment lapses. Vibration and
excessive noise dull an alert persons senses to Modern toolbars, combines and wide equipment
hazards. Fatigue also slows your reaction, so take typically require almost two normal traffic lanes.
breaks for refreshment. Falls from combines, grain Motorists are often poor judges of the slow speed,
bins, etc., may be prevented with proper work width or weight of your implement, regardless of
platforms or sturdy ladders. Keep work areas neat what youre transporting. Using an escort with
and free of hose or electric cord loops, etc., which flashing lights is probably the best way to alert a
could pose trip hazards. motorist. Being diligent to keep SMV signs,
reflectors and taillights bright, cleaning them before
Professionals mount large implement tires with entering a road, will improve their visibility during
a protective cage. Mishaps while inflating tires can night and day.
maim or kill. If you dont have equipment to handle
tires safely, it is wiser to call a tire service company. Lock both of your brakes together and start onto
a road slowly, even when traffic is heavy. Go slowly
Irrigation risers, discharge pipes and washout enough to manage the momentum of a tractor with a
holes where water discharges may become hazards full grain cart, planter or toolbar, especially those
if they are not clearly visible. If field equipment hits that raise overhead. Dump all of the corn from your
a riser or washout, it could cause temporary loss of combine bin into a grain cart or truck prior to road
control in addition to damaging the equipment travel to lower the center of gravity and gain control
and/or the riser. Placing some type of readily visible in a sudden emergency. Always check traffic from
marker at each riser and controlling weeds so they both directions before making a turn off a road,
dont hide the marker should alert drivers. Anchor especially a left turn, to prevent a collision and
and guy wires from power poles located near or in extensive damage, if not injury.
fields should also be permanently marked. Putting
some type of solid protection around guy wires for Railroad crossings are increasingly dangerous for
power poles is a good idea to help avoid clipping or growers on farm equipment. Some cabs may tune
out the diesel train noise. In order to hear better, grinder, etc.) and welders should all be adequately
reduce the speed of the cab fan and turn off the grounded. Grinders, drills and other electric tools
radio as you approach a crossing. If you gear down bouncing around in a truck tool box can develop
well in advance, you can control the load, either to shorts. If the electric service entrance at the shop
stop or to proceed when the track is clear. In some is grounded with an 8-foot ground rod (National
cases, either historical evidence and/or community Electric Code standard), all ground wire leads,
effort may help to get the railroad to add crossbars. including the extra grounding plug on power cords,
should be connected to reduce the risk of electrocu
General Precautions tion when a short occurs. Use electric tools on dry
soil, concrete, etc., to reduce the potential of a fatal
Work can be done safely on equipment powered current surge passing through your body.
by electricity with a lock-out, tag-out approach.
Anyone working with equipment powered by Someone, maybe several people on your farm,
electricity should carry a lock with his personal key should keep current on CPR rescue techniques. The
and tag. These are readily available from local local EMT, ambulance and fire department numbers
electrical suppliers. Before starting work, always should be posted by every permanent phone and
disconnect the power supply and lock the switch programmed on speed dials. Each one on the farm
off. If youre interrupted by a phone call, or are should be prepared to call emergency rescue, should
not visible from the switchbox, no one else can an accident occur.
reconnect the electricity. You can remove the lock
from the switch lever after completing the work. Observe pesticide labels for proper use, mixing
Always use the heel of your left hand to throw lever and disposal. Appropriate personal protective
switches and turn your face away as you move the equipment is specified on the label. The label and
control to minimize bad flash-fire burns. the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) should have
specific inhalation, dermal, ingestion and emergency
information. If a mishap occurs, use the label to
help your physician and the poison center to start
the proper treatment.
Be cautious when working around electrical If a power unit is not securely mounted and
circuits, especially when opening electric control anchored, vibration may misalign the drive or break
boxes and around any circuits that are hot. Wasps it loose from the supports. A loose power unit may
commonly nest in and around electric control boxes cause a dangerous flailing power shaft or other
and may also appear from electric motor shrouds, hazards due to broken electrical wires, fuel lines or
gear head covers, power unit platforms, irrigation battery cables. Power units and battery mounts
well sheds and irrigation pipe openings. In order to should be securely anchored to a substantial support
prevent an injury, it may be wise to keep wasp and platform and routinely checked for stability. A
hornet spray handy when working on irrigation secure latch to keep the clutch of the power unit in
wells. Stings are not only painful; they can be fatal neutral is a good safety device. This can help
for one who is severely allergic to insect stings. prevent accidentally bumping and engaging the
Further injury can also occur if a wasp startles you clutch when working close to the power unit.
