Canal Project

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A canal is an artificial channel filled with water and designed for navigation, or
irrigation land, etc.,It is constructed to allows the passage of boats or ships inland
or to convey water for irrigation.


Main canal

Branch canal

Major Distributory canal

Minor Distributory canal

Water course or filled channel


Circular Shape

Triangular Shape

Trapezoidal Shape

Parabolic Shape


Lined canals

Unlined canals


Concreting lining

Short Crete


Brick or Burnt clay tile lining

Boulder Lining


Surface Drainage

Sub-surface Drainage



Main Canal takes off directly from the upstream side of weir head works or dam. Usually no
direct cultivation is proposed. Most of the main canals are aligned as contour canals to derive


All off takes from main canal with head discharge of 14-15 cumecs and above are termed as
branch canals.


All off takes from main canal or branch canal with head discharge from 0.028 to 15 cumecs are
termed as major distributaries.


A major distributaries serving more than 40.47 hectares are termed as minor distributaries. They
are named after a prominent place near about their tail ends.

2.Classification of canals based on the function of canal:

Classification of canals on the basis of their functions are given below:

1. Irrigation canal.

2. Navigation canal.

3. Power canal.

4. Carrier canal.

5. Feeder canal

6. Link canal.

2.1.Irrigation canals:

These are the canals which carry water to the fields. The canals having outlets are called

irrigation canals.

For example:

1. Distributory canals.

2. Minor canals.

These canals carry water to the fields. In these canals, the velocity of flow is kept high so that the
water may carry silt in suspension.

2.2.Navigation canal:

These are the canals which are used to provide transport and voyage facility from one city to the
other or from one country to the other.

Main canal is navigation canal.

2.3.Power canal:

The canals which are constructed to supply water with very high force to the hydro electric
power station for the purpose of moving turbine to generate electric power is known as power

Main canal is also used as power canal.

2.4.Link canal:

The canal that is from river to river is known as link canal.

For example

1. Sidhnai Malsi link canal in Pakistan.

2. Taunsa Panjandrum link canal in Pakistan.

These are the canals which are constructed to transfer water to the other conveyance structure
which contains in-sufficient quantity of water. These transfer water from river to river system.

2.5.Carrier canal:

Carrier canal is a canal which besides doing irrigation carries water for another canal. It is
a canal that is link canal and has outlet.

Upper Chenab canal in west Punjab in Pakistan is an example of carrier canal.

These canals not only serve for irrigation but also provide the link between two channels and
serve to provide water to other conveyance structure. The total flow through carrier canals is
more than the flow required for input to the other conveyance structure. The excessive water is
used to serve irrigation purposes.

2.6.Feeder canal:

A feeder canal is constructed with the idea of feeding two or more canals. When main canal is
divided into two canals then it is called as feeder canal.


1. Lower Chenab canal feeder.

2. Rajasthan feeder canal and sidhnai canal.

These are constructed to provide water to other conveyance structures and is not used for
irrigation. These canals feed two or more canals

The canal irrigation is of two types, namely: Inundation Canal and Perennial Canal.

Inundation Canals:

Inundation canals are taken out from the rivers. These canals do not have any kind of weir at
their head to regulate the flow of water from the river. During rainy season, the river gets flooded
and the flood water overflows into these canals. Many canals of these types are found on the
Sutlej-Ganga plains and Brahmaputra valley. These canals constitute simple flood water drainage
system. The supply of irrigation water through the inundation canal is dependent on the rainfall.
Besides, irrigation is restricted to the land lying on a level lower than the river valleys. Moreover,

during winter these canals are practically of no use. In modern India, attempts are being made to
convert them into perennial canals with the help of river valley projects.

Perennial Canals:

Perennial canals are those canals which maintain its flow of water throughout the year even
during winter season. These canals draw their water either from rivers or from reservoir of the
river projects. A weir is built below the intake of the canal, the intake itself being regulated by
sluice gates.



A canal is an artificial channel filled with water and designed for navigation, or irrigation
land, etc.,It is constructed to allows the passage of boats or ships inland or to convey
water for irrigation.


The transport capacity of pack animals and carts is limited. A mule can carry an eighth-ton [2] [250
pounds (113 kg)] maximum load over a journey measured in days and week though much more
for shorter distances and periods with appropriate rest. Besides, carts need roads. Transport over
water is much more efficient and cost-effective for large cargoes. It goes back to the earliest days
of recorded history.

Fig no:3.1 History of canal

3.3.Ancient canals:

The oldest known canals were irrigation canals built in Mesopotamia circa 4000 BC, in what is
now Iraq and Syria. The Indus Valley Civilization, Ancient India, (circa 2600 BC) had
sophisticated irrigation and storage systems developed, including the reservoirs built at
Grinner in 3000 BC. In Egypt, canals date back at least to the time of Pepi I Meryre (reigned
23322283 BC), who ordered a canal built to bypass the cataract on the Nile near Aswan.

In ancient China, large canals for river transport were established as far back as the Warring
States period (481221 BC), the longest one of that period being the Hong Gou (Canal of the
Wild Geese), which according to the ancient historian connected the old states of Song, Zhang,
Chen, Cai, Cao, and Wei. By far the longest canal was the Grand Canal of China, still the longest
canal in the world today, and the oldest extant one. It is 1,794 kilometers (1,115 mi) long and was
built to carry the Emperor Yang Gung between Zhuodu (Beijing) and Yuhang (Hangzhou). The
project began in 605 and was completed in 609, although much of the work combined older

canals, the oldest section of the canal existing since at least 486 BC. Even in its narrowest urban
sections it is rarely less than 30 meters (98 ft) wide.

