Advanced Semiconductor Devices (IET 825)
Advanced Semiconductor Devices (IET 825)
Advanced Semiconductor Devices (IET 825)
Energy Bands & Charge Carriers in Semiconductors: Bonding Forces & Energy Bands in
Solid, Charge Carriers in Semiconductors, Carrier Concentrations, Drift of Carriers in Electric &
Magnetic, Fields, Invariance of the Fermi Level at Equilibrium,
Excess Carriers in Semiconductors: Optical Absorption, Luminescence, Carrier, Lifetime &
Photo Conductivity, Diffusion of Carriers
Junctions: Fabrication of P-N Junctions, Equilibrium Condition, Forward & Reverse Bias
Junctions, Reverse Bias Breakdown, Transient & AC Conditions, Deviations From the Simple
Theory, Metal Semiconductor Junctions, Hetero-Junction
Field Effect Transistors: Transistor Operation, the Junction FET, the Metal Semiconductor
FET, the Metal insulator, Semiconductor FET, MOSFET, BJT
Fundamentals of BJT Operation: Amplification with BJT, BJT Fabrication, Minority Carrier
Distributions & Terminal Currents, Generalized Biasing, Switching, Other Important Effects,
Freq. Limitation of Transistors, Hetero-Junction BJT
Optoelectronic Devices: Photodiodes, Light Emitting Diodes, Lasers, Semiconductor Lasers
Text Book:
1. Streetman, B.G. & Banerjee, Sanjay / Solid State Electronic Devices / Prentice Hall
(India) / 5th Ed.
Reference Books:
Information Theory and Coding (IET 831)
Text Books:
1. Bose, Ranjan / Information Theory, Coding & Cryptography / Tata McGraw Hill /
Reference Books:
1. Van Lint, J.H./ Introduction to Coding Theory / Springer
2. Proakis, John G. / Digital Communications / McGraw Hill
3. Sathyanarayana, P.S. / Probability Information and Coding Theory/ Dynaram
Publications, Bangalore
4. Gallager / Information Theory and Reliable Communication
5. Shulin & Costello/ Error Correcting Codes / Prentice Hall (India).
6. Taub & Schilling / Principles of Communication Systems / Tata McGraw Hill
Optical Communication (IET 801)
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Architecture and Applications of Digital Signal Processors (IET 833)
DSP Processors: DSP Hardware & Circuits; 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit DSP Processors; Analog
Devices, Motorola and Texas Instruments DSP Devices and their Comparison. Data width and
dynamic range, Limitations of DSPs.
Architecture: DSP System, ADSP-2100 Family base Architecture, MAC & Shifter block
diagrams, TMS Architectures; TMS-320CIX, TMS 320C3X, TMS 320C4X , TMS 320C5X, and
TMS 320C67X, A Fast ADC/DAC on board.
Instruction Set: Instruction Sets of TMS 32CXXX Series, Certain application programs:
ADC/DAC, Filter design, Function Generation etc.
Applications: Filtering, Voice/Speech processing, Telecommunication, Imaging,
Instrumentation, Military applications.
Text Book:
Reference Book: