Book 4 Oscillators and Advanced Electronics Topics
Book 4 Oscillators and Advanced Electronics Topics
Book 4 Oscillators and Advanced Electronics Topics
Electronics: Book 4
Oscillators and Advanced Electronics Topics
Oscillators and Advanced Electronics Topics is the final book of a larger, four-book set, Fundamentals
of Electronics. It consists of five chapters that further develop practical electronic applications Oscillators and Advanced
based on the fundamental principles developed in the first three books. This book begins by
extending the principles of electronic feedback circuits to linear oscillator circuits. The second
chapter explores non-linear oscillation, waveform generation, and waveshaping. The third
chapter focuses on providing clean, reliable power for electronic applications where voltage
Electronics Topics
regulation and transient suppression are the focus. Fundamentals of communication circuitry
form the basis for the fourth chapter with voltage-controlled oscillators, mixers, and phase-lock
loops being the primary focus. The final chapter expands upon early discussions of logic gate
operation (introduced in Book 1) to explore gate speed and advanced gate topologies.
Fundamentals of Electronics has been designed primarily for use in an upper division
course in electronics for electrical engineering students and for working professionals. Typically
such a course spans a full academic year consisting of two semesters or three quarters. As
such, Oscillators and Advanced Electronic Topics, and the first three books in the series, Electronic
Devices and Circuit Applications (ISBN 9781627055628), Amplifiers: Analysis and Design (ISBN
Thomas F. Schubert, Jr.
9781627055642), and Active Filters and Amplifier Frequency Response (ISBN 9781627055666)
Ernest M. Kim
form an appropriate body of material for such a course.
Fundamentals of Electronics
Book 4
Oscillators and
Advanced Electronics Topics
Synthesis Lectures on Digital
Circuits and Systems
Mitchell A. ornton, Southern Methodist University
e Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems series is comprised of 50- to 100-page books
targeted for audience members with a wide-ranging background. e Lectures include topics that
are of interest to students, professionals, and researchers in the area of design and analysis of digital
circuits and systems. Each Lecture is self-contained and focuses on the background information
required to understand the subject matter and practical case studies that illustrate applications. e
format of a Lecture is structured such that each will be devoted to a specific topic in digital circuits
and systems rather than a larger overview of several topics such as that found in a comprehensive
handbook. e Lectures cover both well-established areas as well as newly developed or emerging
material in digital circuits and systems design and analysis.
Bad to the Bone: Crafting Electronic Systems with BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black,
Second Edition
Steven F. Barrett and Jason Kridner
Bad to the Bone: Crafting Electronic Systems with BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black
Steven F. Barrett and Jason Kridner
Embedded Systems Interfacing for Engineers using the Freescale HCS08 Microcontroller
II: Digital and Analog Hardware Interfacing
Douglas H. Summerville
Pragmatic Power
William J. Eccles
Pragmatic Logic
William J. Eccles
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other except for brief quotations
in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.
DOI 10.2200/S00715ED1V04Y201604DCS050
Lecture #50
Series Editor: Mitchell A. ornton, Southern Methodist University
Series ISSN
Print 1932-3166 Electronic 1932-3174
Fundamentals of Electronics
Book 3
Oscillators and
Advanced Electronics Topics
&C Morgan & cLaypool publishers
is book, Oscillators and Advanced Electronics Topics, is the final book of a larger, four-book set,
Fundamentals of Electronics. It consists of five chapters that further develop practical electronic
applications based on the fundamental principles developed in the first three books.
is book begins by extending the principles of electronic feedback circuits to linear oscilla-
tor circuits. e second chapter explores non-linear oscillation, waveform generation, and wave-
shaping. e third chapter focuses on providing clean, reliable power for electronic applications
where voltage regulation and transient suppression are the focus. Fundamentals of communica-
tion circuitry form the basis for the fourth chapter with voltage-controlled oscillators, mixers,
and phase-lock loops being the primary focus. e final chapter expands upon early discussions
of logic gate operation (introduced in Book 1) to explore gate speed and advanced gate topologies.
Fundamentals of Electronics has been designed primarily for use in upper division courses
in electronics for electrical engineering students and for working professionals. Typically such
courses span a full academic year plus an additional semester or quarter. As such, Oscillators and
Advanced Electronics Topics and the three companion book of Fundamentals of Electronics form an
appropriate body of material for such courses.
oscillators, phase-shift oscillator, Wien-Bridge oscillator, Colpitts oscillator, Hart-
ley oscillator, multivibrator, waveform shaping, 555 timer, silicon controlled rectifier
(SCR), Triac, voltage regulator, transient suppression, overvoltage protection, analog
to digital conversion, voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), phase-locked look (PLL),
filter, modulator, demodulator, TTL, ECL
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
is final book of this work focuses on four significant branches of electronic circuitry that are not
necessarily in the direct path taken by the three previous books. Each is particularly significant in
its own right. Discussion here provides an introduction to these specialized topics:
• Digital circuit discussions focus on the non-linear operation of digital gates and the speed
at which they operate.
Oscillator Circuits
An electronic oscillator is a circuit that produces a periodic output without an input signal. A
harmonic (often called linear) oscillator, which is the topic of this chapter, is a subset of electronic
oscillators that produce an output signal that is approximately sinusoidal. e oscillation is based
on a resonant circuit often designed using inductors and capacitors. Crystals may be used to closely
control the oscillation frequency.
Modern applications of oscillators include audio and electronic communication systems.
ese systems often contain several oscillators including crystal-controlled reference oscillators,
voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), and voltage-controlled crystal oscillators. Although many
integrated circuits exist for generating periodic signals, discrete oscillator designs have significant
advantages over many integrated solutions. In many instances, integrated circuit oscillators can-
not meet the high-frequency and low noise requirements of communication systems. Discrete
oscillators are also used in high-quality audio systems which require high stability and low noise.
e basic feedback amplifier topologies, presented in previous chapters, are used to analyze
and design oscillators. ese circuits can be used to generate essentially sinusoidal waveforms
by carefully designing the amplifier to operate at the critical point where the loop gain, Af , is
1. When the loop gain is at the critical point, the circuit is oscillatory and delivers a sinusoidal
waveform without an externally applied input signal.
Harmonic oscillator designs that incorporate feedback amplifier topology with the loop
gain at the critical point are used in a variety of electronic systems. ese circuits are commonly
called linear oscillators since they generate the waveforms through resonance phenomenon: that
is, a frequency selective feedback circuit is used to amplify the frequency of interest. An alternate
approach using non-linear signal waveshaping electronic circuits is often employed in oscillator
circuit design. ese nonlinear circuits, called multivibrators, are discussed in Chapter 13.
e basic topology of a harmonic oscillator, shown in Figure 12.1, is identical to the feedback
amplifier topology introduced in Chapter 8 (Book 2). e open-loop amplifier gain, A.s/, and
feedback return ratio, f .s/, are frequency selective. An input signal, Xi .s/, is shown in Figure 12.1
for the sake of analysis: oscillators do not require an input signal to generate a sinusoidal output
waveform. In oscillator circuits, Xo .s/ is non-zero for Xi .s/ D 0.
Xi (s) ∑ A(s) Xo (s)
f (s)
Figure 12.1: Basic topology of a harmonic oscillator with injected input signal.
Simple RC oscillators are commonly used in audio frequency applications that span the frequency
range from several hertz to several tens of kilohertz. e two most commonly used oscillator
circuits are the RC phase-shift and Wien-bridge oscillators.
Reactive Phase-Shift Network
+Vcc f
◦• ◦• _ C C C
i1 R i2 R i3 R
if –Vcc
A D RM D Rf : (12.12)
e feedback ratio is,
if i3
f D D : (12.13)
vo vo
Using the Barkhausen criterion,
i3 Rf i3
Af D 1D Rf D : (12.14)
vo vo
If the loading of the reactive phase-shift network on the inverting amplifier can be neglected, the
output of the inverting amplifier shifts the input signal by 180ı . At a particular frequency, the
RC network shifts the phase by an additional 180ı , resulting in a total phase shift of 0ı from the
output of the OpAmp amplifier to the input. e circuit oscillates at this frequency, provided that
the amplifier gain is sufficiently large.
In order to solve for the loop gain, mesh equations for Mesh 1, Mesh 2, and Mesh 3 are
Mesh 1: vo .i1 i2 / R D 0
Mesh 2: .i1 i2 / R .i2 i3 / R D 0 (12.15)
Mesh 3: .i2 i3 / R C i3 R D 0:
i3 Rf
fA D Rf D D 1: (12.17)
vo 5 1 1
R 1 C 6
! 2 R2 C 2 j!RC ! R2 C 2
For equality to occur, the denominator must be real and the imaginary part zero
6 D 0: (12.18)
! 2 R2 C 2
e frequency of oscillation is found by solving for ! ,
p 1
!RC D 6 ) !D p : (12.19)
RC 6
At that frequency of oscillation, the feedback factor f D 1=29R. For proper oscillation, the
magnitude of the loop gain must be slightly greater than unity
ˇ ˇ
ˇ 1 ˇˇ Rf
fA D ˇ Rf >1 ) > 29: (12.20)
29R ˇ R
is condition states that an inverting amplifier must have a voltage gain. jAj > 29: the resistors,
Rf and R, are related by the required gain of the amplifier.
! D 2 .1k/ D p :
RC 6
Since there are more standard resistor value choices available to the designer than capacitor values,
choose a reasonable and common capacitor value to initiate the design. For this design, a capacitor
value of 0.01 F is selected:
C D 0:01 F:
Using the chosen capacitor value, solve for the resistor in the RC ladder network:
RD 6
p D 6:497 k 6:49 k:
2 .1 k/ 0:01 10 6
e magnitude of the gain of the inverting OpAmp amplifier at midband must be greater than
29 by at least 5%. Choose a gain of 1:2.29/ D 34:8. e feedback resistor Rf of the inverting
amplifier is then:
e output of the oscillator is as shown. Note the transient time prior to steady-state oscillation.
e transient time is approximately 35 ms. A larger loop gain will shorten the transient time but
will also increase harmonic distortion of the steady-state sinusoid.
Output Voltage (V)
0 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m
In the accompanying figure, the oscillation frequency is shown to be 935 Hz which meets the
design requirement.
Output Voltage (V)
46m 47m 48m 49m 50m
Time (s)
● Q1
vo C C C
RB hie RC R R
ib C C C
i1 i2 i3 R'
vb RB hie RC R R
1 1
!o D p ) fo D p : (12.34)
RC 6 2RC 6
Substituting Equation (12.34) into (12.33) yields the expression for the loop gain at the oscillation
gm .RD ==rd /
A .j!/ f .j!/ D : (12.35)
From Equation (12.35), the gain of the FET amplifier must be gm RL D 29. is condition
implies that the magnitude of the gain of the FET amplifier must be at least 29. is conclusion
is identical to that of the OpAmp phase-shift oscillator.
AV vo
R Rf
Rs Rf
Rs Rf
◦• _
v1 +
+VCC –
− _
vo v1 vo
AV ◦• AV
+ +
+ Z2 ◦•
R C v2 R C +
vL –
(a) (b)
Figure 12.8: (a) OpAmp Wien-bridge oscillator (re-drawn); (b) Circuit used to calculate loop gain.
e open-loop gain of the OpAmp, AV (very large positive gain) and the output voltage is
vo D AV vi . e loop gain is therefore,
vo vi
Af D D AV : (12.36)
vL vL
where !o D RC .
Using the condition for oscillation, Af D 1, Equation (12.38) yields,
2 " #
! ! AV RS C Rf
0D1 Cj 3 : (12.39)
!o !o RS .1 C AV / C Rf
Equating the real and imaginary parts to zero, Equation (12.39) yields,
! D !o D ; (12.40)
Rf 2AV C 3
D 2; (12.41)
AV vo
AD : (12.43)
Z1 ==Ri
f D : (12.44)
.Z1 ==Ri / C Z3
Av .Z1 ==Ri / Z2
Af D : (12.45)
Ro Œ.Z1 ==Ri / C Z2 C Z3 C Z2 Œ.Z1 ==Ri / C Z3
If the impedances are purely reactive (inductive or capacitive), then Z1 D jX1 ; Z2 D jX2 ; Z3 D
jX3 , where X D !L for inductors and X D 1=!C for capacitors, the loop gain is,
X1 Ri C j X1 Ri2
Av X2
Ri2 C X12
Af D : (12.46)
X1 Ri2 X12 Ri
j Ro C X2 C X3 X2 C X3
Ri2 C X12 Ri2 C X12
For the loop gain to be real with no phase shift and Ri X1 , the imaginary component of
Equation (12.46) is set equal to zero,
0 D X1 C X2 C X3 ; (12.47)
Av X1 X2 Av X1
Af D D : (12.48)
X2 .X1 C X3 / .X1 C X3 /
From Equation (12.47), it can be seen that the circuit oscillates at a resonant frequency corre-
sponding to the series combination of X1 ; X2 , and X3 .
Equation (12.48) is simplified by using the relationship in Equation (12.47),
Av X1
Af D : (12.49)
For oscillation, the loop gain, jAf j, must have a magnitude of at least unity, and X1 must have
the same sign as X2 ; that is, they must be the same type of reactance, either both capacitive or
inductive. is implies that X3 must be inductive if X1 and X2 are capacitive, or vice versa.
A Colpitts oscillator is a circuit where Z1 and Z2 are capacitors, and Z3 is an inductor. A
Hartley oscillator is a circuit where Z1 and Z2 are inductors, and Z3 is a capacitor. In the latter
case, mutual inductance between Z1 and Z2 will alter the relationships derived above.
LC oscillators are commonly used in Radio Frequency (RF) applications in the frequency
range between 100 kHz and several hundred MHz. In this range of frequencies, the simple audio
frequency small signal models of active devices (BJTs and FETs) cannot be used. High frequency
transistor models must be used in the design and analysis. LC oscillators are found extensively in
communication electronics. For example, in AM and FM receivers, station tuning is accomplished
by varying a capacitance or inductance.
vo L
CB ◦•
C2 C'1
vo L
gmv̟ RC C2 C'1 Ci Ri v̟
1 1
X1 C X2 C X3 D 0 ) C !o L D 0:
!o C1 !o C2
C1 C C2
!o D : (12.52)
LC1 C2
e requirements for proper oscillation come from the Barkhausen criterion applied to Equa-
tion (12.49):
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ X1 ˇ ˇ C2 ˇ
jAf j D ˇˇAv ˇ D ˇAv ˇ > 1: (12.53)
X2 ˇ ˇ C1 ˇ
Where Av is the midband voltage gain (obtained from Figure 12.11 with capacitors replaced by
open circuits and inductors replaced by short circuits).
vo ˇF R C
Av D D gm .RC ==Ri / gm .RC ==r / D : (12.54)
v RC C r
Substitution of Equation (12.54) into (12.53) yields the Colpitts Barkhausen criterion:
ˇF R C C1
> : (12.55)
RC C r C2
ˇF D 200;
VA D 150 V;
rb D 30 ;
C D 3 pF;
fT D 250 MHz:
+15 V
2.2 kΩ
vo L
120 kΩ ◦•
68 µF
C2 C'1
0.01 µF
120 kΩ
6.49 kΩ
68 µF
First determine the bias condition of the oscillator.
Applying KVL to the base-emitter loop,
0D .RB1 ==RB2 / V
RB1 C RB2 ˇF ˇF
Substituting in the appropriate values yields the collector current,
IC D 1 mA:
Checking the collector-emitter loop results in VCE D 6:3 V.
e hybrid- parameters of interest are:
jIC j 0:001 ˇF 200
gm D D D 38:5 mS r D D D 5:2 k:
Vt 0:026 gm 0:0385
e output resistance of the BJT, ro , is significantly large enough to ignore in this design. Also,
RB r .
e capacitance C is,
gm 0:0385 12
C D C D 3 10 D 21:5 pF:
!T 2 250 106
e Miller’s equivalent input capacitance of the BJT is,
Ci D C C C .1 C gm R/ D C C C f1 C gm ŒRB1 ==RB2 ==RC == .rb C r /g
D 21:5 C 3 1 C 0:0385 120 103 ==120 103 ==2:2 103 == 30 C 5:2 103 10 12
D 199 pF:
C1 D C10 C Ci D 0:01 F C 199 pF D 10:2 nF:
Applying the Colpitts Barkhausen criterion using a factor of 1.25, one can determine the value
of C2
ˇF RC C1
D 1:25
.RC C r / C2
1:25 .RC C r / C1 1:25 Œ2200 C 5200 10:2 10
C2 D D D 214 pF:
ˇF R C 200 .2200/
Solving for L
C1 C C2 10:2 10 9 C 220 10 12
LD D 2
.2fo /2 C1 C2 2 10:7 106 10:2 10 9 220 10 12
SPICE Results:
e resulting output at the collector of the BJT is shown below. Note the finite transient time to
steady-state oscillation.
0.0 600.0n 1.2µ 1.8µ 2.4µ 3.0µ
Time (s)
e steady-state output of the oscillator is shown below. e period of oscillation is 98.3 ns which
correspond to 10.2 MHz. e oscillation frequency of the simulated circuit is within 5% of the
desired oscillating frequency of 10.7 MHz.
Output Voltage (V)
2.00µ 2.08µ 2.16µ 2.24µ 2.32µ 2.40µ
Time (s)
A FET-based Colpitts oscillator, shown in Figure 12.12, is somewhat simpler to design and
analyze since the input (gate) resistance is very large. e capacitors CG and CS are very large
coupling and bypass capacitors, respectively.
If the circuit is designed with a large value of RG , the small-signal model at the output of
the FET-based Colpitts oscillator is shown in Figure 12.11.
e equivalent device output capacitance Co is not included in Figure 12.13 since the high
frequency response of FET amplifiers is limited by Ci D Cgs C Œ1 C gm .RD ==rd / Cgd . Once
again C1 D C10 C Ci .
vo L
CG ◦•
C2 C'1
vo L
R C1
Figure 12.13: Output equivalent circuit for the Colpitts oscillator in Figure 12.12.
As was the case for the BJT Colpitts oscillator, the circuit will oscillate at
C1 C C2
!o D ; (12.56)
LC1 C2
and the requirements for proper oscillation come from the Barkhausen criterion applied to Equa-
tion (12.49): ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ X1 ˇ ˇ C2 ˇ
jAf j D ˇAv ˇ D Av ˇ > 1:
ˇ (12.57)
X2 ˇ ˇ C1 ˇ
Where Av is the midband voltage gain (obtained from Figure 12.11 with capacitors replaced by
open circuits and inductors replaced by short circuits).
Av D D gm .RD ==rd / : (12.58)
Substitution of Equation (12.54) into (12.53) yields the Colpitts Barkhausen criterion:
gm .RD ==rd / > : (12.59)
◦• vo
− L
+ C C
> 1: (12.61)
e advantage of using Colpitts oscillators comes from the fact that tuning a single inductor
allows for variation in the oscillation frequency. is is especially advantageous since inductors
can easily be tuned by introducing ferrite material in through the cross-section of the inductor
CD vo C
L2 L1
X1 D !L1 ; X2 D !L2 and X3 D : (12.62)
e midband voltage gain is given by:
Av D D gm .RD ==rd / : (12.63)
Oscillation occurs at
X1 C X2 C X3 D 0 ) !o L1 C !o L2 D 0: (12.64)
!o C
!o D p : (12.65)
.L1 C L2 / C
e condition for oscillation indicates that the circuit will oscillate if
ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇgm .RD ==rd / !o L1 ˇ ) jgm .RD ==rd /j > L2 : (12.66)
ˇ !o L2 ˇ L1
e advantage of using Hartley oscillators comes from the fact that tuning a single capacitor
allows for variation in the oscillation frequency. is is especially advantageous since a single
voltage variable capacitor called a varactor diode can be used to easily tune the circuit.
Crystals are three-dimensional, mechanical oscillating components that oscillate in many differ-
ent modes. e crystal oscillations are governed by the crystal piezoelectric properties, and the
arrangement and shape of the electrodes attached to the crystal. Crystals are fabricated so that
several oscillating and harmonic modes can be used in the design of a circuit. Crystals are available
in a wide range of discrete frequencies.
For stable frequency operation, the oscillator should be designed so that a crystal is the
controlling element for the oscillation. e crystal oscillator is often a critical component in
communications systems and in digital signal processing applications. e circuit symbol for the
piezoelectric crystal is shown in Figure 12.16a. e electrical equivalent circuit representing the
resonant nature of the piezoelectric crystal is shown in Figure 12.16b. e equivalent circuit is
similar to the familiar RLC passive resonant circuit.
L Co
(a) (b)
Figure 12.16: (a) Circuit symbol for a crystal; (b) Equivalent circuit for a crystal.
e capacitance Cp is in the order of 10 pF and includes the capacitance associated with the
mechanical package and Cs is in the order of 0.05 pF. e crystal equivalent inductance, L, is very
large for quartz crystals, on the order of several tens of Henrys. e internal losses of the crystal
are represented by Rs which is typically small. e resistive loss, Rs , is related to the quality factor
Q of the crystal, since the energy lost during any periodic signal is associated with the dissipative
resistance. Q is defined as the ratio of maximum energy stored to the amount lost per periodic
cycle. It also determines the bandwidth of resonant circuits. e bandwidth is calculated from Q
and the resonant frequency by,
BW D : (12.67)
e quality factor is related to the dissipative resistance and inductance through the relationship,
!o L
QD : (12.68)
Crystals are inherently high Q devices. When used in oscillator circuits, a crystal increases the
oscillation stability. is was shown in Section 12.1 where,
@ .Af / @f
DA :
@! @!
Since the slope @jf j=@! is directly proportional to the quality factor .Q/ of the oscillator circuit,
the high Q characteristic of crystals allows the fulfillment of the requirement of Equation (12.10)
that A.@jf j=@!/ ! 1. erefore, crystal oscillators are inherently very stable.
Figure 12.16b provides a simplified equivalent circuit of a crystal at one oscillating fre-
quency. In reality, the crystal has many oscillatory modes (and frequencies). erefore, a more
accurate model of a crystal depicting its many oscillatory frequencies and harmonics is shown in
Figure 12.17.
Co L1 L2 L3 ••• Ln
Figure 12.17: Electric circuit equivalent of a crystal showing many oscillatory states.
e circuit in Figure 12.17 contains several series resonant circuits whose frequencies are nearly
the odd harmonics of the fundamental oscillatory frequency. e higher resonant frequencies are
called overtones of the fundamental. Typical circuit parameters for fundamental, third, and fifth
overtone crystals are given in Table 12.1.
If Rs D 0, crystal input impedance in a narrow frequency range around fo is,
h i
.j!Co / 1 j!L C .j!C1 / 1
Z .j!/ D : (12.69)
j!L C .j!C1 / 1 C .j!Co / 1
Table 12.1: Typical crystal data
e impedance Z.j!/ will be zero when L and C1 are in resonance: that is,
fs D p : (12.70)
2 LC1
where fs is the series resonant frequency of the crystal. Conversely, the crystal will have infinite
input impedance at the frequency,
fa D s ; (12.71)
Co C1
2 L
Co C C1
where fa is the antiresonant frequency of the crystal. An ideal crystal (one with Rs D 0) behaves
as both a series resonant and a parallel resonant circuit with infinite Q. Realistically, all crystals
have some series resistance, Rs . For non-zero Rs , the input impedance of a crystal is,
h i
.j!Co / 1 j!L C Rs C .j!C1 / 1
Z .j!/ D : (12.72)
j!L C Rs C .j!C1 / 1 C .j!Co / 1
In practice, the input impedance of a crystal at resonance with non-zero Rs is the same as one
with Rs D 0. e effect of Rs is primarily in the reduction of Q.
Crystal oscillators can be implemented in a variety of topologies. For example, a Pierce
oscillator, shown in Figure 12.18, is a simply a Colpitts oscillator where the crystal has replaced
the inductor in the feedback path. e Pierce oscillator depends on the inductive component of
the crystal to provide a feedback of the proper phase. e crystal will oscillate at a frequency
between fa and fS .
e circuit in Figure 12.18 is designed and analyzed in the same manner as the LC Colpitts
oscillator. Feedback is provided through the crystal which is operating near the series-resonant
CG vo
C2 C'1
mode frequency. For oscillators operating above 20 MHz, an inductor, LN , is placed in parallel
with the crystal. e purpose of LN is to neutralize the package capacitance, Co , where:
LN : (12.73)
.2 fo /2 Co
• vo
vo L
1 kΩ
vo L
68 µF 120 kΩ C2 C'1
120 kΩ RE
6.49 kΩ
68 µF
In order to solve for the reactive feedback elements, the effective input and output capacitance of
the BJT must be found. e parameters of interest are C and C for analytical design.
e hybrid- parameters of interest are:
e output resistance of the BJT, ro , is significantly high enough to ignore in the design.
Also, RB r 1=1000.
e capacitance, C D Cobo D 4 pF and the capacitance C is,
gm 0:0385 12
C D C D 4 10 D 16:4 pF:
!T 2 300 106
D 147:8 pF:
ere is considerable freedom in the choice of component values Let C10 D 0:051 F. en,
Solving for L,
C1 C C2 .51:15 10 9 C 200 10 9 /
.2fo /2 C1 C2 Œ2.3:5795 106 /2 .51:15 10 9 /.200 10 9/
D 1:027 H 1 H:
Simulation using these values results in an oscillation frequency, fo D 3:52 MHz. A simple
method for insuring stable and accurate oscillation frequency is to use a 3.5795 MHz crystal. A
crystal Colpitts oscillator can be designed by simply replacing the inductor in the reactive feedback
network using the calculated capacitor values.
12.1. For the network shown, show that:
(a) When used with an OpAmp to form an oscillator, the resonant frequency is
+ +
Vo C R Vi
– –
12.2. Design an OpAmp-based phase shift oscillator circuit at 8 kHz. Assume an ideal
OpAmp. Simulate your design to verify proper operation.
12.3. Show that a four section RC network reduces the required network voltage gain for a
phase-shift oscillator.
12.6. PROBLEMS 959
(a) Determine the minimum required voltage gain of the amplifier.
(b) Determine the resonant frequency of a four section RC phase-shift oscillator.
12.4. Determine the resonant frequency of a phase-shift oscillator with a three RC sections
with capacitors to ground as shown.
− R R R
+ C C
12.5. For a four section RC phase-shift network, similar to Problem 12.4 with capacitors to
ground, for a phase-shift oscillator:
(a) Determine the minimum required voltage gain of the amplifier.
(b) Determine the resonant frequency of the phase-shift oscillator.
12.6. Given FET parameters:
VPO D 1:5 V; IDSS D 12 mA;
VA D 200 V:
(a) Complete and modify the design shown for an oscillation frequency of 5 kHz. Make
any necessary assumptions.
(b) Simulate the circuit using SPICE and confirm the oscillation frequency.
+24 V
RG ◦•
510 kΩ R R R
1 kΩ 1 kΩ 1 kΩ
12.7. Given the following BJT parameters of interest: ˇF D 200, and VA D 200 V:
(a) Complete the design of the BJT-based phase-shift oscillator shown. What is the
frequency of oscillation? Make any necessary assumptions.
(b) Simulate the circuit using SPICE and confirm the oscillation frequency.
+24 V
22 kΩ ◦•
0.01 µF 0.01 µF 0.01 µF
12 kΩ RE 3.9 kΩ 3.9 kΩ
4.53 kΩ CE R'
12.8. Complete the design an OpAmp-based Wien-bridge oscillator for 19.2 kHz. Use C D
1 F and Rf D 5:1 k.
Simulate the circuit using SPICE and confirm the oscillation frequency.
+12 V
AV vo
+ C
1 µF
–12 V
R Rf
5.1 kΩ
1 µF
12.9. Using an ideal OpAmp, design a Colpitts oscillator at 1 kHz using an inductor value of
L D 10 H. Simulate the completed design and verify the oscillation frequency.
12.6. PROBLEMS 961
12.10. Design a BJT-based common-emitter configured Colpitts oscillator at 1 MHz. A C15 V
power supply is available. e BJT parameters of interest are:
ˇF D 200; VA D 150 V; rb D 30 ; Cibo D 8 pF at VEB D 0:5 V;
Cobo D 4 pF at VCB D 5 V; and fT D 300 MHz at IC D 10 mA:
Simulate the circuit using SPICE and confirm the oscillation frequency.
12.11. Given the following BJT parameters:
ˇF D 200; VA D 150 V; rb D 30 ; Cibo D 8 pF at VEB D 0:5 V;
Cobo D 4 pF at VCB D 5 V; and fT D 300 MHz at IC D 10 mA:
(a) Design a BJT-based common-emitter configured Colpitts oscillator at 10 MHz.
Bias the transistor at IC D 1 mA and VCE D 8 V. A power supply voltage of C24 V
is available.
