ADC Field Service Manual: Applications Engineering JANUARY 1996
ADC Field Service Manual: Applications Engineering JANUARY 1996
ADC Field Service Manual: Applications Engineering JANUARY 1996
Revised 02/11/97 by RFK
The ADC electronics have several diagnostic programs which are covered in this manual. The
Diagnost.exe program comes standard with the TestWorks testing software. It has two levels of
diagnostics, a customer level and a Field Service Engineer level. The DOS-based ADC Utilities are
stand alone programs which run from DOS and are available from the MTS EM Technical Support
1 = ON, 0 = OFF
Transducer Inputs
The ADC provides three modes of transducer input, Sensored, Buffered, and Digital.
Sensored Inputs
Sensored Inputs provide the signal conditioning for compatible MTS transsducers such as loadcells
and extensometers. The excitation and sensitivity are set in the testing frames software.
Excitation: 2.5, 5.0, and 10 volts. software selectable
Sensitivity variable up to 3.0 millivolt/volt max located
The ADC provides 9-pin DSUB plugs for load cell (internal to frame, on Frame Card) and 2 strain
channels (outside of frame, on Connector Panel Card). These connections are upward-compatible
with DFCC-type sensors. Additionally, the ADC provides shunt cal relays on the strain channels, and
self-id digital bus connections on all three channels.
An internal cable runs from the GFCC to the Crosshead Junction Box where the external loadcell
connection is made. Strain sensors are connected directly to the GFCC Connector Panel.
Buffered Inputs.
Buffered Inputs are used to input clean 0 - 10 volt DC signals as transducers. The connections are
made via bnc connectors labeled BUFFER INPUTS on the GFCC Connector Panel.
Signal: Conditioned 0 - 10 volt DC
Below is a block diagram of the signal conditioning circuit. A low level signal is amplified and sent to
the multiplexer while the high level signal is sent straight to the multiplexer. The signal is then sent
through a 44 Hz filter. A reference signal is then sent to the GMCC which is used to choose the
appropriate gain. The criteria for choosing the gain is to find a gain which will send a 4 to 8 volt signal
to the GMCC. A separate signal is sent through the Programmable Gain Amplifier. The amplified
signal is then sent to the GMCC. The signal is then reduced in order to be sent to a 0-2.5 volt 16 bit
Front end gain on the GFCC is 216. Thus at 10V excitation, a load cell with 2mV/V sensitivity will generate
approximately 4.3 volts at full scale. The gain of 216 was selected so that the system would still be able to
measure a 3mV/V load cell at 150% of capacity, which will output approximately 9.7 volts.
Since the A/D converters have the best resolution (relative to the reading) when the input signal is near full
scale, additional gain stages in the GFCC are used to increase the signal going to the A/D converters. These
gain stages can be set for each channel by the firmware for a gain of 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40, or 80. The
firmware continually reads the unranged analog voltage off a separate A/D converter (the 12-bit unranged
converter) and uses this to calculate an optimum gain so that the ranged A/D signal for each analog channel is
between 40% and 80% of full scale (autoranging).
The Max Autorange parameter in the ADC configuration limits the highest gain the firmware may select. A
Max Autorange of 1 effectively disables autoranging. The increased resolution at the highest gain ranges may
not improve the measurement any, as most of what is being amplified at that level is noise. (The amount of
noise and fluctuation will not be effected by the range selection, just the resolution to which the noise is being
Note that the gain at any given time (and thus the resolution in millivolts, lbs, or Kg) depends on the magnitude
of the input signal. A load cell with a 1 volt offset, for example, would not be able to use a gain higher than 8,
as it would saturate at a gain of 10.
Purpose: to provide transient response similar to Instron 4500 console (Filter cutoff frequency =
100 Hz.)
Theory: The Sigma-Delta (16-bit) converter on the GMCC has an inherent 10Hz bandwidth limit.
For faster response we can use the 12-bit A/D converter currently used for auto-ranging as the
primary load data. The digital filtering that is currently in firmware on this channel will be modified so
that its cutoff frequency is variable from 10Hz (the current setting) to 250Hz. This will also give us a
feel for the variable frequency response planned for Mongoose.
