6-Quantitative Analysis of The Water - Ekouele Mbaki (26-31) PDF
6-Quantitative Analysis of The Water - Ekouele Mbaki (26-31) PDF
6-Quantitative Analysis of The Water - Ekouele Mbaki (26-31) PDF
J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h tt p : / / re v u e s . i m i s t . m a / ? j o u r n a l = J OW S E T
Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250
1. Description of the study area orientation, separated by depressions, filled with very sandy
Sahel Doukkala is located downstream the Oued Oum Er RBia loams.
watershed along the north and northeast boundaries. This is a The hydrographic network includes two main wadis. It is much
coastal region located between latitudes 32 15 and 33 15 more developed in the Doukkala's plateaus (upstream) to the
north and longitudes 8 and 915 covering an area of 7700 Sahel as well as evaporation values also decrease from
Km2 with about 150 km of coastline. Southern Sahel Doukkala upstream to downstream [12].
occupies a fragmented relief and underlines the base of the
hills of Mouissate and the Rehamna primary massif (Figure 1). 3. Geological
The region is divided in two parts; the first part is the eastern Geological context is well known. Indeed, the Sahel Doukkala
zone represented by Doukkala and the second, Sahel in close belongs to the Mesata geological unit. It includes a tabular
proximity to Atlantic Ocean. regime of secondary and tertiary deposits rests on Paleozoic
The Sahel is an area in which the prevalence by regular chain formations highly folder by the effects of Hercynian orogeny.
of dunes covers the inter-dunes, in which accumulate the The Paleozoic basement consists mainly of shale and quartzite,
meteoric waters. These hilltops completely covered by loamy appears to the northeast and east Doukkala, including in the
and sandy soils follow each other, covering long distances Oum Er RBia valley. It should be furthermore noted that it is
giving them the appearance of Appalachians Mountains [27]. hidden by posterior deposits with the exception Cambrian
outcroppings in El Jadida [22 8- 9].
Data from studies that have been conducted enabled us to
establish a simplified outline of the geology of the area (fig. 2).
- The Permo-Triassic appears in Oum Er RBia valley in
the form of clay deposits and red pelites with the
basaltic flows. These formations are found together
with carboniferous red conglomerates in MTal.
- Jurassic is only present in south of Doukkala however
it crops out to constitute the Mouissate hills.
- Cretaceous extremely important and represents the
bedrock almost continuous of Plio-Quaternary aquifer
of Doukkala. Furthermore, some calcareous levels
contain the most interesting concentration of
groundwater in Sahel.
- Lastly, a Neocomian transgression without
interruption with Jurassic transgression extended
Fig. 1: Presentation of study area much further north and east.
And secondly the Doukkala; this concerns a loamy soils and
large region on a sloping ground (2-3%), facing south-east to
north-west with the altitude decreasing from 300 m along the
Rehamna to 120 m at the Sahel Boundary. The hydrography of
this region is typically influenced by variety depressions, in
which surface waters often get lost forming endorheic basins.
2. Hydrogeomorphology background
Very close to the ocean, its relief is almost negligible as regards
the possible influence on the climate. Temperatures are
moderate in areas near the ocean, and more contrasting inside
from the classification of Morocco climates G. Debrach (1953),
based on the temperature [12, 13]. Thus, the climate in the
Sahel is moderate, while the plain Doukkala would be placed in
the hot climate semicontinental characteristic of Morocco to
the north of the Atlas. Fig. 2: Geological overview of the Sahel-Doukkala
Overall, the dune morphology is regular: the peaks are Elaborated from data of carte gologique du Maroc 1982
followed over long distances with the same SSW-NNE
J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h tt p : / / re v u e s . i m i s t . m a / ? j o u r n a l = J OW S E T
Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250
4. Morphological context Therefore, in view of all these parameters, and because of the
This is mainly composed of three elements: stability of topography, we relied on the DEM of 30 meters of
- The plateaus: they have less regular topography and resolution to determine high potential zones of water.
represent remains of the filling surface by lower The morphological structure affects the hydrological system by
clayey silt, with a thin layer (1 to 2 m) of recent silt. interacting with their physical characteristics [6- 10]. Indeed,
We also notify the presence of red clay heavily resultants of altitudes gradient and dunes landscape can infer
encrusted and banks whose origin could be related possible presence of dayas that may contain water (in the low
the tectonic or river. area between the dunes) [18].
- The valleys: they represent the water system But this is not sufficient, due to the large surface area hence
basement, with bright and dead thalwegs constituting less precise; it may be a river, wadi, hydromorphic soil rich in
endorheic basins. clay or simply moist soil [29].
- Relief dune: Far from being a uniform area, we mainly Like many ecosystems, these are particular environments. They
found in the Sahel a series of high dunes similar to the are characterized by their complexity, changing conditions, and
Appalachians regions. In general, dune morphology is uncertainty. They play a significant role in ensuring an
regular with hilltops following each other over a long environmental safety but also a sustainable development of
distance with the same orientations separated by areas [2-41]. ArcGIS was used to determine wetness
depressions between dunes filled up by sandy silt. topographical index by Beven-Kirkby method [3-4]. It is a
In addition to the previous morphological elements, we can mathematical expression showing the capacity of soils to
also add significant amount of karst phenomena known for its accumulate water.
influence in the surface and subsurface influx. They appear in
the morphology, along the boundary between Sahel and
Doukkala areas. The silty mantle forms a thick layer on top of Where:
limestone and gypsum formations allowing karsts development - b: Local slope (radian)
within plains [18-38]. - a: Specific area (Km2)
- p: Pixels surface (depending of DEM, and projection)
Material and methods
2. Analytical method
No previous work was dedicated to the quantitative analysis of
hydric potential in Sahel Doukkala. We may find in old works;
representations based on investigations on neighbor domains
[7-17]. It is during the geophysical or topographic prospection
that we report confidentially the neighborhood of the terrain.
On the other hand, considering new technologies, satellites
images bring elements capable of drawing up a map of an
entire area. Disadvantage of this methods remains on its cost;
satellites images are too expensive and we may misinterpret
results according to the season.
Fig. 3: Representative slope map of Sahel-Doukkala (a) and
Indeed, a picture in summer in an arid or semi-arid region may
orientations of slopes (b)
lead to underestimation of a daya to a temporary pond.
J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h tt p : / / re v u e s . i m i s t . m a / ? j o u r n a l = J OW S E T
Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250
J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h tt p : / / re v u e s . i m i s t . m a / ? j o u r n a l = J OW S E T
Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250
This study is funded by the Basin Agency of Oum Er R'bia, the
Natural Resources Research Unit Environment and Health
(RNES), Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Faculty of Science
and Technology. So, we want to thank all the teams who
contributed to the development of this document.
J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h tt p : / / re v u e s . i m i s t . m a / ? j o u r n a l = J OW S E T
Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250
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J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h tt p : / / re v u e s . i m i s t . m a / ? j o u r n a l = J OW S E T