(b) Re-design the oscillator using the parameters found in Table 12.1 for a 10 MHz
fundamental crystal.
(c) Simulate both circuits with SPICE and comment on the results.
12.12. Design an NJFET-based common-source configured Colpitts oscillator at 2 MHz. e
FET parameters of interest are:
IDSS D 6 mA; VPO D 4:7 V; VA D 100 V;
Ciss D 4:5 pF at VGS D 0 V; and Crss D 1:5 pF at VGS D 0 V:
Assume a C15 V power supply. Bias the transistor at ID D 1 mAI VDS D 5 V.
Simulate the circuit using SPICE and confirm the oscillation frequency.
12.13. Determine the relationship for the frequency of oscillation for the common-base config-
ured Colpitts oscillator in terms of C1 ; C2 , and L using small-signal hybrid- analysis
and appropriate assumptions. Assume that ro 1 C1 C20 .rb C r /, and CC and CB are
large-valued capacitors.
C1 C2
12.14. Determine the relationship for the frequency of oscillation for the common-gate con-
figured Colpitts oscillator in terms of C1 ; L using small-signal analysis and appropriate
assumptions. CD and CG are large-valued capacitors.
C1 C2
n1 : n2 vo
● ●
12.19. In many instances it is preferable to use auto-transformers, which are easily fabricated,
instead of regular transformers for coupling signals in feedback configurations. e auto-
transformer and its equivalent circuit are shown in the figure:
n2 : n1
n2 L
n1{ n2 CC
Determine the relationship for the frequency of oscillation for the auto-transformer cou-
pled common-base configured Hartley oscillator shown in terms of C; L, and the auto-
transformer turns ratio using small-signal hybrid- analysis and appropriate assump-
tions. Assume that CC and CB are large-valued capacitors.
12.20. What is the relationship for the frequency of oscillation for the auto-transformer cou-
pled common-base configured Hartley oscillator shown in Problem 12.16 when RE is
eliminated .RE ! 1/?
Assume a C15 V power supply. Bias the transistor at IC D 1 mAI VCE D 5 V. Simulate
the circuit using SPICE and confirm the oscillation frequency.
12.22. Determine the relationship for the frequency of oscillation for the transformer coupled
common-source configured Hartley oscillator shown in terms of C; L, and the auto-
transformer turns ratio using small-signal analysis and appropriate assumptions. Assume
that CC and CG are large-valued capacitors.
n1 : n2
● ●
12.23. Determine the relationship for the frequency of oscillation for the auto-transformer cou-
pled common-source configured Hartley oscillator shown in terms of C; L, and the auto-
transformer turns ratio using small-signal analysis and appropriate assumptions. Assume
that CC and CG are large-valued capacitors.
12.6. PROBLEMS 965
n1{ n2
12.24. What is the relationship for the frequency of oscillation for the auto-transformer cou-
pled common-gate configured Hartley oscillator shown in Problem 12.19 when RS is
eliminated .RS ! 1/?
12.25. Determine the relationship for the frequency of oscillation for the auto-transformer cou-
pled common-collector configured Hartley oscillator shown in terms of C; L, and the
auto-transformer turns ratio using small-signal hybrid- analysis and appropriate as-
Assume that CC and CB are large-valued capacitors.
n1{ n2
Simulate the circuit using SPICE and confirm the oscillation frequency.
12.27. If the temperature stability of the crystal is 5.0 ppm/ı C, determine the percent change
in oscillator frequency after a rise in temperature of 50ı C for a Pierce oscillator. Assume
that the temperature variation only affect the series equivalent capacitance of the crystal.
12.28. A small inductance is added in parallel with a crystal operating in the series mode in a
crystal oscillator. Will the frequency of the oscillation increase or decrease? Explain. Use
simulations where appropriate.
12.29. A small “trimmer” capacitance is added in parallel with a crystal operating in the an-
tiresonant mode in a crystal oscillator. Will the frequency of the oscillation increase or
decrease? Explain. Use simulations where appropriate.
12.30. Design a test circuit to confirm the resonance frequency of a 2 MHz crystal with the
parameters given in Table 12.1. Confirm its operation by simulating the circuit using
12.31. Design a 1 MHz CMOS Pierce oscillator using the crystal data in Table 12.1. e MOS
parameters are:
12.32. Find the condition under which the circuit shown will oscillate.
Assume VA D 180 V.
12.6. REFERENCES 967
470 kΩ 2.2 kΩ
(resonance at
vo 100 kHz)
◦• • •
C1 C2’
500 pF 0.022 µF
1 kΩ 47 µF
[1] Ghausi, M. S., Electronic Devices and Circuits: Discrete and Integrated, Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, New York, 1985.
[2] Millman, J. and Halkias, C. C., Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Sys-
tems, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1972.
[3] Sedra, A. S. and Smith, K. C., Microelectronic Circuits, 3rd ed., Holt, Rinehart, and Win-
ston, Philadelphia, 1991.
[4] Schilling, D. L. and Belove, C., Electronic Circuits, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company,
New York, 1989.
[5] Young, P. H., Electronic Communication Techniques, 3rd ed., Merrill Publishing Company,
New York, 1994.
Multivibrator circuits are fundamental to many waveshaping and wave generation circuits. In the
most common form they have two output states, each of which may be either stable or quasi-
stable. As such, multivibrator circuits can be grouped into three classifications based on the sta-
bility of the output states:
• Bistable Multivibrator —two stable output states. Bistable circuits require a triggering signal
to transition between output states. Once in a particular output state, the circuit remains in
that stable state indefinitely until triggered for a transition to the other stable output state.
• Astable Multivibrator —two quasi-stable output states. Without any external triggering, the
astable multivibrator transitions periodically between two quasi-stable output states.
• Monostable Multivibrator —one stable and one quasi-stable output state. In monostable cir-
cuits, a triggering signal is required to induce an output transition from the stable state to
the quasi-stable state. After the circuit remains in the quasi-stable state for a fixed time,
typically long in comparison with the time of transition between states, it returns to the
stable state without external triggering.
non-inverting input ◦ +
inverting input ◦ −
While comparators perform well in a noiseless environment, the noise content of a typical
signal can create false triggering or multiple triggering of the output of a comparator. In a typical
application, a comparator is used to determine when the non-inverting input voltage exceeds
the voltage level at the inverting input. As shown in Figure 13.2, the addition of noise to an
increasing input signal at the non-inverting input can cause several transitions of the comparator
output when the input voltage nears the voltage reference level present at the inverting input.
Usually a single transition of the output is desired in such a comparison.
reference level
noisy input
comparator output
Multiple triggering of the output of a comparator can be eliminated with the application of
positive feedback. Positive feedback retains the rapid output transition of comparator, but alters
the trigger level so that two separate trigger levels exist: one for positive slope signals and an-
other for negative slope signals. e resultant transfer relationship exhibits hysteresis as shown in
Figure 13.3. Any input signal below the negative slope transition voltage, VT , results in a LOW
output, VL . If the output state is LOW, it will not transition to the HIGH state unless the input
is greater than the positive slope transition voltage, VTC . Similarly, any input above VTC results
in a HIGH output, VH , that will not transition to the LOW state unless the input falls below
VT . us, signals, after crossing a threshold, do not respond to input signal changes unless the
variation is large enough to cross the deadband.
– + Input
An example of a comparator with positive feedback is shown in Figure 13.4. is form of
circuit is called a Schmitt trigger. Aside from being especially useful in converting slowly varying
or a noisy signal into a clean, pulsed form with sharp transitions, the Schmitt trigger is particularly
useful in converting sine-wave input into a pulse-train output. Variation of the pulse-train duty
cycle in this application is accomplished by varying the triggering voltage levels, VTC and VT .
vr ◦ −
e Schmitt trigger can be realized in many configurations. When comparators are used
as the basic active element,² inverting and non-inverting forms are typically realized as is shown
in Figure 13.5. e additional resistors shown provide stable reference voltage, vr . If a more
precise reference voltage is necessary, precision voltage reference circuitry may be utilized instead
of simple resistor networks.³
²Bipolar and CMOS realizations of Schmitt trigger circuits for digital applications are presented in Section 16.5.
³Precision voltage references are discussed in Section 14.2.1.
vin − vin
vo vo
• + −
(a) (b)
Figure 13.5: Typical Schmitt trigger circuits. (a) Inverting Schmitt trigger; (b) Non-inverting Schmitt
e two quasi-stable output voltage states of the astable multivibrator are at fixed voltages, VH
and VL . When the output is in one of these states, the voltage state at the non-inverting (“C”)
comparator node is given by:
C Rg C Rg
vH D VH or vL D VL : (13.1)
Rg C Rf Rg C Rf
Just prior to a HIGH to LOW transition, for example, the output voltage is VH , the non-inverting
input is at vH , and the inverting input is in exponential transition from its initial value, vLC , toward
VH . is exponential transition will continue until the voltage at the non-inverting input matches
that at the inverting input, vH , at which time the output will toggle to VL . at is,
v .t / D VH VH vLC e RC : (13.2)
e total exponential transition time is the solution to the expression
v .t / D vH ; (13.3)
Rg t Rg
VH VH VL e RC D VH : (13.4)
Rg C Rf Rg C Rf
e transition time is given by:
( )
Rg C Rf VH Rg VL Rg .VH VL /
tHL D RC ln D RC ln 1 C : (13.5)
A LOW to HIGH transition time is determined in the same manner: the expression is
the same as Equation (13.5) with VH and VL interchanged. As such, the duty cycle of the output
square wave can be altered somewhat. e period of this repeated output toggling becomes the
sum of the two transition times:
Rg .VH VL / Rg .VL VH /
D RC ln 1 C C ln 1 C : (13.6)
e complexity of these expressions for transition time can be simplified greatly by assuming
a particular comparator operational configuration. Typically, an astable multivibrator is operated
with symmetric voltage limits, VL D VH . is operation practice results in identical transition
times and a 50% duty cycle:
tHL D tLH D RC ln 1 C 2 : (13.7)
In this case, the period of the repeated output toggling is twice the transition time:
D 2 tHL D 2RC ln 1 C 2 : (13.8)
In practice, the slew rate limitations of the circuit comparator will lengthen each of the transition
times lowering the frequency of operation somewhat. e waveforms associated with a symmetric
astable multivibrator are shown in Figure 13.7.
VH vo(t)
+ v+(t)
C Rg
v .t/ > vL D VL : (13.9)
Rg C Rf
C1 D1 Rf
C Rg
vH D VH ;
Rg C Rf
and (13.11)
v .t/ D VH VH vL e RC :
e exponential transition will continue until the voltage at the non-inverting input matches that
at the inverting input, vH , at which time the output will toggle to VL . e duration of the positive
pulse is given by the time of this exponential transition:
( )
Rg C Rf VH vL
tpulse D RC ln : (13.12)
After the output toggles LOW, the non-inverting input returns to its stable state, vLC , and the
inverting input begins an exponential transition toward VL :
v .t / D VL VL vH e RC : (13.13)
is exponential transition is halted by the diode, DS , before the inverting input is sufficiently
negative to toggle the comparator HIGH. Consequently, the LOW output state is stable. e
time to return to the stable state is given by:
( )
trecovery D RC ln : (13.14)
Once the monostable multivibrator returns to its stable state, it can be retriggered to output an-
other single pulse. e characteristic of a single output pulse for each triggering leads to the
common alternate identification of a monostable multivibrator as a one-shot. Typical monostable
multivibrator waveforms are shown in Figure 13.9. In order to ensure clean, single pulses, design
guidelines suggest that the input circuit time constant be small compared to the pulse duration.
One-shot circuits find greatest use in analog or asynchronous digital circuitry. Use in synchronous
digital circuitry is discouraged due to a variety of problems.
( ) ( )
Rg C Rf VH vL Rg C Rf .10:7/
tpulse D RC ln D RC ln :
Rf VH Rf 10
In order to reduce the effects of stray noise, it is good practice to keep within the first two time
constants of the exponential decay. While many sets of component values will satisfy the con-
straints, the following set is chosen.
Choose RC D tpulse (one time constant) D 10 ms.
One pair of standard components meeting this choice are:
R D 10 k and C D 1 F;
a further consequence of this choice is:
( )
Rg C Rf .10:7/
1 D ln :
Rf 10
One pair of standard value resistors that will meet this requirement are:
Rg D 15:4 k and Rf D 10 k:
e recovery time is determined by Equation (13.14). With the above choices for component
values it is:
10 5
trecovery D 10 k .1 / ln D 4:78 ms:
10 . 0:7/
Rg R
Alteration of the time symmetry of the waveform so that the HIGH output time is not
equal to the LOW output time is often desired in such a circuit. Two possible techniques used to
alter the symmetry are significant in any discussion of multivibrators:
• A monostable multivibrator (one-shot) is connected in series with the output of the circuit of
Figure 13.10. e monostable multivibrator is adjusted to output a pulse of varying duration
without varying the period of the waveform.
• e astable multivibrator circuit is modified so that the HIGH and LOW output times are
Due to the significant increase in the complexity of the circuit, including the addition of another
comparator, the addition of a one-shot is usually not the best choice: minor modification of the
astable multivibrator is simple and effective.
While it has been shown that non-symmetric HIGH and LOW voltage states will lead to
non-symmetric waveforms, it is more common to vary the square-wave time symmetry through
control of the exponential RC time constant. e circuit shown in Figure 13.11 is one possible
multivibrator realization that provides different charging and discharging time constants. During
the HIGH output state, diode, D , conducts and diode, D 0 , is OFF. e circuit reduces to that
of Figure 13.10: the time constant is given by the product of RC . e addition of a diode in the
negative-feedback path reduces the voltage apparent to the charging network by V
. Since the
charging time is not dependent on this voltage, the HIGHstate duration time is, as previously
tH D RC ln 1 C 2 : (13.16)
Rg R' D'
When the output is in the LOW state, the operational modes of the two diodes, D and D 0 , are
interchanged and the alternate negative-feedback resistor, R0 , acts in the exponential decay. e
resultant LOW output state duration time is similarly given by:
0 Rg
tL D R C ln 1 C 2 : (13.17)
If the two negative-feedback resistors are not equal in value, R ¤ R0 , the HIGH and LOW
duration times are unequal and the square wave is asymmetric. e period of the asymmetric
square wave is given by the sum of the two duration times:
D tH C tL D R C R0 C ln 1 C 2 : (13.18)
Duty cycle is typically defined as the ratio of the HIGH state duration, tH , to the period, :
tH R
duty cycle D D : (13.19)
R C R0
Arbitrarily choose a convenient value of C that will keep the resistor values, R and R0 , within
comparator resistance constraints. Here choose
Rf Vs +
− R
Zener diodes). e Schmitt trigger toggles between output states when the voltage at its non-
inverting input is at ground potential. is toggle requirement reflects back on the integrator
output, vtr , as:
Rin Rin
vtr.toggle/ D vsq D VH : (13.20)
Rf Rf
As previously stated, the time-dependent output, vtr .t/, is an inverted integral of the difference
between vsq .t/ and the symmetry-control voltage, Vs (a constant):
1 ˚
vtr .t/ D vsq .t/ Vs dt: (13.21)
When vsq is in the HIGH state vtr is linearly decreasing between its toggle values:
1 Vs VH
vtr .t/ D fVH Vs g dt D t C (a HIGH constant): (13.22)
e “HIGH constant” of integration need not be evaluated for this discussion. e time for the
decreasing voltage transition is given by the difference in toggle values divided by the slope of the
linear transition:
Rin VH Vs 2Rin RC VH
2 VH D t ) t D : (13.23)
Rf RC Rf fVH Vs g
When vsq is in the LOW state vtr is linearly increasing between its toggle values with a different
1 VH C Vs
vtr .t/ D fVH C Vs g dt D t C (a LOW constant): (13.24)
While the difference in toggle values remains the same, the change in slope results in a different
transition time for the positive transition:
Rin VH C Vs 2Rin RC VH
2 VH D tC ) tC D : (13.25)
Rf RC Rf fVH C Vs g
e signal will continuously repeat the transitions. e period for the total waveform is the sum
of the transition times:
4Rin RC VH2
D t C tC D : (13.26)
Rf VH2 Vs2
e positive-slope duty cycle is given by the ratio of the positive transition time to the period:
tC 1 Vs
duty cycle D D 1 : (13.27)
2 VH
Symmetric waveforms (those with a 50% duty cycle) are obtained when Vs is at ground poten-
tial. Positive Vs results the positive-slope waveform segment having shorter duration than the
negative-slope segment (positive-slope duty cycle < 50%): negative Vs reverses the relationship.
In this circuit, the frequency of oscillation is also dependent on Vs : it is maximized when Vs D 0
and decreases in a non-linear fashion as the magnitude of Vs increases. e generator waveforms,
vtr and vsq , are shown in Figure 13.13 for positive Vs .
Rf H
Rf H
t− t+ τ
Schmitt trigger +v
◦ m
Q1 − R
− vsq −
+ vtr
+ +
Rf ◦ −vm
FET switch & buffer Integrator
e time for the voltage transition is given by the difference in toggle values divided by the slope
of the linear transition:
2 Rg vm 2 Rg RC VH
VH D t ) tD : (13.30)
Rf C Rg RC Rf C Rg vm
Circuit symmetry implies that positive and negative transitions are of equal duration: the period
of oscillation is double that of a single transition:
4 Rg RC VH
D 2t D : (13.31)
Rf C Rg vm
e results of Equation (13.32) indicate the desired linear dependence of frequency with input
voltage, vm . Typically, the linearity extends over three or more decades. If greater frequency vari-
ation is necessary, it must be accomplished through resistor switching (typically resistor, R, is
Vz 6:8 V:
e frequency variation is obtained from Equation (13.32). Using the lower range of frequency
and voltage, the resultant component constraint is:
Rf C Rg 0:1 Rf C Rg
100 D ) D 30; 000:
4 Rg RC 7:5 Rg RC
Many sets of component values will satisfy this constraint and keep within the standard compara-
tor resistance guidelines. One set is:
Rf D Rg D 10 k ) RC D 66:67 10 6
C D 4700 pF ) R D 14:2 k.
All these values are standard component values.
V1+ V+
2 ● ● ● V+
D1+ D+2 ● ● ● D+n
R1+ R+2 ● ● ● R+n vo
vtr ● ● ● +
R1− R−2 ● ● ● R−n
vtr ● ● vo
● ●
R1 ● ●
● ●
It has been decided to approximate this transfer function with the seven-segment diode array
shown. Here the voltage sources are provided by forward-biased diodes. is array clips all in-
puts so that the maximum possible output is ˙3 V
˙1:8 V. ere are four other breakpoints
(progressively introduced by diode conduction) at ˙0:6 V and ˙1:2 V. e slopes of the transfer
function in the various regions are given by:⁶
m1 D 1 0:6 V < vo < 0:6 V
m2 D 0:6 V < jvo j < 1:2 V
R1 C Rs
R1 R2
m3 D 1:2 V < jvo j < 1:8 V.
R1 R2 C R1 Rs C R2 Rs
e analytic expression for the slope of the transfer function is given by:
d vo Vs vtr
D cos ;
d vtr 2 Vtr.max/ 2 Vtr.max/
Vs 2
m1 jvtr D0 D 1 ) D :
For a 1:8 V magnitude sinusoid this expression implies that Vtr.max/ D 2:825 V.
At the first breakpoint vo D vtr D ˙0:6 V
m2 D 0:945 ) R1 D 17:17Rs :
m3 D 0:7613 ) R2 D 2:690Rs :
A PSpice analysis of the circuit was performed: e input and output waveforms are shown. Total
harmonic distortion of the near-sinusoidal output of this circuit was calculated to be about 1.0%:
a reasonable value for such a simple circuit. Typical converters usually have at least 6 breakpoints
on each side of ground.
⁶ese equations assume the forward dynamic resistance of the diodes is zero-valued. If the dynamic resistance can be reasonably
approximated, the resistor values, R1 and R2 , should be reduced by that approximation.
Triangle-tosinusoid converter
VS 1 0 PWL(0 -2.825 1M 2.825 2M -2.825)
RS 1 2 1K
D1P 2 10 D1N4148
D1N 10 2 D1N4148 4
R1 10 0 17.2K
D2P1 2 21 D1N4148
D2N1 22 2 D1N4148 2
D2P2 21 20 D1N4148
D2N2 20 22 D1N4148
Voltage (V)
R2 20 0 2.7K
D3P1 2 31 D1N4148
D3N1 33 2 D1N4148
D3P2 31 32 D1N4148
D3N2 34 33 D1N4148 -2
D3P3 32 0 D1N4148
D3N3 0 34 D1N4148
.TRAN .01M 2M 0 0.01M -4
.LIB NOM.LIB 0.0 500.0μ 1.0m 1.5m 2.0m
.PROBE Time (s)
.FOUR 500 V(2)
Another similar form of piece-wise linear two-port network uses BJTs as the switching
device rather than diodes. A seven-segment array demonstrating this technique applied to triangle
to sinusoid conversion is shown in Figure 13.16.⁷ is design was based on the breakpoints and
slopes derived in Design Example 13.5. e BJT-based circuit has several advantages over the
diode-based circuit. Primary among the advantages is the flexibility concerning the amplitude of
vtr . As long as
VCC Vtr.max/ and 1:8 < Vtr.max/ < 15 V;
this circuits performs well with less than 1.5% total harmonic distortion. One particular drawback
is the rather strong dependence on the forward-biased dynamic resistance of the base-emitter
junctions of the various transistors. Performance is greatly dependent on these values (in the
design shown, the 2:7 k resistor was reduced to 2 k and the 17.2 k resistor was reduced to
14.3 k due to dynamic resistance considerations).
Another technique useful in the conversion of triangular waves to sinusoids is non-linear
amplification. A particularly useful circuit that employs this technique is shown in Figure 13.17.
e design utilizes logarithmic amplification obtained with an overdriven differential gain stage:
input triangle waves alternately force one the two BJTs to the verge of saturation.
In this amplifier the triangle wave is amplified linearly near the zero crossing: in the regions near
the peaks of triangle the amplification is logarithmic. For a well-controlled triangle voltage input,
⁷More complete discussion can be found in Grebene, 1984, pp 592–595.
● ● ● ◦ VCC
412 Ω
240 Ω
2 kΩ
● ●
240 Ω
14.3 kΩ
● ●
240 Ω
1 kΩ
vtr ◦ ● ◦ vo ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
240 Ω
14.3 kΩ
● ●
240 Ω
2 kΩ
● ●
240 Ω
412 Ω
R = 27 kΩ
● ● ● ◦ –VCC
the resultant transfer function is near-ideal and produces a low-distortion sinusoid output, vo .
Optimal performance occurs with
52 mV < I1 R < 86 mV;
Vtr.max/ 95 mV:
– vo +
I1 I1
◦ VCC ◦ Reset
Threshold CL
◦ +
CP1 R Q ◦vo
Control −
◦ •
R flip-flop
• +
Trigger −
◦ Ground
e 555 timer is available in both bipolar and CMOS technologies. In various forms it is capable
of producing timing signals with a duration that ranges from microseconds to hours. Astable
oscillation up to a few Megahertz is possible. While many functional operations can be performed
with this circuit, discussion will be limited to a monostable multivibrator (one-shot) and an astable
multivibrator (non-linear oscillator).
• A resistor, RA , is connected from the threshold input to the positive power, VCC .
• e discharge and threshold inputs are shorted together.
• e reset input is held HIGH.
• e control input is left open (or connected through a small capacitor to ground).
e stable state of this circuit exists when the output, Q, of the flip-flop is LOW. In order to
achieve that state the input, vin , must be greater than the trigger level of CP2 . In this state, the
complementary output of the flip-flop, QN is HIGH. is causes the transistor switch to activate,
forcing a rapid discharge of the capacitor voltage to essentially zero. e output of CP1 is LOW.
e output of each comparator is therefore LOW: the LOW inputs to the flip-flop retain the
LOW output until an input change occurs.
◦• ◦• Rst ◦V
Thd CL
◦• +
CP1 R Q ◦vo
C ◦ ◦• −
R flip-flop
◦• +
vin◦ −
◦• 555 Timer
◦• Gnd
e quasi-stable state occurs when the input voltage, vin , momentarily drops below the
trigger level of CP2 :
vin < VCC =3: (13.33)
is change in input level forces the output of CP2 to a HIGH state, setting the flip-flop (Q,
HIGH and QN LOW). e QN output of the flip-flop deactivates the transistor switch and allows
the capacitor to begin charging toward the positive power voltage, VCC :
vc .t/ D VCC 1 e RA C : (13.34)
e charging will continue until vc .t / exceeds the trigger voltage of CP1 . e duration of the
charging is given by the solution to:
2VCC t
D VCC 1 e RA C
) t D RA C ln .3/ : (13.35)
When vc .t/ reaches the trigger level the output of CP1 goes HIGH. If the input signal vi .t / has
returned HIGH, the flip-flop changes state and returns to Q D LOW: a single HIGH pulse of
duration RA C ln.3/ is formed. If vi .t/ is still LOW, the HIGH pulse continues until vi .t/ goes
HIGH at which time the pulse terminates.
• A resistor, RA , is connected from the discharge input to the positive power, VCC .
• e control input is left open (or connected through a small capacitor to ground).
In this astable configuration, the capacitor voltage, vc .t /, transitions exponentially between the
trigger levels of the two comparators (established by the resistors labeled R):
vc .t/ : (13.36)
3 3
Both the direction and rate of capacitor voltage transition are controlled by the switching tran-
sistor. When vc .t/ is between the trigger levels, both comparators will have a LOW output: this
output state signals the flip-flop to retain its last output state. When vc .t / reaches the upper trig-
ger level, the output of CP1 momentarily changes to a HIGH: this action activates the reset state
of the flip-flop (Q, LOW and, QN HIGH). e output of the flip-flop activates the transistor
◦• V ◦• Rst ◦V
Thd CL
◦• +
◦• CP1 R Q ◦vo
◦ • −
R flip-flop
• +
◦• −
• 555 Timer
◦• ◦• Gnd
switch which forces the capacitor to begin an exponential discharge through the resistor, RB , to
2 VCC t
vc .t / D e RB C : (13.37)
As soon as the voltage drops below the upper trigger level, the output of CP1 returns LOW,
however, the flip-flop retains its output state and the discharge continues. It continues until vc .t/
reaches the lower trigger level. e duration of this discharging transition, td , occurs at the solu-
tion to:
VCC 2 VCC td
D e RB C ) td D RB C ln .2/ : (13.38)
3 3
When vc .t/ reaches the lower trigger level, the output of CP2 momentarily changes to a HIGH:
this action activates the set state of the flip-flop (Q, HIGH and QN LOW). e output of the
flip-flop deactivates the transistor switch which forces the capacitor to begin exponential charging
through the resistors, RA and RB , toward VCC :
2 VCC t
vc .t / D VCC e : (13.39)
As soon as the voltage rises above the lower trigger level, the output of CP2 returns LOW, how-
ever, the flip-flop retains its output state and the charging continues. It continues until vc .t/
reaches the upper trigger level. e duration of this charging transition, tc , occurs at the solution
2 VCC 2 VCC tc
D VCC e ; (13.40)
3 3
2/ V
3 CC
tc td
Figure 13.21: Waveforms for 555 timer astable multivibrator (60% duty cycle).
are non-linear oscillators that provide periodic square and/or triangular waveforms. Monostable
multivibrators provide a single output pulse of fixed duration when triggered. Monostable and
astable multivibrators can be realized through the use of an IC timer. Most dominant among IC
timers is the 555 timer family.
Arbitrary, periodic waveforms can be derived from triangular waveforms. A technique to
generate arbitrary waveforms using diode clipping circuitry is commonly used. Low harmonic
content sinusoids can be generated using this technique or by non-linear amplification.
f D 2400 Hz VH 5 V VL 0 V:
Design such a device so that the square-wave duty cycle lies between 40% and 60%.
e obvious design alternatives are:
• a linear oscillator,
e two astable multivibrator types have a distinct advantage in complexity, size, and cost over a
linear oscillator at this low frequency. In addition the TTL compatible output voltage levels lead
to a 555 timer realization as an extremely advantageous choice. erefore, the 555 timer circuit
topology shown in Figure 13.20 is chosen as the basis for this design.
e specifications lead to specific parameter values needed in this design. If VCC D 5 V, the
output voltage levels will meet specification. e frequency of oscillation requirement leads to:
ŒRA C 2RB C ln.2/ D D 416:7 s:
A 555 timer can only have duty cycle greater than 50%. Arbitrarily choose the duty cycle to lie
easily within the design goals at 55%. is choice leads to a ratio of resistor values:
Combining the two constraining equations for resistance values leads to standard-value resistors
of value:
RA D 2:23 k and RB D 10:0 k:
e design is complete. If exact-value components are used the computed frequency is 2403:7 Hz
(0.15% error) with a duty cycle of 55.02% (within specifications).
