Urban Bank V Pena
Urban Bank V Pena
Urban Bank V Pena
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outweigh the injury or damage that the losing party may suffer,
should the appealed judgment be
reversed later. Thus, the Court held that even the financial
distress of the prevailing company is not sufficient reason to call
for execution pending appeal:
Same Same In Philippine Bank of Communications vs.
Court of Appeals, 279 SCRA 364 (1997), the Court ruled that
financial distress of the prevailing party in a final judgment which
was still pending appeal may not be likened to the situation of a
natural person who is ill, of advanced age or dying as to justify
execution pending appeal.In Philippine Bank of
Communications v. Court of Appeals, 279 SCRA 364 (1997), the
Court denied execution pending appeal to a juridical entity which
allegedly was in financial distress and was facing civil and
criminal suits with respect to the collection of a sum of money. It
ruled that the financial distress of the prevailing party in a final
judgment which was still pending appeal may not be likened to
the situation of a natural person who is ill, of advanced age or
dying as to justify execution pending appeal.
Same Same In cases where two or more defendants are made
subsidiarily or solidarily liable by the final judgment of the trial
court, discretionary execution can be allowed if all the defendants
have been found to be insolvent.In cases where the two or more
defendants are made subsidiarily or solidarily liable by the final
judgment of the trial court, discretionary execution can be allowed
if all the defendants have been found to be insolvent.
Considering that only Urban Bank, and not the other eight
individual defendants, was later on considered by the Court of
Appeals to have been in danger of insolvency, is not sufficient
reason to allow execution pending appeal, since the liability for
the award to Pea was made (albeit, mistakenly) solidarily liable
together with the bank officers.
Same Same As an exception to the general rule that only
final judgments may be executed, the grant of execution pending
appeal must perforce be based on good reasons.As an exception
to the general rule that only final judgments may be executed, the
grant of execution pending appeal must perforce be based on
good reasons. These reasons must consist of compelling or
superior circumstances demanding urgency which will outweigh
the injury or damages suffered, should the losing party secure a
reversal of the judgment or final order. The circumstances that
would reasonably justify superior urgency, demanding interim
execution of Peas claims for compensation and/or damages, have
already been settled by the financial capacity of the eight other
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which can answer for the judgment debt. Thus, Peas interest as
a judgment creditor is already wellprotected.
Same Same The rule is that, where the executed judgment is
reversed totally or partially, or annulledon appeal or otherwise
the trial court may, on motion, issue such orders of restitution or
reparation of damages as equity and justice may warrant under
the circumstances.The rule is that, where the executed
judgment is reversed totally or partially, or annulledon appeal
or otherwisethe trial court may, on motion, issue such orders of
restitution or reparation of damages as equity and justice may
warrant under the circumstances. The Rules of Court precisely
provides for restitution according to equity, in case the executed
judgment is reversed on appeal. In an execution pending appeal,
funds are advanced by the losing party to the prevailing party
with the implied obligation of the latter to repay the
former, in case the appellate court cancels or reduces the
monetary award.
Same Same Although execution pending appeal is sanctioned
under the rules and jurisprudence, when the executed decision is
reversed, the premature execution is considered to have lost its
legal bases. The situation necessarily requires equitable restitution
to the party prejudiced thereby. As a matter of principle, courts are
authorized at any time to order the return of property erroneously
ordered to be delivered to one party, if the order is found to have
been issued without jurisdiction.Due to the complete reversal of
the trial courts award for damages, which was the basis of the
Special Order and Writ of Execution allowing execution pending
appeal, intervenor Unimega and other bidders who participated
in the public auction sales are liable to completely restore to
petitionerrespondent bank all of the properties sold and
purchased therein. Although execution pending appeal is
sanctioned under the rules and jurisprudence, when the executed
decision is reversed, the premature execution is considered to
have lost its legal bases. The situation necessarily requires
equitable restitution to the party prejudiced thereby. As a matter
of principle, courts are authorized at any time to order the return
of property erroneously ordered to be delivered to one party, if the
order is found to have been issued without jurisdiction.
Same Same In cases in which restitution of the prematurely
executed property is not longer possible, compensation shall be
made in favour of the judgment debtor.The Court adopts with
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These consolidated petitions began as a simple case for
payment of services rendered and for reimbursement of
costs. The case spun a web of suits and countersuits
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because of: (1) the size of the award for agents fee rendered
in favor of Atty. Magdaleno Pea (Pea)PhP24,000,000
rendered by the trial court (2) the controversial execution
of the full judgment award of PhP28,500,000 (agents fee
plus reimbursement for costs and other damages) pending
appeal and (3) the finding of solidary liability against
Urban Bank, Inc., and several of its corporate officers and
directors together with the concomitant levying and sale in
execution of the personal (even conjugal) properties of those
officers and directors and (4) the fact that assets with
declared conservative values of at least PhP181 Million
which, together with those with undeclared values could
reach very much more than such amount,1 were levied or
sold on execution pending appeal to satisfy the PhP28.5
Million award in favor of Atty. Pea. Incidentally, two
supersedeas bonds worth PhP80 Million (2.8 times the
amount of the judgment) were filed by Urban Bank and
some of its officers and directors to stay the execution
pending appeal.
Had the four attendant circumstances not afflicted the
original case, it would have been an openandshut review
where this Court, applying even just the minimum
equitable principle against unjust enrichment would have
easily affirmed the grant of fair recompense to Atty. Pea
for services he rendered for Urban Bank if such had been
ordered by the trial court.
1 The actual ceiling amount for the levied, garnished or executed
properties pending appeal is uncertain because of the dearth of records. It
seems that the figure could turn out to be very high, considering that the
entire Urban Bank Plaza located in Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, corner Chino
Roces Avenue, Makati City in the name of Urban Bank was appraised at a
value of PhP2,830,559,000 as of 16 April 2002. Since 85 of the 160 or
almost half of the condominium units of Urban Bank Plaza were levied, it
is reasonable to assume that more than PhP1.4 Billion worth of bank
properties were subject of execution pending appeal. (Appraisal Report as
of 16 April 2002 of the Cuervo Appraisers Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 2,
at pp. 13961423)
while, the appellate court said that Atty. Pea can only be
paid under the legal principle against unjust enrichment,
and the total award in his favor should only amount to
In the eyes of the trial court, the controlling finding is
that Atty. Pea should be believed when he testified that in
a telephone conversation, the president of Urban Bank,
Teodoro Borlongan, a respondent herein, agreed to pay him
for his services 10% of the value of the property then worth
PhP240,000,000, or PhP24,000,000. Costs and other
awards additionally amount to PhP4,500,000, for a total
award of PhP28,500,000 according to the trial court. To the
Court of Appeals, such an award has no basis, as in fact, no
contract of agency exists between Atty. Pea and Urban
Bank. Hence, Atty. Pea should only be recompensed
according to the principle of unjust enrichment, and that he
should be awarded the amount of PhP3,000,000 only for his
services and reimbursements of costs.
