Handtools Measuring Device PDF
Handtools Measuring Device PDF
Handtools Measuring Device PDF
major portion of each day using a wide variety of hand mer, which has a striking surface made of wood, brass,
tools to accomplish maintenance tasks. This chapter lead, rawhide, hard rubber, or plastic. These hammers
contains an overview of some of the hand tools an are intended for use in forming soft metals and striking
AMT can expect to use. An AMT encounters many surfaces that are easily damaged. Soft-faced hammers
special tools as their experience widens; large transport should not be used for striking punch heads, bolts, or
category aircraft have different maintenance tasks from nails, as using one in this fashion will quickly ruin this
those of a light airplane, and special hand tools are type of hammer.
often required when working on complex aircraft.
A mallet is a hammer-like tool with a head made of
This chapter outlines the basic knowledge required hickory, rawhide, or rubber. It is handy for shaping
in using the most common hand tools and measuring thin metal parts without causing creases or dents with
instruments used in aircraft repair work. This informa- abrupt corners. Always use a wooden mallet when
tion, however, cannot replace sound judgment on the pounding a wood chisel or a gouge.
part of the individual, nor additional training as the
need arises. There are many times when ingenuity and When using a hammer or mallet, choose the one best
resourcefulness can supplement the basic rules. Sound suited for the job. Ensure that the handle is tight. When
knowledge is required of these basic rules and of the striking a blow with the hammer, use the forearm as an
situations in which they apply. The use of tools may extension of the handle. Swing the hammer by bend-
vary, but good practices for safety, care, and storage ing the elbow, not the wrist. Always strike the work
of tools remain the same. squarely with the full face of the hammer. When strik-
ing a metal tool with a metal hammer, the use of safety
glasses or goggles is strongly encouraged.
General Purpose Tools
Hammers and Mallets Always keep the faces of hammers and mallets smooth
and free from dents, chips, or gouges to prevent mar-
Figure 9-1 shows some of the hammers that the aviation
ring the work.
mechanic may be required to use. Metal head hammers
are usually sized according to the weight of the head Screwdrivers
without the handle. The screwdriver can be classified by its shape, type of
blade, and blade length. It is made for only one pur-
Ball peen Straight peen Cross peen Tinners mallet Riveting hammer
The common screwdriver is used only where slotted
head screws or fasteners are found on aircraft. An
example of a fastener that requires the use of a com-
mon screwdriver is the camlock style fastener that is
used to secure the cowling on some aircraft.
Phillips Screwdriver
The two types of recessed head screws in common use
are the Phillips and the Reed & Prince.
Both the Phillips and Reed & Prince recessed heads are
optional on several types of screws. As shown in Figure
9-2, the Reed & Prince recessed head forms a perfect
cross. The screwdriver used with this screw is pointed
on the end. Since the Phillips screw has a slightly larger
center in the cross, the Phillips screwdriver is blunt on
the end. The Phillips screwdriver is not interchangeable
with the Reed & Prince. The use of the wrong type
screwdriver results in mutilation of the screwdriver and
the screw head. When turning a recessed head screw,
use only the proper recessed head screwdriver of the
Phillips Reed & Prince
correct size. The most common crosspoint screwdrivers
are the Number 1 and Number 2 Phillips.
Roundnose pliers are used to crimp metal. They are not
made for heavy work because too much pressure will
spring the jaws, which are often wrapped to prevent
scarring the metal.
exercised when using a power screwdriver; if the slip Duckbill pliers resemble a ducks bill in that the jaws
clutch is set for too high a setting when installing a are thin, flat, and shaped like a ducks bill. They are
screw, the screwdriver tip will slip and rotate on top used exclusively for twisting safety wire.
of the screw head, damaging it. The screw should be Diagonal pliers are usually referred to as diagonals or
started by hand, to avoid driving the screw into the nut dikes. The diagonal is a short-jawed cutter with a
or nutplate in a cross-threaded manner. To avoid dam- blade set at a slight angle on each jaw. This tool can be
aging the slot or receptacle in the head of the screw, the used to cut wire, rivets, small screws, and cotter pins,
use of cordless power drills fitted with a removable tip besides being practically indispensable in removing
driver to remove or install screws is not recommended, or installing safety wire. The duckbill pliers and the
as the drill does not have a slip-clutch installed. diagonal cutting pliers are used extensively in aviation
Pliers and Plier-Type Cutting Tools for the job of safety wiring.