A plot of the output and capacitor voltages is shown below. e simulation yields a square wave
of frequency 2378 Hz ( 0.92% error) with 54.5% duty cycle (within specifications).
6 (425.00u, 4.853)
Voltage (V)
(302.19u, 2.000)
(625.00u, 495.0u)
0 250µ 500µ 750µ 1m
Time (s)
13.6. PROBLEMS 1001
13.1. A simple Schmitt trigger has the following design requirements:
is the input to the simple Schmitt trigger circuit created in Design Example 13.1. Quan-
titatively describe the output voltage if:
(a) Determine the transfer characteristic as a function of the circuit parameters. Assume
Vref < VCC 2.
(b) If the circuit is constructed with the following circuit element values, what are the
threshold and output voltages?
Rg D 8:2 k R D 1 k
Vref D 4 V VCC D 15 V.
◦ +Vref
● R
● vo
Rf R
13.6. Design an astable multivibrator to produce a symmetric square wave of frequency 2 kHz.
Verify the design using SPICE.
13.7. Design an astable multivibrator to produce a symmetric square wave with amplitude,
6 Vp p and frequency, 1.2 kHz. Verify the design using SPICE.
13.8. e astable multivibrator circuit shown is constructed with the following component
Rf D 2 k D1 W V
D 0:6 VI Vz D 6:4 V
Rg D 1 k D2 W V
D 0:6 VI Vz D 3:4 V.
● vo
● ●
C D2
13.9. Design an astable multivibrator to produce a square wave of frequency 500 Hz with a
HIGH state duty cycle of 40%. It is required that VH D 5 V: VL may be varied. Verify
the design using SPICE.
13.10. Design an astable multivibrator to produce a square wave of frequency 500 Hz with a
HIGH state duty cycle of 40%. It is required that VH D VL D 5 V. Hint: In order
to have different time constants for the two transitions, diodes may be placed in the
discharge path. Verify the design using SPICE.
13.11. Design a one-shot circuit that responds to a pulse input with an output pulse of duration
3 ms. Verify the design using SPICE (any OpAmp macromodel will suffice in modeling
a comparator in this application).
13.12. Design a one-shot circuit that responds to a pulse input with an output pulse of duration
1.0 ms. Verify the design using SPICE (any OpAmp macromodel will suffice in modeling
a comparator in this application).
13.13. A stable 120 Hz pulse train of amplitude 5 V is required. Since commercial power is
extremely stable, it has been decided to use the 60 Hz, 110 V power-line voltage as a
triggering source for this pulse train. Design a system that will produce the required
pulse train using a simple one-shot based on the simple design topology shown. Verify
the design using SPICE.
Input System Output
13.16. Design an astable multivibrator to produce a 500 Hz triangle wave with an amplitude of
10 V peak-to-peak and a 40% positive slope duty cycle. Verify the design using SPICE.
13.17. It is suggested that a device to sound the orchestral tuning note (A D 440 Hz) could be
inexpensively mass-produced using an astable multivibrator as the tone oscillator. e
presence of harmonics of the 440 Hz tone in the output is desirable.
p 1003 p 100
3 3
12 12
2 fo < f < 2 fo ) 2 1200 fo < f < 2 1200 fo :
Comment on the practicality of using the design of part a) for this mass-produced device.
13.18. Design a voltage controlled oscillator that will output a 10 V peak-to-peak square wave
of variable frequency from 50 Hz to 1 kHz for an input voltage range of 0.2 V to 4 V.
13.19. Design a voltage controlled oscillator that will output a 10 V peak-to-peak triangle wave
of variable frequency from 50 Hz to 4 kHz for an input voltage range of 0.1 V to 8 V.
(a) Determine the break point voltages as a function of Vref (assume Vref > V
(b) Choose an appropriate value for Vref and determine the total harmonic distortion
of the output using SPICE.
(c) Try another value for Vref . Compare the resultant output total harmonic distortion
with that of part b).
13.6. PROBLEMS 1005
◦ +Vref
• •
6.34 kΩ 1.30 kΩ
6.81 kΩ 1.96 kΩ
• • •
13.21. Design, using the basic topology shown in Figure 13.15 (some diodes must be reversed),
a seven-segment expanding wave-shaping network for use in the receiver of the digital
telephony system described above. e desired design characteristics are:
13.22. One common use of non-linear waveshaping occurs in digital telephony. Analog-to digi-
tal (A/D) conversion introduces the same quantization noise for small-amplitude signals
than for large-amplitude signals. us, small signals appear to have more relative noise
due to the A/D conversion than large signals. In order to equalize the signal-to-noise
ratio, the input message is amplified in a non-linear fashion prior to A/D conversion:
this process is called compressing. Upon receipt, the message is digital-to-analog (D/A)
converted and non-linearly amplified to restore linearity, this process is called expand-
ing. Together the two processes are called companding. Design, using the basic topology
shown in Figure 13.15, a seven-segment compressing wave-shaping network with the
following characteristics:
vo D vin , jvin j < 1
vo D 0:5 .vin C 1/, 1 < vin < 3
vo D 0:25 .vin C 5/, 3 < vin < 7
vo D 0:125 .vin C 17/, 7 < vin < 15
vo D 0:5 .vin 1/, 1 > vin > 3
vo D 0:25 .vin 5/, 3 > vin > 7
vo D 0:125 .vin 17/, 7 > vin > 15.
13.23. Design a monostable multivibrator using a 555 timer with a pulse output of duration
10 ms. e input is a 5 V signal that drops to 0 V for a duration of 1 ms to trigger the
13.24. Series connection of IC timers can produce an output consisting of a delayed pulse of
fixed duration. e first timer fixes the delay, with its negative transition triggering the
second timer. e second timer sets the duration of the output pulse. e two timers are
capacitively coupled with a pull-up resistor on the input of the second timer: the RC
time constant of this coupling circuit must typically be less than 50 s (for a 555 timer).
Design such a two IC timer circuit that will produce an output pulse that is delayed from
an input triggering pulse. e design specifications are:
13.25. Verify the waveforms shown in Figure 13.21 by designing a 555 timer astable multi-
vibrator to oscillate at 2 kHz with 60% HIGH duty cycle. Use SPICE to display the
13.26. e expression for the output-waveform duty cycle of an IC timer oscillator is given by
Equation (13.44). A 50% duty cycle implies that RA D 0 (the discharge and VCC terminals
are shorted together). Explain why the circuit will not oscillate with a 50% duty cycle.
Use SPICE simulation to verify that the circuit will not oscillate.
13.27. e circuit shown purports to use an IC timer to produce square-wave oscillation with a
50% duty cycle. e design parameters are:
f D and R2 > 10R1 :
1:386 R1 C1
Rst VCC Vo R1
Trg •
◦ Dis IC Timer
Ctl Gnd
10 µF
13.28. e circuit shown is a voltage-to-frequency converter based upon linear charging of a ca-
pacitor by a constant current source. Use SPICE and the macromodels for a 741 OpAmp
and 555 timer to determine the linearity of the voltage-to-frequency conversion over the
range 0:5 V < vin < 5 V:
◦+5 V
• • •
Rst V•CC
• 10 kΩ
◦ + Trg
Vo • ◦vo
− IC
• • Thd Timer
Ctl •
430 Ω Dis
0.1 µF
0.47 µF
• •
13.29. One-shot circuits that use an IC timer have a very rapid recovery time. is rapid recovery
creates opportunities for unusual applications of the timer. One application is the use of
an IC timer monostable multivibrator (one-shot) to divide the frequency of a pulse train.
In order to divide the frequency by a factor, N , the pulse duration of the of the one-shot
is chosen to lie in the range:
.N DC / < t < N ;
where is the period of the original pulse train and DC is the HIGH state duty cycle
given as a fraction rather than a percentage. e trigger terminal serves as the input to the
frequency divider. Design, using a 555 timer, a circuit that will divide the frequency of
a 10 kHz square wave (DC D 0:5) by a factor of three (N D 3). Verify the design using
13.30. e circuit shown may be used to detect irregularities in a train of pulses. As long as the
pulse spacing is shorter than the timing interval of the timing circuit, the monostable
circuit is continuously triggered. Pulse spacing greater than the timing interval or the
termination of the pulse train allows completion of the timing interval and the generation
of an output pulse.
(a) Assume a pulse train input at 1 kHz with a LOW duty cycle of 20%. Complete the
design so that a missing LOW pulse will be detected (the pulse spacing is effectively
increased by the absence of a pulse).
(b) Test the design of part a using SPICE.
◦ +5 V
• • •
vin◦ • Trg
Vo • ◦vo
Dis •
Thd •
Ctl C
0.1 µF
Linear Circuits Data Book, Volume 3, Voltage Regulators/Supervisors, Comparators, Special Func-
tions, and Building Blocks, Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas, 1992.
Grebene, Alan B., Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design, John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1984.
Hambley, Allan R., Electronics, A Top-Down Approach to Computer-Aided Circuit Design,
Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1994.
13.7. REFERENCES 1009
Millman, Jacob, Microelectronics, Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, New York, 1979.
Millman, Jacob and Taub, Herbert, Pulse, Digital, and Switching Waveforms, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, New York, 1965.
Savant, C.J., Roden, Martin S., and Carpenter, Gordon L., Electronic Circuit Design, An
Engineering Approach, e Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Menlo Park, 1987.
Sedra, Adel S. and Smith, Kenneth C., Microelectronic Circuits, Saunders College Publish-
ing, Phil.
Wojslaw, Charles F. and Moustakas, Evangelos A., Operational Amplifiers, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1986.
Power Circuits
All the electronic circuits described in the first three sections of this book have as their main pur-
pose the modification of an input signal so as to perform useful work on the load. is signal
modification may take the form of signal amplification, frequency filtering, digital logical opera-
tions, or a variety of other possibilities. Inherent in all designs is an electrical power source. Most
often this source is a DC voltage source: in some instances, the DC is derived from AC source.
e proper operation of all electronic circuitry depends on the application of uniform electrical
power in the form of these sources. Power electronic circuits are responsible for converting the
available electric energy into a form with appropriate uniformity.
Regardless of the form of the input electrical energy (AC, DC, or a combination) the basic
form of an electrical power system remains consistent. A typical electrical power system is shown
in Figure 14.1. In such a system the input energy is filtered, converted to a new form, or shifted to
a new level by an electrical power circuit, and again filtered. Electronic (or possibly mechanical)
observation of the load conditions is an important factor in control of all operations.
Input Power Output
Energy Load
Filter Circuit Filter
Power Electronic System
Previous chapters have described the principles of AC to DC conversion through the use
of diode half-wave or full-wave rectifiers followed with a simple passive low-pass filter (active
filtering is extremely inefficient in power applications). e benefits of feedback on stability have
also been discussed. is chapter focuses on combining previously explored devices and principles
into power circuits useful to the electronic designer. While many of these devices are commercially
available in IC packages, knowledge of the principles of operation is valuable to the prudent device
user or circuit designer.
Within many power circuits there exists the need for a high-power switch. BJTs and FETs
are extremely useful as switching elements and have previously been discussed. Both of these
transistor switches find common use in power circuits. yristors form another family of semi-
conductor devices that are extremely useful in switching applications. Most common among this
family are the Silicon controlled rectifier, typically used in DC applications, and the triac for AC
Voltage regulators are a common device available for providing a stable DC output voltage
for a wide range of input voltage and output current. As realized in a three-pin IC package, these
regulators are extremely effective, easy to implement, and inexpensive. e internal design of
both linear and switching regulators is discussed. While the design of DC power supplies is not
specifically addressed in this chapter, many of the design principles of simple voltage regulators
can be applied to their more powerful relative.
Protection against high-voltage transient or the accidental application of an overvoltage
is another major concern of the electronic designer. Several types of transient suppressors are
discussed. Similarly, several overvoltage protection circuits are described.
yristors are a form of solid state switch that is activated by a triggering signal. Prior to activation,
a thyristor acts as an extremely high-impedance path: once activated, a thyristor acts as a low-
impedance path and remains activated until the switched current falls below a minimum value,
the holding level, at which time it deactivates. Once a thyristor is activated, the triggering signal
is no longer necessary to continue activation unless low switched current deactivates the thyristor.
e most common members of the thyristor family include:
• Silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs)
• Triacs
• Programmable unijunction transistors (PUTs)
• Silicon bilateral switches (SBSs)
• Sidacs
Silicon controlled rectifiers are most commonly used as power control elements, triacs are bi-
directional switches and are most useful in AC power applications under 40 Amperes, pro-
grammable unijunction transistors are most often used in timer circuits, Silicon bilateral switches
are most commonly used as gate trigger devices for the power control elements, and Sidacs are
a high voltage bilateral trigger device. e thyristor family also includes the gate turnoff (GTO)
thyristor: a device capable of being turned off, as well as on, with the application of different
polarity gate current. e GTO thyristor typically is used in power inverters (DC to AC power
14.1. THYRISTORS 1013
yristors have several distinct advantages over mechanical switches. Primary among these
advantages over mechanical switches are:
• High switching speed.
• Low energy switch triggering.
• Automatic debounce characteristics.
• Zero-current deactivation avoids contact arcing in inductive circuits.
While each type of thyristor has its particular uses, discussion in this chapter will be limited to
the two most commonly used thyristor types, the SCR and the Triac. Several SCR applications
will be presented in later sections of this chapter.
SCRs have a four-layer structure of alternating p -type and n-type semiconductor material.
Conceptually, this structure takes the form of Figure 14.3a. e structure functionally acts as two
complementary BJTs connected as shown in Figure 14.3b.
Analysis of the SCR equivalent circuit leads to its modes of operation. e SCR has two funda-
mental operational states:
• An OFF state where only extremely small leakage currents pass from the anode to the
cathode. In this state transistor Q1 is cutoff and Q2 is in the forward-active region, albeit
with extremely low current flow.
• An ON state where current flows freely between anode and cathode. Here both transistors
are in saturation.
n • Q1
(a) (b)
Figure 14.3: SCR structure (a) Typical medium-power SCR semiconductor structure; (b) Equivalent
In order to understand the transition between modes, it is necessary to examine the basic transistor
current relationships:
IC1 D ˛1 IE1 C ICO1 D ˛1 IK C ICO1 ; (14.1)
IC 2 D ˛2 IE 2 C ICO2 D ˛2 IA C ICO2 : (14.2)
Here the two quantities ICO1 and ICO2 are the collector leakage currents of each transistor¹ (with
an open emitter) and ˛1 and ˛2 are the collector-emitter current ratios. Note that in this for-
mulation, ˛i is transistor-region dependent and is only equal to ˛Fi in the forward-active region.
Kirchhoff ’s current law applied to the SCR equivalent circuit of Figure 14.3b yields expressions
for the currents into the anode and out of the cathode of the SCR:
IA D IC1 IC 2 ; (14.3)
IK D IA C IG D IC1 IC 2 C IG : (14.4)
e above four equations can be combined to determine the SCR anode current as a function of
the transistor parameters and the gate current:
IA D f˛1 .IA C IG / C ICO1 g f ˛2 IA C ICO2 g ; (14.5)
¹Since Q1 is an npn BJT, the collector leakage current, ICO1 , is a positive quantity. Q2 is a pnp BJT and has negative ICO2 .
14.1. THYRISTORS 1015
which leads to
IA D : (14.6)
1 .˛1 C ˛2 /
When the control transistor, Q1 , is OFF, ˛1 0 and ˛2 < 1: the SCR anode current is a
small multiple of the sum of the magnitude of the leakage currents. As current is applied to the
gate of the SCR and Q1 begins to turn on, ˛1 increases until the denominator of Equation (14.6)
becomes zero. is singularity in the expression for the anode current, IA , is physically realized
by a rapid increase in the anode current until it is limited by the external circuitry to which the
SCR is connected. At that current limiting point, IG may be removed and the two BJT leakage
currents will suffice to latch the SCR in the ON state. SCR deactivation will only occur when
the anode current drops to zero value due to external circuit circumstances. SCR reactivation will
occur when VAK is again positive and a current pulse enters the gate. SCR condution current for
the case of sinusoidal VAK and a pulse train at the SCR gate is shown in Figure 14.4.
Conduction Current
While a conducting SCR presents very low dynamic resistance to the conduction current, there
is a voltage drop across the anode-cathode terminals. e voltage across the SCR in the ON state
is approximately given by the sum of a base-emitter drop, a collector-emitter drop and an ohmic
VAK VBE.sat/ C VCE.sat/ C RB IA :
Here RB is the bulk resistance associated with the SCR. e ON voltage drop has a minimum
value in the range of 1 V and may be as high as 2–3 V for high-current SCRs. e actual voltage
drop for any particular SCR is best determined from manufacturer’s specifications or experimental
In addition to the desired SCR activation with positive gate current, there are four false
SCR activation mechanisms which must be avoided:
• High rate of change of anode-cathode voltage, d VAK =dt .
• High anode-cathode voltage, VAK .
• High device junction temperature.
• Energy injection into device semiconductor junctions, principally in an optical fashion.
Reasonable design caution can avoid false SCR activation by the last three mechanisms: opaque
packaging avoids optical activation, a proper heat sink avoids high temperatures, and selection of
an SCR with a correct voltage-blocking rating avoids an avalanche breakdown. Fast variation of
the anode-cathode voltage, VAK , is the most likely significant false activation mechanism in most
A voltage applied across the anode-cathode terminals of an SCR induces a current through
the SCR proportional to the derivative of the applied voltage. is current is due to the junction
capacitances between the layers of semiconductor:²
i DC
If this capacitance-charging current exceeds the gate triggering current, the SCR is subject to false
triggering. Sensitivity to rate of change false activation can be reduced by a resistance shunting
the gate-cathode junction or, more commonly, controlled with a snubber circuit.
Snubber circuits limit the rate of change of the voltage across a SCR (or more generally any
thyristor). In their most simple form, a snubber circuit consists of a series connected resistor and
capacitor which shunt the SCR, as shown in Figure 14.5. e RC time constant of the snubber
circuit limits the rise time of the anode-cathode voltage and thereby reduces the possibility of
false activation. On occasion the resistor in the snubber circuit may be shunted or connected in
series with a diode. is diode is added to aid in suppression of transient voltages that may occur.
Input +
Source − Load
SCR Control
e four possible regions of triac operation are identified in Figure 14.8: the regions are
identified by the polarity of the main terminal voltage difference and the polarity of the gate
current. While it is possible to activate the triac in any region, the activation sensitivity to the
gate current varies with region.
Region I (positive gate current and positive main terminal voltage difference) is the most
sensitive of the four regions. Regions II and III are only slightly less sensitive to gate current turn
on. Region IV typically requires as much as four times the gate activation current as Region I: this
− +
region of operation is avoided whenever possible. In many AC applications, the polarity of the
gate current is automatically reversed as the polarity of the input voltage reverses so that operation
is always in regions I and III.
e triac is subject to the same false activation mechanisms as the SCR. Many of the same
precautions must be taken to ensure that the only activation mechanism is through the gate cur-
rent. One additional precaution that must be taken involves the necessity of bidirectional snubber
circuitry. While simple RC snubber circuitry is effective for both conduction current polarities
(assuming proper choice of non-polarized capacitor), more complex SCR snubber circuitry may
not be bidirectional and therefore inappropriate for triac use.
• A voltage reference element that provides a known stable voltage level, VREF , that is essen-
tially independent of temperature and the input voltage.
• An error amplifier that compares the output voltage or some fraction of the output voltage
to the reference voltage, VREF .
• A power control element that converts, as indicated by the error amplifier, the input voltage
to the desired output voltage over varying load conditions.
Each of these elements can be realized with several circuit topologies. e following discussion
provides a sampling of the element topologies common in typical voltage regulators. While all
examples shown here assume that the voltage to be regulated is positive, regulation of both voltage
polarities is common and accomplished with the same general circuit topology. In addition, track-
ing regulators provide a symmetric pair of regulated voltages (i.e., ˙ 10 V) for applications that
need matched, regulated power. One such application is the dual power bus needed for OpAmps.
e basic zener diode reference can be satisfactory in applications where the input voltage, Vin ,
is relatively stable. However, the susceptibility of this circuit to variation in input voltage and
load-current induced temperature variation, may make it a poor choice in many applications.³
³e zener voltage for integrated circuit zener diodes varies with temperature by approximately C2:2 mV=ı C.
• ◦ VREF
An improvement in the basic zener diode voltage reference can be obtained by making
the diode current independent of input voltage, Vin . One typical circuit topology that reduces
diode current variation by driving the zener diode with a constant current source is shown in
Figure 14.11.
◦ in
• Q2
• ◦ VREF
Q1 •
Here the current in the zener diode is the sum of the base current in Q1 and the current through
resistor RSC :
Iz D IB1 C IRSC : (14.8)
Iz IRSC D : (14.9)
is gives a stable reference voltage, VREF :
VREF D Vz C Iz rz C VBE1 Vz C VBE1 1 C : (14.10)
Temperature variation of the reference voltage can be minimized by balancing the positive
temperature variation of the zener voltage, Vz , with the negative temperature variation of the
base-emitter voltage, VBE1 . e major disadvantage of the constant-current zener diode reference
voltage is the need for the input voltage, Vin , to be relatively large: it must remain, depending
on the exact circuit design, at least 1.5 volts more than the zener voltage.⁴ is restriction on the
input voltage limits the minimum voltage application of such a regulator.
A third common reference voltage circuit, the bandgap voltage reference, is shown in Fig-
ure 14.12. is design allows for a minimum input-output voltage difference as small as 0.6 volts:
the input and output vary only by the voltage across the input resistor, R.
◦ in
• • ◦ VREF
R1 I3 R3
• • Q3
Q1 • Q2
e output of the bandgap voltage reference is based on the highly predictable base-emitter
voltage of a BJT in the forward-active region. Here the output reference voltage, VREF , is given
VREF D VBE3 C I3 R3 : (14.11)
e current, I3 , is essentially the output of a Widlar current source⁵ formed by transistors Q1 and
Q2 and resistors, R1 and R2 . e current source has an output current, IC 2 , given by the solution
⁴Manufacturers specify the minimum voltage difference between input and output voltage: for this design topology, it typically
lies in the two to three volt range.
⁵Widlar current sources are discussed in Section 6.4.5 (Book 2).
to the transcendental equation
ˇF IC1
IC 2 R 2 D Vt ln : (14.12)
ˇF C 1 IC 2
If the base current of Q3 is assumed to be small compared to the collector current of Q2 , the
output voltage can be derived from Equations (14.11) and (14.12):
R3 IC1
VREF Vt ln C VBE3 : (14.13)
R2 IC 2
It can be seen from Equation (14.13) that the bandgap reference circuit has an output, VREF ,
that is independent of the input voltage, Vin . An additional benefit of this circuit topology is its
relative insensitivity to temperature variation. If the circuit is built in IC form, then all circuit
elements are essentially at the same temperature. e ratio of the collector currents IC1 and IC 2
remains basically constant over temperature change and the variation in the reference voltage with
temperature is given by:
ln C : (14.14)
T R2 IC 2 T T
In Chapter 2 (Book 1), the voltage equivalent temperature, V t , was defined as:
kT T
Vt D ; (14.15)
q 11600
V t consequently has a positive variation with temperature. In Chapter 3 (Book 1), it was shown
that the variation in VBE with temperature is negative. us, it is possible have essentially no
temperature variation in VREF if the two temperature dependent terms in Equation (14.14) cancel.
e necessary conditions for cancellation are:
R3 IC1 11600 VBE3
ln D : (14.16)
R2 IC 2 T
A judicious choice of the resistors R1 ; R2 and R3 allows the designer to produce a wide variety
of reference voltages that are relatively insensitive to temperature and input voltage variation. A
typical reference voltage value used in many regulators is 2.5 V.
All of the described voltage reference circuits find uses other than in voltage regulators:
they can be used whenever an independent voltage reference is necessary. A precision reference
voltage is usually achieved with either the bandgap or constant current zener reference circuits.
ese precision voltage reference circuits are used in wide variety of electronic applications. Most
common among these is as reference for precision analog to digital conversion. A few of the
common applications for voltage reference circuits are:
• Analog to digital conversion, A/D
• Series
• Shunt
• Switching
Voltage regulators are often classified by the type of control unit employed. A voltage regulator
with a series or shunt power control element is classified as a linear voltage regulator : a regulator
with a switching power control element is a switching regulator. Linear regulators have a distinct
noise advantage over switching regulators. Due to energy conversion efficiency considerations,
linear regulators are typically found in low power electronic applications: switching regulators
find greater use in high power applications where they act as regulated power supplies.
⁶Differential amplifiers are discussed in several sections of this book. See Chapters 2 (Book 1) and 6 (Book 2) for basic discus-
Series Regulators
e series regulator is best suited for medium load current applications where the input-output
voltage difference is not large. e commonly-used, three-terminal IC voltage regulator, found
in many electronic designs, is usually of this design. Safety features such as input overvoltage and
output short-circuit protection can also be provided in series regulators.
For a series regulator, the error amplifier regulates the output voltage, Vo , through an active
series element, usually a transistor, as shown in Figure 14.13. If the output voltage falls below
R2 C R1
Vo VREF ; (14.17)
the error amplifier will supply a positive voltage signal to the BJT. e transistor base-emitter
junction becomes more forward biased and increases the current to the load. e output voltage is
thereby increased until an appropriate balance is achieved. Large input-output voltage differences
imply that the active control element must dissipate significant power. e internal losses lead to a
typical working efficiency for a series regulator of 40–50%: high input-output voltage differential
can reduce this figure further. e potentially large internal power loss is the greatest disadvantage
of a series regulator.
Vin◦ • • ◦V
− •
Voltage R2
Shunt Regulators
While the shunt regulator is usually the most inefficient of all regulator topologies, it can be a
good choice in some applications. It is relatively insensitive to input voltage variation, protects
the source from load current transients, and is inherently rugged against an accidental load short-
circuit. It is the simplest of all regulators: for example, the zener diode regulator, as described in
Chapter 2 (Book 1), is a passive form of shunt regulator. e basic circuit topology of an active
shunt regulator is shown in Figure 14.14.
Vin◦ • • • ◦V
Voltage –
Reference Error
Amp R1
Here, the active series pass element of the series regulator has been replaced by a resistor,
RS , and the changes in load current are neutralized by shunting excess current through an active
element (usually a transistor) to ground. When the output voltage falls below
R2 C R1
Vo VREF ; (14.18)
the error amplifier reduces voltage to the base of the BJT thereby reducing the shunt current.
Since the current through the series pass element, RS , must remain constant, more current is
available for the load and Vo is increased until an appropriate balance is achieved.
Vin◦ • • ◦V
& Filter o
Switch Control
− •
Pulse Width Error
Modulator Amp
Reference VREF
e added complexity of a switching regulator in the form of complex switch control cir-
cuitry and the need for a high-frequency active switching element increase the cost of the reg-
ulator. As a result, switching regulators can only compete economically with other regulators in
high-power applications (greater than 20 W). Switching regulators typically have somewhat
higher output ripple and can be more susceptible to load current transients than linear regula-
tors. In addition, high rate (20–500 kHz), square-wave switching generates significant electro-
magnetic interference (EMI) and radio-frequency interference (RFI). It is possible successfully
diminish both EMI and RFI with proper filtering.
e rectifying filtering section of a switching voltage regulator can take several different
topologies. Most common among these topologies are:
• Buck
• Boost
• Buck-Boost
e basic topology of each rectifying filter section is shown in Figure 14.16. e majority of other
rectifying filter are direct derivatives of these three types.
e output voltage, Vo , of the buck filter configuration (Figure 14.16a) is always less than
the input voltage, Vin . Here, a switch is placed in series between the input voltage and the input to
⁷e active element switch is shown here as a BJT. In many switching regulator designs, is a much more complex element.
Many designs use a class A amplifier with a transformer output as the high-frequency switch.
Switch Switch
Control Control •
(a) (b)
Vin◦ • • ◦V
Figure 14.16: Switching regulator filtering configurations.⁷(a) Buck (step down); (b) Buck-boost fil-
tering (step up or down) (c) Boost filtering (step up).
an LC low-pass filter. When the switch is conducting, current flows through the inductor to the
load. When the switch opens, the magnetic field within the inductor maintains the current flow
to the load, pulling current through the diode from ground. In a buck circuit, the output voltage
is proportional to the product of the input voltage and the switch duty cycle:
Peak switch current in the buck circuit is proportional to the load current.
e boost filter configuration (Figure 14.16c) has the unique property of providing an output
voltage that is always larger than the input voltage. In this circuit, the switch is placed within the
LC filter so that it can shunt current to ground. With the switch in its conducting state, the
inductor current increases. When the switch opens, the output voltage, Vo , is the sum of the
input voltage and the voltage across the inductor (a positive voltage due to decreasing inductor
current). Boost regulators deliver a fixed amount of power to the load:
1 2
PL D LI fo ; (14.20)
where I is the peak inductor current, and fo is the switch operating frequency. In order to deter-
mine the output voltage the load resistance, RL , must be known:
p LRL fo
Vo D Po RL D I : (14.21)
Of course, the peak inductor current, I , is proportional to the duty cycle of the switch operation.
