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Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250

Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies

Cit this: : JOWSET, 2016 (01), N01, 26-31

Quantitative Analysis of the water potential in the region of Sahel

Doukkala (Morocco)

V. R. Ekouele Mbaki*1, A. Boukdir1, P. Menga Okandza2, A. El Mahboul3, M. Hilali4, A.

[1] Laboratoire Gnie industriel, facult des sciences et techniques, Universit Sultan Moulay Slimane, BP: 523, 23000 Bni Mellal,
[2] Chemical Engineering Department, Teesside University, School of Science and Engineering, Middleborough, England
[3] Agence du basin hydraulique de lOum Er Rbia, BP: 511, 23000 Bni Mellal (Maroc)
[4]Departement de Geologie, facult des sciences et techniques, Universit Moulay Ismal, BP: 509, Boutalamine, 52000
Errachidia, Maroc
*Corresponding Author: Tel.: +212674320696; e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 15 June 2016

The use of water is steadily increasing with population growth. In the
Accepted: 27 June 2016
Kingdom of Morocco in general and especially in the Sahel-Doukkala
Available online: 10 July 2016
region, this situation requires a particular attention. This manuscript is
dedicated to characterize the region by means of GIS tools of digital
elevation model (DEM) and the modified Beven Kirkby equation as well
Water potential
as elements of the hydrological system in order to determine potential Digital elevation model (DEM)
areas of surface water in the region of Sahel-Doukkala. This is an aid to Wetness index
decision in view of sustainable management. Endoreism

industrial, agricultural and domestic needs. This situation

makes the management of water resources very complex as
Introduction studies have shown vulnerability of this groundwater in various
Morocco's hydrological context is mainly influenced by an regions [5- 15-16- 24- 29- 31- 37].
annual irregularity and a considerable variability in rainfall with These two combined effects have the gift to accentuate
a spatial disparity. problems related to water resources, making its management
At first, we noticed that the total precipitation is mainly more complex [40]. Indeed, for industrial, agricultural and
concentrated in autumn and winter, spreads over four months domestic consumption needs; underground water are
(November to February) with raining days ranging from 20 to subjected to excessive pumping causing environmental harm
70 from south to north. There is an important disparity in the such as declining groundwater level followed by groundwater
concentration of rainfall across regions in the entire country. In damage from quantitative and qualitative perspective.
the North, wetter, we can record up to 2000 mm against 100 Knowing that it is first necessary to have the resource to
mm in the South [33]. This uneven distribution is mainly manage it, we decided to quantify the potentiality of water in
associated with the respective geographical position [20]. the region in order to contribute to the planning of a
Secondly, the population growth in this region (Sahel sustainable management model.
Doukkala) has yield an excessive exploitation of the aquifer for

J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h tt p : / / re v u e s . i m i s t . m a / ? j o u r n a l = J OW S E T
Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250