Negative issues:
1. Getting the load from the 12-bit A/D converter means a significant loss of resolution, especially
since there is no range (auto or otherwise) amplification.
2. Raising the bandwidth introduces the possibility of picking up 60Hz AC. However, this is not
expected to be significant.
1. Hardware
The GFCC currently has a hardware analog filter with a cutoff frequency of 44 Hz. This can
be raised to 250Hz by changing two capacitors:
C238 to 0.018 F
C241 to 0.039 F
2. Firmware
A new adcfirm.bin has been written to support the option of reading load from the 12-bit
A baxter bit (800 hex) has been added to the machine attribute word to turn on this
The software filtering frequency can be set by changing the Clutch2 Initial Goto field in
the cnf file. This field (which is not really used in current software) will be the time constant
of the software filter. Examples:
Time Constant = 40 Cutoff = 10 Hz
Time Constant = 4 Cutoff = 100 Hz
Time Constant = 1 No filtering
If the value entered is not between 1 and 100 a default value of 40 will be used.
The easiest way to deal with these, is to switch to HEX, add up your bits and enter the number into the attribute field. Ex.
Baxter bit, w/ no ball screw encoder, w/ anahand. This is 800, 2, and 4. So the attribute is 806 hex. Ex2. Hirratio,
noballs, anahand, and hiballs. This is 1, 2, 4, 8. So F hex is your attribute.
In the drawing below, the connections for Digital Input #1 and Digtal Output #1 are shown. The
corresponding pins for channels 2 through 4 are given in the Applications section to follow.
Commanding Testworks to send a 0 to Digital output port #1 results in an open circuit between
pins 16 and 35.
Below is a schematic of the both types of limits and the ADC internals. The wiring for the upper and lower are identical.
With no input, the 4.7K resistor pulls the output (thats why its called a pull up resistor) to +5V and the a limit is
For optical limits, the input is simple. The optical limits are normally closed to ground. This means their normal state is
grounded. With the limit grounded, all current from VCC on the picture above flows to that ground. The output then
measures a ground, and it allows the frame to move. When an optical limit is triggered, the IR emission is blocked from
the detector. It then becomes an open. When this happens, the pull-up resistor pulls the output to +5V and the frame
stops (in whatever direction the limit was triggered).
This is slightly more complicated, but still simple. The LIMIT+5V IN has to be jumped on the 25 pin (or 50 pin internal)
green DIN connector. Jumper pins 20 & 21 to get the +5V required. The photo diode-photo transistor shown in the ADC
portion above acts as a switch. The mechanical limits are also normally closed to ground. So when the limit is not
triggered, current flows through the photo diode, the photo transistor is energized and it shorts to ground. As above this
draws the current and the output sees a ground. When the limit is triggered, the photo diode stops emitting IR, the photo
transistor becomes open; and again the output gets pulled up to +5V stopping the machine.
Features Description
Note: The Board rev field below indicates when the change was first implemented; thus
GMCC Rev A indicates that GMCC rev A or later supports the feature. When more than one board
is listed, all the boards listed are required for the feature to operate.