The disparity in the size of the award given by the trial
court visvis that of the Court of Appeals (PhP28,500,000
v. PhP3,000,000) must be placed in the context of the
service that Atty. Pea proved that he rendered for Urban
Bank. As the records bear, Atty. Peas services consisted
of causing the departure of unauthorized subtenants in
twentythree commercial establishments in an
entertainment compound along Roxas Boulevard. It
involved the filing of ejectment suits against them, Peas
personal defense in the countersuits filed against him, his
settlement with them to the tune of PhP1,500,000, which
he advanced from his own funds, and his retention of
security guards and expenditure for other costs amounting
to more or less PhP1,500,000. There is no claim by Atty.
Pea of any service beyond those. He claims damages from
the threats to his life and safety from the angry tenants, as
well as a vexatious collection suit he had to face from a
creditorfriend from whom he borrowed
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2Report of Independent Public Accountants dated 25 February 2000 by
the Sycip Gorres & Velayo, Co.
financial.htm last visited 07 October 2011)
4 Urban Bank is a petitioner in G.R. No. 145817 while it is a
respondent in G.R. No. 162562.
5Urban Bank was placed under receivership by the Philippine Deposit
Insurance Corporation (PDIC), and was eventually succeeded by Export
and Industry Bank (EIB), after the PDIC approved the banks
rehabilitation plan. (BSP Minute Resolution No. 37 dated 12 July 2001
Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at pp. 843845)
6(1) Teodoro Borlongan, (2) Delfin C. Gonzales, Jr., (3) Benjamin L. de
Leon, (4) P. Siervo H. Dizon, (5) Eric L. Lee, (6) Ben T. Lim, Jr., (7)
Corazon Bejasa, and (8) Arturo Manuel, Jr.
7Atty. Pea is the respondents in both the Petitions docketed as G.R.
Nos. 145817 and 145822, while he is the petitioner in the Petition
docketed as G.R. No. 162562.
8Regional Trial Court (RTC) Bago City Decision dated 28 May 1999,
at p. 2 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562), Vol. 1, at p. 506.
9The 8,629 square meter parcel of land hosted what was then known
as the Pasay International Food and Karaoke Club Compound, which is
along Roxas Boulevard. (Exhibit F, RTC records, Vol. 3, at p. 583)
10 The Pasay property was covered by Transfer Certificate of Title
(TCT) No. T5382, under the name of ISCI. (RTC Decision dated 28 May
1999, at 1 Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at p. 78)
11 The Pasay property was leased to Mr. Ernesto P. Ochoa from 29
November 1984 to 29 November 1994. (Contract of Lease dated 29
November 1984 Rollo [G.R. No. 162562], Vol. 1, at pp. 278280)
12ISCI Complaint dated 08 December 1994, par. 5, at p. 3. (Exhibit E
2, RTC records, Vol. 3, at p. 574)
13SUBLEASE PROHIBITED. That as distinguished from LESSEEs
[Mr. Ochoa] rentout operations abovementioned, the LESSEE [Mr.
Ochoa] shall not assign, cede or convey this lease, nor undertake to sub
lease the whole or substantially all of the lease premises [Pasay property]
to any single third party, without the LESSORs [ISCIs] consent in
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Two weeks before the lease over the Pasay property was
to expire, ISCI and Urban Bank executed a Contract to
Sell, whereby the latter would pay ISCI the amount of
PhP241,612,000 in installments for the Pasay property.19
Both parties agreed that the final installment of
PhP25,000,000 would be released by the bank upon ISCIs
delivery of full and actual possession of the land, free from
any tenants.20 In the meantime, the amount of the final
installment would be held by the bank in escrow. The
escrow provision in the Contract to Sell, thus, reads:
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19 Contract to Sell dated 15 November 1994. (Exhibit 16, RTC
records [Vol. 4] at pp. 846849)
22RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 2 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562),
Vol. 1, at p. 506.
TO: Atty. Magdaleno M. Pena
FROM:Enrique G. Montilla III
DATE:26 November 1994
You are hereby directed to recover and take possession
of the property of the corporation situated at Roxas
Boulevard covered by TCT No. 5382 of the Register of
Deeds for Pasay City immediately upon the expiration of
the contract of lease over the said property on 29
November 1994. For this purpose you are authorized to engage
the services of security guards to protect the property against
intruders. You may also engage the services of a lawyer in case
there is a need to go to court to protect the said property of the
corporation. In addition you may take whatever steps or measures
are necessary to ensure our continued possession of the property.
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23RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 8 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562),
Vol. 1, at p. 512). See also ISCIs letter dated 31 May 1994 Rollo (G.R. No.
162562), Vol. 1, at p. 285.
24ISCIs fax letter dated 26 November 1994 Exhibit 3, RTC records,
Vol. 4, at p. 810.
25Deed of Absolute Sale dated 29 November 1994 Exhibit 6G to 6
I, RTC records, Vol. 4, at pp. 817819.
26Deed of Absolute Sale dated 29 November 1994 Exhibit 6G to 6
I, RTC records, Vol. 4, at pp. 817819.
27 TCT No. 134451 in the name of petitioner Urban Bank dated 05
December 1994 Exhibit A, RTC records, Vol. 3, at pp. 564567.
28ISCI Complaint dated 08 December 1994, par. 7, at p. 3 Exhibit E
2, RTC records, Vol. 3, at p. 574.
29RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 1 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562),
Vol. 1, at p. 505.
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35Atty. Magdaleno M. Pea, who has been assigned by Isabela Sugar
Company, Inc., to take charge of inspecting the tenants would like to
request an authority similar to this from the Bank [petitioner Urban
Bank], as new owners. Can you please issue something like this today as
he needs this. (ISCIs letter dated 07 December 1994 Exhibit 1, RTC
records, Vol. 4, at p. 808).
36 Dear Mr. Borlongan, I would like to request for an authorization
from Urban Bank as per attached immediatelyas the tenants are
questioning the authority of the people there who are helping us to take
over possession of the property. (Sgd.) MARILYN G. ONG (ISCIs fax
letter dated 09 December 1994 Exhibit 2, RTC records, Vol. 4, at p. 809)
37RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 8 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562),
Vol. 1, at p. 512.
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41 ISCIs Complaint dated 08 December 1994 Exhibit E to E6,
RTC records, Vol.3, at pp. 572578.
42ISCIs Complaint for injunction was docketed as Civil Case No. 94
1275. (Id.)
43 WHEREFORE, to prevent the main cause of action or principal
relief sought by plaintiff (ISCI) from becoming moot and academic, the
parties herein are directed to maintain the status quo more specifically,
restraining defendants (tenants) and all persons acting in their behaves
(sic), from harassing and threatening plaintiffs personnel and from
forcefully and unlawfully interfering with plaintiffs possession of the
property until further orders from this Court. (RTC Order dated 13
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47Peas Petition for Review dated 23 April 2004, at p. 6 Rollo (G.R.
No. 162562), Vol. 1, at p. 13.
48RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 3 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562),
Vol. 1, at p. 507.
49 RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No.
162562), Vol. 1, at pp. 507508.
50RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 4 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562),
Vol. 1, at p. 508.
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53ISCIs Letter dated 19 December 1994 signed by Herman Ponce and
Julie Abad Exhibit 5, RTC records, Vol. 4, at p. 812.
