Epicor10 ReleaseNotes 100700
Epicor10 ReleaseNotes 100700
Epicor10 ReleaseNotes 100700
Change List - SCRs...................................................................................................................7
Executive Management....................................................................................................................................7
Executive Dashboard.................................................................................................................................7
Financial Management.....................................................................................................................................7
Accounts Payable......................................................................................................................................7
Accounts Receivable.................................................................................................................................9
Cash Management.................................................................................................................................11
CSF All....................................................................................................................................................12
CSF Australia..........................................................................................................................................13
CSF China...............................................................................................................................................13
CSF Colombia.........................................................................................................................................13
CSF Estonia.............................................................................................................................................13
CSF Germany..........................................................................................................................................14
CSF India................................................................................................................................................14
CSF Japan...............................................................................................................................................14
CSF Mexico.............................................................................................................................................14
CSF Norway............................................................................................................................................14
CSF Peru.................................................................................................................................................14
CSF Sweden...........................................................................................................................................15
CSF Switzerland......................................................................................................................................15
CSF Thailand...........................................................................................................................................15
CSF Vietnam...........................................................................................................................................15
Currency Management...........................................................................................................................16
Deferred Revenue Accounting................................................................................................................16
Fixed Assets............................................................................................................................................16
General Ledger.......................................................................................................................................17
Multi-Site Management..........................................................................................................................19
Rebates, Promotions and Royalities.........................................................................................................20
Production Management...............................................................................................................................20
Data Collection.......................................................................................................................................20
Enhanced Quality Assurance...................................................................................................................21
Field Service............................................................................................................................................21
Job Management....................................................................................................................................22
Material Requirements Planning..............................................................................................................24
Quality Assurance...................................................................................................................................25
Time Management.................................................................................................................................26
Sales Management........................................................................................................................................27
Customer Relationship Management......................................................................................................27
Order Management................................................................................................................................28
Product Configuration............................................................................................................................29
Project Management..............................................................................................................................33
Quote Management...............................................................................................................................34
Supply Chain Management............................................................................................................................35
Advanced Material Management............................................................................................................35
Handheld MES........................................................................................................................................35
Inventory Management...........................................................................................................................35
Order Management................................................................................................................................36
Purchase Scheduling...............................................................................................................................36
Purchasing Management........................................................................................................................36
Shipping / Receiving................................................................................................................................36
Supplier Relationship Management.........................................................................................................38
System Wide Enhancements..........................................................................................................................38
Product Lifecyle Management.................................................................................................................38
Tools and Technologies..................................................................................................................................38
Admin Console.......................................................................................................................................38
Advance Quality.....................................................................................................................................38
BAQ Designer.........................................................................................................................................39
BPM Designer.........................................................................................................................................39
Commerce Connect................................................................................................................................39
Database Administration.........................................................................................................................40
Enterprise Search....................................................................................................................................40
Epicor Admin Console............................................................................................................................41
EPM Content..........................................................................................................................................41
ESC Admin Console................................................................................................................................41
ESC Install...............................................................................................................................................41
ESC Other...............................................................................................................................................41
ESC Output Channel...............................................................................................................................42
General Framework................................................................................................................................42
Information Worker................................................................................................................................43
IW Content Pack.....................................................................................................................................44
Process Management..............................................................................................................................44
Reports Framework.................................................................................................................................44
Security Framework................................................................................................................................45
Social Enterprise.....................................................................................................................................45
Web Access............................................................................................................................................46
Change List - Application Enhancements............................................................................48
Financial Management...................................................................................................................................48
Accounts Payable....................................................................................................................................48
Accounts Receivable...............................................................................................................................48
Cash Management.................................................................................................................................48
CSF All....................................................................................................................................................48
CSF China...............................................................................................................................................49
CSF European Union...............................................................................................................................49
CSF Malaysia..........................................................................................................................................49
CSF Peru.................................................................................................................................................49
CSF Sweden...........................................................................................................................................49
CSF Switzerland......................................................................................................................................49
CSF Thailand...........................................................................................................................................50
CSF United Kingdom..............................................................................................................................50
Multi-Site Management..........................................................................................................................50
Production Management...............................................................................................................................50
Data Collection.......................................................................................................................................50
Field Service............................................................................................................................................50
Job Management....................................................................................................................................50
Material Requirements Planning..............................................................................................................51
Quality Assurance...................................................................................................................................51
Time Management.................................................................................................................................51
Sales Management........................................................................................................................................51
Product Configuration............................................................................................................................51
Project Management..............................................................................................................................52
Quote Management...............................................................................................................................52
Supply Chain Management............................................................................................................................53
Purchasing Management........................................................................................................................53
Tools and Technologies..................................................................................................................................53
BAQ Designer.........................................................................................................................................53
BPM Designer.........................................................................................................................................53
Enterprise Search....................................................................................................................................53
ESC Mapper...........................................................................................................................................54
ESC Other...............................................................................................................................................54
General Framework................................................................................................................................54
Reports Framework.................................................................................................................................54
Social Enterprise.....................................................................................................................................54
Change List - Performance Enhancements..........................................................................56
Production Management...............................................................................................................................56
Material Requirements Planning..............................................................................................................56
Sales Management........................................................................................................................................56
Product Configuration............................................................................................................................56
Supply Chain Management............................................................................................................................57
Inventory Management...........................................................................................................................57
Shipping / Receiving................................................................................................................................57
Tools and Technologies..................................................................................................................................57
Social Enterprise.....................................................................................................................................57
Change List - Courses...........................................................................................................58
Financial Management...................................................................................................................................58
Accounts Payable Course........................................................................................................................58
Advanced Report Designing for AFR.......................................................................................................58
Introduction to Advanced Financial Reporting.........................................................................................58
Payment Instrument Course....................................................................................................................58
Epicor Enterprise Search Admin Course...................................................................................................59
Epicor Service Connect 10 for Epicor ERP Course....................................................................................59
Performance Tuning Course....................................................................................................................59
SQL Server Reporting Services Course.....................................................................................................59
Use the following information to review the changes and resolved issues that occurred since the last Epicor
application release. The records are sorted by Functional Area, Module, and SCR number.