Boost circuits are particularly useful in charging capacitive circuits (as in a capacitive-discharge
automotive ignition system) and make good battery chargers.
e buck-boost rectifying filter (Figure 14.16b) provides the possibility of output voltages
that are either higher or lower than the input voltage. e circuit operates in much the same
fashion as the boost circuit with the exception that the output voltage is simply the voltage across
the inductor. e buck-boost circuit also delivers constant power to the load, independent of the
load resistance: Hence, Equations (14.20) and (14.21) are valid. e buck-boost has the distinct
feature of providing a negative voltage output. is change of polarity is often an advantage,
sometimes a drawback. Isolation of the input from the output through transformer coupling
avoids any problems.
For all these configurations, transient changes in the load conditions may cause problems. If
the load suddenly becomes a very high impedance or suddenly becomes disconnected, the energy
stored in the inductor has no path for dissipation. In a worst case scenario, arcing across the load
may occur. Switching power regulators are currently in a constant state of change due to major
innovations in component design. It appears that major improvements in design are near.
3 Terminal
Vin◦ • Linear • ◦V
Whenever using an IC voltage regulator, the circuit designer is faced with several design
choices based on the properties and limitations of these regulators. Linear regulators are cate-
gorized by their regulated output voltage. e most basic categories are based on the following
• Output Voltage Polarity
• Fixed or Variable Output Voltage
e maximum output current is one additional constraint that must be considered. IC voltage
regulators typically come with maximum current ranging from 100 mA to 3 A. It is possible to
extend this maximum output current with the addition of external circuit pass elements (Sec-
tion 14.3.1).
e polarity of the input and output voltage usually determines the use of a positive or
negative regulator: positive regulators typically are used to regulate positive voltages—negative
regulators typically regulate negative voltages. is is particularly true in systems where the input
and output share a common ground. However, in systems where the ground reference can be
floating at either the input or the output, the positive and negative regulators may be interchanged
(Figure 14.18). In this special case a positive regulator can be used to regulate negative voltages
and a negative regulator can be used to regulate positive voltages.
Positive •◦ ◦
+ +
+ Vo + Vo
Vin – Vin –
Negative –◦
◦• –◦ •◦
(a) (b)
Figure 14.18: Voltage regulation alternatives. (a) Positive output using positive regulator; (b) Positive
output using negative regulator.
Fixed output voltage regulators are available in a variety of output voltage values and current
ratings. ey provide an inexpensive, simple means of regulating output voltage and have several
• ease of use
• reliable performance
e main disadvantage of a fixed output voltage regulator lies in the inability to precisely adjust its
output. e variation in output voltage may be as large as ˙ 5% for any specified value. A similar
problem exists due to the limited selection of output voltage values that are available.
Adjustable output voltage regulators are best suited for applications requiring high-precision
voltage regulation and/or regulation at a non-standard voltage level. In addition, the regulated
voltage may be sensed at a location remote from the output of the regulator. is feature allows for
compensation due to losses in a distributed load or external pass components. Additional features
often found on adjustable regulators include: adjustable short-circuit current limiting, access to
the reference voltage, VREF , and overload protection. Adjustable regulators typically require a few
more external components than fixed regulators (Figure 14.19). e capacitors improve stability
and transient response.
3 Terminal
Vin◦ • Adjustable • • ◦V
• •
• •
3 Terminal
Vin◦ • Fixed • • ◦V
• • •
• • •
Figure 14.20: Variable regulated output using a fixed output voltage regulator.
regulated output of the fixed regulator. While designs of this type are effective, the additional
components required often makes them economically impractical.
Many systems require balanced, dual-polarity power: an OpAmp that requires ˙VCC about
a common ground is such a system. An obvious solution to dual-polarity applications is two
independent regulators, one positive and one negative, paired together. Two problems arise with
such a solution: power-ON latch-up and undervoltage output imbalance. Latch-up is due to the
intolerance of each individual regulator to reverse voltages applied at its output. In dual-polarity
systems with a single load across both outputs, reverse voltages may appear during the power-
ON operation and cause latch-up of the output of one of the regulators. is condition can be
avoided by placing diodes, from input to output and output to ground of each regulator, to avoid
significant reverse voltage application. In many systems that require balanced power of opposite
polarity, the application of unbalanced power will offset the output. If, for a variety of reasons, the
imbalance is not constant, there will be a time-varying offset in the signal output: time-varying
outputs are usually interpreted as information signals.
Dual Tracking Regulators provide a solution to both problems. Latch-up is internally controlled
and no additional external components are necessary. In order to avoid an imbalance in output
voltages, the control system within a dual tracking regulator monitors both the positive and neg-
ative power outputs. If either output falls out of regulation, the tracking regulator will respond by
varying the other output to match: a decrease in the magnitude of the positive output will result
in an equal decrease in the magnitude of the negative output. A typical dual tracking connection
is shown in Figure 14.21. As is the case with most linear regulators, output capacitors improve
ripple and transient performance: input capacitors may be necessary if the source is particularly
noisy or if the regulator is placed too far from the unregulated power supply.
+Vin◦ • • ◦+V
Dual Tracking
• • ◦
−Vin◦ • • ◦−V
Limitations as to the input voltage range and output voltage and current ranges over which
regulation will occur apply to all voltage regulators. e safe operating area (SOA) defines the
limits of these ranges. Exceeding the limits can result in catastrophic failure, temporary device
shutdown, or failure to properly regulate the output. e SOA is defined by manufacturer’s spec-
ifications relating to the input voltage, the output current, maximum power dissipation, and, in
the case of variable voltage regulators, the output voltage. ese specifications are described as:
Vin.max/ e absolute maximum input voltage with respect to the
regulator ground terminal.
.Vin Vo /min e minimum input-output voltage difference at which regulation
can be maintained. Also called the dropout voltage.
.Vin Vo /max e maximum input-output voltage difference.
IL.max/ e maximum current deliverable to the load from the regulator.
PD.max/ e maximum power that can be dissipated by the regulator.
Vo.min/ For adjustable regulators, the minimum output voltage that can
be regulated.
Vo.max/ For adjustable regulators, the maximum output voltage that can
be regulated.
Of these specifications, Vin.max/ ; IL.max/ , and PD.max/ can result in catastrophic failure if proper
protection is not provided. Often this protection is within the regulator itself: in some cases it
must be provided with external circuitry. e other specifications are functional limits that, if
exceeded, imply a failure in the regulation ability of the device.
3 Terminal
• Linear • ◦ Vo
Vin◦ • QP • 3 Terminal • • ◦ Vo
• •
Overvoltage Protection
Also shown in Figure 14.23 is an overvoltage protection circuit (shaded area and the diode
DP ). Under normal operation the input BJT, QP , is in saturation and the circuit operates as if
the protection circuit was not present. However, if the input voltage exceeds the sum of the two
zener voltages,
Vin > Vz1 C VzP ;
the input BJT, QP , will enter the forward-active region begin to dissipate power. e voltage drop
across the BJT collector-emitter terminals will protect the input of the regulator from overvoltage,
and excess current will be shunted through Rp ; Zp and Z1 . e protection diode, Dp , protects
the regulator against an output short circuit. While this protection circuit is shown in conjunction
with the zener diode realization of extending the output voltage, it can be used alone. With the
absence of zener diode, Z1 , the diode, DP , is also excluded. All elements in this overvoltage
protection circuit will dissipate large quantities of power when activated and must be rated for
that occurrence.
Vin◦ • 3 Terminal
Voltage +
Regulator Vreg
Io Load
In this configuration the output current, Io , can be adjusted to any value from the minimum
regulator bias current ( 8 mA) to the maximum current deliverable be the regulator, IL.max/ . e
output current is the sum of current through the variable resistor and the bias current through the
ground terminal of the regulator:
Io D C IIB :
e input voltage for this configuration must always be greater than the sum of the minimum
input-output voltage for the regulator, the regulator voltage, and the voltage at the load:
V D jI j .2 a/
; (14.22)
where the passive sign convention relates the voltage and current polarities⁸ and the two varistor
property-dependent constants are given by:
In Figure 14.27, the volt-ampere transfer relationship of a typical varistor .a D 0:7/ is compared
to that of a back-to-back zener diode connection. e difference in the sharpness of the cutoff is
Zener Diodes
Figure 14.27: Volt-ampere relationship for a varistor compared to a back-to-back Zener diode pair.
Overvoltage “Crowbar” Circuits protect loads with a switchable shunt element. is element
is often realized with SCR that is activated if overvoltage conditions exist. A simple form of
overvoltage crowbar circuit, utilizing a zener diode as the overvoltage sensing element, is shown in
Figure 14.28. In this circuit, an input voltage, Vin , that exceeds the SCR gate activation voltage plus
the zener breakdown voltage, will force current into the SCR gate activating the SCR. e SCR
will then shunt current away from the load protecting it from damage. One drawback of SCR
crowbar circuits is that they will not deactivate unless the source current goes to zero. Deactivation
of the SCR is usually accomplished by a series circuit breaker or fuse incorporated in series with
the source, Vin .
Vin◦ • • ◦
• •
◦ • • • ◦
While a zener diode—SCR crowbar circuit is relatively inexpensive and easy to use, there are
several drawbacks to its use. ese drawbacks are mainly due to the properties of zener diodes. In
particular, the zener voltage values commercially available are limited, often have insufficient tol-
erances, and may not activate sharply enough (the knee of the diode curve may be too rounded).
ese drawbacks are particularly significant when the voltage protection limit must be fairly small:
many digital circuits require overvoltage protection at power voltages less than 10 V. A good so-
lution to these problems involves the use of an integrated circuit sensing circuit.
An overvoltage crowbar circuit using an IC sensing circuit is shown in Figure 14.29: the
shaded portion of the figure highlights the sensing circuit. In this IC package are contained two
OpAmps, a voltage reference circuit, a zener diode, a current source, and three BJTs.
e operation of the circuit is reliable and accurate.
In the normal, deactivated state, the input voltage to the protection circuit, Vin , is appro-
priately small:
R2 C R1
Vin < VREF :
Vin◦ • • •
• • +
• −
OA2 • Q3
OA1 Q1 L
− O
+ Q2 •
R2 D
Reference +V •
• • • ◦
is deactivated state assures that the first OpAmp, OA1 , provides a high voltage to the
base of Q1 , putting it into the saturation region. OA2 then provides a low voltage to Q2 and Q3
which are in cutoff. No current is supplied to the gate of the SCR which is, therefore, not activated.
Should Vin increase so that the input voltage fails to meet the constraints of Equation (14.22),
OA1 will turn off Q1 . e current source will then pass its current through the zener diode raising
the positive terminal of OA2 higher than VREF . e BJT combination Q2 and Q3 will turn on
and activate the SCR, shunting all the current away from the load.
Using an IC overvoltage sensing circuit to activate the SCR allows the circuit designer to
provide a temperature independent voltage reference, and adjust the crowbar voltage using the two
resistors, R1 and R2 . e sensing circuits are readily available from a wide range of manufacturers
and are usually found within the “power supply supervisory” listings. It is also common to package
a circuit equivalent to that shown in Figure 14.29 in a single IC package. ese crowbars are
available in a range of voltages and short-circuit current ratings.
While it is impossible to demonstrate the operation of every protection circuit, the protec-
tion methods discussed here provide a good sampling of typical techniques. Zener diodes provide
appropriate transient protection in most small-scale electronic applications. Higher power ap-
plications that need protection from longer duration overvoltages usually use crowbar devices.
Crowbar circuits are also often activated by temperature sensors (often a thermistor) to protect
against damage to a circuit due to overheating. IC overvoltage sensors occasionally are used to
deactivate a semiconductor switch in series with the load rather than the shunt SCR as described
e study of power electronics should, more properly, be covered in an entire book rather than
in one short chapter. Here, the discussion has been restricted to a few common devices that an
electronic circuit designer will find necessary in order have clean, constant DC power as an input
to circuits with other major electronic functions. yristors were shown to be a useful family of
triggered switches dominated by the SCR and Triac. Both linear and switched voltage regulators
are commonly used: linear regulators dominate low-power applications, while switched regulators
find greater use in high-power applications. Several forms of active and passive protection circuits
were also discussed.
• • ◦ VREF
R1 I3 R3
• • Q3
Q1 • Q2
14.1. Model the action of an SCR using the equivalent circuit of Figure 14.3b and SPICE.
Use BJTs with ˇF D 100. Apply a voltage, Vs , of 18 Vp p at 60 Hz in series with 100
across the anode-cathode terminals. Inject into the gate of the SCR model, 10 A current
pulses of 50 s duration from a source with an output resistance of 100 k. Verify the
operation of the SCR model as shown in Figure 14.3.
14.2. A macromodel for the 2N1599 SCR is available in the SPICE model libraries. Its ter-
minals are ordered in the model call as {anode gate cathode}. Repeat the functional test
of Problem 14.1 (the minimum gate trigger current is 2 mA: increase the magnitude of
the current pulses so that the SCR will properly trigger).
14.3. A macromodel for the 2N6073 Triac is available in the SPICE model libraries. Its ter-
minals are ordered in the model call as {MT2 gate MT1}. Repeat the functional test of
Problem 14.1 on a 100 Vp p sinusoid to show that positive gate current pulses trigger con-
duction in both directions (the minimum magnitude gate trigger current is about 20 mA:
increase the magnitude of the current pulses so that the SCR will properly trigger).
14.4. A macromodel for the 2N6073 Triac is available in the SPICE model libraries. Its ter-
minals are ordered in the model call as {MT2 gate MT1}. Repeat the functional test
of Problem 14.1 on a 100 Vp p sinusoid to show that negative gate current pulses trig-
ger conduction in both directions (the minimum gate magnitude trigger current is about
20 mA: increase the magnitude of the current pulses so that the SCR will properly trig-
14.5. A power conversion system is under design. e input to this system is standard 110 VAC
at 60 Hz: the output is variable-voltage DC supplied to a 100 resistive load. It has been
decided to achieve the design goals using a variable delay one-shot and an SCR as shown.
(a) Complete the design using a 2N1599 SCR and a capacitor that will provide no more
than 8% ripple.
(b) Use SPICE to verify proper operation when the SCR is triggered over 20% of the
input sinusoidal waveform.
(c) Use SPICE to verify proper operation when the SCR is triggered over 80% of the
input sinusoidal waveform.
14.6. PROBLEMS 1043
• •
• •
14.6. e power conversion system of Problem 14.5 is to be redesigned using a Triac rather
than an SCR. is redesign requires the addition of a full-wave rectifier bridge, but allows
greater efficiency of power conversion.
(a) Complete the design using a 2N6073 Triac and a capacitor that will provide no
more than 8% ripple.
(b) Use SPICE to verify proper operation when the Triac is triggered over 20% of the
input sinusoidal waveform.
(c) Use SPICE to verify proper operation when the Triac is triggered over 160% of the
input sinusoidal waveform.
14.7. e basic Zener diode voltage reference circuit of Figure 14.10 is proposed as a voltage
reference circuit with an output of 4 V. Assume the Zener diodes are characterized by a
Zener voltage, Vz D 4 V, and Zener resistance. rz D 40 . e resistor, R, in the voltage
reference circuit has value 10 k.
(a) Determine the nominal output voltage, Vref , of the circuit to an input, Vin D 16 V.
14.8. e circuit shown is proposed as a voltage reference circuit with an output of 4 V. Assume
the Zener diodes are characterized by a Zener voltage, Vz D 4 V, and Zener resistance.
rz D 40 .
(a) Determine the nominal output voltage, Vref , of the circuit to an input, Vin D 16 V.
5.6 kΩ
• βF = 120
• ◦• Vref
12 kΩ
14.9. Design a constant-current voltage reference with an output of 2.0 V. Assume an input
voltage ranging from 4 V to 6 V, Silicon BJTs and Zener diodes with the following prop-
14.11. Design a bandgap voltage reference with an output of 1.2 V. Assume an input voltage
5 V. What is the ideal temperature variation of the transistor base-emitter junction
14.12. Design a bandgap voltage reference with an output of 1.4 V. Assume an input voltage
12 V. What is the ideal temperature variation of the transistor base-emitter junction
14.13. Design a 5 V series voltage regulator using the basic topology shown in Figure 14.13. e
input voltage falls in the range 6 V < Vin < 10 V. Assume the following components are
14.6. PROBLEMS 1045
Precision voltage reference — 1.2 V
Comparator — LM111
Bipolar Junction Transistor — ˇF D 100
Resistors — any standard value
Verify correct operation using SPICE for a load of 100 . Note: the macromodel for
the LM111 comparator has an open-collector output—a pull-up resistor is required for
HIGH output.
14.14. Design a 3.3 V series voltage regulator using the basic topology shown in Figure 14.13.
e input voltage falls in the range 6 V < Vin < 12 V. Assume the following components
are available:
Verify correct operation using SPICE for a loads of 100 and 1 k. Note: the macro-
model for the LM111 comparator has an open-collector output—a pull-up resistor is
required for HIGH output.
14.15. Design a 5 V shunt voltage regulator using the basic topology shown in Figure 14.14. e
input voltage falls in the range 6 V < Vin < 10 V. Assume the following components are
Verify correct operation using SPICE for a load of 100 . Note: the macromodel for
the LM111 comparator has an open-collector output—a pull-up resistor is required for
HIGH output.
14.16. Design a 3.3 V shunt voltage regulator using the basic topology shown in Figure 14.14.
e input voltage falls in the range 6 V < Vin < 10 V. Assume the following components
are available:
(a) Over what range of output current will the LM7805C macromodel provide correct
(b) What is the minimum input voltage that provides correct regulation for an output
current of 100 mA? 10 mA?
14.18. Use SPICE and the macromodel for the LM7815C to verify that a C 15 V regulator can
correctly regulate to achieve a C 15 V output.
(a) Over what range of output current will the LM7815C macromodel provide correct
(b) What is the minimum input voltage that provides correct regulation for an output
current of 100 mA? 10 mA?
14.19. Use SPICE and the macromodel for the LM7805C to verify that a C 5 V regulator can
correctly regulate to achieve a 5 V output. Assume the input voltage varies in the range,
7 < Vi < 15 and a load current of 150 mA.
14.20. Design a 7.5 V voltage regulator using a 5 V, three-terminal regulator and the basic topol-
ogy shown in Figure 14.20. e input voltage falls in the range 9 V < Vin < 15 V. Assume
the following components are available:
• • LM 7805C • ◦• Vref
R 5V
14.25. Complete the design of the overvoltage protection circuit shown by specifying the power
ratings necessary for Qp and Zp if the input voltage is limited to 50 V. Use SPICE to
verify proper operation. Assume ˇF D 60 and a maximum load current of 250 mA.
Vin•◦ • QP • LM 7805C • ◦• Vo
1 kΩ Regulator
Vz =10 V ZP
• •
Overvoltage Protection
14.26. It is necessary to provide a regulated voltage at 10 V with a maximum current of 100 mA.
e input voltage lies in the range, 15 < Vi < 55 V. A LM7805, 5 V regulator is the
only readily available component. While this regulator can supply adequate current, the
improper output voltage and an input voltage limitation of 35 V demands that additional
circuitry be added to the design.
(a) Using the basic circuit topology of Figure 14.23, design a voltage regulator that
will meet specifications. Be sure all component specifications include power ratings.
Assume ˇF D 60.
(b) Verify proper operation of the design using SPICE.
14.27. A Varistor that has a non-linearity factor, a D 0:80, and allows one ampere or current
at 50 V is being compared to back-to-back Zener diodes with SPICE parameters, IS
D 10 nA, IBV D 50 mA, and BV D 15 V.
(a) At what voltage does each voltage protection system allow the same current?
(b) What is the value of that current?
(c) If the current is increased 20% what voltage appears across each system?
14.28. Back-to-back 1N750 Zener diodes are proposed as a transient protection device for a 5 V
circuit. e device being protected is essentially resistive and draws a nominal current of
50 mA. Use SPICE to determine the following.
(a) e maximum voltage that will be applied to the load if an input current twice the
nominal value is applied to the protected device.
(b) e maximum voltage that will be applied to the load if a current spike of magnitude
150 mA and duration 0.1 s (rise and fall times 0:1 ns) is applied to the load.
14.29. An approximate model of a varistor can be generated in SPICE using a non-linear
voltage-controlled current source. e controlling voltage for the source is simply the
voltage across the source. e non-linear properties of the varistor can be approximated
as an odd-order polynomial in the voltage across the varistor.
(a) For a varistor that has a non-linearity factor, a D 0:80, which allows one ampere of
current at 50 V, determine an approximate expression for the current through the
varistor expressed as a fifth-order polynomial of the voltage across the varistor.
(b) Use SPICE to plot the V-I transfer relationship of this model.
(c) Compare this V-I transfer relationship to that of back-to-back Zener diodes with
SPICE parameters IS D 10 nA, BV D 15 V, and IBV D 50 mA.
(d) Compare the voltage across each system when subjected to a current consisting of a
2 mA constant current that momentarily (duration 1 s) jumps to 4 mA.
14.6. REFERENCES 1049
14.30. Design a simple SCR crowbar overvoltage protection circuit that activates at an input
voltage of C 10 V. Use the following parts:
14.31. Design a simple SCR crowbar overvoltage protection circuit that activates at an input
voltage of C 40 V. Use the following parts:
[1] ——-, Linear Circuits Data Book, Volume 3, Voltage Regulators and Supervisors, Texas In-
struments Inc., Dallas, 1989.
[2] ——-, Linear/Switchmode Voltage Regulator Handbook, 4th Ed., Motorola Inc., Phoenix
[3] ——-, yristor Device Data Manual, Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, 1992.
[4] Fisher, Marvin J., Power Electronics, PWS-Kent Publishing Co., Boston, 1991.
[5] Baliga, Jayant B. and Chen, Dan Y., Editors, Power Transistors: Device Design and Appli-
cations, the Institue of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, 1984.
[6] Cherniak, Steve, A Review of Transients and eir Means of Suppression, Motorola, Inc.,
Phoenix 1991.
[7] Horowitz, Paul and Hill, Winfield, e Art of Electronics, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1989.
[8] Kassakian, John G., Schlecht, Martin F., and Verghese, George C., Principles of Power
Electronics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, 1991.
[9] Millman, Jacob, Microelectronics, Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., New York, 1979.
[10] Mitchell, Daniel M., DC - DC Switching Regulator Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Com-
pany, New York, 1988.
Communication Circuits
e rapid development of computer technology has been followed by an explosion in the de-
mand for high-speed low-cost telecommunication products to complement the growing demand
for information transfer. New communication systems have been exploited to satisfy the telecom-
munication needs of the public. For example, the rapid growth in private wireless communication,
most notably the cellular telephone, has increased the demand for high quality, low cost electronic
As this chapter will show, many subsystems that make up modern communication systems
are designed using the basic principles established in the previous chapters. By integrating func-
tional electronic blocks consisting of simple amplifiers or filters, application-specific communi-
cation electronic subsystems can be designed. Although a complete discussion of communication
electronics requires volumes of books, this chapter presents an overview of some of the concepts
used in designing those circuits.
e discussion in this chapter is limited to circuits operating at modest frequencies (be-
low 20 MHz). In the RF range of frequencies, a different set of two port parameters, called S-
parameters, are used to quantify active and passive devices and circuits. S -parameters are based on
the devices or circuit behavior when terminating the network ports with a known impedance
rather than an open circuit or a short circuit. Another reason for using S -parameters lies in
the dependence of RF and microwave circuit analysis on the reflection (or Scattering, hence S -
parameter) of electromagnetic waves.
e topics in this chapter are representative of the types of circuits commonly used in
communications systems. Overviews are presented on analog-to-digital conversion, voltage-
controlled oscillators, mixers, phase-lock loops, filter concepts, modulator/demodulator design,
and issues important to good receiver design.
A (t)
Vpeak 110
t 010
−Vpeak T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 t
(a) (b)
Figure 15.1: (a) Analog signal in time domain; (b) Quantizing times and sampling levels.
e resulting digital reconstruction of the analog signal in Figure 15.1 using N D 3 quan-
tization levels at sampling times T0 ; T1 ; T2 ; : : : ; Tn , is shown in Figure 15.2.
When the analog signal is sampled, the voltage level corresponding to the sampling time
is held at that quantization level until the next sample causes the level to shift. Notice that each
sampled quantization level takes a discrete value corresponding to the discrete quantizing levels
(in Figure 15.2 there are 8 levels). Upon completion of the sampling process, the ADC generates
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 t
a binary code representing the sampled quantization levels. In Figure 15.2, the number of discrete
quantization levels is 2N , where N D 3, so the ADC generates a binary code of 3 bits/sample.
Each discrete quantization level in the case where N D 3 has amplitude 2Vpeak =8).
◦• − Ro
◦• ◦• ◦• D2
R ◦• +
◦• ◦•
◦• VH VL
− Ro
◦• ◦• ◦• D1
R ◦• +
◦• ◦•
◦• VH VL
− Ro
◦• ◦• ◦• D0
◦• ◦•
Figure 15.3: 2-Bit (4 level) flash ADC with clamps to limit output voltage.
e function of the sample-and-hold circuit is to track the input and hold the input volt-
age level providing a stable output signal to the ADC during the sampling interval. e basic
storage device that “holds” the voltage in Figure 15.4 is the capacitor C . e capacitor charges
rapidly when the switch is closed. When the switch, usually a FET controlled by digital circuitry,
Interval Control
◦• + R
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• +
− ◦• ◦•Vanalog
C −
is open, the large time constant of the capacitor and the input resistance of the output buffer
OpAmp prevent the capacitor from discharging. us, a stable voltage is provided during the ac-
tual conversion process. For the circuit to operate properly, the charging time must be very short
with respect to the input waveform variations. e charging and discharging times associated
with the RC circuit are chosen to achieve the desired design accuracy and sampling time interval.
e operation of the parallel bank of comparators in a Flash ADC is based on the process-
ing of the waveform in relation to the known reference voltage derived from precision voltage
reference.¹ is reference voltage is divided by a series of resistors of equal value into the desired
number of quantization intervals. Using the parallel bank of comparators, the input waveform
sample is compared to each divided voltage: when the sample is larger, the comparator will output
a positive result. All comparators with divided reference voltage below the input sample voltage
will have positive outputs.
e high parallelism of the Flash ADC has the potential for very high-speed analog-to-
digital conversion. However, the difficulties presented by this type of ADC include the large
number of resistors and comparators required for a large number of quantization levels. Addi-
tionally, the output must be encoded into a binary code which requires additional circuitry. ese
encoders can be complex and may offset the high speed advantages of the Flash ADC.
Despite the potential drawbacks, the Flash ADC is in wide use and is considered as a good
design option for many systems where high-speed conversions are required. With the availability
of inexpensive OpAmps and high-speed programmable digital logic, Flash ADCs will most likely
remain as a good design option for many applications.
e first two of these techniques are discussed in this section. Both arrangements alter the re-
active LC feedback network of oscillator as a function of an input voltage to alter the oscillation
frequency. e use of voltage-variable resistors (e.g., FETs operating in the ohmic region) is not
commonly found in VCOs for communication electronics applications: they are, however, used
in phase-shift oscillator-type VCOs in low frequency applications.
Bias-Controlled VCO
In Chapter 12, it was shown that the capacitance values of the LC reactive network of a BJT
Colpitts oscillator, shown in Figure 15.5, is dependent on the gain of the circuit.
◦• +VCC
◦• vo L
CB ◦• ◦• ◦•
C2 C’1
◦• ◦•
◦• ◦•
In order to achieve a particular frequency of oscillation, the capacitance values C10 and C2
are highly dependent on the gain of the BJT circuit. e value of C1 D C10 C Ci , where Ci is the
BJT equivalent input capacitance is given by,
C1 D C10 C Ci
D C10 C C C C .1 C gm R/ (15.1)
D C10 C C C C f1 C gm1 ŒRB1 ==RB2 ==RC == .rb C r /g :
C D C : (15.3)
It is evident from Equations (15.1) to (15.3) that the capacitance C1 is highly dependent of the
small-signal mutual conductance, gm , of the transistor. Since the mutual conductance of a BJT
is a function of the bias condition, C1 p is a also a function of the bias current. By changing C1 ,
the oscillation frequency, fo D .1=2/ .C1 C C2 /=.LC1 C2 /, can be altered while maintaining
a constant value for C2 and L.