Greek engineers were the first to use canal locks, by which they regulated the water flow in
the Ancient Suez Canal as early as the 3rd century BC.

"There was little experience moving bulk loads by carts, while a packhorse would [i.e. 'could']
carry only an eighth of a ton. On a soft road a horse might be able to draw 5/8ths of a ton. But if
the load were carried by a barge on a waterway, then up to 30 tons could be drawn by the same
horsetechnology historian Ronald W. Clark referring to transport realities before the industrial
revolution and the Canal age.

3.4.Canals Irrigation in India: Get information about the canals of

1. Uttar Pradesh

2. Punjab

3. Haryana

4. Andhra Pradesh

5. Bihar

6. West Bengal

7. Rajasthan

Fig no :3.2 Location of canals

8. Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

9. Orissa

10. Karnataka

11. Tamil Nadu

12. Maharashtra

13. Gujarat

Canals used to be the most important source of irrigation up-to 1960s, but in the 1970s they
yielded first place to wells and tube wells and now constitute the second most important source
of irrigation in India.


The canal which is constructed to carry water from the source to the agricultural land
for the purpose of irrigation is as irrigation canal such as bhakranangal canal, Rajasthan
The canal which is constructed for the purpose of in land navigation is known as
navigation canal. This type of canal is utilized for irrigation such as Ganga-
Bramhaputhra navigation cum irrigation canal.
The canal which is constructed to supply water with very high force to hydro electric
power station for the purpose of moving turbine to generate electric power is known as
power canal or hydel canal.
The canal which is constructed to feed another canal or river for the purpose of
irrigation or navigation is known as feeder canal such as farakka barrage feeder canal.

3.6.Types of artificial waterways:

A navigation is a series of channels that run roughly parallel to the valley and stream bed of an
unimproved river. A navigation always shares the drainage basin of the river. A vessel uses the
calm parts of the river itself as well as improvements, traversing the same changes in height.

A true canal is a channel that cuts across a drainage divide, making a navigable channel
connecting two different drainage basins.

Most commercially important canals of the first half of the 19th century were a little of each,
using rivers in long stretches, and divide crossing canals in others. This is true for many canals
still in use.

3.7.Structures used in artificial waterways:

Both navigations and canals use engineered structures to improve navigation:

weirs and dams to raise river water levels to usable depths;

looping descents to create a longer and gentler channel around a stretch of rapids or falls;

locks to allow ships and barges to ascend/descend.

Since they cut across drainage divides, canals are more difficult to construct and often
need additional improvements, like viaducts and aqueducts to bridge waters over streams and
roads, and ways to keep water in the channel.

3.8.Types of canals:
. There are two broad types of canal:

Waterways: canals and navigations used for carrying vessels transporting goods and
people. These can be subdivided into two kinds:

Those connecting existing lakes, rivers, other canals or seas and oceans

Aqueducts: water supply canals that are used for the conveyance and delivery of potable
water for human consumption, municipal uses, hydro power canals and agriculture

Fig no:3.3 Loading Anthracite on the Lehigh Canal to feed the early United States industries in
the pioneer-era. of high water level(HWL)

Fig no:3.4 Design High Water Level (HWL)

2. Low water channel

3. Flood channel 4. Riverside slope

5. Riverside banquette

6. Levee crown

7. Landside slope

8. Landside banquet

9. Berm

10. Low water revetment

11. Riverside land

12. Levee

13. Protected lowland

14. River zone

FIG no:3.5. The Danube-Black Sea Canal in Romania

Alignment of Canals

Irrigation canals can be aligned in any of the three ways:

1. As watershed canal
2. As contour canal; and
3. As side slope canal

Watershed Canal. The dividing line between the catchment area of two drains (streams)
is called the watershed. Thus, between two major stream, there is the main watershed which
divides the drainage areas of the two. Similarly, between any tributary and the main stream, and
also between any two tributaries there, are subsidiary watersheds, dividing the drainage between
the two streams on either side.

Figure no:3.6 Alignment of a Water shed canal along the water shed

For canal system in plain areas, it is often necessary as well as advantageous to align all channels
on the watersheds of the areas, they are designed to irrigate. The canal, which is aligned along
any natural watershed, is called a watershed canal. From such a canal irrigation, water is taken
out by gravity on either side of the canal, directly or through small irrigation channels.Moreover,
cross drainage works are avoided, as the natural drainage will never cross a watershed,
because all the drainage flows away from the watershed. Sometimes, watershed may have to be
abandoned in order to bypass localities settled on the watershed.

no;3.7 Alignment of a Contour canal

(ii) Contour Canal: The above arrangement of providing the canals along the watershed is not
possible in hill areas. In the hills, the river flows in the valley, while the watershed or the ridge

line may be hundred of meters above it. It becomes uneconomical to take the canal on top of
such a ridge. The channel, in such cases, is generate sufficient flow velocities, are given to it.

The maximum designed slope that can be provided in the canal without generating excessive
velocities, is generally less than the available country slope. The difference is accommodated by
providing canal falls at suitable places. A contour channel irrigates only on one side, because the
areas on the other side are higher.

As the drainage flow is always at right angles to the ground contours, such a channel would
definitely have to cross drainage lines. Suitable cross drainage works are then provided.

Figure no;3.8 Alignment of a Side Slope canal

(iii) Side Slope Canal: A side slope channel is that which is aligned at right angles to the
contours, i.e. along the side slopes, as shown in figure.

Such a channel is parallel to the natural drainage flow and hence, does not intercept cross
drainage, and hence no cross drainage works are required.

Historically canals were of immense importance to commerce and the development, growth and
vitality of a civilization. In 1855 the Lehigh Canal carried over 1.2 million tons of clean burning
anthracite coal; by the 1930s the company which built and operated it over a century pulled the
plug. The few canals still in operation in our modern age are a mere remnant, at best a tithe, of
the numbers that once fueled and enabled economic growth, indeed were practically a per-
requisite to further urbanization and industrializationfor the movement of bulk raw materials
such as coal and ores are difficult and marginally affordable without water transport. Such raw
materials fueled the industrial developments and new metallurgy resulting of the spiral of
increasing mechanization during 17th20th century, leading to new research disciplines, new
industries and economies of scale, raising the standard of living for any industrialized society.

The surviving canals, including most ship canals, today primarily service mostly bulk cargo and
large ship transportation industries, whereas the once critical smaller inland waterways
conceived and engineered as boat and barge canals have largely been supplanted and filled in,

abandoned and left to deteriorate, or kept in service and staffed by state employees, where dams
and locks are maintained for flood control or pleasure boating. Their replacement was gradua
almost insidious save it had no guiding intelligence plotting against them and was, at least
initially, all but unnoticeable, beginning first in the United States in the mid-1850s where canal
shipping was first augmented by, then began being replaced by using much faster, less
geographically constrained & limited, and generally cheaper to maintain railways.

By the early 1880s, canals which had little ability to economically compete with rail transport,
were off the map. In the next couple of decades, coal was increasingly diminished as the heating
fuel of choice by oil, and growth of coal shipments leveled off. Later, after World War I when
motor-trucks came into their own, the last small U.S. barge canals saw a steady decline in cargo
ton-miles alongside many railways, the flexibility and steep slope climbing capability of lorries
taking over cargo hauling increasingly as road networks were improved, and which also had the
freedom to make deliveries well away from rail lined road beds or ditches in the dirt which
couldn't operate in the winter.

3.10.Construction OF CANAL:
Canals are built in one of three ways, or a combination of the three, depending on available water
and available path:

Fig no:3.9 construction of canal

A canal can be created where no stream presently exists. Either the body of the canal is
dug or the sides of the canal are created by making dykes or levees by piling dirt, stone,
concrete or other building materials. The water for the canal must be provided from an
external source, like streams or reservoirs. Where the new waterway must change
elevation engineering works like locks, lifts or elevators are constructed to raise and
lower vessels. Examples include canals that connect valleys over a higher body of land,
like Canal du Midi, Canal de Briare and the Panama Canal.

A canal can be constructed by dredging a channel in the bottom of an existing lake. When
the channel is complete, the lake is drained and the channel becomes a new canal, serving
both drainage of the surrounding polder and providing transport there. Examples include
the Lage Vaart (nl). One can also build two parallel dikes in an existing lake, forming the
new canal in between, and then drain the remaining parts of the lake. The eastern and
central parts of the North Sea Canal were constructed in this way. In both cases pumping

stations are required to keep the land surrounding the canal dry, either pumping water
from the canal into surrounding waters, or pumping it from the land into the canal.

3.11.Canalization and navigations:

A stream can be canalized to make its navigable path more predictable and easier to
maneuver. Canalization modifies the stream to carry traffic more safely by controlling the
flow of the stream by dredging, damming and modifying its path. This frequently
includes the incorporation of locks and spillways, that make the river a navigation.
Examples include the Lehigh Canal in Northeastern Pennsylvania's coal Region, Basse
Sane, Canal de Mines de Fer de la Moselle, and Aisne River. Riparian zone restoration
may be required.

3.12.Lateral canals:

When a stream is too difficult to modify with canalization, a second stream can be
created next to or at least near the existing stream. This is called a lateral canal, and may
meander in a large horshoe bend or series of curves some distance from the source waters
stream bed lengthening the effective length in order to lower the ratio of rise over run
(slope or pitch). The existing stream usually acts as the water source and the landscape
around its banks provide a path for the new body. Examples include the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal, Canal lateral la Loire, Garonne Lateral Canal and Juliana Canal.

Smaller transportation canals can carry barges or narrow boats, while ship canals allow seagoing
ships to travel to an inland port (e.g., Manchester Ship Canal), or from one sea or ocean to
another (e.g., Caledonian Canal, Panama Canal).


Fig no:3.10 The flight of 16 consecutive locks at Caen Hill on the Kennet and Avon Canal,
Wiltshire, England

Fig no:3.11 features of canal

A canal boat traverses the longest and highest aqueduct in the UK, at Pontcysyllte in
Denbighshire, Wales

At their simplest, canals consist of a trench filled with water. Depending on the stratum the canal
passes through, it may be necessary to line the cut with some form of watertight material such as
clay or concrete. When this is done with clay, it is known as puddling.

Fig no:3.12 The Corinth Canal seen from the air

Canals need to be level, and while small irregularities in the lie of the land can be dealt with
through cuttings and embankments, for larger deviations other approaches have been adopted.
The most common is the pound lock, which consists of a chamber within which the water level
can be raised or lowered connecting either two pieces of canal at a different level or the canal
with a river or the sea. When there is a hill to be climbed, flights of many locks in short
succession may be used.

Prior to the development of the pound lock in 984 AD in China by Chhaio Wei-Yo and later in
Europe in the 15th century, either flash locks consisting of a single gate were used or ramps,
sometimes equipped with rollers, were used to change the level. Flash locks were only practical
where there was plenty of water available.

Locks use a lot of water, so builders have adopted other approaches for situations where little
water is available. These include boat lifts, such as the Falkirk Wheel, which use a caisson of
water in which boats float while being moved between two levels; and inclined planes where a
caisson is hauled up a steep railway.

To cross a stream, road or valley (where the delay caused by a flight of locks at either side would
be unacceptable) the valley can be spanned by a navigable aqueduct - a famous example in Wales

is the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct (now a UNESCO World Heritage Site) across the valley of the
River Dee.

Another option for dealing with hills is to tunnel through them. An example of this approach is
the Hare castle Tunnel on the Trent and Mersey Canal. Tunnels are only practical for smaller

Some canals attempted to keep changes in level down to a minimum. These canals known as
contour canals would take longer, winding routes, along which the land was a uniform altitude.
Other, generally later, canals took more direct routes requiring the use of various methods to deal
with the change in level.

Canals have various features to tackle the problem of water supply. In cases, like the Suez Canal,
the canal is simply open to the sea. Where the canal is not at sea level, a number of approaches
have been adopted. Taking water from existing rivers or springs was an option in some cases,
sometimes supplemented by other methods to deal with seasonal variations in flow. Where such
sources were unavailable, reservoirseither separate from the canal or built into its courseand
back pumping were used to provide the required water. In other cases, water pumped from mines
was used to feed the canal. In certain cases, extensive "feeder canals" were built to bring water
from sources located far from the canal.

Where large amounts of goods are loaded or unloaded such as at the end of a canal, a canal basin
may be built. This would normally be a section of water wider than the general canal. In some
cases, the canal basins contain wharfs and cranes to assist with movement of goods.

When a section of the canal needs to be sealed off so it can be drained for maintenance stop
planks are frequently used. These consist of planks of wood placed across the canal to form a
dam. They are generally placed in pre-existing grooves in the canal bank. On more modern
canals, "guard locks" or gates were sometimes placed to allow a section of the canal to be
quickly closed off, either for maintenance, or to prevent a major loss of water due to a canal

Fig no:3.13 Canal de la Peyrade, Ste, Hrault, France

The transport capacity of pack animals and carts is limited. A mule can carry an eighth-ton [250
pounds (113 kg)] maximum load over a journey measured in days and weeks, though much more
for shorter distances and periods with appropriate rest. Besides, carts need roads. Transport over
water is much more efficient and cost-effective for large cargoes. It goes back to the earliest days
of recorded history

3.14.Middle Ages:

Fig no;3.14 middle age of canal

In the Middle Ages, water transport was several times cheaper and faster than transport overland.
Overland transport by animal drawn conveyances was used around settled areas, but unimproved
roads required pack animal trains, usually of mules to carry any degree of mass, and while a
mule could carry an eighth ton, it also needed teamsters to tend it and one man could only tend
perhaps five mules, meaning overland bulk transport was also expensive, as men expect
compensation in the form of wages, room and board. This was because long-haul roads were
unpaved, more often than not too narrow for carts, much less wagons, and in poor condition,
wending their way through forests, marshy or muddy quagmires as often as unimproved but dry
footing. In that era, as today, greater cargoes, especially bulk goods and raw materials, could be
transported by ship far more economically than by land; in the pre-railroad days of the industrial
revolution, water transport was the gold standard of fast transportation. The first artificial canal
in Western Europe was the Fossa Carolina built at the end of the 8th century under personal
supervision of Charlemagne. In Britain, the Glastonbury Canal is believed to be the first post-
Roman canal and was built in the middle of the 10th century to link the River Brue at Northover
with Glastonbury Abbey, a distance of about 1.75 kilometers (1,900 yd). Its initial purpose is
believed to be the transport of building stone for the abbey, but later it was used for delivering
produce, including grain, wine and fish, from the abbey's outlying properties.

It remained in use until at least the 14th century, but possibly as late as the mid-16 th century.
More lasting and of more economic impact were canals like the Naviglio Grande built between
1127 and 1257 to connect Milan with the Ticino River. The Naviglio Grande is the most
important of the Lombard navigli and the oldest functioning canal in Europe.
Later, canals were built in the Netherlands and Flanders to drain the polders and assist
transportation of goods and people.

Canal building was revived in this age because of commercial expansion from the 12th century.
River navigations were improved progressively by the use of single, or flash locks. Taking boats
through these used large amounts of water leading to conflicts with watermill owners and to
correct this, the pound or chamber lock first appeared, in the 10th century in China and in Europe
in 1373 in Vreeswijk, Netherlands. Another important development was the mitre gate, which
was, it is presumed, introduced in Italy by Bertola da Novate in the 16th century. This allowed
wider gates and also removed the height restriction of guillotine locks.To break out of the

limitations caused by river valleys, the first summit level canals were developed with the Grand
Canal of China in 581617 AD whilst in Europe the first, also using single locks, was the
Stecknitz Canal in Germany in 1398.

