Review of The Pollution of Surface Water by Effluents From The Textile Finishing Industry

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Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250

Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies

Cit this: JOWSET, 2016 (01), N 02, 76-82

Review of the pollution of surface water by effluents from the textile

finishing industry
M. Berradi*, A. El harfi
Team of Organic Chemistry & Polymers (TOCP)/Laboratory of Agro Resources, Polymers and Process Engineering (LARPEP),
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Tofal, PB 14000 Kenitra, Morocco.
Corresponding Author: Phone: (+212) 0677030641; e-mail: [email protected]

During the present review, we have tried to define the different Received: 26 July 2016
types of water resources, namely; Surface waters including Accepted: 10 December 2016
waters of dams, lakes, rivers, wades, seas and oceans and Available online: 14 December 2016
groundwater, including groundwater, wells and springs. We also
mentioned the different sources of groundwater pollution,
including the type of pollution from physical, chemical and Keywords:
biological sources, and accidental, domestic, urban, agricultural Water resources
Sources of groundwater pollution
and industrial pollution. The pollution of supplementary waters
by the discharges of the textile finishing industries and the state Discharges of textile finishing industries
of their treatment has been well monitored at the end of this
present review.
such as they generate a very large volume of wastewater
loaded with organic materials such as solvents, additives,
Introduction phenolic derivatives, fats, oils, dyes [7-9] and inorganic
The world has experienced remarkable demographic, materials, namely heavy metals such as copper, nickel,
technological, tourist, agricultural and industrial development chromium, zinc, cobalt, manganese, arsenic and the most
over a long period head-on the overexploitation of raw water carcinogenic ones, namely mercury, cadmium and lead [9-13].
whether it is superficial or underground. This development has There are also organometallic compounds [9, 14, 15] which
contributed in one way or another to the pollution of the have adverse effects on aquatic flora and fauna, and
environment, including water, in particular through human consequently on the environment and man in particular [16].
activities and sometimes by natural disasters (volcanoes, As a result, regulations require their reduction by requiring
earthquakes and floods). This has depleted natural water their disposal according to industrial wastewater treatment
resources and has even rendered their quality more standards before being released to aquatic environments [16,
deteriorated over time because of various liquid, urban, 17].
domestic and industrial effluents [1-4] evacuated directly and The aim of this research is to present a bibliographical review
indirectly in different natural environments (lakes, wadis, rivers of the various water resources and sources of pollution,
and seas) without any prior treatment. focusing in particular on the pollution of water by effluents
Industrial units are generally generators of effluents whose from the textile finishing industries.
characteristics are extremely varied and sometimes toxic,
among which are recognized as polluting, in this case the agro- 1. Natural waters
food industries (IAA), the chemical and parachemical industries 1.1. Groundwater
(ICP), the mechanical, metallurgical and (IMME) and the textile Are all waters below the surface of the soil, in the saturation
and leather industries (ITC). These industries are responsible zone and in direct contact with the soil or subsoil. From a
for a large proportion of industrially polluted waters [5, 6],

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Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250

