HTTPS://WWW - Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments 7ed PDF 179 MB
HTTPS://WWW - Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments 7ed PDF 179 MB
HTTPS://WWW - Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments 7ed PDF 179 MB
Biology 640:
Professor Owens
Tuesday, January 31/2017
Question : How does the site of Natural Killer (NK) cells, such as in the PNS or CNS,
determine the inflammation it can cause in the disorder MS.
Hypothesis: If Natural Killer cells are supposed to fight off pathogens, then there will be
miscommunication in their function causing NK cells to inflame the body and cause a
Why? : I have asked this question because Natural Killer (NK) cells are known for being
lymphocytes that work hand and hand with the innate immune system. Their main
function is to fight off pathogens and diseases that will prevent tumors and other viral
infected cells from spreading in the body. Although lymphocytes fight off these things,
they are nonspecific. I wonder if the fact that they are nonspecific play the biggest role in
why the disorder MS can occur in the body, or if MS occurs in the body due to the fact
that there is a NK type that inhibits the symptoms of MS.
Importance/Interesting: I think my question is interesting or important because Natural
Killer (NK) cells are known for being good, yet they may not be as efficient as claimed to
be if MS is occurring in the body. Some people would like to state that Natural Killer
(NK) cells get weaker over time in the body; however, MS can occur at any age. I think it
is important to determine the different types of NK cells, so that we understand their
proper function in the body. They are very crucial to the body in my eyes, so I think that
it is important for science to spot the bad NK cells or figure out a way that the good NK
cells can get rid of the bad ones.
2. Experimental Design: I would start off by learning all the information I can about NK
cells in the CNS and PNS areas in the body. Also, I would determine the role that NK
cells share in relation to glia. Because NK cells are hard to work with in lab, especially
because a lot of mice dont have sets of NK cells, I would start off by comparing different
genes in mice to a human body. Thus, I will hopefully come close to finding out what
genes are responsible for causing various disorder symptoms in the mouses body
compared to the human body. After determining the genes in both mice and humans that
cause similar disorder symptoms, I would start tweaking genes in the mice and steady the
various reactions.
3. Predicted Results: