Bond Strength of Concrete Developed With Reinforcing Steel: (ASTM Designation: C 234)

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Bond Strength of Concrete Developed

with Reinforcing Steel

(ASTM Designation: C 234)

To determine the bond strength between a concrete and deformed steel reinforcing bars due to the adhe-
sion of the paste to the steel, the friction between the steel and the concrete, and the bearing of the concrete
against the lugs of the deformed steel bars.

Equipment and Materials

Two types of molds are required for the preparation of 15-cm (6-inch) molds for both vertical embedded bars and for top and
bottom horizontally embedded bars. Molds for both types of specimens shall be constructed of watertight, easily assembled
and disassembled steel forms at least 6 mm ( inch) thick, as shown in Figure24.
2 dial gages graduated to 0.25 mm (0.001 inch) with a range up to at least 13 mm (0.5 inch) with appropriate brackets
Suitable testing apparatus that can support the specimen on a machined steel bearing plate with dimensions no less than the
cross section of the specimens and able to accommodate the reinforcing steel
15 cm 15 cm (6 in. 6 in.) pieces of plywood with a center hole to permit the reinforcing steel to pass through at least
6 mm ( in.) thick to act as a cushion between the concrete specimen and the steel bearing plate of the testing apparatus
Three 15 cm (6 in.) diameter 30 cm (12 in.) molds for determining the 28-day compressive strength of the concrete
No. 6 (19 cm) deformed steel reinforcing bars (RE-bars) 60 cm (2 ft) in length
All of the equipment and materials used in ASTM Designation: C 192, Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens

Test Procedure
The testing apparatus described herein differs from the one shown in the ASTM Method, although it is not
presented as the mandatory piece of equipment. Furthermore, in the ASTM Method, the measurement of
the embedded steel slippage from the concrete block is based on the movement of the loaded steel end minus
the elongation due to the tension that the affected length of bar is undergoing. In the procedure described
below, the measurements of the movement of the steel bar during the test are with relation to the nonloaded
end of the bar and only one measuring gauge can be used for this purpose. The other measuring gauge is
used to record the elongation of the RE-bar to assure that it has not exceeded the yield point of the steel. This
is based upon the experience of the author. There is then no need to deduct any elongation of the RE-bar to
obtain the net slippage of the RE-bar in the concrete. The sketches and pictures on pages 120 and 121 show
how the procedure is carried out.

116 Engineered Concrete: Mix Design and Test Methods, Second Edition

Caulk with
small rope
or rubber

6 in. (150 mm)

6 in. (150 mm)


6 in. (150 mm) 6 in. (150 mm) Detail X

6 in. (150 mm) 6 in. (150 mm)

Side plates Detail X
in. (6 mm)

12 in. (300 mm)

in. (13 mm)
6 in. (150 mm)


Base plates 3 in. (10 mm)

3 8
in. (10 mm) thick
Section A-A Section B-B View C-C

Figure 24
Molds for bond specimens. Copyright ASTM. Reprinted with permission.

1. Prior to casting the specimens, the insides of the steel molds should be coated with a thin film of mineral oil. Clean the
RE-bars of rust and mill scale with a stiff wire brush. If there is any oil or grease on the RE-bars, carefully clean it off
with a suitable solvent. A test set should consist of 3 vertical bar forms and 3 horizontal bar forms. Each of the latter will
have a top horizontal and a bottom horizontal bar, for a total of nine test specimens for bond. Center and align the RE-bars
in the forms. After the RE-bars are assembled in the forms, make the joints mortar tight by applying a suitable caulking
compound on the outside of the forms, between the RE-bars and the forms. If the same concrete mixture has not previously
been used for a compression test determination, a set of 3 specimens should also be prepared to find the 28-day compres-
sion strength, f c.
2. Using the same procedure as described in ASTM Procedure: C 192, mix the concrete and check and record the slump and
the air content.
3. Fill the forms with two incremental layers of concrete for the vertically embedded RE-bars and in four layers for the hori-
zontally embedded bars, tamping each lift with the tamping rod 25 times. If the concrete has a very low slump <2.5 cm
(1 in.), it may also be necessary to place the filled mold on a vibrating table. After the concrete has been satisfactorily placed
and consolidated, the bars should be twisted several times about a half turn in each direction, so as to assure that the ribs
of the RE-bars are filled with the mortar from the concrete. At this point it may also be necessary to adjust the caulking
4. Strike off any excess concrete from the top layer with a steel trowel and finish to a smooth surface. Place the whole assembly
in a secured location and protect the exposed surface of the concrete from evaporation.
5. Strip the forms between 20 and 24 hours after curing at an ambient temperature of about 20 3C (68 5F). Immediately
upon stripping, place the vertical bar specimens in the curing facility. Before the horizontal RE-bar specimens are placed
in the curing facility, carefully separate the top horizontal from the bottom horizontal bar specimens by laying the joined
specimens on a solid surface and strike it sharply with a cold chisel and hammer at the V-notch, which is between the two
specimens. In doing so, be very careful not to touch or in any way disturb the RE-bars. Handle all the specimens only by
the concrete, not the RE-bars. At this point, all the specimens should be in the curing facility.
6. At 28 days, and just prior to testing, remove the specimens one by one from the curing facility. They should be tested while
the specimens are still moist from the curing facility. Place the previously prepared thin pieces of plywood with a center
hole on the long end of the RE-bar, which will be gripped by the tension jaws of the testing machine. The plywood should
be between the machine bearing plate and the bottom of the concrete cube. The function of the plywood is to distribute the
Bond Strength of Concrete Developed with Reinforcing Steel 117

