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The Marine Electrical Electronics Bible

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This book is for my mother Pam, who stayed at home as my father
and I pursued our seagoing careers, and tolerated us at home as we
messed about in our boats.

@ JOHN PAYNE, 1993



All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission of the publisher.

ISBN 0-646-12148-O

Printed by McPhersons Printing Group

Illustrations by Paul Checkley

Cover Photographs

walporld 45,

Navigation station withfuu electrical & electronicsjkut.

BOC ChQUenger Buttercup (Photo by Gregory Hcuemzd .

Skipper Don McIntyre.

Stem mounted wind generators, solar panels and aerials.


Think of your electrical system as parts of the body - arteries, veins and
capillaries (wires) providing blood (electricity) to all areas of the body (boat). If
ou wish to keep your boat healthy and safe you must have an electrical system
t ased on sound principles.

As a competitor during the 1990/91 BOC challenge solo around the world yacht
race, I had, on many occasions to witness potentially life threatening dramas
being played out on fellow competitors yachts. Deep in the Southern Ocean,
amongst icebergs and raging gales, simple electrical problems snowballed into
potential disasters. It is just as easy to experience your own life threatening
drama out in the bay or on some quiet backwater if your electrical system is not
up to standard.

I have known John Payne for many years, his professional reputation a by-
product of an exhaustive professional career so it was understandable that all
three Australian BOC competitors (myself included] sought his advice and
involvement for on-board charging and electrical systems, which went on to
function efficiently under the most demanding conditions.

Whilst the BOC is only for a select few, the experience gained is of benefit to all
cruising or professional mariners.

This publication is of real value to every boating person. If you are a builder it
lays the foundations: if you are employing a professional marine electrician, it
will give you an insight into why he does certain things and if you have bought
your boat and plan to set sail, it will become a bible for maintenance and repair
when no one else can get to you!

To stop blood flow to any part of your body would have disastrous

This comprehensive publication can be the key to your healthy boat.

Don McIntyre

McIntyre Marine Services

Sponsor Wanted/Buttercup

2nd Class II, BOC Challenge

28,000 Miles in 153 days,

12 hrs, 21 mins, 20 sets.


The author has been a professional marine electrical engineer and technical
author for over 18 years. His career has spanned a number of years in the
merchant navy, offshore diving and oil exploration industry.

In the merchant marine he sailed under several national flags, serving on British
tramp frei hters, German and American fully automated refrigerated cargo
vessels, oi f tankers and Pacific Islands passenger cargo vessels, both as an
engineer and as a marine electrician.

In the offshore oil industry he was employed in senior marine electrical positions
on some of the worlds most advanced off-shore oil exploration installations, both
American and British, in the UK North Sea and the Mediterranean.

As a qualified technical author, he is frequently involved in the preparation and

writing of various marine electrical and electronics equipment maintenance and
operations manuals, both civilian and defence. He regularly lectures on the
subject of marine electrics, and has been published in several yachting

The author has also run a successful marine electrical business specialising in
marine power systems. The author cruises regularly and is a member of the UK
Cruising Association, Royal Yachting Association, and is a Member of the
Institute of Diagnostic Engineers.









The average cruising yacht now has a sophisticated and ever increasing range of
electrical and electronic equipment fitted. The electrical system required to
support this equipment has been a largely ignored subject, and is rarely treated
as the foundation for reliable equipment operation.

The majority of magazine articles and books that do attempt to describe the
subject frequently end in simplistic overviews or tracts of recycled equipment
advertising material, but rarely is conclusive advice given. In most cases, the
writers simply do not understand the theories involved. More often than not
books and articles are written by armchair experts and people without any
formal electrical qualifications or experience, or a limited understanding of the
ran e and complexity of marine electrical and electronics problems. The
cre 3 ibility of writers often appears to be based on the descriptive use of abstract
theories or the use of a range of analogies, which appear to be mostly about
plumbing, to explain themselves, and it is probable that they themselves can
understand in those terms only. All this theory and jargon has had the reverse
effect of confusing the reader by over-complication of the subject with much of
the information either technically flawed or contradictory. The general result is
confusion for the reader, bad practices, and a resultant degradation of vessel

Reliable installations require a systems approach, sound planning, equipment

compatibility and systems simplicity. These are the basic laws of cruising, for
all equipment.
This handbook meets the real and practical requirements of the cruising yacht
owner. By overwhelmin demand, electrical theory is covered only to a level
sufficient to properly se f ect, install, operate, maintain and fault-find with a
minimum of technical expertise. Specifically I have set out to destroy the
dangerous illusion that vessel and automotive systems are synonymous,
excepting the voltage levels. As we all know, there are no 24 hour road services
off-shore, and safety therefore depends on sound systems design and
This book encapsulates 18 years of professional experience on merchant
vessels, off-shore oil installations, diving support/salva e vessels, cruising
yachts, power and work boats. I have attempted to inclu 1 e all the up to date
technologies and answers to the hundreds of questions I am asked by
yachtsmen every day of every year.

Contrary to popular belief, electrical problems are not an inevitable part of

cruising. An acceptable level of reliability is possible. I cannot over stress the
importance of adopting a keep-it-simple approach to electrical systems, and also
with the installation of electronics. It is easy to be drawn into that vortex of
complicated, high tech equipment, but in the end, successful cruising depends
on reliability, and that relies on simplicity.

l.l.Batteries. The heart of any vessel power system is the battery. It has a
primary role as a power storage device, and a secondary one as a buffer,
absorbing power surges and disturbances arising during charging and
discharging. The battery remains the most misunderstood of all electrical
equipment. In the majority of installations it is improperly selected and
rated, with a resulting decrease in vessel seaworthiness. For a system to
function correctly, the power system must be able to provide power reliably
and without disturbance. The following chapters explain ail the factors
essential to the installation of a reliable power system. Battery types are
expanding and the following types are examined:

a. Lead Acid Batteries. The lead-acid battery is used in the majority

of marine installations and therefore will be covered extensively.

b. Nickel Cadmium Batteries. These batteries are usually found on

larger cruising vessels and are a viable alternative to lead acid

C. Low Maintenance Batteries. These batteries are often considered

and the viability of these is covered.

d. Gel Cell Batteries. Gel cell batteries are a relatively new battery
type and their suitability for cruising applications will be analysed.

1.2. Battery Safety. The lead-acid battery is used on the majority of cruising
vessels. It is potentially hazardous and the following safe handling procedures
should be used:

a. Gas. Battery cells contain an explosive mixture of hydrogen and

oxygen as at all times. An explosion risk exists at all times if
naked 8 ames, sparks or cigarettes are introduced into the
immediate vicinity.

(1) Always use insulated tools.

(2) Cover the terminals with an insulating material to prevent

accidental short circuit. Watchbands, bracelets and neck
chains can accidentally cause a short circuit.

b. Acid. Sulphuric acid is highly corrosive and must be handled with

extreme caution. If there is never a need to refll a battery with new
acid on yachts:

(1) Wear eye protection during cell filling.

(2) Wear protective clothing.

(3) Avoid splashes or spillages as acid can cause skin and

clothing bums.

(4) If acid splashes into eyes, irrigate with water for at least 5
minutes. Seek immediate medical advice. Do not apply
medications unless directed to do so by a physician.

(5) If electrolyte is accidentally swallowed, drink large quantities

of milk or water, followed by milk of magnesia. Seek
immediate medical attention.

c. Manual Handling. Observe the following when handling:

(1) Always lift the battery with carriers if fitted.

(2) If no carriers are fitted lift using opposite corners to prevent
case distortion and electrolyte spillage.

d. Spillage%. Electrolyte spillages should be avoided:

(1) Spillage of electrolyte into salt-water generates chlorine gas.

(2) yz$-alise spillages immediately using a solution of baking


1.3. Lead Acid Batteries. The fundamental theory of the battery is that a
voltage is developed between two electrodes of dissimilar metal when they are
immersed in an electrolyte. In the typical lead-acid cell the generated voltage is
2.1 volts. The typical 12 volt battery consists of 6 cells which are internally
connected in series to make up the battery. The primary parameters of a lead
acid battery consist of the following:

a. Cell Components. The principal cell components are:

(1) Lead Dioxide (Pb02) - positive plate active material.

(2) Sponge Lead (Pb) - negative plate material.

(3) Sulphuric Acid (H2S04) - electrolyte.

b. Discharge Cycle. Discharging of the battery occurs when an
external load is connected across the positive and negative
terminals. A chemical reaction takes place between the two plate
materials and the electrolyte. Durin the discharge reaction, the
plates interact with the electrolyte to Porm lead sulphate and water.
This reaction dilutes the electrolyte, reducing the density. As both
plates become similar in composition, the cell loses the ability to
generate a voltage.

C. Charge Cycle. Charging simply reverses this reaction. The water

decomposes to release hydrogen and oxygen. The two plate
materials are reconstituted to the original material. When the plates
are fully restored, and the electrolyte is returned to the nominal
density the battery is completely recharged.

1.265 1.225


1.190 1.120

Figure l-l. Lead Acid Chemical Reaction.

1.4. Battery Electrolyte. The cell electrolyte is a dilute solution of sulphuric
acid and pure water. S eciik Gravity (SG) is a measurement defining electrolyte
acid concentration. A Pully charged cell has an SG typically in the range 1.240
to 1.280. corrected for temperature. This is an approximate volume ratio of acid
to water of 1:3. Pure sulphuric acid has an SG of 1.835 and water a nominal
1.0. The following factors apply to electrolytes:

a. Temperature Effects. For accuracy, all hydrometer readings

should be corrected for temperature. Ideally, actual cell
temperatures should be used, but in practice ambient battery
temperatures are sufficient. Hydrometer floats have the reference
temperature printed on them and this should be used for
calculations. As a guide, the followin should be used for
calculation purposes in conjunction with Ta % le 1 - 1:

(1) For every 1.5 C the cell temperature is ABOVE the reference
value ADD 1 point (0.001) to the hydrometer reading.

(2) For every 1.5 C the cell temperature is BELOW the reference
value SUBTRACT 1 point (0.001) from the hydrometer
b. Nominal Electrolyte Densities. Recommended densities are
normally obtainable from battery manufacturers. In tropical areas it
is common to have battery suppliers put in a milder electrolyte
density, which does not deteriorate the separators and grids as
quickly as temperate climate density electrolytes.




W -20
2 -25
z -30

% -35

i;l -55


Figure 1-2. Electrolyte Temperature Effects.


1.5. Battery Water. When topping up the cell electrolyte, always use distilled
or de-ionised water. Rainwater is acceptable, but under no circumstances use
tap water. Tap water enerally has an excessive mineral content or other
impurities which may po f lute and damage the cells. Impurities introduced into
the cell will remain, and concentrations will accumulate at each top up reducing
service life. Long and reliable service life is essential so the correct water must
always be used. Water purity levels are defined in various national standards.

Table l-l. Electrolyte Correction Table at 20C.

Temperature Correction Value

-5 c deduct 0.020
0 c deduct 0.016
+5 c deduct 0.012
+lO c deduct 0.008
+15 c deduct 0.004
+25 C add 0.004
+30 c add 0.008
+35 c add 0.012
+40 c add 0.016

1.6. Battery Additives. There are a number of additives on the market,

namely Batrolyte and VX-6. The claims made by manufacturers appear to offer
significant performance enhancement. The compounds are specifically designed
to prevent sulphation or dissolve it off the late surfaces. If you read the Ane
print on one brand, it is not recommended Por anything other than new or near
new batteries. If the additive is to dissolve sulphates on battery plates, it will be
only on the surface, as plate sulphation occurs through the entire plate, so only
a partial improvement is achieved. Recently a friend of mine arrived back after
an extended Pacific cruise and called over a charging problem. I had installed a
TWC Regulator three years previously and he had managed the entire period as
a live-aboard without a problem, until he put in an additive. My advice is to
leave the stuff alone, your battery electrolyte should remain untouched, just
make sure the battery is properly charged and you wont need to resort to such
desperate measures.
1.7. Battery Ratings. Manufacturers often quote a bewildering set of ratings
figures to indicate battery performance levels. When selecting a battery it is
essential to understand the ratings and how they apply to your own
requirements. The various ratings are defined as follows:

a. Amp-hour Rating. Amp-hour rating (Ah) refers to the available

current over a nominal time period until a specified final voltage is
reached. Rates are normally specified at the 10 or 20 hour rate.
This rating is normally only applicable to deep cycle batteries. For
example a battery is rated at 84 Ah at 10 hr rate, final voltage 1.7
Volts per cell. This means that the battery is capable of delivering
8.4 amps -for 10 hours, when a cell voltage of 1.7 volts will be
attained. (Battery Volts = 10.2 V DC).


b. Reserve Capacity Rating. This rating specifies the number of
minutes a battery can supply a nominal current at a nominal
temperature without the voltage dropping below a nominated level.
This rating is normally only applied in automotive applications. It
indicates the power available when an alternator fails and the power
available to operate ignition and auxiliaries. ically the rating is
specified for a 30 minute period at 25 C with 3a nal voltage of 10.2

C. Cold Cranking Amps @CA). This rating defines the current

available at - 18 C for a period of 30 seconds, while being able to
maintain a cell voltage exceeding 1.2 volts per cell. This rating is
only applicable for engine startin purposes. The higher the rating
the more power available, especi af ly in cold weather conditions.

d. Plate Numbers. Data sheets state the number of plates. This is

defined as the number of positive and negative plates within a cell.
The more plates, the greater the plate material surface area. This
increases the current during high current rate discharges and
subsequently cranking capacity and cold weather performance are
e. Casing Type. Battery casings are either a rubber compound or
plastic. Where possible always select the rubber types if available,
as they are more resilient to knocks and vibration.
f. Marine Battery. This often misused sales term applies to certain
constructional features. Plates may be thicker than normal or there
may be more of them. Internal plate sup orts are also used for
vibration absorption. Cases may be manu Pactured with a resilient
rubber compound and have carry handles fitted. Filling caps may
be of an anti-spill design. These days, batteries are of a similar
design with ve little to distinguish between the automotive types
exce t the labe 7 . Buyer beware when this type of battery is touted
tR e be all, end all by salesmen, generally you are paying a
i:emium for a label.
1.8. Battery Selection. The foundation of a reliable and eihcient power
system is a correctly specified and rated battery. Batteries are required to
supply two different load types:
a. Service Loads. These loads draw current over extensive time
periods. Equipment included in this category are lights,
instruments, radios, radar and autopilots.
b. Starting Loads. These loads require large current levels for
relatively short time periods. Loads in this category include engine
starter motors, engine pre-heating, anchor windlass, electric
winches and invertors.


1.9. Service Loads. Service loads require a battery that can withstand cycles
of long continuous discharge, and repeated rechar ing. This deep cycling
requires the use of the suitably named deep cycle % attery. The deep cycle
battery has the following characteristics:

a. construction. The battery is typified by the use of thick, hi

density flat pasted plates, or a combination of flat and tubular. Tf?
plate materials may also contain small proportions of antimony t:
help stiifen them. Porous, insulating separators are used between
the plates and a glass matting is also used to assist in retaining
active material on the plates which may break away as plates
expand and contract durin charge and recharge cycles. If material
accumulates at the cell % ase, a cell short circuit may occur,
although this is less common in modem batteries. If material is lost
the plates will have reduced capacity or insufficient active material
to sustain the chemical reaction with resultant cell failure.

b. Cycling. The number of available cycles varies between individual

battery makes and models. Typically it is within the range of 800-
1500 cycles of dischar e to 50% of nominal capacity and complete
recharging Battery li f e is a function of the number of c cles and
the depth of cycling. Batteries discharged to only 70% o i capacity
will last appreciably lon er than those discharged to 40?6 of
capacity. In practice you sB ould plan your system so that discharge
is limited to 50% of battery capacity. The typical life of batteries in
cruising yachts where batteries are properly recharged and cycle
capabilities maximised is around 5 years.

C. Sulphation. Sulphation is the single greatest cause of battery


(1) During dischar e, the chemical reaction causes both plates to

convert to lea 3 sulphate. If reehar$ing is not carried out
1. prompt1 and that means withIn33oup& of~h~~~n$da@,
the lea B sulphate starts to hard& Gd crysta.lIise. This is
characterised by white crystals on the typically brown plates
and is almost non-reversible. If a battery is only 80%
charged, this does not mean that only 20% is sulphating, the
entire plate material has not fully converted and subsequently
The immediate effect of sulphation is partial and permanent
loss of capacity as the active materials are reduced.
Electrolyte density also partially decreases as the chemical
reaction during charging cannot be fully reversed. This
sulphated material introduces higher resistances within the
cell and inhibits charging. As the level of sulphated material
increases, the cells ability to retain a charge is reduced and
the battery fails. The deep cycle battery has unfairly gained a
bad reputation, but the battery is not the cause, improper and
inadequate charging is. As long as some charging is taking
place, even from a small solar panel, a chemical reaction is
taking plaG?and sulphationwill not occur.


Efficiency. Battery efficiency is affected by temperature. At 0 C,
efficiency falls by 60%. Batteries in warm tropical climates are more
efficient, but may have reduced life-spans, and batteries
commissioned in tropical areas often have lower acid densities.
Batteries in cold climates have increased operating lives, but are
less efficient.

Self Discharge. During charging, a small quantity of antimony or

other impurities dissolve out of the positive plates and deposit on
the negative ones. Other impurities are introduced with impure
topping up water and also deposit on the plates. A localised
chemical reaction then takes place, slowly discharging the cell. Self
discharge rates are affected by temperature, with the following

(1) At 0 C, discharge rates are minimal.

(2) At 30 C, self discharge rates are high and the specific gravity
can decrease by as much as 0.002 per day, typically up to 4%
per month.
(3) The use of a small solar panel, or regular and complete
recharging will prevent permanent damage as it can equal or
exceed the self discharge rate.







I i i i i
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


Figure 1-3. Self Discharge Rates.


f. Charging. Recommended charging rates for deep cycle batteries is
often iven as 15% of capacity. In vessel operations it is not
possib f e to apply these criteria accurately. Essentially the correct
charge voltage corrected for temperature should be used. Charging
deep cycle batteries has the following characteristics:

(1) During charging a phenomena called counter voltage occurs.

Primarily this is caused by the inability of the electrolyte to
percolate at a sufficiently high rate into the plate material
pores and subsequently convert both plate material and
electrolyte. This causes the plate surface voltage to rise, the
battery resists charging and fools the regulator by showing
an artificially high voltage with the recognisable premature
reduction in charging.

(2) To properly charge a deep cycle battery a charge voltage of

around 14.5 volts is required, corrected for temperature.
Contrary to some amazing assertions and statements in some
marine electrical books, a charge level of approximately 80%
does not represent a fully charged battery, and is not
acceptable if you want a reliable electrical power system, and
reasonable battery life. If you do not fully recharge the battery
it will rapidly deteriorate and sustain permanent damage.

g* Equalisation Charge. An equalisation charge consists of applying a

higher voltage level at a current rate of 5% of battery capacity. This
is done to ?-e-activate the plates. There is a mistaken belief that
this will also complete1 reverse the effects of sulphation. There may
be an improvement fol Yowing the process, but it will not reverse long
term permanent damage. Equalisation at regular intervals can
increase battery longevity by ensuring complete chemical conversion
of plates, but care must be taken.



0 2 4 6 8 10


Figure l-4. Lead Acid Battery Characteristics.



1.10. Starting bads. The starting battery must be capable of delivering the
auxiliary engine starter motor with sufficient current to turn and start the
engine. This starting load can be affected by engine compression, oil viscosity,
and en ine driven loads. Some loads such as an invertor or an anchor windlass
under f ull load require similar high values of current. Starting batteries have
the following characteristics:

a. Construction. The starting battery is characterised by thin, closely

spaced porous plates which give maximum exposure of active plate
material to the electrolyte and offer minimal internal resistance.
This enables maximum chemical reaction rates, and maximum
current availability. Physical construction is much the same as
deep cycle batteries.

b. Cycling. Starting batteries can not withstand cycling, and if deep

cycled or flattened have an extremely short service life. Ideally they
should be maintained within 95% of full charge.

C. Sulphation. In practice, sulphation is not normally a problem, as

batteries are generally fully charged if used for starting applications
only. If improperly used for deep cycle applications they will

d. Self Discharge. Starting batteries have low self discharge rates and
this is generally not a problem in normal engine installations.
e. Efficiency. Cold temperatures dramaticahy affect battery
performance. Engine lubricating oil viscosities are also affected by
low temperatures, and further increase the starting loads on the
battery. If the reduction in battery capacity in low temperatures is
combined with the increased starting current requirements, the
importance of fully charged batteries in amplified. Table l-2
illustrates the typical cranking power loss when temperature
decreases from 27 C to 0 C using a typical low-30 multi-viscosity
lubricating oil and the increased percentage of power required to
turn over and start an engine.

Table l-2. Battery Power Table.

Power Reqtired
I Temperature Battery Level
+ 27C 100% 100%
0C 65% 155%
- 18C 40% 210%


f. Charging. Recharging of starting batteries is the same as for deep
cycle batteries. There are a number of additional factors:

\/ (1) Discharged current must be restored quickly to avoid damage.

Similarly temperature compensation must be made.

(2) Normally after a high current discharge of relatively short

duration, there is no appreciable decrease in electrolyte
density. The battery is quickly recharged as the counter
voltage phenomena does not have time to build up and
therefore has negligible affect on the charging.

B* Battery Ratings. Starting batteries are normally specified on the

basis of engine manufacturers recommendations, although I have
found these to be vague and the following is given as a guide only.
Table l-3 shows recommended battery ratings and typical plate
numbers for various diesel ratings as well typical starter motor

(1) Start Capability. It is practical to calculate a good ;prn2

margin allowing for a multi-start capability.
classification societies specify a minimum of 6 consecutive
starts, and this is a good practical guide to abide by.

(2) Temperature Allowance. Additional allowances should be

made for the decreased efficiency in cold climates as a greater
capacity and greater load current is required.

h. Additional Start Battery Loadings. The start battery should also

be used to supply short duration, high current loads. Check with
your engine supplier for the recommended battery rating, and then
add a margin or safety. Also factor in the following:

(11 Windlass. Normally the recommended engine battery rating

will suffice.

(2) Electric Winches. The very heavy current loadings that

electric winches requires a much higher bank rating. I would
recommend simply doubling the battery bank, so two identical
batteries are in parallel.

(3) Generator. In some cases the engine battery can be used for
starting. Be careful if starting the engine whilst it is running
as the small 10 to 15 amp alternators regularly suffer damage
from the engine load.

Table 1-3. Battery Ratings Table.