As shown in Figure 9-4, the pliers used most frequently Two important rules for using pliers are:
in aircraft repair work are the diagonal, needlenose,
and duckbill. The size of pliers indicates their overall 1. Do not make pliers work beyond their capacity.
length, usually ranging from 5 to 12 inches. The long-nosed variety is especially delicate. It is
easy to spring or break them, or nick the edges. If
this occurs, they are practically useless.
2. Do not use pliers to turn nuts. In just a few seconds,
a pair of pliers can damage a nut more than years
of service.
Punches are used to locate centers for drawing circles,
Diagonal cutter to start holes for drilling, to punch holes in sheet metal,
to transfer location of holes in patterns, and to remove
damaged rivets, pins or bolts.
Solid or hollow punches are the two types generally
used. Solid punches are classified according to the
shape of their points. Figure 9-5 shows several types
of punches.
the diameter of the face, in thirty-seconds of an inch,
and range from 116 to 38 inch in diameter.
C Ratcheting wrench
Box-end wrench
Speed handle
Ratchet handle
Hinge handle
The crowfoot wrench is normally used when access- hydraulic, or oxygen line. Since it mounts using the
ing nuts that must be removed from studs or bolt that standard square adapter, like the crowfoot wrench, it
cannot be accessed using other tools. can be used in conjunction with a torque wrench.
The flare nut wrench has the appearance of a box-end The hook spanner is for a round nut with a series of
wrench that has been cut open on one end. This opening notches cut in the outer edge. This wrench has a curved
allows the wrench to be used on the B-nut of a fuel, arm with a hook on the end that fits into one of the
A = Outside diameter
F C = Center to center
D = Length
Crowfoot E E = Head depth
F = Total depth
A A = Outside diameter
B = Wall opening
C = Center to center
Flare nut E = Head depth
notches on the nut. The hook is placed in one of these
notches with the handle pointing in the direction the
nut is to be turned.
Aviation snips are designed especially for cutting heat-
treated aluminum alloy and stainless steel. They are
also adaptable for enlarging small holes. The blades
have small teeth on the cutting edges and are shaped
for cutting very small circles and irregular outlines.
The handles are the compound leverage type, making it
possible to cut material as thick as 0.051 inch. Aviation
snips are available in two types, those which cut from
right to left and those which cut from left to right.
Figure 9-12. Impact driver.
Unlike the hacksaw, snips do not remove any material
Impact Drivers when the cut is made, but minute fractures often occur
In certain applications, the use of an impact driver may along the cut. Therefore, cuts should be made about
1 inch from the layout line and finished by hand fil-
be required. Struck with a mallet, the impact driver 32
uses cam action to impart a high amount of torque in ing down to the line.
a sharp impact to break loose a stubborn fastener. The Hacksaws
drive portion of the impact driver can accept a number
The common hacksaw has a blade, a frame, and a
of different drive bits and sockets. The use of special
handle. The handle can be obtained in two styles: pistol
bits and sockets specifically manufactured for use with
grip and straight. [Figure 9-14]
an impact driver is required. [Figure 9-12]
Hacksaw blades have holes in both ends; they are
Metal Cutting Tools mounted on pins attached to the frame. When installing
a blade in a hacksaw frame, mount the blade with the
Hand Snips
teeth pointing forward, away from the handle.
There are several kinds of hand snips, each of which
serves a different purpose. Straight, curved, hawksbill, Blades are made of high-grade tool steel or tungsten
and aviation snips are in common use. Straight snips steel and are available in sizes from 6 to 16 inches in
are used for cutting straight lines when the distance is length. The 10-inch blade is most commonly used.
not great enough to use a squaring shear and for cut- There are two types, the all-hard blade and the flexible
ting the outside of a curve. The other types are used for blade. In flexible blades, only the teeth are hardened.
cutting the inside of curves or radii. Snips should never
be used to cut heavy sheet metal. [Figure 9-13] Selection of the best blade for the job involves finding
the right type and pitch. An all-hard blade is best for
sawing brass, tool steel, cast iron, and heavy cross-sec-
tion materials. A flexible blade is usually best for sawing
hollow shapes and metals having a thin cross section.