One method of varying the oscillation frequency of a Colpitts oscillator is, therefore, to
change the bias condition of the transistor. Figure 15.6 is one implementation of a Colpitts Bias-
Controlled VCO. e transistor Q2 is a constant current source where the bias current is con-
trolled by Vm . e collector current through Q1 is increased by increasing the control voltage Vm
in Q2 . An increase in the bias current of Q1 will result in a corresponding increase in the capacitor
C1 . e capacitor CE acts as an emitter bypass capacitor for Q1 . e resistor RB1 is a bias resistor
for Q1 .
◦• vo L
CB ◦• ◦• ◦•
C2 C’1
◦• Q1
Vm ◦• ◦• Q2
IC1 ◦• vo 6.8 µH
CB 13.2 kΩ ◦• ◦• ◦•
6.8 µF
C2 C’1
◦• Q1
13.2 kΩ 1 pF 22 pF
= −IC2 ◦•
RB3 68 µF
Vm ◦• ◦• Q2
62 kΩ
22 kΩ RE
15 kΩ
−15 V ◦• −VEE
Determine the DC condition of the circuit by solving for IC1 ; VCE1 , and VCE2 over the
tuning voltage range, Vm . e quiescent collector current for Q1 is:
2 3
Vm RB4
ˇF 1 ˇF 2 6 RB3 C RB4 EE 7
IC1 D 6 7:
ˇF 1 C 1 ˇF 2 C 1 4 RB4 ==RB3 5
ˇF 2 C 1
e ranges for the collector current of Q1 ; VCE1 , and VCE2 for the bias voltage input of in value
from 10 < Vm < 10 V are:
0.77 mA < IC1 < 1.12 mA
7.08 V < VCE1 < 7.43 V
5.05 V < VCE < 10.24 V.
ese voltage and collector current ranges confirm that the transistors are in the forward-active
region of operation.
e mutual conductance and input resistance of Q1 are,
jIC1 j jIC1 j
gm1 D D ;
Vt 0:026
ˇF 1 ˇF 1 V t 0:026 ˇF 1
Ri D rb1 C r1 r1 D D D :
gm1 jIC1 j jIC1 j
For Q1 the capacitance, C1 D Cobo D 5 pF. e capacitance, C1 , of Q1 is given by
C1 D C1 :
One of the oscillator capacitors, C1 , is dependent on the bias condition of Q1 ,
C1 D C10 C C1 C C1 Œ1 C gm1 .Ri ==RB1 ==RB2 ==RC / ;
and the frequency of oscillation is given by,
1 C1 C C2
fo D :
2 LC1 C2
Since C1 is a function of the bias conditions of Q1 , the frequency of oscillation is also a function
of bias conditions. Using the equations above, the MathCAD routine shown below is used to find
the frequency of oscillation as a function of the bias control voltage.
C1p WD 22 10 C2 WD 1:0 10 12 L WD 6:8 10 6 VEE WD 15
ˇF WD 200 C WD 5 10 12 f t WD 250 106 V
WD 0:7
i WD 0 : : : 50 V mi WD 10 C 50 20
0 1
V mi 22
2 C V V
ˇF B 22 C 62 EE
IC1i WD B@
ˇF C 1 1620
15000 C
ˇF C 1
IC1i ˇF 0:026
gmi WD ri WD
0:026 IC1i
" #
gmi 1 1 1
C1i WD C1p C C C C 1 C gmi C C
2 f t 6600 1000 ri
1 C1i C C2
f oi WD :
2 L C1i C2
Frequency (MHz)
−10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Bias Control Voltage
e graph indicates that the VCO tuning range is approximately 61.18 MHz < fo <
61.23 MHz for 10 < Vm < 10 V, and is quite linear.
e gain of the circuit is, for all practical purposes, invariant. erefore, the Barkhausen
criterion for oscillation is satisfied over the bias control voltage range.
Varicap VCO
By far the most common method for controlling the oscillation frequency of an oscillator is with
a voltage using a varactor diode. e capacitance of a varactor diode (sometimes called a tuning
diode, voltage-variable capacitance diode, or varicap) is dependent on the reverse bias voltage
across the diode. e depletion capacitance of a diode was presented in Chapter 10 (Book 3) and
is repeated here for convenience,
Cj D ; (15.4)
Vd m
Cjo small-signal junction capacitance at zero voltage bias (SPICE parameter CJO)
o junction built in potential (SPICE parameters VJ)
m junction grading coefficient, 0.2 < m 0:5 (SPICE parameter MJ).
e symbol for a varactor diode is shown in Figure 15.7.
A common varactor diode is the MV2102.³ e parameters of interest for this device are
0 D 0:7266 V; Cjo D 17:88 pF, and m D 0:424. A graph of the capacitance as a function of the
reverse bias voltage is shown in Figure 15.8.
³Multisim™ provides a SPICE model for the MV2102 varactor diode as manufactured by Zetex Semiconductors as the
FMMV2102 varactor diode.
+ Vd −
◦• ◦•
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Reverse Bias Voltage (V)
Figure 15.8: Capacitance as a function of reverse bias voltage for an MV2102 varactor diode.
◦• +VCC
RB1 ◦• Vm < VC
◦• vo L
VC ◦• ◦• ◦•
C2 C’1
◦• ◦•
◦• ◦•
Example 15.2
Tuning voltage of VCO with varactor diode.
For the circuit below, what is the range of the tuning voltage, Vm , so that the VCO will
tune over the frequency range of 10.5 MHz fo 10.7 MHz?
Assume that the transistor parameters are:
ˇF D 200; VA D 150 V; rb D 30 ,
C D 3 pF, and fT D 250 MHz.
+15 V ◦• +VCC
2.2 kΩ ◦• Vm D (MV2201)
Vd L
− ◦• vo 1.0 µH
RB1 ◦• ◦• •
C2 C’1
220 pF 0.01 µF
◦• ◦• ◦•
CB ◦•
68 µF RB2
120 kΩ RE CE
6.49 kΩ 68 µF
◦• ◦•
e DC conditions of this circuit were established in Example 12.2. e capacitance, C1 ,
was found to be C1 D 10:2 nF.
e oscillation frequency of the VCO without the varactor diode is:
s s
1 C1 C C2 1 10:2 10 9 C 220 10 12
fo D D D 10:85 MHz:
2 LC1 C2 2 10 6 10:2 10 9 220 10 12
is result implies that for small varicap capacitances, the oscillation frequency approaches
10.85 MHz.
In order to meet the specification for the maximum VCO frequency of 10.7 MHz, C2 D
226:15 pF. e capacitance value of the varicap must add to the physical capacitance in the cir-
cuit: 226:15 pF 220 pF D 6:15 pF. From the MV2102 characteristic graph of capacitance as a
function of reverse bias voltage in Figure 15.8, 6.15 pF corresponds to Vd D 8:28 V.
For the minimum VCO frequency specification of 10.5 MHz, C2 D 235 pF. e capaci-
tance value of the varicap must be 235 pF 220 pF D 15 pF. From the MV2202 characteristic
graph of capacitance as a function of reverse bias voltage in Figure 15.8, 15 pF corresponds to
Vd D 0:37 V.
Since IC D 1 mA (found in Example 12.2), the DC voltage at the collector of the BJT is,
For a slowly varying voltage, Vm , the reverse bias voltage across the varactor diode is,
Vd D Vo;DC Vm :
Vm D Vo;DC Vd :
erefore, the calculated tuning voltage range is: 4:52 V < Vm < 12:43 V.
A mixer uses the non-linearity of a device to produce intermodulation⁴ products. In most appli-
cations, a mixer is used to generate the difference frequency between the input signal (commonly
called the RF in radio frequency applications) and the local oscillator (called the LO; this is just a
stable oscillator circuit). Consider the output from a device with non-linear characteristics,
When two sinusoids are mixed, the input voltage can be represented as,
vO DVDC C a1 .X1 cos !RF t C X2 cos !LO t / C a2 .X1 cos !RF t C X2 cos !LO t /2
C a3 .X1 cos !RF t C X2 cos !LO t/3 C : (15.7)
By using trigonometric identities, Equation (15.7) yields the magnitude and frequency compo-
nents of the output signal that includes the difference frequency !RF !LO ,
◦• × ◦•
T1 (k = 1)
◦• ◦• ◦•
L1 L2 RL vo (t)
RB1 −
◦• ◦•
vi (t ) ◦• ◦• Q1
• Determine the tuning capacitor value to select the desired signal product
• Determine the effective load at the BJT collector using the transformer Q
For quiescent point stability defined by a 1% (or less) change in collector current for a 10% change
in ˇF , the biasing rule-of-thumb is,
1; (15.9)
RE 9
Optimum collector bias current is based on the maximum output (RF ) power Po and power supply
voltage VCC . A transformer-coupled class A amplifier can achieve a maximum efficiency of 50%
at full output voltage swing. If VE is 10% of VCC , then the power supply is providing
PDC D 0:9VCC IC ; (15.13)
to the collector of the transistor. For a 50% efficiency,
PDC D D 2PO ; (15.14)
such that
IC D : (15.15)
For example, if PO D 10 mW and VCC D 12 V; IC D 20 mW=.0:9 12 V/ D 1:85 mA. e
emitter resistance is then RE D 0:1.12 V/=1:85 mA D 649 .
Rdn and Cdn form a lowpass filter called a decoupling network which provides an AC low
impedance point between the collector and base. e decoupling network also isolates the am-
plifier from the power supply rail from possible feedback to other amplifiers. RF chokes are not
recommended as a replacement for Rdn because of potential resonance effects with Cdn . A value
of Rdn D 100 is typical for low power amplifiers and will result in only a few tenths of volts
coupled away from the amplifier. Cdn is a bypass capacitor that is chosen for a reactance of one
order of magnitude less than the resistance. For example, if the amplifier is used at 455 kHz and
Rdn D 100 , then XC 10 so that Cdn 0:035 F. Cdn is in series with CE (AC path). Be-
cause CE typically has a reactance of a few ohms, it is appropriate to make Cdn D CE .
e emitter bypass capacitor CE provides an AC low impedance for the transistor emitter.
It is typically sufficient in RF circuit design (low impedance circuits) to make XCE an order of
magnitude less than the inverse of the transconductance of the transistor,
1 Vt
XCE D D : (15.16)
10gm 10IC
e value of the DC blocking capacitor CC is determined in the same way as a bypass except
that its reactance should be an order of magnitude less that the amplifier input impedance: that
is, XCC D Zin =10, where Zin is the amplifier input impedance. e Zin of an RF amplifier must
include all input capacitances.
e capacitor C t is a tuning capacitance to tune to the proper Q and bandwidth at the IF
Ct D ; (15.17)
.2fIF /2 L1
where fIF is the IF frequency.
At the output, the effective quality factor, Qeff of the transformer must be determined to
determine the load reflected onto the collector of the transistor. First, the reactance of the pri-
mary of the transformer XL1 is determined. Knowing the desired bandwidth of fIF ; BW IF ; Qeff D
fIF =BW eff : then RL1 D XL1 Qeff and
np =ns D RL1=RL
+VCC ◦• ◦•
Rdn Cdn
T1 (k = 1)
vLO (t ) ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
CLO L1 L2 RL vo (t)
RB1 −
◦• ◦•
vi (t ) ◦• ◦• ◦• Q1
◦• ◦•
G2 ◦• G2 ◦•
G1 ◦• G1 ◦•
◦• ◦•
(a) (b)
Figure 15.13: (a) Dual-gate n-channel depletion MESFET symbol; (b) Simplified dual-gate MES-
FET circuit symbol.
G1 ◦•
VRF◦• ◦• ◦•
Vo, fo, θo Controlled
signal and the output of the VCO are nearly identical, the two signals are synchronized. ere
is, however, a constant phase difference between the two signals due to signal delay through the
Although several different analog and digital implementations of the PLL are widely used,
one of the most common configurations uses a mixer as a phase comparator, a loop filter with a
response Ka H.s/, and a VCO. e error or difference voltage, Vd , is the output of the loop filter
which is the controlling voltage to the VCO. For a quiescent VCO frequency of !c , the error
voltage Vd D 0, and the loop is said to be in lock.
Phase Detector
When the PLL is in lock, the output voltage of the phase detector is the difference fre-
quency signal with phase difference, or static phase error, e D c o . If the input signal
to the mixer phase detector is vc .t / D Vc sin.!c t C c /, the reference signal from the VCO is
vo .t/ D Vo sin.!c t C /, and !c D !o , then the output signal of the mixer phase detector is,
Vc Vo Vc Vo
Vp .t/ D vc .t/ vo .t/ D K cos e K cos .2!o t C e / ; (15.20)
2 2
where K is the mixer gain.
Since the lowpass loop filter eliminates the second harmonic term from the output of the
mixer phase detector, only the first term of Equation (15.20) is considered: that is,
Vc Vo
Vp D K cos d : (15.21)
For the case where the input frequency, fs , is equal to the free-running quiescent frequency of
the VCO, fo ; e D =2 and the difference voltage Vd D 0. erefore, the output voltage of the
phase detector is also zero. e error signal is proportional to phase differences about 90ı . For
small changes in phase e ,
e C e ; (15.22)
and the mixer phase detector output is,
Vc Vo Vc Vo
Vp D K cos C e D K sin .e /
2 2 2 (15.23)
Vc Vo
Ke :
For small phase perturbation, e ,
Vc Vo K
Vp e ; (15.24)
under the assumption that
Vp D Kd .c o / ; (15.25)
Vc V0 K
Kd D :
e gain of each of the components of the PLL must be defined in order to find the closed loop
transfer function. When the loop is in lock, the gain factor of the phase detector is,
Kd D V=rad: (15.26)
sin e
In PLLs, the phase e is usually designed to be small so that a pulse of noise will not throw the
loop out of lock.
Loop Filter
e lowpass loop filter can be passive or active. When passive filters are used, an amplifier with
gain Ka is usually required to increase the amplitude of the filtered difference signal. Two lowpass
passive filters are shown in Figure 15.17. A first or second order Butterworth lowpass filter may
be used as the active loop filter in the PLL.
For the simple lowpass filter without gain in Figure 15.17a, the transfer function is,
H .s/ D : (15.27)
1 C sR1 C
For the lag-lead loop filter without gain shown in Figure 15.17b, the transfer function is,
1 C sR2 C
H .s/ D : (15.28)
1 C s .R1 C R2 / C
R1 R1
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
+ + + +
vi C vo vi vo
− − − −
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
(a) (b)
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator
e output frequency of the VCO is expressed as,
fo D ff C vd ; (15.29)
!o D !f C Ko vd : (15.30)
d o .t/
D ! D Ko vd : (15.33)
e difference voltage, vd , is a DC voltage when the loop is in lock. When not the PLL
is not in lock, vd is a voltage corresponding to the difference frequency (fc fo ) that draws the
VCO in to synchronization with the input signal. When the PLL is in lock, the VCO output
frequency equals that of the input signal. However, there is a phase difference detected by the
phase detector between the VCO and input signals. is difference is called the static phase error,
e . e static phase error is used to maintain the necessary control voltage on the VCO to maintain
the required frequency to keep the PLL in lock.
In the s-domain, Equation (15.33) is,
Vd .s/
ˆo .s/ D Ko ; (15.34)
which clearly shows that the VCO performs as an integrator for phase errors. As an integrator,
the VCO helps maintain PLL lock through momentary disturbances.
◦• ◦•
3.3 kΩ
1 kΩ
fFR = 120 kHz
Ko = −30 kHz/V
Expressed in dB,
Hold-In Range
e range of frequencies over which the loop maintains lock is called the hold-in range. For a
PLL where the amplifier does not saturate and the VCO has a wide frequency range, the phase
detector characteristic limits the hold-in range. As static phase error increases due to increasing
input frequency, fc , a limit for the output of the phase detector is reached beyond which the
phase detector cannot supply additional corrective control voltage to the VCO. If the phase de-
tector cannot produce more than Vp;max , the total range of the phase detector output is ˙Vp;max ,
for a total range the static phase error e D c o is radians. e hold-in frequency is the
minimum to maximum input frequency range fc;max fc;min D fH ,
fH D ; (15.41)
where Kv is in radians/second.
+ g1 g3 gN+1
◦• ◦• ◦•
For Butterworth filters, the polynomial values, gn , are obtained by doubling the factored poly-
nomial damping coefficients (Table 9.2 (Book 3))—a first order factor results in a g value of 2.
Determination of the Chebyshev filter values is a more complex operation: a selection of values
is listed in Table 15.1.
High-pass and band-pass filter designs are achieved using techniques similar to those de-
scribed above and in Chapter 9 (Book 3) by replacing the normalized prototype low-pass filter
components with those shown in Table 15.2.
For band-pass and band-stop values, the bandwidth BW is
BW D !U !L ;
L 1 1 (BW)L
L = gk
ωc ωc L (BW)L ωo2
ωo2 L
C 1
C = gk C BW
ωc ωc C
BW ω2oC
g1 D g4 D 2 0:3827 D 0:7654
g2 D g3 D 2 0:9239 D 1:8478:
e value of g5 D 1 is the normalized load resistance that is equal to the normalized source re-
sistance, g0 D 1.
e filter component values are computed to be:
R0 D 1.50/ Source Resistance D 50
C1 D 0:7654=.2fc .50// Shunt Capacitor, C1 D 2:71 pF
L2 D 1:8478.50/=.2fc / Series Inductor, L2 D 16:33 nH
C3 D 1:8478=.2fc .50// Shunt Capacitor, C3 D 6:54 pF
L4 D 0:7654.50/=.2fc / Series Inductor, L4 D 6:77 nH
RL D 1.50/ Load Resistance D 50 .
50 Ω 16.33 nH 6.77 nH
◦• ◦• ◦•
2.71 pF 6.54 pF 50 Ω
◦• ◦• ◦•
(900.0000 M, −3.0172dB)
(1.8000 G, −24.1123dB)
100 M 1G
Frequency (Hz)
◦• ◦•
◦• ◦•
◦• ◦•
◦• ◦•
(a) (b)
e relationship between the unloaded Qu of the inductor, resonant frequency, and the inherent
series resistance, r , is,
!o L
Qu D : (15.42)
e admittance of the circuit is,
Y D j!C C
r C j!L
r !L
D 2 C j !C :
r C ! 2 L2 r 2 C ! 2 L2
At the resonant frequency, ! D !o and the imaginary component goes to zero. erefore,
!o L
!o C D : (15.44)
r2 C !o 2 L2
Solving for !o yields the expression for the resonant frequency in terms of the passive components,
r r 2
!o D : (15.45)
Using Equation (15.42), Equation (15.45) can be re-written in terms of the unloaded Q of the
1 Qu2
!o D : (15.46)
LC Qu2 C 1
A finite Q inductor has the effect of reducing the resonant natural frequency of an ideal
LC circuit by a factor of Qu2 =.Qu2 C 1/. erefore, the series RL branch in Figure 15.20b can
be replaced with a resistor Rp and Lp in parallel, creating a parallel RLC circuit as shown in
Figure 15.21.
C Lp Rp
Qu2 C 1
Lp D Ls : (15.48)
If r !L then,
Rp D D !LQu D rQu2 : (15.49)
e impedance of the parallel equivalent circuit is,
Z .!/ D : (15.50)
! !o
1 C j Qu
!o !
A single-tuned amplifier uses the parallel LC resonant circuit (commonly called the tank circuit)
in place of a load resistor. e small resistance inherent in the non-ideal inductor must be taken in
to account when biasing the circuit. Since the impedance is highest at the resonant frequency, fo ,
the gain of the circuit peaks at that frequency. For frequencies far from fo , the load impedance
is small which has the effect of reducing gain.
◦• DD
◦• ◦• ◦•
◦• ◦•
◦• vo
vi RG
− −
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
Using the parallel equivalent model of an LC tank circuit shown in Figure 15.21, the small-signal
model of the single-tuned NMOSFET amplifier of Figure 15.22 is shown in Figure 15.23. e
resistance Rp is the resistance associated with inductor.
e voltage transfer characteristic of the circuit is,
0 1
vo gm gm B
B s C
Av D D D (15.51)
vi 1 C @ G 1 A
G C sC C s2 C s C
sLp C Lp C
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
+ + +
vi RG Ci vgs rd Co CT Lp Rp vi
− − −
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
GD ; and C D Co C CT :
Rp ==rd
e magnitude of the gain is,
2 3
6 7
gm 6 ! 7
jAv .j!/j D 6s 7 (15.52)
C 6 2 7 :
4 G 2 1 2
! C !
C Lp C
Equation (15.52) is maximum-valued when the circuit is operating at the resonant frequency, !o ,
with bandwidth !3 dB defined as,
1 1
!o D p and !3 dB D : (15.53)
e gain at resonance is,
jAv .j !o /j D D gm rd ==Rp : (15.54)
AM Modulation
In AM systems, it is typical to use mixers in the modulator to shift the baseband (or “raw” in-
formation such as audio) signal to a higher frequency to allow for transmission on an assigned
carrier frequency. In AM radio receivers, the FCC approved radio frequency range is 540 kHz to
1600 kHz. Each radio station is allocated a frequency in that frequency range at 10 kHz incre-
In AM modulation, the baseband information alters the amplitude of a sinusoid at a sig-
nificantly higher frequency than the highest baseband frequency. e high frequency sinusoid is
called the carrier frequency. e heterodyning process is used to demodulate AM signals by shift-
ing the AM radio frequency signal down to a lower IF frequency. AM radio receivers typically
use 455 kHz IF electronics to process the modulated signal.
A simple Double-Side Band-Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) form of amplitude modulation
using a mixer is shown in Figure 15.25.
m (t) m (t)cos(ωc t)
cos(ωc t)
In many instances, it is desirable to transmit not only the baseband information which has been
up-converted to a higher frequency, but to also sent the carrier signal. Common examples of this
type of AM are AM radio transmission where the station carrier frequency is transmitted with
the up-converted information, and television signals. One possible method of transmitting a DSB
plus a carrier (DSB+C) signal is shown in Figure 15.26.
AM Demodulation
An envelope detector is the most common circuit used for converting of AM to baseband signal.
An envelope detector is simply a lowpass filter allowing only the baseband signal to pass while
eliminating the IF component generated after a mixer down-converts the modulated signal from
the high carrier frequency. A simple envelope detector is shown in Figure 15.27. e diode allows
only those signals greater than 0 V to pass through the detector. e input signal to the envelope
detector is AM with carrier signal,
A is a constant DC voltage
m.t / is the baseband signal
!IF is the IF frequency (e.g., 455 kHz).
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
+ +
vIF R C vo
− −
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
2B cos[ωct + фo(t)]
e mixer output consists of a baseband signal, BŒA C m.t/ cos o , and a modulated signal at
the second harmonic frequency of the carrier, BŒA C m.t / cos.2!IF t C o /. e lowpass filter
removes the high frequency component so that the resulting output is the demodulated baseband
signal with some gain and DC bias,
Unfortunately, since the input phase angle of the signal is not known, the output voltage
can be very small. A phase difference o D 0 yields the maximum output voltage. is implies that
the LO must be phase-locked to the carrier signal. In this case, the demodulation is truly one of
coherent detection which has superior signal-to-noise performance over non-coherent detection
methods such as with the use of envelope detectors. To insure that the LO is in phase-locked to
the input carrier signal, a PLL can be used. e complete diagram of the PLL AM demodulator
is shown in Figure 15.29. Since the phase detector causes the loop to lock with the VCO 90ı out
of phase with the input, a 90ı phase shifter is placed between the output of the VCO and the
mixer demodulator.
◦• Controlled
Mixer Demodulator
Vo (t)
RF frequency phase-shift networks that shift the phase by 90ı at a single frequency are usually
designed as LC circuits.
FM Modulation
In frequency modulated transmission, the baseband information alters the frequency of a sinusoid
at a significantly higher frequency than the highest baseband frequency, whereas in phase mod-
ulated transmission, the baseband information alters the phase of a sinusoid. One of the most
common methods used to generate frequency or phase modulated (FM and PM , respectively)
signals is to use a VCO. By applying a time varying signal to reverse-bias a varactor diode in a
VCO, an angle (generalized angle: either phase or frequency) modulated signal can be generated.
One cannot distinguish the difference between an FM or PM signal by merely observing its time
domain characteristics.
PM modulation is characterized by the following,
'PM .t/ D A cos !c t kp sin !c t ; (15.59)
and FM modulation is characterized by the following,
'FM .t/ D A cos !c t kf sin !c t m .˛/ d˛ ; (15.60)
' is a voltage or current signal
kf and kp are FM and PM constants, respectively
A is a constant.
Other methods for generating PM and FM signals are shown in Figure 15.30, in which DSB-SC
modulators are used for generation of the angle modulated signals.
Gain A cos(ωct)
Gain A cos(ωct)
Figure 15.30: (a) PM modulator using DSB-SC modulator; (b) FM modulator using DSB-SC mod-
FM Demodulation
ere are a number of different methods for demodulating FM signals after down conversion to
the IF . One common method uses a differentiator in series with an envelope detector. As shown
in Figure 15.31. e output signal from an envelope detector is low pass filtered to provide an
output signal proportional (by a constant kf ) to the original baseband signal.
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
+ +
vIF R1 C1 R2 C2 vo
− −
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
vo( f )
vo( t )
fo f
Figure 15.32: (a) Discriminator (slope detection) circuit; (b) Method of demodulating FM signals.
Cc ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
+ + + +
◦• ◦•
+ v2 C2 v’a C0 R0 va R1 vc +
RFC − −
◦• − ◦• ◦• ◦• − vo + ◦• ◦• − C1
vIF v3
+ − +
− v2 v’b C0 R0
vb R1 vd −
− ◦• ◦• ◦• − ◦• −
e ratio detector operates similarly to a half-wave rectifier with two diodes in series and an
RC filter. e radio frequency choke (RFC) is placed in the circuit for DC isolation. e filtered
output is v3 which is proportional to jv2 j where v2 is the IF phasor voltage on the secondary of
the transformer, and is the diode empirical scaling constant. jv2 j and v3 are essentially inde-
pendent of frequency over the operating bandwidth of the detector. Since v3 is divided across the
two R1 resistors and is symmetrical with respect to ground, vc and vd are of equal amplitude and
vc D vd D ; (15.61)
v3 D vc C vd : (15.62)
e phasor IF voltage, va0 , between the anode of the top diode and ground is,
v 0a D vIF C v2 ; (15.63)
and the phasor IF voltage, vb0 , between the cathode of the bottom diode and ground is,
v 0b D vIF v2 : (15.64)
va D jvIF C v2 j ; (15.65)
vb D jvIF v2 j : (15.66)
e output voltage across the resistor bridge and across the capacitor, C1 , are,
vo D vd vb ; (15.67)
v3 D va C vb : (15.68)
Substituting Equations (15.61) and (15.68) into (15.67) yields the output voltage with respect to
the voltages across the two resistors of value R0 ,
v3 va vb va vb
vo D vb D C vb D : (15.69)
2 2 2 2
In steady-state, the diodes conduct during a small portion of each IF cycle. During con-
duction, the capacitors are recharged. e diodes will conduct if the instantaneous IF voltages
va0 and vb0 are greater than the instantaneous voltages va and vb . e peak values of va0 and vb0
drops and the diode conduction period cut short when the input signal level drops. For a given
FM frequency deviation, ! , the Q of the circuit on the secondary of the transformer increases
making †v1 =v2 smaller. is increases the ratio detector output as ! increases.
A PLL can be used to demodulate FM signals. If the PLL is locked onto an input frequency,
the control voltage for the VCO from the loop filter/amplifier is proportional to the VCO’s shift
in frequency from its free-running frequency. e control voltage shifts with a shifting input
signal to the PLL. If the input to the PLL is an FM signal, the VCO control voltage from the
loop filter/amplifier yields the demodulated output. e PLL is able to demodulate FM signals
with a higher degree of linearity than other FM demodulation techniques.
Sensitivity is a measure of the weakest received signal that allows acceptable reproduction of the
original signal. Ultimately, the sensitivity is limited by the noise generated by the receiver elec-
tronic circuits. erefore, the receiver output noise is an important factor in quantifying sensitiv-
ity. Sensitivity is defined as the minimum carrier signal input voltage that will produce a specified
signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) at the output of the intermediate frequency (IF ) section.
Noise Figure
e noise figure (NF ) of a two-port network is a measure of the degradation of the SNR between
the input and output terminals. A two-port network with noise is shown in Figure 15.34 with
input signal power, Psi , and input noise power, Pni , and corresponding output signal power, Pso ,
and output noise power, Pno .
Psi Pso
Network with gain
Pni Ga Pno
Selectivity is a measure of the receiver’s ability to capture a desired station and eliminate unwanted
signals. is quality is determined in large part by the frequency response of the frequency selec-
tive circuits of the receiver.