hydrogeological point of view, the aquifer layers are divided disasters, shipwreck accidents and oil leaks, a considerable
into [18]: amount of waste and polluted wastewater is evacuated to
Groundwater: are shallow and directly fed by rainfall and marine environments [35].
water flows below, they traditionally feed wells and
drinking water resources. This type of groundwater is 2. Water consumption
poorly exploited because of its low productivity and These are waters intended for industrial, administrative and
unfavorable chemical quality due to its exposure to domestic consumption. They have grown enormously as a
pollution resulting from direct contact with the soil surface result of demographic development and improved living
[19]. conditions. Tap water, conditioned water (spring water, natural
Free cloths: are the set of perched, permanent or mineral water and drinking water by treatment) and private
temporary webs formed in a non-saturated zone that well water used for drinking are all water intended for public
surmounts a free web of larger extensions. consumption [36].
Captive cloths: are deeper than those that are phreatic Domestic water consumption ranges from a few liters per day
and free. They are separated from the surface by an in countries without public supply and low household comfort
impermeable layer, such that their feeding is ensured by to several hundred liters in developed countries. Even if only a
infiltration on their edges. small amount is going to be drunk, these waters are never
The nature of the ground under which groundwater is found is distributed until after adequate treatment. They must
an essential determinant of their chemical composition [20, therefore be treated according to the regulatory requirements
21]; however, they are also called clean waters because they for the quality of drinking water at any point in the network in
generally meet drinking water standards. However, this type of order to be able to be consumed by humans without any
water is less sensitive to accidental pollution and in the case of danger. The treatment of water intended for public
contamination by micropollutants [22-24], they lose their consumption is related to the following three important
original purity completely. factors:
Where groundwater contains concentrations of certain The quantity: such that the source of water must cover
minerals exceeding those specified in the potability standards, the demand in all circumstances.
they have therapeutic properties [25, 26]. This requires a well- The quality: it must be compatible with the legislation in
defined treatment of this type of water, and then they are force.
sometimes distributed in bottles and marketed in the form of The economy: the investment and operating cost of the
mineral waters. treatment processes relative to available resources is an
important determinant.
1.2. Surface water
They are also called surface waters and consist of all 3. Wastewater
circulating, stagnant or stored, soft and brackish waters that They constitute very complex and altered environments either
are in contact with the atmosphere. The surface waters are by anthropogenic activities following agricultural, industrial,
basically river waters, wadis, lakes, basins, dams, runoffs, seas artisanal, domestic and other uses, or by natural causes such
and oceans. as volcanoes, thunderstorms, earthquakes, floods, earthquakes
The chemical composition of surface waters depends mainly earth...
on the nature of the lands traversed by them during their Wastewater is also referred to as polluted water which must be
journey across watersheds [27]. Most often, these waters are treated before any reuse or disposal in natural receptive
the site of the development of a microbial life because of the environments [37, 38].
waste discharged into it and the large surface of contact with Based on a few references, the term pollution has taken
the external environment [27-29], which makes their quality several definitions, among which we quote the definitions
more deteriorated. below according to:

1.3. Seawater of seas and oceans 3.1. Larousse dictionary

They cover more than 70% of the earth's surface by Pollution is a degradation of the environment by substances
constituting enormous reservoirs of water and representing (natural, chemical or radioactive), waste (domestic or
about 97% of the total volume of water currently existing on industrial) or various nuisances (noise, light, thermal,
our planet [30-33], the rest is the share of inland waters biological, etc.) [39].
(groundwater and surface water).
Seawater and ocean waters are characterized by high salinity 3.2. World Health Organization (WHO)
and acidity [30, 34], also known as brackish water, making their Pollution of aquatic environments is defined as any change in
use difficult in many cases because of their high cost for physical, chemical or biological properties by the release of
desalination by distillation techniques and reverse osmosis [30, liquid, gaseous or solid substances into the water in such a way
31]. In addition to marine pollution resulting from natural as to create a nuisance or render it harmful or detrimental

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Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250