Executive Management
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Executive Dashboard
SCR Type Description
81336 Application Cash Flow - "Rec Not Inv" field does not match the Received but not Invoiced
Report does not use the Terms
82024 Application Customer Shipping Performance - Not calculating late percent correctly if it
differs from 0 or 100% (SQL Only)
132554 Application Sales Backlog Analysis - Order for Third Party Ship To does not appear on
132556 Application Sales Backlog Analysis - Country & State of OTS (one time ship to) not picked
up for the country & state dimensions
Financial Management
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Accounts Payable
SCR Type Description
105924 Application Invoice Entry AP - Total line does not match Advance Billing Amount
124716 Application AP Invoice Balance Report - Prints Opening and Closing incorrect Total amount
for Suppliers
134032 Application Payment Entry - Duplicate TranGLC error when submitting multiple times AP
Payment Group to Post
136013 Application Aged Payables - Incorrect Invoice amount printed in the report after Currency
Revaluation process is run
138854 Application Payment Instrument Payable - Edit List shows incorrect amount in the GL
Account Recap section of the report
Accounts Receivable
SCR Type Description
104423 Application Posted Invoice Update - Unchecking deferred revenue does not reverse
117431 Rule Payment Instrument Status Change - AR PI Voiding does not reverse Receivable
account to Debit
125636 Application Bank Reconciliation - Posted transaction has a missing gain/loss amount when
clearing an AP Payment Instrument with a distinct currency
128391 Application Process Finance/Late Charge - Finance Charge invoices are not consolidated
per customer
136732 Application Payment Instrument Receivable - A group created can be shared with two or
more users
137318 Application AR Invoice Form - Not including packing slip number when it comes from a
drop shipment
138219 Application PaymentInstrumentBatchGeneration - Error message appears if a group without
lines is sent to print preview
138220 Application Bulk Address Validation - Process errors when validating a large number of
138792 Application Invoice Entry AR - Allocated Deposit Amount calculated in incorrect Currency
on a Shipment Invoice
139293 Application Intrastat - Intrastat Search interpret Include Reported transactions as Include
Posted transactions
139316 Application Payment Instrument Receivable - Still using Promissory Notes name instead of
using Payment Instruments
139457 Application Cash Receipt Entry - The Force Discount button is not rounding discount amount
139505 Application Payment Instrument Receivable - Fields are not disabled after generating legal
number and/or print PI
139533 Application Payment Instrument Receivable - Invoice legal number is not displayed in the
correct field
139569 Application Invoice Entry AR - Contract Billing generated with incorrect Unit Price after
Contract Code has been modified
139570 Application Invoice Entry AR - Incorrect amount calculated for a Contract Billing invoice
generated past a period end date
139636 Application Payment Instrument Batch Generation - Generate Single PI > PI Type displays
AP PI Types
139681 Application Reminder Letter Generation - Customer search filter ignores any value entered
in the Invoice Balance Exceeds field
Cash Management
SCR Type Description
102048 Application Payroll Check Entry - SSRS Payroll Check should be printed according to
pre-printed check form
104449 Application Payroll Check Entry - Check print and Payroll Check Register do not match
check number for checks with more than one page
116396 Application Petty Cash Entry - Error is displayed in Petty Cash Document Search Window
when pressing Search
136844 Application Bank Account - Incorrect Bank Balance after running conversion Cvap0030.w
Update Bank Balances
138061 Application Bank Reconciliation - GL Recap report is missing tax account lines
SCR Type Description
139558 Application CSF CZ, DK, EE - Process payment stopped working with not fully filled Payment
139836 Application CSF Sweden, Norway - ProcessPayment has incorrect code for search EI
140624 Application CSF All - Using .NET Reflection should be eliminated in UI Customizations code
CSF Australia
SCR Type Description
141725 Application CSF Australia - Update error message which is displayed in AR AFT payment
141862 Application CSF Australia, New Zealand - Remove AUTaxBoxRpt and NZTaxBoxRpt RDD;
make the Report Styles to use the common TaxBoxRpt RDD
141864 Application CSF Australia, New Zealand - Tax date is empty in Tax Box Report
142444 Application Invoice Entry AR - Issues for standard AR Invoice layout if Country Code is AU
142450 Application CSF Australia/New Zealand - Print Deposit Slips - Print option is always disabled
on the pre-printing form
CSF China
SCR Type Description
139879 Application CSF China - The Consolidate Shipments localization is damaged
140430 Application CSF China - Incorrect open / closing balances in Stock Movement report with
various dates from / to for the same stock item [data dependent]
140530 Application CSF China - Get Shipments Log is not created due to absence of appropriate
142084 Application CSF China - Asset List report should use SimSun font and size 9
CSF Colombia
SCR Type Description
142116 Rule CSF Colombia - Uplift rules after SCR 117431 - Payment Instrument Status
Change - AR PI Voiding does not reverse Receivable account to Debit
CSF Estonia
SCR Type Description
139707 Application CSF Estonia - Process payment errors
CSF Germany
SCR Type Description
142388 Application CSF Germany - Posting Engine - Bank Rec - Uplift Reverse Cash Receipt rule
after SCR 142115 (failure if CR was created from Bank statement)
CSF India
SCR Type Description
140949 Application CSF India- Report 57AE shows duplicate records
141144 Application CSF India - Remove of conventions to be followed while setting up Tax Types
CSF Japan
SCR Type Description
140125 Application CSF Japan - Error when trying to print billing statement [data dependent]
140397 Application CSF Japan - Reference number is cut in final billing statement printout
CSF Mexico
SCR Type Description
140120 Application CSF Mexico - Company form displays MsgBox after web form generation
140706 Application CSF Mexico - Erp.Internal.Lib.MXDigitalReceiptsLib.dll.config file should be
removed from Bin directory
141616 Application CSF Mexico - Uplift conversion program cv/csf006.p to Epicor ERP 10
CSF Norway
SCR Type Description
139790 Application CSF Norway - AR Invoice - Project Billing - E-Invoice flag was not set in AR
Invoice Project Billing for an e-invoice customer
140219 Application CSF Norway - AP Payment Entry - Resetting Process Payments throws exception
and does not reset the payment status
CSF Peru
SCR Type Description
139698 Application CSF Peru - AP Invoice Balance - Issues in case AP BoE is included
139757 Application CSF Peru - In Kardex report Input and Output Unit Costs are displayed incorrectly
139759 Application AP Bill of Exchange - Gain/Losses is incorrectly calculated if invoices have
different rate delta
CSF Sweden
SCR Type Description
140539 Application CSF Sweden - ProcessPayment for EI Payment_SE_PO3Domestic and
Payment_SE_PO3GrossBdr is incorrect for Debit Memo when UseIBAN is set
to No
CSF Switzerland
SCR Type Description
139894 Application CSF Switzerland - AP Payments - The EIs for Postfinance and Bank payments
should not check the bank type of the supplier
CSF Thailand
SCR Type Description
135670 Application CSF Thailand - System error is displayed in AP Payment, if legal number for
WHT Certificate is set to be manually generated
