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K4A Weekday Minchah

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lvxl hxnm

Weekday Afternoon Connection

Kabbalah4All Transliteration Guidelines

Please note that transliteration guidelines are different according to each culture and also within
each movement of Judaism. We have developed these guidelines for use with our transliterated
documents. They may or may not apply to transliterations put out by other movements including
the various organizations teaching Kabbalah.

a as in father
ai as in aisle
e as in red
ei as in eight
i as in pizza
o as in no
oy as in toy
u as in tune
ch as in Bach in German (strong sound from the throat)
g as in give
tz as in lots
typically adds an EH sound after a consonant, this is known as a Shva Na or pronounced
Shva as in the word Shma.
- a dash is simply used to aid in pronounciation, usually if two like vowels follow each other,
as in the word da-at.
In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls somewhere
else in the word. In our transliteration, when the syllable falls somewhere else other than the last
syllable, that stressed syllable will be underlined. Example: Melech.

Hebrew Rules

The following are some of the Hebrew rules you may notice in our siddurim (connection books).

Kjl n In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls
somewhere else in the word. Whenever a syllable other than the last is accented, a
meteg (the vertical line under the first letter) will appear.

lk The masoret above the letter Chaf indicates that this is a Kamatz Katan, which is
pronounced as o; in this example the word is kol.

i The rafe above a letter indicates it is a Shva Na. This example is pronounced
Note that the rafe does not appear above the first letter of a word that has a Shva
as that is ALWAYS a Shva Na.

Please do not publish or distribute without permission.

All prefaces to prayers written and adapted by David Aharon for Kabbalah4All.
Translated by David Aharon.
Edited by Rebecca Schwartz and David Aharon.

Copyright Kabbalah4All.com.

jlvhl hxnm
The word "Minchah" comes from the word "mnuchah" which means "quietness/rest." We
make our Minchah Connection late in the afternoon because during this time of the day
judgement reaches its highest peak. All of the negativity we have caused is reflected back
to us during times of judgement. In addition, Divine mercy is available to us in the late
afternoon, but we must choose to connect to this energy. The purpose of this connection
is to quiet the time of judgement and access Divine mercy.

xkb ana
Considered by the Kabbalists to be the most powerful and mystical prayer of all; this
sequence of Hebrew letters is known as the 42-Letter Name of the Creator. When we
pray and meditate on this prayer, we are connecting in a very powerful way to the original
force of creation and drawing healing energy and protection into our lives.

v xiY Y Lp n i zlEcb g k A `p`

Ana bchoach gdulat ymincha tatir tzrurah.
Release all those in captivity, we beseech You, Almighty One whose power sets us free.

p Epx
.`xF dh Epa b U
Kabeil rinat amcha sagveinu tahareinu nora.
Accept the singing of all Your people who praise and glorify You alone.

.mxn W
zaa M LcEgi iW
Na gibor dorshei yichud'cha kvavat shomreim.
Preserve those who seek Your unity, guard them like the pupil of the eye.

.mln B cin Y Lz
w c v in
gx mx
dh mk x A
Barcheim tahareim rachamei tzidkatcha tamid gomleim.
Bless and purify them and always grant them Your compassionate righteousness.

.Lz cr
ld p LaE
h aFxA WFcw oiq g HOD
Chasin kadosh brov tuvcha naheil adatecha.
Invincible and Mighty One, with the abundance of Your goodness, watch over Your people.


w ixkFf dpR LOrl d` B cig i

Yachid gei-eh lamcha pneih zochrei kdushatecha.
O Exalted One, turn to Your people who remember Your holiness.

.zFnElrY r cF
i Epz w
rv rn W E lAw Epz
re W
Shavateinu kabeil ushma tza-akateinu yodei-a ta-alumot.
Turn to us and hear our prayers, You who know all hidden things.
This verse is said in a whisper.

!cre mlFrl FzEkl n cFaM mW KExA

Baruch sheim kvod malchuto lolam va-ed!
Blessed is Your glorious Name, Your Realm is for ever and ever!

We find 21 of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet encoded in this Psalm of David. The
first letter of each word of each verse is the alphabet in its order. Nun was intentionally
left out by King David because it has the same numeric value as the Hebrew word for
falling, which would indicate a spiritual falling. This Psalm assists us to bring order and
the power of creation into our lives.

Ashrei yoshvei veitecha, ,Lzi

a iaWFi ixW `
Happy are those who dwell in Your house,
od yhallucha selah.
they will forever praise You.
.dlQ LEl l d i cFr
Ashrei ha-am shekachah lo,
Happy the people whose portion is this,
,FN dk M W mrd ixW `
ashrei ha-am she-Adonai Elohav.
happy the people for whom Hashem is their Elohim.
` dediW mrd ixW `
Thilah lDavid,
A Psalm of David,
,ce cl dNd Y
Aromimcha Elohai ha-melech,
I shall exalt You, my Elohim, the Sovereign,
,KlO d idFl
` Ln nFx `
va-avarchah shimcha lolam va-ed.
and I shall bless Your name forever and ever.
.cre mlFrl Ln W dk xa` e
Bchol yom avarcheka,
I shall bless You every day,
,k x
a` mFi lk A
va-ahallah shimcha lolam va-ed.
and I shall praise Your name forever and ever.
.cre mlFrl Ln W dll d `e
Gadol Adonai umhulal mod,
Great is Hashem and exceedingly praised,
,c`n lNd nE dedi lFcB
vligdulato ein cheiker.
the Eternal Ones greatness is unfathomable.
.xwg oi` FzNcb l e

Dor ldor yshabach ma-asecha, ,LiU rn gA W i xFcl xFC

Generation to generation shall praise Your actions,
ugvurotecha yagidu. .EciB i Liz
and recount Your mighty deeds.
Hadar kvod hodecha, ,LcFd cFaM xc d
The brilliance of Your splendid glory,
vdivrei niflotecha asichah. .dgi U ` Liz `l t p ixa c e
and the wonders of Your acts, I shall speak of.
Ve-ezuz norotecha yomeiru, ,Exn`
i LizF` xFp fEfre
They shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts,
ugdulat'cha asaprenah. .dPxR q ` Lz NcbE
and I shall tell of Your greatness.
Zecher rav tuvcha yabiyu, ,EriA i LaEh ax xkf
They shall remember Your abundant goodness,
vtzidkatcha yraneinu. .EpP xi Lz w c v e
and Your righteousness they shall joyfully proclaim.
Chanun vrachum Adonai,
Gracious and merciful is Hashem,
,dedi mEgxe oEPg
erech apayim ugdol chased.
slow to anger and great in kindness.
.cq g lcbE mi R ` Kx`
Tov Adonai lakol,
Hashem is good to all,
,lMl dedi aFh
vrachamav al kol ma-asav.
Your compassion extended to all of Your creatures.
.eiU rn lM lr ein gxe
Yoducha Adonai kol ma-asecha,
All that You have made shall thank You Hashem,
,LiUrn lM dedi LEcFi
vachasidecha yvarchuchah.
and Your pious ones shall bless You.
.dkE k xai Lici q ge
Kvod malchutcha yomeiru,
They shall speak of the glory of Your realm,
,Exn` i LzEk l n cFaM
ugvuratcha ydabeiru.
and talk of Your mighty deeds.
.ExA c i Lz xEa bE
Lhodiya livnei ha-adam gvurotav,
Your mighty deeds You make known to all humankind,
,eiz xEaB mc` d ipa l r icFd l
uchvod hadar malchuto.
and the glory of Your splendid realm.
.FzEkl n xc d cFakE
Malchutcha malchut kol olamim,
Yours is the realm of all worlds,
,min lFr lM zEkl n LzEk l n
umemshaltcha bchol dor vador.
and Your reign extends to each and every generation.
.xce xC lk A LY l W n nE
Someich Adonai lchol hanoflim,
Hashem supports all those who fall,
tPd lk l dedi KnFq
vzokeif lchol hakfufim.
and holds upright all those who are bent over.
.mitEt M d lk l sw Ffe
Einei chol eilecha ysabeiru,
The eyes of all look hopefully towards You,
,ExA U i Lil ` lk ipir
vatah notein lahem
and You give them their food
md l ozFp dY ` e
et ochlam bito.
at its proper time.
.FYr A mlk ` z`

We concentrate intently and open our hands while reciting the verse Potei-ach g zFR

Potei-ach et yadecha, ,Lc i z` g zFR

You open Your hand,
umasbiya lchol chai ratzon. .oFvx ig lk l r iA U nE
and satisfy every living thing with its desire.
Tzadik Adonai bchol drachav, ,eik xC lk A dedi wiC v
Hashem is righteous in every way,
vchasid bchol ma-asav. .eiU
rn lk A ciq g e
and virtuous in all deeds.
Karov Adonai lchol korav, ,ei` xw lk l dedi aFxw
Hashem is close to all who call,
lchol asher yikra-uhu ve-emet. .zn `a Ed` xw i xW ` lkl
and to all who call in truth.
Rtzon yrei-av ya-aseh, ,dU
ri ei` xi oFvx
You fill the desires of all who revere You,
veit shavatam yishma vyoshi-eim. .mriWFi
e rn W i mz re W z` e
You respond to us with the promise of redemption.
Shomeir Adonai et kol ohavav,
Hashem You protect all who love You,
,eiad ` lM z` dedi xnFW
vet kol harsha-im yashmid.
and You destroy all the wicked.
.cin W i mir W
xd lM z` e
Thilat Adonai ydabeir pi,
My lips utter the praise of Hashem,
,iR xAc i dedi zNd Y
vivareich kol basar sheim kodsho
and may all flesh praise the holy Name
FWc w mW xU A lM Kx aie
lolam va-ed.
for ever and ever.
.cre mlFrl
Va-anachnu nvareich Yah,
And we shall bless You Eternal One,
,Di Kx ap Epg p ` e
mei-atah vad olam, hallu-Yah.
from this time until eternity, praise the Eternal One.
.DiEll d ,mlFr cre dY rn


sydq yox
The Chatzi (Half) Kaddish concludes this section. It reminds us that we should always
sanctify the Divine Name and never allow this task to fade from our consciousness.