Image Rejection
Image rejection is a measure of the attenuation of unwanted sum and difference frequencies pro-
duced by the mixer. Large values are desirable: typical values are about 50 dB.
Intermodulation Distortion
Intermodulation distortion (IMD) is distortion products created by the non-linear response of
the electronic circuit when excited by two (or more) sinusoidal inputs. IMD produces unwanted
signals that may interfere with, and corrupt the desired signal.
e common theme that prevails in the receiver qualities mentioned are:
• Frequency selectivity
• Noise
• Distortion
By increasing frequency sensitivity, and decreasing noise and distortion in each subsystem.
For low cost, an inexpensive BJT active mixer may be most appropriate. Typical RF BJT specifi-
cations are:
To down-convert channel 7 at a carrier frequency (RF frequency) of 174.25 MHz, the VCO-
LO is set at fLO D 61:25 MHz C 174:25 MHz D 235:5 MHz, resistance RLO D 200 . e IF
frequency is 61.26 MHz.
e mixer is to deliver 10 mW to a 50 load with an efficiency of 50%. e output RF
transformer has a primary inductance of 1.0 H. A 12 V DC power supply is available.
e BJT mixer configuration is shown below:
+ VCC ◦• ◦•
RLO T1(k = 1)
vLO(t) ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
◦• +
L1 L2 RL
CLO vo(t)
RB1 −◦•
◦• ◦•
vRF(t) ◦• ◦• ◦• Q1
DC Design
For VE D 0:1VCC ,
2PO 2 .0:01/
IC D D D 1:85 mA:
0:9VCC 0:9 .12/
For stable BJT operation,
VCC VCC .ˇF C 1/ 12 .51/
RE D D D D 661 680 ;
10IE 10ˇF IC 10 .50/ .0:00185/
VB VB ˇF ˇF . IE RE C VBE / 50 Œ0:00189 .680/ C 0:7
RB2 D D D D D 5:37 k 5:6 k:
10IB 10IC 10IC 0:0185
For quiescent point stability defined by a 1% (or less) change in collector current for a 10% change
in ˇF , the biasing rule-of-thumb is,
ˇF 50
RB RE 1 D 680 1 D 3:1 k 3:0 k;
9 9
where RB D RB1 ==RB2 .
Solving for RB1 yields, RB1 6:2 k.
AC Design
Let the decoupling network resistance, Rdn D 100 . e reactance of the capacitor Cdn must
therefore be, XC 10 , for 61.25 MHz. erefore, the decoupling capacitor is, Cdn 260 pF
or Cdn D 330 pF.
Since CE is in series with Cdn in the AC path, let CE D Cdn .
e emitter bypass capacitor CE provides an AC low impedance for the transistor emitter,
1 Vt 0:026
XCE D D D D 1:4 :
10gm 10IC 10 .0:00185/
1 1
CE D D D 1850 pF 2200 pF:
!IF XCE 2 61:25 106 .1:4/
e value of the DC blocking capacitor CC is determined in the same way as a bypass except that
its reactance should be an order of magnitude less that the amplifier input impedance: that is,
XCC D Zin =10, where Zin is the amplifier input impedance.
Zin RB == .rb C r / 3000 == .30 C 703/
XCC D D D 59 :
10 10 10
1 1
CC D D D 15:4 pF 15 pF:
!RF XCC 2 174:25 106 .59/
e coupling capacitor CLO is,
1 1
CLO D D D 3:3 pF:
2fLO RLO 2 235:5 106 .200/
e capacitor C t is a tuning capacitance to tune to the proper Q and bandwidth at the IF fre-
1 1
Ct D 2
D 2 D 6:8 pF:
.2fIF / L1 2 61:25 106 1 10 6
Since video signals are contained in a non-symmetric frequency range about the carrier frequency,
with the carrier signal positioned at 1.25 MHz above the lower frequency corresponding to the
lowest frequency of the channel range. e highest frequency corresponding to the channel range
is 4.75 MHz above the carrier. erefore, the design of the IF mixer bandwidth should contain
fIF ˙ 4:75 MHz. In order to contain those frequencies, a bandwidth of ˙14:25 MHz, which is
wider than ˙4:75 MHz, is used. e output from the mixer will be applied to a filter to appro-
priately shape the video signal.
Knowing the desired bandwidth of fIF and BW IF , the effective quality factor, Qeff of the
transformer is,
Qeff D fIF =BW eff D 61:25 106 =14:25 106 D 4:3:
15.1. Design an 4-bit Flash ADC to digitize an analog signal with a peak-to-peak voltage of
5 V. Assume ideal OpAmps and powered by a ˙12 V power supply. Include the sample-
and-hold circuit.
15.2. A sample-and-hold circuit has a holding capacitor of 50 pF, and the leakage current in
the HOLD mode is 1 nA. If the HOLD interval is 50 s find the percentage output
decay rate (called droop).
15.3. A sample-and hold circuit has a holding capacitor of 100 pF, and the equivalent leakage
resistance in the HOLD mode is 15 G. Estimate the percentage output decay rate
(droop) if the hold interval is 100 s.
15.4. In the circuit of Figure 15.4, let R D 15 k and C D 500 pF. e input bias current
of the output OpAmp is 300 nA. Estimate the percent output decay rate (droop) if the
HOLD interval is 1 V.
15.9. PROBLEMS 1099
15.5. Consider an 8-bit Flash ADC. If the voltage supply VCC consists of a DC voltage VC
and a ripple voltage with peak value ˙. Find to insure that the error produced by
affects no bits other than the lowest significant bit (LSB).
15.6. Design a 1 MHz BJT-bias controlled Colpitts 1 MHz VCO with a ˙10 kHz tuning
range, using a 3.3 H inductor in the reactive feedback path. Find the frequency tuning
range as a function of the bias control voltage, Vm , for the oscillator. e BJTs have
identical parameters:
ˇF D 200; VA D 200 V; rb D 30 ; CJC D 14 pF; and fT D 250 MHz:
15.7. Generate the graph of the MV2102 characteristics for reverse-bias voltages of 0 V to 20 V
as shown in Figure 15.8. e varactor parameters are:
‰0 D 0:7266 V; Cjo D 17:88 pF; and m D 0:424:
15.8. Complete the design of the VCO circuit shown, for a tuning range of 4.95 MHz fo
5:05 MHz. Determine the required range of the tuning voltage, Vm .
Assume that the transistor parameters are:
ˇF D 200, VA D 150 V,
rb D 30 , fT D 250 MHz,
Cibo D 6:5 pF at VEB D 0:5 V,
Cobo D 3:3 pF at VCB D 5 V.
Simulate the circuit using SPICE and confirm the oscillation frequency.
◦• V
1 kΩ Vm
+ D1 MV2102
120 kΩ ◦• ◦•
3.0 µH
C2 C1’
◦• Vo ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
68 µF
120 kΩ
68 µF
6.49 kΩ
◦• ◦•
15.9. Design an NMOSFET-based Colpitts VCO at with a tuning rage of 1.97 MHz fo
2.03 MHz using an MV2102 varactor diode. Determine the required range of the tuning
voltage, Vm . e FET parameters of interest are:
15.11. Design an active mixer using a BJT with the following parameters:
ˇF D 200; VA D 150 V; rb D 30 ;
Cibo D 3 pF at VEB D 0:5 V; Cobo D 1 pF at VCB D 5 V; and fT D 750 MHz:
ˇF D 200; VA D 150 V; rb D 30 ;
Cibo D 7 pF at VEB D 0:5 V; Cobo D 4 pF at VCB D 5 V; and fT D 350 MHz:
+7 V +15 V
◦• ◦•
◦• ◦• VIF
C1 Ct L
1000 pF 10 kΩ
VLO◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
820 kΩ
VRF◦• ◦• ◦•
1000 pF CS
270 kΩ 270 Ω
1000 pF
15.18. For a PLL with Kd D 0:5 V=rad; Ka D 4, and Ko D 30 kHz=V, a VCO free-running
frequency of 200 kHz and a triangular characteristic:
(a) Determine the PLL loop gain.
(b) Determine the VCO input voltage for the PLL locked to a 180 kHz input signal.
(c) Determine the maximum voltage output from the phase detector.
(d) Determine the hold-in frequency range.
15.19. Complete the system design of the PLL shown for a loop gain of 100 dB at 1 rad/s.
Determine the static phase error, e , and Vd when the PLL is phase-locked.
Vp Vp Ka
A +
fc = 110 kHz
̟/2 θp ◦• ◦•Vd
◦• ◦•
R1 R2
3.3 kΩ
1 kΩ
fFR = 120 kHz
Ko = −30 kHz/V
15.20. Design a capacitor coupled constant-k bandpass filter centered at 10.7 MHz ˙ 200 kHz,
1 dB maximum ripple, 800 kHz ˙ 100 kHz 3 dB bandwidth, and 25 dB attenuation at
11.5 MHz. e source and load resistors are 75 and the available inductors have a
quality factor of 70. Confirm the design using SPICE.
15.21. A high-selectivity AM receiver has a 455 kHz IF with a 10 kHz, 3 dB bandwidth re-
quirement. Interference at 427.5 kHz coming through the mixer and RF amplifier must
be reduced by 48 dB. Assume a 50 system. e available inductors have a Qu D 100.
Design the filter and confirm its operation using SPICE.
15.22. Perform a SPICE simulation of Example 15.4.
15.23. Design a capacitor coupled bandpass filter with a minimum number of resonators, ripple
0.3 dB, center frequency D 2 MHz, 3 dB bandwidth D 100 kHz, and 36 dB attenua-
tion at 2169 kHz, in a 1 k system. e available inductors have a Qu D 100. Confirm
the design using SPICE.
15.24. A 2.11 GHz, 28.6 MHz bandwidth satellite receiver must reject an adjacent channel
transmitter by 60 dB. Carriers are 36 MHz apart. e filter passband ripple must not ex-
ceed 0.5 dB, and the insertion loss must not exceed 4.4 dB. A cavity filter with Qu D 1000
is used.
(a) How many resonators are required?
(b) What is the actual ripple?
(c) What will be the insertion loss?
15.25. Design a single-tuned FET amplifier with a center frequency at 500 kHz, Q D 50,
and gain jAv j > 5 using an inductor L D 10 H with Qu D 200. e source and
load resistors are each 1 k. e FET parameters are: IDSS D 5 mA; VPO D 2 V; VA D
150 V; Crss D 6:5 pF; Ciss D 35 pF. Confirm the design using SPICE.
15.9. REFERENCES 1103
15.26. Design a single-tuned BJT amplifier with a center frequency at 220 kHz, Q D 50, and
gain jAv j > 5 using an inductor L D 10 H with Qu D 200. e source and load re-
sistors are each 1 k. e BJT parameters are: ˇF D 200; fT D 400 MHz, VA D 200 V,
and Cobo D 2 pF. Confirm the design using SPICE.
15.27. Complete the design of the envelope detector shown for an IF frequency of 455 kHz,
D 0:7 V, and P D 1 k.
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
+ D +
vIF R C vo
− −
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
15.28. Design a LC =2 phase-shifter at an IF frequency of 10.7 MHz. What is the signal
attenuation at the IF ?
15.29. Design a direct differentiation FM demodulator for an IF frequency of 1 MHz.
15.30. Derive the total system noise figure, NF sys , for the two amplifier system shown below.
Pna1 and Pna2 are the noise powers generated by the two amplifiers. e amplifier gains
are Ga1 and Ga2 , with corresponding noise figures NF 1 and NF 2 .
Ga1 Ga2
Pni Pni
Pna1 Pna2
Pno1 Pno
[1] Ghausi, M. S., Electronic Devices and Circuits: Discrete and Integrated, Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, New York, 1985.
[2] Hayward, W. H., Introduction to Radio Frequency Design, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
[3] Krauss, H. L., Bostian, C. W., and Raab, F. H., Solid State Radio Engineering, John Wiley
& Sons, New York, 1980.
[4] Lathi, B. P., Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 2nd Ed., Holt, Rinehart,
and Winston, Philadelphia, 1989.
[5] Millman, J. and Halkias, C. C., Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Sys-
tems, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1972.
[6] Roden, M. S., Analog and Digital Communication Systems, 3rd Ed., Prentice-Hall, Engle-
wood Cliffs, 1991.
[7] Sedra, A. S. and Smith, K. C., Microelectronic Circuits, 3rd Ed., Holt, Rinehart, and Win-
ston, Philadelphia, 1991.
[8] Schilling, D. L. and Belove, C., Electronic Circuits, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company,
New York, 1989.
[9] Smith, J., Modern Communication Circuits, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York,
[10] Young, P. H., Electronic Communication Techniques, 3rd Ed., Merrill Publishing Company,
New York, 1994.
Digital Circuits
A digital electronic circuit is a device that operates on single or multiple input signals to produce
an output that is limited to one of a few possibilities. e most common circuits are binary digital
circuits: those circuits that have a single output limited to only two output states. e two-state
behavior of digital circuits leads to referring to two-state a circuit as a “gate”: it is either open or
closed—ON or OFF. Gates are often connected in series with other gates. Gates that drive others
are “master” gates: gates that are driven are “slave” gates. A single gate can perform both master
and slave operations to individual surrounding gates.
Short introductions to the operation of selected binary digital circuits are presented in the
introductory chapters on transistor functionality. Chapter 3 (Book 1) discusses the essential op-
erating principles of two bipolar logic families using simple linear models of the BJT. Chap-
ter 4 (Book 1) discusses MOS logic inverters using the principles of load lines. While it is as-
sumed that the those chapters are prerequisites to this chapter, several digital circuit operating
principles are presented that warrant repetition. Among the most important are:
• Fan-out.
e output of a digital circuit is characterized by two voltage levels: a logic HIGH voltage
and a logic LOW voltage. ese voltages are symbolized as VoH and VoL , respectively. e input
is also characterized by two voltage levels: the level above which all inputs are a logic HIGH,
ViH.min/ , and the level below which all inputs are a logic LOW, ViL.max/ . For purposes of noise
immunity it is important that the output and input voltage levels not be the same. Specifically
e measures of this noise immunity are the noise margins NM(HIGH) and NM(LOW):
High Noise Margin
Master ViH(min) Slave H
Gate Gate I
Output Input H
Voltage Voltage A
ViL(max) E
A descriptive diagram of the noise margins as well as slave input and master output voltage levels
is shown in Figure 16.1.
Fan-out is a measure of the number of similar slave gates that a master gate can drive
without producing logical errors. Typically, current loading determines the fan-out of a gate, but,
as in the case of MOS gates, gate speed can be the determining factor. Fan-in is another term
often found in the literature: it identifies the number of gate inputs.
While it is impossible to completely describe all types of digital circuits and all aspects
of their operation in a single chapter, this chapter strives to present the essential aspects of the
major digital circuits commonly in use. e fundamentals of the speed of digital logic transitions
begins the discussion of both bipolar and MOS gates. ree families of bipolar gates and two
families of MOS gates are discussed extensively. Regenerative logic circuits (latches, flip-flops,
and Schmitt triggers) arepresented as are the fundamentals of memory circuits. e chapter ends
with a descriptive section on Gallium Arsenide logic circuits.
◦• cc
◦• ◦•Vout
Vin +
As the input voltage changes between logic levels, the output will change to the opposite logic
levels. is transition can not take place instantaneously: various delays must occur. Conceptually,
the response of simple BJT inverter to a rectangular pulse is shown in Figure 16.3.
V(0) V(0)
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
e pulse response consists regions of constancy and regions of transition. In the regions of tran-
sition there are four significant time periods.
• Delay Time D td D t1 t0
• Rise Time D tr D t2 t1
• Storage Time D ts D t4 t3
• Fall Time D tf D t5 t4
e delay time is the time between the pulse transition and when the response transitions 10%
of the distance between HIGH and LOW states. e rise time is the time for a 10% to 90%
transition from HIGH to LOW. e term rise time refers to the BJT collector current change: as
the voltage transitions from a HIGH to LOW, the collector current rises from a minimum to a
maximum value. e storage time and fall time measure the equivalent time periods in the LOW
to HIGH transition.
Rise Time
Perhaps the easiest region to analyze is the rise time. Here the BJT is in the forward-active re-
gion of operation. In this region of operation, the transistor speed is most often described by the
forward time constant, F , or by its frequency-domain equivalent, the unity-gain frequency, !T .¹
F : (16.1)
While the forward time constant is a useful parameter (for example, it is necessary in SPICE
analysis), a more relevant parameter for gate speed calculations is the forward-active region time
constant, f :
ˇF 1
f D ˇF F D : (16.2)
!T !3 dB
Transitions between two steady-state levels, Xi and Xf , in the forward-active region are described
by a simple exponential relationship with this time constant:
.t to /
X .t / D Xf Xf Xi e : (16.3)
It can easily be shown that rise time of a simple exponential transition is:
rise time 2:2f : (16.4)
Unfortunately, a transition entirely in the forward-active region is the type of transition typical
of BJT logic gates. In a BJT gate, the LOW logic level is characterized by the saturation region
of the BJT. us, the apparent final steady-state level is not the same as the actual final level. e
BJT collector rise is consistent with a final collector current, Icf D ˇF Ib and the time constant f .
e transition is completed when the collector current reaches its saturation value, Ic.sat/ < ˇF Ib .
A significantly reduced rise time results. Figure 16.4 is a graphical interpretation of the reduction
in rise time.
e rise time can be calculated by determining the 90% and 10% times, t2 and t1 , respectively.
Assume the external circuit parameters define the two currents, Ic.sat/ and Ib1 :
Vcc Vce.sat/
Ic.sat/ D ; (16.5)
¹e unity gain frequency is defined as the radian frequency at which the common-emitter gain is unity. It is discussed fully
in Section 10.4 (Book 3).
tr Forward-Active Transition
0 τf 2 τf 3 τf 4 τf
2.2 τf
Vi Vbe
Ib1 D : (16.6)
For a saturated LOW output, define the current ratio, N1 , as:
ˇF Ib1
N1 D : (16.7)
N1 is an indicator of the degree in which the BJT has been driven into the saturation region: it is
called the saturation overdrive factor. Values of N1 near unity indicate that the BJT is barely into
the saturation region: larger values indicate a large excess of base current over what is necessary
to saturate the BJT. e time for the collector current to achieve 90% of the saturated collector
current is the solution to the expressions:
0:9Ic.sat/ D N1 Ic.sat/ 1 e f : (16.8)
Similarly, the time to achieve 10% of the saturated collector current is the solution to:
0:1Ic.sat/ D N1 Ic.sat/ 1 e : (16.9)
e second factor is a portion of the exponential collector current change and can be derived in
the same fashion. e 0% to 10% portion of the collector current rise takes place in time:
td 2 D f ln : (16.12)
N1 0:1
Fall Time
e fall time, tf , is analogous to the rise time. It indicates the time for the BJT collector current
to fall from 90% to 10% of its saturated value. is fall in collector current occurs as the transistor
transition in the forward-active region from saturation to cut-off. e expression for fall time is
N2 0:9
tf D t4 t3 D f ln : (16.14)
N2 0:1
Here a reverse overdrive factor, N2 , is defined as the ratio of ˇ times the instantaneous base turn-
off current to the saturation collector current:
ˇF Ib2
N2 D ; (16.15)
Ib2 D : (16.16)
Notice that N2 is a negative quantity. Large magnitude N2 indicates a short fall time.
²Another factor is the time required to charge the base-emitter junction to the cut-in voltage. Here it is assumed that this factor
is small compared to the other delay time factors.
Storage Time
e storage time indicates the time between the input signal transition and the start of the fall
time. Its primary components³ are:
• ts1 —the time for minority carriers to transit the base and reach the collector
• ts2 —the time for the collector current to rise to 10% of its final value
• ts3 —the time to dissipate the excess charge stored in the base of the saturated BJT.
e first two factors are direct analogs of similar components in the delay time:
F f
ts1 D ; (16.17)
3 3 ˇF
N2 1
ts2 D f ln : (16.18)
N2 0:9
e third factor, ts3 , is related to an exponential decay of base charge when the BJT is in the
saturation region. is decay has a time constant, s , that is a function of the forward-active
region time constant, f , and its inverse-active region counterpart, r . In most situations these
two time constants are approximately equal and
is dual dependence is due to the forward biased condition of both the base-emitter and the
base-collector junctions of a saturated BJT. As a consequence, the saturation time constant is
significantly longer than either of the other time constants. e time for base charge dissipation
is given by:
N1 N2
ts3 D s ln : (16.20)
1 N2
e total storage time is given by the sum of the individual components:
f N2 1 N1 N2
ts C f ln C s ln : (16.21)
3 ˇF N2 0:9 1 N2
Large magnitude N2 (a negative quantity) will decrease the storage time. However, large N1 will
significantly increase the storage time. is is especially significant since the storage time constant
is larger than the forward-active region time constant, s > f . If the transistor does not enter
the saturation region (N1 D 1/; ts3 D 0 and the storage time is composed of only the first two
components of Equation (16.21).
³Another factor is the time required to charge the base-emitter junction to the cut-in voltage. Here it is assumed that this factor
is small compared to the other delay time factors.
While the switching speed of BJT is largely dependent on the physical parameters of the transistor
itself, the surrounding circuit parameters also have significant effect. Rise time and fall time are
strongly dependent on the overdrive factors, N1 and N2 , respectively. In each case, an increase in
the magnitude of the overdrive factor reduces the respective time. Delay time is also decreased
by large N1 as is storage time by large magnitude N2 . Unfortunately storage time can be greatly
increased by large N1 (saturated BJTs). e propagation delay of a TTL inverter can be described
in terms of the transition times derived. Its component terms are:
tr tf
tPHL td C and tPLH ts C : (16.22)
2 2
e average propagation delay is given by:
tPHL C tPLH 1 1
tPD D .td C ts / C tr C tf : (16.23)
2 2 4
Ra Rc2 Rc3
◦• ◦• Vo
V1 ◦• Q1 Q2
V2 ◦•
◦• Q3
V3 ◦•
e NAND gate forms the fundamental logical unit in both DTL and TTL logic: all other gate
logic operations can be derived from this fundamental unit. e basic circuit topology of a simple
TTL NAND logic gate is shown in Figure 16.5. is gate is typically operated with a supply
voltage of 5 V and consists of several resistors and three BJTs. e input BJT, Q1 , is constructed
with multiple emitters (three emitters are shown: other numbers are common) which serve as the
individual logic inputs to the gate. When any of the logic inputs is a logic LOW, Q1 enters the
saturation region. ere is an insufficiently high voltage at the base of Q2 to forward bias the
base-emitter junctions of Q2 and Q3 , thus Q2 and Q3 are OFF and a logic HIGH output is
produced. A LOW logic output occurs when all inputs are HIGH. When this input condition
occurs, Q1 enters the inverse-active region.⁴ Q2 turns ON and forces Q3 into the saturation
region, production a logic LOW. Depending on exact resistor values and BJT parameters, Q2
typically enters the saturation region, although not as strongly as Q3 . e nominal output logic
levels for this simple, unloaded gate are:⁵
⁴In many situations (large fan-out), the master gate can not supply enough current to sustain the inverse-active region of Q1
in the slave gate. In that case, Q1 is in an inverse saturation state: both junction are forward biased, but the base-collector
junction is more forward biased than the base-emitter junction.
⁵Logic levels, noise margins, and fan-out for this gate are calculated in Section 3.5 (Book 1).
e extremes of the input levels are:
While this simple gate topology operates well, it has several properties that are undesirable for
current IC realizations. Most problematic are its relatively high power consumption and low speed
of operation.
e low speed operation of simple TTL and DTL logic gates stems from junction charge
buildup in BJTs that enter the saturation region. As was seen with the simple bipolar inverter,
strongly saturated BJTs exhibit a relatively long storage time. is long storage time slows the
digital transitions necessary in a logic gate. In the TTL NAND gate under analysis, both the
logic LOW and logic HIGH states have BJTs in saturation. A logic LOW implies that Q1 is in
saturation and a logic HIGH, implies that Q2 and Q3 are in saturation.
Each junction must dissipate its stored charge when the gate transitions its output between
logic levels. e speed of the charge dissipation strongly depends upon the évenin resistance
apparent to the junction. It is in this évenin resistance that a conflict between two TTL gate
design goals is most apparent. Any attempt to increase the speed of the gate by reducing the resis-
tance values results in an increase in the gate average power consumption. Similarly, reducing the
average power consumption by increasing the resistor values results in slower gate performance.
With this basic gate topology, power consumption and gate speed can only be simultaneously im-
proved by lowering the supply voltage: unfortunately this action reduces the HIGH noise margin,
Gate performance can be improved in several areas simultaneously only with changes in
the basic topology of the gate. Historically these changes have taken place gradually and have
resulted in a series of TTL gate families. e changes have been centered on two basic design
• active charge dissipation, and
• transistor saturation control.
While it is not feasible to extensively discuss each variation of gate topology in this text, a brief
look at several TTL gate alterations is instructive in the study of logic gate speed.
Ra ◦• Q4
◦• ◦• Vo
V1 ◦• Q1 Q2
V2 ◦•
◦• Q3
V3 ◦•
is apparent resistance is much smaller than that of the collector resistor in the simple TTL
topology while the évenin voltage has not significantly changed. ese changes have the effect
of reducing the overdrive factor, N1 , during discharge:
ˇF I b
N1.discharge/ D ;
Ic.eff /
Vcc V
Ic.eff / D > Ic.sat/ :
e storage time for Q3 is significantly reduced thereby reducing the collector current fall time
and increasing the gate speed. Since the actual value of the collector current at saturation, Ic.sat/ ,
remains essentially unchanged, active pull-up has little effect on the collector current rise time.
Gate operation with active pull-up is much the same as with a resistor as the output collector
load. e input circuitry of the TTL gate remains unchanged, therefore the input logic voltage
levels remain unchanged. e output LOW voltage remains the same at VCE.sat/ 0.2 V: only the
output HIGH voltage changes. For a logic HIGH output, Q2 and Q3 are cut-off. It is assumed
that a load attached to the output of the gate draws some current, thus Q4 is in the forward-active
region. e nominal output voltage level is the source voltage reduced by the voltage drops across
the resistor, Rc2 , the base-emitter junction of Q4 , and the diode:
VoH D Vcc VRc2 C VBE4.on/ C V
Vcc 1:5 3:5 V:
e reduction in the nominal output HIGH level decreases the HIGH noise margin,
NM(HIGH) D VoH ViH.min/ D 3:5 1:8 1:7 V:
is form of active pull-up is the output stage found in 74XX/54XX series TTL gates. Added
benefits of this active pull-up circuit topology are a decrease in average power consumption of
10–20% over the simple resistive pull-up configuration and a very slight improvement in fanout.
Both improvements are due to Q4 being in the cut-off region of operation for a LOW output.
Example 16.1
Determine the fan-out of the active pull-up NAND gate shown in Figure 16.6. e pertinent
circuit parameters are:
Vcc D 5 V Ra D 3:9 k Rb D 1:0 k
Rc2 D 1:5 k Rc3 D 130 .
e physical realization is in Silicon with BJT parameters:
ˇF D 50 ˇR D 2:
e determination of fan-out is much the same as that of the resistive pull-up circuit (Ex-
ample 3.5 (Book 1)). Fan-out in TTL gates is determined by a master gate with a LOW output
driving a slave gate. e input current for a slave gate with a low input (0.2 V) is found to be:
5:0 0:2 0:8
Iin D D 1:026 mA:
3:9 k
◦• 5 V
3.9 kΩ
0.2 V◦• Q1
If the master gate is driven by other gates of the same type, it is unreasonable to assume that large
amount of current is entering the emitter of Q1 (it would draw the input voltage below zero). For
fan-out calculations it is safer to assume the worst case scenario where the input current to the
master gate is approximately zero. Under that scenario
5 .0:8 C 0:8 C 0:7/
IB2 D 692 A:
3:9 k
◦• ◦•
130 kΩ
3.9 kΩ 1.5 kΩ
0.2 V
5 V◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
(or less) 0.2 V
0.8 V
1 kΩ ◦•
0.8 V
In this state, there is insufficient voltage between the base of Q4 and the output terminal to
forward bias both the base-emitter junction of Q4 and the diode. erefore, Q4 in the master
gate is OFF. In order to determine the ratio of collector to base currents in the output transistor,
Q3 , the collector current of Q2 must be calculated:
5 0:8 0:2
IC 2 D D 2:667 mA:
1:5 k
e base current of Q3 is therefore:
IB3 D IB2 C IC 2 D 2:559 mA:
e no-load collector current of Q3 ; IC , in the master gate is zero due to Q4 being in the
cut-off region: thus the master gate fan-out is determined from the saturation conditions on Q3 :
IC 3 < ˇF IB3 ;
IC C N.Iin / < ˇF IB3 ;
0 mA C N.1:026 mA/ < 50.2:559 mA/ ) N < 124:7:
e fan-out of this gate is 124 gates of similar construction. is is an increase of only
one gate over the fan-out for the resistive pull-up gate discussed in Example 2.8 (Book 1)).