Public health, safety and welfare, or its uses for domestic, 4.1.2. Chemical pollution
commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational and other It results from the dumping of various domestic, agricultural
purposes, or wild and aquatic fauna [40-42]. and industrial waste, loaded with large quantities of chemicals
namely polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides,
3.3. Report of the scientific committee of the White House insecticides, humic acid, ammonium nitrates, etc. some of
According to the report of the White House Advisory and which are non-degradable and can affect many aquatic animals
Scientific Committee in November 1965 on the quality of the and amphibian species [48, 49].
environment, pollution is an unfavorable modification of the
natural environment, which appears in whole or in part as a by- 4.1.3. Biological pollution
product of human action, Through direct or indirect effects It is pollution by pathogenic micro-organisms linked to
that alter the criteria for the distribution of energy flows, anthropogenic activities, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites,
radiation levels, the physicochemical constitution of the fungi, planktonic efflorescence, etc. The presence of these
natural environment and the abundance of living species. microorganisms in aquatic environments can cause the risk of
These changes can affect humans directly or through water depreciation and hence the impact on human health
agricultural resources in water and other biological products [27, 47, 50].
[43]. They can also affect it by altering the physical objects it
possesses, the recreational possibilities of the environment or 4.2. Classification according to the origin of the pollutant
by disfiguring nature [44, 45]. Depending on the origin of the pollutant, there are five
categories of polluted water due to accidental, agricultural,
3.4. Moroccan water law N 10-95 urban, domestic and industrial pollution [47-55]. Domestic,
Polluted water is water that has undergone, as a result of industrial and rainwater waste water is the largest category of
human activity, directly or indirectly, or under the action of a wastewater [48, 49].
biological or geological effect, a change in its composition or
condition which has the effect of rendering it unsuitable for 4.2.1. Accidental pollution
use for which it is intended [46]. It is an important concern for users of water resources,
including drinking water producers. The increase in sea and
It should be noted that multiple identifiable substances and
road traffic and the transport of hazardous materials expose
contaminants in urban, artisanal, industrial and agricultural
water resources to the risk of pollution and consequently the
discharges reach the aquatic environment causing different
appearance of polluted waters through oil and gas spill
types of pollution depending on their nature and origin. These
incidents. Other products recognized as hazardous in the
substances can be suspended solids, organic, inorganic and
marine environment, constituting serious ecological and
organometallic materials, pathogenic micro pollutants,
environmental damage to the marine environment and human
bacteria, viruses ... having multiple effects affecting both public
health [51]. As well as disturbing the living conditions of fish
health and aquatic organisms.
and other aquatic living beings [52].
4. Wastewaters classification
4.2.2. Agricultural pollution
The classification of wastewater is based either on the origin or
It is due to agricultural activities such as agriculture, livestock,
nature of the pollutants or on the nature of the nuisance
aquaculture and poultry farming, which are responsible for the
created or on other more general criteria. For our part, we will
release of many organic and inorganic pollutants into surface
content ourselves with the classification according to the
and underground waters. The problem of diffuse pollution
nature of the pollutants and their origin.
arises mainly in irrigated agricultural areas where the
combination of several factors (climate, soil type, depth of
4.1. Classification according to the nature of the pollutant
groundwater, irrigation water quality and intensity of fertilizer
Based on the nature of the pollutant, the term pollution can be
use and of plant protection products), contributes to the
classified into three categories: physical, chemical and
degradation of the quality of different types of water, and to
biological pollution.
the intensification of the phenomenon of eutrophication in
4.1.1. Physical pollution
certain reservoirs of dams used for the production of drinking
Physical pollution is defined as any medium modified in its water [56].
physical structure by various factors. It includes mechanical Pollutants can be sediments from the erosion of agricultural
pollution (solid effluents), thermal pollution (water heating by land, phosphate and nitrogen compounds from animal wastes,
factories) and atomic pollution (fallout from radioactive fertilizers and commercial pesticides [57]. It should be noted
elements resulting from nuclear explosions, atomic factor that in Morocco, agricultural pollution is of greater concern
residues and nuclear accidents) [47]. because of the over-fertilization of soils and the
overexploitation of pesticides in agriculture, as well as the
absence of their biodegradability [57].

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Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250

4.2.3. Urban pollution industrial and economic activities with strong potentialities. It
It is generated by large urban concentrations, through the represents a fairly large position estimated by 31% of all
evacuation of domestic and industrial waste [58]. Urban waste industries at the national level [47]. This type of industry is
is summarized in all products disposed of by residents of a characterized by its diversity, both in terms of the raw
built-up area, including domestic waste, sewage, waste oil, materials used or the processes used in textile manufacturing.
expired medicines, faeces, packaging products, etc. [58, 59]. As the process of textile finishing is the most important step in
The spill flow is related to the size of the agglomeration, its textile industry processes, involving procedures in which
activity and its standard of living. Considering that the large several and various chemicals are used with a very large
volume of industrial discharges consists mainly of wash water volume of water [72-79], resulting in a large amount of liquid
and solid waste, which vary according to industrial nature and effluents charged with the residues of these chemicals.
activity. Liquid effluents from the textile finishing industry
4.2.4. Domestic pollution Bleaching, dyeing, printing and finishing procedures are all the
It is due to domestic discharges that are biodegradable waste, most important steps that mainly characterize the textile
pharmaceuticals, hazardous and toxic chemical pollutants such finishing industry. These procedures play an important role in
as detergents, dyes, paints, pesticides, solvents, etc. and the production of wastewater loaded with dyes, pigments,
personal care products that individuals release into sewers [60, adjuvants, detergents, wetting agents and other auxiliary
61]. All of these products constitute a form of substantial and chemicals [80].
hazardous pollution that sewage facilities are unable to According to data from the Moroccan Textile and Clothing
eliminate [62]. Industry Association (AMITH) and the Moroccan Center for
Domestic waters are divided into household and gray waters Cleaner Production (CMPP) in 2000, the textile finishing
(bathrooms and kitchens), usually loaded with detergents, industries are major users of water and of chemicals that are
greases, solvents and organic debris, and in sewage (toilets) found in liquid effluents downstream of manufacturing
characterized by a high load of various organic nitrogenous processes. Indeed, water is supplied from public distribution
materials and in fecal and pathogenic germs [53, 63]. networks, with a total of 5 680 000 m3/year and private wells
The increase in pollutant loads generated by domestic or drilling with a total of 4 420 000 m3 year [81, 82].
pollution flows has negative impacts on the quality of water At the same time, bleaching, dyeing, printing and finishing
resources, the aquatic ecosystem and the health of operations consume an important proportion of dyes and
populations [62-65]. pigments (2,250 - 2,500 tones/year) annually, auxiliary
chemicals by way of example, humectants and surfactants
4.2.5. Industrial pollution (2,300 tones/year), inorganic salts (20,000 tones/year),
The accelerated development of modern industrial techniques halogenated solvents (very small amount) [82] and other
has led to a massive and intensive load of various wastes and chemicals used in this type of industry [83-85]. This will result
effluents from different industrial units [66], which are mainly in a very high volume of liquid effluents characterized by high
installed at the shoreline both to dispose of waste and to save coloring, high temperature, high fluctuating pH, high chemical
transport [67]. These industrial units use a very large quantity oxygen demand (COD), high biological oxygen demand (BOD),
of water which, while remaining necessary for their proper and high biotoxine and of high suspended solids (TSS) [86-89].
functioning, is only really consumed in a very small part and Note that textile finishing dyes are designed in such a way that
the rest is rejected. they are chemically stable; they are generally poorly
The main industrial activities responsible for surface water biodegradable or non-biodegradable [90]. The presence of
degradation include food industries, olive oil mills, sugar these dyes in aquatic environments without any preliminary
factories, refineries, paints, galvanization's, chemicals, treatment impairs the functioning of the aquatic ecosystem
petrochemicals, paper mills, tanneries, leather and textiles [37, [81]. This requires the industrial units concerned to ensure
66-69]. Given the extreme diversity of these industries, it is adequate treatment of their effluents in accordance with
evident that waste dumped and effluent discharged without current legislation and regulations on the protection of water
appropriate treatment will result in undesirable changes in resources and the preservation of the environment [81] on the
receiving environments and, hence, adverse effects on aquatic one hand, and Interest in research on techniques for reducing
living organisms [70]. water consumption through the reused of textile washing
In Morocco, if no measures are taken to reduce the flow of water and the recycling of certain residues from dye baths on
pollutants, it is estimated that by 2020, the pollution carried by the other hand.
liquid industrial discharges will be on the order of 220 000 tons
of oxidizable matter, nitrogen, 1,200 tons of chromium and 600 State of purification of liquid effluents from textile
tons of phosphorus [36, 47, 71]. finishing industry
The presence of dyes, pigments and other chemicals in liquid
The sector of the textile, clothing and leather industries
effluents from the textile finishing industries is a serious
occupies a very important place in Morocco, constituting
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Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250

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