Mprwa Minutes 01-12-17
Mprwa Minutes 01-12-17
Mprwa Minutes 01-12-17
Directors Present: Director Dallas, Director Edelen, Director Pendergrass, Director Roberson,
Director Rubio, President Kampe
Directors Absent: None
Staff Present: Legal Counsel Damon, Executive Director Cullem, Clerk Romero
President Kampe asked the board if there are any reports from Directors and Staff. Executive
Director Cullem reported the following:
o The Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (MPWSP) Environmental Impact Report
(EIR) has been released for public review and there is a 45-60 day comment period.
o Geosyntec will be conducting a focused analysis of the EIR/EIS per the Authority's
o The Marina Coast Water District (MCWD) and County have applications to serve as a
GSA for portions of the Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin which could have some
impact on California American Water (Cal Am).
o The large Public Records Act Request (PRA) received by the Authority re: MPWSP is
being compiled and Don Freeman is facilitating the request.
MPRWA Minutes Thursday, January 12, 2017
o There is a new intervener "Citizens for Just Water" in the large settlement agreement
and a Judge has allowed them to participate in the agreement.
o Public Water Now has made a motion to withdraw from the settlement agreement.
2. Approve Minutes of Director's Meeting of November 10, and December 8, 2016 - Romero
Action: November 10, 2016, Minutes Approved (5-0-1; Rubio abstained), December 8,
2016, Minutes Approved (6-0)
3. Approve and File Authority Checks Through December 31, 2016 - Romero
Action: Approved
4. Receive and Approve Annual Financial Report and a Full Opinion Audit for FY 2015-2016 from
McGilloway, Ray, Brown and Kaufman CPA (Kaufman), and Provide Staff Direction - Kaufman
Patricia Kauffman, CPA, McGilloway, Ray, Brown and Kaufman, gave a presentation on the
financial audit for FY 2015-2016. She gave an overview of the audited financial statements and
audit opinions. She gave a report on the operating revenues and expenses and stated that
contract expenses are lower and legal expenses are higher which was expected. She explained
the communication with management accounting policies and said there were no
disagreements with management and reported that no material weaknesses were found. She
announced the recommendations for FY 15-16 is a general journal entry process and cash
disbursement check sequencing. She also recommended QuickBooks security password,
control accurate dating of checks and deposits, cutoff controls, and backup of QuickBooks.
Mayor Rubio reported that the finance committee went over audit in detail and recommends
Executive Director Cullem thanked the Ms. Kaufman and the City of Monterey finance staff for
assisting in the audit.
On a motion by Director Rubio, seconded by Director Edelen, and carried by the following vote,
the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority Approved the Annual Financial Report and
Opinion Audit for FY 2015-2016 from McGilloway, Ray, Brown and Kaufman CPA:
5. Receive Update, Discuss, and Provide Staff Direction on the Deep Water Desal Project and the
People's Moss Landing Desal Project - Project Representatives
Action: Received Update
Kim Adamson from Deep Water Desal (DWD) distributed a list of DWD questions and
responses to the Authority and verbally went over the responses to the questions:
Director Edelen asked Ms. Adamson if the bureaucratic process for this project in California is
more extensive and costly than other areas. Ms. Adamson responded that she didnt know but
said that the process may be streamlined better. President Kampe asked about the
geographical feasibility of subsurface intake, and at what capacity. Ms. Adamson responded
that they are looking at two areas: the mouth of the old Salinas River and the Pajaro River
mouth, and the capacity is 25,000 acre feet per year.
Director Roberson asked about slant wells. Ms. Adamson responded that due to the angles and
restrictions of the slant wells they would have to be put on the beach. She added they have
asked the California State Parks for access to the beach but arent sure how they will respond.
Director Roberson asked who the DWD customers would be and what the cost would be from
the customer to the public including delivery. Ms. Adamson said that Soquel Creek Water
District, Santa Cruz, the Peninsula, Salinas, and Castroville are potential customers. She
responded that she doesn't have an answer for the consumer cost because she doesnt know
what the rate structures for deciding cost with delivery are.
Director Rubio asked if there is a unit price for cost of water related to the cost of the project.
Ms. Adamson responded that for every $10 million dollars spent adds approximately $10 to the
cost of water.
Tom Rowley, Monterey Peninsula Tax Association (MPTA), thanked the Authority for
the presentation from DWD. He stated that MPTA thinks diversified projects are the
The Board thanks Ms. Adamson for her presentation and update on Deep Water Desal
6. Receive an Update on the Summary Project Schedule for the Monterey Peninsula Water
Supply Project (MPWSP) and Status of Test Well Operation and Pipeline Construction - Crooks
Action: Received update
Catherine Stedman, Cal Am, gave a presentation on MPWSP schedule, pipeline, and test well
o The consultant on the EIR will be holding public meetings to explain the document.
o The remainder of the permitting schedule has stayed the same because the Public
Utilities Commission (PUC) has not released new dates.
o The desal water start up window is still the end of 2019 or early 2020.
o The current Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) program has benefited from recent rains to
store water.
o The test wells are at 92-93% salinity and the data has been posted online.
Director Edelen asked if Authority involvement with the MPWSP will be needed once
constructions begins in 2018. Ms. Stedman replied that the Authority has been helpful in the
permitting process but once construction begins all the necessary permits will have been
acquired. She added that perhaps Ian Crooks would have more input to give on the Authoritys
involvement during the construction phase.
Director Roberson asked for clarification on main relocates. Ms. Stedman responded that
there are certain areas where the pipeline has to be relocated to accommodate the larger
President Kampe thanked Ms. Stedman for the Cal Am progress update.