3.15.Early modern period:

fig no:3.15 Dutch canal in Negombo, Sri Lanka

c. 15001800 The first canal to use pound locks was the Briare Canal connecting the Loire and
Seine (1642), followed by the more ambitious Canal du Midi (1683) connecting the Atlantic to
the Mediterranean. This included a staircase of 8 locks at Bziers, a 157 meters (515 ft) tunnel
and three major aqueducts. Canal building progressed steadily in Germany in the 17th and 18th
centuries with three great rivers, the Elbe, Oder and Weser being linked by canals. In post-
Roman Britain, the first early modern period canal built appears to have been the Exeter Canal,
which was surveyed in 1563, and open in 1566.

The oldest canal, technically a mill race built for industrial purposes in North America is Mother
Brook, also known as mill brook, in between the two Boston, Massachusetts neighborhoods of
Dedham and Hyde Park connecting the higher waters of the Charles River and the mouth of the
Neponset River and the sea. It was constructed in 1639 to provide water power for mills.

In Russia, the VolgaBaltic Waterway, a nationwide canal system connecting the Baltic Sea and
Caspian Sea via the Neva and Volga rivers, was opened in 1718.

Fig no;3.16 Lowell's power canal system

See also: History of the British canal system

See also: History of turnpikes and canals in the United States

The modern canal system was mainly a product of the 18th century and early 19th century. It
came into being because the Industrial Revolution (which began in Britain during the mid-18th
century) demanded an economic and reliable way to transport goods and commodities in large

By the early 18th century, river navigations such as the Aire and Calder Navigation were
becoming quite sophisticated, with pound locks and longer and longer "cuts" (some with
intermediate locks) to avoid circuitous or difficult stretches of river. Eventually, the experience of
building long multi-level cuts with their own locks gave rise to the idea of building a "pure"
canal, a waterway designed on the basis of where goods needed to go, not where a river
happened to be.

The claim for the first pure canal in Great Britain is debated between "Sankey" and
"Bridgewater" supporters The first true canal in what is now the United Kingdom was the Newry
Canal in Northern Ireland constructed by Thomas Steers in 1741.

The Sankey Brook Navigation, which connected St Helens with the River Mersey, is often
claimed as the first modern "purely artificial" canal because although originally a scheme to
make the Sankey Brook navigable, it included an entirely new artificial channel that was
effectively a canal along the Sankey Brook valley. However, "Bridgewater" supporters point out
that the last quarter-mile of the navigation is indeed a canalized stretch of the Brook, and that it
was the Bridgewater Canal (less obviously associated with an existing river) that captured the
popular imagination and inspired further canals.

In the mid-eighteenth century the 3rd Duke of Bridgewater, who owned a number of coal mines
in northern England, wanted a reliable way to transport his coal to the rapidly industrializing city
of Manchester. He commissioned the engineer James Brindley to build a canal for that purpose.
Brindley's design included an aqueduct carrying the canal over the River Irwell. This was an
engineering wonder which immediately attracted tourists.[18][19] The construction of this canal was
funded entirely by the Duke and was called the Bridgewater Canal. It opened in 1761 and was
the first major British canal. The new canals proved highly successful. The boats on the canal
were horse-drawn with a towpath alongside the canal for the horse to walk along. This horse-
drawn system proved to be highly economical and became standard across the British canal
network. Commercial horse-drawn canal boats could be seen on the UK's canals until as late as
the 1950s, although by then diesel-powered boats, often towing a second unpowered boat, had
become standard.

The canal boats could carry thirty tons at a time with only one horse pulling - more than ten
times the amount of cargo per horse that was possible with a cart. Because of this huge increase
in supply, the Bridgewater canal reduced the price of coal in Manchester by nearly two-thirds
within just a year of its opening. The Bridgewater was also a huge financial success, with it
earning what had been spent on its construction within just a few years.

This success proved the viability of canal transport, and soon industrialists in many other parts of
the country wanted canals. After the Bridgewater canal, early canals were built by groups of
private individuals with an interest in improving communications. In Staffordshire the famous
potter Josiah Wedgwood saw an opportunity to bring bulky cargoes of clay to his factory doors
and to transport his fragile finished goods to market in Manchester, Birmingham or further away,

by water, minimizing breakages. Within just a few years of the Bridgewater's opening, an
embryonic national canal network came into being, with the construction of canals such as the
Oxford Canal and the Trent & Mersey Canal.

The new canal system was both cause and effect of the rapid industrialization of The Midlands
and the north. The period between the 1770s and the 1830s is often referred to as the "Golden
Age" of British canals.

For each canal, an Act of Parliament was necessary to authorize construction, and as people saw
the high incomes achieved from canal tolls, canal proposals came to be put forward by investors
interested in profiting from dividends, at least as much as by people whose businesses would
profit from cheaper transport of raw materials and finished goods.

In a further development, there was often out-and-out speculation, where people would try to buy
shares in a newly floated company simply to sell them on for an immediate profit, regardless of
whether the canal was ever profitable, or even built. During this period of "canal mania", huge
sums were invested in canal building, and although many schemes came to nothing, the canal
system rapidly expanded to nearly 4,000 miles (over 6,400 kilometers) in length.

Many rival canal companies were formed and competition was rampant. Perhaps the best
example was Worcester Bar in Birmingham, a point where the Worcester and Birmingham Canal
and the Birmingham Canal Navigations Main Line were only seven feet apart. For many years, a
dispute about tolls meant that goods travelling through Birmingham had to be portaged from
boats in one canal to boats in the other.

Fig no:3.17 Aqueduct over the Mohawk River at Rexford, New York, one of 32 navigable
aqueducts on the Erie Canal.