Engine Rating Current Load Battery CCA Plates

10 Hp 7.5 kW 59 Amps 375 CCA 9
15Hp 11 kW 67 Amps 420 CCA
20 Hp 15 kW 67 Amps 420 CCA ::
30 Hp 22 kW 75 Amps 450 CCA 13
40 Hp 30 kW 85 Amps 500 CCA 13
50Hp 37 kW 115Amps 500 CCA 13


1.11. Battery Rating Selection. This chapter covers the important task of
selecting suitable batteries for use in service (housepower) roles. The majority of
problems arise from improper battery selection. Battery bank capacities are
either seriously under-rated with resultant power shortages, or over-rated so
that the charging system cannot properly recharge them resulting in premature
failure of the batteries due to sulphation. Initially, it is essential that all
equipment on board is listed along with power consumption ratings. Ratings
can usually be found on equipment nameplates or in equipment manuals.
Normally I recommend that ratings, usuall expressed in watts, are converted to
current in amps. To do this simpl divi B e the power by your system voltage.
Calculate the current consumption Por 12, 24 and 36 hours, at sea, in port, day
and night periods. Table l-4 illustrates typical power consumption, with space
for;: to insert and calculate your own vessel data. Base your calculations as

a Load Calculation Table. To calculate the total system loading,

multiply the total current values by the number of hours to get the
amp-hour rating. If equipment uses 1 amp over 12 hours, then it
consumes 12 Amp-hours.

b. Capacity Calculation. Depending on the frequency between

charging periods select the column that suits your vessel activity.
The most typical scenario is one of operating the engine every 12
hours to pull down frig temperatures with an engine driven eutectic
refrigeration compressor. A 24 hour rating may give a greater safety
margin. If your port usage figure is larger, then select that as the
worst case scenario.

w- Total consumption is 120 Ah over 12 hours = 10 amps per


C. Capacity Derating. As we wish to keep our dischar e capacity to

50% of nominal battery capacity we can assume tfl at a battery
capaci of 240 Amp-hours is the basic minimum level. In an ideal
world tx is would be a minimum requirement, but certain frightening
realities must now be introduced into the equation. The figures
below typify a common system, with alternator charging and
standard regulator. Maximum charge deficiency is based on the
premise that acht batteries are rarely above 70% char e and
cannot be ful ry recharged with normal regulators, and & ere is
reduced capacity due to sulphation which is typically a minimum of
10% of capacity. The key to maintaining optimum power levels and
avoiding this common and frightening set of numbers is the
charging system, and this is covered extensively in Chapter 2.0.

Nominal Capacity 240Ah

Maximum Cycling Level (50%) Deduct 12oAl-l
Maximum Charge Deficiency (30%) Deduct 72 Ah
Lost Ca acity (10%) Deduct 24 Ah
Availab Pe Battery Capacity 24 All

d. Amp-hour Capacity. It is important to discuss a few more relevant
points regarding amp-hour capacity as it has significant
ramifications in selection of capacity and discharge characteristics.

(1) Fast Discharge. The faster a battery is discharged over the

nominal rating (either 10 or 20 hour rate) the less the real
amp-hour capacity there is. If we discharge our 240 amp-
hour battery bank which has nominal battery discharge rates
for each identical battery of 12 amps per hour at a rate of 16
amps we will actually have approximately lo- 15% less

(2) Slow Discharge. Conversely the slower the discharge over

the nominal rate the greater the real capacity. If we discharge
our 240 amp-hour battery bank at 6 amps per hour we will
actually have approximately lo- 15% more capacity. The
disadvantage here is that slowly discharged batteries are
harder to charge if deep cycled below 50%.

e. Battery Load Matching. Ideall , the principal aim is to match the

discharge characteristics of x e battery bank to that of our
calculated load of 10 amps per hour over 12 hours. Assume that we
have a modified charging system so that we can recharge batteries
to virtually 100% of nominal capacity. The factors affecting
matching are as follows:

11) Discharge Requirement. The nominal required battery

capacity of 240 Ah has been calculated as that re uired to
supply 10 amps per hour over 12 hours to 50% o3 battery
capacity. In most cases the discharge requirements are worst
for the night period, and this is the 12 hour period that
should be used in calculations. What is required is a battery
bank with similar discharge rates as the current consumption

(2) Battery Requirements. As the consumption rate is based on

a 12 hour period a battery bank which is similarly rated at the
10 hour rate is required. In practice you will not match the
precise required capacity, therefore you should go to the next
battery size up. This is important also as the battery will be
dischar ed longer and faster over 12 hours, so a margin is
* $I If you choose a battery that has 240 amp-hours at
zzg kour rate in effect ou will actually be installing a
battery that in the calcu Pated service has lo- 15% less
capacity than that stated on the label, which will then be
approximately 215 Ah, so ou are below capacity. This is not
the fault of the supplier, i: ut simply failing to calculate and
- buy the right battery for the job.


f. Battery Capacity Formulas. There are a range of formulas
frequently put forward as a basis for selection of battery capacity.
These are as follows:

(1) Four Day Consumption Formula. One of the more

unrealistic is that which states that ou should be able to
supply all the electrical needs over Your complete 24 hour
periods without charging. Given that an average 10 amps per
hour is typical consumption that equates to 960 amp-hours.
If we only require discharge to 50% that is an incredible 2000
amp-hour batte capacity. Additional to that is the
rechar ing perio B , which requires an additional 20%, so
aroun i? 1200 amp-hours must be replaced. With a fast
charge device and a 100 amp alternator, and given that a
battery has a finite charge acceptance rate you will need at
least 12 hours charging.

I21 75/400 System. This was included in a magazine article as

one of three formulas for various sized vessels and was for a
40 to 45 foot yacht. This was the nearest I have seen to a
rational set of numbers, based on a 75 arnp consumption over
24 hours which is perhaps too conservative, and the formula
is based on a 130- 150 amp alternator with fast charge device
to recharge half of a 400 amp-hour battery bank.

(31 Personal Formula (240/460 System). My own personal

formula is based on the worst case consumption of 240 amp-
hours over 24 hours which entails the installation of two
banks of 230 hour batteries, each battery bank made up from
two 6 volt batteries. The batteries each supply a split
switchboard, with electronics off one bank, with pumps and
other circuits off the other limiting any interference. Charging
is from an 80 amp alternator with a TWC cycle regulator
through a diode isolator. Simple, and able to cope with all
load conditions. Charging is relatively fast, and at a similar
rate as the batteries ability to accept it.


1.12. Sailing Load Calculations. It is essential that all equipment on board
is listed along with power consumption ratings. Ratings can usually be found
on equipment nameplates or in equipment manuals. Normally I recommend
that ratings, usual1 expressed in watts, are converted to current in amps. To
do this simply divi cye the power by your system voltage. The two tables unlike
normal consumption tables are broken down into the different load
consumption scenarios. Spaces are provided to insert and calculate your own
specific vessel loads.

a. Sailing Modes. Add up all the current figures relevant to our

to get an *average ampXour
mode. Space is reserved to add m
any specific equipment you may ave.

b. Cumulative Load. Add both day and night figures together to get
the average current drain on your batteries over the selected period.

Table 1-4 (a). DC Load Calculation Table.

Equipment Typical Actual 12 Hrs 24 Hrs

Day Sailing
Radar-Stby 2.0 A
AutoPilot 6.0 A
SSB-Receive 1.0 A
VHF-Receive 0.5 A
;~B&ec&ve 0.5 A
2.0 A
Weather-fax 1.0 A
Electric Frig 4.0 A
GPS/Satnav 1.0 A
Instruments 1.0 A
Stereo/CD 1.0 A
Gas Detect 0.3 A
Invertor Stby 0.5 A
Switchbd Lts 0.3 A

Load Sub Total

3.5 A
Tricolour 1.0 A
Chart Lt 0.5 A
Compass Lt 0.2 A
GFS Lt 0.5 A
LORAN Lt 0.5 A
Bunk Light 1.0 A
Instr. Lights 0.5 A
Red Night Lt 0.5 A
Load Sub Total

Sailing Total


1.13. Additional Load Calculations. There are other basic load
characteristics that have to be factored in to load calculations. Add up all the
current figures relevant to your vessel and multiply by expected times to get an
average amp-hour consumption rate.

a. Intermittent Loads. It is often hard to quantify actual real current

demands with intermittent loads. My suggestion is simply to use a
baseline of 6 minutes per hour which is .l of an hour. It must be
remembered that start up loads have to be factored into these
figures so this is a realistic average.

b. Anchorage/Port Loads. Port or anchorage loads vary greatly and

you will have to carefully assess your own load characteristics.

C. Motoring Loads. It is often forgotten, but certain loads are also

added when motori and these are in addition to any combination
of listed values. Loa$ s must be subtracted from charge values.

Table 1-4 (b). DC Load Calculation Table.

Equipment Typical Actual 12 Hrs 24Hrs

Intermittent Loads
Bilge Pump 4.0 A
SZ$mrrn~ 6.0 A
4.0 A
SW Pump 2.5 A
Toilet 18.0 A
Macerator 15.0 A
SSB-Xmit 15.0 A
VHF-Xmit 4.0 A
F/deck Spot 3.0 A
Extract. Fan 1.0 A
Invertor 40A
Cabin Lts 1.5 A
Load Sub Total

Anchorage/Port Loads
Anchor Lt 1.0 A
Spreader Lt 4.0 A
p$ypt i-2 2
Bunk Lt 1:5 A
Cabin Fan 1.0 A
Wash Pp 6.0 A
Load Sub Total
Motoring Loads
Bicolour 1.0 A
Stem 1.0 A
steaming 1.0 A
Frig Clutch 5.0 A
Desalinator 5.0 A
Vent. Fan 4.0 A
Load Sub Total


1.14. Battery Installation. Batteries must be installed correctly, and there
are a number of important criteria to consider when installing battery banks to
make up required voltage and capacity:

a. Cell Size. Battery banks may be installed either in cell multiples of

1.2 volts, 6 volts, or 12 volts. Each configuration has advantages
both physically and operationally:

(1) 1.2 Volt. This is generally impractical from an overall size

aspect. The battery plates are enerally more robust and
thicker. This leads to increase d service life, but it is an
expensive option.

(2) 6 Volt. This is the ideal arrangement. The cells are far more
manageable to install and remove. Large capacity batteries
are simply connected in series. Electrical1 they are better
than 12 volt batteries, generally having x icker and more
durable plates. Contrary to some 0 inions, a series
arrangement does not necessarily reduce tli e available power
range, nor does it require an equalisation network, and these
are rarely found. The one proviso is that batteries must be of
the same make, model and age. Replace one, then replace

(3) 12 Volt. This is the most common arrangement. Physically

batteries up to around 105 Ah are easily managed, and
paralleled in banks of up to 3 is the most common
arrangement. It is not uncommon to see traction or truck
batteries of very large dimensions installed and this is totally
impractical from any service stand-point. If the battery space
is constructed to take a 3 battery ax-r ement it is relatively
easy to re lace one unit. Additionally Yf you have a multiple
bank and Pose one with cell failure. you still have two.
(4) 24 Volt. This is simply any of the above battery or cell sizes
connected in series to get the 24 volts.

= 12 VOLTS


Figure l-5. Cell and Battery Arrangements.


b. Battery Housing. The batteries should be installed in a lined box
protected from temperature extremes. The preferred temperature
range is 10C - 27C. The box should be made of plastic, fibreglass
or lead Iined to prevent any acid spillages contacting with wood or
water. The box should be located as low down as possible in the
vessel for weight reasons, but high to avoid bilge water or flooding.

c. Battery Ventilation, The area should be well ventilated and vented

to atmosphere. The use of an extraction fan is rarely required. I
have started to use solar powered vent fans with integral battery for
round the clock positive ventilation with great success. The larger
the battery bank, the more ventilation required. If you install any
fast charging device, ensure that the ventilation is satisfactory or

d. Battery Lighting. Sufficient natural light should be available for

testing or servicing. If this is not possible a vapour proof light can
be installed.
e. Battery Access. Allow sufficient clearance to install and remove
batteries. Ensure there is sufficient vertical clearance to allow
hydrometer testing.

f. Battery Electrical Equipment. Do not install electrical equipment

adjacent to batteries if at all possible, as sparks may be accidentally
generated and cause ignition of hydrogen gas, particularly after

I!!* Battery Orientation. The ideal configuration is an athwartships

arrangement. This offers a marginally better protection against acid
spilling under excess heeling. Even in a fore and aft layout I have
not come across any adverse problems. I have even seen a
gimballed tray on a friends steel cruising yacht, Xarifa, to prevent
spillages, although this is an impractical and unnecessary

h. Battery Security. Physically secure batteries with either straps or

a removable restraining rod across the top. Batteries must not be
able to move around. Insert rubber spacers around the batteries to
stop any minor movements and vibrations.

1. Battery Location. The location of the batteries is extremely

important. Ideally batteries should not be located within machinery
spaces to avoid excessive ambient temperatures. There are
considerations for vessel types:

(1) Monohulls. Battery boxes or compartments should be

mounted clear of areas liable to flood. After a bad
knockdown, and with water over the sole, man boats have
compounded their problems by having ii! e batteries
contaminated with salt-water.

(2) Multihull s. With trimarans, battery locations are the same as

monohulls. Catamaran batteries should either be located
centrally in the mast area, or have two banks split with one in
each hull, effectively giving two separate house banks, plus
the two engine start batteries.


1.15, Battery Commissioning. After installation the following commissioning
procedures should be carried out:

a. Battery Electrolyte Level. Check the electrolyte level in each cell

as follows:

(1) Cells with separator guard - fill to top of guard.

(2) Cells without guard - fill to 2mm above plates.

b. Battery Electrolyte Filling. If the level is low, and evidence

suggests a loss of acid in transit, reffl with an electrolyte of similar
density. Specific Gravity is normally in the range 1.240 to 1.280 at
15 C. If no evidence of spillage is apparent, top up electrolyte levels
with de-ionised or distilled water to the correct levels.

C. Battery Terminals. Battery terminals are a simple piece of

equipment, yet they cause an inordinate amount of problems:

(1) Terminals. Install heavy duty marine grade brass terminals.

Do not use the cheaper plated brass terminals, as the are not
robust and fail quickly. Dont use the snap on quit % release
terminals or those with integral security switch. These tend to
fail prematurely at the worst possible time, as resistance is
introduced into the circuit causing voltage drops, and a hot
spot often occurs under high current conditions.

(2) Clean Terminals. Ensure that terminal posts are clean.

Ensure that they do not have any raised sections, and are not
deformed, as a poor connection will result.

(3) Replace Connections. Replace the standard wing-nuts on

terminals with stainless steel nuts and washers. The wing-
nuts are very difficult to tighten properly without deformation
and breakage. I have encountered many installations where
the wings are broken, and the casting broken.

(4) Coat Terminals. Coat the terminals with petroleum jelly.

d. Battery Cleaning. Cleaning involves the following tasks:

(1) Clean Surfaces. Clean the battery surfaces with a clean,

damp cloth. Moisture and other surface contaminations can
cause surface leakage between the positive and negative

(2) Grease and Oil Removal. Grease and oil can be removed
with a mild detergent and cloth.

e. Battery Charging. After taking delivery of a new battery perform

the following:

(1) Initial Charge. Give a freshening charge immediately.

(2) Routine Charging. Give a charge every week if the vessel is

incomplete or not in service.


1.16. Battery Routine Testing. The following tests can be made on a daily
and weekly basis to monitor the condition of the battery. Battery status can be
measured by checking the electrolyte density and the voltage as follows:
a. Stabilised Voltage Test. Voltage read s should be taken with an
accurate voltmeter. Switchboards shoul 7 incorporate a high quality
meter, not a typical engine gauge charge indicator. The difference
between fully charged and discharged is less than 1 volt, so
accuracy is essential. A digital voltmeter is the ideal. Battery
voltage readings should only be taken a minimum of 30 minutes
after charging or discharging. Turn off all loads before measuring.
Typical values at 15 C are shown in Table 1-5. Manufacturers
have slightly varying densities so check with your supplier.
Table 1-5. Typical Open Circuit Voltages Jk Densities.

Charge Level SG Temperate SG Tropical Voltage

100% 1.250 1.240 12.75

90% 1.235 1.225 12.65
8o?Yo 1.220 1.210 12.55
70% 1.205 1.195 12.45
60% 1.190 1.180 12.35
50% 1.175 1.165 12.25
40% 1.160 1.150 12.10
30% 1.145 1.135 11.95
20% 1.130 1.120 11.85
10% 1.115 1.105 11.75
00/o 1.100 1.090 11.65

b. Battery Electrolyte Specific Gravity. A hydrometer should be

used weekly to check acid density. The hydrometer is essentially a
large syringe with a calibrated float. The calibration scale is
corrected to a nominal temperature value, which is normally
marked on the float. The following points should be observed
during testing with a hydrometer:

(1) Never test immediately after charging or d&char . Wait at

least half an hour until the cells stabilise, this 9is kcause it
takes some time for the pockets of varying electrolyte densities
to equalise.

(2) Never test immediately after topping up the electrolyte. Wait

until after a charging period, as it similarly takes times to for
the water to mix evenly.

(31 Ensure the float is clean and not cracked and the rubber has
not perished.

(4) Keep the hydrometer complete1 vertical. Ensure that the

float does not contact the side o ty the barrel, which may give a
false reading.

(5) Draw sufficient electrolyte into the barrel to raise the float.
Ensure that the top of the float does not touch the top.


(6) Observe the level on the scale. Disregard the liquid curvature
caused by surface tension. Adjust your reading for
temperature to obtain the actual value.

(7) Wash out the hydrometer with clean water.

C. Battery Load Test. The load test is carried out only if the batteries
are suspect. The load tester consists of two probes connected by a
resistance and a meter. The tester is connected across the battery
terminals effectively puttin a heavy load across it. The load is
typically 275 amps at 8 vo f ts. Take your suspect battery to your
nearest automotive electrician or battery service centre for a test.
1.17. Battery Maintenance. Battery maintenance is simple and is not the
t.ti.i+o;y that it is often made out to be. The following tasks should be

a. Battery Terminal Cleaning. (Bi-monthly). Remove battery

terminals and ensure that terminal posts are clean and free of
deposits. Refit and tighten terminals and coat with petroleum jelly,
not grease.

b. Battery Electrolyte Checks. (Monthly). Check levels along with

density. Record each cell density so that a profile can be built up.
Record the battery voltage as well. Top up cells as required with
distilled or de-ionised water.
C. Battery Cleaning. (Monthly). Wipe battery casing top clean with a
damp rag. Moisture and salt can allow tracking across the top to
ground or negative, slow1 discharging the battery. A common
cause of flat batteries, an CTthe mysterious but untraceable system
Table 1-6. Lead-Acid Battery Fault Finding.

Symptom Probable Fault

Will Not Accept Charge. Plates sulphated

Low Cell Electrolyte SG Cell plate sulphated
Battery Low SG Level Low char e level
Plates su $phated
Wffl Not Support Load Low charge level
Sulphated plates
Cell Failure Improperly commissioned
Electrolyte contamination
Excessive vibration
Cell internal short circuit

Battery Warm When Charging Sul hated plates

Hi K charge current
Ce ?1 damage


1.18. Low Maintenance Batteries. Sealed low maintenance batteries are not
suited to cruising vessel applications. Frequently they are installed without
considering their performance characteristics or the various advantages and
a. Low Maintenance Principles. Basic chemical reactions are similar
to the conventional lead-acid cell and the differences are as follows:

(1) Lead Acid Batteries. In a normal lead-acid battery water

loss occurs when it is electricall broken down into oxygen
and hydrogen close to the end o P charging. In a any battery
during charging, oxy en will evolve at the positive plate at
approximately 75% o f full charge level. Hydrogen evolves at
the negative plate at approximately 90% of full charge. In
normal batteries, the evolved gases disperse to atmosphere,
resulting in electrolyte loss and periodic water replacement.
These are the bubbles seen in the cells during charging.

(2) Low Maintenance Batteries. The low maintenance

recombinational battery has different characteristics. The
plates and separators are held under pressure. During
charging, the evolved oxygen is only able to move through the
separator pores from positive to negative, reacting with the
lead plate. The negative plate charge is then effectively
maintained below 90% so inhibiting hydrogen generation.
b. Low Maintenance Battery Safety. Batteries are totally sealed, but
incorporate a safety valve. Each cell is also sealed, with a one way
vent. When charging commences, oxygen generation exceeds the
recombination rate and the vents release excess pressure within the
battery. Excess charge rates create internal pressure build-up and
if the internal safety vent discharge rate is exceeded, explosion can
C. Charging. Low maintenance batteries must only be charged at
recommended charging rates and charge starting currents. The
result of any overcharging may be explosion.
d. Advantages. The following are advantages of low maintenance
(1) Low Water LOSS. Low water loss is the principal advantage,
however performing a routine monthly inspection and
occasional topping up of a lead acid battery is not so labour
intensive or inconvenient. I am amazed that this factor is the
main one put forward as the criteria for these batteries. If you
are continually topping up, then you have a charging problem
or a high ambient temperature.

(2) Inversion, Heel and Self Discharge. The batteries are safe
at inversion or excessive heel angles without acid spilling, and
have a low self discharge rate.


e. Disadvantages. There are two major disadvanta es that make low
maintenance batteries unsuitable for cruising app flcations:
(1) Over Voltage Charging. Low maintenance batteries are
incapable of withstanding any over-voltage during charging. If
they are subjected to high charging voltages (above 13.8 V),
water will vent out and they have been known to explode.
This means no fast charging devices should be installed to
charge them.

(2) Cycle Availability. Cycle availability is restricted, and an

approximate life-span of 500 cycles to 50% of nominal
capacity is typical. Any dischar e to 40% of capacity or less
makes rechargin extremely d lif icult if not impossible, and
requires special c% arging techniques.

1.19. Gel Cell Batteries. These battery types are known as Dry& or Prevailer
batteries. The principal characteristics are as follows:
a. Electrolyte. Unlike normal lead-acid cells they have a thixotropic
gel as an electrolyte which is locked into each group of plates.
Thixotropic gels have a reduced viscosity under stress.
Sonnenschein are the major manufacturer of these batteries and
have advanced the chemical technology of these types by the use of
phosphoric acid to retard the sulphation hardening rates.

b. Construction. The batteries have plates that are reinforced with

calcium, rather than antimony, which reduces self discharge rates.
The plates are relatively thin, which facilitates gel diffusion into
them, and does make charge acceptance easier, as diffusion
problems are reduced.
C. Char ng. Charging of Gel cells have a number of important factors
as fol ffows:
(1) Over Voltage Intolerance. Gel cells are unfortunately
intolerant to over voltage charge conditions and will be
seriously damaged in any over charge situation. The normal
optimum voltage tolerance for these battery types is 13.8
volts, 14.2 volts being the absolute maximum.

(2) Charge Acceptance. A Gel cell has a much higher charge

acceptance rate, and therefore a more rapid charge rate is
possible. A Gel cell cannot tolerate having any equalising
charge applied and this over charge condition will seriously
damage them.

(S) Fast Char ng. Althou h accepting a higher char e rate than
a lead-aci $ deep cycle %attery. and consequenti af ly charging
to a higher value, there is at a certain point the problem of
attaini full charge, and therefore capacity us e of the
battery T ank. As no fast charge devices can be use Y , a longer
engine run time is required for complete recharging.


d. Selection Criteria. With respect to very good battery technology,
these batteries are not suited to cruising yacht applications for the
following reasons:

(1) Cycle Life. A deep cycle lead acid battery can have a life
exceeding 2500 cycles of charge and discharge to 50?4~ A gel
cell has a life of approximately 800- 1000 cycles. There are a
few misconceptions on cycle life comparisons. They do have a
much greater cycling capability than normal starting
batteries, but not deep cycle batteries.

(2) Costs. It is diEcult to just@ a battery that initially costs up

to 50% more, is more susceptible to problems encountered on
the average yacht, lasts less than half the time of a
conventional battery, and all that based on not spending fwe
minutes a month checking electrolyte densities and levels.