load, due to any imperfections in the concrete surface. The plywood pieces are for a single test specimen only and discarded.
Conduct the test on all the vertical, all the top, and all the bottom horizontal bars together. It is not difficult to differentiate
between the top and bottom horizontal RE-bar specimens. The bottom RE-bar specimens will have a much smoother sur-
face since they were formed in contact with the steel form. The top RE-bar specimen has its top hand finished with a trowel.
Set the deflection gauge on the nonmovable platform of the testing machine with the stem in contact with the top of the
projecting RE-bar. Measure the distance from the bottom of the concrete to the center of the tension grip jaws. This distance
will be designated as L in the formula to determine the elongation for yield. See Figure2 for a picture of the setup.
7. Apply an initial load of 2.2 kN (500 lb) to secure the specimen in the jaws of the testing machine and then zero the gauge.
Proceed to load the specimen at a rate of 4.4 kN/minute (1000 lb/minute) and take readings every 2.2 kN (500 lb) increments
of load or about every 30 seconds.
8. Continue loading the specimen without interruption until one of the following occurs:
a. The specimen (concrete) splits, at which time the load reduces to zero.
b. The yield point of the steel has been approached, based upon the computed elongation. The modulus of elasticity for
the RE-bar is assumed to be 200 GPa (29 106 psi) in computing the elongation at yield.
c. A slippage of at least 2.5 mm (0.1 inch) has occurred between the concrete and the embedded RE-bar as measured
from the unloaded end of the steel, which projects approximately 1 cm ( inch) from the concrete block in all of the
Invariably the test will end with the splitting of the specimen. Only rarely will a slippage of 2.5 mm (0.1 inch) occur before
the concrete splits. In the experience of the author, reaching the yield point of the RE-bar before the concrete fails (7a) or
having experienced a slippage of 2.5 mm (0.1 inch) (7c) is even less probable. However, all three criteria must be considered
and used at the time of the test and recorded in the notes along with the final readings.

Explanation of Computations and Data Sheets

1. Computations: A No. 6 deformed RE-bar is assumed as being used in this test, which results in a nominal cross-sectional
area of 2.84 cm2 (0.44 in.2) for computational purposes. A deformed RE-bar of another diameter may also be used. The
considered effective diameter of a No. 6 deformed RE-bar is approximately 1.9 cm ( in.). For a No. 6 RE-bar with an
embedded length of 15 cm (6 in.), the surface area used in the calculation for bond stress is 90 cm2 (14.14 in.2). The yield
point of RE-bars may be taken as 250 MPa (36 ksi). To compute the elongation for the yield point, use the equation:

= =

P/A = s = the tensile stress in the bar. Taking s as the yield stress, the formula becomes the second expression for , since L
has been measured as explained in Test Procedure item 6.
Therefore, the value for in either centimeters or inches can be computed.
The bond stress at any recorded point in the test can readily be computed by dividing the load by the embedded area of
the RE-bar. The design bond stress is taken as the point where the slip equals 0.25 mm (0.01 in.). This value is taken from
the plotted curves. The values of the three tests for each RE-bar orientation and position should be consolidated as shown
in the sample summary computation table on page 116. The results should be plotted on a single sheet of graph with the slip
between the RE-bar and the concrete as the abscissa and the RE-bar bond stress as the ordinate, as shown on Figure25.
Building specifications generally delineate different allowable bond stresses for vertical RE-bars and for the two horizontal
RE-bar positions. Check your test results against that of a recognized building specification as to which RE-bar alignment
results in the highest and which in the lowest accepted value for bond strength.
2. Data Sheets: Two data sheets have been designed for this ASTM Method. They are shown on at the end of this chapter,
including illustrations for their use. Notice that these data sheets include the orientation of the RE-bar on the top line along
with the date of the test. The concrete mix design is also called for on this data sheet since it is important to determine
the bond strength as a percent of the 28-day compressive strength of the concrete, f c. Note also the place for the measured
length of the RE-bar from the bottom of the concrete block as the specimen sits in the testing machine to the center of the
gripping jaws. Special testing instructions are also included even though they are explained in the body of the procedure.
The values for the summary data sheets on pages 116 and 117 are obtained by averaging the values from the previous data
sheets, which includes three specimens for each RE-bar configurationvertical, horizontal top, and bottom RE-bars. You
will note that only the data for the horizontal top RE-bar configuration has been included, although the summary data sheet
118 Engineered Concrete: Mix Design and Test Methods, Second Edition