Recited by the Leader, Everyone says the words in { }.

Yitgadal vyitkadash shmeih raba. .`Ax Dn W WC w z ie lC Bz i

Exalted and sanctified be the Eternal Ones great Name.
{.on `}
Balma di vra chiruteih,
In the world created according to the Eternal Ones will,
x k `xa iC `n l rA
vyamlich malchuteih,
and be enthroned in the realm of the Eternal One
l n Kil n ie
vyatzmach purkaneih
and cause redemption to sprout
Dpw x R gn v ie
vikareiv Mshichei. {Amein.}
and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.
{.on `} .Dgi W n axwi e
Bchayeichon uvyomeichon
In our lifetimes and in our days
oFkinFi aE oFkiIg A
uvchayei dchol beit Yisra-eil,
and in the lives of the entire house of Israel,
,l` xU i ziA lk c iIg aE
ba-agala uvizman kariv,
quickly and speedily may it come,
,aix w on faE `lb r A
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `} .on ` Exn ` e
{Yhei shmeih raba mvarach
Let the great Name be blessed
Kxan `Ax Dn W `d i }
lalam ulalmei almaya.}
forever and ever.
{.`In l r in l rlE mlr l
Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpa-ar
Blessed and extolled and magnified
x` R z
ie gA Y W ie Kx Az i
vyitromam vyitnasei vyit-hadar
and hailed and exalted and honored
xCd z ie `V pz
ie mnFx z ie
vyitaleh vyit-halal
and glorified and praised
lNd z ie dNr z ie
shmeih dkudsha {brich hu},
be the Holy One whose Name is blessed,
,{`Ed Kix A} `W c w C Dn W
leila min kol birchata vshirata
who is beyond all blessings or songs
`z xi W e `z k x A lM on `Nr l
tushbchata vnechemata,
or praises or words of consolation,
,`z n gp e `z g A W Y
da-amiran balma,
that can be uttered in this world,
,`n l
rA oxi n `C
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `} .on ` Exn ` e

Amidah comes from the word Amad which literally means to stand and is therefore
known as the Standing Prayer. It connects us to Atzilut, the world of Ein Sof. It is also
connects us to the Creators Light both as individuals and as a community in a powerful
and intimate way.

Through the opening verse we ask the Creator to speak through us so that our prayers
are coming from our higher selves rather than from our ego selves. The first three
blessings pay homage to the Creator, the middle blessings consist of the sanctification of
the day on Shabbat, and the final three blessings express our gratitude. Through the
closing prayers, we ask that we be kept in a state of spiritual awareness and we reiterate
that all of the words we have uttered have come from the heart. The Amidah is complete
as we send peace out to the community and to the entire world.

Since the Amidah is considered to be a persons opportunity to approach the Creator in private prayer, it is
first recited silently by each individual. Afterwards the Leader repeats it on behalf of the entire community.

In the repetition, Everyone says the words of each blessing in a soft tone at the same time the Leader is
chanting them. At the end of each blessing Everyone reponds with on ` Amein.
The entire Amidah should be said without interruption,
therefore the prefaces to the prayers are not read aloud during this section.

We take three steps backward that represent withdrawing our attention from the physical world.

With complete concentration, we take three steps forward which signify stepping into the
land of Israel, into the city of Jerusalem, and into the Kadosh Hakadashim (the Holy of Holies).

ytps ynda

Nd Y ciB
i itE
,gY t Y iz t U ipc`
Adonai sfatai tiftach, ufi yagid thilatecha.
Eternal One open up my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.


The first blessing of the Amidah is associated with Avraham and the sfirah of Chesed.
Through it we acknowledge the Creators great mercy which was revealed to us through
our ancestors.

Bend the knees at KExA Baruch, bow down while saying dY ` Atah,
then straighten up at ig the Name of Hashem.

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Epidl

` dedi dY ` KExA
Blessed are You Hashem our Elohim
vEilohei avoteinu, ,EpizFa
` idl`
and Elohim of our ancestors,
Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak, ,wg v i idl
` ,md xa ` idl `
Elohim of Abraham, Elohim of Isaac,
Elohei Ya-akov, Elohei Sarah, ,dxU idl ` ,awr i idl `
Elohim of Jacob, Elohim of Sarah,
Elohei Rivkah, Elohei Racheil,
Elohim of Rebecca, Elohim of Rachel,
,lg x idl
` ,dw a x idl `
vEilohei Lei-ah. Ha-Eil hagadol
and Elohim of Lei-ah. The Almighty the Great One
lFcBd l` d .d` l idl`
hagibor vhanora, Eil elyon,
the Mighty One and the Awesome One, Supreme Almighty One
,oFil r l` ,`xFP d e xFAB d
gomeil chasadim tovim,
the One who bestows loving-kindness and goodness,
mic q g lnFB

vkoneih hakol,
embracing all,
,lMd dpwe
vzocheir chasdei avot,
and remembering the loving-kindness of our ancestors,
,zFa` ic q g xkFfe
umeivi go-eil livnei vneihem,
and bringing a redeemer to their descendants,
pa ipa l l`Fb `ia nE
lma-an shmo bahavah.
lovingly for the sake of Your Name.
.da d ` A FnW orn l
Melech ozeir umoshi-a umagein.
Sovereign who helps and saves and shields.
r iWFnE
xfFr Kln
Bend the knees at KExA Baruch, bow down while saying dY ` Atah,
then straighten up at ig the Name of Hashem.

Baruch atah Adonai, ,dedi dY ` KExA

Blessed are You Hashem,
magein Avraham vezrat Sarah.
shield of Abraham and helper of Sarah.
.dxU zxfr e md xa ` obn


The second blessing of the Amidah is associated with Yitzchak and the sfirah of Gevurah.
Through it we acknowledge the Creators great might and mention the revival of the dead
five times which is an allusion to the five levels of the soul.

Atah gibor lolam Adonai, ,ipc` mlFrl xFAB dY `

You are forever mighty Hashem,
mchayeih meitim atah,
You renew life beyond death,
,dY ` miz n dIg n
rav lhoshi-ah.
abundantly able to save.
l ax
Causing dew to fall.
Morid hatal. .lH d cixFn :uiwa
Shmini Atzeret-Pesach:
Making the wind blow,
Mashiv haru-ach, ,gE
x d aiX n :sxega
umorid hagashem.
and the rain to fall.
.mW B d cixFnE

Mchal-keil chayim bchesed, ,cq g A miIg lMl k n
You care for the living with mercy,
mchayeih meitim brachamim rabim, ,miA x min gxA miz n dIg n
You renew life beyond death with compassion,
someich noflim, vrofei cholim, ,milFg
`tFxe ,mil tFp KnFq

supporting the fallen, healing the sick,
umatir asurim, ,mixEq
` xiY nE
and releasing the captive,
umkayeim emunato lisheinei afar. .xt
r ipWi
l FzpEn` mIw nE
and keeping faith with those who sleep in the dust.
Mi chamocha, ba-al gvurot! !EzFxEaB lrA ,LFn k in
who is like You, Source of might!
Umi domeh lach, melech meimit
And who resembles You, Sovereign of death
zin n Kln ,KN dnF C inE
umchayeh umatzmi-ach yshu-ah.
and of life and who sows deliverance.
.drEWi gi n v nE
dIg nE

Vne-eman atah lhachayot meitim.
Faithful are You in renewing life beyond death.
.miz n zFigd l dY ` on
`p e
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
mchayeih hameitim.
who renews life beyond death.
.miz O d dIg n


The following blessing is said only during the Leaders repetition.

The third blessing of the Amidah is associated with Ya-akov and Tiferet. Through it we
acknowledge the Creators holiness.

Stand with feet together.

Rise on toes when saying WFcw ,WFcw ,WFcw Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh
and cFaM KExA Baruch kvod, and Kln
i Yimloch.
Each section is said by the Group and repeated by the Leader.