(3) Charging. While these batteries will accept some 30-4O?h

greater current than an equivalent lead acid battery they are
restricted in the voltage levels allowed, so you cannot use any
fast charging system.

e. Suitable Applications. Gel cells are ideally suited to stand-by

power applications where good charging facilities are installed. If
you are a day or weekend sailor, that does little motoring, and leave
the vessel unattended for extended periods, then the Gel cell is a
viable proposition, as it has low self discharge rates, and less prone
to the problems of deep cycle batteries. If a small solar panel is left
on with a suitable regulator, they will recoup the annual costs of
replacing deep cycle batteries by lasting a few seasons.


1.20. Nickel Cadmium Batteries. Nickel Cadmium batteries are not used
extensively on vessels, but they should be considered. I have only worked on
one installation with a charging or battery problem and that was on the
beautiful Tasmanian built, and UK fitted out cruising vessel Cascade. The
principal factors are cost, (typically 500% greater), weight and size. Normally
these batteries will only be found in larger cruising vessels for those reasons.
They have completely different operating characteristics to the lead-acid cell:

a. Cell Components. The components of the cell are:

(1) Nickel-Hydroxide (2Ni(OH)2) - the positive plate.

(2) Cadmium Hydroxide (Cd(OH)2) - the negative plate.

(3) Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) - the electrolyte.

b. Discharge Cycle. Cells are usually character&d by their rate of

discharge characteristics, such as low, medium, hi h or ultra high.
Classification UHP is for starting applications an fi VP for general
services. There is also a category for deep cycle applications.
Discharge ratings are given at the fne hour rate and typically they
will deliver current some 30% longer than lead-acid equivalents.
The amp-hour capacity rating remains fairly stable over a range of
dischar e currents values. An over-discharge condition can occur
when tf e cell has been driven into a region where voltage has
become negative. A complete polarit reversal takes lace. No long
term effects occur on occasional ccl r reversal at me crium discharge
Curve A - Discharge current reduces cell voltage from 1.3 volts to 1.0
volt over 10 hours.
Curve B - Discharge over three hours.


CELL 1.6


0 2 4 6 8 10


Figure 1-6. NiCad Battery Discharge Characteristics.

C. Charge Cycle. During charging, the negative material loses oxygen
and converts to metallic cadmium. The positive material gradually
increases in the state of oxidation. While charging continues, the
process will proceed until complete conversion occurs. Approaching
full charge gas will evolve and this results from electrolysis of the
electrolyte water component. NiCad cells can be charged rapidly
with a relatively low water consumption. The disadvantages are that
cell imbalances may occur and this can cause thermal runaway.
The NiCad cell will generally absorb maximum alternator current for
about 85% of the cell charge period, so the alternator must be
capable of withstanding this load and have adequate ventilation:

(11 Regulator Voltage Settings. Typical alternator voltage

regulator settings for a nominal 12 volt battery bank of 10
cells over a 2-4 hour period should be in the range of 15 to
15.5 volts maximum. A NiCad battery accepts high charge
currents and will not be damaged by them. At 1.6 volts per
cell a NiCad can absorb up to 400% of capacity from a
charging source. In most cases it will accept whatever the
alternator can supply. The problem with normal alternator
regulators is that they fix the output at only 14 volts which is
far too low for proper charging. Absolute maximum charging
rates require a 1.6 to 1.8 volts per cell which is 16- 18 volts on
a typical 10 cell battery bank.

ml NiCad Charging Controllers. The typical 14 volt output of

an alternator is a float charge voltage level only for a NiCad
battery. An alternator controller is essential for correct
charging, and the Solent Chargemaster ideal1 suits this
application, enabling setting of the required leve Y. I have set
up this type of regulator with a CAV alternator successfully.
Constant voltage charging is the only practical method of
charging on vessels. Regulator settin should be typicalIy
around 15.5 volts for a 2-4 hour cfl arge period, higher
voltages will increase current.

Curve C - Charging cell voltage 1.5 times the 10 hour discharge current.




1.0 1 I I I I I I
0 2 4 6 8 10


Figure 1-7. NiCad Battery Charge Characteristics.


1.21. NiCad Electrolyte. The obvious difference is the use of an alkaline
electrolyte instead of an acid. Unlike lead-acid cells, plates undergo changes in
their oxidation state, altering very little physically. As the active materials do
not dissolve in the electrolyte, plate life is very long. The electrolyte is a
potassium hydroxide solution with a specific gravity of 1.3. The electrolyte
transports ions between the positive and negative plates and the alkaline
solution is chemically more stable than lead-acid cell electrolytes. Unlike lead-
acid cells the density does not significantly alter during charge and discharge
and hydrometer readings cannot be used to determine the state of charge.
Electrolyte loss is relatively low in operation. There are two basic factors to
consider with NiCad cells:
a. Electrolyte Topping Up. Water additions should be made
immediately after charging, and never after discharging.

b. Mixed Battery Installations. Lead-acid and NiCad batteries

should never be located in the same compartment as the cells will
become contaminated by acid fumes causing permanent damage.

1.22. NiCad Battery Characteristics. The NiCad has the following

a. NiCad Open Circuit Voltage. The typical open circuit voltage of a
vented cell is 1.28 volts. This depends on temperature and time
interval from last charge period. Unlike a lead-acid cell, the voltage
does not indicate the state of charge.
b. NiCad Nominal Voltage. Nominal voltage is typically 1.2 volts.
This voltage is maintained during discharge until approximately
80% of the 2 hour rated capacity has been discharged. This is also
affected by temperature and rate of discharge.
C. NiCad Closed Circuit Voltage. This voltage is measured
immediately after load connection. Typically it is around 1.25 - 1.28
volts per cell.

d. NiCad Working Voltage. This voltage is that observed on the level

section of the dischar e curve of a NiCad cell, voltage plotted against
time. Typically the vo f tage averages 1.22 volts per cell.

e. NiCad Capacity. Capacity is specified in amp-hours. Normally it is

quoted at the five hour rate.

f. NiCad Nominal Rating. The nominal ratin is the amp-hour

delivery rate over 5 hours to a nominal voltage o P 1.0 volt per cell.

g- NiCad Internal Resistance. Internal resistance values are typically

very low. This is due to the large plate surface areas used and is
why the cells can deliver and accept high current values.



2.0. Charging Systems. An efficient charging system is essential for

o timum battery and electrical system performance. I receive literally hundreds
o F letters and phone calls from boat owners who are totally confused by
conflicting information and simply want a reliable system. The principal
charging systems on cruising vessels consist of the following:

a. Alternators. The principal charging source on all cruising yachts.

b. Alternative Energy Systems. The following methods of auxiliary

charging are available as options to augment engine charging

(1) Solar Panels.

(2) Wind Generators.

(3) Prop Shaft Alternators.

(4) Water Charging Systems.

C. Mains Powered Battery Chargers. The average cruising yacht
does not normally spend long periods alongside. Where a vessel is
alongside, and particularly in liveaboard situations where the main
power source is via a shore powered charger the mains charger is an
important charging source.





Figure 2-1. Charging Systems.


2.1. Charging Cycles. There are four recognised parts of any charging cycle,
and these are as follows:
a. Bulk Charge. The bulk charge phase is the initial charging period
where charging takes place until the gassing point is reached,
typically in the range 14.4 to 14.6 volts corrected for temperature.
Obviously on a traditional alternator and re ulator this does not
relate as output is fured at 14 volts. The bu fit charge rate can be
anywhere between 25% and 40% of rated amp-hour capacity at the
20 hour rate as long as temperature rises are limited.
b. Absorption Charge. After attaining the gassing volta e. the charge
level should be maintained at 14.4 volts until the cfi arge current
falls to 5% of battery capacity. This level normally should equate to
85% of capacity. In a typical 300 amp-hour bank, this will be 15

C. Float Charge. The battery charge rate should be reduced to a float

voltage of approximately 13.2 to 13.8 volts to maintain the battery
at full charge.
d. Equalisation Charge. A periodic charge should be applied which
should be rated at 5% of the installed battery capacity for a period of
3-4 hours until a voltage of 16 volts is reached. A suitable and safer
way of equalising is applying the unre ulated output from the wind
generator or solar panel once a month f or a day.





Figure 2-2. Charging Cycles.


2.2. Charging Efficiency. Before any char ing systems can be considered, a
number of factors must be remembered and t z!ii en into account as follows:

a. Battery Capacity. Nominal capacities of batteries are specified by

manufacturers, and the total capacity of the bank must be taken
into consideration.

b. Battery Age and Condition. Older batteries have reduced

capacities due to normal in-service aging, and plate sulphation.
Sulphation increases internal resistance and inhibits the charging

C. Electrolyte. The electrolyte is temperature dependant, and the

temperature is a factor in setting maximum charging voltages.

d. State of Charge. The state of charge at charging commencement

can be checked using the open circuit voltage test and electrolyte
density. The level of charge will affect the charging rate. Also
critical to the state of charge is the temperature. It has a dramatic
effect on charge voltages as indicated in the curve below.

6 16.0

5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 2-3. State of Charge/Temperature Characteristics.


e. Charging Voltage. Charging voltage is defined as the battery
voltage plus the cell voltage drops. These are explained as follows:

(1) Cell Volt Drops. Cell volt drops are due to internal
resistance, plate sulphation, electrolyte impurities and gas
bubble formation that occurs on the plates during charging.
These resistances oppose the charging and must be exceeded
to effectively recharge the battery. Resistance to charging
increases as a fully charged state is reached and decreases
with discharge.

(2) Charge Regulation. A battery is self regulating in terms of

the current it can accept under charge. Over-current
charging at excessive voltages (which many so called fast
charging devices do) simply generates heat and damages the
plates which is why they are discouraged.

2.3. Alternator Charging. The alternator is the principal charging source on

most marine installations. In the majority of installations it is incorrectly rated
for the installed battery capacity, and therefore is unable to properly restore the
discharged current. The alternator is a robust and reliable piece of equipment
and automotive alternators, or derivatives of them are used in the majority of
marine installations. These have a number of limitations which must be
considered during installation. The illustration below has been reproduced of a
Bosch alternator showing all the main components courtesy of Bosch


Figure 2-4. Bosch Alternator.


2.4. Alternator Components. The alternator consists of several principal
physical components:
a. Stator. The stator is the fixed winding. It consists of three
windings that are interconnected in a star or a delta
arrangement. These windings supply three phases of alternating
current (AC) to the diode bridge.
b. Rotor. The rotor is the rotating part of the alternator, and consists
of the sliprings, and the winding, which are interconnected.

C. Rectifier. The diode bridge consists of a network of six diodes.

This rectifies the three AC phase voltages into the DC output used
for charging. Two diodes are used on each winding to provide full
wave rectification. The three DC voltages are connected in parallel
to the main output terminal.

d. Exciter Diodes. The exciter (D+) consists of three low power diodes
which independently rectify each AC phase and provide a single DC
output for the warning light or auxiliary control functions.
e. Brushgear. The brushes are normally made of graphite, or on some
high performance alternators copper graphite. The brushes are
spring-loaded to maintain correct slip-ring contact pressure and are
solder connected to the terminals.
f. Regulator. The regulator, if integral to the alternator, is often
combined with the brushgear or mounted adjacent to it. The field
control output of the alternator is connected to one of the brush
holders, which then supplies the rotor winding though the slipring.
Regulator sensing is taken from the D+ connection.
2.5. Alternator Selection. Yacht owners have a number of important factors
to consider when selecting alternator output ratin s. The alternator is probably
the most common failure item on board, along wi i% regulators, therefore careful
selection is required. The factors are summarised as follows:

a. Engine Run Times. The majority of cruising vessels run engines

for excessive periods attempting to recharge batteries. The
maximum run time goal is one hour in the morning and one hour in
the evening, which coincides with refrigeration pull down times.

b. Engine Loading. Diesel engines should not be run with Ii ht loads

as unloaded engines suffer from cylinder glazing. A hig fi output
alternator can provide loads of up to 2 kW if at rated output.

C. Engine Speeds. Ideally, the engine should be able to charge at

maximum rates at relatively low speeds. The most preferred speed
is a few hundred revs/min above idle speed. The alternator speed is
dependent on the drive pulley ratio and the alternator cut-in speed.

d. Battery Capacity. Nominal charging rates are specified by

manufacturers and they generally specify startin and finishing
rates. A battery requires the replacement of 120% oT the discharged .
current to restore it to full charge. This value is required to
overcome losses within the battery due to battery internal
resistances during charging.


e. Charging Current. As a battery is effectively self limi in terms
of charge acceptance levels, we cannot simply pus
a in the
discharged value and hope that it will recharge. The battery during
charging is reversing the chemical reaction of discharge, and this
can only occur at a finite rate. The alternator therefore must be
selected if possible to recharge at the battery optimum charge rate
as specified. Charg by necessity has a tapered characteristic,
which is why start anY finishing rates are specified These ratings
are largely impractical in marine installations. The required
charging current is the sum of the charge rate plus anticipated
loads during charging.

f. Charge Voltage. The majority of alternators have a fured output of

14 volts, with some makes havin the option of regulator
adjustment up to around 14.8 volts f or isolation diode volt drop
compensation. Charge voltage is probably the single most
important factor on board.
g. Alternator Output Current Selection. From the power analysis
table we have calculated the maximum current consumption.
Added to this is a 20% margin for battery losses giving a final
charging value. One popular opinion is that alternator rating
should be approximately 30% of batte capacity. In practice this is
at best optimistic and difficult to acx ieve. I always specify and
install an 80 amp (Bosch) alternator, which is around the largest
rating possible without going into over-priced or exotic alternators of
greater ratings. I avoid where possible installing a battery bank in
excess of 300 amp-hours and usually fit a bank of two six volt cells
rated at 230 amp-hours. With a suitable regulator system I have
never found this to be inadequate for vessel charging or load
requirements. You can go and fit large output units but there are
always the economic considerations.

h. Marine Alternators. Marine alternators are essentiahy enclosed,

and ignition protected. This prevents accidental ignition of
hazardous vapours. Windings are also protected to a higher
standard by epoxy impregnation and output characteristics are
generally similar to automotive types. Manufactured marine units
also have a corrosion resistant paint finish (which is rarely a
problem), and designed for higher ambient operating temperatures.

i. Marinised Alternators. An alternator can be marinised to a

reasonable degree. If you wish to marinise and improve your
alternator perform the following:

(1) Bearings. Bearings should be of the totally enclosed type.

Replace if they are not.

(2) Windings. Windings should be sprayed or encapsulated with

a high grade insulating spray.
(3) Diode Plate. The back of the diode plate can also be sprayed
to provide an insulating coating, preventing the ingress of
moist salt laden air and dust which can short out diodes and


J- Surge Protection. Some alternators are provided with separate
surge protection units. Lucas/CAV alternators have these units
available. Some series of Lucas alternators also incorporate a surge
protection avalanche diode within the alternator (ACR & Al 15/ 133
ran e). This protects the main output transistor in the regulator.
U 2 ortunately. very few alternators are fitted with any surge





Figure 2-5. Lucas Surge Protection.


k. High Output Alternators. It is regrettably a fact of life that many
so called marine electrical people push the idea of a large output
alternator, typically 130 amps plus, to solve battery charging
problems. They are extraordinarily expensive, and really only mask
the problem. Be warned! This will not resolve your problems. It is
rare to require an alternator rated at over 80 amps. This is the
typical automotive electricians answer, but not a marine one. The
real solution is in the regulator, which is a considerably cheaper
and more reliable option.

1. Outboard Motor Alternators. Outboard motors are commonly

installed on many multihull vessels up to around 40 foot and
charging problems are commonplace. Outboards have a flywheel
driven alternator, and they are generally low in output, typically
around lo-15 amps. Some manufacturers do have units up to
around 20 amps (Yamaha) and this is still well short of the output
required in cruising.

2.6. Alternator Installation. Optimum service life and reliability can only be
achieved by correctly installing the alternator. The following factors must be
considered during installation:

a. Alignment. It is essential that the alternator drive pulley and the

engine drive pulley be correctly aligned. Misalignment of pulleys
can impose twisting and friction on drive belts and additional side
loading on bearings. Both can cause premature failure.
b. Drive Pulleys. Drive pulleys between the alternator and the engine
must be of the same cross-section. Differences will cause belt
overheating and premature failure. Ideally the normal split
automotive type pulleys on some alternators should be replaced by
solid pulleys of the correct ratio.
C. Drive Belt Tension. Belts must be correctly tensioned. Maximum
deflection must not exceed 10 mm. When a new belt is fitted the
deflection should be re-adjusted after 1 hour of operation and again
after 10 hours. Belts will stretch in during this period:
(1) Under-tensionin . This causes belt overheating and
stretching, as we1f as slipping and subsequent underchar . .
The excess heat generated also heats up pulleys and the %?% ig
heat level conducts along the rotor shaft to the bearing,
melting bearing lubricating grease and increasing the risk of
premature bearing failure.
(2) Over-tensioning. This causes excessive bearing side loads
which leads to premature bearing failure. Signs of this
condition will be characterised by sooty looking deposits
around the belt area, and wear on the edges of the belt.

d. Drive Belts. Belts must be of the correct cross section to match the
pulleys. Castellated belts are the ideal in the engine area as they
dissipate heat easily. If multiple belts are used, always renew all
belts together to avoid varying tensions between them. In any
alternator over 80 amps in rating, a dual belt system should be
used, as a single belt will not be able to cope with the mechanical
loads applied at higher outputs.


e. Ventilation. Engine compartments offer ve few ventilation
options. Ideally a cooling supply fan should be ?!itted to run when
the engine is operating. An alternator, similar to electrical cable, is
derated in high temperatures. The fan outlet should be directed to
the alternator. Many alternator failures occur when boost charging
systems are installed because they run at near maximum output for
a period in high ambient temperatures. Always ensure when fitting
an additional alternator that the fan is rotating in the correct

f. Mountings. Mountings are a constant source of problems, observe

the following:

(1) Tensionin . When tensionin the alternator, always adjust

both the a f justment bolt and tfl e pivot bolt. Failure to tighten
the pivot bolt is common and this causes alternator twisting
and vibration. Vibration fatigues the bracket or mounting and
causes it to fracture. Additionally this can cause
undercharging and radio interference.
(2) AJd@;ment Arm. Ensure that the slide adjustment arm is
. Many engines have a reasonable level of vibration
which fatigues the slide and breaks it. Volvo engines seem to
be notorious for this from experience. I would always
recommend the uprating of the arm. Take off the old one and
have another one custom made.
Warning Light. The light circuit is not simply for indicating failure.
The lamp provides excitation to the alternator. In many cases an
alternator will not operate if the lamp has failed and this is because
the remanent voltage or residual magnetism has dissipated. Ideally
a lamp should be in the range of 2-5 watts. Undersized lamps are
often characterised by the need to rev the engine to get the
alternator to kick in. This is often highly visible with alternator
driven tachometers. Many newer engine panels have a printed
circuit board type of alarm panel. I always recommend where
possible a separate light.
h. Interference Suppression. Alternator diode bridges create noise
(RFI) which can be heard on communications or electronics
equipment. Always install an interference suppression capacitor.
As a standard, install a 2.2 micro farad suppressor. Suppression is
covered in detail in a later chapter.

2.7. Alternator Drive Pulley Selection. Ideally, maximum alternator output

is r uired at a minimum possible engine speed. This is typically a few hundred
revs7 mm above idle speed. Manufacturers install alternators and pulleys based
on the premise that the engine is only run to propel the vessel, when in fact
engines spend more time functioning as battery chargers, at low engine
revolutions. Alternators have three speed levels that must be considered and
the aim is to get full output at the lower speeds:

a. Cut-in Speed. This is the speed at which a voltage will be

b. Pull Output Operating Speed. This is the speed where full rated
output can be achieved.


C. Maximum Output Speed. This is the maximum speed allowed for
the alternator, otherwise destruction will occur.

d. Pulley Selection. An alternator is rated with a peak output at

2,300 revs/min. At a typical engine speed of 900 revs/min and a
minimum required alternator speed of 2,300, a pulley ratio of
approximately 2.5: 1 is required. The maximum speed in this case
has a 10,000 rev/min rating. Maximum engine speed is 2,300 in
this case, so 2,300 multiplied by 2.5 = 4,000 revs/n&r. This falls
well within operating speeds limits and is acceptable. A pulley
giving that ratio would suit the service required.
e. Selection Table. Table 2-l gives varying pulley ratios with an
alternator pulley of 2.5 inches.

Table 2- 1. Drive Pulley Selection Table.

Engine Pulley Pulley Ratio Engine RPM Alternator RPM

5 inch . 2000 4000

6 inch 2Yl 1660 4000
7 inch 2:8; 1 1430 4000
8 inch 3.2: 1 1250 4000


f. Alternator Characteristics. The graph below illustrates the 2

relationship between output current, efficiency, torque and HP P
against rotor revolutions. The optimum speed ca.n be selected from
these characteristics. The performance curves and characteristics
illustrated are for a Lestek high output alternator, and for a 9135
series 135 amp alternator.

7- 70- ?- 140

6-- 60-- 6-- 120

*-- 50.- 5-- 100

4-- 40.- 4-- 60

3-- 30-- J-- 60

2.- 20.- 2-- 40

,-- lo-- l-- 20

o- o- o- 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 6000


S.A.E. - 26.7% - 14 VOLTS

HOT - 93.3-C - 14 VOLTS
g 90
% 60
I ,... I I I
5 70 I I/ I
Y ,...- I I I
5 50
-- I I I/ .-I I
p 40
I /I, I
z 3o
20 I 1: I I I
10 I /: I I I I , I

F I I I I, I I I 1I
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500


Figure 2-6. Alternator Output Characteristics.


2.8. Alternator Maintenance. Many alternator failures can be avoided by
performing basic maintenance tasks. The following tasks should be carried out:

a. Drive Belts. (Monthly) Check as follows:

(1) Check and adjust tension. Deflection 1Omm maximum.

(2) Examine for cuts, uneven wear or fatigue cracks.

(3) Ensure belts are clean, with no oil or grease.

b. Connections. (Monthly) Check as follows:

(1) Clean and tighten all alternator terminals.

(2) Check cable and connectors for fatigue.

C. Vibration. (Monthly) Check as follows:

(1) Check alternator for vibration when running.

(2) Examine mounts for fatigue cracks.
d. Bearings. (1500 Operating hours) Check as follows:

(1) Remove alternator and turn rotor. Listen for any bearing
(2) Renew every 3000 hours or at major overhaul.
e. Brushes. (1500 Operating Hours) Check as follows:

(1) Check brushes for excess or uneven wear.

(2) Check sliprings for scoring.

f. Cleaning. (Yearly) Clean as follows:

(1) Wash sliprings, diode plate and brushgear with electrical
solvent. Do not use any abrasives on sliprings, they must be
cleaned only, as a film exists on them which is essential for
brush contact.

(2) Wash out windings and dry.

g. Pre-cruise. Take alternator to a quality marine/auto electrical
workshop. Request the following tests:

(1) Test alternator output for maximum current.

(2) Check diodes.

(3) Clean windings, sliprings and brushgear.

(4) Renew bearings.

(5) Renew brushes.


2.9. Alternator Faults and Failures. Failures in alternators are primarily
due to the following causes, many which are preventable with routine
a. Diode Bridge Failures. Diode failures are generally attributable to
the following causes:

(11 Reverse Polarity Connection. This is a common cause.

Reversal of the positive and negative leads will destroy the

(2) Short Circuiting Positive and Negative. A short circuit will

cause excess current to be drawn throu h the diodes and the
subsequent failure of one or more of dio f es, the most common
cause here is reversing the battery connections.

