Anesthesia For Tonsilectomy

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Compared with adults, children had a twofold higher incidence of fatal respiratory

events in the postoperative period, following adenotonsillectomy.1

The main considerations in anaesthetic technique are:

Preparation and premedication

Providing good surgical access and sharing the

Optimising perioperative analgesia

Preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting

Airway management in recovery

Awareness of the risk of postoperative haemorrhage.

Day-care tonsillectomy involves careful patient selection and good communication

with families regarding the postoperative phase and potential complications. Criteria
for suitability include:

Uncomplicated medical history

Acceptable social circumstances, including ease of access to transport, and the

ability to return to the hospital within one hour

Preoperative information for parents.

Risk factors for respiratory complications following adenotonsillectomy include:

Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome

Young age

Medical co-morbidity.
Preoperative assessment and premedication

Fitness for anaesthesia should be assessed on a case-by- case basis. Generally, a child
with clear nasal secretions who is systemically well, with no associated fever or chest
signs, is considered to be fit for anaesthesia. A cough is a sign of increased airway
irritability, and portends an elevated risk of airway complications, such as breath-
holding, laryngospasm and desaturation.

A history of increased bruising or easy bleeding should be sought and investigated.

Children scheduled for adenotonsillectomy typically experience varying degrees of

upper-airway obstruction when sleeping.

It is often appropriate to give premedication in the form of a sedative drug to ensure a

calm child at induction. Midazolam 0.5 mg/kg per os (maximum 20 mg) is the most
frequently prescribed agent. Sedation is contraindicated in a child with evidence of
upper-airway obstruction or symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea.

Analgesia in the form of paracetamol and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

(NSAID) may also be given as premedication to ensure that plasma levels are
adequate by the end of surgery.

Surgical access and sharing the airway

The gold standard for securing a childs airway is a tracheal tube. A preformed south-
facing tube is preferable. A large number of tonsillectomies have been undertaken
with a laryngeal mask airway (LMA). However, there is a learning curve associated
with the use of LMA in tonsillectomies, and it is usual to use a reinforced LMA.
When the Boyle Davis mouth gag is inserted, it is crucial that the airway remains
unobstructed, and that the endotracheal tube is still correctly positioned.
Perioperative analgesia

Analgesia post-adenotonsillectomy is notoriously difficult to manage. However, it is

important to manage the pain effectively, not only for humane reasons, but also to
permit an early return to eating and drinking ,which both reduce the risk of
postoperative bleeding and infection.

After tonsillectomy, children experience significant pain and severe functional

limitation for seven days after surgery. For many children, pain and functional
limitation persists throughout the second postoperative week.3 Pain medication
postoperatively should be given as a regular schedule, rather than waiting for the child
to complain of pain.

The SASA South African Acute Pain Guidelines recommendations for



A combination of individually titrated opioids and regularly administered mild

analgesics (a NSAID and/ or paracetamol) is required for the management of
tonsillectomy pain.

Local anaesthetic injection in the tonsillar fossa may improve pain scores, reduce time
to first oral intake, and reduce the incidence of referred ear pain following

Tramadol can produce similar analgesia to morphine or pethidine.

Intraoperative intravenous ketamine does not provide significant postoperative

advantage, compared with an opioid.

Implementation of standardised protocols, including intraoperative opioid

antiemetic, a perioperative NSAID (diclofenac or ibuprofen) and paracetamol, are
associated with acceptable pain relief and low rates of postoperative nausea and

The use of NSAIDS in adenotonsillectomy has been the subject of ongoing debate. A
Cochrane review of this issue concluded that there is no evidence that NSAIDs, with
the exception of ketorolac, cause bleeding that increases the need to return to theatre,
and that moreover, postoperative nausea and vomiting is reduced when NSAIDs are
used. Post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage rates with ketorolac range from 4.4-18%.
Therefore, the use of ketorolac should be avoided.
Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting

One of the most important morbidities associated with paediatric adenotonsillectomy

is postoperative nausea and vomiting. This occurs in up to 70% of children who do
not receive prophylactic antiemetics.5 Postoperative nausea and vomiting is acutely
distressing to the patient,

and may necessitate overnight hospital admission. It is associated with decreased

patient satisfaction, and increased use of resources. A systematic review from the
Cochrane Collaboration showed that children receiving dexamethasone were less
likely to vomit in the first 24 hours, than those receiving placebo.6 In addition to
having a beneficial effect on postoperative nausea and vomiting, dexamethasone also
decreases throat pain after tonsillectomy, and time to resumption of oral intake.
Varying doses have been used, but a dose of dexamethasone 0.15 mg/kg seems to be

Other methods used to reduce this unpleasant side-effect include:

Premedication, e.g. trimeprazine 2-3 mg/kg

Propofol for induction and maintenance

Avoidance of nitrous oxide

Routine antiemetic administration, e.g. ondansetron 0.15 mg/kg

Use of intravenous fluids 20 ml/kg

Opioid-sparing techniques, e.g. local anaesthetic infiltration, NSAIDs.