Nakdishach vna-aritzach, ,Kvix rp e KWi C w

We shall sanctify You and we shall revere You,
kno-am si-ach sod sarfei kodesh, ,Wcw itx U cFq gi U mrp M
like the sweet speech of the assembly of the holy Seraphim,
hamshalshim lcha kdushah, ,dX cw Ll miW l W O d
who threefold acclaim to You Holy,
kakatuv al yad nvi-echa, ,L`i
a p ci lr aEzM M
as it is written by the hand of Your prophet,
vkara zeh el zeh vamar:
and each one calls to another and says:
:xn ` e df l` df `xw e
Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, ,WFcw ,WFcw ,WFcw
Holy, holy, holy
Adonai tzva-ot,
is Hashem the Ruler of Hosts,
,zF`av dedi
mlo chol ha-aretz kvodo.
the whole world is filled with the Eternals glory.
.FcFaM ux` d lk `ln
Lumatam mshabchim vomrim:
Facing them they offer praise and proclaim:
:mix nF`e mig
A W n mz O r l
Baruch kvod Adonai mimkomo.
Blessed is the glory of Hashem in Its place.
.FnFwOn dedi cFaM KExA
Uvdivrei kodshcha katuv leimor:
And in Your holy Writings it is written saying:
:xn`l aEzM LWc
w ixa c aE

Yimloch Adonai lolam,
Hashem shall reign forever,
,mlFrl dedi Kln i
Elohayich Tziyon,
Your Elohim O Zion,
,oFIv Kidl
ldor vador, hallu-Yah.
from generation to generation, praise to the Eternal One!
.DiEll d ,xce xcl


,sh tsvdq

Atah kadosh vshimcha kadosh, ,WFcw Ln W e WFcw dY `

You are holy and Your Name is holy,
ukdoshim bchol yom mFi lk A miWFc
and each day the blessed ones
yhallucha selah, ,dlQ LEl l d i
sing praises to You forever,
ki Eil melech gadol vkadosh atah. .dY ` yFcw e lFcB Kln l` iM
for a great and holy Sovereign are You, O Eternal One.

Baruch atah Adonai, ,dedi dY ` KExA

Blessed are You Hashem,
ha-Eil hakadosh. WFcT d l` d
the holy Almighty One.



Atah chonein ladam da-at,

You endow humans with knowledge,
,zrC mc` l opFg dY `
umlameid le-enosh binah.
and teach mortals understanding.
.dpiA WFp`l cO lnE
Chaneinu mei-itcha chochmah
Graciously share with us Your wisdom
dn k
g LY ` n EpP g
binah vhaskeil.
understanding and discernment.
.lMU d e dpiA
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
chonein hada-at.
gracious Giver of knowledge.
.zrCd opFg



Hashiveinu avinu lToratecha,

Return us our Creator to Your Torah,
,Lz xFz
l Epia ` Epa iWd
vkarveinu malkeinu la-avodatecha,
and draw us our Sovereign to Your service,
,Lz cFa
rl EpM l n Epa x w e
vhachazireinu bitshuvah shleimah
and in complete return restore us
lW daEW
z A Epxi fg d e
to Your Presence
.Lip t l
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
harotzeh bitshuvah.
Who welcomes those who return.
.da EWz A dvFxd

While saying Ep`h g chatanu and Epr
W t fashanu gently strike the left side of the chest with the right fist.

Slach lanu, avinu, ki chatanu,

Forgive us, our Creator, for our negativity,
,Ep`h g iM ,Epia ` ,Epl glq
mchal lanu, malkeinu, ki fashanu,
pardon us, our Sovereign, for our misdeeds,
W t iM ,EpM l n ,Epl lg n
ki Eil tov vsolei-ach atah.
for You are the One Who is good and forgiving.
.dY ` g l Fqe aFh l` iM
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
chanun hamarbeh lislo-ach.
the gracious One Who abundantly forgives.
.gl q l dAx O d oEPg



Reih na vonyeinu, vrivah riveinu,

Please look upon our affliction, and defend our cause,
,Epa ix da ix e ,Epi p r a `p d` x
ugaleinu mheirah lma-an shmecha,
and redeem us speedily for the sake of Your Name,
,Ln W orn l dxd n Epl ` bE
ki go-eil chazak atah.
for You are a powerful Redeemer.
.dY ` wfg l`FB iM
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
go-eil Yisra-eil.
Redeemer of Israel.
.l` xU i l`FB


Rfa-einu, Adonai, vneirafei,

Heal us, Hashem, and let us be healed,
,`txpe ,dedi ,Ep` t x
hoshi-einu vnivashei-ah,
save us and let us be saved,
,drW Epe Epr iWFd

ki thilateinu atah,
for the One we praise is You,
,dY ` Epz Nd z iM
vha-aleih rfu-ah shleimah
and bring healing that is complete
lW d`Et x dlr d e
lchol machoteinu.
for all our ailments.
n lk l
Yhi ratzon milfanecha,
May it be Your will,
,Lip t N n oFvx id i
Adonai Eloheinu vEilohei avoteinu,
Hashem our Elohim and Elohim of our ancestors,
` idl`
e Epidl ` dedi
shetishlach mheirah rfu-at
that You swiftly send them renewal,
x dxd n glW Y W
shleimah min hashamayim,
which is complete, from up above,
,m in X d on dn lW
rfu-at hanefesh, urfuat haguf,
renewal of soul, and renewal of body,
,sEBd z`Et
xE ,Wt Pd d`Et
lcholim (names)
to those who are ill (names)
(ipelt) milFg l
ben/bat (mothers name).
son/daughter of (mothers name).
.(zipelt) zA\oA


Ki Eil melech vrofei

For O Eternal One, a Sovereign and a Healer
`tFx Kln l` iM
ne-eman vrachaman atah.
Who is faithful and compassionate are You.
.dY ` on
gxe on
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
rofei hacholim.
Who heals the sick.
d `tFx

,ynsh tkrb
Summer is recited from Chol Hamoed Pesach through Minchah of December 4th (Dec. 5th in a year before a
civil leap year). Winter is recited from Maariv on December 4th (Dec. 5th in a year before a civil leap year)
through Shacharit of Pesach Day 1.

Bareich aleinu, Adonai Eloheinu,

Bless on our behalf, Hashem our Elohim,
` dedi ,Epil r Kx A
et hashanah hazot et
this year and
z` e z`Gd dpX d z`
kol minei tvu-atah ltovah,
and its abundant crops for good,
,da Fhl Dz `Ea z ipin lM
Summer: vtein brachah
and give a blessing
dk xA oz e :uiT A
Winter: vtein tal umatar livrachah
and give dew and rain for a blessing
dk xa l xh nE
lh oz e :sxgA
al pnei ha-adamah,
upon the face of the earth,
,dn c`d ipR lr
vsabeinu mituvecha, uvareich
and satisfy us with Your goodness, and bless
Kx aE ,LaEHn Epr A U e
shnateinu kashanim
our year like the years
mipX M Epz pW
hatovot livrachah,
that were good for blessing,
,dk xa l zFaFHd
ki Eil tov umeitiv atah,
for O Almighty One, good and beneficent are You,
,dY ` aih nE aFh l` iM
umvareich hashanim.
the One Who blesses the years.
.mipX d Kx anE
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
mvareich hashanim.
Who blesses the years.
.mipX d Kx


tvylg /vbq

Tka bshofar gadol lcheiruteinu,

Sound the great shofar to proclaim our freedom,
g l lFcB xtFW A rw Y
vsa neis lkabeitz galuyoteinu,
raise a banner to gather in our exiles,
l B uAw l qp `U e
vkabtzeinu yachad mei-arba
and gather us together from the four
rAx ` n cg i Epv A w e
kanfot ha-aretz lartzeinu.
corners of the earth to our land.
.Epv x ` l ux` d zFtpM
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
mkabeitz nidchei amo Yisra-eil.
Who gathers the dispersed of Your people Israel.
.l` xU i FOr ig c p uAw n


Hashivah shofteinu kvarishonah

Restore our judges as they were in earliest times
dpFW`x aM Epih tFW dai W d
vyo-atzeinu kvatchilah,
and our advisors as at the beginning,
,dNg Y aM Epiv r Fie
vhaseir mimenu yagon va-anachah,
and remove from us grief and sighing,
,dg p` e oFbi EPO n xqd e
umloch aleinu mheirah atah,
and may You reign over us speedily,
,dY ` dxd n Epil r KFlnE
Adonai, lvadcha
Hashem, alone
LCa l ,dedi
bchesed uvrachamim,
with kindess and compassion,
,min gxaE cq g A
vtzadkeinu btzedek uvmishpat.
and justify us through righteousness and justice.
.hR W n aE wc v A Epw
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
melech oheiv tzdakah umishpat.
Sovereign Who loves righteousness and justice.
.hR W nE
dw cv adF`