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54ISCIs Urgent Exparte Motion/Notice to Dismiss dated 21 December
1994 Exhibit I to I2, RTC records, Vol. 3, at pp. 586588.
55RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 6 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562),
Vol. I at p. 510.
56Petitioner Urban Banks Complaint dated 04 January 1995 Exhibit
J to J6, RTC records, Vol. 3, at pp. 589595.
57Petitioner Urban Banks Complaint was docketed as Civil Case No.
58RTCMakati Citys Order dated 06 January 1995 Exhibit K, RTC
records, Vol. 3, at p. 599.
59RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 6 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562),
Vol. 1, at p. 510.
61 Receipt dated 28 April 1995 issued by Atty. Noel B. Malaya from
Pea for the amount of PhP1,500,000 Exhibit BB, RTC records, Vol. 3 at
p. 757.
62The PhP3,000,000 loan of Mr. Roberto Ignacio to Pea is covered by
three Promissory Notes dated 30 November 1994, 20 December 1994 and
27 April 1995 for PhP1,000,000 each. The three loans were all due on 30
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1995 with an express stipulation of five percent (5%) interest for every
month of delay. (Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at pp. 286288)
63 Mr. Ignacios Complaint dated 03 April 1999 (Civil Case No. 99
93952) Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 281285.
64 Peas letter dated 07 February 1995 to petitioner Urban Bank
Exhibit C, RTC records, Vol. 3, at p. 569.
65 RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at pp. 67 Rollo (G.R. No.
162562), Vol. 1, at pp. 510511.
66Peas letter dated 24 January 1996 Exhibit D, RTC records, Vol.
3, at p. 570.
67 Peas Complaint dated 28 February 1996 RTC records, Vol. 1 at
pp. 16.
68CA Amended Decision dated 18 August 2000, at p. 2 Rollo (G.R. No.
145817), Vol. 1, at p. 11.
69At the time the complaint was filed in 1996, the eleven members of
the Board of Directors of Urban Bank included: (1) Teodoro C.
Borlongan (2) Benjamin L. de Leon (3) Claudio R. de Luzuriaga,
Jr. (4) P. Siervo H. Dizon (5) Francisco C. Eizmendi, Jr., (6) Delfin
C. Gonzalez, Jr. (7) Noel A. Laman (8) Eric L. Lee (9) Ben T. Lim
Sr. (10) Jose P. Magno, Jr., (11) Carlos C. Salinas. (Urban Bank List of
Members of the Board of Directors for Year Ending 1995 Rollo (G.R. No.
162562), Vol. 1, at p. 840).
70Comment dated 30 March 2005 of Ben Y. Lim, Jr., and P. Siervo H.
Dizon Rollo (G.R. No. 162562), Vol. 1, at pp. 804817.
71 Petitioners Answer with Compulsory Counterclaim dated 28
October 1996 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 245252.
72 The Decision of the RTCBago City was then rendered by Judge
Edgardo L. Catilo.
73RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 24 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817),
Vol. 1, at p. 101.
74 Notice of Appeal dated 15 June 1999 RTC records, Vol. 5, at p.
75RTC Order dated 23 June 1999 RTC records, Vol. 5, at p. 1022.
76 The appeal was docketed in the Court of Appeals as CAG. R. CV
No. 65756.
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77 Brief for DefendantAppellant Urban Bank, Inc., dated 25 January
2002 CA Rollo (CAG.R. CV No. 65756), Vol. 1, at pp. 110175.
78The Singson Valdez & Associates Law Office entered its appearance
for petitioner Urban Bank. (Notice of Appearance dated 07 November
2001 CA Rollo [CAG.R. CV No. 65756], Vol. 1, at pp. 5759) Although
petitioner Urban Banks previous counsel, the Poblador Bautista & Reyes
Law Office, withdrew its appearance, it remained as counsel for the other
individual petitioners. (Withdrawal of Appearance dated 07 August 2001
CA Rollo [CAG.R. CV No. 65756], Vol. 1, at pp. 3637).
79 The De Leon Group was represented by the Abello Concepcion
Regala & Cruz Law Office.
80De Leon Groups Appellants Brief dated 28 January 2002 CA Rollo
(CAG.R. CV No. 65756), Vol. 2, at pp. 177312.
81 The Poblador Bautista & Reyes Law Office initially represented
petitioner Borlongan Group, but was replaced by the Chato Eleazar
Lagmay & Arreza Law Office. (Entry of Appearance dated 05 May 2003
CA Rollo, [CAG.R. CV No. 65756], Vol. 2, at pp. 12011203) However,
Benjamin Y. Lim and P. Siervo H. Dizon (the Lim Group) retained the
Poblador Bautista & Reyes Law Office. (Withdrawal of Appearance dated
15 January 2003 CA Rollo [CAG.R. CV No. 65756], Vol. 2, at pp. 1164
82 Petitioner Borlongan Groups Brief for Appellants dated 18 April
2002 CA Rollo (CAG.R. CV No. 65756), Vol. 2, at pp. 675735.
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83Peas Appellees Brief dated 07 September 2002 CA Rollo (CAG.R. CV No.
65756), Vol. 2, at pp. 892972.
84In a separate original petition under Rule 71, Pea also asked that Urban
Bank and the individual officers and directors as well as their counsel be cited for
indirect contempt for, among others, withholding material information from the
appellate court as well as for misrepresenting the appearance of witnesses in the
proceedings below. (Petition dated 05 September 2002 CA Rollo [CAG.R. SP No.
72698], Vol. 1, at pp. 214) This petition for indirect contempt was later
consolidated with the appeal of the main case. (CA Resolution dated 25 November
2002 CA Rollo [CAG.R. SP No. 72698], Vol. 1, at p. 295)
85 The Court of Appeals Sixth Division was then composed of CA Justices
Delilah VidallonMagtolis, Jose L. Sabio, Jr., (ponente) and Hakim S. Abdulwahid.
86The dates of the trial courts orders appearing in the dispositive portion were
later corrected by the CA and now reads the May 28, 1999 Decision and the
October 29, 2000 Special Order. (CA Resolution dated 08 March 2004, at p. 2
Rollo [G.R. No. 162562], Vol. 1, at p. 80)
87 CA Decision (CAGR SP No. 72698 & CV No. 65756) dated 06
November 2003 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562), Vol. 1, at pp. 82111.
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Regional Trial Court of Manila. (Complaint dated 03 April 1999 Rollo
[G.R. No. 145822], Vol. 1, at pp. 213217)
95 4. Plaintiff has been unable to pay his loan precisely because
defendants have not paid him his fees. Since. Mr. Ignacio has been a long
time friend of his, he has been granted several extensions but on 4 June
1999, plaintiff received a summons issued by the Regional Trial Court of
Manila, Branch 16 for a collection case filed [by] said Mr. Ignacio.
6. It is imperative therefore that this Honorable Courts Decision
be executed immediately so that he could settle the obligation which he
would not have contracted had defendants not engaged his services.
(Peas Motion for Execution dated 07 June 1999, at 2 Rollo [G.R. No.