Additional changes in the circuit topology can bring further improvements. e circuit of
Figure 16.7 shows two such topological changes. e active pull-up circuit in this TTL NAND
gate realization consists of two BJTs connected as a Darlington pair⁶ rather than the BJT-diode
connection previously discussed. Also shown is an active pull-down circuit connected to the base
of the output transistor, Q3 .
e Darlington active pair pull-up, formed by Q4 and Q5 , presents a very low évenin resistance
to the collector of Q3 and further reduces the saturation overdrive factor, N1 :
1 Rc2 Rc2
Rth Rb4 == :
ˇF 4 C 1 ˇF 5 C 1 .ˇF 4 C 1/ .ˇF 5 C 1/
is Darlington pull-up topology was first commercially seen in the 74HXX/54HXX high-speed
series of TTL gates. e active pull-down circuit also shown in Figure 16.7 is formed by two
resistors, Rb3 and Rb6 , and a transistor, Q6 . e effect of this configuration is to present a low
évenin resistance to the base of Q3 :
Rb3th :
ˇF 6 C 1
Lowering the apparent base resistance increases the pull-down base current thereby increasing
the reverse overdrive factor, N2 . Increased reverse overdrive factor lowers both the storage and fall
times for Q3 .
Saturation Control
Any attempt to quickly remove charge stored in the junctions of a saturated transistor by reducing
various évenin resistances has physical limits. e next logical step in improving gate perfor-
mance is centered in limiting the charge build-up by controlling the region of operation of the
⁶Darlington pairs are discussed in Section 6.2 (Book 2).
Vcc◦ ◦•
Rc2 Rc3
◦• Q5
◦• Q4
◦• ◦• Vo
V1 ◦• Q1 Q2
V2 ◦•
◦• ◦• Q3
V3 ◦•
Figure 16.7: TTL gate with active pull-down and improved pull-up.
transistor. Specifically, if the transistors never enter the saturation region, the component of the
storage time related to the transistor storage time constant, s , will become insignificant. Since
this component can easily be the greatest contributor to slow transition times, gate speed will
be dramatically improved. An exclusion from the saturation region can be accomplished if the
base-collector junction is shunted by a low-V
diode that is less subject to charge-storage effects
than the transistor base-collector junction. e diode shunting the base-collector junction will
not allow that junction to become sufficiently forward biased thereby keeping the BJT in the
forward-active region. While a Germanium diode (V
0:3 V) seems ideal for the purpose of
BJT saturation control,⁷ fabrication of Silicon BJTs and Germanium diodes on the same IC chip
is not practical. Schottky-barrier diodes are the ideal alternative.
Schottky-barrier diodes are formed with a metal-semiconductor junction rather than the
usual p-n semiconductor junction. A representation of the metal-semiconductor junction and the
circuit symbol for a Schottky-barrier diode is shown in Figure 16.8. At the junction between a
metal and a semiconductor, the metal acts as a p-type impurity. If the semiconductor is n-type,
the junction acts as a diode. e V-I characteristic of a Schottky-barrier diode is indistinguishable
⁷e shunting of the base-collector junction of a Silicon BJT with a Germanium diode is referred to as Baker clamping a Silicon
from that of a p-n junction except that the cut-in voltage, V
, is somewhat smaller. Depending on
the doping of the semiconductor and the metal used, V
ranges between 0.2 V and 0.5 V with Sil-
icon as the semiconductor. A typical IC realization of a Schottky-barrier diode using Aluminum
results in V
0.4 V. One particular advantage of a Schottky-barrier diode is the extremely small
charge storage time (equivalently, a small junction capacitance) associated with the junction. is
storage time is typically at least an order of magnitude smaller that an equivalently sized p-n
A K A n-type K
◦• ◦• ◦• metal semiconductor ◦•
•◦ ◦• n+ n+
p substrate
p p
◦• ◦• n
◦• p substrate
(a) (b)
If all saturating transistors in a TTL or DTL gate are replaced by Schottky transistors, the
speed of the gate will be significantly improved. e 74SXX/54SXX series of TTL gates have
the same topology as the gate shown in Figure 16.7 with all BJTs except Q4 replaced by Schottky
transistors (Q4 is not a saturating transistor). Other than reduced BJT storage time, the change to
Schottky transistors has little effect on the performance of the NAND gate. e greatest change
is in the nominal logic levels. e HIGH output level remains unchanged at VoH 3.5 V, but the
LOW level is increased slightly. Since the output transistor, Q3 , no longer saturates with a logic
⁸e collector region of this BJT is shown with both an n and nC region. is process prevents the formation of a Schottky
barrier diode at the metal-semiconductor junction.
LOW output the new low output is given by:
Similarly, the extremes of the input logic levels are given by:
e change in input and output logic levels also alters the noise margins. e noise margins for a
Schottky TTL gate (74SXX) are given by:
Open-Collector Outputs
TTL gates are also available with no internal provision for either active or passive pull-up of the
output transistor. Such a gate is identified as having an open-collector output. e two primary
advantages of an open-collector output are:
• wired-AND operations can be simply created
• simple external loads are easily driven
Open-collector outputs as also useful in driving a simple load such as a LED or a relay. An example
of wired-AND is shown in Figure 16.11. In this circuit, the outputs of two open-collector NAND
gates are connected through an external resistor to positive power. e system output can only go
HIGH if both NAND gate output BJTs are OFF. Since the output BJT OFF state is associated
with a HIGH output, the logical operation is an AND operation on the outputs of the two gates.
◦• cc
Rc2 Rc3
◦• Q5
V1 ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• Q4
V2 ◦• ◦• ◦•
V3 ◦• ◦• ◦• Q2 ◦• ◦• ◦• Vo
◦• ◦• Q3
Figure 16.10: Low-power Schottky DTL (LS) gate with active pull-up and pull-down.
In order to ensure proper operation of a wired-AND, the external resistor, RL , has a min-
imum value. It must be chosen so that:
VCC VOL.max/
RL > :
IOL.max/ N IIL
e denominator terms are defined as: IOL.max/ is the maximum output current that the output
BJT of a gate can sink (ˇF IB /; NIIL is the current drawn by N gates with a LOW input. Gates
with internal passive pull-up resistors typically violate the constraints on RL and therefore must
not be connected in this manner. If gates with active pull-up are connected in this manner, ex-
cessive power will be dissipated in the output stage of an individual gate leading to gate failure.
Open collector gates, when properly terminated, have passive pull-up: as such they exhibit
relatively long propagation delays compared to gates with active pull-up.
◦• cc
◦• ◦•
A ◦• ◦• ◦• (AB)(A’B’)
B ◦•
NANDgate #1
A’◦• ◦•
NANDgate #2
Figure 16.11: Two open-collector NAND gates with outputs forming a wired-AND.
• Complementary outputs. Most logic elements offer both the logic function and its com-
plement (i.e., OR/NOR). Additional logic inverters are eliminated from designs reducing
timing delays and power consumption.
• Constant supply current. e current drain remains essentially constant regardless of gate
logic state. e power supply design requirements are therefore simplified.
Logic ◦• ◦• Logic
◦• Current Output
Inputs ◦• Switch Driver ◦• Outputs
Vcc◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• Vcc
RC2 RC3 Q6
◦• Q4
◦• Q5 ◦• A + B (OR)
A ◦• ◦• Q1 B◦• ◦• Q2 Q3 ◦• A + B (NOR)
◦• ◦•
◦• ◦•
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• −5.2 V
One problem that is common in ECL gates is the variation of the logic levels due to variation
in the power supply voltage or due to temperature changes. Various advanced ECL circuits have
addressed these issues at the expense of circuit complexity. One such advanced circuit topology is
that of the ECL 100K series shown in Figure 16.14. Notice that the increase in power consump-
tion due to added circuitry has been compensated for by a reduction in the power supply voltage
magnitude from 5.2 V to 4.5 V.
R6 R2 ◦• Q11
◦• Q7
REP Q5 ◦• Q6
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
◦• −4.5 V
scale (VLSI) applications. e primary reasons for these limitations on the use of TTL and ECL
circuits are:
Integrated injection logic¹¹ (I2 L) blends high speed with high surface area density and low
power consumption. In addition, the simple gate structure of I2 L provides multifunction outputs.
For example, the simple two-input OR/NORgate shown in Figure 16.15 provides four logical
operations as outputs: the complement of each input, AN and BN , and the OR/NOR functions,
A C B and A C B .
Io1 Io2 Io3 ◦•
◦• A ◦• B ◦• A + B (OR)
A ◦• ◦• Q1 B ◦• ◦• Q2 ◦• Q3
e basic element of an I2 L gate is a multiple-collector npn BJT driven at the base with
a simple pnp BJT current source (Figure 16.16). e unique feature of this element is its single
input and multiple outputs.
◦• cc
◦• cc
◦• C1
Q2 ◦• C2
Io ◦• C1
◦• C3 ◦• C2
Q1 ◦• C3
A ◦• ◦•
A ◦• ◦• Q1
(a) (b)
Figure 16.16: Basic I2 L digital gate element: (a) Circuit diagram; (b) Equivalent circuit.
e operation of the basic I2 L element is simple if it is remembered that at least one of the
multiple collector outputs must be connected to the input of another element in a master/slave
pairing. If the master gate input, A, is HIGH, Q1 enters the saturation region and the master
gate output at each of the multiple collectors is VCE.sat/ . If the master gate input is LOW, Q1
enters the cut-off region. e slave gate sees a high impedance input from the master gate. e
current source forces the slave gate Q1 into saturation which, in turn, forces the slave gate input
and the master gate output to VBE.sat/ . All other collectors of the master gate will also be raised
to that voltage level. e output logical voltage levels are therefore:
e input logical levels are the levels at which a BJT can be considered to be ON or OFF:
ese voltage levels are all within 0:6 V with the transition region only 0:1 V wide. Obviously
I2 L gates are not appropriate for use in a noisy environment. e noise margins are:
ˇF IB IC ) ˇF Io NIo ) fan-out D ˇF :
It must be noted that the physical structure of the multiple-collector BJT limits the forward
current gain, ˇF . In most cases ˇF for a multiple-collector BJT is much smaller than that of
modern, simple BJTs: consequently, the fan-out of an I2 L gate is typically less than ten gates of
similar construction. If the output to the final gate of a logical operation is to be taken off the chip,
it is necessary to passively pull-up the collector of the output BJT. is can be accomplished with
a resistor connected between any of the output BJT collector terminals and a positive voltage
e interconnection of the two BJTs that make up an I2 L gate simplifies IC realization
of the gate structure. e p-type base of the current source is directly connected to the p-type
emitter of the inverter: similarly, the n-type collector of the current source connects to the n-type
base of the inverter. ese interconnections lead to shared regions in the IC realization as shown
in Figure 16.16. A single resistor is usually used for all I2 L gates on a chip. A multiple collector
structure can be constructed in a similar fashion to the multiple emitter structure of the input
transistor of TTL gates.
any gate operates is limited by the physical parameters of its constituent transistors and of the
components in the circuit surrounding the transistor. While it is impossible to analyze the effect
of all possible circuit topologies on switching speed, an analysis of the switching speed the simple
CMOS inverter provides much insight into all MOS switching.¹² As shown in Figure 16.18, a
general CMOS inverter consists of two complementary MOS transistors: the input to the inverter
is at the connection of the two FET gate terminals and the output is at the connection of the
drain terminals. Here it is assumed that the master inverter shown drives a similar-topology slave
inverter. is slave inverter is represented by its input impedance: a capacitor in parallel with a
very large resistance. As the input resistance of a FET is essentially infinite, it is assumed to have
no significant effect on any further calculations.
Vin◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•Vo
e response of the CMOS inverter to a logic LOW to HIGH input transition is shown in
Figure 16.19. For a CMOS inverter these logic levels are:
t0 t1 t2
As in the case of a bipolar inverter, the digital transition can not be instantaneous and must
experience some delay. Due to the symmetry of the CMOS circuit, the mathematical expressions
for the rise and fall time will be functionally identical. e rise and fall times themselves will
vary with the transistor characteristic. Specifically, the rise and fall times are dependent on the
n-channel and p-channel FET transconductance parameters, Kn and Kp , respectively, as well as
the respective threshold voltages.
e response to a digital step consists of regions of constancy and a region of transition. In
the region of transition there are two significant time periods.
• Delay Time D td D t1 t0
• Rise Time D tr D t2 t1
e delay time is the time between the input pulse transition and when the response transitions
10% of the distance between HIGH and LOW states. e rise time is the time for a 10% to
90% transition from HIGH to LOW. e term rise time is used to match the definitions in
bipolar circuitry. In NMOS gate circuits, it refers to the FET drain current change: as the voltage
transitions from a HIGH to LOW, the drain current rises from a minimum to a maximum value.
It is a misnomer for CMOS circuits: the drain current is zero for both logic states.
During the delay time .to t < t1 /, the n-channel MOSFET is in the saturation region
of operation and is described by the voltage-current relationship:¹³
ID D K.VGS VT /2 : (16.24)
Since the input voltage to the inverter is a constant value .Vin D VDD ) during this time period, it
can be seen through Equation (16.24), that the drain current is constant during the delay time.
¹³e voltage-current relationships for FETs of all types are presented in Table 4.2 (Book 1).
e load capacitance can therefor be assumed to discharge linearly:
ID t D CL Vo ) td D : (16.25)
e change in the output voltage, Vo , is 10% of the supply voltage: Vo D 0:1VDD . e total
delay time can therefore be easily computed:
0:1 CL VDD
td D : (16.26)
K . VDD VT /2
e rise time has two components:
where tr1 is the portion of the rise time where Q1 is in the saturation region and tr2 is the portion
where Q1 is in the ohmic region. e transition between the saturation and ohmic regions of a
enhancement region MOSFET occurs when:
As during the delay time, the drain current is constant for a saturation region FET and the load
capacitor discharges linearly during tr1 :
tr1 D ; (16.29)
CL ..VDD VT / 0:9VDD / CL .VT 0:1 VDD /
tr1 D 2
D : (16.30)
During the second portion of the rise time, Q1 is in the ohmic region and can be described by
the expression:
ID D K 2 .VGS VT / VDS VDS : (16.31)
e load capacitor discharge is described by the differential form of its voltage-current relation-
d Vo
ID D CL : (16.32)
Simultaneously solving Equations (16.31) and (16.32) leads to an integral expression for tr2 :
Z 0:1VDD
CL d Vo
tr2 D 2 : (16.33)
2 .VDD VT /
Evaluation of the integral gives the expression for the second portion of the rise time:
tr2 D ln 20 1 : (16.34)
e total rise time for the CMOS inverter is the sum of the rise time components:
CL .VT 0:1VDD / 1 VDD VT
tr D C ln 20 1 : (16.35)
A comparison of the expressions for delay time (Equation (16.26)) and the rise time (Equa-
tion (16.13)) shows that the rise time dominates the delays inherent in digital CMOS switching.
In addition, both the rise time and the delay time are directly proportional to the capacitance of
the load. is dependence on load capacitance is the determining factor in MOS gate fan-out.
When many slave gates are connected to the output of a single master gate, the input capacitance
of the slave gates add. e rise and delay times increase directly in proportion to the number of
slave gates attached to the output of the master gate. Transition speed requirements put an upper
limit on this number.
As with the bipolar inverter, propagation delay is a useful descriptor of the gate speed. e
propagation delay of a CMOS inverter can be described in terms of the transition times derived.
Its component terms are:
tPHL td C (n-channel FET parameters): (16.36)
e LOW to HIGH propagation time has the same mathematical form but the transconductance
parameter of the p-channel FET must be used.
tPLH td C (p-channel FET parameters): (16.37)
e average propagation time is given by:
Example 16.2
A CMOS inverter is fabricated using a 5 V supply and MOSFETs with the following properties:
Determine the average propagation delay time if it is driving a capacitive load of 5 pF.
Equation (16.26) yields the delay times:
0:1CL VDD 0:156 10
td D D :
e HIGH to LOW transition uses KN while the LOW to HIGH transition uses KP
tdHL D 1:56 ns tdLH D 0:625 ns:
Similarly, the rise times can be calculated from Equation (16.35):
1:849 10 12
tr D
trHL D 18:49 ns trLH D 7:40 ns:
e individual propagation delays are given by
tPHL tdHL C 1=2trHL D 10:81 ns
tPLH tdLH C 1=2trLH D 4:32 ns:
e average propagation delay is the average of the individual propagation delays:
tP D 1=2.tPHL C tPLH / 7:56 ns:
An NMOS inverter is similar to a CMOS inverter but fabricated with an n-channel active
load rather than the p-channel switch. Transition time calculations are similar to those described
for the CMOS inverter, with the exception that the switching transistor, Q1 , is always in the
ohmic region. e expansion of NMOS inverter calculations to cover NMOS gates is complicated
further due to the dependence of the LOW output voltage, VoL , on the exact state of the multiple
switching transistors inherent to MOS gates. CMOS and NMOS gates operate at essentially the
same speed if comparable FETs are used.
FET Latch-up
e IC realization of MOS gate structures produces, in addition to the MOS structures, para-
sitic bipolar structures. While the npn and pnp structures that produce parasitic BJTs are usu-
ally benign, pnpn structures can produce a parasitic silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR).¹⁴ An SCR
is a form of latching switch that is activated by the proper injection of a small current or by a
high-derivative voltage pulse. Once the SCR structure is activated, the high currents that result,
combined with the latching property of the SCR, lead to catastrophic failure of the MOS device.
Modern IC design of MOS structures includes transient protection structures so that the possi-
bility of parasitic SCR latch-up is minimized in all but the noisiest of environments. Still, MOS
ICs are particularly sensitive to damage by static discharge.
¹⁴SCRs are discussed extensively in Section 14.1.
◦ V in
V in V DD
◦• ◦•
Vin◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• Vo ◦• ◦• ◦•
p+ n+ n+ p+ p+ n+
p p
n substrate
NMOS Gates
NMOS gates are used extensively in LSI and VLSI microprocessors, memories, and other cir-
cuitry, but are not commonly available as individually packaged circuits. All elements of basic
NMOS logic gates are fabricated from n-channel FETs: the switches are enhancement-mode
NMOS FETs and the active resistive load can be either an enhancement mode or depletion-
mode NMOS FET. e logic gate action is essentially the same for each type of active load: for
simplicity, discussion here will be limited to enhancement type active loads. e circuit diagrams
◦• V
◦• V
◦• ◦• AB
◦• ◦• ◦• A + B
◦• ◦•
B ◦• ◦•
(a) (b)
Figure 16.21: Two-input logic gates using simple controlled switches: (a) NAND; (b) NOR.
for basic, two-input NMOS NAND and NOR gates, using enhancement mode active loads, are
shown in Figure 16.22. It should be noted that the geometry of all the switching FETs is identical,
but the active load FET usually has different characterizing parameters.
◦• ◦• AB
A ◦•
A ◦•
◦• ◦• A + B
B ◦•
(a) (b)
Figure 16.22: Two input NMOS logic gates (enhancement mode active load): (a) NAND; (b) NOR.
While the fundamentals of NMOS gate operation are fairly easily understood, the specifics
can be more complicated. Analysis of a NOR gate is mathematically the least complicated: dis-
cussion will begin with the NOR gate and the progress to the NAND gate. e short-circuit
connection between the drain and gate terminals of the active load ensures that the load FET is
always in the saturation region of operation: VGS D VDS . e equation that relates the load FET
drain current to its gate-source voltage is found in Table 4.2 (Book 1):
An additional subscript is added to the FET parameters to specify the FET under consideration:
“R” indicates the active resistive load and “S” indicates the switching FETs.¹⁵
In a two-input NOR gate, two LOW inputs produce simple results. For the switching
FETs, VGS < VT implies that the drain current, IDS , is zero valued. Consequently, the drain cur-
rent of the load FET must be zero valued. Substitution into Equation (16.39) yields:
One or more HIGH inputs to the NOR gate implies that some current flows through the FETs.
Any switching FET with a HIGH input is forced into the ohmic region. Solving for currents
and voltages requires the use of additional FET characteristic equations. e current charac-
teristic equation for enhancement mode FETs operating in the ohmic region is also found in
Table 4.2 (Book 1):
IDS D KS 2 .VGSS VT / VDSS VDSS : (16.42)
Since there exists the possibility for N switching FETs to be simultaneously ON, the relationship
between switch and load drain currents is given by:
VDSS : (16.44)
Equation (16.44) becomes a quadratic equation in the LOW output voltage level, VoL D VDSS :
as a function of the number of HIGH inputs, N , the voltage supply, VDD , the FET threshold
voltage, VT , the FET transconductance factors, KR and KS , and the input voltage, VGSS :
: (16.46)
¹⁵It is assumed in this discussion that the threshold voltage, VT , is the same for all FETs in the circuit. In IC fabrication this
is a realistic design assumption.
e quadratic functional form of Equation (16.46) obscures intuition. Of most significance is a
decrease in the output voltage, VDSS , as NKS =KR increases. For most designs, it is important to
set a maximum value on this LOW output. e maximum value will occur for only one switch
ON .N D 1/. A particular design goal will the restrict the minimum ratio of transconductance
factors, KS =KR . e usual implication of this restriction is switching FETs that are significantly
wider than the load FET.
An NMOS circuit topology similar to Figure 16.22b but with three inputs and three switch-
ing FETs will satisfy the design requirements. All that remains to be determined is an acceptable
set of FET parameters, VT ; KR and KS .
A ◦• ◦•
◦• ◦• ◦•
◦• ◦•
3:8 D 5 VT ) VT D 1:2 V:
e maximum LOW output level is determined with only one switching FET on. For this con-
dition the input voltage VGSS D VoH and the output voltage VDSS D VoL.max/ :
Other similar values will produce acceptable results. e LOW output logic level can be found to
be: 0.9 V for a single HIGH input, 0.527 V for 2 HIGH inputs, and 0.373 V for 3 HIGH inputs.
e analysis of an NMOS NAND gate is similar to that of the NOR gate but complicated by the
series connection of the switching FETs. e HIGH output voltage is determined in the same
manner as for a NOR gate and produces the same result:
e series connection of switching FETs adds complexity to the LOW output voltage calculation.
While the gate-source voltage, VGS1S , of the grounded-source FET is simply the input voltage,
subsequent switching FETs have VGS reduced by the drain-source voltages of any intervening
FETs. In the two-input NAND gate circuit of Figure 16.22a, the upper switching FET has a
gate-source voltage (assuming the gate is driven by a similar gate):
Of course the NAND gate output voltage for a logic LOW is given by the sum of the switching
FET drain-source voltages:
VoL D VDS iS D VDS1S C VDS2S ; (16.50)
where N is the number of series switching FETs. e series connection of N identical switching
FETs creates N equations relating the drain currents:
i D 1; 2; : : : ; N:
e simultaneous solution of Equations (16.48) and (16.49) determines the LOW output voltage
Example 16.4 Design Example
Given a 5 V power supply. Design a three-input NAND gate to have the following output logic
levels when driven by a gate of the same design:
VoH D 3:8 V VoL.max/ D 0:5 V:
◦• ◦•
A ◦•
An NMOS circuit topology similar to Figure 16.22a but with three inputs and three switch-
ing FETs will satisfy the design requirements. All that remains to be determined is an acceptable
set of FET parameters, VT ; KR and KS .
e HIGH output level is given by Equation (16.41)
3:8 D 5 VT ) VT D 1:2 V:
e maximum LOW output level is determined by simultaneously solving Equations (16.50)
and (16.51) (four total equations):
KR .VoL 1:2/2 D 1KS Œ2.3:8 1:2/.VDS1S / .VDS1S /2
KR .VoL 1:2/2 D 1KS Œ2.3:8 1:2 VDS1S /.VDS2S / .VDS2S /2 ;
KR .VoL 1:2/2 D 1KS Œ2.3:8 1:2 VDS1S VDS2S /.VDS3S / .VDS3S /2 :
ere are no easy, closed-form techniques for solving 4 non-linear, simultaneous equations. A
MathCAD solution to find the ratio of the transconductance factors follows:
MathCAD Solution for the ratio of FET transconductance factors for three input NAND gate
VT := 1.2 VoL := 0.5
Guess values for the ratio and the three drain-source voltages
ratio := 1 V1 := .2 V2 := .2 V3 := .3
V1 + V2 + V3 = VoL (VoL − VT)2 = ratio [2 ∙ (3.8 − 1.2 – V1) ∙ V2 − V22]
(VoL − VT)2 + ratio [2 ∙ (3.8 − 1.2) V1 − V12] (VoL − VT)2 = ratio [2 ∙ (3.8 − 1.2 – V1 – V2) ∙ V3 − V32]
Find (V1, V2, V3, ratio) = 0.166
e minimum ratio of transconductance factors for a 0.5 V LOW output voltage is therefore:
Choosing the same load FET KR as Example 16.3, implies that the NAND gate will draw the
same power for a LOW output as the NOR gate in that example. is design choice leads to:
Choosing the same switch FET KS as Example 16.3 reduces the output LOW voltage to VoL
0.25 V, and greatly simplifies IC layout. For these reasons, a reasonable choice might be:
KS D 500 A=V2 :
Other choices will fulfill the design goals adequately. For example, identical FETs results in VoL
0.4 V.
As was previously stated, the active load for an NMOS gate can be either an enhancement
mode or depletion mode FET. When NMOS gates use a depletion-mode load, the gate and
source terminals of the active load are shorted together: this connection ensures that the depletion-
mode load is always in the saturation region of operation. In the depletion-mode case, the IC
fabrication procedures are more complex but typically lead to faster switching speeds. Analysis
techniques, while not discussed here, are similar to those of the enhancement-mode active load
Rather than switches mixed with active, resistive loads, it is possible to produce NAND
and NOR logic operations using only controlled switches. In this type of realization, the resistive
load is replaced by a group of oppositely controlled switches. As shown in Figure 16.23, each input
simultaneously produces an action on one of the positively controlled switches and the opposite
action on its counterpart in the negatively controlled switches. CMOS logic gates are founded on
this realization of logical switching.
◦• V ◦• V
◦• ◦•
Negatively A
A Controlled ◦•
◦• ◦• Switches
AB ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• A + B
A Positively
◦• Controlled A B
Switches ◦• ◦•
◦• ◦• ◦•
(a) (b)
Figure 16.23: Conceptual switch-only two-input logic gates: (a) NAND; (b) NOR.
CMOS Gates
CMOS logic gates are available in SSI packages and are found in many LSI and VLSI applications
such as calculators and watches. e very popular 74HCXX series of logic gates is an example
of SSI CMOS logic. As the physical scale of IC circuit realization becomes smaller, CMOS is
becoming the most significant form of MOS gate in VLSI applications. Part of this rise in CMOS
circuitry is due to its very low power consumption.
In standard CMOS each input is connected to an individual NMOS FET and a PMOS
FET. e complementary channel FETs act as opposite-acting switches with this connection.
A logic HIGH signal closes the NMOS switch and opens the PMOS switch: a LOW signal
produces the reverse actions. An example of this dual connection, a two-input NAND gate, is
shown in Figure 16.24a. is NAND gate consists of two NMOS transistors in series connected
to two PMOS transistors in parallel. Whenever an input turns one of the NMOS FETs ON, the
corresponding PMOS FET is turned OFF (i.e., Qn1 ON implies Qp1 OFF). us, the output
is switched to its LOW state only if both NMOS transistors are ON (both inputs HIGH), but
connected to VDD when either PMOS in ON (either input LOW). is is the ideal form for
a NAND gate. A two-input NOR gate is the exact dual structure of the NAND gate: there
are two parallel NMOS FETs transistors connected to two series PMOS FETs, as shown in
Figure 16.24b. Each additional input adds two FETs: one of each type connected in series or
parallel, as appropriate, to its matching-type FETs.
DD ◦•
◦• ◦• AB
Qn2 B◦• ◦• Qp2
A ◦• ◦•
◦• ◦• A + B
(a) (b)
Figure 16.24: Two input CMOS logic gates: (a) NAND; (b) NOR.
CMOS gates are characterized by very stable logic voltage levels. Each FET switches be-
tween cut-off and ohmic regions operation. In the cut-off region of operation, no drain current
flows through the FET. In the CMOS gate, ohmic region FETs are, in all stable states, in se-
ries with a cut-off FET (or combinations of cut-off FETs) and must also have no drain current.