,ynymh tkrb

Vlamalshinim al thi tikvah,

And for the slanderers may there be no hope,
,dew z id Y l` mipiW l O le
vchol haminim krega yoveidu,
and may all who sow evil perish in an instant,
,Eca `i rbxM mipiO d lk e
vchol oyvei amcha
and may all enemies of Your people
LOr iaiF` lk e
mheirah yikareitu,
speedily be cut down,
,EzxM i dxd n
vhazeidim mheirah takeir utshabeir
and the rule of evil may You speedily uproot and break
xAW zE
xTrz dxd n mic Gd e
utmageir utchaleim vtashpileim
and cast down and destroy and pull down
mliR W z e mNk zE xBn zE
vtachni-eim bimheirah vyameinu.
and humble speedily in our days.
.Epin ia dxd n A mripk z e
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
shoveir oyvim umachni-a zeidim.
Who breaks enemies and humbles evildoers.
.mic f r ip k nE
i` xaFW


Al hatzadikim val hachasidim

Upon the righteous and upon the devout
mici q gd lre miwi C Sd lr
val ziknei amcha beit Yisra-eil,
and upon the sages of Your people Israel,
,l` xU i ziA LOr ipw f lre
val pleitat beit sofreihem,
and upon the remnant of the house of their scholars,
,mdi x tFq
ziA zhi lR lre
val geirei ha-tzedek valeinu,
and upon the converts who are righteous and upon us,
,Epil r e wc S d ixB lre
yehemu na rachamecha,
may Your compassion be stirred,
gx `p Endi
Adonai Eloheinu,
Hashem our Eternal One,
,Epidl ` dedi
vtein sachar tov lchol
and grant a good reward to all
lk l aFh xk U oz e
habotchim bshimcha be-emet,
who put their trust in Your Name with truth,
,zn `A Ln W A mig hFA
vsim chelkeinu imahem,
and number us among them forever,
,md O r Epw l g miU e

ul-olam lo neivosh
and may we never feel ashamed
WFap `le mlFrlE
ki vcha batachnu.
for in You we have put our trust.
.Epg h A La iM
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
mishan umivtach latzadikim.
the support and assurance of the righteous.
C Sl gh a nE
orW n

,ylsvry ]ynb

Vlirushalayim ircha
And to Jerusalem Your city
Lxi r mi l WExi
l e
brachamim tashuv,
in compassion may You return,
,aEWY min gxA
vtishkon btochah
and may You rest within it,
A oFMW z e
ka-asher dibarta,
as You have spoken.
,Y x A C xW `M
uvnei otah bkarov byameinu
And may You rebuild it soon in our days
Epin iA aFxw A DzF` dpaE
binyan olam, vchisei David avdcha
as an eternal edifice, and the throne of David Your servant
r ce c `Qk e ,mlFr oip A
mheirah ltochah tachin.
may You establish speedily within it.
.oik Y DkFz
l dxd n
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
boneih Yrushalayim.
Who rebuilds Jerusalem.
.mi l WEx
i dpFA


dvd tyb tvklm


Et tzemach David avdcha

The offspring of David Your servant
r ce C gn v z`
mheirah tatzmi-ach,
may You cause to flourish speedily,
n v z dxd n
vkarno tarum bishuatecha,
and may his power flourish through Your salvation,
rEWiA mExY Fpx w e
ki lishuat'cha kivinu kol hayom.
because for Your salvation do we hope all the day long.
.mFId lM EpiE w Lz
rEWil iM
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
matzmi-ach keren yshuah.
Who causes salvation to flourish.
.drEWi oxw gi
n v n

hlpt tlbq

Av harachaman,
Merciful Creator,
,on gxd a`
shma koleinu, Adonai Eloheinu,
Hear our voice, Hashem our Elohim,
` dedi ,Epl Fw rn W
chus vracheim aleinu,
take pity and have compassion on us,
,Epil r mg xe qEg
vkabeil brachamim uvratzon
and accept with compassion and favor
oFvxaE min gxA lAw e
et tfilateinu, ki Eil shomei-a
our prayer, for the Almighty One who hears
r nFW
l` iM ,Epz Nt Y z`
tfilot vtachanunim atah,
prayers and supplications is You,
,dY ` mipEpgz e zFNt Y
umilfanecha, malkeinu,
from before Yourself, our Sovereign,
,EpM l n ,Lipt N nE

reikam al tshi-einu.
do not turn us away empty-handed.
.Epa iW Y l` mwi x
Ki atah shomei-a tfilat
For You hear the prayer
zNt Y r nFW
dY ` iM
amcha Yisra-eil brachamim.
of Your people Israel with compassion.
.min gxA l` xU i LOr
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
shomei-a tfilat.
Who hears prayer.
.dNt Y r nFW


The first final blessing of the Amidah is associated with Moshe and the sfirah of Netzach.
Through it we ask that the Creator be pleased with Yisrael and restore the Temple

Rtzeih, Adonai Eloheinu, ,Epidl

` dedi ,dvx
Be pleased, Hashem our Elohim,
bamcha Yisra-eil, ,l` xU i LOrA
with Your people Israel,
vlitfilatam sheih, ,drW mz Nt z l e
and turn toward their prayer,
vhasheiv et ha-avodah dcFa
rd z` aW d e
and restore the service
lidvir beitecha,
to the Holy of Holies of Your Temple,
A xia c l
vishei Yisra-eil,
and the fire-offerings of Israel,
,l` xU i iX ` e
utfilatam mheirah bahavah
and their prayer speedily with love
d` A dxd n mz Nt zE
tkabeil bratzon,
accept with favor,
,oFvxA lAw z
uthi lratzon tamid,
and may it always be to Your favor,
cin Y oFvxl id zE
avodat Yisra-eil amecha.
the service of Your people Israel.
r l` xU i zcFa r
We say the following only when Shabbat falls on Rosh Chodesh.

Eloheinu vEilohei avoteinu, ,EpizFa

` idl` e Epidl `
Our Elohim and Elohim of our ancestors,
ya-aleh vyavo vyagi-a vyeira-eh d` xie r iB ie `aie dlr i
may it rise and come and arrive and appear
vyeiratzeh vyishama vhipakeid cw R ie rn X i e dvxie
and find favor and be heard and be considered
vyizacheir zichroneinu Epp Fxk f xkG i e
and be remembered, our remembrance
ufikdoneinu vzichron avoteinu,
and the remembrance of our ancestors,
,EpizFa ` oFxk fe Epp Fcw tE
vzichron Mashiach ben David avdecha,
and the remembrance of Mashiach ben David, Your servant,
,LC a
r ce C oA gi W n oFxk fe
vzichron Yrushalayim ir kodshecha,
and the remembrance of Jerusalem Your holy city,
,LW c w xir mi l WEx
i oFxk fe
vzichron kol amcha beit Yisra-eil
and the remembrance of Your entire people Israel
l` xU i ziA LOr lM oFxk fe
lfanecha, lif-leitah, ltovah,
before You, for deliverance, for good,
,da Fhl ,dhi lt l ,Lip t l

lchein ulchesed ulrachamim, ,min gxlE

cq g lE og l
for grace, kindness and compassion,
ulchayim ulshalom, ,mFlW lE miIg lE
for life and for peace,
byom Rosh ha-Chodesh hazeh. .dGd Wcg d W`x mFiA
on this day of Rosh Chodesh.
Zochreinu, Adonai Eloheinu, ,Epidl
` dedi ,Epxk f
Remember us, Hashem our Elohim,
bo ltovah,
on it for goodness,
l FA
ufakdeinu vo livrachah,
and consider us on it for blessing,
,dk xa l Fa Epc w tE
vhoshi-einu vo lchayim.
and deliver us on it for life.
.miIg l Fa Epr iWFd e
uvidvar yshu-ah vrachamim,
with the words of deliverance and mercy,
,min gxe drEWi xac aE
chus vchoneinu,
take pity and be gracious to us,
,EpP g e qEg
vracheim aleinu vhoshi-einu,
and have mercy upon us and save us,
,Epr iWFd
e Epil r mg xe
ki Eilecha eineinu,
for our eyes turn to You,
,Epip ir Lil ` iM
ki Eil melech chanun
for the One, the Sovereign who is gracious
oEPg Kln l` iM
vrachum atah.
and compassionate is You.
.dY ` mEgxe

Vtechezenah eineinu bshuvcha LaEW

A Epip ir dpif g z e
And may our eyes witness Your return
lTziyon brachamim. .min gxA oFIv l
to Zion with compassion.

Baruch atah Adonai, ,dedi dY ` KExA

Blessed are You Hashem,
hamachazir Shchinato lTziyon. .oFIv l Fzpik W xifg O d
Who restores Your Shchinah to Zion.


The final second blessing of the Amidah is associated with Aharon and the sfirah of Hod.
Through it we offer gratitude to the Creator for our lives, for all the visible and invisible
miracles that occur, and for sustaining us in every moment.