141795 Application CSF Thailand - Cash Receipt Entry - The Post action can be enabled/disabled
under incorrect settings
CSF Vietnam
SCR Type Description
140675 Application CSF Vietnam - Ensure UD fields are working in build 700 after temporary fix
from 600.2 is removed
Currency Management
SCR Type Description
139419 Application Rate Type Entry - Activation of Rate type with Crossrate currency is not possible
untill Crossrate itself is activated
139541 Application GL Currency Revaluation - Incorrect Revaluation Amount for a Journal
Transaction with currency account
139763 Tools Company - Default Rate Types becomes None Selected after changing and
saving settings for Copy Exchange Rate
140255 Application Currency Revaluation Report - The Header of the third Reporting currency is
not printed in the report
140439 Application Build Currency Rates - ttChainRows.DisplayStep correctly is not set correctly
140886 Application GL Currency Revaluation - Not posted due to error message in system monitor
Fixed Assets
SCR Type Description
136122 Application Asset Tracker - Depreciation Last Recalc Date is set incorrectly
139722 Application Asset - Asset Maintenance form is closing after saving the asset, if was brought
by context menu
139940 Application Asset Posting Process - Disposal Depreciaption adjustment is posted while
Disposal is stored in Review Journal
139944 Application Asset Posting Process - Depr and Disposal posting should not stop is Depr Recalc
Needed is True
140136 Application Close Asset Period Entry - Period cannot be closed due to incorrect validation
140336 Application Asset Depreciation Recalculation - Book Value contains Residual after Full
140471 Application Asset / Asset Tracker - Cannot save or load Asset if folder AssetPhoto is not
140628 Application Asset Register - Validation message undo adding a new record
141730 Application Asset Depreciation Recalculation - Retrospective adjustment and First-year rule
are inconsistent with period-based methods
142083 Application New Asset and Action Duplicate Asset should set Dep. Recalc.Needed to false
General Ledger
SCR Type Description
95720 Application General Ledger Account - Mandatory segment control is skipped when saving
natural only accounts
101296 Application Close Asset Period Entry - Application error if not existing Asset Register was
entered <Stack empty.>
132956 Application Chart of Accounts - Error on closing the form if Copy Selection context menu
was used
136689 Application General Ledger Import - When trying to import a file from local drive, an error
137110 Application Journal Entry - Currency Account configuration is not treated consistently for
Journal Entry and posting
137490 Application Allocation Code - Ratio Setup Option can be changed even if target account
already exists
138955 Application General Ledger Account - Form started with no account format in GL Account
138957 Application Trial Balance report - No validation for blank segment records in Segment filter,
resulting in "Object reference" error
139022 Application Journal Tracker - On the Transaction Detail Tab, the following message is
displayed: "Syntax error: Missing operand before 'And' operator"
139237 Application Account Segment - CurrAcct column has misspelled caption as "Curency
139562 Application Journal Entry - Journal Code validation does not check Posted flag
139716 Application Structured Trial Balance report - Standard SSRS does not print Period OB -
Opening Balance value
139749 Application Journal Entry - Paste Insert function allows to create Currency Transactions for
non currency Accounts
139772 Application Posting Engine - The Locking table issue error on RJ confirmation for COS and
Wip having mapped books
140034 Application Review Journal - Error on saving changed Account on Summarized line due to
an error: The duplicate key value
140040 Application Review Journal - Navigation control search form differs from normal RJ search
140062 Application Chart of Accounts Listing - Error "object not set to an instance of an object"
is not helpful to find problem
140149 Application Chart Tracker - TranGLC tab doesn't show correct information.
140154 Application Verify Balances - Log file is not available. Verify screen UI issue
140220 Application GL Control Code - Delete in Type causes search issues
140238 Application Legal Number - Trying to paste some lines into the gird of Alternate Prefix an
error is raised
140264 Application Financial Reports - Not creating the rows for a new income statement when
parent category is assigned.
Multi-Site Management
SCR Type Description
135093 Application Multi-Company Direct Server Process - Inbound user defined fields need to be
able to be translated
135094 Application Multi-Company Direct Server Process - Updates to user defined data on linked
records not arriving
139632 Application Global Table - Filter five fields that will not be brought in from a global table
from the available and selected lists
140735 Application Multi-Company Server Process - Intercompany purchase order is sent to all
companies not just the supplier company
140751 Application Generic Integration Server Process - User hook programs do not work
141412 Application Integrated Table Workbench - Validate should refresh the screen and Register
clear it
142348 Application GenericImportProcess - Error running Generic Import Process with UD fields
142363 Application Generic Integration Server Process - Remove AP Header Tax amount validation,
only recalculate tax percent when not passed in
SCR Type Description
133596 Application W2 Processing - Employee HSA Deduction is not included with the Employer's
HSA in Tax box 12
139211 Application Payroll Earnings Report - Pay Type, Taxes and Deductions/Net Earnings lines
are not aligned to top having extra empty/zero report lines
139463 Application Quarterly Tax - YTD Gross and QTD Gross values are not calculated on the
Standard SSRS report
139580 Application Payroll Check Entry - The Review Journal field is missing and actions enabled
139651 Application Payroll Check Entry - Submitting Post and leaving Post window opened causes
an error
139739 Application Payroll Check Entry - When creating second check and then delete it without
saving, system does not retrieve the last saved check
139885 Application Payroll Check Entry - Check Register has several issues in Home department
recap section
139960 Application Employee Tracker - Allows to save changes of the person/contact field
139983 Application Payroll check entry - A group created can be shared with 2 or more users
140464 Application Payroll Employee - User ID Search does not restrict results to currently company
Production Management
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Data Collection
SCR Type Description
140290 Application End Activity - Object null reference when trying to end an activity on customer
140769 Application End Activity - Consuming WIP from every WIP entry for an assembly/seq
142195 Application End Activity - Report quantity and end activity on a re-work operation increase
the WIP quantity
142537 Application End Activity - Complete defaults to true if report quantity was used to enter is
more than or equals half of job quantity
SCR Type Description
130494 Application General - Conversion program cvbm0002 gives errors when run against
customer's database
136463 Application Costing Workbench - CW does not assign Legal Numbers to ADJ-CST
139634 Application Engineering Workbench - Displays an unapproved revision in added material
& Method Tracker does not
139876 Application Engineering Workbench - Unable to add an operation (or delete and resequence)
to a revision
140301 Application BOM Cost View Costs screen - The results are lower for labor/burden and do