Pin# Signal
1 Relay -
2 Digital Ground
3 Digital Ground
4 Digital Ground
5 Digital Ground
6 Digital Ground
7 Digital Ground
8 Digital Ground
9 Digital Ground
24 Sclk
25 Step 1
26 PWM
27 Sdatr
28 Ldx A
29 Screw A
30 Motor A
35 Dach4
36 Dac3+
37 Dac2-
37 Dac1+
39 Fgen+
40 Strain2 +
41 Strain1 +
42 Load+
43 Relay+
45 Step 2
46 Dir
47 IRQ
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48 LDX B
49 Screw B
50 Motor B
52 Un. Strain 2
53 Un Strain 1
54 Un Load
55 Dac4-
56 Dac3-
57 Dac2-
58 Dac1-
59 Fgen-
60 Str2-
61 Str1-
62 Load-
Pin #
Motor Encoder VCC 50
49 VCC Ballscrew Encoder
Motor Enc A+ 48
47 Screw Enc A+
Motor Enc A- 46
45 Screw Enc A-
VTHR 1.6V 44
43 VTHR 1.6V
Motor Enc B+ 42
41 Screw Enc B+
Motor Enc B- 40
39 Screw Enc B-
GND 38
37 GND
Clutch Relay Clutch1 Com 36
Clutch1 NC 34
Clutch1 NO 32
31 AC Mon Hi AC Monitor
Clutch2 Com 30
29 AC Mon Lo
Clutch2 NC 28
27 GND
Clutch2 NO 26
25 VCC Limits
AC Relay AC Relay NO 24
23 Limit +5V in
AC Relay Com 22
21 Limit Uppper Opto
19 Limit Lower Opto
17 Limit Upper Mechanical
Amp I/O Amp PWM/UP 16
15 Limit Lower Mechanical
Amp Dir/Down 14
13 GND
Amp Inhib 12
11 Step Out Stepper Out
Amp /Reset 10
9 Step Enable
Amp up limit 8
7 Step Direction
Amp Down Limit 6
5 Step Current
Amp /Fault 4
3 Step return
Amp Motor
Stock # Model Stock # Model
15.00105 Pre-07 15.10028
15.00108 Pre-15 15.10030
15.00112 Pre-25 15.10029
There are eight faults that will reduce amplifier current to zero. All are red when on.
Continuous - If a load condition exists that causes the amplifier to produce more than its continuous
rating, this fault occurs.
Stator Shorts - If stator shorts or most major wiring errors of the stator occur, This fault occurs.
Amplifier Thermal - An 85 C thermostat is mounted to the amplifiers IGBT heat sink. If an excess
temperature is sensed, this fault occurs.
Feedback Wiring - For most resolver wiring errors, defective resolvers or lost wires to the resolver, this fault
Motor Thermal - If an excess thermal condition exists in the motor, this fault occurs.
Hi-Bus - If excess AC Voltage or a failure of the shunt circuit occurs, this fault occurs.
Reset - During the first second of power up or if the reset input is active, this LED will be on.
Limit - If either of the limit inputs are on, this LED will be on. This lamp is on any time the
SINTECH machine is not moving.
Contrary to initial popular opinion, CSM amplifiers do have adjustments. The only critical one is the BALANCE. If
this is improperly tuned, the machine will drift slightly after coming to a stop.
Potentiometer Settings:
BAL (Balance): tune as required to keep the crosshead from drifting in the time between physical handset
use and the servo amp is disabled (approximately 3 seconds)
CUR (Current Limit): fully clockwise (CW)
RESP (Response): fully counterclockwise (CCW)
SIG (Signal): fully clockwise (CW)
LEAD (Lead): fully counterclockwise (CCW)
ADCFIRM.BIN Basic machine parmeters for all frame types. This file changes to
improve machine performance and add capabilities.
xxxxxxxx.CNF Contains specific machine parameters such as encoder
resolutions, gear ratios, and PID parameters for motor control.
xxxxxxxx.DEF An exact copy of xxxxxxxx.CNF that has been copied by an MTS
Field Service Engineer.
TWOPT.INF Controls access to purchasable software and hardware options.
ADCFIRM.BIN Description
This file is created by the MTS SINTECH Systems Engineer and cannot be modified in the field. The
latest revision is included on the frames testing software distribution diskettes. This firmware file is
down loaded to the GFCC then the electronics are initialized. Basically, the firmware tells the
hardware how to perform. It sets bit registers in the hardware which will control hardware functions.
One example is a bit which controls weather the ballscrew encoder or motor encoder is used for
position control. One register may be user modified in the field. Below is a list of each modifiable bit
followed by several procedures for modifying these bits.
Procedure 1
1. Start the testing software.
3. Choose ADC
4. Type BECAREFUL and then press ENTER.
5. Find the Flag field
6. Type in new value.
7. Press OK.
Procedure 2
1. Exit Windows to the DOS environment. Do not use a DOS shell.
2. Use the Machtype.exe ADC DOS-base utility program (See ADC DOS-Based
Utilitties for more information).