We bow first at our knees and then at our waist as we say micFn
until ig the Name of Hashem at which point we straighten up.
Modim anachnu lach, ,Kl Epg p ` micFn
We give thanks to You,
sha-atah hu Adonai Eloheinu, Epidl
` dedi ,`Ed dY ` W
for it is You Who are Hashem our Elohim,
vEilohei avoteinu, ,EpizFa
` idl` e
and the Elohim of our ancestors,
lolam va-ed. .cre mlFrl
for ever and ever.
Tzur chayeinu, magein yisheinu,
Rock of our life, Shield of our salvation,
,Epr W i obn ,EpiI g xEv
atah hu ldor vador.
You are from generation to generation,
,xFce xFcl `Ed dY `
Nodeh lcha unsapeir thilatecha,
We will thank You and tell Your praises,
,Lz Nd Y xRq pE LN dcF p
al chayeinu hamsurim byadecha,
for our lives which are placed into Your hands,
,Lc iA mixEq O d EpiI g lr
val nishmoteinu hapkudot lach,
and for our souls which are entrusted to You,
,Kl zFcEwR d EpizFn W p lre
val nisecha shebchol yom imanu,
and for Your miracles that are with us every day,
,EpO r mFi lk A W LiQ p lre
val niflotecha vtovotecha,
and for Your wonders and Your favors,
e LizF` l t p lre
shebchol eit,
that are at all times,
,zr lk A W
erev vavoker vtzahorayim.
evening and morning and afternoon.
.mi x
d v e xwa e ax r
Hatov, ki lo chalu rachamecha,
You are goodness, for Your mercies never cease,
,Lin gx Elk `l iM ,aFHd
and the Compassionate One,
,mg xnd e
ki lo tamu chasadecha,
for Your kindnesses have never ended,
,Lic q g EOz `l iM
mei-olam kivinu lach.
for always we have placed our hope in You.
.Kl EpiE w mlFrn
During the festivals of Chanukah or Purim continue on the next page,
otherwise continue on page 29 with mNM lre Val kulam.


Chanukah and Purim connect us to the energy of miracles. The following blessings help
us to harness the power of miracles so that we can create them in our life whenever they
are truly needed.

Al hanisim, val hapurkan, ,ow x R d lre ,miQ Pd lr

(We thank You) for the miracles, and for the deliverance,
val hagvurot, val lre ,zFxEaB d lre
and for the heroic acts, and for
ha-tshu-ot, val hamilchamot, ,zFng l O d lre ,zFrEWY d
the salvation, and for the victories,
she-asita la-avoteinu EpizFa
`l zi U
that You performed for our ancestors
bayamim hahem bazman hazeh.
in those days past at this season.
.dGd on GA md d min IA

Bimei Matit-yahu ben Yochanan opgFi
oA Ediz Y n ini A
In the days of Matityahu the son of Yochanan
kohein gadol, chashmonai uvanav, ,eipa E i`pFnW g ,lFcB od M
the high priest, the Hasmonean, and his sons,
kshe-amdah malchut Yavan oei zEkl n dc nrW M
when the kingdom of Greece rose up
harsha-ah al amcha Yisra-eil l` xU i LOr lr drW x d
-which was wicked- against your people Israel
lhashkicham Toratecha,
to make them forget Your Torah,
,Lz xFY
mgi M W d l
ul-ha-aviram meihukei rtzonecha,
and to compel them to stray from the statutes of Your will,
,LpFvx iTg n mxi a rd lE
vatah brachamecha harabim
but You in Your mercy which is abundant
miA xd Lin gxA dY ` e
amadta lahem beit tzaratam,
stood up for them in the time of their distress,
,mz xv zrA md l Y c n
ravta et rivam,
You championed their cause,
,ma ix z` Y a x
danta et dinam,
judged their claim,
,mpiC z` Y pC
nakamta et nikmatam,
and You avenged their wrong,
,mz n w p z` Y n wp
masarta giborim byad chalashim,
You delivered the strong into the hands of the weak,
,miW Ng ciA mixFA B Y x q n
vrabim byad matim,
and the many into the hands of the few,
,miH rn ciA miA xe
utmei-im byad thorim,
and the pure into the hands of the pure,
,mixFd h ciA mi` n hE


ursha-im byad tzadikim, ,miwi C v ciA mir W xE

and the wicked into the hands of the righteous,
vzeidim byad oskei Toratecha.
and the wrongdoers into the hands of the students of Your Torah.
.Lz xFz
iwqFr ciA mic fe
Ulcha amita sheim gadol
For Yourself you made a name that is great
lFcB mW zi U
r LlE
vkadosh bolamecha,
and holy in Your world,
,Ln lFrA WFcw e
ulamcha Yisra-eil amita
and for Your people Israel You performed
U r l` xU i LOrlE
tshu-ah gdolah ufurkan
a victory of great magnitude and a salvation
ow x tE
dlFcb dreWY
khayom hazeh. Vachar kein ba-u
as this very day. Thereafter came
E`A oM xg ` e .dGd mFId M
vanecha lidvir beitecha,
Your children to the Holy of Holies of Your House,
A xia c l Lip a
ufinu et heichalecha,
and cleansed Your Temple,
,Ll ki
d z` EPtE
vtiharu et mikdashecha,
and purified the site of Your Holiness,
,LWCw n z` Exdh e
vhidliku neirot
and kindled lights
zFxp Ewil c d e
bchatzrot kodshecha,
in the courtyards of Your Sanctuary,
,LW c w zFxv g A
vkavu shmonat ymei
and they established the eight days
in i zpFnW Era w e
Chanukah eilu, lhodot ul-haleil
of Chanukah -these-, to express thanks and praise
lNd lE
zFcFdl ,EN` dM pg
lshimcha hagadol.
to Your Name which is great.
.lFcBd Ln W l

Bimei Mordchai vEsteir xY q ` e ik
Cx n ini
In the days of Mordechai and Esther
bShushan habirah, ,dxi A d oWEW A
in the capital of Shushan,
kshe-amad aleihem Haman harasha, ,rW xd on d mdi lr cn rW M
when Haman the wicked rose up against them,
bikeish lhashmid laharog ul-abeid cA` lE
bxd l cin W d l WT A
and he sought to destroy, slay, and exterminate
et kol hayhudim,
all the Jews,
,micEd I d lM z`
mina-ar vad zakein, taf vnashim,
from young to old, infants and women,
,miW pe sh ,ow f cre xrP n
byom echad, bish-loshah asar
in one day, on the thirteenth
r dWFl W A ,cg ` mFiA


lchodesh shneim asar, ,xU r mipW Wcg l

of the twelfth month,
hu chodesh Adar, ,xc
` Wcg `Ed
which is the month of Adar,
ush-lalam lavoz. .fFal mll WE
and their possessions to be plundered.
Vatah brachamecha harabim miA xd Lin
gxA dY ` e
But You in Your abundant mercy
heifarta et atzato,
nullified his counsel,
,Fzvr z` Y x t d
vkilkalta et machashavto,
and frustrated his intention,
,FYa W
gn z` Y l w l w e
vahasheivota lo gmulo brosho,
and returned to him his recompense upon his own head,
,FW`xA FlEnB FN zF a W
vtalu oto vet banav
and they hanged him and his sons
eipA z` e FzF` Elz e
al haeitz.
at the gallows.
.urd lr
Val kulam yitbarach vyitromam mnFx
z ie Kx Az
i mNM lre
And for all these, blessed and exalted
vyitnasei shimcha malkeinu
and raised up may Your Name be, our Sovereign,
EpM l n Ln W `V
tamid lolam va-ed.
continually for ever and ever.
.cre mlFrl cin Y
Vchol hachayim yoducha selah,
Everything alive will give thanks to You forever,
,dlQ LEcFi miIg d lke
vi-hallu vivarchu et
and praise and bless
z` Ekxaie Ell di
shimcha hagadol be-emet,
Your great Name with sincerity,
,zn `A lFcBd Ln W
lolam ki tov,
forever for it is good,
,aFh iM mlFrl
ha-Eil yshu-ateinu vezrateinu selah,
O Almighty One of our salvation and of our help forever,
,dlq Epz xfr e Epz
rEWi l` d
ha-Eil hatov.
the Almighty One Who is benevolent.
.aFHd l` d
Bend the knees at KExA Baruch, bow down while saying dY ` Atah,
then straighten up at ig the Name of Hashem.

Baruch atah Adonai, ,dedi dY ` KExA

Blessed are You Hashem,
hatov shimcha
the Benevolent One is Your Name
Ln W aFHd
ul-cha na-eh lhodot.
and to You it is fitting to give thanks.
.zFcFdl d` p LlE


The final third blessing of the Amidah is associated with Yosef and the sfirah of Yesod.
Through it we pray for lasting peace, which should be the ultimate aim of all of our
Only one of the following is recited:
either the Sim Shalom below or the Shalom Rav on the next page.