Straight snips
The pitch of a blade indicates the number of teeth per
inch. Pitches of 14, 18, 24, and 32 teeth per inch are 6070
available. A blade with 14 teeth per inch is preferred
when cutting machine steel, cold rolled steel, or struc-
tural steel. A blade with 18 teeth per inch is preferred
for solid stock aluminum, bearing metal, tool steel,
and cast iron. Use a blade with 24 teeth per inch when
cutting thick-walled tubing, pipe, brass, copper, chan-
nel, and angle iron. Use the 32 teeth per inch blade for Flat cold chisel
cutting thin-walled tubing and sheet metal. When using
a hacksaw, observe the following procedures:
When cutting square corners or slots, a special cold Files Care and Use
chisel called a cape chisel should be used. It is like a Files and rasps are catalogued in three ways:
flat chisel except the cutting edge is very narrow. It
has the same cutting angle and is held and used in the Length. Measuring from the tip to the heel of the
same manner as any other chisel. file. The tang is never included in the length.
Shape. Refers to the physical configuration of
Rounded or semicircular grooves and corners that have
the file (circular, rectangular, or triangular or a
fillets should be cut with a roundnose chisel. This chisel
variation thereof).
is also used to re-center a drill that has moved away
from its intended center. Cut. Refers to both the character of the teeth or
the coarsenessrough, coarse, and bastard for
The diamond point chisel is tapered square at the cut- use on heavier classes of work and second cut,
ting end, and then ground at an angle to provide the smooth and dead smooth for finishing work.
sharp diamond point. It is used for cutting B-grooves
and inside sharp angles. Most Commonly Used Files [Figure 9-17]
Files Hand files These are parallel in width and tapered
in thickness. They have one safe edge (smooth edge)
Most files are made of high-grade tool steels that are
which permits filing in corners, and on other work
hardened and tempered. Files are manufactured in a
where a safe edge is required. Hand files are double
variety of shapes and sizes. They are known either
cut and used principally for finishing flat surfaces and
by the cross section, the general shape, or by their
similar work.
particular use. The cuts of files must be considered when
selecting them for various types of work and materials. Flat files These files are slightly tapered toward the
point in both width and thickness. They cut on both
Files are used to square ends, file rounded corners, edges as well as on the sides. They are the most com-
remove burrs and slivers from metal, straighten uneven mon files in use. Flat files are double cut on both sides
edges, file holes and slots, and smooth rough edges. and single cut on both edges.
Files have three distinguishing features: (1) their Mill files These are usually tapered slightly in thick-
length, measured exclusive of the tang [Figure 9-16]; ness and in width for about one-third of their length.
(2) their kind or name, which has reference to the rela- The teeth are ordinarily single cut. These files are used
tive coarseness of the teeth; and (3) their cut. for drawfiling and to some extent for filing soft metals.
Files are usually made in two types of cuts: single cut Square files These files may be tapered or blunt and
and double cut. The single cut file has a single row are double cut. They are used principally for filing slots
of teeth extending across the face at an angle of 65 and key seats, and for surface filing.
to 85 with the length of the file. The size of the cuts
depends on the coarseness of the file. The double cut Round or rattail files These are circular in cross sec-
file has two rows of teeth that cross each other. For tion and may be either tapered or blunt and single or
general work, the angle of the first row is 40 to 45. double cut. They are used principally for filing circular
The first row is generally referred to as overcut, and openings or concave surfaces.
the second row as upcut; the upcut is somewhat finer
and not as deep as the overcut. Triangular and three square files These files are
triangular in cross section. Triangular files are single
cut and are used for filing the gullet between saw teeth.
Three square files, which are double cut, may be used
Tang Length for filing internal angles, clearing out corners, and fil-
ing taps and cutters.
aluminum, wood, slate, marble, fiber, rubber, and so
forth. The fine cut gives excellent results on steel, cast
iron, phosphor bronze, white brass, and all hard metals.
Hand taper width, parallel thickness. The smooth cut is used where the amount of material
to be removed is very slight, but where a superior fin-
ish is desired.
Mill taper width, parallel thickness. The following methods are recommended for
using files:
a slight gliding or lateral motion along the work. A able in various shapes and sizes to satisfy almost any
standard mill file may be used for this operation, but the requirement.
long angle lathe file provides a much cleaner shearing
and self-clearing action. Use a file with safe edges to Pneumatic drills are preferred for use around flam-
protect work with shoulders from being marred. mable materials, since sparks from an electric drill are
a fire or explosion hazard.
Care of Files
Twist Drills
There are several precautions that any good craftsman
will take in caring for files. A twist drill is a pointed tool that is rotated to cut holes
in material. It is made of a cylindrical hardened steel
1. Choose the right file for the material and work to bar having spiral flutes (grooves) running the length of
be performed. the body, and a conical point with cutting edges formed
2. Keep all files racked and separated so they do not by the ends of the flutes.
bear against each other. Twist drills are made of carbon steel or high-speed
3. Keep the files in a dry place rust will corrode alloy steel. Carbon steel twist drills are satisfactory for
the teeth points, dulling the file. the general run of work and are relatively inexpensive.
4. Keep files clean. Tap the end of the file against The more expensive high-speed twist drills are used
the bench after every few strokes, to loosen and for the tough materials such as stainless steels. Twist
clear the filings. Use the file card to keep files drills have from one to four spiral flutes. Drills with
clean a dirty file is a dull file. A dirty file can two flutes are used for most drilling; those with three
also contaminate different metals when the same or four flutes are used principally to follow smaller
file is used on multiple metal surfaces. drills or to enlarge holes.
Particles of metal collect between the teeth of a file The principal parts of a twist drill are the shank, the
and may make deep scratches in the material being body, and the heel. [Figure 9-19] The drill shank is the
filed. When these particles of metal are lodged too end that fits into the chuck of a hand or power drill.
firmly between the teeth and cannot be removed by The two shank shapes most commonly used in hand
tapping the edge of the file, remove them with a file drills are the straight shank and the square or bit stock
card or wire brush. Draw the brush across the file so shank. The straight shank generally is used in hand,
that the bristles pass down the gullet between the teeth. breast, and portable electric or pneumatic drills; the
[Figure 9-18] square shank is made to fit into a carpenters brace.
Tapered shanks generally are used in machine shop
Drills drill presses. [Figure 9-20]
There are generally four types of portable drills used in
The metal column forming the core of the drill is the
aviation for holding and turning twist drills. Holes 14
body. The body clearance area lies just back of the mar-
inch in diameter and under can be drilled using a hand
gin; it is slightly smaller in diameter than the margin,
drill. This drill is commonly called an egg beater.
to reduce the friction between the drill and the sides of
The breast drill is designed to hold larger size twist
the hole. The angle at which the drill point is ground is
drills than the hand drill. In addition, a breastplate is
the lip clearance angle. On standard drills used to cut
affixed at the upper end of the drill to permit the use
steel and cast iron, the angle should be 59 from the
of body weight to increase the cutting power of the
axis of the drill. For faster drilling of soft materials,
drill. Electric and pneumatic power drills are avail-
sharper angles are used.
Point Margin Flute
Lip clearance
Size stamped here
Taper shank
Square shank (used in brace)
Lip or cutting edges surface only until you reach the heel of the drill.
5. Check the results of grinding with a gauge to
determine whether or not the lips are the same
Figure 9-19. Twist drill. length and at a 59 angle.