(3) Surge. This occurs if the charge circuit is interrupted, most

commonly when an electrical changeover switch is
accidentally opened. A hi h voltage surge is enerated due to 4
the inductive effect of the 8reld and stator win 3 ings. C

(4) Spikes. This is a short duration high voltage transient.

These are caused by inductive loads starting up. such as
pumps. Voltages several times greater than the nominal
voltage can appear. The most common spike is that from a
lightning strike. Countermeasures are covered in the
lightning protection chapter.
b. Winding Failures. Stator winding failures are usually due to the
following causes:
(1) Overheating. Normally due to insufficient ventilation at
sustained high outputs, which causes insulation failure and
intercoil short circuits.
(2) Stator Winding Short Circuit. Due to mechanical winding
damage, overheating or ingress of moisture.
(3) Rotor Winding. Short circuit or ground fault due to
overheating or over voltage if the voltage regulator fails.

C. Brushgear. Brushgear failures are not that common in a properly

maintained alternator but failures are generally due to:

(1) Brushes. Brushes worn and sparking, and characterised by

fluctuating outputs, and radio interference.
(2) Sliprings. Scoring and sparking due to build-ups of dust,
also causing radio interference.

d. Bearin Failure. The first bearing to fail is normally the front

pulley %earing. Rotation by hand will usually indicate grating or


2.10. Alternator Fault Finding. Fault findin should be carried out in
conjunction with charging system fault finding as f es&bed in Table 3- 1, and is
based on the following:
a. Check Output. This initially depends on the lamp and the
regulator. Using a voltmeter, check that the output across the main
B+ terminal and negative rises to approximately 14 volts. No output
indicates either total failure of alternator or regulator. Partial
output indicates some diodes failed or a regulator fault.

b. Check Components. The components are tested after confirming

the function of the regulator. Initially I recommend removal of the
alternator, and taking it to any good automotive electrician with a
test bench if in port. This saves a considerable amount of time and
effort. If you dont carry spares then you can do little. To get home
with partial diode failure, the regulator may require disconnection,
and a full field voltage applied to get maximum output.

2.11. Alternator Terminal Designations. Alternators have a variety of

diiYerent terminal markings and these are listed in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2. Alternator Terminal Markings.

Make output Negative Field Aux. Tacho

Bosch D- DF D+/61
Lucas FE B- IND/AL tz
Hitachi BAT E F
P-Rhone DF kl W
SMarchal ;+ D- DF
Motorola + %x AC
Niehoff BAT+ BAT- ; D+
Vale0 B+ D- D+ 5
Mitsubishi B+
Nip. Denso B+ E F ::
Prestolite POS + GND IND LT AC TAP

2.12. Alternator Test Specifications. The following specifications are typical

for a range of Bosch and Ingram alternators.

Table 2-3. Alternator Test Specifications.

Model output Speed Stator Rotor

Resistance Resistance

14V35 A 10A 1300 rpm 0.24 Ohm 4.0 Ohm

23A 2000 r-pm
35A 6000 r-pm
14V55 A 16A 1200 rpm 0.14 Ohm 4.0 Ohm
36A 2000 rpm
55A 6000 rpm


2.13. Alternator Remagnetisation. After dismantling or stripping down an
alternator it is not uncommon to find it simply wont work at all. Before you
hurriedly dismantle it again to locate a mistake in assembly perform the
following checks: 3<
Field Disconnect. Disconnect the regulator field connection. al
a* (assuming you have installed a separate regulator or controller). tY
b. Manual Field Activation. With the engine running at idle speed,
and all electrical and electronics equipment off, temporarily touch
the field connection to the following:

(1) Positive Control. (Bosch, Paris-Rhone. Motorola, new Sev-

Marchal) If the field control is on the positive side, touch the
lead to main alternator output terminal B+, or if a diode is
fitted then to the diode battery output terminal.
(2) Negative Control. (Lucas, CAV, Hitachi) If the field control
is on the negative side, touch the lead to the negative terminal
or to the case,
C. output. If the alternator is operational the alternator will
immediately give a full output, and you will hear the engine load up,
and voltage will rise up to 16 volts. Only do this for a second or two.
Reconnect the regulator back to normal. In many cases this will
restore magnetism to the alternator and it will operate normally. If
there is no or a low output after this test it generally indicates a
fault in the alternator. and this is normally a faulty diode bridge, or
the brushes are not seating on sliprings.
d. Warning Light. Ensure the light is operating and on when the
ignition switch is turned on. If not the following may be faulty:

a. Lamp fault, or seating badly if replaceable lamp.

b. Lamp connection fault.

C. Wire off D+ terminal, or connection loose.

d. Faulty alternator excitation diodes.



3.0. Alternator Regulators. The regulator is the key to all alternator

charging systems. The function of the regulator is to control the output of the
alternator, and prevent the output from rising above a nominal set level,
typically 14 volts, which would otherwise damage the battery, alternator and
a. Principles. An alternator produces electricity by the rotation of a
coil through a magnetic field and the output is controlled by varying
the level of the field volta e. This is achieved by applying the field
voltage through one brus a and slip-ring to the rotor winding, and
completing the circuit back through the other slip-ring and brush.
Essentially the regulator is a closed loop controller, constantly
monitoring the alternator output voltage and varying the field
voltage in response to output variations.

b. Regulator Operating Range. A regulator does not control the

charging process signitkxntly until battery charge level is
a proximately 50%. Prior to that a battery will absorb a large
c R arge current and represents the worki area of the battery.
When the voltage of the batte rises to this at reshold. the re ulator
starts limiting the voltage leve 7 . The charge current levels of rgas the
voltage level rises, and this is called the regulation zone. Figure 3-l
illustrates this characteristic.



ki 16.0

2 15.6
' 15.2
2z 14.8
fY 14.4
iiT 14.0

p 13.6
2 13.2



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 3-l. Regulator Operating Range.


C. Standard Regulators. The traditional automotive alternator is
fitted with a regulator designed for automotive service. This
requires the replacement of a relatively small amount of discharged
power, which it does in a short time period. The alternator then
supplies the vehicle electrical loads during running periods. This is
totally inadequate in vessel applications as all yachtsmen have
experienced. To recharge a battery properly the charging system
must overcome battery counter voltage, which increases as chargi
levels increase. The typical scenario is one of a high charge at ini t3.
start-up and then a rapidly decreasing current reading on the
ammeter. As a result few yacht batteries are ever charged much
above 70% of capacity. One of the many undesirable effects of
standard regulators is that when a load is operatin on the electrical
system, chargin current decreases. As an examp ke, based on tests
I have made w-it.E an alternator with a total output of 30 amps at 14
volts and a vessel electrical load of 24 amps, I found that only 6
amps was flowing into the battery with a terminal voltage of only
13.2 volts.





Figure 3-2. Standard Engine Charging Configuration.


3.1. Alternator Regulator Sensing. With any type of charging system there
is a voltage drop between the alternator output terminal and the battery. With a
nominal alternator output of 14 volts it is not uncommon to have a totally
inadequate 13 volts at the battery. This volta e drop increases with an increase
in current. Regulator sensing consists of the Bollowing configurations:

a. Machine Sensed. The machine sensed unit simply monitors the

output terminal voltage and adusts alternator output voltage to the
nominal value, which is typical 1y 14 volts.
(1) Charge Circuit Voltage Drops. The machine sensed
regulator makes no compensation for charging circuit voltage
drops. Voltage drops include inadequately rated terminals,
cables and negative path back through the engine block.
(2) Diode Isolators. If a diode isolator char e distribution
system is installed this also contributes a fu ltfi er drop which
is typically 0.75 volt.

b. Battery Sensed. The battery sensed unit monitors the voltage at

the battery terminals and adjusts the alternator output voltage to
the nominal voltage.
(1) Charge Circuit Voltage Drops. The battery sensed regulator
compensates for voltage drops across diodes and charge
circuit cables. The regulator by sensing the battery terminal
voltage varies the output from the alternator until the correct
voltage is monitored at the battery. Some alternator
manufacturers such as Bosch, Lucas, Prestolite and Sev-
Marchal are introducing modifications so that regulators can
be compensated with a separate sense connection that goes
directly to the battery. Volvo have just introduced this on
marine en ine alternators and Lucas also have this on some
models. Af ways install battery sensing if possible.

(2) Caution. In some cases the voltage drop between alternator

terminals and battery may be considerable, and figures of 1.5
to 2 volts and above is not uncommon. It is sensible to check
with a multimeter the output and battery voltage to find out
the drop, ideally at full rated output current. An excessive
volt drop is a fire risk, as excessive current can flow, and
along with high ambient engine space temperatures literally
melt and ignite the cable insulation, or typically first bum off
the terminals. Check output terminal to see if it is hot.

C. Temperature Compensation. Very few alternator manufacturers

incorporate temperature compensation. An electrolyte is
temperature dependant. In hot climates charge voltages should be
marginally decreased and in cold climates voltage should be
increased. Regulators with compensation usually have it sensed at
the re ulator. In most vessels, the batteries are not always located
near $I e engine so the re ulator senses the engine compartment
temperature and reduces c a arging output in compensation. This is
not the actual ambient temperature of the batteries which is the
temperature compensation required.


3.2. Alternator Regulator Types. It is extremely important to distinguish
between a regulator and a controller. There are a number of new devices on the
market which do not fit into the regulator definition.

a. Regulator Function. A regulator is a fully automatic device which

ensures a stable output from the alternator. What follows is crucial
to understandin what a regulator does, as this is frequently
forgotten with cfisastrous results. The primary function of a
regulator is to prevent overcharging of the battery and damage to
the alternator and this point should be considered when selecting a

b. Alternator Control Devices. There are four main categories of

alternator control devices which will be covered as follows:
(1) Standard Regulators. These are factory fitted to alternators,

(2) Cycle Regulators. These devices use a cyclic regulator

control principle,
(3) Regulator Controllers. These devices either parallel connect
or over-ride existing standard regulators,
(4) Manual Controllers. These devices have no regulator
function and control alternator output manually by operator
3.3. Standard Regulators. The standard alternator regulator is a simple and
inexpensive electronic device. The contents are a simple voltage regulator device
with associated circuitry. They are normally installed as an integral part of the
alternator, or incorporated with the brushgear as a removable module, or
located externally on the engine or an adjacent bulkhead. The preferable
arrangement is to have a separate regulator mounted on an adjacent bulkhead
to minim&e engine heat and vibration damage.

3.4. Regulator Polarity. Regulators and field windings have two possible
field polarities. It is important to know the difference when installing different
regulators or testing regulator function. The two types are as follows:

a. Positive Polarity. The positive regulator controls a positive

excitation voltage. Inside the alternator, one end of the field is
connected to the negative polarity. Alternators with this
configuration include Bosch, Motorola, Ingram, Sev-Marchal (older

(1) Polarity Test. To test, use a multimeter on the Ohms x 1

range and connect across the field connection and an
unpainted part of the alternator case or negative output

(2) E&e:; Reading. The reading should be in the range of 3 to 8


b. Negative Polarity. The negative regulator controls a negative
excitation voltage. Inside the alternator one end of the field is
connected to the positive polarity. Alternators with this
configuration include Hitachi, Lucas A127, ACR 17-25 & AC5. CAV,
Paris-Rhone, New model Sev-Marchal and Valeo, AC Delco,

(1) Polarity Test. To test, use a multimeter on the Ohms x 1

range and connect across the field connection and the
alternator positive terminal
(2) t;Ss; Reading. The reading should be in the range of 3 to 8

Figure 3-3. Alternator Regulator Field Polarity.

3.5. Regulator Removal. If a re ulator must be removed or checked, certain
procedures should be used to avoi 3 damage. The following diagrams illustrate
various alternators for the main engine groupings and disassembly procedure.
Ideally a separate regulator should be installed on the bulkhead that makes
replacement simple and inexpensive, and facilitates testing:
a. Bosch (Kl/Nl Series). Dismantle as follows:

(1) Unscrew the two screws retaining the regulator.

(2) Carefully lift the regulator up and out. Be careful not to

damage the brushes.
(3) Disconnect the (D+) lead from the back of the regulator.
b. Bosch (EP Series 85 Amp). Removal as per step 1 & 2 above. This
alternator has a regulator with both a battery sense connection and
warning lamp connection. Do not reverse leads as the warning light
circuit will be damaged. Maximum lamp is 2 watts. There is no
connection on back of brushgear, as contacts are via spring loaded

(1) Cut off left side connection located under L markin , which
goes to one brush. Cut off centre connection to other %rush.

(2) Solder a wire to lower brush-holder and take out to a negative

connection, either a terminal or under brushgear RHS holding
screw adjacent to s marking.
(3) Solder another wire to remaining brush-holder and lead out of
case for connection to new regulator field connection.
- BOSCH Kl -Nl




Figure 3-4. Bosch Alternator.


b. Lucas A127. This is usually a standard type fitted to Perkins
engines. There are a large number of Lucas alternators around, and
all are different. This procedure is for both removal and conversion
to an external regulator.

(1) Unscrew and remove the two screws securing the integral
regulator and brushgear to the alternator housing.
(2) Carefully lever open the two halves of the regulator. This is
held together by a glue.

(3) Cut and disconnect the three joining links from the brushes.
(4) Solder on a new wire to the spring loaded connector
immediately below the inner brush-holder. You must use a
special solder to do this, as normal solders will not work. (RS
Stock Number 555-099) Run it out through the cover for
connection to the new regulator. This is the field control

(5) Place the two regulator halves together and refit into the


--zH LUCAS Al27



1 J

LUCAS ACR 16.17.18.i3

Figure 3-5. Lucas Alternator.

c. Paris-Rhone/Valeo. Usually a standard type fitted to Volvo
engines. It should be noted that Paris-Rhone and Valeo are now all
the same as Valeo alternators. There are some differences in the
design. Use the following procedure to disconnect and install a new
external regulator system, or replace the existing one:

(1) Unscrew and remove the four screws securing the regulator to
the casing.

(2) There are four cables leading from the regulator (5 on the new
Valeo) . If you are replacing the regulator with an external
type, the cables should be cut off at the regulator, as the
regulator and housing acts as a spark arrester cover for the

(3) Remove the negative cable to the regulator entirely.

(4) The cable rurmin internally under the plastic cover to

terminal 61 shoul 2 be soldered to one of the brush-holder
connections. This cable was initially connected to the
regulator until cut off.

(51 Solder on a wire to the remaining brush-holder and run it out

through the cover for connection to the new regulator. This is
the field control connection.



\. VALEO- (14v 50A Al 3N)

Figure 3-6. Paris-Rhone/Valeo Alternator.


d. Hitachi. This is a standard alternator type fitted to Yanmar
engines. Models LR 135-74 35A. LR 155-20 55A and LR 135- 105

(1) Remove the rear casing from the alternator. These are
generally extremely tightly torqued up screws, so use the
correct size of screwdriver.

(2) Carefully cut off the connections to the existing regulator.

There are five in total.

(3) Solder on a 1.5 mm bridging wire between the R and F

terrninals as illustrated.

(4) Replace the rear casing.

(5) Connect the external field connection to the socket on the rear
of the alternator. A cable and plug is normally fitted and can
be removed.



t-0T~ci-u (YANMAR)
LR 135-74 35A
LR 155-20 55A
LR 135-105 35A

Figure S-7. Hitachi Alternator.

e. Motorola. Usually a standard alternator type fitted to Nanni and
Universal engines and is a Model 9AR. Remove as follows:

(1) Unscrew and remove the two retaining screws holding in the
existing regulator.

(2) Either cut, or remove the two cables co~ecting the regulator
to the alternator.

(3) Fit a new wire to the vacated lower terminal and run it out
through the cover for connection to the new regulator. This is
the field control connection.
(4) Refit the old regulator and housing which acts as a spark
arrester cover for the brushgear.



Figure 3-8. Motorola Alternator.


3.6. Cycle Regulators. The most important charging re ulator development
has been the TWC Regulator from Sweden and I have inst af led many hundreds
successfully in yachts ranging from BOC entrants to cruising and racing yachts
of all sizes. A recent UK magazine survey of ocean cruising yachts showed more
than 40% of vessels now have such intelligent regulators, and the are almost
standard on whitbread entrants. The TWC regulator consists o ry a patented,
purpose. designed microchip with a charging program installed. Like the
machine sensed regulator, the TWC monitors the alternator output volta e.
Be battery sensed it also monitors the battery voltage, and compensates For
the7 lfference between them. The TWC also has an input from a temperature
sensor located adjacent to the batteries, and uses this value in calculating
charging voltage. The TWC has a charging program consisting of eight phases.
The altematin high and low charging voltage phases effectively exercise the
battery. This % as a similar result to that from periodic equalisation charges,
which has a stirring effect that stops the charge being held close to plates and
enables complete electrol e plate percolation and therefore complete charging.
After each low voltage p 2 ase, a short duration high current surge is applied
which causes a stirring action within the electrolyte, assisting in limiting
sulphation, and breaking up sulphate deposits:

a. TWC Cycle Phases. The main cycle phases are illustrated in Figure
3- 11 and are as follows:
Phase k Charging at a low charge level of 13.8 V.

Phase B. Charge ceases, battery voltage measured under

Phase C. Charging at a hi h charge level of 14.6 V for 12
minute period if voltage is be f ow a preset level.
Phase D. Charging decreases to 13.8 V for a two minute
period, prior to next measurement phase.
Phase E. Charge ceases, battery voltage measured under
load. If required the cycle continues for a further 12 minutes
on high charge. If measured voltage exceeds preset level, the
TWC goes into a compensating charge mode.

(6) Phase F. Extended charging period, when alternator output

is reduced. Time metering ceases and charging period
extends until normal conditions resume.

(7) Phase G. Rest period, automatically interrupts charging after

eight la-minute cycles are completed, or if preset level is
exceeded. A compensating charge period then begins.

(8) Phase H. Compensating char e period extension after heavy

discharge prior to resumin Pa ase A. Gassing is eliminated
by one hour low charge leve f .

(9) Phase I. After the one hour rest period, battery status is
measured and if required a new cycle period starts.




8 14.0-

13.0j I
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


L l--r

-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
m.i~ (MINUTES)

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 3-9. TWC Charging Program Cycle Phases.


b. TWC Alarm Function. Unlike most alternator warning lights, the
TWC has a definite monitoring function with the light flashing either
slowly or fast. Normal alternator and regulator system warning
lights come on only if a drive belt breaks or the alternator fails. The
flashing light codes of the TWC are as follows:

(1) Slow Flash. If the electrical system draws more current than
the alternator can supply, the TWC indicates this condition on
the indicator lamp (one flash per second). This can be due to
engine speed too low, too many electrical accessories
operati a faulty alternator, a TWC sensor has become
detache 3 or an over-voltage condition exists due to a faulty
regulator or ground leakage. The alarm is usually cleared by
increasing engine speed so that alternator is at full output
speed, or switching off some equipment to reduce the load.
An engine running at low speed is often thought to be
char ing the battery. In fact the opposite is often the case if a
num %er of accessories are operating. It should be noted also
that batteries in a heavily discharged condition will activate
the slow flash function for up to 20 minutes.
(2) Fast Flash. If charging circuit losses increase to abnormally
high levels due to oxidation or corrosion of terminals and
connections, the warning lamp flashes fast (three per second)
to indicate the condition. Excessive voltage drops represent a
fire hazard as cables may overheat, melt or ignite the
C. Other Features. If the ignition is switched off, the TWC remembers
where it was within the charging cycle, and if the engine restarts
within an hour, will automatically continue where it left off. After a
one hour period the unit switches off, and consumes only 15
milliamps in this monitoring phase. If the alternator output voltage
decreases such as at engine idle speeds, the TWC ceases timing the
charging phases, and resumes again when the voltage rises with
increases engine speed, and full alternator output.
3.7. Advert Cycle Regulator. This UK manufactured re ulator utilises
similar principles to the TWC regulator but has a number of d l# erent features.
Unlike the single control chip TWC. this device is a multi chip device. A cycle
program is also the basis of the charging system:

a. Cycle Period. The cycle eriods on the Advert system consist of

four 20 minute intervals fo Plowed by a one hour rest period. Voltage
levels used within the char ing cycle are a normal charge rate of
14.0 volts, and a high level of 14.5 volts.

b. Temperature Compensation. Temperature compensation also

takes place but where the TWC is a stepped characteristic, the
Advert has a linear one.

c. Warning S tern. The Advert system also has a light warning

system, wi tr indication given for low and high voltage conditions or
a loss of sense leads.


3.8. Ample Power 3-Step Regulator. The Ample Power three step device 3.10
uses a cycle type program, that is fully automatic, and operates based on the OWTIC
four charging cycles of bulk charge, absorption, float and equalisation. Battery char/
temperature compensation is incorporated. There is however a user adjustable
setting of step set points. The unit consists of a timer circuit rather than an
intelligent program chip, and is coupled with appropriate sensing circuits.
Cycles are as follows:

a. Charge Program. The regulator has the following features:

(1) Step 1. Battery voltage is raised to 14.4 volts. The time

required to reach this level depends on the initial battery level
and output speed of the alternator.

(2) Step 2. Charge level is maintained at 14.4 volts for a period.

(3) Step 3. The charge level reduces to a float charge of 13.8


b. Protection Features. The device has a master timing circuit that

will automatically cease charging if long periods of charging at 14.4
volts occurs. Also charging is cut off if the battery sense lead
detaches or breaks.
3.9. Alternator Manual Control Devices. Manual devices are those which
require total operator control of the alternator output without regulation. Some
handbooks give information on how to make your own controllers. From
personal experience, once these home grown controllers and circuits are
installed, its a cremation for the charging system, batteries and alternator not
too far into the future. There is no such thing as a cheap solution, and if you
really care about your power system, dont risk it. There is no sense in having
and relying on electronics worth thousands only to baulk at pa relatively
small sums to improve charging. The following control methods s P ould be used
at your own risk. Whilst there are many around who boast how reliable and
cheap they are, I do not mind making a very nice living thank you very much, off
the majority who have subsequent problems. The savings initially achieved on
these methods are more than negated by one mishap and is often the case
shortened battery life through overcharging and plate damage.

a. Field Switches. A typical manual method is the switch directly

connected to the field connection. It simply puts on a full field
voltage resultin in maximum alternator output. The results can be
quite spectacu f ar and is very damaging to both battery and
alternator. Once while crossing a dangerous bar on a friends vessel,
he casually flicked a switch, which was followed by sparks and
smoke curling out of the engine compartment. After investigation I
found this same set-up. Potentially a disaster at the time.

b. Field Rheostats. The most common type of control is the

rheostat. A rheostat is simply a variable resistance rated for
the field current. The term rheostat is still in common usage
and low value variable resistances are generally termed
potentiometers. Operation is totally reliant on operator
control, with no safety cutouts or regulation. As a general
alternator charging control it is not recommended, as both
alternator and battery are easily and commonly damaged.