145817], Vol. 1, at p. 278)
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106 Peas Motion for Reconsideration dated 02 February 2000 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 359380.
107 Petitioners Comment/Opposition dated 14 April 2000 Rollo (G.R.
No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 381401.
108 The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) issued Monetary Board
Resolution No. 22 placing petitioner Urban Bank under receivership of the
Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC), considering that the
bank was suffering from illiquidity and its capital was deficient. (Minutes
of Board Resolution No. 22 dated 26 April 2000 Rollo [G.R. No. 145817],
Vol. 1, at p. 232)
109CA Former Special Twelfth Division, Justices Godardo A. Jacinto,
Roberto A. Barrios and Edgardo P. Cruz (ponente).
110 This CA Amended Decision is the subject of petitioner Urban
Banks Rule 45 Petition in G.R. No. 145817. (Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol.
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1, at pp. 1021).
111 In the instant case, although petitioner Banks imminent
insolvency may not have been considered by the court a quo in allowing
immediate execution, such ground, which has in the meantime arisen,
may be relied upon by this Court in deciding the propriety of the execution
pending appeal. (CA Amended Decision dated 18 August 2000, at p. 8
Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at p. 17)
112 Petitioners Motion for Reconsideration dated 29 August 2000
Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 402419.
113 Petitioner De Leon Groups Supplemental Motion for
Reconsideration dated 21 September 2000 (Rollo [G.R. No. 145822], Vol. 1,
at pp. 791815) and Second Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration
dated 11 October 2000 (Rollo [G.R. No. 145822], Vol. 1, at pp. 851867)
see also CA Resolution dated 19 October 2000, at 1 (Rollo [G.R. No.
145817], Vol. 1, at p. 23).
114 Benjamin de Leon, Delfin C. Gonzales and Eric L Lee filed three
separate Supplemental Motions for Reconsideration on 22 September
2000, 11 October 2000 and 16 October 2000. (CA Resolution dated 19
October 2000, at p. 1 Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at p. 23)
115 Petitioner Lims Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration and
Application for Temporary Restraining Order and Writ of Preliminary
Injunction dated 13 October 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562), Vol. 1, at pp.
116 CA Resolution dated 19 October 2000 (CAG.R. SP No. 55667)
Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 2326.
http://www.central.com.ph/sfsreader/session/00000159eb21d12eaee1cee2003600fb002c009e/t/?o=False 30/77
119 The Special Former Special Twelfth Division was composed of
Justices Bienvenido L. Reyes, Roberto A. Barrios, and Perlita J. Tria
Tirona (ponente).
120 CA Resolution dated 31 October 2000 (CAG.R. SP No. 55667)
Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 668669.
121Peas Urgent Motion for Reconsideration dated 06 November 2000
and Supplemental Motion dated 13 November 2000 Rollo (G.R. No.
145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 9951008.
122 CA Resolution dated 08 December 2000 (CAG.R. SP No. 55667)
Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 670674.
123 Petitioner De Leon Groups Compliance with Motion to Approve
Supersedeas Bond dated 08 November 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol.
1, at pp. 990994.
http://www.central.com.ph/sfsreader/session/00000159eb21d12eaee1cee2003600fb002c009e/t/?o=False 31/77
126BSP Minute Resolution No. 37 dated 12 July 2001 Rollo (G.R. No.
145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 843845.
127 Petitioner Urban Banks Urgent Motion to Approve Supersedeas
Bond and to Stay Execution Pending Appeal dated 22 October 2001 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 660667.
128 Surety Bond (MICO Bond No. 200104456) dated 13 September
2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 740741.
129 Petitioner Urban Banks Compliance with Motion to Approve
Supersedeas Bond dated 14 September 2001 in CAG.R. SP No. 55667
Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 675709.
130 Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal Property dated 27
September 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at p. 714.
131 Petitioner Urban Banks Urgent Manifestation and Motion dated
02 October 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 710712.
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133133 Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal Property dated 27
September 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at p. 714.
134 Quotes from GG&A Club Shares and Metroland Holdings, Corp.,
dated 06 December 1999 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at p. 708. (At
present, one share in Tagaytay Highlands International Golf Club is
selling at PhP560,000 [http://www.ggaclubshares.com/ last visited 17
October 2011].)
135Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal Property dated 03 October
2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at p. 717 RTC Orders all dated 15
October 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 29232928.
http://www.central.com.ph/sfsreader/session/00000159eb21d12eaee1cee2003600fb002c009e/t/?o=False 33/77
136 Quotes from GG&A Club Shares and Metroland Holdings, Corp.,
dated 06 December 1999 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at p. 708. (At
present, Makati Sports Club Shares A and B are now selling at
P200,000 and P230,000 respectively [http://www.ggaclubshares.com/ last
visited 17 October 2011]).
137Two MSCI A Club Shares at PhP650,000 each and one MSCI B
Club Share at PhP700,000.
138 Notice of Sale on Execution of Real Property dated 03 October
2001, covering Condominium Certificates of Title (CCT) Nos. 5603439,
5605269, 5608856147, and 56154 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at 718
739. See Certifications dated 26 October 2001 and 31 October 2001
attesting to the sale of the CCTs covering units in Makati City registered
under the name of Urban Bank Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp.
139 Most of the condominium units were sold anywhere for as low as
PhP100,000 to PhP1,000,000. The whole lot of 85 condominiums units in
Urban Bank Plaza were sold for a total of PhP27,400,000 only. (c/f
Properties levied and attached Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at pp. 976
140Ten Certificates of Sale all dated 25 October 2001 Rollo (G.R. No.
145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 10051035.
141 Notice of Levy on Execution dated 05 November 1999 and
Condominium Certificate of Title No. 57697 under the name of Urban
Bank RTC records, Vol. 5, at pp. 13151318.
http://www.central.com.ph/sfsreader/session/00000159eb21d12eaee1cee2003600fb002c009e/t/?o=False 34/77
Teodoro One Club Share Borlongans club share 1,000,000 Notice of Sale on
Borlongan in Manila Polo was estimated to be Execution on
Club (No. valued at Personal Property
146 147
3433) P1,000,000. dated 25 August
One Club Share One club share was 500,000
in SubicBay estimated to be valued
Yacht Club149 at P500,000.150
One Club Share As of 06 December 870,000
in Baguio 1999, one share was
151 152
Country Club selling at P870,000.
146Letter dated 08 November 1999 of Manila Polo Club RTC records,
Vol. 5, at p. 1312 RTC Order dated 19 December 2000 Rollo (G.R. No.
145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25502552.
147 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 1721
1722. See also Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20
January 2004, at pp. 1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 1235
1236. (At present, one club share in Manila Polo Club sells at PhP7
Million. [http://www.ggaclubshares.com last visited 17 October 2011]).
148Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at p. 422.
149RTC Order dated 31 October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2,
at pp. 25422543 RTC Amended Order dated 13 December 2000 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25462549 see also Lee v. Trocino, G.R.
No. 164648, 06 August 2008, 561 SCRA 178.