Procedure 3
1. Exit Windows to the DOS environment. Do not use a DOS Shell.
2. Change to the Testing softwares sub-directory.
3. Type DEBUG xxxxxxxx.CNF, where xxxxxxxx.CNF is the specific file name for the
frame, and then press ENTER.
4. Type E 15C and then press ENTER.
5. The current value will be displayed in hex.
6. Type in new value in hex and then press ENTER.
7. Type W and then press ENTER.
8. Type Q and then press ENTER.
I. GoTo
A. Braking Distance - Determines when crosshead ramps down for GoTo and Return
commands. The larger the number, the sooner the crosshead ramps down. A high
value will cause the crosshead to stop too soon. A low value will cause overshoot.
Typical value will be between 100 to 2000.
B. Initial GoTo - Controls the speed during a GoTo. 65535 equals the maximum speed
set in the Environment. Lower this value to prevent overshoot on GoTo commands.
C. Minimum GoTo - Used to fine tune overshoot. Value range is 0 to the encoder
resolution. 200 is a typical value.
D. Ramp Step - This controls the time it takes for the crosshead to get to speed. The lower
the number the slower the crosshead ramps to speed. The maximum value is 500. The
range is generally 50 to 500. Note: A smaller ramp is the only parameter that will soften
stops after a test. All other parameters in this section affect GoTos and Returns.
II. Resolutions/Ratios
A. Motor Encoder - Number of pulses for one revolution of the motor encoder.
B. BallScrew Encoder - Number of pulses for one revolution of the ballscrew encoder.
C. Turns - Ratio of the number of turns of the motor to the ballscrew. It may be calculated
by the following;
The ballscrew and motor pulses are determined by moving the crosshead at least one
revolution and reading the encoder pulses in the ADC Control Panel which is located in
the Advanced Diagnostics section of the Diagnost.exe program.
D. Clutch 1 - The ratio of the first clutch. TestWorks will use a different set of PIDs when
the chosen speed is in this range. If a clutch does not exist, then this will act as a
virtual clutch.
E. Clutch 2 - The ratio of the second clutch. TestWorks will use a different set of PIDs
when the chosen speed is in this range. Since TestWorks with ADC does not support 3-
speed machines, this will always act as a virtual clutch.
Command to Servo Amp = Kp * (E) + Ki * (E) + K d * (E) + Kf * previous command/100
where (E) is the Error.
IV. Get Defaults - This button will bring up the ADC parameters from a file called, xxxxxxxx.DEF,
where xxxxxxxx is the name of the CNF file. After setting the PIDs, make a copy of the
xxxxxxxx.CNF file called xxxxxxxx.DEF.
Actual Speed
Kp, Ki, Kd, & Kf are all factors that can be adjusted to tune the speed control of the system.
There are 2 other variables that are used in SINTECH products: Counts & Interval. These will be discussed at the end.
As you increase Kp , the error becomes smaller and thus decreases the effect of the Kp increase. You will come to a point that
Kp is so large that it causes the machine to vibrate (unstable). This is because at one instance, Kp * (E) is so large that the
motor overshoots the correct speed significantly. At the next instance, the error is so large in the negative direction (thus, the
Kp * (E) is large in the negative direction) that the motor stomps on the brakes, and the original problem starts all over again.
I.E. the command is stomping on the gas and then stomping on the brake. At high speeds, this is what really gets the machine
moving initially.
This factor is usually associated with dampening. It doesnt play a big role in getting the machine moving; its main purpose is in
controlling the rate of acceleration. No matter what Kd is, the system will not move if all the other factors are set to 0. This is because
without any of the other factors involved, there is never any change in error. The initial speed is 0 and all subsequent speeds are 0 and
so the machine doesnt move.
Maximum Speed.
Initially (within 1 or 2 sec of starting)
Therefore, Kp & Kf are the main factors that get the system moving.
Lesson: If Kp & Kf are increased, the machine will get to speed faster.
Caution: If Kp is set too high the machine will vibrate. If Kf is too high, the machine will never settle in on the right
Steady State
Minimum Speed.
