July 4th

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Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time STEWARDSHIP: Jesus’ Way: The Stewards Reward; For

July 4, 2010 a long time religious believers-to say nothing of those who
May I never boast except in the cross do not believe-have struggled with the question of what
of our Lord Jesus Christ. valve to assign human activity. One solution is to consider
— Galatians 6:14 it a means to an end: do good here and now for the sake of
a reward in heaven. Another solution passes over the
READINGS FOR THE WEEK question of an after life: do good here and now for the sake
Monday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Mt 9:18-26 of making this a better world. Vatican Council II points to a
Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Mt 9:32-38 third solution. It recognizes that human activity is valuable
Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Mt 10:1-7 both for what it accomplishes here and now and also for its
Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Mt 10:7-15 relationship to the hereafter. But, more important, it
Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Mt 10:16-23 stresses not only the discontinuity between here and now
Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Mt 10:24-33 and hereafter, but also the astonishing fact of continuity.
Sunday: Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69 or Ps 19;
“The harvest is rich but the workers are few; therefore ask the
Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37
harvest –master to send workers to the harvest.” Luke 10:2
Our Stewardship of Treasure for 6/27/10
Soup Kitchen Ministry
amounted to $6,301.00
On Sunday, June 20th, we served 150 meals at Mother Our Children’s Collection = $8.00
Teresa's. Many thanks to all who participated. Our next Second Collection for Franciscan Friars = $1,891.00
date is Saturday, July 17th at Eva's, and we are serving
hot dogs, baked beans and iced tea. Please remember to place Our Lady Queen of Peace
If interested, please call Mary Flanigan at 973-458-9602. Parish in your Will. Those who generously did this in the
TRICKY TRAY NEWS past have helped us to stay out of a heavy debt.
Our annual Tricky Tray will take place once again this
year on Oct. 22, 2010 in OLQP auditorium. The doors will JULY 2010 OLQP CALENDAR
open at 6:00 pm. Drawings will begin at 7:30 pm. [email protected]
for baskets and new items for donation. Please bring
the donated items to the rectory. Thank you for your MONDAY 7/5 OFFICES CLOSED
support in making this fund raiser a success.
TUESDAY 7/6 9:30am Legion of Mary
AAA Update: Our 2010 AAA goal this year is Rectory will close at 4pm
$40,655.00. To date we have pledges of $47,711.00 - 7:30pm RCIA
THANK YOU! Even though we have made our goal in
pledges, we ask that if you have not yet made your WEDNESDAY 7/7 Rectory will close at 4pm
pledge please do so. We will receive a rebate based 7:00pm Family Choir
on a percentage of the amount we bring in over our 7:30pm Alive in the Spirit
goal. Last year that rebate check was in the amount Scouts
of $3,500, which went into our parking lot fund.
THURSDAY 7/8 7:00pm Spiritual Life Committee
exáà |Ç cxtvx FRIDAY 7/9 Summer Hours / Offices
Rev. John M. Ballweg, Alexander Troisi Cisneros, Close at noon
Ceil Cooney and Alfred Pontillo.
f|v~ exÄtà|äxá tÇw YÜ|xÇwá SUNDAY 7/11 2:00pm Baptism Instruction
Frank Alexander, Lloyd Bartels, William Bergmann,
Ruth Bonday, Cathy Burch, Helen Dunleavy, Gudrun Hagele,
Doris Honkisz, Carmine Inga, Tom Loizzi, John McQuade, Please note: WE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, JULY 5TH.
Jonathan Mechan, Betsy Merz, Virginia Mary Minihan,
Steven Monahan, Marilyn Montemarano, Kay Moran,
Elizabeth Morrell, Christine Napoli, Julius Nemes, Our summer Rectory hours will begin on
Doris Neumann, Thomas Niemczyk, Florence Paolella, Friday, July 2nd through Friday, Sept. 3rd inclusive.
Maria Revilla, Fran Ruffino, Lois Schutz, Brenda Schwarz,
Bernice Stavola, Mariano Terdoslavich, Barbara Tropia, During the summer season
Domenica Trovini, Linda Underkoffler, Dr. Robert Valgento our Rectory will close at 12:00 noon on Friday
and Theophil Wasielewski.
and reopen at 9:00 am on Saturday.
If you have a family member who is in a nursing home or rehabilitation Our regular hours will resume after Labor Day.
center, please notify the Rectory so we can arrange to visit them.
For the rest of the summer, the Pastor's column will not be 60TH ANNIVERSARY NEWS
published each week. The regular weekly column will resume
in September. Mark This Year's Calendar - November 7, 2010
Our 60th Anniversary Gala will begin with Mass at 3 pm
celebrated by Bishop John Flesey, D.D.. Mass will be
As we celebrate this Independence Day and thank followed by a reception from 5 - 9 pm at the Hasbrouck
Almighty God for all the freedoms we as a nation have, I Heights Hilton. Good food, fun, fellowship, and great
take this opportunity to thank Theresa Taylor and dancing with a fabulous live band.
Marianne Tracey for organizing the parish’s contingent in
the Maywood 4th of July Parade. Ticket orders for the dinner/dance are due by September
15th. There are only 250 tickets available, so be sure to
Thank you to everyone who participated! get your order in soon.
Love, The order forms for both the Journal Ad and the tickets are
Fr. Larry available in the church vestibule, in the Rectory office, and
can be downloaded from our website.
(Click on the word "Gala".)
The Gala Committee is looking for prizes. If you would like
to donate something such as Hotel or condo stays,
vacations or trips, spa treatments, sporting event tickets,
theater or concert tickets, jewelry (we have a man's watch),
restaurant certificates, electronic equipment, etc., please
contact Susan at the parish center (201-845-9566).

Gala Journal
Please consider taking out a journal ad to commemorate
PRAYER FOR PEACE - Mary, Queen of Peace, save us all, who the parish's 60th anniversary.
have so much trust in you from wars, hatred, and oppression. Make Journal ad forms can be located at the back of the church.
us all learn to live in peace, and educate ourselves for peace, do
what is demanded by justice and respect the rights of every per- "Reflections from the Pew" - Be part of our Gala
son, so that peace may be firmly established. Amen Journal.
Pope John Paul The Gala Committee is also looking for brief comments and
reflections regarding OLQP to be published in the
We invite all our Parish Community to write a note / letter Journal. You can e-mail them to Paul Hom at
to our soldiers overseas. We pray that they may be safe. [email protected]
Keep Matthew DeBonis, Carolyn Rocco and all the soldiers or drop them off in the Sunday collection basket. Please
in your prayers. include contact information with your submission.
Cpl. Matthew DeBonis Carolyn Rocco
3/7 PSD Unit 41570 24 EFIS
FPO AP 96427-1570 APO AF 09309


After 60 years, Our Lady Queen of Peace

has its own t-shirt!
Shirts are navy blue with white print.
They are available in Children’s sizes (S, M, L)
& Adult sizes (S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL)
Photos from the Corpus Christi procession are on our website: They are $12 each.
http://www.olqp.org/ Please detach this form and drop it off at BACK
the rectory, see Steve Taylor after Mass,
Once again we would like to or drop it in the collection basket during
take this opportunity to thank Mass.
Rudy Schwarz and the
beautification committee for Name: _______________________________________
their hard work in planting and
maintaining the gardens on Phone: _______________________________________
our property. The flowers in
front of our sign and around Number of shirts: ________ @ $12 each
the rectory, as well as the Sizes of shirts: _________________________________
garden near St. Francis, are
"blooming" beautiful. Total: ________________________

MEMORIALS - Parishioners are now invited to memorialize
a candle burning in front of the Blessed Mother and the
candle over the Tabernacle in memory of a loved one. These
are in addition to the present Memorials of the altar bread,
Dates July 4th through July 11th, 2010
altar wine and the altar candles. Donations for each of these
Sunday - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time will be $15.00 per week and the Memorials will be for one
week each.
July 4th 8:00 am Eleanor Mayer
10:00 am Anita Mangeri
Our next monthly Memorial Mass will be offered on Saturday,
12:00 pm Francesco Andrea Ferrigno July 31st at 8:30 am. As you may remember, we will have a
Monday - St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, Priest Memorial Mass each month. This will be offered in an effort
to accommodate anyone who desired a specific date in the
July 5th 8:30 am People of the Parish month but was unable to obtain the same. The offering for
Tuesday - St. Maria Goretti, Virgin & Martyr this remembrance will be $5.00. All names will be listed in
the Bulletin.