150 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 1721
1722. See also Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20
January 2004, at pp. 1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 1235
1236. (At present, one club share in Subic Bay Yacht Club sells at
PhP150,000. [http://www. ggaclubshares.com last visited 17 October
151RTC Order dated 27 October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2,
at pp. 254041.
http://www.central.com.ph/sfsreader/session/00000159eb21d12eaee1cee2003600fb002c009e/t/?o=False 35/77
152 Quotes from GG&A Club Shares and Metroland Holdings, Corp.,
dated 06 December 1999 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at p. 708. (At
present, one share in Baguio Country Club is selling at PhP650,000
[http://www. ggaclubshares.com/ last visited 17 October 2011].).
153RTC Order dated 27 October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2,
at pp. 254041.
154 Quotes from GG&A Club Shares and Metroland Holdings, Corp.,
dated 06 December 1999 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at p. 708. (At
present, Makati Sports Club Shares A and B are now selling at
P200,000 and P230,000 respectively [http://www.ggaclubshares.com/ last
visited 17 October 2011]).
155Co v. Sillador, A.M. No. P072342, 31 August 2007, 531 SCRA 657.
156Letter dated 08 November 1999 of Manila Polo Club RTC records,
Vol. 5, at p. 1312 RTC Order dated 19 December 2000 Rollo (G.R. No.
145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25502552 RTC Order dated 09 March 2001 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25582561.
157 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 1721
1722. See also Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20
January 2004, at pp. 1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 1235
1236. (At present, one club share in Manila Polo Club sells at PhP7
Million. [http://www.ggaclubshares.
com last visited 17 October 2011]).
158Rollo (G.R. No. 1458177), Vol. 1, at p. 420.
159 Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal Property dated 22
September 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822). Vol. 2, at p. 2520 RTC Order
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dated 12 October 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25262527
RTC Order dated 24 January 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp.
25542557 see also Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at p. 4 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at p. 1722.
160 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 1721
1722. See
One Club Share in Alabang Gonzales club share was estimated 2,000,000
Country Club (Member No. to be valued at P2,000,000.
30,585 shares of stock in D. C. P20.00 per share 611,700
Gonzales, Jr., Inc.
40Shares of stock in D. C. P50.00 per share166 2,000
Gonzales, Jr., Inc.
also Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20 January 2004,
at pp. 1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 12351236. (At present,
one share in Baguio Country Club is selling at PhP650,000 [http://www.
ggaclubshares.com/ last visited 17 October 2011].)
161Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal Property dated 09 October
2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822). Vol. 2, at p. 2523 RTC Order dated 18
October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25282529 see also
Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20 September 2005, at p. 4
Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at p. 1722.
162 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 1721
1722. See also Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20
January 2004, at pp. 1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 1235
1236. (At present, Alabang Country Club Shares A and B are selling at
PhP1.95 M and PhP2.95M, respectively [http://www.ggaclubshares.com/
last visited 17 October 2011].)
163 Notice of Garnishment dated 29 October 1999 Rollo (G.R. No.
145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25712572 Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal
Property dated 20 October 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at p.
2539 RTC Order dated 31 October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2,
at pp. 25422543 RTC Amended Order dated 13 December 2000 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25462549 see also Lee v. Trocino, id.
164RTC Order dated 31 October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2,
at pp. 25422543.
165Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal Property dated 20 October
2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822). Vol. 2, at p. 2539 RTC Order dated 31
October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25442545 RTC
Amended Order dated 13 December 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2,
at pp. 25462549 see also Lee v. Trocino, id.
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166RTC Order dated 31 October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2,
at pp. 25442545.
167Letter dated 08 November 1999 of Manila Polo Club RTC records,
Vol. 5, at p. 1312 RTC Order dated 19 December 2000 Rollo (G.R. No.
145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25502552 RTC Order dated 09 March 2001 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25582561.
168 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 1721
1722. See also Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20
January 2004, at pp. 1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 1235
1236. (At present, one club share in Manila Polo Club sells at PhP7
Million. [http://www.ggaclubshares.
com last visited 17 October 2011]).
169Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at p. 425.
170 Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal Property dated 22
September 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at p. 2522 RTC Order
dated 27 October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 254041 see
also Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at p. 3 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at p. 1721.
171Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20 September 2005,
at p. 3 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at p. 1721. (At present, a Makati
Sports Club Share A is now selling at P200,000
[http://www.ggaclubshares.com/ last visited 17 October 2011]).
172 Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal Property dated 22
September 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822). Vol. 2, at p. 2521 RTC Order
dated 27 October 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25402541.
173 Quotes from GG&A Club Shares and Metroland Holdings, Corp.,
dated 06 December 1999 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at p. 708. (At
http://www.central.com.ph/sfsreader/session/00000159eb21d12eaee1cee2003600fb002c009e/t/?o=False 38/77
P. No records
Siervo available as to
G. properties levied,
Dizon garnished or
executed pending
Eric One Club Share in Lees club share was 4,000,000 Notice of Sale on
L. Lee Manila Polo Club estimated to be Execution on
(2038) valued at Personal Property
P4,000,000. dated 25 August
One Club Share in Lees club share was 15,750,000
Manila Golf Club, estimated to be
Inc. valued at
One Club Share in Lees club share was 2,000,000
Sta. Elena Golf Club, estimated to be
Inc. (Class A Share) valued at
179 180
174Letter dated 08 November 1999 of Manila Polo Club RTC records,
Vol. 5, at p. 1312 RTC Order dated 19 December 2000 Rollo (G.R. No.
145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25502552 RTC Order dated 09 March 2001 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25582561.
175 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 1721
1722. See also Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20
January 2004, at pp. 1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 1235
1236. (At present, one club share in Manila Polo Club sells at PhP7
Million. [http://www.ggaclubshares.com last visited 17 October 2011]).
176Rollo (G.R. No. 1458177), Vol. 1, at p. 421.
177 Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal Property dated 22
September 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822). Vol. 2, at p. 2519 RTC Order
dated 04 October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at p. 2525 RTC
Order dated 20 December 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at p. 2553
see also Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20 September
2005, at p. 4 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at p. 1722.
178 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 1721
1722. See also Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20
January 2004, at pp. 1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 1235
1236. (At present, one club share in Manila Golf Club sells at PhP26.5
Million. [http://www.ggaclubshares.com last visited 17 October 2011]).
http://www.central.com.ph/sfsreader/session/00000159eb21d12eaee1cee2003600fb002c009e/t/?o=False 39/77
Two Club Shares in Lees club shares were 1,000,000 Notice of Sale on
Tagaytay Highlands estimated to be valued Execution on
181 182
Intl Golf Club, Inc. at P1,000,000. Personal Property
dated 25 August
One Club Share in Lees club share was 500,000
Subic Yacht Club estimated to be valued
at P500,000.
60,757 Shares of stock P20.00 per share 1,214,140
in EQL Properties,
40 Shares of stock in P50.00 per share 2,000
EQL Properties,
tioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20 January 2004, at pp.
1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 12351236. (At present, one
club share in Sta. Elena Club (both A and B) sells at PhP2.3 Million.
[http://www.ggaclubshares.com last visited 17 October 2011]).
181RTC Order dated 19 December 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol.
2, at pp. 25502552 Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at p. 4 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at p. 1722.