Hor. top
Hor. bot.
Vert. bar


Re-Bar Stress in PSI

Byj 400




0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
Axi, Bxj, Cxk
Re-Bar Slip in Inches

Figure 25
Graph of bond stress versus slip.

includes the values for all three RE-bar configurations. Only in this way could the graph in Figure25 have been plotted. The
graph is computer plotted, although a carefully drawn hand plot would also be acceptable. Note also that the accepted bond
strength is obtained from the graph at a RE-bar slip of 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) although the data is generally taken well beyond
this point. Figures27 and 28 should help clarify the setup for this test procedure. Additional blank data sheets are included
in the Appendix.
Bond Strength of Concrete Developed with Reinforcing Steel 119

Vertical Configuration
6" 6" 6" 6" steel mold with center
hole at the bottom, and one #6
deformed RE-bar

Horizontal Configuration 6"

6" 6" 12" steel form with two 6"
side center holes and two
#6 deformed RE-bars Ho
ri zon

tto 12"


Figure 26
Schematic of bond specimens.
120 Engineered Concrete: Mix Design and Test Methods, Second Edition

Horizontal bottom Horizontal top

Gage Gage


Tension Tension

Figure 27
Schematic of bond Test Procedure, showing the differences in the concrete configuration for vertical, horizontal bottom, and
horizontal top RE-bars due to the way the specimens are cast.


Figure 28
Bond specimens in the testing machine. (A) This view shows the split in the concrete cube at the time of failure, and (B) View
showing the specimen, testing machine, dial indicators, and the bearing plate.
Bond Strength of Concrete Developed with Reinforcing Steel 121

Data Sheet (ASTM Designation: C 234)

Date of test: RE-bar orientation:
Date specimens were cast:
Description of test specimens:
Measured length of RE-bar from bottom of concrete to the center of the jaws of the testing machine:
Maximum elongation to yield of the RE-bar in cm or in.:
Special instructions:
1. Use a 2.2-kN (500-lb) seating load before zeroing the gages.
2. Apply the load at a maximum rate of 4.4 kN (1000 lb) per/min.
3. Use a value of E = 200 GPa (29 106 psi) and a Yield Point = 250 MPa (36,000 psi).

Dial Reading of RE-bar Slip, mm or in.

Scale Reading
kg or lb Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 3 Remarks
122 Engineered Concrete: Mix Design and Test Methods, Second Edition

Data Sheet (ASTM Designation: C 234)

Date of test: RE-bar orientation:
Date specimens were cast:
Description of test specimens:
Measured length of RE-bar from bottom of concrete to the center of the jaws of the testing machine:
Maximum elongation to yield of the RE-bar in cm or in.:
Special instructions:
1. Use a 2.2-kN (500-lb) seating load before zeroing the gages.
2. Apply the load at a maximum rate of 4.4 kN (1000 lb) per/min.
3. Use a value of E = 200 GPa (29 106 psi) and a Yield Point = 250 MPa (36,000 psi).

Dial Reading of RE-bar Slip, mm or in.

Scale Reading
kg or lb Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 3 Remarks
Bond Strength of Concrete Developed with Reinforcing Steel 123

Data Sheet (ASTM Designation: C 234)

Date specimens were cast: RE-bar orientation:
Description of test specimens:
Measured length of RE-bar from bottom of concrete to the center of the jaws of the testing machine:
Maximum elongation to yield of the RE-bar in cm or in.:
Special instructions:
1. Use a 2.2-kN (500-lb) seating load before zeroing the gages.
2. Apply the load at a maximum rate of 4.4 kN (1000 lb) per/min.
3. Use a value of E = 200 GPa (29 106 psi) and a Yield Point = 250 MPa (36,000 psi).

Dial Reading of RE-bar, mm or in.