July 6th 8:30 am Deceased Members Memorial Mass - Saturday, July 31st, 2010 – 8:30 am
of Parodi / Zambelli Families
Gift Bearer at Mass - If you would like to be the gift bearer
at Mass, please let one of the ushers know. We encourage
July 7th 8:30 am Roselia & Michael Kelly the family members of the person for whom the Mass is
intended to act as gift bearer.
July 8th 8:30 am Mateo Odonich & Family HELP! Sometimes we feel like our
Friday - St. Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest & Martyr, lives are at risk as we walk through the parking lot.
and his Companions, Martyrs Please slow down as you enter our premises and as you
drive to your favorite parking space. Thank you!
July 9th 8:30 am Maria Mikulich & Family
Saturday - BVM
July 10th 8:30 am Tom Griffith Make a donation to help the purchase of our new organ!
Adopt individual keys to help out!
5:00 pm Pauline Di Ambrosio
61 STOPS LEFT @ $100 Each
Sunday - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
174 KEYS LEFT @ $200 Each
July 11th 8:00 am Thomas Griffith
28 PEDALS LEFT @ $300 Each
10:00 am Edward Vadala
12:00 pm Burrell Oughton
You can make a donation in your name, make a group
donation, or make it in memory of a loved one!
MEMORIALS When we have enough to buy our new organ, those who
Altar Bread - for Billy Fischer by Pat & Mike Valle donated will have their donation on a plaque that will be
hung by the music area. See Steve Taylor on the weekends,
Altar Wine - Tom Griffith by Eileen
the rectory during the week, or drop off the below in the
Altar Candles - For Robert De Feo by Camisa Family
collection basket on the weekends. As of 5/30/10 we have
Sanctuary Lamp in Memory of Francis (Beedly) Graziano $27,656.00 in our Organ Fund toward our goal of
by Mary & Bob Romano $60,000.00.
Blessed Mother Candle for Pat Mistretta
by Barbara Grimes
Part of Organ Price # purchased Total
Note: Please remember the Altar Bread, Wine and Candles can be
memorialized by calling the Rectory. 201-845-9566 Stop $100
Key $200
MASS TIMES - Traveling this season? Going away for
vacation? No need to miss Sunday Mass! An electronic Pedal $300
ministry offers Catholics, especially travelers and those on Volume Pedal $1,000 SOLD OUT!
vacation, information on where to find a parish for Mass or
other worship services. Go online: www.MassTimes.org. Write here what you wish to appear on the plaque:
The website offers the address of a parish, contact ___________________________________________________
information and, if available, a particular parish’s website.
See you in church! We would also ask you to consider that Your Name: _________________________________________
our operational expenses here at OLQP go on even while
you are on vacation. Please remember us! Phone: _____________________________________________


Feast day: July 9 Abortion is not healthcare because killing is not healing.
For more info. on pro life issues, go to
Capuchin mystic who had many spiritual www.prolifealliance.com or [email protected].
gifis. A native of Binasco, near Milan, Italy,
born in 1660, she entered the Capuchins at Any woman who is pregnant and in need can get help. She never
has to feel that abortion is the only option and can find assistance at
Città di Castello, Umbria, in 1677. She the following numbers:
remained there for the rest of her life and served as novice
New Jersey law allows a mother who cannot keep a recently born
mistress for thirty-four years. A mystic, she was the
baby to leave the baby at a hospital or a police station, no
recipient of a stigmata in 1697 and visions, the accounts of questions asked.
which are quite detailed. She impressed her fellow nuns by
remaining remarkably practical despite her numerous For information call 877-839-2339.
Post Abortion Healing / 1-877-HOPE 4 ME or rachelsvineyard.org
ecstatic experiences. Veronica was named abbess of the
Crisis Pregnancy Helpline/1-888-4-OPTIONS
convent in 1716, remaining in that role until her death. She Birthright/1-800-550-4900 or 201-845-4646
is called one of the most extraordinary mystics of her era.