not match the costing workbench rollup
Field Service
SCR Type Description
135694 Application Service Contract Analysis - The Report does not display the header properly
136779 Application Service Contract Analysis - The Standard Report displays incorrect values as
137352 Application Service Call Status - Blank pages are displayed in both Print Preview and Physical
print (A4)
137620 Application Service Call Center - Service Call Ticket report is displayed with the User's
language instead of the Customer's language
140104 Application Service Contract Entry - Creating serial numbers for contract line displays the
following message: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
140611 Application Service Contract Entry - Extended Price field shows incorrect format in the
Contract Lines grid when selecting a reporting currency
141917 Application Service Contract Entry - Frequency field appears empty when Recurring Invoice
check box defaults in from the Service Contract Code
141973 Application Service Contract Entry - Deleting service contract for drop ship serial-tracked
order line does not clean up serial number information
Job Management
SCR Type Description
135954 Application Priority Dispatch - When the report is printed with default values the first page
is blank
136402 Application Job Entry - Override Rates are not used for the Actual Burden costing calculation
137998 Application Job Entry - The lines for Quote are displayed twice in the Get details form
138112 Application Inventory / WIP Reconciliation Report - Issues with Open With of field Fiscal
138802 Application Job Entry - PartQty DemandQty & JobDemandQty not rounding to match UOM
rounding rules
138906 Application Job Traveler Report - The checkbox New Page Per Assy is always enabled when
printing from Job Entry
138962 Application Job Entry - Production Detail report changes in 600
138997 Application Job Entry - Service Call Jobs the Misc Charge checkbox on Materials Detail tab
is required to select a Misc Charge on Materials Service Tab for a billable service
139005 Application Inventory / WIP Reconciliation Report - The Label "Type" of the second column
is missing in the report
139046 Application Job Pick List - Report is missing the On hand label
139066 Application Job Traveler - SSRS report is missing the line below the Job and Asm labels
139073 Application Job Status Rpt - Job Status Rpt is cutting the last printed line in the report using
letter size, margins are not respected
139253 Application Job Manager - Form status bar is not updated correctly
139342 Application Job Traveler - Does not display the header of each Subassembly
139503 Application Labor Entry - Deleting a LaborDtl of a Serial Number part, does not delete the
linked SNTran record
139529 Application Labor Edit - SSRS Report - Shop Warning label is displayed without warning
description text on all employees
139550 Application Job Entry - Unable to obtain job due date without scheduling license
Quality Assurance
SCR Type Description
137468 Application DMR Processing - History tab is not showing the transaction type movement
139061 Application DMR Processing - DMR Search is slower than in 9.05
139450 Application Nonconformance - Subcontract no longer validating serial number assigned to
entered job/assembly
139549 Application Nonconformance - Inventory nonconformance not decrementing on hand
139605 Application Nonconformance - Inventory nonconformance for same serial number as
previously inspected causes the following error: "Scrap Reason Code is invalid"
139617 Application DMR Processing - Warehouse/Bin on accept to job material not defaulting for
2nd+ material on job
139629 Application Inspection Processing - Pass inventory nonconformance direct to job material
is setting location of material to inventory location
139734 Application Inspection Processing - Issue to stock on job materials tab defaults warehouse
bin incorrectly
139746 Application Nonconformance - Not subtracting nonconformance quantity from job WIP
quantity when nonconformance is created
140206 Application Inspection Processing - All the serial numbers are assigned to Pass Qty when
Inspection Data fail serial numbers
140208 Application DMR Processing - Location on Serial Number not updated when Request Move
= False
140299 Application DMR Processing - Serial Numbers are not updated with the correct Op Sequence
accepted when Request Move = False
140995 Application Nonconformance - Unable to save a record because no Reason can be selected
141249 Application Inspection Processing - Input Whs & Bin are not defaulted Job Assembly for
Inventory Inspection
142068 Application Inspection Processing - Unable to selected the serial for the INS-DMR transaction
when the part is serial, in material request queue
SCR Type Description
127861 Application Plant Schedule Load Graph - No data loads or displays after refreshing window
139383 Application Global Finite Scheduling - Unable to save Global Scheduling Process set
139542 Application Scheduling Engine - Scheduling process ignores resource group exceptions for
start and due times
139657 Application Scheduling Engine - System.Data.OptimisticConcurrencyException when
removing load
139815 Application Scheduling Engine - Problems in scheduling when using capabilities
140239 Application Scheduling Engine - The following error in log causes MRP process to stop:
"Nullable object must have a value"
140592 Application Scheduling Engine - Scheduling a Job with scheduling blocks will only use the
first resource
141262 Application Calculate Global Scheduling Order - Scheduling log file shows generic message
that is not user friendly
141444 Application Scheduling Engine - Queue hours are not displayed
141934 Application Scheduling Engine - Unable to schedule due an invalid supplier calendar message
Time Management
SCR Type Description
138907 Application Time Sheet Entry - The error message when a SN is deleted is not fully displayed
139919 Application Time Sheet Entry - Cannot submit labor detail for a resource that is linked to
141070 Application Time Sheet Entry - Submit or Save change the Role Code previously assigned
on Role drop-down list
142163 Application Time Sheet Entry - It is possible to change selected serial numbers after rework
entered for the serial number
142168 Application Time Sheet Entry - De-selected serial numbers remain linked to labor transaction
142173 Application Time Sheet Entry - Pressing Delete on serial selection causes the following error:
"No Row available for this serial number"
142222 Application Time Sheet Entry - Nonconformance rework serial numbers can be selected
but are lost in Inspection
142581 Application Time Sheet Entry - Unable to deselect serial numbers for Labor or Scrap when
also nonconformance has a quantity
142693 Application Time Sheet Entry - Backflushed materials do not back out correctly
Sales Management
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
SCR Type Description
138407 Application EDI Outbound document - Review the Tables & Columns of every EDI RDD with
the Base RDD
Order Management
SCR Type Description
101457 Application Sales Order Backlog Analysis Dashboard - Open Value incorrect when SalesUOM
differs from InventoryUOM
104772 Application RMA Tracker - Serial Number buttons at RMA Line and Receipts are disabled
135819 Application Capable To Promise - Not honoring Plan As Assembly's Auto Consume Stock
136972 Application Part - Upon changing an Asset Class that has been assigned to a Part to Inactive,
the Asset Class disappears
138829 Application Capable To Promise - The CTP is not calculating correctly the Receive Time with
a Manufactured Part