3.10. Alternator Controllers. Controllers are devices that require the yacht
awner to manually select or partially over-ride the existing regulator to fast
a. Operating Principles. Controllers are either direct regulator
replacement units or are connected in parallel to the existing
regulator. Some units have an ammeter to monitor output and
require continual adjustment of field current to maintain required
char e current level, but they do not monitor or take into account
the fi igh and damaging system voltages that are imposed while
maintaining the initial high charging currents.

b. Precautions. All controllers have some beneficial outcome, and can

improve the charging process to varying degrees. There are however
serious risks that must be considered to avoid serious damage:
(1) Power System Disturbances. If you apply excessive voltages
or full alternator outputs spikes and surges can arise on the
system that damage alternators and electronics equipment.
(2) Battery Damage. Forcing current into batteries above the
natural ability to accept charge will simply damage plates,
heat the battery up, and generate potentially explosive gases.
Failure of automatic cut-outs, or forgetting about the
regulator may cause all of the mentioned problems.
C. Efficiency. At best these types of units can offer a lo- 15%
improvement which brings charge levels up to approximately 85% of
nominal capacity.
d. Controller Types. Some of the more common controllers on the
market are as follows:

(1) AutoMAC. This regulator is parallel connected to the existing

regulator. A potentiometer is used to adjust alternator
current in conjunction with an ammeter. When a
predetermined voltage is reached the unit automatically cuts
off and existing regulator takes over. Failure of automatic
cut-offs are relatively frequent with subsequent overcharging
and battery damage.

(2) Glename. These devices involve the application of full

alternator output until a preset voltage is reached, which then
should automatically reduce voltage to selected value.

(31 Kestrel 90 Alternator Controller. This device is parallel

connected to the existing regulator. When the engine starts,
the controller activates and applies a boost charge level until a
programmed time limit cuts the controller off and the normal
regulator takes over.
Solent Chargemaster. This device has a small dial to enable
setting of voltage level up to 15.8 volts. The device has a user
selectable kickback function that automatically drops
vol e back to 13.8 volts on reaching set value. If you forget
to se
Y ect the function serious overcharging can occur.


3.11. Regulator Fault Finding. If your regulator, and that includes TWC, or 3.1
any controller, is suspect then there is a simple test to check this. This is not chz
diEcult with external regulators but if an internal regulator is fitted, the
alternator will need to be opened and a wire attached to a brush-holder. Switch
off all electrical and electronic equipment at the switchboard circuit breaker
before commencing test. If in doubt, dont try it.

a. Alternator Test. Check that the alternator gives full output. If the
alternator operates after testing then the regulator is suspect.

b. Rotor Testing. If a regulator has failed, particularly where this has

failed to an overcharge condition, prior to replacing the regulator,
the rotor should be checked for damage. The test is as follows and
is illustrated below:

(1) Test Insulation Resistance. Place one multimeter probe on

a slipring, and the other on the rotor core. Resistance should
be infinite or over-range.

(2) Test Winding Resistance. Place the multimeter probes on

each slipring. Resistance should be around 4 ohms. If it is
very high an open circuit may exist. and if very low, a coil
short circuit may exist.
c. Auxiliary Diode Test. On some occasions, the auxiliary diodes
may fail. Put your multimeter on the 20 volt range and connect
across 6 1 /D+ and negative. If there is any reading, the diode may
be faulty. Turn on the ignition key without starting. The reading
should be around l-2 volts. If less the wiring may be faulty, if
higher, the diode may be faulty, there is excessive rotor resistance or
bad connections.


Figure 3-10. Rotor Testing.


3.12. Charging System Configurations. The three principal systems are the
changeover switch, the relay and the diode isolator.
a. Changeover Switch. The charging system on most engines uses
the same cabling as the engine starter circuit. Basically it consists
of a switch with 3 positions and off. The centre position parallels
both battery banks. It is not uncommon to see both batteries left
accidentally parallelled under load with flattening of both.
Parallelling of a heavily discharged battery and a fully charged one
during charging can also cause some instability in the charging as
they both equalise.

(1) Switch Operation Under Load. If a than eover switch is

operated under load, the surge will proba % ly destroy the
alternator diodes. Most switches incorporate an auxiliary
make before break contact for connection of field. This
advanced field switching disconnects the field and therefore
de-energises the alternator fractionally before opening of the
main circuit. In reality this is rarely connected as most
alternators have integral regulators and it is diihcult to
connect the switch into the field circuit.
(2) Surges. If both batteries are parallelled during an engine
start, sensitive electronics can be damaged by the surge.
(3) Circuit Resistance. In most cases, the cables must run from I
the batteries to the switch location and back to the starter
motor introducing voltage drops. Switches are notoriously
unreliable and can introduce voltage drops into the circuit
and total alternator or switch failure.




Figure 3-l 1. Changeover Switch Charging System.


b. Relay/Solenoid Configuration. This system is able to improve on
the switch system, and enables separation of the charging system
from starting circuits. The relay or solenoid does offer a point of
failure if incorrectly rated for the task. The relay interconnects both
batteries during charging, and separates them when off. This
prevents discharge between the batteries. The relay operating coil is
interlocked with the ignition and energises when the key is turned
on. When modifying the system, it is necessary to separate the
charging cable from alternator to starter motor main terminal where
it is usually connected. A cable is taken directly from the alternator
output terminal to the relay as illustrated. Relay ratings should at
least match the maximum rated output of the alternator. It is
rudent to over-rate the relay. Relays are marketed in various
Porms, the most common being automotive solenoid types. Some
are manufactured specifically for this task.





Figure S-12. Relay Charging System Configuration.


C. Diode System. The diode system is the simplest configuration and
the most reliable. It does have one disadvantage in some
installations. A diode has an inherent voltage drop of typically .7-.8
volts. This is totally unacceptable in a charging circuit. If the
alternator is machine sensed and does not have any provision for
increasing the output in compensation, the diode should not be
used. The diode is a simple and reliable electronic device.
Essentially a diode isolator consists of two diodes with their inputs
connected. They allow voltage to pass one way only, so that each
battery has an output. This prevents any backfeeding between the
batteries. Professionally built diode isolators should be used, such
as the American manufactured Surepower isolator. They are
mounted on heat sinks specifically designed for the maximum
current carrying capacity and maximum heat dissipation. Home
made units are notoriously unreliable and have given diode isolation
systems an unfair reputation. The diode isolators must be rated for
at least the maximum rating of the alternator. and if mounted in the
engine compartment must be over-rated to compensate for the i
derating effect caused by engine heat. Not all diodes are heat sink
mounted, Lucas manufacture a cylindrical. oil filled unit. Diodes
should be mounted in the coolest area possible. Heat sink units
should have the cooling fins in the vertical position to ensure
maximum convection and cooling. The typical diode isolator
charging system configuration is illustrated. Do not install switches
in the cables from each output of the diode to the batteries as some I
recent magazine articles foolishly recommend. A diode is an !
isolator, so another mechanical switch is redundant.


~~ I/ -
Figure 3-13. Diode Charging System Configuration.


d. Automatic Charge Distributors. These are characterised by two
systems from Swedish company LEAE3:

(1) EDR Electronically Controlled Relays. These devices allow

charging of two or more batteries from one alternator or
battery charger. One battery is selected as the priority unit,
normally the house battery, although dedicated electric frig
batteries are often lower. During charging, once the priority
battery has reached the pre-set voltage level, the EDR
automatically selects and connects the next battery. If during
the charging, the priority bank charge level drops, the EDR
will revert back to ensure that it remains fully charged.

(2) CDB Charging Distributor. This is a combinationanodf

functions, as charge distributor, battery isolator
regulator. The regulator function is not strictly true in that it
has no control over field voltage. The device and connections
are illustrated below.



Figure 3-14. Automatic Charge Distributors.


3.13. Multiple Alternator Charging System Configurations. In many
vessels the option of fitting a second alternator is taken. Generally char ing
roblems could have been resolved without it but nevertheless the system 3 oes
Rave advanta es, mainly that of charging
number of d1 ferent system configurations
source redundancy.
for multiple alternator
There are a
which are as follows, and are illustrated in the schematic diagrams below:

a. Discrete Systems. These systems usually have the original engine

alternator charging the engine start battery only. The additional
alternator, usually a higher rated type of 80 amps or greater charges
the house batteries only. If there are more than one bank this may
be split either through a diode isolator or a switch. Ideally the start
battery alternator should be used to charge a third battery bank as
it is very under utilised as start batteries require very little charging.
b. Cross Fed Systems. These systems usually have each alternator
charging a primary battery bank except that each alternator cross
feeds to the other battery bank via a diode isolator. Ideally a fast
charge device should still be used. This allows charging of both
battery banks even if one alternator should fail.




Figure 3-15. Two Alternator Charging Systems.


3.14. Diode Isolator Testing. On rare occasions a factory diode isolator may
fail. This is normally due to an external event such as a surge or spike. The
following tests can be carried out to verify operation:
a. Engine Operating. Output terminal voltages should be identical.
The input terminal should read approximately .75 volts higher if a
non battery sensed regulator is being used. The diode system
should not be used in these installations.

b. Engine Off. Output terminal voltages should read the same as the
service and starting batteries respectively. The input terminal from
the alternator should be zero.

C. Ohmmeter Test. Ensure all power is off before testing:

(1) Disconnect battery input and output cables.

(2) Set meter scale to xl.
(3) Connect red positive probe to input terminal.
(4) Connect black negative probe to output terminals 1 or 2.
(5) If good the meter will indicate minimal resistance.
(6) Reverse the probes, and repeat the test. The reading should
indicate high resistance, or over range.
3.15. Recommendations. The following modifications should be performed
on every vessel charging system:
a. Install Separate Negative Cable. It is strongly recommended that
a separate negative conductor of 10 mm2 (6 B&S) be installed from
the alternator case or negative terminal directly back to the battery
negative. This by-passes the engine block, offers a good low
resistance path and reduces stray currents through the block,
which can cause pitting of bearings.

b. Replace Positive Cable. Most installed positive cables are too

small, especially if a fast charge device is installed. The cable size
should be doubled. Ideally install a minimum of 10 mm2. A
problem is that besides having a maximum current going through it
with fast charge devices or when heavily discharged batteries are
recharged, the heat of the engine compartment also derates the
current capacity of the cable. In most cases a significant volt drop
develops across the cable under full output conditions.

C. Connectors. Do not use the yellow insulated crimp ring connectors

to terminate at the alternator, as they are not rated for the full
alternator output current, use higher rated crimp connectors. Do
not solder in place of crimping. If a connection is loose and
develops a high resistance, the heat of the joint along with en ine
space temperatures will soon melt the connection. Additional fy a
large amount of vibration is transmitted through to the connections,
and fatigue of soldered lugs and failures is a common failure cause.


d. Install Suppressors. Many alternators do not have these fitted, so
install them. Normally you will have noticed radio noise or
interference on electronics equipment. A 2.2 micro farad is ideal,
but even experimentation with a couple of automotive types is

e. Separate Charging System. If you can, separate the char ing

s stem from the starting circuit. Rrevlous illustrations show E ow
t K ese various methods can be done, and in the long term, will
considerably reduce problems and increase reliability.
Table 3-1. Charging System Fault Finding.

Symptom Probable Fault Corrective Action

Reduced Charging Drive belt loose Adjust to 10 mm

Oil on belt Clean belt
Bad alternator connection Repair connection
Diode failure Repair alternator
Suppressor shorting Replace suppressor
Regulator faul Replace regulator
Diode isolator 7 ault Replace diode
Bad negative connection Repair connection
Solder connection fault Resolder joints
Undersized cables Uprate cables
In-line ammeter fault Repair connections
Ammeter shunt Repair connections

Over Charging Regulator faulty Replace regulator

Sense wire off Replace wire

No Charging Drive belt loose Tighten belt

Drive belt broken Replace belt
Warning lamp failed Replace lamp
Auxiliary diode failure Repair alternator
Regulator faulty Replace regulator
Diode bridge failure Repair alternator
Brushes jammed Clean brushgear
Main winding failure Repair alternator
Rotor winding failure Repair alternator
Output connection off Repair connection
Negative connection off Repair connection

Excess Water Use Sulphated plates Renew battery

Overcharging Replace regulator
High ambient temp Relocate batteries


3.16. Power Charging Systems. An alternative or addition to main
propulsion energy charging systems is a dedicated engine powering an
alternator, with possibly extra power take-offs for compressors, pumps or
desalinator high pressure water pump. These can be either diesel or petrol
driven. A traditional method has been the use of lay shafts, but they are often
complicated and cause some difficulties. Systems are as follows:
a. Air Cooled Diesel. Balmar in the United States have a unit driven
by a 4 HP Yanmar diesel. Weighing only 65 lbs, it is fitted with 100
amp or greater alternator.

b. Water Cooled Diesel. SeaFresh UK also have a multipurpose

desalination system integrating char ing and a reverse osmosis high
pressure pump into a single unit. T% ese systems also integrate hot
water heating, and refrigeration compressor to utilise engine power
C. Petrol. MASE of Italy have a petrol powered portable unit that has
an output of 50 am s DC at 14.2 volts. Weight is only 28 kg
including an integral Puel tank:
(1) Multihulls. These are the perfect solution for multihulls
where only an outboard is used for main propulsion and it
utilises a common fuel type of petrol. It is a considerably
cheaper and more efficient charging source than several solar
panels, which can be reduced to a couple for a more balanced
(2) Trailerable Yachts. In the up to 26 foot small cruising yacht
size, power is another problem area. Many vessels around
this size only have outboards with limited charging and they
provide a good DC power supply in these situations. In man
cases the outboard is selected as a cheaper option to a sm ar 1
diesel, and as a result the engine space is vacant and such
units can be easily installed.
d. Custom Units. Units can be made to suit individual requirements,
as some leading single handed yachts have used:

(1) On Australian Kay Cottees Blackmores First Lady record

breaking effort as the first woman solo around the world non-
stop, a Yanmar air cooled en ine was used. I was involved
with the installation of a belt f riven 80 Amp Bosch alternator
with TWC regulator to improve the charging characteristic.
This was to eliminate the use of the more fuel hungry main
engine. As a back-up, the small diesel also had a small
charging output off a flywheel generator.

On Don McIntyres BOC vessel Buttercup, a Yamnar water

cooled diesel unit was installed with Bosch alternators and
TWC regulators for a trouble free charging system.
I have also used a 10 HP Kubota diesel, running an AC
alternator, refrigeration compressor, air compressor and the
DC charging alternator to reduce the required main engine
run times.


4.0. Alternative Energy Charging Systems. More misconceptions exist

about the capabilities of alternative energy systems on cruisin yachts than
virtually any other equipment. In most cases expectations are wi cfely optimistic,
and the realities in service at best disappointing. There are a few absolute
truths that must be realised before embarking on what is large expenditure, and
often a lot of engineering. These realities must be faced in spite of the
hilosophical factors and environmental awareness factors. The important
Hactors are outlined below for consideration in that decision making process:

a. Secondary Power Sources. Alternative energy charging systems

should be integrated into the power system as a second power
source where no further charging capacity can be derived ;y rom the
engine alternator. In most cases alternative generation sources offer
a significant reduction in dependence on en ine based systems. As
a battery on a poorly maintained vessel can 7ose as much as 14% of
charge per month, they are ideal for battery maintenance in these
situations. Alternative ener sources at the prevailing technology
levels can only be considere F as auxiliary charging sources. Ideally
they should be used in conjunction with traditional methods and
used as an integral component in the overall balanced power

b. Primary Power Sources. There are many who for a variety of

reasons choose to rely solely on one or several renewable power
sources to supply electrical power. I have seen in a large number of
cases a complete absence of understanding of basic electrical design
factors. Planning systems requires considerably more stringent
design criteria, a sailing philosophy that excludes a large number of
electrical and electronics equipment, and not least a very disciplined
lifestyle whilst cruising. If you want all the home comforts and
technology, electric refrigeration, etc, then you are going to require a
very large number of solar panels, wind generators, and probably
water powered ones as well. You must realise, that the quoted
output data is virtually always in absolutely ideal laboratory
conditions, and in practice you will require a large factor above them
to get a reasonable result. Cruising behaviour usually results in
conditions that do not facilitate proper utilisation of the various
methods as well. Last but not least, there are many who have had
to adust there cruising behaviour to one dominated by the search
for Ill 0th conserving battery power. and recharging them.
Regrettably the natural forces that control alternative sources are
far from predictable, and therein lies the other dominating factor.


4.1. Solar Systems. Solar energy concepts are not new, and date back to
1839 when the French scientist Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic
phenomenon. The rapid developments in solar technology are generally a result
of the space programs. Solar systems are the most commonly used alternative
energy sources and offer a renewable and nearly maintenance free energy
source. In many cases expectations are unrealistic with attempts made to make
panels the primary charging system but there are a few practicalities to
consider. At best they should be considered as an auxiliary charging source,
although new advances may well change that over the next decade.
a. Theory. The fundamental process of a solar cell is that when light
falls on to a thin slice of silicon P & N substrate, a voltage is
generated. This is called the photovoltaic principle. Cells consist of
two layers, one positive, and one negative. When light energy
hotons enter the cell some are absorbed b the silicon atoms. This
Prees electrons in the negative la er whit i? then flow through the
external circuit (the battery) and i! ack to the positive layer. When
manufactured, the cells are electronicall matched and connected
into an array by connecting in series to Yorm complete solar panels
with typical peak power outputs of 16 volts.
b. Cell Types. There a number of solar cell types and this is based on
the cell material or structure used:

(1) Mono-crystalline. Pure, defect free silicon slices from a

single grown crystal are used for these structures. The cell
atomic structure is ri id and ordered and unlike amorphous
cells cannot be easily %ent. The cells are approximately 15%-
29% efficient. The thin pure silicon wafers are etched within a
caustic solution to create a textured surface. This textured
surface consists of millions of four sided pyramids which act
as efficient light traps reducing reflection losses. Panels are
made by interconnecting 34-36 wafers onto a glass back and

(2) Multi-crystalline. These array types use wafers of silicon cut

from a cast block. The multi-crystalline cell has better low
light angle output levels and is now the most commonly used.

(31 Amorphous Silicon. Unlike crystalline cells these thin film

panels have a loosely arranged atomic structure and are
much less eflicient. These type of cells are normally used in
watches and calculators, and have lower out uts than other
types. They do have the advantage that tR e cells can be
applied to flexible plastic surfaces and as such flexible panels
are made. Additionally they are capable of generating under
low light conditions. I have heard of one enterprising
yachtsman who always tries to park his stem under the
marina floodli hts, so that he gets some trickle charging at
night. Crys tafln e cells wont do this. The big disadvanta e is
th;tspAy;Jeutputs are nearly a quarter of crystalline ce 8 s of


c L
C. Construction. Cell arrays are normally laminated under Ethylene
Vinyl Acetate (EVA). Anti-reflection coatings using titanium dioxide
are used, and some are characterised by a blue colouring. This is
also to increase gathering of light at the blue end of the light
spectrum. Panels are constructed to be moisture and ultra violet
resistant. Glass is tempered and toughened and glass surfaces may
be textured to reduce reflection, increase surface areas and improve
light gathering in low angle lighting conditions. Solar arrays often
utilise front and rear interconnections to improve faulty cell
d. Ratings. Efficiency is at an optimum when a solar panel is angled
directly towards the sun and manufacturers rate panels at specific
test standards. The most effective panels are rigid units while the
flexible units have significantly lower outputs:
(1) Output Specifications. These are normally quoted to a
standard, typically lOOOW/m sq at 25 C cell temperature
and spectrum of 1.5 air mass. The level of h-radiance is
measured in watts per square metre. The irradiance value is
multiplied by time duration to give watthours per square
metre per day.

e. Efficiency. Location and seasonal factors aifect the amount of

energy available. Cells are approximately 15% efficient and start
producing a voltage as low as 5% of full sunlight value:

Solar angles are important to the efficiency of

With the sun at 90 overhead, panels give 100%
output: When angled at 75. the output falls to approximately
95%. at 50 output falls to 75%, and a lower light angle of 30
gives a reduction to 50%.
(2) Average Seasonal Hours. Table 4-l shows typical seasonal
hours and yearly averages based on solar array tilted towards
the sun at an angle equal to latitude of the location +15.
Table 4-l. Peak Solar Level Table.

~W&I ;KNG&D A-: 2.8
215 5.0
GREECE 2.4 4.9
AZORES 2.2 4.1


f. Panel Regulation. In any panel over a small 12- 15 watt unit, a
regulator is required to restrict the voltage to a safe level. It is not
uncommon to have voltage levels rise to 15- 16 volts, and the boiling
dry of batteries over any extended and unsupervised period. There
are solar control devices in use which must not be confused. One is
simply to limit voltage to safe levels and the other device, called a
linear current booster increases power for certain conditions:

(1) Regulators. The regulator functions simply to limit panel

output volta e to a safe level and prevent damage to a battery.
Units may %e simple and limit voltage to 13.8 volts, the
maximum float level, dissipatin heat through a heat sink.
More sophisticated units should % e used to get the most from
the panel. These units incorporate an automatic boost level of
14.2 volts and a float setting of 13.8. The regulator float
charges the battery until a lower limit of approximately 12.5
volts is reached before switching to boost. The units normal1
eliminate the need for an additional blocking diode. Chec 4:
the manufacturers data sheet first. Some regulators also
have temperature compensation installed and must be
installed adjacent to the batteries.

(2) Linear Current Booster. These electronic devices boost

current from the module. Primarily they are designed to
prevent stalling of permanent magnet motors. Effectively they
are constant current devices. Units are primarily used in
applications where panels directly supply a load. They are not
useful on boats where the panel is used to charge a battery.
1 Iv)

$1 PV




S- EI-~ T+ -3


Figure 4-l. Typical Solar Regulator Systems.


B* Diodes. Most panels have diodes installed and the following points
on the use of them are described. There is a rather flawed argument
that the use of a diode reduces chargin voltage. This is true, as a
diode reduces voltage by approximate f y 0.75 V, but if you are
installing a couple of three amp panels which is typical, you will
require a regulator to reduce the voltage to avoid overcharging and
damaging your batteries. If the regulator is a good unit the control
will float between 14.5 and 13.8 volts, so this voltage drop will not
be a problem. If the regulator has the appropriate reverse current
protection such as a diode, then the panel installed unit can be
removed to increase the input voltage to the regulator which gives a
marginally hi her output. If you are not going to regulate the solar
suppl , then f ailure to install or leave the diode installed will result
in a x at battery overnight. There are two functional uses of diodes
which are as follows:

(1) By-pass Diodes. By-pass diodes are normally factory

installed within solar module junction boxes. By-pass diodes
are used to reduce power losses that might occur if a module
within the array is partially shaded. For 12 volt systems these
offer sufficient circuit protection without the use of a blocking
diode. In 24 volt systems with 2 or more modules connected
in series, the solar modules should be connected in individual
series circuits. To obtain the required total array current the
circuits should then be paralleled. If one module of a parallel
array is shaded, reverse current flow may occur.

(2) Blocking Diodes. Blocking diodes are often connected in

series with solar panel output to prevent discharge of the
battery back to the array at night, but not all manufacturers
install them as standard. If the panels do not have a diode
then a diode rated to 1.5 times the maximum output (5 amps)
and should be installed at the regulator input. Most solar
regulators will often have the diode incorporated and generally
all panels with a by-pass diode installed in the connection box
do not require any further diode.
h. Charging System Interaction. There is often an interaction
between solar panels and alternator charging regulators, when they
are left on during engine charging periods. In many cases, solar
panels are not regulated, and it is quite common to see a voltage of
up to 16 volts across the battery. Not withstanding the damage to
batteries that can occur, when an alternator regulator senses this
high voltage level, it simply registers this as a fully charged battery,
and as a result the alternator does not charge the battery, or at a
very minimal rate. When installing panels and regulators, ensure
the following features are installed with them:

(1) Isolation Switch. Always ensure that an isolation switch is

installed on the incoming line to the panel so that it can be
switched out of circuit.