RESPECT LIFE UPDATES-The Respect Life Committee
HOW SHOULD WE DRESS FOR MASS? would like to thank all of the parishioners who are
People generally have no real problem wearing proper participating in our Spiritual Adopt a Baby program. It is an
clothing when entering places that demand such attire. on-going 9 month program. Please feel free to pick up an
Would you ever consider attending a formal dinner or a extra prayer card in the church and join your prayers to
wedding dressed in a tee shirt and shorts, or a tank top ours. We will update you each month as to the
and swimming trunks? Each Sunday the Lord invites us development of your baby. There are prayer cards for our
to His House. Are you dressed properly for this important Spiritual Adoption Program in the basket in the back of the
Sacred Sacrificial Meal? church. Please feel free to take one and pray for a baby to
be spared from abortion. In October 2010, we will have a
JULY 2010 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - [email protected]
baby shower to celebrate the births of our adopted
IT'S TIME TO REGISTER FOR 2010/2011 CLASSES babies. We look forward to another successful program
Registration Fees are now: this year as we strive to end abortions and return our
country to a culture of life.
1 Child - $100; 2 children - $175; and 3 or more children -
$200. "Opera Singer saved from Abortion"
Andrea Bocelli's mother, while pregnant with the future
Registration forms were sent home with the children opera tenor, was hospitalized with appendicitis. Convinced
before classes ended. We are updating our records so one that the child she was carrying would have a disability, the
form needs to be filled out for each child attending and doctors told her "the best solution" would be for her to
returned with the appropriate fee. abort her child(abortion was illegal in Italy at the time).
A late fee of $25.00 will apply after August 15th. She, thankfully, refused.Bocelli's blindness was caused by
a blow to the head from a soccer ball at the age of 9. In
Registration forms can be found and printed out Bocelli's two-and-a-half minute video, he concludes by
from the www.olqp.org website. saying, "And I hope this could encourage many mothers
that sometime find themselves in difficult situations in
Should you need any assistance, please call the
those moments when life is complicated but want to save
Religious Education Office at 201-845-9545.
the life of their baby." To see Bocelli's video, visit
Thank you. www.iamwholelife.com.
TEACHING SUNDAY SCHOOL IS A GIFT OF LOVE Tuesday, July 13th, 2010 / Our Lady of the Valley
518 Valley Street, Orange / Time: 7:30pm
In order to make religious education a success, it is our Women, men, families, health care providers and all
teachers who are the backbone and heart of our program. of us, directly or indirectly, have been impacted by
We are in particular need of teachers for grades 2, 3, 7 & 8. abortion. We gather to pray and to seek healing and
We are also open to the idea of team teaching. forgiveness.
Please search your hearts and consider volunteering your The evening will begin with a Pro-Life Holy Hour,
time in teaching the children of our parish. If interested, Eucharistic adoration & the Rosary, with an opportunity
please call the Religious Education Office at 201-845-9545 for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The evening will
for more information. conclude with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
For more information, contact Elizabeth Duelly at
973 762 5430 or Chinna Iheakaram at
YOUTH MINISTRY [email protected] / YOUTH NEWS / JULY [email protected]
Sponsored by: Archdiocese of Newark Respect Life
Youth Group Meeting (auditorium)
7PM Office OLV Respect Life Ministry
*YG Team Meeting – 6:30PM (DH)*
BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY-This is an open invitation to anyone EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT 7:30 PM!
who is grieving the loss of a loved one. Anyone wishing to
participate in the Spring program should call the Parish at We appreciate the support that you have shown in the past
201-845-9566 and ask to speak to Dcns.Tony or Joe or leave a at various functions. We hope that you will continue your
message for either of them or for Jim Moran. 1x or 2x support. We play a few different games aside from the
regular BINGO games. One of which is called ......."MEGA
Deacon Joe’s Bible Study (Normally on Monday) SPECIAL", and the winner receives 75% of the proceeds
Meets mornings & evenings. New members are welcome at any sold for that game. SMOKE FREE!
time. For information on days, times and locations call
If we work together, we can make BINGO the successful
Deacon Joe at (201) 845-9566. 1x or 2x
FUND RAISER it could be.
Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue Program So, PLEASE, come on down and bring a friend
Jesus is knocking at your door. Our Blessed Mother is (or two, or three or more!!!)
knocking at your door. Won’t you invite our Blessed Mother You'll be glad you did! It's a fun night!
into your home? The Legion of Mary of OLQP has begun
the Pilgrim Virgin Home Visitation Program. When you
welcome Our Lady into your home, she comes with her COMING SOON– Computerized games in addition to
Spouse, the Holy Spirit. Countless blessings can be poured our paper games. Watch bulletin for more info!
down upon your family & friends by praying the Rosary and
asking our Blessed Mother’s intercession. For information or
to schedule a visit, call Grace at 201-843-4497. Make money for the parish
MINISTRY. If you are adding someone to our Parish sick list, please
consider the healing power of these beautiful shawls. They are prayed Just go to www.goodsearch.com and be sure to enter
over by the Prayer Shawl Ministry and blessed by our Pastor. If you Our Lady Queen of Peace, Maywood, NJ as the charity
know of someone you think is in need of a Prayer Shawl, you you want to support. And, be sure to spread the word!
may write to: The Prayer Shawl Ministry, c/o Janice Marich, 834
Spring Valley Road, Maywood, NJ 07607. Tell us about the person $170 has been raised thus far!
and make sure you include their name, address, and phone number. I
would also like to invite anyone who is interested to join our group in this ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS-Parish members want to do
prayerful ministry, which is very rewarding. God Bless! Janice business with people they can trust – namely their fellow
Our Parish Ministry Book is available on our website. parishioners. Advertising in the bulletin helps parishioners who
Please go to www.olqp.org & see all the ministries that are offered. are business owners reach a very loyal audience. Studies show
that 68% of households surveyed when making a choice
between businesses are inclined to choose the one who
PAVING THE WAY -SUPER 50/50 - Our Summer advertised in the bulletin. Potential new customers are sitting
raffle is underway. If you have not bought your tickets yet right next to you in church.
you can get them at our table at Maywood's Day in the Next Sunday, we ask that you bring your business card and
Park, or pick some up at the Rectory office. To date we place it in the basket. A representative from the bulletin
have sold 1,084 tickets and the prize money is up to company will contact you regarding advertising.
$4,540.00. Be sure to send in your returns right away to get
into the drawings. The three prizes will be 25%, 15%, and The office of Vocations has opened a new updated website
10% of the total amount brought in (the total in so far is geared for young men discerning the priesthood.
$7,540). The drawings will take place in our auditorium on www.newpriestNJ.org
August 15th (at around 2 PM) after our Rosary procession.
The proceeds will go into our parking lot fund. The cost Pope Benedict has a website! It is "Pope2You.net".
of our new parking lot is $104,000 and so far, we have Fr. John Corapi is coming to New Jersey!
$32,140.63 toward it.
If you prefer not to enter our drawings by buying tickets, On Saturday, October 30, 2010, Fr. Corapi will be
donations to the parking lot fund will be gladly accepted coming to the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ for an
and deeply appreciated. all day Conference and Mass. This event is
sponsored by Domestic Church Media, which
broadcasts EWTN Catholic Radio in NJ. Tickets for the
Our School News ST. PETER ACADEMY http://www.spare.org/
Fr. Corapi Conference are available through Ticketmaster
ST. PETER ACADEMY MIDDLE STATES ACCREDITED (www.ticketmaster.com)and through domesticchurchmedia.org
for group sales! Domestic Church Media currently broadcasts on
The Catholic School Advantage EDUCATION PLUS…www.spare.org WFJS 1260 AM from Ewing, NJ reaching Mercer, Burlington and
REGISTRATION IS ONGOING DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS! Bucks counties. In early spring, a second station (WSFS 89.3
FM) will be added which will broadcast from Freehold, and which
PreK-3 Program - Age 3 by Oct. 1 / Mon/Wed/Fri Program. 8 – 11AM
will serve Monmouth, Ocean and Middlesex counties. To find out
PreK-4 Program - Age 4 by Oct.1 / Full Day Program 8-2:30PM more about the Fr. Corapi event or to request a free Radio
Kdg. Full Day Program - Age 5 by Oct. 1 / Reading, Language Arts, Program Guide, please call 609-882-WFJS (9357). You can also
Math, Computer, Spanish, Phys Ed., etc. listen to the live radio audio stream on your computer by visiting
www.domesticchurchmedia.org. This Fr. Corapi Conference is
Grades 1 – 8 / Complete Academic Program
going to be the ONLY event that Fr. Corapi will do in the
After Care for PreK 4-Gr. 8 Northeast / Mid-Atlantic Region for all of 2010! Father will have
Check the website & call the School Office for an appointment an all day, book signing on October 29th, 9AM-4PM at the Hilton
and tour of the school. (201) 261-3468 ...CATCH THE SPIRIT! Hotel across the street from the Pru Center!
