S Reits Tracker 170131 Oir
S Reits Tracker 170131 Oir
S Reits Tracker 170131 Oir
Office -0.6
Ascendas REIT (A-REIT) reported its 3QFY17 results which met
Data Centre -2.1
our expectations, with DPU inching up 1.2% YoY to 3.993 S
Overall +0.3 cents. We maintain BUY on A-REIT, but trim our fair value
estimate from S$2.72 to S$2.68. (25 Jan)
Please refer to important disclosures at the back of this document. MCI (P) 039/06/2016
OCBC Investment Research
Singapore Equities
OCBC Investment Research
Weekly S-REITs Tracker
38 S-REITS GRAND TOTAL: 71,201.7 AVERAGE: 7.1 7.2 2.9 35.0 0.95
Business Trusts
Accordia Golf Trust SGD 0.665 730.9 71.1 Mar Semi-Anl 6.24 6.23 9.4 9.4 5.6 24.3 0.71
Ascendas India Trust SGD 1.085 1,008.9 69.8 Mar Semi-Anl 6.00 6.40 5.5 5.9 6.9 29.7 1.58
Croesus Retail Trust SGD 0.855 647.8 97.0 Jun Semi-Anl 7.48 7.81 8.7 9.1 2.4 44.6 0.91
Total: 2,387.6 Average: 7.9 8.1 4.9 32.9 1.07
Asian Pay Television Trust SGD 0.385 553.2 99.9 Dec Quarter 8.30 6.50 21.6 16.9 2.7 47.2 0.46
Keppel Infrastructure Trust SGD 0.485 1,870.7 67.4 Mar Quarter 3.90 3.90 8.0 8.0 4.1 44.0 1.49
Total: 2,423.8 Average: 14.8 12.5 3.4 45.6 0.97
First Ship Lease Trust SGD 0.155 98.8 74.8 Dec Irreg N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. -2.5 44.1 0.24
Hutchison Port Holdings USD 0.430 3,745.8 69.9 Dec Semi-Anl 3.94 3.27 9.2 7.6 -1.1 30.1 0.71
Rickmers Maritime SGD N.A. N.A. 65.5 Dec Irreg N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 59.6 N.A.
Total: 5,418.2 Average: 9.2 7.6 -1.8 44.6 0.47
RHT Health Trust SGD 0.915 737.8 67.1 Mar Semi-Anl 18.90 6.70 20.7 7.3 0.0 15.5 0.99
Total: 737.8 Average: 20.7 7.3 0.0 15.5 0.99
9 BUSINESS TRUSTS GRAND TOTAL: 10,967.4 AVERAGE: 11.9 9.2 2.2 37.7 0.89
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Carmen Lee
Head of Research
For OCBC Investment Research Pte Ltd
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