(2) Regulator By-pass Switch. Always install a switch that can

by pass the regulator and appl full panel output to the
battery. This will make perio B ic equalisation easier and
charging a dead battery more efficient.

i. Sight Selection. Solar panel rating selection is large1 de endent
on the physical space available for installation. TXe iSlowing
options are the most common and most efficient. In all cases it is
essential to ensure that panels are not shadowed by sails, spars or
any other equipment. Ideally panels should be angled towards the
sun if at all possible, but in practical terms this is not possible on a
cruising yacht. Generally panels mounted flat will offer the best
compromise, which is why the stem arch configuration is becoming
so popular:
(1) Coach House. Panels ideally are mounted on coach-house
tops, but depending on which tack, one panel will often be
shaded and the other illuminated.
(2) Stem Brackets. This arrangement is real1 only suitable for
a single panel, and is usually designed to aKlow adjustment of
the panel angle.
(3) Stem Arches. This is becoming the most popular method
and allows the eas installation of at least two 3 amp panels
which are clear an dy unobstructed.
(4) Pushpit Rails. This arrangement uses two panels mounted
on swing up brackets on each side of the vessel, normally
close to and on the pushpit rails. Depending on which tack,
or direction of sun, the panels can be put into service, and
folded down if not used.
(5) Multihulls. The much greater deck area of a multihull, and
the near flat sailing attitude make sight selection much easier,
and increased efficiency. In most cases, a large coach house
can be utilised, and on trimarans. arrays can be mounted at
the outer hulls well clear of shadowing.





Figure 4-2. Stem Arch Arrangement.

J. Installation. Solar panels are manufactured in either rigid or
flexible form. Cabling should be properly rated to avoid voltage
drop, and ( 15 Amp) 2.5 mm2 cable is a minimum to cope with two
65 watt panels. As cable is external, use tinned copper marine
cable. Most panels have weather-proof comection boxes and
connections should be simply twisted and terminated in terminals.
Do not use connectors or solder the wire ends. Manufacturers also
specifjr grounding of array or module metallic frames. I have heard
concerns over vessels that have automatic bilge pump arran ements
with a solar panel charging the battery. If the pump cable %evelops
a fault, that once the battery is flat a serious electrolytic corrosion
problem may develop and corrode skin fittings and hull as a voltage
is being applied directly to them. Although theoretically possible, I
have never heard of this occurring and it would be extremely rare. If
it is a concern. operate the bilge pump off the non-charging battery.

(1) Panel Safety. Cover solar panels to prevent a voltage being

generated during installation or removal so that accidental
short circuiting of terminals or cables cannot occur.
(2) Mounting. Each panel should be securely mounted and able
to withstand mechanical loads. Ideally they should be
orientated to provide unrestricted sunlight from 9 to 3 pm
solar time.
(3) Stand-offs. Allow sufficient ventilation under the panel.
Most panels in frames have sufficient clearance incorporated
into them. Excessive heat levels will reduce output and
damage cells.
k. Maintenance. Maintenance requirements of solar panels are
minimal. The essential tasks are as follows:
(1) Cleaning. Panels should be cleaned periodically to remove
salt deposits, dirt and seagull droppings. Use water and a
soft cloth or sponge. Mild, non abrasive cleaners ma be
used, do not use any scouring powders or similar materia r s.
(2) Connections. Check terminal box connections are secure
and dry. Fill the box with silicon compound.

1. Fault Finding. Faults are normally catastrophic mechanical

damage. A single cell failure will not seriously reduce performance
as multiple cell interconnections provide some redundancy.
Reliability is very high and manufacturers give 10 year warranties to
support this. Faults can be virtually eliminated by proper mounting
and regular maintenance. As with all electrical systems, the most
common faults are cable connections. The following checks should
be carried out if charging is not occurring:

(1) Check regulator output for rated voltage, typically 13.2 V DC.
(2) Check regulator input, voltage will be typically 14 volts plus.
Disconnected from battery it can be up to 17- 18 volts.
(3) Check panel junction boxes for moisture or corroded


4.2. Wind Charging Systems. Wind generators are the second most used
alternative source. There are like all charging systems, important factors to
consider when deciding whether to install a unit as part of a balanced power
system. The following chapter outlines the various factors to consider:
a. Cruising Patterns. Wind generators appear more effective in some
areas than others. In the Caribbean they are very effective, and in
the Mediterranean, solar power is considered more efficient. If you
sail downwind following the trades then they are not effective, as the
apparent wind speed is reduced, with a subsequent reduction in
charging capability. If your cruising lifestyle takes you primarily to
sheltered anchorages then they may not be an economical or
practical proposition.

b. Generator Types. Essentially a wind enerator is either a DC

generator or alternator driven by a propel f er. In the USA the trend
is for two or three bladed units which give relatively good low wind
speed outputs with the Windbugger appearing to be the most
popular. The UK/European trend is for smaller diameter multi-
bladed units which are designed to operate at and withstand greater
wind speeds. These units incorporate a heavy hub that acts as a
flywheel to maintain blade inertia.
C. Generator Operation. Many units have a permanent magnet rotor,
with up to 12 poles. A three phase alternating current is generated
and rectified to DC similar to en ine driven alternators. The
Rutland 910 unit circuit is illustrate cf below.



Figure 4-3. Rutland Wind Generator Circuit


d. Ratings. The average wind generator typically produces anything
from 1 am to 10 amps maximum. Ratings curves are always a
function o P wind speed and are quoted at rated output voltages.
Typical ratings are given in Table 4-2 for a number of generators.
Table 4-2. Wind Generator Output Table.

Make/Model Output Current Wind Speed

Aeroaen 3 1 .o AmDS 10 Knots 1

E 35 ,

AMPAIR 1.0 10 I

F:E 45






MPH 10 20 30 40 50
M/S 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5


Figure 4-4. Wind Generator Performance Curve


e. Charging Regulation. There are a number of features incorporated
into wind generators to protect batteries and generators. These are
as follows:

(1) Regulators. A regulator is required to both limit normal

charging to a safe level and to limit output at high wind
speeds. Normally a shunt regulator is preferred over a normal
solar panel regulator as they are more suited to constant
loads. Shunt regulators divert excess current to a resistor
which functions as a heater and dissipates heat through a
heat sink. If series regulators are used, a power zener diode
should be installed to provide some load when the battery is
fully charged. Twelve volt systems should use an l&volt
zener diode. The zener must be rated for at least half rated
generator output.

(2) Chokes. Some units incorporate a choke to limit the charge

produced at high wind speeds.

(31 Winding Thermostats. A number of generators incorporate a

winding embedded thermostat which opens in overload
conditions. This operates when the winding overheats.

(4) Transient Suppressors. These suppressors are installed to

minimise the effects of intermittent spikes being impressed on
the charging system, which would otherwise damage the
rectifier and onboard electronics. The suppressor is usually a
Voltage Dependant Resistor (VDR).
f. Installation. Selection is largely dependent on available mounting
locations. Arrangements vary, some are mounted on the front of the
mast, and others are made hoistable.

(1) Stem Posts. The ideal arrangement is on a stem post which

keeps the blades clear of crew and benefits from air coming off
the mainsail. One of the major complaints is that under load
the wind generator creates vibration. It is essential that the
post be as thick sectioned as possible and supported. Usually
this extra support is on the pushpit and some install stainless
steel wire stays.
(2) Mountings. Mountings can also be cushioned with rubber
blocks or similar material to reduce the transmission of
vibrations. Rutland chargers have a tie bar modification that
strengthens the blades and prevents excessive blade
deformation under load and the increased vibration that
occurs. Newer models have improved blade design and
strength that prevents blade breakage.


g. Fault Finding. Always secure the turbine blades when installing,
servicing or fault finding a wind generator. The following
performance tests should be carried out:

(1) If no ammeter is installed on the main switchboard install an

ammeter in line and check the charging current level. If there
is no output then check the system according to the
manufacturers instructions.
(2) If there is no output and the generator has brushes, then
check that they are free to move and are not stuck. Many
generators do not have brushes and commutators, but a set
of sliprings are installed with brushes to transfer power from
the rotating generator down through the post to the battery
circuit. They can jam and on rare occasions cause loss of

(3) Some generators have a winding imbedded thermostat.

Check with an ohmmeter that it is not permanently open
circuited. If it is open circuited the generator will not charge.
The thermostat will open in high wind charging conditions. If
the thermostat has not closed after these conditions and the
generator case is cold, the thermostat is defective. Regrettably
there is nothing that can be done to repair it unless a new
winding is installed. To get the generator back into service,
connect a bridge across the thermostat terminals. Remember
that there will be no protection, and in high wind and heavy
charging conditions that the winding may bum out.
(4) Excess vibration may be caused by bearing wear. If the unit
is a few years old then renew the bearings. Vibration can also
be caused by damage to one or more blades, and these should
be carefully examined for damage that may be causing
(5) Check the rectifier to ensure that it is not open or short
(6) If the generator output is correct, check the regulator is not
malfunctioning. The voltage input may be in the range 14- 18
volts, and the output approximately 13- 14 volts.
(7) Ensure all electrical connections are secure and in good

4.3. Prop Shaft Charging Systems. Prop shaft generator systems are either
traditional alternators with prop shaft gearing to achieve rated output, or
alternators wound to achieve low speed outputs. Systems are either for use as
an extra power source whilst under engine propulsion, which is not an economic
proposition, or used to take advantage of the free-wheeling propeller under sail.
The following points must be considered:
a. Cruising Patterns. One important point to remember about the
viability of these units is your own cruising pattern. Consider that
only about one quarter to one third of your time is spent passage
making, and therefore the shaft alternator is used for a very limited

b. Dr . Under any load, the alternator will brake the shaft by slowing
sh 3 t rotation, causing additional drag and a reduction in vessel
speed. On a lightweight vessel this is normally unacceptable and
can be as high as half a knot. On steel or other heavy displacement
vessels, the inertia of the vessel will generally result in minimal drag
effect. For such cruising yachts, they are a useful roposition. With
an increasing number of yachts opting for bot R two and three
bladed folding props, shaft alternators may be rarely used.

C. Output. The maximum output will generally be in the region of 5-

10 amps. The Lucas unit has a maximum output of 12 amps, with
an approximate output of 1 amp per knot. Cut-in speed is 600
rev/min and requires a shaft pulley ratio of 5: 1. One major fear has
been gearbox damage due to improper lubrication. while
f&wz;;ling but many major gearbox manufacturers have dispelled
4.4. Water Charging Systems. Water based charging systems come in two
a. Towed Turbine Generator. The towed turbine water generator is
essentially a slow speed alternator with the drive shaft mechanically
connected to a braided rope and turbine assembly. When streamed
off the stem, the turbine turns and rotates the alternator. Typical
output is approximately 6 amps. The trail rope is typically around
30 metres long:

(1) Drag. Typical drag speed reduction is around half a knot.

The trail generator, like the old fashioned trailin log are
reliable, and extra hungry denizens rarely eat the tur %ine.
(2) Turbine Skipping. One problem is that the turbine tends to
skip out of the water across wave heights at speeds over 6
knots, in less than normal sea states. The Ampair units have
two turbine types, one for speeds up to 7 knots, and another
coarse pitch turbine for higher speeds to minimise this
problem. There are a variety of methods to reduce skipping,
which include adding sinker weights to the turbine, increasing
the tow line length and increasing the tow line diameter.


b. Submerged Generator. These units comprise a forward facing
three bladed propeller that drives a permanent magnet alternator.
The propeller is mounted at the end of a tubular arm at a depth of
approximately 1 metre. As a water driven power source they are a
good option, being easy to lift and service. Maximum output is
approximately 8 amps.

(1) Drag. The drag on a submerged generator is approximately

double that of a towed generator.
(2) Physical Characteristics. As the electrical alternator is
underwater certain constructional features are employed. The
generator housing has double seals, as do the cable glands.
The alternator body is filled with hydraulic fluid to equalise
external pressures when fully extended in the water. The
reservoir is fitted to allow for oil expansion and contraction.

(3) Mounting Locations. Generators can be mounted either

directly on the transom or on the taffrails.



0 2 4 6 8 10





0 2 4 0 8 10


Figure 4-5. Water Generation System Characteristics.



5.0. Battery Mains Chargers. Mains chargers are only used as a primary
charging source in large vessels with AC generators in continual service. Many
vessels have had batteries ruined by poor quality chargers due to a marginal
overcharge voltage level. In reality, mains chargers are not a principal charging
source on a cruising yacht, and a relatively small output automatic charger of
approximately 10 - 15 amps will meet the normal requirements whilst alongside.
The basic principals of most basic battery chargers is as follows:

a. Transformation. The mains voltage, either 230 or 110 volts AC is

applied to a transformer. The transformer steps down the voltage to
a low level, typically around 15/30 volts depending on the output

b. Rectification. The low level AC voltage is then rectified by a full

wave bridge rectifier similar to that in an alternator. The rectifier
outputs a voltage of around 13.8/27.6 volts, which is the normal
float voltage level.
C. Regulation. Many basic chargers do not have any output
regulation. Chargers that do have regulation are normally those
that use control systems to control output voltage levels. These
sensing circuits automatically limit charge voltages to nominal levels
and reduce to float values when the predetermined full charge
condition is reached.
d. Protection. Chargers have a range of protective devices that range
from a simple AC input fuse to the many features that are described
as follows:
(1) Thermal Overload. These devices are normally mounted on
the transformer, or rectifier. When a predetermined high
temperature is reached, the device opens and prevents further
charging until the components cool down.
(2) Input Protection. This is either a circuit breaker or fuse that
protects the AC input against overload and short circuit on
the primary side of the transformer.
(3) Reverse Polarity Fuse. A fuse is incorporated to protect
circuits against accidental polarity reversal of output leads.
(4) Current Limiting. Limiting circuits are used to prevent
excessive current outputs, or to maintain current levels at a
specific level.

(5) Short Circuit Protection. This is usually a fuse that

protects output circuits against high current short circuit
d. Interference Suppression. Most chargers have an output voltage
ripple superimposed on the DC. This is overcome by the use of
chokes and capacitors across the output. This ripple can affect
electronics and cause data corruption on navigation equipment.


5.1. Charger Types. There are a number of charger types and techniques in
use as follows:
a. Constant Potential Chargers. Chargers operate at a fixed voltage.
The charge current decreases as the battery voltage reaches the
preset charging voltage. Batteries can sustain damage if
unsupervised as electrolytes evaporate, and gas formation can be
excessive. Additionally such chargers are susceptible to mains
input voltage variations. If left unattended, the voltage setting must
be below 13.5 volts, or batteries will be ruined through
b. Constant Current, Constant Voltage. This charging technique
entails the application of a constant current to charge the battery.
When the gassing voltage is reached, typically in the range 14.4 to
14.6 volts corrected for temperature, the charge current is reduced
1 to a float charge constant voltage condition.

1 C. Cycle Chargers. TWC of Sweden have a charger that has the same
chargin characteristics as the alternator control regulator. One
unusua 8 feature of this unit is that if the boat is left unattended for
more than ten days, the charger automatically partially discharges
the battery bank by 25% and recharges it to work it. Additionally
the unit commences each charge cycle phase with a current surge
that has the same effect as an equahsing charge.




nt I
.a 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5

Figure 5-1. NEWMAR Universal Charger Characteristics.


a. Ferro Resonant Chargers. These chargers use a fen-o resonant
transformer which have two secondary windings. One of the
windings is connected to a capacitor, and they resonate at a specific
frequency. Variations in the input voltage cause an imbalance, and
the transformer corrects this to maintain a stable output. These
chargers have a tapered charge characteristic. As the battery
terminal voltage rises, the charge current decreases. Control of
these char ers is usually throu h a sensing circuit that switches the
charger of $ when the nomina Y voltage level is reached, typically
around 15% to 20% of charger nominal rating.

; 50-

5E 40-

= 30-

20 -

10.0 16.5 ll'.O 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0


Figure 5-2. NEWMAR Ferro Resonant Charger Characteristics.


e. Switch-Mode Chargers. Compact switch-mode chargers are
becoming increasingly popular due to their compact size and low
weights. These charger types convert the input line frequency from
50 to 150,000 hertz which reduces the size of transformers and
chokes used in conventional chargers. An advantage of these
chargers is that line input and output are effectively isolated
eliminating the effects of surges and spikes. These chargers are my
own choice, and units such as those from LEAE3 of Sweden are
technically very advanced. The chargers are battery sensed,
temperature compensated, have integral di ital voltmeter and
ammeters, and are physically very compact. T % e illustration below
shows the principal of operation and the various waveform
conversions from the AC input to a stable DC output.


TRANS- fl n -





_ TRANS- .n n



Figure 5-3. LEAB Switch Mode Charger System.


f. Automatic Chargers. This term covers a large range of electronic
controlled charging systems. These include char ers that have SCR
or Triac control, a combination of current and vo f tage settings, with
appropriate sensing systems and control systems, as well as 6.0
overvoltage and overcurrent protection. The ideal charger inSi
characteristic is one that can deliver the boost charge required and
automatic dropping to float charge levels so that overcharging does PiI
not occur.
5.2. Charger Installation. Chargers should be mounted in a dry and well
ventilated area. The following precautions should be undertaken when using

a. Always switch off battery charger during engine starting if connected

to the starting battery.
b. Mains connection should be an industrial grade outlet in engine
areas or normal outlet in dry areas.

C. The metal case of any charger must be properly grounded to the AC

d. Clips or permanent fasteners should be used on cables if the
charger is permanently installed to prevent cables from moving.
e. Switch off the charger before connecting or disconnecting cables
from battery.
f. Do not operate a lar e invertor off a battery with a charger still
operating. The large f oad will overload the charger and may cause
damage to circuitry.

I 14.2
30 -

25- 13

20- 12
10 -
0 - TIME



Figure 5-4. Automatic Charger Characteristics.


6.0. DC Systems. This chapter encompasses the selection and correct
-g installation of cables, terminations and circuit protective devices. The following
points should be noted:
a. Failure Rates. A significant proportion of vessel failures, estimated
at up to 80%. are directly attributable to incorrectly selected or
vell installed cables, or improper connections and terminations. Most
u minor failures can be eliminated by using simple accepted practices.
Unfortunately the common attitude is to still treat vessel low voltage
systems similar to automotive installations and the high failure
rates on cruising vessels reflect this attitude.
b. Fire Risks. Exposure of DC systems to water is still capable of
ine causing fire, shock and catastrophic darnage.

C. Ratings. AI1 installed equipment used in DC electrical systems

9C must be rated for DC, not AC.
6.1. DC Systems Voltages. System voltages vary and all have their merits.
he The three main system voltages are as follows:
a. Volt es. The three principal voltages are 12. 24 and 32 volts, the
es latter Yl eing less common these days:

(1) 12 Volt Systems. The 12 volt system is the most common.

,ill This is due to the large range of equipment available that can
se be directly connected. The majorit of electronic equipment
are available to run on either 12 or 8 4 volt. It is now possible
to purchase toasters, washing machines, and virtually any
appliances in 12 volts.

(2) 24 Volt Systems. This system is prevalent, especially in

commercial applications. It has the advantage of lower
physical equipment sizes, cabling and control gear.
Additionally voltage drops are not as critical. As equipment is
commonly 12 volts a DC-DC converter must be used to step
down to 12 volt equipment. Althou h complicating the
system a little this does offer isolation o f sensitive electronics
equipment from the surge and spike prone power system.

(3) 32 Volt Systems. This volta e system is not that common

now, and appears to be mai l-l y confined to some American
vessels. It has a major disadvantage in that there is very little
voltage compatible equipment and conversion is expensive.

b. Mixed Voltage Systems. It is quite common to see vessels having

both 12 and 24 volt systems in use. Effectively they should be
treated as two entirely separate entities with no interconnection
electrically. This will mean two alternators and two battery banks.
The merits of 24 volts for heavy current consumption e uipment
such as invertors and windlasses is obvious as cable ha 9 the size
and weight can be used. In many cases electronics will be able to
operate on 24 volts without modification.

6.2. DC Voltage Conversion. In many vessels, a mix of voltages requires the 6.3
use of DC converters to step down from 24 to 12 volts. There are a number of ten
technical points that must be considered when selecting and installing ves
converters: Tllc
a. Output Isolation. Converters may either galvanically isolated or
only isolated in the positive conversion circuit. Galvanically isolated
units will totally isolate input and output providing protection to
connected loads, and these are preferable.
b. Output Stability. Good quality converters have a stabilised output
of around 13.6 volts. They should also have radio interference
suppression. Stability is typically about 1% between line and load
at rated output voltage.

C. Idle Current Consumption. Typical power consumption of a

converter without a load connected is approximate1 40 to 50
milliamps, so there will always be a battery drain. T iI e converter
should ideally have an isolation switch on the input side.
d. Peak Power Output. Converters are able to withstand short surge
current. Normally a 50% over current can be applied for
intermittent surges, and approximately 70% for a very short
duration of up to 30 seconds for peak loads. Some high power units
can withstand peak overloads of 200% for up to 30 seconds.

e. Output Ratings. Output ratings vary but I usual1 install one rated
at approximately 15 Amps continuous. Duty c c Ye ratings are also
applicable to converters. Intermittent over Poads can only be
sustained on a cycle of 20 minutes every hour, and peaks for a 30 to
60 seconds per hour. Failure to observe these duty cycles will
result in a burnt out converter.
f. Output Derating. Converters like most electrical equipment is
designed to provide an output at a specific temperature range,
typically 0 - 40C. At 50C, converters should be derated to 50%.
Installation. Good ventilation is essential. Converters should be
mounted vertically so that fins are also vertical to facilitate
convection. Sufficient clearance must be allowed between top and
bottom so that air flow is not obstructed.
h. Protection. Most converters are installed with automatic thermal
shutdown, short circuit fuse protection, current limiting and reverse
polarity protection.


Ls. Wiring Configurations. The majority of cruising yachts have a
Wralised distribution system based at a single switch panel, while larger
lc88e1s,and more increasingly smaller ones are using a system of sub-panels.
Rrere are two basic wiring configurations in use on vessels regardless of the
@em, and these are described as follows:

a. Two Wire Insulated Return Systems. This type of configuration is

the preferred system, and that includes the various classification
societies. All steel and alloy vessels must be of the 2 wire insulated
return. This configuration has no part of the circuit, in particular
the negative, connected to any ground or equipment. The system is
totally isolated, and this includes engine sensors, starter motors
and alternators. This system must be installed on steel and alloy


ISOLATOR \------I \ I \------I ISOLATOR




Figure 6-1. Insulated 2 Wire Return Systems.

b. Insulated Return One Pole Grounded. Insulated return and one
pole grounded (negative) is the other alternative. This effectively
grounds the negative and is quite common where the ne ative is
using the engine block as a ground. This is often by defau f t rather
than due to any design considerations, and is much cheaper to
implement. In GRP and timber vessels this system is common and
suitable but in steel and alloy vessels this poses very considerable
corrosion risks.

-VE e
?f +*




r-----------.-------------------- SWITCHBOARD



Figure 6-2. Insulated 1 Pole Return Systems.