Canal companies were initially chartered by individual states in the United States. These early
canals were constructed, owned, and operated by private joint-stock companies. Three were
completed when the War of 1812 broke out; these were the Santee Canal (opened 1800) in South
Carolina, the Middlesex Canal (opened 1802) in Massachusetts and the Dismal Swamp Canal
(opened 1805) in Virginia. The Erie Canal (opened 1825) was chartered and owned by the state
of New York and financed by bonds bought by private investors. The Erie canal runs about 363
miles (584 km) from Albany, New York, on the Hudson River to Buffalo, New York, at Lake
Erie. The Hudson River connects Albany to the Atlantic port of New York City and the Erie
Canal completed a navigable water route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes. The canal
contains 36 locks and encompasses a total elevation differential of around 565 ft. (169 m). The
Erie Canal with its easy connections to most of the U.S. mid-west and New York City soon
quickly paid back all its invested capital (US$7 million) and started turning a profit. By cutting
transportation costs in half or more it became a large profit centre for Albany and New York City
as it allowed the cheap transportation of many of the agricultural products grown in the mid west
of the United States to the rest of the world. From New York City these agricultural products
could easily be shipped to other U.S. states or overseas. Assured of a market for their farm
products the settlement of the U.S. mid-west was greatly accelerated by the Erie Canal.

The profits generated by the Erie Canal project started a canal building boom in the United States
that lasted until about 1850 when railroads started becoming seriously competitive in price and

convenience. The Blackstone Canal (finished in 1828) in Massachusetts and Rhode Island
fulfilled a similar role in the early industrial revolution between 1828 and 1848. The Blackstone
Valley was a major contributor of the American Industrial Revolution where Samuel Slater built
his first textile mill.

3.16.Power canals:

fig no:3.18 Sluice in the canal of Gabkovo Dam (Slovakia) - the canal is
conveying water to a hydroelectric power station.

See power canal

A power canal refers to a canal used for hydraulic power generation, rather than for transport.
Nowadays power canals are built almost exclusively as parts of hydroelectric power stations.
Parts of the United States, particularly in the Northeast, had enough fast-flowing rivers that water
power was the primary means of powering factories (usually textile mills) until after the
American Civil War. For example, Lowell, Massachusetts, considered to be

"The Cradle of the American Industrial Revolution," has 6 miles (9.7 km) of canals, built from
around 1790 to 1850, that provided water power and a means of transportation for the city.

The output of the system is estimated at 10,000 horsepower. Other cities with extensive power
canal systems include Lawrence, Massachusetts, Holyoke, Massachusetts, Manchester, New
Hampshire, and Augusta, Georgia. The most notable power canal was built in 1862 for the
Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Manufacturing Company.

Fig no:3.19 canals in the united states

Competition, from railways from the 1830s and roads in the 20th century, made the smaller
canals obsolete for most commercial transport, and many of the British canals fell into decay.
Only the Manchester Ship Canal and the Aire and Calder Canal bucked this trend. Yet in other
countries canals grew in size as construction techniques improved. During the 19th century in the
US, the length of US canals circa 1825

canals grew from 100 miles (161 km) to over 4,000, with a complex network making the Great
Lakes navigable, in conjunction with Canada, although some canals were later drained and used
as railroad rights-of-way.

the world beyond. By 1825 the Erie Canal, 363 miles (584 km) long with 36 locks, opened up a
connection from the populated Northeast to the Great Lakes. Settlers flooded into regions
serviced by such canals, since access to markets was available. The Erie Canal (as well as other

canals) was instrumental in lowering the differences in commodity prices between these various
markets across America. The canals caused price convergence between different regions because
of their reduction in transportation costs, which allowed Americans to ship and buy goods from
farther distances much cheaper. Ohio built many miles of canal, Indiana had working canals for a
few decades, and the Illinois and Michigan Canal connected the Great Lakes to the Mississippi
River system until replaced by a channelized river waterway.

Fig no:3.20 A family rides a boat in one of the canals of Amsterdam

Three major canals with very different purposes were built in what is now Canada. The first Well
and Canal, which opened in 1829 between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, bypassing Niagara Falls
and the Lachine Canal (1825), which allowed ships to skirt the nearly impassable rapids on the
St. Lawrence River at Montreal, were built for commerce. The Rideau Canal, completed in 1832,
connects Ottawa on the Ottawa River to Kingston, Ontario on Lake Ontario. The Rideau Canal
was built as a result of the War of 1812 to provide military transportation between the British
colonies of Upper Canada and Lower Canada as an alternative to part of the St. Lawrence River,
which was susceptible to blockade by the United States.

Fig no:3.21 A proposal for the Nicaragua Canal, from around 1870

In France, a steady linking of all the river systems Rhine, Rhne, Sane and Seine and the
North Sea was boosted in 1879 by the establishment of the Freycinet gauge, which specified the
minimum size of locks. Canal traffic doubled in the first decades of the 20th century.

Many notable sea canals were completed in this period, starting with the Suez Canal (1869) -
which carries tonnage many times that of most other canals - and the Kiel Canal (1897), though
the Panama Canal was not opened until 1914.

In the 19th century, a number of canals were built in Japan including the Biwako canal and the
Tone canal. These canals were partially built with the help of engineers from the Netherlands and
other countries.

3.17.Modern uses:

Fig no:3.22 Canals can disrupt water circulation in marsh systems.

Large-scale ship canals such as the Panama Canal and Suez Canal continue to operate for cargo
transportation, as do European barge canals. Due to globalization, they are becoming
increasingly important, resulting in expansion projects such as the Panama Canal expansion
project. The expanded canal began commercial operation on 26 June 2016. The new set of locks
allow transit of larger, Post-Panamax and New Panamax ships.