Sim shalom tova uvrachah, ,dk xaE daFh mFlW miU

May peace goodness and blessing,
chein va-chesed vrachamim, ,min gxe cq g e og
grace and mercy and compassion,
aleinu val kol Yisra-eil amecha. .LO
r l` xU i lM lre Epil r
descend upon us and all of Israel and all the world.
Barcheinu Avinu Epia ` Epk
Bless us our Father
kulanu kechad bor panecha,
all of us together as one with the Light of Your Countenance,
,LipR xF`A cg ` M EpN M
ki vor panecha natata lanu,
for by that Light of Your Countenance You give to us,
,EpN Y z
p Lip R xF`a iM
Adonai Eloheinu,
Hashem our Elohim,
` dedi
Torat chayim vahavat chesed,
the Torah of life and to love mercy,
,cq g zad ` e miIg zxFY
utzdakah uvracha vrachamim
and charity and blessing and compassion
min gxe dk xaE dw cvE
vchayim vshalom.
and life and peace.
,mFlW e miIg e
Vtov beinecha lvareich
For it is good in Your eyes to bless
Kxal Lip irA aFhe
et amcha Yisra-eil bchol
Your people Israel in every
lk A l` xU i LOr z`
eit uvchol sha-ah bishlomecha.
season and in every hour for the sake of Your Name.
W A drW lk aE zr
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
hamvareich et amo
Who blesses Your people
FOr z` Kxan d
Yisra-eil bashalom.
Israel with peace.
.mFlX A l` xU i
Yih-yu lratzon imrei fi
May the words of my mouth
it ixn ` oFvxl Eid i
vhegyon libi lfanecha,
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You,
,Lipt l iA l oFib d e
Adonai tzuri vgo-ali.
Hashem my Rock and Redeemer.
`be ixEv dedi

Shalom rav al Yisra-eil amcha LOr l` xU i lr ax mFlW

Abundant peace to Your people Israel
tasim lolam. .mlFrl miU Y
offer to them for ever.
Ki atah hu melech Kln `Ed dY ` iM
for You are the Sovereign
adon lchol hashalom. .mFlX d lk l oFc`
Ruler of all peace.
Vtov beinecha lvareich
It is good in Your eyes to bless
Kx al Lipira aFhe
et amcha Yisra-eil bchol
Your people Israel in every
lk A l` xU i LOr z`
eit uvchol sha-ah bishlomecha.
season and in every hour for the sake of Your Name.
W A drW lk aE zr
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dY ` KExA
hamvareich et amo
Who blesses Your people
FOr z` Kxan d
Yisra-eil bashalom.
Israel with peace.
.mFlX A l` xU i
Yih-yu lratzon imrei fi
May the words of my mouth
it ixn ` oFvxl Eid i
vhegyon libi lfanecha,
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You,
,Lipt l iA l oFib d e
Adonai tzuri vgo-ali.
Hashem my Rock and Redeemer.
`be ixEv dedi


rvon yhla
As we complete the Amidah, we now ask that we may be strengthened to make our
prayers a reality through personal integrity and by opening our hearts to Torah.

Elohai, ntzor lshoni meira, ,rxn ipFWl xFvp ,idl `

Elohim, please keep my tongue from causing harm,
usfatai midabeir mirmah, ,dn x n xAC n iz t UE
and my lips from telling lies,
vlimkallai nafshi tidom, ,mCz iW t p ill w n l e
and let me be silent if people curse me,
vnafshi ke-afar lakol tih-yeh. .did Y lMl xt rM iW t pe
and let my soul be quiet and at peace with all.
Ptach libi bToratecha,
Open my heart to Your Torah,
,Lz xFz A iA l gz R
vacharei mitzvotecha tirdof nafshi.
and give my soul the will to practice it.
.iW t
p sFCx Y Liz ev n ix g` e
Vchol hachoshvim alai lra-ah,
and all my foes who plot to do me harm,
,drxl ilr mia WyFegd lk e
mheirah hafeir atzatam
may their plans and schemes
mz vr xtd dxd n
vkalkeil machashavtam.
come to nothing.
.mY a W gn lwl w e
Aseih lma-an shmecha,
For the sake of Your Name,
,Ln W orn l dU r
aseih lma-an yminecha,
for the sake of Your power,
,Lpin i orn l dU r
aseih lma-an Toratecha,
for the sake of Your Torah,
,Lz xFY orn l dU r
aseih lma-an kdushatecha.
for the sake of Your holiness.
.Lz X cw orn l dU r
Lma-an yeichaltzun ydidecha,
Rescue Your beloved,
,Lici c i oEvl g i orn l
hoshi-ah ymincha va-aneini.
and save me by Your right hand.
.ipp r e Lp in i driWFd
We pause here to say an additional blessing that relates to us personally. Kabbalah teaches that each
persons name corresponds to a verse in the Tanach (Hebrew Scriptures). We now recite that verse silently
which states our name will always be remembered when our soul leaves this world.


Yih-yu lratzon imrei fi it ixn ` oFvxl Eid i

May the words of my mouth
vhegyon libi lfanecha, ,Lipt l iA l oFib d e
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You,
Adonai tzuri vgo-ali. .il
`be ixEv dedi
Hashem my Rock and Redeemer.

We now take three steps backward as we retreat from the Divine Presence.

We bow left and say mFlW dU r Oseh Shalom, bow right and say `Ed Hu,
bow forward and say l` xU
i lM lre Val kol Yisra-eil.
You may use the part in parenthesis in place of val kol ha-olam.

Oseh shalom bimromav, ,einFx n A mFlW dU r

May the One who makes peace in the high heavens,
hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu,
bring this peace upon us,
,Epil r mFlW dU ri `Ed
val kol Yisra-eil val kol ha-olam,
and upon all Israel and upon all the world,
,mlFrd lM lre l` xU i lM lre
(val kol yoshvei teiveil,)
(and upon all the inhabitants of the earth,)
(,laz iaWFi
lM lre)
vimru amein.
and let us say amen.
.on ` Exn ` e
Yhi ratzon milfanecha,
May it be Your will,
,Lip t N n oFvx id i
Adonai Eloheinu vEilohei avoteinu
Hashem our Elohim and Elohim of our ancestors,
` idl`
e Epidl ` dedi
sheyibaneh beit hamikdash
that You shall rebuild the holy Temple
WCw O d ziA dpA I W
bimheirah vyameinu,
speedily in our day,
,Epin ia dxd n A
vtein chelkeinu bToratecha.
and place our lot in Your Torah.
.Lz xFz
A Epw l g oz e
Stand in place for a few moments and then take three steps forward.


,ls sydq
The Ari revealed that the Full Kaddish has the power of twice Light. One of them is the
Light within us all. The second Light is known as Or Makif or surrounding Light. The
Kaddish Shaleim is the tool which links these two Lights together.

Leader and participants say together that which is contained within { }.

Yitgadal vyitkadash shmeih raba. .`Ax Dn W WC w zi

e lC Bz
Let the glory of the Eternal One be extolled.
{.on `}

Balma di vra chiruteih,
In the world created according to the Eternal Ones will,
x k `xa iC `n l rA
vyamlich malchuteih,
and be enthroned in the realm of the Eternal One
l n Kil n ie
vyatzmach purkaneih
and cause redemption to sprout
Dpw x R gn v ie
vikareiv Mshichei. {Amein.}
and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.
{.on `}
.Dgi W n axwi e
Bchayeichon uvyomeichon
In our lifetime and in our days
oFkinFi aE oFkiIg A
uvchayei dchol beit Yisra-eil,
and in the lives of the entire house of Israel,
,l` xU i ziA lk c iIg aE

ba-agala uvizman kariv,
quickly and speedily may it come,
,aix w on
`lb r A
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `}
.on ` Exn ` e
{Yhei shmeih raba mvarach
Let the great Name be blessed
Kxan `Ax Dn W `d i }
lalam ulalmei almaya.}
forever and ever.
{.`In l
r in l
mlr l
Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpa-ar
Blessed and extolled and magnified
x` R z
ie gA Y W i e Kx
vyitromam vyitnasei vyit-hadar
and hailed and exalted and honored
xCd z
ie `V pzi
e mnFx z ie
vyit-aleh vyit-halal
and glorified and praised
lNd z
ie dNr z
shmeih dkudsha {brich hu},
be the Holy One whose Name is blessed,
,{`Ed Kix A} `W c w C Dn W


leila min kol birchata `z k x A lM on `Nr l

who is beyond all blessings
vshirata tushbchata vnechemata,
or songs or praises or words of consolation,
,`z n
gp e `z g
A W Y `z xi W e
da-amiran balma,
that can be uttered in this world,
,`n l rA oxi n
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `} .on ` Exn ` e
Titkabeil tzlothon uva-uthon
May the prayers and supplications be accepted
aE oFdzFl v lAw z Y
dchol beit Yisra-eil kadam
of the entire House of Israel before
w l` xU i ziA lk C
avuhon di vishmaya,
their Father who is in heaven,
,`In W a iC oFdEa`
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `}
.on ` Exn ` e
Yhei shlama raba min shmaya,
May there be much peace from heaven,
,`In W on `Ax `n lW `d i
vchayim tovim aleinu,
and good life upon us,
Epil r miaFh
miIg e
val kol Yisra-eil,
and upon all Israel,
,l` xU i lM lre
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `} .on ` Exn ` e
Take three steps back.
Bow left and say mFlW dU
r Oseh Shalom, bow right and say `Ed Hu,
bow forward and say l` xU
i lM lre Val kol Yisra-eil.
Remain in place for a few moments, then take three steps forward.

Oseh shalom bimromav, ,einFx n A mFlW dU r

May the One who makes peace in the high heavens,
hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu,
bring this peace upon us,
,Epil r mFlW dU ri `Ed
val kol Yisra-eil val kol ha-olam,
and upon all Israel and upon all the world,
,mlFrd lM lre l` xU i lM lre
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `}
.on ` Exn ` e

ALEINU Eepil r

All of our prayers, according to the Kabbalists, have drawn inner Light. The Aleinu is a
magnet for external Light which seals and protects them, blocking out any negative
Stand while saying the Aleinu.