182 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 1721
1722. See also Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20
January 2004, at pp. 1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 1235
1236. (At present, one club share in Tagaytay Highlands Intl Gold Club
sells at PhP560,000. [http://www.ggaclubshares.com last visited 17
October 2011]).
183Rollo (G.R. No. 1458177), Vol. 1, at pp. 423424.
184Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal Property dated 20 October
2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822). Vol. 2, at p. 2538 see also Urban Banks
Manifestation and Motion dated 20 September 2005, at p. 4 Rollo (G.R.
No. 145817), Vol. 2, at p. 1722.
185 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at pp. 34 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 1721
1722. See also Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20
http://www.central.com.ph/sfsreader/session/00000159eb21d12eaee1cee2003600fb002c009e/t/?o=False 40/77
January 2004, at pp. 1516 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 1235
1236. (At present, one club share in Subic Yacht Club sells at PhP150,000.
[http://www.ggaclubshares.com last visited 17 October 2011]).
186RTC Order dated 31 October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2,
at pp. 25422543 RTC Amended Order dated 13 December 2000 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25462549 see also Lee v. Trocino, id.
187RTC Order dated 31 October 2000, Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2,
at pp. 25442545 RTC Amended Order dated 13 December 2000 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 2, at pp. 25462549 see also Lee v. Trocino, id.
188 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005, at p. 4 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at p. 1722.
189Co v. Sillador, Id.
191 Based on the Appraisal Report as of 16 April 2002 conducted by
Cuervo Appraisers, Inc., submitted by Urban Bank in their Opposition (To
Motion for Reconsideration with Intervention) dated 29 April 2003, the
ten condominium units alone purchased by Unimega for PhP10 Million
(Units 212, 213, 215, 216, and 221 to 226) was already worth
PhP146,851,900. Meanwhile, the fair market value of the entire lot of 85
http://www.central.com.ph/sfsreader/session/00000159eb21d12eaee1cee2003600fb002c009e/t/?o=False 41/77
192 Malaysian Insurance Surety Bond (MICO Bond No. 200104456)
dated 13 September 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 740741.
193 Petitioner Urban Banks Urgent Motion to Approve Supersedeas
Bond and to Stay Execution Pending Appeal dated 22 October 2001 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145817). Vol. 1, at pp. 660667.
194Peas Opposition dated 31 October 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817),
Vol. 1, at pp. 752768.
195EIB letter dated 23 October 2002 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2,
at p. 1277.
196 The following managers checks were attached to the
Manifestation: (a) Managers Check No. 80571 (PhP224,000) (b) Manager
Check No. 80572 (PhP13,440,000) and (c) Managers Check No. 80573
(PhP 8,440,800). (Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 2, at p. 1281)
197Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation with Tender of Payment of
the Redemption Price dated 24 October 2002 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol.
2, at pp. 12781281.
198 RTCBago Citys Order dated 28 October 2002 Rollo (G.R. No.
145817), Vol. 2, at p. 1286.
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199 Petitioner Urban Banks Motion with Manifestation dated 29
October 2002 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 12871291.
200 Sheriff Silladors Affidavits of NonRedemption both dated 04
November 2002 Rollo (G.R. No. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 10721074.
201 Sheriffs Certificates of Final Sale both dated 04 November 2002
Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 10651071.
202 RTCBago Citys Order dated 13 November 2002 Rollo (G.R. No.
145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 10861089.
203 SC Resolution dated 19 November 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817),
Vol. 1, at pp. 794795.
204Peas Motion for Reconsideration (of the Resolution Approving the
Supersedeas Bond) dated 07 December 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol.
1, at pp. 846862.
205SC Resolution dated 24 September 2003 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817),
Vol. 1, at pp. 11511152.
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206 Petitioner Urban Banks counsel, the Poblador Bautista & Reyes
Law Office, was substituted by the Office of the Chief Legal Counsel of
PDIC, which had become the banks receiver at that time. (Substitution of
Counsel dated 24 November 2000 Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at pp.
207 PDIC, as receiver of petitioner Urban Bank, was represented by
the Ongkiko Kalaw Manhit & Acorda Law Offices. (Entry of Appearance
dated 21 December 2000 Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at pp. 183185)
208Petitioner Urban Banks Petition for Review on Certiorari dated 21
December 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 186213.
209 Peas Comment with Motion to Cite for Contempt and Urgent
Motion to Dismiss dated 12 January 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1,
at pp. 3277.
210 Peas Comment dated 30 April 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), at
pp. 510555.
211Petitioner Borlongan Group, comprised of individual bank directors
and officers Teodoro Borlongan, Corazon M. Bejasa, Arturo Manuel, Jr.,
Ben Y. Lim, Jr., and P. Siervo H. Dizon, was then represented by the
Poblador Bautista & Reyes Law Offices.
212 Petitioner Borlongan Groups Petition for Review on Certiorari
dated 21 November 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 887950.
own Rule 45 Petition in G.R. No. 145817.
http://www.central.com.ph/sfsreader/session/00000159eb21d12eaee1cee2003600fb002c009e/t/?o=False The Court 44/77
213Considering the allegations, issues and arguments adduced in the
Petition for Review on Certiorari of the amended decision and resolution
of the Court of Appeals dated August 18, 2000 and October 19, 2000,
respectively, as well as respondents comments thereon, the Court further
Resolves to DENY the petition for failure of the petitioners to sufficiently
show that the Court of Appeals committed any reversible error in the
challenged amended decision and resolution as to warrant the exercise by
this Court of its discretionary appellate jurisdiction in this case. (SC
Resolution dated 29 January 2001 in G.R. No. 145818 Rollo (G.R. No.
145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 955956)
214SC Resolution dated 25 June 2001 in G.R. No. 145818 Rollo (G.R.
No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 620621.
215 SC Entry of Judgment dated 11 May 2001 in G.R. No. 145818
Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 657658.
216Petitioner De Leon Groups Petition for Review on Certiorari dated
06 December 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 1475.
217 SC Resolution dated 13 December 2000 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822),
Vol. 1, at pp. 955956.
218 SC Resolution dated 12 November 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817),
Vol. 1, at p. 796.
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219SC Resolution dated 24 September 2003 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817),
Vol. 1, at pp. 11511152.
221 Petitioner Urban Banks Memorandum dated 28 January 2004
Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 12671288.
222Petitioner De Leon Groups Memorandum dated 20 January 2004
Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 12211266.
223EIB letter dated 10 December 2001 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1,
at pp. 896897 see also EIB letter dated 24 October 2001 (Rollo [G.R. No.
145817], Vol. 1, at p. 956) and EIB letter dated 06 June 2002 (Rollo [G.R.
No. 145817], Vol. 1, at p. 939)
224 Petitioner Urban Banks three shares in the Makati Sports Club
were previously sold in a public auction last 11 October 2001, conducted
by the sheriff of RTCBago City. (RTC Orders all dated 15 October 2001
Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at pp. 890895)
225 MSCIs letter dated 26 November 2001 Annex C of MSCIs
Motion for Clarification Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 875899.
226 Atty. Ereetas letter dated 16 January 2002 (Rollo [G.R. No.
145817], Vol. 1, at pp. 898899) Atty. Ereetas letter dated 30 May 2002
(Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at pp. 898938). See also Atty.