The narrow early industrial canals, however, have ceased to carry significant amounts of trade
and many have been abandoned to navigation, but may still be used as a system for
transportation of untreated water. In some cases railways have been built along the canal route,
an example being the Croydon Canal.

A movement that began in Britain and France to use the early industrial canals for pleasure boats,
such as hotel barges, has spurred rehabilitation of stretches of historic canals. In some cases,
abandoned canals such as the Kennet and Avon Canal have been restored and are now used by
pleasure boaters. In Britain, canal side housing has also proven popular in recent years.

The SeineNord Europe Canal is being developed into a major transportation waterway, linking
France with Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Canals have found another use in the 21st century, as easements for the installation of fibre optic
telecommunications network cabling, avoiding having them buried in roadways while facilitating
access and reducing the hazard of being damaged from digging equipment.

Canals are still used to provide water for agriculture. An extensive canal system exists within the
Imperial Valley in the Southern California desert to provide irrigation to agriculture within the

3.18.Cities on water:

Fig no:3.23 An intersection of two canals (Grachten) in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Fig no:3.24 Griboyedov Canal in St. Petersburg, Russia

Canals are so deeply identified with Venice that many canal cities have been nicknamed "the
Venice of". The city is built on marshy islands, with wooden piles supporting the buildings, so
that the land is man-made rather than the waterways. The islands have a long history of
settlement; by the 12th century, Venice was a powerful city state.

Amsterdam was built in a similar way, with buildings on wooden piles. It became a city around
1300. Many Amsterdam canals were built as part of fortifications. They became grachten when
the city was enlarged and houses were built alongside the water.

Fig no;3.25 Canal of La Peyrade in Ste, France.

Other canal networks include: Alkmaar, Amersfoort, Bolsward, Brielle, Delft, Den Bosch,
Dokkum, Dordrecht, Enkhuizen, Franeker, Gouda, Haarlem, Harlingen, Leeuwarden, Leiden,
Sneek and Utrecht in the Netherlands; Brugge and Gent in Flanders, Belgium; Birmingham in
England; Saint Petersburg in Russia; Aveiro in Portugal; Hamburg and Berlin in Germany; Fort
Lauderdale and Cape Coral in Florida, United States and Lahore in Pakistan.

Liverpool Maritime Mercantile City is a UNESCO World Heritage Site near the centre of
Liverpool, England, where a system of intertwining waterways and docks is now being
developed for mainly residential and leisure use.

Canal Estates (commonly known as bayous) are a form of subdivision popular in cities like
Miami, Florida, Texas City, Texas and the Gold Coast, Queensland; the Gold Coast has over
700 km of residential canals. Wetlands are difficult areas upon which to build housing estates, so
dredging part of the wetland down to a navigable channel provides fill to build up another part of
the wetland above the flood level for houses. Land is built up in a finger pattern that provides a
suburban street layout of waterfront housing blocks.


Nagarjuna Sagar Dam was built across the Krishna river at Nagarjuna Sagar where the river is
forming boundary between Nalgonda District in Telangana and Guntur district In Andhra
Pradesh states in India. The construction duration of the dam was between the years of 1955 and
1967. The dam created a water reservoir whose gross storage capacity is 11.472 billion cubic
metres (405.1109 cu ft). The dam is 490 feet (150 m) tall from its deepest foundation and 0.99
miles (1.6 km) long with 26 flood gates which are 42 feet (13 m) wide and 45 feet (14 m)
tall. Nagarjuna Sagar was the earliest in the series of large infrastructure projects termed as
"modern temples" initiated for achieving the Green Revolution in India. It is also one of the
earliest multi-purpose irrigation and hydro-electric projects in India. The dam provides irrigation
water to the Prakasam, Guntur, Krishna, Khammam, West Godavari and Nalgonda districts along
with hydro electricity generation. Nagarjuna Sagar dam is designed and constructed to utilise up
to the last drop of water impounded in its reservoir of 405 TMC gross storage capacity which is
the second biggest water reservoir in India.

fig no;4.1 Nagarjuna sagar dam

4.1.Assured water supply to Hyderabad city

At present nearly one Tmcft per month or 250 million gallons per day or 350 cusecs is supplied
to the Hyderabad city from Nagarjuna Sagar (NS) reservoir. The water supply is nearly 50% of
the total city water requirement . This water pumping scheme is part of Alimineti Madhava
Reddy lift irrigation project with its foreshore pumping station at Puttamgandi which has nearly
2400 cusecs pumping capacity. The water supply to the Hyderabad city is nearly 15% of its total
capacity. The approach channel from the reservoir to the Puttamgandi pump house (PH) is
located at 163431N 790751E where the Bhimanapalli Vagu tributary is joining the Krishna
river.The minimum draw down level (MDDL) of the PH is 502 feet (153 m) MSL below which
water can not be pumped from NS reservoir. The reliability / dependability of the PH for
supplying assured water supply to Hyderabad city, is not adequate due to meagre inflows in to
the NS reservoir in some years and the need to deplete the NS reservoir water below 502 ft MSL
for other purposes. In these circumstances, adequate water is to be stored above the 502 ft MSL
to maintain 100% assured water source without depending totally on NS reservoir.