139231 Application Capable To Promise - If AMM license is not installed the CTP is not allowing
Partial Shipment
139235 Application Order Entry - Sales Order is marked as closed even when the shipped quantity
is less than required
139341 Application Part - Able to select an Inactive Supplier in the Sites tab Supplier field
139528 Application Order Entry - The system takes the main revision of a sales kit not the alt method
parts on the other Plant
139674 Application Order Entry - UOM not handled correctly for non-part-master parts
139683 Application Order Entry -Ship By Date is not updating according with the value on Transfer
Days to External Company
140525 Application Order Entry - Error message displayed when updating a quantity for a sales
order line
140617 Application Part - Unauthorized site can be saved for the part
140657 Application Fulfillment Work Bench - The system should not reserve inventory from Non
Nettable bins
140917 Application SSRS Sales Order Acknowledgment Report - Not displaying the Ship To fax,
phone and email according to the contact
141111 Application Order Entry - Sales kit tax liability is not generated for the components when
a new release is added
141198 Application Order Entry - SO made with copy order does not default the Entity/Use Codes
from the original SO
141251 Application Order Entry - Users with no access to OpenOrder field, see the order as "Closed"
141258 Application Part - Purchasing and Manufacturing comments are disabled after linking a
global part
141678 Application Order Entry - Drop down list for site displays warehouses, not sites
141691 Application Order Entry - Ext price is rounding when using tax inclusive price
141752 Application Order Entry - Error message displays when searching for an RMA
141832 Application Fulfillment Work Bench - Unable to allocate when more than enough on hand
and unallocated quantity available
141892 Application Fulfillment Work Bench - Missing field to select Named Search when making
click on the binoculars
Product Configuration
SCR Type Description
125082 Application Configurator Rules - Session parameter conditions listed unnecessary options
to compare
131645 Application Product Configurator - Unhandled Microsoft .NET Framework exception occurred
in w3wp.exe [2476]
132090 Application Configurator RunTime - Selecting "next config" from the nav control results
in an unhandled exception
132415 Application Configurator Sequence - Parent part is repeated in the config sequence display
when lower parts tied to same config ID
132827 Application Configurator Events - Page property to skip page if inputs disabled or invisible
does not work with read only
133638 Application Configurator Test Inputs - Page property value is not correctly utilized when
testing inputs
133801 Application Configurator Code Editor - Implement a read only mode so the trackers do not
allow the user to think they can edit the expression
135381 Application Configurator Code Editor - epiPcButton1.Value should not exist as an option
from the Code Editor
136823 Application Configurator Test Rules - Unable to work with multi-level you never get child
137361 Application Configurator Look Up - Datetime format displays incorrect date masks
137417 Application Enterprise Configurator Server Process - Need to add keep when functionality
to Enterprise Configurator functionality
138098 Application Configurator Run Time - Date Time Notification Exception occurs when a date
time field of a target entity is equal to a null value
138565 Application Configurator Rules - Needs to be removed a condition from method rules
138853 Application Enterprise Configurator Server Process - Part is linked without a configurator
when it is first approved the revision and then part is set to global
139228 Application Configurator Run Time - Decimal field minimum and max messages could be
improved when only using one param
139349 Application Configurator Field Properties - Read-only expression is not removed when
read-only property is false
139374 Application Code Generator - Need a using statement added to the generated code of
using Erp.Shared.Lib.Configurator
139493 Application Configurator Run Time - Updating a target entity to equal the smart string
value fails when called from a Method Rule
Project Management
SCR Type Description
140356 Application Project Entry - ProjectJob data is retrieved in ProjectAfterGetRows despite being
excluded in Service Designer
141511 Application Project Entry - Row has been modified by another user and could not be
141890 Application Project Entry - Export incorrect values in MS Project Integration for the fields
Start Dates, End Dates, % Complete, Resource Group & Outline Level
142431 Application Project Entry - Detail > Sales Category should be enabled
142466 Application Capture Revenue & COS Recognition - When Revenue Recognition Method =
Labor Booking, labor is not recognized on approval
142606 Application Project Entry - A project's Revenue Recognition Method is defaulted to Manual,
when Company Configuration [Default Invoicing Method] = Customer Shipment
or Milestone Billing and [Default Revenue Recognition Method] = None
Quote Management
SCR Type Description
137413 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Extra page in blanks when print the Form report
138141 Application Time Phased Inquiry - Transfer Order - Unavailable in grid
139532 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - The Burden Unit Cost is not calculated
139586 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Cannot edit an operation after re-sequencing
139593 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - If the Mtl Unit Cost is overridden, the Burden Unit
Cost is not calculated properly
139672 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - UOM not handled correctly for non-part-master
139797 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Changing an assembly part number from a
configured part to a different part or a different revision does not clean up the
PcValueGrp data
140094 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Quote Materials do not honor Purchase/MakeDirect
140235 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Attempted to divide by zero
140355 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Business Logic Error if adding a quantity break line
when focus is set on description field
140514 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Header discount not applied to line when price
comes from a price list quantity break
140519 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Price list quantity break entered as discount percent
giving both discounted price and discount percent
140610 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Configuration error when use a sales kit part in a
quote line
140686 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Object Reference error when trying to drag & drop
a subcontract operation
140807 Application Job Tracker - Quantity columns on materials/list tab cannot be re-sequenced
141103 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Extended Price does not take into account the
Quantity Price breaks
141305 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Quote Order Wizard not populating dates on
141395 Application Time Phased Inquiry - Job remains in grid after the part is changed
141547 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Worksheet report cannot be printed when use
Print Detail Cost option with a part line that has an operation
142151 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Getting a Quote in Sales Order does not populate
the Release Dates
142357 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Message box with Title "Confirmation" is displayed
