Texakoma Oil and Gas, Application and Interview Form PDF

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No5601 Granite Parkway, Suite 600Plano, Texas 75024

[email protected], Tel: +1{972}895-3234

This form must be filled online by applicant and return to us by email attachment. Applicant shall receive notification from our Human Resources
Department, the status of Applicants application. If selected, Applicant shall be sent a Contract Agreement from the management.


Family name:______________________________ Given names : _________________________________________

Contact address:_________________________________________________________________________________

City:______________________ Country: ______________________ Phone n:_______________________________

Sex:_____________________ Date of Birth: __________________________Place of Birth: _____________________

Passport No:_______________________ Date of Issue: ______________________ Date of Expiry:_______________

Nationality:__________________________________ Marital Status: Married Single Divorced

Email :_______________________________________Driver License: Yes No Date of Expiry : _________


Names of high schools attended (1 )_________________________________________________________________

(2 )_________________________________________________________________


Names of Universities attended (1 )_________________________________________________________________

(2 )_________________________________________________________________


Certificate Held: B.A B.SC. B.COM H.N.D M.A M.SC M.COM P.H.D TOEFL IELTS R.S.A

Interview Employment:

Are you presently employed? Yes No If yes, provide employers information below:
Employer/Companys name:________________________________________________________________________



1. What category of job as listed are you looking for? _______________________________________________

2. Why do you want to join our industry? Explain:_____________________________________________

3. Have you traveled outside your country before? Yes No

4. What are your present work responsibilities and how many years of experience do you have?


5. How important is neat important to you? Not important Important Very Important

6a. If you are selected for the job, can you join us within a month? Yes No

6b. If you have answered No in question 6a, how much time do you need?_______________________________

7. Are you computer literate? Yes No

8. Do you wish to travel with any of your family members? Yes No

9. Apart from English language, do you speak any other foreign languages? Yes No

10. If you have answered yes in question 9, please specify other foreign languages that you can speak otherwise
Continue to question 11:____________________________________________________________________

11. Have you ever been awarded for best performance or any certificate been presented to you? Yes No

12 What is your monthly salary on present job?:____________________________________________________

13. if you are not financially strong dont bothering yourself to fill this form
Applicants Sign by name:_______________Date:________________________________



Qualified: Disqualified:

Date_____________________ Human Resources Managers Sign:_____________

Af fix Passport Size Phot o

2016 Private & Confidential Property of the Texakoma Oil & Gas Corporation

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