.1 .0039 .0410 59 2.2 .0866 .1470 26
.15 .0059 1.05 .0413 2.25 .0885 3.75 .1476
.2 .0079 .0420 58 .0890 43 .1495 25
.25 .0098 .0430 57 2.3 .0905 3.8 .1496
.3 .0118 1.1 .0433 2.35 .0925 .1520 24
.0135 80 1.15 .0452 .0935 42 3.9 .1535
.35 .0138 .0465 56 2.38 .0937 3 .1540 23
.0145 79 1.19 .0469 3 2.4 .0945 3.97 .1562 5
64 32
.39 .0156 1 1.2 .0472 .0960 41 .1570 22
.4 .0157 1.25 .0492 2.45 .0964 4.0 .1575
.0160 78 1.3 .0512 .0980 40 .1590 21
.45 .0177 .0520 55 2.5 .0984 .1610 20
.0180 77 1.35 .0531 .0995 39 4.1 .1614
.5 .0197 .0550 54 .1015 38 4.2 .1654
.0200 76 1.4 .0551 2.6 .1024 .1660 19
.0210 75 1.45 .0570 .1040 37 4.25 .1673
.55 .0217 1.5 .0591 2.7 .1063 4.3 .1693
.0225 74 .0595 53 .1065 36 .1695 18
.6 .0236 1.55 .0610 2.75 .1082 4.37 .1719 11
.0240 73 1.59 .0625 1 2.78 .1094 7 .1730 17
16 64
.0250 72 1.6 .0629 - .1100 35 4.4 .1732
.65 .0256 .0635 52 2.8 .1102 .1770 16
.0260 71 1.65 .0649 .1110 34 4.5 .1771
.0280 70 1.7 .0669 .1130 33 .1800 15
.7 .0276 .0670 51 2.9 .1141 4.6 .1811
.0292 69 1.75 .0689 .1160 32 .1820 14
.75 .0295 0.700 50 3.0 .1181 4.7 .1850 13
.0310 68 1.8 .0709 .1200 31 4.75 .1870
.79 .0312 1 1.85 .0728 3.1 .1220 4.76 .1875 3
32 16
.8 .0315 .0730 49 3.18 .1250 1 4.8 .1890 12
.0320 67 1.9 .0748 3.2 .1260 1910 11
.0330 66 .0760 48 3.25 .1279 4.9 .1929
.85 .0335 1.95 .0767 .1285 30 .1935 10
.0350 65 1.98 .0781 5 3.3 .1299 .1960 9
.9 .0354 .0785 47 3.4 .1338 5.0 .1968
.0360 64 2.0 .0787 .1360 29 .1990 8
.0370 63 2.05 .0807 3.5 .1378 5.1 .2008
.95 .0374 .0810 46 .1405 28 .2010 7
.0380 62 .0820 45 3.57 .1406 9 5.16 .2031 13
64 64
.0390 61 2.1 .0827 3.6 .1417 .2040 6
1.0 .0394 2.15 .0846 .1440 27 5.2 .2047
.0400 60 .0860 44 3.7 .1457 .2055 5
5.25 .2067 7.25 .2854 9.5 .3740 16.5 .6496
5.3 .2086 7.3 .2874 9.53 .3750 3 16.67 .6562 21
8 32
.2090 4 2900 L .3770 V 17.0 .6693
5.4 .2126 7.4 .2913 9.6 .3780 17.06 .6719 43
.2130 .2950 M 9.7 .3819 17.46 .6875 11
5.5 .2165 7.5 .2953 9.75 .3838 17.5 .6890
5.56 .2187 1 7.54 .2968 19 9.8 .3858 17.86 .7031 45
32 64 64
5.6 .2205 7.6 .2992 .3860 W 18.0 7087
.2210 2 .3020 N 9.9 .3898 18.26 .7187 23
5.7 .2244 7.7 .3031 9.92 .3906 25 18.5 .7283
5.75 .2263 7.75 .3051 10.0 .3937 18.65 .7344 47
.2280 1 7.8 .3071 .3970 X 19.0 .7480
5.8 .2283 7.9 .3110 .4040 Y 19.05 7500 3
5.9 .2323 7.94 .3125 5 10.32 .4062 13 19.45 .7656 49
16 32 64
.2340 A 8.0 .3150 .4130 Z 19.5 .7677
5.95 .2344 15 .3160 O 10.5 .4134 19.84 .7812 25
64 32
6.0 .2362 8.1 .3189 10.72 .4219 27 20.0 7874
.2380 B 8.2 .3228 11.0 .4330 20.24 .7969 51
6.1 .2401 .3230 P 11.11 .4375 7 20.5 .8071
.2420 C 8.25 .3248 11.5 .4528 20.64 .8125 13
6.2 .2441 8.3 .3268 11.51 .4531 29 21.0 .8268
6.25 .2460 D 8.33 .3281 21 11.91 .4687 15 21.03 .8281 53
64 32 64
6.3 .2480 8.4 .3307 12.0 .4724 21.43 .8437 27
6.35 .2500 1 E .3320 Q 12.30 .4843 31 21.5 .8465
4 64
6.4 .2520 8.5 .3346 12.5 .4921 21.83 .8594 55
6.5 .2559 8.6 .3386 12.7 .5000 1 22.0 .8661
.2570 F .3390 R 13.0 .5118 22.23 .8750 7
6.6 .2598 8.7 .3425 13.10 .5156 33 22.5 .8858
.2610 G 8.73 .3437 11 13.49 .5312 17 22.62 .8906 57
32 32 64
6.7 .2638 8.75 .3445 13.5 .5315 23.0 .9055
6.75 .2657 17 8.8 .3465 13.89 .5469 35 23.02 .9062 29
64 64 32
6.75 .2657 .3480 S 14.0 .5512 23.42 .9219 59
.2660 H 8.9 .3504 14.29 .5625 9 23.5 .9252
6.8 .2677 9.0 .3543 14.5 .5709 23.81 .9375 15
6.9 .2716 .3580 T 14.68 .5781 37 24.0 .9449
.2720 I 9.1 .3583 15.0 .5906 24.21 .9531 61
7.0 .2756 9.13 .3594 23 15.08 .5937 19 24.5 .9646
64 32
.2770 J 9.2 .3622 15.48 .6094 39 24.61 .9687 31
32 32
7.1 .2795 9.25 .3641 15.5 .6102 25.0 .9843
.2811 K 9.3 .3661 15.88 .6250 5 25.03 .9844 63
8 64
7.14 .2812 9 .3680 U 16.0 .6299 25.4 1.0000 1
7.2 .2835 9.4 .3701 16.27 .6406 41
of a carbon steel reamer; however, after the first super
keenness is gone, they are still serviceable. The high-
speed reamer usually lasts much longer than the carbon
steel type.
Reamer blades are hardened to the point of being
brittle and must be handled carefully to avoid chipping
them. When reaming a hole, rotate the reamer in the
cutting direction only. Do not back a reamer out of a
A hole by rotating it opposite the cutting direction. Turn
the reamer steadily and evenly to prevent chattering,
or marking and scoring of the hole walls.
Straight reamer
59 59
Expansion reamer
Adjustable reamer
Cutter shaft
Lock nut
Chip opening
A countersink is a tool that cuts a cone shaped depres-
sion around the hole to allow a rivet or screw to set
flush with the surface of the material. Countersinks are Taper
made with various angles to correspond to the various
angles of the countersunk rivet and screwheads. The
angle of the standard countersink shown in Figure
9-24 is 100.
When using a countersink, care must be taken not to taper tap, a plug tap, and a bottoming tap. The taps in a
remove an excessive amount of material, since this set are identical in diameter and cross section; the only
reduces the strength of flush joints. difference is the amount of taper. [Figure 9-25]
Tap wrenches
Adjusting screw
(A) Adjustable round split die
National Coarse Thread Series National Fine Thread Series
Medium Fit Class 3 (NC) Medium Fit Class 3 (NF)
1-8 1.000 1.0 .8376 7 " 1-14 1.000 1.0 .9072 49 "
8 64
Number Pitch Diameter Size and Threads Depth Tap drill for pipe threads
of Pipe of
threads A B L2 L1 o.d. thread Minor diameter
(inches) Size drill
per inch (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) small end of pipe
1 27 .36351 .37476 .2638 .180 .405 .02963 .33388 R
1 18 .47739 .48989 .4018 .200 .540 .04444 .43294 7
4 16
3 18 .61201 .62701 .4078 .240 .675 .04444 .56757 37
8 64
1 14 .75843 .77843 .5337 .320 .840 .05714 .70129 23
2 32
3 14 .96768 .98887 .5457 .339 1.050 .5714 .91054 59
4 64
Figure 9-29. American (National) pipe thread dimensions and tap drill sizes.