but not message is inside in Quote Order Wizard
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Handheld MES
SCR Type Description
137978 Application HH Menu - Product code is not loaded when processing a PO receipt from HH
Inventory Management
SCR Type Description
124830 Application Quantity Adjustment - Incorrect behaviour when checking /unchecking Enable
Fifo Layers checkbox
138933 Application Calculate ABC Codes - Calculate ABC Codes is assigning codes to inactive parts
139215 Application Stock Status Report - The Subtotal line does not display the negative Qty of
On-hand qty and Extended Cost
139259 Application Electronic Interface - EFTHeadUID values are not migrated - Company
Configuration forecast parameters
139361 Application Return Material - Transaction not removed from material queue when MTL-STK
transaction processed
139377 Application Count Tag Entry - Help documentation is not correct for some areas
139713 Application Stock Status Report - Incorrect Unit Price for an AVG part when its unit price
has been updated on an Invoice
139910 Application Transfer Order Entry - System Rounding rules not applied in transfer order
140303 Application Job Receipt to Job - Error displayed when using a Sub Assembly Part with added
140586 Application Job Receipt to Job - The Document type is not being displayed in the field when
the job is selected
140654 Application Mass Issue to Mfg - STK-MTL transactions are displayed out of order in Part
Transaction History Tracker
140663 Application Transfer Order Shipment Entry - When unshipping a pack that was freighted
is shown with a closed status
Order Management
SCR Type Description
142048 Application Order Management - Update field help for Part Cross References
Purchase Scheduling
SCR Type Description
141775 Application Purchase Schedule Approval - Closed PO Release is reopened when adding a
new delivery on same date
Purchasing Management
SCR Type Description
139599 Application Purchase Order Entry - Inspection checkbox is disable if PO suggestion change
non-inspection sup to inspection
139652 Application Approved Supplier - Error message displays in search when supplier has a
customer and a supplier part
141039 Application Purchase Order Entry - Generating PO suggestions causes skipping the sequence
from PO number
141483 Application Purchase Order Entry - Unable to print a multi-line PO when lines have a
manufactured part
Shipping / Receiving
SCR Type Description
139037 Application Customer Shipment Entry - System does not recognize the serial mask for the
second line added to the pack
139608 Application Customer Shipment Entry - Customer shipment entry errors out when user
enters a sales order number and there is a CSG customization
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Admin Console
SCR Type Description
139573 Tools Admin Console - Cannot delete a company
140242 Tools Administration Console - Client files not deployed to the proper path Version
mismatch between client and Server
141005 Tools Fail to create company - INSERT INTO [Erp].[MrpProc] (Company,...
141558 Tools Administration Console - Error working with Import External User wizard
142214 Tools Administration Console - Same app server can be registered more than 1 time
and can be created with the same name multiple times
142972 Tools Setup Environment - Create desktop icon with fully qualified configuration file
Advance Quality
SCR Type Description
134135 Application IQS - Reason Code is changed to a blank for failed quantity by workflows
140582 Application IQS - Mass Synchronization for Parts is excluding parts that do not have a
BAQ Designer
SCR Type Description
139497 Tools BAQ Designer - Import of UBAQ from builds earlier than 10.0.600 results in
usage of dynamic in BPM code
139838 Tools BAQ Designer - User is not able to modify updatable queries and cannot turn
corresponding security right in User Maintenance form
140306 Tools BAQ Designer - When using the BAQ Export Process output file is not generated
if a custom path is provided instead of a default location
141143 Tools BAQ Designer - Unable to mark simple query as global if it contains a where
141527 Tools BAQ Designer - System.StrongTypingException is thrown on query import
142406 Tools BPM - Unable to create async custom code BPM directive on GetList method
in updatable query
142464 Tools BAQ Designer - Certain E9 queries were created with SystemFlag = True in the
QueryField and QueryTable
142502 Tools BAQ Designer - Error occurs when trying to save UBAQ without workflow
142576 Tools BAQ Designer - Error occurs when importing UBAQ with ESC credentials
142577 Tools BAQ Designer - ESC credentials are presented in encrypted format after UBAQ
BPM Designer
SCR Type Description
137681 Tools BPM - BPM directive is available in different tenants
Commerce Connect
SCR Type Description
139097 Application Epicor Commerce Connect Customer - Sales Kit with incorrect prices at ECC
140512 Application Epicor Commerce Connect Customer - Kit Components not loading from ECC
to the Sales Order Detail
141743 Application Epicor Commerce Connect Customer - Customer Credit hold check in ECC
142021 Application Epicor Commerce Connect Customer - BSV error when there is a shipping
charge when E10 does not have multi currency license
SCR Type Description
139442 Tools Database Migration - Part contains broken in the Matrix
140000 Tools BPM - BPMs upgraded from 500.1 to 600 are not fully compatible when the
code has a join between base and UD tables
140214 Tools BPM Conversion - BPM conversion appears to hang if there are many
customizations/signatures in the DB
141456 Tools Database Migration - Enhancing DB Migration to help nightly build process
143062 Tools Database Migration - The field [Ice].[ZDataTable].[SchemaName] is empty for
UD-tables after migration from Epicor 9
SCR Type Description
137215 Tools Customization Engine - Changed the Caption of a UD Field does not display
when you run the Customization
142359 Tools Epicor Customization Framework - Unable to resolve a product configurator
generated assembly
Database Administration
SCR Type Description
139386 Tools Data Dictionary Viewer - Icon is displayed as a warning triangle
Enterprise Search
SCR Type Description
138440 Tools ES DEFECT - Test connection button does not validate the information entered
previously when creating an index
140204 Tools Enterprise Search - Search results not returned in table format when pasted
into Excel or email
140384 Tools Enterprise Search - UI Spacing issues below the search box and the "show grid
140693 Tools Enterprise Search - Cannot deploy DB to a SQL 2014 Server
141387 Tools Enterprise Search - Fix criteria in BAQ queries
EPM Content
SCR Type Description
141238 Integration / Content EPM - Content: Remove orphan data from GD databases
ESC Install
SCR Type Description
141347 Tools Workflow Converter creates incorrect mapping for SysRowID node
ESC Other
SCR Type Description
138660 Tools BPM workflows conversion support by workflow converter
139874 Tools Window title should be changed when selecting config file for .NET reference
140456 Tools Conversion of Workflow with Epicor 9 ABCCode results in fake node (log
140458 Tools Converter issue - Broken links in subwf
140641 Tools Epicor 9 reference types should be renamed in the Import wizard (log 121097)
142138 Tools ESC compatibility with SQL 2014
SCR Type Description
139449 Application Generic Integration Server Process - Do not require taxregioncode for AP invoice
139460 Application BPMCallContext dataset values are not being passed from the client when
using standard BPM customization
139530 Application MES Menu - Under some circumstances Lunch time and Labor hours are
calculated incorrectly
139556 Application Generic Integration Server Process - Completes with error if the file does not
follow XML format
139590 Application Database Purge and Summarize - MFG-CUS Transactions are deleted and not
139880 Application MES is consuming too many user licenses
139985 Application MES Menu - Should disable the Downtime checkboxes since only the Downtime
button should be in control
140758 Application MES Menu - Manual legal numbers not working from MES; the following error
appears: "Menu ID ErpUILegalNumberPromptEntry is not valid from the MES
140793 Application MES Menu - Downtime button should not be available for indirect activity
140966 Application MES Menu - Move Inventory Request a server side error is displayed when the
warehouse is blank
142299 Application MES Menu - MES does not split the labor hours when working on multiple
jobs/op at the time
142438 Application Time Sheet Entry - Quick search is not listed in quick search tab
General Framework
SCR Type Description
132668 Tools EpiControls - GL Account Editor control incorrectly triggers Update method
without any changes
135822 Tools General Framework - Engineering Workbench does not populate UD Fields
138224 Tools General Framework - Task based programs not using company based decimal
138340 Tools When running AUTO Bank Rec Entry in Developer Mode, an error is thrown
139333 Tools CreateIMTable not adhering to Transaction Scope on Second Pass
139914 Tools Core Framework Services - Open Data generates errors when PK value contains
a dot (.)