Ereetas Motion to Cite in Contempt of Court dated 22 July 2002 in Civil
Case No. 754 (Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at pp. 944948).
227 Makati Sports Clubs Motion for Clarification dated 04 February
2002 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 875879.
228 Petitioner Urban Banks Motion for Clarification dated 6 August
2002 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 972975. See also petitioner
Urban Banks Urgent Motion to Resolve dated 21 October 2002 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 982987.
229 SC Resolution dated 13 November 2002 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817),
Vol. 1, at pp. 988990.
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230 Peas Urgent Omnibus Motion dated 09 December 2002 (Rollo
[G.R. No. 145817], Vol. 1, at pp. 10901102) see also Peas Supplement to
the Urgent Omnibus Motion dated 19 December 2002 (Rollo [G.R. No.
145817], Vol. 1, at pp. 11061110).
231Urban Bank attributed the mistake allegedly due to the fact that in
one of the Courts Resolution (SC Resolution dated 13 February 2002), the
ACCRA Law Office was mentioned as the counsel of respondent.
(Opposition [To Urgent Omnibus Motion and Supplement to Urgent
Omnibus Motion] dated 28 February 2003, at pp. 24 Rollo [G.R. No.
145817], Vol. 2, at pp. 12201222).
232Petitioner Urban Banks Opposition dated 28 February 2003 Rollo
(G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 12191227.
233SC Resolution dated 31 August 2011.
234 SC Resolution dated 17 February 2003 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822),
Vol. 3, at pp. 32203221.
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240 Petitioner Urban Banks Manifestation and Motion dated 20
September 2005 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 17191725.
241 Petitioner De Leon Groups Manifestation dated 12 September
2005 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817), Vol. 2, at pp. 17591763.
242Intervenor Unimegas Ex Parte Petition for the Issuance of a Writ
of Possession dated 28 June 2006 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562), Vol. 2, at pp.
243SC Resolution dated 06 September 2006 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562),
Vol. 2, at pp. 11711172.
244 Petitioner Lim Groups Compliance and Comment dated 25
October 2006 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562), Vol. 2, at pp. 11811184.
245Petitioner Borlongan Groups (composed of the heirs of Borlongan,
Bejasa and Manuel, Jr.) Compliance dated 30 October 2006 Rollo (G.R.
No. 162562), Vol. 2, at pp. 11881189.
246 Peas Compliance and Comment dated 07 January 2008 Rollo
(G.R. No. 162562), Vol. 2, at pp. 12331241.
247 Petitioner Urban Banks Opposition (to Ex Parte Petition for the
Issuance of a Writ of Possession) dated 08 November 2006 Rollo (G.R. No.
162562), Vol. 2, at pp. 11961201.
Our Ruling
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248Petitioner De Leon Groups Manifestation and Comment dated 17
November 2006 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562), Vol. 2, at pp. 12041211.
249Intervenor Unimegas Reply/Comment (to the Opposition of Urban
Bank and Manifestation/Comment of Petitioners Gonzales, Jr., De Leon
and Lee) dated 07 February 2007 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562), Vol. 2, at pp.
250CIVIL CODE, Art. 1868.
251Victorias Milling Co., Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 117356, 19
June 2000, 33 SCRA 663, citing Bordador v. Luz, 283 SCRA 374, 382
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Million as reimbursement for his expenses as well as reasonable
compensation for his efforts in clearing Urban Banks property of unlawful
occupants. The award of exemplary damages, attorneys fees and costs of
suit are deleted, the same not having been sufficiently proven. The
petition for Indirect Contempt against all the respondents is DISMISSED
for utter lack of merit. (CA Decision [CAG.R. SP No. 72698 & CV No.
65756] dated 06 November 2003 Rollo [G.R. No. 162562], Vol. 1, at pp. 82
256 When Urban Bank paid the purchase price less authorized
retention money under the Deed of Absolute Sale.
257 Contract to Sell dated 15 November 1994. (Exhibit 16, RTC
records [Vol. 4] at pp. 846849).
258 ISCIs fax letter dated 26 November 1994 Exhibit 3, RTC
records, Vol. 4, at p. 810.
259SUBLEASE PROHIBITED. That as distinguished from LESSEEs
[Mr. Ochoa] rentout operations abovementioned, the LESSEE [Mr.
Ochoa] shall not assign, cede or convey this lease, nor undertake to sub
lease the whole or substantially all of the lease premises [Pasay property]
to any single
third party, without the LESSORs [ISCIs] consent in writing
(Contract of Lease dated 29 November 1984, par. 5 at p. 2 Rollo [G.R. No.
162562], Vol. 1, at p. 279)
260 ISCIs letter dated 07 December 1994 Exhibit 1, RTC records,
Vol. 4, at p. 808.
261ISCIs fax letter dated 09 December 1994 Exhibit 2, RTC records,
Vol. 4, at p. 809.
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262 Urban Banks letter dated 15 December 1994 Exhibit 4, RTC records,
Vol. 4, at p. 811.
Pea, it was the first time that he was apprised of the sale of the
land by ISCI and of the transfer of its title in favor of the
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264 Petitioner Urban Banks letter dated 19 December 1994 Exhibit
B, RTC records, Vol. 3, at p. 568.
265The due execution and genuineness of the letter dated December
19, 1994 sent by the defendant Urban Bank to the plaintiff (PreTrial
Order dated 23 September 1997, at p. 3 RTC records, Vol. 2, at p. 501)
266Cua v. Ocampo Tan, G.R. Nos. 18145556 & 182008, 04 December
2009, 607 SCRA 645, citing Yasuma vs. Heirs of Cecilio S. de Villa, 499
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267 RTCs Order dated 04 November 1997, modifying the Pretrial
Order dated 23 September 1997 RTC records, Vol. 2, at pp. 514519.
268 Received from Atty. Magdaleno M. Pea the amount of One
Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (PhP1,500,000) representing full
and final settlement of our claims against Urban Bank Incorporated
arising from the closure of the Australian Club located in the former
International Food Complex along Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, Metro
Manila. (Receipt dated 28 April 1995 Exhibit BB, RTC records, Vol. 3,
at p. 757)
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269When two or more principals have granted a power of attorney for
a common transaction, any one of them may revoke the same without the
consent of the others. (Civil Code, Art. 1925)
270Agency is extinguished: (5) By the accomplishment of the object
or purpose of the agency . (Civil Code, Art. 1919)
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271Civil Code, Art. 1923.
272 ISCIs Letter dated 19 December 1994 signed by Herman Ponce
and Julie Abad Exhibit 5, RTC records, Vol. 4, at p. 812.
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273 CIVIL CODE, Art. 1875 cf. National Brewery & Allied Industries
Labor Union of the Phils. v. San Miguel Brewery, Inc., G.R. No. L18170,
31 August 1963, 8 SCRA 805.
2743 Am. Jur. 2d. 246, citing Monroe v. Grolier Soc. of London, 208
Cal. 447, 281 P. 604, 65 A.L.R. 989 (1929) Chamberlain v. Abeles, 88 Cal.
App. 2d 291, 198 P.2d 927 (2d Dist. 1948).