Plastic Tool or Alloy
Soft Annealed Malleable Hard cast
and hard Mild steel hard steel
Diameter of drill metals cast iron iron iron
rubber 100 F.P.M. steel cast steel
300 F.P.M. 140 F.P.M. 90 F.P.M. 80 F.P.M.
200 F.P.M. 60 F.P.M. 40 F.P.M.
1 (No. 5380) 18320 12217 8554 6111 5500 4889 3667 2445
3 (No. 4252) 12212 8142 5702 4071 3666 3258 2442 1649
1 (No. 3141) 9160 6112 4278 3056 2750 2445 1833 1222
5 (No. 2330) 7328 4888 3420 2444 2198 1954 1465 977
3 (No. 1322) 6106 4075 2852 2037 1833 1630 1222 815
7 (No. 112) 5234 3490 444 1745 1575 1396 1047 698
1 (AF) 4575 3055 2139 1527 1375 1222 917 611
9 (GK) 4071 2715 1900 1356 1222 1084 814 542
9 (L, M, N) 3660 2445 1711 1222 1100 978 7333 489
11 (OR) 3330 2220 1554 1110 1000 888 666 444
3 (S, T, U) 3050 2037 1426 1018 917 815 611 407
13 (VZ) 2818 1878 1316 939 846 752 563 376
7 2614 1746 1222 873 786 698 524 349
15 2442 1628 1140 814 732 652 488 326
1 2287 1528 1070 764 688 611 458 306
9 2035 1357 950 678 611 543 407 271
3 1830 1222 856 611 550 489 367 244
11 1665 1110 777 555 500 444 333 222
3 1525 1018 713 509 458 407 306 204
16 9
16 11
64 5
1 2 1
32 32
8 1 2
32 5
4 7
8 3
32 4
8 3
Pencil compasses have one leg tapered to a needle
Stock point; the other leg has a pencil or pencil lead inserted.
Dividers have both legs tapered to needle points.
Micrometers are available in a variety of sizes, either
0 to 12 inch, 0 to 1 inch, 1 to 2 inch, 2 to 3 inch, 3 to 4
inch, 4 to 5 inch, or 5 to 6 inch sizes. In addition to the
Hermaphrodite micrometer inscribed with the measurement markings,
calipers micrometers equipped with electronic digital liquid
crystal display (LCD) readouts are also in common
Spring inside calipers
The AMT will use the outside micrometer more often
than any other type. It may be used to measure the
outside dimensions of shafts, thickness of sheet metal
stock, the diameter of drills, and for many other appli-
cations. [Figure 9-35]
Thread play Thimble cap
adjusting nut
Micrometer screw Fixed nut
Anvil Spindle
Measuring faces
Ratchet stop
Barrel Thimble
Clamp ring
5 5
Vernier Scale
1 0 0
0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
20 20
Barrel scale
= .150
.100 .025
0 10
(A) .150 in.
20 5
0 1 2 3 0 1 32
5 15 0
1 .2153 .1005
0 .001
Figure 9-40. Dial Indicator.
circular hand whose movement indicates thousandths Figure 9-41. Electronic and dial indicator slide calipers.
of an inch, or is displayed on a liquid crystal display
(LCD) screen. [Figure 9-40]
In either case, it is imperative that the dial indicator
A typical example would be using a dial indicator to be securely fastened so that movement of the indicator
measure the amount of runout, or bend, in a shaft. If a itself induces no errors in measurement.
bend is suspected, the part can be rotated while resting
Slide Calipers
between a pair of machined V-blocks. A dial indicator
is then clamped to a machine table stand, and the probe Often used to measure the length of an object, the
of the indicator is positioned so it lightly contacts the slide caliper provides greater accuracy than the ruler.
surface. The outer portion of the dial is then rotated It can, by virtue of its specially formed jaws, measure
until the needle is pointed at zero. The part is then both inside and outside dimensions. As the tools name
rotated, and the amount of bend, or runout, is displayed implies, the slide caliper jaw is slid along a graduated
on the dial as the needle fluctuates. The total amount scale, and its jaws then contact the inside or outside
of the fluctuation is the runout. of the object to be measured. The measurement is then
read on the scale located on the body of the caliper, or
Another common use for the dial indicator is to check on the LCD screen. [Figure 9-41]
for a warp in a rotating component such as a brake
disc. In some cases, this can be done with the brake Some slide calipers also contain a depth gauge for
disc installed on the airplane, with the base clamped measuring the depth of blind holes.
to a stationary portion of the structure.