Modal Verbs Practice
Modal Verbs Practice
Modal Verbs Practice
Can I have your attention, please? Last night, I was tidying up the staff room
and I found an examination essay under the big table, with no name on it.
Im sure you can imagine how worried I was. We have just sent the exam
papers off to be marked, and Im afraid we left that one out of the parcel. I
cant understand how It happened. I was sure we had checked all the
papers and the list of candidates. To be honest, it wasnt a very good essay
in fact the student cant have been very proud of it, or they would have
written their name on it. Now, we can do one of two things: we can ask each
student if they recognize the essay, or we can put the essay on the
noticeboard to see if any student recognizes it. You cant send papers to the
examining board late, but we can ask the examining board to cancel that
persons application to enter them next term, instead. Im sure this student
can do better next time. Can anyone tell me who left that paper under the
table? I know you cant have done it deliberately. You can tell me in private,
if you dont want to admit it in public!
No, dad, says Bob. I really want to work with real animals in the real world.
And I wouldnt be able to teach. Anyway, unless I do some work, I dont even
get my degree! Will you help me with some revision? I have an exam on
virology and Ive forgotten everything!
Yes, of course, says Dad. Will you wait five minutes while I finish my
1 5 9
2 6 10
3 7
4 8
10.MARK: Oh, thank you very 22.The instructions say, Lay out
much. the pieces on the floor (have
got to)
11.WAITER: .. your
coats? 23.You
2. Read the text and write the form of the verb in brackets which is best,
either active or passive.
105. They are holding the party at the health club where she works.
108. I dont know what guests usually wear at these kinds of things.
109. I dont know. No one has ever invited me to a party at the health
112. Maybe they will serve us lettuce leaves and carrot juice!
4. Choose the correct verb form from the brackets and write it in the gap in
the correct passive infinitive form.
116. Clearitall
125. When we got home, we saw that someone had left the door open.
It was soon clear that someone had burgled our house. They had stolen
all the electrical equipment from the living room, and they must have
dragged it into the garden. They had crushed the flowers in the flowers
beads and they trodden mud into the hall carpet. The sight of my
bedroom shocked me. They had thrown all my clothes on the floor and
opened all my drawers. They had taken all my jewelry and my favorite
silver clock. I really hope that the police catch the criminals and the
courts punish them soon.
6. Read the following sentences and rewrite each one in a more informal
style, using the words in brackets.
127. The big house in the village has always been lived in.
128. (someone) Someone has always lived in the big house in the
129. The walls in the hall had been painted pale blue.
130. (they)
131. The garden had been planted with roses and honeysuckle and lots
of traditional British plants.
132. (people)
134. (they)
135. The carpets have been taken out, and the floorboards have been
136. (they)
138. (get)
139. They are arranging for someone to clear the garden.
140. (get)
141. Now the new owners are having the roof repaired.
142. (get)
143. Its very sad, but graffiti has been written on the front door.
144. (someone)
146. (they/their)
147. The owners have arranged for someone to repaint the door next
148. (get)