The Origin of Planck Constant
The Origin of Planck Constant
The Origin of Planck Constant
by Dezs Sarkadi
February 16, 2017
Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in
thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T. The law is named after Max Planck, who proposed it in 1900.
It is a pioneering result of modern physics and quantum theory. Planck showed that the spectral radiance
of a body for frequency f at absolute temperature T is given by
2h 3 1
dE f = 2 df ,
c exp( hf / kT ) 1
where k the Boltzmann constant, h the Planck constant, and c the speed of light in vacuum.
In 1905, Albert Einstein suggested that electromagnetic waves could only exist as discrete wave-
packets. He called such a wave-packet the light quantum. The name photon derives from the Greek word
for light. Finally most scientists accepted that light quanta have an independent existence, and the
term photon was accepted. A photon is a particle of light (electromagnetic radiation), which provided also
shows a wave properties. The photon particle characterized by single parameter; with its frequency. The
energy of the photon is proportional to its frequency, the proportionality factor is the Planck constant:
Some years ago the present work's author assumed that light frequency square can be ordered to the physi-
cal mass:
E = mc 2 = mr 22 = K 2 ,
where E is the rest energy of the mass m and is an unknown light frequency (electromagnetic radiation fre-
quency) depending on the unknown constants r and K. The small change of the rest mass can be written:
m 2k , (k = K / c 2 ).
We can assume that a minimum value of the light frequency change exists in the nature:
E = E photon = .
By everyday experience the particles are able to emit or absorb photons with different energies. In the rela-
tivistic quantum mechanics the four-momentum equation generally is valid for the particle masses:
D D = m 2 ,
THE ORIGIN OF THE PLANCK CONSTANT by Sarkadi Dezs [email protected] Hungary, February 16, 2017
= c
i i .
According to the quantum theory the square of the particle mass can be divided into sub particles:
m 2 = i
i m2 i = c m=
i m 2 , ci2= 1 .
The observable spectra of the particle can be traced back to the transformation of one of the sub particles
masses into EM radiation by the above introduced way.
Conclusion: The energy of the photon emitted or absorbed is equal to the change of the rest energy (rest
mass) of the particle. The light frequency square associated with the sub mass is proportional to the sub
THE ORIGIN OF THE PLANCK CONSTANT by Sarkadi Dezs [email protected] Hungary, February 16, 2017