Initially (within 1 or 2 sec of starting)
Therefore, Ki & Kf are the main factors that get the system moving.
Lesson: Kf is the main factor that gets the system moving initially because all of the other factors are so small. An
increase in Ki & Kf will cause the machine to get to speed faster.
Caution: Same caution should be taken for this as is in Maximum Speed.
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Steady State
Therefore, Ki is the main factor that keeps the system moving and therefore the same holds true for minimum speed as does
maximum speed.
NOTE: Notice that Kd is not necessarily mentioned as far as moving the system. You should use Kd to control the acceleration. The
way I do this is by listening to the acceleration at maximum speed and adjusting Kd to make it as smooth as possible.
What are the two other factors that are used with ADC?
Counts and Interval are the other 2 factors that affect the control equation. They affect the command equation as follows:
This value essentially restricts the summation of error. It caps the summation to a value.
Mathematically, it looks like this:
(E) <= Counts
Lesson: Counts can be used so that in the unlikely event that something goes wrong and the system does not respond, the
command equation will not build up error in the integral and produce the volcano effect on the system.
Caution: If set too low, the system may never sum up enough error to move at low speeds especially if the system
experiences loading. This may cause the system not to pull to load. If the system doesnt pull to load, try increasing this
This value is used to limit the change in the derivative (E) . FYI, the derivative is really used to stabilize the other factors.
Because there is a significant amount of change when you initialize the command equation, the derivative can contribute to
the system being out of control instead of acting as a stabilizer. To combat this, the controller will only change the derivative
value periodically based on the interval value that is given. Instead of determining the derivative every time that the
command equation is calculated, the controller will determine it on a predefined interval and use that same value until the next
For example, if the interval = 5, then the command calculation will be performed 5 times with the same derivative
value (E) and then a new derivative value is determined and the process is repeated for the next 5 times, and so on.
Caution: If set too low, the system may go out of control because Kd * (E) is too erratic. If set too high, the system may not
be affected by the dampening effect of Kd * (E) .
1. Always make a copy on the network S:\applic\Admin\inf\JOB#
2. Enter the Site and System numbers under JOB#.
3. Make the INF File before leaving for a system installation.
4. If any changes are made on site, replace the copy on the network
6. Only give the customer the options that they purchased.
7. Get confirmation of any option changes BEFORE giving it to the customer.
This program may be run from the file manager. It is useful for checking analog signals such as loadcells
1. Start Windows
2. Select File in the program Manager.
3. Type C:\TW300\MT.EXE in the command line where C:\TW300 is the path for the testing
4. The password is BECAREFUL
5. Select Options
6. Select Analog Test
Diagnostics are performed from a separate software program called DIAGNOST.EXE. This program
is divided into three main sections, Basic Diagnostics, Advanced Diagnostics, and QC Tests.
Advanced Diagnostics and QC Tests are password protected and are only to be used by MTS
SINTECH Field Service Engineers. Basic Diagnostics contain customer level tests for checking the
system electronics. Below is a brief description of each section. See the ADC Diagnostics Manual for
more details.
Basic Diagnostics
This menu item contains three customer level diagnostic tests for checking the electronics.
Full Diagnostics Loopback test for checking the GMCC, GFCC, and CITS cable. If a
problem is found, then the program will prompt the user to place an ADC Loopback Connector
to various points along the system and then determine the malfunctioning component. The
program will indicate that all tests passed if a problem does not exist.
System Electronics This will perfrom the exact same tests as Full Diagnostics but will
report results on a pass/fail basis.
ADC Loopback The will perform diagnostics only on the GMCC. An ADC Loopback
is required to run this test. DO NOT RUN THIS TEST WITHOUT THE ADC LOOPBACK
Advanced Diagnostics
This contains more detailed diagnostic programs for the MTS SINTECH Field Service Engineer. This
section is password protected. The password is BECAREFUL. DO NOT LEAD THE CUSTOMER
ADC Loopback This performs the same tests as the ADC Loopback test but with
more details. The number of times the tests are performed may be controlled.
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ADC Control Panel A panel that shows the status of all ADC signals. See Diagnostic
Procedures for details on these signals.
Speed Accuracy This should be used for checking the accuracy of specific speeds.
Make sure that the limits are properly set and that all grips and fixtures are removed before
running this test.
1. Select Speed Accuracy
2. Enter the job# (or any other number)
3. Enter 999999 in the field labeld Ballscrew Counts
4. Enter the speed in mm/min.
5. Start the test.
6. Read the %error on the bottom of the screen.
QC Tests
This section contains programs for performing quality control testing of load frames. These are
performed when the frame is fabricated. Some of these maybe used on ReNew systems.
This program should be run from Windows. This program is divided into three main sections;
Loads the adcfirm.bin file and (optionally) a selected cnf file and boots the ADC. The default is to
load adcfirm.bin from the current directory, with no cnf file. To load the adcfirm.bin from the
TestWorks directory with the 10g cnf file, for example, type
loader c:\tw300\adcfirm.bin c:\tw300\sf10g.cnf at the DOS prompt. To reboot the ADC without
reloading the files, type loader -nofile. A Verify Error means the computer did not find the ADC at
the expected address; check the DIP switches on the PC and/or try another address. (No
connection detected means that the GMCC initialized fine but did not detect a GFCC.)
Halts the ADC and tests access to the ADC RAM, one address line at a time. If errors are listed in
the last 3 address lines only, it means the computer is unable to control the ADC through the I/O port;
check the DIP switches on the PC and/or try another port address.
Another ADC memory test, this one tests access to memory while the firmware is up and running.
Useful for several functions:
Provides a software handset with the Up and Down arrow keys working like the rocker switch on
the physical handset. Page Up and Page Down work similarly except that the frame continues to
move until another key is pressed.
The program also allows you to tune PID parameters on the fly. Type the first letter of the
parameter displayed and you will be allowed to enter a new value. Note that the parameters
are in raw integer form. Important: changes to the parameters are only reflected in the GMCCs
RAM and will be overwritten whenever the ADC is reloaded. To save changes to the PIDs to the
cnf file, type w and the cnf file name to update the cnf file (or create a new cnf file).
Typing a ? while the display is up will calculate the turns ratio for the frame based on the motor
and ballscrew encoder counts and encoder resolutions from the cnf file. Note that both counters
are reset when jog.exe starts up.
Load is continuously displayed (as raw counts, where 3276800 counts corresponds to 10 volts).
Measures speed accuracy at any speed at any clutch. Useful in combination with jog.exe for tuning
PID parameters. Hit Enter to end and save the results.
Most anything can be done from here, the details of which are beyond this document. Hit Shift-F7 to
get a continual update of all the real-time analog and status inputs.
Runs the internal diagnostic routines (same as called by System Diagnostics or PC Loopback Test in
the ADC Diagnostics).
Example: to run continuously until an error is encountered, type runlback -v -l -s
Displays all the debug output messages the ADC has queued since it was last rebooted.
For rev C and above GFCC. Displays voltages at both limit inputs. Just like using a voltmeter to
measure the limit voltages at the 50-pin connector block, but without having to open up the machine
to adjust the limits.
The following utilities do not access the ADC hardware; rather, they are utilities for working with cnf
files. Note that the ADC must be reloaded for any changes to the cnf file to take effect.
Displays the contents of the cnf file to the screen. Note that these are raw integer values and will not
appear the same as in the TWW/Diagnostics Environment dialog.
Example: cnfdump sf10d.cnf
Allows you to quickly change any value in the cnf file, as displayed by cnfdump. Example: editcnf
sf10d.cnf ramp_step[0]=300
Sets the anahand bit in the cnf file to use (or not use) the analog handset feature found on recent
Displays the attribute flags in the machine_type field of the cnf file and allows changing any of these
flags. This field is the integer sum of various binary flags for arcane features of particular machines
(and includes the anahand bit mentioned above.)