Distributed Systems. These systems are typically broken down
into a system of sub-panels, and it is becoming increasingly
preferable with the growth in installed equipment. There are a
number of significant advantages over a centralised system which
include the separation of potentially interactive equipment such as
umps and electronics which causes radio frequency interference
PWI). Separation enables a reduction in the number of cables
radiating throughout the vessel from the main panel to areas of
equipment concentration, which is also a cause of WI and
considerably greater quantity of cable. Most distributed systems
run all the sub-circuits from the central panel, with each circuit
having a circuit breaker to protect. The illustration below shows the
preferable breakdown of sub-circuits and panels, and is based on
the successful implementation on a number of vessels. In the case
below, only essential services are kept along with metering on the
main panel. The lighting panel can be located anywhere practicable,
as once circuits are on, lights are switched locally. Electronics
panels are ideally a smaller panel located at the nav station (see nav
station design chapter), the pump panel should be located in an
accessible location, and in most cases the greatest concentration of
pumps is midships to forard.

7 -1 1 DECK Ll6HTS)




Figure 6-3. Distributed Power Systems.

6.4. DC Cable Installation. Cables are very often badly installed, and for the
same effort with planning and correct procedures, a high quality job at the same
cost can be undertaken. Observe the following criteria:

a. Cable Types. There are a number of important factors related to

cable selection which are as follows:

(1) Tinned Conductors. The use of tinned copper conductors is

really essential, particularly where exposed to any saltwater
spray or moisture. Plain copper will very quickly degrade and
fail. The argument used against tinned copper is cost. The
price differential is not that great and the reliability (and
vessel resale increase) advantages far outweigh the lower 1
priced plain copper conductor. After all you wouldnt use
lower grade hull materials if you knew they would fail.

(2) Insulation. Double insulated cables should be used on all

circuits to ensure insulation integrity. Additionally most
insulation is temperature rated which has important
implications with respect to ratings. In most cruising vessels
PVC insulated and PVC sheathed cables rated at 75 degrees C
are used. For classification societies Butyl Rubber, CSP, EPR
or other insulating materials are specified which have higher
temperature ratings and subsequently also have higher
current capacities.

b. Nominal Ratings. All cables have nominal cross sectional areas

and current carrying capacities. Nominal ratings are also given at (
specific temperatures, typically 20 degrees C. The principal cable
sizes and ratings are given for twin conductors in Table 6- 1. I [
always recommend standardisation of cable sizes, and this reduces
the cable type and size to only two in most cases, which is both 6.1
cheaper and easier. ele
Table 6- 1. Typical DC Cable Nominal Ratings. bY
Conductor Size WC Butyl Rubber Resistance a:
(Heat Resisting) (Lloyds lOOAl) Ohms/lOOOm ch
1 .O mm2 ll.OAmps 12 Amps 18.84 ml
1.5 mm2 14.0 Amps 16 Amps 12.57
1.8 mm2 15.0 Amps 10.50
2.5 mm2 (14 AWG) 20.0 Amps 22 Amps 7.54 E
4.0 mm2 (12 AWG) 27.0 Amps 30 Amps 4.71
6.0 mm2 (10 AWG) 35.0 Amps 38 Amps 3.14
10.0 mm2 (8 AWG) 49.0 Amps 53 Amps 1.82
16.0 mm2 (6 AWG) 64.0 Amps 71 Amps 1,152 t
25.0 mm2 (4 AWG) 86.0 Amps 93 Amps 0.762
35.0 mm2 (2 AWG) 105.0 Amps 119 Amps 0.537
50.0 mm2 (1 AWG) 127.0 Amps 140 Amps 0.381
60.0 mm2 (0 AWG) 150.0 Amps 160 Amps 0.295
70.0 mm2 161.0 Amps 183 Amps 0.252


Derating Factors. All cable current carrying capacities are subject
to derating factors:

(1) Temperatures. All cables have nominal ratings

temperatures. In any installation where the conductors
exceed that temperature the current carrying capacity of the
cable is reduced. This is important in engine spaces.
(2) Bunching. Where cables are bunched in a large loom,
derating occurs.

d. Duty Cycles. Heavy current carrying cables such as those used on

windlasses, winches and starter motors are in fact only used for
short durations. As there is a time factor in the heating of a cable,
smaller cables can be used. The table shows battery cable ratings
which are rated at 60% duty.

Table 6-2. Battery Cable Ratings.

Voltage Drop (Volts) = Current [Amps) x Resistance of Cable (Ohms)

a. Current. The current value should be the rated current of the

cable. Typically I standardise on 14-15 amp rated cable (1.5 - 1.85
mm2). In most cases the connected load will be signitkantly less
than this. If you have a circuit which has equipment rated at 5
amps and permanently connected and where no other load can be
applied then you can also calculate using that figure based on the
above listed cable.

b. Resistance of Cable. All cables have nominal resistance values,
which are given as ohms per 100 or 1000 metres. In the DC circuit
under calculation, the total cable run must be measured and
doubled to account for the return circuit. In the typical maximum
run length of 10 metres (excepting mast circuits) the resistance of
the above cable is typically around 10.5 ohms per 1OOOm at 20 i
degrees. This gives a value of 0.105 ohms per 10 metres, so;
doubled the resistance is 0.21 ohms. As the calculation shows, this
cable is not suitable for the loads of 10 amps and 5 amps is a

Voltage Drop (2.1 volts) = 10 Amps x 0.2 1 Ohms

Voltage Drop (1.05 volts) = 5 Amps x 0.2 1 Ohms

C. Line Losses. This is another measure of power lost within a

resistive line and is also called copper loss. It must be noted that
the current is squared, so for every increase the losses are much
higher. The calculations below are based on a typical 40-45 foot
yacht electrical system and show both volt drop and line losses for
each circuit at rated load on the two most common problem circuits,
Where you design to the lower limit the losses can be quite large. In
this case the formula is as follows:
Line Loss (watts) = Current Squared (Amps) x Resistance (Ohms)

d. Anchor Windlass. These must be calculated at working and peak

loads. As the calculations show, a larger cable size will ensure less
voltage drop and line losses.
Working load current 85 amps, cable run 12 metres. CSA q
350;~2, rating = 125 amps, resistance = 0.537 ohms per
Volta e Drop (1.1 volts) = 85 Amps x 0.013 Ohms (2 x 0.006
ohms 7
Line Loss ( 93 watts) = 85 2 x 0.013
Max load current 125 amps, cable run 12 metres. CSA = 35
mm2, rating = 125 amps, resistance = 0.537 ohms per 1000m.
Volta e Drop (1.6 volts) = 125 Amps x 0.013 Ohms (2 x 0.006
ohms 7
Line Loss (203 watts) = 125 2 x 0.013
e. Tricolour. Load current 2 amps, cable run 40 metres, CSA = 2.5
111111~.rating = 20 amps, resistance = 7.54 ohms per 1000m.

Voltage Drop (1.2 volts) = 2 Amp x 0.60 Ohms (2 x 0.30 ohms)

Line Loss (2.4 watts) = 2 2x 0.60


I.6. Cable Installation. Fastening of cables in a vessel can take a number of
brms. The em hasis must be on accessibility during installation, and for the
@r addition o P circuits. Under no circumstances fibreglass in cables as some
~1 manufacturers recklessly do. AC and DC cables can be run together in
ke same loom. The proviso is that both cables should be double insulated.
Mall cable as follows:

a. Conduit. If it can be installed during the construction phase,

install PVC electrical conduits to isolated areas so that cables can
be easily pulled in, replaced or added to. These offer good
mechanical protection to cables. In these cases single insulated
tinned cables can be used if the conduit runs back to the
switchboard. Do not install large bunches of cables in flexible
conduits as they tend to move around and chafe. Do not use PVC
conduits in machinery spaces.
b. Saddles. Cables can be neatly bunched together and PVC or
stainless saddles used to secure them. Saddles should be placed no
more than 150 cm apart to prevent cable loom sagging and
movement during service. I prefer the use of PVC conduit saddles,
which come in a variety of sizes. Ideally I run a central cableway
down one side of the vessel. This is normally a wooden panel
approximately 4 inches (20mm) wide and extends forward and aft of
the switchboard. The panel is run through the backs of cupboards
and suitable transit holes are made where necess The panel is
then covered with a ply cover to prevent damage inY dckers. Cables
are then separated into signal or instruments and DC supply, and
plastic saddled. Where instrument cables must cross over power
cables, this should be at right angles to avoid induced interference.
In new vessels the wiring can then be left until the fitout is nearly
completed. For circuits to the other side of vessel, one or two easily
accessible areas are provided to install these cables.
Hot Glue. A hot glue gun is a useful way of fastening small or
single cables above head liners, or in comers behind trimming and
carpet finishes. It is useful where there is no risk of cables coming
loose but must not be used on heavy or exposed cable runs.
Tiewraps. The PVC tiewrap is universal in applications, and should
be used where looms must be kept together, or where any cable can
be securely fastened to a suitable support. Do not use wraps to
suspend cables from isolated points, as this invariably causes
excessive stress and cable fatigue. For internal ties you only need
the white ones, any external ties should be black UV resistant.
Spirowrap. PVC spiral wrapping is another extremely useful
method of consolidating cables into a neat loom. If a number of
cables are layin loose, consolidate them into some spiral wrap, and
then fasten the $oom using tiewraps.

Cable Marking. Always mark cable ends to aid in reconnection and

fault finding. A simple slide on number system can be used, or
some of the labelling s stems for use with nylon cable ties. These
simply require use o i! a marker pen. Just ensure that it is
permanent. The practice of colour coded wiring has diminished,
and with all cable being red for positive and black for negative,
polarity identification is easy.


6.7. DC Circuit Protection. The purpose of circuit protection is to limit
overload and fault currents to the rated capacity of the supply cable. Circuit
protection is not normally rated to the connected loads, although this is
commonly done on loads which are considerably less than the cable rating, such
as VHF radios or instrument systems. The two most common circuit protective
devices are the fuse and the circuit breaker. Recent developments have seen the
introduction of electronic tripping and reset devices, especially in conjunction
with touchpad electrical panels. Protection factors are as follows:

a. Fuses. Fuses are still widely used, and althou h cheaper they have
many disadvantages. Most fuses are of the g Pass type. There are
either simple fuse holders or a combination fuse switch from
Hienemann. The following factors are the disadvantages of fuses,
and in my opinion there are no real advantages excepting a much
lower initial capital cost.

(1) Rating Variations. The typical fuse is not very accurate and
can rupture as much as 50% above or below nominal current

(2) Service Fatigue. Fuse elements fatigue in service with the

fuse element properties altering and subsequentl the rated
value will alter. Vibration also commonly causes it reakage of
the glass, and the worst disadvantage is that when youre
really in trouble you cant find a spare fuse.

(3) Voltage Drop. There is added contact resistance in the fuse

holder between each contact and the fuse ends which
commonly cause voltage drops, intermittent supply and

(4) Fault Finding. This problem is amplified when a circuit has

a fault and you go through a box of fuses on a trial and error
fault finding exercise. A circuit breaker allows simple
resetting. From my own, and many other vessel owners
experiences, there is no place for fuse systems on yachts
unless of course you enjoy that adrenalin rush as your
navigation lights go out or autopilot stops and you feverishly
try and locate, and install, a failed fuse in the middle of the
night, in a force 9, and you are on a lee shore, and, and, well
you know about Murphys Law, and they say he was an

b. Circuit Breakers. The circuit breaker is the most reliable and

practical method of circuit protection. Physically they are
manufactured in press button aircraft types, toggle type, or rocker
switch. Ideally they are used for circuit isolation and protection,
combining both functions, which saves switchboard space, costs
and installation time as well as improving reliability. Single pole
circuit breakers are normally fitted to most vessels, however
classification societies only allow these in grounded pole
installations. This is because a fault arising on the circuit will
provide a good ground loop and the large current flow will ensure
proper breaker interruption. Double pole breakers are
recommended for all circuits, as they will totally isolate equipment
and circuits. This is a requirement of many classification or survey


C. Circuit Breaker Standards. Only install circuit breakers that are
approved by UL. CSA or Lloyds. Approvals for small vessel
breakers categorise them as supplementary protectors. On m
switchboards I use either Heinemann or ETA breakers, althoug 41
makes such as Carling are also good. All makes are manufactured
to high standards and are suitable for the demands of marine

d. Circuit Breaker Selection. Circuit breakers must be selected for

the cable size that they protect. The rating must not exceed the
maximum rated current of the conductor. The cable sizes in Table
6-3 ive recommended ratings for single cables installed in well
venti 7ated spaces. Bunching of cables and high ambient
temperatures require derating factors. Ratings are given according
to IEC Standard 157.

Table 6-3. Circuit Breaker Selection Table.

Conductor Size Current Rating CB Ratinp

1.5 mm2 7.9 - 15.9 Amps 8 Amps

2.5 mm2 15.9 - 22.0 16
4.0 mm2 22.0 - 30.0
6.0 mm2 30 0 - 39.0 ::
10.0 mm2 39.0 - 54.0
16.0 mm2 54.0 - 72.0 ::
25.0 mm2 72.0 - 93.0 80
35.0 mm2 93.0 -117.0 100
50.0 mm2 117.0 - 147.0 120

G. Discrimination. The principle of discrimination in a circuit is

extremely important and regrettably is rarely considered or installed
on cruising yacht electrical systems. A circuit normally should have
two or more overcurrent protective devices, such as the main and
auxiliary circuit breakers installed between the battery and the load.
The devices must operate selectively so that the protective device
closest to the fault operates first. If the device does not operate, the
second device will operate protecting the circuit against overcurrent
damage and possibly fire.

(1) Use circuit breakers with different current ratings. This

effectively means that at a point on the time delay curve the
first breaker will trip, if it does not and the current value
increases the next will. A point is reached called the limit of
discrimination. At this point the curves intersect and both
breakers will trip simultaneously.

(2) Use circuit breakers with different time delay curves. This
simply entails using breakers with differing time delay curves
to achieve the same result.

(3) Use circuit breakers with different time delay curves, current
ratings and different breaker types. This enables using all of
the above to ensure discrimination.


f. Tripping Characteristics. Characteristics are normally given by circi
the manufacturer of the breaker and is a curve of current against isOl:
time. The greater the current value over the nominal tripping value ch;u
the quicker the circuit breaker will trip.

1300 ALU.!!! ! ! ! !!!!!! ! ! ! 111111


1100 - -- ,,,.... .. '.

I I I llllll I I I ltilll I I I rtml
:; : :
A :

,001 .Ol .1 1 10 100 1000


Figure 6-4. Circuit Breaker Time Delay Curve.


6.8. Supply Circuit Isolation. Individual circuits are isolated either by the
circuit breaker or a switch. Main DC supply to the switchboards must also have
isolation. In many installations this is performed by the ubiquitous battery
changeover switch. Better alternatives are as follows:

a. Single Pole Switches. If a system is designed and installed as I

have recommended then this will be replaced by a single pole
isolator rated at 100 amps.

b. Double Pole Switches. In steel and alloy vessels the isolation

should be a double pole switch and these are normally rated at
around 300 amps. They are a good idea in all vessels as this
eliminates the feed back into the system from lightning strikes. The
double pole switches are also a requirement of many survey and
classification societies.

C. Isolator Location. Isolation switches should be installed as close

as practicable to the battery bank. They should also be mounted as
high as practicable above possible bilge and flooding levels.

d. Short Circuit Protection. Survey authorities also require short

circuit protection mounted adjacent to the battery, but they should
not be able to cause an arc or ignition of gas from batteries. My
normal practice is to install two 100 or 125 amp DC circuit breakers
located as close as practicable to the batteries, one for the windlass
and one for the panel supply.


1 1 I 2



Figure 6-5. Supply Circuit Isolation.


6.9. DC Cable Connections. Cable connections are the sin le reatest cause
of electrical problems on a vessel. The following practices sa ou ? d be used to
ensure optimum reliability:
a. Cable Ends. Cable ends should simply have the insulation removed
from the end, without nicking the cable strands. Prepare cable ends
as follows:

(1) The bare cable strands should be simply twisted, and inserted
in the terminal block or connector of a similar size.

(2) Ensure there are no loose strands, and this is very eas to do.
If you are terminating into an oversize terminal bloc K , twist
and double over the cable end to ensure that the screw has
something to bite on.

(3) For cable insertion under a screw do not use crimp cable pin
connectors, they simply add contact resistance into the
circuit. The holding clamps on most terminals are designed
for cables, not flat connectors.

b. Soldered Ends. Do not solder the cable ends. This practice is

widespread and there is a widespread misconception that this will
make good connections and prevent cable corrosion. I have yet to
find any internal cable that failed due to corrosion except bilge
pump connections and they were aggravated by direct salt water
contact and electrical interaction. There is controversy on this
issue, but from experience solder in fact causes many problems as
(1) The solder travels up the conductor causing stiffness. This
causes greater vibrational effects at the terminal with
resultant fatigue and failure. In most cases the soldering is
poorly done with a high resistance joint being made.

(2) A soldered cable end also prevents the connector screw from
spreading the strands and making a good electrical contact,
causing high resistance and heating. The proviso is that you
should use connectors of the correct size for the cable.

6.10. Solderless Terminals. The most practical method of cable connection is

the solderless terminal or crimp connector. These are colour coded according to
the cable capacity that can be accommodated. Terminals such as the STAKON
types are designed and manufactured according to NEMA standards, which
cover wire pullout tension tests, and voltage drop tests. Quality terminals will
meet UL and CSA standards. Two important points when using connectors:

a. Crimping Tool. Only use a quality ratchet type crimping tool, not a
cheap pair of squeeze types, which do not adequately compress and
capture the cable subsequently causing failure as the cable pulls
out of the connector sleeve.

b. Crimping. A good joint requires two crimps. Always crimp both the
joint and the plastic behind it. Ensure that no cable strands are
hanging out. Poor crimping is one of the major causes of
termination failure that I encounter.


Table 6-4. Cable Connector Standard Table.

c010ur Cable Size Range Current Rating

Yellow 3.0 to 6.0 mm2 30 Amps

Blue 1.5 to 2.5 mm2 15 Amps
Red 0.5 to 1.5 mm2 10 Amps

C. Spade, Tab, Lucar Connectors. These are the most commonly

used connectors. When using them observe the following:
(1) Connector Sizes. Always use the correct spade connectes
for the cable size.

(2) Connector Security. S ade connectors are easily dislod ed.

As there is a tendency Por these types to slip off the bat f of
circuit breakers ensure they are tight to push on. Ensure that
the spade actually goes on the tab, and not in between
insulation sleeve and the connector. With switchboards I like
to apply a dab of solder, or even simply a drop of silicon to
prevent the connector from working loose.

d. Ring Connectors. Ring connectors are used on aI1 equipment

where screw, bolt and nut are used. They should also be used on
any equipment subject to vibration, or where accidental
dislodgement can be critical, particularly switchboards.
(1) Connector Hole. Always ensure that the hole is a close fit to
the bolt or screw used on the connection, to ensure good
electrical contact and use spring washers.
(2) Creepage. One practical method used to prevent nut
creepage is to dab on a spot of paint.
e. In-Line Cable (Butt) Splices. Where cables require connection and
a junction box is impracticable, use insulated in-line butt splices.
This is more reliable than soldered connections, where a bad joint
can cause high resistance and subsequent heating and voltage drop.
use heat shrink insulation over the joint to ensure waterproof
integrity is maintained. There are connectors that when heated
form a watertight seal by the fusing and melting of the insulation
sleeve. These can be ideal for bilge pump connections.

f. Pin Terminals. Pin terminals can make a neat cable termination

into connector blocks, however from experience I have found these
to be unreliable simply because vibration and movement work them
loose and in most cases they do not precisely match the connector
block terminal and make an inadequate electrical contact.
g. Bullet Terminals. These are useful where used in cabin lighting
fittings. I often use these on all cable ends, female on the supply
and male on the light fitting tails. This makes it easy to disconnect
and remove fittings, especially where they are permanently installed
in the headlining.


6.11. DC Junction Boxes. Junction boxes are the most practical way to ,
terminate a number of cables, especially where access is required to disconnect 1
circuits. There should be a minimum of junction boxes and the following are 1
virtually standard in any installation:

a. Mast Circuits. The mast circuits should all have a unction box in :
a dry location under the deck. This will include a It ox for lighting
circuits, a box for masthead wind instrument, a VHF coaxial cable
junction box or in-line connector, and a radar junction box. This
will enable easy disconnection for mast removal, and faultfinding.
The Index (Thrudex) models illustrated below are by far the best
type available and give a neat and professional job.
b. Lighting Circuits. To reduce cables radiating back to the
switchboard and also minimise voltage drops, I use a junction box
forard and aft to power up lighting circuits. The best for these
where several cables are to be paralleled are the small domestic mini
junction boxes that incorporate three terminals. They are quite
suitable as long as a dry location is chosen, such as a cupboard or
behind a panel, -

Figure 6-6. Index (Thrudex) Junction Boxes.


A well designed and manufad II .red switchboard is a
.it contn 31, operation, monitoring and protection.
a Material. Metal or plastics? This is the big question. Survey
requirements and most classification societies specify a non-
conductive, non-hygroscopic material although most metal panels
gain approval. I have outlined the various advantages of each type:

(1) Plastics. These multilayer boards are non-conductive and

are made of traffolyte or bakelite. Circuit identification is
done by engraver, which cannot be rubbed off. The boards
are also corrosion resistant, and do not scratch easily. The
panel illustration is of such a panel for a trimaran fitout that I
recently completed.

(2) Metal. Metallic anodised aluminium panels are generally

etched with appropriate circuit identification, and they are
very attractive. They are however conductive, and faults and
shorting can occur to the panel. Metallic panels must always
be suitabl rounded. After some use, the etching can wear
dvl e circuit names obscured. The majority of off-
fga?healfn panels such as Marinetics. BME and Master-volt are
anodised aluminium.
b. Fireproofing. Survey authorities specify the internal part of the
switchboard be lined with a fu-e resistant linin . Line all interior
walls with an appropriate sheeting, and this wi lf help in containing
any fire that may arise in severe failure conditions.

Figure 6-7. Switchboard Arrangement.

C. Voltmeters. A good quality voltmeter is essential for properly
monitoring battery condition, As a battery has only a range of
approximately one volt from full charge to discharge condition,
accuracy is crucial.
(1) Analog Voltmeters. These are the most common. The sense
cable should go directly back to the battery, although on
service battery connections most connect directly to the
switchboard busbar. Direct connection ives greater accuracy
and less influence from local loads. Vo 7 tmeters should be of
the moving iron type and also have a fuse installed on the
positive input cable. Switching between batteries to voltmeter
is through a double pole, centre off toggle switch or a multiple
battery rotary switch. Meters must be zeroed properly, and a
check made against a digital multimeter to verify error. Half a
volt error is quite common. It is prudent to switch off the
meter after checking.

(2) LED Indicators. These devices are often used as a voltmeter

substitute. They are not recommended as they do not give the
precise readings required. Some units have a high and low
battery voltage alarm incorporated. An auxiliary output on
alarms can also switch off power or charging system, which
sounds fine but in practice can be a nuisance.
(3) Digital Voltmeters. Di ital voltmeters are making an
appearance on vessels, an f are far more accurate. They are
susceptible to voltage spikes and damage, as well many have
maximum supply voltage ranges of 15 volts. In this case they
should have some form of over-voltage protection and power
supply voltage regulation. There are a number of types, and
these include Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) and Light
Emittin Diodes (LED). LED types consume power, and
althoug a vessel manufacturers install them because they look
pretty, an LCD meter consumes much less and is more
practical. VOLTMETER




Figure 6-8. Voltmeter Connection.


d. Ammeters. Ammeters are essential on the switchboard input
positive to monitor service battery discharge levels. Although
useful, an ammeter on the charging system can indicate that
current is flowing, however I rarely install them. (when you get the
price on a quality 80 amp shunt ammeter you will probably omit it
as well). You do not know what should be flowing into the battery,
and peace of mind is the greatest benefit. A voltmeter will tell you if
the battery is charging at the correct level. Similarly the options are
similar to voltmeters in that both analog and digital are possible.