Aleinu lshabei-ach la-adon hakol, ,lMd oFc`l g A W l Epil r

It is our duty praise the Ruler of all,
lateit gdulah lyotzeir breishit,
to recognize the greatness of the Creator of first things,
xA xvFil dNcB zz l
shelo asanu kgoyei ha-aratzot,
for we were not made like the nations of other lands,
,zFvx `d iiFbM EpU
r `NW
vlo samanu kmishpchot
and did not make us the same as other families
zFgR W n M Epn U `le
ha-adamah, shelo sam chelkeinu
of the earth, we were not placed in the same situations
Epw l g mU `lW ,dn c `d
kahem, vgoraleinu kchol hamonam.
as others, and our destiny is not the same as anyone else.
.mpFnd lk M Epl xbe ,md M
We bow first at our knees and then at our waist as we say
gY W nE
xFM Epg p ` e Va-anachnu korim umishtachavim
Va-anachnu korim, ,mir
xFM Epg p ` e
Therefore we kneel,
umishtachavim umodim,
and bow and give thanks,
,micFnE mie gY W nE
lifnei melech malchei hamlachim,
before the Sovereign, Sovereign of all sovereigns,
lO d ikl n Kln ipt l
hakadosh baruch hu.
the Holy and Blessed One.
.`Ed KExA WFcT d
Shehu noteh shamayim
The One who spread out the heavens
mi n W dhFp `EdW
vyoseid aretz, umoshav ykaro
and established the earth, and whose precious dwelling
Fxw i aWFnE
,ux` cq ie
bashamayim mima-al,
is in the heavens above,
,lrO n mi n X A
ush-chinat uzo bgovhei mromim,
and whose powerful Presence is in the highest heights,
n id a bA FGr zpik WE
hu Eloheinu ein od.
is our Elohim and there is no other.
.cFr oi` Epidl ` `Ed
Emet malkeinu, efes zulato,
Our Sovereign is truth, and nothing else compares,
,FzlEf qt ` ,EpM l n zn `
kakatuv bTorato:
as it is written in Your Torah:
:FzxFz A aEzM M
ALEINU Eepil r

vyadata hayom vahasheivota z a W

de mFId Y r c ie
"And you shall know today and take
el lvavecha, ki Adonai hu
to heart, that Hashem is
`Ed dedi iM ,Laa l l`
ha-Elohim bashamayim mima-al,
the Elohim in the heavens above,
,lrO n min X A midl
val ha-aretz mitachat ein od.
and on earth below and there is no other.
.cFr oi` ,zg Y n ux` d lre
Val kein nkaveh lcha
Therefore we put our hope in you
LN dEw p oM lre
Adonai Eloheinu,
Hashem our Elohim,
` dedi
lirot mheirah btiferet uzecha,
let us witness the glory of Your power,
,LG r zx` t z A dxd n zF`x l
lha-avir gilulim min ha-aretz,
to remove worship of material things from the earth.
,ux` d on milEN B xia rd l
vha-elilim karot yikareitun,
and superstition and prejudice shall at last be cut off,
,oEzxM i zFxM mili l `d e
ltakein olam bmalchut Shadai,
to perfect the universe through the reign of the Almighty,
,iC W zEkl n A mlFr oT z l
vchol bnei vasar yikru vishmecha,
and all humanity will call upon Your Name,
,Ln W a E`xw i xU a ipA lk e
lhafnot eilecha kol rishei aretz.
and all the wicked of the earth shall turn to You.
.ux` irW x lM Lil ` zFpt d l
Yakiru vyeidu kol yoshvei teiveil,
May all the inhabitants of the world know and recognize You,
,laz iaWFi lM Ercie ExiM i
ki lcha tichra kol berech,
that to You every knee should bend,
,Kx A lM rxk Y Ll iM
tishava kol lashon.
and every tongue pledge.
.oFWl lM raX Y
Lfanecha Adonai Eloheinu
In Your Presence, Hashem our Elohim,
` dedi Lip t l
yichru vyipolu,
they will kneel and bow down,
,ElRi e Erxk i
vlichvod shimcha ykar yiteinu,
and they will give honor to the glory of Your Name,
xw i Ln W cFak l e
vikablu kulam et ol malchutecha,
and all will accept they yoke of Your Sovereignty,
l n lFr z` mNk ElA wi e
vtimloch aleihem
that You may reign over them
lr Kln z e
mheirah lolam va-ed.
very soon forever and ever.
.cre mlFrl dxd n
Ki ha-malchut shelcha hi,
For the kingdom is Yours,
,`id LN W zEkl O d iM
ul-olmei ad timloch bchavod,
forever and ever You will reign in glory,
,cFak A KFln Y cr in lF r lE

kakatuv bToratecha:
as it is written in Your Torah:
:Lz xFz
A aEzM M

Adonai yimloch lolam va-ed. .cre mlFrl Kln i dedi

Hashem will reign forever and ever.

Vne-emar, vhayah Adonai dedi did e ,xn `p e

Thus it has been said, Hashem will be
lmelech al kol ha-aretz. .ux` d lM lr Kln l
Sovereign over all the earth,
Bayom hahu yih-yeh,
On that day,
did i `Edd mFIA
Adonai echad, ushmo echad.
Hashem will be one, and Hashems Name will be one.
.cg ` FnyE ,cg ` dedi

,vty sydq
We turn our thoughts to those who have departed this earth: our own loved ones and
those whom we have drawn into our hearts as our own, those whom our friends and
neighbors have lost, the martyrs of our people whose graves are unmarked, and those of
every race and nation whose lives have been a blessing to humanity. As we remember
them, we meditate on the meaning of love and loss, of life and death.

.dk xa l mpFxk f
Zichronam livracha.
May their memories be for blessing.

Recited by the Leader, Everyone says the words in { }.

Yitgadal vyitkadash shmeih raba. .`Ax Dn W WC w zi

e lC Bz
Let the glory of the Eternal One be extolled.
{.on `}

Balma di vra chiruteih,
In the world created according to the Eternal Ones will,
x k `xa iC `n l rA
vyamlich malchuteih,
and be enthroned in the realm of the Eternal One
l n Kil n ie
vyatzmach purkaneih
and cause redemption to sprout
Dpw x R gn v ie
vikareiv Mshichei. {Amein.}
and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.
{.on `}
.Dgi W n axwi e
Bchayeichon uvyomeichon
In our lifetime and in our days
aE oFkiIg A

uvchayei dchol beit Yisra-eil, ,l` xU i ziA lk c iIg aE

and in the lives of the entire house of Israel,
ba-agala uvizman kariv,
quickly and speedily may it come,
,aix w on
`lb r A
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `}
.on ` Exn ` e
{Yhei shmeih raba mvarach
Let the great Name be blessed
Kxan `Ax Dn W `d i }
lalam ul-almei almaya.}
forever and ever.
{.`In l
r in l
mlr l
Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpa-ar
Blessed and extolled and magnified
x` R z
ie gA Y W i e Kx Az i
vyitromam vyitnasei vyit-hadar
and hailed and exalted and honored
xCd z ie `V pzi
e mnFx z ie
vyit-aleh vyit-halal
and glorified and praised
lNd z ie dNr z ie
shmeih dkudsha {brich hu},
be the Holy One Whose Name is blessed,
,{`Ed Kix A} `W c w C Dn W
leila min kol birchata vshirata
Who is beyond all blessings or songs
`z xi W e `z k x A lM on `Nr l
tushbchata vnechemata,
or praises or words of consolation,
,`z n gp e `z g A W Y
da-amiran balma,
that can be uttered in this world,
,`n l
rA oxi n `C
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `}
.on ` Exn ` e
Yhei shlama raba min shmaya,
May there be much peace from heaven,
,`In W on `Ax `n lW `d i
vchayim tovim aleinu,
and good life upon us,
Epil r miaFh
miIg e
val kol Yisra-eil,
and upon all of Israel,
,l` xU i lM lre
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `} .on ` Exn ` e
Take three steps back.
Bow left and say mFlW dU
r Oseh Shalom, bow right and say `Ed Hu,
bow forward and say l` xU
i lM lre Val kol Yisra-eil.
Remain in place for a few moments, then take three steps forward.

Oseh shalom bimromav, ,einFx n A mFlW dU r

May the One Who makes peace in the high heavens,
hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu,
bring this peace upon us,
,Epil r mFlW dU ri `Ed
val kol Yisra-eil val kol ha-olam,
and upon all Israel and upon all the world,
,mlFrd lM lre l` xU i lM lre
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{.on `}
.on ` Exn ` e
AL TIRA `xiz l`

aryt la
According to the Midrash, these verses were quoted by three Jewish children to Mordechai
during the time preceding the miracle of Purim. They connect us to the energy of
protection against all dangers.

Al tira mipachad pitom, ,m`z R cg R n `xi Y l`

Do not be afraid of a sudden terror,
umisho-at rsha-im ki tavo. .`az iM mir W x z` XnE
or of the devastation of the wicked that may come.