To display the attributes from a file: machtype ren1123.cnf
To extract the attributes for a machine type integer: machtype 76
To change an attribute in a cnf file: machtype ren1123.cnf copley=1
To reset electronics;
1. Locate the Reset buttons on the bottom of the screen.
2. Click on Reset System to reinitialize all of the electronics.
3. Click on Reset Encoders to zero the Encoder Inputs display.
4. Click on Reset Servo Amp to reinitialize the motor servo controller.
Software Description:
Basic Diagnostics
These tests are the customer level tests. For more detailed tests and results see the Advanced
Diagnostics and QC Tests menus.
1) Full Diagnostics:
The following sequence of tests will be done as required to determine the source of
a) Memory Test:
Repeatedly reads and verifies sections of ADC PC card memory and checks that
the PC card CPU continues to operate, thus ensuring that the memory arbitration
circuitry is functioning properly.
b) System Test:
Performs a loopback test with the ADC frame connected to the ADC PC card via
a cable.
c) ADC Loopback Test:
Performs a loopback test with a loopback connector attached to the ADC PC
d) Cable Test:
Performs a loopback test with a loopback connector attached to one end of the
cable and the ADC PC card connected to the other end of the cable.
A loopback test does the following procedures for system, ADC loopback and cable
a) Inputs a fixed data stream into the quadrature inputs and verifies that the
counters are reading the data correctly.
b) Loops analog outputs back into analog inputs and verifies that the gain and
offset accuracy are within normal operating range for each channel.
A loopback test does these additional procedures listed below for system
c) Tests that the overload detection circuitry is working correctly.
d) Verifies that the watchdog timer circuitry in the frame electronics is operating
correctly. The watchdog timer monitors activity from the ADC PC card and
stops motion if the ADC PC card ceases to send an expected command
sequence within the expected time.
Depending on the outcome of the system, ADC loopback and cable tests, the
software will determine if the ADC PC card, ADC frame card or cable is faulty.
2) System Electronics:
This performs only the system electronics tests described above.
3) ADC Loopback:
This performs only the ADC loopback tests described above.
Advanced Diagnostics
1) Password
The Basic Diagnostics menu is always enabled. The correct password must be
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entered to enable the other menu items. There are three different levels of
passwords. One password enables the QC Tests menu and the Path menu item
under the Advanced Diagnostics menu. The second password enables all menu
items except for the Test Fixture and Calibrate Frame Electronics menu items
under the Advanced Diagnostics menu. The third password enables all menu
2) Path
The user enters in the path that they want the results files stored in.
3) ADC Loopback:
Performs the following diagnostics with the loopback connector attached to the ADC
PC card.
a) Offset:
Loops analog outputs back into analog inputs and verifies that the offset accuracy
is within normal operating range for each channel.
b) Gain:
Loops analog outputs back into analog inputs and verifies that the gain accuracy is
within normal operating range for each channel.
c) Quadrature Inputs:
Inputs a fixed data stream into the quadrature inputs and verifies that the counters
are reading the data correctly.
d) Memory:
Repeatedly reads and verifies sections of ADC PC card memory and checks that
the PC card CPU continues to operate, thus ensuring that the memory arbitration
circuitry is functioning properly.
e) EEPROM Read:
Reads contents of ADC PC card EEPROM and verifies checksum.
5) Sensor Inputs:
Verifies for each of three sensor input channels that:
a) Each excitation voltage is within range
b) The gain of the input instrumentation amp is within range
c) The calibration relay functions correctly
A sensor input channel fails at a particular excitation if the error is greater than 1%.
8) Speed Accuracy:
The user enters in the desired speed(mm/min.), clutch, distance (ball screw counts), direction,
overload detection selection and job number. The test determines the actual crosshead speed and
percent error. The test fails if the error is greater than 0.1%.
9) Encoder:
The crosshead moves at up at full speed at high clutch for 10 inches and then down at 10% of full
speed at low clutch for 10 inches. The ball screw revolutions of error are determined for each move
segment. The test fails if the error is greater than 0.005 ball screw revolutions.
10) Memory Address:
The user enters in the ADC PC card serial number. The test writes a pattern through the entire
128K of ADC PC card RAM and verifies that it was written and read correctly. The pattern is varied
to test each of the 16 RAM address lines. The test cycles 10 times through the 16 address lines.