275RULES OF COURT, Rule 138, Sec. 24 Orocio v. Anguluan, G.R. Nos.
17989293, 30 January 2009, 577 SCRA 531.
276 Quantum meruit means that in an action for work and labor,
payment shall be made in such amount as the plaintiff reasonably
deserves. (H. L. Carlos Construction, Inc. v. Marina Properties Corp.,
G.R. No. 147614, 29 January 2004, 421 SCRA 428, citing Republic v.
Court of Appeals, 359 Phil. 530, 640 [1998]).
277 Rayos v. Hernandez, G.R. No. 169079, 12 February 2007, 515
SCRA 517 Bach v. Ongkiko Kalaw Manhit & Acorda Law Offices, G.R.
No. 160334, 11 September 2006, 501 SCRA 192.
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278Transcontinental Underwriters Agency, S. R. L. v. American Agency
Underwriters, 680 F.2d 298, 300 (18 May 1982), citing Miller v. Wilson, 24
Pa. 114 (1854).
280 CA Decision dated 06 November 2003, at p. 23 Rollo (G.R. No.
162562), Vol. 1, at p. 104.
281RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 21 RTC records, Vol. 4, at
p. 962.
28212. It is true that Atty. Singson had been offering the amount of
P25 million to respondent but the latter could not agree to the said
amount because his legal expenses alone since this case started in 1996
(and considering that it spawned several other case) would already have
reached P10 million. In clearing the Roxas Boulevard property, he had to
borrow P3 million (an amount which had been earning interest since
1995) from his good friend Mr. Roberto Ignacio. When respondents
services were engaged by petitioner, he was promised ten (10%) of the
propertys value which was at least P25 million. Thus, even if respondent
agreed to forego the interests that had accrued since 1996, and even if Mr.
Ignacio agreed to collect from him only the principal loaned amount, he
would still be entitled to at least P38 million. To respondents mind,
therefore, P25 million was out of the question. (Peas Consolidated
Reply dated 01 April 2003, at pp. 67 Rollo [G.R. No. 145822], Vol. 3, at
pp. 33593360)
283Adrimisin v. Javier, A.C. No. 2591, 08 September 2006, 501 SCRA
284 Quilban v. Robinol, A.C. Nos. 2144 & 2180, 10 April 1989, 171
SCRA 768 see Traders Royal Bank Employees Union v. National Labor
Relations Commission, G.R. No. 120592, 14 March 1997, 269 SCRA 733.
285Catly v. Navarro, G.R. No. 167239, 05 May 2010, 620 SCRA 151,
citing Orocio v. Anguluan, 577 SCRA 531, 551552 (2009).
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286 Lambert Pawnbrokers and Jewelry Corp., v. Binamira, G.R. No.
170464, 12 July 2010, 624 SCRA 705.
288Francisco v. Mallen, Jr., G.R. No. 173169, 22 September 2010, 631
SCRA 118, citing Section 31 of the Corporation Code and Ramoso v. Court
of Appeals, 400 Phil. 1260 347 SCRA 463 (2000).
289Magaling v. Ong, G.R. No. 173333, 13 August 2008, 562 SCRA 152.
290 7. The defendant URBAN BANK through its President,
defendant TEODORO BORLONGAN, and the defendants Board [of]
Directors as well as its Senior Vice President CORAZON BEJASA and
VICE President, Arturo Manuel, Jr., entered into an agency agreement
with the plaintiff, whereby the latter in behalf of defendant URBAN
BANK, shall hold and maintain possession of the aforedescribed property,
prevent entry of intruders, interlopers, and squatters therein and finally
turnover peaceful possession thereof to defendant URBAN BANK it was
further agreed that for the services rendered as its agent, defendant
URBAN BANK shall pay plaintiff a fee in an amount equivalent to 10% of
the market value of the property prevailing at the time of the payment.
(Peas Complaint dated 28 February 1996, at p. 2 RTC records, Vol. 1, at
p. 2)
291Peas Petition dated 23 April 2004, at pp. 6165 Rollo (G.R. No. 162562),
Vol. 1, at pp. 6872.
292RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 23 RTC records, Vol. 4, at
p. 964.
293CA Decision dated 06 November 2003, at pp. 2425 Rollo (G.R. No.
162562), Vol. 1, at pp. 105106.
294Peas Petition dated 23 April 2004, supra note 126.
295 Impleaded as defendants in this case are the members of the
board of directors of Urban bank who were sought to be held liable in the
same manner as the bank. Their failure to raise the defense of limited
corporate liability in their Motion to Dismiss or in their Answer in
consequence with the provision of Rule 9 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure constitute a waiver on their part to bring up this defense. Thus,
this warrants the court to hold all the defendants in this case jointly and
severally liable with Urban Bank, Inc., This pronouncement finds basis in
plaintiffs general prayer for such further or other relief as may be deemed
just or equitable. (RTC Decision 28 May 1999, at pp. 2223 RTC records,
Vol. 4, at pp. 963964)
of a PhP3,000,000 loan. According to him,
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296 Notice of Appeal dated 15 June 1999 RTC records (Vol. V) at pp.
297 Peas Motion for Execution dated 07 June 1999 Rollo (G.R. No.
145817), Vol. 1, at pp. 277279 see Peas Memorandum dated 13 October
1999 Rollo (G.R. No. 145822), Vol. 1, at pp. 371376.
298RTC Decision dated 28 May 1999, at p. 24 Rollo (G.R. No. 145817),
Vol. 1, at p. 101.
299PhP 24,000,000 (compensation) + PhP3,000,000 (reimbursement) +
PhP1,000,000 (attorneys fees) + PhP500,000 (exemplary damages) =
PhP28,500,000 (excluding costs of suit)
300 4. Plaintiff has been unable to pay his loan precisely because
defendants have not paid him his fees. Since. Mr. Ignacio has been a long
time friend of his, he has been granted several extensions but on 4 June
1999, plaintiff received a summons issued by the Regional Trial Court of
Manila, Branch 16 for a collection case filed [by] said Mr. Ignacio.
6. It is imperative therefore that this Honorable Courts Decision
be executed immediately so that he could settle the obligation which he
would not have contracted had defendants not engaged his services.
(Peas Motion
for Execution dated 07 June 1999, at p. 2 Rollo [G.R. No. 145817], Vol.
1, at p. 278)
301The Complaint filed against Pea was a civil action for collection of
PhP3,500,000 and PhP100,000 attorneys fees, which was filed by Mr.
Roberto R. Ignacio and was docketed as Civil Case No. 9993952 with the
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307Nazareno v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 111610, 27 February 2002,
378 SCRA 28.
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309 That which is a nullity produces no effect. (Maagad v. Maagad,
G.R. No. 171762, 05 June 2009, 588 SCRA 649)
310Rules of Court, Rule 39, Sec. 5.
311Silverio v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L39861, 17 March 1986, 141
SCRA 527.
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312G.R. No. 167976, 20 January 2010, 610 SCRA 377.
313Diesel Construction Company, Inc. v. Jollibee Foods Corp., G.R. No. 136805,
28 January 2000, 323 SCRA 844.
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