1. Description of the study area orientation, separated by depressions, filled with very sandy
Sahel Doukkala is located downstream the Oued Oum Er RBia loams.
watershed along the north and northeast boundaries. This is a The hydrographic network includes two main wadis. It is much
coastal region located between latitudes 32 15 and 33 15 more developed in the Doukkala's plateaus (upstream) to the
north and longitudes 8 and 915 covering an area of 7700 Sahel as well as evaporation values also decrease from
Km2 with about 150 km of coastline. Southern Sahel Doukkala upstream to downstream [12].
occupies a fragmented relief and underlines the base of the
hills of Mouissate and the Rehamna primary massif (Figure 1). 3. Geological
The region is divided in two parts; the first part is the eastern Geological context is well known. Indeed, the Sahel Doukkala
zone represented by Doukkala and the second, Sahel in close belongs to the Mesata geological unit. It includes a tabular
proximity to Atlantic Ocean. regime of secondary and tertiary deposits rests on Paleozoic
The Sahel is an area in which the prevalence by regular chain formations highly folder by the effects of Hercynian orogeny.
of dunes covers the inter-dunes, in which accumulate the The Paleozoic basement consists mainly of shale and quartzite,
meteoric waters. These hilltops completely covered by loamy appears to the northeast and east Doukkala, including in the
and sandy soils follow each other, covering long distances Oum Er RBia valley. It should be furthermore noted that it is
giving them the appearance of Appalachians Mountains [27]. hidden by posterior deposits with the exception Cambrian
outcroppings in El Jadida [22 8- 9].
Data from studies that have been conducted enabled us to
establish a simplified outline of the geology of the area (fig. 2).
- The Permo-Triassic appears in Oum Er RBia valley in
the form of clay deposits and red pelites with the
basaltic flows. These formations are found together
with carboniferous red conglomerates in MTal.
- Jurassic is only present in south of Doukkala however
it crops out to constitute the Mouissate hills.
- Cretaceous extremely important and represents the
bedrock almost continuous of Plio-Quaternary aquifer
of Doukkala. Furthermore, some calcareous levels
contain the most interesting concentration of
groundwater in Sahel.
- Lastly, a Neocomian transgression without
interruption with Jurassic transgression extended
Fig. 1: Presentation of study area much further north and east.
And secondly the Doukkala; this concerns a loamy soils and
large region on a sloping ground (2-3%), facing south-east to
north-west with the altitude decreasing from 300 m along the
Rehamna to 120 m at the Sahel Boundary. The hydrography of
this region is typically influenced by variety depressions, in
which surface waters often get lost forming endorheic basins.

2. Hydrogeomorphology background
Very close to the ocean, its relief is almost negligible as regards
the possible influence on the climate. Temperatures are
moderate in areas near the ocean, and more contrasting inside
from the classification of Morocco climates G. Debrach (1953),
based on the temperature [12, 13]. Thus, the climate in the
Sahel is moderate, while the plain Doukkala would be placed in
the hot climate semicontinental characteristic of Morocco to
the north of the Atlas. Fig. 2: Geological overview of the Sahel-Doukkala
Overall, the dune morphology is regular: the peaks are Elaborated from data of carte gologique du Maroc 1982
followed over long distances with the same SSW-NNE

J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h tt p : / / re v u e s . i m i s t . m a / ? j o u r n a l = J OW S E T
Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250

4. Morphological context Therefore, in view of all these parameters, and because of the
This is mainly composed of three elements: stability of topography, we relied on the DEM of 30 meters of
- The plateaus: they have less regular topography and resolution to determine high potential zones of water.
represent remains of the filling surface by lower The morphological structure affects the hydrological system by
clayey silt, with a thin layer (1 to 2 m) of recent silt. interacting with their physical characteristics [6- 10]. Indeed,
We also notify the presence of red clay heavily resultants of altitudes gradient and dunes landscape can infer
encrusted and banks whose origin could be related possible presence of dayas that may contain water (in the low
the tectonic or river. area between the dunes) [18].
- The valleys: they represent the water system But this is not sufficient, due to the large surface area hence
basement, with bright and dead thalwegs constituting less precise; it may be a river, wadi, hydromorphic soil rich in
endorheic basins. clay or simply moist soil [29].
- Relief dune: Far from being a uniform area, we mainly Like many ecosystems, these are particular environments. They
found in the Sahel a series of high dunes similar to the are characterized by their complexity, changing conditions, and
Appalachians regions. In general, dune morphology is uncertainty. They play a significant role in ensuring an
regular with hilltops following each other over a long environmental safety but also a sustainable development of
distance with the same orientations separated by areas [2-41]. ArcGIS was used to determine wetness
depressions between dunes filled up by sandy silt. topographical index by Beven-Kirkby method [3-4]. It is a
In addition to the previous morphological elements, we can mathematical expression showing the capacity of soils to
also add significant amount of karst phenomena known for its accumulate water.
influence in the surface and subsurface influx. They appear in
the morphology, along the boundary between Sahel and
Doukkala areas. The silty mantle forms a thick layer on top of Where:
limestone and gypsum formations allowing karsts development - b: Local slope (radian)
within plains [18-38]. - a: Specific area (Km2)
- p: Pixels surface (depending of DEM, and projection)
Material and methods

1. Presentation of DEM Results and discussion

Modeling was performed in several steps
Sahel Doukkala area has a geomorphological diversity. We used
digital elevation model (DEM) at the experimental scale in 1. Slope and orientation
order to reproduce correctly the landscape features. DEM is a A Full range of conditions was identified from which are
very useful tool, it was then used at various occasions in many observed the spatial slopes distribution including their
previous works [1- 10- 23- 24- 30- 32- 33- 35]; enabling us to orientations (Fig. 3).
perform the followings:
- Extraction of field parameters
- Drawings of topographic profiles
- Modeling and prediction of water flow

2. Analytical method
No previous work was dedicated to the quantitative analysis of
hydric potential in Sahel Doukkala. We may find in old works;
representations based on investigations on neighbor domains
[7-17]. It is during the geophysical or topographic prospection
that we report confidentially the neighborhood of the terrain.
On the other hand, considering new technologies, satellites
images bring elements capable of drawing up a map of an
entire area. Disadvantage of this methods remains on its cost;
satellites images are too expensive and we may misinterpret
results according to the season.
Fig. 3: Representative slope map of Sahel-Doukkala (a) and
Indeed, a picture in summer in an arid or semi-arid region may
orientations of slopes (b)
lead to underestimation of a daya to a temporary pond.

J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h tt p : / / re v u e s . i m i s t . m a / ? j o u r n a l = J OW S E T
Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250

Calculation of upslope area depends on the way the

accumulated area of upstream cells is routed to downstream
cells. Traditionally, the area from a cell has been transferred in
the steepest downslope direction to one of the eight
neighbouring cells. Quinn et al. (1991) [34] introduced a
multidirectional flow algorithm that allowed the area from one
cell to be distributed among all neighbouring downslope cells,
weighted according to the respective slopes.
The (figure 3.a) above represents an average slope of 4 with a
variation from 0 to 56 degrees. The higher slopes are indeed
mainly situated in the North, especially in Oum Er RBia valley
but also between Oualidia and Sidi Moussa located on the
coast (Sahel). Towards the South, slopes values are less than
the average. Understanding the channel head location is useful
in understanding the associated geomorphology as well as the
various components of catchments hydrological response [21].
We also see a rather peculiar slope orientation, parallel Fig. 4: Topographic wetness index map of Sahel Doukkala
between them, but also in the littoral. This is the dune terrain
located in particular in the Sahel and can present a barrier. Discussion
The first idea is that the cord interdunal accumulate more The first observation is consistent with previous studies
water. The idea would be to find these points of moisture notifying the lack of permanent watercourses from which was
brands. derived the following hypothesis:
We can say that this is a series of anticlines and synclines - Existence of karst system
reputed on one side, by the quality of underground reservoir, - High permeability of the soil
and on the other side by the ridgelines determining the path of - Higher evaporation compared to the water supplies.
the meteorological waters. Secondly, the index spatial distribution reveals a low water
This antagonist gives this region an endorheic character and points in average across the area of study (7.23) and a standard
thus constitutes a barrier surface sewage. deviation of 3.93 synonyms of large disparity. It arises primarily
from non-uniform nature of the field; alternating the active
2. Determining the flow direction and passive thalwegs present in the area.
Specific area is the surface onto which water flows on the soil. Thirdly, zones with high indices are most of the time beyond
It consists of either simple or multiple flow under the Jensen, the Pliocene transgression boundary (downstream). The dune
Domingo approach (1988) [20, 25]; which is determined in two system of Sahel is endowed with several points with high index
steps: the flow direction first and then the flow accumulation values depending on the spaces between the dunes.
method. These areas indicate the presence of water at least marked by
The direction of flow is one of the key aspects responsible of a rain period. It may also consist of moist and hydromorphic
the derivation of hydrological features of each raster pixel soils in some areas with physical marks of regular water
surface. Nevertheless, flow accumulation allows the saturation due to the low altitude (low slope), its proximity
calculation of accumulated flow in the form of cumulated with rivers, specific vegetation (reeds) revealing the presence
average of all pixels moving through each pixel in downslope of clay and spots synonyms of anoxia in damp weather.
raster depending on direction code.
We should nevertheless clarify that the water system is 1. Estimation of the exploitable potential
temporary and that only the Oum er RBia River flows to the It was based on two field trip in period of high water and low
ocean. water for two consecutive years (2014 and 2015) in order to
Using this equation (1), we obtained the following results perform a checking test. The aim is to identify wetlands before
The index value varied from 0 to 25.13; with an average of 7.23 determining the threshold coefficient.
reflecting a low drainage coefficient. In order to appreciate the importance of these fields, we
proceeded to the quantification of zones with high index;
greater than or equal to 10 because of the much lower
After screening, we obtained 54 zones with varied surfaces; an
average of 10.49 km2 and two zones beyond 50 km2 (figure 5).