The test fails if a read or write error occurs.
QC Tests
1) Password
The Basic Diagnostics menu is always enabled. The correct password must be
entered to enable the other menu items. There are three different levels of
passwords. One password enables the QC Tests menu and the Path menu item
under the Advanced Diagnostics menu. The second password enables all menu
items except for the Test Fixture and Calibrate Frame Electronics menu items
under the Advanced Diagnostics menu. The third password enables all menu
2) Environment
This is the same as in TestWorks for Windows. Make sure the correct machine type,
board and port address are selected. Also make sure the correct .CNF file for the
machine is installed in the TW300 directory.
3)System Electronics:
Performs the diagnostics with the ADC PC card connected to the ADC Frame via a
cable. The ADC frame card provides internal loopback for these tests.
a) Offset:
See description under PC loopback offset test.
b) Gain:
See description under PC loopback gain test.
c) Quadrature Inputs:
Proprietary Information : MTS Systems Corporation : 07/12/99 : Page 45
See description under PC loopback quadrature inputs test.
d) Memory:
See description under customer level memory test.
e) EEPROM Read:
Reads contents of ADC frame card EEPROM and verifies checksum.
f) Hardware Overload Detection:
Verifies that the overload detection circuitry is working correctly.
g) Watchdog Timer:
Verifies that the watchdog timer circuitry in the frame electronics is operating
If the QC test box is checked, the above tests are performed 10 cycles.
4) Cycle:
The cycle test moves the crosshead up and down at a chosen speed, distance, initial direction,
clutch, speed profile, time limit , overload detection selection and job number. Preset defaults are
used for the inputs if the QC test check box is checked. The test passes if the test is stopped
prematurely by the user or an error occurs for non-continuous testing. For continuous testing, the
test fails only if an error occurs.
5) Position Accuracy:
The user inputs the speed, clutch, distance, initial direction overload detection selection and job
number. Preset defaults are used for the inputs if the QC test check box is checked. The test
compares the distance the crosshead moved up and down with the dial indicator readings and
calculates the errors. The test fails if the error is greater than 0.01 mm for either move segment.
6) QC Speed Accuracy:
The user inputs the job number and overload detection selection. The crosshead moves up at full
speed, high clutch for 20 sec. The crosshead moves down at 400 ball screw counts/min. at low
clutch for 2 hours. The speed is calculated and error is calculated. The test fails if the error is
greater than 0.10% for either move segment.
Most tests can be stopped prematurely by the user by clicking on the Stop Test or Cancel button or
by pressing the space bar. In addition to the test failure reasons stated earlier, a test will also fail if
an error occurs during executing a command or during the initialization of the ADC board. The
results of the tests can be saved to a file and/or printed. See work instruction 409442W for ADC
Diagnostics Software QC Tests instructions.
Commport data error. Make sure voltmeter is set to 9600 baud rate
Unable to build comm. Error: status number, error number
Unable to close commport. Error: status number, error number
Unable to flush comm. Error: status number, error number
Unable to open comm. Error:comm device id
Unable to read from commport. Error: status number, error number
Unable to set com state. Error: status number, error number
Unable to write to commport. Error: status number
Unable to write to commport. Error: status number, error number
Unable to communicate with voltmeter
Unable to take reading from voltmeter
Unable to terminate communication with voltmeter
Voltmeter connection error. Make sure voltmeter inputs are connected to analog out number.
Proprietary Information : MTS Systems Corporation : 07/12/99 : Page 48
Voltmeter connection error. Unable to continue test.
Voltmeter not set up properly for setting/verifying trim coefficients.
Failed yield
Tension/Compression test fails if yield is greater than 20% of max. slope.
Incorrect calibration.
GFCC Load calibration circuit not operating correctly, bad load cell, or bad wiring.
Loopback connected
Running loopback test: GMCC detects loopback connector OK.
Otherwise: GMCC encountered error attempting to initialize GFCC.
No calibration date.
Frame card EEPROM not initialized at factory or Frame card EEPROM accidentally erased.
DO NOT ship this machine with this card.
Stopped testing
System connected
GMCC detects GFCC OK.