and causes you to jump back. A sudden reaction that
puts you in contact with an unguarded drive or an Typically, weather is very hot when irrigation is
energized electric circuit may cause permanent needed, and physical stresses may bring on heat
disability. stress. Anyone working in these conditions should
drink plenty of fluids such as water and nutrient-
Entanglements may occur with irrigation well replenishing drinks. Breaks and rest periods should
power shafts, if safety shields arent replaced. In be taken as needed to avoid heat stress, fatigue and
general, power-take-off (PTO) hazards are respected, exhaustion. Fatigue and exhaustion, of themselves,
but more emphasis needs to be placed on shielding are health hazards, but they may also contribute to
unguarded power shafts on irrigation wells. Power poor judgment, causing other accidents and injuries.
shaft covers can be obtained from suppliers, includ
ing Menard Mfg. in DeWitt, AR (1-888-764-3130) Reservoirs and open irrigation distribution
to protect those doing maintenance around diesel, ditches may present concerns. Normally, a clear
propane or electric power units. Power shafts for warning on a sign about the water hazard, unusual
relifts or well pumps should be shielded; any currents around culverts, etc., and potential bank
concentric sleeves that dont spin free should be washouts will caution outdoorsmen or others who
repaired or replaced. may enter. Evaluate a location with respect to
residences or public access to determine whether it
may attract youngsters. Gates and fencing may be
used around accessible areas to prevent ATV riders
or children from getting into danger. Posting no
trespassing signs or a drowning warning is primarily
useful only for adults.
Grain Drying
adequate circuit protection, including making 4) Anhydrous ammonia standards
immediate repairs of faulty wiring, conduits or
control panels. Disconnect electric power and use 5) Temporary labor camps standards
the lock-out, tag-out procedure every time before
beginning work around an auger, fan, motor or 6) Pulpwood logging standards
powered component. Before tilting truck beds,
moving augers or tall equipment, check for over 7) Hazard communication (right to know). If you
head power lines; too many times an auger is raised are an employer and store farm diesel fuel,
or pulled into a bare overhead wire. When grain pesticides, etc., then labels, MSDS, information,
bins are built or facilities are remodeled, power training and a written Hazard Communication
lines should be routed well away from any work Program are required.
areas so accidental contact with wires isnt possible.
If your farm is under OSHA jurisdiction, OSHA
Before entering a grain bin, put on a NIOSH- requires reporting an accident within 8 hours. They
approved toxic dust respirator for molds and dust to define a reportable incident as hospitalization of
prevent a reaction called farmers lung or toxic three or more employees in one accident or a death
organic dust syndrome. Turn off all unloading of one or more employees. A Washington, D.C.,
equipment and lock out switches with a padlock phone number, 1-800-321-6742, is available
before entering a bin so that someone doesnt 24 hours a day. You can report to the federal OSHA
unwittingly engage the power. This applies to all office in Little Rock during working hours at
loading auger, sweep auger, stirring auger and 501-324-6291, extension 235.
unloading auger circuits. Dont enter a grain bin
without a safety harness and tether manned by at If an OSHA officer requests admittance to a
least one adult outside the bin whose sole responsi workplace, an employer may deny it. The officer
bility is aiding the entrant. Crusted grain has been a can, however, obtain a search warrant. The inspec
factor in a number of deaths to growers. Spoiled or tion should include only the immediate accident
caked corn may cave in onto a man if the crust scene. Inspections may result in setting a penalty or
suddenly fractures. If some corn is removed from a formal warnings, with penalties enforced later (often
bin with a crusted surface, the undermined surface 30 days), if the hazard isnt remedied. Inspectors
may suddenly collapse under your foot, releasing an can ask that employees be removed from areas of
avalanche of corn. More than 500 pounds of pull imminent danger. An owner can appeal to the federal
are required to move a man who is covered with OSHA office in Little Rock, phone 501-324-6291,
corn to his shoulders. If youre covered, you cant extension 235.
get yourself out and youre likely to suffocate if no
one is watching. More details are included in Other considerations that may be important:
FSA-1010, Suffocation Hazards in Grain Bins.
1) When is a CDL operators license required?
2) What training should be provided for all
employees and others? Training at the time of
Only farms with 11 or more employees are
employment, as tasks are assigned, and at
required to meet all OSHA labor regulations. All
minimum, every year, instructs every employee
growers, however, are to comply with these standards:
on farm hazards and on safe operation. Keeping
signed records is the best way to document
1) Roll-over protective structure (ROPS) training and record your progress removing
farm hazards, should a major injury or death
2) Slow moving vehicle emblem (SMV) occur on your farm.
3) Agricultural machinery guarding (of moving 3) Are 14-15 year-olds employed? Training for
parts, i.e., PTOs, combine safety shields, auger hazardous machinery operation is specified and
inlet covers and other moving machinery work criteria apply to those under 18 who are
guards) employed in agriculture.