(1) Anal0 Ammeters. Analog ammeters should be selected on

the ca f culated operating range. A switchboard load meter can
be scaled to read O-40 amps, and a charging system ammeter
scaled to read 90 amps. This will enable overcurrent
tolerance which can happen without destroying or damaging
it. Cheaper ammeters are of the in-line type. The cable under
measurement passes through the meter. The major falling of
these is that often considerable cable runs are required with
resultant voltage drops. Additionally if the meter
malfunctions damage can occur. Always use a shunt

(2) Ammeter Shunt. A shunt simply allows the main current to

flow while monitoring and displaying a millivolt value in
proportion to the current flowing. The advanta e is that only
two low current cables are required to connect & e ammeter to
the shunt, and the risk of damage is reduced. Do not run the
main charging cables to where the meter is and connect it,
that defeats the purpose, install a shunt in the line where ever
practical and run sense wires back to the panel mounted
(3) Digital Ammeters. Digital ammeters are relatively new. The
digital ammeter often uses a different sensing system. Instead
of a shunt the digital ammeter has what is called a Hall Effect
sensor on the cable under measurement. The Hall Effect
transducer generates a voltage proportional to the intensity of
the magnetic field it is exposed to. For vessel applications a
0- 10 volt transducer output corresponds to a O-200 amp
current flow. Sensitivity is increased, and range reduced by
increasing the number of coils through the transducer core.


Figure 6-Q. Ammeter Connection.


e. Digital Circuit Monitors. A number of new systems have emerged.
They are relatively sophisticated in that some units monitor power
out, either in amps or amphours, and power into the batteries.
Other units are simply a single monitor panel, capable of +nh;;;z
up to 4 separate circuits, either voltage or current.
incorporate an automatic low voltage alarm function on all channels
with visual and audible indication.

(1) Bank Manager II. These units from Ample Power have a
number of monitoring functions that includes voltage and
current, high and low voltage alarms, amp-hours used and
amp-hours remaining, charging current and batter)l
temperatures for the principal battery with voltage monitoring
and alarms on battery 2.

(2) VDO BATTMAN II. This VDO unit is a very comprehensive

unit for battery bank monitoring. It has multifunction displa)
indicating battery capacity in amp-hours, actual capacit]
consumed, total amphours put back in though charging
Additionally it has an accurate digital voltmeter.
f. Battery Level Alarms. These relatively simple monitoring device!
are connected to the main switchboard busbars. They are set tc
activate on both high and low voltage levels with both an audibb
and visual indication. The voltage activation levels are typica@
11.8 volts for a low alarm, and 15.5 volts for a high voltage. If yol
have no alarm mute switch, it will annoy you to the extent that yol
have to charge the batteries, which is not a bad thing.

I& Protection Devices. Circuit protection devices are normally eithe

fuse or circuit breaker. The following should be observed.

(1) The circuit breakers should be laid out on the board in

logical, functional blocks. Mastervolt have functional
standard size panels that interlock to achieve the same result.

(2) The ideal is to roup the navigation lights together, the

electronics in anot % er block, and the pumps and auxiliaries in
another. This makes selection in total darkness a lot easier.
In some cases it is often practical to use press button
breakers on one group, and lever types on another to facilitate
selection or offer easy recognition. This can be improved
further by ensuring that one busbar feeds all high current
intermittent loads, and other sensitive equipment on a second

h. Circuit Indicators. Circuit breaker status indicators consist

normally of two light types:
(1) LED. Circuit status is generally a simple red LED. Green is
rarely used, although logically this is the right colour. Green
LEDs are less bright and more difficult to see in da light
conditions. An LED requires a resistor in series and x is is
typically valued at 560 ohms for 12 volts systems.


(2) Filament Lamp. Red filament lamps are also commonly
used. The one disadvantage of these is that they consume
power, typically around 40 rnA. If there are twenty circuits on
this adds up to a reasonable load on the system, and a
needless current drain. If you have a very large switchboard,
allow for the current drain. In many cases people assume
they have a current leakage problem when in fact it is the
switchboard indicators causing the drain.

i. Busbars. Fuses or circuit breakers should have a common supply

busbar at the rear. My own practice is to put a separate busbar for
each row of breakers and run a separate feed to each from the main
positive link or from the discharge ammeter shunt. Circuit cables to
the back of breakers should consist of one or more flexible looms
with sufficient length to safely place the entire panel out from the
mounting frame to facilitate access and work on it.
ff LED /If
Ll -I I I IA


1 M &&BAT$RY


Figure 6-10. Switchboard Rear Connection Layout.


6.13. Switchboard Fault Diagnosis. There are a number of faults that
routinely occur on switchboards, and their protective devices. The following
faults and probable causes should be checked first. It is assumed that batteries
are fully charged and that power is at the switchboard:

a. Circuit Breaker Trips Immediately at Switch On. This is

character&d by the ammeter showing in most cases an off the
meter full scale deflection that shows the high fault current.

(1) Load Short Circuit. Check out the appropriate connected

load and disconnect the faulty item before resetting.
(2) Connection Short Circuit. If after disconnection of the load
the fault still exists, check out any cable connections for short
circuit, or in some cases cable insulation damage.

b. Circuit Breaker Trips Several Seconds After Switch On. This is

character&d b the ammeter showing a gradual increase in current
to a high value ii efore tripping off.
(1) z$; Seizure. This fault may arise if the electric motor has
(2) Load Stalling. This fault is usually due to a seized pump.
(3) Insulation Leakage. This fault is usually due to a gradual
breakdown in insulation, such as in a wet bilge area pump
C. There is No Power After Circuit Breaker Switch On. If after
checkin that power is absent at the equipment connection
termin a! s, check the following:
(1) Circuit Connection. Check that the circuit connection has
not come off the back of the circuit breaker. Also check the
cable connection to the crimp connection terminal.
(2) Circuit Breaker Connection. On many switchboards, the
busbar is soldered to one side of all distribution circuit
breakers. Check that the solder joint has not come away. In
some cases breakers have a busbar that is held under breaker
screw terminals, check that the screws and connection are
(3) Circuit Breaker. Operate the breaker several times. In some
cases the mechanism does not make proper electrical contact
and several operations usually solve the problem by wiping
the contacts.
(4) Circuit Negative. If all tests verify that the positive supply is
present, check that the circuit negative wire is secure in the
negative link.
d. Circuit Power On But No Indication Light. The LED may have
failed, and in some cases the resistor. Also check the soldered
connection to the circuit breaker terminal.


A14. Membrane Touchpad Electrical Panels. A number of yacht
nanufacturers have introduced these switchboards. I have heard mixed reports
m systems reliability, and there are some on the market which I do not
mmend and some systems I have successfully installed.

a. Relay System. These have a relay for circuit control, where

activation of the pad switches a circuit relay. The relay is normally
a 30 amp rated single pole device which acts as an isolator.

(1) Automatic Protection. Normal fuses and circuit breakers

are not used. Current sensing is carried out b using Hall
Effect devices, which detect the magnetic field an cr supplies an
output to a variable tripping point controller.

(21 Standard Protection. Circuit breakers are used. These are

normally mounted on the switching control box. When a fault
or overload is detected the circuit breaker trips and requires
manual resetting.
b. Solid State System. These systems use the touchpad to activate a
solid state device, which is used as the switch. This can be a power
transistor or an SCR. Buyers should be very wary, as many have an
atrocious reliability record, so ask for a few references first before
B investing in these panel types. The main problem is that electrical
f system spikes often damage switching components, and the entire
panel fails.
L16. Mast Cabling. Mast cabling is a common failure area, and many of the
blems can be avoided if cables are installed properly. Observe the following:
a. Junction Boxes. The most common failure area is the junction
box. If internal to the vessel a ood water resistant box should be
installed. If external. and this sfl ould be a last resort, a waterproof
box is required. Always leave a loop when inserting cable into the
box. If water does travel down the loom, this will drip off the bottom
of the loom and will not enter and corrode the junction box
terminals or connections.
b. Cabling. The second problem area is cabling. The following factors
should be noted:

Cable Types. The ma-or problem is the use of single

insulated untinned cab 3es, generally of an under-rated
conductor size. The single insulated cables easily chafe
through and short, unless enclosed in a conduit. Small
conductor size causes many volt drop problems with
unacceptable low light outputs as a result.

Ne ative Conductors. These days, the tricolour is normally

a %ual anchor light fitting. These use a 3 wire common
negative arrangement. The same arrangement is used for
combination mast-head and foredeck spotlights. Under no
circumstances use the mast as a negative return as I have
found on some vessels, install a negative wire to each light


(3) Ca2&~l;f;pport. Cabling must also be pro rly secured wl
. Weight of a cable hanging 8own inside a I
causes fatigue and more importantly commonly cal
fouling of internal halyards. If unenclosed, the halyards
whip against cables, often severing conductors in multi
instrument cables or severely damaging insulation. Ca
should be fastened along the entire length, or be enclose

:ABLE (RG213)





2.5mm sq. (15A) } 2,


2.5mm q. (15A)I 1 2, SF$A~&LIGHT/

Figure 6-13. Mast Cabling Diagram.

). Mast Cablin Fault Finding. Mast fault finding is probably one of the
t common prob f em are :as. The I nast subjects cables to all of the worst
aging factors, such as vibration, exposure to salt water, stretching and
hanical damage. The following describes and illustrates fault finding
redures on mast wiring.
a. Tricolour/Anchor Lights. If a light does not illuminate, invariabl
it will be due to a lamp failure. If the lamp is replaced and is sti !Il
faulty check the following:

(1) Check Supply. Open the mast connection box and locate the
appropriate terminals. Using a multimeter on the DC volts
range, check that voltage is present at the terminals with
Many failures are due to poor contacts within
?lz%ocks, or corrosion of terminal and cable.

(2) Continuity Test. Turn the power off, and with a multimeter
set on the resistance xl range check between positive and
negative terminals. The reading should be approximately 2-5
ohms with known good lamp installed. If the reading is over-
range the light fltting or connection has failed or the cable has
been damaged. Many tricolour-anchor lights have a plug and
socket arrangement, and these sometimes give trouble.
b. Spreader Lights. The above tests are also valid for spreader lights.
On many vessels. spreader lights are a sealed beam unit in a
stainless steel housing. It is very common to have shorts to the
mast, as cables chafe through on the sharp edges. This problem is
notorious for circuit leakages and increased corrosion rates on steel
(1) Mast Short Circuits. With a multimeter set on the resistance
ohms xl k range check between mast and both positive and
negative wires. The reading should be over-range. If you have
any reading you have either a short or a leakage.

(2) Check Supply. Open the mast connection box and locate the
appropriate terminals. Using a multimeter on the DC volts
range, check that voltage is present at the terminals with
power on.

C. Cables Maintenance. In any installation where cables are not

enclosed in a conduit, and there are many about, the usual failure
cause will be open circuit after an internal halyard has partially
severed cable.

(1) Mast Base Cable Exits. Re ularly examine cables where

they exit the mast for signs of c fl afe. The loom unless covered
in UV resistant sleeve will also suffer from rapid breakdown of
insulation materials.

(2) Mast Head Cables. Regular1 examine mast head cable exits
for chafe. They chafe quit zl y if not secure as the weight
hanging down often imposes considerable stresses. Ensure
that co-axials. wind instrument and power cables have a
reasonable loom to allow for shortening and repair. Tywrap
cable loom securely to anchor it against down mast strains.


6.17. Deck Transits. Glands are designed to prevent cable damage and
ensure a waterproof transit throu a bulkhead or deck. A si * cant number
of problems are experienced with l!Pe ingress of water through Peck fittin s and I
have seen some amazing systems utilisin pipes, hose etc. If typical f! gure 8
type cable is used, or small single insu f ated cables installed, it is virtually
impossible to adequately seal them in cable glands. To overcome this problem,
use circular multicore cables only or use the consolidation procedure to make a
cable loom that can be put through a deck gland. There are basically two types
of fittings used and the purpose designed Index (Thrudex) types are illustrated
below in typical installations, and are by far the best on the market. Glands
have to consider the structural material of a deck before selection. A steel deck
requires a different gland type to a foam sandwich boat. The Index type of
glands are either aluminium or plastic and caution should be used when
installing alurninium glands on steel boats. The glands do have a neoprene
gasket and stainless steel fastenings but I would recommend use of the plastic

l D22 .D30 l D42

l R22/5/8/1 0 l R25


Figure 6-14. Deck Cable Glands.


a. Mast Cable Consolidation. In most cases the mast is wired with
S e insulated cables. To properly ut these cables throu deck
Y e glands it is necessary to conso Pidate them into a sing9e loom
for use with a deck gland. One method is as follows:
(1) Neatly make a cable loom and hold them in place with
tiewraps. Keep the loom as circular as possible.
(2) Apply silicon corn ound to the loom, and ensure that it is
worked through air cables. This will ensure that a solid core
is made, and if done properly this will prevent water travelling
down the cable loom.
(3) Apply a layer of black UV resistant spirowrap to the loom.
Again, the spaces between the wra should have silicon
compound applied to fill any voids. Tfl e spirowrap effectively
gives the cable loom a circular shape.
(41 Slide on a length of heatshrink tubing and shrink it in place.
This gives an outer sheath.
(5) Use a suitable deck gland and pass the cable through the
deck and connect into a suitable junction box.
b. Deck Pl 8. Deck plugs are required for a number of reasons.
Instead oY deck glands and junction boxes at a mast base, deck
plu s are sometimes used which is a practical alternative. Also
ou tf ets for hand spotlights, or other equipment is commonl
required. Many in use are of inferior quality and prematurely f air
generally when you need them most. Dont use the cheap and nasty
chrome plugs and sockets, they arent waterproof. The best units
on the market are either the Bulgin type units from Index or those
from Dri-plug. When using deck plugs observe the following:
(1) Deck Seal. Ensure that the seal between deck and connector
body is watertight. Leakage is very common on wet decks up
forard where they are usually located.
(2) Plug Cable Entrance. Ensure that the cable seal into the
plug is watertight. It is of little use having a good seal around
the deck, and plug to socket if the water seeps in through the
cable entry and shorts out internally as is often the case.
(3) Connector Seals. Most connectors have o-rings to ensure a
watertight seal. Check that the rings are in good connection,
are not deformed or compressed, and seat properly in the
recess. A very light smear of silicon grease assists in the
sealing process.
(4) Connection Pins. Ensure that the pins are dry before
plugging in, and that pins are not bent or show signs of
corrosion or pitting. Do not fill around the pins with silicon
grease, as this often makes for a poor contact. Keep plugs
and sockets clean and dry.


7.0. Lightning Protection. Virtually all classification societies, nation
marine authorities, ABYC etc lay down recommendations, but very few bother
adhere to the them. Of more importance is the starthng statistic that over 10
of fatalities on cruising yachts are the result of lightning strikes.

7.1. Lightning Physics. Within the cloud formation, strong updrafts a~

downdrafts generate hi electrical charges. When the voltage reaches
sufficiently high level bo i!t cloud to cloud and ground discharges occur.

a. Negative Cloud to Ground. These strikes occur when the groul

is at positive polarity and the cloud negative region attempts
equal&e with ground.

b. Positive Cloud to Ground. The positively charged cloud tl

equalises with the negative ground.

C. Positive Ground to Cloud. The positive charged .ground equalises

with the negative charge cloud.

d. Negative Ground to Cloud. The negatively charged ground

equalises with the positive charged cloud top.


. .I .I.. . . . .


Figure 7-1. Cumulo-Nimbus Storm System.


J, Lightning Components. Lightning consists of a number of components
bichform a multidirectional flow of charges exceedin 200,000 amperes at
,OOOC!for a matter of milliseconds. The positive f y charged ions rise to
c cloud top, and the negative ions migrate to the cloud base. Re ions of
lsltivecharged ions also form at the cloud base. Eventually the clou 3 charge
Is have sufiicient potential difference between ground or another cloud to
&age. The processes are described as follows:
4 a. Leader. The leader consists of a negative stream of electrons
consisting of many small forks or fingers that follow and break down
the air paths offering the least resistance. The charge follows the
fork finding the easiest path as each successive layer is broken
down and charged to the same polarity as the cloud charge.
b. Upward Positive Leader. This is a positive charge that rises some
50 metres above the ground.
C. Channel. When the two meet a channel is formed.
d. Return Stroke. This path is generally much brighter and more
powerful than the leader, and travels upwards to the cloud artially
equalising the potential difference between ground and clou B .
c. Dart Leader. In a matter of milliseconds after the return stroke,


Figure 7-2. Lightning Process.


7.3. Lightning Protection Zone. The most reliable protection system is II
that grounds any strike directly and the principles are as follows:
a. Grounding. The primary purpose of a grounding s stem is to div
the lightning strike discharge directly to oun d through a I
resistance circuit suitably rated to carry t.f e momentary cum
values. This has the effect of reducing the strike period tc
minimum, and reducing or eliminating the problem of side stril
as the charge attempts to go to ground. As electricity follows 1
path of least resistance to ground, little goes down the stays.
b. Cone of Protection. The tip of the mast, or more correctly a tun
spike clear of all masthead equipment gives a cone of protect
below it. The cone base is the same as the mast height. T
protective cone prevents strikes to adjacent areas and metalwork
which in a yacht can mean stays, rails or other items lower than
mast head. Figure 7-3 illustrates the protective cone.

Figure 7-3. Cone of Protection.


C. Electrom netic Pulse. A vessel can have damaged equipment
from a strif! e within a few hundred metres. Insurance companies
dont like to acce t claims on damage unless you can show total
damage to mast- R ead s stems. A strike sends out a very large
electromagnetic pulse, w il ich is a strong magnetic field. This field is
induced into wiring and systems as a hi h voltage spike, doin just
as much damage. If you suspect !!i amage from an in tf uced
electromagnetic pulse from a localised lightning strike, check with
all vessels adacent to yours, and get statements to support the
contention. d enerally all the electronics will be out if this is the
case as the mast and any wiring acts as a large aerial.

d. Sidestrikes. It is common in very closely moored vessels and

crowded marinas to have lightning strikes literally jump from vessel
to vessel as it attempts to find ground on ungrounded vessels.
Usually the strike exits from stays, chainplates and spreaders. In
many cases the strike will go to water from the chainplates causing
serious damage to hull and fittings.
c. St.Elmos Fire (Brush Discharge). This phenomena is more
common on steel vessels and when it occurs usually precedes a
strike, although the effect does not occur all the time. The vessel in
effect becomes a large round mass. The dischar e is characterised
by ionised clouds an f balls of white or green fi ashing light that
polarises at vessel extremities. The discharge of negative ions
reduces the potential intensity of a strike. Damage to electrical
systems is usually induced into mast wiring, as the steel hull itself
acts as a large Faraday cage. For amusement, tell the insurance
company that it was caused by St.Elmos Fire!


Figure 7-4. Electromagnetic Pulse Effect and Sidestrike.

be of lower intensity or not occur at all.

atmospheric electrode and varistor poles.

conducts and the charge condition on the electrode
These charges leave when some streamers form to meet the



Figure 7-5. Mast-head Protection Systems.


b. Mast Cable. Much of the damage in a strike results from heat, as
the large current flow into a resistive cable acts as a heater. The
chapters on voltage drop are relevant here. The following factors
must be observed:
(1) Cable Sizes. It is essential that cable cross sectional area is
sufhcient, typically 35mm2 or greater.

(2) Cable Connectors. Under no circumstances use soldered

oints alone, as they will melt during a strike causin further
il avoc. Always crimp connections and ensure that aIf bonded
connections are clean and tight. All connections must be

Groundin& A good ground requires direct and permanent

immersion in sea-water. It must also have sufficient area to
adequately dissipate the strike energy. Through hull fittings must
never be used as a primary ground point unless you want to sink
the vessel. The bonding cable from the mast base to the ground
plate should be as straight as practicable without sharp comers as
side discharges occur and this is called corona discharge. Similar
side discharges can occur from boat to boat in crowded marinas.
Normally I enclose the cable in high quality electrical conduit to
reduce the possibility of side strikes on the cable, as electrical
insulation will frequently break down under high voltage conditions.
Connections should be as follows:

(1) Steel/Alloy Vessels. Connection of the mast base with a

large, low resistance bondin strap to the hull or as more
practical the mast step is s Llff icient.

(2) GRP Vessels. A keel acts as a good ground and is sufhcient.

Bridge out with a stainless link at least two keel bolts to
spread the contact area. On multihulls you have to install a
large separate round plate, such as a radio ground
(Dynaplate, Won 3 erbar or Seaground). This will ensure that
there is a large and efficient round area. Do not use the
radio RF ground plate as the Pightning ground. Never bond
E;hh;gtning system to the corrosion system bonding,
or electrical system negatives or grounds. Never
bond the 7 ghtning system to bronze through hull fittings.

(3) Wooden Vessels. Wooden vessels normally have a metal

mast track. The track should be properly grounded. If
possible a copper strap can also be run, although this is not
always practical. The same groundin method as GRP should
be used by direct bonding to a groun B plate or the keel. Some
owners have installed gold plated ground plates, and by
looking at nobility table it can be seen that a potential
corrosive situation may occur.

(4) Emergency Ground. A heavy gauge copper cable can be

clam d to a stay over a half metre section. The other end
shou pd be clamped to a ground plate, and hung over the side.
Do not use chains and anchors as they are ineffective as a


d. Corrosion Factors. Considerable care must be taken
bonding various items of equipment into a lightning protec
bonding system.

(1) On steel and alloy vessels the hulls are the one ground p
~;te~ti~qulpment and all grounds are held at the earnal
. /
(2) In GRP and timber vessels it can be more complicated, buI
roblems may arise where indiscriminate bonding of thmuglli
! ull fittings and other items is carried out. It is easy to creaQI
differences of potential between various items creating a
corrosion nightmare.

(3) After co~ecting up a lightning system, it is prudent tC

monitor the corrosion rate of anodes, and observe ang
underwater bonded items.









Figure 7-6. Bonding and Grounding Arrangement.


e. Bonding. Most authorities recommend that all stanchions,
chainplates, and large metallic equipment such as stainless water
tanks should be bonded to the lightnin ground. Failure to bond
can result in side flashes as these can o Ber an alternative path. The
bonding should be made at the point closest to the main conductor.
Bonding recommendations are as follows:
(1) Stay Groundin . I prefer not to bond the stays and
chainplates as o if en recommended. My reasoning behind this
is that if a good low resistance path is made from mast to keel
or groundplate the strike energy will be directed that way.
Grounding sta s offers alternative high resistance paths,
encouraging si Be strike activity. Current flows can also cause
crystallisation and permanent damage to stainless stays and
fittings in a severe strike ( try and get that past an insurance

(21 corrosion. Bonding must be undertaken with care.

Dissimilar metals such as the aluminium mast, copper strap,
and steel must be interconnected to ensure no galvanic
corrosion can occur. More importantly interconnection of
various grounding systems must be undertaken with great
care. Observe notes in the corrosion chapter.
(3) Internal Bonding. It is only necessary to bond internal
metallic equipment within six feet of the mast. In practice this
is rarely water tanks under bunks etc, but should include
tankage under the cabin sole.



Figure 7-7. Mast Grounding Arrangements.


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