SOCIAL SERVICES HOTLINE Please patronize our advertisers, and when you do,
Catholic Community Services offers Social Service Assistance let them know you saw their ads in our parish bulletin!
in the areas of: Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation, Child
Development, Emergency Food/Housing, Programs for the
Elderly, Mental Health, Special Education, Immigration, For bulletin submission
Family Counseling and Services for people living with Please e-mail [email protected] by Thursday
HIV/AIDS. Call 1-800-CCS-7413. for it to be in the following Sunday (a week later).


How do I schedule a Baptism? - Baptisms are scheduled once a month during the year (except during Lent). Arrangements must
be made in advance by calling the rectory during business hours. Parents must be registered members of the parish
(on our parish mailing list). Parents are required to attend an instruction session the week before.
Sacrament of Marriage - Please make arrangements at least one year in advance.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick - Anyone sick or housebound, or who is going to the hospital for tests or surgery,
please call a priest at the Rectory.
R.C.I.A.- (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) - is the process the Catholic Community provides to welcome adults who wish to
become Catholic and to prepare adult Catholics to receive Confirmation (and, when needed, First Eucharist).
Please contact Fr. Kevin for more information. Meets Tuesday evening 7:00 PM in the Rectory Basement.
Religious Education - Classes meet on Sunday mornings from 8:30 - 9:50 AM for grades 1-8. Office hours for the Religious
Education Center are Monday through Thursday, 9:30-11:30 AM and 1:00-3:00 PM.
What about my ‘Teenager’? - Our parish has a very active “Youth Ministry” program for the youth of our parish.
Our Youth Group takes part in Retreats held in the Archdiocese and also participates in various functions that are held within our
parish. See our calendar of events in this bulletin.
Rosary Society - Meetings as announced in Bulletin.
Legion of Mary - Meets every Tuesday morning in the lower level of the Rectory at 9:30 AM.
Alive In the Spirit - A charismatic prayer group meets every Wednesday at 7:30 PM in the lower level of the Rectory.
Choir - Adult Choir meets Thursdays in the church from 7 - 8 PM.
If you are interested in joining the newly forming Family Choir, please contact Steve Taylor.
Bingo - Thursday evening at 7:30 PM.
Rosary - Prayed after the 8:30 AM Mass Monday-Saturday.
St. Pio (Padre Pio) Devotion - The first Friday of every month at 7:30 PM in the church.
Eucharistic Adoration - The first Saturday of each month following the 8:30 AM Mass until 10:00 AM, closing with Benediction.
Corpus Christi Adoration Chapel - Hasbrouck Heights, NJ /Monday through Thursday from 12 Noon to 10 PM.
Our Lady of Visitation Chapel - Paramus, NJ /Sundays from 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Sacred Heart Church - Rochelle Park, NJ /First
Fridays of the month from 8:30 AM - 8:30 AM Saturday. Every Thursday after 8 AM Mass for an hour.
Perpetual Adoration - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - Ridgewood, NJ (24 hrs. - 7 days)
Bible Study - Classes meets mornings and evenings. Discussions and sharing will be on the Gospel for the coming Sunday.
All materials are provided; do not bring a Bible. For information on days, times and locations contact Deacon Joe:
[email protected] or at 201-845-9566.
Sponsor Certificates - If you are requesting a sponsor certificate for Baptism or Confirmation, you must be registered, practicing
and meet all Church requirements.
St. Peter Academy - Co-sponsored by our parish and St. Peter the Apostle Church in River Edge.
For more information call the School Office during school hours, (201) 261-3468. Registration is in the spring. http://www.spare.org/

New Parishioners are requested to register in the Parish as soon as possible. Please notify the Parish office
of any changes in address and phone number.
Name ___________________________________ Check
Address _________________________________ ______ I wish to receive a registration form
Town ___________________________________ ______ I have a change of address
Phone # _________________________________ ______ I am moving out of the parish
Please cut out and return to the Parish Rectory or place in the basket.

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