This is possible by constructing a balancing reservoir by separating some area of the NS

reservoir with a new dam across the Bhimanapalli Vagu tributary at 163433N 790653E just
upstream of the Puttamgandi PH approach channel. This new dam with FRL 590 feet (180 m)
MSL, would not submerge any additional area other than the area already submerged by the NS
reservoir. The water inflows from the Bhimanapalli Vagu tributary joining the NS reservoir are
first impounded by the new dam and if found excess over flows in to the downstream NS
reservoir. This new balancing reservoir's live capacity is nearly 6 Tmcft above the 502 ft MDDL
which is equal to six months water supply to the Hyderabad city. This reservoir would have
provision to receive water from the Puttamgandi PH when inflows from the Bhimanapalli Vagu
tributary is not satisfactory and water is at adequate level in NS reservoir during monsoon
months. When water level of NS reservoir goes below the 502 ft MSL, water is fed to the
Puttamgandi PH approach channel from the new balancing reservoir for pumping water needs of
Hyderabad city. The cost of this new dam project would be nearly 1.5 billion rupees only which
will provide 100% assured water supply to the Hyderabad city without depending on the water
availability from NS reservoir during the non monsoon months and drought years.

4.2.Godavari water transfer via Nagarjuna Sagar left canal

Fig no:4.2 Nagarjuna Left Canal deep cut before entering the gravity tunnel

The Nagarjuna Sagar left canal is presently supplying nearly 130 TMC water for irrigation needs
in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states. This is a contour gravity canal with gradual downward
gradient ( 1:10,000) along the water flow direction. This canal can be used for transferring
nearly 80 TM C Godavari river water into the Nagarjuna Sagar reservoir in addition to supplying
the Godavari water under its entire command area. Thus total 210 TMC Godavari water can be
used in the Krishna basin of Telangana state from Srisailam and Jurala reservoirs for the new

projects with 100% water dependability. Godavari water transferred into Nagarjuna Sagar
reservoir/Krishna main river can also be used for the proposed Palamuru lift irrigation and
Nakkalagandi lift irrigation schemes in Telangana.

This is possible by re-engineering of the left canal to reverse its water flow direction from the
location (near 172213N 802143E) where Godavari water would be pumped into this canal.
The canal embankments would be raised to facilitate flow reversing towards Nagarjuna Sagar
reservoir and intermediate pumping stations (with low head & high flow concrete volute pumps)
would be installed near the Paleru balancing reservoir, Pedda Devulapalli balancing reservoir,

left canal head regulator on the rim of Nagarjuna Sagar reservoir and the existing
major aqueducts across Halia, Musi and Munneru tributaries. The cost of this canal redesigning
and the associated pump houses would be one third of a new scheme to transfer Godavari river
water into Nagarjuna Sagar reservoir at its FRL 590 feet (180 m) MSL with least possible total
pumping head.[25]The above re-engineering of the canal is similar to modifications carried out to
reverse the water flow of ancient Grand canal under Eastern Route project of South to North
Water Transfer in China. Alternatively, it can be argued that reversing the flow of a river that too
only the left canal that supplies Andhra Pradesh with water is not a good idea. Reversing the
natural flow of a river is always a waste of energy, and every where the rivers have been
reversed, it caused untold environmental damage to the deltas. Given that India is a democratic
society unlike china, reversing the flow of a river just before it reaches the delta is a politically
unviable, environmentally disastrous, economically bad idea. Recognizing that Deltas are
specialized ecological zones and allowing rivers to flow along their natural trajectories with
abundant assured flows to the Deltas is the only viable option. Harnessing rivers close to where
they flow instead of diverting them 200 km and lifting them 500 ft elevations and following the
norms of proper long term environmental stewardship without redesigning divine trajectories of
rivers is the only viable option. The north-south water transfer project of China is a well
recognized disaster and repeating it or copying it is recipe for disaster.


Catchment Area : 214,185 km2 (82,697 sq mi)

Location of dam : Nandikonda

Full Reservoir Level (FRL): 179.83 metres (590 ft) msl

Water spread area at FRL: 285 km2

Gross storage capacity at FRL: 405 TMC

MDDL of river sluices: 137.3 metres (450 ft) msl

Masonry dam

Spillway of dam : 471 m

Non-over flow dam : 979 m

Length of Masonry dam : 1450 m

Maximum height : 125 m

Earth dam

Total Length of Earth dam : 3414 m

Maximum height : 128 m

Power Generatio

Power Units : 1 No. conventional (110 MW capacity), 7 nos Reversible (100 MW


Canal power house

Right side : 3 units 30 MW (each)

Left side : 2 units 30 MW (each)



1. "India: National Register of Large Dams 2009" Central Water Commission. Retrieved 7
August 2011.

2. "Nagarjunasagar". Archived from the original on 2007-01-24. Retrieved 2007-01-25

3. "Rich tributes paid to Muktyala Raja".

4. The Hindu : Magazine / Focus : Taming the Krishna

5. "Nagarjuna Sagar dam completed 60 years". Retrieved 11 December 2015.

6. "Nagarjunakonda". Retrieved 2007-01-25.

7. Brief Profile of Nagarjuna Sagar Dam

8. Nagarjuna Sagar Travel Guide

9. "Nagarjuna Sagar project". Retrieved 22 September 2015.

10. "Aliminati Madhava Reddy Project (AMRP)". Retrieved 22 September 2015.

11. "Expert suggests for full use of Puttamgandi pump house for Dindi project".
Retrieved 22 April 2016.

12. "Pumping station proposal in doldrums over funding delay". Retrieved 22

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14. The Hindu. The Hindu



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