Consequently, CMOS gates consume power only during the switching transient. During this
transient, a short-duration current pulse flow through the FETs, leading to low total power con-
sumption. Unfortunately, it also generates significant electrical noise.
e transfer characteristic of a CMOS gate can be approached by analyzing the states of
the individual FETs. An ohmic region FETs is described by:
ID D KS 2 .VGS VT / VDS VDS : (16.52)
If the drain current must be zero-valued, the implication of this simple application of Kirchhoff ’s
current law is:
VDS D 0:
e logic voltage levels of a CMOS gate are therefore limited by the supply voltage and ground:
e voltage at which the logic transitions occur is not easily characterized for CMOS gate
circuits. It is a function of the p-channel and n-channel FET transconductance factors, KP and
KN , as well as which inputs are in transition. A typical transfer relationship for a two-input
CMOS NAND gate is shown in Figure 16.25. When only input A is in transition, the transition
occurs at the lowest voltage: only B in transition occurs at a slightly higher input voltage. When
both inputs are simultaneously in transition, the transition occurs at its highest voltage level.
B only
A & B together
A only
0 Vin
e spread in the transition region can be investigated by observing the midpoint of the
output voltage transition (Vo D 1=2VDD ) for the two extreme cases. For simplicity of discussion,
assume the output is in transition from logic LOW to HIGH.
For a logic LOW, both inputs to a NAND gate are high and the FETs are in the following regions
of operation:
e lowest voltage transition occurs when the input voltage, Vin , is connected to terminal A. At
the midpoint of the transition for this case, Qn2 and Qp2 enter the saturation region while the
two other FETs remain in their previous states. e currents through the FETs are:
Example 16.5
Determine the range of input voltages at which the midpoint of a logic transition occurs for a
two-input CMOS NAND gate that uses FETs described by:
Guess Values
Vin := 2 Vds := .1
Transmission Gates
A transmission gate has an output signal that duplicates its input signal when a third signal, the
ENABLE signal, is present. When the ENABLE signal is in its other state (often called the IN-
HIBIT state) the transmission gate is opened. A very simple CMOS realization of a transmission
gate is shown in Figure 16.26. e transmission path is A to C, and the ENABLE/INHIBIT
signal is applied with opposite polarity to the two MOSFET gate terminals. Digital transmission
gates are very similar the parallel CMOS analog switch discussed in Section 4.5 (Book 1), but
optimized for single-direction transmission.
Transmission gates are often used with a clock signal entering the ENABLEterminal. As
such, the transmission gate serves to gate signal on or off. ese gates are commonly found in
multiplexers and other digital devices requiring signal switching.
A ◦• ◦• ◦• C 0 1 0 open
0 1 1 open
1 0 0 0
B ◦• ◦• B 1 0 1 1
(a) (b)
Figure 16.26: CMOS digital transmission gate: (a) Simplified circuit diagram; (b) Truth table.
• Flip-flops
• Schmitt Triggers
A latch is the simplest form of bistable circuit. is circuit “latches” its output to be the same
logic level as its last valid input. e latch then holds the output at the logic level until another
valid input forces a change in the latch state. As such, the latch is a very simple form of memory
circuit. Latches are especially significant on shared data busses where values must be held while the
buss transmits other data. Flip-flops are typically derived from latches. Most significant among
the changes is the requirement that a clock pulse be present in order for a flip-flop to switch
states. While many latches have an indeterminate output state, the output of a flip-flop is always
determinate. e output of a flip-flop depends not only on the inputs but also on the current
state of its output: in that sense, it also is a form of memory circuit. e Schmitt trigger finds
greatest use in speeding the rise and fall times of digital signals that, for various reasons, have
level transitions that are too slow for accurate logical manipulations. It is characterized by an
input/output characteristic displaying hysteresis.
Detailed presentation of bistable circuitry is beyond the scope of this discussion. Only a
few common circuits are presented for demonstration of the principles.
e SR Latch
e set-reset (SR) latch is a very common form of single-bit retention circuit. e SR latch is
formed by cross-coupling the outputs of a pair of NOR gates into the inputs of the opposite
member of the pair as shown in Figure 16.27. e output, Q, of the latch transitions to match
the S input when only one input is HIGH. When both inputs are LOWthe latch retains its last
value of Q and holds it until at least one input transitions to HIGH. e terms set and reset refer
to the action of the output, Q. Q sets (transitions to HIGH) when the set input, S , is HIGH:
Q resets (transitions to LOW) when the reset input, R, is HIGH. Unfortunately the simple SR
latch has a state that must be avoided: when both inputs are HIGH the output is indeterminate.
A common realization of an SR latch using two NOR gates is shown in CMOS form is
Figure 16.28.
Other IC gate families may use a different realization of the latch. In particular, it is more
efficient in I2 L gate realizations to use a NAND form of the SR latch (Figure 16.29). is NAND
realization produces the same logic characteristic as the NOR realization.
e JK Flip-Flop
Flip-flops are an augmentation of a basic latch¹⁶ that removes the indeterminate state present
when both inputs are HIGH. One common flip-flop is the JK flip-flop, logically realized in
¹⁶Terminology has not been effectively standardized for bistable circuitry. Many sources prefer to consider the SR latch a prim-
itive form of flip-flop, however IC terminology usually reserves the term for the more complex circuitry.
NOR ◦• ◦• Q
0 0 Q
0 1 0
NOR ◦• ◦• Q 1 0 1
S ◦• 1 1 −
(a) (b)
Figure 16.27: Basic SR latch: (a) Logic diagram; (b) Characteristic table.
◦• ◦•
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
◦• ◦•
S ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• R
Figure 16.30a. e addition of two three-input AND gates and an addition feedback path removes
the ambiguity in the logic table so that if both inputs are HIGH the output, Q, inverts. e
addition of a clock signal avoids many of the problems associated with noisy input signals.
A JK flip-flop will only transition between states during the presence of a clock pulse. Dur-
ing that clock pulse the inputs and outputs are combined to form the logic table of Figure 16.30b.
is table is the same as for a SR latch with the single exception that two HIGH inputs toggle
the output to its complement in a JK flip-flop where that state resulted in an indeterminate state
in the SR latch.
V• cc V
◦ ◦• cc
Io Io ◦• Q
S ◦• ◦• Q1 ◦• ◦• Q1
◦•Vcc ◦• Vcc
Io Io
◦• ◦• Q
R ◦• ◦• Q1 ◦• Q1
A characteristic of all JK flip-flops is that the output will toggle (change to the opposite
state) when clocked in the presence of a HIGH signal at both inputs. Operated in that mode the
circuit becomes a T flip-flop and is particularly useful in digital counters.
J ◦•
AND S Q ◦• ◦•
Clock ◦• ◦•
0 0 Q
AND R Q ◦• ◦• 0 1 0
K ◦• 1 0 1
1 1 Q
(a) (b)
Figure 16.30: Basic JK flip-flop: (a) Logic diagram; (b) Characteristic table.
Since latches and flip-flops have standard logic gates as basic functional components, they
are subject to many of the same speed restrictions: gates with short delay times lead to fast latches
or flip-flops. Typically, the speed of a latch or flip-flop is specified through the maximum clock
frequency. e maximum clock frequency is simply the highest rate at which the clock input of a
bistable circuit can be driven while maintaining proper operation. Other significant operational
parameters for these circuits are:
• Setup and Hold times: It is necessary that the input data arrive a short time before the trig-
gering edge of the clock pulse and remain a short time after: these times are the setup time
and hold time, respectively.
• Clock HIGH and LOW pulse widths: e minimum time that the clock must remain in its
HIGH and LOW states for proper gate operation.
e Schmitt Trigger
e output of a Schmitt trigger is bistable and has very steep transition regions. e characterizing
feature of the Schmitt trigger transfer function is the presence two separate transition regions, one
for positive slope and one for negative slope signals, separated by a deadband region. e resultant
transfer relationship exhibits hysteresis as shown in Figure 16.31. Any input signal below the
negative slope transition voltage, VT , results in a LOW output, VL . If the output state is LOW,
it will not transition to the HIGH state unless the input is greater than the positive slope transition
voltage, VTC . Similarly, any input above VTC results in a HIGH output, VH , that will not transition
to the LOW state unless the input falls below VT . us, signals, after crossing a threshold, do
not respond to input signal changes unless the variation is large enough to cross the deadband.
e Schmitt trigger is especially useful in converting slowly varying or a noisy signal into a
clean digital form with sharp transitions. Another common usage is converting sine-wave input
into a pulse-train output.¹⁷ e dependence of the output on both level and level derivative is
t deadband
t VL
◦• cc
◦• P3
R1 R2
◦• P2
◦• ◦• ◦•Vout
Vin◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• Vout
Vin◦• Q1 Q2 ◦• N1
◦• ◦• N3 ◦• Vdd
Rc N2
(a) (b)
Figure 16.32: Typical Schmitt trigger circuits: (a) Bipolar; (b) CMOS.
Example 16.6
e Bipolar Schmitt Trigger Circuit of Figure 16.32a is constructed with BJTs described by ˇF D
50 and component values:
VCC D 5 V R1 D 3:5 k R2 D 2:6 k Re D 1 k:
Determine the Trigger voltages for positive and negative slope signals, VTC and VT .
When Vin is LOW, Q1 is cut-off and Q2 is in saturation. Two loop equations can be written:
5 3:5 k Ib2 0:8 1 k .Ib2 C Ic2 / D 0;
5 2:6 k Ic2 0:2 1 k .Ib2 C Ic2 / D 0:
e solution to this pair of equations is
Ib2 D 679 A and Ic2 D 1:145 mA:
Which implies
When Vin is HIGH, Q1 is in saturation and Q2 is cut-off: Vout D 5 V. e low threshold voltage
can be found by determining when Q2 begins to turn on. For this to happen, Q1 must enter the
forward-active region and have a collector-emitter voltage equal to the cut-in voltage of Q2 D
2 . e collector-emitter voltage of Q1 (with Q2 OFF) is given by:
5 3:5 k Ie1 1 k Ie1 D V
D 0:5:
ˇF C 1
e solution to this equation is
1 2 2M
◦• Data Out
Read/Write ◦•
Circuitry ◦•
Data In
1 2 M
◦• ◦• ◦•
e topology of the individual memory cells distinguishes the various types of semicon-
ductor RAM. A RAM cell typically stores information in either a digital latching circuit or in
the charge on a capacitor. Latches can hold their state indefinitely (assuming no loss of electrical
power), while the charge in a capacitor-based storage cell gradually dissipates and must be pe-
riodically refreshed by external circuitry. e term static random access memory (SRAM) applies
to latch-based cells, while the term dynamic random access memory (DRAM) applies to cells that
must be refreshed.
Q3 Q4
DI ◦• Q5 ◦• ◦• Q6 ◦• DO
Q1 Q2
◦• ◦•
An NMOS version of the 6-T cell is also available. In the NMOS cell, Q3 and Q4 are
replaced by active loads, typically enhancement-mode FETs. e NMOS realization of the 6-
FET memory cell draws a more-consistent, albeit higher, current from the power supply. e
price of less electrical noise than the CMOS realization is increased power consumption.
Another variation of this cell is the four FET (4-T) SRAM cell. is variation is essentially
the same circuit as the NMOS realization. Here the active load FETs are replaced by polysilicon
resistors. e variation allows for smaller cell size, but increases power consumption and decreases
reliability somewhat over the other two realizations.
◦• Read ◦• Write
Q3 ◦•
DI ◦• Q1 ◦• Q2
e simplest of all DRAM cells is the 1-T cell shown in Figure 16.36. Here the data
storage capacitor is connected to a single data line through a single switch. Incoming data charges
the capacitor through the switch. When the data is to be read, the same switch connects the
capacitor to the data line. is connection completely discharges the capacitor: it is then necessary
to immediately refresh that data by imposing an amplified duplicate back onto the data line. Of
course this immediate-refresh-after-read is in addition to the normal refresh process necessary in
all DRAM. e cell size reduction possible in the 1-T warrants, in many situations, the added
complexity of the drive electronics.
Read/Write line
◦• Data line
with a relatively high thermal coefficient for GaAs and relatively high power dissipation, places
severe restrictions on noise margins and the reliability of logical operations. Still, it appears that
GaAs circuits have a significant future.
Since a native oxide of GaAs does not exist, MOS-like structures are not possible in GaAs
ICs. erefore, other transistor structures have been developed. ree basic transistor structures
have currently been shown to be useful in GaAs circuits:
• Metal-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MESFETs),
• Heterojunction Field Effect Transistors (HFETs), and
• Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs).
MESFETs are the current dominant GaAs transistor structure. Operation of a MESFET is sim-
ilar to a JFET where a metal-semiconductor junction takes the place of the p-n junction of the
JFET. As seen in Section 16.2, appropriate metal-semiconductor junctions form Schottky barrier
diodes. Interestingly, MESFETs can be fabricated as either depletion-mode or enhancement-
mode FETs. Voltage current relationships for GaAs MESFETs are essentially the same as for
Silicon JFETs with parameters in the ranges:
Typical GaAs MESFET Schottky barrier voltage is in the range of 0.8 V. HFETs are charac-
terized by voltage-current relationships similar to MESFETs and are therefore not specifically
discussed. HBTs are functionally similar to bipolar junction transistors. e discussion here is
limited to MESFET gate structures.
ere are two basic families of GaAs MESFET logic circuits:
• Enhancement-Depletion Logic, and
• Source-Coupled Logic.
e enhancement-depletion family bears considerable similarity to NMOS logic, and source-
coupled logic is similar to the bipolar ECL. Because of these similarities, discussion here will be
descriptive, rather than quantitative, in scope. Dominance among the GaAs logic families is not
yet firmly established.
Enhancement-Depletion Logic
GaAs Enhancement-depletion (ED) logic circuits share the same topology with NMOS logic
circuits. As an example, the topology of the GaAs NOR gate shown in Figure 16.37 is essentially
the same as the NMOS NOR gate shown in Figure 16.22b. In this realization, Q1 and Q2 are
enhancement-mode FETs and Q3 is a depletion-mode FET used as an active load.¹⁸ However,
the functional differences between a GaAs MESFET and a Silicon MOSFET restricts direct
comparisons. In particular, the Schottky barrier diode inherent to the gate of a GaAs device allows
gate current to flow when gate-source voltages exceed the Schottky barrier voltage. Consequently,
voltage swing must be kept small in order to avoid this detrimental gate current condition.
◦• DD
A◦• Q3
◦• ◦• ◦• C = A + B
B◦• Q1 Q2
• For a HIGH output, any slave gate attached to the output will clamp the output voltage
to the Schottky barrier voltage ( 0:8 V). e output voltage in NMOS is limited to the
much larger value, VDD VT .
• For a HIGH output, the current in the active load is not zero: power is dissipated for both
HIGH and LOW output levels. NMOS dissipates essentially zero power for a HIGH
¹⁸e NMOS gate in Figure 16.22b uses an enhancement-mode FET as an active load rather than a depletion-mode FET.
While GaAs requires a depletion-mode active load, NMOS can be fabricated in either form: operation of the gate is the
• When the input is HIGH, the output is LOW unless the input voltage exceeds the Schot-
tky barrier voltage. Further increases in the input voltage increase the output voltage. If
sufficiently high input voltage is applied, logical errors will occur. NMOS does not have
this potential problem.
• Voltage swings are limited to the Schottky barrier voltage ( 0:8 V). NMOS swings can be
much larger.
• e power supply voltage for GaAs ED logic needs to be only slightly larger than the Schot-
tky barrier voltage. is supply voltage can therefore be significantly smaller than that of
NMOS logic.
• e threshold voltage for GaAs enhancement FETs must be less than the turn-on voltage
of the Schottky diode. NMOS FETs do not have this restriction.
While it is possible to construct a GaAs NAND gate using the same topology as a NMOS NAND
gate, the very small differences in voltage levels between a logic HIGH and LOW reduce the noise
margin to unacceptable levels. e “stacking” of enhancement FETs to create the logic NAND
function increases the logic LOW and is responsible for this reduction in noise margins. GaAs
NAND gates are not commercially available.
Source-Coupled Logic
GaAs source-coupled (SC) logic is based upon a FET differential amplifier¹⁹ in the same manner
as Emitter-coupled logic is based on a BJT differential amplifier. A simple two-input OR gate is
shown in Figure 16.38. If either input, A or B, is a logic HIGH, Q3 will enter cut-off and the
output, C, will become a logic HIGH. Conversely, only if both inputs are a logic LOW will Q3
enter saturation and the output goes to a logic LOW. e logic voltage levels for an unloaded
gate are:
VoH VDD VT and VoL VT :
is logic swing is significantly larger than other forms of GaAs logic. Noise margins are also
significantly improved.
One particularly attractive feature of SC logic is its insensitivity to transistor parameter
variation. Unfortunately, SC logic consumes significantly more power than other forms of GaAs
logic. A simple SC OR gate is roughly twice the size of the same gate in GaAs ED logic. Gate
speed is essentially equivalent in the two logic families.
A◦• Q5 Q6
◦• ◦• ◦• C ◦• ◦• ◦• C = A + B
B◦• Q1 Q2 Q3 ◦• Vref
◦• ◦•
of the major logic families commonly in use. A short comparison of a four commercial logic gate
families is shown in Table 16.1.
Table 16.2: Nominal input and output specifications of the two logic families for 5 V operations
Buffering can provide a good solution. e only significant drawbacks are an addition of compo-
nents and the additional propagation delay induced by the buffer. TTL gates with passive pull-up
may introduce a large additional propagation delay and are, therefore discarded as an alternative.
If the new CMOS system can be implemented with HCT gates as the input gates, this is proba-
bly the best solution. Operation of the CMOS portion of the circuit at 3 V will lower the required
HIGH input voltage requirement below the TTL output HIGH. Unfortunately this also reduces
noise margins and violates the constraints in the design requirements. If HCT input gates are not
possible, shunting the TTL active pullup with an external, passive pull-up seems a viable design
5• V
◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
Input Gate
Rp Passive
◦• ◦•
◦• ◦• ◦•
◦• ◦•
Output Gate
◦• ◦•
An external resistor that shunts the output of the LS TTL gate will force the HIGH level
at the interface near 5 V. e minimum value of the pull-up resistor, Rp , is determined by the
current sinking capability of the TTL gate: the LOW voltage must remain within specifications.
For a LOW, the maximum current through the resistor is given by the sum of the maximum TTL
output current and N CMOS input currents. is LOW voltage requirement restricts Rp to:
VCC VOL. max/
Rp > 563 :
IOL. max/ NI HC
e maximum value of Rp is determined by the output voltage rise time. is voltage rise is a
complex process. It rises to VOH.min/ very quickly ( 9 ns) due to the active pull-up. ereafter,
the rise will be exponential due to the RC time constant formed by the input capacitance of the
16.9. PROBLEMS 1161
CMOS gates and Rp . e time period for the voltage to exceed the CMOS VIH.min/ is given by
the solution to:
v .t/ D VCC VCC VOH. min/ e
Rp C
D VIH. min/
v .t/ D 5 2:3 e Rp C
D 3:15 ) t D 0:22Rp C:
If a design using a shunt, passive pull-up resistor is to be better than a design using a buffer gate,
the additional rise time must be shorter than the propagation delay due to a buffer. at is:
.9 ns/ 40:9 ns
t < 9 ns ) Rp < D :
.0:22/ C C
e total capacitance, C , is given by the input capacitance of the total number of CMOS gates
being driven by the TTL gate. A typical value is: C 10 pF. is capacitive assumption leads to:
Rp D 1:5 k:
16.1. e BJT in the simple inverter shown is described by:
ˇF D 75 fT D 200 MHz ˇR D 2:
If the input voltage, Vin , has logic levels, 0 V and 5 V, determine the following:
◦• ◦• Vout
5.6 kΩ
Vin − 15 kΩ
◦• ◦•
16.2. Assume the power supply for the simple inverter of Problem 16-1 is reduced to 3.3 V and
the input logic levels become 0 V and 3.3 V. e transistor parameters are unchanged.
Determine the following:
16.3. In an attempt to decrease the propagation delay of the simple inverter described in Prob-
lem 16-1, the collector resistor is reduced to 1.5 k. Comment quantitatively on the
advisability of this design change.
16.4. e BJTs in the inverter with active pull-up shown are described by:
ˇF D 75 fT D 200 MHz ˇR D 2:
If the input voltage, Vin , has logic levels, 0 V and 5 V, determine the following:
3.9 kΩ
◦• ◦• Vout
5.6 kΩ
Vin − 15 kΩ
◦• ◦•
2.2 kΩ
◦• ◦• Vout
5.6 kΩ
Vin − 15 kΩ
◦• ◦•
16.6. e BJTs in the inverter with active pull-up shown are described by:
ˇF D 75 fT D 200 MHz ˇR D 2:
If the input voltage, Vin , has logic levels, 0 V and 5 V, determine the following:
5 V ◦• ◦•
1.5 kΩ 330 Ω
◦• ◦• Vout
5.6 kΩ
Vin − 15 kΩ
◦• ◦•
16.7. e BJTs in the inverter with active pull-up and pull-down as shown are described by:
ˇF D 75 fT D 200 MHz ˇR D 2:
If the input voltage, Vin , has logic levels, 0 V and 5 V, determine the following:
3.9 kΩ
◦• ◦• Vout
5.6 kΩ
◦• ◦• ◦•
+ 510 Ω 240 Ω
Vin − 15 kΩ
◦• ◦• ◦•
(a) Determine the logical operation the gate performs on the four inputs: A, B, C and
(b) What are the logic voltage levels at the output, Vout ?
5 V◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•
130 Ω
3.9 kΩ 1.6 kΩ 3.9 kΩ
A ◦• ◦• C
B ◦• ◦• D
◦• ◦• ◦• Vout
1 kΩ
16.9. Compare the average power consumption of the simple ECL OR gate of Fig-
ure 3.12 (Book 1) to that of a 10 K OR gate (Figure 16.13) with the following parameters:
RC 2 D 218 RC 3 D 246 REP D 777
R1 D 909 R2 D 6:12 k R3 D 4:99 k RIN1 D RIN2 D 51 k.
Assume a pull-down resistor at the output of 1.5 k and BJTs with ˇF D 100.
16.10. A CMOS inverter is fabricated using a 3.3 V supply and MOSFETs with the following
(a) Determine the average propagation delay time if it is driving a capacitive load of
5 pF.
(b) Compare the results of part a to those found in Example 16.2.
16.11. A CMOS inverter is fabricated using a 5 V supply and MOSFETs with the following
Determine the average propagation delay time if the gate is driving a capacitive load of
5 pF.
16.12. A CMOS inverter is fabricated using a 3 V supply and MOSFETs with the following
Determine the average propagation delay time if the gate is driving a capacitive load of
15 pF.
16.13. A CMOS inverter is fabricated using transistors with the following properties:
Use SPICE to determine the voltage transfer characteristic for the following power sup-
ply conditions:
What are the values of VoL for one, two and three inputs HIGH?
16.15. Given a 3.3 V power supply. Design a three-input NMOS NOR gate to have the fol-
lowing output logic levels when driven by a gate of the same design:
What are the values of VoL for one, two and three inputs HIGH?
16.16. Given a 5 V power supply. Design a three-input NMOS NAND gate to have the fol-
lowing output logic levels when driven by a gate of the same design:
16.17. Given a 3.3 V power supply. Design a three-input NMOS NAND gate to have the fol-
lowing output logic levels when driven by a gate of the same design:
16.18. Determine a logical expression for the output, Y, of the CMOS circuit shown as a func-
tion of the three inputs, A, B, and C.
Use SPICE to verify the logical expression. Assume the MOSFETs are described by:
A◦• ◦• B ◦• ◦• C◦• ◦•
◦• ◦• Y
◦• ◦•
16.19. Given a 3 V power supply. Design a three-input NMOS NAND gate to have the fol-
lowing output logic levels when driven by a gate of the same design:
16.20. Determine the range of input voltages at which the midpoint of a logic transition occurs
for a two-input CMOS NAND gate that uses FETs described by:
and a 5 V power supply. Compare this voltage range to that found in Example 16.5.
16.22. It is possible to form bipolar gates that operate similarly to MOS gates. One such circuit
is shown. Determine the logic function implemented by this circuit.
◦• ◦• Vout
A ◦•
B ◦•
16.23. Use SPICE to implement the CMOS SR Latch of Figure 16.28. Assume a 5 V power
supply and MOSFETs described by:
Power supplied by the 5 V source must not exceed 5 mW in any stable state.
Any current entering the input terminal of the Schmitt trigger is excluded from
this calculation.
16.25. Design a bipolar Schmitt trigger using BJTs characterized by ˇF D 100 and a 3.3 V
power supply to meet the following design criteria.
reshold voltages:
VTC D 2:0 V and VT D 1:2 V:
Power consumption:
Power supplied by the 3.3 V source must not exceed 3 mW in any stable state.
Any current entering the input terminal of the Schmitt trigger is excluded from
this calculation.
16.26. Use SPICE to determine the transfer characteristic for the given Silicon bipolar Schmitt
trigger. e BJTs are characterized by ˇF D 50. Compare SPICE results to those ob-
tained by the simple hand analysis of Example 16.6. Over what range of input voltages
are the two transition regions?
Hint: In transient analysis SPICE may have difficulty converging for switching circuits:
this can usually be eliminated by setting ITL4 D 40 in a .OPTIONS statement.
◦• 5 V
3.5 kΩ 2.6 kΩ
◦• ◦• ◦• Vout
Vin◦• Q1 Q2
1 kΩ
16.27. In the Schmitt trigger circuit shown, the BJTs are characterized by ˇF D 50.
(a) Using simple hand analysis, determine the positive and negative slope trigger volt-
ages, VTC and VT .
(b) Use SPICE to validate results obtained by the simple hand analysis.
Hint: In transient analysis SPICE may have difficulty converging for switching circuits:
this can usually be eliminated by setting ITL4 D 40 in a .OPTIONS statement.
◦• 3.3 V
3.3 kΩ 2.2 kΩ
◦• ◦• ◦• Vout
Vin◦• Q1 Q2
910 Ω
16.28. Use SPICE to determine the voltage transfer characteristic for the given MOSFET
Schmitt trigger. e MOSFETs are characterized by:
VT D 1 V K D 0:2 mA=V2 :
◦• 5V
◦• P3
◦• P2
Vin◦• ◦• ◦• ◦• ◦•Vout
◦• N2
◦• N3 ◦• 5V
16.9. PROBLEMS 1171
16.29. An existing TTL (LS) digital system is to be interfaced to a new ECL digital system.
e interface is unidirectional with the TTL system driving the ECL system. It has been
suggested that the interface can be realized using a common-base amplifier. e nominal
input and output specifications of the two logic families are known to be:
Complete the interface design and verify proper operation using SPICE.
16.30. It has been suggested that the TTL-CMOS interface described in the Summary Design
Example could be improve upon using an active logic-level interface circuit. One such
interface circuit is shown.
Choose appropriate resistor values and compare the operation of this interface circuit to
that of the Summary Design Example. Assume BJTs described by:
ˇF D 50:
◦• VCC
◦• ◦• vout
[1] ——-, High-Speed CMOS Logic Data Book, Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas, 1988.
[2] Buchanan, James, CMOS/TTL Digital Systems Design, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
New York, 1990.
[3] Glasford, Glenn, Digital Electronic Circuits, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 1988.
[4] Haznedar, Haldun, Digital Microelectronics, e Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Com-
pany, Inc., 1991.
[5] Hodges, David and Jackson, Horace, Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits, 2nd
Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1988.
[6] Shoji, Masakazu, CMOS Digital Circuit Technology, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
[7] Taub, Herbert and Schilling, Donald, Digital Integrated Electronics, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York, 1977.
[8] Wing, Omar, Gallium Arsenide Digital Circuits, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston,
Authors’ Biographies
omas F. Schubert, Jr., and Ernest M. Kim are colleagues in the Electrical Engineering
Department of the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering at the University of San Diego.
Ernest Kim received his B.S.E.E. from the University of
Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1977, an M.S.E.E.
in 1980 and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 1987 from New
Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico. His dis-
sertation was on precision near-field exit radiation measure-
ments from optical fibers.
Dr. Kim worked as an Electrical Engineer for the Uni-
versity of Hawaii at the Naval Ocean Systems Center, Hawaii
Labs at Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station after graduating
with his B.S.E.E. Upon completing his M.S.E.E., he was an
electrical engineer with the National Bureau of Standards in
Boulder, Colorado designing hardware for precision fiber optic
measurements. He then entered the commercial sector as a staff
engineer with Burroughs Corporation in San Diego, California developing fiber optic LAN sys-
tems. He left Burroughs for Tacan/IPITEK Corporation as Manager of Electro-Optic Systems
developing fiber optic CATV hardware and systems. In 1990 he joined the faculty of the Univer-
sity of San Diego. He remains an active consultant in radio frequency and analog circuit design,
and teaches review courses for the engineering Fundamentals Examination.
Dr. Kim is a member of the IEEE, ASEE, and CSPE. He is a Licensed Professional
Electrical Engineer in California.