Utzu eitzah vtufar, ,xt z e dvr Evr

Plan a conspiracy and it will be annulled,
dabru davar vlo yakum, ,mEwi `le xac ExA C
speak your speech and it shall not stand,
ki imanu Eil. .l` EpO r iM
for the Almighty is with us.

Vad ziknah ani hu, ,`Ed ip` dpw f cre

Even until your old age I remain unchanged,
vad seivah ani esbol, ,lAq ` ip` dai U cre
even until your elder years shall I carry you,
ani asiti va-ani esa,
I created you and I shall bear you,
,`V ` ip` e izi
r ip`
va-ani esbol va-amaleit.
I shall carry you and rescue you.
.hNn `e lAq ` ip` e

Ach tzadikim yodu lishmecha, ,Ln W l EcFi miwi C v K`

Indeed, let the righteous give thanks to Your Name,
yeishvu ysharim et panecha. .Lip R z` mix W i EaW
the sincere will rest in Your Presence.

Weekday Minchah ends here. On Erev Shabbat or a Festival, continue with candlelighting on the next page.


tvrnh tqldh
On Shabbat, candles are lit approximately 18 minutes before sunset.
Minchah is said before sunset, allowing enough time to light candles at the end of the connection.

Some have the custom to light the candles first and then say the blessing.
In the Sephardic/Kabbalistic tradition, we say the blessing first and then light the candles.

Baruch atah Adonai dedi dY ` KExA

Blessed are You Hashem,
Eloheinu melech ha-olam,
our Elohim, Sovereign of the universe,
,mlFrd Kln Epidl `
asher kidshanu bmitzvotav
You hallow us with Your commandments
v n A EpW
Cw xW `
vtzivanu lhadlik neir
and bid us to light the candles
xp wil c d l EpEv e
shel Shabbat
of Shabbat
zAW lW
vshel yom tov.
(and of yom tov).
.aFh mFi lW e
The following is added only on the first night of a Festival.

Baruch atah Adonai, ,dedi dY ` KExA

Blessed are You Hashem,
Eloheinu melech ha-olam,
our Elohim, Sovereign of the universe,
,mlFrd Kln Epidl `
shehecheyanu vkiymanu vhigianu
for giving us life and for enabling us to reach
Epr iB d e Epn
I w e Epig d W
lazman hazeh.
this season.
.dGd on Gl


One or more of the following songs may be sung after candlelighting.

arqy rvrd

Dror yikra lvein im bat, ,zA mr oal `xw i xFxC

May the Eternal One proclaim freedom for all sons and daughters,
vyintzarchem kmo vavat.
and keep you as the apple of the Eternal Ones eye.
.zaa FnM mk x vp i e
Nim shimchem vlo yushbat, ,zAW
i `le mk n W mir
Pleasant is your name and it will not be destroyed,
shvu vnuchu byom Shabbat.
Relax and rest on the day of Shabbat.
.zAW mFiA EgEpe EaW
Drosh navi vulami,
Revisit my holy Temple,
lE`e ie p WFxC
vot yesha aseih imi.
and give me a sign of deliverance.
.iO r dU r rW i zF`e
Nta soreik btoch karmi,
Plant a vine in my vineyard,
,in x M KFzA wxFU
rh p
sheih shavat bnei ami.
regard my people, hear their laments.
.iO r ipA zre W drW

yl ;ytsrav

Veirastich li lolam, ,mlFerl il KjiY

zU y x` e
And I will betroth you to Me forever,
veirastich li btzedek,
and I will betroth you to Me in righteousness,
vAa il KjiY
zU y x` e
uvmishpat uvchesed uvrachamim.
and with justice and with kindness and with mercy.
e cq g aE
e hRt W
y n aE
Veirastich li be-emunah,
And I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness,
,dpEen`Aa il KjiY
zU y x` e
vyada-at et Adonai.
and you will know Hashem.
.dedi z` Y z r c


,vls tbs

Shabbat shalom. .mFlW zAW

A peaceful Shabbat.

Shabbat shalom umvorach. .KxanE

mFlW zAW
A peaceful and blessed Shabbat.

ynyi asa

Esah einai el he-harim ,mixd d l` ipir `V y`

I lift my eyes up to the hills,
mei-ayin yavo ezri.
what is the source of my help?
.ix fr `ai o i` n
Ezri mei-im Adonai,
My help is from Hashem,
dedi mrn ix fr
oseih shamayim va-aretz.
maker of heaven and earth.
.ux` e mi n W
dU y r

yl vdvd

Dodi li va-ani ip` e il icFeCc

My beloved is mine and I am my beloveds
lo haro-eh bashoshanim.
who browses among the lilies.
.miPpWy FeX yAa drxd Fel
Mi zot olah min hamidbar,
Who is this that comes up from the desert,
,xAac O
n d on dlr z`f in
mkuteret mor ulvonah.
in clouds of myrrh and frankincense.
.dp FealE e xFen zxH h w n
Libavtini achoti chalah.
You have ravished my heart, my sister, my bride.
.dNlk izg` ipY z a Aal
Uri tzafon uvo-i teiman.
Awake, O north wind, and come, O south wind.
z i`F ea Ee oFetv ix Ee r
Kol sason vkol simchah,
The sound of joy and the sound of gladness,
,dg n U
y lFew e oFeU y Uy lFew
kol chatan vkol kalah.
the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride.
NlMk lFew e oz g lFew


hz ,vy

Yom zeh lYisra-eil l` xU i l df mFi

This day for Israel
orah vsimchah, Shabbat mnuchah.
is light and is joy, a Shabbat of rest.
n zAW ,dg n U e dxF`
Tzivita pikudim micET R zi E v
You commanded
bma-amad har Sinai,
our ancestors standing at Mount Sinai,
,ipiq xd cn rn A
Shabbat umo-adim
to keep Shabbat and Festivals
mic rFnE zAW
lishmor bchol shanai,
for all of our years,
,ipW lk A xFnW l
la-aroch lfanai maseit va-aruchah,
to share at our table the choicest of foods,
`e z` U n ipt l Kxr l
Shabbat mnuchah.
a Shabbat of rest.
.dgEp n zAW
Chemdat halvavot
Treasure for the hearts
zFaaN d zC n g
lumah shvurah,
of a wounded people,
W dO ` l
linfashot nichavot nshamah yteirah, ,dxz
i dn W
p zFa` k p zFWt pl
for the souls that have suffered
lnefesh mtzeirah yasir anachah, ,dg
to soothe away sighs from a soul that is bound,
p` xiq Y dxvn Wt p l
Shabbat mnuchah.
a Shabbat of rest.
n zAW
Kidashta beirachta oto mikol yamim,
You hallowed and blessed it more than all other days,
i lM n FzF` Y k x
A Y W C w
bsheishet kilita mlechet olamim,
in six days You completed the labor of the worlds,
lFr zk`l n zi
N M zW W A
bo matzu agumim
sad people found on it
r E`v n FA
hashkeit uvitchah,
peace and safety,
,dg h aE
hw W d
Shabbat mnuchah.
a Shabbat of rest.
.dgEp n zAW
Lisur mlachah tzivitanu nora,
You commanded us to avoid labor O Awesome One,
E v dk`
ln xEQ` l
ezkeh hod mluchah
I shall merit the glory of sovereignty
dkEl n cFd dM


im Shabbat eshmorah, ,dxn W ` zAW m`

if I safeguard Shabbat,
akriv shai lamora,
I shall bring an offering to the Awesome One,
l iW aix w `
minchah merkachah,
a meal offering that is seasoned,
,dg w x n dg
Shabbat mnuchah.
a Shabbat of rest.
n zAW
Chadeish mikdasheinu
Renew our Sanctuary
EpW Cw n WC g
zachrah necherevet,
remember the ruined city,
,zaxgp dxk f
tuvcha, moshi-einu,
Your goodness, our Savior,
,Epr iWFn
tnah lane-etzevet,
grant to the one who is sad,
,zav r P l dpY
bShabbat yoshevet
who spends Shabbat
bzemer ushvachah,
in song and praise,
,dg a WE xn f A
Shabbat mnuchah.
a Shabbat of rest.
n zAW

Vshamru vnei Yisra-eil l` xU i ipa ExnW e
The children of Israel shall observe
et ha-Shabbat,
,zAX d z`
la-asot et ha-Shabbat
making Shabbat
zAX d z` zFUrl
ldorotam brit olam.
for their generations a covenant for eternity.
.mlFr zix A mz xcl
Beini uvein bnei Yisra-eil
Between Me and the children of Israel
l` xU i ipA oiaE ipiA
ot hi lolam,
it is a sign forever.
,mlFrl `id zF`
ki sheishet yamim asah Adonai
for in six days Hashem made
dedi dU r min i zW W iM
et hashamayim vet ha-aretz,
the heavens and the earth,
,ux` d z` e mi n X d z`
uvayom hashvi-i shavat vayinafash.
and on the seventh day rested from all work.
PI e zaW iri a
Xd mFIaE


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