J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h tt p : / / re v u e s . i m i s t . m a / ? j o u r n a l = J OW S E T
Journal of Water Sciences & Environment Technologies ISSN: 2508-9250


In conclusion, the Sahel - Doukkala is a semi-arid region with

varied topography and slight dominance of altitudes between
0 to 64 meters
It plays a key part in the hydrological system and consequently
hydrogeologic system. We noticed that the climate and the
successive dunes contribute to the weak drainage capacity of
the region despite the presence of the Oued Oum Er R' Bia in
the North.
Fig. 5: Evaluation of surfaces with high index
The topographic wetness index has allowed us to notify the
apparent difference between Doukkala upstream in which we
The estimation of accumulated surfaces are up to 567 km2.
find wadis (the system of intermittent streams) in diffuse flow
They allowed us to review the situation because they represent
and the Sahel located downstream and characterized by dune
7.36 % of the region, which is not completely unimportant
relief acting as a natural dam in flows.
knowing the average rainfall of the region (350 mm).
The depressions, often endorheic suggests that waters
These zones do not correspond to the irrigated areas which are
undergo two effects; the infiltration and evaporation. We find
situated upstream. When considering a perfect rain (according
several major dayas in Sahel, beyond the limit of transgression
to the raindrop distribution) on the whole region, we obtain
of the Pliocene which informs us about the soil characteristics;
the following table (Tableau 1).
essentially hydromorphic, and rich in clay bands in some places
approaching the Atlantic Ocean. According to this distribution,
Tab 1: Quantification of high index zones
one can refer to vertical infiltration and hence the presence of
Surface Percentage Volume (m3) Debit
2 unsaturated zone in groundwater (the space to be filled), for a
(Km ) (m3/s)
possible recharge.
Total 567 1 198282770 6,283
This method constitutes a decision-making support and in this
way, we will proceed by the implementation of:
>10 Km2 386,14 0,68 135148057 4,283 - Scenarios near potential places (Sahel) so as to
< 10 Km2 180,38 0,32 63134713.25 2 mitigate the problems of logistics
- Infiltration basin, rather than inject through drilling.
Due to their physical characteristics, these zones have potential Groundwater evaluation aimed at maintaining sustainable use
porosity and can therefore store water in a large quantity, in constitutes a challenge in applied hydrology, in particular in
varying proportions depending on the annual rainfall, possible drylands where this resource is crucial to socioeconomic
topographic variations and by the various anthropic activities. development and, in some cases, for human survival [28]
The geographical information system tools (DEM) played a
significant role in this study to the extent that it has allowed us
to target areas which have the potential water resources for
remobilization. Furthermore, it reduces logistical costs,
pollution and the operating time.

This study is funded by the Basin Agency of Oum Er R'bia, the
Natural Resources Research Unit Environment and Health
(RNES), Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Faculty of Science
and Technology. So, we want to thank all the teams who
contributed to the development of this document.

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