Information Worker
SCR Type Description
87340 Tools IW Framework - Installation gets interrupted, process exited with code 1603
139977 Tools Information Worker - IW does not pull and place the configuration.xml in the
right folder
139979 Tools Information Worker - Unable to import data into Word or Excel due to xml
error about invalid unicode characters
139980 Tools Information Worker - IW using Binding = Windows reports an object reference
140265 Tools Information Worker - Trying to connect to appserver when e-mail sent and IW
set to Offline mode
140278 Tools Information Worker - Outlook client ignores trace switch settings in config file
and always does verbose logging
141557 Tools IW Framework - Change references to version 14
141825 Tools IW Framework - Infoworker/Contact sync/DataTable ErrorTable and ExecuteInfo
needs to be updated
141831 Tools IW Framework - Unable to import a Tasks and or Appointments due
141935 Tools IW Content Pack - Review client launch conditions, particularly old 8.1.2
141940 Tools IW Framework - DataSourceConfigurationUtility.exe custom action gets error
1722 during IW content install
IW Content Pack
SCR Type Description
140271 Content IW Content Pack - New CRM Call, Task or Appointment causes the following
error: "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance
of an object"
SCR Type Description
136693 Tools Information Worker - Validate compatibilty of Office 365 local client versions
with ICE3/Epicor 10
SCR Type Description
133681 Tools Shell Menu - Unable to remove favorites created during the current session
140999 Tools Menu Maintenance - Currently company only menus are not migrated from
Epicor 9 to 10
141356 Tools Menu Maintenance - Cannot Create Current Company Menu Item
142190 Tools MES Menu Framework - Menu ID for Erp.UI.LegalNumberPromptEntry is not
valid from the MES Menu.
142319 Tools Menu Maintenance - Invalid Parent Menu Message when adding a new UD
menu or editing in Multi-tenant
142859 Tools Menu Maintenance - Current Company Only checkbox does not display True
when record exists
Process Management
SCR Type Description
141104 Tools System Monitor - Right-clicking System Monitor (any tab, any place) makes the
Epicor ERP 10 application stop working
Reports Framework
SCR Type Description
137519 Tools Reporting Framework - Issue using the .NET printer class
139834 Tools Reporting Framework - Support printing and previewing using the EMF format
141683 Tools Reporting Framework - Print Preview does not work in Auto Print
142754 Tools Reporting Framework - Error setting up server printer in Auto Print
Security Framework
SCR Type Description
140747 Tools Security Report - Users\Groups Report - User ID Search does not restrict results
to currently company
140773 Tools Admin Console - Last Used Time is showing with UTC time
Social Enterprise
SCR Type Description
114202 Tools Activity Streams - Links on User/group search results are not immediately
clickable, seems to be a delay in the event binding
131494 Tools Activity Streams - Do not mention the author when replying to his own message
133303 Tools Activity Streams - Infinite scrolling plugin needs to use the MinMessageId and
MaxMessageId values from the WindowInfo property returned from the server
134331 Tools Activity Streams - When a form in Epicor ERP 10 is cleared the ESE panel should
be reset like attachments.
134333 Tools Activity Streams - If the main panel is cleared then the related ESE panel cannot
be closed. Should allow closing like attachments
135939 Tools Activity Streams - Groups tab stays highlighted yellow when there is a pending
group invite
135949 Tools Activity Streams - Cleanup condition statement shown on rule detail form to
match actual terms used in condition
135950 Tools Data Notifications - Add paging support for notification profile search in
notification center
137375 Tools Activity Streams - Typing a search term fast enough or pasting in a search term
returns duplicate results
139201 Tools Activity Streams - Update Social to support SQL 2014 Server and VS 2013
Database Tools
139726 Tools Activity Streams - Special characters in user profile get repeatedly escaped
139843 Tools Activity Streams - Social Installer needs to set CDC Reader Service to start
139917 Tools Activity Streams - Loading more messages in Main feed the first time may end
up with a time gap in messages shown
140253 Tools Activity Streams - ESE Configuration Utility not updating web.config file.
140568 Tools Activity Streams - Add support for URL Rewrite module to install to support
cache busting for js and css files
140572 Tools Activity Streams - Group Detail page is not displaying the standard user actions
140577 Tools Data Notifications - {} replacement values not always replaced in CDC Log
140771 Tools Activity Streams - GroupThumbnails returned from GroupManager Search has
membership info for wrong user.
141524 Tools Activity Streams - Failed to serialize payload error when posting from rich client
Web Access
SCR Type Description
128232 Tools Web Forms - EWA-GL Import fields display problem
128762 Tools Plant vs. Site - Plant used instead of Site in the screen to select the Company
Plant/Site Combination when using EWA
128765 Tools EWA - Using Chrome it is possible to increase the size of the description box
in Part Entry
128782 Tools EWA - Duplicated Text box on AP Tax summary Tab
128784 Tools EWA - Cannot add shipment lines to Container Landed Cost Entry
129706 Tools Web Forms - Different behaviors between EWA and Smart Client for the
"General Ledger Account" form
138672 Tools Web Forms - Issues on Windows 8 touch device
139889 Application CSF Thailand - EWA - Customization form for Print Invoice is bisabled
140015 Application Web Forms - CSF Switzerland - AP Invoice entry - Automatic Invoice Entry form
comes up with "null"
140017 Application Web Forms - CSF Switzerland - AP Logged Invoice Entry - Automatic Invoice
Entry form does not exist for Switzerland
140267 Tools Web Forms - Unable to create new Logged AP invoice group
140357 Tools Web Forms - Updatable Dashboards are not retrieving data in EWA
140416 Tools Web Forms - AR Invoice Entry form, error when selecting invoice document
140460 Tools Web Forms - Form is loaded with error
140462 Tools Web Forms - Form is loaded without default values; fields and not accessible
140552 Tools Web Forms - Not possible to save AP Payment group due to error
140709 Tools CSF Peru Web Forms -Tax Type - Collection Method does not support Detraction
140713 Tools CSF Peru Web Forms - AP Posted Invoice Update - Invoice search does not work
140873 Tools Web Forms - Need to add an Education Courses menu items to the EWA sliding
140957 Tools Web Forms - Errors occur when moving from one configuration to another
when using a multi-level configuration
140982 Tools Web Forms - EWA configurator not refreshing images On Field Change
Use the following information to review the enhancements that occurred since the last Epicor application release.
The records are sorted by Functional Area, Module, and SCR number.