Scale Reading
kg or lb Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 3 Remarks
124 Engineered Concrete: Mix Design and Test Methods, Second Edition

Illustrative Example (ASTM Designation: C 234)

Date of test: 3/1/99 RE-bar orientation: horizontal top
Date specimens were cast: 2/1/99
Description of test specimens: 6 in. 6 in. 6 in. concrete cube
Measured length of RE-bar from bottom of concrete to the center of the jaws of the testing machine: 22.7 inches
Maximum elongation to yield point of RE-bar in cm or in.: 0.028 in.
Special instructions:
1. Use a 2.2-kN (500-lb) seating load before zeroing the gages.
2. Apply the load at a maximum rate of 4.4 kN (1000 lb) per/min.
3. Use a value of E = 200 GPa (29 106 psi) and a Yield Point = 250 MPa (36,000 psi).

Dial Reading of RE-bar Slip, mm or in.

Scale Reading
kg or lb Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 3
500 lb 0.000 in. 0.000 in. 0.000 in.

1000 lb 0.000 in. 0.002 in. 0.0001 in.

1500 lb 0.001 in. 0.003 in. 0.002 in.

2000 lb 0.002 in. 0.005 in. 0.007 in.

2500 lb 0.004 in. 0.007 in. 0.008 in.

3000 lb 0.007 in. 0.008 in. 0.009 in.

3500 lb 0.010 in. 0.010 in. 0.015 in.

4000 lb 0.012 in. 0.011 in. 0.016 in.

4500 lb 0.014 in. 0.014 in. 0.017 in.

5000 lb 0.017 in. 0.018 in. 0.021 in.

5500 lb 0.020 in. 0.023 in. 0.028 in.

6000 lb 0.023 in. 0.027 in. 0.033 in.

6500 lb 0.029 in. 0.031 in. 0.041 in.

7000 lb 0.037 in. 0.039 in. 0.049 in.

7500 lb 0.044 in. 0.049 in. 0.069 in.

8000 lb 0.058 in. 0.068 in. Concrete

8500 lb 0.077 in. Concrete Failed

9000 lb Concrete Failed

9500 lb Failed
Bond Strength of Concrete Developed with Reinforcing Steel 125

Illustrative Example (ASTM Designation: C 234)

Length of RE-bar embedment (L) in cm or inches = 6 inches
Nominal diameter of RE-bar (d) in cm or inches = 0.75 inches
Bond area between the concrete and the RE-bar = dL = 14.14 in.2
Load in newtons or lb
Bond stress in MPa or psi =
Bond Area in m 2 or in.2

RE-bar Slip, mm or in., and Orientation

Load = kg g = Bond Stress
Newtons or Load in lb Horizontal Top Horizontal Bottom Vertical in MPa or psi
500 lb 0.000 in. 0.000 in. 0.000 in. 35 psi

1000 lb 0.001 in 0.000 in. 0.000 in. 71 psi

1500 lb 0.002 in. 0.001 in. 0.000 in. 106 psi

2000 lb 0.005 in. 0.001 in. 0.002 in. 141 psi

2500 lb 0.006 in. 0.002 in. 0.003 in. 177 psi

3000 lb 0.008 in. 0.004 in. 0.005 in. 212 psi

3500 lb 0.012 in. 0.005 in. 0.006 in. 248 psi

4000 lb 0.013 in. 0.006 in. 0.008 in. 283 psi

4500 lb 0.016 in. 0.008 in. 0.011 in. 318 psi

5000 lb 0.019 in. 0.011 in. 0.014 in. 354 psi

5500 lb 0.024 in. 0.014 in. 0.018 in. 389 psi

6000 lb 0.028 in. 0.019 in. 0.023 in. 424 psi

6500 lb 0.034 in. 0.025 in. 0.029 in. 460 psi

7000 lb 0.042 in. 0.030 in. 0.033 in. 495 psi

7500 lb 0.054 in. 0.037 in. 0.038 in. 530 psi

8000 lb 0.063 in. 0.041 in. 0.044 in. 566 psi

8500 lb 0.077 in. 0.046 in. 0.051 in. 601 psi

9000 lb 0.052 in. 0.062 in. 626 psi

9500 lb 0.059 in. 672 psi

10,000 lb 0.072 in. 707 psi

10,500 lb 742 psi

11,000 lb 778 psi

126 Engineered Concrete: Mix Design and Test Methods, Second Edition

Data Sheet (ASTM Designation: C 234) Summary Sheet

Length of RE-bar embedment (L) in cm or inches =
Nominal diameter of RE-bar (d) in cm or inches =
Bond area between the concrete and the RE-bar = dL =
Load in newtons or lb
Bond stress in MPa or psi =
Bond Area in m 2 or in.2

RE-bar Slip, mm or in., and Orientation

Load = kg g = Bond Stress
Newtons or Load in lb Horizontal Top Horizontal Bottom Vertical in MPa or psi

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