Airway management in recovery It is important to ensure that the pharynx is

clear of blood and secretions before extubation. This is best carried out under direct
vision, making sure there is no clot at the back of the nasopharynx. The use of local
decongestant drops, e.g. oxymetazoline drops, in the nose intraoperatively, promotes
patent nasal passages postoperatively. This enhances patient comfort in the early
recovery period, and decreases the sensation of claustrophobia. Both deep and
awake extubation is acceptable. Each method has pros and cons. Extubation is best
performed in the left lateral position, with a slight head down tilt, to facilitate safe
drainage of any blood. There is a close association with the type of surgery and
laryngospasm. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy have the highest incidence of
laryngospasm (21-26%).7 Although most cases of laryngospasm are self-limiting, it
may persist, and if not appropriately treated, may result in serious complications that
could be life-threatening. Morbidity from laryngospasm includes cardiac arrest, post-
obstructive negative pressure pulmonary oedema, pulmonary aspiration, bradycardia
and oxygen desaturation. Various strategies have been suggested to reduce the
incidence of laryngospasm on extubation. Topical lignocaine 2% sprayed to the glottis
at 4 mg/kg, or 2% intravenous lignocaine given at 1 mg/kg five minutes before
extubation are fairly effective in preventing laryngospasm following
adenotonsillectomy. Magnesium sulphate 15 mg/kg in 30 ml 0.9% NaCl over 20
minutes after tracheal intubation has also been suggested to reduce the incidence of
laryngospasm post-adenotonsillectomy. Propofol 0.25-0.5 mg/kg intravenously prior
to extubation has also been shown to be effective.7
Identification and removal of the offending stimulus, such as secretions, mucus or

Inserting an oral or nasal airway, if possible

Intermittent positive-pressure ventilation with face mask

Apply jaw thrust manoeuvre while firmly pressing on the laryngospasm notch

If laryngospasm is not relieved, deepen the level of anaesthesia with propofol 0.25-
0.8 mg/kg intravenously

If laryngospasm is not resolved, inject suxamethonium intravenously 0.1-0.3 mg/kg,
or intramuscularly 3-4 mg/kg, followed by mask ventilation and tracheal intubation

Figure 1: A simplified algorithm for the treatment of laryngospasm7

Figure 1 provides a simplified algorithm for the treatment of laryngospasm.7

Postoperative haemorrhage

Post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage is an infrequent, yet serious, complication. Primary

bleeding, usually defined as occurring within the first 24 hours, occurs in < 1% of
patients. Secondary bleeding, with an incidence of up to 4%, usually occurs 5-12 days
following the initial procedure.8

The anaesthetic management of these cases is challenging, and can be fraught with
hazards. Children undergoing emergency surgery for post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage
represent a unique group of patients at risk of life-threatening complications which
can be minimised with proper preparation for airway management and blood-volume

The main factors to consider are: The child may be hypovolaemic. The stomach may
be full of swallowed blood. Repeat anaesthetic. A potentially difficult airway.

Circulatory compensation is remarkable until about 40% of the blood volume has
been lost, and hypovolaemia is thus often masked. Signs that should be looked for are
increased swallowing, pallor, and an unexplained tachycardia. A full blood count,
clotting screen and cross-match should be taken, and the child adequately resuscitated
prior to commencement of anaesthesia.

Either a rapid-sequence intubation, or an inhalational induction, with the child in the

left-lateral, head-down position, is acceptable. The anaesthetist should choose the
method with which he or she is most familiar and comfortable. A range of different
sized endotracheal tubes needs to be available in case of airway oedema. After
intubation, a large-bore nasogastric tube should be placed, and the stomach emptied.
Opioid analgesia, given previously, should be taken into account if further doses are
deemed necessary. An awake extubation should be carried out.
Special consideration

Obstructive sleep apnoea. In children, adenotonsillar hypertrophy is the most

common cause of obstructive sleep apnoea. The signs and symptoms include chronic
hypoxaemia manifesting itself as polycythaemia and right ventricular strain (ECG
shows large P waves in leads II and VI, large R waves in VI and deep S waves in V6).
The symptoms may be nocturnal, such as snoring, short apnoeic episodes followed by
grunting and restlessness. The daytime symptoms include headaches, not feeling
rested in the morning and excessive daytime sleeping . The use of narcotic drugs
perioperatively can impair the respiratory drive and worsen the hypoxia in
spontaneously breathing patients .

The pre-operative visit should also exclude evidence of active infection, check for
loose teeth and consent for perioperative analgesia.

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