Financial Management
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Accounts Payable
SCR Type Description
93935 Application Payment Entry - Check payments should have a sorting criteria for check printing
131596 Application Excellence reports - Save defaults/Get defaults actions need to store/retrieve
report selections and filters
140066 Application Invoice Tracker AP - Invoice paid with a DM does not show DM number as
payment reference in Header Payment
141319 Application Payment Proposal Report - Add option to exclude invoices with Zero Discount
on the proposal report and payment invoice selection
Accounts Receivable
SCR Type Description
132389 Application Apply Credit Memo - Full Tax Amount Transaction is created when credit memo
has been applied to invoice
139240 Application Invoice Entry AR - Optionally default contract expire date for Deferred Revenue
end date in a Contract Billing Invoice
Cash Management
SCR Type Description
139725 Application Bank Account - Currency Revaluation Transactions not included when
recalculating Bank Balance
142697 Application Bank Reconciliation - Change payroll Tracker in BankRec Bank Reconciliation
SCR Type Description
142504 Application CSF - Support Column Headers in Export Tool for BAQ
CSF China
SCR Type Description
140705 Application CSF China - New Supplementary Financial Reports should be uplifted to Epicor
140836 Application CSF China - Period Stock Movements CN - Report should retrieve data across
all sites
141225 Application CSF China - Add GL Account to Booking Voucher (and FC) reports
CSF Malaysia
SCR Type Description
137668 Application CSF Malaysia - GST report
138664 Application CSF Malaysia - Tax Invoice document
141863 Application CSF Malaysia - Period Stock Movements report
CSF Peru
SCR Type Description
140027 Application AR Bill of Exchange - There is no information about Detraction tax at Multiple
BoE screen
140393 Application CSF Peru - AR Perceptions Certificate
CSF Sweden
SCR Type Description
140134 Application CSF Sweden - Provide Postgiro TotalIn variant file format plug-in
CSF Switzerland
SCR Type Description
141342 Application CSF Switzerland - Importing AR bank payment files for payment transaction
types TA8xx
CSF Thailand
SCR Type Description
140835 Application CSF Thailand - Stock Card Report TH - Report should retrieve data across all
Multi-Site Management
SCR Type Description
137636 Application Generic Integration Server Process - Validate Bill To when Sold to is used
140205 Application Generic Integration Server Process - Add Translate functionality
141891 Application Generic Integration Server Process - Support lockrate for Currency in Generic
Integration for AP and AR
Production Management
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Data Collection
SCR Type Description
138783 Application Start Activity - Better error message than "Invalid job number"
Field Service
SCR Type Description
140851 Schema Service Call Center- Add PO and PO Line to Service Call Center
141512 Application Service Contract Entry - Implement the ability to Invoice contracts and renewals
on the first day of the period instead of the last day of the period
Job Management
SCR Type Description
139544 Application Job Manager - Unable to refresh the screen
Quality Assurance
SCR Type Description
142082 Application Inspection Processing - After SCR 141218 is completed add Job Search to
Inspection Processing
SCR Type Description
141647 Application Scheduling Engine - Allow move time for subcontract operations
Time Management
SCR Type Description
138833 Application Time Sheet Entry - Create warning message when user creates expense without
a project with WBS Phase
141068 Application Time Expense Approval - Provide a way to communicate to the approver that
the Time and or Expense transaction has comments
Sales Management
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Product Configuration
SCR Type Description
131986 Application Configurator User Definable Functions - Warn users of consequence of changing
the name or deleting a method
133898 Application Add a warning message when return type, method type or a parameter type
changes and an expression exists
139712 Application Configurator Look Up - Importing a table a second time will duplicate records
Project Management
SCR Type Description
141073 Application Project Entry - Have the option to not set an Invoicing Method at the Project
141749 Application Project Entry - Add UI Process to the Milestone process
Quote Management
SCR Type Description
134042 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Price group value discounts override discount price
list discounts
136384 Application Opportunity / Quote Entry - Allow to use task even if the Prevent changes flag
is turned on
137782 Application Job Tracker - Mobile Integration fields should be added to Job Tracker
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Purchasing Management
SCR Type Description
46143 Schema Purchase Order Entry - Problems overriding price in PO Entry on part with
Supplier Price List
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
BAQ Designer
SCR Type Description
132377 Tools BAQ Designer - Add Drop Down to the New Subquery toolbox to select desired
subquery type
140727 Tools BAQ Designer - Adopt new BPM ESC workflow dialog for uBAQ via ESC
140969 Tools BAQ Designer - Add Pivot functionality to BAQ
BPM Designer
SCR Type Description
142342 Tools BPM - Update group filtering in BPM
SCR Type Description
141321 Tools Modify the migration to write a record to the Ice.IceVer table to indicate the
version the database was migrated from
Enterprise Search
SCR Type Description
133856 Tools Enterprise Search - Too many context menu options wrap around after result
ESC Mapper
SCR Type Description
138661 Tools Good to have a possibility to delete descendant fake nodes in XML Mapper
ESC Other
SCR Type Description
141571 Tools ESC - Mass .NET reference reimport should allow changing folders conveniently
SCR Type Description
136231 Application MES Menu - Clock out displays a non-standard windows message. This should
be an Epicor message
139677 Application Generic Integration Server Process - Log should differentiate from records errors
140990 Application Generic Import Process - Add support for the Allow Ship To Third Party
functionality for AR Invoices
141840 Application MES Menu - Add an option to review the documents and job details for the
started operations
General Framework
SCR Type Description
130236 Tools Activity Streams - Allow Social Enterprise website to be opened without the
Social tile in the modern shell
142506 Tools BPM - (Epic) Switch Async BPM action task to be system scheduled task
Reports Framework
SCR Type Description
140258 Tools Reporting Framework - Allow saving of SSRS reports in addition to Print and
Social Enterprise
SCR Type Description
100313 Tools Data Notifications - Who uses notification
100341 Tools Activity Streams - Transfer group ownership
114579 Tools Activity Streams - Only show a portion of message and expand out when asked
122461 Tools Activity Streams - Create message to group via email
Use the following information to review the changes and resolved issues related to performance that occurred
since the last Epicor application release. The records are sorted by Functional Area, Module, and SCR number.
Production Management
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
SCR Type Description
140148 Application Engineering Workbench - Performance is slow when checking out and checking
in parts in customer DB
Sales Management
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Product Configuration
SCR Type Description
139538 Application Configurator Run Time - Performance is slow in 500.1 after upgrading 5-6
seconds between inputs
140476 Application Configurator Run Time - Changes to improve performance with field properties
and adding validation for min\max on page leave
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Inventory Management
SCR Type Description
141171 Application Stock Status Report - Running the Stock Status Report takes too long to open
Shipping / Receiving
SCR Type Description
141282 Application Transfer Order Shipment Entry - Taking long to search for Packs and sending
error message
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
Social Enterprise
SCR Type Description
139198 Tools Activity Streams - Implement push technology for Edit/Deletes
Use the following information to review the course enhancements that occurred since the last Epicor application
release. The records are sorted by Functional Area, Module, and SCR number.
Financial Management
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.
The Change List information for the functional area is listed below. Each record is tracked by its Software Change
Request (SCR) number and includes a type and summary description.