4) Are your insurance policy liability limits and A growers leadership is the key to influencing
deductibles appropriate for your present farm? employees and others on the farm. Employees must
know that working safely is expected, for their
5) Have you considered whether workmens welfare, as well as that of their employer. During
compensation is feasible? the non-crop season, it is wise to make a careful
hazard audit. Review the previous seasons activities
6) Are employment procedures for non-citizens and field records to bring to mind hazards or
applicable? incidents, especially considering situations when
someone narrowly avoided serious injury. Making
Summary changes may save someones life the next season.
These suggestions are a start to help you In most situations, equipment isnt the
manage hazards and find ways to avoid them. underlying cause of an accident. A single thought
These hazards are only highlights. Review your less reaction can make you a victim. Never get in a
techniques and farm work sites in order to hurry. Plan ahead to ensure there is enough time to
reduce potential hazards. do the job properly and safely.
Poisoning 1-800-222-1222
State Fire Marshal, Arkansas State Police 501-618-8624 (Fuel storage questions)
13 - Renewable Energy
Dennis R. Gardisser
The United States is overly dependent on antibiotics and degradable plastics adding further
foreign oil. Using corn as a renewable resource value to the U.S. corn crop.
reduces this dependency and provides an alternative
use for our farm products. As corn acreage increases In addition to starches, sweeteners and ethanol
in Arkansas, so will opportunities to use corn as a all made from the starch portion of the corn refiners
renewable resource in the area. produce corn oil (
htm) and a variety of important feed products
Corn Products1 (
The economic activity attributable to the ethanol Ethanol production consumed 535 million
industry will generate $3.5 billion in additional bushels of corn in 1994 (5.3 percent of the
income tax revenue over the next five years record 10 billion bushel corn crop). About
$1 billion more than the cost of the exemption. 667 million bushels of corn were used for
The U.S. ethanol industry will create a net gain ethanol in 2001.
to the taxpayers of almost $4 billion over the
next five years. The demand for corn created by the ethanol
industry increases crop values accounting for
Economic Benefits approximately $0.14 of the value of every
bushel of corn sold, or $1.4 billion.
More than $3 billion has been invested in
60 ethanol production facilities operating in If the market for ethanol did not exist, corn
stocks would rise and net income to American
20 states across the country.
corn farmers would be reduced by $6 billion
over the next five years, or about 11 percent.
The ethanol industry is responsible for more
than 40,000 direct and indirect jobs, creating
Many farmers now own and operate ethanol
more than $1.3 billion in increased household
plants, allowing them to add value to their
income annually, and more than $12.6 billion own corn.
over the next five years.
Energy/Trade Benefits
The ethanol industry directly and indirectly adds
more than $6 billion to the American economy Domestic ethanol production reduces demand
each year. for imported oil and imported MTBE which
drain our economy. Oil and MTBE imports now
The demand for grain created by ethanol represent almost 80 percent of the U.S. trade
production increases net farm income more deficit.
than $12 billion annually.
Currently, imported oil accounts for about
As the economic activity created by the ethanol 56 percent of oil used, and imported MTBE is at
industry rippled throughout the economy, it a record 31 percent of domestic production.
generated $30 billion in final demand between
1996 and 2000. T
oday, ethanol reduces the demand for gasoline
and MTBE imports by 98,000 barrels per day.
Increases in ethanol production offer enormous A 98,000 barrel/day replacement of imported
potential for economic growth in small rural MTBE would represent a $1.1 billion reduction
communities. USDA has estimated that a to our annual trade deficit.
100 million gallon ethanol plant could create
2,250 local jobs. Ethanol production also generates exports of
feed co-products, such as corn gluten, further
enhancing our balance of trade.
Agricultural Benefits
Ethanol production is extremely energy
Industrial corn use, which includes ethanol and
efficient, with a positive energy balance of
sweetener production, is now the second largest
125 percent, compared to 85 percent for
consumer of corn in America. Each $1 of gasoline. Ethanol production is by far the most
upstream and on-farm economic activity efficient method of producing liquid transporta
generates $3.20 in downstream economic tion fuels. According to USDA, each Btu used
stimulus attributable to ethanol processing, to produce a Btu of gasoline could be used to
compared to just $0.31 when corn is exported. produce 8 Btus of ethanol.
Environmental Benefits Oil companies are now starting to acknowledge
the environmental and energy benefits of
10-percent ethanol blends reduce carbon ethanol. For example, see the brochure
monoxide better than any other reformulated published by Mobil.
gasoline blend, more than 25 percent.
The information contained in this chapter is
Ethanol is low in reactivity and high in oxygen intended to be an awareness introduction to the
content, making it an effective tool in reducing many possibilities available to use corn as a
ozone pollution. renewable resource. The internet is an excellent
resource for additional contacts and information on
Ethanol is a safe replacement for toxic octane this topic. Search engines for renewable resources,
enhancers in gasoline such as benzene, toluene ethanol, alternative fuels, corn byproducts and
and xylene. others will uncover a wealth of data.